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Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Lecture 8
Lecture 8
Introduction to Microbial Diversity
Part 2
BIS 002C
Biodiversity & the Tree of Life
Spring 2014
Prof. Jonathan Eisen
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Where we are going and where we have been
• Previous Lecture:
!7: Microbial Diversity
• Current Lecture:
!8: Microbial Diversity part 2
• Next Lecture:
!9: Symbioses
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Microbial Diversity
• Seven major lineages of eukaryotes
• Alveolates
• Stramenopiles
• Rhizaria
• Excavates
• Amoebozoans
• Plantae
• Opisthokonts
• Complications 1: Endosymbioses
• Complications 2: Lateral gene transfer
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Microbial Diversity
• Seven major lineages of eukaryotes
• Alveolates
• Stramenopiles
• Rhizaria
• Excavates
• Amoebozoans
• Plantae
• Opisthokonts
• Complications 1: Endosymbioses
• Complications 2: Lateral gene transfer
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Oversimplification of eukaryotic phylogeny
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Phylogenetic diversity of eukaryotes
• As with bacteria and archaea, phylogeny of major groups
based largely on molecular data.
• However, non-molecular data more useful for studies of
eukaryotic phylogeny
• Major groupings, and the relationships among groups, still
being resolved
• All organisms other than plants, animals and fungi are
sometimes referred to as protists or microbial
eukaryotes (note - paraphyletic)
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 7
Have alveoli or
sacs beneath
surface of
All are
many are
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
•Most are marine and are important
photoautotrophic primary producers
•Mixture of pigments give them a golden
brown color.
•Have two flagella, one in an equatorial
groove, the other in a longitudinal groove.
Alveolates: Dinoflagellates
Coral symbiont
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
What is the different between
photoautotrophy and photoheterotrophy?
• A: The source of electrons
• B: The source of carbon
• C: The source of energy
• D: All of the above
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
What is the different between
photoautotrophy and photoheterotrophy?
• A: The source of electrons
• B: The source of carbon
• C: The source of energy
• D: All of the above
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Alveolates: Apicomplexans
• All parasitic
• Have a mass of organelles at one tip
—the apical complex that help the
parasite enter the host’s cells.
Apical complex • Plasmodium falciparum-
Malaria kills 700,000-2,000,000
people per year—75% of them
are African children
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Alveolates: Ciliates
Movement in a ciliate from the gut of a termite
• All have numerous cilia, the structure
is identical to flagella.
• Most are heterotrophic; very diverse
• Have complex body forms and two
types of nuclei.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 14
Two flagella, with rows of tubular
hairs on the longer one.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
•All are multicellular; some get very large
(e.g., giant kelp).
•The carotenoid fucoxanthin imparts the
brown color.
•Almost exclusively marine.
Stramenopiles: Brown Algae
A community of brown algae: The marine kelp forest
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Stramenopiles: Diatoms
A colony of the diatom,
Bacillaria paradoxa
•Unicellular, but many associate in
•Have carotenoids and appear yellow or
•Excellent fossil record
•Most are photoautotrophic
•Responsible for 20% of all carbon fixation.
•Oil, gas source
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Stramenopiles: Oomcyetes
Potato Late Blight
• Non-photosynthetic.
• Are absorptive heterotrophs
• Once were classed as fungi, but
are unrelated.
Sudden Oak Death
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
The similarity in appearance of ooymcetes to
fungi is an example of _______
• A. Homology
• B. Homoplasy
• C. Divergent evolution
• D. Monophyly
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
The similarity in appearance of ooymcetes to
fungi is an example of _______
• A. Homology
• B. Homoplasy
• C. Divergent evolution
• D. Monophyly
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Unicellular, aquatic, with long, thin
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Rhizaria: Cercozoans
Some cercozoans are aquatic, others
live in soil.
They have diverse forms and habitats.
One group has chloroplasts derived
from a green alga by secondary
Chlorarachnion reptans
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Rhizaria: Foraminiferans
Sand beaches in the tropics
• Secrete shells of calcium carbonate.
• Discarded shells make up limestone.
• Create some beach sands
• Used to date & characterize sedimentary
• Some live as plankton, others at sea bottom.
• Thread-like, branched pseudopods extend
through pores in the shell and form a sticky net
that captures smaller plankton.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Rhizaria: Radiolarians
• Have thin, stiff pseudopods reinforced
by microtubules.
• The pseudopods increase surface area
for exchange of materials; and help the
cell float.
• Exclusively marine, most secrete
glassy endoskeletons, many with
elaborate designs.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Excavates: Diplomonads and Parabisalids
• Unicellular
• Lack mitochondria and most are
anaerobic. This is a derived condition
• Giardia lamblia - a diplomonad - is a
human parasite
• Trichomonas vaginalis - parabasalid - STD
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Excavates: Heteroloboseans
• Amoeboid body form.
• Naegleria can enter humans and
cause a fatal nervous system
disease - “brain eating”
• Some can transform between
amoeboid and flagellated stages.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Excavates: Euglenids
• Have flagella.
• Some are
some always
heterotrophic, and
some can switch.
Movement in the euglenoid Eutreptia
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Excavates: Kinetoplastids
• Unicellular parasites with two flagella and a
single mitochondrion.
• Mitochondrion contains a kinetoplast -
structure with multiple, circular DNA
• Includes trypanosomes and agents of
chagas, sleeping sickness, Leishmaniasis
Trypanosoma sp.!
mixed with blood cells
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Lobe-shaped pseudopods are used for
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
• Not colonial; live as single cells
• Some secrete shells or glue sand
grains together to form a casing.
• Many pathogens
Amoebozoans: Loboseans
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Entamoeba histolytica
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Amoebozoans: Plasmodial Slime Molds
• Individual motile cells can form single,
multinucleate cell (plasmodium)
• Ingest food by endocytosis
• Form spores on stalks called fruiting
• Found in cool, moist habitats
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Amoebozoans: Cellular Slime Molds
• Life cycle consists of individual motile cells that
ingest food by endocytosis
• This is followed by the formation of single,
multicellular fruiting structure
• Each cell retains its own plasma membrane
and individuality
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
The Plantae consist of
several clades; all
chloroplasts trace back
to a single incidence of
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Glaucophytes
• Unicellular, freshwater
• The chloroplast retains a bit
of peptidoglycan between the
inner and outer membrane.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Clicker Question
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Glaucophytes
• Unicellular, freshwater
• The chloroplast retains a bit
of peptidoglycan between the
inner and outer membrane.
Which of the following groups do
not have peptidoglycan in their
cell envelopes?
•A: Gram positive bacteria
•B: Gram negative bacteria
•C: Cyanobacteria
•D: Crenarchaeota
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Glaucophytes
• Unicellular, freshwater
• The chloroplast retains a bit
of peptidoglycan between the
inner and outer membrane.
Which of the following groups do
not have peptidoglycan in their
cell envelopes?
•A: Gram positive bacteria
•B: Gram negative bacteria
•C: Cyanobacteria
•D: Crenarchaeota
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Red Algae
• Most red algae are marine
and multicellular.
• Red pigment is
•Many reproduce with spores
Motile spores from
Audouinella pacifica
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Chlorophytes
• Sister group to charophytes and land
• Synapomorphies include chlorophyll a
and b, and starch as a storage product.
• >17,000 species; marine, freshwater,
and terrestrial. Unicellular to large
multicellular forms.
Movement in the green
alga Volvox
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Plantae: Charophytes and Land Plants
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 43
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
•Choanoflagellates are sister to the
•Some are colonial and resemble a
type of cell found in sponges.
The choanoflagellate Salpingoeca sp. feeding
Opisthokonts: Choanoflagellates
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 45
Opisthokonts: Fungi and Animals
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Eukaryotic Diversity
• Seven major lineages of eukaryotes
• Alveolates
• Stramenopiles
• Rhizaria
• Excavates
• Amoebozoans
• Plantae
• Opisthokonts
• Complications 1: Endosymbioses
• Complications 2: Lateral gene transfer
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 47
The Bacteria
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Oversimplification of eukaryotic phylogeny
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Diverse Organelles
Mitochondrion Chloroplast
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Prokaryotic cell
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cell
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cell
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cell
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cell
The protective cell
wall was lost.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cell
Infolding of the
plasma membrane
added surface area
without increasing
the cell’s volume.
The protective cell
wall was lost.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014
Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51
Cytoskeleton (micro-
filament and micro-
tubules) formed.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51
Cytoskeleton (micro-
filament and micro-
tubules) formed.
Internal membranes
studded with
ribosomes formed.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
As regions of the infolded
plasma membrane enclosed
the cell’s DNA, a precursor of
a nucleus formed.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
Early digestive vacuoles evolved
into lysosomes using enzymes from
the early endoplasmic reticulum.
As regions of the infolded
plasma membrane enclosed
the cell’s DNA, a precursor of
a nucleus formed.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
Microtubules from the
cytoskeleton formed
eukaryotic flagellum,
enabling propulsion.
Early digestive vacuoles evolved
into lysosomes using enzymes from
the early endoplasmic reticulum.
As regions of the infolded
plasma membrane enclosed
the cell’s DNA, a precursor of
a nucleus formed.
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53
formed through
with a proteo-
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54
Endosymbiosis with
cyanobacteria led to
the development of
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54
Eukaryotic cell
Endosymbiosis with
cyanobacteria led to
the development of
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Bacteria Archaea
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55
Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes
Mitochondrial Symbiosis
Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 56
Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes
Mitochondrial Symbiosis

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  • 1. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Lecture 8 ! Lecture 8 ! Introduction to Microbial Diversity Part 2 ! ! BIS 002C Biodiversity & the Tree of Life Spring 2014 ! Prof. Jonathan Eisen 1
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  • 4. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Microbial Diversity • Seven major lineages of eukaryotes • Alveolates • Stramenopiles • Rhizaria • Excavates • Amoebozoans • Plantae • Opisthokonts • Complications 1: Endosymbioses • Complications 2: Lateral gene transfer 4
  • 5. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Oversimplification of eukaryotic phylogeny 5
  • 6. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Phylogenetic diversity of eukaryotes • As with bacteria and archaea, phylogeny of major groups based largely on molecular data. • However, non-molecular data more useful for studies of eukaryotic phylogeny • Major groupings, and the relationships among groups, still being resolved • All organisms other than plants, animals and fungi are sometimes referred to as protists or microbial eukaryotes (note - paraphyletic) 6
  • 7. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 7 Alveolates Alveolates Have alveoli or sacs beneath surface of plasma membrane. All are unicellular; many are photosynthetic.
  • 8. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 •Most are marine and are important photoautotrophic primary producers •Mixture of pigments give them a golden brown color. •Have two flagella, one in an equatorial groove, the other in a longitudinal groove. Alveolates: Dinoflagellates 8 Certium tenue Coral symbiont
  • 9. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question 9
  • 10. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question What is the different between photoautotrophy and photoheterotrophy? ! • A: The source of electrons • B: The source of carbon • C: The source of energy • D: All of the above 10
  • 11. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question What is the different between photoautotrophy and photoheterotrophy? ! • A: The source of electrons • B: The source of carbon • C: The source of energy • D: All of the above 11
  • 12. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Alveolates: Apicomplexans • All parasitic • Have a mass of organelles at one tip —the apical complex that help the parasite enter the host’s cells. 12 Apical complex • Plasmodium falciparum- Malaria kills 700,000-2,000,000 people per year—75% of them are African children
  • 13. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Alveolates: Ciliates 13 Movement in a ciliate from the gut of a termite • All have numerous cilia, the structure is identical to flagella. • Most are heterotrophic; very diverse group. • Have complex body forms and two types of nuclei.
  • 14. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 14 Stramenopiles Stramenopiles Two flagella, with rows of tubular hairs on the longer one.
  • 15. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 •All are multicellular; some get very large (e.g., giant kelp). •The carotenoid fucoxanthin imparts the brown color. •Almost exclusively marine. Stramenopiles: Brown Algae 15 A community of brown algae: The marine kelp forest
  • 16. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Stramenopiles: Diatoms 16 A colony of the diatom, Bacillaria paradoxa •Unicellular, but many associate in filaments. •Have carotenoids and appear yellow or brown. •Excellent fossil record •Most are photoautotrophic •Responsible for 20% of all carbon fixation. •Oil, gas source
  • 17. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Stramenopiles: Oomcyetes Phytophthora Potato Late Blight • Non-photosynthetic. • Are absorptive heterotrophs • Once were classed as fungi, but are unrelated. 17 Sudden Oak Death
  • 18. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question 18
  • 19. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question The similarity in appearance of ooymcetes to fungi is an example of _______ ! • A. Homology • B. Homoplasy • C. Divergent evolution • D. Monophyly 19
  • 20. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question The similarity in appearance of ooymcetes to fungi is an example of _______ ! • A. Homology • B. Homoplasy • C. Divergent evolution • D. Monophyly 20
  • 21. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Rhizaria Rhizaria Unicellular, aquatic, with long, thin pseudopods. 21
  • 22. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Rhizaria: Cercozoans Some cercozoans are aquatic, others live in soil. They have diverse forms and habitats. One group has chloroplasts derived from a green alga by secondary endosymbiosis. Euglyphid 22 Chlorarachnion reptans
  • 23. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Rhizaria: Foraminiferans Sand beaches in the tropics • Secrete shells of calcium carbonate. • Discarded shells make up limestone. • Create some beach sands • Used to date & characterize sedimentary rocks. • Some live as plankton, others at sea bottom. • Thread-like, branched pseudopods extend through pores in the shell and form a sticky net that captures smaller plankton. 23
  • 24. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Rhizaria: Radiolarians • Have thin, stiff pseudopods reinforced by microtubules. • The pseudopods increase surface area for exchange of materials; and help the cell float. • Exclusively marine, most secrete glassy endoskeletons, many with elaborate designs. 24
  • 25. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Excavates 25
  • 26. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Excavates: Diplomonads and Parabisalids • Unicellular • Lack mitochondria and most are anaerobic. This is a derived condition • Giardia lamblia - a diplomonad - is a human parasite • Trichomonas vaginalis - parabasalid - STD 26
  • 27. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Excavates: Heteroloboseans • Amoeboid body form. • Naegleria can enter humans and cause a fatal nervous system disease - “brain eating” • Some can transform between amoeboid and flagellated stages. 27
  • 28. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Excavates: Euglenids • Have flagella. • Some are photosynthetic, some always heterotrophic, and some can switch. 28 Movement in the euglenoid Eutreptia
  • 29. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Excavates: Kinetoplastids • Unicellular parasites with two flagella and a single mitochondrion. • Mitochondrion contains a kinetoplast - structure with multiple, circular DNA molecules • Includes trypanosomes and agents of chagas, sleeping sickness, Leishmaniasis Trypanosoma sp.! mixed with blood cells 29
  • 30. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Amoebozoans Amoebozoans Lobe-shaped pseudopods are used for locomotion. 30
  • 31. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 • Not colonial; live as single cells • Some secrete shells or glue sand grains together to form a casing. • Many pathogens 31 Amoebozoans: Loboseans
  • 32. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Entamoeba histolytica 32 eating-amoeba-caught-on-film
  • 33. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Amoebozoans: Plasmodial Slime Molds • Individual motile cells can form single, multinucleate cell (plasmodium) • Ingest food by endocytosis • Form spores on stalks called fruiting bodies. • Found in cool, moist habitats 33
  • 34. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Amoebozoans: Cellular Slime Molds • Life cycle consists of individual motile cells that ingest food by endocytosis • This is followed by the formation of single, multicellular fruiting structure • Each cell retains its own plasma membrane and individuality 34 Karyo
  • 35. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae 35 The Plantae consist of several clades; all chloroplasts trace back to a single incidence of endosymbiosis.
  • 36. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Glaucophytes • Unicellular, freshwater organisms • The chloroplast retains a bit of peptidoglycan between the inner and outer membrane. 36
  • 37. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Clicker Question 37
  • 38. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Glaucophytes • Unicellular, freshwater organisms • The chloroplast retains a bit of peptidoglycan between the inner and outer membrane. 38 Which of the following groups do not have peptidoglycan in their cell envelopes? •A: Gram positive bacteria •B: Gram negative bacteria •C: Cyanobacteria •D: Crenarchaeota
  • 39. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Glaucophytes • Unicellular, freshwater organisms • The chloroplast retains a bit of peptidoglycan between the inner and outer membrane. 39 Which of the following groups do not have peptidoglycan in their cell envelopes? •A: Gram positive bacteria •B: Gram negative bacteria •C: Cyanobacteria •D: Crenarchaeota
  • 40. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Red Algae 40 • Most red algae are marine and multicellular. • Red pigment is phycoerythrin. •Many reproduce with spores Motile spores from Purpureofilum Audouinella pacifica Spyridia
  • 41. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Chlorophytes • Sister group to charophytes and land plants. • Synapomorphies include chlorophyll a and b, and starch as a storage product. • >17,000 species; marine, freshwater, and terrestrial. Unicellular to large multicellular forms. 41 Movement in the green alga Volvox Micrasterias
  • 42. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Plantae: Charophytes and Land Plants STAY TUNED 42
  • 43. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 43 Opisthokonts
  • 44. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 •Choanoflagellates are sister to the animals. •Some are colonial and resemble a type of cell found in sponges. 44 The choanoflagellate Salpingoeca sp. feeding Opisthokonts: Choanoflagellates
  • 45. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 45 Opisthokonts: Fungi and Animals STAY TUNED
  • 46. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Eukaryotic Diversity • Seven major lineages of eukaryotes • Alveolates • Stramenopiles • Rhizaria • Excavates • Amoebozoans • Plantae • Opisthokonts • Complications 1: Endosymbioses • Complications 2: Lateral gene transfer 46
  • 47. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 47 The Bacteria
  • 48. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Oversimplification of eukaryotic phylogeny 48
  • 49. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Diverse Organelles 49 Mitochondrion Chloroplast Nucleus
  • 50. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 Prokaryotic cell
  • 51. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 Cell wall Prokaryotic cell
  • 52. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 DNA Cell wall Prokaryotic cell
  • 53. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 DNA Cell wall Prokaryotic cell
  • 54. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 DNA Cell wall Prokaryotic cell The protective cell wall was lost.
  • 55. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50 DNA Cell wall Prokaryotic cell Infolding of the plasma membrane added surface area without increasing the cell’s volume. The protective cell wall was lost.
  • 56. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 Endosymbioses in eukaryotic evolution 50
  • 57. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51 Endosymbioses
  • 58. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51 Endosymbioses
  • 59. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51 Cytoskeleton (micro- filament and micro- tubules) formed. Endosymbioses
  • 60. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51 Cytoskeleton (micro- filament and micro- tubules) formed. Internal membranes studded with ribosomes formed. Endosymbioses
  • 61. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 51 Endosymbioses
  • 62. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 Endosymbioses
  • 63. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 Endosymbioses
  • 64. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 As regions of the infolded plasma membrane enclosed the cell’s DNA, a precursor of a nucleus formed. Endosymbioses
  • 65. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 Early digestive vacuoles evolved into lysosomes using enzymes from the early endoplasmic reticulum. As regions of the infolded plasma membrane enclosed the cell’s DNA, a precursor of a nucleus formed. Endosymbioses
  • 66. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 Microtubules from the cytoskeleton formed eukaryotic flagellum, enabling propulsion. Early digestive vacuoles evolved into lysosomes using enzymes from the early endoplasmic reticulum. As regions of the infolded plasma membrane enclosed the cell’s DNA, a precursor of a nucleus formed. Endosymbioses
  • 67. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 52 Endosymbioses
  • 68. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53 Endosymbioses
  • 69. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53 Proteobacteria Endosymbioses
  • 70. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53 Proteobacteria Endosymbioses
  • 71. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53 Mitochondria formed through endosymbiosis with a proteo- bacterium. Proteobacteria Endosymbioses
  • 72. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 53 Endosymbioses
  • 73. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54 Endosymbioses
  • 74. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54 Cyanobacteria Endosymbioses
  • 75. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54 Endosymbiosis with cyanobacteria led to the development of chloroplasts. Endosymbioses
  • 76. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 54 Flagellum Eukaryotic cell Chloroplast Mitochondria Nucleus Endosymbiosis with cyanobacteria led to the development of chloroplasts. Endosymbioses
  • 77. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 78. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 79. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 80. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 81. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 82. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 83. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 84. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Archaea Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 85. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 86. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 87. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 88. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 55 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Mitochondrial Symbiosis
  • 89. Slides by Jonathan Eisen for BIS2C at UC Davis Spring 2014 56 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Mitochondrial Symbiosis