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Prepared by Yasmin Hammad
Supervised by prof dr Maher Fouda
Faculty of Dentistry Mansoura Egypt
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management & Case Reports
7 Modifications of Bionator
• Is one that changes the posture of the mandible,
holding it open or open and forward (proffit)
Graber and Neumann Classification
– Those that displace the mandible to a moderate
degree and are intended to stimulate muscle
activity i.e. myodynamic – Bionator
Functional appliances are considered to be primarily
orthopedic tools to influence the facial skeleton of the
growing child. The uniqueness of these appliances lies in
the fact that instead of applying active forces, they transmit,
eliminate and guide the natural forces (e.g. muscle activity,
growth, tooth eruption) to eliminate the morphological
aberrations and try to create conditions for the harmonious
development of the stomatognathic system.
Most of the functional appliances are intraoral devices,
and nearly all of them are tooth borne or supported by
According to Proffit:
 Tooth borne passive appliance (activator, bionator)
 Tooth borne active appliance
 Tissue borne passive appliance (oral screen, lip
 Tissue borne active appliance (Frankel appliance)
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management
7 Modifications of Bionator
 Norman Kingsley 1879 Vulcanite palatal plate
 Pierre Robin 1902 Monobloc
 Viggo Andresen 1908 Activator
 Wilhelm Balter 1960 Bionator
 Rolf Frankel 1967 FR
 William Clark 1977 Twin block
The bionator, developed by Balters, is a
functional jaw orthopedic appliance. Its primary
purpose is to stimulate growth of a deficient
mandible, but it can also stimulate alveolar
growth in deep overbite cases, gain space in
moderately crowded cases in mixed dentition,
as well as correction of open bite cases in
mixed dentition.
The essential part of robin’s concept is function
whereas for Balter’s it is the tongue (which is
the center of reflex activity in the oral cavity)
It is similar in design to the activator but
much less bulky, the bionator can be worn
day and night except during meals. Studies
have shown greater orthopedic effect on the
growing jaws with full time wear, whereas
part time wear results primarily in dental
change. Therefore, full time use of the
bionator makes possible the improvement
of deformed faces and jaw structure in the
growing child that was previously not
possible with the use of fixed appliances or
part time orthopedic devices.
Quoted by Balter
 “The equilibrium b/w the tongue and cheeks,
especially b/w the tongue and lips in height, breadth
and depth in an oral space of maximum size and
optimal limits, providing functional space for the
tongue ,is essential for the natural health of the
dental arches and their relation to each other Every
disturbance will deform the dentition and during
growth that may be impeded too.”
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management
7 Modifications of Bionator
It works by modulating muscle activity
Enlarge oral space
& train tongue
To achieve
elongation of
Bring incisors into
edge to edge
Accomplish lip
seal & bring
dorsum of tongue
into contact with
soft palate
relationships of
jaws, tongue &
 Reduced size
 It can be worn both day and night
 Action faster than activator –unfavorable forces
are avoided acting on dentition for longer time
 Constant wear so more rapid adjustment of
 Difficulty in managing it.
 Difficult to stabilize and selective grinding of the
appliance .
 It is vulnerable to distortion – because less
support in the alveolar & incisal region
 Dental arches well aligned
 Mandible in posterior position
 Skeletal discrepancy not severe
 Labial tipping of upper incisors
 Deep bite
 Class III where reverse bionator
can be used
 Open bite
 Class II – if caused by maxillary prognathism
 Vertical growth pattern
 Labial tipping of mandibular incisors
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management
7 Modifications of Bionator
The standard Baltrers Bionator appliance, used in
the treatment of class II, division I malocclusions
with excessive overjet and deep overbite.
Consists of
 acrylic components
- lower horse shoe shaped
acrylic lingual plate from distal
of last erupted molar of one
side to other side
- Upper arch - lingual
extension that cover molar &
premolar region
- 1.2 mm wire
- extents from a line connecting distal
surface of first permanent molars to
middle of 1st premolar’s
- ~ 1mm away from palatal mucosa
Function- orients the tongue & mandible
anteriorly by stimulating its dorsal surface
with palatal bar
-0.9 mm wire
- begins above contact point between canine and
upper 1st premolar –runs vertically
- labial portion of bow should be at a paper thickness
away from the incisors
 Anterior part - labial wire
 Lateral part - buccinator bends
Objectives of buccinator bends
 To keep soft tissue away from the cheeks –so the
bite is leveled & eruption proceed in buccal segment
 Moves cheeks laterally , which favor expansion or
transverse development of dentition
 Acrylic part-
The lower lingual part extends
into the upper incisor region as a
lingual shield , closing the anterior
space without touching the upper teeth.
*The purpose of this appliance is to close
the anterior space.
Wire elements
 Labial bow runs between the upper and
lower incisors at the height of lip
The Bionator II (to close bite):
The Bionator II is designed to correct
anterior Open bites in Class I and
Class II malocclusions.
The posterior teeth are covered with
acrylic to prevent their eruption. The
acrylic is kept
away form the incisors to allow closure
of the open bite. The midline
expansion screw can
be used for arch development when it
is indicated
 Encourage development of max
 Bite opened 2mm for this
Acrylic portion
Extends incisally from canine to
canine behind the upper incisors
Acrylic is trimmed away by 1mm
behind the lower incisors
Palatal bar
Runs forward with loop
extending as far as decduous 1st
molar or permanent premolars.
Function – tongue to contact
anterior portion of palate ,
encouraging forward growth of this
Wire elements
Labial bow
 In front of lower incisors
 Wire slightly touches the labial surface
Wire elements
Bionator summary
Def: is one of a group of functional, removable, tooth-
borne appliances that depend on the stretch of soft
tissue caused by mandible being positioned forward
and downward together with muscle activity generated
by the mandible attempting to return to its original
position to achieve the desired dental and skeletal
{orthodontics principle and practice -Phulari}
Types of Bionators
Standard Bionator:
used in the treatment of class II, division
I malocclusions with excessive overjet
and deep overbite orients the tongue &
mandible anteriorly by stimulating its
dorsal surface with palatal bar.
Labial bow: begins above contact point between canine and upper 1st
premolar –runs vertically
Openbite Bionator:
• Posterior teeth are covered
with acrylic to prevent their
eruption. The acrylic is
kept away form the incisors to
allow closure of the open bite.
Labial bow runs between
the upper and lower
incisors at the height of lip
Reverse Bionator:
• Correction of class III
Tongue contact anterior portion of palate ,
encouraging forward growth of the
Labial bow slightly
touches the labial surface
of the lower incisors
Bionator general indication
• The dental arch is well aligned originally
• The mandible is in a posterior position
• The skeletal problem is not too severe
• A labial tipping of the upper incisors is
• Note: labial bow: 0.9mm wire
Palatal bar: 1.2mm wire
Def: it is an intermaxillary wax record used to relate the
mandible to the maxilla in the 3 dimensions of space, they are
used to reposition the mandible in order to improve the
skeletal inter-jaw relationship.
 To achieve a cIass I
 Edge to edge relation of
incisors – to provide
maximum functional
space for tongue
 If overjet is too large –
step by step procedure is
• The bite registration involves
repositioning the mandible in a forward direction as
well as opening the bite vertically.
• In most cases the mandible is advanced by 4-5 mm
and the bite is opened to the extent of 2-3mm.
• General consideration for construction bite:
1- in case the overjet is too large, forward
positioning is done step wise in 2-3 phases.
• 2- in case of forward
positioning of the
mandible by 7-8 mm,
the vertical opening
should be slight to
moderate i.e: 2-4mm.
• 3- if the forward positioning is not more that 3-
5mm, then the vertical opening can be 4-6mm
Various techniques are now used to record the bite to the
favoured mandibular position:
1- Horseshoe waxblock. 2- Exactobite / Projet bite .
3- George gauge. 4- Andra Gauge…etc.
Steps for bite registration
• 1- the amount of sagittal and
vertical advancement is
• 2- a horse shaped wax block
is prepared for insertion
between upper and lower
teeth. It should be 2-3mm
thicker than the planned
vertical opening. Should be
heated in warm water bath.
• *NOTE*: other materials may be used; e.g: heavy putty
base impression material is used and allowed to set for 2
minutes, or injectable registration material, e.g: FUTAR,
O-Bite .
• 3- The patient is made to sit in an upright relaxed
• 4- Guiding the mandible into planned sagittal position
without force or pressure.
• 5- patient is asked to practice placement of jaw at the
desired position few times before registration of bite.
• 6- The wax block is placed on the lower jaw and patient
is asked to close in desired sagittal position.
• 7- Remove the wax
registration and chill the wax
under cold running water, cut
away the wax as shown in the
canine/premolar region
• 8- Place back into the mouth
to check the registration is
correct - the lateral opening
and that the center lines are
• Use either a thick or thin 'bite fork'.
The 'ProJet' bite forks are available
in thick for when an overbite needs
reducing and thin for normal or
reduced overbites.
*the thick one is yellow
and the thin is blue.
• Explain to the patient what is
required, ie that they posture
forward to the required occlusion.
• Place the bite fork into the mouth
and ask the patient to practice biting
into the required position
NB Do not over posture the patient
or place them into a class III
relationship. Place the single notch
down and the middle notch to locate
the upper teeth (this is opposite to
the ProJet instructions, but is much
easier for patient and operator)
• Soften a sheet of pink modeling wax in
hot water, folding them into the bite fork
to give 3-4 layers on both sides, top and
bottom, but keeping the notches clear..
• Place the bite fork and soft wax into the
mouth asking the patient to close into the
postured position. Excess wax can be
moulded to aid location of the bite for the
laboratory. You must ensure that the
center lines are correct.
• Remove the bite fork and chill the wax
under cold running water.
• Place back into the mouth to check the
registration is correct.
George gauge
Andra Gauge
Construction bite
In Open Bite Bionator
 Construction bite-is as low as possible with
minimal vertical opening for interposition of
posterior bite blocks to prevent their eruption.
• In Reverse Bionator
 Construction bite- taken in more
retruded position so as to allow
labial movement of maxillary
incisors, the bite is opened to
clear the bite & also to exert
restrictive force on lower arch.
Generally, a vertical opening of
5mm and a posterior positioning
of about 2 mm is required.
Following points to be considered
(JCO 1985, Altuna& Niegel)
Horizontal plane
 Advancing about one premolar width is tolerable
Profile should be esthetically pleasing
lateral plane
 Condyles on both sides move symmetrically.
Midlines used as reference lines
Vertical plane
 2-3 mm opening between Central incisors
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management
7 Modifications of Bionator
As the volume of the appliance is reduced its
anchorage is difficult and trimming must be
selective because of simultaneous anchorage
Balters has introduced certain terms
1. Articular plane
2. Loading area
3. Tooth bed
4. Nose
5. ledge
 This plane extends from
the tips of the cusps of
the upper 1st
molars,premolars &
canines to the mesial
margins of the central
incisors , running
parallel to the ala-tragal
 Used to assess the
mode of trimming
 Palatal or lingual
cusps of the
deciduous molars
(or premolars) are
relieved in the
acrylic part of the
 The grinding
enhances the
anchorage of the
 Some parts of the
loading areas are
trimmed away to the
articular plane
 Between tooth bed
interdental acrylic
fingerlike projections
 They serve as guiding
surfaces and provide
anchorage in the
sagittal and vertical
 NOSE mostly on the
mesial margin of lower
1st permanent molar
 Depending on the tooth
movement required the
acrylic is trimmed and the
nose is reduced .
 This reduced extension
placed only on the occlusal
3rd of the interdental area
is called a ledge.
 LEDGES are b/w premolars
or deciduous molars
 prevention of eruption as
loading or inhibition of growth
 stimulation of eruption as
unloading or promotion of
 Appliance can be trimmed until teeth reaches
desired relationship with the articular plane
 Due to consideration for anchorage,
appliance cannot be trimmed in all areas at
same time
 Periodic loading and unloading of same area
is done
For extrusion of posterior teeth
Acrylic left between level of Articular plane –Tooth bed
 Upper & lower molars trimmed first
 Then lower premolar’s trimmed while molars loaded
 Then upper premolar’s unloaded while lower premolar’s
&molars loaded
 Occlusal surfaces of bionator trimmed for transverse
 For intrusion in case of open bite –posterior teeth
are fully loaded
Why Trimming ???
1.vertical control
• For dolichofacial patients:intrude molars,
extrude incisors
• For branchfacial patients: intrude incisors,
extrude molars
• 2.sagittal control
Retrusion of incisors
Distal movement of
Mesial movement of
• 3.transverse movement
Ascher (1968)proposal
Dentition Anchorage
1,2,III-V,6 IV & V both U / L
1,2,III-V,6 V & space after IV
1,2,II-6 alveolar process-IV,V
1,2,III,4-6 6 & alveolar process
 Deciduous teeth if present are used as anchorage
and Ascher (1968)proposed the following types of
1. Acrylic cap over incisal margins of lower
2. Loading areas as cusps of teeth fit into
respective grooves in acrylic
3. Deciduous molars are used as anchor teeth
4. Edentulous areas after early loss of primary
5. Noses in the upper & lower interdental spaces
6. Labial bow prevents posterior displacement
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
7 Modifications of Bionator
Clinical management & Case Reports
 Appliance must be worn day and night except while
 Pt recalled after 1 week to check sore points
 Interval between visits 3-5 weeks based on the
eruption of the teeth.
 It takes 1- 11/2 yrs to achieve correction
 Labial bow away from the incisors.
 Buccinator loops away from 1st & 2nd molars, should
not irritate mucosa.
Treatment of Angle Class II malocclusions with a
newly modified bionator combined with headgear
J Dent Sci 2009;4(2):87−95
Yen-Chun Lin, Hsiang-Chien Lin
Case 1
The patient was an 11-
year 6-month-old boy.
He had a Class II
division 1 type
malocclusion with a
hypodivergent facial
type, a half cusp
distoclusion of the
posterior segments,
and an overjet of 10mm
• There was no crowding in the lower arch, but mild
crowding of the upper anterior teeth was noted. The
upper deciduous second molars were retained, and the
upper and lower permanent second molars had not yet
• An initial lateral cephalometric evaluation showed a
Class II skeletal relationship characterized by a A
point−nasion−B point (ANB) angle of 7.3‫,؛‬ due to
maxillary prognathism and mandibular retrognathism.
His treatment plan involved both
upper and lower molar distalization
and forward advancement of the
mandible using the newly modified
bionator combined with high-pull
headgear, with approximately 450 g
of force adapted to the tubes in the
appliance. During the active phase of
treatment, the patient was instructed
to wear the headgear 10 hours a day
at night and the bionator appliance
24 hours a day, except during meals.
After Bionator
The patient was
advised to keep
his lips together to
form a lip seal
when the
appliance was
being worn. At
each monthly
visit, the occlusion
was checked for
correction of the
arch relationships.
During the retention
phase, the patient was
to wear a tooth
positioner every night
tobed, approximately
10 hours each day, for
2 years.
After retention
Before treatment, during and after..
Long-term Effectiveness and
Treatment Timing for Bionator
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 73, No 3, 2003
((Of a study on Bionator therapy followed by fixed appliances in class-II
patients indicate that this treatment protocol is effective and stable
when it is initiated immediately before the pubertal growth spurt.
Optimal timing to start treatment with the Bionator is when a concavity
is evident at the lower borders of both the second and the third cervical
vertebrae (CVMS II).
In the long term, the amount of significant supplementary elongation of
the mandible in subjects treated with the Bionator during the pubertal
growth spurt is 5.1 mm more than that in untreated subjects with class-
II malocclusion.))
The functional treatment of anterior-
open bite: three case reports
Banu Dinçer* / Serpil Hazar**
J Clin Pediatr Dent 25(4): 275-286, 2001
Case 2
A patient whose skeletal age is 9 years 2
months and chronological age is 10 years 3
months was presented to the clinic.
The patient had the typical facial characteristics
of the open bite anomaly with the dolicephalic
face, convex facial profile and the increase of
the inferior facial height. It was noted that he
had difficulty closing his mouth from the
wrinkling of the muscles in mental region when
he closed his mouth.
He had a finger sucking habit. He was
advised to quit the sucking habit.
Nevertheless, when this was not
sufficiently accomplished, the patient
worked with a child psychologist to quit
the habit.
Diastemas in lower and upper teeth
region were observed as well as 4 mm.
open-bite. Together with this, he had
an overjet of 7.5 mm. The
cephalometric evaluation showed
Class II skeletal pattern (ANB=7).
The patient wore the open-
bite bionator. He used the
appliance a minimum of 18
hours a day. In 10 months,
the elimination of the open-
bite was obtained and a
2mm normal overbite
relation was achieved,
which was 4 mm
open-bite before the
a decrease in the vertical development was obtained. The
patient began to close his mouth more easily. The difficulty
in muscles were eliminated
•Before treatment
•After treatment
The cephalometric super impositions before and
after using the appliances
- - - - - - After ttt
Before ttt
“Long-Term Dentoskeletal Effects and Facial
Profile Changes Induced by Bionator
- The bionator appliance, over a long-term period, did not induce a restraining
effect on the maxilla, while it produced a significant enhancing effect on
mandibular length (3.3 mm more than untreated Class II controls).
- The bionator improved significantly the overjet and the molar relationship,
with a significant reduction of the overbite associated with an increase in
- The soft tissue profile was favorably altered by bionator therapy in the long
term: the chin was advanced 2.5 mm more than that of untreated controls.
Luciana Abrao Maltaa; Tiziano Baccettib.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 80, No 1, 2010
Pseudo-Class III malocclusion
treatment with Balters’ Bionator
Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 30, 2003, 203–215
A. Giancotti, A. Maselli
Case 3:
A female patient, age 8 years
10 months, presented with an
anterior crossbite from the
upper right deciduous canine
to the upper left deciduous
canine and a 1-mm deviation
of the mandibular midline to
the right. The patient had a
good profile with a slight mid-
face convexity and the lower
lip appeared protruded.
The upper anterior teeth were retroclined and the upper
right lateral incisor was missing, while the lower anterior
teeth were protrusive. The molars were in a Class I
relationship. The lower arch was in the late mixed dentition
and ‘E’ space was present.
Pre-treatment cephalometric analysis
showed an increased mandibular plane
angle (40 degrees), with a normal ANB,
but a high Wits measurement (6 mm)
and the lower incisor inclination was 29
degrees to NB. Angular and linear
measurements of mandibular skeletal
growth were normal. Clinical evaluation
of the occlusal relationship in centric
relation showed an early interference of
the upper left central and lower left
central incisors
• An early treatment goal was to eliminate
the mandibular displacement and
treatment was initiated with a Balters’
Bionator III. In order to construct the
Bionator a wax bite was taken by distally
repositioning the mandible in centric
relation. This use of the Bionator III thus
enabled the tongue to move freely in the
anterior part of the palate, pushing it
against the upper front teeth. The vertical
thickness of the bite was 3–4 mm with
sliding guides in the posterior zone.
**The patient had to
wear this Bionator for
16 hours a day.
The incisors were beyond edge-to-edge after 9 weeks, but
use of the Class III Bionator was continued. Eleven months
after the beginning of treatment the patient had a normal
occlusion with 2-mm overjet and a Class I molar
Final records showed
excellent occlusal and
aesthetic results, and the
profile was relatively
normal with a good lower
lip position.
Bionator and TMJ
 Can be used for treating TMJ problems in adults
 TMJ problems have coincident bruxism and
clenching during sleep.
 The bionator relaxes the muscle spasm at LPM.
 It prevents riding of the condyle over the posterior
edge of the disk which causes clicking.
Bionator positions the mand forward so prevents the
deleterious effects at night
 Bionator & local heat application with muscle
relaxants provides immediate relief for patients
Bionator in Adult Patients
 Petrovic has shown that protracted wear in
adults can permanently shorten the LPM and
thus help the patient maintain a protracted
mandibular posture even during the day time
 Thus clicking sound and pain disappears
Treatment objectives3
Types of bionator4
Trimming of bionator5
6 Clinical management
7 Modifications of Bionator
Modification by Williamson &Hamilton
 3mm cover for max inc from L.I to L.I
 This is to secure the position of max inc
 This modification made from construction bite
 This also prevents tipping of lower incisors
Modification by Schmuth
 Cybernator
 Normal labial bow in the
max arch – from canine to
 Mandibular incisors
covered with thin 2mm
 Acrylic body reduced in size
 Instead of long labial bow –
Maxillary buccolabial arch wire and mandibular labial
arch wire. Aid in correction of deep bite.
 Transpalatal bar opens in distal direction as in CI III
 Wire spurs used to reinforce anchorage.
Orthopedic corrector I
 Cl II to cl I
 Excellent result in
skeletal cl II cases
 Mixed dentition or
permanent dentition
 Upper incisors contact
lower incisor acrylic
WITZIG incorporated 2dimentional screws bilaterally to Schmuth’s bionator.
Orthopedic corrector II
 Correct Cl II to cl I without vertical
 in mixed dentition
 Correct open bite
 enlarges dental arches in case of
 In mixed dentition –TMJ pain
patients – repositions mandible
without increasing vertical height
 To achieve forward growth of
mandible in open bite tendency
California bionator
This type bionator helps in
eruption of post teeth in
patients with decreased
vertical dimension
Teusher’s modification
Skeletal and dento-alveolar effects of twin block and
bionator appliances in treatment of Cl II
malocclusion AJODO 2006
 Both appliances was efficient in restricting forward
growth of maxilla, Both appliances restricted forward
movt of max molars
 Both appliances resulted in mesial movt of mand
molars & helped in correction of molar relation –twin
block corrected more efficiently
 Both reduced overjet but twin block appliance better
than bionator
Treatment effects by bionator appliance – comparison
with an untreated cl II sample
Almeida et al EJO- 2004
 No changes in forward growth of max in both groups
 Increase of mand length in bionator group
 Significant improvement in anteroposterior
relationship between max &mand in bionator group
 Bionator produced- labial tipping of incisors
- retrusion of upper incisors
- increase in post dentoalveolar height due to
extrusion of lower posteriors, no extrusion of upper
molars seen
Adaptive condylar growth and mand remodelling
changes with bionator appliance-an implant study
ARAUJO et al EJO 2004
 Alters the direction of growth but not the amount of
 Produces greater than expected posterior drift of bone
in condylar and gonial region
 Displaces mand anteriorly but limits the amt of true
mand forward rotation that would normaly occur
The bionator is effective in treating functional or mild skeletal
class II malocclusions in the mixed and transitional
dentitions, provided that the appliance is chosen after a
careful diagnostic study, it is made correctly and managed
properly by loading and unloading different areas as
indicated during the eruption of the premolars , and the
patient complies in both daytime and night time wear.

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  • 1. Bionator Prepared by Yasmin Hammad Supervised by prof dr Maher Fouda Faculty of Dentistry Mansoura Egypt
  • 2. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management & Case Reports 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 3. • FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCE Definition: • Is one that changes the posture of the mandible, holding it open or open and forward (proffit) Graber and Neumann Classification – Those that displace the mandible to a moderate degree and are intended to stimulate muscle activity i.e. myodynamic – Bionator 3
  • 4. Functional appliances are considered to be primarily orthopedic tools to influence the facial skeleton of the growing child. The uniqueness of these appliances lies in the fact that instead of applying active forces, they transmit, eliminate and guide the natural forces (e.g. muscle activity, growth, tooth eruption) to eliminate the morphological aberrations and try to create conditions for the harmonious development of the stomatognathic system. Most of the functional appliances are intraoral devices, and nearly all of them are tooth borne or supported by teeth. 4
  • 5. 5 FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCE Fixed Removable Activator Bionator According to Proffit:  Tooth borne passive appliance (activator, bionator)  Tooth borne active appliance  Tissue borne passive appliance (oral screen, lip bumper)  Tissue borne active appliance (Frankel appliance)
  • 6. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 7.  Norman Kingsley 1879 Vulcanite palatal plate  Pierre Robin 1902 Monobloc  Viggo Andresen 1908 Activator  Wilhelm Balter 1960 Bionator  Rolf Frankel 1967 FR  William Clark 1977 Twin block 7
  • 8. 8 The bionator, developed by Balters, is a functional jaw orthopedic appliance. Its primary purpose is to stimulate growth of a deficient mandible, but it can also stimulate alveolar growth in deep overbite cases, gain space in moderately crowded cases in mixed dentition, as well as correction of open bite cases in mixed dentition. The essential part of robin’s concept is function whereas for Balter’s it is the tongue (which is the center of reflex activity in the oral cavity)
  • 9. It is similar in design to the activator but much less bulky, the bionator can be worn day and night except during meals. Studies have shown greater orthopedic effect on the growing jaws with full time wear, whereas part time wear results primarily in dental change. Therefore, full time use of the bionator makes possible the improvement of deformed faces and jaw structure in the growing child that was previously not possible with the use of fixed appliances or part time orthopedic devices. 9 Activator Bionator
  • 10. Quoted by Balter 10  “The equilibrium b/w the tongue and cheeks, especially b/w the tongue and lips in height, breadth and depth in an oral space of maximum size and optimal limits, providing functional space for the tongue ,is essential for the natural health of the dental arches and their relation to each other Every disturbance will deform the dentition and during growth that may be impeded too.”
  • 11. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 12. It works by modulating muscle activity 12 Enlarge oral space & train tongue functions To achieve elongation of mandible Bring incisors into edge to edge relationship Accomplish lip seal & bring dorsum of tongue into contact with soft palate Improve relationships of jaws, tongue & teeth
  • 13. 13  Reduced size  It can be worn both day and night  Action faster than activator –unfavorable forces are avoided acting on dentition for longer time  Constant wear so more rapid adjustment of musculature
  • 14. 14  Difficulty in managing it.  Difficult to stabilize and selective grinding of the appliance .  It is vulnerable to distortion – because less support in the alveolar & incisal region
  • 15. 15  Dental arches well aligned  Mandible in posterior position  Skeletal discrepancy not severe  Labial tipping of upper incisors evident  Deep bite  Class III where reverse bionator can be used  Open bite
  • 16. 16  Class II – if caused by maxillary prognathism  Vertical growth pattern  Labial tipping of mandibular incisors
  • 17.
  • 18. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 20. The standard Baltrers Bionator appliance, used in the treatment of class II, division I malocclusions with excessive overjet and deep overbite. 20
  • 21. 21 Consists of  acrylic components - lower horse shoe shaped acrylic lingual plate from distal of last erupted molar of one side to other side - Upper arch - lingual extension that cover molar & premolar region
  • 22. WIRE COMPONENTS 22  PALATAL BAR  LABIAL BOW WITH BUCCAL EXTENSION  PALATAL BAR - 1.2 mm wire - extents from a line connecting distal surface of first permanent molars to middle of 1st premolar’s - ~ 1mm away from palatal mucosa Function- orients the tongue & mandible anteriorly by stimulating its dorsal surface with palatal bar
  • 23. WIRE COMPONENTS 23  LABIAL BOW -0.9 mm wire - begins above contact point between canine and upper 1st premolar –runs vertically - labial portion of bow should be at a paper thickness away from the incisors
  • 24. WIRE COMPONENTS 24  Anterior part - labial wire  Lateral part - buccinator bends Objectives of buccinator bends  To keep soft tissue away from the cheeks –so the bite is leveled & eruption proceed in buccal segment  Moves cheeks laterally , which favor expansion or transverse development of dentition
  • 25. 25  Acrylic part- The lower lingual part extends into the upper incisor region as a lingual shield , closing the anterior space without touching the upper teeth. *The purpose of this appliance is to close the anterior space.
  • 26. Wire elements 26  Labial bow runs between the upper and lower incisors at the height of lip closure.
  • 27. The Bionator II (to close bite): The Bionator II is designed to correct anterior Open bites in Class I and Class II malocclusions. The posterior teeth are covered with acrylic to prevent their eruption. The acrylic is kept away form the incisors to allow closure of the open bite. The midline expansion screw can be used for arch development when it is indicated 27
  • 28. 28  Encourage development of max  Bite opened 2mm for this purpose Acrylic portion Extends incisally from canine to canine behind the upper incisors Acrylic is trimmed away by 1mm behind the lower incisors
  • 29. Palatal bar 29 Runs forward with loop extending as far as decduous 1st molar or permanent premolars. Function – tongue to contact anterior portion of palate , encouraging forward growth of this area. Wire elements
  • 30. Labial bow 30  In front of lower incisors  Wire slightly touches the labial surface lightly. Wire elements
  • 31. 31
  • 32. 32
  • 34. 34 Def: is one of a group of functional, removable, tooth- borne appliances that depend on the stretch of soft tissue caused by mandible being positioned forward and downward together with muscle activity generated by the mandible attempting to return to its original position to achieve the desired dental and skeletal effects. {orthodontics principle and practice -Phulari}
  • 36. Standard Bionator: used in the treatment of class II, division I malocclusions with excessive overjet and deep overbite orients the tongue & mandible anteriorly by stimulating its dorsal surface with palatal bar. 36
  • 37. Labial bow: begins above contact point between canine and upper 1st premolar –runs vertically 37
  • 38. Openbite Bionator: • Posterior teeth are covered with acrylic to prevent their eruption. The acrylic is kept away form the incisors to allow closure of the open bite. 38
  • 39. Labial bow runs between the upper and lower incisors at the height of lip closure. 39
  • 40. Reverse Bionator: • Correction of class III Tongue contact anterior portion of palate , encouraging forward growth of the maxilla. 40
  • 41. Labial bow slightly touches the labial surface of the lower incisors 41
  • 42. Bionator general indication • The dental arch is well aligned originally • The mandible is in a posterior position • The skeletal problem is not too severe • A labial tipping of the upper incisors is evident • Note: labial bow: 0.9mm wire Palatal bar: 1.2mm wire 42
  • 43. 43
  • 44. CONSTRUCTION BITE 44 Def: it is an intermaxillary wax record used to relate the mandible to the maxilla in the 3 dimensions of space, they are used to reposition the mandible in order to improve the skeletal inter-jaw relationship.
  • 45. Objective:  To achieve a cIass I relation  Edge to edge relation of incisors – to provide maximum functional space for tongue  If overjet is too large – step by step procedure is followed. 45
  • 46. • The bite registration involves repositioning the mandible in a forward direction as well as opening the bite vertically. • In most cases the mandible is advanced by 4-5 mm and the bite is opened to the extent of 2-3mm. 46
  • 47. • General consideration for construction bite: 1- in case the overjet is too large, forward positioning is done step wise in 2-3 phases. • 2- in case of forward positioning of the mandible by 7-8 mm, the vertical opening should be slight to moderate i.e: 2-4mm. • 3- if the forward positioning is not more that 3- 5mm, then the vertical opening can be 4-6mm 47
  • 48. Various techniques are now used to record the bite to the favoured mandibular position: 1- Horseshoe waxblock. 2- Exactobite / Projet bite . 3- George gauge. 4- Andra Gauge…etc. 48
  • 49. Steps for bite registration 49 • 1- the amount of sagittal and vertical advancement is planned. • 2- a horse shaped wax block is prepared for insertion between upper and lower teeth. It should be 2-3mm thicker than the planned vertical opening. Should be heated in warm water bath. •
  • 50. • *NOTE*: other materials may be used; e.g: heavy putty base impression material is used and allowed to set for 2 minutes, or injectable registration material, e.g: FUTAR, O-Bite . 50
  • 51. • 3- The patient is made to sit in an upright relaxed position. • 4- Guiding the mandible into planned sagittal position without force or pressure. • 5- patient is asked to practice placement of jaw at the desired position few times before registration of bite. • 6- The wax block is placed on the lower jaw and patient is asked to close in desired sagittal position. 51
  • 52. • 7- Remove the wax registration and chill the wax under cold running water, cut away the wax as shown in the canine/premolar region • 8- Place back into the mouth to check the registration is correct - the lateral opening and that the center lines are correct. 52
  • 53. 53
  • 54. Exactobite. • Use either a thick or thin 'bite fork'. The 'ProJet' bite forks are available in thick for when an overbite needs reducing and thin for normal or reduced overbites. *the thick one is yellow and the thin is blue. • Explain to the patient what is required, ie that they posture forward to the required occlusion. 54
  • 55. • Place the bite fork into the mouth and ask the patient to practice biting into the required position NB Do not over posture the patient or place them into a class III relationship. Place the single notch down and the middle notch to locate the upper teeth (this is opposite to the ProJet instructions, but is much easier for patient and operator) 55
  • 56. • Soften a sheet of pink modeling wax in hot water, folding them into the bite fork to give 3-4 layers on both sides, top and bottom, but keeping the notches clear.. • Place the bite fork and soft wax into the mouth asking the patient to close into the postured position. Excess wax can be moulded to aid location of the bite for the laboratory. You must ensure that the center lines are correct. 56
  • 57. • Remove the bite fork and chill the wax under cold running water. • Place back into the mouth to check the registration is correct. 57
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60
  • 61. 61
  • 64. Construction bite 64 In Open Bite Bionator  Construction bite-is as low as possible with minimal vertical opening for interposition of posterior bite blocks to prevent their eruption.
  • 65. • In Reverse Bionator  Construction bite- taken in more retruded position so as to allow labial movement of maxillary incisors, the bite is opened to clear the bite & also to exert restrictive force on lower arch. Generally, a vertical opening of 5mm and a posterior positioning of about 2 mm is required. 65
  • 66. Following points to be considered (JCO 1985, Altuna& Niegel) Horizontal plane  Advancing about one premolar width is tolerable Profile should be esthetically pleasing lateral plane  Condyles on both sides move symmetrically. Midlines used as reference lines Vertical plane  2-3 mm opening between Central incisors 66
  • 67. 67
  • 68. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 69. TRIMMING OF BIONATOR 69 As the volume of the appliance is reduced its anchorage is difficult and trimming must be selective because of simultaneous anchorage requirements Balters has introduced certain terms 1. Articular plane 2. Loading area 3. Tooth bed 4. Nose 5. ledge
  • 70. 70
  • 71. ARTICULAR PLANE: 71  This plane extends from the tips of the cusps of the upper 1st molars,premolars & canines to the mesial margins of the central incisors , running parallel to the ala-tragal line.  Used to assess the mode of trimming
  • 72. LOADING AREA: 72  Palatal or lingual cusps of the deciduous molars (or premolars) are relieved in the acrylic part of the appliance.  The grinding enhances the anchorage of the appliance.
  • 73. TOOTH BED 73  Some parts of the loading areas are trimmed away to the articular plane
  • 74. NOSE: 74  Between tooth bed interdental acrylic fingerlike projections  They serve as guiding surfaces and provide anchorage in the sagittal and vertical plane  NOSE mostly on the mesial margin of lower 1st permanent molar
  • 75. LEDGE : 75  Depending on the tooth movement required the acrylic is trimmed and the nose is reduced .  This reduced extension placed only on the occlusal 3rd of the interdental area is called a ledge.  LEDGES are b/w premolars or deciduous molars
  • 76. 76
  • 77. BALTERS REFERS 77  prevention of eruption as loading or inhibition of growth  stimulation of eruption as unloading or promotion of growth
  • 78. 78  Appliance can be trimmed until teeth reaches desired relationship with the articular plane  Due to consideration for anchorage, appliance cannot be trimmed in all areas at same time  Periodic loading and unloading of same area is done
  • 79. SELECTIVE TRIMMING 79 For extrusion of posterior teeth Acrylic left between level of Articular plane –Tooth bed  Upper & lower molars trimmed first  Then lower premolar’s trimmed while molars loaded  Then upper premolar’s unloaded while lower premolar’s &molars loaded  Occlusal surfaces of bionator trimmed for transverse movement  For intrusion in case of open bite –posterior teeth are fully loaded
  • 80. Why Trimming ??? 1.vertical control • For dolichofacial patients:intrude molars, extrude incisors • For branchfacial patients: intrude incisors, extrude molars 80
  • 81. • 2.sagittal control 81 Retrusion of incisors Distal movement of molars Mesial movement of molars
  • 83. Ascher (1968)proposal Dentition Anchorage 1,2,III-V,6 IV & V both U / L 1,2,III-V,6 V & space after IV 1,2,II-6 alveolar process-IV,V 1,2,III,4-6 6 & alveolar process 83  Deciduous teeth if present are used as anchorage and Ascher (1968)proposed the following types of anchorage.
  • 84. ANCHORAGE OF APPLIANCE 84 1. Acrylic cap over incisal margins of lower incisors 2. Loading areas as cusps of teeth fit into respective grooves in acrylic 3. Deciduous molars are used as anchor teeth 4. Edentulous areas after early loss of primary molars 5. Noses in the upper & lower interdental spaces 6. Labial bow prevents posterior displacement
  • 85. 85
  • 86. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 7 Modifications of Bionator Clinical management & Case Reports
  • 87. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT 87  Appliance must be worn day and night except while eating.  Pt recalled after 1 week to check sore points  Interval between visits 3-5 weeks based on the eruption of the teeth.  It takes 1- 11/2 yrs to achieve correction  Labial bow away from the incisors.  Buccinator loops away from 1st & 2nd molars, should not irritate mucosa.
  • 88. 88
  • 89. Treatment of Angle Class II malocclusions with a newly modified bionator combined with headgear J Dent Sci 2009;4(2):87−95 Yen-Chun Lin, Hsiang-Chien Lin Case 1 The patient was an 11- year 6-month-old boy. He had a Class II division 1 type malocclusion with a hypodivergent facial type, a half cusp distoclusion of the posterior segments, and an overjet of 10mm 89
  • 90. • There was no crowding in the lower arch, but mild crowding of the upper anterior teeth was noted. The upper deciduous second molars were retained, and the upper and lower permanent second molars had not yet erupted. 90
  • 91. • An initial lateral cephalometric evaluation showed a Class II skeletal relationship characterized by a A point−nasion−B point (ANB) angle of 7.3‫,؛‬ due to maxillary prognathism and mandibular retrognathism. 91
  • 92. His treatment plan involved both upper and lower molar distalization and forward advancement of the mandible using the newly modified bionator combined with high-pull headgear, with approximately 450 g of force adapted to the tubes in the appliance. During the active phase of treatment, the patient was instructed to wear the headgear 10 hours a day at night and the bionator appliance 24 hours a day, except during meals. 92
  • 93. After Bionator The patient was advised to keep his lips together to form a lip seal when the appliance was being worn. At each monthly visit, the occlusion was checked for correction of the arch relationships. 93
  • 94. During the retention phase, the patient was instructed to wear a tooth positioner every night tobed, approximately 10 hours each day, for 2 years. 94 After retention
  • 96. Long-term Effectiveness and Treatment Timing for Bionator Therapy. FALTIN, FALTIN, BACCETTI, FRANCHI Angle Orthodontist, Vol 73, No 3, 2003 ((Of a study on Bionator therapy followed by fixed appliances in class-II patients indicate that this treatment protocol is effective and stable when it is initiated immediately before the pubertal growth spurt. Optimal timing to start treatment with the Bionator is when a concavity is evident at the lower borders of both the second and the third cervical vertebrae (CVMS II). In the long term, the amount of significant supplementary elongation of the mandible in subjects treated with the Bionator during the pubertal growth spurt is 5.1 mm more than that in untreated subjects with class- II malocclusion.)) 96
  • 97. 97
  • 98. The functional treatment of anterior- open bite: three case reports Banu Dinçer* / Serpil Hazar** J Clin Pediatr Dent 25(4): 275-286, 2001 Case 2 A patient whose skeletal age is 9 years 2 months and chronological age is 10 years 3 months was presented to the clinic. The patient had the typical facial characteristics of the open bite anomaly with the dolicephalic face, convex facial profile and the increase of the inferior facial height. It was noted that he had difficulty closing his mouth from the wrinkling of the muscles in mental region when he closed his mouth. 98
  • 99. He had a finger sucking habit. He was advised to quit the sucking habit. Nevertheless, when this was not sufficiently accomplished, the patient worked with a child psychologist to quit the habit. Diastemas in lower and upper teeth region were observed as well as 4 mm. open-bite. Together with this, he had an overjet of 7.5 mm. The cephalometric evaluation showed Class II skeletal pattern (ANB=7). 99
  • 100. The patient wore the open- bite bionator. He used the appliance a minimum of 18 hours a day. In 10 months, the elimination of the open- bite was obtained and a 2mm normal overbite relation was achieved, which was 4 mm open-bite before the treatment. 100
  • 101. a decrease in the vertical development was obtained. The patient began to close his mouth more easily. The difficulty in muscles were eliminated 101
  • 103. The cephalometric super impositions before and after using the appliances 103 - - - - - - After ttt Before ttt
  • 104. “Long-Term Dentoskeletal Effects and Facial Profile Changes Induced by Bionator Therapy” - The bionator appliance, over a long-term period, did not induce a restraining effect on the maxilla, while it produced a significant enhancing effect on mandibular length (3.3 mm more than untreated Class II controls). - The bionator improved significantly the overjet and the molar relationship, with a significant reduction of the overbite associated with an increase in LAFH. - The soft tissue profile was favorably altered by bionator therapy in the long term: the chin was advanced 2.5 mm more than that of untreated controls. Luciana Abrao Maltaa; Tiziano Baccettib. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 80, No 1, 2010 104
  • 105. 105
  • 106. Pseudo-Class III malocclusion treatment with Balters’ Bionator Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 30, 2003, 203–215 A. Giancotti, A. Maselli Case 3: A female patient, age 8 years 10 months, presented with an anterior crossbite from the upper right deciduous canine to the upper left deciduous canine and a 1-mm deviation of the mandibular midline to the right. The patient had a good profile with a slight mid- face convexity and the lower lip appeared protruded. 106
  • 107. The upper anterior teeth were retroclined and the upper right lateral incisor was missing, while the lower anterior teeth were protrusive. The molars were in a Class I relationship. The lower arch was in the late mixed dentition and ‘E’ space was present. 107
  • 108. Pre-treatment cephalometric analysis showed an increased mandibular plane angle (40 degrees), with a normal ANB, but a high Wits measurement (6 mm) and the lower incisor inclination was 29 degrees to NB. Angular and linear measurements of mandibular skeletal growth were normal. Clinical evaluation of the occlusal relationship in centric relation showed an early interference of the upper left central and lower left central incisors 108
  • 109. • An early treatment goal was to eliminate the mandibular displacement and treatment was initiated with a Balters’ Bionator III. In order to construct the Bionator a wax bite was taken by distally repositioning the mandible in centric relation. This use of the Bionator III thus enabled the tongue to move freely in the anterior part of the palate, pushing it against the upper front teeth. The vertical thickness of the bite was 3–4 mm with sliding guides in the posterior zone. 109 **The patient had to wear this Bionator for 16 hours a day.
  • 110. The incisors were beyond edge-to-edge after 9 weeks, but use of the Class III Bionator was continued. Eleven months after the beginning of treatment the patient had a normal occlusion with 2-mm overjet and a Class I molar relationship. 110
  • 111. Final records showed excellent occlusal and aesthetic results, and the profile was relatively normal with a good lower lip position. 111
  • 112. 112
  • 113. Bionator and TMJ 113  Can be used for treating TMJ problems in adults  TMJ problems have coincident bruxism and clenching during sleep.  The bionator relaxes the muscle spasm at LPM.  It prevents riding of the condyle over the posterior edge of the disk which causes clicking. Bionator positions the mand forward so prevents the deleterious effects at night  Bionator & local heat application with muscle relaxants provides immediate relief for patients
  • 114. Bionator in Adult Patients 114  Petrovic has shown that protracted wear in adults can permanently shorten the LPM and thus help the patient maintain a protracted mandibular posture even during the day time  Thus clicking sound and pain disappears
  • 115. 115
  • 116. Introduction1 History2 Treatment objectives3 Types of bionator4 Trimming of bionator5 6 Clinical management 7 Modifications of Bionator
  • 117. 117
  • 118. Modification by Williamson &Hamilton  3mm cover for max inc from L.I to L.I  This is to secure the position of max inc  This modification made from construction bite  This also prevents tipping of lower incisors 118
  • 119. Modification by Schmuth 119  Cybernator  Normal labial bow in the max arch – from canine to canine  Mandibular incisors covered with thin 2mm acrylic
  • 120. BIO- M-S 120 BY ERICH & ANNETTE FLEISHER  MODIFICATIONS ARE-  Acrylic body reduced in size  Instead of long labial bow – Maxillary buccolabial arch wire and mandibular labial arch wire. Aid in correction of deep bite.  Transpalatal bar opens in distal direction as in CI III bionator  Wire spurs used to reinforce anchorage.
  • 122. 122
  • 123. 123
  • 124. Orthopedic corrector I 124 INDICATION  Cl II to cl I  Excellent result in skeletal cl II cases  Mixed dentition or permanent dentition treatment  Upper incisors contact lower incisor acrylic capping WITZIG incorporated 2dimentional screws bilaterally to Schmuth’s bionator.
  • 125. Orthopedic corrector II 125  Correct Cl II to cl I without vertical growth  in mixed dentition  Correct open bite  enlarges dental arches in case of crowding  In mixed dentition –TMJ pain patients – repositions mandible without increasing vertical height  To achieve forward growth of mandible in open bite tendency cases
  • 126. California bionator 126 This type bionator helps in eruption of post teeth in patients with decreased vertical dimension
  • 128. Skeletal and dento-alveolar effects of twin block and bionator appliances in treatment of Cl II malocclusion AJODO 2006  Both appliances was efficient in restricting forward growth of maxilla, Both appliances restricted forward movt of max molars  Both appliances resulted in mesial movt of mand molars & helped in correction of molar relation –twin block corrected more efficiently  Both reduced overjet but twin block appliance better than bionator 128
  • 129. Treatment effects by bionator appliance – comparison with an untreated cl II sample Almeida et al EJO- 2004 129  No changes in forward growth of max in both groups  Increase of mand length in bionator group  Significant improvement in anteroposterior relationship between max &mand in bionator group  Bionator produced- labial tipping of incisors - retrusion of upper incisors - increase in post dentoalveolar height due to extrusion of lower posteriors, no extrusion of upper molars seen
  • 130. Adaptive condylar growth and mand remodelling changes with bionator appliance-an implant study ARAUJO et al EJO 2004  Alters the direction of growth but not the amount of growth  Produces greater than expected posterior drift of bone in condylar and gonial region  Displaces mand anteriorly but limits the amt of true mand forward rotation that would normaly occur 130
  • 131. CONCLUSION 131 The bionator is effective in treating functional or mild skeletal class II malocclusions in the mixed and transitional dentitions, provided that the appliance is chosen after a careful diagnostic study, it is made correctly and managed properly by loading and unloading different areas as indicated during the eruption of the premolars , and the patient complies in both daytime and night time wear.
  • 132. 132