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Orthodontic controlled
space closure
Prof dr Maher Fouda
Mansoura Egypt
It has already been
mentioned that the
stages of orthodontic
treatment with fixed
appliances can be
divided into a number of
successive phases to
help plan the
treatment sequence.
The maxillary
and mandibular
fi rst premolars
were extracted.
All teeth were
bonded and
banded with
0.018 × 0.025
inch pre-adjusted
brackets (Roth-
Initial alignment
phase was
completed in 4
Following diagnosis and
planning (including
informed consent), these
1. alignment and
2. space closure
3. finishing
4. retention and follow-up
5. normal visits to the general
dentist during orthodontic
Maxillary and
mandibular anterior
teeth retracted with
a continuous tear
drop loop (0.017 ×
0.025) inch titanium
molybdenum alloy.
Controlled space
closure is an
important objective in
fixed appliance
particularly when
teeth have
been extracted or
where there is
spacing present (e.g.
Five months later, the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth
were retracted with a continuous tear drop loop (0.017 ×
0.025 inch titanium molybdenum alloy) . The anterior and
posterior segments were stabilized separately. The loop was
activated 2 mm initially alpha 15°and beta 25° and reactivated
when a space of 1.5 mm was closed every month. This
procedure was repeated until the extraction space was closed.
After 9 months of retraction of the maxillary and mandibular
anterior teeth, the extraction space was closed.
Teeth are often
extracted for the
management of
disproportion (i.e.
and for dentoalveolar
compensation to
manage mild to
moderate skeletal
The upper and
lower arches
crowding with
Class I canine
and molar
bilaterally; 4
mm overjet
and 3 mm
Cephalometric evaluation showed a Class I skeletal base,
average growth pattern, and proclined upper and lower
A comprehensive space
analysis should be undertaken
when planning treatment.
Maxillary incisor
retraction, and space closure,
will often commence while a
deep overbite is reducing, or
has been reduced in the case
of complete overbites, and
typically when spacing
the labial segments (2-2 or 3-
3) has been consolidated.
Extraction space
closure can occur
the alignment and
levelling phase as
some space may
be needed for the
relief of crowding
and levelling of the
The lower arch was
moderately crowded.
She had an excess
overjet of 6 mm and
deepbite of 4 mm
with Class I canine
and molar on right
and left sides. The
upper dental midline
was canted to the
right, and lower
dental midline was
shifted to the right by
3 mm to the facial
midline. She had class
1 canine and molar
relation bilaterally.
Cephalometric examination
revealed mild skeletal Class II
tendency, average growth
pattern, and proclined upper
and lower incisors
It is important that space closure is
controlled, as uncontrolled
space closure can lead to a failure
to achieve a number
of important treatment objectives.
• Poor incisor positioning leading
to an unfavourable facial
profile and smile aesthetic
• Failure to correct the incisor
occlusion: overjet, overbite
and centrelines.
• Failure to correct the molar
occlusion: anteroposterior,
transverse and vertical.
archform and crossbite were corrected with archwire
expansion in SS archwires with palatal crown torque in
posterior segment to avoid palatal cusp hang. Space closure
was done on 19 × 25 SS, the upper right segment
used binary mechanics to avoid second molar rotation.
However, some mesial-in rotation of upper second molar was
desired to sock the mesiobuccal cusp in embrasure of lower
first and second molar. This would also occupy the increased
space available on upper right due to molar extraction.
Alignment with NiTi archwires included bend backs to avoid
proclination of incisors. The narrow
At Completion of Alignment and
Once the arches have been aligned and
levelled, it is important
to undertake a comprehensive case re-
including reassessment of:
• patient concerns
• facial profile and smile aesthetics
• space available within each quadrant
• estimation of remaining facial growth
based on pubertal
• overjet, overbite and centreline
• molar and canine relationship
• compliance with treatment to date. : Leveling and alignment
Nickel-Titanium archwires were used for leveling and alignment
with gradual archwire upgrade from 0.014-inch to 0.016 ×
0.022-inch [
All these factors combine to
determine the treatment
mechanics that may be most
appropriate from this stage
forwards. It may be worthwhile at this
stage to document
treatment progress by taking a full
set of extraoral and
intraoral photographs. These are
relatively inexpensive
records to take, with no patient risk,
and can help to confirm
the plan for the next stage of
treatment and to justify
why certain mechanics were used
from that point of record
upper and lower canines were retracted on stainless steel archwires (0.016 ×
0.016-inch) using elastomeric chain against second premolar, first and second
molars as part of the maximum anchorage preparation, elastomeric chains were
changed every 3 weeks.
After canines’ retraction was completed, incisors retraction was performed
using T-loop stainless steel
archwire (0.016 × 0.022-inch) with anterior step up, anterior
lingual root torque and Gable bends. After closing all the
spaces, finishing and detailing was performed
Objectives during Space Closure
There are a number of important
objectives that we should
aim to achieve during space closure. It is
useful to review
patient concerns before commencing
space closure as these
may have changed during alignment and
levelling. It is particularly
important to identify new concerns that
may be
unrealistic to manage and a frank
discussion at this stage
can help to reset patient
expectations, which will help to
improve satisfaction at the end of
treatment. 1: T-Loop archwire
A reassessment of the facial
profile will also help determine
How much upper incisor retraction
is advisable when
correcting an increased overjet in
Class II malocclusions.
In cases where the lips are
retrusive relative to the facial
profile, the nasolabial angle is
increased, particularly with
a backward inclination of the
upper lip, and it may be
advisable to only partially correct
an increased overjet.
cases were the
patient feels that
the upper lip has
pushed forward
excessively during
alignment and
it would be
sensible to plan for
more incisor
Concerning the smile, an
assessment of the incisor
inclination in profile view
can help to determine if
needs to be maintained
during upper incisor
retraction or
whether some
retroclination or
proclination is required to
achieve the best aesthetic
A tangent to the
face of the
central incisor
crown should be
parallel to the
true vertical with
the patient in
natural head
position (Figure
Ideal aesthetic upper
incisor inclination. Judged
clinically, with the
patient’s head in their
natural head position, a
tangent to the labial face
of the upper central
incisor crown (red
line) should be 0–5∘ to the
true vertical (green line).
The inset
photos show aesthetically
pleasing (a), proclined (b)
and slightly
upright (c) incisors. This
assessment cannot be
cephalometrically and
should be made clinically.
A clinical
assessment is
as cephalometric
analysis alone does
not provide all the
information about
the most aesthetic
and can be
is reduced at rest and
during smiling,
particularly when
the overbite is reduced,
consideration may be
given to
some (1–2mm) extrusion
of the upper incisors to
improve the incisor
show and increase the
Where the upper
incisor display
Ideal aesthetic upper incisor
inclination. Judged
clinically, with the patient’s head
in their natural head position, a
tangent to the labial face of the
upper central incisor crown (red
line) should be 0–5∘ to the true
vertical (green line). The inset
photos show aesthetically
pleasing (a), proclined (b) and
upright (c) incisors. This
assessment cannot be made
cephalometrically and should be
made clinically.
the incisor show is
increased at rest and during
care has to be taken to
minimise any mechanics
that may
extrude the upper incisors
further (e.g. Class II
elastics) and consideration
can be given to reducing a
deep overbite by upper as
well as lower incisor
An assessment of the amount
of space remaining within
each quadrant, measurement
of the overjet, overbite,
positions, molar relationship
and likely remaining
anteroposterior mandibular
growth will give an indication
of the likely anchorage
requirements in order to
the desired occlusal outcome.
This will then allow
assessment of how
much space within
each arch should
be closed by incisor
retraction or molar
protraction (i.e.
differential space
In Class II malocclusion,
aim is often to maximise
maxillary incisor
retraction and
mandibular molar
protraction in order to
facilitate molar
and incisor
correction to achieve
compensation for the
skeletal discrepancy.
In class III malocclusion,
the opposite is usually
the case
(i.e. maximum lower
incisor retraction and
upper molar protraction).
It should be remembered
there is a limit to how
much the inclination of
can be changed for
change may lead to non-
axial loading, with
risk to periodontal health,
roots protruding outside
of the
labial plate of alveolar
bone, poor smile
aesthetics and
reduced access to oral
hygiene on the lingual
surfaces of
excessively retroclined
lower incisors.
Another important
aim of space closure
is to achieve
the desired aesthetic
and occlusal
objectives by
bodily tooth
movement, achieving
root parallelism
and controlling the
arch form.
An important
principle of
treatment is often to
maintain the lower
incisor position
as the pretreatment
position is
considered the most
position. However,
there is no
guarantee that this
will automatically
confer stability and
retention is still
Superimposed cephalometric tracings showing dentofacial changes
after 19 months of treatment (red) compared to pre-treatment (black).
The protrusive lower lip was corrected, resulting in a more balanced
facial profile. Maxillary incisor axial inclination was increased 5˚ and
mandibular incisors were retracted ~5mm. The mandibular second
molar(s) was protracted and substituted for the missing 1st molar(s).
One can then
argue that if there
is no guarantee of
stability, and
retention is still
small changes in
lower incisor
position may be
In cases where the lower incisors have been held back
by abnormal soft tissue activity (e.g. lip trap, significant
digit sucking) that is removed as part of treatment, where
it is thought that the lower incisors have been trapped
by a deep and complete overbite (e.g. Class II division 2
malocclusion) and in Class III camouflage cases where
the lower incisors are retroclined and positioned behind
the upper incisors, it may be more acceptable to produce
larger changes in lower incisor inclination.
The aims of treatment are
to maintain the lower
incisor position, it can
be useful to take a lateral
cephalometric radiograph
a few millimetres of space
are still left to close in the
arch. In this way the final
mechanics of space
closure can
be planned to achieve the
desired goal.
Unilateral Class II biomechanics with
a maxillary 0.018″ stainless steel
archwire and a mandibular 0.017″ x
0.025″ stainless steel archwire to
coincide dental midlines. The
mandibular second molars were
bonded shortly after this visit.
Classification of Anchorage
Anchorage may be classified according to Burstone’s
• Group A: space closure by predominantly incisor retraction
(75%) with some allowance for molar protraction
• Group B: approximately equal amounts of incisor retraction
and molar protraction.
• Group C: space closure by predominantly molar protraction
(75%) with some allowance for incisor retraction
A number of
loss, so it is
to make
hard and
fast rules .
Adolescent female, aged 16 years with a skeletal class II hyper divergent. She had
a cleft lip, 14, 24, 35 and 44 were extracted as part of an interceptive treatment by
extractions at the age of 12 years but not followed by orthodontic treatment because
of noncooperation. The spaces are lost by protraction of the posterior teeth with
persistence of dental class II and crowding
On some
may be
asymmetrical, so
mechanics may
vary between the
left and right
The mesiodistal width of upper and lower deciduous molar
were recorded at 8.5 and 9.0 mm respectively before
treatment; the first
molar protraction was performed by segmented arch using
modified Nance and lingual holding arches as an
anchorage unit; b-c and e-f, at 6 months
of the treatment.
Some principles of anchorage management where the molar position is to be
largely maintained, movement of molars and
incisors is desired and where the incisor position is largely to be maintained.
Types of Space Closure
Space can be
closed using
(frictionless) or
Types of Space Closure
Closing loops were
used for space
closure with the
standard edgewise
technique because
the presence of
archwire bends (i.e.
first-, second- and
third-order bends)
did not allow sliding
Types of Space Closure
mechanics involves
incorporation of loops,
within a continuous
or segmented archwire,
and the springback
of the activated loop
generate the required
forces to move
groups of teeth without
resistance from frictional
tear drop loop (0.017
× 0.025 inch titanium
molybdenum alloy)
Types of Space Closure
Design features within
the loop are required
to produce the
moments to control
the type
of tooth movement
(i.e. bodily movement
versus tipping).
Types of Space Closure
Generating differential
ratios between the active and
anchorage units facilitate the
delivery of differential tooth
movement (i.e. tipping versus
bodily movement), which will
facilitate differential space
closure. With a properly
designed loop, a good range
activation can also be
Types of Space Closure
The introduction of the
preadjusted edgewise
by Lawrence Andrews largely
eliminated the need for
archwire bends, giving rise to
the straight-wire technique,
which allows for the use of
sliding mechanics, where
the archwire and bracket slots
slide past each other with
resistance from friction,
binding and possibly notching.
Types of Space Closure
Forces are delivered
using elastics or coil
springs (closed
or open) and the
guiding archwire
generates the
moment necessary
for bodily tooth
movement .
Types of Space Closure
The forces applied must
frictional resistance and
provide the necessary force
for tooth movement. Frictional
forces are variable within
the cycle of tooth movement,
as teeth tip and then upright,
so the forces applied to the
periodontal ligament also vary
and are unknown.
Types of Space Closure
Because the applied force within the
periodontal ligament is unknown and the interbracket distance
between the canine and second premolar bracket is
short, the ability for differential space closure by applying
differential moment-to-force ratios between the anchorage
and active units is small and mainly Group B anchorage is
achieved unless additional anchorage reinforcement techniques
are employed, for example headgear, intermaxillary
elastics or temporary anchorage devices (TADs).
Types of Space Closure
The advantages and disadvantages of sliding and loop
mechanics for space closure.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot
Globally, the majority of
orthodontists use the 0.022-inch
dimension bracket (working
archwire 0.019 × 0.025-inch
stainless steel) compared to the
0.018-inch dimension
bracket (working archwire 0.016 ×
0.022-inch stainless
steel). This dimension refers to the
height of the bracket
A 0.022 × 0.028-inch bracket slot is
shown, with a 0.019 × 0.025-inch
rectangular archwire.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot
A perceived
advantage of the
0.022-inch slot is that
it allows a larger-
dimension working
archwire to be used
which may be
mechanically more
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot
There is good
evidence that no one slot size
is superior to another in
terms of treatment duration,
quality of occlusal outcomes,
patient satisfaction, root
resorption and pain
Therefore, the choice is due to
operator preference as both
systems can produce good
The rectangular slot
had its greatest
dimension in
the horizontal
plane. Its height
and depth
dimensions were
0.022 × 0.028
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless
In the majority of cases
a customised 0.019 ×
stainless steel archwire
is used for space
closure within
a 0.022-inch
dimension bracket
0.019 inch × 0.025 inch stainless steel archwire for arch
coordination and space closure
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
This dimension
of archwire theoretically provides
0.003 inch (approximately
0.08mm) of vertical clearance to
help reduce
frictional forces and allow sliding
mechanics to occur
whilst providing sufficient rigidity
to allow bodily tooth
movement and good control of
arch form during space
The play (deviation angle) can be
defined as an angular rotation
of the wire, from its passive position
(cross-section of the wire parallel to
the slot walls) until the position
where the diagonal corners of the
contact the opposite wall of the slot
Torque play between an archwire and the bracket slo
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Stainless steel also has
favourable surface
due to the low level of
asperities (microscopic
peaks), which also helps to
reduce frictional forces to
facilitate sliding mechanics
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
The vertical
clearance is theoretical
because there is good
evidence that
archwire and bracket
slot dimensions are
not accurate due
to manufacturing
Depiction of the torsional play angle (γ) between the
bracket’s slot and the archwire (a)
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
The 0.003 inch of theoretical
vertical clearance also introduces
approximately 10∘ of
slop into the system. The degree of
slop may be less in
reality, and archwires may perform
better than expected,
because of residual tip that may
remain uncorrected when
the archwire is first placed (Figure
15.2) and which may
occur during treatment as teeth
A 0.19 × 0.025-inch archwire in a 0.022-inch
slot. (a) Theoretically, the 0.003 inch (0.08
mm) of vertical clearance (red
area) would introduce approximately 10∘ of
slop (play in the third dimension). (b) In
reality there may be less slop as teeth may
slightly tipped so the archwire does make
contact in some areas (red spots).
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
If any degree of
slop is undesirable during
maxillary incisor retraction, this
can be compensated for by using
a high torque bracket
prescription (e.g. MBT > Roth >
Andrews) or by placing
palatal root torque into the
archwire anteriorly.
Slot play. A bracket can rotate in
either direction around the flat
archwire until the slot play is used up
and the wire locks between the slot
walls (slot lock). The amount of slot
play is specific to each individual
wire-slot combination
• nitial and contact positions of the archwire put into the bracket. The
archwire can rotate by 4.7
within the clearance gap
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Use of light
retraction forces will also
help to lessen the moment
causes incisor
retroclination as the size
of the moment is
proportional to the force
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
of varying heights can
also be used to control
movement of the
anterior segment during
en masse incisor
Extension hooks, shown anteriorly
on the maxillary
archwire, are available in variable
lengths. Space closing forces
applied to an extension hook help to
facilitate bodily incisor
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
When an extension arm is placed mesial
to the
canine at the level of 0mm (bracket slot
level), palatal
tipping of the incisors is observed as
well as downward
deflection of the wire (extrusion), but
when a extension
arm of 5.5mm is used bodily tooth
movement with minimal
deflection of the archwire may be
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
In the
treatment of Class II division 1
malocclusion with excessively
proclined upper incisors but with
their root apices
in a relatively good position,
controlled palatal crown
tipping, in which the incisor
retroclines around its apex as
the centre of rotation, is required. In
this case, the use of
an extension arm height of 4–5mm is
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
Class II division 2, lingual
root tipping of the
incisors is
desirable, which could be
carried out by raising the
of the extension arm to
above 5.5 mm. To achieve
anterior tooth movement, an
extension arm of 5.5mm can
be used.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms)
The 0.025-inch depth of the
archwire is important for
sufficient torque control by
helping to create a
moment that reduces tipping
and facilitates
bodily incisor retraction. The
counterbalancing moment is
created by engagement of the
rectangular archwire with the
opposing walls (gingival and
occlusal) of the bracket slot.
A central incisor bracket viewed in profile view with an engaged
0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel archwire. As the
incisor is retracted it tips backwards, because of the clockwise
space closing retraction force moment (F) and slop present,
until the
archwire makes contact with the bracket (red circles). An
anticlockwise counter-moment is generated (F), which prevents
tipping and allows for bodily retraction. The 0.025-inch
dimension of the archwire is important in creating a sufficient
counter-moment as the size of the moment is proportional to
the depth of the wire.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
A central incisor bracket viewed in profile view with an engaged 0.019 × 0.025-
inch stainless steel archwire. As the
incisor is retracted it tips backwards, because of the clockwise space closing
retraction force moment (F) and slop present, until the
archwire makes contact with the bracket (red circles). An anticlockwise
counter-moment is generated (F), which prevents further
tipping and allows for bodily retraction. The 0.025-inch dimension of the
archwire is important in creating a sufficient
counter-moment as the size of the moment is proportional to the depth of the
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
It is important that the lower
archwire is customised in
width in order to produce
minimal changes in lower
and intermolar width, as this
is known to be prone to
relapse. The maxillary
archwire is then customised
the corresponding maxillary
The lower rectangular HANT wire
has been
A wax template is softened in warm
water and
molded over the lower arch to record
indentations of the
The wax template viewed
from the labial.
The .019/.025 rectangular steel wire
is bent t o the
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
Custamization is
facilitated by using
clear templates
that can be placed
the pretreatment
lower study model.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
If at the time of
archwire placement
the 0.019 ×
0.025-inch wire
slides freely through
the slots, then
space closure can
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Extension arms/hooks (also termed
power arms)
If there is
resistance to insertion due to
friction, usually as a
of inadequate torque or molar
rotation control,
then the archwire should be
ligated and allowed to
passive for six to eight weeks
before space closure is
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
In certain
situations, an
archwire may
be used
for space
Effect of space closure with conventional
sliding mechanics without miniscrew. Anterior
and posterior segments rotate around CR of
each segment, archwire forced to bend near
rotation of entire arch. These changes can
easily be prevented with precurved archwires.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
• In Class III cases,
an undersized
archwiremay be
used in
the lower arch
where retroclination
of the lower
is desired for
The treatment was initiated by banding the first molars and the
lower left second molar and bonding of the other teeth using
0.018 slot preadjusted edgewise ceramic brackets with Roth
prescriptions. A letter for referral to extract the upper first
premolars and the lower right first premolar was given to the
patient, and an atraumatic extraction of these teeth was done.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
In such cases , a circle-
loop or U-bend can be
placed mesial to the
to be closed for the
application of intra-
arch space closing
forces or use of Class
III intermaxillary
Build-Up composite resin was applied on both of the lower
molars. Leveling and alignment were done by using a 0.012″
NiTi wire, followed by 0.014″ NiTi, 0.016″ NiTi, 0:016 × 0:022″
NiTi, and finally 0:016 × 0:022″ stainless steel wires for space
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
is important that
the archwire is
customised after
of a circle-loop
or U-bend as
these do distort
arch form.
Space closure was done by using class III elastics and
elastomeric chains. Finishing and detailing were done by using
0:016 × 0:022″ and 0:017 × 0:025″ stainless steel wires and
intermaxillary elastics. All the third molars were extracted
except the lower left one.
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires
0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
• To close final
spaces (1–2mm)
where space closure
been very slow, an
undersized archwire
may be used
to reduce friction,
aid sliding and
facilitate final space
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
Care must be taken when using smaller archwires with
reduced rigidity for space closure as there is greater likelihood
of tooth tipping and loss of arch form (e.g. distobuccal
rotation of the molars), particularly if space closing forces
are high, as high forces generate bigger moments (moment
= force × distance). Greater first molar control, for tipping
and rotation, can be achieved by incorporating the second
molars into the appliance in such cases .
Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted
Edgewise Appliance
Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel
(a) Rigid archwires help to control mesial molar tipping and mesiolingual
rotation because of the moments generated
when a force is not passed through the centre of resistance. (b) If smaller
dimension archwires are used for space closure, or where
second premolars have been extracted, incorporation of the second molars
will help to control the movement of the first molar by
preventing tipping and rotation.
Method of Force Application
Space closing forces
are usually applied
between a
hook on the archwire,
between the lateral
incisor and
canine bracket, and
the first or second
molar tube hook.
Type two active tiebacks (mesial
modules) in upper and lower arches.
The elastomerics are stretched
maximally in this photograph - ideally, in
most treatments, slightly less stretching
is appropriate. For final space closure, it
is sometimes helpful to place two
elastomeric modules.
Method of Force Application
Space closing forces are usually
applied between a
hook on the archwire (crimpable or
soldered), between the
lateral incisor and canine, and a
hook on the first or second
molar tube. In this case a space
closing NiTi coil is being used
for space closure.
Either a soldered or
crimpable hook is placed
mesial to the canine in case
separate canine retraction
is required. Soldered hooks
tend to be more secure than
crimpable hooks but they
have the downside that a
inventory of archwires is
needed with differing hook
Method of Force Application
space closing forces can
be applied using a
number of different
methods :
• elastomeric chain (e.g.
power chain, E-Links) (see
Appendix II)
• closed coil springs (NiTi
or stainless steel)
• active ligature tie-backs
• elastics (e.g. 3/16-inch
diameter) (see Appendix
Method of Force Application
Space closing forces can be applied using a number of
methods. (a) Power chain, which is usually stretched between
and 100% of its length. (b) Closed coil springs (NiTi), which are
available in a variety of lengths and force levels. (c) Closed coil
can also be attached using ligature wire anteriorly to prevent
them from being overstretched in some cases.
Method of Force Application
(d) Active ligature
tie-backs (o-ligs), which are made by threading a elastomeric module
onto 0.010-inch ligature wire. The forces are applied to either
the first or second molar depending on how much posterior
anchorage is required. (e) Once space closure is complete a passive
ligature wire can be used to maintain the space closure and this is
also facilitated by gently bending the end of the archwire distal to
the last molar, which helps maintain the arch length.
Method of Force Application
Evidence would
suggest that NiTi
closing springs may
result in more rapid
space closure
compared to
chain, with a mean
difference of 0.2mm
per month.
Method of Force Application
Active ligature tie-backs appear
to be least effective.
Elastomeric techniques may be
less efficient because of the
rapid decay of elastic forces
within the oral environment.
There does not appear to be any
in anchorage loss between
elastomeric chain and
closed coil springs.
The completed type one
active tieback. It is helpful to
carry one arm of the ligature
wire under the archwire. An
elastomeric module is
stretched to twice its
unstretched size .
Method of Force Application
There are no studies
comparing root
resorption, pain
difference and cost-
effectiveness between
the two techniques.
Elastics (3/16 inch) may
be less effective
than springs but this may
be related to patient
in wearing them.
Force Levels
Although there is no
definitive evidence for the
force required during
space closure, a force
delivery system
that generates 150–200 g
of orthodontic force is
prescribed. It would appear
that 150 or 200 g forces are
equally effective.
A force measuring gauge. This
device can be used
to measure the magnitude of
applied forces to ensure correct
amounts are applied. A number
of gauge sizes are available for
different force ranges (see also
Appendix II).
Force Levels
Lower forces are probably
preferable in
those with periodontal disease
as the centre of resistance
for tooth movement is moved
apically, because of bone loss,
which creates bigger moments
that will also translate into
greater tipping per unit of
applied force. Force levels can
be measured using a force
measuring gauge .
Incorporation of Second Molars
Second molars are incorporated
into fixed appliances for
a number of reasons,
The main reasons for
incorporating second molars
into a fixed appliance are:
• to provide more anchorage
• to help control movement
of the first permanent
• to close space mesial to
the second molar.
Space closure mechanism, final
phase of mesialization of tooth
47 consisting of an edgewise
stainless steel archwire (19×25),
continuous laceback ligature
and two elastic power chains
A convenient way to
reinforce anchorage is to
undertie adjacent teeth
with a stainless steel
ligature. When the second
molar is added to the
appliance and tightly
connected to the first molar,
this so-called molar block
has twice as much root
surface as 1 molar.
Space closure: A, with
miniscrew and closed-coil
spring; B, with molar block and
active tie-back.
This technique is especially
suitable when the first premolars
are extracted because then also
the second premolars can be
added to the anchorage block,
further increasing the anchorage
value. In that way, the root surface
ratio between the anchor blocks
and the front teeth is changed.
Theoretically, this results in less
mesial movement of the anchor
The second molars may be
bonded or banded in order to
provide anchorage support for
greater incisor retraction.
Incorporation of second
molars will increase
by increasing the root surface
area of the anchorage unit
and also by reducing mesial
tipping of the first permanent
For the second molar to be
incorporated into the
anchorage unit, space closing
forces can be applied directly
to it, or the molars can be tied
together as a block with
a stainless steel undertie, and
the forces can be applied
to the first molar hook.
Incorporation of second
does increase frictional
resistance to space
closure so it is
often wise to leave a 0.019
× 0.025-inch archwire
ligated in
position for one visit
without placing space
closing forces
to allow greatest passivity.
Debonding of the
second molar
tube can be a
particular concern
and it may be wise to
banding rather than
bonding to reduce
Control of the First Molar
Incorporation of the
second molar helps to
provide the
necessary anchorage to
prevent mesial tipping
and mesiolingual
rotation of the first
molar, particularly when
second premolars have
been extracted or are
missing or
when an undersized
archwire is used for
space closure.
Space closure with 0.019 x
0.025" SS Posted archwires
Angle’s skeletal Class I base with
an Angle’s dentoalveolarClass I
malocclusion, with decreased
mandibular plane angle and bi-
dental protusion , mesiobuccal
rotation in relation to 15 and
spacing in relation to 21 and 22
with upper midline shift
(a) Rigid archwires help to
control mesial molar tipping
and mesiolingual rotation
because of the moments
when a force is not passed
through the centre of
resistance. (b) If smaller
dimension archwires are used
for space closure, or where
second premolars have been
extracted, incorporation of the
second molars will help to
control the movement of the
first molar by
preventing tipping and rotation.
This will also help to fully
express the
torque in the first molar
tube by providing the
anchorage. In second
premolar extraction cases,
incorporating the second
molar will maximise space
by bodily tooth movement
of the first permanent
molar, which will help to
achieve good root
parallelism at
the completion of treatment.
Control of the First Molar
Orthodontic tooth
movement is initiated with
0.022 slot MBT bracket
system in both the arches.
0.016 NiTi was the initial
wire, followed 0.017 × 0.025
NiTi, 0.019 × 0.025 NiTi,
0.019 × 0.025 SS.
Control of the First Molar
Because of these
principles, when
the first permanent
molar has been
incorporation of the
third molar,
if it has erupted,
will help to better
control the second
Control of the First Molar
A problem
can arise
when the
third molar is
which is the
case in most
Control of the First Molar
In such cases,
rotation of the second
molar during space
closure can be
minimised by using
the double traction
technique where
space closing forces
are applied both
buccally and lingually
to the second molar
to minimise moments
tending to
cause rotation .
(a) The single traction
technique. (b) The double traction
Elastomeric chains were attached on
the buccal and lingual surfaces to
achieve more efficient space closure
(yellow arrows) and avoid iatrogenic
rotation of the terminal right molar.
Control of the First Molar
Mesial tipping in
such cases
can also be
reduced by
sweeping a gentle
curve into the
posterior part of
the archwire.
Close Space Mesial to the
Second Molar
In many cases, when
applying space closing
forces to the
first molar, when the
second molar is not
bonded, the pull
from the trans-septal fibres
will pull the second molar
forward and maintain
contact between the two
Close Space Mesial
to the Second Molar
Occasionally the
second molar will
not follow, for
if there is an
interference, and
the tooth must be
incorporated into
the appliance to
encourage its
Two-stage Space Closure
versus En Masse
Space closure, using
sliding or loop
mechanics, can be
achieved either by
separately retracting the
canines followed by the
four incisors (two-step)
or by en
masse retraction of the
whole anterior canine-
Maxillary and mandibular
incisors proclined, molars
and canines are in Class 1
relationship (left).
Maxillary and mandibular anterior
teeth retracted with a continuous
tear drop loop (0.017 × 0.025) inch
titanium molybdenum alloy.
: Canine
Two-stage Space
Closure versus En
It has been claimed
that the
two-step technique
may be superior in
as smaller forces may
be used for separate
and incisor retraction,
which may reduce the
strain on the
anchorage unit.
En masse retraction of anterior teeth (
: Leveling and alignment
Initial intraoral photographs
Two-stage Space Closure
versus En Masse
In reality, clinicians
are unlikely to
the forces used with
such accuracy. The
evidence would
suggest that two-
stage space closure
does not result in
anchorage loss.
Two-stage Space
Closure versus En
The two-stage
also be less
patient friendly
as it produces
spaces mesial to
the canines
before incisor
retraction can
Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse
Evidence also suggests that the
en masse/TAD combination
is superior to the two-stage
technique with
regard to anchorage preservation
and amount of incisor
retraction. Limited evidence
suggests that en masse
retraction requires less treatment
time and that no significant
differences exist in the amount of
root resorption
between the two techniques.
Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse
If using TADS for anchorage for en
masse retraction,
it should be remembered that
altering the vertical positioning
of a TAD placed between the first
and second
premolar roots can alter the
vertical component of force
to the incisors during en masse
retraction to produce
differing outcomes . (a) A TAD has been placed high to generate a
larger component of vertical force to cause
incisor intrusion as well as
retraction in this patient who was unhappy with
her ‘gummy’ smile. (b) End of treatment.
Two-stage Space Closure versus En
If space closing forces
are placed between a
high TAD (>10mm
above the archwire)
and a 6-mm extension
arm, retraction,
rotation as well as
intrusion are achieved,
which can be
useful for improving
excessive upper
incisor display during
Altering the line of force application can change the center
of rotation and/or the type of tooth
movement. Orange: uncontrolled tipping, Blue: controlled
tipping, Pink: translation, Purple: root movement,
Green: root movement with crown moving forward. Red
dot: center of resistance, other dots: center
of rotations corresponding with the line of force.
Two-stage Space Closure versus En
Placing the TAD lower
(<8mm from the
archwire) would cause
retraction, clockwise
rotation and
extrusion. Intermediate
positioning (8–10mm
from the
archwire) may produce
bodily retraction.
Frictionless Mechanics with the
Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance
Loops can be placed
into continuous
archwires to generate
opening and closing
forces and moments to
control tooth
movement (i.e. bodily
movement versus
Generation of Forces
When placed into a
stainless steel archwire
and activated,
a loop will display
characteristics such as
elastic deformation and a
limit beyond which
permanent deformation
Generation of Forces
The ideal properties of a
loop are:
• a large range of
• a high proportional limit
to reduce the risk of
• a low load (force)–
deflection rate, so that
light constant
forces are delivered over
as large a range as
The T-loop was first introduced by Charles H.
Burstone at the University of Connecticut in 1982. It is
fabricated from 0.017 x 0.025 inch TMA or 0.16 x
0.022 inch SS wires. It was specially designed for
canine retraction in segmented arch technique and
enmasse or separate incisor retraction. It has a
horizontal loop of
10 mm length and 2 mm diameter. Mesial leg is of 5 mm
height and distal leg is of 4 mm height. Anti-rotation
bends of 120° is given between the legs during pre-
activation. T-loop is activated horizontally by 4mm
Generation of Forces
The load (force)–deflection
characteristics are dependent
on a number of factors, including
the following.
1. Young’s modulus of the alloy
used (stainless steel >
cobalt chromium > beta-titanium >
NiTi), which is
calculated from the gradient of the
stress–strain graph.
The greater the modulus of
elasticity, the higher the load
(force)–deflection rate.
Tear drop loop in upper arch and lower arch
The load (force)–deflection
characteristics are dependent
on a number of factors,
including the following.
2. Wire cross-section:
rectangular wires have a
higher load
(force)–deflection rate than
round wires.
3. Wire dimension: thicker
wires have a higher load
(force)–deflection rate than
thinner wires. However,
reducing wire dimensions
reduces wire strength, so
an increase in wire length can
be used to reduce the
force–deflection rate of thicker
The ‘Mouse loop was
fabricated and pre-
activation bends were
placed. The loop was
placed in the pre-
activation state for four
The space of the
deciduous canine
was was closed after
5 appointments.
The load (force)–deflection
characteristics are dependent
on a number of factors, including the
4. Length of wire: force
varies inversely to the
third power
of the length. Helical
coils can be used to
the effective length of a
wire and reduce the load
(force)–deflection rate.
The straight 0.017 x 0.025”
TMA wire is bent gingivally at
an angle of 65º and from this
bend a height of 8mm was
measured and marked. At this
mark a helix of the diameter of
2 mm was fabricated with the
bird beak plier. This arm was
considered as beta arm (B).
The pre-activation bends
were incorporated in the
loop. The alpha arm was 25◦
(a) and beta arm was 30◦ (B)
Generation of Moments
Because force cannot be delivered directly through the
centre of resistance of teeth, application of forces will
create moments, or a force tending to cause rotation,
which will lead to tipping movements. The generation
of a counterbalancing moment to these forces, by careful
loop design, helps to control tooth movement. Creating
different degrees of counterbalancing moments between
anchorage and active units can help to control anchorage
balance and the degree of tipping within each unit (see
Chapter 2).
vertical closIng
A closing loop must generate not only a closing force but also
appropriate moments to bring the root apices together at
the extraction sites. When a closing loop is activated, its
horizontal legs attempt to rise at an angle to the plane of the
arch w ire .
Forces and moments produced by an activated Bull loop system
The horizontal legs are constrained by brackets and therefore
deliver a moment to those brackets. The moment produced by a
closing loop during activation is termed activation or Inherent
Moment. The activation moment is dependent on the change in
angle that the horizontal arms of the loop make with the
bracket ... when a loop is pulled apart.
The ratio of these moment to the activation force is termed inherent
M/F, a constant for any given loop geometry. Inherent M / F increases
as loop height increases. Because of intraoral an atomic limitations.
loops cannot be made with enough height to achieve inherent M/F to
translate individual teeth or groups of teeth.
force ratio
equation for a
closing loop
with helix.
To achieve a higher M/F ratio.
an angulation or
a gable type bend must be put in the loop. The additional moment
produced by gabling in a Ioop is termed residual moment. To achieve
net translation, residual moments in the form of gable bends or
anterior lingual root torque and posterior gable bend must be added.
Adding these residual moments has several disadvantages: ,. The teeth
must cycle through controlled tipping to translation to root movement
to achieve net translation. 2. Whenever residual moments are added.
the loop's neutral position (zero activation position) becomes ill
defined. making it difficult to achieve proper activations. 3. The
resulting ever·changing periodontal slress distributions may not yield
the most rapid, least traumatic method of space closure.
Tear Drop Loop
Loop Designs
Many designs of loop exist
because no
single loop has all the ideal
properties. The simplest form
of loop, the open vertical loop
(U-loop), does not have
good force–deflection
characteristics and cannot
sufficient counterbalancing
moments to control tooth
movement, so variations on
its design exist. The focus of
the remainder of this chapter
will be on the T-loop, as this
is probably one of the most
studied loop designs.
Various loop designs, other than the T-loop, exist:
(a) reverse vertical loop, (b) open vertical loop, (c)
closed vertical loop,
(d) bull loop, (e) reverse vertical loop with helix, (f)
open vertical loop with helix, (g) closed vertical
loop with helix and (h) tear drop
The T-loop was first
described in 1976 by
Burstone and
Koenig. Incorporating a
horizontal section of wire at
apex of an open vertical loop
(U-loop)was found to bemore
biomechanically favourable in
terms of load–deflection
characteristics and comfort
than incorporating multiple
helices at the apex.
Increasing the horizontal width of
the T-loop, within anatomical
limits, also improved the
load–deflection characteristics as
well as increasing the
moment-to-force ratio. Figure
15.13 shows the shape and
dimensions of a clinically useful
passive T-loop made from
0.017 × 0.025-inch beta-titanium
wire.Stainless steel is
less preferable as it exerts
approximately 40% greater force.
The shape and size of a
simple T-loop made from
0.017 × 0.025-inch beta-
titanium wire.
The T-loop is activated by
pulling the archwire through
the molar tube and cinching it
back. This has the effect
of expanding the loop and as
long as it is not deformed
beyond the proportional limit it
will spring back and
deliver a space closing force.
As well as a horizontal force,
an ‘activation moment’ will also
be created (as outlined
in Figure 15.14) as the base of
the spring becomes angled
upwards upon activation.
Activation of a T-loop is achieved by
pulling the
wire through the buccal tube and
cinching. This will deform the
spring and create a space closing
force. The base of the spring
(arrows) are also angled upwards to
generate activation
moments, in the direction shown by
the curved arrows, which
will reduce the degree of tipping
during incisor retraction and
also tip back the molars producing
greater anchorage.
This form of spring will
produce a moment-to-
force ratio of 4–5mm
which is only
adequate to tip the teeth,
so gable bends also
need to be
placed into the loop in
order to achieve
ratios of 10 : 1 which are
necessary for
If gable bends (arrows) are
placed into a passive
T-loop , residual moments
are created
which can beta-titanium
wire .
moments, termed
residual moments, are
generated when
the archwire is
engaged and are not
dependent on spring
Differential tooth
movement can be created
by placing asymmetrical
gable bends, which
asymmetrical residual
moments between the
active and
anchorage units, and
positioning the spring
across an extraction space.
. Pre activation of asymmetric T loop.
Segmented Arch Mechanics
In the segmented arch technique,
the arch is segmented
into an anterior and posterior unit.
If gable bends (arrows) are placed
into a passive
T-loop as shown in Figure 15.13,
residual moments are created
which can be sufficient to produce
incisor retraction by bodily
posterior teeth can be connected
with a transpalatal arch
to create a single posterior
anchorage unit. A T-loop can
be used to apply space closing
forces and differential space
closure can be achieved by placing
asymmetrical gable
bends and positioning the T-loop
asymmetrically where
it will create greater moments
closer to the side that it
is positioned.
There is no
evidence that this
technique is
more conservative
of anchorage than
sliding mechanics
for space closure
and it has the
drawbacks of
The case was treated using “Hybrid Segmental
Mechanics” with extraction of all four 1st
premolars with initial segmental retraction of
maxillary canines and mandibular right canine
using 0.017x0.025" TMA
Advantages and disadvantages of loop and
sliding mechanics.
Checking neutral position. Equal and opposite
moments are applied to spring, no horizontal forces
are applied so that horizontal arms become parallel,
position of vertical arms are checked.
Monitoring Space Closure
The normal rate of space closure
is variable during sliding
mechanics, with figures ranging
from 0.5 to 2mm per
month for NiTi coil springs and
elastomeric chain, with
NiTi coil springs appearing to be
slightly more efficient.
Many appliance and patient-
related factors probably
contribute to this variability,
including the force delivery
system, friction and bone biology.
Monitoring Space Closure
There is evidence that
the bracket type (self-ligating
versus conventional) does
not affect rate of space closure.
There is good evidence
that space closure occurs more
rapidly during the pubertal
growth spurt, which occurs at age
14 (±2) years in males
and 12 (±2) in females.
Monitoring Space Closure
Delaying dental
extractions as
close as possible to the
time of space closure
may accelerate
the rate of closure by
the regional
phenomenon and by
reducing the bone
density .
Monitoring Space Closure
The rate of space closure should be
monitored. This may
be undertaken by measuring the size of
the extraction space
at each visit, or by measuring the
decrease in arch length by
measuring the excess archwire
protruding through the distal
tube at each visit. Small asymmetries in
the rate of space
closure are normal; however, if the
asymmetry is significant
(>25%) this may indicate a local
The space
al sliding
is applied
close to the
slot, with
the line of
force action
parallel to
Monitoring Space Closure
The most common local
problem that may hinder
mechanics, and
therefore space closure,
is frictional resistance.
If the archwire cannot be
removed or inserted with
minimal force, then
friction is likely to be a
In cases with
severe deep
overbite, the
miniscrew is
inserted above
the center of
resistance of
the teeth to
favor overbite
The line of force
applied from the
miniscrew to the
hook prewelded
to the archwire
creates vertical
favoring the
correction of a
deep overbite
Monitoring Space Closure
There are
numerous causes of
elevated friction:
• poor alignment (e.g.
torque discrepancies,
rotated second
• kinked ( twisted)archwire
• distorted bracket or tube
(e.g. molar tubes)
• calculus deposits on
archwire and/or bracket.
Intraoral picture of the fixed orthodontic
appliances with the accidentally bent
rectangular NITI 0.017 x 0.025 inch
between the last two mandibular teeth
(teeth number 47 and 46)
Monitoring Space Closure
The archwire–bracket slot
relationship is altered in
either of two ways: the
operator may actually twist
the archwire when using
standard edgewise brackets,
or the archwire may be
indirectly twisted by the
builtin torque in preadjusted
edgewise (PAE) brackets.
Monitoring Space Closure
If friction is thought to
be the main factor,
then often
changing to a new
archwire or placing a
slightly undersized
archwire (0.017 ×
0.025 inch), and
waiting a visit before
reapplying forces, will
often help.
Monitoring Space Closure
If it does not then other
factors should be considered, such as:
• occlusal or appliance interferences
• deep overbite
• retained roots
• root clash
• dense bone island
• low maxillary sinus
• thick gingival tissue
• ankylosis
• late-forming supernumeraries at the
site of space closure.
Short roots due to: A) incomplete root formation,
B) external apical root resorption, C) alveolodental
trauma, and D) short root anomaly
DPT demonstrating pipette-shaped and blunted roots
of the upper central and lateral incisor teeth.
Monitoring Space Closure
Once space
closure is complete
it is necessary to
the closed space.
This can be
achieved with a
ligature tie and
turning the end of
the archwire
Once space closure is complete a
ligature wire can be used to maintain
the space closure and this is also
facilitated by gently bending the end
of the archwire distal to
the last molar, which helps maintain
the arch length.
orthodontic controlled space closure
orthodontic controlled space closure

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orthodontic controlled space closure

  • 1. Orthodontic controlled space closure Prof dr Maher Fouda Mansoura Egypt
  • 2. It has already been mentioned that the stages of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances can be conveniently divided into a number of successive phases to help plan the treatment sequence. The maxillary and mandibular fi rst premolars were extracted. All teeth were sequentially bonded and banded with 0.018 × 0.025 inch pre-adjusted edgewise brackets (Roth- type prescription). Initial alignment phase was completed in 4 months.
  • 3. Following diagnosis and treatment planning (including informed consent), these are: 1. alignment and levelling 2. space closure 3. finishing 4. retention and follow-up 5. normal visits to the general dentist during orthodontic treatment. Maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth retracted with a continuous tear drop loop (0.017 × 0.025) inch titanium molybdenum alloy.
  • 4. Controlled space closure is an important objective in fixed appliance treatment, particularly when teeth have been extracted or where there is spacing present (e.g. microdontia, hypodontia). Five months later, the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were retracted with a continuous tear drop loop (0.017 × 0.025 inch titanium molybdenum alloy) . The anterior and posterior segments were stabilized separately. The loop was activated 2 mm initially alpha 15°and beta 25° and reactivated when a space of 1.5 mm was closed every month. This procedure was repeated until the extraction space was closed. After 9 months of retraction of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, the extraction space was closed.
  • 5. Teeth are often extracted for the management of dentoalveolar disproportion (i.e. crowding) and for dentoalveolar compensation to manage mild to moderate skeletal discrepancies. The upper and lower arches exhibited moderate crowding with Class I canine and molar relation bilaterally; 4 mm overjet and 3 mm overbite Cephalometric evaluation showed a Class I skeletal base, average growth pattern, and proclined upper and lower incisors
  • 6. A comprehensive space analysis should be undertaken when planning treatment. Maxillary incisor retraction, and space closure, will often commence while a deep overbite is reducing, or has been reduced in the case of complete overbites, and typically when spacing within the labial segments (2-2 or 3- 3) has been consolidated.
  • 7. Extraction space closure can occur during the alignment and levelling phase as some space may be needed for the relief of crowding and levelling of the arches. The lower arch was moderately crowded. She had an excess overjet of 6 mm and deepbite of 4 mm with Class I canine and molar on right and left sides. The upper dental midline was canted to the right, and lower dental midline was shifted to the right by 3 mm to the facial midline. She had class 1 canine and molar relation bilaterally. Cephalometric examination revealed mild skeletal Class II tendency, average growth pattern, and proclined upper and lower incisors
  • 8. It is important that space closure is controlled, as uncontrolled space closure can lead to a failure to achieve a number of important treatment objectives. • Poor incisor positioning leading to an unfavourable facial profile and smile aesthetic changes. • Failure to correct the incisor occlusion: overjet, overbite and centrelines. • Failure to correct the molar occlusion: anteroposterior, transverse and vertical. archform and crossbite were corrected with archwire expansion in SS archwires with palatal crown torque in posterior segment to avoid palatal cusp hang. Space closure was done on 19 × 25 SS, the upper right segment used binary mechanics to avoid second molar rotation. However, some mesial-in rotation of upper second molar was desired to sock the mesiobuccal cusp in embrasure of lower first and second molar. This would also occupy the increased space available on upper right due to molar extraction. Alignment with NiTi archwires included bend backs to avoid proclination of incisors. The narrow
  • 9. At Completion of Alignment and Levelling Once the arches have been aligned and levelled, it is important to undertake a comprehensive case re- evaluation, including reassessment of: • patient concerns • facial profile and smile aesthetics • space available within each quadrant • estimation of remaining facial growth based on pubertal stage • overjet, overbite and centreline position • molar and canine relationship • compliance with treatment to date. : Leveling and alignment Nickel-Titanium archwires were used for leveling and alignment with gradual archwire upgrade from 0.014-inch to 0.016 × 0.022-inch [
  • 10. All these factors combine to determine the treatment mechanics that may be most appropriate from this stage forwards. It may be worthwhile at this stage to document treatment progress by taking a full set of extraoral and intraoral photographs. These are relatively inexpensive records to take, with no patient risk, and can help to confirm the plan for the next stage of treatment and to justify why certain mechanics were used from that point of record taking. upper and lower canines were retracted on stainless steel archwires (0.016 × 0.016-inch) using elastomeric chain against second premolar, first and second molars as part of the maximum anchorage preparation, elastomeric chains were changed every 3 weeks. After canines’ retraction was completed, incisors retraction was performed using T-loop stainless steel archwire (0.016 × 0.022-inch) with anterior step up, anterior lingual root torque and Gable bends. After closing all the spaces, finishing and detailing was performed
  • 11. Objectives during Space Closure There are a number of important objectives that we should aim to achieve during space closure. It is useful to review patient concerns before commencing space closure as these may have changed during alignment and levelling. It is particularly important to identify new concerns that may be unrealistic to manage and a frank discussion at this stage can help to reset patient expectations, which will help to improve satisfaction at the end of treatment. 1: T-Loop archwire
  • 12. A reassessment of the facial profile will also help determine How much upper incisor retraction is advisable when correcting an increased overjet in Class II malocclusions. In cases where the lips are retrusive relative to the facial profile, the nasolabial angle is increased, particularly with a backward inclination of the upper lip, and it may be advisable to only partially correct an increased overjet.
  • 13. In cases were the patient feels that the upper lip has been pushed forward excessively during alignment and levelling, it would be sensible to plan for more incisor retraction.
  • 14. Concerning the smile, an assessment of the incisor inclination in profile view can help to determine if this needs to be maintained during upper incisor retraction or whether some retroclination or proclination is required to achieve the best aesthetic outcome.
  • 15. A tangent to the labial face of the central incisor crown should be approximately parallel to the true vertical with the patient in natural head position (Figure 15.1). Ideal aesthetic upper incisor inclination. Judged clinically, with the patient’s head in their natural head position, a tangent to the labial face of the upper central incisor crown (red line) should be 0–5∘ to the true vertical (green line). The inset photos show aesthetically pleasing (a), proclined (b) and slightly upright (c) incisors. This assessment cannot be made cephalometrically and should be made clinically.
  • 16. A clinical assessment is important as cephalometric analysis alone does not provide all the required information about the most aesthetic appearance and can be misleading.
  • 17. is reduced at rest and during smiling, particularly when the overbite is reduced, consideration may be given to some (1–2mm) extrusion of the upper incisors to help improve the incisor show and increase the overbite. Where the upper incisor display
  • 18. Ideal aesthetic upper incisor inclination. Judged clinically, with the patient’s head in their natural head position, a tangent to the labial face of the upper central incisor crown (red line) should be 0–5∘ to the true vertical (green line). The inset photos show aesthetically pleasing (a), proclined (b) and slightly upright (c) incisors. This assessment cannot be made cephalometrically and should be made clinically.
  • 19. Where the incisor show is increased at rest and during smiling, care has to be taken to minimise any mechanics that may extrude the upper incisors further (e.g. Class II intermaxillary elastics) and consideration can be given to reducing a deep overbite by upper as well as lower incisor intrusion.
  • 20. An assessment of the amount of space remaining within each quadrant, measurement of the overjet, overbite, centreline positions, molar relationship and likely remaining anteroposterior mandibular growth will give an indication of the likely anchorage requirements in order to achieve the desired occlusal outcome.
  • 21. This will then allow an assessment of how much space within each arch should be closed by incisor retraction or molar protraction (i.e. differential space closure)..
  • 22. In Class II malocclusion, the aim is often to maximise maxillary incisor retraction and mandibular molar protraction in order to facilitate molar and incisor anteroposterior correction to achieve dentoalveolar compensation for the skeletal discrepancy.
  • 23. In class III malocclusion, the opposite is usually the case (i.e. maximum lower incisor retraction and maximum upper molar protraction). It should be remembered that there is a limit to how much the inclination of incisors can be changed for dentoalveolar compensation.
  • 24. Excessive change may lead to non- axial loading, with concomitant risk to periodontal health, roots protruding outside of the labial plate of alveolar bone, poor smile aesthetics and reduced access to oral hygiene on the lingual surfaces of excessively retroclined lower incisors.
  • 25. Another important aim of space closure is to achieve the desired aesthetic and occlusal objectives by maximising bodily tooth movement, achieving root parallelism and controlling the arch form.
  • 26. An important principle of treatment is often to maintain the lower incisor position as the pretreatment position is considered the most stable position. However, there is no guarantee that this position will automatically confer stability and retention is still necessary. Superimposed cephalometric tracings showing dentofacial changes after 19 months of treatment (red) compared to pre-treatment (black). The protrusive lower lip was corrected, resulting in a more balanced facial profile. Maxillary incisor axial inclination was increased 5˚ and mandibular incisors were retracted ~5mm. The mandibular second molar(s) was protracted and substituted for the missing 1st molar(s).
  • 27. One can then argue that if there is no guarantee of stability, and retention is still required, small changes in lower incisor position may be acceptable.
  • 28. In cases where the lower incisors have been held back by abnormal soft tissue activity (e.g. lip trap, significant digit sucking) that is removed as part of treatment, where it is thought that the lower incisors have been trapped by a deep and complete overbite (e.g. Class II division 2 malocclusion) and in Class III camouflage cases where the lower incisors are retroclined and positioned behind the upper incisors, it may be more acceptable to produce larger changes in lower incisor inclination.
  • 29. The aims of treatment are to maintain the lower incisor position, it can be useful to take a lateral cephalometric radiograph when a few millimetres of space are still left to close in the lower arch. In this way the final mechanics of space closure can be planned to achieve the desired goal. Unilateral Class II biomechanics with a maxillary 0.018″ stainless steel archwire and a mandibular 0.017″ x 0.025″ stainless steel archwire to coincide dental midlines. The mandibular second molars were bonded shortly after this visit.
  • 30. Classification of Anchorage Anchorage may be classified according to Burstone’s Classification. • Group A: space closure by predominantly incisor retraction (75%) with some allowance for molar protraction (25%). • Group B: approximately equal amounts of incisor retraction and molar protraction. • Group C: space closure by predominantly molar protraction (75%) with some allowance for incisor retraction (25%).
  • 31. A number of factors affect anchorage loss, so it is difficult to make hard and fast rules . Adolescent female, aged 16 years with a skeletal class II hyper divergent. She had a cleft lip, 14, 24, 35 and 44 were extracted as part of an interceptive treatment by extractions at the age of 12 years but not followed by orthodontic treatment because of noncooperation. The spaces are lost by protraction of the posterior teeth with persistence of dental class II and crowding
  • 32. On some occasions, anchorage requirements may be asymmetrical, so treatment mechanics may vary between the left and right sides. The mesiodistal width of upper and lower deciduous molar were recorded at 8.5 and 9.0 mm respectively before treatment; the first molar protraction was performed by segmented arch using modified Nance and lingual holding arches as an anchorage unit; b-c and e-f, at 6 months of the treatment.
  • 33. Some principles of anchorage management where the molar position is to be largely maintained, movement of molars and incisors is desired and where the incisor position is largely to be maintained.
  • 34.
  • 35. Types of Space Closure Space can be closed using loop (frictionless) or sliding (friction) mechanics.
  • 36. Types of Space Closure Closing loops were used for space closure with the standard edgewise technique because the presence of archwire bends (i.e. first-, second- and third-order bends) did not allow sliding mechanics.
  • 37. Types of Space Closure Loop mechanics involves incorporation of loops, within a continuous or segmented archwire, and the springback properties of the activated loop generate the required forces to move groups of teeth without resistance from frictional forces. tear drop loop (0.017 × 0.025 inch titanium molybdenum alloy)
  • 38. Types of Space Closure Design features within the loop are required to produce the necessary counterbalancing moments to control the type of tooth movement (i.e. bodily movement versus tipping).
  • 39. Types of Space Closure Generating differential moment-to-force ratios between the active and anchorage units facilitate the delivery of differential tooth movement (i.e. tipping versus bodily movement), which will facilitate differential space closure. With a properly designed loop, a good range of activation can also be generated. OPUS LOOP DESIGN
  • 40. Types of Space Closure The introduction of the preadjusted edgewise appliance by Lawrence Andrews largely eliminated the need for archwire bends, giving rise to the straight-wire technique, which allows for the use of sliding mechanics, where the archwire and bracket slots slide past each other with resistance from friction, binding and possibly notching.
  • 41. Types of Space Closure Forces are delivered using elastics or coil springs (closed or open) and the guiding archwire generates the necessary counterbalancing moment necessary for bodily tooth movement .
  • 42. Types of Space Closure The forces applied must overcome frictional resistance and provide the necessary force for tooth movement. Frictional forces are variable within the cycle of tooth movement, as teeth tip and then upright, so the forces applied to the periodontal ligament also vary and are unknown.
  • 43. Types of Space Closure Because the applied force within the periodontal ligament is unknown and the interbracket distance between the canine and second premolar bracket is short, the ability for differential space closure by applying differential moment-to-force ratios between the anchorage and active units is small and mainly Group B anchorage is achieved unless additional anchorage reinforcement techniques are employed, for example headgear, intermaxillary elastics or temporary anchorage devices (TADs).
  • 44. Types of Space Closure The advantages and disadvantages of sliding and loop mechanics for space closure.
  • 45. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot Globally, the majority of orthodontists use the 0.022-inch dimension bracket (working archwire 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel) compared to the 0.018-inch dimension bracket (working archwire 0.016 × 0.022-inch stainless steel). This dimension refers to the height of the bracket slot. A 0.022 × 0.028-inch bracket slot is shown, with a 0.019 × 0.025-inch rectangular archwire.
  • 46. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot A perceived advantage of the 0.022-inch slot is that it allows a larger- dimension working archwire to be used which may be mechanically more efficient.
  • 47. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance The 0.018-inch versus 0.022-inch Slot There is good evidence that no one slot size is superior to another in terms of treatment duration, quality of occlusal outcomes, patient satisfaction, root resorption and pain experience. Therefore, the choice is due to operator preference as both systems can produce good results. The rectangular slot had its greatest dimension in the horizontal plane. Its height and depth dimensions were 0.022 × 0.028 inches, respectively.
  • 48. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel In the majority of cases a customised 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel archwire is used for space closure within a 0.022-inch dimension bracket system. 0.019 inch × 0.025 inch stainless steel archwire for arch coordination and space closure
  • 49. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel This dimension of archwire theoretically provides 0.003 inch (approximately 0.08mm) of vertical clearance to help reduce frictional forces and allow sliding mechanics to occur whilst providing sufficient rigidity to allow bodily tooth movement and good control of arch form during space closure. The play (deviation angle) can be defined as an angular rotation of the wire, from its passive position (cross-section of the wire parallel to the slot walls) until the position where the diagonal corners of the wire contact the opposite wall of the slot Torque play between an archwire and the bracket slo
  • 50. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Stainless steel also has favourable surface characteristics due to the low level of asperities (microscopic peaks), which also helps to reduce frictional forces to facilitate sliding mechanics
  • 51. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel The vertical clearance is theoretical because there is good evidence that archwire and bracket slot dimensions are not accurate due to manufacturing errors. Depiction of the torsional play angle (γ) between the bracket’s slot and the archwire (a)
  • 52. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel The 0.003 inch of theoretical vertical clearance also introduces approximately 10∘ of slop into the system. The degree of slop may be less in reality, and archwires may perform better than expected, because of residual tip that may remain uncorrected when the archwire is first placed (Figure 15.2) and which may occur during treatment as teeth move. A 0.19 × 0.025-inch archwire in a 0.022-inch slot. (a) Theoretically, the 0.003 inch (0.08 mm) of vertical clearance (red area) would introduce approximately 10∘ of slop (play in the third dimension). (b) In reality there may be less slop as teeth may be slightly tipped so the archwire does make contact in some areas (red spots).
  • 53. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel If any degree of slop is undesirable during maxillary incisor retraction, this can be compensated for by using a high torque bracket prescription (e.g. MBT > Roth > Andrews) or by placing palatal root torque into the archwire anteriorly. Slot play. A bracket can rotate in either direction around the flat archwire until the slot play is used up and the wire locks between the slot walls (slot lock). The amount of slot play is specific to each individual wire-slot combination
  • 54. • nitial and contact positions of the archwire put into the bracket. The archwire can rotate by 4.7 within the clearance gap
  • 55. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Use of light retraction forces will also help to lessen the moment that causes incisor retroclination as the size of the moment is proportional to the force applied.
  • 56. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) of varying heights can also be used to control movement of the anterior segment during en masse incisor retraction. Extension hooks, shown anteriorly on the maxillary archwire, are available in variable lengths. Space closing forces applied to an extension hook help to facilitate bodily incisor retraction.
  • 57. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) When an extension arm is placed mesial to the canine at the level of 0mm (bracket slot level), palatal tipping of the incisors is observed as well as downward deflection of the wire (extrusion), but when a extension arm of 5.5mm is used bodily tooth movement with minimal deflection of the archwire may be achieved.
  • 58. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) In the treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion with excessively proclined upper incisors but with their root apices in a relatively good position, controlled palatal crown tipping, in which the incisor retroclines around its apex as the centre of rotation, is required. In this case, the use of an extension arm height of 4–5mm is recommended.
  • 59. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) For Class II division 2, lingual root tipping of the incisors is desirable, which could be carried out by raising the height of the extension arm to above 5.5 mm. To achieve bodily anterior tooth movement, an extension arm of 5.5mm can be used.
  • 60. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) The 0.025-inch depth of the archwire is important for providing sufficient torque control by helping to create a counterbalancing moment that reduces tipping and facilitates bodily incisor retraction. The counterbalancing moment is created by engagement of the rectangular archwire with the opposing walls (gingival and occlusal) of the bracket slot. A central incisor bracket viewed in profile view with an engaged 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel archwire. As the incisor is retracted it tips backwards, because of the clockwise space closing retraction force moment (F) and slop present, until the archwire makes contact with the bracket (red circles). An anticlockwise counter-moment is generated (F), which prevents further tipping and allows for bodily retraction. The 0.025-inch dimension of the archwire is important in creating a sufficient counter-moment as the size of the moment is proportional to the depth of the wire.
  • 61. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) A central incisor bracket viewed in profile view with an engaged 0.019 × 0.025- inch stainless steel archwire. As the incisor is retracted it tips backwards, because of the clockwise space closing retraction force moment (F) and slop present, until the archwire makes contact with the bracket (red circles). An anticlockwise counter-moment is generated (F), which prevents further tipping and allows for bodily retraction. The 0.025-inch dimension of the archwire is important in creating a sufficient counter-moment as the size of the moment is proportional to the depth of the wire.
  • 62. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel It is important that the lower archwire is customised in width in order to produce minimal changes in lower intercanine and intermolar width, as this is known to be prone to relapse. The maxillary archwire is then customised using the corresponding maxillary template. The lower rectangular HANT wire has been removed. A wax template is softened in warm water and molded over the lower arch to record indentations of the brackets. The wax template viewed from the labial. The .019/.025 rectangular steel wire is bent t o the indentations.
  • 63. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) Custamization is facilitated by using clear templates that can be placed over the pretreatment lower study model.
  • 64. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) If at the time of archwire placement the 0.019 × 0.025-inch wire slides freely through the slots, then space closure can commence immediately.
  • 65. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.019 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Extension arms/hooks (also termed power arms) If there is resistance to insertion due to friction, usually as a consequence of inadequate torque or molar rotation control, then the archwire should be ligated and allowed to become passive for six to eight weeks before space closure is commenced.
  • 66. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires In certain situations, an undersized archwire may be used for space closure. Effect of space closure with conventional sliding mechanics without miniscrew. Anterior and posterior segments rotate around CR of each segment, archwire forced to bend near rotation of entire arch. These changes can easily be prevented with precurved archwires.
  • 67. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires • In Class III cases, an undersized archwiremay be used in the lower arch where retroclination of the lower incisors is desired for dentoalveolar compensation. The treatment was initiated by banding the first molars and the lower left second molar and bonding of the other teeth using 0.018 slot preadjusted edgewise ceramic brackets with Roth prescriptions. A letter for referral to extract the upper first premolars and the lower right first premolar was given to the patient, and an atraumatic extraction of these teeth was done.
  • 68. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires In such cases , a circle- loop or U-bend can be placed mesial to the space to be closed for the application of intra- arch space closing forces or use of Class III intermaxillary elastics. Build-Up composite resin was applied on both of the lower molars. Leveling and alignment were done by using a 0.012″ NiTi wire, followed by 0.014″ NiTi, 0.016″ NiTi, 0:016 × 0:022″ NiTi, and finally 0:016 × 0:022″ stainless steel wires for space closure.
  • 69. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires It is important that the archwire is customised after placement of a circle-loop or U-bend as these do distort the arch form. Space closure was done by using class III elastics and elastomeric chains. Finishing and detailing were done by using 0:016 × 0:022″ and 0:017 × 0:025″ stainless steel wires and intermaxillary elastics. All the third molars were extracted except the lower left one.
  • 70. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires • To close final spaces (1–2mm) where space closure has been very slow, an undersized archwire may be used to reduce friction, aid sliding and facilitate final space closure.
  • 71. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires Care must be taken when using smaller archwires with reduced rigidity for space closure as there is greater likelihood of tooth tipping and loss of arch form (e.g. distobuccal rotation of the molars), particularly if space closing forces are high, as high forces generate bigger moments (moment = force × distance). Greater first molar control, for tipping and rotation, can be achieved by incorporating the second molars into the appliance in such cases .
  • 72. Sliding Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Working Archwires 0.018-inch or 0.017 × 0.025-inch Stainless Steel Archwires (a) Rigid archwires help to control mesial molar tipping and mesiolingual rotation because of the moments generated when a force is not passed through the centre of resistance. (b) If smaller dimension archwires are used for space closure, or where second premolars have been extracted, incorporation of the second molars will help to control the movement of the first molar by preventing tipping and rotation.
  • 73. Method of Force Application Space closing forces are usually applied between a hook on the archwire, between the lateral incisor and canine bracket, and the first or second molar tube hook. Type two active tiebacks (mesial modules) in upper and lower arches. The elastomerics are stretched maximally in this photograph - ideally, in most treatments, slightly less stretching is appropriate. For final space closure, it is sometimes helpful to place two elastomeric modules.
  • 74. Method of Force Application Space closing forces are usually applied between a hook on the archwire (crimpable or soldered), between the lateral incisor and canine, and a hook on the first or second molar tube. In this case a space closing NiTi coil is being used for space closure. Either a soldered or crimpable hook is placed mesial to the canine in case separate canine retraction is required. Soldered hooks tend to be more secure than crimpable hooks but they have the downside that a greater inventory of archwires is needed with differing hook positions.
  • 75. Method of Force Application space closing forces can be applied using a number of different methods : • elastomeric chain (e.g. power chain, E-Links) (see Appendix II) • closed coil springs (NiTi or stainless steel) • active ligature tie-backs (o-ligs) • elastics (e.g. 3/16-inch diameter) (see Appendix II).
  • 76. Method of Force Application Space closing forces can be applied using a number of methods. (a) Power chain, which is usually stretched between 50 and 100% of its length. (b) Closed coil springs (NiTi), which are available in a variety of lengths and force levels. (c) Closed coil springs can also be attached using ligature wire anteriorly to prevent them from being overstretched in some cases.
  • 77. Method of Force Application (d) Active ligature tie-backs (o-ligs), which are made by threading a elastomeric module onto 0.010-inch ligature wire. The forces are applied to either the first or second molar depending on how much posterior anchorage is required. (e) Once space closure is complete a passive ligature wire can be used to maintain the space closure and this is also facilitated by gently bending the end of the archwire distal to the last molar, which helps maintain the arch length.
  • 78. Method of Force Application Evidence would suggest that NiTi closing springs may result in more rapid space closure compared to elastomeric chain, with a mean difference of 0.2mm per month.
  • 79. Method of Force Application Active ligature tie-backs appear to be least effective. Elastomeric techniques may be less efficient because of the rapid decay of elastic forces within the oral environment. There does not appear to be any difference in anchorage loss between elastomeric chain and closed coil springs. The completed type one active tieback. It is helpful to carry one arm of the ligature wire under the archwire. An elastomeric module is stretched to twice its unstretched size .
  • 80. Method of Force Application There are no studies comparing root resorption, pain difference and cost- effectiveness between the two techniques. Elastics (3/16 inch) may be less effective than springs but this may be related to patient compliance in wearing them.
  • 81. Force Levels Although there is no definitive evidence for the optimal force required during space closure, a force delivery system that generates 150–200 g of orthodontic force is usually prescribed. It would appear that 150 or 200 g forces are equally effective. A force measuring gauge. This device can be used to measure the magnitude of applied forces to ensure correct amounts are applied. A number of gauge sizes are available for different force ranges (see also Appendix II).
  • 82. Force Levels Lower forces are probably preferable in those with periodontal disease as the centre of resistance for tooth movement is moved apically, because of bone loss, which creates bigger moments that will also translate into greater tipping per unit of applied force. Force levels can be measured using a force measuring gauge .
  • 83. Incorporation of Second Molars Second molars are incorporated into fixed appliances for a number of reasons, The main reasons for incorporating second molars into a fixed appliance are: • to provide more anchorage • to help control movement of the first permanent molars • to close space mesial to the second molar. Space closure mechanism, final phase of mesialization of tooth 47 consisting of an edgewise stainless steel archwire (19×25), continuous laceback ligature and two elastic power chains
  • 84. A convenient way to reinforce anchorage is to undertie adjacent teeth with a stainless steel ligature. When the second molar is added to the appliance and tightly connected to the first molar, this so-called molar block has twice as much root surface as 1 molar. Space closure: A, with miniscrew and closed-coil spring; B, with molar block and active tie-back.
  • 85. This technique is especially suitable when the first premolars are extracted because then also the second premolars can be added to the anchorage block, further increasing the anchorage value. In that way, the root surface ratio between the anchor blocks and the front teeth is changed. Theoretically, this results in less mesial movement of the anchor teeth.
  • 86. Anchorage The second molars may be bonded or banded in order to provide anchorage support for greater incisor retraction. Incorporation of second molars will increase anchorage by increasing the root surface area of the anchorage unit and also by reducing mesial tipping of the first permanent molar.
  • 87. Anchorage For the second molar to be incorporated into the anchorage unit, space closing forces can be applied directly to it, or the molars can be tied together as a block with a stainless steel undertie, and the forces can be applied to the first molar hook.
  • 88. Anchorage Incorporation of second molars does increase frictional resistance to space closure so it is often wise to leave a 0.019 × 0.025-inch archwire ligated in position for one visit without placing space closing forces to allow greatest passivity.
  • 89. Anchorage Debonding of the second molar tube can be a particular concern and it may be wise to consider banding rather than bonding to reduce breakages.
  • 90. Control of the First Molar Incorporation of the second molar helps to provide the necessary anchorage to prevent mesial tipping and mesiolingual rotation of the first molar, particularly when the second premolars have been extracted or are missing or when an undersized archwire is used for space closure. Space closure with 0.019 x 0.025" SS Posted archwires Angle’s skeletal Class I base with an Angle’s dentoalveolarClass I malocclusion, with decreased mandibular plane angle and bi- dental protusion , mesiobuccal rotation in relation to 15 and spacing in relation to 21 and 22 with upper midline shift
  • 91. (a) Rigid archwires help to control mesial molar tipping and mesiolingual rotation because of the moments generated when a force is not passed through the centre of resistance. (b) If smaller dimension archwires are used for space closure, or where second premolars have been extracted, incorporation of the second molars will help to control the movement of the first molar by preventing tipping and rotation.
  • 92. This will also help to fully express the torque in the first molar tube by providing the necessary anchorage. In second premolar extraction cases, incorporating the second molar will maximise space closure by bodily tooth movement of the first permanent molar, which will help to achieve good root parallelism at the completion of treatment. Control of the First Molar Orthodontic tooth movement is initiated with 0.022 slot MBT bracket system in both the arches. 0.016 NiTi was the initial wire, followed 0.017 × 0.025 NiTi, 0.019 × 0.025 NiTi, 0.019 × 0.025 SS.
  • 93. Control of the First Molar Because of these principles, when the first permanent molar has been extracted, incorporation of the third molar, if it has erupted, will help to better control the second molar.
  • 94. Control of the First Molar A problem can arise when the third molar is absent, which is the case in most children.
  • 95. Control of the First Molar In such cases, unwanted rotation of the second molar during space closure can be minimised by using the double traction technique where space closing forces are applied both buccally and lingually to the second molar to minimise moments tending to cause rotation . (a) The single traction technique. (b) The double traction technique. Elastomeric chains were attached on the buccal and lingual surfaces to achieve more efficient space closure (yellow arrows) and avoid iatrogenic rotation of the terminal right molar.
  • 96. Control of the First Molar Mesial tipping in such cases can also be reduced by sweeping a gentle curve into the posterior part of the archwire.
  • 97. Close Space Mesial to the Second Molar In many cases, when applying space closing forces to the first molar, when the second molar is not bonded, the pull from the trans-septal fibres will pull the second molar forward and maintain contact between the two teeth.
  • 98. Close Space Mesial to the Second Molar Occasionally the second molar will not follow, for example if there is an occlusal interference, and the tooth must be incorporated into the appliance to encourage its mesial movement.
  • 99. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction Space closure, using sliding or loop mechanics, can be achieved either by separately retracting the maxillary canines followed by the four incisors (two-step) or by en masse retraction of the whole anterior canine- to-canine segment simultaneously. Maxillary and mandibular incisors proclined, molars and canines are in Class 1 relationship (left). Maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth retracted with a continuous tear drop loop (0.017 × 0.025) inch titanium molybdenum alloy. : Canine retraction Incisors retraction :Leveling and alignment (
  • 100. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction It has been claimed that the two-step technique may be superior in anchorage preservation as smaller forces may be used for separate canine and incisor retraction, which may reduce the strain on the anchorage unit. Post-treatment photographs En masse retraction of anterior teeth ( : Leveling and alignment Initial intraoral photographs
  • 101. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction In reality, clinicians are unlikely to control the forces used with such accuracy. The evidence would suggest that two- stage space closure does not result in less anchorage loss.
  • 102. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction The two-stage techniquemay also be less patient friendly as it produces unaesthetic spaces mesial to the canines before incisor retraction can commence.
  • 103. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction Evidence also suggests that the en masse/TAD combination is superior to the two-stage technique with regard to anchorage preservation and amount of incisor retraction. Limited evidence suggests that en masse retraction requires less treatment time and that no significant differences exist in the amount of root resorption between the two techniques.
  • 104. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction If using TADS for anchorage for en masse retraction, it should be remembered that altering the vertical positioning of a TAD placed between the first and second premolar roots can alter the vertical component of force to the incisors during en masse retraction to produce differing outcomes . (a) A TAD has been placed high to generate a larger component of vertical force to cause incisor intrusion as well as retraction in this patient who was unhappy with her ‘gummy’ smile. (b) End of treatment.
  • 105. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction If space closing forces are placed between a high TAD (>10mm above the archwire) and a 6-mm extension arm, retraction, anticlockwise rotation as well as intrusion are achieved, which can be useful for improving excessive upper incisor display during rest/smiling. Altering the line of force application can change the center of rotation and/or the type of tooth movement. Orange: uncontrolled tipping, Blue: controlled tipping, Pink: translation, Purple: root movement, Green: root movement with crown moving forward. Red dot: center of resistance, other dots: center of rotations corresponding with the line of force.
  • 106. Two-stage Space Closure versus En Masse Retraction Placing the TAD lower (<8mm from the archwire) would cause retraction, clockwise rotation and extrusion. Intermediate positioning (8–10mm from the archwire) may produce bodily retraction.
  • 107. Frictionless Mechanics with the Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance Loops can be placed into continuous archwires to generate opening and closing forces and moments to control tooth movement (i.e. bodily movement versus tipping).
  • 108. Generation of Forces When placed into a stainless steel archwire and activated, a loop will display characteristics such as elastic deformation and a proportional limit beyond which permanent deformation will occur.
  • 109. Generation of Forces The ideal properties of a loop are: • a large range of activation • a high proportional limit to reduce the risk of permanent deformation • a low load (force)– deflection rate, so that light constant forces are delivered over as large a range as possible. The T-loop was first introduced by Charles H. Burstone at the University of Connecticut in 1982. It is fabricated from 0.017 x 0.025 inch TMA or 0.16 x 0.022 inch SS wires. It was specially designed for canine retraction in segmented arch technique and enmasse or separate incisor retraction. It has a horizontal loop of 10 mm length and 2 mm diameter. Mesial leg is of 5 mm height and distal leg is of 4 mm height. Anti-rotation bends of 120° is given between the legs during pre- activation. T-loop is activated horizontally by 4mm
  • 110. Generation of Forces The load (force)–deflection characteristics are dependent on a number of factors, including the following. 1. Young’s modulus of the alloy used (stainless steel > cobalt chromium > beta-titanium > NiTi), which is calculated from the gradient of the stress–strain graph. The greater the modulus of elasticity, the higher the load (force)–deflection rate. Tear drop loop in upper arch and lower arch
  • 111. The load (force)–deflection characteristics are dependent on a number of factors, including the following. 2. Wire cross-section: rectangular wires have a higher load (force)–deflection rate than round wires. 3. Wire dimension: thicker wires have a higher load (force)–deflection rate than thinner wires. However, reducing wire dimensions reduces wire strength, so an increase in wire length can be used to reduce the force–deflection rate of thicker wires. The ‘Mouse loop was fabricated and pre- activation bends were placed. The loop was placed in the pre- activation state for four weeks The space of the deciduous canine was was closed after 5 appointments.
  • 112. The load (force)–deflection characteristics are dependent on a number of factors, including the following. 4. Length of wire: force varies inversely to the third power of the length. Helical coils can be used to increase the effective length of a wire and reduce the load (force)–deflection rate. The straight 0.017 x 0.025” TMA wire is bent gingivally at an angle of 65º and from this bend a height of 8mm was measured and marked. At this mark a helix of the diameter of 2 mm was fabricated with the bird beak plier. This arm was considered as beta arm (B). The pre-activation bends were incorporated in the loop. The alpha arm was 25◦ (a) and beta arm was 30◦ (B)
  • 113. Generation of Moments Because force cannot be delivered directly through the centre of resistance of teeth, application of forces will create moments, or a force tending to cause rotation, which will lead to tipping movements. The generation of a counterbalancing moment to these forces, by careful loop design, helps to control tooth movement. Creating different degrees of counterbalancing moments between anchorage and active units can help to control anchorage balance and the degree of tipping within each unit (see Chapter 2). Activated vertical closIng loops.
  • 114. A closing loop must generate not only a closing force but also appropriate moments to bring the root apices together at the extraction sites. When a closing loop is activated, its horizontal legs attempt to rise at an angle to the plane of the arch w ire . Forces and moments produced by an activated Bull loop system
  • 115. The horizontal legs are constrained by brackets and therefore deliver a moment to those brackets. The moment produced by a closing loop during activation is termed activation or Inherent Moment. The activation moment is dependent on the change in angle that the horizontal arms of the loop make with the bracket ... when a loop is pulled apart.
  • 116. The ratio of these moment to the activation force is termed inherent M/F, a constant for any given loop geometry. Inherent M / F increases as loop height increases. Because of intraoral an atomic limitations. loops cannot be made with enough height to achieve inherent M/F to translate individual teeth or groups of teeth. Moment-to- force ratio (M/F) equation for a vertical closing loop with helix.
  • 117. To achieve a higher M/F ratio. an angulation or a gable type bend must be put in the loop. The additional moment produced by gabling in a Ioop is termed residual moment. To achieve net translation, residual moments in the form of gable bends or anterior lingual root torque and posterior gable bend must be added.
  • 118. Adding these residual moments has several disadvantages: ,. The teeth must cycle through controlled tipping to translation to root movement to achieve net translation. 2. Whenever residual moments are added. the loop's neutral position (zero activation position) becomes ill defined. making it difficult to achieve proper activations. 3. The resulting ever·changing periodontal slress distributions may not yield the most rapid, least traumatic method of space closure. Tear Drop Loop
  • 119. Loop Designs Many designs of loop exist because no single loop has all the ideal properties. The simplest form of loop, the open vertical loop (U-loop), does not have good force–deflection characteristics and cannot generate sufficient counterbalancing moments to control tooth movement, so variations on its design exist. The focus of the remainder of this chapter will be on the T-loop, as this is probably one of the most studied loop designs. Various loop designs, other than the T-loop, exist: (a) reverse vertical loop, (b) open vertical loop, (c) closed vertical loop, (d) bull loop, (e) reverse vertical loop with helix, (f) open vertical loop with helix, (g) closed vertical loop with helix and (h) tear drop loop.
  • 120. T-Loop The T-loop was first described in 1976 by Burstone and Koenig. Incorporating a horizontal section of wire at the apex of an open vertical loop (U-loop)was found to bemore biomechanically favourable in terms of load–deflection characteristics and comfort than incorporating multiple helices at the apex.
  • 121. T-Loop Increasing the horizontal width of the T-loop, within anatomical limits, also improved the load–deflection characteristics as well as increasing the moment-to-force ratio. Figure 15.13 shows the shape and dimensions of a clinically useful passive T-loop made from 0.017 × 0.025-inch beta-titanium wire.Stainless steel is less preferable as it exerts approximately 40% greater force. The shape and size of a simple T-loop made from 0.017 × 0.025-inch beta- titanium wire.
  • 122. T-Loop The T-loop is activated by pulling the archwire through the molar tube and cinching it back. This has the effect of expanding the loop and as long as it is not deformed beyond the proportional limit it will spring back and deliver a space closing force. As well as a horizontal force, an ‘activation moment’ will also be created (as outlined in Figure 15.14) as the base of the spring becomes angled upwards upon activation. Activation of a T-loop is achieved by pulling the wire through the buccal tube and cinching. This will deform the spring and create a space closing force. The base of the spring (arrows) are also angled upwards to generate activation moments, in the direction shown by the curved arrows, which will reduce the degree of tipping during incisor retraction and also tip back the molars producing greater anchorage.
  • 123. T-Loop This form of spring will only produce a moment-to- force ratio of 4–5mm which is only adequate to tip the teeth, so gable bends also need to be placed into the loop in order to achieve ratios of 10 : 1 which are necessary for translation. If gable bends (arrows) are placed into a passive T-loop , residual moments are created which can beta-titanium wire .
  • 124. T-Loop These moments, termed residual moments, are generated when the archwire is engaged and are not dependent on spring activation.
  • 125. T-Loop Differential tooth movement can be created by placing asymmetrical gable bends, which produce asymmetrical residual moments between the active and anchorage units, and positioning the spring asymmetrically across an extraction space. . Pre activation of asymmetric T loop.
  • 126. Segmented Arch Mechanics In the segmented arch technique, the arch is segmented into an anterior and posterior unit. The If gable bends (arrows) are placed into a passive T-loop as shown in Figure 15.13, residual moments are created which can be sufficient to produce incisor retraction by bodily movement. posterior teeth can be connected with a transpalatal arch to create a single posterior anchorage unit. A T-loop can be used to apply space closing forces and differential space closure can be achieved by placing asymmetrical gable bends and positioning the T-loop asymmetrically where it will create greater moments closer to the side that it is positioned.
  • 127. There is no evidence that this technique is more conservative of anchorage than sliding mechanics for space closure and it has the drawbacks of segmental mechanics. The case was treated using “Hybrid Segmental Mechanics” with extraction of all four 1st premolars with initial segmental retraction of maxillary canines and mandibular right canine using 0.017x0.025" TMA
  • 128. Advantages and disadvantages of loop and sliding mechanics. Checking neutral position. Equal and opposite moments are applied to spring, no horizontal forces are applied so that horizontal arms become parallel, position of vertical arms are checked.
  • 129. Monitoring Space Closure The normal rate of space closure is variable during sliding mechanics, with figures ranging from 0.5 to 2mm per month for NiTi coil springs and elastomeric chain, with NiTi coil springs appearing to be slightly more efficient. Many appliance and patient- related factors probably contribute to this variability, including the force delivery system, friction and bone biology.
  • 130. Monitoring Space Closure There is evidence that the bracket type (self-ligating versus conventional) does not affect rate of space closure. There is good evidence that space closure occurs more rapidly during the pubertal growth spurt, which occurs at age 14 (±2) years in males and 12 (±2) in females.
  • 131. Monitoring Space Closure Delaying dental extractions as close as possible to the time of space closure may accelerate the rate of closure by the regional acceleratory phenomenon and by reducing the bone density .
  • 132. Monitoring Space Closure The rate of space closure should be monitored. This may be undertaken by measuring the size of the extraction space at each visit, or by measuring the decrease in arch length by measuring the excess archwire protruding through the distal tube at each visit. Small asymmetries in the rate of space closure are normal; however, if the asymmetry is significant (>25%) this may indicate a local problem. The space closure procedure using convention al sliding mechanics is applied close to the bracket slot, with the line of force action parallel to the orthodontic archwir
  • 133. Monitoring Space Closure The most common local problem that may hinder sliding mechanics, and therefore space closure, is frictional resistance. If the archwire cannot be removed or inserted with minimal force, then friction is likely to be a cause. In cases with severe deep overbite, the miniscrew is inserted above the center of resistance of the teeth to favor overbite correction The line of force applied from the miniscrew to the hook prewelded to the archwire creates vertical components, favoring the correction of a deep overbite
  • 134. Monitoring Space Closure There are numerous causes of elevated friction: • poor alignment (e.g. torque discrepancies, rotated second molars) • kinked ( twisted)archwire • distorted bracket or tube (e.g. molar tubes) • calculus deposits on archwire and/or bracket. Intraoral picture of the fixed orthodontic appliances with the accidentally bent rectangular NITI 0.017 x 0.025 inch between the last two mandibular teeth (teeth number 47 and 46)
  • 135. Monitoring Space Closure The archwire–bracket slot relationship is altered in either of two ways: the operator may actually twist the archwire when using standard edgewise brackets, or the archwire may be indirectly twisted by the builtin torque in preadjusted edgewise (PAE) brackets.
  • 136. Monitoring Space Closure If friction is thought to be the main factor, then often changing to a new archwire or placing a slightly undersized archwire (0.017 × 0.025 inch), and waiting a visit before reapplying forces, will often help.
  • 137. Monitoring Space Closure If it does not then other factors should be considered, such as: • occlusal or appliance interferences • deep overbite • retained roots • root clash • dense bone island • low maxillary sinus • thick gingival tissue • ankylosis • late-forming supernumeraries at the site of space closure. Short roots due to: A) incomplete root formation, B) external apical root resorption, C) alveolodental trauma, and D) short root anomaly DPT demonstrating pipette-shaped and blunted roots of the upper central and lateral incisor teeth.
  • 138. Monitoring Space Closure Once space closure is complete it is necessary to maintain the closed space. This can be achieved with a passive ligature tie and turning the end of the archwire gingivally. Once space closure is complete a passive ligature wire can be used to maintain the space closure and this is also facilitated by gently bending the end of the archwire distal to the last molar, which helps maintain the arch length.