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Biographical Essay Example
Writing an essay on the topic "Biographical Essay Example" can be quite challenging, primarily
due to the need for comprehensive research and organization of information. Crafting a
biographical essay requires delving deep into the life of the subject, gathering relevant facts,
anecdotes, and significant events that shaped their life. Moreover, presenting this information in
a coherent and engaging manner poses its own set of difficulties.
Firstly, extensive research is essential to gather accurate and credible information about the
individual's life. This often involves consulting various sources such as biographies,
autobiographies, historical records, and interviews. Sorting through this wealth of information
and selecting the most relevant and impactful details can be a daunting task.
Secondly, organizing the gathered information into a structured essay format requires careful
planning. Determining the chronological order of events, identifying key themes or milestones,
and deciding on the essay's overarching narrative are all crucial steps in this process. Balancing
the chronological sequence with thematic elements while maintaining the reader's interest
presents a significant challenge.
Additionally, capturing the essence of the individual's personality, achievements, and impact on
society in a concise yet compelling manner is vital. Crafting a narrative that not only informs but
also engages the reader emotionally requires skillful storytelling and writing abilities.
Furthermore, ensuring accuracy and objectivity in portraying the subject's life is imperative.
Striking the right balance between highlighting their accomplishments and acknowledging any
controversies or challenges they faced can be delicate.
In conclusion, writing a biographical essay demands thorough research, meticulous organization,
adept storytelling, and a commitment to accuracy and objectivity. It is a task that requires time,
effort, and a deep understanding of the subject's life and historical context.
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Biographical Essay ExampleBiographical Essay Example
Mozart Life
MOZART S LIFEWhenever people gather to talk about musical genius, the name
Mozart almost always comes up first. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the most
sensational Wunderkind (a German word meaning wonder child or child prodigy) in
the history of music. He started playing the keyboard at the age of three, and was
already composing musicwhile other children were still learning to read: little piano
pieces at age five; later on symphonies at nine and complete operas at twelve.
Unbelievable, isn t it? Let s find out more about this phenomenal fellow, Mozart!
Pause for Discussion Question 1 and 2
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartwas born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Salzburg today is
in Austria, but in Mozart s time it belonged to ... Show more content on ...
There were no major wars in Europe, though across the ocean the American War of
Independence raged from 1775 1783. Yet there was much discontent in Europe.
People were getting fed up with a two class social structure, in which a tiny group
of rich people at the top of the social scale held power over a vast number of poor
people at the bottom, people with virtually no rights and no way to climb out of
their poverty. But power was slowly changing hands from the aristocracy to the
growing middle class. This middle class came about partly through the Industrial
Revolution, which brought a sudden, massive increase in the number of jobs
available in mines, factories, and on the railroads. It was an age of invention: from
Watt s steam engine (1775) to the hot air balloon (1783) and carbonated soda (1785)!
A philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment took hold during this period.
People began to believe in the power of human reason to solve social problems, to
correct unjust behaviour, and to make their lives better. The rights of the individual,
freedom of thought, relaxation of censorship, and the gradual abolition of child
labour were just some of the changes that resulted from the
Problems And Responsibilities Of Eureka Mining Company
Eureka Mining Company is currently faced with an employee s injury which is
pertinent to a number of OHS issues. Omar Khyam has unfortunately been injured by
falling into an open shaft when he was working at Last Venture Mine. This incident
has stopped Omar from working for half a year and generated some serious
consequences. Since this is classified as an occupational injury, it is necessary to
delve into occupational health and safety and clarify the situation, problems and
responsibilities of Eureka Mining Company. The following essay will first discuss the
contributing factors of Omar s injury. The contributing factors were divided into two
aspects, the company s problematic management system and Omar s personal
condition. After examining the reasons, risk managementwhich is the measure that
could have done to prevent this injury will be discussed. At last, the responsibilities of
Eureka Mining Company will be examined which it should provide work
compensations and rehabilitation to Omar.
Contributing factors of Omar s injury
Breach of duty of care was the predominant factor of Omar s injury. Employers
should provide due care to its employees and this involves preventions of any
foreseeable risks (Winder, 2009). Employers should provide a safe working
environment and sufficient supervision and training when the workers are
undertaking the tasks (Winder, 2009). In the case, the Last Venture Mine had been
disused for six months and no one went into it for a long
Duck Hunting Essay
Duck hunting is an absolute passion for me and nothing could possibly interrupt
this annual event. For me, sitting out in a duck blind at 5:30 in the morning with
the brisk cold air biting at my skin is something I look forward to each and every
year. Even having to break through a layer of thin ice to make it out to my blindnever
gets old. The frigid cold on my hands can get unbearable at times, but the possibility
of frostbite is never at the forefront of my thoughts. After all, when the ducks start to
fly, nothing can force me off the lake.
My passion for duck hunting began when I met Bruce, a friend of my dad s who
introduced me to the sport. He is a phenomenal man who really has a brilliant
knowledge in the sport of duck ... Show more content on ...
At exactly 11:54 a.m., we heard the echoing sound of shotguns. Although it wasn t
noon, Bruce was blowing duck calls like they were going out of style. Shots were
being fired from almost every member of our group, and Bruce was dropping a flock
of Mallards into our decoys.
After the initial excitement had settled down, the dogs came back with only five
retrieved ducks. Instead of being disappointed, we were amused. You see, we
seemed to have hit more air than ducks. Maybe if we would have shot the clay
pigeons a few more times in target practice, we would have done better.
As opening day progressed, we improved a lot. Our group ended up five short of
the 50 daily limit for the ten of us. At the end of the hunt, we reminisced about the
day s events while we cleaned the ducks, barbecued and laid out our hunting plans for
day two.
Day two arrived a lot sooner than we had expected. Since opening day was complete,
additional hunting hours could now begin at sunrise. When we got out to the blind,
the ducks were once again thick in the air. I don t know why, but as I was sitting in
the blind, I remembered a quote I had read in a Field and Streams magazine. The
quote was A successful hunt can not be successful without a successful duck caller. I
have never found a quote to be truer. From day two on, it became my motto. Bruce
continued to call the ducks into our decoys
The Popularity Of Fast Casual Dining
A question that is asked every day is what do we want to eat? This question has
many different answers; but some answers everyone would agree with is
something fast, cheap, and good quality. This is the market that fast casual has been
dominating over the years, and a market that seems to be on the rise for the
foreseeable future. Whether it is a concept created by an unknown player in the
industry, or a Michelin Star chef, the fast casual concept s rising popularity is still at
the beginning of its revolution. History shows that the concept of fast casual dining
is not new. According to Erin DeJesus of The expansion happy Wolfgang
Puck launched his chain Wolfgang Puck Express back in 1991, before the term fast
casual ... Show more content on ...
The largest fast casual chain in the world is Panera Bread, with Chipotle trailing at
a close second place. These two brands have not only represented this growing
industry, but inspired many other concepts trying to replicate the success that they
have achieved. The prosperity achieved by Panera and Chipotle have encouraged
many world famous chefs to try and create their own concepts. In her article,
DeJesus talks about how two Michelin starred chef Joshua Skenes is partnering
with Adam Flieschman of Unami Burger to introduce a fast casual Chinese noodle
concept called Fat Noodle. Here guests will be able to dine on the recipes of
Joshua Skenes for $6 10 per meal. So now we have high quality chefs who want to
dive into this industry by creating a fast fine casual restaurant. These restaurants
can be characterized by their quality of food, speed of service, as well as their price
point. According to Ethan Stowell, the chef s approach to product and the guest s
experience is where the fine dining sensibility can make the biggest impact on a fast
casual restaurant. I don t think they are much different than running higher end
places, he says of the fast casual market. The goals are still the same. The goals are
have somebody come in to have a good time, try to offer them good value for what
they get.
Business Level 3 Unit 1 P2
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I can be online whenever someone
needs me otherwise I would tell through a inactivity notice on skype. = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I can enforce the rules of the server and make sure that
no rule breakers get past me. I am a passionate person and I am willing to help out as
much as possible and dedicate most of my time on OPcraft. I am capable of using
Skype and Teamspeak which is a requirement. I good at watching the chat and can
help people in need of help I can have skype, TeamSpeak, forums and Minecraft all
open at the same time so I can multitask. I can assist people in TS. = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Explain some cases in which you would perm ban/temp
ban... Show more content on ...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Mute evasion; this is when you are
contacting players/staff member s in a different way such as auction/ah if you are
caught doing this then you will get a 15m temp ban (/temp ban name (Mute evasion) )
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis
Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure couples use to test the
normality of their offspring s genes. This procedure is used for couples that have a
known risk of passing on a genetic abnormality to their offspring. PGD is used all
around the world to help couples become pregnant with healthy babies that aren t
diagnosed with a genetic disease passed down from them. PGD is used to select an
embryo that isn t affected by a genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis. PGD is
available to test for single genedisorders, translocations, inversions, chromosomal,
aneuploidy or X linked disorders. Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis is a procedure
used prior to implantation to help identify genetic defects within embryos. This
serves to prevent certain genetic diseases or disorders from being passed on to the
child. The embryos used in PGD are usually created during the process of in vitro
fertilisation(IVF). When used to screen for a specific genetic disease, its main
advantage is that it avoids selective pregnancytermination as the... Show more content
on ...
Those eggs are then fertilised using the male partner s sperm. The resulting embryos
are cultured in the laboratory.
At day 3 of the embryo development, a small hole is made on the outside shell of
the embryo (the zona pellucida) with a delicate laser beam. On day 5/6, an embryo
biopsy is performed. By this time, the embryo should have reached the blastocyst
stage which consists of an inner cell mass (forms the foetus) and trophectoderm cells
(forms the placenta). The trophectoderm cells should have herniated through the hole
made in the outer shell of the embryo on day 3 in which these cells (approximately
five cells) are collected for analysis.
The biopsied cells are transferred to a small tube for genetic testing. Due to the time
taken to perform the genetic testing, the embryos must be frozen after the
Father Son Relationships In Night
Self preservation against love and loyalty. The important factors in the story
clearly describe the father and son relationships in the novel, Night. All the
relationships are tested as they are put into the intolerable situation. Especially,
Elie Wiesel and his father, Chlomo. When individuals are put into a very tough
situation to choose between love or violence, loving bonds are put to the test to
see if they can survive. For example, a guy forgot about humanity and killed his
own father for a piece of bread to survive. When people are being treated like
objects instead of human beings and being mistreated for so long, this proves that
some people are capable of sinking to the depths of brutality. Elie is so amazed and
surprised, but he
Right Ear Gain Analysis
In this part of the paper the statement of the problem was answered with an exact
account based on the results of the data. The data for initial measurement of the ear
thickness behind the right ear where the carrageenan was introduced was based on
Table 1. Treatment 3 had a mean of .056 mm, followed by Treatment 2 with a mean
of .05 mm and the least in T1 .04 mm. Analysis of variance (table 1 b) showed not
significant difference among the treatments. This implies that the measurement of ear
thickness is almost equal before the introduction of sunflower seed and before
carrageenan behind the right ear, to avoid bias in the result. The ear thickness was
measured 1 hour up to 4 hours until the next day (16 hours) after introducing the
carrageenan behind the right ear, to measure the accumulated edema. In table 2 it was
shown that there was no change after 4 hours in the measurement of ear thickness,
however sixteen hours after (next day) the change in the measurement of ear
thickness behind the right ear where the carrageenan was introduced,accumulated
edema was shown. Visually it was easy to determine the carrageenan induced edema,
the ear looked much thicker compared to the normal ear thickness (before introducing
edema). A mean of .042 in T1 (control group) was obtained from the 1st hour until the
... Show more content on ...
This result implied that 500 mg and 100 mg of sunflower seed has no inflammatory
effect on carageenan induced Edema. In table 3 a shows the ear thickness in Day 10
of the experimental animals. The observation and measurement of ear thickness after
introducing carrageenan behind the right ear lasted for 10 day. The tenth day was
the final measurement of ear thickness and was used to compare with the initial
measurement of ear thickness before introducing edema. Treatment 1 had a mean
ear thickness of .054 mm, followed by T3 with a mean of .068 and the least is in T2
with a mean
Imagery In The Waste Land
The Mechanics of Time in Relation to Death, Decay, and Infertility in T.S. Eliot s The
Waste Land
In my beginning is my end though it is the opening line of the second part of T.S.
Eliot s Four Quartets, one of his later works, it can nonetheless be said to ring true
when pertaining to the earlier The Waste Land, and more particularly when
interpreting the way in which time functions within the poem as well as what derives
from its mechanics. From the onset time is an ambiguous notion, never clearly
defined and yet ever present through sometimes subtle, sometimes explicit indicators
scattered throughout the poem, and is moreover always in some way connected to
another of The Waste Land s prominent themes: death and destruction. It is in this
that the very nature of time within the poem becomes perverse; despite the ambiguity
surrounding it, we come to understand that time and death are inextricably tied
together in ... Show more content on ...
The ominous promise contained in I will show you fear in a handful of dust
encapsulates The Waste Land s relationship with time in that it can be seen as the
ultimate symbol of one of the poem s more prominent paradoxes. We might call this
particular paradox one of unifying fragmentation . Though things may appear to start
out different and distinct, such as individual lives, great works of literature, or even
civilizations, the passage of time ultimately annihilates this individuality and reduces
everything to a single one , the handful of dust . Thus we are bestowed a vision of a
world both unified and yet fragmented, scattered parts of a whole that can be
summarized by a single word: wasteland. This returns us to the constant connection
between time and death, as this unification can only be achieved through the passage
of time, and even then it must also be done through a form of
The And Evaluation Of Loyalty Card
Introduction :
In spite of the great practical approach the impact and evaluation of loyalty card are
very limited in terms of academic interest because the effectiveness of loyalty
program has questionable from the customer behavior point of view. We refer some
studies to evaluate the impact of loyalty card in business.
This essay will firstly discuss what is a loyalty card ? The loyalty card is defined
that a plastic card given by a business to the customer which has earned a reward to
them and data collected for business house. In 1982 the UKs biggest retailers
named Sainsbury first launch loyalty card. In 1997 the chemist retail chain Boots
were invested 30 million GBP in their loyalty programs which is 3rd largest in UK
because of its success. Secondly the essay will discuss about the benefits of loyalty
card in business prospective . The first benefit of loyalty card are to increase
customer share. The retailers encourage customer by offering reward to buy
something which increase their sales of product. According to Dowling and Uncls
the customer can benefit such as less conginitive efforts to find product or advantages
of loyalty program. Sometimes they buy product which is not necessary to them
because they wish to earn reward points. The second benefit of loyalty card is data
collection.The retailers filled a form of the customers who want to join in loyalty
programme, By this they got an information relate to customers. It is very useful to
An Definition Of Domestic Violence Essay
The definition of domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, is a multiple or
single incidence of abusive behavior that uses oppression, threats, isolation, and fear
that often results in psychological and/or emotional trauma. Intimate partner violence
is not a specific gender issue; a common assumption is that victims of abusive
relationships are only women, which is a false belief. According to the National
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 men have experience some type of
psychological and/or physical violence by their partner (2014). Partner abuse, or
domestic violence is a big social problem in the United States. Alone in Texas, the
NCADV reported that there were 76,704 victims of abuse by current or former
spouses. They also reported 114 Texan women were killed by their partners. This
is more than 10% of the national total (2015). No matter the age, gender or race,
everyone is exposed to this threat. A recent report by the NCADV also reveals that
75% of Texans ranging from 16 to 24 year olds have experienced violence by their
partners, or know someone (2015). This is definitely a scary high number. Another
common assumption is that it is only the victims the ones who suffer. This is not
exactly true. Child AbuseNeglect written by Stephanie Holt, Helen Buckley and
Sadhbh finds that, children and adolescents living with domestic violence are at
increased risk of experiencing emotional, physical and sexual abuse, of developing
emotional and behavioral
Sandra Cisneros
Sandra Cisneros, an author who is deeply inspired by her Mexican American
heritage. This inspiration is clearly shown throughout every one of her writing
pieces such as Salvador Late or Early and Eleven . Both short stories focus on
adolescents with a mature mindset and adult precision, and each story does a
marvelous job portraying Cisneros constant writing style. Salvador Late or Early is
focusing on a young boy, Salvador, with heavy burdens to carry on his shoulders,
which is unfortunate because he is such a young boy with an old soul. The
responsibilities he has are unimaginable due to the fact they don t pertain to his age.
The short story Eleven is about an eleven year old girl named Rachel, a forthright
character who explains... Show more content on ...
Salvador Late or Early includes figurative language all throughout the short story.
For example, Salvador with eyes the color of caterpillar, (Paragraph 1, Line 1) is a
metaphor suggesting metamorphosis and even though he is a caterpillar stuck
inside its cocoon, he will soon become a beautiful, graceful butterfly. This
metaphor gives rise to the artistic voice and thematic meaning because the message
this short story is trying to send is that no matter how worthless one may feel and
if they think that they ll never have enough power to hatch out of their cocoon, in
the end, they will always become the beautiful, graceful butterfly they were all
along. Another example of figurative language in Salvador Late or Early is a
metaphor in paragraph 2: Arturito has dropped the cigar box of crayons, has let go
the hundred little fingers of red, green, yellow, blue, and nub of black sticks that
tumble and spill over and beyond the asphalt puddles... This symbolizes a rainbow
after a storm, and the deeper meaning behind this symbolism is that although
Salvador is caught in the middle of a brutal storm, the sun will soon come out and he
will find a rainbow. One example of figurative language in Eleven is when Rachel
uses similes such as Because the way you grow old is kind of like an onion or like
the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little
Robber Barons Research Paper
During the late 1800 s and early 1900 s America began to industrialize the majority
of the country bringing forth industrial giants like Andrew Carnegie and his steel
company along with John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Company. Howard
Zinn, author of A People s History of the United States, referred to these industrial
giants as robber barons. A robber baroncould be defined as an American capitalist
who would do whatever in order to prosper. Carnegie and Rockefeller were
considered robber barons due to the fact that they held oil and steel industry
monopolies. Those monopolies gave them the ability to overpower other companies,
robbing them of an opportunity to make their own fortunes, which limited the growth
of a capitalist... Show more content on ...
Schweikart and Allen s focus regarding the Americans was on their successful
entrepreneurs and how they created America s success, along with some mention of
the poor Americans working in factories or on farms. They described the
immigrants as existing in large numbers and coming from many ethnicities. Some
immigrants were poor and took part in illegal activities to support themselves while
others made a living in factories. The natives were also poor and often forced to
leave their homes to create room for American industrialization. Zinn focused more
on the poor Americans, immigrants, and natives, and the difficult conditions they
lived in while working on farms and in factories. He illustrated the differences
between the rich and the poor. Immigrants from Europe and China were pushed into
the labor force, and due to the horrid conditions, the laborers joined unions which led
to violence and strikes. As for the natives, he described them as having to abandon
their homes in order to build railroads. Overall, their accounts revealed the blunt
differences between the rich and the poor, and that no middle ground
Pitch Black Film Analysis
On the pitch black stage the screen is lit with the image of an orange ribbon. Laura s
body becomes noticeable and the screen starts to fade out. The music fades.
Laura is sitting on a red beanbag at the foot of the coffee table in the living room.
She is wearing snow white crop top with blue marble colored mini skirt her hair is
pulled back into a tight fishtail braid. She is on her computer watching Keeping up
with the Kardashians on Instagram. Amanda appears at the top of the stairs. At the
sound of her descent, Laura s head whips up abruptly, quickly exits out of the site,
grabs her homework, and starts writing rapidly. Amanda s face seems to furrow. It is
traced in her face as she descends from the stairs: a look that is ... Show more content
on ...
People get so many ideas about you and it is my first day meeting some of them. I
was embarrassed. [She paces back and forth as if in deep thought. She holds her head
as if she were stressed.]
Laura: [quietly]: Why did you leave?
[Amanda starts to repeat what she just said.]
Why are you
Amanda: Can you please stop asking me why I left. I thought you could understand
stress. You know from working hard at work.
Laura: Mother I know you work hard. It s just that I don t understand why you would
be embarrassed.
Amanda: You know what, how about we talk about your day instead. How s that?
[Her voice was shaking as if she were about to scream.]
Laura: Please don t get mad mother. Stress leads to wrinkles and cetaphil won t get
rid of them.
[Amanda pauses and sits down on the sofa in the living room for a moment, but then
lowers her head.]
Amanda [looking up]: What are we going to do, what will our future be?
[There is a ten second pause. Amanda lowers her head again]
Laura [with worry in her voice]: Did something bad also happen at work mom?
[Amanda looks up tears streaming down her face.]
Mom, What happened!?
Amanda: Just give me a minute, I ll be right back. I m just shocked [she pauses and
takes a breath] by God s mysterious works. Maybe everything is done for a reason.
Laura: Mother please tell me what is wrong!?
Amanda: As you know, I was supposed to have a cover for Vogue today. I didn t have
it so I
Guaman Poma De Ayal A Literary Analysis
Among the great writers of colonial Peru, Guaman Poma stands alone. His First New
Chronicle and Good Government, a massive manuscript only recently rediscovered
after nearly 300 years, is a unique work that walks the often thin line between text and
graphic, Spanish and Quechua, and history and rhetoric. Guaman Poma s goal in
writing his First New Chronicle was twofold: to secure a future for Andean nobility,
and a future for Andean customs. These purposes were at odds with each other. On
the one hand, securing power for Andean nobles like himself meant presenting
Andeans to the Spanish as colonized Catholics capable of self autonomy, while on the
other, preserving Andean customs meant preserving religious traditions that were at
odds with... Show more content on ...
The descendant of Inca nobility, he retained the title of kuraka (Andean lord) in
colonial Peru. In his early life, he helped the Spanish persecute idolaters. Later in
life, however, he fell out of favor with the colonial government, which ultimately
stripped him of his property and banished him from his home (Coronel Molina xiii).
Under the shadow of this disillusionment, he wrote his masterpiece The First New
Chronicle, as an outcry against the Spanish, and an argument in the fight for Andean
resurgence. From his unique vantage point as a cultural mestizo, he criticized both
the colonial Spanish and the Incas, whom he also considered to be colonizers of
Andean tribes such as his own. Yet as a biological Andean, he also criticized
mestizos, advocating instead for Andean rule of colonial Peru. The First New
Chronicle advances this purpose explicitly. A massive tome over one thousand pages
long, it chronicles the history of the Andean people from ancient times to 1615 AD.
Guaman Poma designed the work to be accessible to Spanish readers, placing the
Andean timeline in parallel with the traditional timeline of Europe, thus also
emphasizing the similarity of European traditions to those of the
Symbolism In I Am The Messenger
How are all the suits (symbols on the playing cards) symbols to what Ed goes
though? What do each of them represent? Explain.
The suits are symbols for what he has to go though because based on the symbol, it
has its own message. The ace of diamonds, involved Ed helping strangers. The
saying diamonds in the rough comes into play when Ed has to go to the addresses.
All the people he had met through the card had a problem that couldn t easily be
solved. Ed is carefully taking his time to find the cause of their problem, he took
action. All these diamonds buried by their problem, began to shine again because of
Ed. The ace of clubs, refers of getting clubbed (hit/punished) by doing something. Ed
gets punished by not killing the 45 Edgar ... Show more content on ...
Although Milla can forget things easily, she ll never forget about Jimmy Ed. Ed s
message was to soothe her loneliness because her husband, Jimmy (James)
Johnson, died while in the army. She had been waiting for him for the past sixty
years, wondering to know if she treated Jimmy right. After Ed assuring her that she
did, tears of joy run down her cheek. Unlike the other messages, Ed visits Milla
whenever he gets the chance and they even spend Christmas Day together. She
even got him a tux as a present, but according to Milla, he gave her the gift of
coming back for her. This is my favorite message because even though this
beautiful yet tragic story, it shows that happiness can come to you in little ways.
Ed impacted Milla by pretending to be Jimmy, making her sadness go away, and
bringing back the happiness Jimmy gave her before he passed away. In the chapter
the stones , Ed states, She s delighted to see me, and I must tell you it s nice to be
Jimmy again (Zusak 127). Milla has given Ed a glimpse of what true love is about;
treating him like her true love. Ed has also realized that after meeting Milla, he had
more encouragement to continue going to the addresses because he liked the feeling
of accomplishment. He has opened up to himself, finding more about himself that he
didn t
Persuasive Speech About Being An Adult
Leaving adolescence behind and becoming an adult is difficult and somewhat
terrifying, but there is a tremendous amount of things about being an adult that
makes growing up amazing. Be the change that you want to see in the world.
Gandhi. To grow up is to try and better yourself, to change from how you were to
how you wantto be, so here are some steps on how you can better yourself and gain
others trust. Setting your own alarm to wake up on time, your parents will trust you
more if you wake up on your own, not to mention give you more leeway on how
late you arrive home on school nights since you can wake up on your own without
them having to wake you up 20 times in the morning. Waking up on time and getting
places early also shows a great... Show more content on ...
Cooking can be a little tricky, because you will have to learn how to make meals in
moderation, most recipes you will come to find are for people with families, and
nobody likes eating chicken Alfredo four nights in a row, but you also shouldn t
waste your leftovers, because like stated before, food is expensive. Now if you do
have too much, you can always store it in the freezer for an already made dinner
down the road. So make sure that you remain as healthy as you possibly can. Finally,
saving your
Team Analysis
The most important thing while working in a team is teamwork which is essential
factor which can lead to success of the team. The team members should put the
team goals in front of personal goals that will lead to team success. There are many
things we can learn from working in a team. Some of the essential skills and
knowledge we can learn from working in a team are communication skills and
leadership skills. Furthermore, since we can learn a lot and develop our
knowledge and skills, I enjoy working in a team. I tend to keep notes of every new
thing I learn from my team. Actually, one of my goals every week is to learn
something new from the team. This is very good for me from a long term
perspective and also keeps me sharp. After reading... Show more content on ...
I will concentrate on effective goal setting and planning to help my team
effectively execute the self management team KSAs. In my experience working in
a team I have realized these skills are very necessary for the achievement of the
project goal. I currently work at OppenheimerFunds, Inc. as a Data Analyst. We
follow Agile Methodology where all the team members sit together and discuss the
team goals and objectives, available resources and the time duration for the
particular goal. In order to achieve highest productivity, we meet daily and update
on the status of our tasks. It has been a very good experience for me since I am
getting the opportunity to exercise my skills and knowledge and at the same time
improve the same by giving some of my insights and getting feedbacks. If I was a
leader of the team, I will be actively involved in all the meetings including planning
the team goals. In the meeting, we will distribute tasks equally among each other.
Furthermore, to make it more effective, I will also focus on maintaining good
communication between the team. A good communication is necessary to make sure
the team members know about the approach to the project and have clear vision
about the required tasks to meet the objective. This enables a team of work
effectively and efficiently to meet the particular goal within the given time period. In
order to be more efficient in task distribution, I will put me effort
A Term Paper
Presented to
Department of English
Philippine Muslim Teacher,s College
Marawi City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course
General Education ( English II)
2014 2015
January, 2014
Anime Addiction
Anime had widely spread in the whole world, its positive and negative effects are
continuously being debated.
1.What is the history of Anime?
2.What are the reasons Anime Addiction?
3.What are the common positive effects of anime Addiction?
4.What are the common negative effects of anime Addiction?
A.Background information
B.Importance of the paper
C.Statement of the problem
D.Definition of terms Anime addicton
A.Reason ... Show more content on ...
His works include around 15 movies.
Seitaro Kitayama was an early animator who made animations on his own, not hired
by larger corporations. He even founded his own animation studio, the Kitayama Eiga
Seisakujo, which was later closed due to lack of commercial success. He utilized the
chalkboard technique, and later paper animation, with and without pre printed
The works of these two pioneers include Namakura Gatana (An Obtuse Sword,
1917) and a 1918 film Urashima TarЕЌ which were discovered together at an antique
market in 2007.[3]
Anime and manga is not kid stuff, and it s nothing like American cartoons. Most of
it is produced for a teenage or adult audience. Anime series change over time; the
plot is often intricate, and characters change, grow, and often die. The
unpredictibility and emotional depth of anime as opposed to American cartoons is
part of the appeal. Many anime series such as Evangelion or Battle Angel Alita are
quite introspective as well as action packed, and study questions of love, trust, and
other deep feelings.
To understand anime, it is fairly important to have at least a little understanding of
Japanese culture itself. Anime and manga are currently produced for an exclusively
Japanese audience authors are often shocked to hear that they have American or
European fans and are thus based on cultural assumptions and references that
Americans find puzzling at best. Some
Business Sustainability
Business amp; Sustainability
Business and Climate Change
В§ 1.0 Introduction
Although research on climate change is quite vague about the exact degree of
warming and the consequences for the natural environment, a wide range of impacts
can be expected (Metz, 2011). The temperature changes and the sea level rise, this has
a negative impact on food production, water availability, human health, biological
environment and infrastructure in coastal areas. Vulnerability is highest in poor
countries where the changes will have a devastating effect. Metz (2011) states that
there is no escape from the conclusion that human beings are responsible. As a
consequence, the general opinion imposes responsibility for companies to put effort in
... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, voluntary climate change policy will result in elevating UBS reputation
(Hoffman, 2005). As stated before, a large percentage of society all over the world
has concerns about global warming. Different business units of UBS can benefit
from this reputational aspect. First, private investors who consider environmental
strategies in making investments will prefer UBS Wealth Management and Business
Banking Switzerland above competitors such as Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.
Second, institutional investors as well as private clients will value UBS
environmental friendly reputation. Thirdly, UBS could broaden its scope by starting
trading carbon credits. Their reputation could help them compete with competitors
such as Morgan Stanley that is active in this are already. Besides their clients, UBS
employees will be more motivated to work for a CR company since they believe
that companies should contribute to solve global warming problems. Therefore, a
green policy can increase the retention rates of skilled workers (Hoffman, 2005).
В§ 3.0 Method to implement green policy
To become carbon neutral, UBS could adjust their company activities or compensate
their GHG emission. Besides replacing business travel with videoconferencing, UBS
could manage their energy use more effectively with the aim to realize carbon neutral
buildings. First, concerning their buildings,
1950 s Inventions
As Albert Einstein once said, The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but
imagination. This logic is what sparked the creation of the popular inventions of the
1950 s. Even though some inventions of this decade may not be around today, they
still have a significance on inventions and thinking today. There are plenty of
inventions that we use in modern time. Some examples are the Barbie Doll, Diet
Soda, and today s most popular fast food chain McDonalds. There were many types
of inventions in the 1950 s such as technological, medical, and other inventions that
are still used today.
One example of a technological invention of the nineteen fifties was the video
recorder. The video recorder was created in nineteen fifty one by Charles... Show
more content on ...
One example is the Barbie Doll. The Barbie Doll was invented by Ruth Handler
who is the co founder of Mattel (Ruff). The Barbie Doll s full name is Barbie
Millicent Roberts and she is from Willows Wisconsin (Ruff). Barbie was invented
to be a fashion model and was originally sold for three dollars. Another invention
that is still around is McDonald s. The founder of McDonald s is named Ray Kroc
and the restaurant is named after two brothers by the names of Dick and Mac
(Ruth). By the year nineteen fifty eight McDonald s had sold their one hundred
millionth hamburger. He named McDonalds after the brothers because he was
inspired on how successful the restaurant was. Diet soda was another invention
that is still used today. The Kirsch Bottling Company was the first company to
successfully make diet soda. The company made the first sugar free ginger ale
(Ruth). Diet soda was originally made for diabetics at the Jewish Sanitarium for
Chronic Disease. The next successful company to make diet soda was in nineteen
fifty eight and was made by a company named Royal Crown Cola. Royal Crown
Cola Company named their diet soda Diet Rite. These inventions were and still are
hugely impactful on how we and why we make the inventions that we
Life Span Development Psychological Analysis
Psychological Theories of Life Span Development Psychology
Development can be defined as systematic changes that occur in the individual
between conception and death, or from womb to tomb. These depend on multiple
factors. Life has been divided into number of stages. Prenatal period: conception to
birth: This stage included the time from conception to birth. Though the child has
not come to the outside world, but a life is there, the heart is beating, and this is
termed as prenatal period. Infancy: First two years of life: This is the stage when
the child learns the most. He or she is not going to the school but learns a lot from
the family and other people around them. If this stage is enjoyable, the child will
have a good chance to have ... Show more content on ...
These stages form what Piaget called an invariant sequence. Systems theories of
development (some are called contextual theories, some systems theories or dynamic
systems theories) generally claim that changes over the life span arise from the
ongoing transactions between a changing organism and a changing world. Systems
theories view development as the product of on going transactions between person
and environment. Ethology asks how species specific behaviors may have evolved. It
all depends upon the interactions among genes, brain activity, behavior, and the
environment. So, basically it depends on many factors. Stage theorists such as Freud,
Erikson, and Piaget form one broad group and have many ideas which are more or
less common. They believe that biological, maturational forces within the individual
re the main things which guide the development of an individual. But then there is
another broad group which is formed by the learning theorists such as Watson,
Skinner, and Bandura. They emphasize the role of environment more than the role of
biology in development. Finally, systems theorists emphasize both biology and
environment as inseparable components of a larger system. O draw a conclusion
Charles Monet s The Hot Zone
In the first two chapter of part one of The Hot Zone started of about the day to day
life of Charles Monet, and how it got sick leading up to his death and Doctor
Musoke get sick after Monet s vomit got in his eye and mouth. The author gives a
brief overview of what Monet s live was Luke after he returned from his trip with
his lady friend and got sick, then died. While doing the author posed questions as
to why and how Monet got so sick that fast. The author was trying to show the
reader that even something sliding your hand over a surface or in something can
possibly make you sick. The author s purpose for writing these two chapters was to
show how quickly a life can change and can have a domino effect. As Monet s life
went from going to... Show more content on ...
Dr. Musoke so far into the book has already put Monet and probably many other
patients before himself where he is so concerned about making them better that he
doesn t even put on the property clothes before going to see them, like he did with
Monet even after hearing that he was bleeding profusely. Just from these two
chapters the reader can come up with many points about the reading. The reader
can say that the author made sure to mentioned that Monet took his women friend
to the mountain and had sex then she died of AIDS, but Monet died close to the
time she disappeared after they had sex so how could he die from AIDS to, it had
to be something else. This can come from where the author says In the afternoon, it
would have rained, as it usually does Mount Elgon, so Monet and his friend would
have stayed in their tents and perhaps they made love while a thunderstorm
hammered the canvas. ( pg 10) here the author indicates that there was sexual
activities. The author then goes on to say Monet s friend dropped out of sight for
several years after the trip to Mount Elgo........ She vanished after that meeting in the
bar lost in the warrens if Mombasa, and by now she has probably died of
How People Give Up Rights When Using an Airline
Many people modern day use airlines as a form of transportation. To be able to use
this service passengers must have their bags and personal belongings checked by
the airline. Airlines do this for the safety of their passengers and to ensure that no
catastrophe happens during flight. But when this is done are passengers giving up
their rights? Is it right for someone to go through your personal belongings? Or is
this procedure only for security reasons? What rights do airplane passengers give up
by allowing themselves to be checked before boarding?
When Someone travels with an airline they must have their baggage checked before
boarding the plane. Some people feel that this invades their privacy and that it is not
necessary. Why... Show more content on ...
3. The owner of the firearm must be at the screening or the item and provide the
combination or key to open the secure container containing the firearm. 4.ant and all
ammunition must be placed in fiber or packaging specifically designed to hold
ammunition. And 5. The ammunition must be in the same container as the unloaded
firearm. As long as when traveling with a firearm you follow all of these procedures
you can legally bring a gun with you while traveling with an airline. Once again
these rules might restrict your rights as an American citizen but they do NOT take
away your rights as an American citizen. And there is also rules with sharp objects
such as knives. The only rule that there is on these items is,1. It can not be in carry
on luggage and it must be securely wrapped to prevent injury. So once again it is
one hundred percent legal to bring a weapon with you while flying with an airline
service. Also if someone fells that having their baggage checked is taking away their
rights that is also not true. The FAA (a government run organization) enforces these
rules and regulations for the airline passengers safety and for no other reason except
for the passenger s safety. Also by having these rules enforced by the government they
can not possibly eliminate your rights as an American citizen (although they might
restrict them temporarily). And concerning the rule for having baggage checked, it is
up to the airlines to charge
Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of
Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents produced
by an American thinker. Reading The Declaration of Independence presents the
reader with a window into the world of revolutionary America. It conveys the
dynamic nature of the time better than any written work of the period. The real
importance of The Declaration of Independence lies not in the purpose for which
Jefferson created it, to declare independence from Great Britain, but rather how future
generations have interpreted Jefferson s words. Jefferson s document originally
guaranteed basic rights for a select segment of the American population. Today it has
become a document which has been ... Show more content on ...
The main problem faced by Americans in the Antebellum time periodwas whether or
not to abolish the institution of African American slavery. Many abolitionists, such as
Andrew Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas, among others, would use the moving
language of The Declaration of Independence to attack Southern slaveholders for
keeping their fellow human beings in bondage. They claimed the current government
was failing to secure the rights of, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for a
sizable portion of the American population.
Clearly the fact that the creator of The Declaration of Independence owned slaves
made it hard to believe that the aim of the document was to secure the rights of the
African American population. In fact, Jefferson believed that blacks were
intellectually inferior to whites, and incapable of sustaining the Republic. He argued
for a theory on creation that was dismissed by other intellectuals of the time called
the Theory of Polygenesis. This theory was based on the assumption that God had not
created humankind all at once, rather God had created the different races at different
times. Jefferson believed God had created people of European origin to be superior to
other races, and that people of African ancestry were not related to whites genetically.
He used this theory to justify slavery even though he thought that the institution itself
was detrimental to the
The Limitations Of Frye s Green World
What are the limitations of Frye s Green World model as applied to Twelfth Night
by William Shakespeare? Twelfth Night was thought to be written in 1600 1. The
play known for adhering to a genre of romantic comedy by utilising pathos
combined with humour is listed under comedies in the First Folio of 1623 with
another of Shakespeare s works As You Like It. Twelfth Night adheres to Frye s
theory to some extent. The old world, one of repression, is conveyed through the
puritanical beliefs of Malvolio; the green world is conveyed through the theories
of disguise and confusion; and a new world is established through the restoration
of order and the marriages in Act 5. However, the continuous adherence to the old
world through Malvolio and a lack of clear structure when transgressing the worlds
limits the extent of Frye s theory. The flexible structure is perhaps more indicative
of Berger s second world theory. My aim is to explore the limitations of the green
world within the play Twelfth Night. Music permeates Twelfth Night immediately
in Act 1 Scene 2 with Orsino s opening declaration of love If music be the food of
love, play on (lines 1 2), through this he is established and characterised as an
extravagant lover, indulging in his hyperbolic passion for a woman who does not
return his love. His language is full of romantic clichГ©s such as ...was I turn d into
a hart (line 21), this metaphor allows Shakespeare to not only intensify the
exploration of the genre of
John Jackley
Frank and Joe want to be just like their father, the famous detective Fenton Hardy.
The 2 young men live in Bayport with their parents and go to the nearby secondary
On the sketchy and narrow road, a speeding car passes Frank and Joe Hardy, who
are on their motorcycles. Out for a Saturday morning ride and an errand for their
father, the boys are angry with the reckless driver who appeared to have red hair.
They continue to drive to Willowville. The boys decide to stop at Chet Morton s house
on the way back. Chet is a close friend of the Hardy boys. On the way back they find
a crashed vehicle but don t see anyone nearby or injured. At Chet s house Frank and
Joe learn that Chet s car (the Queen) has been stolen. The friends talk about ... Show
more content on ...
The Hardys believed that he was the man who had been involved in the car theft
and tower robbery. Before they can find track down the criminal, Jackley gets
fatally injured in a railroad handcar accident causing Jackley to be hospitalized. As
Jackley is about to die, having no reason to lie, he admits that he robbed the loot
from the tower mansion. He says that he hid the loot in in the old tower... .
Unfortunately, Jackley dies before he could explain further. Frank and Joe follow
up on the clue and search the Applegate towers but no loot is found. After about a
week of no additional clues, Frank Joe go to the railroad where Jackley used to
work to find out more information. They see 2 water towers nearby and suddenly
realize that by old tower Jackley meant the old water tower, not the Applegate
tower. The Boys have some trouble finding the loot but soon, they successfully
return the stolen loot. The boys are granted 1000 dollars and it is revealed that
Adelia Applegate had loaned Henry Robinson some money to pay off his debt.
Lastly, Mr. Applegate re hires Henry Robinson with an increase in salary. The case is
The Portrayal Of Jesus In Death Valley
Although this is true this story contains many a violence in it. This film begins in
the regin of Herod the Great, who died in 4BC. Told by three magi a new king has
been born, thus causing a mass murder of local children by the hands of Herod.
This massacre only takes place in the book of Matthew s, and does not seem to be
aforementioned in any non biblical sources. Johns gospels seem to Imply that Jesus
was born in Nazareth and not in Bethlehem. This doesn put the film off though.
Herod send a group of black clad horsemen to slaughter a group of wide eyed
infants on a playground. Even if the massacre did happen, the staging here owes a
lot more to Sergei Eisenstein than to the Bible. Jesus ends up surviving the purge
and rejoins the story at about the age of 30. According to the films Beautiful yet
very distinctive locations, Jesus appears to be living in Death Valley. In Death
Valley, or as some would have it, a desert somewhere in the levant, Jesus is
Tempted by an old man. How d you like to be the ruler of all this, hmm? the hermit
asks, indicating the landscape. Those who are familiar with the synoptic Gospels
will gather that the old man is supposed to portray Satan, trying to turn Jesus away
from God. Jesus performed many of miracles. Jesus heals a few of the sick upon his
return, but the... Show more content on ...
The film also speculates that Judas Iscariot and Barabbas were associates, and that
Judas handed Jesus over to the authorities to force his hand , believing nothing other
than his own life being on the line would make him call down angels to destroy the
Romans. Scripture doesn t psychoanalyze Judas, but does imply that he was
motivated more than anything else by simple greed. This is not presented as a
peculiarly Jewish vice, but rather one that is common to all human beings
The Critical Thinking Process
Metacognition means thinking about thinking and can be applied in two general
ways. It can mean thinking about the way that you learn best. (Capella University,
2017) The other meaning of metacognition is the process of monitoring progress in
thinking and learning in order to improve that way that you think. Monitoring how
you learn and which strategies work the best for you, makes you the manager of
your own learning. By doing this, it will help you be more successful whether it is
with your school work, work at your job, and/or anything else that requires thinking.
There are multiple examples of ways that people learn the best. Some people recall
information better when they read it or see it; this is called visual learning. Others
learn... Show more content on ...
Critical thinkers are aware of what they are trying to do, while metacognitive thinkers
are aware of whether their particular strategies are effective. (Draeger, 2016)
Metacognition is what you are thinking about and what ways you can improve your
learning by thinking about how you think. Critical thinking is how deep into thought
you think about something; it is about expanding your knowledge. Critical think and
metacognition, therefore, differ in the object of awareness. Critical thinking involves
an awareness of mode of thinking within a domain while metacognition involves an
awareness of the efficacy of particular strategies for completing that task. (Draeger,
The Discovery Of The Double Helix And Dna
DNA is the central dogma of modern biology, it is present in all living things from
bacteria to mammals. DNA carries the genetic information of the organism and is
used in processes like mitosis, meiosis and protein production. The reason as to why
I chose this topic specifically is because it is central to my favourite aspect of
biology, genetics.
Prior to the discover of the double helix and DNA itself there was some information
and experiments done on genetics with what little knowledge they had. Gregor
Mendel carried out his experiments on pea plants by cross breading plants with
different traits and came to the conclusion that there are dominant and recessive
factors, now called genes. Unknown to Mendel he had just scratched the surface of
genetics and this would be taken a step further by Johannes Friedrich Miescher with
the discovery of DNA.
Johannes Friedrich Miescher used leucocytes from puss on bandages from a nearby
hospital. However he came across a problem he had to remove the leucocytes from
the bandages without damaging them, he did this by filtering them in sodium
sulphate. After obtaining the cells he had to separate the nuclei and the cytoplasm.
He did this by putting the nuclei through alkaline extraction and acidification. This
caused a precipitate to form which Miescher called nuclein, now known as DNA.
James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins are the 3 people awarded for their
work on the discovery of the DNA double helix, however there was
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Rachel Carson s Silent Spring
Rachel Carson s Silent Spring, is arguably a seminal text of the environmental
movement and continues to impact on critical ecological discourse fifty years on.
The late 1950 s were a period of relative economic prosperity in the United States
with a parallel baby boom following World War 2. However, the Cold War between
the United States and the Soviet Union manifested economic and political rivalries
during the same time. It was in this era, that Rachel Carsonwrote Silent Spring which
invoked the public into an environmental consciousness (Griswold 2012). Inherent in
Carson s text, that fundamentally sought to inform the wider public about the
biological dangers inherent in pesticides, was her ability to utilise a variety of literary
... Show more content on ...
There is a duality of silence and silencing between victims and perpetrators, nature
and humans, public and government. The chemical toxins work silently through the
food chain and accumulate and magnify in human and non human bodies. Like the
constant dripping of water that in turn wears away the hardest stone, this birth to
death contact with dangerous chemicals may well prove disastrous. (Carson, 1962,
158). Carson is critical of both the advertising techniques of chemical companies,
lulled by the soft sell and the hidden persuader (Carson , 1962, 158) and government
agencies including the Federal Aviation Agency s assurances that planes spraying
insecticide were authorized to fly low. (Carson, 1962, 91) Carson compares chemical
manufacturers to the infamous Borgias, who were masters of
Tata Group Essay
This quote by Jamsetji Tata explains why the Tata group was so successful
throughout history from a simple trading company to a global conglomerate which
makes more than makes more than US$ 103.27 billion (2014) and employs more than
580,000 people throughout the world.
The foundation of the future Tata Groupwas laid in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata through the
establishment of a trading company in Bombay. This initial investment was followed
by the acquisition of a bankrupt oil mill in 1869 which, after being converted into a
cotton mill, was sold to make profit and enable him to undertake the first major
industrial project of the Tata Group by setting up another cotton mill in 1874, the
Empress mill (named after the Empress of India, Queen Victoria). ... Show more
content on ...
It would be under his leadership that his father s ideas would be realized essentially
with the establishment of the conglomerates, Tata Steel (1907) and Tata Power
(1911). Both constitute the core of the present day Tata group. Moreover, Sir
Dorab Tata also contributed to helping India s educational system grow by creating
the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore in 1911. This would become one of the
first of many centers of research and learning that would both support the Tata
group and enhance its development. In addition, the Tata group is also characterized
by the way they care for their employees. A perfect example of this would be, when
in 1912, Tata Steel introduced an eight hour working day even though it was not
statutory in most industrialized nations. Under Sir Dorab Tata s management, the
Tata group, which already possessed three cotton mills and a luxury hotel, now also
included the largest private sector steel company as well as three electric companies
and one of India s main insurance companies, New India Insurance Co Ltd in 1919
(the largest General Insurance Company in
The Use Of Polymers
Ever since the first polymer was fabricated in 1907, scientists have been seeking
new applications for classic polymers (Brewer, 2006). Recently, in 2010, an
enhanced structure of the photovoltaic cell (PVC) was proposed: synthesising new
polymers from regular polymers for advanced donating and electron accepting (D
A) moieties in PVCs (Mike et al., 2010). Also, in 2005, another additional
application for traditional polymers has been discovered. By adding cinnamic acid
to a flexible polymer, a material is produced which changes shape in response to
different wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light (Lendlein, 2005). Hence, an old
polymer can be taught new applications and tricks if modified in some way.
Polymers, known as plastics, are... Show more content on ...
Likewise, polybenzobisoxazoles (PBBO)s, found in zylon, are multifunctional
materials commonly applied in electrical structures for their high tensile strength,
thermal stability, efficient electron transport, and high electron affinity (Intemann
et al., 2011). So, when the thiophene and benzobisoxazoles (BBO)s from these
compounds are combined with other molecules such as aldehydes, and two new
polymers, namely poly[(3,4 didodecylthiopene vinylene) alt benzo[1,2 d;5,4 d ]
bisoxazole] 2,6 diyl (PTVcBBO) and poly[(3,4 didodecylthiopene vinylene) alt
benzo[1,2 d;4,5 d ]bisoxazole] 2,6 diyl (PTVtBBO) are formed, D A moieties with
a low band gap and high electron transfer are produced (Kim et al., 2015). These
moieties are then used to enhance PVC efficiency and electron transfer. Firstly, the
direct conversion of sunlight into energy using PVCs has been recognised as an
imperative component of future global energy production. As a result of their optical
and electrical properties, conjugated organic materials are being suggested to replace
inorganic materials in PVCs due to their ability to manipulate their electron properties
through chemical synthesis (Mike et al., 2010). So, to improve the electrical
properties of regular PVCs, the band gap (the energy difference between the top of
the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band) must be lowered
The Last Dimension Of Wisdom
Wisdom Tradition is a term applied to the books in the Old Testament such as
Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. There are many
different types of Wisdom Literature presented in the Old Testament. The first type
of wisdom literature is presented in Sirach, and that is practical wisdom. Practical
wisdom incorporates everyday life situations. The second type of Wisdom Literature
is theological. Theological is concerned about what Yahweh has done in the world.
The last dimension of wisdom literature is skeptical wisdom. Starting in chapter nine
of Ecclesiastes, the title start with no one knows. Ecclesiastes thinks it is important to
question in order to mentally prepare us in order to form our own opinion.
We can see many themes of women wisdom in Proverbs, especially chapter eight and
nine. The first thing one can notice about in the first couple of verses is naming
wisdom a her. Wisdom is a her to emphasize the struggle that women had during the
Old testament. Women were viewed as subordinate to men and how barely to no say
in their freedom. Using her in the poetry, shows more of a image and relatability.
The whole passage is speaking about freedom and standing for what one believes
in. Also the imagery helps the reader to clearly understand the message. In verse
eleven of Proverbs it says or wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you
desire can compare with her. This metaphor really shows the struggle and the
importance of free will
Woodrow Wilson s The League Of Nations
The League of Nations was established in 1919 after the deadly and devastating
conflict of World War I. The nations of the world needed a way to rebuild and regain
trust in one another after this worldwide atrocity. President Woodrow Wilson believed
that an international peacekeeping organization, such as the League of Nations, could
achieve this monumental goal. President Wilson was convinced that the League
could prevent another wWorld wWar, preserve peace, and promote total disarmament
among nations. Wilson went to the Treaty of Versailles
negotiations with a Fourteen
Point Plan for peace, but he sacrificed almost all of his plans so that the League of
Nations could be established. This organization, however, would never live up to the
President s dreams for its success. Despite Woodrow Wilsons support for the League
of Nations, it failed as a peace keeping organization because the United States did
not participate, its decision making process was ineffective, and it lacked an armed
force to impose its decisions.
When Woodrow Wilson returned to the United States from the 1919Paris Peace talks,
he began campaigning within the United States for the ratification of the League. He
had expected this to be a easy process. However, there were many opponents to the
League of Nations, including a small group of Republican Senators and
Congressman. These government officials were supported by isolationists who
wanted to keep the United States out of world affairs. They
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Differences
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a book about a lawyer, Mr. Utterson,
trying to understand the relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Since Mr.
Utterson is interviewing people to understand Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the novel
revolves around them. The two characters are completely different which makes them
having a trustworthy relationship is strange for Mr. Utterson to comprehend. Like all
people, the characters have mental differences, physical, differences, and moral
Like all people, the characters have mental differences. Dr. Jekyll has mental
stability because he always keeps his cool. Mr. Hyde on the other hand will change
his demeanor instantly, he is ruthless. Dr. Jekyll is polite with a stronger vocabulary.
The two character s mental finesse are complete opposites. Despite their mental
differences notice their physical differences. ... Show more content on
In the story everyone finds Mr. Hyde difficult to look at his face. Like in the text
Mr Hyde is, pale and dwarfish, he gives an impression of deformity, and has a
displeasing smile. In the novel in Chapters 1 5 the author, Robert Louis Stevenson,
didn t really describe Dr. Jekyll but in the text it said he was handsome. Despite their
physical differences notice their moral differences.
Like all people, the characters have moral differences. In the novel Dr. Jekyll
wants best for everyone. He has a positive moral where he knows what is right and
what is wrong for others including himself. This is an example of his positive
moral, Edward Hyde should step into the said Henry Jekyll s shoes without further
delay and free from any burthen or obligation beyond the payment of a few small
sums to the members of the doctor s household. Mr. Hyde s moral is do anything
right for himself. When he killed Sir Danvers Carew he did it for his own self
Reproductive System And The Digestive System In Female...
1.In a cricket the reproductive system and the digestive system are interconnected. In
a female cricket, the digestive system is located right under the ovaries. The location
of these two systems is ideal for providing nutrients to the offspring. If the
reproductive system was located elsewhere, access to vital nutrients needed to
produce healthy offspring might not be easily available. In an earthworm, the
nervous system and the muscular system are interconnected. The nerve cord that runs
along the side of the worm s body contain ganglia. Ganglia send electrical signals to
the earthworm s muscles signaling them to contract. Once the circular muscles
receive these signals, the muscles contract and allow the worm to push its body
So Far In Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
So far in Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the author introduces us tothe
main character: a boy named Jim Hawkins. Jim s father runs an inn called the
Admiral Benbow, where all kinds of people come to eat and drink rum. A rowdy
captain named Bill has taken residence in Jim s house/inn, but, due to a severe
stroke and drinking problem, Bill dies unexpectedly. In addition, Jim s father dies
just before Bill does, having been sick for a long time. After these two crucial
deaths, Jim suddenly finds himself having to handle an entire inn by himself. This
dramatic change in Jim s life is giving me the idea that there will be an important
journey for Jim relating to these deaths. After all, deaths in book typically play a
huge role in
Power And Marriage In Macbeth
Power or Marriage Imagine being stuck in a relationship and or marriage with
someone you did not love or like. They are only using you for power that is
especially not a true marriage. Every afternoon you walk through the doors for your
house, and you think to yourself, I am so miserable in this relationship. The only
reason why you are doing this is because of the money, or the job they can offer you.
In the book Macbeththe marriages were not based on affection, they were
established by power. The author is William Shakespeare, it took place in 1606 in
Scotland, it was published in 1623, and it is a tragedy. A good marriage
empowered by power rather than fondness of each other is not a superior marriage.
First and Foremost, Lady Macbeth and her perspective of marriage demonstrate an
unhealthy amount of wearing the pants in the family. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth a
great deal of what to do. Before they decide to killMacbeth Lady Macbeth says
When you durst do it, then you were a man, (I vii 49). She basically says he was a
man when he did want to Kill King Duncan, but now that he doesn t want to
assassinate him he isn t a man. She basically forced Macbeth to kill the King. She
convinces him to do whatever to get the crown. If she has to question his manhood
that would hit close to home. In that time period, it would be unheard of for Lady
Macbeth to wear the pants in the family because women have little to no respect. That
is why it demonstrates an unhealthy
Training Bag
Benefits of Using a Training Bag for Fitness Most people associate training bags
with martial arts, boxing, and other forms of combat training. While the weight of
a heavy bag is good for simulating the weight of an opponent, and training with a
heavy bag is great for developing punching power, there are a great many benefits to
incorporating a training bag into a workout regimen for any sport, or just for fitness
sake. Before you get started though, make sure that you understand how to properly
strike and kick a heavy bag and how to use the correct safety equipment to insure that
you get a healthy, safe workout. Strength Training and Body Shaping While correctly
kicking and striking a training bag, the muscles in your legs, arms, shoulders,
The Seinfeld Listening
The title of the source I listened to was The pilot episode for the comedy TV show
Seninfeld formerly known as The Seinfeld Chronicles . I think this TV show could
be divided into two parts. One is Jerry s personal presentation and another is
comedy. In my viewpoint, this listening is difficult(rated 8) for me to some extent
because of not only the speed, but also the logic. As for the speed, I think they
talked so fast that I can hardly understand what they said at the first time, but after I
repeated, I found that it could be easier for me. So what was the most difficult for
me is the logic. When I listened this at the first time, I was extremely confused that
how the event developed. It was just like a comedy that some people talked
A Brief Biography Of Marquis De Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette was born in Chavaniac, France on September 6, 1757. He
was born into a wealthy family of the noble class (1, 2). His father, a colonel of
Grenadiers, died fighting the British during the 7 Years War while Marquis was
still an infant (1, 4). This likely effected his decision to aid the colonies in their
fight against the British. His mother died when he was 12 leaving him an orphan
(1). In 1771 Lafayette joined the Royal Army. He married Adrienne Francoise de
Noailles when he was 16 (1). In 1775, he decided he wanted to travel to America
and volunteer for the Revolution (1). Marquis de Lafayette arrived in Virginia in
1777 (1). He convinced some French officers to make the journey with him.
Lafayette became a Major General
Richard Nixon Scandal
On August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon was the first, and so far the only
president of the United States to resign from office. Out of what looked like to be
an inevitable impeachment, Nixon became a part of one of the biggest scandals ever
known. President Nixon believed he was taking the necessary measures to reunite a
divided country that was undergoing the Vietnam War. About 2 years prior, a group
of burglars were arrested at the Watergate complexafter breaking into the office of
the Democratic National Committee. A security guard noticed there was taping over
some of the locks of the building and responded by immediately calling the police.
The thefts were involved in the reelection campaign for Richard Nixons second term
by stealing... Show more content on ...
683 was held on the 24th of July in 1974. Among the other judges that served this
court were Douglas, Brennan, Stewart, White, Marshall, Blackmun, Powell, and
Rehnquist. Rehnquist was the only one who ended up not taking part in the decision
of the case. The question raised was whether or not the President of the United States
has power to an executive privilege that allows him or her immunity from judicial
process ( Summary of the Decision ). The United States was in favor by the Court
under unanimous decision. The role of executive privilege was decided that it is
not an absolute. The President trying to keep everything a secret was offset by the
judges and their ability to provide a fair trial. His attorneys argued that this whole
trial went against the idea of the separation of powers because the judicial branch
should not be getting involved with the actions of the executive branch. However,
because a constitutional question was raised, it fit the textbook reason for the
requirement of getting the judicial branch involved. They granted that his argued
privilege was limited, especially where there are military of diplomatic affairs (
Modern Era ). The controversial issue of the subpoena that called for aid to the
public interest was marked as a pro, requiring that the President release the tapes.
Chief Justice Burger was the one who wrote the majority opinion for the Court
The Representation of Male and Female Characters in
The Representation of Male and Female Characters in Two Comedies
Situation comedies as a whole are a conservative representation of life mainly due
to the fact they are screened at prime family times and want as large an audience as
possible so try not to be too controversial. This means they very rarely challenge the
status quo and re enforce stereotypes. I am looking at how male and female
characters are represented and whether the way they are represented challenges the
stereotypes associated with gender differences.
The two situation comedies I have chosen are Friends and Man About The House .
As Friends was made decades after Man About The House it gives us a good insight
into how male ... Show more content on ...
In the Man About the House title sequence one of the two lead women, Chrissy, is
seen loosing her shoe while getting bundled onto a bus. This portrays her as being
dippy and dizzy which does not challenge the stereotype that women are the
vulnerable gender. Jo, the other lead female is seen leaving a tube station and a
blind man takes of his glasses to stare at her as she walks down the road
empathising how attractive she is meant to be. This however simply supports the
stereotype that women are sex objects. In the Friends title sequence the man are
portrayed doing macho poses whereas the women are seen doing much more girly
poses like playing with umbrellas which does little to promote the idea women are no
longer jus pretty objects.
A huge drive for those protesting for women s liberation was equal rights in the
work place, there should be just as many women in high up jobs as men. Whether
this is true or not in reality is debateable, but what jobs males and females have in
popular sitcoms sends out a clear message to those watching. In Friends the three
males have successful and appealing careers, Ross is a university lecturer and has a
PhD, Joey is an actor in a popular soap series at one point and Chandler
Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies
Humans live and develop in societies with rules, order and government, but humans
are not perfect, they have many deficiencies so do the societies they live in. When
a group of schoolboys land on a tropical island, Ralph takes on the role of leader by
bringing all of the boys together and organizing them. He first explains There aren t
any grownups. We shall have to look after ourselves. (p.33), this brings up the
question if the boys will have prosperity or will they succumb to the evil on the
island. At first the young boys start being successful and civilized but chaos soon
overruns them and evil starts to lurk over the island. William Goldings effective use
of symbolism helps emphasize and tie together the relationship between the evil in
society and in humannature. The fictional story of the group of British schoolboys
stranded on an island and the decisions they make, relates back to our society and
the decisions we might make in a difficult situation. Lord of The Flies is Golding s
attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The use of
symbols in the novel to represent the flaws of human nature, helps create this theme.
The conch is one of the main objects the boys use and has a very strong evolution
throughout the novel. Likewise, painted faces are used as a method to show the
change in human nature throughout a long period of time. Another object that is
persistent throughout the novel are Piggy s glasses, they are principally

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Biographical Essay Example.pdf

  • 1. Biographical Essay Example Writing an essay on the topic "Biographical Essay Example" can be quite challenging, primarily due to the need for comprehensive research and organization of information. Crafting a biographical essay requires delving deep into the life of the subject, gathering relevant facts, anecdotes, and significant events that shaped their life. Moreover, presenting this information in a coherent and engaging manner poses its own set of difficulties. Firstly, extensive research is essential to gather accurate and credible information about the individual's life. This often involves consulting various sources such as biographies, autobiographies, historical records, and interviews. Sorting through this wealth of information and selecting the most relevant and impactful details can be a daunting task. Secondly, organizing the gathered information into a structured essay format requires careful planning. Determining the chronological order of events, identifying key themes or milestones, and deciding on the essay's overarching narrative are all crucial steps in this process. Balancing the chronological sequence with thematic elements while maintaining the reader's interest presents a significant challenge. Additionally, capturing the essence of the individual's personality, achievements, and impact on society in a concise yet compelling manner is vital. Crafting a narrative that not only informs but also engages the reader emotionally requires skillful storytelling and writing abilities. Furthermore, ensuring accuracy and objectivity in portraying the subject's life is imperative. Striking the right balance between highlighting their accomplishments and acknowledging any controversies or challenges they faced can be delicate. In conclusion, writing a biographical essay demands thorough research, meticulous organization, adept storytelling, and a commitment to accuracy and objectivity. It is a task that requires time, effort, and a deep understanding of the subject's life and historical context. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Biographical Essay ExampleBiographical Essay Example
  • 2. Mozart Life MOZART S LIFEWhenever people gather to talk about musical genius, the name Mozart almost always comes up first. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the most sensational Wunderkind (a German word meaning wonder child or child prodigy) in the history of music. He started playing the keyboard at the age of three, and was already composing musicwhile other children were still learning to read: little piano pieces at age five; later on symphonies at nine and complete operas at twelve. Unbelievable, isn t it? Let s find out more about this phenomenal fellow, Mozart! Pause for Discussion Question 1 and 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartwas born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Salzburg today is in Austria, but in Mozart s time it belonged to ... Show more content on ... There were no major wars in Europe, though across the ocean the American War of Independence raged from 1775 1783. Yet there was much discontent in Europe. People were getting fed up with a two class social structure, in which a tiny group of rich people at the top of the social scale held power over a vast number of poor people at the bottom, people with virtually no rights and no way to climb out of their poverty. But power was slowly changing hands from the aristocracy to the growing middle class. This middle class came about partly through the Industrial Revolution, which brought a sudden, massive increase in the number of jobs available in mines, factories, and on the railroads. It was an age of invention: from Watt s steam engine (1775) to the hot air balloon (1783) and carbonated soda (1785)! A philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment took hold during this period. People began to believe in the power of human reason to solve social problems, to correct unjust behaviour, and to make their lives better. The rights of the individual, freedom of thought, relaxation of censorship, and the gradual abolition of child labour were just some of the changes that resulted from the
  • 3. Problems And Responsibilities Of Eureka Mining Company Eureka Mining Company is currently faced with an employee s injury which is pertinent to a number of OHS issues. Omar Khyam has unfortunately been injured by falling into an open shaft when he was working at Last Venture Mine. This incident has stopped Omar from working for half a year and generated some serious consequences. Since this is classified as an occupational injury, it is necessary to delve into occupational health and safety and clarify the situation, problems and responsibilities of Eureka Mining Company. The following essay will first discuss the contributing factors of Omar s injury. The contributing factors were divided into two aspects, the company s problematic management system and Omar s personal condition. After examining the reasons, risk managementwhich is the measure that could have done to prevent this injury will be discussed. At last, the responsibilities of Eureka Mining Company will be examined which it should provide work compensations and rehabilitation to Omar. Contributing factors of Omar s injury Breach of duty of care was the predominant factor of Omar s injury. Employers should provide due care to its employees and this involves preventions of any foreseeable risks (Winder, 2009). Employers should provide a safe working environment and sufficient supervision and training when the workers are undertaking the tasks (Winder, 2009). In the case, the Last Venture Mine had been disused for six months and no one went into it for a long
  • 4. Duck Hunting Essay Duck hunting is an absolute passion for me and nothing could possibly interrupt this annual event. For me, sitting out in a duck blind at 5:30 in the morning with the brisk cold air biting at my skin is something I look forward to each and every year. Even having to break through a layer of thin ice to make it out to my blindnever gets old. The frigid cold on my hands can get unbearable at times, but the possibility of frostbite is never at the forefront of my thoughts. After all, when the ducks start to fly, nothing can force me off the lake. My passion for duck hunting began when I met Bruce, a friend of my dad s who introduced me to the sport. He is a phenomenal man who really has a brilliant knowledge in the sport of duck ... Show more content on ... At exactly 11:54 a.m., we heard the echoing sound of shotguns. Although it wasn t noon, Bruce was blowing duck calls like they were going out of style. Shots were being fired from almost every member of our group, and Bruce was dropping a flock of Mallards into our decoys. After the initial excitement had settled down, the dogs came back with only five retrieved ducks. Instead of being disappointed, we were amused. You see, we seemed to have hit more air than ducks. Maybe if we would have shot the clay pigeons a few more times in target practice, we would have done better. As opening day progressed, we improved a lot. Our group ended up five short of the 50 daily limit for the ten of us. At the end of the hunt, we reminisced about the day s events while we cleaned the ducks, barbecued and laid out our hunting plans for day two. Day two arrived a lot sooner than we had expected. Since opening day was complete, additional hunting hours could now begin at sunrise. When we got out to the blind, the ducks were once again thick in the air. I don t know why, but as I was sitting in the blind, I remembered a quote I had read in a Field and Streams magazine. The quote was A successful hunt can not be successful without a successful duck caller. I have never found a quote to be truer. From day two on, it became my motto. Bruce continued to call the ducks into our decoys
  • 5. The Popularity Of Fast Casual Dining A question that is asked every day is what do we want to eat? This question has many different answers; but some answers everyone would agree with is something fast, cheap, and good quality. This is the market that fast casual has been dominating over the years, and a market that seems to be on the rise for the foreseeable future. Whether it is a concept created by an unknown player in the industry, or a Michelin Star chef, the fast casual concept s rising popularity is still at the beginning of its revolution. History shows that the concept of fast casual dining is not new. According to Erin DeJesus of The expansion happy Wolfgang Puck launched his chain Wolfgang Puck Express back in 1991, before the term fast casual ... Show more content on ... The largest fast casual chain in the world is Panera Bread, with Chipotle trailing at a close second place. These two brands have not only represented this growing industry, but inspired many other concepts trying to replicate the success that they have achieved. The prosperity achieved by Panera and Chipotle have encouraged many world famous chefs to try and create their own concepts. In her article, DeJesus talks about how two Michelin starred chef Joshua Skenes is partnering with Adam Flieschman of Unami Burger to introduce a fast casual Chinese noodle concept called Fat Noodle. Here guests will be able to dine on the recipes of Joshua Skenes for $6 10 per meal. So now we have high quality chefs who want to dive into this industry by creating a fast fine casual restaurant. These restaurants can be characterized by their quality of food, speed of service, as well as their price point. According to Ethan Stowell, the chef s approach to product and the guest s experience is where the fine dining sensibility can make the biggest impact on a fast casual restaurant. I don t think they are much different than running higher end places, he says of the fast casual market. The goals are still the same. The goals are have somebody come in to have a good time, try to offer them good value for what they get.
  • 6. Business Level 3 Unit 1 P2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I can be online whenever someone needs me otherwise I would tell through a inactivity notice on skype. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I can enforce the rules of the server and make sure that no rule breakers get past me. I am a passionate person and I am willing to help out as much as possible and dedicate most of my time on OPcraft. I am capable of using Skype and Teamspeak which is a requirement. I good at watching the chat and can help people in need of help I can have skype, TeamSpeak, forums and Minecraft all open at the same time so I can multitask. I can assist people in TS. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Explain some cases in which you would perm ban/temp ban... Show more content on ... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Mute evasion; this is when you are contacting players/staff member s in a different way such as auction/ah if you are caught doing this then you will get a 15m temp ban (/temp ban name (Mute evasion) )
  • 7. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure couples use to test the normality of their offspring s genes. This procedure is used for couples that have a known risk of passing on a genetic abnormality to their offspring. PGD is used all around the world to help couples become pregnant with healthy babies that aren t diagnosed with a genetic disease passed down from them. PGD is used to select an embryo that isn t affected by a genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis. PGD is available to test for single genedisorders, translocations, inversions, chromosomal, aneuploidy or X linked disorders. Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis is a procedure used prior to implantation to help identify genetic defects within embryos. This serves to prevent certain genetic diseases or disorders from being passed on to the child. The embryos used in PGD are usually created during the process of in vitro fertilisation(IVF). When used to screen for a specific genetic disease, its main advantage is that it avoids selective pregnancytermination as the... Show more content on ... Those eggs are then fertilised using the male partner s sperm. The resulting embryos are cultured in the laboratory. At day 3 of the embryo development, a small hole is made on the outside shell of the embryo (the zona pellucida) with a delicate laser beam. On day 5/6, an embryo biopsy is performed. By this time, the embryo should have reached the blastocyst stage which consists of an inner cell mass (forms the foetus) and trophectoderm cells (forms the placenta). The trophectoderm cells should have herniated through the hole made in the outer shell of the embryo on day 3 in which these cells (approximately five cells) are collected for analysis. The biopsied cells are transferred to a small tube for genetic testing. Due to the time taken to perform the genetic testing, the embryos must be frozen after the
  • 8. Father Son Relationships In Night Self preservation against love and loyalty. The important factors in the story clearly describe the father and son relationships in the novel, Night. All the relationships are tested as they are put into the intolerable situation. Especially, Elie Wiesel and his father, Chlomo. When individuals are put into a very tough situation to choose between love or violence, loving bonds are put to the test to see if they can survive. For example, a guy forgot about humanity and killed his own father for a piece of bread to survive. When people are being treated like objects instead of human beings and being mistreated for so long, this proves that some people are capable of sinking to the depths of brutality. Elie is so amazed and surprised, but he
  • 9. Right Ear Gain Analysis In this part of the paper the statement of the problem was answered with an exact account based on the results of the data. The data for initial measurement of the ear thickness behind the right ear where the carrageenan was introduced was based on Table 1. Treatment 3 had a mean of .056 mm, followed by Treatment 2 with a mean of .05 mm and the least in T1 .04 mm. Analysis of variance (table 1 b) showed not significant difference among the treatments. This implies that the measurement of ear thickness is almost equal before the introduction of sunflower seed and before carrageenan behind the right ear, to avoid bias in the result. The ear thickness was measured 1 hour up to 4 hours until the next day (16 hours) after introducing the carrageenan behind the right ear, to measure the accumulated edema. In table 2 it was shown that there was no change after 4 hours in the measurement of ear thickness, however sixteen hours after (next day) the change in the measurement of ear thickness behind the right ear where the carrageenan was introduced,accumulated edema was shown. Visually it was easy to determine the carrageenan induced edema, the ear looked much thicker compared to the normal ear thickness (before introducing edema). A mean of .042 in T1 (control group) was obtained from the 1st hour until the ... Show more content on ... This result implied that 500 mg and 100 mg of sunflower seed has no inflammatory effect on carageenan induced Edema. In table 3 a shows the ear thickness in Day 10 of the experimental animals. The observation and measurement of ear thickness after introducing carrageenan behind the right ear lasted for 10 day. The tenth day was the final measurement of ear thickness and was used to compare with the initial measurement of ear thickness before introducing edema. Treatment 1 had a mean ear thickness of .054 mm, followed by T3 with a mean of .068 and the least is in T2 with a mean
  • 10. Imagery In The Waste Land The Mechanics of Time in Relation to Death, Decay, and Infertility in T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land In my beginning is my end though it is the opening line of the second part of T.S. Eliot s Four Quartets, one of his later works, it can nonetheless be said to ring true when pertaining to the earlier The Waste Land, and more particularly when interpreting the way in which time functions within the poem as well as what derives from its mechanics. From the onset time is an ambiguous notion, never clearly defined and yet ever present through sometimes subtle, sometimes explicit indicators scattered throughout the poem, and is moreover always in some way connected to another of The Waste Land s prominent themes: death and destruction. It is in this that the very nature of time within the poem becomes perverse; despite the ambiguity surrounding it, we come to understand that time and death are inextricably tied together in ... Show more content on ... The ominous promise contained in I will show you fear in a handful of dust encapsulates The Waste Land s relationship with time in that it can be seen as the ultimate symbol of one of the poem s more prominent paradoxes. We might call this particular paradox one of unifying fragmentation . Though things may appear to start out different and distinct, such as individual lives, great works of literature, or even civilizations, the passage of time ultimately annihilates this individuality and reduces everything to a single one , the handful of dust . Thus we are bestowed a vision of a world both unified and yet fragmented, scattered parts of a whole that can be summarized by a single word: wasteland. This returns us to the constant connection between time and death, as this unification can only be achieved through the passage of time, and even then it must also be done through a form of
  • 11. The And Evaluation Of Loyalty Card Introduction : In spite of the great practical approach the impact and evaluation of loyalty card are very limited in terms of academic interest because the effectiveness of loyalty program has questionable from the customer behavior point of view. We refer some studies to evaluate the impact of loyalty card in business. This essay will firstly discuss what is a loyalty card ? The loyalty card is defined that a plastic card given by a business to the customer which has earned a reward to them and data collected for business house. In 1982 the UKs biggest retailers named Sainsbury first launch loyalty card. In 1997 the chemist retail chain Boots were invested 30 million GBP in their loyalty programs which is 3rd largest in UK because of its success. Secondly the essay will discuss about the benefits of loyalty card in business prospective . The first benefit of loyalty card are to increase customer share. The retailers encourage customer by offering reward to buy something which increase their sales of product. According to Dowling and Uncls the customer can benefit such as less conginitive efforts to find product or advantages of loyalty program. Sometimes they buy product which is not necessary to them because they wish to earn reward points. The second benefit of loyalty card is data collection.The retailers filled a form of the customers who want to join in loyalty programme, By this they got an information relate to customers. It is very useful to
  • 12. An Definition Of Domestic Violence Essay The definition of domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, is a multiple or single incidence of abusive behavior that uses oppression, threats, isolation, and fear that often results in psychological and/or emotional trauma. Intimate partner violence is not a specific gender issue; a common assumption is that victims of abusive relationships are only women, which is a false belief. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 men have experience some type of psychological and/or physical violence by their partner (2014). Partner abuse, or domestic violence is a big social problem in the United States. Alone in Texas, the NCADV reported that there were 76,704 victims of abuse by current or former spouses. They also reported 114 Texan women were killed by their partners. This is more than 10% of the national total (2015). No matter the age, gender or race, everyone is exposed to this threat. A recent report by the NCADV also reveals that 75% of Texans ranging from 16 to 24 year olds have experienced violence by their partners, or know someone (2015). This is definitely a scary high number. Another common assumption is that it is only the victims the ones who suffer. This is not exactly true. Child AbuseNeglect written by Stephanie Holt, Helen Buckley and Sadhbh finds that, children and adolescents living with domestic violence are at increased risk of experiencing emotional, physical and sexual abuse, of developing emotional and behavioral
  • 13. Sandra Cisneros Sandra Cisneros, an author who is deeply inspired by her Mexican American heritage. This inspiration is clearly shown throughout every one of her writing pieces such as Salvador Late or Early and Eleven . Both short stories focus on adolescents with a mature mindset and adult precision, and each story does a marvelous job portraying Cisneros constant writing style. Salvador Late or Early is focusing on a young boy, Salvador, with heavy burdens to carry on his shoulders, which is unfortunate because he is such a young boy with an old soul. The responsibilities he has are unimaginable due to the fact they don t pertain to his age. The short story Eleven is about an eleven year old girl named Rachel, a forthright character who explains... Show more content on ... Salvador Late or Early includes figurative language all throughout the short story. For example, Salvador with eyes the color of caterpillar, (Paragraph 1, Line 1) is a metaphor suggesting metamorphosis and even though he is a caterpillar stuck inside its cocoon, he will soon become a beautiful, graceful butterfly. This metaphor gives rise to the artistic voice and thematic meaning because the message this short story is trying to send is that no matter how worthless one may feel and if they think that they ll never have enough power to hatch out of their cocoon, in the end, they will always become the beautiful, graceful butterfly they were all along. Another example of figurative language in Salvador Late or Early is a metaphor in paragraph 2: Arturito has dropped the cigar box of crayons, has let go the hundred little fingers of red, green, yellow, blue, and nub of black sticks that tumble and spill over and beyond the asphalt puddles... This symbolizes a rainbow after a storm, and the deeper meaning behind this symbolism is that although Salvador is caught in the middle of a brutal storm, the sun will soon come out and he will find a rainbow. One example of figurative language in Eleven is when Rachel uses similes such as Because the way you grow old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little
  • 14. Robber Barons Research Paper During the late 1800 s and early 1900 s America began to industrialize the majority of the country bringing forth industrial giants like Andrew Carnegie and his steel company along with John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Company. Howard Zinn, author of A People s History of the United States, referred to these industrial giants as robber barons. A robber baroncould be defined as an American capitalist who would do whatever in order to prosper. Carnegie and Rockefeller were considered robber barons due to the fact that they held oil and steel industry monopolies. Those monopolies gave them the ability to overpower other companies, robbing them of an opportunity to make their own fortunes, which limited the growth of a capitalist... Show more content on ... Schweikart and Allen s focus regarding the Americans was on their successful entrepreneurs and how they created America s success, along with some mention of the poor Americans working in factories or on farms. They described the immigrants as existing in large numbers and coming from many ethnicities. Some immigrants were poor and took part in illegal activities to support themselves while others made a living in factories. The natives were also poor and often forced to leave their homes to create room for American industrialization. Zinn focused more on the poor Americans, immigrants, and natives, and the difficult conditions they lived in while working on farms and in factories. He illustrated the differences between the rich and the poor. Immigrants from Europe and China were pushed into the labor force, and due to the horrid conditions, the laborers joined unions which led to violence and strikes. As for the natives, he described them as having to abandon their homes in order to build railroads. Overall, their accounts revealed the blunt differences between the rich and the poor, and that no middle ground
  • 15. Pitch Black Film Analysis On the pitch black stage the screen is lit with the image of an orange ribbon. Laura s body becomes noticeable and the screen starts to fade out. The music fades. Laura is sitting on a red beanbag at the foot of the coffee table in the living room. She is wearing snow white crop top with blue marble colored mini skirt her hair is pulled back into a tight fishtail braid. She is on her computer watching Keeping up with the Kardashians on Instagram. Amanda appears at the top of the stairs. At the sound of her descent, Laura s head whips up abruptly, quickly exits out of the site, grabs her homework, and starts writing rapidly. Amanda s face seems to furrow. It is traced in her face as she descends from the stairs: a look that is ... Show more content on ... People get so many ideas about you and it is my first day meeting some of them. I was embarrassed. [She paces back and forth as if in deep thought. She holds her head as if she were stressed.] Laura: [quietly]: Why did you leave? [Amanda starts to repeat what she just said.] Why are you Amanda: Can you please stop asking me why I left. I thought you could understand stress. You know from working hard at work. Laura: Mother I know you work hard. It s just that I don t understand why you would be embarrassed. Amanda: You know what, how about we talk about your day instead. How s that? [Her voice was shaking as if she were about to scream.] Laura: Please don t get mad mother. Stress leads to wrinkles and cetaphil won t get rid of them. [Amanda pauses and sits down on the sofa in the living room for a moment, but then lowers her head.] Amanda [looking up]: What are we going to do, what will our future be? [There is a ten second pause. Amanda lowers her head again] Laura [with worry in her voice]: Did something bad also happen at work mom? [Amanda looks up tears streaming down her face.]
  • 16. Mom, What happened!? Amanda: Just give me a minute, I ll be right back. I m just shocked [she pauses and takes a breath] by God s mysterious works. Maybe everything is done for a reason. Laura: Mother please tell me what is wrong!? Amanda: As you know, I was supposed to have a cover for Vogue today. I didn t have it so I
  • 17. Guaman Poma De Ayal A Literary Analysis Among the great writers of colonial Peru, Guaman Poma stands alone. His First New Chronicle and Good Government, a massive manuscript only recently rediscovered after nearly 300 years, is a unique work that walks the often thin line between text and graphic, Spanish and Quechua, and history and rhetoric. Guaman Poma s goal in writing his First New Chronicle was twofold: to secure a future for Andean nobility, and a future for Andean customs. These purposes were at odds with each other. On the one hand, securing power for Andean nobles like himself meant presenting Andeans to the Spanish as colonized Catholics capable of self autonomy, while on the other, preserving Andean customs meant preserving religious traditions that were at odds with... Show more content on ... The descendant of Inca nobility, he retained the title of kuraka (Andean lord) in colonial Peru. In his early life, he helped the Spanish persecute idolaters. Later in life, however, he fell out of favor with the colonial government, which ultimately stripped him of his property and banished him from his home (Coronel Molina xiii). Under the shadow of this disillusionment, he wrote his masterpiece The First New Chronicle, as an outcry against the Spanish, and an argument in the fight for Andean resurgence. From his unique vantage point as a cultural mestizo, he criticized both the colonial Spanish and the Incas, whom he also considered to be colonizers of Andean tribes such as his own. Yet as a biological Andean, he also criticized mestizos, advocating instead for Andean rule of colonial Peru. The First New Chronicle advances this purpose explicitly. A massive tome over one thousand pages long, it chronicles the history of the Andean people from ancient times to 1615 AD. Guaman Poma designed the work to be accessible to Spanish readers, placing the Andean timeline in parallel with the traditional timeline of Europe, thus also emphasizing the similarity of European traditions to those of the
  • 18. Symbolism In I Am The Messenger How are all the suits (symbols on the playing cards) symbols to what Ed goes though? What do each of them represent? Explain. The suits are symbols for what he has to go though because based on the symbol, it has its own message. The ace of diamonds, involved Ed helping strangers. The saying diamonds in the rough comes into play when Ed has to go to the addresses. All the people he had met through the card had a problem that couldn t easily be solved. Ed is carefully taking his time to find the cause of their problem, he took action. All these diamonds buried by their problem, began to shine again because of Ed. The ace of clubs, refers of getting clubbed (hit/punished) by doing something. Ed gets punished by not killing the 45 Edgar ... Show more content on ... Although Milla can forget things easily, she ll never forget about Jimmy Ed. Ed s message was to soothe her loneliness because her husband, Jimmy (James) Johnson, died while in the army. She had been waiting for him for the past sixty years, wondering to know if she treated Jimmy right. After Ed assuring her that she did, tears of joy run down her cheek. Unlike the other messages, Ed visits Milla whenever he gets the chance and they even spend Christmas Day together. She even got him a tux as a present, but according to Milla, he gave her the gift of coming back for her. This is my favorite message because even though this beautiful yet tragic story, it shows that happiness can come to you in little ways. Ed impacted Milla by pretending to be Jimmy, making her sadness go away, and bringing back the happiness Jimmy gave her before he passed away. In the chapter the stones , Ed states, She s delighted to see me, and I must tell you it s nice to be Jimmy again (Zusak 127). Milla has given Ed a glimpse of what true love is about; treating him like her true love. Ed has also realized that after meeting Milla, he had more encouragement to continue going to the addresses because he liked the feeling of accomplishment. He has opened up to himself, finding more about himself that he didn t
  • 19. Persuasive Speech About Being An Adult Leaving adolescence behind and becoming an adult is difficult and somewhat terrifying, but there is a tremendous amount of things about being an adult that makes growing up amazing. Be the change that you want to see in the world. Gandhi. To grow up is to try and better yourself, to change from how you were to how you wantto be, so here are some steps on how you can better yourself and gain others trust. Setting your own alarm to wake up on time, your parents will trust you more if you wake up on your own, not to mention give you more leeway on how late you arrive home on school nights since you can wake up on your own without them having to wake you up 20 times in the morning. Waking up on time and getting places early also shows a great... Show more content on ... Cooking can be a little tricky, because you will have to learn how to make meals in moderation, most recipes you will come to find are for people with families, and nobody likes eating chicken Alfredo four nights in a row, but you also shouldn t waste your leftovers, because like stated before, food is expensive. Now if you do have too much, you can always store it in the freezer for an already made dinner down the road. So make sure that you remain as healthy as you possibly can. Finally, saving your
  • 20. Team Analysis The most important thing while working in a team is teamwork which is essential factor which can lead to success of the team. The team members should put the team goals in front of personal goals that will lead to team success. There are many things we can learn from working in a team. Some of the essential skills and knowledge we can learn from working in a team are communication skills and leadership skills. Furthermore, since we can learn a lot and develop our knowledge and skills, I enjoy working in a team. I tend to keep notes of every new thing I learn from my team. Actually, one of my goals every week is to learn something new from the team. This is very good for me from a long term perspective and also keeps me sharp. After reading... Show more content on ... I will concentrate on effective goal setting and planning to help my team effectively execute the self management team KSAs. In my experience working in a team I have realized these skills are very necessary for the achievement of the project goal. I currently work at OppenheimerFunds, Inc. as a Data Analyst. We follow Agile Methodology where all the team members sit together and discuss the team goals and objectives, available resources and the time duration for the particular goal. In order to achieve highest productivity, we meet daily and update on the status of our tasks. It has been a very good experience for me since I am getting the opportunity to exercise my skills and knowledge and at the same time improve the same by giving some of my insights and getting feedbacks. If I was a leader of the team, I will be actively involved in all the meetings including planning the team goals. In the meeting, we will distribute tasks equally among each other. Furthermore, to make it more effective, I will also focus on maintaining good communication between the team. A good communication is necessary to make sure the team members know about the approach to the project and have clear vision about the required tasks to meet the objective. This enables a team of work effectively and efficiently to meet the particular goal within the given time period. In order to be more efficient in task distribution, I will put me effort
  • 21. ANIME ADDICTION ANIME ADDICTION A Term Paper Presented to Instructor. MANGORSI, FARHANNA Department of English Philippine Muslim Teacher,s College Marawi City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course General Education ( English II) 2014 2015 By KHALID, AMNAH L. January, 2014 Anime Addiction Anime had widely spread in the whole world, its positive and negative effects are continuously being debated. 1.What is the history of Anime? 2.What are the reasons Anime Addiction? 3.What are the common positive effects of anime Addiction? 4.What are the common negative effects of anime Addiction? Intoduction A.Background information B.Importance of the paper C.Statement of the problem D.Definition of terms Anime addicton A.Reason ... Show more content on ... His works include around 15 movies. Seitaro Kitayama was an early animator who made animations on his own, not hired by larger corporations. He even founded his own animation studio, the Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo, which was later closed due to lack of commercial success. He utilized the chalkboard technique, and later paper animation, with and without pre printed backgrounds. The works of these two pioneers include Namakura Gatana (An Obtuse Sword, 1917) and a 1918 film Urashima TarЕЌ which were discovered together at an antique market in 2007.[3] Anime and manga is not kid stuff, and it s nothing like American cartoons. Most of it is produced for a teenage or adult audience. Anime series change over time; the
  • 22. plot is often intricate, and characters change, grow, and often die. The unpredictibility and emotional depth of anime as opposed to American cartoons is part of the appeal. Many anime series such as Evangelion or Battle Angel Alita are quite introspective as well as action packed, and study questions of love, trust, and other deep feelings. To understand anime, it is fairly important to have at least a little understanding of Japanese culture itself. Anime and manga are currently produced for an exclusively Japanese audience authors are often shocked to hear that they have American or European fans and are thus based on cultural assumptions and references that Americans find puzzling at best. Some
  • 23. Business Sustainability Business amp; Sustainability Business and Climate Change В§ 1.0 Introduction Although research on climate change is quite vague about the exact degree of warming and the consequences for the natural environment, a wide range of impacts can be expected (Metz, 2011). The temperature changes and the sea level rise, this has a negative impact on food production, water availability, human health, biological environment and infrastructure in coastal areas. Vulnerability is highest in poor countries where the changes will have a devastating effect. Metz (2011) states that there is no escape from the conclusion that human beings are responsible. As a consequence, the general opinion imposes responsibility for companies to put effort in ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, voluntary climate change policy will result in elevating UBS reputation (Hoffman, 2005). As stated before, a large percentage of society all over the world has concerns about global warming. Different business units of UBS can benefit from this reputational aspect. First, private investors who consider environmental strategies in making investments will prefer UBS Wealth Management and Business Banking Switzerland above competitors such as Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. Second, institutional investors as well as private clients will value UBS environmental friendly reputation. Thirdly, UBS could broaden its scope by starting trading carbon credits. Their reputation could help them compete with competitors such as Morgan Stanley that is active in this are already. Besides their clients, UBS employees will be more motivated to work for a CR company since they believe that companies should contribute to solve global warming problems. Therefore, a green policy can increase the retention rates of skilled workers (Hoffman, 2005). В§ 3.0 Method to implement green policy To become carbon neutral, UBS could adjust their company activities or compensate their GHG emission. Besides replacing business travel with videoconferencing, UBS could manage their energy use more effectively with the aim to realize carbon neutral buildings. First, concerning their buildings,
  • 24. 1950 s Inventions As Albert Einstein once said, The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. This logic is what sparked the creation of the popular inventions of the 1950 s. Even though some inventions of this decade may not be around today, they still have a significance on inventions and thinking today. There are plenty of inventions that we use in modern time. Some examples are the Barbie Doll, Diet Soda, and today s most popular fast food chain McDonalds. There were many types of inventions in the 1950 s such as technological, medical, and other inventions that are still used today. One example of a technological invention of the nineteen fifties was the video recorder. The video recorder was created in nineteen fifty one by Charles... Show more content on ... One example is the Barbie Doll. The Barbie Doll was invented by Ruth Handler who is the co founder of Mattel (Ruff). The Barbie Doll s full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts and she is from Willows Wisconsin (Ruff). Barbie was invented to be a fashion model and was originally sold for three dollars. Another invention that is still around is McDonald s. The founder of McDonald s is named Ray Kroc and the restaurant is named after two brothers by the names of Dick and Mac (Ruth). By the year nineteen fifty eight McDonald s had sold their one hundred millionth hamburger. He named McDonalds after the brothers because he was inspired on how successful the restaurant was. Diet soda was another invention that is still used today. The Kirsch Bottling Company was the first company to successfully make diet soda. The company made the first sugar free ginger ale (Ruth). Diet soda was originally made for diabetics at the Jewish Sanitarium for Chronic Disease. The next successful company to make diet soda was in nineteen fifty eight and was made by a company named Royal Crown Cola. Royal Crown Cola Company named their diet soda Diet Rite. These inventions were and still are hugely impactful on how we and why we make the inventions that we
  • 25. Life Span Development Psychological Analysis Psychological Theories of Life Span Development Psychology Development can be defined as systematic changes that occur in the individual between conception and death, or from womb to tomb. These depend on multiple factors. Life has been divided into number of stages. Prenatal period: conception to birth: This stage included the time from conception to birth. Though the child has not come to the outside world, but a life is there, the heart is beating, and this is termed as prenatal period. Infancy: First two years of life: This is the stage when the child learns the most. He or she is not going to the school but learns a lot from the family and other people around them. If this stage is enjoyable, the child will have a good chance to have ... Show more content on ... These stages form what Piaget called an invariant sequence. Systems theories of development (some are called contextual theories, some systems theories or dynamic systems theories) generally claim that changes over the life span arise from the ongoing transactions between a changing organism and a changing world. Systems theories view development as the product of on going transactions between person and environment. Ethology asks how species specific behaviors may have evolved. It all depends upon the interactions among genes, brain activity, behavior, and the environment. So, basically it depends on many factors. Stage theorists such as Freud, Erikson, and Piaget form one broad group and have many ideas which are more or less common. They believe that biological, maturational forces within the individual re the main things which guide the development of an individual. But then there is another broad group which is formed by the learning theorists such as Watson, Skinner, and Bandura. They emphasize the role of environment more than the role of biology in development. Finally, systems theorists emphasize both biology and environment as inseparable components of a larger system. O draw a conclusion
  • 26. Charles Monet s The Hot Zone In the first two chapter of part one of The Hot Zone started of about the day to day life of Charles Monet, and how it got sick leading up to his death and Doctor Musoke get sick after Monet s vomit got in his eye and mouth. The author gives a brief overview of what Monet s live was Luke after he returned from his trip with his lady friend and got sick, then died. While doing the author posed questions as to why and how Monet got so sick that fast. The author was trying to show the reader that even something sliding your hand over a surface or in something can possibly make you sick. The author s purpose for writing these two chapters was to show how quickly a life can change and can have a domino effect. As Monet s life went from going to... Show more content on ... Dr. Musoke so far into the book has already put Monet and probably many other patients before himself where he is so concerned about making them better that he doesn t even put on the property clothes before going to see them, like he did with Monet even after hearing that he was bleeding profusely. Just from these two chapters the reader can come up with many points about the reading. The reader can say that the author made sure to mentioned that Monet took his women friend to the mountain and had sex then she died of AIDS, but Monet died close to the time she disappeared after they had sex so how could he die from AIDS to, it had to be something else. This can come from where the author says In the afternoon, it would have rained, as it usually does Mount Elgon, so Monet and his friend would have stayed in their tents and perhaps they made love while a thunderstorm hammered the canvas. ( pg 10) here the author indicates that there was sexual activities. The author then goes on to say Monet s friend dropped out of sight for several years after the trip to Mount Elgo........ She vanished after that meeting in the bar lost in the warrens if Mombasa, and by now she has probably died of
  • 27. How People Give Up Rights When Using an Airline Many people modern day use airlines as a form of transportation. To be able to use this service passengers must have their bags and personal belongings checked by the airline. Airlines do this for the safety of their passengers and to ensure that no catastrophe happens during flight. But when this is done are passengers giving up their rights? Is it right for someone to go through your personal belongings? Or is this procedure only for security reasons? What rights do airplane passengers give up by allowing themselves to be checked before boarding? When Someone travels with an airline they must have their baggage checked before boarding the plane. Some people feel that this invades their privacy and that it is not necessary. Why... Show more content on ... 3. The owner of the firearm must be at the screening or the item and provide the combination or key to open the secure container containing the firearm. 4.ant and all ammunition must be placed in fiber or packaging specifically designed to hold ammunition. And 5. The ammunition must be in the same container as the unloaded firearm. As long as when traveling with a firearm you follow all of these procedures you can legally bring a gun with you while traveling with an airline. Once again these rules might restrict your rights as an American citizen but they do NOT take away your rights as an American citizen. And there is also rules with sharp objects such as knives. The only rule that there is on these items is,1. It can not be in carry on luggage and it must be securely wrapped to prevent injury. So once again it is one hundred percent legal to bring a weapon with you while flying with an airline service. Also if someone fells that having their baggage checked is taking away their rights that is also not true. The FAA (a government run organization) enforces these rules and regulations for the airline passengers safety and for no other reason except for the passenger s safety. Also by having these rules enforced by the government they can not possibly eliminate your rights as an American citizen (although they might restrict them temporarily). And concerning the rule for having baggage checked, it is up to the airlines to charge
  • 28. Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence... Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents produced by an American thinker. Reading The Declaration of Independence presents the reader with a window into the world of revolutionary America. It conveys the dynamic nature of the time better than any written work of the period. The real importance of The Declaration of Independence lies not in the purpose for which Jefferson created it, to declare independence from Great Britain, but rather how future generations have interpreted Jefferson s words. Jefferson s document originally guaranteed basic rights for a select segment of the American population. Today it has become a document which has been ... Show more content on ... The main problem faced by Americans in the Antebellum time periodwas whether or not to abolish the institution of African American slavery. Many abolitionists, such as Andrew Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas, among others, would use the moving language of The Declaration of Independence to attack Southern slaveholders for keeping their fellow human beings in bondage. They claimed the current government was failing to secure the rights of, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for a sizable portion of the American population. Clearly the fact that the creator of The Declaration of Independence owned slaves made it hard to believe that the aim of the document was to secure the rights of the African American population. In fact, Jefferson believed that blacks were intellectually inferior to whites, and incapable of sustaining the Republic. He argued for a theory on creation that was dismissed by other intellectuals of the time called the Theory of Polygenesis. This theory was based on the assumption that God had not created humankind all at once, rather God had created the different races at different times. Jefferson believed God had created people of European origin to be superior to other races, and that people of African ancestry were not related to whites genetically. He used this theory to justify slavery even though he thought that the institution itself was detrimental to the
  • 29. The Limitations Of Frye s Green World What are the limitations of Frye s Green World model as applied to Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare? Twelfth Night was thought to be written in 1600 1. The play known for adhering to a genre of romantic comedy by utilising pathos combined with humour is listed under comedies in the First Folio of 1623 with another of Shakespeare s works As You Like It. Twelfth Night adheres to Frye s theory to some extent. The old world, one of repression, is conveyed through the puritanical beliefs of Malvolio; the green world is conveyed through the theories of disguise and confusion; and a new world is established through the restoration of order and the marriages in Act 5. However, the continuous adherence to the old world through Malvolio and a lack of clear structure when transgressing the worlds limits the extent of Frye s theory. The flexible structure is perhaps more indicative of Berger s second world theory. My aim is to explore the limitations of the green world within the play Twelfth Night. Music permeates Twelfth Night immediately in Act 1 Scene 2 with Orsino s opening declaration of love If music be the food of love, play on (lines 1 2), through this he is established and characterised as an extravagant lover, indulging in his hyperbolic passion for a woman who does not return his love. His language is full of romantic clichГ©s such as ...was I turn d into a hart (line 21), this metaphor allows Shakespeare to not only intensify the exploration of the genre of
  • 30. John Jackley Frank and Joe want to be just like their father, the famous detective Fenton Hardy. The 2 young men live in Bayport with their parents and go to the nearby secondary school. On the sketchy and narrow road, a speeding car passes Frank and Joe Hardy, who are on their motorcycles. Out for a Saturday morning ride and an errand for their father, the boys are angry with the reckless driver who appeared to have red hair. They continue to drive to Willowville. The boys decide to stop at Chet Morton s house on the way back. Chet is a close friend of the Hardy boys. On the way back they find a crashed vehicle but don t see anyone nearby or injured. At Chet s house Frank and Joe learn that Chet s car (the Queen) has been stolen. The friends talk about ... Show more content on ... The Hardys believed that he was the man who had been involved in the car theft and tower robbery. Before they can find track down the criminal, Jackley gets fatally injured in a railroad handcar accident causing Jackley to be hospitalized. As Jackley is about to die, having no reason to lie, he admits that he robbed the loot from the tower mansion. He says that he hid the loot in in the old tower... . Unfortunately, Jackley dies before he could explain further. Frank and Joe follow up on the clue and search the Applegate towers but no loot is found. After about a week of no additional clues, Frank Joe go to the railroad where Jackley used to work to find out more information. They see 2 water towers nearby and suddenly realize that by old tower Jackley meant the old water tower, not the Applegate tower. The Boys have some trouble finding the loot but soon, they successfully return the stolen loot. The boys are granted 1000 dollars and it is revealed that Adelia Applegate had loaned Henry Robinson some money to pay off his debt. Lastly, Mr. Applegate re hires Henry Robinson with an increase in salary. The case is
  • 31. The Portrayal Of Jesus In Death Valley Although this is true this story contains many a violence in it. This film begins in the regin of Herod the Great, who died in 4BC. Told by three magi a new king has been born, thus causing a mass murder of local children by the hands of Herod. This massacre only takes place in the book of Matthew s, and does not seem to be aforementioned in any non biblical sources. Johns gospels seem to Imply that Jesus was born in Nazareth and not in Bethlehem. This doesn put the film off though. Herod send a group of black clad horsemen to slaughter a group of wide eyed infants on a playground. Even if the massacre did happen, the staging here owes a lot more to Sergei Eisenstein than to the Bible. Jesus ends up surviving the purge and rejoins the story at about the age of 30. According to the films Beautiful yet very distinctive locations, Jesus appears to be living in Death Valley. In Death Valley, or as some would have it, a desert somewhere in the levant, Jesus is Tempted by an old man. How d you like to be the ruler of all this, hmm? the hermit asks, indicating the landscape. Those who are familiar with the synoptic Gospels will gather that the old man is supposed to portray Satan, trying to turn Jesus away from God. Jesus performed many of miracles. Jesus heals a few of the sick upon his return, but the... Show more content on ... The film also speculates that Judas Iscariot and Barabbas were associates, and that Judas handed Jesus over to the authorities to force his hand , believing nothing other than his own life being on the line would make him call down angels to destroy the Romans. Scripture doesn t psychoanalyze Judas, but does imply that he was motivated more than anything else by simple greed. This is not presented as a peculiarly Jewish vice, but rather one that is common to all human beings
  • 32. The Critical Thinking Process Metacognition means thinking about thinking and can be applied in two general ways. It can mean thinking about the way that you learn best. (Capella University, 2017) The other meaning of metacognition is the process of monitoring progress in thinking and learning in order to improve that way that you think. Monitoring how you learn and which strategies work the best for you, makes you the manager of your own learning. By doing this, it will help you be more successful whether it is with your school work, work at your job, and/or anything else that requires thinking. There are multiple examples of ways that people learn the best. Some people recall information better when they read it or see it; this is called visual learning. Others learn... Show more content on ... Critical thinkers are aware of what they are trying to do, while metacognitive thinkers are aware of whether their particular strategies are effective. (Draeger, 2016) Metacognition is what you are thinking about and what ways you can improve your learning by thinking about how you think. Critical thinking is how deep into thought you think about something; it is about expanding your knowledge. Critical think and metacognition, therefore, differ in the object of awareness. Critical thinking involves an awareness of mode of thinking within a domain while metacognition involves an awareness of the efficacy of particular strategies for completing that task. (Draeger,
  • 33. The Discovery Of The Double Helix And Dna DNA is the central dogma of modern biology, it is present in all living things from bacteria to mammals. DNA carries the genetic information of the organism and is used in processes like mitosis, meiosis and protein production. The reason as to why I chose this topic specifically is because it is central to my favourite aspect of biology, genetics. Prior to the discover of the double helix and DNA itself there was some information and experiments done on genetics with what little knowledge they had. Gregor Mendel carried out his experiments on pea plants by cross breading plants with different traits and came to the conclusion that there are dominant and recessive factors, now called genes. Unknown to Mendel he had just scratched the surface of genetics and this would be taken a step further by Johannes Friedrich Miescher with the discovery of DNA. Johannes Friedrich Miescher used leucocytes from puss on bandages from a nearby hospital. However he came across a problem he had to remove the leucocytes from the bandages without damaging them, he did this by filtering them in sodium sulphate. After obtaining the cells he had to separate the nuclei and the cytoplasm. He did this by putting the nuclei through alkaline extraction and acidification. This caused a precipitate to form which Miescher called nuclein, now known as DNA. James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins are the 3 people awarded for their work on the discovery of the DNA double helix, however there was
  • 34. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Rachel Carson s Silent Spring Rachel Carson s Silent Spring, is arguably a seminal text of the environmental movement and continues to impact on critical ecological discourse fifty years on. The late 1950 s were a period of relative economic prosperity in the United States with a parallel baby boom following World War 2. However, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union manifested economic and political rivalries during the same time. It was in this era, that Rachel Carsonwrote Silent Spring which invoked the public into an environmental consciousness (Griswold 2012). Inherent in Carson s text, that fundamentally sought to inform the wider public about the biological dangers inherent in pesticides, was her ability to utilise a variety of literary ... Show more content on ... There is a duality of silence and silencing between victims and perpetrators, nature and humans, public and government. The chemical toxins work silently through the food chain and accumulate and magnify in human and non human bodies. Like the constant dripping of water that in turn wears away the hardest stone, this birth to death contact with dangerous chemicals may well prove disastrous. (Carson, 1962, 158). Carson is critical of both the advertising techniques of chemical companies, lulled by the soft sell and the hidden persuader (Carson , 1962, 158) and government agencies including the Federal Aviation Agency s assurances that planes spraying insecticide were authorized to fly low. (Carson, 1962, 91) Carson compares chemical manufacturers to the infamous Borgias, who were masters of
  • 35. Tata Group Essay This quote by Jamsetji Tata explains why the Tata group was so successful throughout history from a simple trading company to a global conglomerate which makes more than makes more than US$ 103.27 billion (2014) and employs more than 580,000 people throughout the world. The foundation of the future Tata Groupwas laid in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata through the establishment of a trading company in Bombay. This initial investment was followed by the acquisition of a bankrupt oil mill in 1869 which, after being converted into a cotton mill, was sold to make profit and enable him to undertake the first major industrial project of the Tata Group by setting up another cotton mill in 1874, the Empress mill (named after the Empress of India, Queen Victoria). ... Show more content on ... It would be under his leadership that his father s ideas would be realized essentially with the establishment of the conglomerates, Tata Steel (1907) and Tata Power (1911). Both constitute the core of the present day Tata group. Moreover, Sir Dorab Tata also contributed to helping India s educational system grow by creating the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore in 1911. This would become one of the first of many centers of research and learning that would both support the Tata group and enhance its development. In addition, the Tata group is also characterized by the way they care for their employees. A perfect example of this would be, when in 1912, Tata Steel introduced an eight hour working day even though it was not statutory in most industrialized nations. Under Sir Dorab Tata s management, the Tata group, which already possessed three cotton mills and a luxury hotel, now also included the largest private sector steel company as well as three electric companies and one of India s main insurance companies, New India Insurance Co Ltd in 1919 (the largest General Insurance Company in
  • 36. The Use Of Polymers Ever since the first polymer was fabricated in 1907, scientists have been seeking new applications for classic polymers (Brewer, 2006). Recently, in 2010, an enhanced structure of the photovoltaic cell (PVC) was proposed: synthesising new polymers from regular polymers for advanced donating and electron accepting (D A) moieties in PVCs (Mike et al., 2010). Also, in 2005, another additional application for traditional polymers has been discovered. By adding cinnamic acid to a flexible polymer, a material is produced which changes shape in response to different wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light (Lendlein, 2005). Hence, an old polymer can be taught new applications and tricks if modified in some way. Polymers, known as plastics, are... Show more content on ... Likewise, polybenzobisoxazoles (PBBO)s, found in zylon, are multifunctional materials commonly applied in electrical structures for their high tensile strength, thermal stability, efficient electron transport, and high electron affinity (Intemann et al., 2011). So, when the thiophene and benzobisoxazoles (BBO)s from these compounds are combined with other molecules such as aldehydes, and two new polymers, namely poly[(3,4 didodecylthiopene vinylene) alt benzo[1,2 d;5,4 d ] bisoxazole] 2,6 diyl (PTVcBBO) and poly[(3,4 didodecylthiopene vinylene) alt benzo[1,2 d;4,5 d ]bisoxazole] 2,6 diyl (PTVtBBO) are formed, D A moieties with a low band gap and high electron transfer are produced (Kim et al., 2015). These moieties are then used to enhance PVC efficiency and electron transfer. Firstly, the direct conversion of sunlight into energy using PVCs has been recognised as an imperative component of future global energy production. As a result of their optical and electrical properties, conjugated organic materials are being suggested to replace inorganic materials in PVCs due to their ability to manipulate their electron properties through chemical synthesis (Mike et al., 2010). So, to improve the electrical properties of regular PVCs, the band gap (the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band) must be lowered
  • 37. The Last Dimension Of Wisdom Wisdom Tradition is a term applied to the books in the Old Testament such as Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. There are many different types of Wisdom Literature presented in the Old Testament. The first type of wisdom literature is presented in Sirach, and that is practical wisdom. Practical wisdom incorporates everyday life situations. The second type of Wisdom Literature is theological. Theological is concerned about what Yahweh has done in the world. The last dimension of wisdom literature is skeptical wisdom. Starting in chapter nine of Ecclesiastes, the title start with no one knows. Ecclesiastes thinks it is important to question in order to mentally prepare us in order to form our own opinion. We can see many themes of women wisdom in Proverbs, especially chapter eight and nine. The first thing one can notice about in the first couple of verses is naming wisdom a her. Wisdom is a her to emphasize the struggle that women had during the Old testament. Women were viewed as subordinate to men and how barely to no say in their freedom. Using her in the poetry, shows more of a image and relatability. The whole passage is speaking about freedom and standing for what one believes in. Also the imagery helps the reader to clearly understand the message. In verse eleven of Proverbs it says or wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. This metaphor really shows the struggle and the importance of free will
  • 38. Woodrow Wilson s The League Of Nations The League of Nations was established in 1919 after the deadly and devastating conflict of World War I. The nations of the world needed a way to rebuild and regain trust in one another after this worldwide atrocity. President Woodrow Wilson believed that an international peacekeeping organization, such as the League of Nations, could achieve this monumental goal. President Wilson was convinced that the League could prevent another wWorld wWar, preserve peace, and promote total disarmament among nations. Wilson went to the Treaty of Versailles negotiations with a Fourteen Point Plan for peace, but he sacrificed almost all of his plans so that the League of Nations could be established. This organization, however, would never live up to the President s dreams for its success. Despite Woodrow Wilsons support for the League of Nations, it failed as a peace keeping organization because the United States did not participate, its decision making process was ineffective, and it lacked an armed force to impose its decisions. When Woodrow Wilson returned to the United States from the 1919Paris Peace talks, he began campaigning within the United States for the ratification of the League. He had expected this to be a easy process. However, there were many opponents to the League of Nations, including a small group of Republican Senators and Congressman. These government officials were supported by isolationists who wanted to keep the United States out of world affairs. They
  • 39. Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Differences The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a book about a lawyer, Mr. Utterson, trying to understand the relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Since Mr. Utterson is interviewing people to understand Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the novel revolves around them. The two characters are completely different which makes them having a trustworthy relationship is strange for Mr. Utterson to comprehend. Like all people, the characters have mental differences, physical, differences, and moral differences. Like all people, the characters have mental differences. Dr. Jekyll has mental stability because he always keeps his cool. Mr. Hyde on the other hand will change his demeanor instantly, he is ruthless. Dr. Jekyll is polite with a stronger vocabulary. The two character s mental finesse are complete opposites. Despite their mental differences notice their physical differences. ... Show more content on ... In the story everyone finds Mr. Hyde difficult to look at his face. Like in the text Mr Hyde is, pale and dwarfish, he gives an impression of deformity, and has a displeasing smile. In the novel in Chapters 1 5 the author, Robert Louis Stevenson, didn t really describe Dr. Jekyll but in the text it said he was handsome. Despite their physical differences notice their moral differences. Like all people, the characters have moral differences. In the novel Dr. Jekyll wants best for everyone. He has a positive moral where he knows what is right and what is wrong for others including himself. This is an example of his positive moral, Edward Hyde should step into the said Henry Jekyll s shoes without further delay and free from any burthen or obligation beyond the payment of a few small sums to the members of the doctor s household. Mr. Hyde s moral is do anything right for himself. When he killed Sir Danvers Carew he did it for his own self
  • 40. Reproductive System And The Digestive System In Female... 1.In a cricket the reproductive system and the digestive system are interconnected. In a female cricket, the digestive system is located right under the ovaries. The location of these two systems is ideal for providing nutrients to the offspring. If the reproductive system was located elsewhere, access to vital nutrients needed to produce healthy offspring might not be easily available. In an earthworm, the nervous system and the muscular system are interconnected. The nerve cord that runs along the side of the worm s body contain ganglia. Ganglia send electrical signals to the earthworm s muscles signaling them to contract. Once the circular muscles receive these signals, the muscles contract and allow the worm to push its body forward.
  • 41. So Far In Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson So far in Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the author introduces us tothe main character: a boy named Jim Hawkins. Jim s father runs an inn called the Admiral Benbow, where all kinds of people come to eat and drink rum. A rowdy captain named Bill has taken residence in Jim s house/inn, but, due to a severe stroke and drinking problem, Bill dies unexpectedly. In addition, Jim s father dies just before Bill does, having been sick for a long time. After these two crucial deaths, Jim suddenly finds himself having to handle an entire inn by himself. This dramatic change in Jim s life is giving me the idea that there will be an important journey for Jim relating to these deaths. After all, deaths in book typically play a huge role in
  • 42. Power And Marriage In Macbeth Power or Marriage Imagine being stuck in a relationship and or marriage with someone you did not love or like. They are only using you for power that is especially not a true marriage. Every afternoon you walk through the doors for your house, and you think to yourself, I am so miserable in this relationship. The only reason why you are doing this is because of the money, or the job they can offer you. In the book Macbeththe marriages were not based on affection, they were established by power. The author is William Shakespeare, it took place in 1606 in Scotland, it was published in 1623, and it is a tragedy. A good marriage empowered by power rather than fondness of each other is not a superior marriage. First and Foremost, Lady Macbeth and her perspective of marriage demonstrate an unhealthy amount of wearing the pants in the family. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth a great deal of what to do. Before they decide to killMacbeth Lady Macbeth says When you durst do it, then you were a man, (I vii 49). She basically says he was a man when he did want to Kill King Duncan, but now that he doesn t want to assassinate him he isn t a man. She basically forced Macbeth to kill the King. She convinces him to do whatever to get the crown. If she has to question his manhood that would hit close to home. In that time period, it would be unheard of for Lady Macbeth to wear the pants in the family because women have little to no respect. That is why it demonstrates an unhealthy
  • 43. Training Bag Benefits of Using a Training Bag for Fitness Most people associate training bags with martial arts, boxing, and other forms of combat training. While the weight of a heavy bag is good for simulating the weight of an opponent, and training with a heavy bag is great for developing punching power, there are a great many benefits to incorporating a training bag into a workout regimen for any sport, or just for fitness sake. Before you get started though, make sure that you understand how to properly strike and kick a heavy bag and how to use the correct safety equipment to insure that you get a healthy, safe workout. Strength Training and Body Shaping While correctly kicking and striking a training bag, the muscles in your legs, arms, shoulders,
  • 44. The Seinfeld Listening The title of the source I listened to was The pilot episode for the comedy TV show Seninfeld formerly known as The Seinfeld Chronicles . I think this TV show could be divided into two parts. One is Jerry s personal presentation and another is comedy. In my viewpoint, this listening is difficult(rated 8) for me to some extent because of not only the speed, but also the logic. As for the speed, I think they talked so fast that I can hardly understand what they said at the first time, but after I repeated, I found that it could be easier for me. So what was the most difficult for me is the logic. When I listened this at the first time, I was extremely confused that how the event developed. It was just like a comedy that some people talked
  • 45. A Brief Biography Of Marquis De Lafayette Marquis de Lafayette was born in Chavaniac, France on September 6, 1757. He was born into a wealthy family of the noble class (1, 2). His father, a colonel of Grenadiers, died fighting the British during the 7 Years War while Marquis was still an infant (1, 4). This likely effected his decision to aid the colonies in their fight against the British. His mother died when he was 12 leaving him an orphan (1). In 1771 Lafayette joined the Royal Army. He married Adrienne Francoise de Noailles when he was 16 (1). In 1775, he decided he wanted to travel to America and volunteer for the Revolution (1). Marquis de Lafayette arrived in Virginia in 1777 (1). He convinced some French officers to make the journey with him. Lafayette became a Major General
  • 46. Richard Nixon Scandal On August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon was the first, and so far the only president of the United States to resign from office. Out of what looked like to be an inevitable impeachment, Nixon became a part of one of the biggest scandals ever known. President Nixon believed he was taking the necessary measures to reunite a divided country that was undergoing the Vietnam War. About 2 years prior, a group of burglars were arrested at the Watergate complexafter breaking into the office of the Democratic National Committee. A security guard noticed there was taping over some of the locks of the building and responded by immediately calling the police. The thefts were involved in the reelection campaign for Richard Nixons second term by stealing... Show more content on ... 683 was held on the 24th of July in 1974. Among the other judges that served this court were Douglas, Brennan, Stewart, White, Marshall, Blackmun, Powell, and Rehnquist. Rehnquist was the only one who ended up not taking part in the decision of the case. The question raised was whether or not the President of the United States has power to an executive privilege that allows him or her immunity from judicial process ( Summary of the Decision ). The United States was in favor by the Court under unanimous decision. The role of executive privilege was decided that it is not an absolute. The President trying to keep everything a secret was offset by the judges and their ability to provide a fair trial. His attorneys argued that this whole trial went against the idea of the separation of powers because the judicial branch should not be getting involved with the actions of the executive branch. However, because a constitutional question was raised, it fit the textbook reason for the requirement of getting the judicial branch involved. They granted that his argued privilege was limited, especially where there are military of diplomatic affairs ( Modern Era ). The controversial issue of the subpoena that called for aid to the public interest was marked as a pro, requiring that the President release the tapes. Chief Justice Burger was the one who wrote the majority opinion for the Court
  • 47. The Representation of Male and Female Characters in Two... The Representation of Male and Female Characters in Two Comedies Situation comedies as a whole are a conservative representation of life mainly due to the fact they are screened at prime family times and want as large an audience as possible so try not to be too controversial. This means they very rarely challenge the status quo and re enforce stereotypes. I am looking at how male and female characters are represented and whether the way they are represented challenges the stereotypes associated with gender differences. The two situation comedies I have chosen are Friends and Man About The House . As Friends was made decades after Man About The House it gives us a good insight into how male ... Show more content on ... In the Man About the House title sequence one of the two lead women, Chrissy, is seen loosing her shoe while getting bundled onto a bus. This portrays her as being dippy and dizzy which does not challenge the stereotype that women are the vulnerable gender. Jo, the other lead female is seen leaving a tube station and a blind man takes of his glasses to stare at her as she walks down the road empathising how attractive she is meant to be. This however simply supports the stereotype that women are sex objects. In the Friends title sequence the man are portrayed doing macho poses whereas the women are seen doing much more girly poses like playing with umbrellas which does little to promote the idea women are no longer jus pretty objects. A huge drive for those protesting for women s liberation was equal rights in the work place, there should be just as many women in high up jobs as men. Whether this is true or not in reality is debateable, but what jobs males and females have in popular sitcoms sends out a clear message to those watching. In Friends the three males have successful and appealing careers, Ross is a university lecturer and has a PhD, Joey is an actor in a popular soap series at one point and Chandler
  • 48. Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies Humans live and develop in societies with rules, order and government, but humans are not perfect, they have many deficiencies so do the societies they live in. When a group of schoolboys land on a tropical island, Ralph takes on the role of leader by bringing all of the boys together and organizing them. He first explains There aren t any grownups. We shall have to look after ourselves. (p.33), this brings up the question if the boys will have prosperity or will they succumb to the evil on the island. At first the young boys start being successful and civilized but chaos soon overruns them and evil starts to lurk over the island. William Goldings effective use of symbolism helps emphasize and tie together the relationship between the evil in society and in humannature. The fictional story of the group of British schoolboys stranded on an island and the decisions they make, relates back to our society and the decisions we might make in a difficult situation. Lord of The Flies is Golding s attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The use of symbols in the novel to represent the flaws of human nature, helps create this theme. The conch is one of the main objects the boys use and has a very strong evolution throughout the novel. Likewise, painted faces are used as a method to show the change in human nature throughout a long period of time. Another object that is persistent throughout the novel are Piggy s glasses, they are principally