SlideShare a Scribd company logo
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Key Leaders:
Main Focus:
Core information: Describe the community
group as if they were standing in the same room.
Write about their goals, values, likes and
dislikes. What are their biggest worries,
problems or challenges?
Needs: What are the needs of this group? What
challenges do they hope you will help solve?
How are their problems causing pain and
discomfort? What end result do they want, and
what end result do they really need?
Influence: Here’s where you lay out all the
factors that go into the decision to take your
advice. What influences their decision? What
differentiates you, and why is that important to
Dive deeper: Once you’ve filled in the basic facts, write one or two short paragraphs for each of the following:
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 1
Getting to What Really Matters
What are the behaviours you
want them to take?
How do those actions benefit
What do they need to believe
before they will take those
Characterize the groups you
are most focused on reaching.
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 2
Defining Reference Points
In the circles in the middle, write down the three most important beliefs your community needs to have before they will take
action. In the boxes, briefly describe what evidence you can provide them in order to help them develop or validate that belief.
Core Belief
Core Belief Core Belief
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 3
Telling Your Epic Story
Based on the Reference Points you outlined earlier, identify five general themes of information that you need
to share with your clients. In the area below each theme, identify specific topics to focus on.
We’re always there
when you need us
•  Our 24/7
•  Why being so
fast is important
•  Stories about
our rapid
•  Pictures & info
about our
dispatch centre
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 4
The Art of the Perfect Post
In the boxes on the left, write in one of the themes that you identified earlier. In the larger boxes, draft your
first post for that theme. Leave lots of room for editing as you will be making changes to them later.
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 5
Trust That Matters
In the circles below, write the
three most important beliefs you
identified earlier.
Social Proof
As you consider the core beliefs that you have identified, which two
Trust Activators will be most important for your community?
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 6
Your Digital Voice
Complete these two exercises to develop a better understanding of your “Voice”
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	
Cautious & Reflective
Fast-paced & outspoken
Your Digital Voice
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	
• You like conversations that
lead to action & results.
• Your voice is firm & direct.
It’s a positive & energetic
voice that’s focused on
getting things done.
• Your voice exudes
D i
• Your voice is enthusiastic
and people find you to be
sociable & optimistic.
• You encourage
conversation, value
feedback and enjoy
building new relationships.
• Your voice is
conscientious and
somewhat reserved.
• You ensure accuracy and
help to maintain stability.
• Your quieter approach
helps you listen carefully
and pay attention to the
• Your voice is supportive
and brings stability.
• You encourage
collaboration and tend to
be a good listener.
• You’re patient with people
and take a calm & long-
term view.
• When	you	are	using	social	
media,	you	tend	to	ask	
quesAons	in	order	to	prompt	a	
discussion	that	may	lead	to	
• Your	somewhat	formal	nature	
brings	a	professional,	
respecAve	tone	to	the	
• Your	voice	is	conversaAonal	
&	curious.		
• You	enjoy	reaching	out	to	
your	followers	to	understand	
what’s	on	their	mind.		
• You	like	to	keep	the	
conversaAon	going	in	order	
to	deepen	your	relaAonships.	
• It’s	important	for	you	to	
share	informaAon	with	your	
followers	and	to	
demonstrate	the	depth	of	
services	&	capability	you	
• You	value	professional,	
knowledgeable	interacAons.		
• You	have	a	relaxed	and	
conversaAonal	approach	to	
social	media.		
• You	enjoy	sharing	the	ins	&	
outs	of	what	you	do	and	
what	you	offer.		
• You’re	comfortable	
communicaAng	your	
perspecAves	&	knowledge.	
Local Expert
Blogging Plan
It’s time to build out your blogging plan for the next year. We do this by unpacking the themes that you
identified earlier and coming up with specific blog topics—or better yet, blog titles—that will anchor your
posts for the year ahead.
Bring these
forward from your
•  For each
Theme, come
up with a
number of blog
topics or titles
•  Make sure that
you have a
minimum of 12
topics by the
time you’re
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 9
Blog Structure
Headline <H1>
Image	with	“Alt	Tags”	using	
keywords.	The	reason	we	put	the	
image	here	is	to	keep	the	text	on	the	
leP	short	&	easy	to	ready	
Subheading <H2>—Use Key Words
Clear,	concise	content.	One	great	way	
to	start	is	to	set	up	a	problem	that	
will	resonate	with	people.	Then	
explain	the	problem	and	offer	a	
possible	soluAon.	
Now,	our	content	doesn’t	always	
have	to	be	straight	text.	We	can	
create	lists	in	bullet	points	to	break	it	
up	and	make	it	easier	to	read.	
Remember,	we’re	using	bold,	punchy	
language.	Nothing	wishy-washy	or	
We	can	use	links	anywhere	in	the	
blog,	linking	to	other	blogs,	arAcles,	
Subheading <H2> or <H3>—Use Key Words
Call to Action
Author info
Make	it	short	and	snappy.	
And	use	your	key	words.		
Punchy	opening	text—One	
sentence	(two	at	the	most).	
This	is	supposed	to	be	short	
so	it’s	easy	for	people	to	dive	
into	your	story.	Make	it	clear,	
concise	and	compelling.	
A	Call	to	AcAon	or	TesAmonial	
inserted	right	in	the	middle	of	
the	blog	post.	
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 10
We	may	have	a	call	to	acAon	or	two.	
But	remember,	we’re	here	to	“Pull”	
clients,	not	be	pushy.	Keywords	are	
important	too,	but	they	have	to	be	
“organic”	in	nature,	not	forced.		
Include	your	photo,	name,	
Atle,	organizaAon	and	a	brief	
bio.	Consider	creaAng	an	
avatar	to	simplify	the	process.
Blogging Checklist
How	to	write	a	blog	post	
q  Select	a	topic	that	aligns	with	the	core	themes	and	
publishing	plan	you’ve	developed	
q  350-500	words	is	standard,	however,	not	
mandatory;	include	your	keywords	in	the	body	
q  Include	pictures	and	alt	text	
q  Uses	headings	and	bullets/lists	to	break	up	the	text	
q  1-2	Internal	links	to	landing	pages	
q  1-2	External	links	(where	appropriate)	
q  Call	to	acAon	(CTA)	at	the	boaom	
q  Author	Bio	
More	about	headings	
q  The	most	important	heading	on	the	page	should	be	
the	H1	(the	Atle)	
q  There	is	usually	only	one	H1	on	any	page	
q  Subheadings	should	be	H2s,	sub-subheadings	
should	be	H3s,	etc.	
q  Each	heading	should	contain	valuable	keywords;	if	
not,	it’s	a	wasted	heading	
q  For	longer	pieces	of	content,	a	heading	helps	a	
reader	skim	
Tips	to	encourage	engagement	with	your	blog	
q  Include	social	share	and	email	buaons	
q  Include	social	connect	buaons	
q  Encourage	newsleaer	sign-up	by	placing	a	sidebar	in	the	
blog	for	people	to	quickly	subscribe.	
q  Follow	the	blogging	template	
q  Keyword	load	to	target	your	audience	
q  Allow	for	comments	at	the	boaom	
q  Develop	the	content	in	a	way	that	you	can	include	1-2	
internal	links	
q  Develop	the	content	to	include	a	1-2	external	links	
(Partner	links	if	possible)	
q  Use	images,	bullets,	numbers	and	headings	to	make	the	
content	more	digesAble	
q  Use	only	one	<H1>	heading	with	keywords	
q  Use	headings	<H2,	H3>	and	use	keywords	
q  Use	categories	and	include	tags	to	help	organize	your	
q  Share	your	blog	in	your	social	media	channels	and	e-
Measure	the	success	your	blog	
q  A	few	metrics	to	consider	would	be	visitors,	subscribers,	
inbound	links	and	social	media	shares	
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 11
A better Biography
Every social media platform, website and digital presence has one common facet: the About page. The
problem is that most About page information is awful. We use bad photos and poorly written descriptions of
ourselves. But these are tremendous opportunities to tell people who we really are and stand out from the
crowd. Instead of using the standard “blurbs” try using these questions to shape your bio.
•  How	did	you	arrive	at	your	current	posiAon?	
What	path	brought	you	here?	#	of	yrs	in	the	
•  What	are	you	known	for	professionally?	What	
do	you	have	a	knack	for?		
•  What	skills	do	you	have	that	make	you	an	
excellent	team	member?	
•  Is	there	a	recent	(last	year	or	two)	work	
accomplishment	that	you	are	parAcularly	
proud	of?	
•  What’s	the	one	problem	you	are	best	at	
solving	for	your	clients?	What	would	your	
ideal	clients	say	about	you?	
•  Who	have	you	worked	with	in	the	past?	And	
what	have	you	done	for	them?	
•  	What	are	you	most	passionate	about	
professionally?	What	most	excites	you	about	
your	work	&	the	contribuAon	you	can	make?	
•  What	are	you	passionate	about	personally?	
What	do	you	really	enjoy?	What	can’t	you	
stop	talking	about?	
•  Any	awards	or	medals,	or	even	medallions?	
Personal	okay,	too.	
•  Where	can	we	find	you	when	you’re	not	
working?	What’s	your	favorite	way	to	spend	a	
weekend	or	a	Sunday	aPernoon?	
•  What	kind	of	volunteer	work	do	you	do	and	
•  Anything	else	you’d	like	to	tell	people	about	
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 12
Website Checklist
q  The design is consistent with your brand
q  Logo links to homepage
q  Prominent “Search” box
q  Physical address visible
q  Phone number available “above the fold”
q  Less than 15 click choices
q  Clear “I am a client” choice
q  Clear “I am interested in becoming a client”
q  Clear option to communicate with staff
Products / Services
q  Photos and / or video of the products or
q  Have their own unique landing pages
q  Presented in a “Client First” manner
q  Clearly distinguishes what sets you apart from
competing organizations
q  Includes social sharing buttons on each page
q  Includes testimonials and referrals related to
the products and services
q  Easy online ordering
q  Content management system that is easy-to-use
q  Consistent publishing schedule
q  Includes different media to reflect the different ways
people process information
q  Able to share content on social media
q  Team members enabled to post
q  Includes photos of team members
q  Profiles clients and stakeholders
q  Are well-written and SEO optimized
q  Website compatible with all browsers
q  Quick load time
q  Images have correct ALT tags
q  Customer not-found / 404 page
q  Critical content / message “above the fold”
q  Page titles reflect the content and organization
q  URLs represent the content of the page
q  Copy is concise and friendly to target audience
q  Clear path to info about the organization
q  Clear path to contact information
q  Favicon matches business branding
q  “Breadcrumbs” used on inner pages
q  Bottom of articles contain “related posts” links
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 13
Website Checklist
q  Page titles properly formatted: Keyword
Content – Organization
q  Pages begin with subtitle inside an <H1> tag
q  Images have correct ALT tags
q  Meta descriptions with keywords in sentence
q  Keywords in Title, <H1> tags, and first lines of
q  Dynamic, fresh content being added regularly
q  No duplicate content
q  Internal and external links
About Us
q  Welcome video
q  Professional photos of senior staff
q  Biographies of senior staff
q  Clear explanation of your organization’s “Why”
q  Sampling of testimonials and awards
q  Key metrics of examples of the impact of your
q  Link to page with information about the staff
q  Link to page including media or press releases
q  Link to events page if appropriate
q  Includes your physical location
q  Provides a map so it’s easy for people to find you
q  Phone number
q  Fax number if appropriate
q  Email contact
q  Form to leave a message immediately
q  It grabs people’s attention
q  Message to help visitors understand how soon you
will get back to them
q  Your visitors have been given a clear reason(s) to
connect with you
Mailing List / Newsletter Sign UP
q  Email newsletter available to read on website
q  Mailing list sign-up is prominent on website
q  Includes a double opt-in procedure
q  Mailing list content is focused on the needs of the
client / stakeholder
q  Uses a Mailing List service provide, not personal
q  Is sent consistently
q  Images include ALT tags
q  Messages include a clear Call to Action
q  Have powerful, compelling subjects
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 14
Social share + email permissions
Social connect
Tips to encourage engagement with the e-newsletter:
•  Use an interesting subject line & Pre-header - Avoid subject
lines like “This Month’s Newsletter.” Treat your pre-header
as a secondary subject line - depending on email settings
this area might be a preview. And don’t use your company
name in the subject line as it’s using valuable real estate
when the name already appears in the “From” field.
•  Link your logo and masthead – give your audience a path
back to your website.
•  Have a great MastHead – It will appear on every newsletter.
•  Create compelling content – Use brief, scanable
paragraphs, content blocks, bullet points and numbered
•  Include snippets from your blog – drive traffic back to your
website through original content.
•  Have strong section titles – Content and Headings are
equally important, but you need to capture the audience
•  Use great images – They’re one of the strongest ways to
communicate what your organization is about.
•  Encourage feedback or ask the reader to do something at
the end.
•  Including and promoting social sharing in an email-
They extend the reach of your emails: The more people
share your email, the more potential you have for opens,
clicks and conversions.
•  Create a footer with standard email permissions, 1-2
lines about your organization, and include social share
buttons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), including an email
forward option, so that the newsletter in its entirety can
be easily shared.
•  Including and promoting social connection options in an
email - They provide another platform to connect with
your audience: each platform - email, Twitter, Facebook,
YouTube, a blog, etc. - enables you to communicate and
interact with people in different ways.
•  Always test before sending.
Be Consistent!
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.	 15
Copyright	©	2015	Rhapsody	Strategies	Inc.

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Beyond Engagement-Building Your Social Media Strategy

  • 2. UNDERSTANDING YOUR COMMUNITY Name: Location: Size: Key Leaders: Main Focus: Core information: Describe the community group as if they were standing in the same room. Write about their goals, values, likes and dislikes. What are their biggest worries, problems or challenges? Needs: What are the needs of this group? What challenges do they hope you will help solve? How are their problems causing pain and discomfort? What end result do they want, and what end result do they really need? Influence: Here’s where you lay out all the factors that go into the decision to take your advice. What influences their decision? What differentiates you, and why is that important to them? Dive deeper: Once you’ve filled in the basic facts, write one or two short paragraphs for each of the following: Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 1
  • 3. Getting to What Really Matters ACTIONS What are the behaviours you want them to take? RESULTS How do those actions benefit them? BELIEFS What do they need to believe before they will take those actions? COMMUNITIES Characterize the groups you are most focused on reaching. Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 2
  • 4. Defining Reference Points In the circles in the middle, write down the three most important beliefs your community needs to have before they will take action. In the boxes, briefly describe what evidence you can provide them in order to help them develop or validate that belief. Core Belief Core Belief Core Belief Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 3
  • 5. Telling Your Epic Story Based on the Reference Points you outlined earlier, identify five general themes of information that you need to share with your clients. In the area below each theme, identify specific topics to focus on. SAMPLE THEMES We’re always there when you need us SPECIFIC TOPICS •  Our 24/7 guarantee •  Why being so fast is important •  Stories about our rapid response •  Pictures & info about our dispatch centre Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 4
  • 6. The Art of the Perfect Post In the boxes on the left, write in one of the themes that you identified earlier. In the larger boxes, draft your first post for that theme. Leave lots of room for editing as you will be making changes to them later. Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 5
  • 7. Trust That Matters CORE BELIEFS In the circles below, write the three most important beliefs you identified earlier. TRUST Reciprocity Commitment Social Proof Liking Authority Scarcity TRUST ACTIVATORS As you consider the core beliefs that you have identified, which two Trust Activators will be most important for your community? Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 6
  • 8. Your Digital Voice Complete these two exercises to develop a better understanding of your “Voice” Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. Formal Conversational Tell Ask Questioning&Skeptical Accepting&Warm Cautious & Reflective Fast-paced & outspoken 7
  • 9. Your Digital Voice Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. Teacher Neighbour • You like conversations that lead to action & results. • Your voice is firm & direct. It’s a positive & energetic voice that’s focused on getting things done. • Your voice exudes confidence. D i SC • Your voice is enthusiastic and people find you to be sociable & optimistic. • You encourage conversation, value feedback and enjoy building new relationships. • Your voice is conscientious and somewhat reserved. • You ensure accuracy and help to maintain stability. • Your quieter approach helps you listen carefully and pay attention to the details. • Your voice is supportive and brings stability. • You encourage collaboration and tend to be a good listener. • You’re patient with people and take a calm & long- term view. • When you are using social media, you tend to ask quesAons in order to prompt a discussion that may lead to business. • Your somewhat formal nature brings a professional, respecAve tone to the conversaAon. • Your voice is conversaAonal & curious. • You enjoy reaching out to your followers to understand what’s on their mind. • You like to keep the conversaAon going in order to deepen your relaAonships. • It’s important for you to share informaAon with your followers and to demonstrate the depth of services & capability you offer. • You value professional, knowledgeable interacAons. • You have a relaxed and conversaAonal approach to social media. • You enjoy sharing the ins & outs of what you do and what you offer. • You’re comfortable communicaAng your perspecAves & knowledge. Local Expert Coach 8
  • 10. Blogging Plan It’s time to build out your blogging plan for the next year. We do this by unpacking the themes that you identified earlier and coming up with specific blog topics—or better yet, blog titles—that will anchor your posts for the year ahead. THEMES Bring these forward from your previous worksheet BLOG TOPICS •  For each Theme, come up with a number of blog topics or titles •  Make sure that you have a minimum of 12 topics by the time you’re done Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 9
  • 11. Blog Structure Headline <H1> Image with “Alt Tags” using keywords. The reason we put the image here is to keep the text on the leP short & easy to ready Subheading <H2>—Use Key Words Clear, concise content. One great way to start is to set up a problem that will resonate with people. Then explain the problem and offer a possible soluAon. Now, our content doesn’t always have to be straight text. We can create lists in bullet points to break it up and make it easier to read. Remember, we’re using bold, punchy language. Nothing wishy-washy or vague. We can use links anywhere in the blog, linking to other blogs, arAcles, website. Subheading <H2> or <H3>—Use Key Words Call to Action Author info Make it short and snappy. And use your key words. Punchy opening text—One sentence (two at the most). This is supposed to be short so it’s easy for people to dive into your story. Make it clear, concise and compelling. A Call to AcAon or TesAmonial inserted right in the middle of the blog post. Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 10 We may have a call to acAon or two. But remember, we’re here to “Pull” clients, not be pushy. Keywords are important too, but they have to be “organic” in nature, not forced. Include your photo, name, Atle, organizaAon and a brief bio. Consider creaAng an avatar to simplify the process.
  • 12. Blogging Checklist How to write a blog post q  Select a topic that aligns with the core themes and publishing plan you’ve developed q  350-500 words is standard, however, not mandatory; include your keywords in the body q  Include pictures and alt text q  Uses headings and bullets/lists to break up the text q  1-2 Internal links to landing pages q  1-2 External links (where appropriate) q  Call to acAon (CTA) at the boaom q  Author Bio More about headings q  The most important heading on the page should be the H1 (the Atle) q  There is usually only one H1 on any page q  Subheadings should be H2s, sub-subheadings should be H3s, etc. q  Each heading should contain valuable keywords; if not, it’s a wasted heading q  For longer pieces of content, a heading helps a reader skim Tips to encourage engagement with your blog q  Include social share and email buaons q  Include social connect buaons q  Encourage newsleaer sign-up by placing a sidebar in the blog for people to quickly subscribe. q  Follow the blogging template q  Keyword load to target your audience q  Allow for comments at the boaom q  Develop the content in a way that you can include 1-2 internal links q  Develop the content to include a 1-2 external links (Partner links if possible) q  Use images, bullets, numbers and headings to make the content more digesAble q  Use only one <H1> heading with keywords q  Use headings <H2, H3> and use keywords q  Use categories and include tags to help organize your posts q  Share your blog in your social media channels and e- newsleaer Measure the success your blog q  A few metrics to consider would be visitors, subscribers, inbound links and social media shares Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 11
  • 13. A better Biography Every social media platform, website and digital presence has one common facet: the About page. The problem is that most About page information is awful. We use bad photos and poorly written descriptions of ourselves. But these are tremendous opportunities to tell people who we really are and stand out from the crowd. Instead of using the standard “blurbs” try using these questions to shape your bio. •  How did you arrive at your current posiAon? What path brought you here? # of yrs in the industry? •  What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for? •  What skills do you have that make you an excellent team member? •  Is there a recent (last year or two) work accomplishment that you are parAcularly proud of? •  What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients? What would your ideal clients say about you? •  Who have you worked with in the past? And what have you done for them? •  What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribuAon you can make? •  What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about? •  Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too. •  Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday aPernoon? •  What kind of volunteer work do you do and why? •  Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself? Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 12
  • 14. Website Checklist Homepage q  The design is consistent with your brand q  Logo links to homepage q  Prominent “Search” box q  Physical address visible q  Phone number available “above the fold” q  Less than 15 click choices q  Clear “I am a client” choice q  Clear “I am interested in becoming a client” choice q  Clear option to communicate with staff Products / Services q  Photos and / or video of the products or services q  Have their own unique landing pages q  Presented in a “Client First” manner q  Clearly distinguishes what sets you apart from competing organizations q  Includes social sharing buttons on each page q  Includes testimonials and referrals related to the products and services q  Easy online ordering Blog q  Content management system that is easy-to-use q  Consistent publishing schedule q  Includes different media to reflect the different ways people process information q  Able to share content on social media q  Team members enabled to post q  Includes photos of team members q  Profiles clients and stakeholders q  Are well-written and SEO optimized Usability q  Website compatible with all browsers q  Quick load time q  Images have correct ALT tags q  Customer not-found / 404 page q  Critical content / message “above the fold” q  Page titles reflect the content and organization q  URLs represent the content of the page q  Copy is concise and friendly to target audience q  Clear path to info about the organization q  Clear path to contact information q  Favicon matches business branding q  “Breadcrumbs” used on inner pages q  Bottom of articles contain “related posts” links Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 13
  • 15. Website Checklist SEO q  Page titles properly formatted: Keyword Content – Organization q  Pages begin with subtitle inside an <H1> tag q  Images have correct ALT tags q  Meta descriptions with keywords in sentence form q  Keywords in Title, <H1> tags, and first lines of text q  Dynamic, fresh content being added regularly q  No duplicate content q  Internal and external links About Us q  Welcome video q  Professional photos of senior staff q  Biographies of senior staff q  Clear explanation of your organization’s “Why” q  Sampling of testimonials and awards q  Key metrics of examples of the impact of your organization q  Link to page with information about the staff q  Link to page including media or press releases q  Link to events page if appropriate Contact q  Includes your physical location q  Provides a map so it’s easy for people to find you q  Phone number q  Fax number if appropriate q  Email contact q  Form to leave a message immediately q  It grabs people’s attention q  Message to help visitors understand how soon you will get back to them q  Your visitors have been given a clear reason(s) to connect with you Mailing List / Newsletter Sign UP q  Email newsletter available to read on website q  Mailing list sign-up is prominent on website q  Includes a double opt-in procedure q  Mailing list content is focused on the needs of the client / stakeholder q  Uses a Mailing List service provide, not personal email q  Is sent consistently q  Images include ALT tags q  Messages include a clear Call to Action q  Have powerful, compelling subjects Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 14
  • 16. Masthead #1   #2 #3 Footer Social share + email permissions Social connect Tips to encourage engagement with the e-newsletter: NEWSLETTER CHECKLIST •  Use an interesting subject line & Pre-header - Avoid subject lines like “This Month’s Newsletter.” Treat your pre-header as a secondary subject line - depending on email settings this area might be a preview. And don’t use your company name in the subject line as it’s using valuable real estate when the name already appears in the “From” field. •  Link your logo and masthead – give your audience a path back to your website. •  Have a great MastHead – It will appear on every newsletter. •  Create compelling content – Use brief, scanable paragraphs, content blocks, bullet points and numbered lists. •  Include snippets from your blog – drive traffic back to your website through original content. •  Have strong section titles – Content and Headings are equally important, but you need to capture the audience first. •  Use great images – They’re one of the strongest ways to communicate what your organization is about. •  Encourage feedback or ask the reader to do something at the end. •  Including and promoting social sharing in an email- They extend the reach of your emails: The more people share your email, the more potential you have for opens, clicks and conversions. •  Create a footer with standard email permissions, 1-2 lines about your organization, and include social share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), including an email forward option, so that the newsletter in its entirety can be easily shared. •  Including and promoting social connection options in an email - They provide another platform to connect with your audience: each platform - email, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, a blog, etc. - enables you to communicate and interact with people in different ways. •  Always test before sending. Be Consistent! Copyright © 2015 Rhapsody Strategies Inc. 15