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The Best Part Of Us 
September 2014
My helpful head 
By Alex H. 
My head helps me think. My head gives me hair. My head 
helps me do math problems. It can remember things. My 
head helps think about things. My head helps me me read 
words, and remember facts about family.
With my eyes I can see 
my friend Micaiah at 
school. My eyes let me 
to see my teacher Mr. 
Keefer. My eyes help 
me look at Phoebe, 
our library dog. I can 
watch movies on my 
T.V with my eyes. My 
eyes let me look at a 
color photo. My eyes 
help me read the 
words on a page of a 
book. I can see where 
I'm going in school 
and my house.
My Majestic hands by Arnav 
With my hands I can hold items like pencils and soccer balls. 
I can use my hands for opening the door. Also I can use 
my hands for writing and using items. I can use my 
hands to throw stuff like my pillow and my ball .
My mouth makes me smile by Micaiah p. 
My amazing mouth helps me devour 
Noddles and company's cheesy Mac and 
cheese and flavorful snickerdoodles. I 
can smile a blinding for the camera . My 
mouth helps me use my wonderful 
voice. Sometimes I don't mean to but I 
scare people by screaming or I just hurt 
people's ear. I love talking to my 
amazing friends with my awesome 
mouth. Who said I can't tell juicy with 
my mouth cause I have some on the tip 
of my lip. I can't wait tell my next scary 
ghost story to my friends with my 
amazing. I can ask wired or funny 
questions. I'll chew great gum with my 
mouth. That's what I can do with my 
amazing mouth! 
I love my 
My A-mazing ears 
My ears help me hear Mr.Keefer talk about reading. 
I'm happy I have ears because then I can wear cool neon 
earrings.I love my ears because then I can hear my friends 
whisper secrets.My awesome ears help me listen to music on 
my iPod . I love my ears so much !! 
devika r.
My helping hands 
help me in many ways. 
By Drew G. 
My hands me do hard jump 
rope tricks like double 
Turning door handles is easy because I have 
My hands help me catch the dogeball when 
playing dogeball. 
Punt when being a soccer goalie. 
My hands help me make snowballs and throw 
snow balls. 
My hands Hold a lacrosse stick and throw.
My famous fingers 
By Duncan G. 
My fabulous fingers help me climb up to the top 
of the giant climbing wall! 
I can pick up delicious foods like lettuce free 
TacoBell tacos and cool ranch Doritos! 
They are useful to open the door to my room 
when I'm So tired I can't even stand.
My feet of awesomeness by 
Elizabeth L 
My feet of awesomeness help me win a soccer game. They are helpful when my 
family bikes to the wetlands to go fishing. Also my feet are helpful when my 
brother is teaching me how to skateboard with my new skateboard!. Shoot! 
when I play basketball with my friends my feet are very important for me to 
jump and run. When it is a hot day my mom and I do tennis and my feet really 
help me. Step by step my family likes to go on hikes (even if we hike to UDF) 
and having feet is the top key.Also when I walk or ride my bike to school they 
are very useful.And last of all is when I play tag with my friends my feet are very 
helpful. So that what I can do with my feet of awesomeness!.
My ears help me hear people taking. I hear flys busing 
In my ears. My ears help me hear bees busing in a flower. 
I here cicadas in trees. My ears help me hear birds 
chirping in the trees. I hear the clock ticking. My ears 
help me hear the bell ring. 
My amazing ears 
By Grace
My amazing mouth makes me smile 
By Jasmine L. 
I can talk to parents/sister and my amazing friends.(and 
sometimes they are all funny). My mouth can eat 
delicious foods like Dewy's cheese pizza and devouring 
candy. I can even tell my mom/dad stories about 
awesome things I did at school everyday and I tell my 
sister about my friends. With my mouth I can ask very 
good questions about how my parents did at work and 
ask my sister about how she did at school. I can whisper 
secrets to mom that I don't want my dad to know. I can 
yell boo when my little sister bugs me.( I do it all the time 
and she does it to me to) With my mouth I can chew 
awesome spearmint gum and cinnamon.
My Horrendously Handy Hands 
By John Brian R. 
With my hand I can hold things. My hands also 
make it easy to throw things. Without my hands I 
couldn't see because I wouldn't be able to turn 
the lights on! Another thing I can do with my 
hands is catch things. My life would be boring 
without the origami my hands fold!
My Ears Are Magnificent by 
Winter C 
Hear my friend Annabelle talk about something cool. 
Know what to do for an important assignment . 
Use my ears to know what my parents want to tell me. 
Ears are useful for listen for what to do in case of a fire. 
Eaves drop to my moms conversation on the phone. 
Listen to a favorite tv show. 
Listen to The Ocean At the End of the lane audio book.
Andrews Amazing feet 
by Andy 
My feet help me run and play tag. With my feet I can 
play soccer to kick the ball and dribble. I can to and 
back from school. My feet help me ride my bike for 
long bike rides. With my feet I can play basket ball so I 
can run and get open so one can pass me the ball.My 
feet helps me ice skate with my family. I can stand with 
my feet so I don't have to sit all the time.
My awesome 
feet by Jonah. 
My awesome feet make me kick the soccer ball in to the goal. 
My awesome feet also make me run on the bike path. My 
feet make jump rope on the drive way. 
My awesome feet make me do jumping jacks wheel working 
out. My feet help me pedal my feet to move my bike. My 
awesome feet let me kick in martial arts. My feet help me kick 
my feet under water so I can swim.
My awesome feet by Ayato 
I ran when i don't have time. 
I am late where I am meeting my friend. 
I practice jumprope jumping when I was in 3d grade gym class. 
I climbed stairs when I went to a shrine in a mountain. I had more 
than 300steps!! 
When I went to see The Fodofalls, I walked with my father's 
volleyball friend for I hour. Right before the soccer practice we 
jog for awhile to warmup.
• My Handy Hands Help Me 
• Josh R 
With my hands I can pick up my dog Cam. I can also 
swim my favorite stroke freestyle in the winter and summer. With 
hands I can do cool jump rope skills. My hands allow 
me to draw my favorite sports cars. My hands can build 
things like a birdhouse. I can write stories about adventures with 
my family with my hands. Another thing I can do with my hands is 
ride my bike to places like the pool.
My Magestic Legs!! By Katherine M. 
I can run when I'm chasing my dog. 
With my legs I can do dance. I could 
ride my bike. I can play soccer with my 
epic legs!. I use my legs for walking. I 
stretch my body every day, so I can 
have a lot of e energy. I use my legs for 
running so I can get exercise.
My Amazing Mouth 
By Landon S. 
My Amazing Mouth helps me eat ice cream. My Amazing Mouth also helps me 
talk and scare my brother. When a friend tells me a funny joke it helps me 
laugh. When my brother Nick makes me mad it helps me yell at him. How 
could you talk without your mouth. How could you play soccer without your 
mouth you couldn't yell for a pass and then take a shot the other team might 
win. I love my amazing mouth.
My epic arms help me by Liv D. 
With my arms I am able to swim. I can also play catch with my 
brothers to. My arms also allow my to hit my brothers when I get 
mad at them! With my arms I can also use a controller to play a 
video game. And when I am happy 
My arms allow me to high five 
Someone. I can stretch out with my 
Arms to! I like taking pictures, and my 
Arms allow my to do that! Writing 
Is my favorite subject is 
Writing, and my arms help me out with that!
My fantastic arms by Aparna M. 
My fantastic arms let me carry my 
cousin from the kitchen to the 
living room. With 
my pencil it's fun to write in 
my journal about myself or I like to 
write made up stories. My mom and 
me enjoy choosing colorful shades of 
yarn and knit a lot of stuff. When my 
sister is swimming for the Sea Dragons 
Dublin swim team I clap for her. 
With my new colored pencils I like to 
draw all over my paper. It's fun to 
hold my favorite book and read in my 
spot. My favorite thing is braiding my hair 
hair in different sizes and shapes.
My useful & fun 
feet by Kaylee S. 
I can ride my to the the huge park so I can play 
on the huge playground In the middle of the huge 
park. I love top play freeze tag with my cousins 
and grandpa. I absolutlove to chase my sister 
around the house. I love to adventure. I love to 
spy on my sister. I love to swim at my grandma's 
house. I love to jump on grandma's tramplean. I 
also love to go to the fair and ride the rides. Last 
I love to run home from the bus stop knowing 
that I will get to see my mom again! 
My amazing feet 
help me with 
moving around, 
swimming and 
You need feet. If 
you did not have 
feet you would 
I just ador my feet! have trouble 
My Helpful and Fun Hands 
My hands help me clench onto my tennis racket as I run to the 
oncoming ball. Hands help me pick up delicious sugar cookies that 
my awesome sister makes. Splash! Splash! When I swim my arms help 
me go all the way down the lane. I love writing so my hands scribble 
on a page. My hands pick up a paint brush and dip it in paint and 
draw on the paper. I pick up the book and open the cover,my hands 
help me turn the pages one by one. If my sister ever makes fantastic 
treats then it always goes way up high so I step on a chair and my 
hands go up,up,up to grab the jar. 
By:Prisha P.
My awesome Arms Do 
Amazing things By Ryan R. 
My amazing arms let me do things 
like...Get destroyed by my brothers at 
arm wrestling. I can pitch 10mph 
fastballs. But I also grab french fries 
and throw them into my mouth.Also 
I grab my backpack and burst out the 
school door and rush home and play 
with my friends.(This one I'm glad 
I can defend myself from evil (a.k.a 
my dog). I can dominate in 
swimming competitions v,s my 
friends. I can (try to) defeat (myself 
because of) Skeletron. And that's 
what my arms can do. 
My Extreme Eyes 
With my eyes I can see video games. 
I can see the stuff I like with my eyes. 
My eyes allow me to read books. 
My eyes let me see Fifa world cup. 
My eyes allow me to see my 
wonderful family. 
I can watch WWE with my eyes. 
With my eyes I can see the world 
Helpful and 
Hands By Max 
My hands let me play wonderful songs on the piano like Fur 
Elise. I can also use my hands find books like Harry Potter And 
The Deathly Hallows, and The Hunger Games. With my great 
hands I can feed myself Broccoli Soup and warm corn. Flipping 
pages on my favorite books is another thing my amazing hands 
can do. Sometimes when I need to carry heavy objects, I call on 
my hands to help me. My cool hands also let me write amazing 
stories during writing class. During math class, I can use my 
handsome hands to solve hard math problems.
I can see cool things with my eyes 
by Marin O. 
My eyes help see the far away tree line. My eyes help 
me watch and learn from the smart board. My eyes 
look at math problems. My eyes help me read 
Franny K. Stein books. I blink when my eyes get 
dry. My eyes are blue. My eyes see my family.
My Super giant feet 
By Ethan 
I can run really fast in a marathon. I walk on the sidewalk to 
exercise. I play soccer really well with my feet. I can do 
jumping jacks more than 
30 times. I can do more pushups more than my sister can. I 
can do sit ups more than 30 times. I like the way when I touch 
the sidewalk with my shoes when I'm jogging. I can ride my 
bike with out training wheels. I love doing softball in p.e.
By Tanvi M. 
My hard working hands 
I can pick my favorite book and start reading with my hard working 
hands.With my hands I can play with my sister in the pool and swim 
with the SEA DRAGONS. My hard working hands help me pick my bowl 
with delicious food inside and start eating. With my hand I can paint 
my nails with glittery glossy nail Paint . It's good I have hands to do my 
favorite activity THE MONKEY BARS! With my hands I can drag my 
sister if she doesn't want to play with me. My hands surely help me to 
write and scribble notes.
All the things that my hands do By:Sam 
They help me eat food like pizza when I'm hungry. 
My hands help me write great stories and comics. 
I can do the monkey bars at recess with my hands. 
My hands can hold good books like Fablehaven and 
Harry Potter.They also help me clap my hands to 
good magic show (and other stuff). My hands can 
hold all the books I want to read.My hands can 
push and pull a full cart through a toy store.
My Extreme Feet 
By Musashi 
With my feet I can run with my friends. I 
can walk in the hall way. My feet allow me to 
ride my bike fast. My feet let me stand and 
talk with y friend. With my feet I can move 
places to places with my feet. I can swim 
with my feet and dive from the diving board.
Hands Awesome Kent P. 
By My me With my hands I can pick up a 
fumble and tackle a running back 
in football. 
My hands help me flip book 
pages when I read books. 
I can make projects with my 
My hands will help me do my 
My hands help me play with my 
hamster wolverine. 
My awesome hands help me 
touch my mohawk. 
I am awesome!!! 
My Fantastic Feet 
By Will M. 
With my feet I can run away from my hyper dog when 
he chases me in my backyard. Also I can chase annoying sister in the 
backyard. I can run as fast as I can. Also I can walk to school every 
day. Also with my feet I can blast the soccer ball in the goal. I can swim 
in the pool as fast as I can. And I can jump as high as I can.
My Strong Amazing hands by Nathan S. 
I can play basketball and drain threes with 
my hands. I pick up my iPod and tap it to 
do what I want it to do. I can eat amazing 
Oreos and incredible burgers. I could play 
goalie in soccer and save impossible saves. 
I can write interesting facts and write cool 
drawings. I could throw a dodgeball and 
beam people and catch awesome catches to 
get people out. I also can crack a grand 
slam with a baseball bat. I also can catch 
the baseball with a baseball mitt. I can flip 
pages from a book and read interesting 
books. I also can hit a golf ball with a golf 
club and hit it on the green. 
My Amazing mouth makes me happy 
My marvelous mouth lets me scream at 
my older sister. 
My mouth is mostly laughing when 
someone does something funny. 
My mouth likes to talk to my friends when 
I'm bored. My magnificent mouth 
screams when I win a football game 
against my dad. 
My mouth also eats lots of popcorn and 
candy at parties. 
Mouth mostly loves to read out loud 
when I'm alone in my room.
I'm lucky to have my 
amazing arms 
I can use my amazing arms for awesome things! For instance my 
arm can throw and catch a football, and I also can press a key 
when I'm playing happy birthday. When my teams score I clap 
my hands and they help me do jump rope tricks like double 
under's and back cross. I wouldn't be the same without my 
amazing arms! 
By Jonathan L
I can catch a basket ball when I'm playing basket ball. My hand can 
control characters when I'm playing video games. I can make my hand 
to throw a basket ball in the basket ball hoop. My hand makes a hand 
dragon. My hand type a computer. My hand turns a page of a book . I 
high five with my hand. That is almost all the things that my amazing 
hand can do.
My lovely eyes do many things. 
My eyes do many things 
and helps me a lot.But now I 
will tell you what my eyes 
do!My eyes help me know 
where I should go to get a 
book and my eyes help me 
read.Like a home my eyes 
are a place were my nice 
eyes also help me do my 
favorite thing.....ART! 
My lovely eyes do 
many things you see! 
The end! 
By:Vyshnavee B.
My Handy Dandy Helpful Hands 
I like having my hands. Using my hands I swing the bat and hit 
the softball hard! With my hands I pitch the ball and strike the 
batter out. When I play tag, I use my hands to tag my friends. I 
climb up the steep rock wall, gripping and pulling with my hands. 
My little brother, Craig, loves it when I give him a piggyback ride 
around the couch, real fast. I really like reading and when I read I 
hold the book in my hands. I love hugging my family and friends. 
By Kylie S
My wonderful hands always make me 
happy By Sukhjit B. 
I am my team's quarterback in football. So my hands 
help me throw a football. Another reason that I love 
my fabulous hands is. When I am bored I will make 
finger puppets with my hands.And my hands are 
also useful for picking up my school supplies. My 
amazing hands are also useful for opening a book so 
I can read it. I love my hands because they help me 
write wonderful stories. When I play basketball at 
recess my hands help me shoot hoops.
My Awesome Arms 
By Sofia 
My arms are like a home for my hands.I'm able to 
catch the ball in cherry bomb with my arms. I also 
can lift my 12 year old friend. I am able to give 
my mom a hug . I wouldn't be able to be a great 
goalie if it weren't for my arms. I can do the 
monkey bars with my arms. I can hold my cat if I 
didn't have arms my cat would hate me.
My Handsome Hands That let Me Eat By: Surya.G 
My Handsome Hands will let me get my favorite buffet at Cici's 
Pizza. And eat chicken/cheese pizza with a lot of cheese and a lot 
chicken on it. With my hands I can block goals in soccer when 
someone I trying to to sore a goal so our team wins. I can also 
make things because I like to tinker a lot with things. Like 
screws, and wood. I mostly make catapults with my hands. And my 
hands can hold things like a book, pencil, laptop, Banners and 
much, much more. With my hands I can do my Math or reading 
homework my teachers give me at school. So I'll get good grades. 
They will also let me open books I like for example The Creature 
From My Closet series. And last but always not the least. My 
hands let me write and type books because I like to write and 
type a lot on our laptop. All Because of my hands.
My feet help me run in my neighborhood with my 
dad.With my feet I can go to UDF for ice cream. 
With my feet I can do double under's on my jump 
rope.My feet help me do lyrical in dance class.My 
feet can run in a race in a contest to win.I can even 
climb a tree or climb a rope with my feet.My feet 
help me do laps in P.E class.My feet can do push-ups 
in hip hop class. 
I Love My Most Awesome Cool Feet 
By Madeline D.
My awesome 
hands by 
My awesome hands let me 
touch my cat and hold her. I 
love to write and type 
story's . I love too make arts 
and crafts with all my friend. 
My hands will let me clean 
everything so nothing will be 
a mess. I do the bar in 
gymnastics. I paint with my 
family. I love the move 
Frozen so my hands can 
imitate Elsa's power.
My spectacular eyes 
My eyes help me watch Jessie with my friends. 
I need my eyes to see what I,am knitting. 
My eyes help me see my friends. 
I need my eyes to see where I,am going so I don't bang into stuff. 
My eyes help me see the smart board when my teacher is teaching. 
I need my eyes to see what I,am reading so I don't read the wrong thing. 
My eyes help me see what I,am drawing so I don't mess up.
My best hands in the whole entire 
World by:Alex M. 
With my hands I can throw a baseball at my moms cookies until they crack 
and get gooey. 
My wonderfully hands allow me to eat juicy tender beef"yum". 
With my wonderfully hands I can pick up and read the best book in the 
world ."yes" 
I can hold a awesome hockey stick and play the best game of hockey. 
With my wonderfully hands I can pick up and eat a juicy tender hot dog. 
With my hands I can wright a magnificent story to my family. 
With my fabulous hands I can feed my wonderfully hermit crabs.
My awesome hands by Nish .S 
With my awesome hands I can 
block every single shot in soccer 
when I am the goalie. With my 
amazing hands I can catch high 
and strong kicks when I am in 
the outfield in kickball. My 
flexible hands can write great 
stories like mysteries and 
fantasies.With my super fast 
hands I can make surprisingly 
fast airplanes.With my musical 
hands I can make popping loud 
music like a rockstar.With my 
sonic hands I can play 
electronics and win all of the 
games that people challenge me.
My amazing hands let me tear open my door after 
soccer games.With my awesome hands I can catch a 
speeding football.My cool hands let me turn the 
pages of my all time favorite books like the cloak 
society. Tap tap my marvelous hands let me type 
things on the iPads. Snip snip with my awesome hands 
I can work and twist wires. Swish with my hands I can 
shoot a basketball.With my amazingly awesome hands 
I can high five my amazing friends.
My funky eyes make me want to 
jump for joy by:Lydia G. 
With my eyes I can read my favorite books such as 
wonder, Kingdom keepers,and Harry Potter.My eyes 
help me see so I can write embarrassing stories 
about my brothers.My eyes let me see the pitch hit 
my bat when I am playing softball.My eyes let me 
see so I can draw epic pictures of my eyes 
help me to see to watch t.v.I can see my buddy's so I 
know who I am talking to.with my eyes I can see cars 
so I don't get smashed.
My spectacular mouth by Shayla T. 
My mouth can chew on my moms home made pancakes and her delicious pasta. 1 And 
my dads fantastic corn beef and cabbage.2 My mouth will crave for my moms cinnamon 
rolls. 3And my dads pumpkin pie and cherry pie is scrumptious. 
4I devour my moms mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies mmmm. 5 I hunger for my 
moms birthday cake and her steaming hot chicken. 6 And most of all guys her yummy 
mouthwatering STEAK! Yum. 7 I love my mom and dads food as you can see.
My Awesome hands that help me lots! 
Cecilia M. 
With my hands I can hold my lunchbox on my way down to lunch. 
After lunch my hands help me wave to my best friends at recess. 
With my hands I can write great stories with wonderful endings. 
My hands help me snap to the beat of a great song. With my 
hands I can knock on my sisters door so she can let me in. My 
hands help me clap to cheer on my sister at her swim meets. 
With my hands I can play lots of songs on my piano.
I have amazing eyes! I can 
see my fantastic and 
fabulous friends with my 
amazing eyes! As I turn 
the pages of a book I use 
my extraordinary eyes to 
read. With my eyes I can 
see my family. I can see 
my iPad with my eyes. I 
can see the wonderful 
world with my eyes. 
My extra 
awesome amazing eyes 
By:Lydia N.
My Stupendous Eyes by 
Alexander K. 
I can read exiting seen in Harry potter. Watching the colorful birds with my eyes is 
fun. My eyes can see mottle rockets blasting in the sky. I can see the cars that 
people restored in there garages. I could wach the 
Ohio state football get a touchdown. Building amazing erector sets is cool. I could 
see what a cool Lego creation I have built.
Best Part of Us 2014 by The Wyverns

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Best Part of Us 2014 by The Wyverns

  • 1. The Best Part Of Us September 2014
  • 2. My helpful head By Alex H. My head helps me think. My head gives me hair. My head helps me do math problems. It can remember things. My head helps think about things. My head helps me me read words, and remember facts about family.
  • 3. MY AWESOME EYES LET ME SEE THE WORLD BY ANNABELLE With my eyes I can see my friend Micaiah at school. My eyes let me to see my teacher Mr. Keefer. My eyes help me look at Phoebe, our library dog. I can watch movies on my T.V with my eyes. My eyes let me look at a color photo. My eyes help me read the words on a page of a book. I can see where I'm going in school and my house.
  • 4. My Majestic hands by Arnav With my hands I can hold items like pencils and soccer balls. I can use my hands for opening the door. Also I can use my hands for writing and using items. I can use my hands to throw stuff like my pillow and my ball .
  • 5. My mouth makes me smile by Micaiah p. My amazing mouth helps me devour Noddles and company's cheesy Mac and cheese and flavorful snickerdoodles. I can smile a blinding for the camera . My mouth helps me use my wonderful voice. Sometimes I don't mean to but I scare people by screaming or I just hurt people's ear. I love talking to my amazing friends with my awesome mouth. Who said I can't tell juicy with my mouth cause I have some on the tip of my lip. I can't wait tell my next scary ghost story to my friends with my amazing. I can ask wired or funny questions. I'll chew great gum with my mouth. That's what I can do with my amazing mouth! I love my mouth!
  • 6. My A-mazing ears My ears help me hear Mr.Keefer talk about reading. I'm happy I have ears because then I can wear cool neon earrings.I love my ears because then I can hear my friends whisper secrets.My awesome ears help me listen to music on By my iPod . I love my ears so much !! devika r.
  • 7. My helping hands help me in many ways. By Drew G. My hands me do hard jump rope tricks like double unders. Turning door handles is easy because I have hands. My hands help me catch the dogeball when playing dogeball. Punt when being a soccer goalie. My hands help me make snowballs and throw snow balls. My hands Hold a lacrosse stick and throw.
  • 8. My famous fingers By Duncan G. My fabulous fingers help me climb up to the top of the giant climbing wall! I can pick up delicious foods like lettuce free TacoBell tacos and cool ranch Doritos! They are useful to open the door to my room when I'm So tired I can't even stand.
  • 9. My feet of awesomeness by Elizabeth L My feet of awesomeness help me win a soccer game. They are helpful when my family bikes to the wetlands to go fishing. Also my feet are helpful when my brother is teaching me how to skateboard with my new skateboard!. Shoot! when I play basketball with my friends my feet are very important for me to jump and run. When it is a hot day my mom and I do tennis and my feet really help me. Step by step my family likes to go on hikes (even if we hike to UDF) and having feet is the top key.Also when I walk or ride my bike to school they are very useful.And last of all is when I play tag with my friends my feet are very helpful. So that what I can do with my feet of awesomeness!.
  • 10. My ears help me hear people taking. I hear flys busing In my ears. My ears help me hear bees busing in a flower. I here cicadas in trees. My ears help me hear birds chirping in the trees. I hear the clock ticking. My ears help me hear the bell ring. My amazing ears By Grace
  • 11. My amazing mouth makes me smile By Jasmine L. I can talk to parents/sister and my amazing friends.(and sometimes they are all funny). My mouth can eat delicious foods like Dewy's cheese pizza and devouring candy. I can even tell my mom/dad stories about awesome things I did at school everyday and I tell my sister about my friends. With my mouth I can ask very good questions about how my parents did at work and ask my sister about how she did at school. I can whisper secrets to mom that I don't want my dad to know. I can yell boo when my little sister bugs me.( I do it all the time and she does it to me to) With my mouth I can chew awesome spearmint gum and cinnamon.
  • 12. My Horrendously Handy Hands By John Brian R. With my hand I can hold things. My hands also make it easy to throw things. Without my hands I couldn't see because I wouldn't be able to turn the lights on! Another thing I can do with my hands is catch things. My life would be boring without the origami my hands fold!
  • 13. My Ears Are Magnificent by Winter C Hear my friend Annabelle talk about something cool. Know what to do for an important assignment . Use my ears to know what my parents want to tell me. Ears are useful for listen for what to do in case of a fire. Eaves drop to my moms conversation on the phone. Listen to a favorite tv show. Listen to The Ocean At the End of the lane audio book.
  • 14. Andrews Amazing feet by Andy My feet help me run and play tag. With my feet I can play soccer to kick the ball and dribble. I can to and back from school. My feet help me ride my bike for long bike rides. With my feet I can play basket ball so I can run and get open so one can pass me the ball.My feet helps me ice skate with my family. I can stand with my feet so I don't have to sit all the time.
  • 15. My awesome feet by Jonah. My awesome feet make me kick the soccer ball in to the goal. My awesome feet also make me run on the bike path. My feet make jump rope on the drive way. My awesome feet make me do jumping jacks wheel working out. My feet help me pedal my feet to move my bike. My awesome feet let me kick in martial arts. My feet help me kick my feet under water so I can swim.
  • 16. My awesome feet by Ayato I ran when i don't have time. I am late where I am meeting my friend. I practice jumprope jumping when I was in 3d grade gym class. I climbed stairs when I went to a shrine in a mountain. I had more than 300steps!! When I went to see The Fodofalls, I walked with my father's volleyball friend for I hour. Right before the soccer practice we jog for awhile to warmup.
  • 17. • My Handy Hands Help Me • Josh R With my hands I can pick up my dog Cam. I can also swim my favorite stroke freestyle in the winter and summer. With hands I can do cool jump rope skills. My hands allow me to draw my favorite sports cars. My hands can build things like a birdhouse. I can write stories about adventures with my family with my hands. Another thing I can do with my hands is ride my bike to places like the pool.
  • 18. My Magestic Legs!! By Katherine M. I can run when I'm chasing my dog. With my legs I can do dance. I could ride my bike. I can play soccer with my epic legs!. I use my legs for walking. I stretch my body every day, so I can have a lot of e energy. I use my legs for running so I can get exercise.
  • 19. My Amazing Mouth By Landon S. My Amazing Mouth helps me eat ice cream. My Amazing Mouth also helps me talk and scare my brother. When a friend tells me a funny joke it helps me laugh. When my brother Nick makes me mad it helps me yell at him. How could you talk without your mouth. How could you play soccer without your mouth you couldn't yell for a pass and then take a shot the other team might win. I love my amazing mouth.
  • 20. My epic arms help me by Liv D. With my arms I am able to swim. I can also play catch with my brothers to. My arms also allow my to hit my brothers when I get mad at them! With my arms I can also use a controller to play a video game. And when I am happy My arms allow me to high five Someone. I can stretch out with my Arms to! I like taking pictures, and my Arms allow my to do that! Writing Is my favorite subject is Writing, and my arms help me out with that!
  • 21. My fantastic arms by Aparna M. My fantastic arms let me carry my cousin from the kitchen to the living room. With my pencil it's fun to write in my journal about myself or I like to write made up stories. My mom and me enjoy choosing colorful shades of yarn and knit a lot of stuff. When my sister is swimming for the Sea Dragons Dublin swim team I clap for her. With my new colored pencils I like to draw all over my paper. It's fun to hold my favorite book and read in my spot. My favorite thing is braiding my hair hair in different sizes and shapes.
  • 22. My useful & fun feet by Kaylee S. I can ride my to the the huge park so I can play on the huge playground In the middle of the huge park. I love top play freeze tag with my cousins and grandpa. I absolutlove to chase my sister around the house. I love to adventure. I love to spy on my sister. I love to swim at my grandma's house. I love to jump on grandma's tramplean. I also love to go to the fair and ride the rides. Last I love to run home from the bus stop knowing that I will get to see my mom again! . My amazing feet help me with moving around, swimming and everything You need feet. If you did not have feet you would I just ador my feet! have trouble 2
  • 23. My Helpful and Fun Hands My hands help me clench onto my tennis racket as I run to the oncoming ball. Hands help me pick up delicious sugar cookies that my awesome sister makes. Splash! Splash! When I swim my arms help me go all the way down the lane. I love writing so my hands scribble on a page. My hands pick up a paint brush and dip it in paint and draw on the paper. I pick up the book and open the cover,my hands help me turn the pages one by one. If my sister ever makes fantastic treats then it always goes way up high so I step on a chair and my hands go up,up,up to grab the jar. By:Prisha P.
  • 24. My awesome Arms Do Amazing things By Ryan R. My amazing arms let me do things like...Get destroyed by my brothers at arm wrestling. I can pitch 10mph fastballs. But I also grab french fries and throw them into my mouth.Also I grab my backpack and burst out the school door and rush home and play with my friends.(This one I'm glad about) I can defend myself from evil (a.k.a my dog). I can dominate in swimming competitions v,s my friends. I can (try to) defeat (myself because of) Skeletron. And that's what my arms can do. Look!!!!
  • 25. My Extreme Eyes With my eyes I can see video games. I can see the stuff I like with my eyes. My eyes allow me to read books. My eyes let me see Fifa world cup. My eyes allow me to see my wonderful family. I can watch WWE with my eyes. With my eyes I can see the world By Matthew W.
  • 26. My Helpful and Handsome Hands By Max My hands let me play wonderful songs on the piano like Fur Elise. I can also use my hands find books like Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, and The Hunger Games. With my great hands I can feed myself Broccoli Soup and warm corn. Flipping pages on my favorite books is another thing my amazing hands can do. Sometimes when I need to carry heavy objects, I call on my hands to help me. My cool hands also let me write amazing stories during writing class. During math class, I can use my handsome hands to solve hard math problems.
  • 27. I can see cool things with my eyes by Marin O. My eyes help see the far away tree line. My eyes help me watch and learn from the smart board. My eyes look at math problems. My eyes help me read Franny K. Stein books. I blink when my eyes get dry. My eyes are blue. My eyes see my family.
  • 28. My Super giant feet By Ethan I can run really fast in a marathon. I walk on the sidewalk to exercise. I play soccer really well with my feet. I can do jumping jacks more than 30 times. I can do more pushups more than my sister can. I can do sit ups more than 30 times. I like the way when I touch the sidewalk with my shoes when I'm jogging. I can ride my bike with out training wheels. I love doing softball in p.e.
  • 29. By Tanvi M. My hard working hands I can pick my favorite book and start reading with my hard working hands.With my hands I can play with my sister in the pool and swim with the SEA DRAGONS. My hard working hands help me pick my bowl with delicious food inside and start eating. With my hand I can paint my nails with glittery glossy nail Paint . It's good I have hands to do my favorite activity THE MONKEY BARS! With my hands I can drag my sister if she doesn't want to play with me. My hands surely help me to write and scribble notes.
  • 30. All the things that my hands do By:Sam They help me eat food like pizza when I'm hungry. My hands help me write great stories and comics. I can do the monkey bars at recess with my hands. My hands can hold good books like Fablehaven and Harry Potter.They also help me clap my hands to good magic show (and other stuff). My hands can hold all the books I want to read.My hands can push and pull a full cart through a toy store.
  • 31. My Extreme Feet By Musashi With my feet I can run with my friends. I can walk in the hall way. My feet allow me to ride my bike fast. My feet let me stand and talk with y friend. With my feet I can move places to places with my feet. I can swim with my feet and dive from the diving board.
  • 32. Help Hands Awesome Kent P. By My me With my hands I can pick up a fumble and tackle a running back in football. My hands help me flip book pages when I read books. I can make projects with my hands. My hands will help me do my homework. My hands help me play with my hamster wolverine. My awesome hands help me touch my mohawk. I am awesome!!! Hands
  • 33. My Fantastic Feet By Will M. With my feet I can run away from my hyper dog when he chases me in my backyard. Also I can chase annoying sister in the backyard. I can run as fast as I can. Also I can walk to school every day. Also with my feet I can blast the soccer ball in the goal. I can swim in the pool as fast as I can. And I can jump as high as I can.
  • 34. My Strong Amazing hands by Nathan S. I can play basketball and drain threes with my hands. I pick up my iPod and tap it to do what I want it to do. I can eat amazing Oreos and incredible burgers. I could play goalie in soccer and save impossible saves. I can write interesting facts and write cool drawings. I could throw a dodgeball and beam people and catch awesome catches to get people out. I also can crack a grand slam with a baseball bat. I also can catch the baseball with a baseball mitt. I can flip pages from a book and read interesting books. I also can hit a golf ball with a golf club and hit it on the green.
  • 35. ............jimmy....... My Amazing mouth makes me happy My marvelous mouth lets me scream at my older sister. My mouth is mostly laughing when someone does something funny. My mouth likes to talk to my friends when I'm bored. My magnificent mouth screams when I win a football game against my dad. My mouth also eats lots of popcorn and candy at parties. Mouth mostly loves to read out loud when I'm alone in my room.
  • 36. I'm lucky to have my amazing arms I can use my amazing arms for awesome things! For instance my arm can throw and catch a football, and I also can press a key when I'm playing happy birthday. When my teams score I clap my hands and they help me do jump rope tricks like double under's and back cross. I wouldn't be the same without my amazing arms! By Jonathan L
  • 37. THE THINGS THAT MY AMAZING HAND I CAN DO BY SEITARO S . I can catch a basket ball when I'm playing basket ball. My hand can control characters when I'm playing video games. I can make my hand to throw a basket ball in the basket ball hoop. My hand makes a hand dragon. My hand type a computer. My hand turns a page of a book . I high five with my hand. That is almost all the things that my amazing hand can do.
  • 38. My lovely eyes do many things. My eyes do many things and helps me a lot.But now I will tell you what my eyes do!My eyes help me know where I should go to get a book and my eyes help me read.Like a home my eyes are a place were my nice eyes also help me do my favorite thing.....ART! My lovely eyes do many things you see! The end! By:Vyshnavee B.
  • 39. My Handy Dandy Helpful Hands I like having my hands. Using my hands I swing the bat and hit the softball hard! With my hands I pitch the ball and strike the batter out. When I play tag, I use my hands to tag my friends. I climb up the steep rock wall, gripping and pulling with my hands. My little brother, Craig, loves it when I give him a piggyback ride around the couch, real fast. I really like reading and when I read I hold the book in my hands. I love hugging my family and friends. By Kylie S
  • 40. My wonderful hands always make me happy By Sukhjit B. I am my team's quarterback in football. So my hands help me throw a football. Another reason that I love my fabulous hands is. When I am bored I will make finger puppets with my hands.And my hands are also useful for picking up my school supplies. My amazing hands are also useful for opening a book so I can read it. I love my hands because they help me write wonderful stories. When I play basketball at recess my hands help me shoot hoops.
  • 41. My Awesome Arms By Sofia My arms are like a home for my hands.I'm able to catch the ball in cherry bomb with my arms. I also can lift my 12 year old friend. I am able to give my mom a hug . I wouldn't be able to be a great goalie if it weren't for my arms. I can do the monkey bars with my arms. I can hold my cat if I didn't have arms my cat would hate me.
  • 42. My Handsome Hands That let Me Eat By: Surya.G My Handsome Hands will let me get my favorite buffet at Cici's Pizza. And eat chicken/cheese pizza with a lot of cheese and a lot chicken on it. With my hands I can block goals in soccer when someone I trying to to sore a goal so our team wins. I can also make things because I like to tinker a lot with things. Like screws, and wood. I mostly make catapults with my hands. And my hands can hold things like a book, pencil, laptop, Banners and much, much more. With my hands I can do my Math or reading homework my teachers give me at school. So I'll get good grades. They will also let me open books I like for example The Creature From My Closet series. And last but always not the least. My hands let me write and type books because I like to write and type a lot on our laptop. All Because of my hands.
  • 43. My feet help me run in my neighborhood with my dad.With my feet I can go to UDF for ice cream. With my feet I can do double under's on my jump rope.My feet help me do lyrical in dance class.My feet can run in a race in a contest to win.I can even climb a tree or climb a rope with my feet.My feet help me do laps in P.E class.My feet can do push-ups in hip hop class. I Love My Most Awesome Cool Feet By Madeline D.
  • 44. My awesome hands by Nadiya My awesome hands let me touch my cat and hold her. I love to write and type story's . I love too make arts and crafts with all my friend. My hands will let me clean everything so nothing will be a mess. I do the bar in gymnastics. I paint with my family. I love the move Frozen so my hands can imitate Elsa's power.
  • 45. My spectacular eyes My eyes help me watch Jessie with my friends. I need my eyes to see what I,am knitting. My eyes help me see my friends. By:Srujana I need my eyes to see where I,am going so I don't bang into stuff. My eyes help me see the smart board when my teacher is teaching. I need my eyes to see what I,am reading so I don't read the wrong thing. My eyes help me see what I,am drawing so I don't mess up.
  • 46. My best hands in the whole entire World by:Alex M. With my hands I can throw a baseball at my moms cookies until they crack and get gooey. My wonderfully hands allow me to eat juicy tender beef"yum". With my wonderfully hands I can pick up and read the best book in the world ."yes" I can hold a awesome hockey stick and play the best game of hockey. With my wonderfully hands I can pick up and eat a juicy tender hot dog. With my hands I can wright a magnificent story to my family. With my fabulous hands I can feed my wonderfully hermit crabs.
  • 47. My awesome hands by Nish .S With my awesome hands I can block every single shot in soccer when I am the goalie. With my amazing hands I can catch high and strong kicks when I am in the outfield in kickball. My flexible hands can write great stories like mysteries and fantasies.With my super fast hands I can make surprisingly fast airplanes.With my musical hands I can make popping loud music like a rockstar.With my sonic hands I can play electronics and win all of the games that people challenge me.
  • 48. MY AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND COOL HANDS BY JUSTIN R. My amazing hands let me tear open my door after soccer games.With my awesome hands I can catch a speeding football.My cool hands let me turn the pages of my all time favorite books like the cloak society. Tap tap my marvelous hands let me type things on the iPads. Snip snip with my awesome hands I can work and twist wires. Swish with my hands I can shoot a basketball.With my amazingly awesome hands I can high five my amazing friends.
  • 49. My funky eyes make me want to jump for joy by:Lydia G. With my eyes I can read my favorite books such as wonder, Kingdom keepers,and Harry Potter.My eyes help me see so I can write embarrassing stories about my brothers.My eyes let me see the pitch hit my bat when I am playing softball.My eyes let me see so I can draw epic pictures of my eyes help me to see to watch t.v.I can see my buddy's so I know who I am talking to.with my eyes I can see cars so I don't get smashed.
  • 50. My spectacular mouth by Shayla T. My mouth can chew on my moms home made pancakes and her delicious pasta. 1 And my dads fantastic corn beef and cabbage.2 My mouth will crave for my moms cinnamon rolls. 3And my dads pumpkin pie and cherry pie is scrumptious. 4I devour my moms mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies mmmm. 5 I hunger for my moms birthday cake and her steaming hot chicken. 6 And most of all guys her yummy mouthwatering STEAK! Yum. 7 I love my mom and dads food as you can see.
  • 51. My Awesome hands that help me lots! Cecilia M. With my hands I can hold my lunchbox on my way down to lunch. After lunch my hands help me wave to my best friends at recess. With my hands I can write great stories with wonderful endings. My hands help me snap to the beat of a great song. With my hands I can knock on my sisters door so she can let me in. My hands help me clap to cheer on my sister at her swim meets. With my hands I can play lots of songs on my piano.
  • 52. I have amazing eyes! I can see my fantastic and fabulous friends with my amazing eyes! As I turn the pages of a book I use my extraordinary eyes to read. With my eyes I can see my family. I can see my iPad with my eyes. I can see the wonderful world with my eyes. My extra extraordinary awesome amazing eyes By:Lydia N.
  • 53. My Stupendous Eyes by Alexander K. I can read exiting seen in Harry potter. Watching the colorful birds with my eyes is fun. My eyes can see mottle rockets blasting in the sky. I can see the cars that people restored in there garages. I could wach the Ohio state football get a touchdown. Building amazing erector sets is cool. I could see what a cool Lego creation I have built.