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The Best Part of Us
 A Wolfhounds project inspired by the by
  The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald

           September 2011
My hands are so fabulous ..... They can do
hundreds of things like hold a pencil to write a   My Fabulous
 outstanding story, my hands hold up a great
book rather it's non-fiction or fiction both are       Hands!!!
   really terrific. My hands have a tight grip
 they grip around a monkey bar as tight as a
monkey can. My hands hold up a juicy apple so
                                                    By: Sophie
 I can take sweet bites out of a apple. In the
   palm of my hands I hold a iPad making the
clicking noise of the keyboard click, click. My
  hands let me hold one of my favorite foods
  like a cold cone of ice cream dripping to the
  ground. My hands can do a lot of awesome
things, if I didn't have my hands I could not do
              all these great things!
      I hope you liked my fabulous hands!!
My fantastic fingers
           By Divya
Well if you want to hear about my fantastic fingers well what are you
   waiting for jump into the story.well my fantastic fingers are very
  interesting I can, tell you alot of things about it.I can hold I nice cold
popsicle on a hot sunny day, shape could shape the piece of clay into the
      shape I want. I am able to paint a wonderful picture with my
 paintbrush in my room. I can go outside and walk my neighbors dog in
my neighborhood by holding the leash. I can serve a ping pong ball in my
basement. I will be able to ride my bike to my friends house. I can write
 a report about dolphins by holding a perfectly sharp pencil at school. I
 can hold a lolipop with my fantastic fingers. I could hold a pizza with
my fantastic fingers. If I didn't have my fantastic fingers I wonder how
      I would live.This is why I wrote about my fantastic fingers!!!!
My eyes
                 By Jeremy
This is my presentation, I hope you like it. My eyes help me
keep my eye on the ball in soccer. My eyes help me see what
someone looks like. My eyes help me see when I'm In goal.
My eyes help me see where I got hurt. My eyes help me see a
foot ball game like ohio state vs. Penn state. My eyes help me
see stuff in the world. My eyes help me see animals. My eyes
help me see food. My eyes help me see what I want from the
store. My eyes help me see food I like. This is the end of my
presentation I hope you read it again soon.
My Wonderful Hands by Peter
This is why my hands are so wonderful.

 My hands help me grab food from the table that I love. I grab the food and eat it in a
few bites. Sometimes my friends dog licks my hand.It isn't that discusting to me.
Also,my hands help me block a soccer ball when I am goaly in a soccer game.My hands
help me hit a ball in tennis by using a racket and hitting the ball. I can feel the
vibration of the ball. They help me write on a piece of paper using a pencil. I can hear
the scratching of the pencil on the paper. They help me dribble the ball in basketball
and also help me shoot. When I dribble, I can hear the sound of the bong,bong, as the
basketball bounces up and down. Can you see how wonderful my hands are now?

Your wonderful hands might just be as good as mine.
My Incredible Fingers
                    By Lauren R.
My fingers are incredible and do pretty awesome things. My fingers
help me pet cute dogs and even give them a treat. My fingers help me
read a book because I don't like losing pages,my fingers help me poke
my brothers when they are annoying me. My fingers help me write a
poem that's 20 pages long . My fingers help me use a fork and helps me
eat things. My fingers help me use a keyboard and press a button to.
My fingers help me through a ball and help me save a goal. My fingers
help me play video games like the wii or Xbox. I can eat a bunch of
candy with my fingers.

If I didn't have my fingers I would not be able to do these things.
My nose is cool by Jaquan

My nose is cool because I can put a pencil on
top of my nose and run with a pencil. My nose
curves in one spot so the pencil can stay in one
place. I always win the nose holding game. My
nose looks like two fingers moving. My favorite
thing to smell is fresh muffins.
My wonderful mouth by Matthew

I think my mouth is marvelous. I can taste anything that I love,
  I love the taste of sushi. I can bite my brother with my razor
  sharp teeth when chasing me. I can sneak my brothers candy
  and eat it like it's nothing because when I eat it it drives him
crazy. I can chew my fingernails when I'm super bored I love the
    way it feels. I will suck on a Popsicle when it's drooping hot
 outside. I can roar like a lion when I'm mad. Thank you god for
                         my wonderful mouth.
My Amazing
             By Mary
   I have a amazing tongue let me tell you about it.
        My tongue helps me taste my yummy
 Creamy Oreo and it helps me talk. My tongue is big
              floppy and very wet. It helps
Me lick ice cream while it drips down my hand. I can
  stick my tongue out at my annoying brother. It
helps me taste the warm caramel coated over the tender
    apple on a cold night. That's why my tongue is
My Ultimate
                      My Hands can be used in many different ways.
                   Now I'm going to show you some of the ways to use it.
   I can throw a ball with really far with my hands,in dodgeball or baseball when I'm in
                             pitch or when it goes out in soccer.
    I can do high fives with my friends using my hands. When I score a goal in soccer.
            When I go back to my classroom when I'm done with LEAP class,
I can build Legos with my hands. If I can build Legos, I can play lots of things.I can also
                              battle Legos with with my friends.
  I can type on a computer with my hands. I can spell a word on a computer. I can also
                                        type on a iPad.
   I can hold different things big or small.I can hold something smooth or rough. I can
                                     almost hold anything.
                       My hands are so-HANDY!!!              by Ryota
My wonderfully amazing eyes by
                              Ilyas Khaja
My eyes let me see cool movies,and my eyes also
let me sleep like a snoring sleeping elephant. And
they let me see where to catapult the angry birds
for the ipad so I can destroy the piggy
guys(which are in glass and wooden buildings
that you need to destroy to crush the piggy guys
my eyes also let me pick a amazing book. My
eyes also let me watch tv. And my eyes also let me
see the directions on the smart board and on
dropbox so I don't get in trouble by mr.Keefer.
And my eyes also let me see when the ball in four
square is coming too me. So,my eyes are the best!
My best part about me is my legs
          By Mikey

   Mikey's wonderful tan legs. I can knock someone
   down with my legs. With my legs I can kick a
   foot ball with my legs. I can score a 50 yard with
   my legs. I can pedal faster then lightning on
   my bike. I can jump on the trampling with my
   legs. With my legs I can kick my brother and
   make a big blue bruise. My legs help me run fast
   like a cheetah. I can go all the way down and do
   the splits.
By Sarah

              Best part of me!
My awesome lungs help me breathe, blow and talk. Like when I want to talk
  to my friends at recess about cool stuff . Or when I want to annoy my
brother by blowing in his face and when I play soccer I breathe really deep in
                                  out in out.
        My lungs help me sing too like when I WILL become singer.
                 Some people THINK I won't which IS false
                           Because I sing good see
                                    La la la
                       Or when I want a cool shirt so
                            I have to tell my mom.
                 And that is why my lungs are so awesome
My Wonderful
    Do you want to know why my hands are so
     wonderful? I can use chopsticks to eat my
    favorite foods. I can throw a ball really far.
I can type on the computer. I can build tall legos
           like the time I built a lego hotel.
   I can turn on a lamp when the room is dark.
   I can unlock a door with a key. I can write a
            story. I can play video games.
       I can hold a book while I'm reading it.
I can swing a baseball bat and get a home run. I
         can do high fives with my friends.
     That is why my hands are so wonderful!
                       by Shawn
My sweet feet!
   By: Lauren S.

Do you want to hear about my sweet feet? If you do then sit down and start reading. My
feet help me jump as high as the moon. Or ride my bike as fast as the wind and feel the
wind on my face. And my feet can help me score the wining goal in the world cup. My feet
help me run as fast as a cheetah and win a race or run away from my dad ... trouble i am in
trouble And my feet help me jump so high I can touch the sky and float in a cloud. With
my feet I can roll across the room in a office chair. My feet help help me kick my brother
with a powerful kick to defend myself and my feet kick a soccer ball as high as the moon.

I hope you enjoy my sweet feet!
My Woundrous Feet By Grace
 you might be wondering why I like my feet sooo much, so just sit back, relax and read about my
    wondrous feet! I think my feet are the best part of me because I can kick one of the green
playground balls to my best friend. When it's summer I can stomp on the ants swarming on the
     burning hot sidewalk. I can walk to the playground with the green slides, that is in the
  naborhood next-door. I also love my feet because I can kick my sister when she starts sucking
 on her disgusting feet, but that's another story. In the winter I like my feet because I can jump
 into the huge mountain of snow that my dad builds every year. I also like my feet in the winter
    because I can hop on Camryns sled and we can go sliding down the Kishes big hill with me
pushing behind.In the summer I can jump on my nabor's trampoline, boing, boing. I can hopscotch
   on the smooth sement gym floor. And that's why I think my feet are the best part of me! :)
I can bite into my breakfast donut
with my terrific teeth. I can chew

                                       My Terrific Teeth
and crunch anything I want with my
terrific teeth. My terrific teeth help
me eat any variety of food that I
want. If I loose one I get money!
They are strong and sparkly. They
help me bite my big brother. I don't
choke on my food because my
teeth Are in their place. When I
chew gum loudly I annoy my big
big brother. When I bite constantly
on my lower and higher jaw I annoy
                                          By Caroline
my big big big brother. And when I
run out of brothers to annoy, I get
a snack to nibble on. And that is
why my teeth are so terrific.
My Amazing
                         Hands by Aleks
  So why are my hands so amazingly awesome? My hands
help me balance so I don't fall down at all. My favorite sport
is football so my hands help me catch and throw a football.
 My hands help me eat my favorite foods like strawberries
   and pizza witch are very good. My hands help me beat
people up but very rarely. My amazing hands help me carry
things like pets and my baby cousin matthew. My amazing
   hands help me hug people like my mom and my dad. My
    hands help me touch which is part of my 5 senses. My
   hands help me hi five my dad after soccer practice. My
  hands have a lot of bones which freak me out. My hands
help me hang my hangers. And that is why my hands are so
My Wonderful Fingers
  My fingers help me do so many things such as... They help me turn a light
switch on and off. I can pick up things and type. I am able to use a pencil and
write. They can help me chance the channel or start a movie on my tv. I can get
my food and eat my food with my fingers. I may change the song on my iPod
 when I'm listening to it with my fingers. They can help me pet my cat or my
 grandma's dog. I can turn the pages in a book or open and close a book. They
can help me tickle my bother's feet when i'm mad at him. They can help use my
 ninja sword as a weapon to stop my dad from tickling me. They help me clean
my room before my parents take my tv away. I am able to turn my alarm clock
 off in the morning. And last but not least they help me in school at home and
                            in so many other places.
My handy dandy foot
                    By Josh

My awesome feet. This is why my feet are so awesome. I slide with
my feet. I jump with my foot. I ride my bike with my foot. I kick my
brother with my foot. I walk with my feet. I stand with my foot. I kick
a soccer ball with my foot. I run with my foot. my foot is awesome.
Here are some
stuff about my awesome ears. By Camryn

My ears are for hearing Mr.Keefer tells me to get a buddy. My
ears are for hearing my friends. My ears are for hearing the I pad
fun games. Ears are for hearing whispers and secrets. My ears
are for hearing my family. My ears are for putting earring in. My
ears are for hearing intreating stuff. My ears can fell my hair. My
ears are for hearing funny jokes. My ears are for hearing the TV.
Have you ever thought about how wonderful
                your nose is? When you read this you'll learn
My weird        how awesome I think my nose is. My nose is
               cool, it can Smell yummy, stinky, and fragrant
but terrific   smells. I like how my nose feels perfectly smooth,
              rounded, and soft like a pillow. Sometimes I feel
  Nose!!!      sad, then it runs and I hop like a marshmallow
              to get a tissue. When I feel emotional, like angry
 By Anna      my nose wrinkles, and squishes up, so it is small.
                      Occasionally I inhale deeply, and I
                   almost breathe in a piece of hair or two.
                  I hope your nose is Incredible Too!!!!!!!
                                  By Anna
My great hands! by Luke
       I am going to show you why my hands help me live an awesomely great life.
             I can read with my hands and reading is my favorite subject and I
 can get good grades for reading at school. I also like my hands because I can eat with
them and I like to eat something called sesame chicken. (we buy them sometimes) I can
 play everything I like so I will not get bored at my free time or recess. I can do PE with
       my hands and I love PE second to reading and I like the activities. I can play
  baseball with them (my baseball team) and baseball is my favorite sport it's the only
sport I like actually. That's why my hands can do almost everything and have a really fun
                          life so my hands are my best part of me.
My great legs!!
By Lauren B.
         My awesome legs are for walking and running.
                   I can walk from hear to there.
                        I can walk to school.
  I can play tag at the park with my brothers and my friends.
           My legs can help me move and ride my bike.
                     My legs go with me places.
                     My legs can be useful a lot.
 Sometimes I walk and run but mostly I walk but in P.E. I run.
 I like to run after my brothers they are to fast for me to catch
                 But they have to stop at the road.
                      My legs are fun to use !!
The Deal about my Thumb
         by Riley

So you might think what's the deal about my thumb. "Well here it is." I
could not hold a book big or small with out my thumb. I could not play
volleyball nor write with out my thumb. And when i'm hungry I could
not get a snack with out my thumb. I could not count to 5 with my
fingers, could not make a handful and could not turn on a lamp without
my thumb. I could not play with dominos nor play with my brown hair.
And that's the deal about my thumb!
My Super Mouth!
                   By Hayden
When my brother attacks me I have a defense mechanism.....My mouth!!!
So my brother can't beat me up I repeatedly mimic him until he walks
My mouth let's me say ridiculously funny words like....PURPLE
PENGUINS!!!!!!! When I say that it is probably loud enough to break my
brothers eardrums.
It let's me chug soda and chew with my mouth full.And when I talk I
make sloppy noises. It let's me imitate Justin Beiber and lady opera
singers. It also let's me scare people and tickle people by screaming in
other peoples ears and you can blow in other peoples ears.

And that's why my mouth is super!
par t of
                                          t he b
                             lbo w is
                    W hy m           me

Wy is my elbow the best part of me you are probably wondering
what can my elbow do well. I Could not play in soft ball with out
my elbow. I could not all so play a strong note in violin. I could not
even play. I also could not move my arm to catch a fast kick in soccer
when I am goalie. I could not also make my arm shoot a basket as
high as a tree and get it in. my elbow could not help my arm lift
weights as strong as a elephant . I all so could not move my arm as
fast as lightning. And now think what would I be with out my
My fabulous Mouth
                                          by Alyssa
                       Why is my mouth the best mouth?
My mouth helps me say the best comebacks to my sister because when she says
 you look stupid, I say your face looks stupid! It also let's me eat my favorite
PB&J at lunch time! One of my favorite things it lets me do is when it helps
me eat my favorite peanut butter ice-cream! It let's me sing like an angel! It let's
me tell my deepest secrets to my fiends. I can talk so loud every one covers there
                 ears! Or I can talk so soft no one can hear me.
Oh, don’t you wish you had fingers like me?
            Your boring little life would become busy as a
            bee. Like the porridge Goldilocks finally did
            bite, my fingers are funtastically just right.
   My       When I tickle my son he squeals, “Noooo
            more!” Which is a loud noise I just adore.

Funtastic   Ferociously typing they make many mystakes
            and they also mangle icing some cakes. My
            fingers can deftly knot a tie then my wife says,
 Fingers    “Handsome” with a long sigh. My fingers can
            scratch when my dog has an itch and they can
by Mr. K.   repeatedly flick a little light switch. When my
            daughter needs an after school treat my fingers
            can whip up some toast, whole wheat. So now
            you can definitely see that you wish you had
            funtastic fingers like me!

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Best Part of Us 2011

  • 1. The Best Part of Us A Wolfhounds project inspired by the by The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald September 2011
  • 2. My hands are so fabulous ..... They can do hundreds of things like hold a pencil to write a My Fabulous outstanding story, my hands hold up a great book rather it's non-fiction or fiction both are Hands!!! really terrific. My hands have a tight grip they grip around a monkey bar as tight as a monkey can. My hands hold up a juicy apple so By: Sophie I can take sweet bites out of a apple. In the palm of my hands I hold a iPad making the clicking noise of the keyboard click, click. My hands let me hold one of my favorite foods like a cold cone of ice cream dripping to the ground. My hands can do a lot of awesome things, if I didn't have my hands I could not do all these great things! I hope you liked my fabulous hands!!
  • 3. My fantastic fingers By Divya Well if you want to hear about my fantastic fingers well what are you waiting for jump into the story.well my fantastic fingers are very interesting I can, tell you alot of things about it.I can hold I nice cold popsicle on a hot sunny day, shape could shape the piece of clay into the shape I want. I am able to paint a wonderful picture with my paintbrush in my room. I can go outside and walk my neighbors dog in my neighborhood by holding the leash. I can serve a ping pong ball in my basement. I will be able to ride my bike to my friends house. I can write a report about dolphins by holding a perfectly sharp pencil at school. I can hold a lolipop with my fantastic fingers. I could hold a pizza with my fantastic fingers. If I didn't have my fantastic fingers I wonder how I would live.This is why I wrote about my fantastic fingers!!!!
  • 4. My eyes By Jeremy This is my presentation, I hope you like it. My eyes help me keep my eye on the ball in soccer. My eyes help me see what someone looks like. My eyes help me see when I'm In goal. My eyes help me see where I got hurt. My eyes help me see a foot ball game like ohio state vs. Penn state. My eyes help me see stuff in the world. My eyes help me see animals. My eyes help me see food. My eyes help me see what I want from the store. My eyes help me see food I like. This is the end of my presentation I hope you read it again soon.
  • 5. My Wonderful Hands by Peter This is why my hands are so wonderful. My hands help me grab food from the table that I love. I grab the food and eat it in a few bites. Sometimes my friends dog licks my hand.It isn't that discusting to me. Also,my hands help me block a soccer ball when I am goaly in a soccer game.My hands help me hit a ball in tennis by using a racket and hitting the ball. I can feel the vibration of the ball. They help me write on a piece of paper using a pencil. I can hear the scratching of the pencil on the paper. They help me dribble the ball in basketball and also help me shoot. When I dribble, I can hear the sound of the bong,bong, as the basketball bounces up and down. Can you see how wonderful my hands are now? Your wonderful hands might just be as good as mine.
  • 6. My Incredible Fingers By Lauren R. My fingers are incredible and do pretty awesome things. My fingers help me pet cute dogs and even give them a treat. My fingers help me read a book because I don't like losing pages,my fingers help me poke my brothers when they are annoying me. My fingers help me write a poem that's 20 pages long . My fingers help me use a fork and helps me eat things. My fingers help me use a keyboard and press a button to. My fingers help me through a ball and help me save a goal. My fingers help me play video games like the wii or Xbox. I can eat a bunch of candy with my fingers. If I didn't have my fingers I would not be able to do these things.
  • 7. My nose is cool by Jaquan My nose is cool because I can put a pencil on top of my nose and run with a pencil. My nose curves in one spot so the pencil can stay in one place. I always win the nose holding game. My nose looks like two fingers moving. My favorite thing to smell is fresh muffins.
  • 8. My wonderful mouth by Matthew I think my mouth is marvelous. I can taste anything that I love, I love the taste of sushi. I can bite my brother with my razor sharp teeth when chasing me. I can sneak my brothers candy and eat it like it's nothing because when I eat it it drives him crazy. I can chew my fingernails when I'm super bored I love the way it feels. I will suck on a Popsicle when it's drooping hot outside. I can roar like a lion when I'm mad. Thank you god for my wonderful mouth.
  • 9. My Amazing Tongue By Mary I have a amazing tongue let me tell you about it. My tongue helps me taste my yummy Creamy Oreo and it helps me talk. My tongue is big floppy and very wet. It helps Me lick ice cream while it drips down my hand. I can stick my tongue out at my annoying brother. It helps me taste the warm caramel coated over the tender apple on a cold night. That's why my tongue is amazing.
  • 10. My Ultimate Hands My Hands can be used in many different ways. Now I'm going to show you some of the ways to use it. I can throw a ball with really far with my hands,in dodgeball or baseball when I'm in pitch or when it goes out in soccer. I can do high fives with my friends using my hands. When I score a goal in soccer. When I go back to my classroom when I'm done with LEAP class, I can build Legos with my hands. If I can build Legos, I can play lots of things.I can also battle Legos with with my friends. I can type on a computer with my hands. I can spell a word on a computer. I can also type on a iPad. I can hold different things big or small.I can hold something smooth or rough. I can almost hold anything. My hands are so-HANDY!!! by Ryota
  • 11. My wonderfully amazing eyes by Ilyas Khaja My eyes let me see cool movies,and my eyes also let me sleep like a snoring sleeping elephant. And they let me see where to catapult the angry birds for the ipad so I can destroy the piggy guys(which are in glass and wooden buildings that you need to destroy to crush the piggy guys my eyes also let me pick a amazing book. My eyes also let me watch tv. And my eyes also let me see the directions on the smart board and on dropbox so I don't get in trouble by mr.Keefer. And my eyes also let me see when the ball in four square is coming too me. So,my eyes are the best!
  • 12. My best part about me is my legs By Mikey Mikey's wonderful tan legs. I can knock someone down with my legs. With my legs I can kick a foot ball with my legs. I can score a 50 yard with my legs. I can pedal faster then lightning on my bike. I can jump on the trampling with my legs. With my legs I can kick my brother and make a big blue bruise. My legs help me run fast like a cheetah. I can go all the way down and do the splits.
  • 13. By Sarah Best part of me! My awesome lungs help me breathe, blow and talk. Like when I want to talk to my friends at recess about cool stuff . Or when I want to annoy my brother by blowing in his face and when I play soccer I breathe really deep in out in out. My lungs help me sing too like when I WILL become singer. Some people THINK I won't which IS false Because I sing good see La la la Or when I want a cool shirt so I have to tell my mom. And that is why my lungs are so awesome
  • 14. My Wonderful Hands Do you want to know why my hands are so wonderful? I can use chopsticks to eat my favorite foods. I can throw a ball really far. I can type on the computer. I can build tall legos like the time I built a lego hotel. I can turn on a lamp when the room is dark. I can unlock a door with a key. I can write a story. I can play video games. I can hold a book while I'm reading it. I can swing a baseball bat and get a home run. I can do high fives with my friends. That is why my hands are so wonderful! by Shawn
  • 15. My sweet feet! By: Lauren S. Do you want to hear about my sweet feet? If you do then sit down and start reading. My feet help me jump as high as the moon. Or ride my bike as fast as the wind and feel the wind on my face. And my feet can help me score the wining goal in the world cup. My feet help me run as fast as a cheetah and win a race or run away from my dad ... trouble i am in trouble And my feet help me jump so high I can touch the sky and float in a cloud. With my feet I can roll across the room in a office chair. My feet help help me kick my brother with a powerful kick to defend myself and my feet kick a soccer ball as high as the moon. I hope you enjoy my sweet feet!
  • 16. My Woundrous Feet By Grace you might be wondering why I like my feet sooo much, so just sit back, relax and read about my wondrous feet! I think my feet are the best part of me because I can kick one of the green playground balls to my best friend. When it's summer I can stomp on the ants swarming on the burning hot sidewalk. I can walk to the playground with the green slides, that is in the naborhood next-door. I also love my feet because I can kick my sister when she starts sucking on her disgusting feet, but that's another story. In the winter I like my feet because I can jump into the huge mountain of snow that my dad builds every year. I also like my feet in the winter because I can hop on Camryns sled and we can go sliding down the Kishes big hill with me pushing behind.In the summer I can jump on my nabor's trampoline, boing, boing. I can hopscotch on the smooth sement gym floor. And that's why I think my feet are the best part of me! :)
  • 17. I can bite into my breakfast donut with my terrific teeth. I can chew My Terrific Teeth and crunch anything I want with my terrific teeth. My terrific teeth help me eat any variety of food that I want. If I loose one I get money! They are strong and sparkly. They help me bite my big brother. I don't choke on my food because my teeth Are in their place. When I chew gum loudly I annoy my big big brother. When I bite constantly on my lower and higher jaw I annoy By Caroline my big big big brother. And when I run out of brothers to annoy, I get a snack to nibble on. And that is why my teeth are so terrific.
  • 18. My Amazing Hands by Aleks So why are my hands so amazingly awesome? My hands help me balance so I don't fall down at all. My favorite sport is football so my hands help me catch and throw a football. My hands help me eat my favorite foods like strawberries and pizza witch are very good. My hands help me beat people up but very rarely. My amazing hands help me carry things like pets and my baby cousin matthew. My amazing hands help me hug people like my mom and my dad. My hands help me touch which is part of my 5 senses. My hands help me hi five my dad after soccer practice. My hands have a lot of bones which freak me out. My hands help me hang my hangers. And that is why my hands are so amazing!!
  • 19. My Wonderful Fingers By:Erin My fingers help me do so many things such as... They help me turn a light switch on and off. I can pick up things and type. I am able to use a pencil and write. They can help me chance the channel or start a movie on my tv. I can get my food and eat my food with my fingers. I may change the song on my iPod when I'm listening to it with my fingers. They can help me pet my cat or my grandma's dog. I can turn the pages in a book or open and close a book. They can help me tickle my bother's feet when i'm mad at him. They can help use my ninja sword as a weapon to stop my dad from tickling me. They help me clean my room before my parents take my tv away. I am able to turn my alarm clock off in the morning. And last but not least they help me in school at home and in so many other places.
  • 20. My handy dandy foot By Josh My awesome feet. This is why my feet are so awesome. I slide with my feet. I jump with my foot. I ride my bike with my foot. I kick my brother with my foot. I walk with my feet. I stand with my foot. I kick a soccer ball with my foot. I run with my foot. my foot is awesome.
  • 21. Here are some stuff about my awesome ears. By Camryn My ears are for hearing Mr.Keefer tells me to get a buddy. My ears are for hearing my friends. My ears are for hearing the I pad fun games. Ears are for hearing whispers and secrets. My ears are for hearing my family. My ears are for putting earring in. My ears are for hearing intreating stuff. My ears can fell my hair. My ears are for hearing funny jokes. My ears are for hearing the TV.
  • 22. Have you ever thought about how wonderful your nose is? When you read this you'll learn My weird how awesome I think my nose is. My nose is cool, it can Smell yummy, stinky, and fragrant but terrific smells. I like how my nose feels perfectly smooth, rounded, and soft like a pillow. Sometimes I feel Nose!!! sad, then it runs and I hop like a marshmallow to get a tissue. When I feel emotional, like angry By Anna my nose wrinkles, and squishes up, so it is small. Occasionally I inhale deeply, and I almost breathe in a piece of hair or two. I hope your nose is Incredible Too!!!!!!! By Anna
  • 23. My great hands! by Luke I am going to show you why my hands help me live an awesomely great life. I can read with my hands and reading is my favorite subject and I can get good grades for reading at school. I also like my hands because I can eat with them and I like to eat something called sesame chicken. (we buy them sometimes) I can play everything I like so I will not get bored at my free time or recess. I can do PE with my hands and I love PE second to reading and I like the activities. I can play baseball with them (my baseball team) and baseball is my favorite sport it's the only sport I like actually. That's why my hands can do almost everything and have a really fun life so my hands are my best part of me.
  • 24. My great legs!! By Lauren B. My awesome legs are for walking and running. I can walk from hear to there. I can walk to school. I can play tag at the park with my brothers and my friends. My legs can help me move and ride my bike. My legs go with me places. My legs can be useful a lot. Sometimes I walk and run but mostly I walk but in P.E. I run. I like to run after my brothers they are to fast for me to catch them. But they have to stop at the road. My legs are fun to use !!
  • 25. The Deal about my Thumb by Riley So you might think what's the deal about my thumb. "Well here it is." I could not hold a book big or small with out my thumb. I could not play volleyball nor write with out my thumb. And when i'm hungry I could not get a snack with out my thumb. I could not count to 5 with my fingers, could not make a handful and could not turn on a lamp without my thumb. I could not play with dominos nor play with my brown hair. And that's the deal about my thumb!
  • 26. My Super Mouth! By Hayden When my brother attacks me I have a defense mechanism.....My mouth!!! So my brother can't beat me up I repeatedly mimic him until he walks away. My mouth let's me say ridiculously funny words like....PURPLE PENGUINS!!!!!!! When I say that it is probably loud enough to break my brothers eardrums. It let's me chug soda and chew with my mouth full.And when I talk I make sloppy noises. It let's me imitate Justin Beiber and lady opera singers. It also let's me scare people and tickle people by screaming in other peoples ears and you can blow in other peoples ears. And that's why my mouth is super!
  • 27. par t of est t he b lbo w is ye W hy m me y B Wy is my elbow the best part of me you are probably wondering what can my elbow do well. I Could not play in soft ball with out my elbow. I could not all so play a strong note in violin. I could not even play. I also could not move my arm to catch a fast kick in soccer when I am goalie. I could not also make my arm shoot a basket as high as a tree and get it in. my elbow could not help my arm lift weights as strong as a elephant . I all so could not move my arm as fast as lightning. And now think what would I be with out my elbow.
  • 28. My fabulous Mouth by Alyssa Why is my mouth the best mouth? My mouth helps me say the best comebacks to my sister because when she says you look stupid, I say your face looks stupid! It also let's me eat my favorite PB&J at lunch time! One of my favorite things it lets me do is when it helps me eat my favorite peanut butter ice-cream! It let's me sing like an angel! It let's me tell my deepest secrets to my fiends. I can talk so loud every one covers there ears! Or I can talk so soft no one can hear me.
  • 29. Oh, don’t you wish you had fingers like me? Your boring little life would become busy as a bee. Like the porridge Goldilocks finally did bite, my fingers are funtastically just right. My When I tickle my son he squeals, “Noooo more!” Which is a loud noise I just adore. Funtastic Ferociously typing they make many mystakes and they also mangle icing some cakes. My fingers can deftly knot a tie then my wife says, Fingers “Handsome” with a long sigh. My fingers can scratch when my dog has an itch and they can by Mr. K. repeatedly flick a little light switch. When my daughter needs an after school treat my fingers can whip up some toast, whole wheat. So now you can definitely see that you wish you had funtastic fingers like me!

Editor's Notes

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