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 Gross anatomy of stomach
 Congenital abnomralities
 Gastritis,types and management
 Hypertrophic gastropathies
 Gastric ulcer,types and management
 Complications of gastric ulceration
 Post gastrectomy sequelae and syndromes
 Other benign diseases of stomach
 References.
Gross anatomy of stomach
Stomach is the dilated part of the alimentary canal
between esophgus and small intestine.
J shaped or steer horn shaped
It lies under the cover of ribs extending from left costal
margin to epigastrium and umblical region
Postion is not constant.
2 openings (cardiac and pyloric)
2 carvatures (greater and lesser)
2 surfaces (anterior and posterior).
Relations of stomach
o Ant. Abdomenal wall
o left costal margin
o left pleura and lung
o diaphragm
o left lobe of liver
o The lesser sac & pancreas
o Left suprarenal gland & kidney
o The spleen & spleenic artery
o The transverse mesocolon and
transverse colon
o The diaphragm.
Blood supply of stomach
 Left gastric artery
 Right gastric artery
 Short gastric arteries
 Left gastroepiploic artery
 Right gastroepiploic artery
 Left and right gastric vein (portal vein)
 Short gastric and left gastroepiploic vein (splenic vein)
 Right gastroepiploic vein (sup. Mesenteric vein)
Lymphatic drainage
Nerve supply of stomach
 Agastria
 Microgastria
 Atresia
 Congenital pyloric stenosis
 Duplication
 Diverticula
 Dextrogastria
 Volvulus
Pyloric stenosis
 Males 3:1 vs. Females
 ist week presentation
 May occur with Turner syndrome,
trisomy 18, esophageal atresia
 Narrowing of pyloris,hypertrophy and possibly
 Hypochloremia,hypokelemia and alkalosis
 Regurgitation (projectile !!)
 Aspiration
 dehdration
 O/E oval mass will be palpable (OLIVE)
 USG confirms diagnosis.
 Contrast study string sign.
TREATMENT (curative)
 Pyloromyotomy
(Ramstedt's Operation)
Open or lap
 Acute gastritis
 Chronic gastritis
a) Type A gastritis (autoimmune)
b) Type B gastritis (H.pylori)
c) Type C gastritis (Chemical/Reactive gastritis)
d) Other forms
 Gastritis (inflammation of gastric mucosa)
 Transient inflammation (usually)
a) bleeding and erosion
b) sloughing of mucosa
 Pathogenesis not clear: associations
a) NSAID (e.g., aspirin)
b) alcohol
c) smoking
d) stress (trauma, burns, surgery)
e) uremia,infections
Factors involved: (1 or more)
 acid secretion with back diffusion
 Decreased HCO3- buffer
 Decreased blood flow
 Disruption of mucus layer
 Damage to epithelium
 Lots of patients have idiopathic acute
gastritis without any of the listed disorders !!
 Neutrophils above basement membrane
(Active inflammation)
 may be asymptomatic
 Epigastric pain
 Stomach fullness
 loss of appetite
 indigestion
 black stools
 nausea
 vomiting
 bloody vomit that looks like used coffee grounds
 History
 Examination
 A complete blood count (CBC), which is used to
check your overall health
 A blood, breath, or saliva test, which is used to check
for H. pylori
 A fecal test, for occult blood
 Endoscopy,
 Gastric tissue biopsy
Lifestyle Changes:
 avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption
 avoiding spicy, fried, and acidic foods
 eating frequent, small meals
 reducing stress
 avoiding drugs that can irritate the stomach lining, such
as NSAIDs or aspirin or steroids
 H2 receptor antagonist (cimetidine)
 PPI (omeprazole)
 Antibiotics if h.pylori is there
Chronic gastritis
 presence of chronic mucosal inflammation
a) leading to mucosal atrophy
b) intestinal metaplasia
c) usually no erosion
d) epithelial changes may lead to dysplasia
>basis for CA
 chronic infection (H. pylori)
 autoimmune (pernicious anemia)
 alcohol,
 smoking
 post surgery (i.e., gastric)
 radiation
 Nausea or recurrent upset stomach
 Abdominal bloating
 Abdominal pain
 Vomiting
 Indigestion
 Burning feeling in the stomach between meals or at night
 Hiccups
 Loss of appetite
 Vomiting blood or coffee ground-like material
 Black, tarry stools
Types A gastritis
 Autoimmune gastritis
 10% of gastritis cases
 Ab against H+-K+-ATPase in perietal cells , gastrin
and IF
a) Mucosal atrophy (body) - Loss of acid production
b) Pernicious anemia (lack of IF from body)
 seen with other autoimmune disease
a) type 1 diabetes
b) Addison's disease
c) Hashimoto thyroiditis
 High risk of gastric CA and endocrine Tumors
(carcinoid tumors)
 Diffuse mucosal damage
a) Fundus and body
b) Lymphocytes and plasma cells
c) Active inflammation neutrophils !
d) Atrophy is frequently associated with pangastritis
(H. pylori)
e) Hyperplasia of G cells of antrum (Inc. gastrin)
i. Gastremia (Inc. gastrin>ECL cell hypertrophy)
Decreased acid production  increased gastrin from G
cells  increased stimulation of ECL cells for histamin
secretion  hypertrophy of ECL cells in body 
microadenomapotential for transformation into
malignant tumor.
Type B gastritis
 H.PYLORI most important etiologic association
with chronic gastritis
 Gram neg microaerophilic flagellated urease
producing spiral shaped bacteria found in stomach.
 Urease breaks down urea into ammonia and CO2
which produce a neutral area around bacteria.
 Urease is important for producing chronic infection
 Upto 50% of worlds population affected.
 RISK FECTORS overcrowding, inc number of
siblings, sharing a bed, and lack of running water.
 Transmission fecal/oral and oral/aral
 plays role in other diseases:
a) peptic ulcer
b) gastric carcinoma
c) gastric MALT lymphoma
“mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue”
(B-cells produce igG and igA against bacteria locally.B cells are
stimulated by T cells of host.prolonged stimulation can produce
B cell lymphomas in rare cases)
1. Antral type gastritis
G cell stimulation by bacteria
increased acid production
causes peptic ulcers
1. Pangastritis
concomitant autoimmune gastritis
multifocal gastric atrophy
decreased acid production
inc risk of adenocarcinoma
 CBC for anemia and infection
 Serologic test for gastrin level,antiperietal cell
 Fecal test for blood
 Fecal bacteria detection
 Urea breath test
 An endoscopy
 Gastric biopsy (culture)- histology visualization
(proximal stomach for Autoimmune gastritis)
 Life style modifications
 Avoidance of drugs like NSAIDs and steroids
 H2 receptor antagonist
 FOR AUTOIMMUNE VERIETY immunosupressive
drugs and chemotherpy
 Iron and B12 supplements (autoimmune gastritis)
Eradication therapy for H.Pylori
Reactive/chemical gastropathy
absence of active inflammation (no neutrophils)
a) Bile reflux (post surgery)
b) Alcohol
Diagnosis made on biopsy
Risk of carcinoma in bile reflux gastritis
 Eosinophilic gastritis
 Lymphocytic gastrits
 Allergicgastrtis
 Granulomatous gastritis
Ménétrier's disease
• hypoproteinemic hypertrophic
• Gross hypertrophy of gastric mucosal folds
• Mucus production,hypochlorhydra,anemia and
hypoproteinemia (80%).
• Overexpression of TGF-α
• CMV AND H.PYLORI association
• Detected on contrast study and endoscopy
• Cituximab ist line treatment
• Gastrectomy in resistance (Malignant potential)
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
 Caused by gastrinoma
 Cmmon sites pancreas,duodenum and abd L/N.
 Massive secretion of HCL and ulcers due to ectopic
gastrin production from tumor
 Associated w/ type I (MEN) PPP (25%)
 20% multiple, 2/3 malignant, w/ slow growing
 Parietal cell mass is increased
 Diagnosis
• Endoscopy
• Secretion stimulation test
• Basal gastrin level 36 times normal
• Gastric PH
 Treatment
H2 rec blockers ,PPI and excision of primary tumor.
A circumscribed ulceration of the gastrointestinal
mucosa occurring in areas exposed to acid and
pepsin and most often caused by Helicobacter pylori
infection and NSAIDS.
Gastric ulcer Duodenal ulcer
Pud demographics
 Higher prevalence in developing countries
• H. Pylori is sometimes associated with socioeconomic status
and poor hygiene
 In the US:
• Lifetime prevalence is ~10%.
• PUD affects ~4.5 million annually.
• Hospitalization rate is ~30 pts per 100,000 cases.
• Mortality rate has decreased dramatically in the past 20 years
• approximately 1 death per 100,000 cases
 common in late middle age
• incidence increases with age
 Male to female ratio—2:1
 More common in patients with blood group A
 Use of NSAIDs - associated with a three- to four-fold
increase in risk of gastric ulcer
 related to H. pylori ~ 75%,90% in case of duodenum.
 10 - 20% of patients with a gastric ulcer have a
concomitant duodenal ulcer
 A peptic ulcer is a mucosal break, 3 mm or greater,
that can involve the stomach or duodenum.
 Contributing factors are H pylori, NSAIDs, acid, and
 Aggressive factors include smoking, ethanol, bile acids,
aspirin, steroids, and stress.
 Protective factors are mucus, bicarbonate, mucosal
blood flow, prostaglandins, hydrophobic layer, and
epithelial renewal.
 When an imbalance occurs, PUD might develop
 1% due to Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
 Pain— ”gnawing”, “aching”, or “burning”
• Duodenal ulcers: occurs 1-3 hours after a meal and may
awaken patient from sleep. Pain is relieved by food, antacids,
or vomiting.
• Gastric ulcers: food may exacerbate the pain while vomiting
relieves it.
 Nausea, vomiting, belching, dyspepsia, bloating, chest
discomfort, anorexia, hematemesis, &/or melena may
also occur.
• nausea, vomiting, & weight loss more common with Gastric
 Epigastric tenderness
 Succussion splash resulting from scaring or edema due
to partial or complete gastric outlet obstruction
• A succussion splash describes the sound obtained by shaking
an individual who has free fluid and air or gas in a hollow
organ or body cavity.
• Usually elicited to confirm intestinal or pyloric obstruction.
• Done by gently shaking the abdomen by holding either side of
the pelvis. A positive test occurs when a splashing noise is
heard, either with or without a stethoscope. It is not valid if the
pt has eaten or drunk fluid within the last three hours.
Differential Diagnosis
 Neoplasm of the stomach
 Pancreatitis
 Pancreatic cancer
 Diverticulitis
 Non ulcer dyspepsia (also called functional
 Cholecystitis
 Gastritis
 MI—not to be missed if having chest pain
Diagnostic Plan
 Guaiac test for occult blood loss
 Labs: CBC , LFTs, amylase, and lipase.
 H. Pylori can be diagnosed by urea breath test, blood
test, stool antigen assays, & rapid urease test on a
biopsy sample.
 Upper GI Endoscopy: Any pt >50 yr with new onset of
symptoms or those with alarm markings including
anemia, weight loss, or GI bleeding.
• Preferred diagnostic test b/c its highly sensitive for dx of ulcers
and allows for biopsy to rule out malignancy and rapid urease
tests for testing for H. Pylori.
Lifestyle Changes
 Discontinue NSAIDs and use Acetaminophen for pain
control if possible.
 Acid suppression--Antacids
 Smoking cessation
 Avoidance of alcohol
 No dietary restrictions unless certain foods are
associated with problems.
 Stress reduction
Plan: H. Pylori
 Medications: Triple therapy for 14 days is considered the
treatment of choice.
 Goal: complete elimination of H. Pylori. Once achieved
reinfection rates are low.
Plan: Non H. Pylori
 Medications—treat with Proton Pump Inhibitors or
H2 receptor antagonists to assist ulcer healing
 2 months duration.
 Perforation & Penetration—into pancreas, liver and
retroperitoneal space
 Peritonitis
 Bowel obstruction, Gastric outflow obstruction, &
Pyloric stenosis
 Bleeding--occurs in 25% to 33% of cases and
accounts for 25% of ulcer deaths.
 Gastric CA
Algorithm for managing complications
 People who do not respond to medication, or who
develop complications:
• BI, BII resection
• Trancal vagotomy and drainage
• Highly selective vagotomy
 Gastro-duodenoanastomosis end-to-end
 gastro-jejunoanastomosis end-to-side with blind
closure of duodenum
Trancal vagotomy and drainage
• Nerve sectioned from trunk dec acid production
• S/E; Gastric stasisPyloroplasty or gastrojejunostomy
gall bladder stasisgall stones
Highly selective Vagotomy
• Only perietal cell mass denervated
• S/E Epigastric fullness (loss of receptive relaxation of
Trancal vagotomy and antrectomy
Algorithm for evalvation and treatment
Giant Gastric Ulcer
 Giant gastric ulcer: >2cm;10 30% malignancy risk
 Subtotal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y (high
morbidity and mortality)
 Kelling-Madlener procedure: less aggressive,
antrectomy, BI reconstruction, bilateral truncal
vagotomy, multiple biopsies, cautery of ulcer
Complications after stomach resection
 Recurrent ulceration,
 stenosis of anastomosis,
 bleeding, pancreatitis,obstructive icterus,
 fistulation,
 stasis,
 intestinal obstruction from adhesions and
 early dumping syndrome
 late dumping syndrome
 Anemia,diarrhea,weight loss and bile vomiting
Early dumping syndrome
 group of symptoms approved shortly after meal
 appears after BII resection
 vasomotoric sy. - face redness, fall of blood pressure,
 GI sy. - vomiting, diarrhoea
 Management: diet, no sugar, low quantities of food,
change BII to BI resection
Late dumping syndrome
 hypoglycaemia (sugar is not enough digested)
 appears after BII resection
 weakness, perspiration, dizziness, tremor 3h after meal
Management.: no sugar, change BII to BI resection
 Bailey and love short practice of surgery 26th
 Sabiston 19th addition
 Wikipedia

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Benign diseases of stomach and management

  • 1.
  • 3. LAYOUT  Gross anatomy of stomach  Congenital abnomralities  Gastritis,types and management  Hypertrophic gastropathies  Gastric ulcer,types and management  Complications of gastric ulceration  Post gastrectomy sequelae and syndromes  Other benign diseases of stomach  References.
  • 4. Gross anatomy of stomach Stomach is the dilated part of the alimentary canal between esophgus and small intestine. J shaped or steer horn shaped It lies under the cover of ribs extending from left costal margin to epigastrium and umblical region Postion is not constant. 2 openings (cardiac and pyloric) 2 carvatures (greater and lesser) 2 surfaces (anterior and posterior).
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Relations of stomach ANTERIOR o Ant. Abdomenal wall o left costal margin o left pleura and lung o diaphragm o left lobe of liver POSTERIOR o The lesser sac & pancreas o Left suprarenal gland & kidney o The spleen & spleenic artery o The transverse mesocolon and transverse colon o The diaphragm.
  • 8. Blood supply of stomach ARTERIES  Left gastric artery  Right gastric artery  Short gastric arteries  Left gastroepiploic artery  Right gastroepiploic artery VEINS  Left and right gastric vein (portal vein)  Short gastric and left gastroepiploic vein (splenic vein)  Right gastroepiploic vein (sup. Mesenteric vein)
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 12. Nerve supply of stomach
  • 14.  Agastria  Microgastria  Atresia  Congenital pyloric stenosis  Duplication  Diverticula  Dextrogastria  Volvulus
  • 15. Pyloric stenosis  Males 3:1 vs. Females  ist week presentation  May occur with Turner syndrome, trisomy 18, esophageal atresia Features:  Narrowing of pyloris,hypertrophy and possibly hyperplasia.  Hypochloremia,hypokelemia and alkalosis  Regurgitation (projectile !!)  Aspiration  dehdration
  • 16. DIAGNOSIS  O/E oval mass will be palpable (OLIVE)  USG confirms diagnosis.  Contrast study string sign. TREATMENT (curative)  Pyloromyotomy (Ramstedt's Operation) Open or lap
  • 18.  Acute gastritis  Chronic gastritis a) Type A gastritis (autoimmune) b) Type B gastritis (H.pylori) c) Type C gastritis (Chemical/Reactive gastritis) d) Other forms
  • 19. ACUTE GASTRITIS  Gastritis (inflammation of gastric mucosa)  Transient inflammation (usually) a) bleeding and erosion b) sloughing of mucosa  Pathogenesis not clear: associations a) NSAID (e.g., aspirin) b) alcohol c) smoking d) stress (trauma, burns, surgery) e) uremia,infections
  • 20. Factors involved: (1 or more)  acid secretion with back diffusion  Decreased HCO3- buffer  Decreased blood flow  Disruption of mucus layer  Damage to epithelium  Lots of patients have idiopathic acute gastritis without any of the listed disorders !!  Neutrophils above basement membrane (Active inflammation)
  • 21. Features  may be asymptomatic  Epigastric pain  Stomach fullness  loss of appetite  indigestion  black stools  nausea  vomiting  bloody vomit that looks like used coffee grounds
  • 22. Diagnosis  History  Examination  A complete blood count (CBC), which is used to check your overall health  A blood, breath, or saliva test, which is used to check for H. pylori  A fecal test, for occult blood  Endoscopy,  Gastric tissue biopsy
  • 23. Management Lifestyle Changes:  avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption  avoiding spicy, fried, and acidic foods  eating frequent, small meals  reducing stress  avoiding drugs that can irritate the stomach lining, such as NSAIDs or aspirin or steroids Medications  H2 receptor antagonist (cimetidine)  PPI (omeprazole)  Antibiotics if h.pylori is there
  • 24. Chronic gastritis  presence of chronic mucosal inflammation a) leading to mucosal atrophy b) intestinal metaplasia c) usually no erosion d) epithelial changes may lead to dysplasia >basis for CA
  • 25. Pathogenesis  chronic infection (H. pylori)  autoimmune (pernicious anemia)  alcohol,  smoking  post surgery (i.e., gastric)  radiation
  • 26. Presentation  Nausea or recurrent upset stomach  Abdominal bloating  Abdominal pain  Vomiting  Indigestion  Burning feeling in the stomach between meals or at night  Hiccups  Loss of appetite  Vomiting blood or coffee ground-like material  Black, tarry stools
  • 27. Types A gastritis  Autoimmune gastritis  10% of gastritis cases  Ab against H+-K+-ATPase in perietal cells , gastrin and IF a) Mucosal atrophy (body) - Loss of acid production b) Pernicious anemia (lack of IF from body)  seen with other autoimmune disease a) type 1 diabetes b) Addison's disease c) Hashimoto thyroiditis
  • 28.  High risk of gastric CA and endocrine Tumors (carcinoid tumors)  Diffuse mucosal damage a) Fundus and body b) Lymphocytes and plasma cells c) Active inflammation neutrophils ! d) Atrophy is frequently associated with pangastritis (H. pylori) e) Hyperplasia of G cells of antrum (Inc. gastrin) i. Gastremia (Inc. gastrin>ECL cell hypertrophy)
  • 29. Decreased acid production  increased gastrin from G cells  increased stimulation of ECL cells for histamin secretion  hypertrophy of ECL cells in body  microadenomapotential for transformation into malignant tumor. (TYPE A GASTRITIS PATIENTS ARE PREDISPOSED TO GASTRIC CANCER.ENDOSCOPIC SERVIALANCE IS APPROPRIATE FOR SCREENING)
  • 30. Type B gastritis  H.PYLORI most important etiologic association with chronic gastritis  Gram neg microaerophilic flagellated urease producing spiral shaped bacteria found in stomach.  Urease breaks down urea into ammonia and CO2 which produce a neutral area around bacteria.  Urease is important for producing chronic infection  Upto 50% of worlds population affected.  RISK FECTORS overcrowding, inc number of siblings, sharing a bed, and lack of running water.
  • 31.  Transmission fecal/oral and oral/aral  plays role in other diseases: a) peptic ulcer b) gastric carcinoma c) gastric MALT lymphoma “mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue” (B-cells produce igG and igA against bacteria locally.B cells are stimulated by T cells of host.prolonged stimulation can produce B cell lymphomas in rare cases)
  • 32.
  • 33. 1. Antral type gastritis G cell stimulation by bacteria increased acid production causes peptic ulcers 1. Pangastritis concomitant autoimmune gastritis multifocal gastric atrophy decreased acid production inc risk of adenocarcinoma
  • 34. Diagnosis  CBC for anemia and infection  Serologic test for gastrin level,antiperietal cell antibodies  Fecal test for blood  Fecal bacteria detection  Urea breath test  An endoscopy  Gastric biopsy (culture)- histology visualization (proximal stomach for Autoimmune gastritis)
  • 35. Management  Life style modifications  Avoidance of drugs like NSAIDs and steroids  H2 receptor antagonist  PPI  FOR AUTOIMMUNE VERIETY immunosupressive drugs and chemotherpy  Iron and B12 supplements (autoimmune gastritis)
  • 37. Reactive/chemical gastropathy absence of active inflammation (no neutrophils) causes: a) Bile reflux (post surgery) b) Alcohol c) NSAIDS Diagnosis made on biopsy Risk of carcinoma in bile reflux gastritis
  • 38. OTHER FORMS  Eosinophilic gastritis  Lymphocytic gastrits  Allergicgastrtis  Granulomatous gastritis
  • 40. Ménétrier's disease • hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy • Gross hypertrophy of gastric mucosal folds • Mucus production,hypochlorhydra,anemia and hypoproteinemia (80%). • Overexpression of TGF-α • CMV AND H.PYLORI association • Detected on contrast study and endoscopy • Cituximab ist line treatment • Gastrectomy in resistance (Malignant potential)
  • 41. Zollinger Ellison Syndrome  Caused by gastrinoma  Cmmon sites pancreas,duodenum and abd L/N.  Massive secretion of HCL and ulcers due to ectopic gastrin production from tumor  Associated w/ type I (MEN) PPP (25%)  20% multiple, 2/3 malignant, w/ slow growing  Parietal cell mass is increased
  • 42.  Diagnosis • Endoscopy • Secretion stimulation test • Basal gastrin level 36 times normal • Gastric PH • MRI  Treatment H2 rec blockers ,PPI and excision of primary tumor.
  • 44. A circumscribed ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa occurring in areas exposed to acid and pepsin and most often caused by Helicobacter pylori infection and NSAIDS.
  • 46. Pud demographics  Higher prevalence in developing countries • H. Pylori is sometimes associated with socioeconomic status and poor hygiene  In the US: • Lifetime prevalence is ~10%. • PUD affects ~4.5 million annually. • Hospitalization rate is ~30 pts per 100,000 cases. • Mortality rate has decreased dramatically in the past 20 years • approximately 1 death per 100,000 cases
  • 47. GASTRIC ULCER  common in late middle age • incidence increases with age  Male to female ratio—2:1  More common in patients with blood group A  Use of NSAIDs - associated with a three- to four-fold increase in risk of gastric ulcer  related to H. pylori ~ 75%,90% in case of duodenum.  10 - 20% of patients with a gastric ulcer have a concomitant duodenal ulcer
  • 49. Etiology  A peptic ulcer is a mucosal break, 3 mm or greater, that can involve the stomach or duodenum.  Contributing factors are H pylori, NSAIDs, acid, and pepsin.  Aggressive factors include smoking, ethanol, bile acids, aspirin, steroids, and stress.  Protective factors are mucus, bicarbonate, mucosal blood flow, prostaglandins, hydrophobic layer, and epithelial renewal.  When an imbalance occurs, PUD might develop  1% due to Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
  • 50. SIGNS AN SYMPTOMS  Pain— ”gnawing”, “aching”, or “burning” • Duodenal ulcers: occurs 1-3 hours after a meal and may awaken patient from sleep. Pain is relieved by food, antacids, or vomiting. • Gastric ulcers: food may exacerbate the pain while vomiting relieves it.  Nausea, vomiting, belching, dyspepsia, bloating, chest discomfort, anorexia, hematemesis, &/or melena may also occur. • nausea, vomiting, & weight loss more common with Gastric ulcers
  • 51.  Epigastric tenderness  Succussion splash resulting from scaring or edema due to partial or complete gastric outlet obstruction • A succussion splash describes the sound obtained by shaking an individual who has free fluid and air or gas in a hollow organ or body cavity. • Usually elicited to confirm intestinal or pyloric obstruction. • Done by gently shaking the abdomen by holding either side of the pelvis. A positive test occurs when a splashing noise is heard, either with or without a stethoscope. It is not valid if the pt has eaten or drunk fluid within the last three hours.
  • 52. Differential Diagnosis  Neoplasm of the stomach  Pancreatitis  Pancreatic cancer  Diverticulitis  Non ulcer dyspepsia (also called functional dyspepsia)  Cholecystitis  Gastritis  GERD  MI—not to be missed if having chest pain
  • 53. Diagnostic Plan  Guaiac test for occult blood loss  Labs: CBC , LFTs, amylase, and lipase.  H. Pylori can be diagnosed by urea breath test, blood test, stool antigen assays, & rapid urease test on a biopsy sample.  Upper GI Endoscopy: Any pt >50 yr with new onset of symptoms or those with alarm markings including anemia, weight loss, or GI bleeding. • Preferred diagnostic test b/c its highly sensitive for dx of ulcers and allows for biopsy to rule out malignancy and rapid urease tests for testing for H. Pylori.
  • 54. MANAGEMENT (NON SURGICAL) Lifestyle Changes  Discontinue NSAIDs and use Acetaminophen for pain control if possible.  Acid suppression--Antacids  Smoking cessation  Avoidance of alcohol  No dietary restrictions unless certain foods are associated with problems.  Stress reduction
  • 55. Plan: H. Pylori  Medications: Triple therapy for 14 days is considered the treatment of choice.  Goal: complete elimination of H. Pylori. Once achieved reinfection rates are low.
  • 56. Plan: Non H. Pylori  Medications—treat with Proton Pump Inhibitors or H2 receptor antagonists to assist ulcer healing  2 months duration.
  • 57. Complications  Perforation & Penetration—into pancreas, liver and retroperitoneal space  Peritonitis  Bowel obstruction, Gastric outflow obstruction, & Pyloric stenosis  Bleeding--occurs in 25% to 33% of cases and accounts for 25% of ulcer deaths.  Gastric CA
  • 58. Algorithm for managing complications
  • 59. MANAGEMENT (SURGICAL)  People who do not respond to medication, or who develop complications: • BI, BII resection • Trancal vagotomy and drainage • Highly selective vagotomy
  • 60. BILLROTH I  Gastro-duodenoanastomosis end-to-end BILLROTH II  gastro-jejunoanastomosis end-to-side with blind closure of duodenum
  • 61.
  • 62. VAGOTOMY Trancal vagotomy and drainage • Nerve sectioned from trunk dec acid production • S/E; Gastric stasisPyloroplasty or gastrojejunostomy gall bladder stasisgall stones Highly selective Vagotomy • Only perietal cell mass denervated • S/E Epigastric fullness (loss of receptive relaxation of stomach) Trancal vagotomy and antrectomy
  • 63. Algorithm for evalvation and treatment
  • 64. Giant Gastric Ulcer  Giant gastric ulcer: >2cm;10 30% malignancy risk  Subtotal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y (high morbidity and mortality)  Kelling-Madlener procedure: less aggressive, antrectomy, BI reconstruction, bilateral truncal vagotomy, multiple biopsies, cautery of ulcer
  • 65. Complications after stomach resection  Recurrent ulceration,  stenosis of anastomosis,  bleeding, pancreatitis,obstructive icterus,  fistulation,  stasis,  intestinal obstruction from adhesions and intussusception  early dumping syndrome  late dumping syndrome  Anemia,diarrhea,weight loss and bile vomiting
  • 66. Early dumping syndrome  group of symptoms approved shortly after meal  appears after BII resection  vasomotoric sy. - face redness, fall of blood pressure, dizziness  GI sy. - vomiting, diarrhoea  Management: diet, no sugar, low quantities of food, change BII to BI resection
  • 67. Late dumping syndrome  hypoglycaemia (sugar is not enough digested)  appears after BII resection  weakness, perspiration, dizziness, tremor 3h after meal Management.: no sugar, change BII to BI resection
  • 68. References  Bailey and love short practice of surgery 26th addition  Sabiston 19th addition  Wikipedia