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BCCJ Risk Seminar
- City Flood and Water Hazard Risk-
Version Final
4 October 2018
Yasutake Sayanagi
Barclays Japan
Group Resilience
2 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
1. Introduction
1) Lessons leant form the Hiroshima severe Rain disaster (2018), Hurricane Katrina
in US (2005) and Flooding in Thailand (2011/2013), City Flood is one of the
most critical issues with safety and Business Continuity. Actually, the provability
of City Flood is much higher than earthquakes. And it could happen in Tokyo
Metropolitan area.
2) Same as the other disaster, reviewing with Hazard Maps to make a plan can
minimize the impacts from the disaster because most of the actual disaster
happened in the high risk area suggested on the Hazard Map.
3) City Flood mainly consists of Flooding from rivers (Gaisui - hanran) and
Flooding from inland waters (Naisui - hanran) caused by Severe Weather
and Typhoon which became more serious due to the global warming. On the top
of that High Tide are also increasing City Flood Risk as those block draining
4) Unfortunately more than 99.9% of disaster related information/news in Japan is
still made in Japanese language only or takes time for make English translation.
So I will pick useful information both Japanese and English up for you.
5) During the presentation, I will introduce “Pre-Evacuation” and “Home BCP” to
minimize risk for your families and partners.
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1) To introduce basic knowledge with City Flood
2) To review high risk area in Kanto region and Tokyo
3) To know more about Hazard Maps
4) To share sample impact Analysis
5) To introduce Barclays’ Home BCP
6) To show useful information source
2. Purpose of this presentation
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Basic Knowledge with
Tokyo City Flood
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3. History of Tokyo City Flood
Tokyo Metropolitan Government:
Tokyo City Flood: From 2000 to 2015, we had 104 City Floods in Tokyo and total of 661ha (13
times bigger than Tokyo Disney land) were damaged.
2011 – 2015 (27 Times 285ha were damaged 2006 – 2010 (31 Times 81ha were damaged
2000 – 2005 (46 Times 295ha were damaged
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4. City Flood and Water Draining System
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism:
④ Capacity of
⑤ Capacity of
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism:
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism:
⑦ Strong Wind
push water back
1) Major factor of City Flood
① Heavy Rain in the Mountain
② Heavy Rain in the City
③ High Tide
2) Sub factor of City Flood
④ Capacity of Dams
⑤ Capacity of Rivers
⑥ Capacity of Water Draining System
⑦ Strong Wind of Typhoon
⑧ Low Pressure of Typhoon
⑨ Tide by Moon
Flooding from rivers
② Heavy Rain in the City
“City Flood happens when the Water Draining System fail to work due to the over capacity”
③ High Tide
① Heavy Rain in the Mountain
⑥ Over capacity of Draining system push
water back to the residential area
Flooding from inland water
Okayama City:
⑧ Low
water up
⑨ Tide by Moon
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5. About Typhoon
1) 15 out of 78 Typhoons (19.2%) gave impact with Tokyo Metropolitan Area in the last 3 years
(as of 1 Oct 2018).
2) Sea surface temperature is 1 to 2 degrees Celsius higher than 2017 around Japan which
makes Typhoon bigger and stronger (as of 1 Oct 2018). For example Typhoon 24 (Trami)
Weather news:
Sea surface temperature deference Height of waves with Typhoon Trami
8 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
6. Flooding from the Rivers
1) There are 3 rivers
(Tone River, Ara
River and Tama River)
which make a flood in
Tokyo Metropolitan
2) Especially between
Tone River and Ara
River as well the East
side of Tokyo are high
risk area of Flooding
from the Rivers
3) We should monitor the
heavy rain situation not
only in Tokyo but also
in the upper reaches of
those rivers because
tons of water will come
to Tokyo Metropolitan
area in a few hours
Yahoo Japan:
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Potential High risk area
around Tokyo
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7. Review Kanto district Land history
Asia Air Survey Co.,Ltd :
1) Seafront (6,000 years ago)
 6m adjusted Map shows the ancient seafront. Blue area mainly
consists of the soft soil and sand as it was under the water 6,000
years ago. Dry land is far smaller than today.
 Particularly Area stated Red Ovals (Zone 1 and Zone 2) have high
risk with flooding and Liquefactions risk.
6m adjusted Map
(Seafront of 6,000 years ago)
2) Eastward diversion of Tone River (400 years ago)
 About 400 years ago, Tokugawa shogun decided diverting Tone-
river from Zone 1 to Zone 2 to create a dry land in the east side of
Edo (Tokyo) . This is a reason why East Tokyo is low land.
Imperial Household Agency
11 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
8 Review Tokyo Altitude Overview
Geographical Information Authority of Japan:
1) West side of 23
 West side of Keihin-
Tohoku line are so-called
‘Yamanote’ and mostly 20-
40m from the sea level.
 This area is based on the
hard soil.
2) East side of 23
 East side of Keihin-
Tohoku line are so-called
‘Shitamachi’ and mostly
less than 5m from the sea
 This area is based on the
soft soil as it was below sea
level thus having risk with
liquefactions and flooding
compare with ‘Yamanote’.
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City Flood Hazard Map
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9. Hazard Maps
1) Hazard Maps are very useful information source with the natural
disaster such as Flooding, Tsunami and Liquefaction as well as
the public support you may use such as the public evacuation
2) Tokyo Metropolitan Government and each City Hall of 23 Wards
have Hazard Maps. I strongly recommend you to download or
have it from the City Hall of your home, school of your kids and
your working place. And understand risk with those places.
3) Then please have a discussion with your family or partner where
you should live and where you to evacuate.
4) This is the first step of the Solution Development.
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10. Case Study
– Why we should know about Hazard Maps
High Risk Area of
Flood Hazard
Flooding area
Mainichi News:
In the Hiroshima disaster 2018, actual
Flooding area is almost same as the High
Risk Area of Flood Hazard Map.
Asahi News
15 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
11. Minato-ku: Flood Hazard Map
Minato- Ku:
1) Some areas in Minato-ku have 0.50-1.0m Flood
risk when heavy rain exceeded sewer system and
river drainage capacity.
2) It is important for you to discuss with your family or
partner about Flood risk around your house, kids’
school and identify evacuation place and how to get
there safely.
3) Though your house is safe to stay, you should keep
sufficient stock of foods and water as well as special
kit with toilet. Also you should consider electric power
supply will be damaged by flooding.
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5 minutes QA Session 1/3
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Sample Impact Analysis
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12. Flood risk and Public Transportations 1/2
Special committee in Cabinet office Japan
1) In 2010, Special Committee in Cabinet
Office Japan reported with the impact of
Tokyo City Flood caused by Ara-River
over flow. Some solutions were
implemented after this report to minimize
2) According to the report, once Ara-
River flood happens, plenty of water
comes into Tokyo Metro (under ground)
and make it go under water in 12 - 24
Japan Meteorological Agency:
19 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
13. Flood risk and Public Transportations 2/2
Special committee in Cabinet office Japan
According to the worst scenario with Ara-River Flood, most of the stations of Tozai-line and
Hibiya-line goes under water in 15 hours (stated Red arrows) . Same situation will be
happened other Metro lines as well.
20 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
14. What happens after the City Flood
Special committee in Cabinet office Japan
Main Issues are as follows;
 Sewage and dirty / polluted water
 Distributions / Supply Chain for food and water etc.
 Health and safety
Referring to the cases with the flood in Thailand and Hurricane Katrina in US, those bad
situation lasts more than a month and not easy to restore infrastructures such as public
transportation mainly due to the dirty water and debris.
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Solution Development
22 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
15. Let’s think about Family and Partner’s
1) Japanese Government well prepared prevention plan with City Flood
however it is better you to know the high risk area and potential
evacuation route.
2) One of the purposes of creating Home BCP (will be explained in detail on
the following slides) is improving your Family and Partner’s safety.
3) If you live in the area where you have less risk with Flooding, Liquefaction,
Earthquake or Fire etc., your Family and Partner can save time with
evacuation when disaster happens and much safer than living in the high
risk area suggested on the Hazard Map. Same as the school of your kids.
4) Moving to the less risk area before disaster makes sense. This is the
concept so-called ‘Pre-Evacuation’.
5) Now you know that high risk area, you can make a choice;
 Nice view vs. Family and Partner’s Safety
 Conferrable Commute vs. Family and Partner’s Safety
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Sample Solution Development
- Home BCP -
24 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
16. Home BCP
1) Why we should have Home BCP
 Home BCP was developed in Barclays Japan to support having survival plans for employees’
Family and Partner.
 Employee cannot work for the company during the disaster without confirming safety of
Family and Partner, thus company must support 1) Risk Awareness, 2) Creating Plan and 3)
improving it.
2) Home BCP consists of Home BCP Pocket Card and a guide for emergency stock
 Contents of BCP Pocket Card
 Communication (Contact information)
 Daytime location
 Medical information
 Meeting point (Assembly point)
 Pick up plan for kids
 Embassy information and other information
 Emergency Stock (Must have)
 Food
 Water (Drinking Water and Other Water)
 Toilet
25 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
17. Home BCP: Sample Contents of Home BCP
Assembly Points
 Discuss The Primary
Assembly Point with your
Family as Mobile will be down
within 30 minutes
 Discuss about the
Secondary Assembly Point
 Decide on communication
methodology if the Family
cannot meet (for example
messaging boards)
School Info
 Confirm teacher's landline telephone number, e-mail address and mobile number
 Confirm procedures to have your children picked up if both parents will be unavailable
 Confirm procedures if nobody will be available to pick up your children
 Mobile phone and e-mail:
Convenient, but availability
may be limited following a
 Landline: Advisable to have
one as they are much more
stable than mobile lines
 Social networks: are
generally good but you
should take the age of your
children into account
Daytime location Medical Information
Embassy Information
26 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
18. About an emergency stock
Water、Food and Toilet are must have emergency stock items
Basic requirements with emergency stock used be 3-5 days but considered with Flood risk, lifeline and
distribution lines will be malfunctioned for 2 – 4 weeks
 Drinking Water
 On average 1 person needs 2L/day(Resulting 1 family with 2 kids needs 112L in 2 weeks)
(Adult needs 50cc /1kg (weight), baby needs 150cc / 1kg and child needs 100cc / 1kg)
 Tap water can be used in 3 days. After that reused it to Bath or Washing machine
 Other Water(washing body and closes etc)
 Drinking water and Other water should be managed separately
 Dish must be covered by wrap to save water
 Food
 Pre-cooked food is recommended
 High calorie food and good balanced food should be selected
 Toilet
 Cover the toilet in your home by the special plastic bag
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5 minutes QA Session 2/3
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A-1. Sample Emergency Stock - Food
<Basic Points to be considered with >
 Should be Pre-cooked
 Should contain a High calorie
 Should be with Long life
 Should not be too Hot or Spicy
 Should be with a Good natural balance
 Dish should be covered by a Wrap
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A-2. Sample Emergency Stock - Drinking Water
< Basic Points to be considered with >
1) Drinking Water
 2L per person a day
 Long Life Pet bottle
 Water server is good to use (12L per bottle)
 Tap water can be used for drinking (3 days )
Good to have A filter for emergency
2) Other Water
 Should keep clean water in a bathtub (150L) for everything
except for Drinking and Cooking
31 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
A-3. Sample Emergency Stock - Goods for toilet
< Basic Points to be considered with >
1) Can not use water to flash
2) We should;
 Use existing toilet with plastic bag
 Use those with deodorizer
 Do not forget buying Toilet paper and Wet tissue
 Covered it by Another plastic bag for disposal
32 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
A-4. Sample Emergency Stock - Goods for toilet
< Basic Points to be considered with >
1) Can not use water to flash
2) We should;
 Use existing toilet with plastic bag
 Use those with deodorizer
 Do not forget buying Toilet paper and Wet tissue
 Covered it by Another plastic bag for disposal
33 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
A-5. Hints
1) Disaster Preparedness Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
 Japanese:
 English:
2) Earthquake Survival Manual
 Japanese/English:
3) Assistance for Foreigners at Times of Disaster Q & A Manual by Tokyo
International Communication Committee
 English:
4) Disaster Management in Japan
 Japanese / English:
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A-6. Going home support
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
There is a website to support you to go back to your house during the disaster
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A-7. Fire Hazard (Earthquake)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government:
1) Tokyo Metropolitan
Government announced about
Fire Hazard risk.
2) Though this is based on the
scenario analysis with
Earthquake, we could see the
area where Fire can be
occurred and not easy to work
for Firefighters.
3) We could see many
Wooden made houses are
close to each other and road
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A-8. Traffic Restrictions (Earthquake)
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
1) Tokyo Metropolitan
Police Department
announced that they
enforce City Block when
the big earthquake
happens in Tokyo.
2) In side of Kannana ring
road and Key/Major road
such as Route 20 are
controlled and authorized
emergency vehicles only.
3) Please take this into
account and it will be
affected your evacuation
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Final QA Session 3/3
38 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018>
Thank you very much

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BCCJ | Barclays Disaster Presentation

  • 1. BCCJ Risk Seminar - City Flood and Water Hazard Risk- Version Final 4 October 2018 Yasutake Sayanagi Barclays Japan Group Resilience
  • 2. 2 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 1. Introduction 1) Lessons leant form the Hiroshima severe Rain disaster (2018), Hurricane Katrina in US (2005) and Flooding in Thailand (2011/2013), City Flood is one of the most critical issues with safety and Business Continuity. Actually, the provability of City Flood is much higher than earthquakes. And it could happen in Tokyo Metropolitan area. 2) Same as the other disaster, reviewing with Hazard Maps to make a plan can minimize the impacts from the disaster because most of the actual disaster happened in the high risk area suggested on the Hazard Map. 3) City Flood mainly consists of Flooding from rivers (Gaisui - hanran) and Flooding from inland waters (Naisui - hanran) caused by Severe Weather and Typhoon which became more serious due to the global warming. On the top of that High Tide are also increasing City Flood Risk as those block draining system. 4) Unfortunately more than 99.9% of disaster related information/news in Japan is still made in Japanese language only or takes time for make English translation. So I will pick useful information both Japanese and English up for you. 5) During the presentation, I will introduce “Pre-Evacuation” and “Home BCP” to minimize risk for your families and partners.
  • 3. 3 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 1) To introduce basic knowledge with City Flood 2) To review high risk area in Kanto region and Tokyo 3) To know more about Hazard Maps 4) To share sample impact Analysis 5) To introduce Barclays’ Home BCP 6) To show useful information source 2. Purpose of this presentation
  • 4. 4 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Basic Knowledge with Tokyo City Flood
  • 5. 5 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 3. History of Tokyo City Flood Tokyo Metropolitan Government: i_kiroku/kako.htm Tokyo City Flood: From 2000 to 2015, we had 104 City Floods in Tokyo and total of 661ha (13 times bigger than Tokyo Disney land) were damaged. 2011 – 2015 (27 Times 285ha were damaged 2006 – 2010 (31 Times 81ha were damaged 2000 – 2005 (46 Times 295ha were damaged
  • 6. 6 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Dams Rivers 4. City Flood and Water Draining System Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: gawa/ ④ Capacity of Dams ⑤ Capacity of rivers Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: out/glossary/18.html Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: disaster-prev/eq/tsunami-type.html ⑦ Strong Wind push water back Sea 1) Major factor of City Flood ① Heavy Rain in the Mountain ② Heavy Rain in the City ③ High Tide 2) Sub factor of City Flood ④ Capacity of Dams ⑤ Capacity of Rivers ⑥ Capacity of Water Draining System ⑦ Strong Wind of Typhoon ⑧ Low Pressure of Typhoon ⑨ Tide by Moon Flooding from rivers ② Heavy Rain in the City “City Flood happens when the Water Draining System fail to work due to the over capacity” ③ High Tide ① Heavy Rain in the Mountain ⑥ Over capacity of Draining system push water back to the residential area Flooding from inland water Okayama City: usei_00114.html ⑧ Low Pressure sucking water up ⑨ Tide by Moon
  • 7. 7 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 5. About Typhoon 1) 15 out of 78 Typhoons (19.2%) gave impact with Tokyo Metropolitan Area in the last 3 years (as of 1 Oct 2018). 2) Sea surface temperature is 1 to 2 degrees Celsius higher than 2017 around Japan which makes Typhoon bigger and stronger (as of 1 Oct 2018). For example Typhoon 24 (Trami) Weather news: JMA: Sea surface temperature deference Height of waves with Typhoon Trami
  • 8. 8 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 6. Flooding from the Rivers 1) There are 3 rivers (Tone River, Ara River and Tama River) which make a flood in Tokyo Metropolitan area. 2) Especially between Tone River and Ara River as well the East side of Tokyo are high risk area of Flooding from the Rivers 3) We should monitor the heavy rain situation not only in Tokyo but also in the upper reaches of those rivers because tons of water will come to Tokyo Metropolitan area in a few hours Yahoo Japan:
  • 9. 9 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Potential High risk area around Tokyo
  • 10. 10 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 7. Review Kanto district Land history Asia Air Survey Co.,Ltd : 1) Seafront (6,000 years ago)  6m adjusted Map shows the ancient seafront. Blue area mainly consists of the soft soil and sand as it was under the water 6,000 years ago. Dry land is far smaller than today.  Particularly Area stated Red Ovals (Zone 1 and Zone 2) have high risk with flooding and Liquefactions risk. 6m adjusted Map (Seafront of 6,000 years ago) 2 2) Eastward diversion of Tone River (400 years ago)  About 400 years ago, Tokugawa shogun decided diverting Tone- river from Zone 1 to Zone 2 to create a dry land in the east side of Edo (Tokyo) . This is a reason why East Tokyo is low land. Imperial Household Agency
  • 11. 11 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 8 Review Tokyo Altitude Overview Geographical Information Authority of Japan: 1) West side of 23 Wards  West side of Keihin- Tohoku line are so-called ‘Yamanote’ and mostly 20- 40m from the sea level.  This area is based on the hard soil. 2) East side of 23 Wards  East side of Keihin- Tohoku line are so-called ‘Shitamachi’ and mostly less than 5m from the sea level.  This area is based on the soft soil as it was below sea level thus having risk with liquefactions and flooding compare with ‘Yamanote’.
  • 12. 12 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> City Flood Hazard Map
  • 13. 13 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 9. Hazard Maps 1) Hazard Maps are very useful information source with the natural disaster such as Flooding, Tsunami and Liquefaction as well as the public support you may use such as the public evacuation place. 2) Tokyo Metropolitan Government and each City Hall of 23 Wards have Hazard Maps. I strongly recommend you to download or have it from the City Hall of your home, school of your kids and your working place. And understand risk with those places. 3) Then please have a discussion with your family or partner where you should live and where you to evacuate. 4) This is the first step of the Solution Development.
  • 14. 14 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 10. Case Study – Why we should know about Hazard Maps High Risk Area of Flood Hazard Map Actual Flooding area Mainichi News: In the Hiroshima disaster 2018, actual Flooding area is almost same as the High Risk Area of Flood Hazard Map. Asahi News tml
  • 15. 15 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 11. Minato-ku: Flood Hazard Map Minato- Ku: 1) Some areas in Minato-ku have 0.50-1.0m Flood risk when heavy rain exceeded sewer system and river drainage capacity. 2) It is important for you to discuss with your family or partner about Flood risk around your house, kids’ school and identify evacuation place and how to get there safely. 3) Though your house is safe to stay, you should keep sufficient stock of foods and water as well as special kit with toilet. Also you should consider electric power supply will be damaged by flooding.
  • 16. 16 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 5 minutes QA Session 1/3
  • 17. 17 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Sample Impact Analysis
  • 18. 18 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 12. Flood risk and Public Transportations 1/2 Special committee in Cabinet office Japan 1) In 2010, Special Committee in Cabinet Office Japan reported with the impact of Tokyo City Flood caused by Ara-River over flow. Some solutions were implemented after this report to minimize impacts. 2) According to the report, once Ara- River flood happens, plenty of water comes into Tokyo Metro (under ground) and make it go under water in 12 - 24 hours Japan Meteorological Agency: _chuui_p3.html
  • 19. 19 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 13. Flood risk and Public Transportations 2/2 Special committee in Cabinet office Japan According to the worst scenario with Ara-River Flood, most of the stations of Tozai-line and Hibiya-line goes under water in 15 hours (stated Red arrows) . Same situation will be happened other Metro lines as well.
  • 20. 20 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 14. What happens after the City Flood Special committee in Cabinet office Japan Main Issues are as follows;  Sewage and dirty / polluted water  Distributions / Supply Chain for food and water etc.  Health and safety Referring to the cases with the flood in Thailand and Hurricane Katrina in US, those bad situation lasts more than a month and not easy to restore infrastructures such as public transportation mainly due to the dirty water and debris.
  • 21. 21 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Solution Development
  • 22. 22 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 15. Let’s think about Family and Partner’s safety 1) Japanese Government well prepared prevention plan with City Flood however it is better you to know the high risk area and potential evacuation route. 2) One of the purposes of creating Home BCP (will be explained in detail on the following slides) is improving your Family and Partner’s safety. 3) If you live in the area where you have less risk with Flooding, Liquefaction, Earthquake or Fire etc., your Family and Partner can save time with evacuation when disaster happens and much safer than living in the high risk area suggested on the Hazard Map. Same as the school of your kids. 4) Moving to the less risk area before disaster makes sense. This is the concept so-called ‘Pre-Evacuation’. 5) Now you know that high risk area, you can make a choice;  Nice view vs. Family and Partner’s Safety  Conferrable Commute vs. Family and Partner’s Safety
  • 23. 23 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Sample Solution Development - Home BCP -
  • 24. 24 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 16. Home BCP 1) Why we should have Home BCP  Home BCP was developed in Barclays Japan to support having survival plans for employees’ Family and Partner.  Employee cannot work for the company during the disaster without confirming safety of Family and Partner, thus company must support 1) Risk Awareness, 2) Creating Plan and 3) improving it. 2) Home BCP consists of Home BCP Pocket Card and a guide for emergency stock  Contents of BCP Pocket Card  Communication (Contact information)  Daytime location  Medical information  Meeting point (Assembly point)  Pick up plan for kids  Embassy information and other information  Emergency Stock (Must have)  Food  Water (Drinking Water and Other Water)  Toilet
  • 25. 25 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 17. Home BCP: Sample Contents of Home BCP Assembly Points  Discuss The Primary Assembly Point with your Family as Mobile will be down within 30 minutes  Discuss about the Secondary Assembly Point too.  Decide on communication methodology if the Family cannot meet (for example messaging boards) School Info  Confirm teacher's landline telephone number, e-mail address and mobile number  Confirm procedures to have your children picked up if both parents will be unavailable  Confirm procedures if nobody will be available to pick up your children Communication  Mobile phone and e-mail: Convenient, but availability may be limited following a disaster  Landline: Advisable to have one as they are much more stable than mobile lines  Social networks: are generally good but you should take the age of your children into account Daytime location Medical Information Embassy Information
  • 26. 26 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 18. About an emergency stock Water、Food and Toilet are must have emergency stock items Basic requirements with emergency stock used be 3-5 days but considered with Flood risk, lifeline and distribution lines will be malfunctioned for 2 – 4 weeks  Drinking Water  On average 1 person needs 2L/day(Resulting 1 family with 2 kids needs 112L in 2 weeks) (Adult needs 50cc /1kg (weight), baby needs 150cc / 1kg and child needs 100cc / 1kg)  Tap water can be used in 3 days. After that reused it to Bath or Washing machine  Other Water(washing body and closes etc)  Drinking water and Other water should be managed separately  Dish must be covered by wrap to save water  Food  Pre-cooked food is recommended  High calorie food and good balanced food should be selected  Toilet  Cover the toilet in your home by the special plastic bag
  • 27. 27 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> 5 minutes QA Session 2/3
  • 28. 28 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Appendix
  • 29. 29 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-1. Sample Emergency Stock - Food <Basic Points to be considered with >  Should be Pre-cooked  Should contain a High calorie  Should be with Long life  Should not be too Hot or Spicy  Should be with a Good natural balance  Dish should be covered by a Wrap Amazon
  • 30. 30 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-2. Sample Emergency Stock - Drinking Water < Basic Points to be considered with > 1) Drinking Water  2L per person a day  Long Life Pet bottle  Water server is good to use (12L per bottle)  Tap water can be used for drinking (3 days ) o/kumioki.files/kumioki.pdf Good to have A filter for emergency 2) Other Water  Should keep clean water in a bathtub (150L) for everything except for Drinking and Cooking Amazon
  • 31. 31 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-3. Sample Emergency Stock - Goods for toilet < Basic Points to be considered with > 1) Can not use water to flash 2) We should;  Use existing toilet with plastic bag  Use those with deodorizer  Do not forget buying Toilet paper and Wet tissue  Covered it by Another plastic bag for disposal Amazon
  • 32. 32 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-4. Sample Emergency Stock - Goods for toilet < Basic Points to be considered with > 1) Can not use water to flash 2) We should;  Use existing toilet with plastic bag  Use those with deodorizer  Do not forget buying Toilet paper and Wet tissue  Covered it by Another plastic bag for disposal Amazon
  • 33. 33 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-5. Hints 1) Disaster Preparedness Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Government)  Japanese:  English: 2) Earthquake Survival Manual  Japanese/English: 3) Assistance for Foreigners at Times of Disaster Q & A Manual by Tokyo International Communication Committee  English: 4) Disaster Management in Japan  Japanese / English:
  • 34. 34 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-6. Going home support Tokyo Metropolitan Government There is a website to support you to go back to your house during the disaster
  • 35. 35 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-7. Fire Hazard (Earthquake) Tokyo Metropolitan Government: 1) Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced about Fire Hazard risk. 2) Though this is based on the scenario analysis with Earthquake, we could see the area where Fire can be occurred and not easy to work for Firefighters. 3) We could see many Wooden made houses are close to each other and road width
  • 36. 36 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> A-8. Traffic Restrictions (Earthquake) Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department: 1) Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department announced that they enforce City Block when the big earthquake happens in Tokyo. 2) In side of Kannana ring road and Key/Major road such as Route 20 are controlled and authorized emergency vehicles only. 3) Please take this into account and it will be affected your evacuation plan.
  • 37. 37 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Final QA Session 3/3
  • 38. 38 | <BCCJ Risk Seminar 2018> | <4 October 2018> Thank you very much