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Basic Business
Janel Phillip – Certified People & Organisational
Development Consultant, Licensed Practitioner of NLP and
SHRM Certification Instructor
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Programme Content
 Module 1: Programme Introduction & History of
 Module 2: Making Introductions:
 Module 3: Office Etiquette:
 Module 4: Business Communication Etiquette:
 Module 5: Business Attire:
 Module 6: Business Dining Etiquette:
 Module 7: Navigating Office Politics
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
All rights reserved 2010. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
History of Business Etiquette
 Origins of today's etiquette began in the French royal courts in the
1600s and 1700s. Under King Louis XIV, a placard (the word etiquette
means card or placard) was devised and posted with rules for all to
follow. They took manners much more seriously in those days, and
people were more strict in the following of rules.
 Even before Louis XIV, the first known etiquette book was written in
2400 B.C. by Ptah-hotep. Good manners have been around for a long
time. It was from these origins that American etiquette grew.
 The first recordings of American etiquette were made in George
Washington's Rules of Civility, but the most popular "first" about
manners was written by Emily Post in 1922. The self-proclaimed
debutante-turned-writer published "Etiquette--In Society, In Business, In
Politics, and At Home." It became a best-seller and paved the way for
her successors to continue preaching good manners.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
 Etiquette is a code of behavior that
delineates expectations for social
behavior according to contemporary
conventional norms within a society,
social class, or group.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Areas Of Etiquette
 Conversations
 Correspondence
 Telephone/Telecommunicatio
 On the Job/New Job
 Leaving your job
 Everyday Manners
 Dining Manners
 Clubs and Associations
 Invitations
 Acknowledging
 Customer Service
 Business Card
 International
 Introductions
 Official State Protocol
 Entertaining at Home
 Travel
 Tipping
 Religious Services
 Funerals
 Weddings
 Chairman
 Table Seating
 Event Management
 Entertainment
 Flag Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Etiquette Snippet
 Gender has no place in business etiquette
 Men and Women should be treated as
 Peers with disabilities should be treated
with the same respect
 Never discuss sex, politics and religion
 Under the price of your opinion
 Do be aware of your body language
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Why Business Etiquette
 Etiquette refers to the conventional
requirements of social behavior.
 More simply, it means knowing how to
 Different situations require different
types of etiquette.
 Office behavior is important if you want
to set a good example
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Why Business Etiquette
 Those who follow good office etiquette
are promoted and given choice
 Those who are seen as crass or
unkempt are passed over or have their
employment terminated.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Why Business Etiquette
 Top five reasons given by surveyed
managers, for firing employees:
 Bad language.
 Excessive workplace gossip.
 Drinking on the job.
 Leaving without telling anyone.
 Too many personal calls.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Why Business Etiquette
 Five worst breaches of office etiquette:
 Eating someone else’s food from the fridge.
 Bad hygiene.
 Bad habits.
 Drinking on the job.
 Wastefulness with paper.
First Impressions
 Within 30 seconds people judge your
 Economic level
 Educational level
 Social position
 Level of sophistication
 Level of success
 Within 4 minutes people decide your
 Trustworthiness
 Compassion
 Reliability
 Intelligence
 Capability
 Humility
 Friendliness
 Confidence
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Introductions - Purpose
 Exchange names between People so
that conversation can follow
 To start networking opportunity
 Build Rapport
 To “Break the Ice”
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Types of Introduction
 Self – Introduction
 Three-Party Introduction
 High Official on Visit
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How to introduce Yourself and
 Always stand for introductions,
everyone should stand up to greet new
colleagues, associates or clients.
 In an office, always stand up and
come around from behind the desk
to greet visitors.
 Establish eye contact too.
 Better to make an incorrect
introduction instead of none, even if
you forgot their name, rather than stand
there unacknowledged and disregarded.
 The name of the person being
introduced is mentioned last, and the
person to whom the introduction is made
is mentioned first.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
 Business Introductions are based on power and
 Simply, persons of lesser authority are introduced
to persons of greater authority.
 Mention the person of authority or Importance first
" Ms Boss, I would like to introduce you to Mr.
Prospect, the owner of the agency."
 Gender plays no role in business etiquette; nor does it
affect the order of introductions.
 Responding to Introductions is just as important as
making the introduction.
 In response to informal introductions, simply say "
hello". Add " How do you do?" followed by the
person's name
 Do not use the first name until the person to whom
you've been introduced has indicated that the
familiarity is preferred.
How to make an Introduction
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Hello, Ms. Alexis
How doyou do?
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Cards
 Manage business card exchanges
 Always have a supply of cards
 Ask for someone’s card before offering
your own
 Present card face up
 Take time to look at received card
 NEVER turn down an offered card
 Be selective when distributing cards
 Be aware of international card etiquette
Handshake Types
 Pumper
 Dead Fish/Lobster
 Squeezer/Bone
Crusher “The
 Two handed “Politician”
 Hand Wrestle/Pusher
 Equal, with direct eye
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Bone Crusher
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Equal, with Eye Contact
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
How to Get out of a Bad
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Handshake Protocol
 A Handshake can create feelings
of friendliness or irritation.
 The Proper handshake is brief,
strong and a warm clasp
 Say your name and extend your
 The higher ranking person should
extend his/hand first
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Handshake Protocol
 Provide a firm handshake
but not a bone breaking
 In a party shake hands with
the host first then mingle to
meet others
 Don’t shake hands with
Muslim or Jewish Ladies or
non Muslim ladies with
Muslim men
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
The Don’ts of Intros
 Never introduce people by their first names.
 Do not walk up to someone you don’t know and say “what is your
name” it’s unflattering. Give your name first and then the person
should give theirs.
 Kissing on the mouth is not appropriate.
 Hugging is acceptable when you are very familiar with that
 Never Introduce an arriving visitor to someone who is leaving.
 Never phrase your introduction as a command.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Office Etiquette
 Be Punctual
 Be helpful
 Avoid Annoying habits (Do not use strong perfume)
 Watch your body odor
 Practice Team Work
 Discourage Personal Office Visitors
 Avoid Cliques & Office Gossip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Office Etiquette
 Learn right away who you can call by first name and who
prefers to be addressed by Mr, Ms, or Mrs
 It's almost always best to address clients or customer by Mr.
or Ms. until you are asked to do otherwise.
 The exception might be someone who is close to your own
 Be sure to show your boss and coworkers consideration and
 Stop what you're doing when someone enters your office or
work area and give that person your full attention.
 Do not read a coworker's mail
 Do not borrow desk items without asking first
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Office (Cubicle) Etiquette
 Try to Speak softly at most times
 Do not use a speaker phone
 Do not discuss confidential matters in your cubicle
 Keep your personal cellular phone off.
 Keep your personal calls to a minimum
 Do not interrupt someone who is on the telephone
 meet your clients at a conference room, rather than
at your desk.
 Do not use screen savers which make noise
 One man’s music is another man’s noise
 keep it tidy and clean, with documents filed in their
proper places.
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Telephone Etiquette
 The first fifteen seconds of a call are critical.
 Make sure you prepare yourself before you pick up
the receiver
 Always answer the telephone by the third ring
 Answer the telephone with you opposite
 This allows your writing hand to be free to take down notes or
messages. Always be prepared to take down pertinent notes
and information.
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
 Begin the call with a polite greeting.
 A good example of a greeting is, “Good
morning/afternoon/evening, [name of company],
this is [your name] speaking.
 Speak clearly.
 Answer the telephone with a smile.
 The first impression conveyed with the tone
of voice accounts for 70% of what the caller
hears while only 30% is attributed to the
words being spoken.
 Refrain from talking to others around you while
you are on the telephone.
 Give the caller your undivided attention.
Telephone Etiquette
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 Use simple and plain language.
 Avoid using slang terms such as “yeah,” “okay” or
 Use more appropriate words such as “yes,”
“certainly” and “no.”
 If a customer or client approaches you while you are
on a call, simply look up at the customer/client to
acknowledge his or her presence and smile.
Telephone Etiquette
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 Thank the caller for his or her call.
 Be the last to hang up the telephone.
 This will allow you to catch all of the conversation
and not miss any last minute questions a caller
may have.
Telephone Etiquette
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Telephone Etiquette
Questions to Ask Yourself…
 How did I “look” to the caller? What did the tone
of my voice convey to the caller?
 Did I appear friendly and helpful?
 Did I rush the caller through the call?
 Did I obtain all of the pertinent information?
 Did I upset the caller or make the caller angry? If
so, why and was the upset or anger avoidable?
 Remember, the key to proper telephone etiquette
is to remain friendly, courteous and helpful to the
caller during ALL calls, regardless of the
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Telephone Etiquette Dos and
 -- Use a silent, pulsing phone
during concerts, plays, or
movies instead of a beeping or
chirping mobile phone
 At the beginning of a meeting
inform other party that you are
expecting an important call that
you must take if the call comes.
 Upon receiving your call, quickly
ask to be excused, leave the
room promptly but without, being
a major distraction if you are in a
large meeting.
 Wait until you have left the
room and close the door
behind you before you say
 -- Return calls promptly
-- Identify yourself in all
forms of telecommunication
-- Get to the point quickly
-- Know what you're going
to say before you answer
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 -- Eat while talking on the phone
 -- Interrupt a face-to-face interaction to talk
on a mobile phone
 -- Send faxes of more than 10 pages without
asking permission
Telephone Etiquette Dos and
Email Etiquette
 Keep messages clear and brief.
 Use proper English, spelling and grammar. Avoid
email specific abbreviations (i.e. BTW, ICWUM, etc.).
 Return emails promptly – within one business day.
 Include a subject line to clearly identify the purpose of
your message.
 Review the content of your email prior to sending it
out. You cannot retrieve your message once it is sent.
 Avoid sending jokes and other personal emails
through your workplace email - you may be
 Type E-MAIL IN ALL CAPS or in red or with highlights
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Table of Precedence
Table of Precedence which comprises the order of protocol of the
nation’s highest office holders
1) The President
2) The Prime Minister
3) The Chief Justice
4) The President of the Senate
5) The Speaker of the House of Representatives
6) Cabinet Ministers
7) High Commissioners and Ambassadors (according to the Diplomatic Table of
8) The Archbishop of Port of Spain
9) The Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago
10) The Chief Representative of the Hindu Religion
11) The Chief Representative of the Muslim Religion
12) The Chief Representative of the Council of Evangelical Churches
13) The Leader of the Opposition
14) Justices of Appeal
15) Justices of the High Court
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Table of Precedence - con’d
16) Ministers accredited to Trinidad and Tobago, Acting High Commissioners and
Charges d’Affaires
17) Parliamentary Secretaries
18) The Vice President of the Senate
19) The Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives
20) Members of the Senate
21) Members of the House of Representatives
22) Consuls General, Counsellors in Embassies and High Commissions
23) Accredited Chief Representatives of International Organisations
24) The Chairman of the Public Service Commission, the Chairman of the Elections
and Boundaries Commission, the Auditor General and the Governor of the Central
Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (precedence among them being in accordance with
respective dates of their appointments)
25) The Chief of Defence Staff
26) Mayors and Chairmen of County Councils
27) Permanent Secretaries
28) Members of the Public Service Commission and of the Elections and Boundaries
29) Consuls de Carrière, First Secretaries in Embassies and High Commissions and
Senior Assistant Secretaries.
30) Trade Commissioners
31) Senior Government Officials and Heads of Departments
32) Chairman of the Statutory Boards and Authorities
33) Honorary Consuls, Vice Consuls, Second Secretaries and Third Secretaries. 47
 How does one address a Member of Parliament
(MP) in a letter?
 How does one verbally address an MP, both on
telephone and in a face to face?
 Any other points of protocol regarding meeting
with an MP?
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Use Proper Titles & Honorifics
 The Speaker of The House of Representatives
 The President of the Senate…?
 Elected Members of Parliament?
 An unelected Minister of Cabinet ?
 The Prime Minister?
 President of Trinidad and Tobago?
 The Chief Justice?
 Consuls General, Counsellors in Embassies and High Commissions
 The Archbishop of Port of Spain
 The Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago
 Mayors?
 Past and Present US, French and Russia Presidents
 A sitting Judge of the High Court?
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Use Proper Titles & Honorifics
1. The Honourable or The Honorable (abbreviated to The Hon., Hon.) Bridgid
Annisette-George, MP Speaker of The House of Representatives
2. Senator the Honourable Christine Kangaloo President of the Senate
3. The Honourable or The Honorable (abbreviated to The Hon., Hon. ) Elected
Members of Parliament?
4. The Honourable Dr. Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and
5. His Excellency Anthony Carmona, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
6. The Honourable the Chief Justice, Justice Ivor Archie O.R.T.T.
7. Senator the Honourable …An unelected ? Minister of Cabinet?
8. HE Consuls General, Ambassadors and High Commissioners
9. His Grace The Archbishop Joseph Harris Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, Antilles
10. Bishop Claude Berkley of The Anglican Church of the Diocese of Trinidad and
11. His/Her/Your Worship …Mayor of Arima, Port of Spain, San Fernando, Chaguanas
and Point Fortin?
12. President …Past and Present US, French and Russia Presidents
13. Justice …A sitting Judge of the High Court? All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Basic Business Etiquette
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Dress Etiquette
“The way you dress affects the way you
are perceived, and the way you are
perceived, is the way you are treated.”
- Buck Rodgers
Former VP of Marketing, IBM
Author of The IBM Way
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Dress Codes
Formal attire:
 White Tie - Is the most formal evening dress code. It is
worn to events such as balls, the opera, and formal
dinners. Worn only to events after six o'clock
 Black Tie – Less formal evening events
 Semi Formal (Lounge Suit), Worn at daytime events,
cocktail parties
Informal attire:
 International business attire
 Business Casual
 Casual
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Dress Codes - Formal
Business Attire
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Business Attire - Jackets
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Business Attire – Western Std
- Men
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Attire – Western Std
- Women
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Attire – Western Std
- Women
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Attire Women –
Creative Industry
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Casual - Women
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Attire No-no
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Business Casual - Men
In general, business casual means dressing professionally, looking relaxed, yet neat
and pulled together
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Business Attire Tips
 Men – Always wear dark
business suit
 Trousers should be long enough
to cover socks
 Ties should reach belt line
 Shoes – Black classic lace ups,
shined and in good repair
 Leather belts with quiet small
buckle that matches shoes
 Women – Skirts no shorter than
three inches above knee,
Hosiery is required with pumps
not sandals.
 No ankle bracelets, no
excessive jewelry, no cleavage,
no tight clothing
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Types of Corporate
 Breakfast Meetings
 Brunch
 Luncheon
 Dinner
 Cocktail Parties
 Award Dinners
 Retreats
 Drinks
Cocktail Parties
 Work event—not social
 Determine your strategy: network with new
people or certain known targets
 Don’t just hang out with friends
 Enter room, step to one side, survey room
 Move toward friendly faces or already formed
 If someone enters your group, greet them and
make introductions
Cocktail Party Tips
 Go to food table first—easiest place to start
 Stand in middle of room or near food table, stay
away from walls
 Learn how to hold napkin, plate and glass in one
 Keep one hand free to shake hands
 Don’t overindulge in alcohol
 Maneuver among people—don’t get stuck
Small Talk Openers
 Individuals
 Compliment, weather, food, current event
 “I love your______. Is it a family heirloom?”
 Group
 Something pertaining to everyone
 “How do you all know each other?”
 “Will you be traveling this summer?”
 Casual acquaintances
 General comments
 “How has your year been?”
Small Talk Middle
 Safe topics
 Sports, books, movies, theater, art, travel
 Questions
 Ask, listen, elaborate with matching
experience, Ask again
 Be more interested than interesting
Small Talk Break-Away
 Stay no more than 10 min in one place
 Break-away lines
 “I don’t want to monopolize you.”
 “I’m going to circulate.”
 “I see someone I must meet.”
 Tell them you enjoyed speaking with
 Discuss next steps
 Going for food, to next person, etc.
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Breakfast Setting
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Lunch Setting
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Formal Dinner Setting
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
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Table Etiquette - Tips
 Sit - the host will tell you where to sit, or you ask.
 Wait for others to start eating.
 Food is passed to the right.
 Try a little of everything – don’t heap food on your plate.
 If you do not want something, just pass it on; You do not need to
say anything.
 Keep the table and table-cloth as clean as possible. Do not put
bones or anything on the table.
 Things that are not eaten should be put on your plate.
 If there is something in your mouth that you cannot swallow,
quietly put it in your paper napkin and then go on
 Do not talk with food in your mouth! Wait until you have
swallowed everything before talking.
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 Burping - don't!! It is considered rude.
 Slurping - don't!! Drinking soup or eating noodles - be quiet.
 When food is passed to you say, "Thank You."
 When you would like more of some food and it is not right in
front of you, say, "Please pass the green beans."
 Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get
something - that is rude. Ask them to pass it to you.
 If you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom or do
something, say, "Excuse me for a moment, please."
 Meals are to be slow, pleasant, leisurely times. Enjoy your
food, but talk too.
 Wait for all to be finished before leaving the table.
 Do not touch your nose, hair or teeth at the table.
 After the meal, go to the bathroom and clean your teeth if you
need to.
Table Etiquette - Tips
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Basic Business Etiquette
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Coping with Office Gossip
 Walk Away
 Change the Topic
 Say “I am not comfortable speaking about
 Say “I hadn’t heard that, lets ask her/him directly
 Say “I don’t like talking about him/her because I
don’t like him or her talking about me
When its about you
 Say “Could imagine there is a rumor that I…
people have nothing to do? What do you think?
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property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Avoid Office Bullying
 Bullying is usually seen as acts or verbal comments that
could 'mentally' hurt or isolate a person in the workplace.
Sometimes, bullying can involve negative physical
contact as well. Bullying usually involves repeated
incidents or a pattern of behaviour that is intended to
intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular
person or group of people. It has also been described as
the assertion of power through aggression.
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Avoid Office Bullying
What may be constituted as Bullying:
 Spreading malicious rumors, gossip, or innuendo.
 Excluding or isolating someone socially.
 Intimidating a person.
 Undermining or deliberately impeding a person's work.
 Physically abusing or threatening abuse.
 Removing areas of responsibilities without cause.
 Constantly changing work guidelines.
 Establishing impossible deadlines that will set up the individual to
 Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Avoid Office Bullying
What may be constituted as Bullying:
 Making jokes that are 'obviously offensive' by spoken word or e-mail.
 Intruding on a person's privacy by pestering, spying or stalking.
 Assigning unreasonable duties or workload which are unfavorable to
one person (in a way that creates unnecessary pressure).
 Underwork - creating a feeling of uselessness.
 Yelling or using profanity.
 Criticising a person persistently or constantly.
 Belittling a person's opinions.
 Unwarranted (or undeserved) punishment.
 Blocking applications for training, leave or promotion.
 Tampering with a person's personal belongings or work equipment.
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
How can bullying affect an
Feelings of:
 Shock
 Anger.
 Feelings of frustration and/or
 Increased sense of vulnerability.
 Loss of confidence.
 Physical symptoms such as:
 Inability to sleep.
 Loss of appetite.
 Psychosomatic symptoms such as:
 Stomach pains.
 Headaches.
 Panic or anxiety, especially about going
to work.
 Family tension and stress.
 Inability to concentrate.
 Low morale and productivity.
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
How can bullying affect an
Bullying affects the overall
"health" of an organization. An
"unhealthy" workplace can have
many effects. In general these
 Increased absenteeism.
 Increased turnover.
 Increased stress.
 Increased costs for employee
assistance programs (EAPs),
recruitment, etc.
 Increased risk for accidents / incidents.
 Decreased productivity and motivation.
 Decreased morale.
 Reduced corporate image and customer
 Poor customer service.
 2013 Research Findings
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
What is Sexual Harassment
 “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that detrimentally affects the
work environment or leads to adverse job-related consequences for
the victims of the harassment.”
 As stated in the leading Canadian case of Janzen-v-Platy-
 “It is ... an abuse of power. When sexual harassment occurs in the workplace, it is
an abuse of both economic and sexual power. Sexual harassment is a
demeaning practice.... By requiring an employee to contend with unwelcome
sexual actions or explicit sexual demands, sexual harassment in the workplace
attacks the dignity and self-respect of the victim both as an employee and as a
human being.”
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Avoid Sexual Harassment
Always avoid…
 Physical contact of a sexual nature including unnecessary
touching, patting, hugging or brushing against a person's
 Explicit or implicit propositions to engage in sexual activity
 Comments of a sexual nature, including
 Sexually explicit statements or questions
 Sexually explicit jokes or anecdotes
 Remarks of a sexual nature regarding a person's clothing or
 Remarks about sexual activity
 Whistling, ogling, or leering
 Emailing pictures, posters or other such materials.
 Physical interference with or restriction of an individual's
All rights reserved 2010. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
 DO NOT RETALIATE. You may end up looking like the
perpetrator and will most certainly cause confusion for those
responsible for evaluating and responding to the situation
 Know your rights. You have a right to a work environment that is
free of bias, intimidation, or hostility.
 State your objections at the time.
 Tell the harasser/Bully that his/her behavior is unwelcome.
 Your response could prevent future harassment from the
person, especially if he or she did not realize the behavior
was offensive.
 Tell someone. Talk to a trusted friend, colleague. Ask for advice
and support to help stop the harassment.
Avoid Sexual Harassment
All rights reserved 2010. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
 Document incidences.
 Keep records in a journal or record the facts on a
tape recorder. Keep track of dates, places, times,
witnesses and the nature of the harassment.
 Write a letter
 A letter to the harasser can be an effective way to
communicate one's objections to certain
behaviors. Such a letter should state:
 (a) the facts of the situation,
 (b) the effects the behavior has had on the
harassee, and
 (c) that the harassee would like the behavior to
 Report the Problem to Legal or through
Whistleblower System.
Reporting Sexual Harassment
Bullying and Harassment
behaviour does not include:
 Expressing differences of opinion.
 Offering constructive feedback, guidance, or advice
about work-related behaviour.
 Reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor
relating to the management and direction of workers or
the place of employment (e.g., managing a worker's
performance, taking reasonable disciplinary actions,
assigning work).
All rights reserved 2017. Information is the
property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip
Office Fraternization/Romance
 Dating a supervisor or
subordinate is absolutely
a no-no
 Any behavior of a sexual
nature on company
property gives the
company grounds for
legal action
Review Challenge
 Instructions…

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Basic Business Etiquette 2017

  • 1. Basic Business Etiquette Janel Phillip – Certified People & Organisational Development Consultant, Licensed Practitioner of NLP and SHRM Certification Instructor
  • 2. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 2 Programme Content  Module 1: Programme Introduction & History of Etiquette  Module 2: Making Introductions:  Module 3: Office Etiquette:  Module 4: Business Communication Etiquette:  Module 5: Business Attire:  Module 6: Business Dining Etiquette:  Module 7: Navigating Office Politics
  • 3. MODULE 1: PROGRAMME INTRODUCTION & HISTORY OF ETIQUETTE Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 3
  • 4. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 4 History of Business Etiquette  Origins of today's etiquette began in the French royal courts in the 1600s and 1700s. Under King Louis XIV, a placard (the word etiquette means card or placard) was devised and posted with rules for all to follow. They took manners much more seriously in those days, and people were more strict in the following of rules.  Even before Louis XIV, the first known etiquette book was written in 2400 B.C. by Ptah-hotep. Good manners have been around for a long time. It was from these origins that American etiquette grew.  The first recordings of American etiquette were made in George Washington's Rules of Civility, but the most popular "first" about manners was written by Emily Post in 1922. The self-proclaimed debutante-turned-writer published "Etiquette--In Society, In Business, In Politics, and At Home." It became a best-seller and paved the way for her successors to continue preaching good manners.
  • 5. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 5 Definition  Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.
  • 6. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 6 Areas Of Etiquette  Conversations  Correspondence  Telephone/Telecommunicatio ns  On the Job/New Job  Leaving your job  Everyday Manners  Dining Manners  Clubs and Associations  Invitations  Acknowledging  Customer Service  Business Card  International  Introductions  Official State Protocol  Entertaining at Home  Travel  Tipping  Religious Services  Funerals  Weddings  Chairman  Table Seating  Event Management  Entertainment  Flag Etiquette
  • 7. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 7 Business Etiquette Snippet  Gender has no place in business etiquette  Men and Women should be treated as peers  Peers with disabilities should be treated with the same respect  Never discuss sex, politics and religion  Under the price of your opinion  Do be aware of your body language
  • 8. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 8 Why Business Etiquette  Etiquette refers to the conventional requirements of social behavior.  More simply, it means knowing how to act.  Different situations require different types of etiquette.  Office behavior is important if you want to set a good example
  • 9. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 9 Why Business Etiquette  Those who follow good office etiquette are promoted and given choice assignments.  Those who are seen as crass or unkempt are passed over or have their employment terminated.
  • 10. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 10 Why Business Etiquette  Top five reasons given by surveyed managers, for firing employees:  Bad language.  Excessive workplace gossip.  Drinking on the job.  Leaving without telling anyone.  Too many personal calls.
  • 11. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 11 Why Business Etiquette  Five worst breaches of office etiquette:  Eating someone else’s food from the fridge.  Bad hygiene.  Bad habits.  Drinking on the job.  Wastefulness with paper.
  • 12. First Impressions  Within 30 seconds people judge your  Economic level  Educational level  Social position  Level of sophistication  Level of success  Within 4 minutes people decide your  Trustworthiness  Compassion  Reliability  Intelligence  Capability  Humility  Friendliness  Confidence
  • 13. MODULE 2: MAKING INTRODUCTIONS Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 13
  • 14. MAKING INTRODUCTIONS All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 14
  • 15. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 15 Introductions - Purpose  Exchange names between People so that conversation can follow  To start networking opportunity  Build Rapport  To “Break the Ice”
  • 16. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 16 Types of Introduction  Self – Introduction  Three-Party Introduction  High Official on Visit
  • 17. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 17 How to introduce Yourself and Others  Always stand for introductions, everyone should stand up to greet new colleagues, associates or clients.  In an office, always stand up and come around from behind the desk to greet visitors.  Establish eye contact too.  Better to make an incorrect introduction instead of none, even if you forgot their name, rather than stand there unacknowledged and disregarded.  The name of the person being introduced is mentioned last, and the person to whom the introduction is made is mentioned first.
  • 18. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 18  Business Introductions are based on power and hierarchy.  Simply, persons of lesser authority are introduced to persons of greater authority.  Mention the person of authority or Importance first " Ms Boss, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Prospect, the owner of the agency."  Gender plays no role in business etiquette; nor does it affect the order of introductions.  Responding to Introductions is just as important as making the introduction.  In response to informal introductions, simply say " hello". Add " How do you do?" followed by the person's name  Do not use the first name until the person to whom you've been introduced has indicated that the familiarity is preferred. How to make an Introduction
  • 19. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 19 Hello, Ms. Alexis How doyou do?
  • 20. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 20
  • 21. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 21
  • 22. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 22
  • 23. Business Cards  Manage business card exchanges flawlessly  Always have a supply of cards  Ask for someone’s card before offering your own  Present card face up  Take time to look at received card  NEVER turn down an offered card  Be selective when distributing cards  Be aware of international card etiquette
  • 24. Handshake Types  Pumper  Dead Fish/Lobster Claw  Squeezer/Bone Crusher “The Dominator”  Two handed “Politician”  Hand Wrestle/Pusher  Equal, with direct eye contact All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 24
  • 25. Bone Crusher All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 25
  • 26. Equal, with Eye Contact All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 26
  • 27. DOMINATOR All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 27
  • 28. How to Get out of a Bad Handshake All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 28
  • 29. Handshake Protocol  A Handshake can create feelings of friendliness or irritation.  The Proper handshake is brief, strong and a warm clasp  Say your name and extend your hand  The higher ranking person should extend his/hand first h-first-lady-disses-donald-trump.html All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 29
  • 30. Handshake Protocol  Provide a firm handshake but not a bone breaking one.  In a party shake hands with the host first then mingle to meet others  Don’t shake hands with Muslim or Jewish Ladies or non Muslim ladies with Muslim men All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 30
  • 31. 31 The Don’ts of Intros  Never introduce people by their first names.  Do not walk up to someone you don’t know and say “what is your name” it’s unflattering. Give your name first and then the person should give theirs.  Kissing on the mouth is not appropriate.  Hugging is acceptable when you are very familiar with that person.  Never Introduce an arriving visitor to someone who is leaving.  Never phrase your introduction as a command.
  • 32. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 32
  • 33. MODULE 3: OFFICE ETIQUETTE: Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 33
  • 34. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 34 Office Etiquette  Be Punctual  Be helpful  Avoid Annoying habits (Do not use strong perfume)  Watch your body odor  Practice Team Work  Discourage Personal Office Visitors  Avoid Cliques & Office Gossip
  • 35. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 35 Office Etiquette  Learn right away who you can call by first name and who prefers to be addressed by Mr, Ms, or Mrs  It's almost always best to address clients or customer by Mr. or Ms. until you are asked to do otherwise.  The exception might be someone who is close to your own age.  Be sure to show your boss and coworkers consideration and respect.  Stop what you're doing when someone enters your office or work area and give that person your full attention.  Do not read a coworker's mail  Do not borrow desk items without asking first
  • 36. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 36 Office (Cubicle) Etiquette  Try to Speak softly at most times  Do not use a speaker phone  Do not discuss confidential matters in your cubicle  Keep your personal cellular phone off.  Keep your personal calls to a minimum  Do not interrupt someone who is on the telephone  meet your clients at a conference room, rather than at your desk.  Do not use screen savers which make noise  One man’s music is another man’s noise  keep it tidy and clean, with documents filed in their proper places.
  • 37. MODULE 4: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION ETIQUETTE Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 37
  • 38. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 38 Telephone Etiquette  The first fifteen seconds of a call are critical.  Make sure you prepare yourself before you pick up the receiver  Always answer the telephone by the third ring  Answer the telephone with you opposite handedness  This allows your writing hand to be free to take down notes or messages. Always be prepared to take down pertinent notes and information.
  • 39. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 39  Begin the call with a polite greeting.  A good example of a greeting is, “Good morning/afternoon/evening, [name of company], this is [your name] speaking.  Speak clearly.  Answer the telephone with a smile.  The first impression conveyed with the tone of voice accounts for 70% of what the caller hears while only 30% is attributed to the words being spoken.  Refrain from talking to others around you while you are on the telephone.  Give the caller your undivided attention. Telephone Etiquette
  • 40. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 40  Use simple and plain language.  Avoid using slang terms such as “yeah,” “okay” or “nope.”  Use more appropriate words such as “yes,” “certainly” and “no.”  If a customer or client approaches you while you are on a call, simply look up at the customer/client to acknowledge his or her presence and smile. Telephone Etiquette
  • 41. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 41  Thank the caller for his or her call.  Be the last to hang up the telephone.  This will allow you to catch all of the conversation and not miss any last minute questions a caller may have. Telephone Etiquette
  • 42. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 42 Telephone Etiquette Questions to Ask Yourself…  How did I “look” to the caller? What did the tone of my voice convey to the caller?  Did I appear friendly and helpful?  Did I rush the caller through the call?  Did I obtain all of the pertinent information?  Did I upset the caller or make the caller angry? If so, why and was the upset or anger avoidable?  Remember, the key to proper telephone etiquette is to remain friendly, courteous and helpful to the caller during ALL calls, regardless of the situation.
  • 43. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 43 Telephone Etiquette Dos and Don'ts DO…  -- Use a silent, pulsing phone during concerts, plays, or movies instead of a beeping or chirping mobile phone  At the beginning of a meeting inform other party that you are expecting an important call that you must take if the call comes.  Upon receiving your call, quickly ask to be excused, leave the room promptly but without, being a major distraction if you are in a large meeting.  Wait until you have left the room and close the door behind you before you say “hello”!  -- Return calls promptly -- Identify yourself in all forms of telecommunication -- Get to the point quickly -- Know what you're going to say before you answer
  • 44. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 44 DON’T  -- Eat while talking on the phone  -- Interrupt a face-to-face interaction to talk on a mobile phone  -- Send faxes of more than 10 pages without asking permission Telephone Etiquette Dos and Don'ts
  • 45. Email Etiquette  Keep messages clear and brief.  Use proper English, spelling and grammar. Avoid email specific abbreviations (i.e. BTW, ICWUM, etc.).  Return emails promptly – within one business day.  Include a subject line to clearly identify the purpose of your message.  Review the content of your email prior to sending it out. You cannot retrieve your message once it is sent.  Avoid sending jokes and other personal emails through your workplace email - you may be monitored.  Type E-MAIL IN ALL CAPS or in red or with highlights All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 45
  • 46. Table of Precedence Table of Precedence which comprises the order of protocol of the nation’s highest office holders 1) The President 2) The Prime Minister 3) The Chief Justice 4) The President of the Senate 5) The Speaker of the House of Representatives 6) Cabinet Ministers 7) High Commissioners and Ambassadors (according to the Diplomatic Table of Precedence) 8) The Archbishop of Port of Spain 9) The Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago 10) The Chief Representative of the Hindu Religion 11) The Chief Representative of the Muslim Religion 12) The Chief Representative of the Council of Evangelical Churches 13) The Leader of the Opposition 14) Justices of Appeal 15) Justices of the High Court All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 46
  • 47. Table of Precedence - con’d 16) Ministers accredited to Trinidad and Tobago, Acting High Commissioners and Charges d’Affaires 17) Parliamentary Secretaries 18) The Vice President of the Senate 19) The Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives 20) Members of the Senate 21) Members of the House of Representatives 22) Consuls General, Counsellors in Embassies and High Commissions 23) Accredited Chief Representatives of International Organisations 24) The Chairman of the Public Service Commission, the Chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission, the Auditor General and the Governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (precedence among them being in accordance with respective dates of their appointments) 25) The Chief of Defence Staff 26) Mayors and Chairmen of County Councils 27) Permanent Secretaries 28) Members of the Public Service Commission and of the Elections and Boundaries Commission 29) Consuls de Carrière, First Secretaries in Embassies and High Commissions and Senior Assistant Secretaries. 30) Trade Commissioners 31) Senior Government Officials and Heads of Departments 32) Chairman of the Statutory Boards and Authorities 33) Honorary Consuls, Vice Consuls, Second Secretaries and Third Secretaries. 47
  • 48. Questions:  How does one address a Member of Parliament (MP) in a letter?  How does one verbally address an MP, both on telephone and in a face to face?  Any other points of protocol regarding meeting with an MP? All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 48
  • 49. Use Proper Titles & Honorifics  The Speaker of The House of Representatives  The President of the Senate…?  Elected Members of Parliament?  An unelected Minister of Cabinet ?  The Prime Minister?  President of Trinidad and Tobago?  The Chief Justice?  Consuls General, Counsellors in Embassies and High Commissions  The Archbishop of Port of Spain  The Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago  Mayors?  Past and Present US, French and Russia Presidents  A sitting Judge of the High Court? All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 49
  • 50. Use Proper Titles & Honorifics 1. The Honourable or The Honorable (abbreviated to The Hon., Hon.) Bridgid Annisette-George, MP Speaker of The House of Representatives 2. Senator the Honourable Christine Kangaloo President of the Senate 3. The Honourable or The Honorable (abbreviated to The Hon., Hon. ) Elected Members of Parliament? 4. The Honourable Dr. Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 5. His Excellency Anthony Carmona, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 6. The Honourable the Chief Justice, Justice Ivor Archie O.R.T.T. 7. Senator the Honourable …An unelected ? Minister of Cabinet? 8. HE Consuls General, Ambassadors and High Commissioners 9. His Grace The Archbishop Joseph Harris Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles 10. Bishop Claude Berkley of The Anglican Church of the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago 11. His/Her/Your Worship …Mayor of Arima, Port of Spain, San Fernando, Chaguanas and Point Fortin? 12. President …Past and Present US, French and Russia Presidents 13. Justice …A sitting Judge of the High Court? All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 50
  • 51. MODULE 5: BUSINESS ATTIRE ETIQUETTE Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 51
  • 52. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 52 Dress Etiquette “The way you dress affects the way you are perceived, and the way you are perceived, is the way you are treated.” - Buck Rodgers Former VP of Marketing, IBM Author of The IBM Way
  • 53. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 53 Dress Codes Formal attire:  White Tie - Is the most formal evening dress code. It is worn to events such as balls, the opera, and formal dinners. Worn only to events after six o'clock  Black Tie – Less formal evening events  Semi Formal (Lounge Suit), Worn at daytime events, cocktail parties Informal attire:  International business attire  Business Casual  Casual
  • 54. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 54 Dress Codes - Formal
  • 55. Business Attire All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 55
  • 56. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 56 Business Attire - Jackets
  • 57. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 57 Business Attire – Western Std - Men
  • 58. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 58 Business Attire – Western Std - Women
  • 59. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 59 Business Attire – Western Std - Women
  • 60. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 60 Business Attire Women – Creative Industry
  • 61. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 61 Business Casual - Women
  • 62. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 62 Business Attire No-no
  • 63. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 63 Business Casual - Men In general, business casual means dressing professionally, looking relaxed, yet neat and pulled together
  • 64. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 64 Business Attire Tips  Men – Always wear dark business suit  Trousers should be long enough to cover socks  Ties should reach belt line  Shoes – Black classic lace ups, shined and in good repair  Leather belts with quiet small buckle that matches shoes  Women – Skirts no shorter than three inches above knee, Hosiery is required with pumps not sandals.  No ankle bracelets, no excessive jewelry, no cleavage, no tight clothing
  • 65. MODULE 6: BUSINESS DINING ETIQUETTE Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 65
  • 66. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 66 Types of Corporate Parties/Events  Breakfast Meetings  Brunch  Luncheon  Dinner  Cocktail Parties  Award Dinners  Retreats  Drinks
  • 67. Cocktail Parties  Work event—not social  Determine your strategy: network with new people or certain known targets  Don’t just hang out with friends  Enter room, step to one side, survey room  Move toward friendly faces or already formed group  If someone enters your group, greet them and make introductions
  • 68. Cocktail Party Tips  Go to food table first—easiest place to start conversations  Stand in middle of room or near food table, stay away from walls  Learn how to hold napkin, plate and glass in one hand  Keep one hand free to shake hands  Don’t overindulge in alcohol  Maneuver among people—don’t get stuck
  • 69. Small Talk Openers  Individuals  Compliment, weather, food, current event  “I love your______. Is it a family heirloom?”  Group  Something pertaining to everyone  “How do you all know each other?”  “Will you be traveling this summer?”  Casual acquaintances  General comments  “How has your year been?”
  • 70. Small Talk Middle  Safe topics  Sports, books, movies, theater, art, travel  Questions  Ask, listen, elaborate with matching experience, Ask again  Be more interested than interesting
  • 71. Small Talk Break-Away  Stay no more than 10 min in one place  Break-away lines  “I don’t want to monopolize you.”  “I’m going to circulate.”  “I see someone I must meet.”  Tell them you enjoyed speaking with them  Discuss next steps  Going for food, to next person, etc.
  • 72. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 72
  • 73. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 73 Breakfast Setting
  • 74. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 74 Lunch Setting
  • 75. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 75 Formal Dinner Setting
  • 76. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 76
  • 77. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 77 Silverware
  • 78. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 78
  • 79. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 79
  • 80. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 80
  • 81. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 81
  • 82. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 82
  • 83. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 83 Table Etiquette - Tips  Sit - the host will tell you where to sit, or you ask.  Wait for others to start eating.  Food is passed to the right.  Try a little of everything – don’t heap food on your plate.  If you do not want something, just pass it on; You do not need to say anything.  Keep the table and table-cloth as clean as possible. Do not put bones or anything on the table.  Things that are not eaten should be put on your plate.  If there is something in your mouth that you cannot swallow, quietly put it in your paper napkin and then go on  Do not talk with food in your mouth! Wait until you have swallowed everything before talking.
  • 84. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 84  Burping - don't!! It is considered rude.  Slurping - don't!! Drinking soup or eating noodles - be quiet.  When food is passed to you say, "Thank You."  When you would like more of some food and it is not right in front of you, say, "Please pass the green beans."  Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something - that is rude. Ask them to pass it to you.  If you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom or do something, say, "Excuse me for a moment, please."  Meals are to be slow, pleasant, leisurely times. Enjoy your food, but talk too.  Wait for all to be finished before leaving the table.  Do not touch your nose, hair or teeth at the table.  After the meal, go to the bathroom and clean your teeth if you need to. Table Etiquette - Tips
  • 85. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 85
  • 86. MODULE 7: NAVIGATING OFFICE POLITICS Basic Business Etiquette All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 86
  • 87. Coping with Office Gossip  Walk Away  Change the Topic  Say “I am not comfortable speaking about that…”  Say “I hadn’t heard that, lets ask her/him directly  Say “I don’t like talking about him/her because I don’t like him or her talking about me When its about you  Say “Could imagine there is a rumor that I… people have nothing to do? What do you think? All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 87
  • 88. Avoid Office Bullying  Bullying is usually seen as acts or verbal comments that could 'mentally' hurt or isolate a person in the workplace. Sometimes, bullying can involve negative physical contact as well. Bullying usually involves repeated incidents or a pattern of behaviour that is intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group of people. It has also been described as the assertion of power through aggression. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 88
  • 89. Avoid Office Bullying What may be constituted as Bullying:  Spreading malicious rumors, gossip, or innuendo.  Excluding or isolating someone socially.  Intimidating a person.  Undermining or deliberately impeding a person's work.  Physically abusing or threatening abuse.  Removing areas of responsibilities without cause.  Constantly changing work guidelines.  Establishing impossible deadlines that will set up the individual to fail.  Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 89
  • 90. Avoid Office Bullying What may be constituted as Bullying:  Making jokes that are 'obviously offensive' by spoken word or e-mail.  Intruding on a person's privacy by pestering, spying or stalking.  Assigning unreasonable duties or workload which are unfavorable to one person (in a way that creates unnecessary pressure).  Underwork - creating a feeling of uselessness.  Yelling or using profanity.  Criticising a person persistently or constantly.  Belittling a person's opinions.  Unwarranted (or undeserved) punishment.  Blocking applications for training, leave or promotion.  Tampering with a person's personal belongings or work equipment. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 90
  • 91. How can bullying affect an individual? Feelings of:  Shock  Anger.  Feelings of frustration and/or helplessness.  Increased sense of vulnerability.  Loss of confidence.  Physical symptoms such as:  Inability to sleep.  Loss of appetite.  Psychosomatic symptoms such as:  Stomach pains.  Headaches.  Panic or anxiety, especially about going to work.  Family tension and stress.  Inability to concentrate.  Low morale and productivity. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 91
  • 92. How can bullying affect an organisation? Bullying affects the overall "health" of an organization. An "unhealthy" workplace can have many effects. In general these include:  Increased absenteeism.  Increased turnover.  Increased stress.  Increased costs for employee assistance programs (EAPs), recruitment, etc.  Increased risk for accidents / incidents.  Decreased productivity and motivation.  Decreased morale.  Reduced corporate image and customer confidence.  Poor customer service.  2013 Research Findings All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 92
  • 93. What is Sexual Harassment  “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that detrimentally affects the work environment or leads to adverse job-related consequences for the victims of the harassment.”  As stated in the leading Canadian case of Janzen-v-Platy- Enterprises-Limited-[1989]-59-D.L.R.-(4th)-352:  “It is ... an abuse of power. When sexual harassment occurs in the workplace, it is an abuse of both economic and sexual power. Sexual harassment is a demeaning practice.... By requiring an employee to contend with unwelcome sexual actions or explicit sexual demands, sexual harassment in the workplace attacks the dignity and self-respect of the victim both as an employee and as a human being.” All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 93
  • 94. All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 94 Avoid Sexual Harassment Always avoid…  Physical contact of a sexual nature including unnecessary touching, patting, hugging or brushing against a person's body  Explicit or implicit propositions to engage in sexual activity  Comments of a sexual nature, including  Sexually explicit statements or questions  Sexually explicit jokes or anecdotes  Remarks of a sexual nature regarding a person's clothing or body  Remarks about sexual activity  Whistling, ogling, or leering  Emailing pictures, posters or other such materials.  Physical interference with or restriction of an individual's movements
  • 95. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 95 WHAT DO TO DO IF YOU THINK YOU MAY BE EXPERIENCING HARASSMENT/BEING BULLIED?  DO NOT RETALIATE. You may end up looking like the perpetrator and will most certainly cause confusion for those responsible for evaluating and responding to the situation  Know your rights. You have a right to a work environment that is free of bias, intimidation, or hostility.  State your objections at the time.  Tell the harasser/Bully that his/her behavior is unwelcome.  Your response could prevent future harassment from the person, especially if he or she did not realize the behavior was offensive.  Tell someone. Talk to a trusted friend, colleague. Ask for advice and support to help stop the harassment. Avoid Sexual Harassment
  • 96. All rights reserved 2010. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 96  Document incidences.  Keep records in a journal or record the facts on a tape recorder. Keep track of dates, places, times, witnesses and the nature of the harassment.  Write a letter  A letter to the harasser can be an effective way to communicate one's objections to certain behaviors. Such a letter should state:  (a) the facts of the situation,  (b) the effects the behavior has had on the harassee, and  (c) that the harassee would like the behavior to stop.  Report the Problem to Legal or through Whistleblower System. Reporting Sexual Harassment
  • 97. Bullying and Harassment behaviour does not include:  Expressing differences of opinion.  Offering constructive feedback, guidance, or advice about work-related behaviour.  Reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the place of employment (e.g., managing a worker's performance, taking reasonable disciplinary actions, assigning work). All rights reserved 2017. Information is the property of H.C.I Global and Janel P. Phillip 97
  • 98. Office Fraternization/Romance  Dating a supervisor or subordinate is absolutely a no-no  Any behavior of a sexual nature on company property gives the company grounds for legal action