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Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇.NET, JavaScript,Azure ad IoT Developer, Trainer
and Consultant
◇Microsoft MVP 2017 for Azure
◇Book Author @ Packt, LSWR
◇Community Lead per 1nn0va
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Solutions Have a Common Pattern
Insights Actions
Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Scenario
IoT Hub
(Events and Devices)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇This is not an electronic course!
◇You are not an electronic geek!
◇I’m not an electronic geek!
◇You cannot avoid these skills in your team
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Warning! We cannot avoid…
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Warning! We are not saying…
Software engineers
can create devices
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
We are just saying…
world is no
more a niche
engineers can
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
It is no more a niche
Hardware and
Obsolete tools
No software
rules and
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Software engineers can contribute
Methodologies Patterns
“Openness” Tools Languages
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Up to date
Modern IDEs
SDK (Libraries
and Drivers)
Debuggers Simulators
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Python Java C#
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Software Developer Role
Develop and test
the process and
the cloud
Develop and test
the device
software design
Cannot test
sensors and
Work with
fake/random data
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇Azienda di Produzione Industriale
■10-50M EURO
◇Presenza world-wide
◇Mercato Pro
■Più sensibili al servizi
■E poi discutiamo del privato
◇Su commessa
■Assorbe I costi iniziali
■E poi discutiamo della serie
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Industial Stainless Steel Kitchen Applications
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Scenario: resistor performance loss
◇Reference temperature is no more reachable
■fry-top: 400°C 300°C
■human cannot verify the temperature
■Mechanical thermostat shows only reference temperature, not current temperature
■Longer cooking
■“Bad” cooking
■Customer impact
■Prelude to break
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Scenario: resistor break
◇Typically after a loose of performances, resistor elements
break (days/weeks)
■Appliance break
■Kitchen mainly slow down (few cooking appliances)
○Kitched typically don’t stop | Many elements in cooking blocks can supply loss
of other elements
■Long time in assistance (no SLA discussed)
■Stop can vary from hours to days
■Final customer impact/reputation
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Required solution
◇Telemetry in industrial cooking plants
◇Intelligent appliances that sends status/operational data
◇Collect data world wide
◇Group by
■Temperature range
■Daily/Seasonal data
◇Apply data analysis algorithms
■Final analysis (analyze costs)
■Forecast analysis (prevent uncontrolled failures, manage “planned” failures)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇Assolvere ad una esigenza «immediata»
■Manutenzione predittiva
■Manutenzione preventiva
■Abbattere i costi della manutenzione
◇Assolvere ad una esigenza «a lungo termine»
■Offrire nuovi servizi alle aziende
■Permettettere alle aziende di offrire nuovi servizi
■Nuovo modello di business (CAPEXOPEX)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Industria 4.0
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Benefici attesi dall’ Industria 4.0
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Tecnologie abilitanti Industria 4.0
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇È la tecnologia che rende intelligente un elemento prodotto
◇Permette di creare azione ed interazione LOCALE
◇Usa microprocessori o microcontrollori
◇Microcrontrollori: I/O oriented, Atmel ATmeg328, ESP8266
■I/O, realtime
■GPIO (5V, 3,3V)
◇Microprocessori: ARM Cortex, Intel Quark, Intel Atom
◇Elementi tecnologici di riferimento
■Consumo energetico
◇Si parla spesso di SOC: System On Chip
■Integrazione cost effective
◇Può essere realtime
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
I progetti Embedded IoT sono complessi
Incompatibile con
la infrastruttura
•conoscenzeTime consuming da
•Infrastruttura complessa
Difficile da
•Infrastruttura complessa
Difficile da
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇Board con microcontrolloreArduino
◇Board con microprocessoreRaspberry
■Verifichiamo che l’idea funzioni
◇Focus on:
■Programming, Connecting
■…non sull’elettronica…
◇Non industrial-grade
◇Hanno cambiato il modo di interagire con il mondo embedded
◇Queste schede sono «naturalmente» connesse a Internet
■Implementano sempre uno stack TCP/IP o almeno una connessione esterna evoluta
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Boards for makers
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Industrial-grade Makers
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Embedded Device
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Device=Embedded Device + Communication
GPIO Communication
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Non solo Raspberry…Industruino
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Energy ManagementVertical Cloud
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Performance of Arduino class devices
◇- The absolute performance power of Arduino device is low
■Arduino is a microcontroller-based architecture
■Raspberry Pi is a microprocessor-based architecture
◇+ Pro: Arduino has a light set of running services, light OS
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Cost of Arduino class devices
• +Pro: Arduino cost LESS that Raspberry Pi devices
• - You have less resources and services
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Arduino language
◇Processing (the IDE -
◇JavaScript (inspiration of the language and for Processing)
◇C++ (object syntax, usage, not creation)
◇C (raw performance and binary)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Arduino and Azure IoT Hub
◇Arduino can speak Http, MQTT and AMQP protocols
◇Porting of Azure IoTHub SDK for C
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Starting with Arduino
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Connecting the sensor
10K Ω
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Connecting the leds
560Ω 13
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
The result
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Setup software per lo sviluppo in Azure
◇Visual Studio Code
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Setup software per Azure
◇Azure CLI 2.0[.19] (
◇npm install -g iothub-explorer [1.1.16]
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Setup software per Arduino
◇Arduino 1.8.x (1.8.5) da
◇CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMx)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Setup Azure
◇Dashboard (Azure IoT Workshop)
◇Resource Group (AzureIoTWorkshop)
◇IoT Hub (AzureIoTWorkshop0000xy)
◇Azure Storage (azureiotworkshop00xy) in minuscolo!!!!
◇Function (azureiotworkshop00xy)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Set current subscription
◇az login
■E incolla il codice
◇az account set --subscription “<subscription name>“
◇az show
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Create device from command line
◇Az iot hub list
◇az iot device create --hub-name azureiotworkshop00xy --device-
id dev1
◇az iot device show-connection-string --hub-name
azureiotworkshopproto --device-id dev1
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Una MCU programmabile Arduino con ESP8266
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Resistenze, tanto per ricordarsi
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Rilevare la temperatura con un DHT 11
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Scenario
IoT Hub
(Events and Devices)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Configuring Azure Services
◇Three functional services
■Azure Blob Storage
■Azure Function App
■Azure IoT Hub
◇One non functional service
■Azure Resource Group
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Why IoT Hub?
◇Devices registration
◇Notification abstraction from implementation (web
◇Eterogeneus devices implementation simplified by SDK support
■External tool to manage device registration
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Alternatives to IoT Hub
◇API Apps (App Services)
◇Why not
■Manual registry implementation
■Manual two way communication implementation (with web sockets)
■Manual scaling (at large)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Why Azure Storage?
◇Persisted data handled as a blob in the storage
■No query requirement
◇Native integration with Functions
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Alternatives to Azure Storage
◇DocumentDb for Json support
◇Why yes
■Native querying support
◇Why not
■Blob support
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Why Azure Function?
◇Unfrequent access to the function
■Subsecond billing
◇Event based solution
■Http Request
■Blob storage
◇Better code organization
■Simple Responsibility Principle: 1 function, 1 responsibility
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Alternatives to Azure Function
◇API Apps (App Services)
◇Why yes
■Mature patterns on class-based development
■Mature ALM with API Apps (Visual Studio experience)
◇Why not
■Classic hosting plan only
■Risk on responsibility coupling (too many responsibilities)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure Resource Group
◇Mandatory service organization
◇Deployment opportunities
■Agile deployment
■Transactional deployment
■Not simple to learn (but full of advantages)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IP capable devices
Devices Data processing and analytics
IT solution backend
Existing IoT
Low power devices
Generic IoT RequirementsIp
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoTHub messaging protocols
Low resource
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IP capable devices
Device connectivity Data processing and analytics
IT solution backend
Existing IoT
Low power devices
Generic IoT Solution
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Hub
Device id
What is Azure IoTHub
C2D queue
D2C send
Device …
Device …
IoT Hub
Device identity
D2C receive
Twins endpoint
Devices Methods
C2D send and
Event processing
(hot and cold path)
Event processing
(hot path)
Device management, device
business logic,
Connectivity monitoring
Device provisioning
and authorization
Field GW /
Cloud GW
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Hub features
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
acquiring and
State (or
state event)
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Hub
Device id
Send/receive data
C2D queue
D2C send
endpoint D2C receive
C2D send and
Event processing
(hot path)
Client SDKs
• C
• Java
• C# (.Net
• Python
Device management, device
business logic,
Connectivity monitoring
Client SDKs
• .Net
• Node
• Java
• Python
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Opaque body
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Hub Device Management
Methods Jobs
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Structured data
◇Device Twins
■Last known state of device
■Desired state configuration
■Group devices
◇Device Direct Methods
■Invoke method on device from Cloud
■“Immediate” response
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Querying Device Twins
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Sample queries
◇Devices located in the US configured to send telemetry less
often that every minute
◇Devices which have wifi o wired connectivity
◇Devices where reported and desired properties do not match
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoT Hub
Structured data
Device management, device
business logic,
Connectivity monitoring
Device Twin
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Where does IoT Hub fit in?
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Functions «lifestyle»
◇Per event handling
◇Stateless processing
◇Binding approach
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoTHub’s EventHub compatible endpoint
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
IoTHub’s Security Policies
Security Info
e SharedAccessKey
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
EventHub-like connection string
SharedAccessKeyName>;SharedAccessKey=< SharedAccessKey>
■Add EntityPath=<EventHub name> in case of EventHub Security Policy
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
EventHub binding
ConnectionStringEventHub name
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Where storing a message
Azure SQL
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
◇The message is stored
◇Storage can be the end of the process
◇Or the beginning of the next step
■Intermediate processing (a microservices approach)
◇And you process again in the same way:
■Azure Stream Analytics
■Azure Function
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Control the devices
◇Cloud-to-device messaging
■As needed (twin, message, device method)
◇You need to invoke IoT Hub API
■Node.js API
◇Low frequency
◇Function is well suited for this
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
What I choose for my devices?
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Generate the symmetric key
C:>az iot device create –hub-name <hubname> --device-id <deviceId>
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
All devices have different keys
Device Registry
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Authorization with encryption
Encrypt( , , )=
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Authenticated communication
◇Token based authentication
(TCP endpoint)
TCP Connection
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Key invalidation
Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
Wrap Up

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Azure IoT Workshop

  • 1. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Azure IoT Workshop @marco_parenzan
  • 2. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 @marco_parenzan ◇.NET, JavaScript,Azure ad IoT Developer, Trainer and Consultant ◇Microsoft MVP 2017 for Azure ◇Book Author @ Packt, LSWR ◇Community Lead per 1nn0va
  • 4. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Things IoT Solutions Have a Common Pattern Insights Actions Cloud Gateway Azure IoT Hub
  • 5. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Scenario IoT Hub (Events and Devices) Function (Process) Function (Alerts) Storage (Storage)
  • 10. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 11. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 12. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Disclaimer ◇This is not an electronic course! ◇You are not an electronic geek! ◇I’m not an electronic geek! ◇You cannot avoid these skills in your team
  • 13. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Warning! We cannot avoid… Electronic engineers Process engineers Industrialization process
  • 14. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Warning! We are not saying… Software engineers can create devices
  • 15. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 We are just saying… Embedded world is no more a niche Software engineers can contribute
  • 16. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 It is no more a niche Proprietary Hardware and tools Obsolete tools No software rules and quality
  • 17. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Software engineers can contribute Methodologies Patterns (Cloud) Infrastructure “Openness” Tools Languages
  • 18. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Tools Up to date compilers Modern IDEs SDK (Libraries and Drivers) Debuggers Simulators
  • 19. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Languages C Processin g Node.js Python Java C#
  • 20. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Software Developer Role Develop and test the process and the cloud infrastructure Develop and test the device software design Cannot test sensors and actuators Work with fake/random data
  • 21. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 22. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Contesto ◇Azienda di Produzione Industriale ■10-50M EURO ◇Presenza world-wide ◇Mercato Pro ■Più sensibili al servizi ■E poi discutiamo del privato ◇Su commessa ■Assorbe I costi iniziali ■E poi discutiamo della serie 10M€
  • 23. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Industial Stainless Steel Kitchen Applications
  • 24. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Scenario: resistor performance loss ◇Reference temperature is no more reachable ◇Example ■fry-top: 400°C 300°C ■human cannot verify the temperature ■Mechanical thermostat shows only reference temperature, not current temperature ◇Effects ■Longer cooking ■“Bad” cooking ■Customer impact ■Prelude to break
  • 25. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Scenario: resistor break ◇Typically after a loose of performances, resistor elements break (days/weeks) ◇Effects ■Appliance break ■Kitchen mainly slow down (few cooking appliances) ○Kitched typically don’t stop | Many elements in cooking blocks can supply loss of other elements ■Long time in assistance (no SLA discussed) ■Stop can vary from hours to days ■Final customer impact/reputation
  • 26. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Required solution ◇Telemetry in industrial cooking plants ◇Intelligent appliances that sends status/operational data ◇Collect data world wide ◇Group by ■Appliances ■Temperature range ■Daily/Seasonal data ■Kitchen/Plant ◇Apply data analysis algorithms ■Final analysis (analyze costs) ■Forecast analysis (prevent uncontrolled failures, manage “planned” failures)
  • 27. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Proposizione ◇Assolvere ad una esigenza «immediata» ■Manutenzione predittiva ■Manutenzione preventiva ■Abbattere i costi della manutenzione ◇Assolvere ad una esigenza «a lungo termine» ■Offrire nuovi servizi alle aziende ■Permettettere alle aziende di offrire nuovi servizi ■Nuovo modello di business (CAPEXOPEX)
  • 28. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Industria 4.0
  • 29. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Benefici attesi dall’ Industria 4.0
  • 30. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Tecnologie abilitanti Industria 4.0
  • 31. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 32. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Embedded ◇È la tecnologia che rende intelligente un elemento prodotto ◇Permette di creare azione ed interazione LOCALE ◇Usa microprocessori o microcontrollori ◇Microcrontrollori: I/O oriented, Atmel ATmeg328, ESP8266 ■I/O, realtime ■GPIO (5V, 3,3V) ◇Microprocessori: ARM Cortex, Intel Quark, Intel Atom ■Gateway ◇Elementi tecnologici di riferimento ■Consumo energetico ◇Si parla spesso di SOC: System On Chip ■Integrazione cost effective ◇Può essere realtime
  • 33. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 I progetti Embedded IoT sono complessi •conoscenze Incompatibile con la infrastruttura corrente •conoscenzeTime consuming da avviare •Infrastruttura complessa •Procedure Difficile da mantenere •Costi •Infrastruttura complessa Difficile da scalare
  • 34. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Makers ◇Board con microcontrolloreArduino ◇Board con microprocessoreRaspberry ◇Prototipazione ■Verifichiamo che l’idea funzioni ◇Focus on: ■Programming, Connecting ■…non sull’elettronica… ◇Non industrial-grade ◇Hanno cambiato il modo di interagire con il mondo embedded ◇Queste schede sono «naturalmente» connesse a Internet ■Implementano sempre uno stack TCP/IP o almeno una connessione esterna evoluta (USB)
  • 35. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Boards for makers Arduino
  • 36. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Industrial-grade Makers Arduino Raspberry Olimex Toradex
  • 37. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Embedded Device GPIO Sensors Actuators Board Edge/Local Processing State
  • 38. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Device=Embedded Device + Communication GPIO Communication Sensors Actuators Board Edge/Local Processing State
  • 39. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Non solo Raspberry…Industruino
  • 40. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Energy ManagementVertical Cloud MA DI CHI SONO I DATI?
  • 41. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 42. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Alternatives Costs Performances
  • 43. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Performance of Arduino class devices ◇- The absolute performance power of Arduino device is low ■Arduino is a microcontroller-based architecture ■Raspberry Pi is a microprocessor-based architecture ◇+ Pro: Arduino has a light set of running services, light OS
  • 44. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Cost of Arduino class devices • +Pro: Arduino cost LESS that Raspberry Pi devices • - You have less resources and services
  • 45. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Arduino language ◇Processing (the IDE - ◇JavaScript (inspiration of the language and for Processing) ◇C++ (object syntax, usage, not creation) ◇C (raw performance and binary)
  • 46. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Arduino and Azure IoT Hub ◇Arduino can speak Http, MQTT and AMQP protocols ◇Porting of Azure IoTHub SDK for C
  • 47. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Starting with Arduino ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
  • 48. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Connecting the sensor 10K Ω P2 + - + -
  • 49. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 + - + - Connecting the leds 15 Anode(+,longer) 560Ω 560Ω 13 Anode(+,longer)
  • 50. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 The result
  • 51. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Setup software per lo sviluppo in Azure ◇Git ◇Visual Studio Code ◇Python ◇Node.js ◇nom
  • 52. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Setup software per Azure ◇Azure CLI 2.0[.19] ( ◇npm install -g iothub-explorer [1.1.16]
  • 53. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Setup software per Arduino ◇Arduino 1.8.x (1.8.5) da ◇CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMx) to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers
  • 54. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Setup Azure ◇Dashboard (Azure IoT Workshop) ◇Resource Group (AzureIoTWorkshop) ◇IoT Hub (AzureIoTWorkshop0000xy) ◇Azure Storage (azureiotworkshop00xy) in minuscolo!!!! ◇Function (azureiotworkshop00xy)
  • 55. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Set current subscription ◇az login ■ ■E incolla il codice ◇az account set --subscription “<subscription name>“ ◇az show
  • 56. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Create device from command line ◇Az iot hub list ◇az iot device create --hub-name azureiotworkshop00xy --device- id dev1 ◇az iot device show-connection-string --hub-name azureiotworkshopproto --device-id dev1
  • 57. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Una MCU programmabile Arduino con ESP8266
  • 58. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Resistenze, tanto per ricordarsi
  • 59. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Rilevare la temperatura con un DHT 11 ◇
  • 60. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 61. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Scenario IoT Hub (Events and Devices) Function (Process) Function (Alerts) Storage (Storage)
  • 62. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Configuring Azure Services ◇Three functional services ■Azure Blob Storage ■Azure Function App ■Azure IoT Hub ◇One non functional service ■Azure Resource Group
  • 63. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Why IoT Hub? ◇Devices registration ◇Notification abstraction from implementation (web sockets/polling) ◇Eterogeneus devices implementation simplified by SDK support ◇Cons ■External tool to manage device registration
  • 64. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Alternatives to IoT Hub ◇API Apps (App Services) ◇Why not ■Manual registry implementation ■Manual two way communication implementation (with web sockets) ■Manual scaling (at large)
  • 65. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Why Azure Storage? ◇Persisted data handled as a blob in the storage ■No query requirement ◇Native integration with Functions ■Trigger
  • 66. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Alternatives to Azure Storage ◇DocumentDb for Json support ◇Why yes ■Native querying support ◇Why not ■Blob support
  • 67. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Why Azure Function? ◇Unfrequent access to the function ■Subsecond billing ◇Event based solution ■Http Request ■Blob storage ◇Better code organization ■Simple Responsibility Principle: 1 function, 1 responsibility
  • 68. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Alternatives to Azure Function ◇API Apps (App Services) ◇Why yes ■Mature patterns on class-based development ■Mature ALM with API Apps (Visual Studio experience) ◇Why not ■Classic hosting plan only ■Risk on responsibility coupling (too many responsibilities)
  • 69. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Azure Resource Group ◇Mandatory service organization ◇Deployment opportunities ■Agile deployment ■Transactional deployment ◇Cons ■Not simple to learn (but full of advantages)
  • 70. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 71. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IP capable devices Devices Data processing and analytics Monitoring Control IT solution backend Presentationandbusiness connectivity Existing IoT devices Low power devices Generic IoT RequirementsIp Capable Devices Legacy,NonIpCapable Devices ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
  • 72. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoTHub messaging protocols Legacy Protocol Low resource devices Intermittent connection Device location
  • 73. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IP capable devices Field Gatewa y Device connectivity Data processing and analytics IT solution backend Cloudgateway Presentationandbusiness connectivity Existing IoT devices Low power devices Generic IoT Solution Devices Monitoring Control
  • 74. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Hub Device id What is Azure IoTHub Device C2D queue endpoint D2C send endpoint Device … Device … Device… IoT Hub management Device identity management D2C receive endpoint Methods endpoint Twin endpoint Twins endpoint Devices Methods endpoint Custom endpoints C2D send and feedback endpoints Event processing (hot and cold path) Event processing (hot path) Device management, device business logic, Connectivity monitoring Device provisioning and authorization Field GW / Cloud GW
  • 75. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Hub features
  • 76. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 77. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Telemetry sending, acquiring and measuring data Event State (or state event) Message
  • 78. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Hub Device id Send/receive data C2D queue endpoint D2C send endpoint D2C receive endpoint C2D send and feedback endpoints Event processing (hot path) Device Client SDKs • C • Java • C# (.Net Standard 1.3) • Python Device management, device business logic, Connectivity monitoring Client SDKs • .Net • Node • Java • Python
  • 79. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Message Opaque body Application Properties System Properties
  • 80. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Hub Device Management Device Twin Queries Methods Jobs
  • 81. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 82. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Structured data ◇Device Twins ■Last known state of device ■Desired state configuration ■Group devices ◇Device Direct Methods ■Invoke method on device from Cloud ■“Immediate” response
  • 83. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 84. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 85. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 86. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Querying Device Twins FROM WHERE SELECT GROUP BY
  • 87. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Sample queries ◇Devices located in the US configured to send telemetry less often that every minute ◇Devices which have wifi o wired connectivity ◇Devices where reported and desired properties do not match
  • 88. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoT Hub Structured data Device Device management, device business logic, Connectivity monitoring Device Twin Properties Tags Desired Reported Properties Desired Reported Method
  • 89. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 90. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Where does IoT Hub fit in?
  • 91. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Functions «lifestyle» ◇Per event handling ◇Stateless processing ◇Binding approach
  • 92. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoTHub’s EventHub compatible endpoint Namespace
  • 93. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 IoTHub’s Security Policies Security Info SharedAccessKeyNam e SharedAccessKey
  • 94. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 EventHub-like connection string ◇Endpoint=<EventHubNamespace>;SharedAccessKeyName=< SharedAccessKeyName>;SharedAccessKey=< SharedAccessKey> ■Add EntityPath=<EventHub name> in case of EventHub Security Policy
  • 95. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 EventHub binding ConnectionStringEventHub name
  • 96. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 97. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 98. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Where storing a message Azure Storage Azure DocumentDb Azure EventHub Azure Queue Azure Service Bus Azure SQL Database
  • 99. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Then? ◇The message is stored ◇Storage can be the end of the process ◇Or the beginning of the next step ■Intermediate processing (a microservices approach) ■Control/Feedback ◇And you process again in the same way: ■EventProcessor ■Azure Stream Analytics ■Azure Function
  • 100. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Control the devices ◇Cloud-to-device messaging ■As needed (twin, message, device method) ◇You need to invoke IoT Hub API ■REST API C# API ■Node.js API ◇Low frequency ◇Function is well suited for this
  • 101. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 102. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 What I choose for my devices?
  • 103. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017
  • 104. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Generate the symmetric key DEVICE IOT HUB C:>az iot device create –hub-name <hubname> --device-id <deviceId>
  • 105. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 All devices have different keys Device Registry
  • 106. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Authorization with encryption Encrypt( , , )=
  • 107. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Authenticated communication ◇Token based authentication DEVICE IOT HUB (TCP endpoint) TCP Connection
  • 108. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Key invalidation DEVICE IOT HUB
  • 109. Azure IoT Workshop– 13.10.2017 Wrap Up