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niamh iveson
audience research
part one
target audience profile
who is the project for?
My FMP is aimed at people who want to understand more about eating
disorders. Also it will be aimed for people who have struggled or are
struggling with an eating disorder; I want them to be able to relate.
There is no age range I am directing my project towards as I feel this
would be counterproductive if I want educate everyone who wants to
learn about the illness. I believe the project will naturally draw people
who enjoy art and photography as that is my project’s focus. As well
this demographic, it’s a possibility that people with an open attitude
would be drawn to the final piece. I think this because people of that
nature are open to learn without prejudice.
target audience research
empathetic people
I found this article on empathetic people and how they react
to music. The study showed that empathetic people’s dorsal
striatum had an increase in activity when played music. The
dorsal striatum is the brain rewards system. This study
suggests that listening to music is more enjoyable for people
who have more empathy.
This research is relevant to my FMP because is demonstrates
that empathetic people respond to art more positively
compared to others.
This piece of research has made me think about how I could
incorporate different forms of media within my potential
exhibit. An idea I have is having some music play quietly in
the background while people look at my images. The reason
this particular piece of research has made me think about
this idea is due to empathetic people responding well to
target audience research
I did research into how art can be beneficial to those who
struggle with an eating disorder. I found there is a form of
therapy called art therapy where a patient creates a piece or
pieces of art to help provide a visual representation of how
eating disorder effects the patient. Using art cuts out talking
aspect of therapy which can be difficult for people with eating
disorders as their brains can be malnourished due to starvation
as well as other things such as severe stress and preoccupation
with food.
What I took away from this research is that people with eating
disorders process art easier compared to others as well as find
art therapeutic. This article makes me believe that people with
eating disorders could understand my FMP better as its will be
This research has reiterated an idea I've had with a photo that
contains physical manipulation. To create this idea, I would take
a picture, print it out then manipulate it (e.g. cutting, burning,
ripping different parts of the paper) then take an image of the
final manipulated image. The reason this piece of research has
reiterated this particular idea is because the way the art can be
target audience research
With the research I've done on empathetic people and eating disorder sufferers,
I've noticed some similarities. Both group of people tend to enjoy being creative
and to express themselves with art. While researching I became curious if
people with eating disorders tend to be more empathetic. After looking at
different websites, I found out that people with eating disorders tend to be less
empathetic. This could be due starvation to the brain which can cause difficulty
understanding others’ emotions as well as their own. I find this to be true as
I've taken my own personal experiences with struggling to understand others’
emotion while in starvation and compared to the research I have gathered.
audience research
I sent out a survey to
gain more knowledge
about people’s feelings
and opinions towards
eating disorders as well
as certain colour pallets
and images. I found the
results really helpful as
well as interesting. The
audience’s age group
ranged from 16-43.
This was intentional as
I don’t want an age
group to restrict who
sees my final piece.
These were the questions I asked:
These set of
questions were
for the images.
These were the images shown
audience research
audience research
These set of results show that when shown a image of someone
struggling with an eating disorder, most of the audience feel
sad. I was expecting this as even I found while researching I
felt sad reading the stories behind the images. With my project,
I don’t necessarily want the audience to feel sad, rather more
uncomfortable because, personally, I find when you are
uncomfortable, that’s when you normally learn the most.
audience research
These were the
set of questions I
asked about
colour pallets
These were the colour pallets shown
audience research
audience research
With these set of questions, I didn’t really have any expectations for them
because I feel colours are always open for interpretation. I found the results
educational. The results showed that the brighter the colours, the more
positive emotions the audience associated with them. The colour pallets are
the colour pallets I was thinking about using for my FMP. This research has
helped me know what colour pallet to use for each image depending on
what emotion I want to convey.
audience research
For this question, I was curious
as to what people’s opinion and
knowledge was on eating
disorders. The reason why I
wanted to know this was because
one of the reasons I am doing
this topic for my FMP is due to
the lack of education on eating
disorders and lack of knowledge
on how it can effect the person.
The responses were varied which
was actually helpful because it
helped me gather a range of
information on people who don’t
have an eating disorder’s
opinions and knowledge.
audience research
What I gathered from the results was
that not many people know much about
eating disorders. The main response was
surrounding the idea that they’re an
mental illness and they are sad. This
research has solidified my reasoning
behind why I doing this theme; the lack
of education
existing product
Skeleton in the closet - Fritz
Skeleton in the Closet is a photography book that
contains portraits of men and women who are
struggling with anorexia and/or bulimia. Alongside
the images, there is a description or story of the
person within the image.
There is no theme in terms of the colour pallet. I feel
this makes each image personal to the person telling
their story. This is something I would like to find a
way to incorporate into my final piece.
With each image I have seen from the book, I've
noticed there is no theme with the location or lighting
either. This could’ve been on purpose to show the
inconsistency an eating disorder proposes.
existing product
With regards to audience appeal, I think the book
cover is very unusual. When I first saw it, I started
to think of many questions. What is around the
model’s body? Why is there a mirror in the
background? Does that symbolise something? Etc. If
I were to have seen this book in a bookstore, I
would have picked it up and had a look at it. With
this being my initial reactions to the cover, I feel
others could have similar reaction to my own.
However, I feel the audience would have to be
actively seeking out books either about photography
or eating disorders to find this book.
Something I discovered while researching this book
is that ‘Skeleton in the Closet’ is a phrase used to
describe an embarrassing secret. Since I was not
aware of this phrase until researching this book, I
am not sure how common the phrase is. But, if it is
common that could be another factor for the
audience to take an interest and pick up the book as
they could be curious as to what the secret is.
Skeleton in the closet - Fritz Liedtke
existing product
Thank you for Playing With Me- Yolanda Y. Liou
‘Thank You for Playing With Me’ is a photography series
where Yolanda explores the prevalent Asian beauty
standard. She struggled with body image issues from a
young age due to the beauty standard surrounding being
The theme of this photography series isn’t based around
eating disorders but I wanted to research how
photography series can look outside my designated topic.
The images have been split into two different colour
pallets. One is very bright, the other is very neutral and
cool. I feel this makes the series more interesting as it
gives the audience something different with each photo
yet still sticking to one of the colour scheme.
existing product
The majority of the images are close up and intimate which I feel
allows the images to exhibit an emotional connection
The majority of the images in the series are closeup and intimate
which I feel allows the images to demonstrate a strong emotional
connection to the audience. This is something I hadn’t thought
about doing before and is something I will consider to do in my final
This series is very different compared to ‘Skeleton in a Closet’ for
many reasons. One being the colour scheme. ‘Skeleton in the
Closet’ has a very muted colour scheme which I think correlates to
the subject of the series nicely whereas ‘Thank You for Playing with
Me’ has two colour schemes. One being very bright and the other,
being very neutral which I think shows Yolanda’s attitude to the
topic of the series (Asian beauty standards.) With my project, I
want the colour scheme to fit in with my attitudes toward the topic
of eating disorders.
existing products
The Girls of Malawa – Marie Hald
‘The Girls of Malawa’ is a photography series that
follows a group of girls in a eating disorder
treatment clinic. The colour scheme is very similar
to ‘Skeleton in the Closet’; lots of dulled greens and
blues. This is a common theme in series about
eating disorders I've noticed while researching. As
much as I do find this colour scheme pretty, it not
the colour scheme I would want in my final project.
I find it to be quite intense, I'm not sure as to why
that is.
The lighting varies in each photo, however, in the
majority of them, there is some form of spotlight
on the patient the photo focuses on. Most of the
time, it isn’t that noticeable, but it is still a nice
almost subliminal touch to highlight the patient.
existing products
The Girls of Malawa – Marie Hald
None of the patients are wearing
costumes or are wearing makeup. This
can give a sense of rawness and helps the
audience see the reality of eating disorder
clinics. I'm still not sure as to whether I
will use makeup and costumes in my
project as on one hand, the makeup and
costumes can demonstrate covering up
and hiding away from anorexia (I thought
of this idea from the phrase ‘Skeleton in
the Closet’) whereas not using costumes
and makeup can show the reality of how
it can effect the person.
existing products
Erdem Pre-Spring 2019 collection
Even though this isn’t a photography series, I found
these images really inspiring to me. These images
come from a fashion collection by the brand ‘ERDEM.’
I couldn’t find out who took the images. My plan was
to research about that photographer to find other
work of theirs to see if it was similar.
The thing about these images that caught my
attention was the colour scheme; its not like any of
the other projects I’ve researched. The colours are
very neutral have some colour within them. I feel
there could’ve been some editing done to the images
to achieve the colours.
existing products
One of the things that isn’t in the other
existing products is the use of a backdrop. I
like how it makes the image look more causal
and messy, especially since these images are
from a luxury brand. This has inspired me to
use a backdrop similar to the one in the
images. I feel using it can demonstrate how
messy and chaotic having an eating disorder
can feel.
There is one image from ‘Thank you for
Playing With Me’ that I feel is similar in terms
of how the models are placed. I really like
the of having two models within an image; I
feel it makes the image seem fuller and more
interesting to look at. Using two models
would be something I would consider doing
for my FMP.
research analysis
Similarities Differences
The use of natural
lighting in all of the
projects I researched
The use of a
blue and green
colour pallet in
the projects
about EDs
With the projects about EDs,
there's a description with each
image whereas with the ‘Thank
You For Playing With Me’, the
images are just based on a
theme, there is no story for each
The Edam pre spring collection
doesn’t have a story behind the
images, there only purpose is to
show the clothes. With my project, I
want to tell a story so I haven’t
taken inspiration from that.
research analysis
Something I noticed with all of the projects and
images I’ve researched is the use of natural lighting.
I feel this gives the images a very clean and pretty
look to them. I hadn’t considered using natural
lighting in my work. After seeing this used in existing
products, I want to incorporate natural lighting into
my final project.
Another thing I noticed is with the projects that
depict eating disorders, the photographers have used
a blue and green colour pallet. Green and blue
together I feel can demonstrate feelings such as
peace which contradicts what an eating disorder can
feel like. Even with my ideas of what blue and green
can symbolise, the images also look somewhat dirty
again which is, in my personal experience, how an
eating disorder makes you feel. I don’t think I want
to use this colour pallet as I think that it has been
overused in projects about eating disorders.
research analysis
Another thing I hadn’t thought of doing before
research is using models. Since my project is
going to be my own personal experience with an
eating disorder, I only wanted to use myself as a
model. After researching existing products, I
realised that images can look more full and
sometimes more interesting to look at,; I am now
considering using models. If I were to use models,
I would want to make sure it would work with my
main intention of the FMP and not because I just
thought it would look nice. A possible idea is
editing myself to look like there is two of me
rather than using others.
end of week vlog
week two
technical process and methods
Something I need to experiment with is how to use studio lighting. As
of right now, I'm not sure if artificial lighting will fit my idea of how I
want my final project to look yet. All of the existing products I have
researched have all used natural lighting so I'm not sure how using
artificial lighting would turn out. I am going to book out the studio
and ask my tutor for help as to how to set up the lighting. As well as
this, I will look up YouTube tutorials on how to achieve certain moods
with lighting.
Another thing I want experiment with is natural lighting. Since
researching, I have started to lean towards using natural lighting over
artificial (e.g. the use of studio lighting.) I’m going to book out a
camera and tripod from college and experiment with how the lighting
around my house can look like. I will also experiment with ISO,
shutter speed and aperture to see what combination looks best and
what fits in with my idea of my FMP.
technical process and methods
I haven’t used any professional software to
edit my images before simply because I
didn’t have access to it. Now I do, I want to
learn how to use it correctly and effectively.
To do this, I will watch YouTube videos and
Adobe Hands-On tutorials. Once I have
learned more, I will use that knowledge and
experiment with it.
I also want to experiment with physical
manipulation. I have done physical
manipulation before, but the type I want
to do (burning) I don’t have any
experience with. I'm going to look at
different examples to see what they can
look like and take inspiration from those.
technical process and methods
I found this YouTube on studio lighting mistakes and
how to fix them. I found this really helpful especially
with the lighting setup. I briefly used studio lighting for
my magazine project and I didn’t like the outcome of
the images. One reason was due to the heavy shadow
in the background. The video talks about using the
butterfly lighting setup. I hadn’t heard of this method
before so I want to see what it looks like and if it
eliminates a shadow. Another setup mentioned was
Rembrandt lighting.
butterfly setup
Rembrandt setup
technical process and methods
technical process and methods
I took these pictures on my iPhone.
technical process and methods
I took these pictures on my iPhone.
technical process and methods
I wanted to compare the images I took
to see which one looked better. I came
to conclusion that the Rembrandt set
up was better as the lighting looked
less over-exposed. If I use studio
lighting, the Rembrandt set up would
be the setup I would use.
technical process and methods
I experimented with a
yellow light and the
reflector. Even though a
shadow was very
prominent, I really liked
the effect. I want to use
this light in some way in
my final project.
technical process and methods
With some of my images in my series, I want it to
look like they have been taken on a film camera.
Since I don’t own one, I want to learn how to edit
images on Photoshop to make them look like
they’ve been taken on film.
I found this YouTube tutorial which I followed. I
used Rex Orange County’s Pony album cover
because I thought you could see the edit better
since its basically an all white cover. I really like
how it turned out and I will most likely use this
method for my final project.
technical process and methods
One thing I wanted to try out before
production was physical manipulation. I
took an image that I had already used
in previous projects, printed it then set
fire to specific areas. The first time I
tried, I accidentally set the whole piece
of paper on fire and wasn’t able to stop
the fire. The second time, I couldn’t get
the paper to set on fire, which is why
there isn’t much of the image burned.
The overall process was tedious and
because of that I’m not sure if I want to
use this specific form of physical
manipulation in my final project.
end of week vlog
• Anon, (n.d.). Big Exit – Simona Rota Photography. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022]. (2019).
• Beadle, J.N., Paradiso, S., Salerno, A. and McCormick, L.M. (2013). Alexithymia, emotional
empathy, and self-regulation in anorexia nervosa. Annals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of
the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, [online] 25(2), pp.107–20. Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022].
• Hald, M. (n.d.). A photographer explores the lives of women with eating disorders. [online] The
Caravan. Available at:
explores-lives-of-women-eating-disorders [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022].
• Yolanda Y. Liou confronts Asian beauty standards in a new photography series. [online] Available
• (n.d.). Erdem Londra - Pre-Spring 2019 - Shows - [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022].

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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Indian Matka
My storyboard for a sword fight scene with lightsabers
My storyboard for a sword fight scene with lightsabersMy storyboard for a sword fight scene with lightsabers
My storyboard for a sword fight scene with lightsabers
This is a test powerpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a test powerpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is a test powerpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a test powerpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 3. target audience profile who is the project for? My FMP is aimed at people who want to understand more about eating disorders. Also it will be aimed for people who have struggled or are struggling with an eating disorder; I want them to be able to relate. There is no age range I am directing my project towards as I feel this would be counterproductive if I want educate everyone who wants to learn about the illness. I believe the project will naturally draw people who enjoy art and photography as that is my project’s focus. As well this demographic, it’s a possibility that people with an open attitude would be drawn to the final piece. I think this because people of that nature are open to learn without prejudice.
  • 4. target audience research empathetic people I found this article on empathetic people and how they react to music. The study showed that empathetic people’s dorsal striatum had an increase in activity when played music. The dorsal striatum is the brain rewards system. This study suggests that listening to music is more enjoyable for people who have more empathy. This research is relevant to my FMP because is demonstrates that empathetic people respond to art more positively compared to others. This piece of research has made me think about how I could incorporate different forms of media within my potential exhibit. An idea I have is having some music play quietly in the background while people look at my images. The reason this particular piece of research has made me think about this idea is due to empathetic people responding well to music. Link to the article I mentioned
  • 5. target audience research I did research into how art can be beneficial to those who struggle with an eating disorder. I found there is a form of therapy called art therapy where a patient creates a piece or pieces of art to help provide a visual representation of how eating disorder effects the patient. Using art cuts out talking aspect of therapy which can be difficult for people with eating disorders as their brains can be malnourished due to starvation as well as other things such as severe stress and preoccupation with food. What I took away from this research is that people with eating disorders process art easier compared to others as well as find art therapeutic. This article makes me believe that people with eating disorders could understand my FMP better as its will be art. This research has reiterated an idea I've had with a photo that contains physical manipulation. To create this idea, I would take a picture, print it out then manipulate it (e.g. cutting, burning, ripping different parts of the paper) then take an image of the final manipulated image. The reason this piece of research has reiterated this particular idea is because the way the art can be The Use of Art in Eating Disorder Recovery
  • 6. target audience research With the research I've done on empathetic people and eating disorder sufferers, I've noticed some similarities. Both group of people tend to enjoy being creative and to express themselves with art. While researching I became curious if people with eating disorders tend to be more empathetic. After looking at different websites, I found out that people with eating disorders tend to be less empathetic. This could be due starvation to the brain which can cause difficulty understanding others’ emotions as well as their own. I find this to be true as I've taken my own personal experiences with struggling to understand others’ emotion while in starvation and compared to the research I have gathered.
  • 7. audience research I sent out a survey to gain more knowledge about people’s feelings and opinions towards eating disorders as well as certain colour pallets and images. I found the results really helpful as well as interesting. The audience’s age group ranged from 16-43. This was intentional as I don’t want an age group to restrict who sees my final piece. These were the questions I asked: These set of questions were for the images. These were the images shown
  • 9. audience research These set of results show that when shown a image of someone struggling with an eating disorder, most of the audience feel sad. I was expecting this as even I found while researching I felt sad reading the stories behind the images. With my project, I don’t necessarily want the audience to feel sad, rather more uncomfortable because, personally, I find when you are uncomfortable, that’s when you normally learn the most.
  • 10. audience research These were the set of questions I asked about colour pallets These were the colour pallets shown
  • 12. audience research With these set of questions, I didn’t really have any expectations for them because I feel colours are always open for interpretation. I found the results educational. The results showed that the brighter the colours, the more positive emotions the audience associated with them. The colour pallets are the colour pallets I was thinking about using for my FMP. This research has helped me know what colour pallet to use for each image depending on what emotion I want to convey.
  • 13. audience research For this question, I was curious as to what people’s opinion and knowledge was on eating disorders. The reason why I wanted to know this was because one of the reasons I am doing this topic for my FMP is due to the lack of education on eating disorders and lack of knowledge on how it can effect the person. The responses were varied which was actually helpful because it helped me gather a range of information on people who don’t have an eating disorder’s opinions and knowledge.
  • 14. audience research What I gathered from the results was that not many people know much about eating disorders. The main response was surrounding the idea that they’re an mental illness and they are sad. This research has solidified my reasoning behind why I doing this theme; the lack of education
  • 15. existing product Skeleton in the closet - Fritz Liedtke Skeleton in the Closet is a photography book that contains portraits of men and women who are struggling with anorexia and/or bulimia. Alongside the images, there is a description or story of the person within the image. There is no theme in terms of the colour pallet. I feel this makes each image personal to the person telling their story. This is something I would like to find a way to incorporate into my final piece. With each image I have seen from the book, I've noticed there is no theme with the location or lighting either. This could’ve been on purpose to show the inconsistency an eating disorder proposes.
  • 16. existing product With regards to audience appeal, I think the book cover is very unusual. When I first saw it, I started to think of many questions. What is around the model’s body? Why is there a mirror in the background? Does that symbolise something? Etc. If I were to have seen this book in a bookstore, I would have picked it up and had a look at it. With this being my initial reactions to the cover, I feel others could have similar reaction to my own. However, I feel the audience would have to be actively seeking out books either about photography or eating disorders to find this book. Something I discovered while researching this book is that ‘Skeleton in the Closet’ is a phrase used to describe an embarrassing secret. Since I was not aware of this phrase until researching this book, I am not sure how common the phrase is. But, if it is common that could be another factor for the audience to take an interest and pick up the book as they could be curious as to what the secret is. The book cover Skeleton in the closet - Fritz Liedtke
  • 17. existing product Thank you for Playing With Me- Yolanda Y. Liou ‘Thank You for Playing With Me’ is a photography series where Yolanda explores the prevalent Asian beauty standard. She struggled with body image issues from a young age due to the beauty standard surrounding being thin. The theme of this photography series isn’t based around eating disorders but I wanted to research how photography series can look outside my designated topic. The images have been split into two different colour pallets. One is very bright, the other is very neutral and cool. I feel this makes the series more interesting as it gives the audience something different with each photo yet still sticking to one of the colour scheme.
  • 18. existing product The majority of the images are close up and intimate which I feel allows the images to exhibit an emotional connection The majority of the images in the series are closeup and intimate which I feel allows the images to demonstrate a strong emotional connection to the audience. This is something I hadn’t thought about doing before and is something I will consider to do in my final project. This series is very different compared to ‘Skeleton in a Closet’ for many reasons. One being the colour scheme. ‘Skeleton in the Closet’ has a very muted colour scheme which I think correlates to the subject of the series nicely whereas ‘Thank You for Playing with Me’ has two colour schemes. One being very bright and the other, being very neutral which I think shows Yolanda’s attitude to the topic of the series (Asian beauty standards.) With my project, I want the colour scheme to fit in with my attitudes toward the topic of eating disorders.
  • 19. existing products The Girls of Malawa – Marie Hald ‘The Girls of Malawa’ is a photography series that follows a group of girls in a eating disorder treatment clinic. The colour scheme is very similar to ‘Skeleton in the Closet’; lots of dulled greens and blues. This is a common theme in series about eating disorders I've noticed while researching. As much as I do find this colour scheme pretty, it not the colour scheme I would want in my final project. I find it to be quite intense, I'm not sure as to why that is. The lighting varies in each photo, however, in the majority of them, there is some form of spotlight on the patient the photo focuses on. Most of the time, it isn’t that noticeable, but it is still a nice almost subliminal touch to highlight the patient.
  • 20. existing products The Girls of Malawa – Marie Hald None of the patients are wearing costumes or are wearing makeup. This can give a sense of rawness and helps the audience see the reality of eating disorder clinics. I'm still not sure as to whether I will use makeup and costumes in my project as on one hand, the makeup and costumes can demonstrate covering up and hiding away from anorexia (I thought of this idea from the phrase ‘Skeleton in the Closet’) whereas not using costumes and makeup can show the reality of how it can effect the person.
  • 21. existing products Erdem Pre-Spring 2019 collection Even though this isn’t a photography series, I found these images really inspiring to me. These images come from a fashion collection by the brand ‘ERDEM.’ I couldn’t find out who took the images. My plan was to research about that photographer to find other work of theirs to see if it was similar. The thing about these images that caught my attention was the colour scheme; its not like any of the other projects I’ve researched. The colours are very neutral have some colour within them. I feel there could’ve been some editing done to the images to achieve the colours.
  • 22. existing products One of the things that isn’t in the other existing products is the use of a backdrop. I like how it makes the image look more causal and messy, especially since these images are from a luxury brand. This has inspired me to use a backdrop similar to the one in the images. I feel using it can demonstrate how messy and chaotic having an eating disorder can feel. There is one image from ‘Thank you for Playing With Me’ that I feel is similar in terms of how the models are placed. I really like the of having two models within an image; I feel it makes the image seem fuller and more interesting to look at. Using two models would be something I would consider doing for my FMP.
  • 23. research analysis Similarities and Differences Similarities Differences The use of natural lighting in all of the projects I researched The use of a blue and green colour pallet in the projects about EDs With the projects about EDs, there's a description with each image whereas with the ‘Thank You For Playing With Me’, the images are just based on a theme, there is no story for each image. The Edam pre spring collection doesn’t have a story behind the images, there only purpose is to show the clothes. With my project, I want to tell a story so I haven’t taken inspiration from that.
  • 24. research analysis Something I noticed with all of the projects and images I’ve researched is the use of natural lighting. I feel this gives the images a very clean and pretty look to them. I hadn’t considered using natural lighting in my work. After seeing this used in existing products, I want to incorporate natural lighting into my final project. Another thing I noticed is with the projects that depict eating disorders, the photographers have used a blue and green colour pallet. Green and blue together I feel can demonstrate feelings such as peace which contradicts what an eating disorder can feel like. Even with my ideas of what blue and green can symbolise, the images also look somewhat dirty again which is, in my personal experience, how an eating disorder makes you feel. I don’t think I want to use this colour pallet as I think that it has been overused in projects about eating disorders.
  • 25. research analysis Another thing I hadn’t thought of doing before research is using models. Since my project is going to be my own personal experience with an eating disorder, I only wanted to use myself as a model. After researching existing products, I realised that images can look more full and sometimes more interesting to look at,; I am now considering using models. If I were to use models, I would want to make sure it would work with my main intention of the FMP and not because I just thought it would look nice. A possible idea is editing myself to look like there is two of me rather than using others.
  • 26. end of week vlog
  • 28. technical process and methods research Something I need to experiment with is how to use studio lighting. As of right now, I'm not sure if artificial lighting will fit my idea of how I want my final project to look yet. All of the existing products I have researched have all used natural lighting so I'm not sure how using artificial lighting would turn out. I am going to book out the studio and ask my tutor for help as to how to set up the lighting. As well as this, I will look up YouTube tutorials on how to achieve certain moods with lighting. Another thing I want experiment with is natural lighting. Since researching, I have started to lean towards using natural lighting over artificial (e.g. the use of studio lighting.) I’m going to book out a camera and tripod from college and experiment with how the lighting around my house can look like. I will also experiment with ISO, shutter speed and aperture to see what combination looks best and what fits in with my idea of my FMP.
  • 29. technical process and methods research I haven’t used any professional software to edit my images before simply because I didn’t have access to it. Now I do, I want to learn how to use it correctly and effectively. To do this, I will watch YouTube videos and Adobe Hands-On tutorials. Once I have learned more, I will use that knowledge and experiment with it. I also want to experiment with physical manipulation. I have done physical manipulation before, but the type I want to do (burning) I don’t have any experience with. I'm going to look at different examples to see what they can look like and take inspiration from those.
  • 30. technical process and methods research I found this YouTube on studio lighting mistakes and how to fix them. I found this really helpful especially with the lighting setup. I briefly used studio lighting for my magazine project and I didn’t like the outcome of the images. One reason was due to the heavy shadow in the background. The video talks about using the butterfly lighting setup. I hadn’t heard of this method before so I want to see what it looks like and if it eliminates a shadow. Another setup mentioned was Rembrandt lighting. butterfly setup Rembrandt setup
  • 32. technical process and methods I took these pictures on my iPhone.
  • 33. technical process and methods I took these pictures on my iPhone.
  • 34. technical process and methods I wanted to compare the images I took to see which one looked better. I came to conclusion that the Rembrandt set up was better as the lighting looked less over-exposed. If I use studio lighting, the Rembrandt set up would be the setup I would use.
  • 35. technical process and methods I experimented with a yellow light and the reflector. Even though a shadow was very prominent, I really liked the effect. I want to use this light in some way in my final project.
  • 36. technical process and methods research With some of my images in my series, I want it to look like they have been taken on a film camera. Since I don’t own one, I want to learn how to edit images on Photoshop to make them look like they’ve been taken on film. I found this YouTube tutorial which I followed. I used Rex Orange County’s Pony album cover because I thought you could see the edit better since its basically an all white cover. I really like how it turned out and I will most likely use this method for my final project. WE
  • 37. technical process and methods One thing I wanted to try out before production was physical manipulation. I took an image that I had already used in previous projects, printed it then set fire to specific areas. The first time I tried, I accidentally set the whole piece of paper on fire and wasn’t able to stop the fire. The second time, I couldn’t get the paper to set on fire, which is why there isn’t much of the image burned. The overall process was tedious and because of that I’m not sure if I want to use this specific form of physical manipulation in my final project.
  • 38. end of week vlog
  • 39. bibliography • Anon, (n.d.). Big Exit – Simona Rota Photography. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022]. (2019). • Beadle, J.N., Paradiso, S., Salerno, A. and McCormick, L.M. (2013). Alexithymia, emotional empathy, and self-regulation in anorexia nervosa. Annals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, [online] 25(2), pp.107–20. Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022]. • Hald, M. (n.d.). A photographer explores the lives of women with eating disorders. [online] The Caravan. Available at: explores-lives-of-women-eating-disorders [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022]. • Yolanda Y. Liou confronts Asian beauty standards in a new photography series. [online] Available at: photography-250919. • (n.d.). Erdem Londra - Pre-Spring 2019 - Shows - [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2022].