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 Using Photoshop and an image manipulation
program, produce the front page of a new
school or college magazine, featuring a
photograph of a student in medium close-up
plus some appropriately laid-out text and a
masthead. Additionally I must produce a
Photoshop mock-up of the layout of the
contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the
1. How old are you?
How old are you? 16
2. Are you male or female?
Are you male or female? Male
3. What is your interest things?
What is your interest things? Music
Other (please specify)
4. How many time you spend for study when you out school?
How many time you spend for study when you out school? 0-1
Other (please specify)
5. When you feel tired, how you refresh yourself?
When you feel tired, how you refresh yourself? Go out with friend
Listen music
Watch TV&Film
Play computer games
Other (please specify)
6. What is make you work hard in college?
What is make you work hard in college? Universtiy
Good life on future
Around self every one has work hard
Other (please specify)
7. Would you think hard study can change your future life?
Would you think hard study can change your future life? Yes
Other (please specify)
8. Would you buy a school magazine?
Would you buy a school magazine? Always
Other (please specify)
This is a questionnaire for teenager who are
between 16 to 18 years old. I want this
questionnaire to make communication from me
to them. Because I want know what they real
think and how is their real life. This
questionnaire doesn’t need writing name down,
so they will answer as their real think.
When this questionnaire feedback, I will know a
lot of information from them and understand
how to make they feel interesting and which
things they will be happy to enjoy.
Lastly I can use these feedback to start made
my magazine, because I already know what are
their interest things.
This shows result
of my survey
Who is your target audience? Is it all sixth formers or a specific group?
My target audience is going to the males of 16 years old teenager who are still learning in sixth form. Of this people
who are really want get good job and go to university in their future. They are spending time for learning when they
after school, so I think they maybe will like to read something of learning method’s magazine.
What are their interests?
Of my result shows a lot of people are choose TV is their main interesting and lowest people are feeling reading is
interesting. I will make an article base of TV programme, because the students they are feel that is main interesting
so I want use TV to make them want to buy this magazine.
What magazines do they buy? How often?
They are sometime to buy the school magazine and no one is always to buy the school magazine, this shows they
don’t like to spending money to buy lot magazine. So I make an article which is they feel really interesting. The
article will always have different story at every week or every month. This is because 16 people always like the fresh
things and news. If the magazine always talking about the something, they will don’t buy that magazine anymore. So
I need give the difference story and news to make them like it and can’t leave it than will increases the number of
people always buy the school magazine.
What socio-economic group are they?
They are students because they only 16 years old, so they are E level group of socio – economic. They will interesting
about which job can make lot money and not to hard. Because they are students, they never have work before so
they may want have a easy job and also have nice wages.
I use this
information for my
tag is because it
can link to my
My masthead use
‘grow up’ is because
the teenage are
growing, this magazine
can help them to grow
up the right way.
Main image
I use this image is
because I wanted to
represent him as a
successful person.
This is connoted by
his body language,
facial expression
and his clothing.
This is so that my
audience knows
who my subject is.
It gives anchorage
to the image. I used
the stroke effect to
make the text more
A short sentence of
his speaking which
is interesting and
makes my audience
interested in
reading the article.
My strapline talks about
what schools are best and
which skills can help
students to study well.
I use a shape of star
use for my puff
because it suggests to
the reader that it is
Original Photo
Magazine Cover
My original photo’s
background was a wall and
the colour is very dark. But
my magazine cover is pure
white background and
colour is bright than the
original. This is because I
was used the Photoshop
redesign of my original
• Cutting out an image – I cut away all the
background of my photo.
• Changing colour balance – I have increase
the brightness of my model which makes his
face clear and skin colour more natural.
• Cropping to medium close up – My original
photo was small, I increased the size on my
magazine because original size is not big
enough for my magazine.
• Add a shadow of my model to make him look
more strong and more powerful.
Photoshop skills: I have find difficult of clone stamp for using
Photoshop because was difficult to find same colour on some
image. I was make mistake of moving layers around because some
time the layers became mixed. I have improved this by making my
Magazine Cover: My magazine was doing well but other people
said I have to use colour which is for the teenager because my
magazine cover's front colour is too child.
My front colour and style was not fit my magazine’s theme because
my magazine theme is about study, but my front style was too child
so it is not fit my theme. People says my magazine model was
wearing a grey colour coat and my front colour is too bright which is
orange and yellow. So I can improve the front colour next time to
make sure it fit my model clothes colour.
Research: My research was shows 16 years old young people and
who are the male as most than I made my magazine theme is about
16s young males. This is a reason of I choose a boy to be my
My Target Audience
My magazine will be aimed at music magazine and the audience will be
face to young females who are age 16 years old to 19 years old. Also
these young females should most have job and the percentage of
ABC1 which is 75%.
I have analysed magazine of Q, which is a really famous music
magazine. Most young people they like to buy Q magazine is because
they always have interesting news and always let people surprise.
My audience will be similar to theirs and I also want my magazine have
own style. I will choose the similar colour style to Q for my masthead
and strapline.
My audience might buy the 'Smash hits' because as my questionnaire
feedback shows have many people choose Q magazine also have lot
people they are choose 'Smash hits'. The 'Smash hits' also have many
difference news and which is make younger girls feel interesting.
My audience might interest of hip hop music style. Because as my
questionnaire feedback shows have 80% people choose hip hop style
for their loves music style.
My questionnaire result was shown what is the audience like and what
style news they may love
This is a questionnaire for teenager who are between 15 to 21 years old. I want this
questionnaire to make communication from me to them. Because I want know what
type of music they love to listen and which singer they most love.
When this questionnaire feedback, I will know a lot of information from them and
understand how to make they feel interesting and which things they will be happy to
enjoy. Also it can help me to design my music magazine because I can follow their
answer to build my cover page and my story type.
Lastly I can use these feedback to start made my magazine, because I already know
what are their interest things.
Results and explanation
0 2 4 6 8 10
Age of Respondents
0 2 4 6
Top of pops
We love pop magazine
Smash hits
Magazine type
0 2 4 6 8 10
Music CD
Star's photo
Star's figurine
Gift type
0 5 10
Listen music
Watch TV
Play game
Browse Internet
0 5 10 15
Type of music
0 2 4 6 8 10
Miley Cyrus
Luke Bryan
Bruno Mars
8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5
Main image
Cover line
Mast head
Which part feel most
This results shows my target audiences is reader who are around
16 and 17 years old teenagers and most of them like to read
‘Smash hits’ and ‘Q’ magazine, this is help me to planning my
magazine style need more like one of that two popular magazine. I
find out their hobby and they are all love to listen music and watch
TV, this is help me when I planning my magazine I can find the
content which is they loved. The important information is I find out
from the results which is they are most like Hip-Hop music, this
influence my magazine’s theme.
NME Audience
Have 73% males and 27% females love to read ‘NME’. This figures shows
‘NME’ audience are most of males. People who love to read ‘NME’ have
average age which is around 25 years old. This shows that ‘NME’ audience is
young men who around 25 years old.
People who love to buy the ‘NME’ have 73% in ABC1 group. This means that
the ‘NME’ are most for rich people or people who have high level to read. Also
the NME magazine have 26% reader who are students. NME’s readership is
411,000, which means have 411,000 people love to buy and read ‘NME’.
Have 80% of ‘NME’s readers feel the music are important part of life. This
means they can feel interest from the music and from the ‘NME’. The NME
magazine audience is younger people who are between 16-24's years old and
people who want know a lot of new bands and share this news with their
friends. This magazine is for people who like indie and rock music.
Q Audience
Have 68.3% males love to read ‘Q’ magazine and 31.7% female love to read. This shows there
audience which is most males. The age range shows people who’s age between 15 years old
to 24 years old are mostly love to read ‘Q’. This means that this magazine is audience to
young people.
Have 70% reader at ABC1 group, this means mostly high group people which are rich people
love to buy this magazine.
Q’s souls readership is 69%. They have 377,000 people who only read ‘Q’. Q's audiences is
younger and has more affluent than any others musical monthly. Have 97%readers rate Q as
a quality magazine. Has information shows it outperforms competitors on measure such as
best interview, writing and awards winning photography.
The Q magazine reader is a passionate music fan and they has high disposable income to
spend on they self alone. This means that they have independent money can spend for buy
the Q magazine. Also is highly savvy to digital technology and they are keen social networker
and uses online services to enhance his social life. For example they may used Facebook to
read many of Q magazine's review from other reader. This social network can help reader has
good understand about the Q magazine. Though a hugely passionate music fan, this is not to
the detriment of their other interests which is film, gaming, sport, TV and comedy.
Main image
Price, barcode
and date
NME Magazine
Cover Analysis
The ‘NME’ magazine has 73% reader are males and they all
around 25 years old. This means that ‘NME’ magazine audience
most is young males. On this magazine cover, Rihanna looks
really fantasy and magic because a bird which is have full body
of blue diamond sit on her left shoulder. The bird colour is same
as Rihanna’s make up. This will let she looks more different and
mystery. Because in the human world never have diamond
bird, so a diamond bird is sitting on her shoulder is like this bird
is surrender to her. She also shows music world is never the
same, its same like myth world. In music world you never get
bored and never have same news. This links to NME’s audience
because they always love indie music which means they do
want every thing be same and bored. They want novel news and
unique style news.
She have a really thick make up which means very colourful. She
used azure and bright pink for her eye shadow. This is because
that bird which is sitting on her shoulder have navy diamond cover
full body. She used same colour with bird’s for eye shadow
because this will shows they are from same world.
This magazine has used pink front written ‘RIHANNA’ for strapline
which is same as the masthead. Her lips also is pink colour can
link to strapline to make whole image very coordination. She
wearing a pure black T-shirt, if use other front for strapline will
broke this image’s sense of harmony. Also because in this
magazine cover front only used three colour which is pink, white
and black. The strapline is use her name as big front is because
she is most famous singers, people who loved music all know who
are she and they want to thorough understand she. When reader
see her name as big for strapline will increase their interest of this
Q Magazine
cover Analysis
First Mock-up of cover
My music magazine will follow
Q magazine style, because
their typesetting is very
This mock-up is imitate Q
magazine to build up.
- Need bigger
than other front
and live at top left
- Next the main
cover star.
Main picture
- Mast be full size, need
full head and half body or
whole body.
- Big front to
show the cover
star's name and
her speak.
- biggest star
and news.
Barcode price
- Top of the
magazine cover
My main picture will use my
photo, because I know which
style is suitable my
magazine, also because I’m a
different national students
could to cause reader feel
The main story of my
magazine could be ‘how
I can step by step walk
to the music peal’
Second Mock-up of cover
Barcode price
Main image
For this mock-up, I
didn’t imitate Q
The cover star I will chose
students who are look like
very fashion and excellent
For this magazine main
story I will write about ‘ How
she can let fashion, pretty
and clever as one’. This
story will influence reader
to feel interesting because
nobody do not want oneself
be successful.
Q Contents analysis Main image
The main image has
enlarge part of picture.
This will give visual
impact because this
image is interesting
and mystery. Reader
will feel really curious
and be excited.
- The contents title
look very formal. Its
have used their
masthead in front and
as same size as black
block of ‘CONTENTS’
to make title is clear
and easier. The overall
effect to title to build up
its formal.
Page number
- The page number all
used red texts box and
white number
inside, this is link to the
name of magazine ‘Q’.
Its help the magazine
stand out, easier and
clear to readers.
This magazine ‘Q’
target audiences is
people who are really
open minded and
enjoy music. Its aimed
at women around 18-
25 years old.
The contents page is clear
and simplistic, this contents
page is ‘Q’ classic style
which is always clear and
NME Contents analysis
- The contents title of
this ‘NME’ is shock
reader’s eye and
remind them name of
this magazine. Also
influences reader’s
mind because people
who are love music
and they always want
know latest news.
Main cover line
- This main cover line
have used different
articles to build more clear
and easier for readers.
The magazine have
used as same colour
as black bold for all
text. This is good
because reader will
easy to find out what
they want.
This magazine’s
graphic features is
different compare with
‘Q’, this is used which
appeal to the target
audiences and give
this magazine a more
fashion, also it give
youthful feel to
Main picture
- This magazine have
choses a image which
is of two men. The
magazine look ancient
but not missing fashion
element. When reader
see this image will
cause them to feel
curious because it
really different.
Contents Page Mock-Up
- ‘Melody CONTENTS’ for
my magazine contents page
title. This is because I want
my magazine is imitate ‘Q’
and their contents page style
is very formal also it get
most audiences high
Main page
- My main page will chose a
enlarge image. Because the
enlarge image can shock
reader’s feel to stand out
also it easier for reader to
- My ‘Features’ will follow
‘Q’ magazine raw in top right
which is under the title. This
is because that will more
clear and easier for reader
to find out.
Second image
Page number
and contents
Double Page Spread analysis
Main image
This double page has
use very big image
and which is up a
whole page also touch
to the second page.
This will let the mise
en sense as really
powerful which is
impact reader’s eyes.
The background used
a ‘USA’ as really big
font. This is link to the
main image because
the that lady is sitting
on a USA flag. This is
help reader to quickly
know who are she and
where she come from.
Also this font has
touch to the second
page because it need
symmetry with main
First letter
The first letter is black and using
really unique style font. This will
affect to the audience because
reader will think really nicely as sight
and feel noble of this. The first letter
use this black special font is upgrade
whole page level and let reader can
focus as reading the text.
The column are structured well and
really neat. Which means there have
space between each one. This is effect
the whole text upgrade and fun.
Because if not use column to spread
text than will make it so bored and
influence reader stop reading.
Feature tittle
The tittle also used
mature and novel
font. This is link to
the first letter and
image. It will effect
the audience first
impressions of she is
noble and dignified.
Also it shows what
style of her music.
This could help
reader to quickly
know what she like
and what her song
Double Page Spread analysis
Main image
The image takes up
to whole page
because use big full
image can
outstanding Lady
Gaga ‘s strange
style. Audience who
love Lady Gaga is
because she always
take the unusual
route. This image
can effect readers
very excite.
The background are
used pure white
because reader will
more focus as the
texts. Because Lady
Gaga is really
mystery and she is
like a mysterious
cave, people want
thorough walk into
her world. The white
back ground can give
reader enough zone
to focus on text. Also
they used big red ‘L’
to cover second
page next by her
photo. This is effect
reader to excitement.
First letter
On second page has use two simple
black font which is ‘S’ and ‘L’. This is used
to spread text. Which means when they
talk about another topic they used big first
letter to spread. This can effect audience
easy to read text and clear spread
On this page used column to spread the
whole texts. This is because if give up full
page of text will make people fatigue to
reader and also no many people have
patient to reader full page of text. But they
used column to spread it could effect
audience can relaxed to read which
means increase their interest to finish
read this text.
Feature tittle
The tittle of this
page also used
simple and small
font. This is link to
the first letter and
shows on this
double page is
more important at
This is effect
audience who are
really want know
her story and her
news. They just
need focus on the
main text.
Double Page Mock-Up Crosshead
- For my crosshead I
chose put here because
my magazine want to
similar as ‘Q’ and their
double page style look
like this.
I will use a big capital
letter for base of my main
text because of ‘Q’
magazine double page
they always used big
capital letter for the text to
build up.
- For the background I
will chose pure white for
it. Because it white can
outstanding the image
and text to make reader
more focus on read text.
- My text content will
used interview of my
double page star.
Because reader could
want to know the world of
star and feel it really
Main image
- My image will use my
model’s single photo.
Because I need my
image to link my text, my
text is interview my page
star so the image should
focus on she.
Text box
- I will put a small text
box with middle front
which is on the same
page with my image, in
the box I will use a
sentence which is from
my model. Because when
reader see the image
they also can see that
text will increase their
Masthead analysis
This masthead is from ‘Q’ magazine, it have
unique style which is a red square for the base
and a capital letter of Q. This style could guide
interest from reader who are middle class or
high class.
This masthead is from ‘BBC’ music and ‘BBC’ have
used their classic style and different style front of ‘u’.
This masthead also is guide interest of middle class
‘NME’ have used 3 classic colour for the masthead which is
red, black and white. This three colour collocation together make
audiences feel fashion and interest. This masthead shows right
colour collocation together can expression their magazine’s theme.
The ‘Billboard’ is a fashion masthead, because it really have
colouring and front style look like very leisure. This type
masthead have shows their magazine target audiences most
is young adult, because they like everything new and fashion.
This masthead is likeness ‘Q’ magazine, ‘VIBE’ have used red colour for
background and bold front. It look like simple and generous, this shows their
magazine is both gender aimed.
Planning Masthead
I chose my masthead like this because it look like the
‘Q’ magazine and my music magazine theme is pop
music. I think this masthead can expression the pop
music’s feeling which is tenderness and quiet also
I chose my masthead (Aharoni) like this because its bold and clear, it
can make easier for read to see. A pop music always lead people’s mind
to high level, this means that pop music is head of fashion and I chose
this style of my masthead because they look like simple and generous.
I chose my masthead like this because it look like very official. Pop
music is different between other types music, it always lead listener’s
mood. My masthead use this official front is because it simple and
easier for reader to understand what style of my music magazine.
I chose my masthead like this because it look like very fashion, it have
different style compare with others. Pop music have a lot of different
form, it could be official, could be tenderness also could cheerful. This
masthead can arouse reader’s enthusiasm and enjoy my magazine.
Strapline analysis
Main strapline
-This magazine have use
big front of cover star’s
name for main strapline.
Because when reader see
the cover star could want to
know something about
she, so if use her name for
main masthead and add her
speak will increase reader’s
Second strapline
- This magazine have
used three strapline to
build their style, it easy
for reader to find theme of
this magazine. Because
when reader see the
cover page, they will not
careful to read all small
detail. But this cover page
have used form of
strapline to shows their
story in the cover page to
make reader easy to
understand also lead
whole page more
Third strapline
- This strapline used
puff to collocation with
it, different form with
other strapline to
prominent the magazine
Strapline Plan
I will chose this strapline for my magazine cover
page, because it look like more interesting and not boring.
When reader see this on the cover page, it will cause their
interest because it different with other normal strapline.
‘I’m not a genius, I keep trying…
I will chose this strapline style for my main
strapline, because it use biggest front to shows
name of cover star. Also it look like simple and
generous, when reader see the strapline like
this will easier for them to understand what this
magazine main detail and will feel interesting.
I will chose this strapline style for my magazine cover
because it look like very 3D and it build up the feeling.
This is easier for reader to find the important content of
my magazine. Also this strapline will impact reader’s feel
and build whole magazine more powerful.
Process of my images
These images is the initial idea for my magazine
cover, contents page and double page. When I process
my magazine I find out which images are most suitable my
magazine theme. The final image that is one of these
Magazine cover page
Here are some images which is I took before and shows on last page. I think these image is
suitable my magazine theme also it can build my magazine have most professional.
I have chose this image is
because she wearing formal
and with glasses. It can
cause my magazine have
stand out and build tension
of formal. The only thins I
need to do is use Photoshop
to remove the background
and enlarge the image.
I have chose this image as
final for my magazine cover.
Because this image have
mixed which is formal and
cute. A music magazine
could have protean, this
means that it need as same
time have formal element
and fashion. So I chose this
image for my final cover
page, it will make my
magazine more professional.
My evaluation are using PREZI program
to created.

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Media Coursework Research Planning

  • 1.
  • 2.  Using Photoshop and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school or college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally I must produce a Photoshop mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.
  • 3. 1. How old are you? How old are you? 16 17 18 2. Are you male or female? Are you male or female? Male Female 3. What is your interest things? What is your interest things? Music Shopping Reading TV&Firm Game Other (please specify) 4. How many time you spend for study when you out school? How many time you spend for study when you out school? 0-1 1-2 2-3 4-5 Other (please specify) 5. When you feel tired, how you refresh yourself? When you feel tired, how you refresh yourself? Go out with friend Listen music Watch TV&Film Play computer games Other (please specify) 6. What is make you work hard in college? What is make you work hard in college? Universtiy Good life on future Around self every one has work hard Other (please specify) 7. Would you think hard study can change your future life? Would you think hard study can change your future life? Yes No Maybe Other (please specify) 8. Would you buy a school magazine? Would you buy a school magazine? Always Sometime Never Other (please specify) This is a questionnaire for teenager who are between 16 to 18 years old. I want this questionnaire to make communication from me to them. Because I want know what they real think and how is their real life. This questionnaire doesn’t need writing name down, so they will answer as their real think. When this questionnaire feedback, I will know a lot of information from them and understand how to make they feel interesting and which things they will be happy to enjoy. Lastly I can use these feedback to start made my magazine, because I already know what are their interest things.
  • 4. This shows result of my survey monkey questionnaire.
  • 5. Who is your target audience? Is it all sixth formers or a specific group? My target audience is going to the males of 16 years old teenager who are still learning in sixth form. Of this people who are really want get good job and go to university in their future. They are spending time for learning when they after school, so I think they maybe will like to read something of learning method’s magazine. What are their interests? Of my result shows a lot of people are choose TV is their main interesting and lowest people are feeling reading is interesting. I will make an article base of TV programme, because the students they are feel that is main interesting so I want use TV to make them want to buy this magazine. What magazines do they buy? How often? They are sometime to buy the school magazine and no one is always to buy the school magazine, this shows they don’t like to spending money to buy lot magazine. So I make an article which is they feel really interesting. The article will always have different story at every week or every month. This is because 16 people always like the fresh things and news. If the magazine always talking about the something, they will don’t buy that magazine anymore. So I need give the difference story and news to make them like it and can’t leave it than will increases the number of people always buy the school magazine. What socio-economic group are they? They are students because they only 16 years old, so they are E level group of socio – economic. They will interesting about which job can make lot money and not to hard. Because they are students, they never have work before so they may want have a easy job and also have nice wages.
  • 6.
  • 7. Tag I use this information for my tag is because it can link to my strapline. Masthead My masthead use ‘grow up’ is because the teenage are growing, this magazine can help them to grow up the right way. Main image and representatio n I use this image is because I wanted to represent him as a successful person. This is connoted by his body language, facial expression and his clothing. Splash This is so that my audience knows who my subject is. It gives anchorage to the image. I used the stroke effect to make the text more powerful. Quote A short sentence of his speaking which is interesting and makes my audience interested in reading the article. Barcode Price Strapline My strapline talks about what schools are best and which skills can help students to study well. Puff I use a shape of star use for my puff because it suggests to the reader that it is important.
  • 8. Original Photo Magazine Cover My original photo’s background was a wall and the colour is very dark. But my magazine cover is pure white background and colour is bright than the original. This is because I was used the Photoshop redesign of my original photo. • Cutting out an image – I cut away all the background of my photo. • Changing colour balance – I have increase the brightness of my model which makes his face clear and skin colour more natural. • Cropping to medium close up – My original photo was small, I increased the size on my magazine because original size is not big enough for my magazine. • Add a shadow of my model to make him look more strong and more powerful.
  • 9. Evaluation Photoshop skills: I have find difficult of clone stamp for using Photoshop because was difficult to find same colour on some image. I was make mistake of moving layers around because some time the layers became mixed. I have improved this by making my magazine. Magazine Cover: My magazine was doing well but other people said I have to use colour which is for the teenager because my magazine cover's front colour is too child. My front colour and style was not fit my magazine’s theme because my magazine theme is about study, but my front style was too child so it is not fit my theme. People says my magazine model was wearing a grey colour coat and my front colour is too bright which is orange and yellow. So I can improve the front colour next time to make sure it fit my model clothes colour. Research: My research was shows 16 years old young people and who are the male as most than I made my magazine theme is about 16s young males. This is a reason of I choose a boy to be my model.
  • 11. My Target Audience My magazine will be aimed at music magazine and the audience will be face to young females who are age 16 years old to 19 years old. Also these young females should most have job and the percentage of ABC1 which is 75%. I have analysed magazine of Q, which is a really famous music magazine. Most young people they like to buy Q magazine is because they always have interesting news and always let people surprise. My audience will be similar to theirs and I also want my magazine have own style. I will choose the similar colour style to Q for my masthead and strapline. My audience might buy the 'Smash hits' because as my questionnaire feedback shows have many people choose Q magazine also have lot people they are choose 'Smash hits'. The 'Smash hits' also have many difference news and which is make younger girls feel interesting. My audience might interest of hip hop music style. Because as my questionnaire feedback shows have 80% people choose hip hop style for their loves music style. My questionnaire result was shown what is the audience like and what style news they may love
  • 12. QUESTIONAIRARE This is a questionnaire for teenager who are between 15 to 21 years old. I want this questionnaire to make communication from me to them. Because I want know what type of music they love to listen and which singer they most love. When this questionnaire feedback, I will know a lot of information from them and understand how to make they feel interesting and which things they will be happy to enjoy. Also it can help me to design my music magazine because I can follow their answer to build my cover page and my story type. Lastly I can use these feedback to start made my magazine, because I already know what are their interest things.
  • 13. Results and explanation 0 2 4 6 8 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Age of Respondents 0 2 4 6 Mojo Top of pops Q We love pop magazine NME Smash hits Magazine type 0 2 4 6 8 10 Music CD Star's photo MP3 Star's figurine Tickets Gift type 0 5 10 Listen music Watch TV Play game Reading Browse Internet Hobby 0 5 10 15 Classical Rock Blues Jazz Hip HOP Type of music 0 2 4 6 8 10 Rihanna Eminem Miley Cyrus Luke Bryan Bruno Mars Favourites 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 Main image Cover line Mast head Which part feel most interest This results shows my target audiences is reader who are around 16 and 17 years old teenagers and most of them like to read ‘Smash hits’ and ‘Q’ magazine, this is help me to planning my magazine style need more like one of that two popular magazine. I find out their hobby and they are all love to listen music and watch TV, this is help me when I planning my magazine I can find the content which is they loved. The important information is I find out from the results which is they are most like Hip-Hop music, this influence my magazine’s theme.
  • 14. NME Audience Analysis Have 73% males and 27% females love to read ‘NME’. This figures shows ‘NME’ audience are most of males. People who love to read ‘NME’ have average age which is around 25 years old. This shows that ‘NME’ audience is young men who around 25 years old. People who love to buy the ‘NME’ have 73% in ABC1 group. This means that the ‘NME’ are most for rich people or people who have high level to read. Also the NME magazine have 26% reader who are students. NME’s readership is 411,000, which means have 411,000 people love to buy and read ‘NME’. Have 80% of ‘NME’s readers feel the music are important part of life. This means they can feel interest from the music and from the ‘NME’. The NME magazine audience is younger people who are between 16-24's years old and people who want know a lot of new bands and share this news with their friends. This magazine is for people who like indie and rock music.
  • 15. Q Audience Analysis Have 68.3% males love to read ‘Q’ magazine and 31.7% female love to read. This shows there audience which is most males. The age range shows people who’s age between 15 years old to 24 years old are mostly love to read ‘Q’. This means that this magazine is audience to young people. Have 70% reader at ABC1 group, this means mostly high group people which are rich people love to buy this magazine. Q’s souls readership is 69%. They have 377,000 people who only read ‘Q’. Q's audiences is younger and has more affluent than any others musical monthly. Have 97%readers rate Q as a quality magazine. Has information shows it outperforms competitors on measure such as best interview, writing and awards winning photography. The Q magazine reader is a passionate music fan and they has high disposable income to spend on they self alone. This means that they have independent money can spend for buy the Q magazine. Also is highly savvy to digital technology and they are keen social networker and uses online services to enhance his social life. For example they may used Facebook to read many of Q magazine's review from other reader. This social network can help reader has good understand about the Q magazine. Though a hugely passionate music fan, this is not to the detriment of their other interests which is film, gaming, sport, TV and comedy.
  • 16. Masthead Puff Main image Price, barcode and date Splash banner Straplin e Quote
  • 17. NME Magazine Cover Analysis The ‘NME’ magazine has 73% reader are males and they all around 25 years old. This means that ‘NME’ magazine audience most is young males. On this magazine cover, Rihanna looks really fantasy and magic because a bird which is have full body of blue diamond sit on her left shoulder. The bird colour is same as Rihanna’s make up. This will let she looks more different and mystery. Because in the human world never have diamond bird, so a diamond bird is sitting on her shoulder is like this bird is surrender to her. She also shows music world is never the same, its same like myth world. In music world you never get bored and never have same news. This links to NME’s audience because they always love indie music which means they do want every thing be same and bored. They want novel news and unique style news. She have a really thick make up which means very colourful. She used azure and bright pink for her eye shadow. This is because that bird which is sitting on her shoulder have navy diamond cover full body. She used same colour with bird’s for eye shadow because this will shows they are from same world. This magazine has used pink front written ‘RIHANNA’ for strapline which is same as the masthead. Her lips also is pink colour can link to strapline to make whole image very coordination. She wearing a pure black T-shirt, if use other front for strapline will broke this image’s sense of harmony. Also because in this magazine cover front only used three colour which is pink, white and black. The strapline is use her name as big front is because she is most famous singers, people who loved music all know who are she and they want to thorough understand she. When reader see her name as big for strapline will increase their interest of this magazine.
  • 19. First Mock-up of cover My music magazine will follow Q magazine style, because their typesetting is very interesting. This mock-up is imitate Q magazine to build up. Masthead - Need bigger than other front and live at top left Puff - Next the main cover star. Main picture - Mast be full size, need full head and half body or whole body. Strapline - Big front to show the cover star's name and her speak. Headline - biggest star and news. Barcode price Banner - Top of the magazine cover strapline My main picture will use my photo, because I know which style is suitable my magazine, also because I’m a different national students could to cause reader feel The main story of my magazine could be ‘how I can step by step walk to the music peal’
  • 20. Second Mock-up of cover Masthead Puff QuoteQuote Strapline Strapline Barcode price Main image Splash For this mock-up, I didn’t imitate Q magazine. The cover star I will chose students who are look like very fashion and excellent learning. For this magazine main story I will write about ‘ How she can let fashion, pretty and clever as one’. This story will influence reader to feel interesting because nobody do not want oneself be successful.
  • 21. Q Contents analysis Main image The main image has enlarge part of picture. This will give visual impact because this image is interesting and mystery. Reader will feel really curious and be excited. Title - The contents title look very formal. Its have used their masthead in front and as same size as black block of ‘CONTENTS’ to make title is clear and easier. The overall effect to title to build up its formal. Page number - The page number all used red texts box and white number inside, this is link to the name of magazine ‘Q’. Its help the magazine stand out, easier and clear to readers. This magazine ‘Q’ target audiences is people who are really open minded and enjoy music. Its aimed at women around 18- 25 years old. The contents page is clear and simplistic, this contents page is ‘Q’ classic style which is always clear and simple.
  • 22. NME Contents analysis Title - The contents title of this ‘NME’ is shock reader’s eye and remind them name of this magazine. Also ‘THIS WEEK’ is influences reader’s mind because people who are love music and they always want know latest news. Main cover line - This main cover line have used different articles to build more clear and easier for readers. The magazine have used as same colour as black bold for all text. This is good because reader will easy to find out what they want. This magazine’s graphic features is different compare with ‘Q’, this is used which appeal to the target audiences and give this magazine a more fashion, also it give youthful feel to audiences. Main picture - This magazine have choses a image which is of two men. The magazine look ancient but not missing fashion element. When reader see this image will cause them to feel curious because it really different.
  • 23. Contents Page Mock-Up Title - ‘Melody CONTENTS’ for my magazine contents page title. This is because I want my magazine is imitate ‘Q’ and their contents page style is very formal also it get most audiences high comment. Main page - My main page will chose a enlarge image. Because the enlarge image can shock reader’s feel to stand out also it easier for reader to see. Features - My ‘Features’ will follow ‘Q’ magazine raw in top right which is under the title. This is because that will more clear and easier for reader to find out. Second image Page number and contents
  • 24. Double Page Spread analysis Main image This double page has use very big image and which is up a whole page also touch to the second page. This will let the mise en sense as really powerful which is impact reader’s eyes. Background The background used a ‘USA’ as really big font. This is link to the main image because the that lady is sitting on a USA flag. This is help reader to quickly know who are she and where she come from. Also this font has touch to the second page because it need symmetry with main image. First letter The first letter is black and using really unique style font. This will affect to the audience because reader will think really nicely as sight and feel noble of this. The first letter use this black special font is upgrade whole page level and let reader can focus as reading the text. Column The column are structured well and really neat. Which means there have space between each one. This is effect the whole text upgrade and fun. Because if not use column to spread text than will make it so bored and influence reader stop reading. Feature tittle The tittle also used mature and novel font. This is link to the first letter and image. It will effect the audience first impressions of she is noble and dignified. Also it shows what style of her music. This could help reader to quickly know what she like and what her song like.
  • 25. Double Page Spread analysis Main image The image takes up to whole page because use big full image can outstanding Lady Gaga ‘s strange style. Audience who love Lady Gaga is because she always take the unusual route. This image can effect readers very excite. Background The background are used pure white because reader will more focus as the texts. Because Lady Gaga is really mystery and she is like a mysterious cave, people want thorough walk into her world. The white back ground can give reader enough zone to focus on text. Also they used big red ‘L’ to cover second page next by her photo. This is effect reader to excitement. First letter On second page has use two simple black font which is ‘S’ and ‘L’. This is used to spread text. Which means when they talk about another topic they used big first letter to spread. This can effect audience easy to read text and clear spread information. Column On this page used column to spread the whole texts. This is because if give up full page of text will make people fatigue to reader and also no many people have patient to reader full page of text. But they used column to spread it could effect audience can relaxed to read which means increase their interest to finish read this text. Feature tittle The tittle of this page also used simple and small font. This is link to the first letter and shows on this double page is more important at text. This is effect audience who are really want know her story and her news. They just need focus on the main text.
  • 26. Double Page Mock-Up Crosshead - For my crosshead I chose put here because my magazine want to similar as ‘Q’ and their double page style look like this. I will use a big capital letter for base of my main text because of ‘Q’ magazine double page they always used big capital letter for the text to build up. Background - For the background I will chose pure white for it. Because it white can outstanding the image and text to make reader more focus on read text. Text - My text content will used interview of my double page star. Because reader could want to know the world of star and feel it really interesting. Main image - My image will use my model’s single photo. Because I need my image to link my text, my text is interview my page star so the image should focus on she. Text box - I will put a small text box with middle front which is on the same page with my image, in the box I will use a sentence which is from my model. Because when reader see the image they also can see that text will increase their interest.
  • 27. Masthead analysis This masthead is from ‘Q’ magazine, it have unique style which is a red square for the base and a capital letter of Q. This style could guide interest from reader who are middle class or high class. This masthead is from ‘BBC’ music and ‘BBC’ have used their classic style and different style front of ‘u’. This masthead also is guide interest of middle class group. ‘NME’ have used 3 classic colour for the masthead which is red, black and white. This three colour collocation together make audiences feel fashion and interest. This masthead shows right colour collocation together can expression their magazine’s theme. The ‘Billboard’ is a fashion masthead, because it really have colouring and front style look like very leisure. This type masthead have shows their magazine target audiences most is young adult, because they like everything new and fashion. This masthead is likeness ‘Q’ magazine, ‘VIBE’ have used red colour for background and bold front. It look like simple and generous, this shows their magazine is both gender aimed.
  • 28. Planning Masthead I chose my masthead like this because it look like the ‘Q’ magazine and my music magazine theme is pop music. I think this masthead can expression the pop music’s feeling which is tenderness and quiet also fashion. Melody I chose my masthead (Aharoni) like this because its bold and clear, it can make easier for read to see. A pop music always lead people’s mind to high level, this means that pop music is head of fashion and I chose this style of my masthead because they look like simple and generous. Melody I chose my masthead like this because it look like very official. Pop music is different between other types music, it always lead listener’s mood. My masthead use this official front is because it simple and easier for reader to understand what style of my music magazine. Melody I chose my masthead like this because it look like very fashion, it have different style compare with others. Pop music have a lot of different form, it could be official, could be tenderness also could cheerful. This masthead can arouse reader’s enthusiasm and enjoy my magazine.
  • 29. Strapline analysis Main strapline -This magazine have use big front of cover star’s name for main strapline. Because when reader see the cover star could want to know something about she, so if use her name for main masthead and add her speak will increase reader’s interest. Second strapline - This magazine have used three strapline to build their style, it easy for reader to find theme of this magazine. Because when reader see the cover page, they will not careful to read all small detail. But this cover page have used form of strapline to shows their story in the cover page to make reader easy to understand also lead whole page more powerful. Third strapline - This strapline used puff to collocation with it, different form with other strapline to prominent the magazine theme.
  • 30. Strapline Plan I will chose this strapline for my magazine cover page, because it look like more interesting and not boring. When reader see this on the cover page, it will cause their interest because it different with other normal strapline. LXUAN ‘I’m not a genius, I keep trying… IN THE MUSIC WORLD I ACHIEVE MY DREAM...” I will chose this strapline style for my main strapline, because it use biggest front to shows name of cover star. Also it look like simple and generous, when reader see the strapline like this will easier for them to understand what this magazine main detail and will feel interesting. I will chose this strapline style for my magazine cover because it look like very 3D and it build up the feeling. This is easier for reader to find the important content of my magazine. Also this strapline will impact reader’s feel and build whole magazine more powerful.
  • 31. Process of my images These images is the initial idea for my magazine cover, contents page and double page. When I process my magazine I find out which images are most suitable my magazine theme. The final image that is one of these shown.
  • 32. Magazine cover page Here are some images which is I took before and shows on last page. I think these image is suitable my magazine theme also it can build my magazine have most professional. I have chose this image is because she wearing formal and with glasses. It can cause my magazine have stand out and build tension of formal. The only thins I need to do is use Photoshop to remove the background and enlarge the image. I have chose this image as final for my magazine cover. Because this image have mixed which is formal and cute. A music magazine could have protean, this means that it need as same time have formal element and fashion. So I chose this image for my final cover page, it will make my magazine more professional.