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Assignment 1
Course Title: Art Of Living
Course Code: AOL 301
Submitted To: Submitted By:
Anika Ohab ID:142-15-3568
Abul Hasnath ID:142-15-3532
Umme Habiba ID: 142-15-3677
Shahinur Rahman ID: 142-15-3606
Nurul Mohammad Zayed
Department of BBA
Q 01: How can you motivate yourself for cherishing a new
way of thinking for better living?
There is no doubt that everyone desires to live a better living but some
time it may not possible as we need to motivate ourselves for gaining
this dreaming fact. Actually about this, I have some personal opinions
how we motivate ourselves.
Firstly, we need to think positive about ourselves as negative thinking is
like a virus that attacks us positive acts and be daring to take rick which
can be changed our live towards better life.
Secondly, we need to reduce limiting beliefs about ourselves that it’s
impossible for me to do or I don’t know how to do or I have no
experience about this. So, such kind of self-created negative thinking
should be removed.
Thirdly, self-created destroyer like anger, frustration, insist, inner-
confliction that means negative emotion need to be reduced as it’s like a
silent killer of our potentiality.
Lastly, we need to be discover something new that get rid of from our
daily-routine life. It enhances our working ability and makes our life
colorful and better.
We have to be satisfied with what we have and taken a level best effort
for betterment. So, a dynamic progressing life turned into happiness and
makes our life better.
Q 02: Explain the importance of unlearning in learning for
continuous growth.
The world is changing quite rapidly and we need to constantly learn
new tricks if we want to keep up with the market we work in. Learning
the new-new thing is often seen as the key to success. This attitude has it
all backwards; it’s not learning that is the challenge, it’s our ability to
unlearn that’s holding many of us back.
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those that cannot read
and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
—Alvin Toffler
Anytime that we’re attempting to learn something new this new thing is
measured against what we already know. If we put more weight on what
we already know, on tradition and our inherited past, then it will be
harder to learn the new. The standard which new learning is measured
against will be tougher, and we’ll be less willing to set aside our existing
assumptions and accept new knowledge if it contradicts what we already
know. If we put more weight on what we’re seeing today – on new data
– then learning something that conflicts with our assumptions will be
comparatively easier, as we will place more weight on what we see than
what we remember and we’ll more willing to change our assumptions.
The world is changing more rapidly than ever, making it increasingly
import for us to adapt if we want to remain relevant. While learning is
important if we want to keep up, unlearning is what really enables us to
adapt and remain relevant.
Q 03: How to create synergy of learning and unlearning for
effective development and living?
Creating synergy of learning and unlearning for effective development
and living is so mush needful for ours. There are several factors of
effective development and living. These are discussed in below-
1. Goals or purposes-finding: Each and everyone have a goal. A
goal should be set to each pupil according to the standard expected
to him. A goal is an aim or desired result Goals should be specific
and clear, so that learners understand.
2. Motivational behavior: Motivation means to provide with a
motive. Motivation learners should be motivated so that they
stimulate themselves with interest.
3. Interest-creating: This is a quality that arouses a feeling. It
encourages a student to move over tasks further. During teaching,
the instructor must raise interests among students for the best
4. Attention-ability: Attention means consideration. It is
concentration or focusing of consciousness upon one object or an
idea. If effective learning should take place attention is essential.
Instructors must secure the attention of the student.
5. Drill or practice: This method includes respiting the tasks “n”
number of times like needs, phrases, principles, etc. This makes
learning more effective.
6. Aptitude: Aptitude is natural ability. It is a condition in which an
individuals ability to acquire certain skills, knowledge through
7. Attitude: It is a way of thinking. The attitude of the student must
be tested to find out how much inclination he or she has for
learning a subject or topic.
8. Emotional conditions: Emotions are strong feelings. Learning
and unlearning teaches us how to control it and when we need to
express it .Here unlearning plays an important role for reducing
negative emotion.
9. Speed, Accuracy and retention: Speed is the rapidity of
movement. Retention is the act of retaining. These 3 elements
depend upon aptitude, attitude, interest, attention and motivation
of the students.
10. Guidance: Everyone needs guidance in some part or some time in
life. Some need it constantly and some very rarely depending on
the student’s conditions. Small learners need more guidance.
Guidance is an advice to solve a problem. Guidance covers the
whole gamut of learner’s problems- learning as well as non-
11. Patience: learning and unlearning teaches us it how to be
patience. It’s a really important thing to be successful.
12. Mentally-strong: managing mental situation is very hard. From
learning and unlearning we can get huge knowledge of our regular
human being. This knowledge can make us strong enough to
handle future hard situation.
13. Be practical: A person can be practical if he/she has enough
knowledge about socialism and having lots of sense of humor. We
get all these from learning and unlearning.
14. Survival-ability: Survival is the fittest and a man can be fit for
defend and handle any rough situation if they have knowledge by
learning and unlearning.
15. Managing-stress: Potentiality of hard working of a man depend
how many works he/she done before gradually day by day. If a
man continue a process of learning and unlearning in regular basis
then his/her adoptability will be increased.
Q 04: How to make learning circuit functional?
We know relationship or expression which is involving one or more
things (variables) is called function .knowledge is acquired through
experience, study, or being taught and this recursive process is called
Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing,
existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preferences and may
involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn
is possessed by humans, animals, plants and some machines. Human
learning may occur as part of education, personal development,
schooling, or training. It may be goal-oriented and may be aided by
motivation. The study of how learning occurs is part of educational
psychology, neuropsychology, learning theory, and pedagogy.
Progress over time tends to follow a learning curve. It does not happen
all at once, but builds upon and is shaped by previous knowledge. To
that end, learning may be viewed as a process, rather than a collection of
factual and procedural knowledge. Learning produces changes in the
organism and the changes produced are relatively permanent. So,
learning is dependent on various kinds of variable.
Q 05: What is society? Explain its role in developing
behavioral and humanitarian quality at individual level.
Answer: Society describes a group of people who share similar
values, laws and traditions living in organized communities for
mutual benefits. Members of society often share religions, politics or
A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction,
or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social
territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant
cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of
relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a
distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as
the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In
the social sciences, a larger society often evinces
stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.
The final level of complexity of a society depends on its ability to
interact with its environment. as unacceptable behavior to be eradicated,
or as realistic mechanisms to decrease the risk of collapse of the society .
Information on the quality of individual lives and other humanitarian
concerns related to development, but it allows the definition of energy
budget constraints. a solution sought for humanitarian reasons is
feasible, in practical and sustainable terms, for a defined society.
The final level of complexity of a society depends on its ability to
interact with its environment. ... The model for analyzing energy
efficiency at societal level, presented in this paper, does not provide
information on the quality of individual lives and other humanitarian
concerns related ... whether a solution sought for humanitarian reasons is
feasible, in practical and sustain Thus, although social activism often
occurs as a reaction to society's needs and problems, individuals who
choose to get ... Furthermore, though the choice to get involved may
occur at an individual level, the actions of individuals add up to produce
... level (such as making new friends), as well as benefits that accrue
over time (such as a better overall quality of life) Psychologists
attempting to expellable terms, for a defined society.
Ethics is the study of rational decision making toward action. The code
of Ethics is for every one living in society and people need to be
developed at individual and community level. Develop mandatory
human qualities that can ensure continuous growth of individual and
sustainable peace in this world.
Q 06: How to create synergy among personal, social and
global professionalism in relation to etiquette and behavior?
Answer: When a society is undergoing such a situation, corruption can
never be an issue of significance because corruption is all about
destroying ethics. In a society where ethics is considered not significant,
campaigns on nation-building cannot bear expected results.
Our society, tragically, has been overwhelmed by the ‘felt need’ factor
today. But the bigger tragedy is to observe our society moving towards
such a trend in a happy indifference affecting our psyche and
imagination in a peculiar way.
The absence of a right conscience or genuine dissenting voices has
caused the desolate situation which vividly denotes where our moral
landscape stand.
It is highly expected from everyone to understand the culture of his
workspace and thus, it becomes essential to follow some basic
professional etiquette. The basis of professional etiquette stands on the
ethics of respecting every individual in their workplace and displaying
well-mannered behavior in business interactions.
Some of the basics professional etiquette tips are mentioned below
Conversation Etiquette
 Listening attentively a good listener is always dear to every client.
Speak only when the speaker has finished.
 Keeping a low but clear and lam voice while conversing.
 Contacting eyes. While conversing looking into the eyes of listener
always is meaningful rather looking elsewhere.
Handshake Etiquette
 Keeping fingers titled down and your thumb up during shaking
 While shaking hands, greet the person by looking into his/her eyes
is essential.
 Limiting the time of handshakes from 2 to 3 seconds and talking
hand back gracefully is highly expected
 Avoid patting on the back of the hand.
Dressing Etiquette
 Wearing neat and nicely pressed formal clothes.
 Women should avoid wearing exposing dresses and choose for
little but natural make-ups.
 Shoes with right polish.
 Keeping nails clean.
Introduction and Greeting Etiquette
 During introduction, either shake hands or nod your head.
 If you are in change of introducing other people always introduce
the lower ranked person to the higher ranked one.
 In first introduced, stand up to meet the person.
Electronic Communication Etiquette
 Keep official mails preferably short and praise.
 During participation in conference calls introduce all the
participants to each other at the beginning.
 While speaking over telephones, Always greet the other person
while starting and ending the call.
 Including you’re on tact details and the date while sending faxes.
Dining Etiquette
 Being courteous during official dinners. Offer the seat your guest
first. If you are the guest, be punctual and thank the host for the
 Initiate conversations while waiting for the food.
 Avoid opening your mouth and chewing food.
 Avoid looking at others plate and pointing eyes on particular food.
 Avoid pointing the knife or fork towards the other person while
eating and speaking.
 Allow your guest to select the menu and wine.
 Avoid talking when there is food in your mouth
Q 07: How to learn lifetime performance by developing
social, ethical and intellectual abilities depending on
practical need?
Answer: Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that
enable us to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of
everyday life, in other words psychosocial competency. They are a set of
human skills acquired via teaching or direct experience that are used to
handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human
life. The subject varies greatly depending on social norms and
community expectations but skills that functions for well-being and aid
individuals to develop into active and productive members of their
communities are considered as life skills.
We all human being had different level of life at different age. We have
personal life and professional life. In both lives we have to face different
situation. In those all types of situations we need to have some qualities
that define us as human. We need to culture those qualities from the very
early stages of our lives so that we can apply those on the different
practical scenarios of life. Particularly we have to have social abilities
that connects us with other peoples, ethical abilities that makes us being
honest and morally strong and intellectual abilities that helps us solve
technical problems in our day to day lives.
If we want to pass and perform well in our practical life we will apply
those abilities. Applying and developing these we can achieve lifetime
performance in the different stages of our life. For example we are now
students of university. We have many people around us. We have our
friends, classmates, seniors, juniors, teachers, and many other ranked
persons. We need to communicate with them continuously for different
purposes. Also others communicate with us for their different purposes.
So we do not socialize with other people we will not be able to solve
many of our problems as well as helping others to solve their problems.
Social abilities include communicate with others, speaking and
discussing different social issues and performing actively to solve those.
Ethics is another dimension of human behavior. Ethics consists of many
aspects of integrity i.e. truthfulness, honesty, morality etc. In every stage
we need to have these ethical values for ensuring a better and healthy
life. We have to be morally strong within ourselves so that we do not do
any bad deeds. We will behave well irrespective of one’s social status.
We should do any corruptive activities in any of our works.
And most importantly we have to be intellectual ability alongside with
all human qualities, because in our practical life we face many
unpredictable situations where only intellectual capabilities work. For
technical problems we have solve it by our intellectual abilities.
Like this we have to apply these abilities in all stages of our lives.
Q 08: How to become self-guardian or director to face
unpredictable or unscripted life and living?
Answer: To learn effective lifetime performance by developing social,
ethical and intellectual abilities depending on practical need. We need to
become a self-guardian or director to face unpredictable or unscripted
life and living. How we are performing unpredictable life, what kind of
self-guardianship is mandatory to develop, how to create history of
living in this beautiful world. First we need to detect the mistakes we do
in our regular life. And need to gain a sense of competence by making
and learning from our own mistake and by being held accountable for
our own actions. Maybe we will be much happier and more effective
people if we can take the time and the energy to understand who we are
and how people know us! Anyone can build or can change careers
several times, if he/she can grow and try to create positive change in the
world. It’s important that more you are becoming aware of how your
actions affect others now and in the future and then more you will be
able to effectively communicate and motive. Knowing great peoples life,
living history etc. Always can help anyone to write personal history by
doing things practically.
Q 09: How to reform essential skills for 21st
century survival
by young people and community?
Ans: To reform essential skills for 21st century survival, young people
need to do this.
• Thinking critically and making judgments about the barrage of
information that comes their way every day—on the Web, in the
media, in homes, workplaces and everywhere else. Critical thinking
Americans to assess the credibility, accuracy and value of information,
analyze and evaluate information, make
Reasoned decisions and take purposeful action.
• Solving complex, multidisciplinary, open-ended problems that all
workers, in every kind of workplace,
Encounter routinely. The challenges workers face don’t come in a
multiple-choice format and typically don’t
Have a single right answer. Nor can they be neatly categorized as “math
problems,” for example, or passed
Off to someone at a higher pay grade. Businesses expect employees at
all levels to identify problems, think
Through solutions and alternatives, and explore new options if their
approaches don’t pan out. Often, this
Work involves groups of people with different knowledge and skills
who, collectively, add value to their
• Creativity and entrepreneurial thinking—a skill set highly
associated with job creation.
. Many of the fastest-growing jobs and emerging industries rely on
Workers’ creative capacity—the ability to think unconventionally,
question the herd, imagine new scenarios
And produce astonishing work. Likewise, Americans can create jobs for
themselves and others with an
Entrepreneurial mindset—the ability to recognize and act on
opportunities and the willingness to embrace
Risk and responsibility, for example.
• Communicating and collaborating with teams of people across
cultural, geographic and language
Boundaries—a necessity in diverse and multinational workplaces and
communities. Mutually beneficial
Relationships are a central undercurrent to accomplishments in
businesses—and it’s not only top managers
Who represent companies anymore? All Americans must be skilled at
interacting competently and respectfully
With others.
• Making innovative use of knowledge, information and
opportunities to create new services,
Processes and products. The global marketplace rewards organizations
that rapidly and routinely find better
Ways of doing things. Companies want workers who can contribute in
this environment.
• Taking charge of financial, health and civic responsibilities and
making wise choices. From deciding
How to invest their savings to choosing a health care plan, Americans
need more specialized skills—simply
Because the options are increasingly complex and the consequences of
poor decisions could be dire.
These skills, comprehensively articulated by the Partnership for 21st
Century Skills and highlighted on page 13,
Will withstand the test of time, fluctuations in the economy and the
marketplace, and dynamic
Employment demands.
Q 10: How you would like to be in real life setting?
Ans: In real life I want to be a hardworking & self-confident creative
person. I want to do something new thinking out of the box other people
do. I want to0 create a new world which is better than ever. I want to do
something that is helpful for both me & others. To be a good social &
family member I want unlearn my bad habits. I want to maintain all the
etiquettes. I will behave well with people I know or don’t know, friends,
colleague 7 off course family members, my parents. Parents are the most
important persons we have in our life. I want to be so careful to them,
respect their thoughts & judgment to me. In real life setting I want to be
a global person with good communicative skill. I want to be helpful to
other people & make sure I don’t cause harm to other. To do all these I
need to be a self-guardian. I will try all these in my real life setting.
Q 11: How to become a self-evaluation expert and developmental?
Answer: Self-evaluation power is most important for our life. Self-
evaluation means own activities evaluation. Through self-evaluation we
easily identify our lacking. This is helpful to maintain our life.
Development of our thinking power we become self-evaluation expert’s
performing self-evaluation thinking power is must. When we done any
work we should done evaluation too, through this we become self-
evaluation expert.
Every time we should believe that when we do any work also we should
do evaluation .it helps to find out our works lacking and done the work
properly. If we maintain it every time and we believe evaluation is must
and also we believe that it is a part of our work. Then we become self-
evaluation expert.
Sometimes people do this bad work and we blame the people but we
cannot think if I am the same stage then what can we do. If we can
develop thinking power then we cannot blame people.
If we develop our thinking power always we also become a self-
evaluation expert and development of self-evaluation power.
Q 12: How to develop effective style of living skills among young
people for lifetime growth?
Answer: Day by Day, young generation from every nation become the
box of excitement with low level of moral values and away from living a
proper nice life with good adventure. Their lifestyle is sticking around in
sofas and in front of TV, laptops and mobile phones. All day long they
have got using social network, chatting, and gaming –a total lazy and
useless lifestyle. So doing recreational works and maintaining moral
values and good connection with family and friends, being punctual and
perseverance are ways to be followed.
To develop effective style of living skill among young people for
lifetime growth following skill must be needed.
 Cognitive autonomy
 Self-esteem.
 Attitude
 Personal Development
 Creativity
 Solving problems.
 Finding passion
 Independence
 Thinking Out of box
 Being happy on their own
 Tolerance
 Identity Development
Q 13: How to achieve self-guardianship?
Answer: When we can't make decisions for yourself because of our
disability, the law can take away or limit your right to make decisions
about how to live our life and give someone else permission to make the
decisions, instead of you. This is called guardianship. How guardianship
can start A person who thinks you need a guardianship writes to the
probate court to ask the probate court to make a guardianship for you,
and tells the probate court the reasons why the person thinks you need a
guardianship. The probate court then decides if it is a good idea to talk
about a guardianship for you. If the probate court decides that it is a
good idea to talk about a guardianship for you, the probate court will tell
you and other people to come to court to talk about guardianship. When
you and the other people come to court the probate court will listen to
everyone's side of the story and then decide if you need a guardianship.
Is guardianship for you? If the probate court believes that you can't make
decisions because of your disability, the probate court might make a
guardianship for you. A probate court might make a guardianship for
you because the probate court believes: • We can't make decisions, that
will get you what most people think you need, and • Someone else can
make decisions that will get you what most people think you need. Even
though guardianship may get you what most people think you need,
guardianship also takes away or limits your rights by thinking about
what is in your best interests. This means making a decision that most
people would think is the right thing for you. It may not be what you
like. Making decisions in your best interests is a rule the guardian has to
follow. The probate court makes this rule. If you do not like a guardian's
decisions you may be able to do something about it

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Art_of_living assignment

  • 1. Assignment 1 Course Title: Art Of Living Course Code: AOL 301 Submitted To: Submitted By: Anika Ohab ID:142-15-3568 Abul Hasnath ID:142-15-3532 Umme Habiba ID: 142-15-3677 Shahinur Rahman ID: 142-15-3606 Nurul Mohammad Zayed Sr.Lecturer Department of BBA
  • 2. Q 01: How can you motivate yourself for cherishing a new way of thinking for better living? There is no doubt that everyone desires to live a better living but some time it may not possible as we need to motivate ourselves for gaining this dreaming fact. Actually about this, I have some personal opinions how we motivate ourselves. Firstly, we need to think positive about ourselves as negative thinking is like a virus that attacks us positive acts and be daring to take rick which can be changed our live towards better life. Secondly, we need to reduce limiting beliefs about ourselves that it’s impossible for me to do or I don’t know how to do or I have no experience about this. So, such kind of self-created negative thinking should be removed. Thirdly, self-created destroyer like anger, frustration, insist, inner- confliction that means negative emotion need to be reduced as it’s like a silent killer of our potentiality. Lastly, we need to be discover something new that get rid of from our daily-routine life. It enhances our working ability and makes our life colorful and better. We have to be satisfied with what we have and taken a level best effort for betterment. So, a dynamic progressing life turned into happiness and makes our life better.
  • 3. Q 02: Explain the importance of unlearning in learning for continuous growth. The world is changing quite rapidly and we need to constantly learn new tricks if we want to keep up with the market we work in. Learning the new-new thing is often seen as the key to success. This attitude has it all backwards; it’s not learning that is the challenge, it’s our ability to unlearn that’s holding many of us back. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those that cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. —Alvin Toffler Anytime that we’re attempting to learn something new this new thing is measured against what we already know. If we put more weight on what we already know, on tradition and our inherited past, then it will be harder to learn the new. The standard which new learning is measured against will be tougher, and we’ll be less willing to set aside our existing assumptions and accept new knowledge if it contradicts what we already know. If we put more weight on what we’re seeing today – on new data – then learning something that conflicts with our assumptions will be comparatively easier, as we will place more weight on what we see than what we remember and we’ll more willing to change our assumptions. The world is changing more rapidly than ever, making it increasingly import for us to adapt if we want to remain relevant. While learning is important if we want to keep up, unlearning is what really enables us to adapt and remain relevant.
  • 4. Q 03: How to create synergy of learning and unlearning for effective development and living? Creating synergy of learning and unlearning for effective development and living is so mush needful for ours. There are several factors of effective development and living. These are discussed in below- 1. Goals or purposes-finding: Each and everyone have a goal. A goal should be set to each pupil according to the standard expected to him. A goal is an aim or desired result Goals should be specific and clear, so that learners understand. 2. Motivational behavior: Motivation means to provide with a motive. Motivation learners should be motivated so that they stimulate themselves with interest. 3. Interest-creating: This is a quality that arouses a feeling. It encourages a student to move over tasks further. During teaching, the instructor must raise interests among students for the best learning. 4. Attention-ability: Attention means consideration. It is concentration or focusing of consciousness upon one object or an idea. If effective learning should take place attention is essential. Instructors must secure the attention of the student. 5. Drill or practice: This method includes respiting the tasks “n” number of times like needs, phrases, principles, etc. This makes learning more effective. 6. Aptitude: Aptitude is natural ability. It is a condition in which an individuals ability to acquire certain skills, knowledge through training. 7. Attitude: It is a way of thinking. The attitude of the student must be tested to find out how much inclination he or she has for learning a subject or topic. 8. Emotional conditions: Emotions are strong feelings. Learning and unlearning teaches us how to control it and when we need to
  • 5. express it .Here unlearning plays an important role for reducing negative emotion. 9. Speed, Accuracy and retention: Speed is the rapidity of movement. Retention is the act of retaining. These 3 elements depend upon aptitude, attitude, interest, attention and motivation of the students. 10. Guidance: Everyone needs guidance in some part or some time in life. Some need it constantly and some very rarely depending on the student’s conditions. Small learners need more guidance. Guidance is an advice to solve a problem. Guidance covers the whole gamut of learner’s problems- learning as well as non- learning. 11. Patience: learning and unlearning teaches us it how to be patience. It’s a really important thing to be successful. 12. Mentally-strong: managing mental situation is very hard. From learning and unlearning we can get huge knowledge of our regular human being. This knowledge can make us strong enough to handle future hard situation. 13. Be practical: A person can be practical if he/she has enough knowledge about socialism and having lots of sense of humor. We get all these from learning and unlearning. 14. Survival-ability: Survival is the fittest and a man can be fit for defend and handle any rough situation if they have knowledge by learning and unlearning. 15. Managing-stress: Potentiality of hard working of a man depend how many works he/she done before gradually day by day. If a
  • 6. man continue a process of learning and unlearning in regular basis then his/her adoptability will be increased. Q 04: How to make learning circuit functional? We know relationship or expression which is involving one or more things (variables) is called function .knowledge is acquired through experience, study, or being taught and this recursive process is called learning. Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, plants and some machines. Human learning may occur as part of education, personal development, schooling, or training. It may be goal-oriented and may be aided by motivation. The study of how learning occurs is part of educational psychology, neuropsychology, learning theory, and pedagogy. Progress over time tends to follow a learning curve. It does not happen all at once, but builds upon and is shaped by previous knowledge. To that end, learning may be viewed as a process, rather than a collection of factual and procedural knowledge. Learning produces changes in the organism and the changes produced are relatively permanent. So, learning is dependent on various kinds of variable. .
  • 7. Q 05: What is society? Explain its role in developing behavioral and humanitarian quality at individual level. Answer: Society describes a group of people who share similar values, laws and traditions living in organized communities for mutual benefits. Members of society often share religions, politics or culture. A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups. The final level of complexity of a society depends on its ability to interact with its environment. as unacceptable behavior to be eradicated, or as realistic mechanisms to decrease the risk of collapse of the society . Information on the quality of individual lives and other humanitarian concerns related to development, but it allows the definition of energy budget constraints. a solution sought for humanitarian reasons is feasible, in practical and sustainable terms, for a defined society. The final level of complexity of a society depends on its ability to interact with its environment. ... The model for analyzing energy efficiency at societal level, presented in this paper, does not provide information on the quality of individual lives and other humanitarian
  • 8. concerns related ... whether a solution sought for humanitarian reasons is feasible, in practical and sustain Thus, although social activism often occurs as a reaction to society's needs and problems, individuals who choose to get ... Furthermore, though the choice to get involved may occur at an individual level, the actions of individuals add up to produce ... level (such as making new friends), as well as benefits that accrue over time (such as a better overall quality of life) Psychologists attempting to expellable terms, for a defined society. Ethics is the study of rational decision making toward action. The code of Ethics is for every one living in society and people need to be developed at individual and community level. Develop mandatory human qualities that can ensure continuous growth of individual and sustainable peace in this world. Q 06: How to create synergy among personal, social and global professionalism in relation to etiquette and behavior? Answer: When a society is undergoing such a situation, corruption can never be an issue of significance because corruption is all about destroying ethics. In a society where ethics is considered not significant, campaigns on nation-building cannot bear expected results. Our society, tragically, has been overwhelmed by the ‘felt need’ factor today. But the bigger tragedy is to observe our society moving towards such a trend in a happy indifference affecting our psyche and imagination in a peculiar way. The absence of a right conscience or genuine dissenting voices has caused the desolate situation which vividly denotes where our moral landscape stand.
  • 9. It is highly expected from everyone to understand the culture of his workspace and thus, it becomes essential to follow some basic professional etiquette. The basis of professional etiquette stands on the ethics of respecting every individual in their workplace and displaying well-mannered behavior in business interactions. Some of the basics professional etiquette tips are mentioned below Conversation Etiquette  Listening attentively a good listener is always dear to every client. Speak only when the speaker has finished.  Keeping a low but clear and lam voice while conversing.  Contacting eyes. While conversing looking into the eyes of listener always is meaningful rather looking elsewhere. Handshake Etiquette  Keeping fingers titled down and your thumb up during shaking hand.  While shaking hands, greet the person by looking into his/her eyes is essential.  Limiting the time of handshakes from 2 to 3 seconds and talking hand back gracefully is highly expected  Avoid patting on the back of the hand. Dressing Etiquette  Wearing neat and nicely pressed formal clothes.  Women should avoid wearing exposing dresses and choose for little but natural make-ups.  Shoes with right polish.  Keeping nails clean. Introduction and Greeting Etiquette  During introduction, either shake hands or nod your head.  If you are in change of introducing other people always introduce the lower ranked person to the higher ranked one.
  • 10.  In first introduced, stand up to meet the person. Electronic Communication Etiquette  Keep official mails preferably short and praise.  During participation in conference calls introduce all the participants to each other at the beginning.  While speaking over telephones, Always greet the other person while starting and ending the call.  Including you’re on tact details and the date while sending faxes. Dining Etiquette  Being courteous during official dinners. Offer the seat your guest first. If you are the guest, be punctual and thank the host for the dinner.  Initiate conversations while waiting for the food.  Avoid opening your mouth and chewing food.  Avoid looking at others plate and pointing eyes on particular food.  Avoid pointing the knife or fork towards the other person while eating and speaking.  Allow your guest to select the menu and wine.  Avoid talking when there is food in your mouth Q 07: How to learn lifetime performance by developing social, ethical and intellectual abilities depending on practical need? Answer: Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable us to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life, in other words psychosocial competency. They are a set of human skills acquired via teaching or direct experience that are used to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human
  • 11. life. The subject varies greatly depending on social norms and community expectations but skills that functions for well-being and aid individuals to develop into active and productive members of their communities are considered as life skills. We all human being had different level of life at different age. We have personal life and professional life. In both lives we have to face different situation. In those all types of situations we need to have some qualities that define us as human. We need to culture those qualities from the very early stages of our lives so that we can apply those on the different practical scenarios of life. Particularly we have to have social abilities that connects us with other peoples, ethical abilities that makes us being honest and morally strong and intellectual abilities that helps us solve technical problems in our day to day lives. If we want to pass and perform well in our practical life we will apply those abilities. Applying and developing these we can achieve lifetime performance in the different stages of our life. For example we are now students of university. We have many people around us. We have our friends, classmates, seniors, juniors, teachers, and many other ranked persons. We need to communicate with them continuously for different purposes. Also others communicate with us for their different purposes. So we do not socialize with other people we will not be able to solve many of our problems as well as helping others to solve their problems. Social abilities include communicate with others, speaking and discussing different social issues and performing actively to solve those. Ethics is another dimension of human behavior. Ethics consists of many aspects of integrity i.e. truthfulness, honesty, morality etc. In every stage we need to have these ethical values for ensuring a better and healthy life. We have to be morally strong within ourselves so that we do not do
  • 12. any bad deeds. We will behave well irrespective of one’s social status. We should do any corruptive activities in any of our works. And most importantly we have to be intellectual ability alongside with all human qualities, because in our practical life we face many unpredictable situations where only intellectual capabilities work. For technical problems we have solve it by our intellectual abilities. Like this we have to apply these abilities in all stages of our lives. Q 08: How to become self-guardian or director to face unpredictable or unscripted life and living? Answer: To learn effective lifetime performance by developing social, ethical and intellectual abilities depending on practical need. We need to become a self-guardian or director to face unpredictable or unscripted life and living. How we are performing unpredictable life, what kind of self-guardianship is mandatory to develop, how to create history of living in this beautiful world. First we need to detect the mistakes we do in our regular life. And need to gain a sense of competence by making and learning from our own mistake and by being held accountable for our own actions. Maybe we will be much happier and more effective people if we can take the time and the energy to understand who we are and how people know us! Anyone can build or can change careers several times, if he/she can grow and try to create positive change in the world. It’s important that more you are becoming aware of how your actions affect others now and in the future and then more you will be able to effectively communicate and motive. Knowing great peoples life, living history etc. Always can help anyone to write personal history by doing things practically.
  • 13. Q 09: How to reform essential skills for 21st century survival by young people and community? Ans: To reform essential skills for 21st century survival, young people need to do this. • Thinking critically and making judgments about the barrage of information that comes their way every day—on the Web, in the media, in homes, workplaces and everywhere else. Critical thinking empowers Americans to assess the credibility, accuracy and value of information, analyze and evaluate information, make Reasoned decisions and take purposeful action. • Solving complex, multidisciplinary, open-ended problems that all workers, in every kind of workplace, Encounter routinely. The challenges workers face don’t come in a multiple-choice format and typically don’t Have a single right answer. Nor can they be neatly categorized as “math problems,” for example, or passed Off to someone at a higher pay grade. Businesses expect employees at all levels to identify problems, think Through solutions and alternatives, and explore new options if their approaches don’t pan out. Often, this Work involves groups of people with different knowledge and skills who, collectively, add value to their Organizations. • Creativity and entrepreneurial thinking—a skill set highly associated with job creation. . Many of the fastest-growing jobs and emerging industries rely on
  • 14. Workers’ creative capacity—the ability to think unconventionally, question the herd, imagine new scenarios And produce astonishing work. Likewise, Americans can create jobs for themselves and others with an Entrepreneurial mindset—the ability to recognize and act on opportunities and the willingness to embrace Risk and responsibility, for example. • Communicating and collaborating with teams of people across cultural, geographic and language Boundaries—a necessity in diverse and multinational workplaces and communities. Mutually beneficial Relationships are a central undercurrent to accomplishments in businesses—and it’s not only top managers Who represent companies anymore? All Americans must be skilled at interacting competently and respectfully With others. • Making innovative use of knowledge, information and opportunities to create new services, Processes and products. The global marketplace rewards organizations that rapidly and routinely find better Ways of doing things. Companies want workers who can contribute in this environment. • Taking charge of financial, health and civic responsibilities and making wise choices. From deciding How to invest their savings to choosing a health care plan, Americans need more specialized skills—simply Because the options are increasingly complex and the consequences of poor decisions could be dire.
  • 15. These skills, comprehensively articulated by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and highlighted on page 13, Will withstand the test of time, fluctuations in the economy and the marketplace, and dynamic Employment demands. Q 10: How you would like to be in real life setting? Ans: In real life I want to be a hardworking & self-confident creative person. I want to do something new thinking out of the box other people do. I want to0 create a new world which is better than ever. I want to do something that is helpful for both me & others. To be a good social & family member I want unlearn my bad habits. I want to maintain all the etiquettes. I will behave well with people I know or don’t know, friends, colleague 7 off course family members, my parents. Parents are the most important persons we have in our life. I want to be so careful to them, respect their thoughts & judgment to me. In real life setting I want to be a global person with good communicative skill. I want to be helpful to other people & make sure I don’t cause harm to other. To do all these I need to be a self-guardian. I will try all these in my real life setting. Q 11: How to become a self-evaluation expert and developmental? Answer: Self-evaluation power is most important for our life. Self- evaluation means own activities evaluation. Through self-evaluation we easily identify our lacking. This is helpful to maintain our life. Development of our thinking power we become self-evaluation expert’s performing self-evaluation thinking power is must. When we done any work we should done evaluation too, through this we become self- evaluation expert.
  • 16. Every time we should believe that when we do any work also we should do evaluation .it helps to find out our works lacking and done the work properly. If we maintain it every time and we believe evaluation is must and also we believe that it is a part of our work. Then we become self- evaluation expert. Sometimes people do this bad work and we blame the people but we cannot think if I am the same stage then what can we do. If we can develop thinking power then we cannot blame people. If we develop our thinking power always we also become a self- evaluation expert and development of self-evaluation power. Q 12: How to develop effective style of living skills among young people for lifetime growth? Answer: Day by Day, young generation from every nation become the box of excitement with low level of moral values and away from living a proper nice life with good adventure. Their lifestyle is sticking around in sofas and in front of TV, laptops and mobile phones. All day long they have got using social network, chatting, and gaming –a total lazy and useless lifestyle. So doing recreational works and maintaining moral values and good connection with family and friends, being punctual and perseverance are ways to be followed. To develop effective style of living skill among young people for lifetime growth following skill must be needed.  Cognitive autonomy  Self-esteem.  Attitude  Personal Development  Creativity  Solving problems.  Finding passion  Independence
  • 17.  Thinking Out of box  Being happy on their own  Tolerance  Identity Development Q 13: How to achieve self-guardianship? Answer: When we can't make decisions for yourself because of our disability, the law can take away or limit your right to make decisions about how to live our life and give someone else permission to make the decisions, instead of you. This is called guardianship. How guardianship can start A person who thinks you need a guardianship writes to the probate court to ask the probate court to make a guardianship for you, and tells the probate court the reasons why the person thinks you need a guardianship. The probate court then decides if it is a good idea to talk about a guardianship for you. If the probate court decides that it is a good idea to talk about a guardianship for you, the probate court will tell you and other people to come to court to talk about guardianship. When you and the other people come to court the probate court will listen to everyone's side of the story and then decide if you need a guardianship. Is guardianship for you? If the probate court believes that you can't make decisions because of your disability, the probate court might make a guardianship for you. A probate court might make a guardianship for you because the probate court believes: • We can't make decisions, that will get you what most people think you need, and • Someone else can make decisions that will get you what most people think you need. Even though guardianship may get you what most people think you need, guardianship also takes away or limits your rights by thinking about what is in your best interests. This means making a decision that most people would think is the right thing for you. It may not be what you like. Making decisions in your best interests is a rule the guardian has to
  • 18. follow. The probate court makes this rule. If you do not like a guardian's decisions you may be able to do something about it