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What Is Learning Essay
What is Learning
Learning is commonly defined as the process that groups together cognitive, emotional & environmental influences & experiences for
acquiring & enhancing personal knowledge, skills & values etc. (Ormorod, 1995; IIIeris, 2000). It is knowledge acquired by study. A
Learner wishes to gain & commit to memory new skills, to be taught, to find out & acquire knowledge. Learning is simply not just to listen
but to build on prior knowledge & transform information into intellectual activity.
Some people learn by "Having a go." They try something out sooner rather than later then reflect on it later either alone or in discussion with others,
Retrospective reflection.
Other learners are more kinetic more content...
(Rogers 2003).
Formalized & Acquisition learning contrasting as they are can appear in the same context as both are present in families & schools so the
mix of the two can be thought of as forming a continuum.
Incidental Learning or unintentional, accidental learning events occur continuously throughout our lives. We learn through acquisition methods which
happen during the course of some other activity, be it experimental or life related even though the focus is still on another task.
Facilitative learning (developed by Rogers & others) with the educator acting as a facilitator by creating an atmosphere in which learners are
comfortable, consider new ideas & not threatened by external factors. (Laird 1985)
Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning & provide much of the input for the learning through their experiences
& insights.
Experimental learning has a four stage process as set out by Kolb & can begin at any stage it is continuous & has no limits to the number of
cycles you can make in a learning situation. (Mc Gill & Beatty 1995).
So what is learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour with behaviour including observation, thinking, attitude & emotions.
(Burns 1995.)
My own conclusion
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Learning Behavior Essays
Learning Behavior
Psychologists have preformed many studies and proposed many theories regarding learning. Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change
in behavior that is due to past experience. John B. Watson was an early psychologist that didn't agree with many other psychologist's ideas about
learning only relating to consciousness and thought processes. As the founder of behaviorism, Watson studied learning in a behavioral perspective, an
approach that emphasizes the relationship between outwardly observable behaviors and environmental events, rather than mental processes. Classical
conditioning is a process of learning associations between stimuli used by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist. more content...
Skinner believed that classical conditioning was limited to behaviors that are reflexively elicited. An operant describes behaviors that are "operate upon
the environment to generate consequences." Reinforcement follows an operant and increases the likelihood of the operant being repeated. There are
two forms of reinforcement: positive and negative reinforcement. When an event occurs producing a positive effect, it is considered positive
reinforcement. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of a stimulus increasing the likelihood of a positive effect. An example of this would be to
take two aspirins to remove the pain from a headache. Punishment is a process that decreases the likelihood of a behavior to occur again. This is not to
be confused with negative reinforcement because it doesn't increase the likelihood of an occurrence. There are drawbacks to punishment. It doesn't
teach an appropriate behavior to replace an inappropriate one. Also, intense punishment can lead to results such as passivity, fear, anxiety, or hostility.
Finally, effects of punishment are sometimes temporary. An alternative to punishment is trying to change the behavior of others. First, stop reinforcing
the problem behavior by identifying the reinforcer and eliminating it. When it is not possible to eliminate the reinforcement, remove the opportunity to
obtain positive reinforcement. An example of this would be time–out for a child because he or she is no longer
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Essay on Learning Can Be Fun
I hear I forget, I see I remember, I do I understand." These wise words said by Confucius himself may be one of the most fundamental tenants to
education and learning there is. The concept that Confucius lays out in this quote is that students learn best by taking an active role in their learning.
There is no point in telling students information they need to know, as it is usually just forgotten. At the same time, just visualizing a situation is not
enough for some students; it is vital that hands on and interactive experience is incorporated into learning. The idea of "interactive learning" is
commonly misinterpreted and undervalued, as it should be incorporated significantly into the day–to–day classroom activities of children of
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This misunderstanding is most likely due to misconceptions of the word "interactive". For the purposes of this paper, interactive refers to an
environment in which students feel safe to move about and take an active role in their learning. In fact, studies have shown that "the use of hand
gestures seems to make it easier for children to link their developing mental representations to aspects of the environment, and to facilitate new insights
during problem solving" (McLaren et al.).
In order to test this theory, a class of 20 kindergarteners were observed in numerous different environments, some being classified as "interactive",
while some were classified as "standard", or "normal classroom setting". For the interactive environment, students were pulled in groups of five to a
table, where they played a spelling game with each other, with the goal of learning and retaining all of the words that were used. As a control, the
students were tested before the game was started, so that the academic progress could be adequately measured. For the "normal classroom setting", all
20 kindergarteners were to sit on the floor as the teacher stood in front of them and taught them to spell the given words. After each environment was
tested, a spelling quiz was given out to the students, to gauge how much of what was taught was retained. The results were astounding. There was a
clear distinction
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E- Learning Essay
E– Learning in training has tremendous influence and foothold all over the world including in India and pushing them toward success. Innovative
technology is the key that develops the human resource base to improving people's lives. Rapid innovation in ICT is transforming the way employees
work, the way they interact, and the way they learn and apply in their day to day work. Centred on information technologies and the power that they
increasingly wield within the global economy, it can be asserted that e–learning has drivers that previous learning technologies lacked. E–learning is a
result of both rapid technological change and a response to the changes happening in culture and society itself. This provides opinion to a wide range of more content...
India is trying to address this gap by employing various strategies and methods and there is still massive scope for improvement in this field.
Comparing India with other countries, it cannot precisely be done due to the type of problems and diversities that it has. Diversity of geographical
regions is a huge challenge and on of the main issues that needs to assist. Compared to present world standards, is still definitely deficient. When
Indian economy was growing at a rate of 3.5 %, it had a surplus manpower. Even today about 6.5 lakh people go out of India every year. But now
when Indian economy had started growing at 8–9 %, there is shortage. Currently economy becoming globally linked, manufacturing practices,
technology, etc. has started becoming a little old–fashioned comparing to global standard (Asim Choudhury 2005). Need for e–learning The need for
advancement has been increasing and there would never be adequate amount of skilled labour available in the labour market; in addition to it, the
number and range of skills required of the average employee is increasing. Skills required are changing so quickly that they're outdated within a few
months of introduction along with technologies and business practices. E–learning acts as a training tool that provides flexibility, accessibility to the
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Essay on Learning How to Learn
Learning How to Learn There are four characteristics to Kolb's learning style. They are divergers, convergers, accommodators and assimilators.
Divergers are people whose strength lies in creative and imaginative ability. They excel in the ability to see concrete situations from many sides and
to come up with a lot of ideas. Convergers are the opposite of divergers. Convergers use the practical application of ideas. They do best in a situation
where there is one correct answer or solution and they can focus on same. Accommodators are good at carrying out plans and experiments. They also
involve themselves in new experiences. They are risk takers and do well in situations that require quick decisions and adaptations.
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Obviously, more than failures, or I would have already made a change. I bought bamboo one time that was supposed to be split in half. When I got
it, it was split into about twenty pieces. At first I was disappointed, but then I picked up a piece bamboo and thought about it. I ended up applying it
to the bar anyway. What started as an experiment, built on a hunch, turned out to be a new style of bar that people really love. The vast majority of
the time things work out great, but there is always the possibility of failure. One thing is for sure though, I always learn from my mistakes. My motto
is that, there are no such thing as mistakes, as long as you learn from them. As I stated earlier, I also rated tactile or kinesthetic in a few tests. One was
in the classroom textbook for this course. I totally agree with these tests and the outcome. I fit in with the tactile or kinesthetic traits unequivocally.
Some of the characteristics that fit me perfectly are:
1.Cannot sit still for long.
2.Does not have great handwriting.
3.Learns by touching and manipulating things.
4.Likes adventure books and movies.
5.Hands on approach to learning.
6.Takes breaks while studying.
7.Takes a lot of notes and uses a lot of scratch paper.
8.Learns by doing.
9.Is fidgety during lectures.
As I have already commented, this is totally me. Tactile or kinesthetic seems more like me than anything else I have seen or heard about. It is very
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Concept of Learning Essays
Kaplan University
Professor Missy Madden–Schlegel
September 26, 2010
Learning is defined as an experience that produces lasting change in the mind of the person receiving the knowledge. Learning can be conscious as in
memorizing scriptures from the bible and unconscious as in something happening without any deliberate efforts (Schacter et. al., 2009). From an
education standpoint, learning can also involve helping people by giving information that they can use in life. For the purposes of psychology, learning
is considered a change in behavior. In the case of Adam and Teri as described in the text, their learning occurred on the day their daughter turned one;
September 11, 2001. more content...
It was not necessary for Margie to touch the stove because she saw that it was the wrong thing to do. She observed the negative impact it had on her
brother when he touched it. If the results had been favorable for Rodney, I believe Margie would have imitated whatever her brother did. In looking
at how observational learning occurs in regards to the Bobo experiment, I see that after observing the adult model behave aggressively with the Bobo
doll, the children behaved in like manner. They too were very aggressive with the doll – kicking it, punching and jumping on it. This was the result of
no direct reinforcement from anyone. Bandura's idea that for observational learning to occur one must give attention to the behavior, retain the
observation of the behavior, have the motor skills to carry it out and also have the motivation to do so is true. Give Attention: In order to learn
something it is necessary to pay attention to what is going on. It is important for the observer to identify with some characteristics of the observed as I
mentioned earlier – it makes it easier to pay attention and to retain the behavior. Retain Observation: It is also important to retain what is observed so
it can be remember at some later time; especially if not allowed to repeat the behavior right away. Have Motor Skills: The key here is that the
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Essay about Learning Styles
Learning Styles
The reason for doing this report is to try and discover which is my best and worst way to learn and then to come up with a strategy for improving my
ability to learn. The first thing that I need to do is research what different learning styles there is, after I have done this I can determine what are my
preferred learning styles.
Types of Learning Styles After doing some research I have discovered that there are four main ways of learning. For each of these four ways there is a
continuum, this continuum determines which particular style somebody may prefer.
The first continuum of learning is Active and Reflective, this style is to do with the way in which a person may go about his/her learning.
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For three of the continuums I was biased towards one particular style, these are active, visual and global. This would indicate that I learn best when I
can get involved and try things out. It also indicates that I absorb information best when it is presented visually in things such as diagrams, tables,
graphs etc. furthermore, the test showed is that I learn best if I get an overview of the whole topic before I start concentrating on the smaller details.
The final thing that this test points out is that I?m neither sensing nor intuitive. Due to this I am able to learn the facts surrounding a subject but I am
also able to grasp theories and ideas. I absolutely agree with the results of this test and would say it is a fair judgement on my learning preferences.
My Learning Style Weaknesses are? As discussed before the best learners have a balanced learning style and therefore my greatest weakness is that
I don?t have the ability to adapt my learning style to all situations. Because of this I may miss out on some vital information because it isn?t
presented in a format that I am totally comfortable with. Even though I am a good learner when I learn actively I don?t learn as well when there is
nothing practical for me to take part in, in order to re–enforce the things that I have learnt. I also find it difficult to absorb information when it is not
presented in a visual format. Another weakness of mine is that in
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E-learning Essay
E–learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past decade in several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has
been focus on e–learning, this is due to the recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is widely seen due to the connected economy,
become intangible and fast growing among organizations. Due to emerging MNC's, globalisation has become one of the most important criteria to
increase flexibility of communications, and hence become vital among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e–learning and large investments made
on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet been recognized, due to the ongoing structural changes among managements. The
problem more content...
It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio– and videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV,
CD–ROM, and more. E–learning programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can access, where face–to–face instruction is not
possible because the very nature is that it is borderless and potentially global in scope. With e–learning methods, training can take place on–demand,
and trainees can be given greater control over their learning than ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control has the potential to improve
training effectiveness. E–learning courses add value to traditional learning modes by offering self–paced or live, instructed training classes.
Specifically, self–paced courses can be taken at the employee's leisure and are good for self–motivated persons. Typically these types of courses can be
taken at convenience of the busy workers as well as for globally dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be broadened and customized
(Marc J. Rosenberg & Steven Foreman 2010). Live e–learning is capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval, distribution and sharing of instruction
and information. Soft skills such as management, leadership, or team building can be tackled in this environment. However, this type of training works
best if the class size is limited to 25
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What Is Learning Essay

  • 1. What Is Learning Essay What is Learning Learning is commonly defined as the process that groups together cognitive, emotional & environmental influences & experiences for acquiring & enhancing personal knowledge, skills & values etc. (Ormorod, 1995; IIIeris, 2000). It is knowledge acquired by study. A Learner wishes to gain & commit to memory new skills, to be taught, to find out & acquire knowledge. Learning is simply not just to listen but to build on prior knowledge & transform information into intellectual activity. Some people learn by "Having a go." They try something out sooner rather than later then reflect on it later either alone or in discussion with others, Retrospective reflection. Other learners are more kinetic more content... (Rogers 2003). Formalized & Acquisition learning contrasting as they are can appear in the same context as both are present in families & schools so the mix of the two can be thought of as forming a continuum. Incidental Learning or unintentional, accidental learning events occur continuously throughout our lives. We learn through acquisition methods which happen during the course of some other activity, be it experimental or life related even though the focus is still on another task. Facilitative learning (developed by Rogers & others) with the educator acting as a facilitator by creating an atmosphere in which learners are comfortable, consider new ideas & not threatened by external factors. (Laird 1985) Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning & provide much of the input for the learning through their experiences & insights. Experimental learning has a four stage process as set out by Kolb & can begin at any stage it is continuous & has no limits to the number of cycles you can make in a learning situation. (Mc Gill & Beatty 1995). So what is learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour with behaviour including observation, thinking, attitude & emotions. (Burns 1995.) My own conclusion
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. Learning Behavior Essays Learning Behavior Psychologists have preformed many studies and proposed many theories regarding learning. Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that is due to past experience. John B. Watson was an early psychologist that didn't agree with many other psychologist's ideas about learning only relating to consciousness and thought processes. As the founder of behaviorism, Watson studied learning in a behavioral perspective, an approach that emphasizes the relationship between outwardly observable behaviors and environmental events, rather than mental processes. Classical conditioning is a process of learning associations between stimuli used by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist. more content... Skinner believed that classical conditioning was limited to behaviors that are reflexively elicited. An operant describes behaviors that are "operate upon the environment to generate consequences." Reinforcement follows an operant and increases the likelihood of the operant being repeated. There are two forms of reinforcement: positive and negative reinforcement. When an event occurs producing a positive effect, it is considered positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of a stimulus increasing the likelihood of a positive effect. An example of this would be to take two aspirins to remove the pain from a headache. Punishment is a process that decreases the likelihood of a behavior to occur again. This is not to be confused with negative reinforcement because it doesn't increase the likelihood of an occurrence. There are drawbacks to punishment. It doesn't teach an appropriate behavior to replace an inappropriate one. Also, intense punishment can lead to results such as passivity, fear, anxiety, or hostility. Finally, effects of punishment are sometimes temporary. An alternative to punishment is trying to change the behavior of others. First, stop reinforcing the problem behavior by identifying the reinforcer and eliminating it. When it is not possible to eliminate the reinforcement, remove the opportunity to obtain positive reinforcement. An example of this would be time–out for a child because he or she is no longer Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Learning Can Be Fun I hear I forget, I see I remember, I do I understand." These wise words said by Confucius himself may be one of the most fundamental tenants to education and learning there is. The concept that Confucius lays out in this quote is that students learn best by taking an active role in their learning. There is no point in telling students information they need to know, as it is usually just forgotten. At the same time, just visualizing a situation is not enough for some students; it is vital that hands on and interactive experience is incorporated into learning. The idea of "interactive learning" is commonly misinterpreted and undervalued, as it should be incorporated significantly into the day–to–day classroom activities of children of more content... This misunderstanding is most likely due to misconceptions of the word "interactive". For the purposes of this paper, interactive refers to an environment in which students feel safe to move about and take an active role in their learning. In fact, studies have shown that "the use of hand gestures seems to make it easier for children to link their developing mental representations to aspects of the environment, and to facilitate new insights during problem solving" (McLaren et al.). In order to test this theory, a class of 20 kindergarteners were observed in numerous different environments, some being classified as "interactive", while some were classified as "standard", or "normal classroom setting". For the interactive environment, students were pulled in groups of five to a table, where they played a spelling game with each other, with the goal of learning and retaining all of the words that were used. As a control, the students were tested before the game was started, so that the academic progress could be adequately measured. For the "normal classroom setting", all 20 kindergarteners were to sit on the floor as the teacher stood in front of them and taught them to spell the given words. After each environment was tested, a spelling quiz was given out to the students, to gauge how much of what was taught was retained. The results were astounding. There was a clear distinction Get more content on
  • 5. E- Learning Essay E– Learning in training has tremendous influence and foothold all over the world including in India and pushing them toward success. Innovative technology is the key that develops the human resource base to improving people's lives. Rapid innovation in ICT is transforming the way employees work, the way they interact, and the way they learn and apply in their day to day work. Centred on information technologies and the power that they increasingly wield within the global economy, it can be asserted that e–learning has drivers that previous learning technologies lacked. E–learning is a result of both rapid technological change and a response to the changes happening in culture and society itself. This provides opinion to a wide range of more content... India is trying to address this gap by employing various strategies and methods and there is still massive scope for improvement in this field. Comparing India with other countries, it cannot precisely be done due to the type of problems and diversities that it has. Diversity of geographical regions is a huge challenge and on of the main issues that needs to assist. Compared to present world standards, is still definitely deficient. When Indian economy was growing at a rate of 3.5 %, it had a surplus manpower. Even today about 6.5 lakh people go out of India every year. But now when Indian economy had started growing at 8–9 %, there is shortage. Currently economy becoming globally linked, manufacturing practices, technology, etc. has started becoming a little old–fashioned comparing to global standard (Asim Choudhury 2005). Need for e–learning The need for advancement has been increasing and there would never be adequate amount of skilled labour available in the labour market; in addition to it, the number and range of skills required of the average employee is increasing. Skills required are changing so quickly that they're outdated within a few months of introduction along with technologies and business practices. E–learning acts as a training tool that provides flexibility, accessibility to the user. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Learning How to Learn Learning How to Learn There are four characteristics to Kolb's learning style. They are divergers, convergers, accommodators and assimilators. Divergers are people whose strength lies in creative and imaginative ability. They excel in the ability to see concrete situations from many sides and to come up with a lot of ideas. Convergers are the opposite of divergers. Convergers use the practical application of ideas. They do best in a situation where there is one correct answer or solution and they can focus on same. Accommodators are good at carrying out plans and experiments. They also involve themselves in new experiences. They are risk takers and do well in situations that require quick decisions and adaptations. more content... Obviously, more than failures, or I would have already made a change. I bought bamboo one time that was supposed to be split in half. When I got it, it was split into about twenty pieces. At first I was disappointed, but then I picked up a piece bamboo and thought about it. I ended up applying it to the bar anyway. What started as an experiment, built on a hunch, turned out to be a new style of bar that people really love. The vast majority of the time things work out great, but there is always the possibility of failure. One thing is for sure though, I always learn from my mistakes. My motto is that, there are no such thing as mistakes, as long as you learn from them. As I stated earlier, I also rated tactile or kinesthetic in a few tests. One was in the classroom textbook for this course. I totally agree with these tests and the outcome. I fit in with the tactile or kinesthetic traits unequivocally. Some of the characteristics that fit me perfectly are: 1.Cannot sit still for long. 2.Does not have great handwriting. 3.Learns by touching and manipulating things. 4.Likes adventure books and movies. 5.Hands on approach to learning. 6.Takes breaks while studying. 7.Takes a lot of notes and uses a lot of scratch paper. 8.Learns by doing. 9.Is fidgety during lectures. As I have already commented, this is totally me. Tactile or kinesthetic seems more like me than anything else I have seen or heard about. It is very
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Concept of Learning Essays THE CONCEPT OF LEARNING Kaplan University SS124–29 Professor Missy Madden–Schlegel September 26, 2010 Learning is defined as an experience that produces lasting change in the mind of the person receiving the knowledge. Learning can be conscious as in memorizing scriptures from the bible and unconscious as in something happening without any deliberate efforts (Schacter et. al., 2009). From an education standpoint, learning can also involve helping people by giving information that they can use in life. For the purposes of psychology, learning is considered a change in behavior. In the case of Adam and Teri as described in the text, their learning occurred on the day their daughter turned one; September 11, 2001. more content... It was not necessary for Margie to touch the stove because she saw that it was the wrong thing to do. She observed the negative impact it had on her brother when he touched it. If the results had been favorable for Rodney, I believe Margie would have imitated whatever her brother did. In looking at how observational learning occurs in regards to the Bobo experiment, I see that after observing the adult model behave aggressively with the Bobo doll, the children behaved in like manner. They too were very aggressive with the doll – kicking it, punching and jumping on it. This was the result of no direct reinforcement from anyone. Bandura's idea that for observational learning to occur one must give attention to the behavior, retain the observation of the behavior, have the motor skills to carry it out and also have the motivation to do so is true. Give Attention: In order to learn something it is necessary to pay attention to what is going on. It is important for the observer to identify with some characteristics of the observed as I mentioned earlier – it makes it easier to pay attention and to retain the behavior. Retain Observation: It is also important to retain what is observed so it can be remember at some later time; especially if not allowed to repeat the behavior right away. Have Motor Skills: The key here is that the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Learning Styles Learning Styles The reason for doing this report is to try and discover which is my best and worst way to learn and then to come up with a strategy for improving my ability to learn. The first thing that I need to do is research what different learning styles there is, after I have done this I can determine what are my preferred learning styles. Types of Learning Styles After doing some research I have discovered that there are four main ways of learning. For each of these four ways there is a continuum, this continuum determines which particular style somebody may prefer. The first continuum of learning is Active and Reflective, this style is to do with the way in which a person may go about his/her learning. more content... For three of the continuums I was biased towards one particular style, these are active, visual and global. This would indicate that I learn best when I can get involved and try things out. It also indicates that I absorb information best when it is presented visually in things such as diagrams, tables, graphs etc. furthermore, the test showed is that I learn best if I get an overview of the whole topic before I start concentrating on the smaller details. The final thing that this test points out is that I?m neither sensing nor intuitive. Due to this I am able to learn the facts surrounding a subject but I am also able to grasp theories and ideas. I absolutely agree with the results of this test and would say it is a fair judgement on my learning preferences. My Learning Style Weaknesses are? As discussed before the best learners have a balanced learning style and therefore my greatest weakness is that I don?t have the ability to adapt my learning style to all situations. Because of this I may miss out on some vital information because it isn?t presented in a format that I am totally comfortable with. Even though I am a good learner when I learn actively I don?t learn as well when there is nothing practical for me to take part in, in order to re–enforce the things that I have learnt. I also find it difficult to absorb information when it is not presented in a visual format. Another weakness of mine is that in Get more content on
  • 10. E-learning Essay E–learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past decade in several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has been focus on e–learning, this is due to the recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is widely seen due to the connected economy, become intangible and fast growing among organizations. Due to emerging MNC's, globalisation has become one of the most important criteria to increase flexibility of communications, and hence become vital among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e–learning and large investments made on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet been recognized, due to the ongoing structural changes among managements. The problem more content... It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio– and videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV, CD–ROM, and more. E–learning programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can access, where face–to–face instruction is not possible because the very nature is that it is borderless and potentially global in scope. With e–learning methods, training can take place on–demand, and trainees can be given greater control over their learning than ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control has the potential to improve training effectiveness. E–learning courses add value to traditional learning modes by offering self–paced or live, instructed training classes. Specifically, self–paced courses can be taken at the employee's leisure and are good for self–motivated persons. Typically these types of courses can be taken at convenience of the busy workers as well as for globally dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be broadened and customized (Marc J. Rosenberg & Steven Foreman 2010). Live e–learning is capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval, distribution and sharing of instruction and information. Soft skills such as management, leadership, or team building can be tackled in this environment. However, this type of training works best if the class size is limited to 25 Get more content on