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           How Can Socratian Methods Facilitate
          E-Learning in the Business Environment?

                                         Eleni Goule1 and Filippos Stamatiadis2
                              1Technological   Education Institute of Piraeus, Egaleo, Greece
                              2   Technological Education Institute of Athens, Egaleo, Greece

Abstract—Information and Communication Technology is               As Gunasekaran [4] states the e-learning will succeed to
changing at an alarming pace creating new forms of learn-          provide faster learning at reduced costs, increased access
ing, such as electronic learning, which seems to be very ap-       to learning process and clear accountability for all partici-
pealing nowadays across all the business sectors. The pur-         pants in order to allow individuals and organizations to
pose of this paper is to discuss how the pillars of Socrates       keep up with changes in the global economy and turn this
philosophy can be applied in the development of a successful       change into a competitive advantage.
e-learning program within a business environment. Con-                Towards this reality many frameworks [5; 6] have been
cepts such as language, individual truth, field of expertise,      adopted so as to establish a successful outcome in the
conformity to law and ethics of different infrastructures,
                                                                   prospect of life long education. But where did it all start?
personal contact, and intuition will be explored. A case
                                                                   The beginning of examining the needs of oneself and fur-
study is undertaken in order to identify whether the pro-
                                                                   thermore examining the needs of others started from an-
posed parameters can be adopted as relevant and effective
                                                                   cient philosophers. According to our view, philosophical
to the procedures of e-training within the HR department of
a multinational company in Greece. These concepts deter-
                                                                   enhancements brought frameworks that analyzed needs
mine key questions of the methodological approach that
                                                                   and successful implementation of different applications.
need to be answered in order to develop and implement an           This is how we came to the idea of re-reading Socrates
appropriate and cost-effective e-learning strategy which will      and analyzing in a pilot case-study how some of the con-
help the HR department identify successfully the needs of          cepts that are repeated in his last speech ‘apology’ can be
the employees and create a long-term impact of this state-of-      interpreted so as to form pillars that can be used to ac-
the art educational reality.                                       commodate the needs of the corporate environment where
                                                                   e-learning tools are applied.
Index Terms—e-learning, Socratian methods, framework,                 The purpose of this paper is to investigate and demon-
business environment.                                              strate the applicability and effectiveness of this idea in the
                                                                   e-learning context by using qualitative comments offered
                     I. INTRODUCTION                               by the HR department of a multinational company in
   ‘At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this        Greece and identify whether this framework can be used
small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not        as a complimentary method when deciding to develop and
know’ Socrates 469BC-399BC.                                        use e-learning applications as a means of transforming its
                                                                   workforce to a valuable human asset.
   In recent years, due to the transition from the industrial
economy to the post-industrial (knowledge and technol-                The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. The
ogy-driven) economy, the organizations are called to op-           next section analyses the 6 pillars that we have identified
erate in a continuous changeable and extremely competi-            and relate them to notions that can be used in the devel-
tive business environment by transforming their modus              opment of e-learning applications. Section 3 presents the
operandi. This speed of change, the rate at which new              research project by looking at the research methodology
knowledge and skills appear and become obsolete is re-             and the company profile. The research findings are part of
markable. Skills and knowledge acquired at school or at            section 4 which is followed by Section 5 that contains the
the beginning of a career are no longer sufficient during a        conclusions of the research.
worker’s entire professional life [1]. Knowledge, informa-             II. HYPOTHESIS: RE-READING ‘THE LAST DAYS OF
tion, and professional skills have a shorter lifetime than in
the past [2] and that is why there is a need of constant re-                               SOCRATES’
freshing to keep up with new technologies and trends.                 In his apology, Socrates used the renowned obstetric
   Throughout the literature there are many who have seen          method of teaching which is known as a means of drawing
the development of e-learning applications in the work-            from his students the probable answer through questioning
place as the most efficient and effective method of rapidly        [6]. In this process, there are concepts that penetrate his
distributing knowledge within the organization [2; 3] and          philosophy and form questions that relate to what we have
also as an answer to new trends and learning needs, such           decided to name as pillars.
as shorter life span of knowledge, lifelong learning,                 The pillars that we have chosen to identify and analyze
knowledge management, technological advances. Without              are language, individual truth, field of expertise, confor-
doubt, e-learning has gained a lot of attention during the         mity to law and ethics, personal contact and intuition [7;
last few years because it is considered to be a new method         8].
which will transform the training and learning landscape.

iJAC – Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2012                                                                                       21
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A. Language                                                       he ‘was remembered in the best possible light, and the
   The concept of language is very important in the speech        actual speech was not conspicuous for its success’ [8].
of apology right from the beginning. Socrates questions           Our hypothesis assumes that this relates to socialization in
the appropriateness of his language in teaching and states        relation to culture. In other words, what has been dis-
that ‘I am a complete stranger to the language of this            cussed as loss of human contact by various academics [14;
place’. In a way, he exemplifies the notion of language as        15; 16] is important especially when we are using e-
‘dialect’ and ‘manner’. Some of the devices that he uses          learning applications in cultures which rely more on per-
are ‘cross-examination’, ‘story-telling’ and ‘lecturing’. [8]     sonal contact and interaction (i.e. Mediterranean cultures
We propose that this relates to two notions used in the e-        against other cultures which are considered to be less ex-
learning development phase a) language proficiency, es-           travert).
pecially when implementing educational tools in a multi-          F. Intuition
national company and b) content relevance. The problem
of language management in multinational companies has                In the beginning of his speech Socrates states that what
been pinpointed by many authors [9] and it sometimes              his audience will hear will be improvised thoughts in the
forms a barrier in the effectiveness of e-learning applica-       first words that occur to him, confident as he is in the jus-
tions. Relevance, on the other hand, is viewed by authors         tice of his cause. Later on, in his talk after questioning
in educational [10] and linguistic theories [11] as an es-        men of different professions and poets among other he
sential dimension of communication and successful im-             says ‘I soon made up my mind about the poets too: I de-
plementation of learning technologies.                            cided that it was not wisdom that enabled them to write
                                                                  their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration’ [8]. The
B. Individual Truth                                               role of intuition in other words initiates creativity and de-
   Socrates warns his audience that ‘you are going to hear        velopment in the engagement of an activity. For the pur-
the whole truth’ [8]. The reason why he is using the ob-          poses of this paper, we are going to define intuition as a)
stetric method is meanly to draw the truth which is unique        inspiration and b) innovation that relates to breakthrough
for each individual. In a business setting, this relates to the   applications. Applications of this could be game-based
differentiated approach that each learner requires and the        learning and e-Adventure platforms and any other state-
differentiated methods that need to be used exclusively for       of-the art innovating applications [17].
every infrastructure. According to Scalise [12] ‘it is an                       III. THE RESEARCH PROJECT
approach to teaching which acknowledges that people
have multiple paths for learning and for making sense of          A. Research Methodology
ideas’.                                                              A case study was undertaken so as to identify whether
C. Field of expertise                                             the suggested framework could be adopted as relevant and
                                                                  effective to the procedures of the company. For this spe-
   The field of expertise is another distinctive concept.         cific research we were not interested in numbers and sta-
‘Who is the expert in perfecting the virtues of people in a
                                                                  tistics that were associated with quantitative research. Our
society?’ [8] Socrates asks. He is constantly looking for         goal was to explore and present the various subjective
the expert in each field and appreciates his personal opin-
                                                                  perspectives and opinions of the participants regarding the
ion. As far as the e-learning application is concerned, this      application of the six pillars. Therefore, what was consid-
question may refer to the person who is capable of identi-
                                                                  ered appropriate for the specific research was qualitative
fying and pointing out the needs for further tutoring, as         research.
well as participating in the e-learning process. In this re-
spect, we regard that a balanced partnership between the             The three main sources of data that are associated with
employees, the HR department and the designers is what            qualitative research and that we chose to implement were:
we are looking for or in other words ‘user-friendly inter-         Unstructured and semi structured interviewing,
faces’ between the involved parties [13].                          Personal observation, and
D. Conformity of law and ethics                                    Examination of documents [18].
   ‘I must obey the law and make my defense’ [8]. This               The main research questions were based on the six pil-
pillar is very crucial for the Socratian philosophy in the        lars mentioned above and had the following content:
sense that this great man devoted his entire life to his
                                                                   Question 1 deals with the issue of language connection
country’s service. Even though he was sentenced to death
                                                                     to the e-learning and e-training of employees.
for his beliefs and he had the chance to escape with the
help of his friend Criton, Socrates refused on the basis that      Question 2 refers to the concept of individual truth and
one must not disrespect the laws of his country [8]. The             the applicability of differentiated learning techniques
relation that can be established here regarding e-learning           and their effectiveness.
is a) corporate regulation and b) governmental legislation         Question 3 concerns the field of expertise of each em-
e.g. the funding resources provided by the government.               ployee. An analysis takes places on the identification of
                                                                     the educational needs and the selection of the teaching
E. Personal contact                                                  product addressed exclusively to each employee.
   Socrates did not leave anything written behind. The             Question 4 concerns a detailed description of the corpo-
content of his speech was delivered to us by Plato his stu-          rate regulations regarding training methods through
dent [6]. His great personality was enough to influence              new technologies, as well as governmental legislation
and inspire his descendants and prove the value of per-              concerning e-learning funding to an organization.
sonal contact through interviewing people and finding out
the truth for himself [8]. It is worthwhile mentioning that

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 Question 5 provides information in pointing the cul-          them to the six selected pillars of the Socratian philosophy
  tural obstacles that arise when it comes to corporate e-      as they have been defined for the needs of e-learning.
  learning applications.
                                                                A. Language
 Question 6 refers to innovative ways of attracting em-
  ployee interest in e-learning.                                   The two dimensions of language that were discussed
                                                                above play an important factor in the implementation of
   The required data was derived from the members of the        the e-learning. As far as language proficiency is con-
staff that are responsible for the formulation and imple-       cerned, the HR training specialist stated that the company
mentation of the e-learning policy and programs in the          carries out frequent language-audits in order to test the
form of extensive semi-structured interviews. In the proc-      employees’ language awareness and level. These language
ess of the case-study that was held between October and         checks are usually carried out by a certified external or-
November of 2010 other complimentary research tools             ganization. The problem of language skills was evident
were used such as the inspection of other sources of in-        also to members of the company staff who were holders of
formation minutes of meetings, policy handbooks, e-             degrees that were from English or American Institutions
learning training material, archival records, newsletters,      where there was no evident initial need to check their lan-
memoranda and the yearly Learning and Education                 guage skills. In order to identify this problem the man-
Analysis assessment program that the company undertook          agement decided to carry out part of the selection inter-
for the year 2010 and was published by the company’s            view in English. These two combined actions helped the
Human Capital Team [19].                                        e-learning process which was derived mainly from a huge
                                                                English database that the company used for educational
B. Company profile                                              purposes. According to the HR Manager indeed language
   The company was selected as appropriate for the aims         can be described as an obstacle in the effectiveness of the
of this case-study on the basis that it incorporates a long-    e-training especially when it comes to training non-native
established HR department that is highly depended on e-         speakers.
learning teaching procedures in order to educate its em-           In relation to content relevance, he pointed out that this
ployees. To be more specific, the company was estimated         notion is very important to the effectiveness of the corpo-
as ideal for the purpose of this paper since one third of the   rate e-learning applications. The company offers manda-
training of the employees is based on e-learning whereas        tory e-learning courses that are mostly related to proc-
the other two thirds rely on on-the-job training and in vivo    esses, legislation and technical knowledge e.g. learning
seminars. The two main interviewees were the two offi-          new accounting principles. These are called predefined
cials holding senior positions in the HR department, the        courses, they are available to the employees in the form of
HR Manager and the HR training specialist.                      seminars and they are industry specific. One interesting
   Overall, the company in question is part of a multina-       finding was that the company preferred classroom training
tional consulting organization that provides industry-          when the content relevance was strong in relation to the
focused assurance, tax and advisory services that date          needs of the employee. Both the participants of the learn-
back to the nineteenth century. The industry-focused ser-       ing and educational seminars and the HR department
vices offered in the fields of assurance, tax, human re-        chose to deliver in vivo experience seminars when it
sources, transactions, performance improvement and crisis       comes to managerial or leadership training.
management have helped resolve complex client and
stakeholder issues worldwide. The total number of people        B. Individual Truth
working for the company on an international level is               The concept of differentiated learning is a problem that
163.000 and their common goal is the creation of a net-         the HR department is currently facing. The HR training
work that shares their thinking, experience and solutions       specialist addresses the problem by saying ‘we are looking
to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. The         forward to differentiated learning techniques through e-
company that operates in Greece is the largest one provid-      learning technology in the future. One way to cope with
ing professional services in the country with premises in       the problem is by offering graded levels of the different
the two biggest cities in the country and approximately         applications. However, we understand that a customized
750 employees. The company in Athens is a separate legal        approach may not be cost-effective.’ Another factor when
entity and does not act as an agent of the mother company.      discussing differentiated learning was the time factor. ‘E-
However, all the branches share the same corporate cul-         learning according to our regulations can be done anytime.
ture and values. In respect to the HR management, the           Our employees can do it at their own pace during or after
company gets its guidelines from the mother company             working hours. This creates flexibility but sometimes it
which is also the provider of educational advice and long       does gives the sense that it is not something important that
term educational procedures that aim to enhance the pro-        needs to be done like on-the-job training or classroom
ductivity and market awareness of the employees.                training’.
                 IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS                          C. Field of expertise
   In this section, we present the findings of the case study      The notion of user friendly interfaces in relation to who
that took place at the company in question relying on           is going to decide what to use is something that the com-
small scale results. We examine whether the proposed            pany always takes into account. The first step is that the
framework is applicable as a complementary method in            employee identifies his educational needs during his an-
the process of developing and applying e-learning within        nual assessment meeting with his primary reviewer. These
the company in question. For this reason, we analyze and        results are afterwards analyzed and finalized by the Hu-
demonstrate the qualitative comments and findings which         man & Capital Department and reported back to the busi-
were collected from the company’s executives and relate         ness unit that in turn decides on the actions that will be
                                                                implemented. The e-learning tool is then being imple-

iJAC – Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2012                                                                                   23

mented with the following steps 1) checking whether a           enhance involvement and participants learn through ex-
suitable course is available from the Database and if it is     perimenting. For this reason the last identified pillar must
not 2) outsourcing the product by consulting with compa-        be taken into account in order to promote the effectiveness
nies that can provide this software. This procedure is used     of e-learning teaching procedures.
by many SME companies in the development of courses
[19]. In that sense, the identified pillar played a crucial                          V. CONCLUSIONS
role in the decision to use e-learning and the balanced            E-learning is obviously a form of life long educational
partnership between all members involved in the e-              tool with multiple uses and effects. Multinational corpora-
syllabus should be taken into consideration.                    tions worldwide have come to depend on it when there is a
D. Conformity of law and ethics                                 need to incorporate and deliver different kinds of training.
                                                                   Our case study, inspired by the Socratian teaching
   Corporate regulation is one dimension of the above
                                                                method, reveals a new methodological approach concern-
concepts that could be applied to this company since e-
                                                                ing corporate provision of e-training. According to its re-
learning procedures available are part of predefined
                                                                sults, six new factors should be taken into account by HR
courses which are mandatory. In this regard, applications
                                                                managers when it comes to e-learning adoption and its
of new technologies can make use of the regulation avail-
                                                                implementation strategy. The most important are consid-
able as well as governmental legislation that offers fund-
                                                                ered to be the characteristics of the company and its em-
ing to organizations that use e-learning. The training offi-
                                                                ployees, corporate culture, relevant legislation and the
cer of the HR department describes ‘the organization of
                                                                mentality of the country where the organization operates,
employment of human force in Greece this year offers
                                                                personal contact as well as the innovative e-learning ap-
funding for the training of employees through e-learning
                                                                plications which may motivate its staff. These new ele-
procedures for the first time. The amount of the funding is
                                                                ments introduced by the proposed framework may en-
very important since it covers the whole sum of the em-
                                                                hance the effectiveness of the e-learning application in
ployees’ wages. We are definitely going to make use of
this program’. It is clear from the above that conformity to
law and ethics is crucial to the application of e-learning         Our findings are only preliminary evidence gathered
and overcomes the potential inhibitions that might exist. It    from a small scale research. On a secondary stage, we will
also may determine the extent of the use of the application     run our framework on a bigger sample of corporations and
since the coverage of the expenses for the organization in      also test it on an educational environment, aiming to ex-
question is an important incentive to use e-learning proce-     pand the application of the above findings and be driven
dures for more than one third of their total training proce-    to further results. Last but not least, an issue that requires
dures.                                                          additional investigation is the significance of each pillar
                                                                and the hierarchy that needs to be taken into consideration
E. Personal contact                                             for the training strategy that a company employs. For ex-
   The concept of personal contact played a very impor-         ample, funding provided by the government concerning
tant role in the potential development of e-learning appli-     the use of e-learning techniques may overcome problems
cations. The HR officer mentions ‘although our company          of personal contact which may be then regarded as secon-
is part of a multinational organization and in many ways        dary. Overall, further research will obviously verify the
delivers the proposed courses in the same way that the          usefulness of the framework and the effectiveness of its
subsidiary companies in other countries do, we must admit       application.
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                                                                          ary 2012.

iJAC – Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2012                                                                                                     25

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How can Socratian Methods facilitate e-learning in the Business Environment? Goule, Stamatiadis

  • 1. PAPER HOW CAN SOCRATIAN METHODS FACILITATE E-LEARNING IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT? How Can Socratian Methods Facilitate E-Learning in the Business Environment? Eleni Goule1 and Filippos Stamatiadis2 1Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Egaleo, Greece 2 Technological Education Institute of Athens, Egaleo, Greece Abstract—Information and Communication Technology is As Gunasekaran [4] states the e-learning will succeed to changing at an alarming pace creating new forms of learn- provide faster learning at reduced costs, increased access ing, such as electronic learning, which seems to be very ap- to learning process and clear accountability for all partici- pealing nowadays across all the business sectors. The pur- pants in order to allow individuals and organizations to pose of this paper is to discuss how the pillars of Socrates keep up with changes in the global economy and turn this philosophy can be applied in the development of a successful change into a competitive advantage. e-learning program within a business environment. Con- Towards this reality many frameworks [5; 6] have been cepts such as language, individual truth, field of expertise, adopted so as to establish a successful outcome in the conformity to law and ethics of different infrastructures, prospect of life long education. But where did it all start? personal contact, and intuition will be explored. A case The beginning of examining the needs of oneself and fur- study is undertaken in order to identify whether the pro- thermore examining the needs of others started from an- posed parameters can be adopted as relevant and effective cient philosophers. According to our view, philosophical to the procedures of e-training within the HR department of a multinational company in Greece. These concepts deter- enhancements brought frameworks that analyzed needs mine key questions of the methodological approach that and successful implementation of different applications. need to be answered in order to develop and implement an This is how we came to the idea of re-reading Socrates appropriate and cost-effective e-learning strategy which will and analyzing in a pilot case-study how some of the con- help the HR department identify successfully the needs of cepts that are repeated in his last speech ‘apology’ can be the employees and create a long-term impact of this state-of- interpreted so as to form pillars that can be used to ac- the art educational reality. commodate the needs of the corporate environment where e-learning tools are applied. Index Terms—e-learning, Socratian methods, framework, The purpose of this paper is to investigate and demon- business environment. strate the applicability and effectiveness of this idea in the e-learning context by using qualitative comments offered I. INTRODUCTION by the HR department of a multinational company in ‘At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this Greece and identify whether this framework can be used small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not as a complimentary method when deciding to develop and know’ Socrates 469BC-399BC. use e-learning applications as a means of transforming its workforce to a valuable human asset. In recent years, due to the transition from the industrial economy to the post-industrial (knowledge and technol- The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. The ogy-driven) economy, the organizations are called to op- next section analyses the 6 pillars that we have identified erate in a continuous changeable and extremely competi- and relate them to notions that can be used in the devel- tive business environment by transforming their modus opment of e-learning applications. Section 3 presents the operandi. This speed of change, the rate at which new research project by looking at the research methodology knowledge and skills appear and become obsolete is re- and the company profile. The research findings are part of markable. Skills and knowledge acquired at school or at section 4 which is followed by Section 5 that contains the the beginning of a career are no longer sufficient during a conclusions of the research. worker’s entire professional life [1]. Knowledge, informa- II. HYPOTHESIS: RE-READING ‘THE LAST DAYS OF tion, and professional skills have a shorter lifetime than in the past [2] and that is why there is a need of constant re- SOCRATES’ freshing to keep up with new technologies and trends. In his apology, Socrates used the renowned obstetric Throughout the literature there are many who have seen method of teaching which is known as a means of drawing the development of e-learning applications in the work- from his students the probable answer through questioning place as the most efficient and effective method of rapidly [6]. In this process, there are concepts that penetrate his distributing knowledge within the organization [2; 3] and philosophy and form questions that relate to what we have also as an answer to new trends and learning needs, such decided to name as pillars. as shorter life span of knowledge, lifelong learning, The pillars that we have chosen to identify and analyze knowledge management, technological advances. Without are language, individual truth, field of expertise, confor- doubt, e-learning has gained a lot of attention during the mity to law and ethics, personal contact and intuition [7; last few years because it is considered to be a new method 8]. which will transform the training and learning landscape. iJAC – Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2012 21 Electronic copy available at:
  • 2. PAPER HOW CAN SOCRATIAN METHODS FACILITATE E-LEARNING IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT? A. Language he ‘was remembered in the best possible light, and the The concept of language is very important in the speech actual speech was not conspicuous for its success’ [8]. of apology right from the beginning. Socrates questions Our hypothesis assumes that this relates to socialization in the appropriateness of his language in teaching and states relation to culture. In other words, what has been dis- that ‘I am a complete stranger to the language of this cussed as loss of human contact by various academics [14; place’. In a way, he exemplifies the notion of language as 15; 16] is important especially when we are using e- ‘dialect’ and ‘manner’. Some of the devices that he uses learning applications in cultures which rely more on per- are ‘cross-examination’, ‘story-telling’ and ‘lecturing’. [8] sonal contact and interaction (i.e. Mediterranean cultures We propose that this relates to two notions used in the e- against other cultures which are considered to be less ex- learning development phase a) language proficiency, es- travert). pecially when implementing educational tools in a multi- F. Intuition national company and b) content relevance. The problem of language management in multinational companies has In the beginning of his speech Socrates states that what been pinpointed by many authors [9] and it sometimes his audience will hear will be improvised thoughts in the forms a barrier in the effectiveness of e-learning applica- first words that occur to him, confident as he is in the jus- tions. Relevance, on the other hand, is viewed by authors tice of his cause. Later on, in his talk after questioning in educational [10] and linguistic theories [11] as an es- men of different professions and poets among other he sential dimension of communication and successful im- says ‘I soon made up my mind about the poets too: I de- plementation of learning technologies. cided that it was not wisdom that enabled them to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration’ [8]. The B. Individual Truth role of intuition in other words initiates creativity and de- Socrates warns his audience that ‘you are going to hear velopment in the engagement of an activity. For the pur- the whole truth’ [8]. The reason why he is using the ob- poses of this paper, we are going to define intuition as a) stetric method is meanly to draw the truth which is unique inspiration and b) innovation that relates to breakthrough for each individual. In a business setting, this relates to the applications. Applications of this could be game-based differentiated approach that each learner requires and the learning and e-Adventure platforms and any other state- differentiated methods that need to be used exclusively for of-the art innovating applications [17]. every infrastructure. According to Scalise [12] ‘it is an III. THE RESEARCH PROJECT approach to teaching which acknowledges that people have multiple paths for learning and for making sense of A. Research Methodology ideas’. A case study was undertaken so as to identify whether C. Field of expertise the suggested framework could be adopted as relevant and effective to the procedures of the company. For this spe- The field of expertise is another distinctive concept. cific research we were not interested in numbers and sta- ‘Who is the expert in perfecting the virtues of people in a tistics that were associated with quantitative research. Our society?’ [8] Socrates asks. He is constantly looking for goal was to explore and present the various subjective the expert in each field and appreciates his personal opin- perspectives and opinions of the participants regarding the ion. As far as the e-learning application is concerned, this application of the six pillars. Therefore, what was consid- question may refer to the person who is capable of identi- ered appropriate for the specific research was qualitative fying and pointing out the needs for further tutoring, as research. well as participating in the e-learning process. In this re- spect, we regard that a balanced partnership between the The three main sources of data that are associated with employees, the HR department and the designers is what qualitative research and that we chose to implement were: we are looking for or in other words ‘user-friendly inter-  Unstructured and semi structured interviewing, faces’ between the involved parties [13].  Personal observation, and D. Conformity of law and ethics  Examination of documents [18]. ‘I must obey the law and make my defense’ [8]. This The main research questions were based on the six pil- pillar is very crucial for the Socratian philosophy in the lars mentioned above and had the following content: sense that this great man devoted his entire life to his  Question 1 deals with the issue of language connection country’s service. Even though he was sentenced to death to the e-learning and e-training of employees. for his beliefs and he had the chance to escape with the help of his friend Criton, Socrates refused on the basis that  Question 2 refers to the concept of individual truth and one must not disrespect the laws of his country [8]. The the applicability of differentiated learning techniques relation that can be established here regarding e-learning and their effectiveness. is a) corporate regulation and b) governmental legislation  Question 3 concerns the field of expertise of each em- e.g. the funding resources provided by the government. ployee. An analysis takes places on the identification of the educational needs and the selection of the teaching E. Personal contact product addressed exclusively to each employee. Socrates did not leave anything written behind. The  Question 4 concerns a detailed description of the corpo- content of his speech was delivered to us by Plato his stu- rate regulations regarding training methods through dent [6]. His great personality was enough to influence new technologies, as well as governmental legislation and inspire his descendants and prove the value of per- concerning e-learning funding to an organization. sonal contact through interviewing people and finding out the truth for himself [8]. It is worthwhile mentioning that 22 Electronic copy available at:
  • 3. PAPER HOW CAN SOCRATIAN METHODS FACILITATE E-LEARNING IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT?  Question 5 provides information in pointing the cul- them to the six selected pillars of the Socratian philosophy tural obstacles that arise when it comes to corporate e- as they have been defined for the needs of e-learning. learning applications. A. Language  Question 6 refers to innovative ways of attracting em- ployee interest in e-learning. The two dimensions of language that were discussed above play an important factor in the implementation of The required data was derived from the members of the the e-learning. As far as language proficiency is con- staff that are responsible for the formulation and imple- cerned, the HR training specialist stated that the company mentation of the e-learning policy and programs in the carries out frequent language-audits in order to test the form of extensive semi-structured interviews. In the proc- employees’ language awareness and level. These language ess of the case-study that was held between October and checks are usually carried out by a certified external or- November of 2010 other complimentary research tools ganization. The problem of language skills was evident were used such as the inspection of other sources of in- also to members of the company staff who were holders of formation minutes of meetings, policy handbooks, e- degrees that were from English or American Institutions learning training material, archival records, newsletters, where there was no evident initial need to check their lan- memoranda and the yearly Learning and Education guage skills. In order to identify this problem the man- Analysis assessment program that the company undertook agement decided to carry out part of the selection inter- for the year 2010 and was published by the company’s view in English. These two combined actions helped the Human Capital Team [19]. e-learning process which was derived mainly from a huge English database that the company used for educational B. Company profile purposes. According to the HR Manager indeed language The company was selected as appropriate for the aims can be described as an obstacle in the effectiveness of the of this case-study on the basis that it incorporates a long- e-training especially when it comes to training non-native established HR department that is highly depended on e- speakers. learning teaching procedures in order to educate its em- In relation to content relevance, he pointed out that this ployees. To be more specific, the company was estimated notion is very important to the effectiveness of the corpo- as ideal for the purpose of this paper since one third of the rate e-learning applications. The company offers manda- training of the employees is based on e-learning whereas tory e-learning courses that are mostly related to proc- the other two thirds rely on on-the-job training and in vivo esses, legislation and technical knowledge e.g. learning seminars. The two main interviewees were the two offi- new accounting principles. These are called predefined cials holding senior positions in the HR department, the courses, they are available to the employees in the form of HR Manager and the HR training specialist. seminars and they are industry specific. One interesting Overall, the company in question is part of a multina- finding was that the company preferred classroom training tional consulting organization that provides industry- when the content relevance was strong in relation to the focused assurance, tax and advisory services that date needs of the employee. Both the participants of the learn- back to the nineteenth century. The industry-focused ser- ing and educational seminars and the HR department vices offered in the fields of assurance, tax, human re- chose to deliver in vivo experience seminars when it sources, transactions, performance improvement and crisis comes to managerial or leadership training. management have helped resolve complex client and stakeholder issues worldwide. The total number of people B. Individual Truth working for the company on an international level is The concept of differentiated learning is a problem that 163.000 and their common goal is the creation of a net- the HR department is currently facing. The HR training work that shares their thinking, experience and solutions specialist addresses the problem by saying ‘we are looking to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. The forward to differentiated learning techniques through e- company that operates in Greece is the largest one provid- learning technology in the future. One way to cope with ing professional services in the country with premises in the problem is by offering graded levels of the different the two biggest cities in the country and approximately applications. However, we understand that a customized 750 employees. The company in Athens is a separate legal approach may not be cost-effective.’ Another factor when entity and does not act as an agent of the mother company. discussing differentiated learning was the time factor. ‘E- However, all the branches share the same corporate cul- learning according to our regulations can be done anytime. ture and values. In respect to the HR management, the Our employees can do it at their own pace during or after company gets its guidelines from the mother company working hours. This creates flexibility but sometimes it which is also the provider of educational advice and long does gives the sense that it is not something important that term educational procedures that aim to enhance the pro- needs to be done like on-the-job training or classroom ductivity and market awareness of the employees. training’. IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS C. Field of expertise In this section, we present the findings of the case study The notion of user friendly interfaces in relation to who that took place at the company in question relying on is going to decide what to use is something that the com- small scale results. We examine whether the proposed pany always takes into account. The first step is that the framework is applicable as a complementary method in employee identifies his educational needs during his an- the process of developing and applying e-learning within nual assessment meeting with his primary reviewer. These the company in question. For this reason, we analyze and results are afterwards analyzed and finalized by the Hu- demonstrate the qualitative comments and findings which man & Capital Department and reported back to the busi- were collected from the company’s executives and relate ness unit that in turn decides on the actions that will be implemented. The e-learning tool is then being imple- iJAC – Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2012 23
  • 4. PAPER HOW CAN SOCRATIAN METHODS FACILITATE E-LEARNING IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT? mented with the following steps 1) checking whether a enhance involvement and participants learn through ex- suitable course is available from the Database and if it is perimenting. For this reason the last identified pillar must not 2) outsourcing the product by consulting with compa- be taken into account in order to promote the effectiveness nies that can provide this software. This procedure is used of e-learning teaching procedures. by many SME companies in the development of courses [19]. In that sense, the identified pillar played a crucial V. CONCLUSIONS role in the decision to use e-learning and the balanced E-learning is obviously a form of life long educational partnership between all members involved in the e- tool with multiple uses and effects. Multinational corpora- syllabus should be taken into consideration. tions worldwide have come to depend on it when there is a D. Conformity of law and ethics need to incorporate and deliver different kinds of training. Our case study, inspired by the Socratian teaching Corporate regulation is one dimension of the above method, reveals a new methodological approach concern- concepts that could be applied to this company since e- ing corporate provision of e-training. According to its re- learning procedures available are part of predefined sults, six new factors should be taken into account by HR courses which are mandatory. In this regard, applications managers when it comes to e-learning adoption and its of new technologies can make use of the regulation avail- implementation strategy. The most important are consid- able as well as governmental legislation that offers fund- ered to be the characteristics of the company and its em- ing to organizations that use e-learning. The training offi- ployees, corporate culture, relevant legislation and the cer of the HR department describes ‘the organization of mentality of the country where the organization operates, employment of human force in Greece this year offers personal contact as well as the innovative e-learning ap- funding for the training of employees through e-learning plications which may motivate its staff. These new ele- procedures for the first time. The amount of the funding is ments introduced by the proposed framework may en- very important since it covers the whole sum of the em- hance the effectiveness of the e-learning application in ployees’ wages. We are definitely going to make use of corporations. this program’. It is clear from the above that conformity to law and ethics is crucial to the application of e-learning Our findings are only preliminary evidence gathered and overcomes the potential inhibitions that might exist. It from a small scale research. On a secondary stage, we will also may determine the extent of the use of the application run our framework on a bigger sample of corporations and since the coverage of the expenses for the organization in also test it on an educational environment, aiming to ex- question is an important incentive to use e-learning proce- pand the application of the above findings and be driven dures for more than one third of their total training proce- to further results. Last but not least, an issue that requires dures. additional investigation is the significance of each pillar and the hierarchy that needs to be taken into consideration E. Personal contact for the training strategy that a company employs. For ex- The concept of personal contact played a very impor- ample, funding provided by the government concerning tant role in the potential development of e-learning appli- the use of e-learning techniques may overcome problems cations. 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