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(+)Heather M. Murphy-Lavoie, MD
                                                                Assistant Residency Director and
                                                                Assistant Professor, Louisiana State
                                                                University, Section of Emergency
                                                                Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

         Approach to the Unknown Rash
How do you approach the unknown rash? Knowing how to
identify and classify a skin lesion is an essential component
in developing a systematic and organized approach to any
lesion. The speaker will present guidelines for the proper
diagnosis of various dermatologic conditions using case
presentations to illustrate these concepts.
• Describe dermatologic conditions by the type of lesion
    and the distribution area.
• Develop a systematic approach to skin lesions.
• Identify dermatologic conditions requiring emergency
• Discuss appropriate differential diagnoses, treatments,
    and dispositions for patients with dermatologic

Thursday, October 8, 2009
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

(+)No significant financial relationships to disclose
Approach To The Unknown Rash

By Heather Murphy-Lavoie, MD

  I.     Introduction
         a. There are more than 3000 dermatologic diagnoses
         b. Approximately 5% of ED visits are for a dermatologic
         c. Objectives
                i. Describe dermatologic conditions by the type of lesion
                   and the distribution area.
               ii. Develop a systematic approach to skin lesions.
              iii. Identify dermatologic conditions requiring emergency
              iv. Discuss appropriate differential diagnoses, treatments,
                   and dispositions for patients with dermatologic

  II.    History
         a. Age
         b. Duration
         c. Associated symptoms
                i. Itching
               ii. Fever
              iii. Pain
         d. Travel/Location
         e. Sick Contacts
         f. Past Medical History
         g. Medications – new
         h. Menstrual history
         i. Sexual history
         j. Vaccinations

  III.   Physical Exam
         a. Vital signs
                i. Hypotension
               ii. Tachycardia
             iii. Fever
              iv. Mental Status Change
         b. Distribution
i. Central
            ii. Peripheral
          iii. Flexural surfaces
           iv. Intertriginous
            v. Dermatomal
           vi. Neurotic Excoriation
          vii. Extensor surfaces
         viii. Mucosal surface involvement
      c. Appearance
             i. Scaly/Moist
            ii. Color
          iii. Hyper/hypopigmented
           iv. Honey Crusted
            v. Umbilicated
           vi. Blanching
          vii. Palpable
      d. Wood’s Lamp
             i. Microsporum Tinea Capitus (green)
            ii. Erythrasma (coral red)

IV.   Algorithms
      a. Erythematous
      b. Maculopapular
      c. Petechiae/Purpura
      d. Vesiculo-bullous

                              ERYTHEMATOUS RASH

                                  NIKOLSKY’S SIGN

Staph SSS           TEN (adult)
  (child)                             FEBRILE                       AFEBRILE
TEN (adult)
                              Toxic Shock (mucous                   Anaphylaxis
                                   membranes)                        Scombroid
                            Kawasaki Syndrome (child,               Alcohol Flush
                            Scarlet Fever (sand paper)

Differential Diagnosis:

Staph SSS = Staphylococcal Scaled Skin Syndrome - children, IV Penicillinase-
resistant penicillin, IV Fluids, local wound care
Toxic Shock Synd= Toxic Shock Syndrome - look for source (eg. a tampon) and
remove, IV Penicillinase-resistant penicillin, IV fluids, supportive care, hospital
Kawasaki= Kawasaki’s Disease - children, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, hands
and feet, elevated platelet count, treat with immune globulin, aspirin
Scarlet Fever - children, sandpaper-like rash, strawberry tongue, tonsillitis, treat
with penicillin
TEN = Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - adults, drug reaction- often sulfa, treatment
remove offending source, wound care, IV fluids, admit to burn center
Anaphylaxis - treat with steroids, antihistamines, H2 blockers and possibly
epinephrine for the most severe cases
Scombroid - history of eating fish recently, treat with antihistamines, usually self-
Alcohol flushing - history of alcohol ingestion, prior episodes, no itching, normal
vitals, no fever, self-limited

                                         MACULOPAPULAR RASH

               CENTRAL                                                   PERIPHERAL
             DISTRIBUTION                                                DISTRIBUTION

              FEVER / ILL?                                               FEVER / ILL?

  YES                              NO       YES                                           NO

  Viral Exanthem        Drug Reaction          TARGET                            LESION
   Lyme Disease           Pityriasis           LESIONS                        DISTRIBUTION
(erythema migrans)      (herald patch)

                             YES                                NO       FLEXO          EXTENSOR

                          Stevens-Johnson            Meningococcemia     Scabies        Psoriasis
                                TEN                   Rocky Mountain     Eczema
                         Erythema Multiforme           Spotted Fever
                                                       Lyme Disease
                                                    (erythema migrans)

  Viral Exanthem - Measles, Rubella, Fifths, etc, self-limiting, supportive care
  Lyme Disease - Tick bite, erythema migrans, arthralgias, headache, doxycycline
  Pityriasis - scaly lesions, herald patch, Christmas tree pattern, treatment includes:
  UV light, moisturizing lotion, Aveeno, antihistamines
  Drug Reaction - remove the drug, symptomatic treatment
  Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - mucosal involvement, remove drug/treat illness,
  supportive therapy, hospital admission
  EM = Erythema Multiforme - treat illness/stop drug, supportive care, topical
  steroids and outpatient follow-up for minor cases
  Meningiococcemia - ill appearing, mental status change, lumbar puncture,
  ceftriaxone, isolation, treat close contacts, hospital admission
  RMSF = Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - tick bite, endemic area, headache,
  arthralgias, doxycycline
  Scabies - excoriated burrows, itches worse at night, permethrin

                                      VESICULO-BULLOUS RASH

                   FEBRILE                                                AFEBRILE

       DIFFUSE                 LOCALIZED                 DIFFUSE              LOCALIZED

 Varicella / Chicken Pox     Necrotizing Fasciitis   Bullous Pemphigus     Contact Dermatitis
       Small Pox              Hand Foot Mouth        Pemphigus Vulgaris      Herpes Zoster
    Disseminated GC                                                        Dyshidrotic Eczema
Purpurpa Fulminans / DIC                                                         Burns

Differential Diagnosis:
Varicella/Chicken Pox – excoriated lesions in multiple stages, starts centrally,
isolate, rare hospitalization, symptomatic treatment, antipyretics (not Aspirin)
Small Pox – all lesions in one stage, more peripheral distribution, isolate, notify
office of public health and CDC
Disseminated GC= Gonococcemia - purple vesicles, sparce, peripheral, associated
urethritis/cervicitis/septic arthritis, ceftriaxone
Purpura Fulminans/DIC = Disseminated Intervascular Coagulation - treat the
underlying cause, fresh frozen plasma, platelet transfusions, ICU admission
Necrotizing Fasciitis – surgical emergency, debridement, IV anti-streptococcal
broad spectrum antibiotic, hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease – children, vesicles on palms, soles and in mouth,
self-limited, symptomatic treatment
Bullous Pemphigus -chronic autoimmune blistering, elderly, usually benign,
Pemphigus Vulgaris – mucous membrane involvement, much higher mortality than
Bullous Pemphigus, steroids, admission
Zoster – acyclovir, analgesia, steroids
Contact Dermatits - symptomatic treatment, long taper of steroids for severe cases
Dyshidrotic Eczema - topical steroids

                              PETECHIAL / PURPURIC RASH

           FEBRILE & TOXIC                                    AFEBRILE & NON-TOXIC

    PALPABLE            NOT PALPABLE               PALPABLE            NOT PALPABLE

 Meningococcemia     Purpurpa Fulminans / DIC         Cutaneous             ITP
 Disseminated GC               TTP                    Vasculitis

Differential Diagnosis:
Meningiococcemia - ill appearing, mental status change, lumbar puncture,
ceftriaxone, isolation, treat close contacts, admission
Disseminated GC= Gonococcemia - purple vesicles, sparce, peripheral, associated
urethritis/cervicitis/septic arthritis, ceftriaxone
Endocarditis – new murmur, vegetations on valves, positive blood cultures, IV
vancomycin and gentamicin pending culture results
RMSF = Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - tick bite, endemic area, headache,
arthralgias, doxycycline
HSP = Henoch Schonlein Purpura – children, associated arthralgias, hematuria and
GI symptoms, supportive therapy
TTP= Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - low platelet count, ICU admission,
treat underlying cause, plasmapheresis, splenectomy, selective transfusion, NO
Vasculitis – treat the underlying process if possible, may require steroids and/or
other anti-inflammatory agents
ITP – Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - transfuse platelets if bleeding or less
than 5000/mm3 – 10000/mm3, emergent Hematology consultation
V.     Summary

          With the type of lesion, distribution, and whether or not the
          patient is ill, one can narrow the diagnosis down to one or two
          diagnoses in many cases.

          THE VERY YOUNG                                 THE VERY OLD
     Staph SSS, Kawasaki’s disease,              pemphigus vulgaris, sepsis, TEN, SJS
    viral exanthem, meningococcemia

                  TOXIC                               IMMUNOSUPPRESSED
  necrotizing fasciitis, meningococcemia,       necrotizing fasciitis, meningococcemia,
       TEN, SJS, TSS, RMSF, TTP                    endocarditis, herpes zoster, sepsis

         DIFFUSE ERYTHEMA                           PETECHIAE / PURPURA
     staph SSS, staph TSS, strep TSS,          meningococcemia, endocarditis, TTP, ITP
                   TEN                                 vasculitis, DIC, RMSF

         MUCOSAL LESIONS                                 HYPOTENSION
          EM major, TEN, SJS,                         meningococcemia, TTP,
           pemphigus vulgaris                         TSS, RMSF, TEN, SJS
 TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis; SJS = Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, TSS = toxic shock
 syndrome, RMSF = Rocky Mountain spotted fever, SSS = scalded skin syndrome, DIC =
  disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, EM = erythema multiforme, TTP= thrombotic
                                thrombocytopenic purpura

   VI.    Appendix

LESION               single small              RASH               more extensive
                    diseased area                                  involvement

MACULE circumscribed area of change           PUSTULE            circumscribed area
                  without elevation                             containing purulence
PAPULE       solid raised lesion < 0.5 cm     VESICLE        circumscribed fluid-filled
                                                                    area < 0.5 cm
NODULE       solid raised lesion > 0.5 cm      BULLA         circumscribed fluid-filled
                                                                    area > 0.5 cm

PLAQUE          circumscribed elevated       PETECHIAE      small red / brown macules
            confluence of papules > 0.5 cm                 < 0.5 cm that do not blanche
a. More Definitions
                 i. Erosion- loss of epidermis only
                ii. Ulcer- extends below epidermis to involve dermis and subcutaneous
              iii. Fissure- linear split in skin
               iv. Excoriation- linear superficial erosions or crusts due to scratching
                v. Wheal- soft smooth, raised papule, light pink (eg. Urticaria)
               vi. Burrow- linear “S” shaped papule 3-5mm long
              vii. Purpura- > 0.5cm does not blanch with pressure, red/purple macules


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Approach to the unknown rash

  • 1. (+)Heather M. Murphy-Lavoie, MD Assistant Residency Director and Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University, Section of Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana Approach to the Unknown Rash How do you approach the unknown rash? Knowing how to identify and classify a skin lesion is an essential component in developing a systematic and organized approach to any lesion. The speaker will present guidelines for the proper diagnosis of various dermatologic conditions using case presentations to illustrate these concepts. • Describe dermatologic conditions by the type of lesion and the distribution area. • Develop a systematic approach to skin lesions. • Identify dermatologic conditions requiring emergency interventions. • Discuss appropriate differential diagnoses, treatments, and dispositions for patients with dermatologic complaints. TH-267 Thursday, October 8, 2009 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (+)No significant financial relationships to disclose
  • 2. Approach To The Unknown Rash By Heather Murphy-Lavoie, MD I. Introduction a. There are more than 3000 dermatologic diagnoses b. Approximately 5% of ED visits are for a dermatologic complaint c. Objectives i. Describe dermatologic conditions by the type of lesion and the distribution area. ii. Develop a systematic approach to skin lesions. iii. Identify dermatologic conditions requiring emergency interventions. iv. Discuss appropriate differential diagnoses, treatments, and dispositions for patients with dermatologic complaints. II. History a. Age b. Duration c. Associated symptoms i. Itching ii. Fever iii. Pain d. Travel/Location e. Sick Contacts f. Past Medical History g. Medications – new h. Menstrual history i. Sexual history j. Vaccinations III. Physical Exam a. Vital signs i. Hypotension ii. Tachycardia iii. Fever iv. Mental Status Change b. Distribution
  • 3. i. Central ii. Peripheral iii. Flexural surfaces iv. Intertriginous v. Dermatomal vi. Neurotic Excoriation vii. Extensor surfaces viii. Mucosal surface involvement c. Appearance i. Scaly/Moist ii. Color iii. Hyper/hypopigmented iv. Honey Crusted v. Umbilicated vi. Blanching vii. Palpable d. Wood’s Lamp i. Microsporum Tinea Capitus (green) ii. Erythrasma (coral red) IV. Algorithms a. Erythematous b. Maculopapular c. Petechiae/Purpura d. Vesiculo-bullous
  • 4. ALGORITHM ERYTHEMATOUS RASH ERYTHEMATOUS RASH NIKOLSKY’S SIGN YES NO FEBRILE AFEBRILE Staph SSS TEN (adult) (child) FEBRILE AFEBRILE TEN (adult) Toxic Shock (mucous Anaphylaxis membranes) Scombroid Kawasaki Syndrome (child, Alcohol Flush hands) Scarlet Fever (sand paper) Differential Diagnosis: Staph SSS = Staphylococcal Scaled Skin Syndrome - children, IV Penicillinase- resistant penicillin, IV Fluids, local wound care Toxic Shock Synd= Toxic Shock Syndrome - look for source (eg. a tampon) and remove, IV Penicillinase-resistant penicillin, IV fluids, supportive care, hospital admission Kawasaki= Kawasaki’s Disease - children, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, hands and feet, elevated platelet count, treat with immune globulin, aspirin Scarlet Fever - children, sandpaper-like rash, strawberry tongue, tonsillitis, treat with penicillin TEN = Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - adults, drug reaction- often sulfa, treatment remove offending source, wound care, IV fluids, admit to burn center Anaphylaxis - treat with steroids, antihistamines, H2 blockers and possibly epinephrine for the most severe cases Scombroid - history of eating fish recently, treat with antihistamines, usually self- limited Alcohol flushing - history of alcohol ingestion, prior episodes, no itching, normal vitals, no fever, self-limited
  • 5. ALGORITHM MACULOPAPULAR RASH MACULOPAPULAR RASH CENTRAL PERIPHERAL DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION FEVER / ILL? FEVER / ILL? YES NO YES NO Viral Exanthem Drug Reaction TARGET LESION Lyme Disease Pityriasis LESIONS DISTRIBUTION (erythema migrans) (herald patch) YES NO FLEXO EXTENSOR Stevens-Johnson Meningococcemia Scabies Psoriasis TEN Rocky Mountain Eczema Erythema Multiforme Spotted Fever Syphilis Lyme Disease (erythema migrans) Viral Exanthem - Measles, Rubella, Fifths, etc, self-limiting, supportive care Lyme Disease - Tick bite, erythema migrans, arthralgias, headache, doxycycline Pityriasis - scaly lesions, herald patch, Christmas tree pattern, treatment includes: UV light, moisturizing lotion, Aveeno, antihistamines Drug Reaction - remove the drug, symptomatic treatment Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - mucosal involvement, remove drug/treat illness, supportive therapy, hospital admission EM = Erythema Multiforme - treat illness/stop drug, supportive care, topical steroids and outpatient follow-up for minor cases Meningiococcemia - ill appearing, mental status change, lumbar puncture, ceftriaxone, isolation, treat close contacts, hospital admission RMSF = Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - tick bite, endemic area, headache, arthralgias, doxycycline Scabies - excoriated burrows, itches worse at night, permethrin
  • 6. ALGORITHM VESICULO-BULLOUS RASH VESICULO-BULLOUS RASH FEBRILE AFEBRILE DIFFUSE LOCALIZED DIFFUSE LOCALIZED DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION Varicella / Chicken Pox Necrotizing Fasciitis Bullous Pemphigus Contact Dermatitis Small Pox Hand Foot Mouth Pemphigus Vulgaris Herpes Zoster Disseminated GC Dyshidrotic Eczema Purpurpa Fulminans / DIC Burns Differential Diagnosis: Varicella/Chicken Pox – excoriated lesions in multiple stages, starts centrally, isolate, rare hospitalization, symptomatic treatment, antipyretics (not Aspirin) Small Pox – all lesions in one stage, more peripheral distribution, isolate, notify office of public health and CDC Disseminated GC= Gonococcemia - purple vesicles, sparce, peripheral, associated urethritis/cervicitis/septic arthritis, ceftriaxone Purpura Fulminans/DIC = Disseminated Intervascular Coagulation - treat the underlying cause, fresh frozen plasma, platelet transfusions, ICU admission Necrotizing Fasciitis – surgical emergency, debridement, IV anti-streptococcal broad spectrum antibiotic, hyperbaric oxygen therapy Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease – children, vesicles on palms, soles and in mouth, self-limited, symptomatic treatment Bullous Pemphigus -chronic autoimmune blistering, elderly, usually benign, steroids Pemphigus Vulgaris – mucous membrane involvement, much higher mortality than Bullous Pemphigus, steroids, admission Zoster – acyclovir, analgesia, steroids Contact Dermatits - symptomatic treatment, long taper of steroids for severe cases Dyshidrotic Eczema - topical steroids
  • 7. ALGORITHM PETECHIAL/PURPURIC RASH PETECHIAL / PURPURIC RASH FEBRILE & TOXIC AFEBRILE & NON-TOXIC PALPABLE NOT PALPABLE PALPABLE NOT PALPABLE Meningococcemia Purpurpa Fulminans / DIC Cutaneous ITP Disseminated GC TTP Vasculitis Endocarditis RMSF HSP Differential Diagnosis: Meningiococcemia - ill appearing, mental status change, lumbar puncture, ceftriaxone, isolation, treat close contacts, admission Disseminated GC= Gonococcemia - purple vesicles, sparce, peripheral, associated urethritis/cervicitis/septic arthritis, ceftriaxone Endocarditis – new murmur, vegetations on valves, positive blood cultures, IV vancomycin and gentamicin pending culture results RMSF = Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - tick bite, endemic area, headache, arthralgias, doxycycline HSP = Henoch Schonlein Purpura – children, associated arthralgias, hematuria and GI symptoms, supportive therapy TTP= Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - low platelet count, ICU admission, treat underlying cause, plasmapheresis, splenectomy, selective transfusion, NO platelets Vasculitis – treat the underlying process if possible, may require steroids and/or other anti-inflammatory agents ITP – Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - transfuse platelets if bleeding or less than 5000/mm3 – 10000/mm3, emergent Hematology consultation
  • 8. V. Summary With the type of lesion, distribution, and whether or not the patient is ill, one can narrow the diagnosis down to one or two diagnoses in many cases. THE VERY YOUNG THE VERY OLD Staph SSS, Kawasaki’s disease, pemphigus vulgaris, sepsis, TEN, SJS viral exanthem, meningococcemia TOXIC IMMUNOSUPPRESSED necrotizing fasciitis, meningococcemia, necrotizing fasciitis, meningococcemia, TEN, SJS, TSS, RMSF, TTP endocarditis, herpes zoster, sepsis DIFFUSE ERYTHEMA PETECHIAE / PURPURA staph SSS, staph TSS, strep TSS, meningococcemia, endocarditis, TTP, ITP TEN vasculitis, DIC, RMSF MUCOSAL LESIONS HYPOTENSION EM major, TEN, SJS, meningococcemia, TTP, pemphigus vulgaris TSS, RMSF, TEN, SJS TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis; SJS = Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, TSS = toxic shock syndrome, RMSF = Rocky Mountain spotted fever, SSS = scalded skin syndrome, DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, EM = erythema multiforme, TTP= thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura VI. Appendix LESION single small RASH more extensive diseased area involvement MACULE circumscribed area of change PUSTULE circumscribed area without elevation containing purulence PAPULE solid raised lesion < 0.5 cm VESICLE circumscribed fluid-filled area < 0.5 cm NODULE solid raised lesion > 0.5 cm BULLA circumscribed fluid-filled area > 0.5 cm PLAQUE circumscribed elevated PETECHIAE small red / brown macules confluence of papules > 0.5 cm < 0.5 cm that do not blanche
  • 9. a. More Definitions i. Erosion- loss of epidermis only ii. Ulcer- extends below epidermis to involve dermis and subcutaneous tissue iii. Fissure- linear split in skin iv. Excoriation- linear superficial erosions or crusts due to scratching v. Wheal- soft smooth, raised papule, light pink (eg. Urticaria) vi. Burrow- linear “S” shaped papule 3-5mm long vii. Purpura- > 0.5cm does not blanch with pressure, red/purple macules REFERENCES: 1. Adams JG et al. Emergency Medicine. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2008. 2. Ashton, R. and B. Leppard. Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology. 3rd Ed. Radcliffe Publishing, United Kingdom 2005. 3. Baroni, A., et al. Vesicular and Bullous disorders: Pemphigus. Dermatol Clin 25 (2007) 597 – 603. 4. Bassam Z, et al. Pemphigus Vulgaris. on web at 5. Braunwald, et. al. Harrison¹s Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th Ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 2001. 6. Buckingham SC, et al. Clinical and Laboratory Features, Hospital Course, and Outcome of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Children. J Pediatrics 2007; 150: 180-4. 7. Carr, D., Houshmand, E., and M. Heffernan. Approach to the Acute, Generalized, Blistering Patient. Semin Cutan Med Surg 26: 139 – 146, 2007. 8. Chan, L. Bullous Pemphigoid. Emedicine (2008). 9. Chapman AS, et al. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in the United States, 1997-2002. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 2006; 1078: 154-155. 10. Chia, F., and K.P. Leong. Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions to Drugs. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 7: 304 – 309, 2007. 11. Fleischer, A., et. al. Emergency Dermatology: A Rapid Guide to Treatment. McGraw Hill, New York, 2002. 12. Ghatan, H. Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis and Pearls. 2nd Ed. Parthenon Publishing, New York, 2002. 13. Ghislain, P.D., and J.C. Roujeau. Treatment of Severe Drug Reactions: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Hypersensitivity Syndrome. Derm Online J, vol 8 (1): 5 pp 1 – 15. 14. Harwood-Nuss, A., et. al. The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine. 2nd Ed. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1996. 15. Hom, C. Vasculitis and Thrombophlebitis. Emedicine (2008). 16. Mukasa, Y., and N. Craven. Management of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Related Syndromes. Postgrad. Med. J. 2008: 84: 60 – 65.
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  • 11. UNKNOWN RASH SELF-ASSESMENT 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 9. _______________________________________ 10. _______________________________________