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   1. Chest xr cases.
 2. Chest clinical case.
   3. Chest ct cases.
    4. MRCP exam.

                                     Saturday, December 15, 2012
chest xr cases
   Dr :anas sahle

         Diagnosis is:??

                                                                           Diagnosis is:??

S Curve of Golden
When there is a mass adjacent to a fissure, the fissure takes the shape of an "S".
The proximal convexity is due to a mass, and the distal concavity is due to atelectasis.
Note the shape of the left oblique fissure in the lateral view below.
This example represents a LUL mass with atelectasis.
         SIGN NAME IS:…
                                                                              SIGN NAME IS:…
                                                                                 Wedge Shaped
This case                                                                           Density
represents a
pulmonary infarct.

Wedge Shaped Density
The wedge's base is pleural and the apex is towards the hilum, giving a triangular shape.
You can encounter either of the following:
Vascular wedges:
    Invasive aspergillosis
Bronchial wedges:
         Acinar or interstitial nodules?
         Name DDX:…….
         Acinar Nodules

this sign name is:….

this sign name is: Inverted Comma
                                    This is an example of an azygous lobe

Mass density is seen in the lateral view, but not in the PA view .
This finding suggests a chest wall or external problem.
In the film below, an amputated shoulder is projecting as a mass.


         1. Dilated esophagus
         2. Paravertebral
         3. Osteophytes
         This example is due to
         paravertebral nodes.

Name which anatomic lobe affect when silhoutte sign obscured :
                                 Silhouette     Adjacent Lobe/Segment
                        Right diaphragm       RLL/Basal segments
                        Right heart margin    RML/Medial segment
                        Ascending aorta       RUL/Anterior segment
                        Aortic knob           LUL/Posterior segment
                        Left heart margin     Lingula/Inferior segment
                                              LLL/Superior and medial
A: Ascending aorta      Descending aorta
B: Left heart margin    Left diaphragm        LLL/Basal segments
C: Left diaphragm
D: Aortic knob
E: Right heart margin
F: Right diaphragm
Saturday, December 15, 2012
chest clinical cases
 A 27-Year-Old With a Non-
  Resolving Cavitary Lung
Submitted by
Lokesh Venkateshaiah, MD
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
J. Daryl Thornton, MD MPH
Assistant Professor
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
•   A 27-year-old man presented to the pulmonary clinic for evaluation of a non-resolving lung
•   Four months earlier, he had been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and was started on
    four-drug anti-tuberculous directly observed therapy.
•   A PPD placed at that time measured 22 mm of induration.
•   During the pulmonary clinic visit, the patient stated that over the last year and a half he had a
    cough occasionally productive of minimal blood-streaked sputum.
•   He had denied other symptoms including nocturnal diaphoresis, anorexia, weight loss, or fevers.
•   The patient’s past medical history was remarkable for an abnormal chest radiogram that was
    noted one and a half years ago and one episode of malaria.
•   Other than his recent antituberculous therapy he took no regular medications.
•   He smoked one-half pack daily for the past 12 years.
•   He occasionally snorted cocaine but did not use alcohol or other recreational drugs.
•   He emigrated from Malaysia to the United States 8 months ago.
•   He was originally from Burma but was a refugee in Malaysia.
•    It was in Malaysia that he was noted to have an abnormal chest radiogram.
•   He underwent additional investigations while there but was not given a diagnosis nor treatment.

                                                                               Saturday, December 15, 2012
Physical Exam
• The patient appeared comfortable and was in no acute
• Vital signs were unremarkable.
• The cardiac exam demonstrated regular rate and rhythm, a
  normal S1 and S2, and no murmur, gallop or rub.
• Breath sounds were equal bilaterally and absent of
  adventitious sounds.
• The abdomen was soft and without organomegaly.
• The patient’s extremities were without clubbing or edema.
• There was a scar on the left upper arm from a prior BCG
• No other skin lesions were noted.

                                              Saturday, December 15, 2012
• White blood cell count was 10,000 per mm3 with
  66% Neutrophils, 14% Lymphocytes and 12%
• Hematocrit 49%
• Platelet count was 309,000 per mm3
• Urea nitrogen was 12 mg /dl, and serum
  creatinine was 0.7 mg/dl
• Liver function tests were within normal limits
• Stools and sputum for ova and parasites were
• Sputum for AFB times five was negative
                                     Saturday, December 15, 2012
Chest computed tomography
4 months prior to current presentation

                             Saturday, December 15, 2012
at presentation
(4 months following initiation of antituberculous therapy)

                                              Saturday, December 15, 2012
Question 1
• What is the diagnosis?
•   A. Pulmonary tuberculosis
•   B. Acute Bronchitis
•   C. Paragonimiasis
•   D. Schistosomiasis

                                Saturday, December 15, 2012
•   Cysts for Paragonimus were identified on BAL and transbronchial biopsy.
•   Paragonimiasis is caused by lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus.
•   There are 43 species of Paragonimus, 12 of which infect humans.
•   Paragonimus westermani is the most prevalent, especially in eastern and Southeast Asia.
•   Infection with these organisms occurs worldwide but predominantly in several parts of Central
    and South America, West Africa, and Asia (1).
•   In the United States, the disease is diagnosed most commonly in immigrants from endemic
    countries (2).
•   Endogenous infections do occur and usually are caused by Paragonimus kellicot mainly in the
    midwestern and eastern United States (3-6).
•   Pulmonary tuberculosis is less likely given several negative sputum AFB stains and cultures.
•    Alveolar lavage by bronchoscopy elso exhibited negative AFB stain and culture.
•    In addition, the cavitation worsened on computed tomography despite receiving multidrug direct
    observed therapy.
•   Acute bronchitis is not a common cause of pulmonary cavitation.
•   Pulmonary manifestations of chronic schistosomiasis are generally found in patients with a heavy
    infectious burden and significant clinical symptoms.
•   Schistozome eggs may embolize from the liver to the pulmonary circulation where they may lead
    to granulomatous endarteritis, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pulmonale.

                                                                             Saturday, December 15, 2012
Question 2
•   How do humans acquire Paragonimiasis?
•   A. Inhalation
•   B. Ingestion
•   C. Innoculation
•   D. Inconclusive

                                   Saturday, December 15, 2012
life cycle

             Saturday, December 15, 2012
Question 3
• What is the drug of choice in the treatment
  of Paragonimus westermani?
• A. Peptobismol
• B. Cipro
• C. Praziquantel
• D. Albendazole

                                    Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Praziquantel is the drug of choice to treat
• The recommended dosage of 75 mg/kg per day
  orally, divided into 3 doses over 2 days has
  proven to eliminate P. westermani in adults and
  children .
• Praziquantel should be taken with liquids during a
• Patients with chronic empyema due to
  paragonimiasis may require decortication in
  addition to anthelmintic treatment .
                                        Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
chest ct cases-5
    Dr :anas sahle
•   What is the major abnormality in this case?
•   a) Linear opacities
•   b) Nodules
•   c) Consolidation
•   d) Ground-glass opacity
•   2. Which lung is involved?
•   a) Left
•   b) Right
•   c) Both

• What is the distribution of the lesions?
•   a) Bronchovascular interstitium
•   b) Interlobular septa
•   c) Centrilobular region
•   d) Pleura

• Find multiple, connected, thickened
  interlobular septa in the right lung.
• Find an example of thickened bronchovascular
  interstitium in the right lung.
• Find 2 examples of polygonal lobules with
  centrilobular nodules in the right lung.

• Find the thickened fissural pleura in the right
• Find 2 lobules with thickened interlobular
  septa and centrilobular nodules in the right
• Find an example of thickened bronchovascular
  interstitium in the right lung.
Differential diagnosis

• Differential diagnosis of thickened
  bronchovascular, interlobular septal, and
  pleural interstitium on HRCT:……..
Differential diagnosis
• Differential diagnosis of thickened
  bronchovascular, interlobular septal, and
  pleural interstitium on HRCT:
      • Lymphangitic tumor,
      • Lymphoma.
      • Kaposi's sarcoma.
      • edema.
• The uni-laterality would be very unusual for
  Kaposi's sarcoma or edema.

Lymphangitic tumor
Summary of diagnostic features of lymphangitic tumor on
• Thickening of
      • bronchovascular,
      • interlobular septal,
      • centrilobular, and
      • pleural interstitium
• Smooth or nodular thickening
• Lack of architectural distortion
• Unilateral lymphangitic tumor is most commonly seen in
  cases of primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma, as in this
Saturday, December 15, 2012

• Regarding community acquired pneumonia
  in infancy:
A -Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most
  common pathogen.
B- It may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
C- Ciprofloxacin is an appropriate treatment if
  blood cultures are negative.
D- Bordatella pertussis infection is usually mild.
E- It may be caused by mycoplasma urealiticum.

• Regarding community acquired pneumonia
  in infancy:
A -Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common
  pathogen. (False)
B- It may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus.
C- Ciprofloxacin is an appropriate treatment if blood
  cultures are negative. (False)
D- Bordatella pertussis infection is usually mild. (False)
E- It may be caused by mycoplasma urealiticum.
• The following are true of cystic fibrosis:
A -Infertility in men is a result of testicular atrophy.
B- In children under one year of age the commonest
  cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus.
C -10% of patients will not require pancreatic enzyme
D -In neonates 10 - 10% present with meconium
E -In the school age child, it usually presents with
  hepatic fibrosis.

                                           Saturday, December 15, 2012
• The following are true of cystic fibrosis:
A -Infertility in men is a result of testicular atrophy. (False)
B- In children under one year of age the commonest
   cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus. (False)
C -10% of patients will not require pancreatic enzyme
   supplementation. (True)
D -In neonates 10 - 10% present with meconium
   ileus. (True)
E -In the school age child, it usually presents with hepatic
   fibrosis. (False)

                                                 Saturday, December 15, 2012
• The following are recognised complications
  of foreign body inhalation:
A- Pulmonary abscess
B- Asthma
C- Angioneurotic oedema
D- Hyperinflation of the affected lung
E- Hyperinflation of the opposite lung

                                   Saturday, December 15, 2012
• The following are recognised complications
  of foreign body inhalation:
A- Pulmonary abscess (True)
B- Asthma (False)
C- Angioneurotic oedema (False)
D- Hyperinflation of the affected lung
E- Hyperinflation of the opposite lung
                                   Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Which of the following statements are true of
  childhood asthma.
A- over 90% of patients show exercise-induced
B- hypercapnia is the first physiological
  disturbance in status asthmaticus
C- infants are unresponsive to bronchodilators
D- spontaneous cure occurs before adolescence
E- cough may be the only symptom

                                    Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Which of the following statements are true of
  childhood asthma.
A- over 90% of patients show exercise-induced
  bronchoconstriction (True)
B- hypercapnia is the first physiological disturbance
  in status asthmaticus (False)
C- infants are unresponsive to bronchodilators
D- spontaneous cure occurs before adolescence
E- cough may be the only symptom (True)

                                          Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Regarding inhaler devices:
A- Metered dose inhalers can usually be used
  from the age of about 7 years.
B- The Spinhaler requires co-ordination of device
  actuation with inhalation.
C- The Turbohaler can usually be used from
  about 3 years of age.
D- Salbutamol can be used with the Nebuhaler.
E- A face mask can be attached to a spacer, so
  that it can be used in infants.

                                     Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Regarding inhaler devices:
A- Metered dose inhalers can usually be used from
  the age of about 7 years. (False)
B- The Spinhaler requires co-ordination of device
  actuation with inhalation. (False)
C- The Turbohaler can usually be used from
  about 3 years of age. (True)
D- Salbutamol can be used with the Nebuhaler.
E- A face mask can be attached to a spacer, so
  that it can be used in infants. (True)

                                       Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Concerning Cystic Fibrosis:
A- There is a carrier frequency of 1/220 in the
  general population.
B- A sibling of an affected individual has a 2/3
  chance of being a carrier.
C- It can usually be diagnosed antenatally in a
  family with a surviving affected member.
D- Linkage disequilibrium probes may be useful
  in epidemiological studies.
E- In suspected cases, the sweat test is the most
  appropriate first investigation.

                                      Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Concerning Cystic Fibrosis:
A- There is a carrier frequency of 1/220 in the
  general population. (False)
B- A sibling of an affected individual has a 2/3
  chance of being a carrier. (False)
C- It can usually be diagnosed antenatally in a
  family with a surviving affected member. (True)
D- Linkage disequilibrium probes may be useful
  in epidemiological studies. (True)
E- In suspected cases, the sweat test is the most
  appropriate first investigation. (True)

                                      Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Hypoxaemic respiratory failure (Type I):
A- Can be caused by respiratory muscle
  weakness and fatigue.
B- Is found in mountain sickness.
C- Can lead to pulmonary hypertension.
D- Can lead to CO retention if treated with

  100% oxygen.
E- Can lead to ventricular failure.
                                 Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Hypoxaemic respiratory failure (Type I):
A- Can be caused by respiratory muscle
  weakness and fatigue. (False)
B- Is found in mountain sickness. (True)
C- Can lead to pulmonary hypertension.
D- Can lead to CO retention if treated with

  100% oxygen. (False)
E- Can lead to ventricular failure. (True)

                                   Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Regarding idiopathic primary pulmonary
A- It is inherited as an autosomal recessive.
B- The absence of digital clubbing is usual.
C- Fever is generally absent.
D- Patients usually have associated
E- There is often immunoglobulin of
  complement deposition in the histology of
  lung biopsies.

                                   Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Regarding idiopathic primary pulmonary
A- It is inherited as an autosomal recessive. (False)
B- The absence of digital clubbing is usual. (False)
C- Fever is generally absent. (False)
D- Patients usually have associated polycythaemia.
E- There is often immunoglobulin of complement
  deposition in the histology of lung biopsies. (False)

                                           Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Which of the following may cause
  pulmonary hypertension?
• A- coarctation of the aorta
• B- pulmonary stenosis
• C- patent ductus arteriosus
• D- kyphoscoliosis
• E- schistosomiasis

                              Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Which of the following may cause
  pulmonary hypertension?
• A- coarctation of the aorta (False)
• B- pulmonary stenosis (False)
• C- patent ductus arteriosus (True)
• D- kyphoscoliosis (True)
• E- schistosomiasis (True)

                                 Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Frequent episodic asthma:
• A- Is suffered by 42% of all children with
• B- Is defined as an attack rate of ever 2-4
• C- Should be treated with inhaled regular
  prophylactic therapy, such as inhaled steroids.
• D- Is characterised by normal growth rate.
• E- Usually requires a burst of oral steroids to
  bring under control.

                                      Saturday, December 15, 2012
• Frequent episodic asthma:
• A- Is suffered by 42% of all children with asthma.
• B- Is defined as an attack rate of ever 2-4 months.
• C- Should be treated with inhaled regular
  prophylactic therapy, such as inhaled steroids.
• D- Is characterised by normal growth rate.
• E- Usually requires a burst of oral steroids to bring
  under control. (False)
                                          Saturday, December 15, 2012
•   Types of chronic asthma include:
•   Infrequent episodic asthma: affects 75% of asthmatic children, with
    fewer than 4 episodes per
•   year. Intermittent bronchodilators are given.
•   Frequent episodic asthma: 20%, symptoms 2-4 weekly. Low dose
    inhaled prophylactic therapy
•   plus intermittent bronchodilator.
•   Persistent asthma: 5%, high dose inhaled prophylaxis plus
    intermittent bronchodilators ± longacting
•   bronchodilators such as salmeterol. These children need regular
    monitoring in an asthma
•   clinic and recording of growth and asthma diary.
•   Exercise-induced: pre-exercise bronchodilator. The British Asthma
    Society Guidelines have
•   recently been updated (1997), and you are strongly advised to
    familiarise yourself with the step
•   up and step down approach.

                                                         Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012

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  • 1. Anwser,s Dr :ANAS SAHLE 1. Chest xr cases. 2. Chest clinical case. 3. Chest ct cases. 4. MRCP exam. : Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 2. chest xr cases Dr :anas sahle
  • 3. Cxr-18 Diagnosis is:??
  • 4. Cxr-18 Diagnosis is:?? S Curve of Golden When there is a mass adjacent to a fissure, the fissure takes the shape of an "S". The proximal convexity is due to a mass, and the distal concavity is due to atelectasis. Note the shape of the left oblique fissure in the lateral view below. This example represents a LUL mass with atelectasis.
  • 5. Cxr-19 SIGN NAME IS:…
  • 6. Cxr-19 SIGN NAME IS:… Wedge Shaped This case Density represents a pulmonary infarct. Wedge Shaped Density The wedge's base is pleural and the apex is towards the hilum, giving a triangular shape. You can encounter either of the following: Vascular wedges: Infarct Invasive aspergillosis Bronchial wedges: Consolidation Atelectasis
  • 7. Cxr-20 Acinar or interstitial nodules? Name DDX:…….
  • 9. Cxr-21 DDX:???
  • 11. Cxr-22 this sign name is: Inverted Comma This is an example of an azygous lobe
  • 13. Cxr-23 Mass density is seen in the lateral view, but not in the PA view . This finding suggests a chest wall or external problem. In the film below, an amputated shoulder is projecting as a mass.
  • 14. Cxr-24 DDX:…
  • 15. Cxr-24 DDX:… 1. Dilated esophagus 2. Paravertebral nodes 3. Osteophytes This example is due to paravertebral nodes.
  • 16. CXR-25 Name which anatomic lobe affect when silhoutte sign obscured : ABCDEF
  • 17. CXR-25 Silhouette Adjacent Lobe/Segment Right diaphragm RLL/Basal segments Right heart margin RML/Medial segment Ascending aorta RUL/Anterior segment Aortic knob LUL/Posterior segment Left heart margin Lingula/Inferior segment LLL/Superior and medial A: Ascending aorta Descending aorta segments B: Left heart margin Left diaphragm LLL/Basal segments C: Left diaphragm D: Aortic knob E: Right heart margin F: Right diaphragm
  • 19. chest clinical cases A 27-Year-Old With a Non- Resolving Cavitary Lung Lesion Submitted by Lokesh Venkateshaiah, MD Fellow Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio J. Daryl Thornton, MD MPH Assistant Professor Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
  • 20. History • A 27-year-old man presented to the pulmonary clinic for evaluation of a non-resolving lung cavity. • Four months earlier, he had been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and was started on four-drug anti-tuberculous directly observed therapy. • A PPD placed at that time measured 22 mm of induration. • During the pulmonary clinic visit, the patient stated that over the last year and a half he had a cough occasionally productive of minimal blood-streaked sputum. • He had denied other symptoms including nocturnal diaphoresis, anorexia, weight loss, or fevers. • The patient’s past medical history was remarkable for an abnormal chest radiogram that was noted one and a half years ago and one episode of malaria. • Other than his recent antituberculous therapy he took no regular medications. • He smoked one-half pack daily for the past 12 years. • He occasionally snorted cocaine but did not use alcohol or other recreational drugs. • He emigrated from Malaysia to the United States 8 months ago. • He was originally from Burma but was a refugee in Malaysia. • It was in Malaysia that he was noted to have an abnormal chest radiogram. • He underwent additional investigations while there but was not given a diagnosis nor treatment. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 21. Physical Exam • The patient appeared comfortable and was in no acute distress. • Vital signs were unremarkable. • The cardiac exam demonstrated regular rate and rhythm, a normal S1 and S2, and no murmur, gallop or rub. • Breath sounds were equal bilaterally and absent of adventitious sounds. • The abdomen was soft and without organomegaly. • The patient’s extremities were without clubbing or edema. • There was a scar on the left upper arm from a prior BCG injection. • No other skin lesions were noted. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 22. Lab • White blood cell count was 10,000 per mm3 with 66% Neutrophils, 14% Lymphocytes and 12% eosinophils • Hematocrit 49% • Platelet count was 309,000 per mm3 • Urea nitrogen was 12 mg /dl, and serum creatinine was 0.7 mg/dl • Liver function tests were within normal limits • Stools and sputum for ova and parasites were negative • Sputum for AFB times five was negative Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 23. Chest computed tomography 4 months prior to current presentation Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 24. at presentation (4 months following initiation of antituberculous therapy) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 25. Question 1 • What is the diagnosis? • A. Pulmonary tuberculosis • B. Acute Bronchitis • C. Paragonimiasis • D. Schistosomiasis Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 26. Cysts for Paragonimus were identified on BAL and transbronchial biopsy. • Paragonimiasis is caused by lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus. • There are 43 species of Paragonimus, 12 of which infect humans. • Paragonimus westermani is the most prevalent, especially in eastern and Southeast Asia. • Infection with these organisms occurs worldwide but predominantly in several parts of Central and South America, West Africa, and Asia (1). • In the United States, the disease is diagnosed most commonly in immigrants from endemic countries (2). • Endogenous infections do occur and usually are caused by Paragonimus kellicot mainly in the midwestern and eastern United States (3-6). • Pulmonary tuberculosis is less likely given several negative sputum AFB stains and cultures. • Alveolar lavage by bronchoscopy elso exhibited negative AFB stain and culture. • In addition, the cavitation worsened on computed tomography despite receiving multidrug direct observed therapy. • Acute bronchitis is not a common cause of pulmonary cavitation. • Pulmonary manifestations of chronic schistosomiasis are generally found in patients with a heavy infectious burden and significant clinical symptoms. • Schistozome eggs may embolize from the liver to the pulmonary circulation where they may lead to granulomatous endarteritis, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pulmonale. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 27. Question 2 • How do humans acquire Paragonimiasis? • A. Inhalation • B. Ingestion • C. Innoculation • D. Inconclusive Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 28. life cycle Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 29. Question 3 • What is the drug of choice in the treatment of Paragonimus westermani? • A. Peptobismol • B. Cipro • C. Praziquantel • D. Albendazole Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 30. Treatment • Praziquantel is the drug of choice to treat paragonimiasis. • The recommended dosage of 75 mg/kg per day orally, divided into 3 doses over 2 days has proven to eliminate P. westermani in adults and children . • Praziquantel should be taken with liquids during a meal. • Patients with chronic empyema due to paragonimiasis may require decortication in addition to anthelmintic treatment . Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 32. chest ct cases-5 Dr :anas sahle
  • 34. HRCT-1 • What is the major abnormality in this case? • a) Linear opacities • b) Nodules • c) Consolidation • d) Ground-glass opacity • 2. Which lung is involved? • a) Left • b) Right • c) Both
  • 35. HRCT-1 • What is the distribution of the lesions? • a) Bronchovascular interstitium • b) Interlobular septa • c) Centrilobular region • d) Pleura
  • 37. HRCT-1 • Find multiple, connected, thickened interlobular septa in the right lung. • Find an example of thickened bronchovascular interstitium in the right lung. • Find 2 examples of polygonal lobules with centrilobular nodules in the right lung.
  • 40. HRCT-2 • Find the thickened fissural pleura in the right lung. • Find 2 lobules with thickened interlobular septa and centrilobular nodules in the right lung. • Find an example of thickened bronchovascular interstitium in the right lung.
  • 42. Differential diagnosis • Differential diagnosis of thickened bronchovascular, interlobular septal, and pleural interstitium on HRCT:……..
  • 43. Differential diagnosis • Differential diagnosis of thickened bronchovascular, interlobular septal, and pleural interstitium on HRCT: • Lymphangitic tumor, • Lymphoma. • Kaposi's sarcoma. • edema. • The uni-laterality would be very unusual for Kaposi's sarcoma or edema.
  • 45. Summary Summary of diagnostic features of lymphangitic tumor on HRCT: • Thickening of • bronchovascular, • interlobular septal, • centrilobular, and • pleural interstitium • Smooth or nodular thickening • Lack of architectural distortion Comment: • Unilateral lymphangitic tumor is most commonly seen in cases of primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma, as in this case.
  • 47. MRCP EXAM Respiratory 12/15/2012
  • 48. Q1 • Regarding community acquired pneumonia in infancy: A -Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen. B- It may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus. C- Ciprofloxacin is an appropriate treatment if blood cultures are negative. D- Bordatella pertussis infection is usually mild. E- It may be caused by mycoplasma urealiticum. 12/15/2012
  • 49. A1 • Regarding community acquired pneumonia in infancy: A -Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen. (False) B- It may be caused by Staphylococcus aureus. (True) C- Ciprofloxacin is an appropriate treatment if blood cultures are negative. (False) D- Bordatella pertussis infection is usually mild. (False) E- It may be caused by mycoplasma urealiticum. (True) 12/15/2012
  • 50. Q2 • The following are true of cystic fibrosis: A -Infertility in men is a result of testicular atrophy. B- In children under one year of age the commonest cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus. C -10% of patients will not require pancreatic enzyme supplementation. D -In neonates 10 - 10% present with meconium ileus. E -In the school age child, it usually presents with hepatic fibrosis. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 51. A2 • The following are true of cystic fibrosis: A -Infertility in men is a result of testicular atrophy. (False) B- In children under one year of age the commonest cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus. (False) C -10% of patients will not require pancreatic enzyme supplementation. (True) D -In neonates 10 - 10% present with meconium ileus. (True) E -In the school age child, it usually presents with hepatic fibrosis. (False) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 52. Q3 • The following are recognised complications of foreign body inhalation: A- Pulmonary abscess B- Asthma C- Angioneurotic oedema D- Hyperinflation of the affected lung E- Hyperinflation of the opposite lung Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 53. A3 • The following are recognised complications of foreign body inhalation: A- Pulmonary abscess (True) B- Asthma (False) C- Angioneurotic oedema (False) D- Hyperinflation of the affected lung (True) E- Hyperinflation of the opposite lung (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 54. Q4 • Which of the following statements are true of childhood asthma. A- over 90% of patients show exercise-induced bronchoconstriction B- hypercapnia is the first physiological disturbance in status asthmaticus C- infants are unresponsive to bronchodilators D- spontaneous cure occurs before adolescence E- cough may be the only symptom Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 55. A4 • Which of the following statements are true of childhood asthma. A- over 90% of patients show exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (True) B- hypercapnia is the first physiological disturbance in status asthmaticus (False) C- infants are unresponsive to bronchodilators (True) D- spontaneous cure occurs before adolescence (False) E- cough may be the only symptom (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 56. Q5 • Regarding inhaler devices: A- Metered dose inhalers can usually be used from the age of about 7 years. B- The Spinhaler requires co-ordination of device actuation with inhalation. C- The Turbohaler can usually be used from about 3 years of age. D- Salbutamol can be used with the Nebuhaler. E- A face mask can be attached to a spacer, so that it can be used in infants. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 57. A5 • Regarding inhaler devices: A- Metered dose inhalers can usually be used from the age of about 7 years. (False) B- The Spinhaler requires co-ordination of device actuation with inhalation. (False) C- The Turbohaler can usually be used from about 3 years of age. (True) D- Salbutamol can be used with the Nebuhaler. (False) E- A face mask can be attached to a spacer, so that it can be used in infants. (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 58. Q6 • Concerning Cystic Fibrosis: A- There is a carrier frequency of 1/220 in the general population. B- A sibling of an affected individual has a 2/3 chance of being a carrier. C- It can usually be diagnosed antenatally in a family with a surviving affected member. D- Linkage disequilibrium probes may be useful in epidemiological studies. E- In suspected cases, the sweat test is the most appropriate first investigation. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 59. A6 • Concerning Cystic Fibrosis: A- There is a carrier frequency of 1/220 in the general population. (False) B- A sibling of an affected individual has a 2/3 chance of being a carrier. (False) C- It can usually be diagnosed antenatally in a family with a surviving affected member. (True) D- Linkage disequilibrium probes may be useful in epidemiological studies. (True) E- In suspected cases, the sweat test is the most appropriate first investigation. (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 60. Q7 • Hypoxaemic respiratory failure (Type I): A- Can be caused by respiratory muscle weakness and fatigue. B- Is found in mountain sickness. C- Can lead to pulmonary hypertension. D- Can lead to CO retention if treated with 2 100% oxygen. E- Can lead to ventricular failure. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 61. A7 • Hypoxaemic respiratory failure (Type I): A- Can be caused by respiratory muscle weakness and fatigue. (False) B- Is found in mountain sickness. (True) C- Can lead to pulmonary hypertension. (True) D- Can lead to CO retention if treated with 2 100% oxygen. (False) E- Can lead to ventricular failure. (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 62. Q8 • Regarding idiopathic primary pulmonary haemosiderosis: A- It is inherited as an autosomal recessive. B- The absence of digital clubbing is usual. C- Fever is generally absent. D- Patients usually have associated polycythaemia. E- There is often immunoglobulin of complement deposition in the histology of lung biopsies. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 63. A8 • Regarding idiopathic primary pulmonary haemosiderosis: A- It is inherited as an autosomal recessive. (False) B- The absence of digital clubbing is usual. (False) C- Fever is generally absent. (False) D- Patients usually have associated polycythaemia. (False) E- There is often immunoglobulin of complement deposition in the histology of lung biopsies. (False) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 64. Q9 • Which of the following may cause pulmonary hypertension? • A- coarctation of the aorta • B- pulmonary stenosis • C- patent ductus arteriosus • D- kyphoscoliosis • E- schistosomiasis Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 65. A9 • Which of the following may cause pulmonary hypertension? • A- coarctation of the aorta (False) • B- pulmonary stenosis (False) • C- patent ductus arteriosus (True) • D- kyphoscoliosis (True) • E- schistosomiasis (True) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 66. Q10 • Frequent episodic asthma: • A- Is suffered by 42% of all children with asthma. • B- Is defined as an attack rate of ever 2-4 months. • C- Should be treated with inhaled regular prophylactic therapy, such as inhaled steroids. • D- Is characterised by normal growth rate. • E- Usually requires a burst of oral steroids to bring under control. Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 67. A10 • Frequent episodic asthma: • A- Is suffered by 42% of all children with asthma. (False) • B- Is defined as an attack rate of ever 2-4 months. (False) • C- Should be treated with inhaled regular prophylactic therapy, such as inhaled steroids. (True) • D- Is characterised by normal growth rate. (True) • E- Usually requires a burst of oral steroids to bring under control. (False) Saturday, December 15, 2012
  • 68. Comments: • Types of chronic asthma include: • Infrequent episodic asthma: affects 75% of asthmatic children, with fewer than 4 episodes per • year. Intermittent bronchodilators are given. • Frequent episodic asthma: 20%, symptoms 2-4 weekly. Low dose inhaled prophylactic therapy • plus intermittent bronchodilator. • Persistent asthma: 5%, high dose inhaled prophylaxis plus intermittent bronchodilators ± longacting • bronchodilators such as salmeterol. These children need regular monitoring in an asthma • clinic and recording of growth and asthma diary. • Exercise-induced: pre-exercise bronchodilator. The British Asthma Society Guidelines have • recently been updated (1997), and you are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the step • up and step down approach. Saturday, December 15, 2012