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Antidepressants toxictiy
Tricyclic antidepressants
► Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were one of the
most important causes of mortality resulting
from poisoning until 1993 and still continue to be a
major cause of death from self-poisoning.
► Although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) have overtaken them to become first-line
therapy for depression, TCAs remain widely
prescribed for depression and an increasing
number of other indications including anxiety
disorders, attention deficit disorder, pediatric
enuresis, and chronic pain syndromes.
► They are highly protein bound
► have a large volume of distribution
► a long half life of elimination that generally exceeds 24
hours and in the case of amitriptyline is 31 to 46 hours.
► The ingestion of large quantities of tricyclics in self
poisoning causes altered pharmacokinetics.
► Gastrointestinal absorption may be delayed because of
inhibition of gastric emptying
► significant enterohepatic recirculation prolongs the final
► The amount of unbound tricyclic may also increase if the
overdose causes respiratory depression resulting in an
acidosis, which reduces protein binding.
The toxic effects of tricyclics are caused by
four main pharmacological properties:
►Inhibition of norepinephrine and seretonin
reuptake at nerve terminals.
►Direct α adrenergic block.
►A membrane stabilising or quinidine-like
effect on the myocardium; sodium channel
►Anticholinergic action.
► The cardiovascular toxicity, which is the most common
cause of morbidity and mortality from TCAs, is related to
their sodium channel blockade and α-adrenergic blockade.
► TCAs bind to and inhibit the movement of sodium ions into
the fast sodium channel thereby slowing phase O
depolarization in the His-Purkinje system and ventricular
myocytes. This results in slowed cardiac conduction by
slowing the propagation of ventricular depolarization which
is manifested as a prolonged QRS on the ECG.
► Specifically, TCAs inhibit outward potassium current by
blocking potassium channels in phase 3, which ultimately
results in prolongation of the QT interval.
► Sinus tachycardia is the most common cardiac
disturbance seen following TCA overdose.
Competitive blockade at muscarinic receptors
plays a primarily role
► although norepinephrine reuptake inhibition also
contributes to the tachycardia and
► prolonged blockade can cause depletion of
norepinephrine from the presynaptic nerve terminal,
and inhibition of α1-adrenergic receptors which
results in the subsequent development of
refractory hypotension and bradycardia in cases
of serious overdose.
►This hypotension can be exacerbated by
hypoxia, acidosis, and volume-depletion.
► Neurologic effects of TCAs, including
agitation and delirium, primarily result
from CNS blockade of muscarinic receptors.
►by impairing sweating heat dissipation is
reduced and this can result in a fever,
especially if seizures occur.
Clinical manifestations
►Clinical symptoms of antidepressant toxicity
often progress rapidly and
unpredictably, and, many times, patients
present asymptomatically or minimally
symptomatic and progress to life-
threatening cardiovascular and neurologic
toxicity within an hour.
► Early manifestations include altered mental status,
delirium, psychotic behavior, and agitation,
and hallucinations. These symptoms can later
proceed rapidly to coma.
► Drowsiness, slurred speech, sedation (H1 block)
► Seizures are usually generalized and often occur
within 1-2 hours of ingestion.
► Seizures occurs in 4% of patients with overdose
and in 14% of fatal cases
Cardiovascular effects
►Hypertension (early)
►Delayed conduction
►Long QT
►Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity can be
caused by either an acute ingestion or a
chronic ingestion.
►Toxicity secondary to chronic ingestions
usually presents with symptomatology that
is an exaggeration of the usual side effects
of tricyclics.
►ECG is the most important for diagnosis and
follow up.
►activated charcoal may reduce the
absorption of tricyclics and the benefits of
both single and multiple doses have been
- Sodium bicarbonate is the first-line therapy
if TCA ingestion is known or strongly
suspected (life saving)…………… why?
►Procainamide, quinidine, β-blockers, and
calcium channel blockers are
►Lidocaine may show beneficial activity.
- Hypotension is treated with sodium
bicarbonate and intravenous fluids.
- Vasopressors are recommended for
refractory hypotension; best
- Benzodiazepines
- Hemodialysis is not effective why?
Intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) infusion
► The use of ILE as a potential treatment for drugs
in overdose arose from an extension of its use in
treating bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity.
► The discovery of the potential benefit of ILE as a
therapy for local anesthetic toxicity occurred from
a chance observation of a patient with a carnitine
deficiency who was undergoing anesthesia.
► The patient seemed to be particularly susceptible
to bupivacaine-induced arrhythmias.
►An effort to link carnitine deficiency to the
underlying mechanism of bupivacaine
cardiotoxicity resulted in the discovery that
preloading with lipid seemed to be
cardioprotective, attenuating the adverse
hemodynamic effects of bupivacaine.
► 1) In the “lipid sink” hypothesis, the infused lipid
acts as a pharmacokinetic drug compartment into
which lipid-soluble “sink” and are rendered
► 2) Augmentation of cardiac energy supplies
through provision of excess substrate may
overcome the blockade of fatty acid transport into
cardiac mitochondria.
► (3) Direct activation of voltage-gated cardiac
calcium channels may increase cytosolic calcium
levels and improve cardiac performance.
SSRIs toxicity
► Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
widely prescribed medications for the treatment of
depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, anxiety, and
social phobia.
► have a high therapeutic to toxicity ratio.
► However, although they are associated with less
toxicity than tricyclic antidepressants, they are
often involved in co-ingestions that can precipitate
the potentially lethal serotonin syndrome (SS).
► fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline, paroxetine,
citalopram, escitalopram, and fluvoxamine
►SS represents a group of signs and
symptoms that manifest in the
neuromuscular, autonomic nervous, and
gastrointestinal systems, in which
concentrations of serotonin receptors are
the highest.
►Less frequently, SS can be precipitated by
an overdose of a single SSRI.
► SS is often caused by combinations of SSRIs with
other proserotonergic agents, including the
► Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
► TCAs
► Trazodone (Desyrel)
► Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
(SNRIs) Venlafaxine and duloxetine
► Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors
► Lithium
► Opioids
► Amphetamines and cocaine
►SSRIs are metabolized in the liver by
cytochrome P-450
► They are highly bound to plasma proteins
and have a large volume of distribution.
Peak plasma levels are reached in 2-8
►Half life variable but about 22 hours. A
notable exception is fluoxetine
(Prozac) and its active metabolite,
norfluoxetine, which have half-lives of
2-4 days and 8-9 days, respectively.
Signs and symptoms
►serotonergic projections to the thalamus
and cortex result in effects on sleep-wake
cycles, mood, thermoregulation, appetite,
pain perception, and sexual function.
►Excess 5-HT in these pathways causes
1. mental status changes, confusion,
2. agitation, ataxia
3. Fever
4. Toxicity of descending pathways to the
brainstem and medulla results in
hyperreflexia, myoclonus, and tremor.
►Autonomic nervous system effects include
diaphoresis, mydriasis, hypertension,
tachycardia, hyperthermia, piloerection, and
muscular rigidity.
►Cardiovascular effects most commonly
include sinus tachycardia, flushing,
hypertension, and in rare cases,
►Dose-dependent QT prolongation has been
reported with citalopram (Celexa).
►Due to the high levels of serotonin in gastric
and intestinal mucosal enterochromaffin
cells, the most common minor adverse
effects of SSRI therapy are gastrointestinal;
eg, abdominal cramping, nausea, and
►SSRIs have also been shown to moderately
increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal
Complications of toxicity
►Aspiration pneumonia
►Disseminated intravascular coagulation
►Acute renal failure
►Respiratory failure
►Most cases fully resolve without residual
deficits if supportive care has been
►The prognosis is generally favorable.
►Most fatalities occur within the first 26
►Patients who remain asymptomatic for 6-8
hours after ingestion are unlikely to require
further treatment.
Patient education
►educated about symptoms of serotonin
toxicity and SS.
►Patients should be counseled about
potential interactions among any
medications they take—including over-the-
counter medications (particularly
dextromethorphan-containing cold
remedies), illicit drugs (especially
amphetamines, cocaine, and mescaline),
and herbal dietary supplements (eg, St.
John's wort, ginseng)—that might affect the
patient's tissue concentrations of serotonin.
►A minimum of 2 weeks should elapse
between termination of an SSRI or MAOI
and initiation of a new one.
►Drugs with a longer half-life (ie, fluoxetine)
require up to 5 weeks of wash out.
►Elderly patients and those taking liver Mixed
Function Oxidases inhibitors may require an
extended wash-out period as well.
►Treat hyperthermia with cooling blankets,
fans, ice packs, and IV fluids. Antipyretics
are not indicated.
► Administer activated charcoal if a
potentially lethal amount or combination of
proserotonergic agents has been ingested
and if the presentation is within 1-2 hours.
►Treat neuromuscular abnormalities with
►Severely ill patients can be treated
pharmacologically with 5HT antagonists,
such as cyproheptadine.
►It is available only in oral form, which can
be crushed and infused via nasogastric
►Caution should be exercised in hyperthermic
patients, because cyproheptadine has
anticholinergic properties and theoretically
can worsen hyperthermia.
► Autonomic instability requires treatment with
short-acting agents that are amenable to titration,
such as nitroprusside and esmolol.
► Treat rahabdomyolysis with aggressive hydration,
and alkalinize urine with sodium bicarbonate for
renal protection.
► Symptomatic patients with
citalopram/escitalopram overdose may require
admission to a monitored bed for 24 hours
because of the risk of delayed toxicity, which can
cause prolonged QT interval and consequent
cardiac dysrhythmias (eg, torsades de pointes).
Toxicity of MAOIs
►Two categories of MAOs exist: MAO-A and
►The widely prescribed MAOIs are rather
unique in the fact that they bind irreversibly
(moclobemide is an exception, since it is a
reversible inhibitor) at their sites of action,
are eliminated from circulation by such
►Additionally, MAOs are located in many
tissues, including the gut wall.
►MAOIs absorbed through the
gastrointestinal tract bind significantly to
MAO in the gut mucosa and liver producing
significant first pass effect.
►MAO in the gut mucosa essentially breaks
down potentially toxic dietary monoamines,
such as tyramine, and "prevent" their
►The inhibition of gut MAO by these
medications coupled with ingestion of
substances containing tyramine may
produce significant toxicity.
Tyramine-containing foods
► Aged cheeses
►Aged, pickled, or smoked meats (eg, salami)
or fish
►Yeast extracts
►Red wine more than white wine
►Recently, a transdermal preparation of a
"selective" MAO-B drug, selegiline, has
appeared on the market, which by-passing
the first pass effect of gut and hepatic MAOI
effects, appears to produce antidepressant
effects with significantly reduced risk for
dietary-induced toxicity
MAOI poisoning is classified into
the following 3 subtypes:
►Actual poisoning from an overdose is
►Drug-food interaction is so-called tyramine
reaction or cheese reaction. It is usually
rapid in onset, occurring within 17-90
minutes after ingestion. Most symptoms
resolve in 6 hours. Fatalities have been
reported due to complications from
hypertensive emergencies.
►Drug-drug interaction
Symptoms are that of increased
catecholamines activity
►hypertension, tachycardia, tremors,
seizures, and hyperthermia.
►Decontamination because of the potential
for severe toxicity and lack of antidotes, an
aggressive decontamination is very
►Consider gastric lavage, particularly in
patients with recent ingestion (within an
►Administer charcoal: Secure unprotected
airway prior to lavage and charcoal
administration if needed.
►Hemodialysis is less effective
►Fluid therapy is of paramount importance.
Patients may be significantly dehydrated
from hyperthermia.
► A 10-kg, 20-month-old girl presented to the
emergency department of a district general
hospital 1 hour after ingesting her grandmother’s
medication, including 45 mg/kg dosulepin.
► At presentation, the patient was noted to be
drowsy but responsive to voice and had obvious
► She subsequently developed a tonic-clonic seizure
and, despite rectal and intravenous administration
of diazepam, her seizures persisted.
► Thiopentone (5 mg/kg) was administered and
resulted in seizure termination.
► Suxamethonium (2 mg/kg) was used to facilitate
tracheal intubation.
► A nasogastric tube was passed, gastric lavage was
attempted, and activated charcoal (1 mg/kg) was
► Electrocardiography showed narrow-complex
tachycardia with a rate of 130 beats per minute,
and the patient’s blood pressure was 80/40 mm
► The patient’s QRS complexes began to broaden
progressively despite the administration of a
sodium bicarbonate infusion (8.4%; 10 mL diluted
in 500 mL of saline solution, initiated at 30 mL/
►The patient developed ventricular
tachycardia with a rate of 180 beats per
minute, although her systolic blood pressure
was maintained at 80 mm Hg.
►In the presence of ongoing deterioration, an
intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) was
►A bolus dose of 10 mL of ILE (1 mL/kg) was
► followed by an infusion of 150 mL/hour (0.25
mL/kg per minute).
► Within minutes after administration of the ILE, the
patient’s QRS complexes began to narrow.
► Her heart rate continued to increase; when it was
200 beats per minute, her blood pressure
decreased to 60/30 mm Hg.
► A synchronized directcurrent shock of 50 J was
delivered, and narrow-complex sinus tachycardia
(150 beats per minute) was immediately restored
which was associated with return of the baseline
blood pressure
► The ILE infusion was continued for 1 hour after
the bolus, to ensure extension of the infusion
period into the expected peak plasma
concentration period (which occurs 3 hours after
ingestion of dothiepin).
► The patient was transferred to the PICU and
remained in stable condition with narrow QRS
complexes and adequate blood pressure. She was
sedated, given ventilation, and monitored
► The following day, she was extubated successfully
and had no additional neurologic or
cardiovascular complications.
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy
Antidepressants toxictiy

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Antidepressants toxictiy

  • 2. Tricyclic antidepressants ► Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were one of the most important causes of mortality resulting from poisoning until 1993 and still continue to be a major cause of death from self-poisoning. ► Although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have overtaken them to become first-line therapy for depression, TCAs remain widely prescribed for depression and an increasing number of other indications including anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder, pediatric enuresis, and chronic pain syndromes.
  • 3. Pharmacokinetics ► They are highly protein bound ► have a large volume of distribution ► a long half life of elimination that generally exceeds 24 hours and in the case of amitriptyline is 31 to 46 hours. ► The ingestion of large quantities of tricyclics in self poisoning causes altered pharmacokinetics. ► Gastrointestinal absorption may be delayed because of inhibition of gastric emptying ► significant enterohepatic recirculation prolongs the final elimination. ► The amount of unbound tricyclic may also increase if the overdose causes respiratory depression resulting in an acidosis, which reduces protein binding.
  • 4. pathophysiology The toxic effects of tricyclics are caused by four main pharmacological properties: ►Inhibition of norepinephrine and seretonin reuptake at nerve terminals. ►Direct α adrenergic block. ►A membrane stabilising or quinidine-like effect on the myocardium; sodium channel blocking. ►Anticholinergic action.
  • 5.
  • 6. ► The cardiovascular toxicity, which is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality from TCAs, is related to their sodium channel blockade and α-adrenergic blockade. ► TCAs bind to and inhibit the movement of sodium ions into the fast sodium channel thereby slowing phase O depolarization in the His-Purkinje system and ventricular myocytes. This results in slowed cardiac conduction by slowing the propagation of ventricular depolarization which is manifested as a prolonged QRS on the ECG. ► Specifically, TCAs inhibit outward potassium current by blocking potassium channels in phase 3, which ultimately results in prolongation of the QT interval.
  • 7.
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  • 9.
  • 10. ► Sinus tachycardia is the most common cardiac disturbance seen following TCA overdose. Competitive blockade at muscarinic receptors plays a primarily role ► although norepinephrine reuptake inhibition also contributes to the tachycardia and hypertension. ► prolonged blockade can cause depletion of norepinephrine from the presynaptic nerve terminal, and inhibition of α1-adrenergic receptors which results in the subsequent development of refractory hypotension and bradycardia in cases of serious overdose.
  • 11. ►This hypotension can be exacerbated by hypoxia, acidosis, and volume-depletion. ► Neurologic effects of TCAs, including agitation and delirium, primarily result from CNS blockade of muscarinic receptors. ►by impairing sweating heat dissipation is reduced and this can result in a fever, especially if seizures occur.
  • 12. Clinical manifestations ►Clinical symptoms of antidepressant toxicity often progress rapidly and unpredictably, and, many times, patients present asymptomatically or minimally symptomatic and progress to life- threatening cardiovascular and neurologic toxicity within an hour.
  • 13. NERVOUS SYSTEM ► Early manifestations include altered mental status, delirium, psychotic behavior, and agitation, and hallucinations. These symptoms can later proceed rapidly to coma. ► Drowsiness, slurred speech, sedation (H1 block) ► Seizures are usually generalized and often occur within 1-2 hours of ingestion. ► Seizures occurs in 4% of patients with overdose and in 14% of fatal cases
  • 15. ►Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity can be caused by either an acute ingestion or a chronic ingestion. ►Toxicity secondary to chronic ingestions usually presents with symptomatology that is an exaggeration of the usual side effects of tricyclics.
  • 16. TREATMENT ►ECG is the most important for diagnosis and follow up. ►activated charcoal may reduce the absorption of tricyclics and the benefits of both single and multiple doses have been described. ►
  • 17. ►Dysrhythmias - Sodium bicarbonate is the first-line therapy if TCA ingestion is known or strongly suspected (life saving)…………… why? ►Procainamide, quinidine, β-blockers, and calcium channel blockers are contraindicated. ►Lidocaine may show beneficial activity.
  • 18. ►Hypotension - Hypotension is treated with sodium bicarbonate and intravenous fluids. - Vasopressors are recommended for refractory hypotension; best norepinephnrine. ►Seizures - Benzodiazepines - Hemodialysis is not effective why?
  • 19. Intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) infusion ► The use of ILE as a potential treatment for drugs in overdose arose from an extension of its use in treating bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity. ► The discovery of the potential benefit of ILE as a therapy for local anesthetic toxicity occurred from a chance observation of a patient with a carnitine deficiency who was undergoing anesthesia. ► The patient seemed to be particularly susceptible to bupivacaine-induced arrhythmias.
  • 20. ►An effort to link carnitine deficiency to the underlying mechanism of bupivacaine cardiotoxicity resulted in the discovery that preloading with lipid seemed to be cardioprotective, attenuating the adverse hemodynamic effects of bupivacaine. ►
  • 21. ► 1) In the “lipid sink” hypothesis, the infused lipid acts as a pharmacokinetic drug compartment into which lipid-soluble “sink” and are rendered inactive. ► 2) Augmentation of cardiac energy supplies through provision of excess substrate may overcome the blockade of fatty acid transport into cardiac mitochondria. ► (3) Direct activation of voltage-gated cardiac calcium channels may increase cytosolic calcium levels and improve cardiac performance.
  • 22. SSRIs toxicity ► Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), widely prescribed medications for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, anxiety, and social phobia. ► have a high therapeutic to toxicity ratio. ► However, although they are associated with less toxicity than tricyclic antidepressants, they are often involved in co-ingestions that can precipitate the potentially lethal serotonin syndrome (SS). ► fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, and fluvoxamine
  • 23. ►SS represents a group of signs and symptoms that manifest in the neuromuscular, autonomic nervous, and gastrointestinal systems, in which concentrations of serotonin receptors are the highest. ►Less frequently, SS can be precipitated by an overdose of a single SSRI.
  • 24. ► SS is often caused by combinations of SSRIs with other proserotonergic agents, including the following: ► Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) ► TCAs ► Trazodone (Desyrel) ► Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) Venlafaxine and duloxetine ► Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors ► Lithium ► Opioids ► Amphetamines and cocaine
  • 25. pharmacokinetics ►SSRIs are metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P-450 ► They are highly bound to plasma proteins and have a large volume of distribution. Peak plasma levels are reached in 2-8 hours. ►Half life variable but about 22 hours. A notable exception is fluoxetine (Prozac) and its active metabolite, norfluoxetine, which have half-lives of 2-4 days and 8-9 days, respectively.
  • 26. Signs and symptoms ►serotonergic projections to the thalamus and cortex result in effects on sleep-wake cycles, mood, thermoregulation, appetite, pain perception, and sexual function. ►Excess 5-HT in these pathways causes 1. mental status changes, confusion, 2. agitation, ataxia 3. Fever 4. Toxicity of descending pathways to the brainstem and medulla results in hyperreflexia, myoclonus, and tremor.
  • 27. ►Autonomic nervous system effects include diaphoresis, mydriasis, hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthermia, piloerection, and muscular rigidity. ►Cardiovascular effects most commonly include sinus tachycardia, flushing, hypertension, and in rare cases, hypotension. ►Dose-dependent QT prolongation has been reported with citalopram (Celexa).
  • 28. ►Due to the high levels of serotonin in gastric and intestinal mucosal enterochromaffin cells, the most common minor adverse effects of SSRI therapy are gastrointestinal; eg, abdominal cramping, nausea, and diarrhea. ►SSRIs have also been shown to moderately increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • 29. Complications of toxicity ►Seizures ►Aspiration pneumonia ►Rhabdomyolysis ►Disseminated intravascular coagulation ►Acute renal failure ►Respiratory failure
  • 30. ►Most cases fully resolve without residual deficits if supportive care has been provided. ►The prognosis is generally favorable. ►Most fatalities occur within the first 26 hours. ►Patients who remain asymptomatic for 6-8 hours after ingestion are unlikely to require further treatment.
  • 31. Patient education ►educated about symptoms of serotonin toxicity and SS. ►Patients should be counseled about potential interactions among any medications they take—including over-the- counter medications (particularly dextromethorphan-containing cold remedies), illicit drugs (especially amphetamines, cocaine, and mescaline), and herbal dietary supplements (eg, St. John's wort, ginseng)—that might affect the patient's tissue concentrations of serotonin.
  • 32. ►A minimum of 2 weeks should elapse between termination of an SSRI or MAOI and initiation of a new one. ►Drugs with a longer half-life (ie, fluoxetine) require up to 5 weeks of wash out. ►Elderly patients and those taking liver Mixed Function Oxidases inhibitors may require an extended wash-out period as well.
  • 33. Managment ►ABCD ►Treat hyperthermia with cooling blankets, fans, ice packs, and IV fluids. Antipyretics are not indicated. ► Administer activated charcoal if a potentially lethal amount or combination of proserotonergic agents has been ingested and if the presentation is within 1-2 hours. ►Treat neuromuscular abnormalities with benzodiazepines.
  • 34. ►Severely ill patients can be treated pharmacologically with 5HT antagonists, such as cyproheptadine. ►It is available only in oral form, which can be crushed and infused via nasogastric tube. ►Caution should be exercised in hyperthermic patients, because cyproheptadine has anticholinergic properties and theoretically can worsen hyperthermia.
  • 35. ► Autonomic instability requires treatment with short-acting agents that are amenable to titration, such as nitroprusside and esmolol. ► Treat rahabdomyolysis with aggressive hydration, and alkalinize urine with sodium bicarbonate for renal protection. ► Symptomatic patients with citalopram/escitalopram overdose may require admission to a monitored bed for 24 hours because of the risk of delayed toxicity, which can cause prolonged QT interval and consequent cardiac dysrhythmias (eg, torsades de pointes).
  • 36. Toxicity of MAOIs ►Two categories of MAOs exist: MAO-A and MAO-B. ►The widely prescribed MAOIs are rather unique in the fact that they bind irreversibly (moclobemide is an exception, since it is a reversible inhibitor) at their sites of action, are eliminated from circulation by such binding ►Additionally, MAOs are located in many tissues, including the gut wall.
  • 37. ►MAOIs absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract bind significantly to MAO in the gut mucosa and liver producing significant first pass effect. ►MAO in the gut mucosa essentially breaks down potentially toxic dietary monoamines, such as tyramine, and "prevent" their absorption. ►The inhibition of gut MAO by these medications coupled with ingestion of substances containing tyramine may produce significant toxicity.
  • 38. Tyramine-containing foods ► Aged cheeses ►Aged, pickled, or smoked meats (eg, salami) or fish ►Yeast extracts ►Beer ►Red wine more than white wine ►Avocado ►Ginseng
  • 39. ►Recently, a transdermal preparation of a "selective" MAO-B drug, selegiline, has appeared on the market, which by-passing the first pass effect of gut and hepatic MAOI effects, appears to produce antidepressant effects with significantly reduced risk for dietary-induced toxicity
  • 40. MAOI poisoning is classified into the following 3 subtypes: ►Actual poisoning from an overdose is uncommon ►Drug-food interaction is so-called tyramine reaction or cheese reaction. It is usually rapid in onset, occurring within 17-90 minutes after ingestion. Most symptoms resolve in 6 hours. Fatalities have been reported due to complications from hypertensive emergencies. ►Drug-drug interaction
  • 41. Symptoms are that of increased catecholamines activity ►hypertension, tachycardia, tremors, seizures, and hyperthermia.
  • 42. Managment ►Decontamination because of the potential for severe toxicity and lack of antidotes, an aggressive decontamination is very important. ►Consider gastric lavage, particularly in patients with recent ingestion (within an hour). ►Administer charcoal: Secure unprotected airway prior to lavage and charcoal administration if needed. ►Hemodialysis is less effective
  • 43. ►Fluid therapy is of paramount importance. Patients may be significantly dehydrated from hyperthermia. ►Hyperthermia: ►Tachycardia: ►Hypertension: ►Seizures:
  • 44. Case ► A 10-kg, 20-month-old girl presented to the emergency department of a district general hospital 1 hour after ingesting her grandmother’s medication, including 45 mg/kg dosulepin. ► At presentation, the patient was noted to be drowsy but responsive to voice and had obvious nystagmus. ► She subsequently developed a tonic-clonic seizure and, despite rectal and intravenous administration of diazepam, her seizures persisted. ► Thiopentone (5 mg/kg) was administered and resulted in seizure termination.
  • 45. ► Suxamethonium (2 mg/kg) was used to facilitate tracheal intubation. ► A nasogastric tube was passed, gastric lavage was attempted, and activated charcoal (1 mg/kg) was administered. ► Electrocardiography showed narrow-complex tachycardia with a rate of 130 beats per minute, and the patient’s blood pressure was 80/40 mm Hg. ► The patient’s QRS complexes began to broaden progressively despite the administration of a sodium bicarbonate infusion (8.4%; 10 mL diluted in 500 mL of saline solution, initiated at 30 mL/ hour),
  • 46. ►The patient developed ventricular tachycardia with a rate of 180 beats per minute, although her systolic blood pressure was maintained at 80 mm Hg. ►In the presence of ongoing deterioration, an intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) was administered. ►A bolus dose of 10 mL of ILE (1 mL/kg) was administered.
  • 47. ► followed by an infusion of 150 mL/hour (0.25 mL/kg per minute). ► Within minutes after administration of the ILE, the patient’s QRS complexes began to narrow. ► Her heart rate continued to increase; when it was 200 beats per minute, her blood pressure decreased to 60/30 mm Hg. ► A synchronized directcurrent shock of 50 J was delivered, and narrow-complex sinus tachycardia (150 beats per minute) was immediately restored which was associated with return of the baseline blood pressure
  • 48. ► The ILE infusion was continued for 1 hour after the bolus, to ensure extension of the infusion period into the expected peak plasma concentration period (which occurs 3 hours after ingestion of dothiepin). ► The patient was transferred to the PICU and remained in stable condition with narrow QRS complexes and adequate blood pressure. She was sedated, given ventilation, and monitored overnight. ► The following day, she was extubated successfully and had no additional neurologic or cardiovascular complications.