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Characteristics Of Animal Cells
"our body is made of trillions of cells" (Gottschling). Cells are important because "it helps understand
how organisms, including humans function" (Gottschling). Most people have the knowledge that
every cell that are in life have difference function. Yet, they don't know what they are. This essay is
going to focus on listing and explaining the differences between animal, plant, and bacteria cells.
Animal cells are "eukaryotic cells, or cells with a membrane–bound nucleus (Bailey). This cell
contains three cells out seven features. The features that animal cells contains are cell nucleus,
mitochondria and ribosomes. Cell nucleus "controls cell activity and contains the genetic
material" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Mitochondria "provide the cells' energy
requirement" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Lastly, the ribosome is "present in plant and
animal cells are the larger type of ribosomes but are the smallest and most numerous of the
eukaryotic cell organelles (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Animal cells doesn't contain a cell
wall, plasmids, chloroplasts and permanent vacuole" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). The size
of this cells "range from 10 to 30 micrometers in length (Bailey). The Animal cells tends to "come
in various sizes and tend to have round or irregular shapes (Bailey). Lastly, the way that animal cell
gets energy is by "the form of the complex carbohydrate glycogen" (Bailey). Plant cells are
eukaryotic cells, which have a true nucleus
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My Organelle Research Paper
If I could develop my own organelle to put inside a eukaryotic animal cell, the organelle would
fight cancer. This organelle would be surrounded by lipid bilayer to keep its own strong chemicals
inside. The chemicals would kill the cancer, eventually being processed out by the body as
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Compariosn of Animal Cells and Plant Cells Essay
All plants are made up of different plant cells. Plant cells are considered eukaryotic cells they have
a nucleus. Inside a plant cell the DNA is located inside the nucleus. The nucleus is basically a
headquarters for a eukaryotic cell. It also stores the genetic information for a cell. Organelles are
also located inside plant cells. They have important jobs inside the cell they produce energy for the
plant cell and they also produce enzymes and hormone.
A plant cell has a cell wall which surrounds the plasma membrane. A cell wall is made up of lignin
and cellulose they are very tough and rough compounds. Lignin and cellulose for example is what
makes a tree grow very tall. A cell wall gives a plant structure or it's roots, stems , more
There are two different endoplasmic reticulums which are rough endoplasmic reticulums and smooth
endoplasmic reticulums. The rough endoplasmic reticulum looks bumpy because it has ribosomes
attached to it. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has enzymes that help create important lipids.
Some enzymes in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum help in detoxing cells. The smooth
endoplasmic reticulum also stores ions that cells might need later on. Also located in a animal cell
are ribosomes. The Ribosomes task is to assemble amino acids into polypeptides, It creates an
amino acid chain that is put into the endoplasmic reticulum when the chain is complete it is sent
into the golgi apparatus. The golgi apparatus is where proteins are packed processed and then sends
them out. The golgi apparatus has layers called golgi bodies.
Golgi bodies cut up proteins into hormones and they also combine proteins with carbohydrates to
make molecules. The golgi bodies put the finishing touches on the lysosomes. Lysosomes are
organelles that have enzyme sacks that break down the cell's waste and turns them into other
compounds. An important part of an animal cell is the nucleus. The nucleus in a animal cell stores
the cells DNA and all the information the cell needs. It also holds the chromatin that produces
The nucleus is located inside the nucleus. It's job is to make rRNA then it sends mRNA to the
ribosomes. Finally, the animal cell has a mitochondria that is where
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Unit 13, task 1.
P1 – Describe the microstructure of a typical animal cell and the functions of the main cell
components. A typical animal cell is seen as a tiny, three dimensional sac which is in fact made up of
many components, each as important as the other. The microstructure of an animal cell was in fact
uncovered mainly through the use of both cell fractionation and electron microscopy. Each main
component has its own, individual function which helps a cell to function and maintains the cell
membrane. The components that I will be describing include the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,
mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum (both smooth and rough)
and ribosomes.
The cell membrane – The more content...
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth ER) – The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is very similar
in terms of structure and chemically to the rough endoplasmic reticulum with the exception of not
being able to attach ribosomes like the rough ER can. The smooth ER has more than just one
main function and in simple terms these are control of calcium release within the muscle cells,
breakdown of lipid soluble toxins in the liver and lipid steroid hormone synthesis. It primarily
makes and process fat within a typical animal cell. The structure of the smooth ER is usually said
to be tubular rather than sheet like and it may be separate from the rough ER or in some cases may
in fact be an extension of it. The smooth ER is said to be most common in cells that metabolise fat
and it is a continuation of the outer nuclear membrane of a cell. It is made up of a vast network of
membrane which is usually covered in tubules and vesicles. Depending on the type of cells, the
amount of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum that is present within it varies somewhat
greatly. Endoplasmic means inside of the cytoplasm and the term reticulum means network. Rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER) – The surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered in
ribosomes which are
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Animal cells are very complex and organized eukaryotic organisms. Each and every one of their
organelles contain a specific form and function. Ever wondered how an animal cell works? Well,
there are countless things in this world that functions the same way. For example, a hospital! All
cells have a cellular membrane, which is a thin layer of fat that encloses the cell. A cell membrane is
a protective barrier that indicates what goes in and out of it. In a hospital this would be the
security guards and doors because the doors are basic entries into a building and security guards
determines who and what should be allowed in. All cells also have a cytoplasm which is the
jelly–like fluid that fills up a cell and allows the organelles to move
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Organelles In Animal Cells Essay
Organelles are the internal structures of the cell that are important for the cell to survive. Each
organelle has a specific function for the cell. The types of organelles in the cell can be different
from each other depending on the type of cell. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cytoskeleton,
endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), golgi apparatus, mitochondrion, nucleus, plasma
membrane, and ribosomes. Animal and plant cells also have vacuoles, but they are rarely found in
animal cells. Vacuoles in animal cells are very small compared to the vacuoles in plant cells.
Lysosomes are also rarely found in plant cells but mostly found in animal cells. The cytoplasm is a
semifluid in the plasma membrane. It is in all eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotes, this is where the
chemical processes of the cell take place. In eukaryotic cells, this is where organelles perform
their functions. Cellular respiration also takes place here. One of stages of cellular respiration is
glycolysis. Glycolysis is when glucose breaks down to form two pyruvates and 4 ATP. Its net result
of 2 ATP is important for another process called the Krebs Cycle. This process is important because
it begins cellular respiration. The cytoplasm also gives the cell its shape; without it, the cell would
be "deflated" and substances would not be able to move throughout the cell. Organelles would have
difficulty functioning too. It has been misunderstood that organelles float freely in the cytoplasm
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How Do Organelles Work Together
All the organelles have to work together. They all have a certain task to do and they carry that task
on and on with every organelle. The cells have to make and transport protein to the nucleus to create
RNA. The animal cells need protein for the growth and damage with tissues. First, is starts with
chromosomes which contains information to make the protein. Since the DNA isn't allowed to leave
the nucleus its copied onto a temporary carrier called a messenger RNA. Next, the messenger RNA
would transport to the cytosol. While in the cytosol and get help to transfer the protein to the
ribosomes docked onto the endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosomes has to use amino acids to build
the protein. Lastly after the protein is built it goes through the endoplasmic reticulum to have a few
last finishing touches.
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4.19 The extracellular matrix of animal cells function in support and regulation
Most cells synthesize and secrete materials that remain outside the plasma membrane
Animal cells produce elaborate extracellular matrix (ECM)
This layer holds cells together in tissues and protects and supports the plasma membrane
Main components of ECM are, glycoproteins, proteins bonded with cars
The most abundant glycoprotein is collagen, which forms strong fibers outside the cell
ECM many attach to the cell through other glycoproteins that then bind to membrane proteins called
Integrins span the membrane attaching on the other side to proteins connected to microfilaments of
the cytoskeleton
Integrins transmit signals between ECM and the more content...
4.22 Review: Eukaryotic cell structure can be grouped on the basis of four main functions
First category: genetic control – nucleus that houses genetic instructions and ribosomes that produce
proteins coded for in those instructions
Second category: organelles of the endomembrane system that are involved in manufacturing,
distribution, and breakdown of materials
Third category: two energy processing organelles (mitochondria & chloroplasts)
Fourth category: structural support, movement, and intercellular communication
Manufacturing depends on membranes
Energy–processing depends on endomembranes
?: Mitochondria gives the energy, Cytoskeleton is made up of muscle cells, and smooth ER gives
the calcium to muscle cells in order to have muscle
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Animal and Plants Cell Structures
Student Sheet
Date: June 18, 2015
Instructor's Name:
Assignment: SCIE207 Phase 2 Lab Report
Title: Animal and Plant Cell Structures
Instructions: Your lab report will consist of the completed tables. Label each structure of the plant
and animal cell with its description and function in the provided tables.
When your lab report is complete, submit this document to your instructor in your assignment box.
1. Animal cell: Observe the diagram that shows the components of an animal cell. Using the
textbook and virtual library resources, fill in the following table:
Animal Cell
Cell Structure
Description and Function
Nuclear pore
Microscopic channels that allow certain material in and out more content...
Questions to answer
a. List 3 organelles that are found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells.
1. Chloroplast__________
2. Cell Wall__________
3. Central Vacuole__________
b. Because plant cells have chloroplasts and can do photosynthesis, why do they also need
Plant cells need both chloroplasts and mitochondria because they both play a very important but
different role for the plants. Plants needs chloroplasts that can do photosynthesis to make glucose
from light energy during the daylight. On the other hand plants need mitochondria because it breaks
down such macromolecules like carbohydrates or lipids into
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Animal Cells Essay
Animal cells are the 'cell factories for the production of complex biomolecules and antibodies for use
as prophylactics, diagnostics or therapeutics'.Culturing of immortalized animal cell, also called cell
lines is generally performed under define temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide flux in lab
condition. Such in in–vitro culturing of animal cells may be performed under two different
conditions viz. on solid surfaces (anchorage dependent cells) or in suspension (non–anchorage
dependent cells).The choice of bioreactors and surface to be used for large scale cell culture is often
decided on the basis of cell specific demands, engineering aspects and economic and regulatory
considerations [Catapanoet al., 2009]. Generally, more content...
To overcome such limitations, disposable bioreactors or single use bioreactors have emerged as
the suitable replacement to conventional bioreactors as they overcome the concern of cleaning.].
Apart from concerns like cleaning and sterilization validation, another major problem that may be
encountered with them is the disposal of single use bioreactor, as it may impose additional
environmental risk/concern by polluting soil (landfills) or air (incarnation) [14]. Previous reports
suggested the limitations of synthetic polymers can be overcome by naturally derived and
degradable polymers [19]. Today, naturally derived biomaterials have been attracting scientist's
interest all over the world. Vero cells were selected as a model system in the current study. The
choice of Vero cells is justified based on its acceptance by FDA for the production of all types of
viral vaccines (inactivated whole virus, split, subunit and live–attenuated) against a wide variety of
viral diseases such as polio, rabies, smallpox and H5N1 pandemic influenza etc. [Warnock et
al.,2005, Barrett et al., 2009]. It is fully characterized continuous robust cell line, can also grow in
serum free media, providing adequate titer and stable replication of viruses [Govorkova., 1996]. In
addition, it is one of the anchorage dependent cells which require the solid substrate to attach and
grow [Nor YA et al., 2010]. Hence, it gives a
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The aim of this experiment was to take a sample of animal and plant cells, view them under a
microscope and document what was seen.
The animal cells being used in this experiment were squamous epithelial cells obtained from the
inside of the human cheek. In order to see these cells they had to be stained with a biological stain.
In this case, methylene blue was used as it binds to DNA, staining the cell nucleus a dark blue while
leaving the cytoplasm a pale blue/colourless allowing for easy differentiation. (Flinn Scientific,
Inc, 2013) The plant cells in this experiment were obtained from the epidermis of an onion.
Similar to the cheek cells, the onion cells need a biological stain to be viewed under the light
microscope and for this iodine was used as it binds to the polysaccharides staining the nucleus a
brown colour, while leaving the cytoplasm a yellow colour. (Nevel, n.d.)
It was expected that the staining of these cell samples will allow the size and shape of individual
cells and possibly some organelles, to be viewed under a light microscope and documented.
The apparatus used for experiment was: 2 Slides
2 Cover Slips
Methylene Blue
Safety Glasses
Lab Coat
Light Microscope
Heat Proof Mat
Wooden Splint
Bunsen Burner
Cell Samples
Water Bottle
Below are listed rules associated with the safety of this experiment.
1.The experiment was conducted
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Animal Cell Dbq
For a plant cell, the nucleus, without a doubt, is the most important organelle; but in the animal cell,
the most vital structure is the mitochondria. First of all, the most important structure in the animal
cell is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the vital because it provides energy for the cell (Doc.
2). For example, without the mitochondria, organelles would function slowly because the cell has no
energy (OI). In Document 3, it states "Breaking down the food and releasing' energy" (Doc. 3). "The
mitochondria are organelles that act like a digestive system which takes in nutrients, breaks them
down, and creates energy rich molecules for the cell" (OI). According to Ms. Quitmeyer, the
mitochondria is crucial to the animal cell, and
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Comparing Two Types Of Animal Cells
I predicted that the unknown is a human cell because it has a rounder structure. Even Though the
shape of the cell rigid and keeps it in a specific shape. it is more likely to be a animal cell than plant
cell because it doesn't have a cell wall. Since there's two different examples of plant cells than there
has to be two examples of animal
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Plant And Animal Cells Essay
Plant and Animal Cells
I. Introduction
All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more
cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main
features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more
cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third,
cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are
referred to as the cell theory.
All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types.
They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells
are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must
first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic
all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, more content...
To complete this we had to make wet–mount slides and
observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet–mount
slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look
at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the
middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of
water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip
and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water.
Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no
air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting
specimens into wet–mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy
instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet–mount slide
can be cleaned and re–used.
We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet–
mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them
under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a
dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope.
Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the
onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount
of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because
when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more
clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet–mount slide and also
with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet–mount
slide, an edge of the coverslip
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Animal Cell Specialization
Without cells no living creature would be able to function: that is why cells are so important in our
life. Cells help us maintain homeostasis and keep our genetic code in the nucleus. They also make
up our tissues which make organs and work together in organ systems. So without cells the human
race and the beautiful things on earth wouldn't exist. To perform functions in the body there iscell
specialization to do certain tasks. Each cells is made up of many different organelles to help the cells
carry out these tasks. Every animal cell has a nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, cytoplasm,
chromosomes, lipid bilayer, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, many ribosomes,
mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuole, cytoskeleton, more content...
To start out, the nucleolus make ribosome and then send them out to attach to the rough
ER(endoplasmic reticulum). After it is at the ER it starts to create protein to send to the Golgi
apparatus. The Golgi apparatus make particles ready to be shipped across the body. At the
smooth ER it has the same functions as the rough ER except it makes lipids instead of protein.
Next the mitochondria is the cell power factory that transfers something not useful to the cell into
energy. After that we check on the lysosome, it is the waste disposal of the cell and if necessary
can kill the cell. Then we see the brains of the cell, the nucleus. The nucleus hold the genetic info
and carries out functions in the cell. Next is the cytoskeleton, this is a support for the cell so it
doesn't collapse on itself. After that is the cell membrane or the guards of the cell. The membrane
can decide let things in or keep them out. Another thing that sorrounds a cell could be the cell wall.
The cell wall is found only in plants and it protects the cell in a hard shell. Another organelle found
only in plants is a chloroplast. A chloroplast converts energy from the sun into chemical energy.
Then it is the centrioles, they are made of microtubules and organize the assembly of more
microtubules. Surrounding all of these organelles is cytoplasm: a liquid that fills a cell. That is what
happens within the various parts of the cells that permit it to perform the functions necessary for
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Animal Cell Structure
Animal cells are a type of eukaryotic cell with a nucleus, membrane–bound organelles, with no cell
wall. Here is a summary of their structure and function.
Prokaryotes are the primitive, simple cells of bacteria and their bacteria–like Archaea. Eukaryotes,
which include the most advanced cells of animals, plants, fungi, protozoan, algae, and slime & water
Eukaryotic cells share many similar characteristics, including some of the following structures,
which can be found in the cells of animals. Glycocalyx: Some animal and protozoan cells have this
outer layer anchored to the plasma membrane. Gycocalyces help animal cells stick to each other and
protect cells from dehydration. This layer is not present in eukaryotic cells that more
Peroxisomes are required by any cell that uses respiration (oxygen to extract energy from food).
Golgi body: In addition to making lysosomes, this organelle coordinates the packaging and shipment
of materials out of the cell. Mitochondria: These double membrane–bound organelles are like tiny
powerhouses of the cell, producing a nucleotide coenzyme that transports energy for use within the
Cytoplasm: The inside of the cell, between the nucleus and plasma membrane, is filled with a
gel–like fluid in which the organelles are suspended. The liquid portion of cytoplasm is called
cytosol. Cytoskeleton: This network of fibers and tubules is present throughout the interior of the
cell, providing support, anchoring organelles, helping with intracellular transport and cell division.
Centrioles and centrosomes: Only present in animal cells and some fungal cells, a pair of centrioles
is located near the nucleus, in a region called the centrosome. These organelles are composed of
microtubules, help build flagella and cilia and form mitotic spindles during cell division. An animal
cell undergoing mitosis and stained with
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Animal Cell Vs Human Body
The Animal Cell VS. The Human Body
Introduction: The animal cell can be compared to the human body in various ways and functions.
Most or all parts of the animal can be matched to parts of the human body that have very similar
functions and jobs when looking at the whole picture. Like an animal cell, each part of the human
body has a specific job that helps regulate the entire operation. Some parts are more important or
have a bigger job than others. For example, the brain is much more important to the entire system
than the teeth are. Or in the sense of an animal cell, the nucleus has a much bigger job than the
Cell membrane: The cell membrane surrounds the cell and controls what goes in and out of the cell.
This is a lot like skin protects and holds the body together. And much like more content...
This is compared to blood cells that also can be found throughout the human body and contribute to
the health of many, if not all, organs.
Cytoskeleton: The job of the cytoskeleton in an animal cell is to give the cell shape and structure,
hold the organelles in place and direct their movement. This sounds very familiar to the job of bones
and muscles which also give the human body shape and structure and hold the organs in place.
Lysosomes: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down and digest large molecules into smaller
molecules. To me this sounds like the function of the stomach, which also digests large materials into
smaller materials to send into the body as nutrients and proteins. The stomach and lysosomes also
share an acidic environment for the material to be digested in.
Endoplasmic reticulum: The function of the ER is to carry material and nutrients through the cell
from part to part. Which is also the function of the intestines. They both carry necessary materials
through the body or cell. And as well as the function, they also take on a very similar
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Essay about Comparing Animal Cells to Plant Cells
Comparing Cells
Task: Write a comparison of animal and plant cells
While plant and animal cells appear to be different, they have some similar features.
Both kinds of cells contain a nucleus – which can also be known as the "brains" or the "control
centre" of the cell. The nucleus of a cell contains most of its genetic material and is responsible for
controlling all of the cell's activities through gene expression.
Both plant and animal cells also have structures called chromosomes. They are located inside the
nucleus. The chromosomes are the genetic material responsible for the reproduction of cells.
Outside the nucleus of both plant and animal cells are structures called ribosomes. These are
responsible for the production of more content...
Although plants and animal cells share many similarities, there are some additional structures that
plant cells have which animal cells don't.
The plant cell, for example, contains a cell wall. The cell wall is made up of cellulose and assists a
plant cell to maintain its shape. The cell wall is located outside the cell membrane of a plant cell
and is also responsible for the prevention of the rupture of a cell when (excess) water enters it.
Cellulose is a substance which is found in the cell wall of a plant cell. Simply put, cellulose is cell
sugar. Its main function is to support the plant – to keep the plant rigid and prevent it from slopping
A further difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cells contain a nuclear membrane.
This structure has a similar role to the cell membrane. The nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus
and controls what substances enter and leave it.
Plant cells also contain substances known as chloroplasts. These are the organelles inside the plant
on which the process of photosynthesis is conducted. Chlorophyll is located on chloroplasts and is
the substance which traps the energy of the sun rays to utilize it during photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is important for plants because they generate their own food. During this process,
pants convert carbon dioxide and water with the presence of sunlight and
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Compare And Contrast Plant Cells And Animal Cells
Anthony WuPlant cells are different than animal cells due to the fact that they need to go through
photosynthesis. They are also similarly because they both have a golgi bodies/apparatus. Another
difference is that plants have a cell wall and animals don't. Another way their different is that they
don't have all the same cells. For instance animal cells have nucleolus,chromatin,vacuole, and
lysosomes. While plant cells only have chloroplasts, cell wall, and lytic vacuole. Another reason they
are both similar is that they both almost have all the same cells like the rough and smooth er. The
cells that they both have are golgi bodies/apparatus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus,
mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes,
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Animal Kingdom Essay
The Animal kingdom is made up of beings with Eukaryotic cells, meaning they have a fully formed
nucleus and most of the common organelles of a cell. They are also Multicellular, meaning they
have more than one cell. These organisms are Heterotrophs, so they must find their own food, by
eating other organisms. They can't make their own food.The plant kingdom contains Multicellular
beings with Eukaryotic cells. The plants are also autotrophs meaning they make their own food
(excepting the hydra which does eat other organisms). They use Photosynthesis to turn sunlight and
nutrients into food. They are green because the contain chlorophyll to help them create food.
Members of this kingdom are multicellular and unicellular along with being eukaryotic.
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Animal Cell Essay

  • 1. Characteristics Of Animal Cells "our body is made of trillions of cells" (Gottschling). Cells are important because "it helps understand how organisms, including humans function" (Gottschling). Most people have the knowledge that every cell that are in life have difference function. Yet, they don't know what they are. This essay is going to focus on listing and explaining the differences between animal, plant, and bacteria cells. Animal cells are "eukaryotic cells, or cells with a membrane–bound nucleus (Bailey). This cell contains three cells out seven features. The features that animal cells contains are cell nucleus, mitochondria and ribosomes. Cell nucleus "controls cell activity and contains the genetic material" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Mitochondria "provide the cells' energy requirement" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Lastly, the ribosome is "present in plant and animal cells are the larger type of ribosomes but are the smallest and most numerous of the eukaryotic cell organelles (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). Animal cells doesn't contain a cell wall, plasmids, chloroplasts and permanent vacuole" (Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells). The size of this cells "range from 10 to 30 micrometers in length (Bailey). The Animal cells tends to "come in various sizes and tend to have round or irregular shapes (Bailey). Lastly, the way that animal cell gets energy is by "the form of the complex carbohydrate glycogen" (Bailey). Plant cells are eukaryotic cells, which have a true nucleus Get more content on
  • 2. My Organelle Research Paper If I could develop my own organelle to put inside a eukaryotic animal cell, the organelle would fight cancer. This organelle would be surrounded by lipid bilayer to keep its own strong chemicals inside. The chemicals would kill the cancer, eventually being processed out by the body as Get more content on
  • 3. Compariosn of Animal Cells and Plant Cells Essay All plants are made up of different plant cells. Plant cells are considered eukaryotic cells they have a nucleus. Inside a plant cell the DNA is located inside the nucleus. The nucleus is basically a headquarters for a eukaryotic cell. It also stores the genetic information for a cell. Organelles are also located inside plant cells. They have important jobs inside the cell they produce energy for the plant cell and they also produce enzymes and hormone. A plant cell has a cell wall which surrounds the plasma membrane. A cell wall is made up of lignin and cellulose they are very tough and rough compounds. Lignin and cellulose for example is what makes a tree grow very tall. A cell wall gives a plant structure or it's roots, stems , more content... There are two different endoplasmic reticulums which are rough endoplasmic reticulums and smooth endoplasmic reticulums. The rough endoplasmic reticulum looks bumpy because it has ribosomes attached to it. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has enzymes that help create important lipids. Some enzymes in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum help in detoxing cells. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum also stores ions that cells might need later on. Also located in a animal cell are ribosomes. The Ribosomes task is to assemble amino acids into polypeptides, It creates an amino acid chain that is put into the endoplasmic reticulum when the chain is complete it is sent into the golgi apparatus. The golgi apparatus is where proteins are packed processed and then sends them out. The golgi apparatus has layers called golgi bodies. Golgi bodies cut up proteins into hormones and they also combine proteins with carbohydrates to make molecules. The golgi bodies put the finishing touches on the lysosomes. Lysosomes are organelles that have enzyme sacks that break down the cell's waste and turns them into other compounds. An important part of an animal cell is the nucleus. The nucleus in a animal cell stores the cells DNA and all the information the cell needs. It also holds the chromatin that produces chromosomes. The nucleus is located inside the nucleus. It's job is to make rRNA then it sends mRNA to the ribosomes. Finally, the animal cell has a mitochondria that is where Get more content on
  • 4. Unit 13, task 1. P1 – Describe the microstructure of a typical animal cell and the functions of the main cell components. A typical animal cell is seen as a tiny, three dimensional sac which is in fact made up of many components, each as important as the other. The microstructure of an animal cell was in fact uncovered mainly through the use of both cell fractionation and electron microscopy. Each main component has its own, individual function which helps a cell to function and maintains the cell membrane. The components that I will be describing include the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum (both smooth and rough) and ribosomes. The cell membrane – The more content... Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth ER) – The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is very similar in terms of structure and chemically to the rough endoplasmic reticulum with the exception of not being able to attach ribosomes like the rough ER can. The smooth ER has more than just one main function and in simple terms these are control of calcium release within the muscle cells, breakdown of lipid soluble toxins in the liver and lipid steroid hormone synthesis. It primarily makes and process fat within a typical animal cell. The structure of the smooth ER is usually said to be tubular rather than sheet like and it may be separate from the rough ER or in some cases may in fact be an extension of it. The smooth ER is said to be most common in cells that metabolise fat and it is a continuation of the outer nuclear membrane of a cell. It is made up of a vast network of membrane which is usually covered in tubules and vesicles. Depending on the type of cells, the amount of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum that is present within it varies somewhat greatly. Endoplasmic means inside of the cytoplasm and the term reticulum means network. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER) – The surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered in ribosomes which are Get more content on
  • 5. Animal cells are very complex and organized eukaryotic organisms. Each and every one of their organelles contain a specific form and function. Ever wondered how an animal cell works? Well, there are countless things in this world that functions the same way. For example, a hospital! All cells have a cellular membrane, which is a thin layer of fat that encloses the cell. A cell membrane is a protective barrier that indicates what goes in and out of it. In a hospital this would be the security guards and doors because the doors are basic entries into a building and security guards determines who and what should be allowed in. All cells also have a cytoplasm which is the jelly–like fluid that fills up a cell and allows the organelles to move Get more content on
  • 6. Organelles In Animal Cells Essay Organelles are the internal structures of the cell that are important for the cell to survive. Each organelle has a specific function for the cell. The types of organelles in the cell can be different from each other depending on the type of cell. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), golgi apparatus, mitochondrion, nucleus, plasma membrane, and ribosomes. Animal and plant cells also have vacuoles, but they are rarely found in animal cells. Vacuoles in animal cells are very small compared to the vacuoles in plant cells. Lysosomes are also rarely found in plant cells but mostly found in animal cells. The cytoplasm is a semifluid in the plasma membrane. It is in all eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotes, this is where the chemical processes of the cell take place. In eukaryotic cells, this is where organelles perform their functions. Cellular respiration also takes place here. One of stages of cellular respiration is glycolysis. Glycolysis is when glucose breaks down to form two pyruvates and 4 ATP. Its net result of 2 ATP is important for another process called the Krebs Cycle. This process is important because it begins cellular respiration. The cytoplasm also gives the cell its shape; without it, the cell would be "deflated" and substances would not be able to move throughout the cell. Organelles would have difficulty functioning too. It has been misunderstood that organelles float freely in the cytoplasm even Get more content on
  • 7. How Do Organelles Work Together All the organelles have to work together. They all have a certain task to do and they carry that task on and on with every organelle. The cells have to make and transport protein to the nucleus to create RNA. The animal cells need protein for the growth and damage with tissues. First, is starts with chromosomes which contains information to make the protein. Since the DNA isn't allowed to leave the nucleus its copied onto a temporary carrier called a messenger RNA. Next, the messenger RNA would transport to the cytosol. While in the cytosol and get help to transfer the protein to the ribosomes docked onto the endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosomes has to use amino acids to build the protein. Lastly after the protein is built it goes through the endoplasmic reticulum to have a few last finishing touches. Get more content on
  • 8. 4.19 The extracellular matrix of animal cells function in support and regulation Most cells synthesize and secrete materials that remain outside the plasma membrane Animal cells produce elaborate extracellular matrix (ECM) This layer holds cells together in tissues and protects and supports the plasma membrane Main components of ECM are, glycoproteins, proteins bonded with cars The most abundant glycoprotein is collagen, which forms strong fibers outside the cell ECM many attach to the cell through other glycoproteins that then bind to membrane proteins called integrins Integrins span the membrane attaching on the other side to proteins connected to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton Integrins transmit signals between ECM and the more content... 4.22 Review: Eukaryotic cell structure can be grouped on the basis of four main functions First category: genetic control – nucleus that houses genetic instructions and ribosomes that produce proteins coded for in those instructions Second category: organelles of the endomembrane system that are involved in manufacturing, distribution, and breakdown of materials Third category: two energy processing organelles (mitochondria & chloroplasts) Fourth category: structural support, movement, and intercellular communication Manufacturing depends on membranes Energy–processing depends on endomembranes STRUCTURE OF CELL IS CLOSELY RELATED TO ITS SPECIFIC FUNCTION ?: Mitochondria gives the energy, Cytoskeleton is made up of muscle cells, and smooth ER gives the calcium to muscle cells in order to have muscle Get more content on
  • 9. Animal and Plants Cell Structures Student Sheet Name: Date: June 18, 2015 Instructor's Name: Assignment: SCIE207 Phase 2 Lab Report Title: Animal and Plant Cell Structures Instructions: Your lab report will consist of the completed tables. Label each structure of the plant and animal cell with its description and function in the provided tables. When your lab report is complete, submit this document to your instructor in your assignment box. 1. Animal cell: Observe the diagram that shows the components of an animal cell. Using the textbook and virtual library resources, fill in the following table: Animal Cell Number Cell Structure Description and Function 1 Nuclear pore Microscopic channels that allow certain material in and out more content... Questions to answer a. List 3 organelles that are found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells. 1. Chloroplast__________ 2. Cell Wall__________ 3. Central Vacuole__________ b. Because plant cells have chloroplasts and can do photosynthesis, why do they also need mitochondria? Plant cells need both chloroplasts and mitochondria because they both play a very important but different role for the plants. Plants needs chloroplasts that can do photosynthesis to make glucose from light energy during the daylight. On the other hand plants need mitochondria because it breaks down such macromolecules like carbohydrates or lipids into
  • 10. Get more content on
  • 11. Animal Cells Essay Animal cells are the 'cell factories for the production of complex biomolecules and antibodies for use as prophylactics, diagnostics or therapeutics'.Culturing of immortalized animal cell, also called cell lines is generally performed under define temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide flux in lab condition. Such in in–vitro culturing of animal cells may be performed under two different conditions viz. on solid surfaces (anchorage dependent cells) or in suspension (non–anchorage dependent cells).The choice of bioreactors and surface to be used for large scale cell culture is often decided on the basis of cell specific demands, engineering aspects and economic and regulatory considerations [Catapanoet al., 2009]. Generally, more content... To overcome such limitations, disposable bioreactors or single use bioreactors have emerged as the suitable replacement to conventional bioreactors as they overcome the concern of cleaning.]. Apart from concerns like cleaning and sterilization validation, another major problem that may be encountered with them is the disposal of single use bioreactor, as it may impose additional environmental risk/concern by polluting soil (landfills) or air (incarnation) [14]. Previous reports suggested the limitations of synthetic polymers can be overcome by naturally derived and degradable polymers [19]. Today, naturally derived biomaterials have been attracting scientist's interest all over the world. Vero cells were selected as a model system in the current study. The choice of Vero cells is justified based on its acceptance by FDA for the production of all types of viral vaccines (inactivated whole virus, split, subunit and live–attenuated) against a wide variety of viral diseases such as polio, rabies, smallpox and H5N1 pandemic influenza etc. [Warnock et al.,2005, Barrett et al., 2009]. It is fully characterized continuous robust cell line, can also grow in serum free media, providing adequate titer and stable replication of viruses [Govorkova., 1996]. In addition, it is one of the anchorage dependent cells which require the solid substrate to attach and grow [Nor YA et al., 2010]. Hence, it gives a Get more content on
  • 12. TASK 1 Aim The aim of this experiment was to take a sample of animal and plant cells, view them under a microscope and document what was seen. Introduction The animal cells being used in this experiment were squamous epithelial cells obtained from the inside of the human cheek. In order to see these cells they had to be stained with a biological stain. In this case, methylene blue was used as it binds to DNA, staining the cell nucleus a dark blue while leaving the cytoplasm a pale blue/colourless allowing for easy differentiation. (Flinn Scientific, Inc, 2013) The plant cells in this experiment were obtained from the epidermis of an onion. Similar to the cheek cells, the onion cells need a biological stain to be viewed under the light microscope and for this iodine was used as it binds to the polysaccharides staining the nucleus a brown colour, while leaving the cytoplasm a yellow colour. (Nevel, n.d.) Hypothesis It was expected that the staining of these cell samples will allow the size and shape of individual cells and possibly some organelles, to be viewed under a light microscope and documented. Apparatus The apparatus used for experiment was: 2 Slides 2 Cover Slips Methylene Blue Iodine Safety Glasses Lab Coat Light Microscope Tongs Heat Proof Mat Wooden Splint Scalpel Forceps Dropper Bunsen Burner Cell Samples Water Bottle Safety Below are listed rules associated with the safety of this experiment. 1.The experiment was conducted Get more content on
  • 13. Animal Cell Dbq For a plant cell, the nucleus, without a doubt, is the most important organelle; but in the animal cell, the most vital structure is the mitochondria. First of all, the most important structure in the animal cell is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the vital because it provides energy for the cell (Doc. 2). For example, without the mitochondria, organelles would function slowly because the cell has no energy (OI). In Document 3, it states "Breaking down the food and releasing' energy" (Doc. 3). "The mitochondria are organelles that act like a digestive system which takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy rich molecules for the cell" (OI). According to Ms. Quitmeyer, the mitochondria is crucial to the animal cell, and Get more content on
  • 14. Comparing Two Types Of Animal Cells I predicted that the unknown is a human cell because it has a rounder structure. Even Though the shape of the cell rigid and keeps it in a specific shape. it is more likely to be a animal cell than plant cell because it doesn't have a cell wall. Since there's two different examples of plant cells than there has to be two examples of animal Get more content on
  • 15. Plant And Animal Cells Essay Plant and Animal Cells I. Introduction All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third, cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are referred to as the cell theory. All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types. They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, more content... To complete this we had to make wet–mount slides and observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet–mount slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water.
  • 16. Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting specimens into wet–mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet–mount slide can be cleaned and re–used. We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet– mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope. Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet–mount slide and also with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet–mount slide, an edge of the coverslip Get more content on
  • 17. Animal Cell Specialization Without cells no living creature would be able to function: that is why cells are so important in our life. Cells help us maintain homeostasis and keep our genetic code in the nucleus. They also make up our tissues which make organs and work together in organ systems. So without cells the human race and the beautiful things on earth wouldn't exist. To perform functions in the body there iscell specialization to do certain tasks. Each cells is made up of many different organelles to help the cells carry out these tasks. Every animal cell has a nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, cytoplasm, chromosomes, lipid bilayer, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, many ribosomes, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuole, cytoskeleton, more content... To start out, the nucleolus make ribosome and then send them out to attach to the rough ER(endoplasmic reticulum). After it is at the ER it starts to create protein to send to the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus make particles ready to be shipped across the body. At the smooth ER it has the same functions as the rough ER except it makes lipids instead of protein. Next the mitochondria is the cell power factory that transfers something not useful to the cell into energy. After that we check on the lysosome, it is the waste disposal of the cell and if necessary can kill the cell. Then we see the brains of the cell, the nucleus. The nucleus hold the genetic info and carries out functions in the cell. Next is the cytoskeleton, this is a support for the cell so it doesn't collapse on itself. After that is the cell membrane or the guards of the cell. The membrane can decide let things in or keep them out. Another thing that sorrounds a cell could be the cell wall. The cell wall is found only in plants and it protects the cell in a hard shell. Another organelle found only in plants is a chloroplast. A chloroplast converts energy from the sun into chemical energy. Then it is the centrioles, they are made of microtubules and organize the assembly of more microtubules. Surrounding all of these organelles is cytoplasm: a liquid that fills a cell. That is what happens within the various parts of the cells that permit it to perform the functions necessary for Get more content on
  • 18. Animal Cell Structure Animal cells are a type of eukaryotic cell with a nucleus, membrane–bound organelles, with no cell wall. Here is a summary of their structure and function. Prokaryotes are the primitive, simple cells of bacteria and their bacteria–like Archaea. Eukaryotes, which include the most advanced cells of animals, plants, fungi, protozoan, algae, and slime & water molds. Eukaryotic cells share many similar characteristics, including some of the following structures, which can be found in the cells of animals. Glycocalyx: Some animal and protozoan cells have this outer layer anchored to the plasma membrane. Gycocalyces help animal cells stick to each other and protect cells from dehydration. This layer is not present in eukaryotic cells that more content... Peroxisomes are required by any cell that uses respiration (oxygen to extract energy from food). Golgi body: In addition to making lysosomes, this organelle coordinates the packaging and shipment of materials out of the cell. Mitochondria: These double membrane–bound organelles are like tiny powerhouses of the cell, producing a nucleotide coenzyme that transports energy for use within the cell. Cytoplasm: The inside of the cell, between the nucleus and plasma membrane, is filled with a gel–like fluid in which the organelles are suspended. The liquid portion of cytoplasm is called cytosol. Cytoskeleton: This network of fibers and tubules is present throughout the interior of the cell, providing support, anchoring organelles, helping with intracellular transport and cell division. Centrioles and centrosomes: Only present in animal cells and some fungal cells, a pair of centrioles is located near the nucleus, in a region called the centrosome. These organelles are composed of microtubules, help build flagella and cilia and form mitotic spindles during cell division. An animal cell undergoing mitosis and stained with Get more content on
  • 19. Animal Cell Vs Human Body The Animal Cell VS. The Human Body Introduction: The animal cell can be compared to the human body in various ways and functions. Most or all parts of the animal can be matched to parts of the human body that have very similar functions and jobs when looking at the whole picture. Like an animal cell, each part of the human body has a specific job that helps regulate the entire operation. Some parts are more important or have a bigger job than others. For example, the brain is much more important to the entire system than the teeth are. Or in the sense of an animal cell, the nucleus has a much bigger job than the lysosomes. Cell membrane: The cell membrane surrounds the cell and controls what goes in and out of the cell. This is a lot like skin protects and holds the body together. And much like more content... This is compared to blood cells that also can be found throughout the human body and contribute to the health of many, if not all, organs. Cytoskeleton: The job of the cytoskeleton in an animal cell is to give the cell shape and structure, hold the organelles in place and direct their movement. This sounds very familiar to the job of bones and muscles which also give the human body shape and structure and hold the organs in place. Lysosomes: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down and digest large molecules into smaller molecules. To me this sounds like the function of the stomach, which also digests large materials into smaller materials to send into the body as nutrients and proteins. The stomach and lysosomes also share an acidic environment for the material to be digested in. Endoplasmic reticulum: The function of the ER is to carry material and nutrients through the cell from part to part. Which is also the function of the intestines. They both carry necessary materials through the body or cell. And as well as the function, they also take on a very similar Get more content on
  • 20. Essay about Comparing Animal Cells to Plant Cells Comparing Cells Task: Write a comparison of animal and plant cells While plant and animal cells appear to be different, they have some similar features. Both kinds of cells contain a nucleus – which can also be known as the "brains" or the "control centre" of the cell. The nucleus of a cell contains most of its genetic material and is responsible for controlling all of the cell's activities through gene expression. Both plant and animal cells also have structures called chromosomes. They are located inside the nucleus. The chromosomes are the genetic material responsible for the reproduction of cells. Outside the nucleus of both plant and animal cells are structures called ribosomes. These are responsible for the production of more content... Although plants and animal cells share many similarities, there are some additional structures that plant cells have which animal cells don't. The plant cell, for example, contains a cell wall. The cell wall is made up of cellulose and assists a plant cell to maintain its shape. The cell wall is located outside the cell membrane of a plant cell and is also responsible for the prevention of the rupture of a cell when (excess) water enters it. Cellulose is a substance which is found in the cell wall of a plant cell. Simply put, cellulose is cell sugar. Its main function is to support the plant – to keep the plant rigid and prevent it from slopping over. A further difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cells contain a nuclear membrane. This structure has a similar role to the cell membrane. The nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus and controls what substances enter and leave it. Plant cells also contain substances known as chloroplasts. These are the organelles inside the plant on which the process of photosynthesis is conducted. Chlorophyll is located on chloroplasts and is the substance which traps the energy of the sun rays to utilize it during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is important for plants because they generate their own food. During this process, pants convert carbon dioxide and water with the presence of sunlight and Get more content on
  • 21. Compare And Contrast Plant Cells And Animal Cells Anthony WuPlant cells are different than animal cells due to the fact that they need to go through photosynthesis. They are also similarly because they both have a golgi bodies/apparatus. Another difference is that plants have a cell wall and animals don't. Another way their different is that they don't have all the same cells. For instance animal cells have nucleolus,chromatin,vacuole, and lysosomes. While plant cells only have chloroplasts, cell wall, and lytic vacuole. Another reason they are both similar is that they both almost have all the same cells like the rough and smooth er. The cells that they both have are golgi bodies/apparatus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Get more content on
  • 22. Animal Kingdom Essay The Animal kingdom is made up of beings with Eukaryotic cells, meaning they have a fully formed nucleus and most of the common organelles of a cell. They are also Multicellular, meaning they have more than one cell. These organisms are Heterotrophs, so they must find their own food, by eating other organisms. They can't make their own food.The plant kingdom contains Multicellular beings with Eukaryotic cells. The plants are also autotrophs meaning they make their own food (excepting the hydra which does eat other organisms). They use Photosynthesis to turn sunlight and nutrients into food. They are green because the contain chlorophyll to help them create food. Members of this kingdom are multicellular and unicellular along with being eukaryotic. Get more content on