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Cell As A System Analysis
Spenser Grasse
Block A
Cell As A System Essay Imagine being able to see the inside of your body at action, the blood flowing through your body, or even your heart beating.
If you could, what would you compare their jobs to? A supermarket? How about a factory? There are so many things you could compare them to, like
a car they all have to work together in order for the vehicle to run.
What i'm going to compare their jobs to is a supermarket, Hannaford. Like the nucleolus, the CEO is the big rig of the company. He makes sure that
everything is running properly, and smoothly. He also controls the jobs within the company and makes sure people are executing their jobs. He also
tells the people incorporate what they should do which more content...
They all do the same job as one another, which can keep the supermarket running smoothly or keeping the body alive. Now next time you go into a
factory or supermarket just think of how the cells in your body are doing exactly what the equipment in the store does
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Eukaryotic Cells Essay
Eukaryotic Cells The cell may be regarded as the basic unit of an organism, it carries out the essential processes that make the organism a living entity.
All cells share certain structural and functional features and they are of almost universal occurrence in living organisms. Biologists have devoted a
great deal of attention to its structure and the processes that go on inside it. They have recognised a major distinction between two types of cells,
Eukaryotic cells that have a nucleus and Prokaryotic cells that do not have a nucleus. There are many other differences between these two cells, in
particular eukaryotic cells have a full complement of more content...
The formation of the proteins and phospholipids is called the lipid bylayer. The proteins take the form of globules dotted about in a mosaic pattern with
some being attached to the urface of the membrane while others penetrate into it to varying extents. Some of these proteins act as enzyme catalysing
chemical reactions within the membrane and also as pumps and channels transporting molecules into and out of the cell. The plasma membrane is
perforated by pores and allows substances to pass in and out of the cell by Diffusion Active Transport, osmosis, Endocytosis and Exocytosis. The
external cell membrane contains lipids and proteins combined with sugar molecules called Glycolipids and Glycoproteins. The sugar molecules only
attach to the outside of the cell membrane and form what is known as the Glycocalyx or cell coat. The Glycocalyx is sticky and enables animal cells
to adhere to each other. In the development of organisms cells must migrate from one region to another and recognise what kind of cells are their
proper neighbours and what kinds are not. This recognition ability appears to lie within the Glycocalyx.
The endoplasmic reticulum is found in the cytoplasm of the cell and like the plasma membrane is composed of phospholipids and protein. ER is an
intracellular transport system moving materials from one
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The cytoskeleton is the most important organelle. Without it in place, all the other organelles inside the cell would be randomly floating around with
no sense of order. This would make the cell's job much harder and could create multiple different outcomes, since the cells would not have the same
organelles in the same areas. The cytoskeleton keeps all the other organelles in the cell and in the proper areas. The cytoskeleton also anchors the cell to
its neighboring cell and to the protein network in which that cell is sitting. This organelle provides the cells shape, which also provides the function of
that particular cell. The cytoskeleton additionally allows the cells to shrink and grow very quickly.
Another function is the assisting of moving materials in and out of the cell. The cytoskeleton facilitates movement through three main components
which are microfilaments, more content...
The cytoskeleton has a very dynamic nature, because it is necessary for cells to change shape and complete cell division, or migrate. In cell division,
the cytoskeleton plays an essential role in equally distributing the chromosomes into each of the new cells. Each of these self–assembling proteins has
"critical concentration," a characteristic concentration. In which, below is the monomer state and then above is the polymer state. The concentration
favors the building up of filament, and decreasing the filament deconstruction. The allows the cell to quickly control the cytoskeleton structure.
One third that makes up the cytoskeleton are microfilaments. These are also commonly called actin filaments. These are filamentous structures which
are in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and form part of the cytoskeleton. When they are in cells which are modified by and also interact with multiple
proteins. Polymers of actin are what mostly make up
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The Theory Of The Cell Theory Essay
The cell theory is composed of three ideas from three different German scientists. In 1838, scientist Mattias Schlieden said that all plants were made
from cells. One year later in 1839, scientist Theodor Schwann said that all animals were made from cells. In 1855, scientist Rudolf Virchow said that
all cells come from other cells. These three ideas were put together to form the cell theory. The cell theory states that all living things are made of cells,
cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things, and all cells are produced from other cells (McGinnis, 2011).
Prokaryotic cells are the simplest systems that exhibit all of the signs of life. They reproduce by binary fission, a process where the DNA is
duplicated and the cell splits in two. They are the smallest types of cell, and have a large array of abilities. Some prokaryotes live in the absence of
oxygen, some in extreme cold or heat, and some at the bottoms of oceans. These extremist prokaryotes are known as archaebacteria. The most common
prokaryotes are eubacteria, and are found nearly everywhere on Earth (Blamire, 2001).
Prokaryotic cells can vary in their structure depending on where they reside, but all prokaryotic cells have certain features in common. All
prokaryotic cells have a cell wall; a cell wall gives structure and shape to the cell while providing a place for the flagella to anchor. They have a plasma
membrane, which is just inside the cell and serves as a
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Essay about The Cell
The cell is the fundamental structural unit of all living organisms. Some cells are complete organisms, such as the unicellular bacteria and protozoa;
others, such as nerve, liver, and muscle cells, are specialized components of multi–cellular organisms. Cells range in size from the smallest bacteria–like
mycoplasmas, which are 0.1 micrometer in diameter, to the egg yolks of ostriches, which are about 8 cm (about 3 in) in diameter. Although they may
differ widely in appearance and function, all cells have a surrounding membrane and an internal, water–rich substance called the cytoplasm, the
composition of which differs significantly from the external environment of the cell. Within the cell is genetic material, deoxyribonucleic
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All cells are dynamic at some stage of their life cycle, in the sense that they use energy to perform a variety of cell functions: movement, growth,
maintenance and repair of cell structure, reproduction of the cell, and manufacture of specialized cell products such as enzymes and hormones. These
functions are also the result of interactions of organic molecules.
Plasma Membrane
The plasma membrane, a continuous double layer of phospholipid molecules 75 to 100 angstroms thick, constitutes the boundary between the cell and
its external environment. In addition to lipids, the plasma membrane has protein components (polypeptides) that are associated with either the outer or
inner surfaces of its layers or are buried within them. The structure as a whole is selectively permeable, or semipermeable; that is, it permits the
exchange of water and selected atoms and molecules between the cell exterior and interior. This is vital to the cell because while the plasma membrane
helps maintain high local concentrations of organic molecules within the cell, it also allows interaction between the cell and its external environment.
The plasma membrane mediates such interactions in various ways. The exchange of mineral ions and small nutrient molecules is controlled by plasma
membrane proteins that act as pumps, carriers, and channels. The plasma membrane also participates in the exchange of larger molecules through
phagocytosis, the
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Essay on Cells and their parts
Cells are some of the smallest organisms around. All living things consist of cells, and yet they are invisible to the naked eye. Cells are the basic
structural and functional units of life. Cells are made up of many different parts which allow them to function properly.
All cells are separated from their surrounding by a cell membrane. The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell and also aids in the
protection and support of the cell. A cell membrane is similar to the walls surrounding your house.
In plants the cell membrane is surrounded by a cell wall. The cell wall is outside the cell membrane, and its purpose is to help the membrane protect
and support the cell. Since the cell wall is very porous, water, oxygen, more content...
Chromosomes contain the genetic information that must be passed to each new generation of cells. Chromosomes are what you pass on to your
children to make them who they are, it's the DNA of a cell.
The cytoplasm is the area between the nucleus and the cell membrane. The cytoplasm contains many important structures. This area is basically the
main place where you will find structures that help the cells stay alive.
Mitochondrion is an importance structure that lies in the cytoplasm area. Mitochondrion is the plural word for mitochondria, which is the key
organelle that converts energy from one form to another. Mitochondria changes the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more
convenient for the cell to use. The mitochondrion contains two special membranes. The outer membrane surrounds the organelle, and the inner
membrane has many folds that increase the surface area of the mitochondrion.
Ribosomes are the structures in which proteins are made. Cells that are active in protein synthesis are often crowded with ribosomes. Ribosomes are
composed of RNA and protein. Some ribosomes are attached to the membranes, and some are free in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are among the smallest
of organelles. They are no larger than 25 nanometers in diameter. A nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter.
Many cells are filled with a complex network of tube like things known as the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic
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Cell Theory
1.Cell theory just give a description of a cells. Like all living things are made up of cells individually. Also describes how cells can reproduce and
metabolize by themselves; which means that they are living small organisms. Germ theory just clarifies on how these microbes are responsible for the
infectious diseases that enter the body.
2.Acellular microbe is not a living cell, so its not able to reproduce or metabolize. The acellular microbe is grown within a host (human). It can be
identified as a viru, virion, and prion. Its really small compared to a cellular microbe since it is around the size of a organelle and a large molecule.
While the cellular microbe is bigger and can be spotted better on microscope. A cellular microbe is more content...
Unlike the gram negative wall, which has two. Beneath the glycocalyx there's the first layer called the peptidoglycan for the gram positive cell wall.
As for the gram negative cell wall is a lot more complex. It has plasma membrane on the bottom of the glycocalyx. This plasma membrane has a toxin
(endotoxin) that can cause very fatal symptoms to a patient; even shock can occur. Right under this toxin wall there's the peptidoglycan.
4.During sporulation can occur when one cell can construct one spore. The way this formation works is by when the cell that this bacteria is in a
chemical environment in which it is stressed that it'll form spores within the cell. The spore itself doesn't not have a metabolism. Although it does put
a battle whenever WBC (white blood cells) and any type of disinfectants try to get rid of it. The bacterial endospore is made out of a dense keratin
outer coat and a chromosome that does contain genetic material.
5.The plasmid is a extra piece of genetic information of DNA that lies within the bacterial cell. It results that there is a 2 sources of genomic material in
the bacteria within the cell. On the other hand transposon are combined to the genetic material of the cell that was already there Resulting that there
still is one source of genetic information in the
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Explain Why A Cell Is Like A City
A Cell is like a City A cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell. It is like a gate in a city because it regulates who comes in and goes
out of the city. A nucleus is the control center of the cell. It is like a police department because the police control how everyone and everything acts. A
ribosome synthesizes proteins for the cell. A ribosome is like a factory that produces stuff for construction workers. The ER synthesizes lipid
membranes and proteins and transports stuff. It is like a manufacturing plant because it makes stuff just like the ER. The golgi packages and modifies
proteins. The golgi is like Post Office because the post office packages mail and sends it places. The lysosome digests and gets rid of wastes. It
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Cell Biology : An Introduction Of The Cell
Cell Biology
An introduction to the cell
The cell is the smallest unit able to sustain life, and they are often referred to as the building blocks of life. There are two primary types of cell,
which are categorized according to the way their genetic material is packaged, rather than size or shape. These are:
1.Prokaryote cells – bacteria and archeans. They are single celled organisms, where the DNA is not separate from the cytoplasm. These prokaryote cells
formed the earliest and most primitive life on earth.
2.Eukaryotic cells – found in animals, plants and fungi. In eukaryotic cells, the DNA is sectioned off from the cytoplasm in its own membrane
compartment called the nucleus.
Cells share many common features but have adapted over billions of years in a wide array of environments, to provide a variety of functional roles.
The structures and functions of a cell.
In order for cells and organisms to "live" they need to perform certain tasks such as produce energy through respiration, send messages, maintenance
and reproduction. To enable the cell to do so, it contains within small structures called organelles, eachorganelle is different and carries out a specific
function.Pic 1: (
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Stem Cell Research : Stem Cells
Stem Cells Stem cells are cells that are found throughout the human body. They reproduce over a long period of time without changing. Stem cells
can produce specialized cells, such as brain, muscle or lung cells. Stem cells in the last few years have recently made a big debut because medical
professionals have discovered so many unique qualities to stem cells. They are on the cutting edge of medicine because of all their uses and the
qualities that make them so unique from any other cell in the body. Stem cells have the power to make so many breakthroughs in the medical world.
Medical researchers have all ready found so many ways that stem cells can be used for the better of so many people. Genes play an important role in
determining what genetic traits or mutations we receive. Researching stem cells can help determine this. Stem cell research is useful for learning many
things about human development and about how the body has the power to repair itself. Researchers are finding new ways each day that stem cells
can be used and the possibilities that they find for stem cells could be endless. A few ways they can be used to treat diseases, be used as graphs for
burn victims or surgical use, and even to correct birth defects. The pros of stem cells are limitless.
Stem Cells have recently have caught the eye of many medical professionals because of their unique properties, so what exactly are Stem Cells? Stem
Cells are different from any other cell in the body. They
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Essay about Plant Cell
Plant Cell
Plant cells have many different parts that are need to work together and function as a whole. These parts are the cell membrane which can be compared
to a "Condom" due to the fact that is a very thin protective layer that lets certain substances to pass through. Cell wall is a thicker rougher membrane,
which gives the plant most of its structure and support, the cell wall also bond with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant. Centrosome may
be also referred to as the "Microtubule organizing center" it's looks like a small body near the nucleus having a dense center and radiating tubules,
here in the centrosome is where the microtubules are made. Chloroplast is a CD shaped organelle that holds the more content...
Smoother ER moves newly made proteins and lipids to the Golgi apparatus. Vacuole is a large membrane–bound space within the plant cell that is
filled with fluid, within the fluid often is stored materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Animal Cell The animal cell like the plant cell has many different organelles but each one is need to work as a whole. Here are the organelles and
their functions, Cell membrane is a thin layer of protection which can be viewed as a "Condom" which is made for a payer of protein and fats, the
membrane allows some substance to pass though but not others. Centrosome is a rather small organelle located near the nucleus, it has a rather dense
center and radiating tubules. Here is where microtubules are made. Cytoplasm is a jell like material that surrounds the nucleus which is where the
organelles are located. Golgi body is a flat, layered organelles that looks like a stack of pancakes, it produces the membrane that surround the
lysosomes. The Golgi body packages protein and carbohydrates to be sent out of the cell.
Lysosome also called vesicles sphere shaped organelles surrounded by a membrane, contain digestive enzymes. This is where the digestion of nutrients
takes place. Mitochondrion is a sphere shaped rod like organelles with two membrane, the mitochondrion converts the
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Plant And Animal Cells Essay
Plant and Animal Cells
I. Introduction
All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more
cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main
features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more
cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third,
cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are
referred to as the cell theory.
All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types.
They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells
are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must
first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic
all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, more content...
To complete this we had to make wet–mount slides and
observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet–mount
slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look
at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the
middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of
water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip
and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water.
Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no
air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting
specimens into wet–mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy
instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet–mount slide
can be cleaned and re–used.
We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet–
mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them
under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a
dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope.
Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the
onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount
of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because
when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more
clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet–mount slide and also
with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet–mount
slide, an edge of the coverslip
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An Outline of the Cell Theory Essay
Chapter 2 IB Biology
2.1 Cell Theory
2.1.1 Outline the cell theory (2).
All organisms are composed of one or more cells
Cells are the smallest units of life
All cells come from preexisting cells
TOK: cell theory replaces the former ideas of spontaneous generation or abiogenesis in which inanimate matter assembles itself into living forms
Exception: muscle cells– more than 1 nucleus, very long; (fungal cells) hyphae roots– not a single unit; protoctista– not specialized to single function;
subcellular things like organelles 2.1.2 Discuss the evidence for the cell theory (3).
Robert Hooke first described cells in 1665 while observing cork with a microscope he built. Coined the term "cell" Antoine van
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As organisms grow, cells divide. 2 small cells are more efficient than one. Alveoli in lungs maximize surface for gas exchange.
2.1.7 State that multicellular organisms show emergent properties (1). Different things come together to make process
Ability to reproduce themselves. Allows possibility of growth and for replacement of damaged or dead cells. 2.1.8 Explain that cells in multicellular
organisms differentiate to carry out specialized functions by expressing some of their genes but not others (3). Start out as single cell that reproduces at
a rapid rate then the resulting cells go through a differentiation (different cells– different functions– to run an organism) process to produce all required
cell types that are necessary for organism. Every cell in a multicellular organism contains all the genes of that organism. However, the genes that are
activated vary from cell to cell. Differentiation– when we break something complex into its component pieces, they each appear to be simple.
Combined, they can perform a whole new function. Cells within a multi cellular organism specialize their function. Examples: muscles cells, cardiac
This differentiation process is the result of the expression of certain specific genes but not others Genes allow for the production of all different cells in
the organism Each cell contains all the genetic info for the production of the complete organism Each
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Functions Of Function Of Cells Essay
All living organisms are composed of very important building blocks called cells. Cells are composed of genomes that identify an organism's traits
found in the cell's nucleus. In plants, genomes are found in chloroplasts. Cells are continuously working to reproduce new identical cells during a
process called, Mitosis. This progression consists of two phases; Interphase and the Mitotic Phase. Mitosis consists of four major phases; Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Towards the end of the four phases, DNA has been duplicated and divided during a process called, Cytokinesis
which occurs in the mitotic phase. Not only does this cell cycle occur in both plants and animals but also includes prokaryotes such as bacteria.
Bacteria, however, does not have a membrane surrounding its DNA, therefore it does not go through mitosis like plants and animals but through a
process called, binary fission (Hay). Slightly different process yielding the same end results (O'Grady and Cashmore, 107).
Interphase, also known as the, "resting stage" is the key phase of the cell cycle. This is where normal cell function and cell preparation begin. Cells
will spend approximately 16 to 18 hours in this phase (Hay). It is sectioned into 3 phases: Gap 1 (G1), Synthesis (S), and Gap 2 (G2). During the Gap
1 phase, the cell resumes normal cell functions and growth. During the Synthesis phase, the chromosomes are replicated and sister chromatids are
formed. During the Gap 2 phase,
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Cell Theory
1.Cell Theory is an explanation that says everything is made of cells. It continues on to say that those cells came from preexisting cells. Cell Theory is
a theory because it is a frame–worked explanation of an observation made by many biologists like Anar Van Leeuwenhoek. Van Leeuwenoek studied
plant stems, pond water, and gathered a conclusion that generally, all of those things are made of cells. Other biologists like Louis Pasteur added onto
this idea that all organisms are composed of cells. Atheory is also composed of two components; a sequence of patterns in the world and the thing or
catalyst that is responsible for the pattern. The sequence of the pattern in Cell theory is that every organism in the world are made up of
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The fatal flaw in my experiment of cloning a single plant, creating a population of 100 plants that are genetically identical, and raising these plants in
identical environments with no variation in traits is that there is no variation to show any difference(s) in the experiment.
3.A salt crystal dropped into a beaker of water becomes smaller and eventually seems to disappear. However, the same salt crystal remains intact at
the bottom of a beaker of octane because Sodium Chloride is ionic and would get attracted to the water. The octane is hydrophobic and has nothing for
the salt crystal to bond with. The water is polar and hydrophobic, which gives the salt the ability for the oxygen atoms in the water to be attracted to the
Sodium ion, and the hydrogen atoms to the chloride ion.
4.Molecules with carbon–carbon bonds have more potential energy and lower entropy than carbon dioxide because the carbon to carbon bonds are
held together loosely. Because the carbon to carbon bonds are held loosely together, the bond has low entropy, high potential energy, and more usable
energy. The Carbon dioxide is held tightly together, has high entropy, and will have low potential energy because the charges will be attracted to the
oxygen. This results in the carbon dioxide to have less usable
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Eukaryotic Cell Lab Report
With the use of a light microscope and an electron microscope, scientists discovered that organelles in a eukaryotic cell do not actually float around
freely. They discovered the cytoskeleton, which is key towards a cell's structure and activity. (112) It is extremely dynamic and important for the
cells, as provides a secure hold on many organelles and cytosolic enzyme molecules. In addition, it can bend the plasma membrane inward to form
either food or other phagocytic vesicles. It is also involved with cell motility with its interaction with motor proteins. This correlates towards
movements and changes in a cell's location. This is the result of the cytoskeleton working with motor proteins by using it as "feet" to walk to a different
location. It is a network of fibers that is composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. (113) Out of the fibers it is composed
of, microtubules are the thickest, microfilaments are the thinnest and intermediate filaments are diameters in a middle range. Microfilaments maintains
cell shape, changes in shape, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming, cell motility and division for animal cells. (113) Microfilaments are made
through a twisted double more content...
Within the plasma membrane, they form a 3D network to support the cell's shape. (Chapter 6 slide) Therefore, it helps support the cell shape with
this network by keeping the organelles in place and then assists in its movement. In addition, its direct role is to bear tension via pulling forces. This
whole network gives the cortex (outer cytoplasmic layer) a semisolid form rather than a fluidity structure. In addition, in some animal cells the
microfilament make up the core of microvilli that increase a cell's surface area. (117) Therefore, this filament is essential towards maintenance of cell
shapes as it helps support it and, in some cases, make up the surface
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Cancer Stem-Cell Theory Essay
The cancer stem cell theory hypothesizes that tumors or cancers arise from mutations or epigenetic changes in normal stem cells. These mutated or
genetically altered stem cells possess the properties of the normal stem cells such as the ability to self–renew, differentiate into any type of body cell,
and resist apoptosis. Hence, the cancer stem cells (CSC) are named so. It is also suggested that because of the above–mentioned properties of the cancer
stem cells, the current anti–cancer therapies are not entirely successful (Gil et al, 2008). Despite surgery and other therapies, even if very few of these
cancer stem cells survive, they can continue to act as a source for more tumors, even though the therapies eliminate all visible more
Some strategies that can be used to target the cancer stem cells:
1)Stem cells possess markers that are different from the differentiated cells. One method can be to develop treatments that target only the cancer stem
cells and not the healthy differentiated cells.
2)Investigate to find markers that distinguish between cancer stem cells and healthy stem cells.
3)Prevent self–renewal of the stem cells within the tumor mass: Targeting proteins that regulate the cell cycle in the cells of the tumor mass can be a
potential strategy to prevent the self–renewal of the cancer stem cells. Bao et al (2006) reported that proteins involved in regulating cell cycle,
especially at the checkpoints play an important role in determining the CSC resistance to radiotherapy. This is because radiotherapy leads toDNA
damage, which activates the checkpoint proteins and increases their expression. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that inhibition of checkpoint
proteins such as Chk1 and Chk2 decrease the radiotherapy resistance ability of the brain stem cells that were previously radiotherapy resistant (Gil et
al, 2008). This strategy coupled with radiotherapy and/or elimination of the tumor mass by surgery can potentially prevent relapse of cancer.
Tumor progression or cancer development in humans takes decades to develop because this process requires multiple insults like mutations and
epigenetic changes in the DNA. These changes
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City Cell Vs Plant Cell Essay
There are many different ways in which a cell can be compared to something else. You can compare a cell to a factory, a school, or even a city. When
comparing a cell to a city each organelle acts as different part of the city. One example of an organelle comparing to a part of a city is the cell
membrane. The cell membrane can be compared to the boundaries of a city. Just like how the cell membrane keeps all of the organelles inside, the
boundaries of a city determine what is or is not within city limits. In a city the most important building is the city hall. This is where all city's
government officials work. City hall is very much like the nucleus in a cell. The nucleus holds and protects all the cell's genetic information just like
how city hall holds all the more content...
Just like the ribosomes factory workers are responsible for building and producing items that the city needs. Next is the endoplasmic reticulum
which is what molecules inside the cell travel along. This obviously compares to the roads which people in a city travel along to get from place to
place. In a plant cell there is a "reservoir" that stores water for that it might need later. City's need to store water too and to do this they use water
towers. These two are almost exact because they both only have one responsibility which is to just store water for later usage. Now although their
are many other organelles in a cell these are just a few that can relate well to the different parts of a city. Cells are a huge part of biology and even
though we just compare them to different things in a city just to get a better understanding of what they do, a cell itself really is just like one tiny
city inside our bodies. Because without every organelles doing its job we wouldn't be able to function the way we do. And the same is with a city in
real life. If every part of the city isn't running smoothly then it just wouldn't be able to work
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An Introduction Of Cell Biology
Introduction to Cell Biology
A Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane
A Prokaryotic Cell are cells without a membrane–bound nucleus. An example of a prokaryotic cell is bacteria.
A Eukaryotic Cell does have a membrane–bound nucleus, making it different from a Prokaryotic Cell. The Nucleus contains genetic material and is
surrounded by a nuclear envelope. An example is an animal cell.
Both types of cells contain organelles, each with a specific function. Plant and animals cells both contain a nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and
mitochondria. What defines the two cells is the plant cell also contains a rigid cell wall, a permanent vacuole and chloroplasts. The Nucleus contains
genetic material and controls how the cell operates. The Cell surface membrane, or plasma, surrounds the cell and controls what enters and leaves.
Membranes are said to divide up the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The Cytoskeleton, which is made up of microtubules and microfilaments, moves the
cytoplasm during cell migrations. Mitochondria is where aerobic respiration is performed. Protein synthesis happens in the Ribosomes. In terms of the
plant cell, the Rigid Cell Wall strengthens the cell and helps maintain the structure. The Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light for a
plant to perform photosynthesis. The Permanent Vacuole is filled with sap and keeps the cell turgid.
A Eukaryotic cell has
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Cell As A System Analysis

  • 1. Cell As A System Analysis Spenser Grasse 1/20/16 Block A Cell As A System Essay Imagine being able to see the inside of your body at action, the blood flowing through your body, or even your heart beating. If you could, what would you compare their jobs to? A supermarket? How about a factory? There are so many things you could compare them to, like a car they all have to work together in order for the vehicle to run. What i'm going to compare their jobs to is a supermarket, Hannaford. Like the nucleolus, the CEO is the big rig of the company. He makes sure that everything is running properly, and smoothly. He also controls the jobs within the company and makes sure people are executing their jobs. He also tells the people incorporate what they should do which more content... They all do the same job as one another, which can keep the supermarket running smoothly or keeping the body alive. Now next time you go into a factory or supermarket just think of how the cells in your body are doing exactly what the equipment in the store does Get more content on
  • 2. Eukaryotic Cells Essay Eukaryotic Cells The cell may be regarded as the basic unit of an organism, it carries out the essential processes that make the organism a living entity. All cells share certain structural and functional features and they are of almost universal occurrence in living organisms. Biologists have devoted a great deal of attention to its structure and the processes that go on inside it. They have recognised a major distinction between two types of cells, Eukaryotic cells that have a nucleus and Prokaryotic cells that do not have a nucleus. There are many other differences between these two cells, in particular eukaryotic cells have a full complement of more content... The formation of the proteins and phospholipids is called the lipid bylayer. The proteins take the form of globules dotted about in a mosaic pattern with some being attached to the urface of the membrane while others penetrate into it to varying extents. Some of these proteins act as enzyme catalysing chemical reactions within the membrane and also as pumps and channels transporting molecules into and out of the cell. The plasma membrane is perforated by pores and allows substances to pass in and out of the cell by Diffusion Active Transport, osmosis, Endocytosis and Exocytosis. The external cell membrane contains lipids and proteins combined with sugar molecules called Glycolipids and Glycoproteins. The sugar molecules only attach to the outside of the cell membrane and form what is known as the Glycocalyx or cell coat. The Glycocalyx is sticky and enables animal cells to adhere to each other. In the development of organisms cells must migrate from one region to another and recognise what kind of cells are their proper neighbours and what kinds are not. This recognition ability appears to lie within the Glycocalyx. The endoplasmic reticulum is found in the cytoplasm of the cell and like the plasma membrane is composed of phospholipids and protein. ER is an intracellular transport system moving materials from one Get more content on
  • 3. The cytoskeleton is the most important organelle. Without it in place, all the other organelles inside the cell would be randomly floating around with no sense of order. This would make the cell's job much harder and could create multiple different outcomes, since the cells would not have the same organelles in the same areas. The cytoskeleton keeps all the other organelles in the cell and in the proper areas. The cytoskeleton also anchors the cell to its neighboring cell and to the protein network in which that cell is sitting. This organelle provides the cells shape, which also provides the function of that particular cell. The cytoskeleton additionally allows the cells to shrink and grow very quickly. Another function is the assisting of moving materials in and out of the cell. The cytoskeleton facilitates movement through three main components which are microfilaments, more content... The cytoskeleton has a very dynamic nature, because it is necessary for cells to change shape and complete cell division, or migrate. In cell division, the cytoskeleton plays an essential role in equally distributing the chromosomes into each of the new cells. Each of these self–assembling proteins has "critical concentration," a characteristic concentration. In which, below is the monomer state and then above is the polymer state. The concentration favors the building up of filament, and decreasing the filament deconstruction. The allows the cell to quickly control the cytoskeleton structure. One third that makes up the cytoskeleton are microfilaments. These are also commonly called actin filaments. These are filamentous structures which are in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and form part of the cytoskeleton. When they are in cells which are modified by and also interact with multiple proteins. Polymers of actin are what mostly make up Get more content on
  • 4. The Theory Of The Cell Theory Essay Introduction The cell theory is composed of three ideas from three different German scientists. In 1838, scientist Mattias Schlieden said that all plants were made from cells. One year later in 1839, scientist Theodor Schwann said that all animals were made from cells. In 1855, scientist Rudolf Virchow said that all cells come from other cells. These three ideas were put together to form the cell theory. The cell theory states that all living things are made of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things, and all cells are produced from other cells (McGinnis, 2011). Prokaryotic cells are the simplest systems that exhibit all of the signs of life. They reproduce by binary fission, a process where the DNA is duplicated and the cell splits in two. They are the smallest types of cell, and have a large array of abilities. Some prokaryotes live in the absence of oxygen, some in extreme cold or heat, and some at the bottoms of oceans. These extremist prokaryotes are known as archaebacteria. The most common prokaryotes are eubacteria, and are found nearly everywhere on Earth (Blamire, 2001). Prokaryotic cells can vary in their structure depending on where they reside, but all prokaryotic cells have certain features in common. All prokaryotic cells have a cell wall; a cell wall gives structure and shape to the cell while providing a place for the flagella to anchor. They have a plasma membrane, which is just inside the cell and serves as a Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about The Cell The cell is the fundamental structural unit of all living organisms. Some cells are complete organisms, such as the unicellular bacteria and protozoa; others, such as nerve, liver, and muscle cells, are specialized components of multi–cellular organisms. Cells range in size from the smallest bacteria–like mycoplasmas, which are 0.1 micrometer in diameter, to the egg yolks of ostriches, which are about 8 cm (about 3 in) in diameter. Although they may differ widely in appearance and function, all cells have a surrounding membrane and an internal, water–rich substance called the cytoplasm, the composition of which differs significantly from the external environment of the cell. Within the cell is genetic material, deoxyribonucleic more content... All cells are dynamic at some stage of their life cycle, in the sense that they use energy to perform a variety of cell functions: movement, growth, maintenance and repair of cell structure, reproduction of the cell, and manufacture of specialized cell products such as enzymes and hormones. These functions are also the result of interactions of organic molecules. Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane, a continuous double layer of phospholipid molecules 75 to 100 angstroms thick, constitutes the boundary between the cell and its external environment. In addition to lipids, the plasma membrane has protein components (polypeptides) that are associated with either the outer or inner surfaces of its layers or are buried within them. The structure as a whole is selectively permeable, or semipermeable; that is, it permits the exchange of water and selected atoms and molecules between the cell exterior and interior. This is vital to the cell because while the plasma membrane helps maintain high local concentrations of organic molecules within the cell, it also allows interaction between the cell and its external environment. The plasma membrane mediates such interactions in various ways. The exchange of mineral ions and small nutrient molecules is controlled by plasma membrane proteins that act as pumps, carriers, and channels. The plasma membrane also participates in the exchange of larger molecules through phagocytosis, the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Cells and their parts Cells are some of the smallest organisms around. All living things consist of cells, and yet they are invisible to the naked eye. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life. Cells are made up of many different parts which allow them to function properly. All cells are separated from their surrounding by a cell membrane. The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell and also aids in the protection and support of the cell. A cell membrane is similar to the walls surrounding your house. In plants the cell membrane is surrounded by a cell wall. The cell wall is outside the cell membrane, and its purpose is to help the membrane protect and support the cell. Since the cell wall is very porous, water, oxygen, more content... Chromosomes contain the genetic information that must be passed to each new generation of cells. Chromosomes are what you pass on to your children to make them who they are, it's the DNA of a cell. The cytoplasm is the area between the nucleus and the cell membrane. The cytoplasm contains many important structures. This area is basically the main place where you will find structures that help the cells stay alive. Mitochondrion is an importance structure that lies in the cytoplasm area. Mitochondrion is the plural word for mitochondria, which is the key organelle that converts energy from one form to another. Mitochondria changes the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use. The mitochondrion contains two special membranes. The outer membrane surrounds the organelle, and the inner membrane has many folds that increase the surface area of the mitochondrion. Ribosomes are the structures in which proteins are made. Cells that are active in protein synthesis are often crowded with ribosomes. Ribosomes are composed of RNA and protein. Some ribosomes are attached to the membranes, and some are free in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are among the smallest of organelles. They are no larger than 25 nanometers in diameter. A nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter. Many cells are filled with a complex network of tube like things known as the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic
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  • 8. Cell Theory 1.Cell theory just give a description of a cells. Like all living things are made up of cells individually. Also describes how cells can reproduce and metabolize by themselves; which means that they are living small organisms. Germ theory just clarifies on how these microbes are responsible for the infectious diseases that enter the body. 2.Acellular microbe is not a living cell, so its not able to reproduce or metabolize. The acellular microbe is grown within a host (human). It can be identified as a viru, virion, and prion. Its really small compared to a cellular microbe since it is around the size of a organelle and a large molecule. While the cellular microbe is bigger and can be spotted better on microscope. A cellular microbe is more content... Unlike the gram negative wall, which has two. Beneath the glycocalyx there's the first layer called the peptidoglycan for the gram positive cell wall. As for the gram negative cell wall is a lot more complex. It has plasma membrane on the bottom of the glycocalyx. This plasma membrane has a toxin (endotoxin) that can cause very fatal symptoms to a patient; even shock can occur. Right under this toxin wall there's the peptidoglycan. 4.During sporulation can occur when one cell can construct one spore. The way this formation works is by when the cell that this bacteria is in a chemical environment in which it is stressed that it'll form spores within the cell. The spore itself doesn't not have a metabolism. Although it does put a battle whenever WBC (white blood cells) and any type of disinfectants try to get rid of it. The bacterial endospore is made out of a dense keratin outer coat and a chromosome that does contain genetic material. 5.The plasmid is a extra piece of genetic information of DNA that lies within the bacterial cell. It results that there is a 2 sources of genomic material in the bacteria within the cell. On the other hand transposon are combined to the genetic material of the cell that was already there Resulting that there still is one source of genetic information in the Get more content on
  • 9. Explain Why A Cell Is Like A City A Cell is like a City A cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell. It is like a gate in a city because it regulates who comes in and goes out of the city. A nucleus is the control center of the cell. It is like a police department because the police control how everyone and everything acts. A ribosome synthesizes proteins for the cell. A ribosome is like a factory that produces stuff for construction workers. The ER synthesizes lipid membranes and proteins and transports stuff. It is like a manufacturing plant because it makes stuff just like the ER. The golgi packages and modifies proteins. The golgi is like Post Office because the post office packages mail and sends it places. The lysosome digests and gets rid of wastes. It Get more content on
  • 10. Cell Biology : An Introduction Of The Cell Cell Biology An introduction to the cell The cell is the smallest unit able to sustain life, and they are often referred to as the building blocks of life. There are two primary types of cell, which are categorized according to the way their genetic material is packaged, rather than size or shape. These are: 1.Prokaryote cells – bacteria and archeans. They are single celled organisms, where the DNA is not separate from the cytoplasm. These prokaryote cells formed the earliest and most primitive life on earth. 2.Eukaryotic cells – found in animals, plants and fungi. In eukaryotic cells, the DNA is sectioned off from the cytoplasm in its own membrane compartment called the nucleus. Cells share many common features but have adapted over billions of years in a wide array of environments, to provide a variety of functional roles. The structures and functions of a cell. In order for cells and organisms to "live" they need to perform certain tasks such as produce energy through respiration, send messages, maintenance and reproduction. To enable the cell to do so, it contains within small structures called organelles, eachorganelle is different and carries out a specific function.Pic 1: ( The Get more content on
  • 11. Stem Cell Research : Stem Cells Stem Cells Stem cells are cells that are found throughout the human body. They reproduce over a long period of time without changing. Stem cells can produce specialized cells, such as brain, muscle or lung cells. Stem cells in the last few years have recently made a big debut because medical professionals have discovered so many unique qualities to stem cells. They are on the cutting edge of medicine because of all their uses and the qualities that make them so unique from any other cell in the body. Stem cells have the power to make so many breakthroughs in the medical world. Medical researchers have all ready found so many ways that stem cells can be used for the better of so many people. Genes play an important role in determining what genetic traits or mutations we receive. Researching stem cells can help determine this. Stem cell research is useful for learning many things about human development and about how the body has the power to repair itself. Researchers are finding new ways each day that stem cells can be used and the possibilities that they find for stem cells could be endless. A few ways they can be used to treat diseases, be used as graphs for burn victims or surgical use, and even to correct birth defects. The pros of stem cells are limitless. Stem Cells have recently have caught the eye of many medical professionals because of their unique properties, so what exactly are Stem Cells? Stem Cells are different from any other cell in the body. They Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Plant Cell Plant Cell Plant cells have many different parts that are need to work together and function as a whole. These parts are the cell membrane which can be compared to a "Condom" due to the fact that is a very thin protective layer that lets certain substances to pass through. Cell wall is a thicker rougher membrane, which gives the plant most of its structure and support, the cell wall also bond with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant. Centrosome may be also referred to as the "Microtubule organizing center" it's looks like a small body near the nucleus having a dense center and radiating tubules, here in the centrosome is where the microtubules are made. Chloroplast is a CD shaped organelle that holds the more content... Smoother ER moves newly made proteins and lipids to the Golgi apparatus. Vacuole is a large membrane–bound space within the plant cell that is filled with fluid, within the fluid often is stored materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates. Animal Cell The animal cell like the plant cell has many different organelles but each one is need to work as a whole. Here are the organelles and their functions, Cell membrane is a thin layer of protection which can be viewed as a "Condom" which is made for a payer of protein and fats, the membrane allows some substance to pass though but not others. Centrosome is a rather small organelle located near the nucleus, it has a rather dense center and radiating tubules. Here is where microtubules are made. Cytoplasm is a jell like material that surrounds the nucleus which is where the organelles are located. Golgi body is a flat, layered organelles that looks like a stack of pancakes, it produces the membrane that surround the lysosomes. The Golgi body packages protein and carbohydrates to be sent out of the cell. Lysosome also called vesicles sphere shaped organelles surrounded by a membrane, contain digestive enzymes. This is where the digestion of nutrients takes place. Mitochondrion is a sphere shaped rod like organelles with two membrane, the mitochondrion converts the Get more content on
  • 13. Plant And Animal Cells Essay Plant and Animal Cells I. Introduction All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third, cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are referred to as the cell theory. All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types. They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane,
  • 14. cytoplasm, more content... To complete this we had to make wet–mount slides and observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet–mount slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water. Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting specimens into wet–mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet–mount slide can be cleaned and re–used. We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet– mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope. Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the
  • 15. onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet–mount slide and also with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet–mount slide, an edge of the coverslip Get more content on
  • 16. An Outline of the Cell Theory Essay Chapter 2 IB Biology 2.1 Cell Theory 2.1.1 Outline the cell theory (2). All organisms are composed of one or more cells Cells are the smallest units of life All cells come from preexisting cells TOK: cell theory replaces the former ideas of spontaneous generation or abiogenesis in which inanimate matter assembles itself into living forms Exception: muscle cells– more than 1 nucleus, very long; (fungal cells) hyphae roots– not a single unit; protoctista– not specialized to single function; subcellular things like organelles 2.1.2 Discuss the evidence for the cell theory (3). Robert Hooke first described cells in 1665 while observing cork with a microscope he built. Coined the term "cell" Antoine van more content... As organisms grow, cells divide. 2 small cells are more efficient than one. Alveoli in lungs maximize surface for gas exchange. 2.1.7 State that multicellular organisms show emergent properties (1). Different things come together to make process Cells–tissues–organs–etc. Ability to reproduce themselves. Allows possibility of growth and for replacement of damaged or dead cells. 2.1.8 Explain that cells in multicellular organisms differentiate to carry out specialized functions by expressing some of their genes but not others (3). Start out as single cell that reproduces at a rapid rate then the resulting cells go through a differentiation (different cells– different functions– to run an organism) process to produce all required cell types that are necessary for organism. Every cell in a multicellular organism contains all the genes of that organism. However, the genes that are activated vary from cell to cell. Differentiation– when we break something complex into its component pieces, they each appear to be simple. Combined, they can perform a whole new function. Cells within a multi cellular organism specialize their function. Examples: muscles cells, cardiac cells This differentiation process is the result of the expression of certain specific genes but not others Genes allow for the production of all different cells in the organism Each cell contains all the genetic info for the production of the complete organism Each
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  • 18. Functions Of Function Of Cells Essay Introduction All living organisms are composed of very important building blocks called cells. Cells are composed of genomes that identify an organism's traits found in the cell's nucleus. In plants, genomes are found in chloroplasts. Cells are continuously working to reproduce new identical cells during a process called, Mitosis. This progression consists of two phases; Interphase and the Mitotic Phase. Mitosis consists of four major phases; Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Towards the end of the four phases, DNA has been duplicated and divided during a process called, Cytokinesis which occurs in the mitotic phase. Not only does this cell cycle occur in both plants and animals but also includes prokaryotes such as bacteria. Bacteria, however, does not have a membrane surrounding its DNA, therefore it does not go through mitosis like plants and animals but through a process called, binary fission (Hay). Slightly different process yielding the same end results (O'Grady and Cashmore, 107). Interphase, also known as the, "resting stage" is the key phase of the cell cycle. This is where normal cell function and cell preparation begin. Cells will spend approximately 16 to 18 hours in this phase (Hay). It is sectioned into 3 phases: Gap 1 (G1), Synthesis (S), and Gap 2 (G2). During the Gap 1 phase, the cell resumes normal cell functions and growth. During the Synthesis phase, the chromosomes are replicated and sister chromatids are formed. During the Gap 2 phase, Get more content on
  • 19. Cell Theory 1.Cell Theory is an explanation that says everything is made of cells. It continues on to say that those cells came from preexisting cells. Cell Theory is a theory because it is a frame–worked explanation of an observation made by many biologists like Anar Van Leeuwenhoek. Van Leeuwenoek studied plant stems, pond water, and gathered a conclusion that generally, all of those things are made of cells. Other biologists like Louis Pasteur added onto this idea that all organisms are composed of cells. Atheory is also composed of two components; a sequence of patterns in the world and the thing or catalyst that is responsible for the pattern. The sequence of the pattern in Cell theory is that every organism in the world are made up of more content... The fatal flaw in my experiment of cloning a single plant, creating a population of 100 plants that are genetically identical, and raising these plants in identical environments with no variation in traits is that there is no variation to show any difference(s) in the experiment. 3.A salt crystal dropped into a beaker of water becomes smaller and eventually seems to disappear. However, the same salt crystal remains intact at the bottom of a beaker of octane because Sodium Chloride is ionic and would get attracted to the water. The octane is hydrophobic and has nothing for the salt crystal to bond with. The water is polar and hydrophobic, which gives the salt the ability for the oxygen atoms in the water to be attracted to the Sodium ion, and the hydrogen atoms to the chloride ion. 4.Molecules with carbon–carbon bonds have more potential energy and lower entropy than carbon dioxide because the carbon to carbon bonds are held together loosely. Because the carbon to carbon bonds are held loosely together, the bond has low entropy, high potential energy, and more usable energy. The Carbon dioxide is held tightly together, has high entropy, and will have low potential energy because the charges will be attracted to the oxygen. This results in the carbon dioxide to have less usable Get more content on
  • 20. Eukaryotic Cell Lab Report With the use of a light microscope and an electron microscope, scientists discovered that organelles in a eukaryotic cell do not actually float around freely. They discovered the cytoskeleton, which is key towards a cell's structure and activity. (112) It is extremely dynamic and important for the cells, as provides a secure hold on many organelles and cytosolic enzyme molecules. In addition, it can bend the plasma membrane inward to form either food or other phagocytic vesicles. It is also involved with cell motility with its interaction with motor proteins. This correlates towards movements and changes in a cell's location. This is the result of the cytoskeleton working with motor proteins by using it as "feet" to walk to a different location. It is a network of fibers that is composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. (113) Out of the fibers it is composed of, microtubules are the thickest, microfilaments are the thinnest and intermediate filaments are diameters in a middle range. Microfilaments maintains cell shape, changes in shape, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming, cell motility and division for animal cells. (113) Microfilaments are made through a twisted double more content... Within the plasma membrane, they form a 3D network to support the cell's shape. (Chapter 6 slide) Therefore, it helps support the cell shape with this network by keeping the organelles in place and then assists in its movement. In addition, its direct role is to bear tension via pulling forces. This whole network gives the cortex (outer cytoplasmic layer) a semisolid form rather than a fluidity structure. In addition, in some animal cells the microfilament make up the core of microvilli that increase a cell's surface area. (117) Therefore, this filament is essential towards maintenance of cell shapes as it helps support it and, in some cases, make up the surface Get more content on
  • 21. Cancer Stem-Cell Theory Essay The cancer stem cell theory hypothesizes that tumors or cancers arise from mutations or epigenetic changes in normal stem cells. These mutated or genetically altered stem cells possess the properties of the normal stem cells such as the ability to self–renew, differentiate into any type of body cell, and resist apoptosis. Hence, the cancer stem cells (CSC) are named so. It is also suggested that because of the above–mentioned properties of the cancer stem cells, the current anti–cancer therapies are not entirely successful (Gil et al, 2008). Despite surgery and other therapies, even if very few of these cancer stem cells survive, they can continue to act as a source for more tumors, even though the therapies eliminate all visible more content... Some strategies that can be used to target the cancer stem cells: 1)Stem cells possess markers that are different from the differentiated cells. One method can be to develop treatments that target only the cancer stem cells and not the healthy differentiated cells. 2)Investigate to find markers that distinguish between cancer stem cells and healthy stem cells. 3)Prevent self–renewal of the stem cells within the tumor mass: Targeting proteins that regulate the cell cycle in the cells of the tumor mass can be a potential strategy to prevent the self–renewal of the cancer stem cells. Bao et al (2006) reported that proteins involved in regulating cell cycle, especially at the checkpoints play an important role in determining the CSC resistance to radiotherapy. This is because radiotherapy leads toDNA damage, which activates the checkpoint proteins and increases their expression. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that inhibition of checkpoint proteins such as Chk1 and Chk2 decrease the radiotherapy resistance ability of the brain stem cells that were previously radiotherapy resistant (Gil et al, 2008). This strategy coupled with radiotherapy and/or elimination of the tumor mass by surgery can potentially prevent relapse of cancer. Tumor progression or cancer development in humans takes decades to develop because this process requires multiple insults like mutations and epigenetic changes in the DNA. These changes Get more content on
  • 22. City Cell Vs Plant Cell Essay There are many different ways in which a cell can be compared to something else. You can compare a cell to a factory, a school, or even a city. When comparing a cell to a city each organelle acts as different part of the city. One example of an organelle comparing to a part of a city is the cell membrane. The cell membrane can be compared to the boundaries of a city. Just like how the cell membrane keeps all of the organelles inside, the boundaries of a city determine what is or is not within city limits. In a city the most important building is the city hall. This is where all city's government officials work. City hall is very much like the nucleus in a cell. The nucleus holds and protects all the cell's genetic information just like how city hall holds all the more content... Just like the ribosomes factory workers are responsible for building and producing items that the city needs. Next is the endoplasmic reticulum which is what molecules inside the cell travel along. This obviously compares to the roads which people in a city travel along to get from place to place. In a plant cell there is a "reservoir" that stores water for that it might need later. City's need to store water too and to do this they use water towers. These two are almost exact because they both only have one responsibility which is to just store water for later usage. Now although their are many other organelles in a cell these are just a few that can relate well to the different parts of a city. Cells are a huge part of biology and even though we just compare them to different things in a city just to get a better understanding of what they do, a cell itself really is just like one tiny city inside our bodies. Because without every organelles doing its job we wouldn't be able to function the way we do. And the same is with a city in real life. If every part of the city isn't running smoothly then it just wouldn't be able to work Get more content on
  • 23. An Introduction Of Cell Biology Introduction to Cell Biology A Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane A Prokaryotic Cell are cells without a membrane–bound nucleus. An example of a prokaryotic cell is bacteria. A Eukaryotic Cell does have a membrane–bound nucleus, making it different from a Prokaryotic Cell. The Nucleus contains genetic material and is surrounded by a nuclear envelope. An example is an animal cell. Both types of cells contain organelles, each with a specific function. Plant and animals cells both contain a nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and mitochondria. What defines the two cells is the plant cell also contains a rigid cell wall, a permanent vacuole and chloroplasts. The Nucleus contains genetic material and controls how the cell operates. The Cell surface membrane, or plasma, surrounds the cell and controls what enters and leaves. Membranes are said to divide up the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The Cytoskeleton, which is made up of microtubules and microfilaments, moves the cytoplasm during cell migrations. Mitochondria is where aerobic respiration is performed. Protein synthesis happens in the Ribosomes. In terms of the plant cell, the Rigid Cell Wall strengthens the cell and helps maintain the structure. The Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light for a plant to perform photosynthesis. The Permanent Vacuole is filled with sap and keeps the cell turgid. A Eukaryotic cell has Get more content on