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ANAEMIA: Preventable,
Yet a Problem!!
Reticulocytes are premature red blood cells,
typically composing about 1% of the red cells in the
human body.
Reticulocytes develop and mature in the red bone
marrow and then circulate for about a day in the
blood stream before developing into mature red
blood cells.
Like mature red blood cells, reticulocytes do not
have a cell nucleus. They are called reticulocytes
because of a reticular (mesh-like) network of
ribosomal RNA that becomes visible under a
microscope with certain stains such as new
methylene blue.
Remember that the bonemarrow has
the capacity to increase RBC
production 5-10 times the normal
Thus, if all necessary raw products are
available, the RBC life span can decrease
to about 18 days before bone marrow
compensation is inadequate and anemia
RBC “rule of 3’s”

For normal erythrocytes:
hemoglobin (g/dL)
hematocrit (%)

3 x RBC count (millions)

3 x hemoblobin (g/dL)


Failure to obey this “rule of 3’s” suggests an
abnormality in erythrocytes (sickle cells, etc)
Normal range :
In male : 5 - 6 millions/cmm of blood

In female :4 – 5 millions/cmm of blood
Decrease in Hemoglobin concentration

Normal range :
In male : 15 -18 gm/100ml of blood
In female : 12 – 15 gm/100ml of blood
In its broadest sense, anemia is a functional
inability of the blood to supply the tissue with
adequate O2 for proper metabolic function.
Anemia is not a disease, but rather the
expression of an underlying disorder or
-from Ancient Greek ἀναιμία anaimia, meaning "lack of blood")
Magnitude of Problem
Globally, is about 30 %
In developing countries &
India, incidence is around
40 – 90%.

Responsible for 40% of
maternal deaths in third world
Important cause of direct and
indirect maternal deaths
- Vitere FE Adv Exp Med Biol 1994;352:127

Anemia is a common condition.


It occurs in all age groups and all racial and ethnic groups.


Both men and women can have anemia, but women of
childbearing age are at higher risk for the condition.


This is because women in this age range lose blood from


Researchers continue to study how anemia affects older adults.


More than 10 percent of older adults have mild forms of anemia.


Many of these people have other medical conditions as well.
Anemia - insufficient Hb to carry out O2 requirement
by tissues.
WHO definition : Hb conc.

11 gm %

For developing countries : cut off level suggested is
10 gm %
- WHO technical report Series no. 405, Geneva 1968
Centre for disease control, MMWR 1989;38:400-4
WHO Classification of Anaemia








Very Severe


Haematocrit (%)

Morphologic classification

MCV <80

MCV 80-100

MCV >100
Classification by volume

Microcytic Anemia (MCV <80)


Normocytic Anemia (MCV 80-100)


Macrocytic Anemia (MCV >100)
Pathophysiologic classification
I RBC loss
1. blood loss
2. ↑ RBC destruction

a. intrinsic abnormality

b. extrinsic abnormality
II ↓RBC production
1. stem cell abnormality

2. erythroblast abnormality
3. unknown/multiple mechanism
Pathophysiologic classification
I RBC loss

blood loss

a. acute : trauma, massive

b. chronic : GI lesion, GYN lesion
2.↑ RBC destruction

a. intrinsic abnormality
b. extrinsic abnormality
2.↑ RBC destruction
a. intrinsic abnormality

i. membrane disorder
ii.enzyme disorder
iii.Hgb synthesis disorder
iv.acquired memb. defect
Classification of Anemia
Based on cell size (MCV)

Macrocytic (large) MCV 100+ fl (femtoliters)
Normocytic (normal) MCV 8-99 fl
Microcytic (small) MCV<80 fl
Based on hemoglobin content (MCH)
Hypochromic (pale color)
Normochromic (normal color)
Hyperchromic cell
The Three Causes of Anemia

Decreased red blood cell
Increased red blood cell
Red blood cell loss
Decreased RBC production

Lack of iron, B12, folate
Marrow is dysfunctional from myelodysplasia, tumor
infiltration, aplastic anemia, etc.
Bone marrow is suppressed by chemotherapy or

Low levels of erythropoeitin, thyroid hormone, or
Increased RBC destruction

RBCs live about 100 days
Acquired: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, TTP-HUS,
DIC, malaria
Inherited: spherocytosis, sickle cell, thalassemia


Lack of



Clinical Features
Pallor of skin
And m/m

Soft ejection



– Patient history
– Patient physical exam

– Signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient
– Hematologic lab findings

Identification of the cause of anemia is
important so that appropriate therapy is
used to treat the anemia.
Before making a diagnosis of anemia,
one must consider:

Geographic location
Presence or absence of lung disease
How does one make a clinical diagnosis
of anemia?
Patient history
– Dietary habits
– Medication
– Possible exposure to chemicals and/or toxins

– Description and duration of symptoms

• Tiredness
• Muscle fatigue and weakness
• Headache and vertigo (dizziness)
• Dyspnia (difficult or labored breathing) from

• G I problems
• Overt signs of blood loss such as hematuria
(blood in urine) or black stools
Physical examination

–General findings might include

• Hepato or splenomegaly
• Heart abnormalities
• Skin pallor
–Specific findings may help to establish
the underlying cause:

• In vitamin B12 deficiency there may be signs
of malnutrition and neurological changes

• In iron deficiency there may be severe pallor,
a smooth tongue, and esophageal webs

• In hemolytic anemias there may be jaundice
due to the increased levels of bilirubin from
increased RBC destruction
Laboratory investigation
A complete blood count, CBC, will
–An RBC count:

• At birth the normal range is 3.9-5.9 x 106/ul

• The normal range for males is 4.5-5.9 x 106/ul
• The normal range for females is 3.8-5.2 x

• Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly
depending upon the patient population.
–Hematocrit (Hct) or packed cell volume in
% or (L/L)

• At birth the normal range is 42-60% (.42.60)

• The normal range for males is 41-53%

• The normal range for females is 38-46%

• Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly
depending upon the patient population.
–Hemoglobin concentration in
grams/deciliter - the RBCs are lysed and
the hemoglobin is measured

• At birth the normal range is 13.5-20 g/dl
• The normal range for males is 13.5-17.5 g/dl
• The normal range for females is 12-16 g/dl
• Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly
depending upon the patient population.

–RBC indices – these utilize results of the
RBC count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin
to calculate 4 parameters:

• Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) – is the

average volume/RBC in femtoliters (10-15 L)

• Hct (in %)/RBC (x 1012/L) x 10
• At birth the normal range is 98-123
• In adults the normal range is 80-100
• The MCV is used to classify RBCs as:
• Normocytic (80-100)
• Microcytic (<80)
• Macrocytic (>100)

•Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) – is the
average concentration of
hemoglobin in g/dl (or %)

• Hgb (in g/dl)/Hct (in %) x 100
• At birth the normal range is 30-36
• In adults the normal range is 31-37
• The MVHC is used to classify RBCs as:
• Normochromic (31-37)
• Hypochromic (<31)
• Some RBCs are called hyperchromic

• Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) –
is the average weight of
hemoglobin/cell in picograms (pg= 1012 g)

• Hgb (in g/dl)/RBC(x 1012/L) x 10
• At birth the normal range is 31-37
• In adults the normal range is 26-34
• This is not used much anymore because it
does not take into account the size of the

• Red cell distribution width (RDW) – is
a measurement of the variation in RBC
cell size

• Standard deviation/mean MCV x 100
• The range for normal values is 11.5-14.5%
• A value > 14.5 means that there is
increased variation in cell size above the
normal amount (anisocytosis)

• A value < 11.5 means that the RBC
population is more uniform in size than
–Reticulocyte count gives an
indication of the level of the bone
marrow activity.

• Done by staining a peripheral blood
smear with new methylene blue to help
visualize remaining ribosomes and ER.
The number of reticulocytes/1000 RBC
is counted and reported as a %.

• At birth the normal range is 1.8-8%
• The normal range in an adult (i.e. in
an individual with no anemia) is .51.5%. Note that this % is not normal
for anemia where the bone marrow
should be working harder and
throwing out more reticulocytes per
day. In anemia the reticulocyte
count should be elevated above the
normal values.
–Blood smear examination . The
smear should be evaluated for the

• Poikilocytosis – describes a variation
in the shape of the RBCs. It is normal
to have some variation in shape, but
some shapes are characteristic of a
hematologic disorder or malignancy.

•Erythrocyte inclusions – the RBCs in the
peripheral smear should also be examined
for the presence of inclusions or a variation
in erythrocyte distribution :

•A variation in size should be
noted (anisocytosis) and cells
should be classified as

•A variation in hemoglobin
concentration (color) should be
noted and the cells should be

•The peripheral smear should also
be examined for abnormalities in
leukocytes or platlets.

•Some nutritional deficiencies,
stem cell disorders, and bone
marrow abnormalities will also
effect production, function,
and/or morphology of platlets
and/or granulocytes.

•Finding abnormalities in the
•In a bone marrow sample, the
following things should be noted:

Maturation of RBC and WBC series

Ratio of myeloid to erythroid series
Abundance of iron stores (ringed sideroblasts)
Presence or absence of granulomas or tumor cells
Red to yellow ratio

Presence of megakaryocytes

– Hemoglobin electrophoresis – can be used to identify the
presence of an abnormal hemoglobin (called
hemoglobinopathies). Different hgbs will move to
different regions of the gel and the type of hemoglobin
may be identified by its position on the gel after
– Evaluation of RBC enzymes and metabolic pathways –
enzyme deficiencies in carbohydrate metabolic pathways
are usually associated with a hemolytic anemia.
– Evaluation of erythropoietin levels – is used to determine
if a proper bone marrow response is occurring.

•Low levels of RBCs could be due
to a bone marrow problem or to a
lack of erythropoietin production.
– Serum iron, iron binding capacity and % saturation –
used to diagnose iron deficiency anemias (more on this
– Bone marrow cultures – used to determine the viability of
stem cells.
Management Options
Pre – pregnancy :

Treat the cause before conception
Pre-pregnancy balanced diet, education
and health support.
Build up iron stores during adolescent
Modalities of Management

Oral Iron


Injectable Iron


Human Recombinant
Oral Iron Therapy
Ideal dose – 100mg per day (prophylactic)
Ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous
succinate, ferrous sulphate, ferrous ascorbate citrate
Rise in Hb – 0.8 gm / dl / week
Side effects -G I upset most common

Pt. compliance not guaranteed
Ineffective in pts with worm infestations
Inconclusive evidence on benefit of controlled release
Iron preparation
Absorption of Ferrous Salts
Uncontrolled Passive Absorption
Iron salts are dissociated into bivalent or trivalent iron salts
Diffuses as free iron ions through the upper part of the
gastrointestinal mucosa
Taken up by transferrin and incorporated into ferritin.
For binding to ferritin and transferrin ferrous iron has to be
converted into ferric iron by oxidation
Highly reactive free radicals are produced during this process
All ionic iron including carbonyl iron are absorbed similarly

Borbolla JR. Cicero RE, Dibilox MM, Sotres RD et al.. Rev Mex Pediatr 2000; 67(2): 63-67


Heubers KA, Brittenham GM, Csiba E, Finch CA. J Lab Clin Med 1986 ; 108 ; 473-8.
Parenteral Therapy :
Traditional Indications
Intolerance to oral iron
Poor compliance to oral iron

Gastrointestinal disorders
Malabsorption syndromes
Rapid blood loss
Parenteral Therapy :
Traditional Indications
Inability to maintain iron balance

Patient donating large amount of blood
for auto-transfusion programme
? Pregnant women with severe IDA,
presenting late in pregnancy

World Health Organisation

‘transfusion should be
prescribed ONLY for conditions
for which there is NO OTHER

Some common forms of anemia are most easily prevented by eating a healthy diet
and limiting alcohol use. All types of anemia are best avoided by seeing a doctor regularly
and when problems arise. In the elderly, routine blood work ordered by the doctor, even if
there are no symptoms, may detect anemia and prompt the doctor to look for the underlying

Preventing anemia and having the correct number of red blood
cells requires cooperation among the kidneys, the bone marrow, and
nutrients within the body. If the kidneys or bone marrow are not
functioning, or the body is poorly nourished, then normal red blood cell
count and function may be difficult to maintain.

Anemia is actually a sign of a disease process rather than a
disease itself. It is usually classified as either chronic or acute. Chronic
anemia occurs over a long period of time. Acute anemia occurs quickly.
Determining whether anemia has been present for a long time or whether
it is something new, assists doctors in finding the cause. This also helps
predict how severe the symptoms of anemia may be.
Take Home Message
Anaemia although preventable is a global problem
Anaemia still is the commonest cause of maternal mortality
and morbidity in spite of easy diagnosis and treatment
Anaemia can be due to a number of causes,
including certain diseases or a shortage of iron, folic
acid or Vitamin B12.
The most common cause of anemia in pregnancy is
iron deficiency.
Iron therapy is best given orally
Take Home Message
The youth need to be educated about diet,
sanitation and personal hygiene

Hookworm infestation should be treated
Pregnant women should be given Iron and
folate supplements

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Ocular injury ppt Upendra pal optometrist upums saifai etawah
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  • 2.
  • 3. RETICULOCYTES Reticulocytes are premature red blood cells, typically composing about 1% of the red cells in the human body. Reticulocytes develop and mature in the red bone marrow and then circulate for about a day in the blood stream before developing into mature red blood cells. Like mature red blood cells, reticulocytes do not have a cell nucleus. They are called reticulocytes because of a reticular (mesh-like) network of ribosomal RNA that becomes visible under a microscope with certain stains such as new methylene blue.
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  • 7. Remember that the bonemarrow has the capacity to increase RBC production 5-10 times the normal production. Thus, if all necessary raw products are available, the RBC life span can decrease to about 18 days before bone marrow compensation is inadequate and anemia develops.
  • 8. RBC “rule of 3’s” For normal erythrocytes: hemoglobin (g/dL) hematocrit (%) 3 x RBC count (millions) 3 x hemoblobin (g/dL) 3% Failure to obey this “rule of 3’s” suggests an abnormality in erythrocytes (sickle cells, etc)
  • 9. Normal range : In male : 5 - 6 millions/cmm of blood In female :4 – 5 millions/cmm of blood Decrease in Hemoglobin concentration Normal range : In male : 15 -18 gm/100ml of blood In female : 12 – 15 gm/100ml of blood
  • 10. Introduction In its broadest sense, anemia is a functional inability of the blood to supply the tissue with adequate O2 for proper metabolic function. Anemia is not a disease, but rather the expression of an underlying disorder or disease.
  • 11. ENTOMOLOGY -from Ancient Greek ἀναιμία anaimia, meaning "lack of blood")
  • 12. Magnitude of Problem Globally, is about 30 % In developing countries & India, incidence is around 40 – 90%. Responsible for 40% of maternal deaths in third world countries. Important cause of direct and indirect maternal deaths - Vitere FE Adv Exp Med Biol 1994;352:127
  • 13.  Anemia is a common condition.  It occurs in all age groups and all racial and ethnic groups.  Both men and women can have anemia, but women of childbearing age are at higher risk for the condition.  This is because women in this age range lose blood from menstruation.  Researchers continue to study how anemia affects older adults.  More than 10 percent of older adults have mild forms of anemia.  Many of these people have other medical conditions as well.
  • 14. Definition Anemia - insufficient Hb to carry out O2 requirement by tissues. WHO definition : Hb conc. 11 gm % For developing countries : cut off level suggested is 10 gm % - WHO technical report Series no. 405, Geneva 1968 Centre for disease control, MMWR 1989;38:400-4
  • 16. WHO Classification of Anaemia Degree Hb% Moderate 7-10.9 24-37% Severe 4-6.9 13-23% Very Severe <4 Haematocrit (%) <13%
  • 18. ANEMIA Classification by volume I. Microcytic Anemia (MCV <80) II. Normocytic Anemia (MCV 80-100) III. Macrocytic Anemia (MCV >100)
  • 22. ANEMIA Pathophysiologic classification I RBC loss 1. blood loss 2. ↑ RBC destruction a. intrinsic abnormality b. extrinsic abnormality II ↓RBC production 1. stem cell abnormality 2. erythroblast abnormality 3. unknown/multiple mechanism
  • 23. ANEMIA Pathophysiologic classification I RBC loss 1. blood loss a. acute : trauma, massive hemorrhage b. chronic : GI lesion, GYN lesion
  • 24. ANEMIA pathophysiologic classification 2.↑ RBC destruction a. intrinsic abnormality b. extrinsic abnormality
  • 25. ANEMIA pathophysiologic classification 2.↑ RBC destruction a. intrinsic abnormality i. membrane disorder ii.enzyme disorder iii.Hgb synthesis disorder iv.acquired memb. defect
  • 26. Classification of Anemia Based on cell size (MCV) Macrocytic (large) MCV 100+ fl (femtoliters) Normocytic (normal) MCV 8-99 fl Microcytic (small) MCV<80 fl Based on hemoglobin content (MCH) Hypochromic (pale color) Normochromic (normal color) Hyperchromic cell
  • 31. The Three Causes of Anemia Decreased red blood cell production Increased red blood cell destruction Red blood cell loss
  • 32. Decreased RBC production Lack of iron, B12, folate Marrow is dysfunctional from myelodysplasia, tumor infiltration, aplastic anemia, etc. Bone marrow is suppressed by chemotherapy or radiation Low levels of erythropoeitin, thyroid hormone, or androgens
  • 33. Increased RBC destruction RBCs live about 100 days Acquired: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, TTP-HUS, DIC, malaria Inherited: spherocytosis, sickle cell, thalassemia
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  • 37. Clinical Features Pallor of skin And m/m Soft ejection systolic murmur Edema Signs Platynychia Koilonychia Tachycardia Glossitis Stomatitis
  • 39. ASSESSMENT – Patient history – Patient physical exam – Signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient – Hematologic lab findings Identification of the cause of anemia is important so that appropriate therapy is used to treat the anemia.
  • 40. Before making a diagnosis of anemia, one must consider: Age Sex Geographic location Presence or absence of lung disease
  • 41. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA How does one make a clinical diagnosis of anemia? Patient history – Dietary habits – Medication – Possible exposure to chemicals and/or toxins – Description and duration of symptoms
  • 42. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA • Tiredness • Muscle fatigue and weakness • Headache and vertigo (dizziness) • Dyspnia (difficult or labored breathing) from exertion • G I problems • Overt signs of blood loss such as hematuria (blood in urine) or black stools
  • 43. Physical examination –General findings might include • Hepato or splenomegaly • Heart abnormalities • Skin pallor –Specific findings may help to establish the underlying cause: • In vitamin B12 deficiency there may be signs of malnutrition and neurological changes • In iron deficiency there may be severe pallor, a smooth tongue, and esophageal webs • In hemolytic anemias there may be jaundice due to the increased levels of bilirubin from increased RBC destruction
  • 44. Laboratory investigation A complete blood count, CBC, will include: –An RBC count: • At birth the normal range is 3.9-5.9 x 106/ul (1012/L) • The normal range for males is 4.5-5.9 x 106/ul • The normal range for females is 3.8-5.2 x 106/ul • Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the patient population.
  • 45. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA –Hematocrit (Hct) or packed cell volume in % or (L/L) • At birth the normal range is 42-60% (.42.60) • The normal range for males is 41-53% (.41-.53) • The normal range for females is 38-46% (.38-.46) • Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the patient population.
  • 46. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA –Hemoglobin concentration in grams/deciliter - the RBCs are lysed and the hemoglobin is measured spectrophotometrically • At birth the normal range is 13.5-20 g/dl • The normal range for males is 13.5-17.5 g/dl • The normal range for females is 12-16 g/dl • Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the patient population. –RBC indices – these utilize results of the RBC count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin to calculate 4 parameters:
  • 47. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA • Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) – is the average volume/RBC in femtoliters (10-15 L) • Hct (in %)/RBC (x 1012/L) x 10 • At birth the normal range is 98-123 • In adults the normal range is 80-100 • The MCV is used to classify RBCs as: • Normocytic (80-100) • Microcytic (<80) • Macrocytic (>100)
  • 48. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA •Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) – is the average concentration of hemoglobin in g/dl (or %) • Hgb (in g/dl)/Hct (in %) x 100 • At birth the normal range is 30-36 • In adults the normal range is 31-37 • The MVHC is used to classify RBCs as: • Normochromic (31-37) • Hypochromic (<31) • Some RBCs are called hyperchromic
  • 49. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) – is the average weight of hemoglobin/cell in picograms (pg= 1012 g) • Hgb (in g/dl)/RBC(x 1012/L) x 10 • At birth the normal range is 31-37 • In adults the normal range is 26-34 • This is not used much anymore because it does not take into account the size of the cell.
  • 50. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA • Red cell distribution width (RDW) – is a measurement of the variation in RBC cell size • Standard deviation/mean MCV x 100 • The range for normal values is 11.5-14.5% • A value > 14.5 means that there is increased variation in cell size above the normal amount (anisocytosis) • A value < 11.5 means that the RBC population is more uniform in size than normal.
  • 52. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA –Reticulocyte count gives an indication of the level of the bone marrow activity. • Done by staining a peripheral blood smear with new methylene blue to help visualize remaining ribosomes and ER. The number of reticulocytes/1000 RBC is counted and reported as a %.
  • 53. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA • At birth the normal range is 1.8-8% • The normal range in an adult (i.e. in an individual with no anemia) is .51.5%. Note that this % is not normal for anemia where the bone marrow should be working harder and throwing out more reticulocytes per day. In anemia the reticulocyte count should be elevated above the normal values.
  • 55. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA –Blood smear examination . The smear should be evaluated for the following: • Poikilocytosis – describes a variation in the shape of the RBCs. It is normal to have some variation in shape, but some shapes are characteristic of a hematologic disorder or malignancy.
  • 58. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA •Erythrocyte inclusions – the RBCs in the peripheral smear should also be examined for the presence of inclusions or a variation in erythrocyte distribution :
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  • 60. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA •A variation in size should be noted (anisocytosis) and cells should be classified as •Normocytic •Microcytic •Macrocytic •A variation in hemoglobin concentration (color) should be noted and the cells should be
  • 62. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA •The peripheral smear should also be examined for abnormalities in leukocytes or platlets. •Some nutritional deficiencies, stem cell disorders, and bone marrow abnormalities will also effect production, function, and/or morphology of platlets and/or granulocytes. •Finding abnormalities in the
  • 63. •In a bone marrow sample, the following things should be noted: • • • • • • Maturation of RBC and WBC series Ratio of myeloid to erythroid series Abundance of iron stores (ringed sideroblasts) Presence or absence of granulomas or tumor cells Red to yellow ratio Presence of megakaryocytes – Hemoglobin electrophoresis – can be used to identify the presence of an abnormal hemoglobin (called hemoglobinopathies). Different hgbs will move to different regions of the gel and the type of hemoglobin may be identified by its position on the gel after electrophoresis.
  • 64. DIAGNOSIS OF ANEMIA – Evaluation of RBC enzymes and metabolic pathways – enzyme deficiencies in carbohydrate metabolic pathways are usually associated with a hemolytic anemia. – Evaluation of erythropoietin levels – is used to determine if a proper bone marrow response is occurring. •Low levels of RBCs could be due to a bone marrow problem or to a lack of erythropoietin production. – Serum iron, iron binding capacity and % saturation – used to diagnose iron deficiency anemias (more on this later) – Bone marrow cultures – used to determine the viability of stem cells.
  • 65. Management Options Pre – pregnancy : Treat the cause before conception Pre-pregnancy balanced diet, education and health support. Build up iron stores during adolescent phase
  • 66. Modalities of Management Oral Iron Parenteral Injectable Iron Blood transfusion Human Recombinant Erythropoietin
  • 67. Oral Iron Therapy Ideal dose – 100mg per day (prophylactic) Ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous succinate, ferrous sulphate, ferrous ascorbate citrate Rise in Hb – 0.8 gm / dl / week Side effects -G I upset most common Pt. compliance not guaranteed Ineffective in pts with worm infestations Inconclusive evidence on benefit of controlled release Iron preparation
  • 68. Absorption of Ferrous Salts Uncontrolled Passive Absorption Iron salts are dissociated into bivalent or trivalent iron salts Diffuses as free iron ions through the upper part of the gastrointestinal mucosa Taken up by transferrin and incorporated into ferritin. For binding to ferritin and transferrin ferrous iron has to be converted into ferric iron by oxidation Highly reactive free radicals are produced during this process All ionic iron including carbonyl iron are absorbed similarly • Borbolla JR. Cicero RE, Dibilox MM, Sotres RD et al.. Rev Mex Pediatr 2000; 67(2): 63-67 • Heubers KA, Brittenham GM, Csiba E, Finch CA. J Lab Clin Med 1986 ; 108 ; 473-8.
  • 69. Parenteral Therapy : Traditional Indications Intolerance to oral iron Poor compliance to oral iron Gastrointestinal disorders Malabsorption syndromes Rapid blood loss
  • 70. Parenteral Therapy : Traditional Indications Inability to maintain iron balance (haemodialysis) Patient donating large amount of blood for auto-transfusion programme ? Pregnant women with severe IDA, presenting late in pregnancy
  • 71. The World Health Organisation states… ‘transfusion should be prescribed ONLY for conditions for which there is NO OTHER TREATMENT’
  • 72. PREVENTION Some common forms of anemia are most easily prevented by eating a healthy diet and limiting alcohol use. All types of anemia are best avoided by seeing a doctor regularly and when problems arise. In the elderly, routine blood work ordered by the doctor, even if there are no symptoms, may detect anemia and prompt the doctor to look for the underlying causes.
  • 73.
  • 74. SUMMARY Preventing anemia and having the correct number of red blood cells requires cooperation among the kidneys, the bone marrow, and nutrients within the body. If the kidneys or bone marrow are not functioning, or the body is poorly nourished, then normal red blood cell count and function may be difficult to maintain. Anemia is actually a sign of a disease process rather than a disease itself. It is usually classified as either chronic or acute. Chronic anemia occurs over a long period of time. Acute anemia occurs quickly. Determining whether anemia has been present for a long time or whether it is something new, assists doctors in finding the cause. This also helps predict how severe the symptoms of anemia may be.
  • 75. Take Home Message Anaemia although preventable is a global problem Anaemia still is the commonest cause of maternal mortality and morbidity in spite of easy diagnosis and treatment Anaemia can be due to a number of causes, including certain diseases or a shortage of iron, folic acid or Vitamin B12. The most common cause of anemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency. Iron therapy is best given orally
  • 76. Take Home Message The youth need to be educated about diet, sanitation and personal hygiene Hookworm infestation should be treated Pregnant women should be given Iron and folate supplements