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American Culture Has Become A Melting Pot
American culture has become a melting pot, filled with the influence of every person that has
entered its borders. With the rise of the technological age, there is Internet access and increased
traveling that has led to acquired languages and cultures from across the globe. All over, cultural
restaurants, dances and shopping centers are becoming successful out the exploitation of lifestyles
from thousands of miles away. In the music industry, it is common to see artist borrow aspects from
different ethnicities around the world, to accent their song with cultural beats, dancing or clothing.
Since America is a relative young country, most of its culture influences come from its migrants
over the last three hundred years. Due to all these diverse influences, the culture is fluid. It is often
transferred from the social, political and geographical communities that surround a person. With the
fluidity in American culture, people are free to participate in and appreciate unique art forms, even if
they do not stem from one's heritage. For instance, anyone can learn how to dance the salsa, or study
ancient near eastern mythology. There are no legal limitations on what one can and cannot borrow
from a culture. However, there is a difference between appreciating a different culture and
appropriating one.
Culture appropriation occurs when members of one culture take for his or her personal gain or use,
the items produced by the members of another culture. This is commonly done
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Hinduism: A Feminist Religion
Insight Paper 1 Hinduism is a vast religion with various beliefs spread throughout the religion. In
this religion there are many important sacred texts. These texts allow practitioners of this religion to
connect with the traditions Hinduism, read about the beliefs of Hinduism, and also read about the
path they should follow in order to achieve moksha. Some of the sacred texts are; the Vedas,
Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas are said to be the oldest of the Hindu sacred texts.
They are believed to be what a group of sages heard and then wrote down in between 1500 and 600
B.C.E. The Vedas are not seen as an important text to all the groups of Hinduism, it is usually only
held its' importance to the Vedic religion. In this group they say the four sacred hymns, the Vedas,
during many different kinds of rituals. When they are reciting these hymns during sacrifice or any
other ritual, it shows their god that they have a very strong belief in him/her. The Upanishads are
another important sacred text to the Hindu's. When reading the Upanishads Hindu's gain the
knowledge of who the Brahman is and what he does. They explain that Brahman is the creator and
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This text is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, in which news ideas about moksha begin
to come up. One of the major teachings in the Bhagavad Gita is Karma yoga. This type of yoga
teaches the discipline of action and how people should act about various things in order to fulfill
liberation. This teaching reflects the idea of how Hindu's can escape the life of samsara and achieve
the liberation of moksha through the different types of yoga. Krishna also speaks about what Hindu's
should do when working. He explains that when you do work you should not become lazy and begin
to have anxiety over the work you are doing, but to always look towards the greater goal of seeking
knowledge of the
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Hinduism: Cosmological And Ethical Ideals
In my essay I will describe what does samsara mean, what other concepts are connected to it, and
my thoughts in regards to it as cosmological and ethical ideal. To begin with what does Hinduism
mean, according to our Textbook "World Religions" until the nineteenth century the word
"Hinduism" did not exist, but over the centuries the term "Indu" and "Hindu" had become a
territorial, racial, social and cultural label for the people of India. One of the most common
concepts, which connect all of the Hindu believers, is the law of karma, the existence of samsara, as
well as the end of the cycle called "moksha". The word samsara is a continuing cycle that may last
more than centuries, depending on the person's karma. It is a cycle of birth, death ... Show more
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In order Hindus to achieve liberation from the cycle of births they must follow the ashrama dharma.
It's four stages in the life of human beings. According to Hinduwebsite, the four stages are called:
brahmacharrya (stage of studentship), grihasta (the stage of a householder), vanaprastha (stage of a
forest dweller) and sanyasa (stage of renunciation). From a theological point, the ashramas would
help people to achieve "the highest ideals" of human life and work for their salvation. Secondly, of
the research I found it says that "ashrama dharma was meant for the three upper caste only", which
means that lower class are limited to it. For a large population of ancient India it meant little because
most of them were from a lower class. On the other hand, only men could practice it, women only
role was to be wives of their husbands. Even though ashrama dharma was limited to a lot of people I
really liked the concept behind it. I think that ashrama dharma can be compared to the way Western
civilization think today. For example, as a student "Brahmachary" we need to gain certain degree
and to focus on our mind grow. After we have achieved "Brahmachary" we can move to
"Grihasthsharama" when that's the time to marry, have kids and establish relationships with the
world around us. Vanaprastha is the time that
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Hinduism Impact On Indian Society
In Indian society Hinduism plays a vital role in shaping Indian society. Hinduism plays a vital role
in Indian society whether it be through Dharma, the caste system or Hindu rituals. To further explain
how Hinduism plays a role in Indian society we need to explain what is Hinduism.
One could not give a definite definition to Hinduism. Hinduism is not an organized religion but a set
of belief systems and traditions that is in turn a way of life in Indian Society. Hinduism contains
several sects, subsects, sub–subsects, various traditions and ascetic movements. I think this is
important for defining Hinduism, but it also proves difficult to place an accurate pinpoint definition
of Hinduism. Hinduism is different for each person and ... Show more content on ...
Yet Dharma has different implications depending on the person and their social position. Men,
women, elders and children have different dharma which also depends on their place in the caste
system. The Dharma of a Brahmin is different from the dharma of a king and so forth. Dharma
assists with the social order in Indian society, as it varies person to person but also on the position
one holds in the caste system, but it help maintains that order. Whether that be a positive or negative
impact on Indian Society. Which brings up the point of the caste system.
Vedic society was divided into four different classes, Brahmans, nobles, commoners and the serfs.
These classes are part of the cosmic hierarchy and were based on purity. This gave way to the caste
systems. Castes are arranged in the following order of the polarity of purity; Brahmins, Kshatriyas,
Vaisyas and the shudras. With a fifth group called the untouchables at the very bottom. They are the
untouchables because they are the most impure. The caste of an individual cannot be removed. Each
caste has strict rules on caste endogamy.
The caste system also plays a critical role on Indian society as it dictates a person's social position. I
believe this to be true in more rural areas and smaller communities of Indian society. The dharma in
each caste system is not always the same and the caste systems dharma can vary. This is to say that
dharma is not necessarily universal
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India Association Plans A Newsletter
The poem "India Association Plans a Newsletter" by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it
behind retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how
the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the
heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new
immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today's reader
should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today's readers about the
problems with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in
"India Association Plans a Newsletter" to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation
from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because
you are living in a different country.
Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what
Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for
about two decades. Today's readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet
says, "to make India over there to become India over here" (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such
way that just because we are in the United States it doesn't mean that we can't bring our country
here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this
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The Characteristics Of A Hero In Adam Brown's Fearless
God has a reason for everything in life. Sometimes we do not understand his reasoning, we just have
to stick to his plan and trust that he has put us on the right path. He sends people into your life to be
your hero, to save you. In the novel Fearless, every person that came into Adam Brown's life, plays
the role of a hero in some way. Many people in this novel played the role of a hero, each in their
own unique way. Adam Brown was a Navy SEAL who took great pride in serving his country. He
was a strong, kind–hearted, protective, and an all around respectable man who always had a "can
do" attitude and never gave up on anything or showed weakness about anything. According to Eric
Blehm, Adam did not do anything half speed. He gave a 110% no matter what he was doing. All of
those are great qualities to have and that is what made him astonishing Navy SEAL. Before Adam
could become a Navy SEAL and be a hero to his country, he was a hero to his family. Adam had one
older brother, Shawn, and a twin sister, Manda. Together with their parents, Janice and Larry, they
were a family of five. Adam was always over protective of his twin sister. According to the author,
Adam's protective side would shine when he and Manda would walk to school. They had to make
their way past the middle school handball courts. Any smaller kid within range would be bombarded
with tennis balls. Adam would spread his arms out and side shuffle, guarding me, keeping me close
to him so the balls wouldn't hit
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Reasons for Devotion to Hindu Goddesses
Reasons for devotion to Hindu goddesses Hinduism portrays feminine divinity in a more exalted
way than most other religions do. Though Hindu goddesses are usually depicted as consorts, wives
or companions to a Hindu god, cases exist in which they are worshipped independently; Tantrism
for example, where it is believed that women posses more spiritual power than men, thus men can
achieve divinity through union with a woman ("Tantrism"). Most villages reinforce the mother
aspect of goddesses and worship them individually as their protector, regarding them as having
originated in the area and thus being tied to the health and prosperity of the village (Caldwell).
Others who may devote themselves to a goddess might be in order to conquer or ... Show more
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Kali then proceeds to kill all the asuras in a frenzied manner, later offering the heads of their leaders
Chanda and Munda to Durga. Her second appearance is in the follow chapter, where she battles
Raktabija, and assures success by sucking all of his blood so he could not reproduce anymore, per
Durga's command, while she slayed him ("Devimahatmya" ch. 7–8). Another myth ties Kali with
Parvati, telling of an army of demons that threatens the safety of the world. Men cannot slay them,
and so Shiva calls for his wife to aid them in battle. Parvati accepts the responsibility, swallowing
the poison stored in Shiva's throat and morphing into Kali. However, she becomes too drunk with
the poison and, after defeating all the demons, threatens to destroy the world herself with her berserk
dance. In an attempt to subdue his wife, Shiva then lays on the floor in front of Kali, who in her
delirious state does not notice his presence and steps on him. Shamed that she had showed such
disgraceful behavior, she bites her tongue in humiliation. The last scene of the above tale is
illustrated in a lot of imagery, and while the tale itself has a lot of variations, many Hindus will
arrive at the same resolution. It is in this perception that many contradictions lie. Another question
rises, "What does Kali's tongue–biting really mean?" Most Hindus will claim that it is to show
shame, which is what the action means in Bengali culture,
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Humanities 130 Hinduism Paper
Hinduism Paper
Hinduism is a diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant
in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures,
by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation
from earthly evils (GodWeb, n.d.). In this paper I will further explore what the Hindu religion is
encompassed of. And delve into what makes the religion of Hinduism vital to the region it is
originated in. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it does not
have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single concept of deity, a single holy text, a
single ... Show more content on ...
In Hinduism the soul is immortal while the body is subject to birth and death. Samsara is considered
to be a state of wandering and is caused due to being ignorant of one's true purpose. This idea is
directly linked to karma which means action, and also the consequences of the action. It is said that
every action has a reaction and it is believed in the religion of Hinduism that it determines your next
incarnation, which is basically being reborn. When the cycle of rebirth comes to an end, a person is
said to have attained liberation which is moksha. In other words karma is the results you bring upon
yourself, good or bad, based on your actions. And also reincarnation which is the belief that the soul,
upon death, comes back to earth in another body or form which gives the soul the chance to resolve
all bad karma that it puts out so the soul can eventually be free and gain liberation from the cycle of
rebirth. In this paper the religion of Hinduism has been further explored. The societal and cultural
influences that have made it vital to the region where it originated have also been touched upon. I
have gained major insight into the Hindu religion form this experience. Before this class I never
knew that karma and reincarnation were a part of the Hindu religion. And I never thought I would
have anything in common with the religion or share any of the same beliefs. I strongly believe in
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Hinduism Research Paper
I did not know much about Hinduism, apart from the fact that they worship multiple gods and
believe in reincarnation. Three concepts that helped me grasp who the Hindu people are would be,
the four acceptable aims of life, the caste system, and the idea of karma. These three ideas helped
me identify how the Hindu's are supposed to live in their daily life and why they live a certain way.
One bump I found in Hinduism is number of gods they have and worship. The Hinduism four
acceptable aims of life, is something that really stuck to me. Learning this concept help me
understand the different ways Hindus can live. I like how there is more than one acceptable way to
live. Many religions I have come in contact with have one goal or aim for the entire religion, so
seeing a religion with multiple acceptable paths of life is refreshing. This helped me grasp that
Hindus are not all seeking enlightenment. I understand that Moksha is the ultimate goal, but it does
not have to happen in one lifetime. This helped me understand that no every lifetime of a Hindu has
to be lived seeking Moksha. For someone who does not believe in reincarnation, I like how people
can spend different lives seeking different things and living different styles. ... Show more content
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Everyone has their place, no changes, no way out, this caste is their purpose for that lifetime. I
believe that everyone has a purpose and things happen for a reason, so I can make a connection with
that and the fact whichever caste you are born into is your purpose for that life. This too, along with
the four acceptable aims, helps me understand that there is more to Hinduism than just reaching
Moksha. There are different stages, aims, and levels of life, collectively they all help me see a bigger
picture of Hinduism; live every life the best a person can, trying to reach their full
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Hindu Gods And Demons Research Paper
Hindu Gods: How Do They Treat Humans and Demons and Do They Really Treat Anyone Fairly?
In this essay, the question that is being asked is what the relationships are between Hindu Gods and
demons, as well as Hindu Gods and people. This will bring about more questions about the
mistreatment of demons and why they are being treated this way. This essay will not be able to fully
answer these questions but it will show how Gods and humans as well as gods and demons interact
with one another. Hindu Gods and Demons:
Hindu Gods have a love for many things but they are not perfect. They have mistreated others many
times, however the most mistreated beings would have to be the demons. At first glance this seems
reasonable Gods don't want demons to bring about chaos. However as one reads on about Hindu
myths, one realizes that the demons are tricked by the Gods more often then the Gods are tricked by
the demons. The Gods do not seem to be these perfect beings at all and in fact, are rather chaotic ...
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They treat both groups manipulatively but in different ways. The Gods manipulate the demons so
that they can get rid of the demons, but they manipulate humans simply because they can. The Gods,
in this case, truly have god–complexes because they can really do anything and get away with it as
long as no other God finds it upsetting. Humans and demons are manipulated because they can be,
and they can be manipulated because no other God sees a problem with this treatment. The Gods
gain power by manipulating people and demons because if they treated everyone fairly then they
would not command the same power that they have now. Gods are cruel and manipulative but can
be compassionate and caring if given the right circumstances, however they are never
compassionate towards the demons. That's the main difference in how they treat demons versus
humans, they will never treat demons
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Kush Essay
The Ancient Kingdom of Kush The ancient kingdom of Kush was a civilization of vast and
advanced cultures and governments that lasted for approximately 1500 years. Throughout those
years, the ancient Kush has developed and maintained various distinct features in order to control
and adapt to its way of life. But to set ancient Kush's records straight, we need to closely observe
how they developed as an independent kingdom and their main features. Ancient Kush had
exceptional governmental aspects in comparison to its surrounding civilizations. Kush maintained a
monarchy–based government where women were praised and rights where given to them at all
costs. This perfectly explains why its rulers were mostly queens with very few kings, ... Show more
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Naturally, it requires strong substantial labor forces which are able to hold together a kingdom of
such potential and dominance. Fortunately, its leaders were aware of such imperative matter. As a
result they have made sure to set jobs that are able to suit every individual's specialty. Notable jobs
in Ancient Kush, other than in the government include; scribes whom recorded events, artisans and
craftsmen whom had the role of crafting pots, woven art and ad paintings, viziers whom were the
personal attendants of a pharaoh and the temple with the high priest as well as being in charge of tax
collection, farmers and laborers whom worked on construction projects and grew
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The Roles Of The Indus River Valley And Egyptian...
Rivers are the key aspect of civilization. The early civilizations are usually found by rivers. The
reason is these rivers give early civilizations certain gifts, or the essentials for survival. The rivers
give people silt. Silt is a very wet clay the makes soil fertile for farming, no matter your location. In
turn, the plans grown in silt give the civilizations food and items to trade. Another, gift is fresh
water. You cannot drink salt water, or water your plants with salt water or they would die. The fresh
water allows civilizations to use irrigation systems to move the flooding of the rivers to the plants to
water them. With the fresh water, they can even clean themselves with it. Along with silt, the river
provides food by giving fish ... Show more content on ...
The geography was a huge aspect of the civilizations way of life. The Indus River Valley was a very
peaceful civilization. There was little to no weapons found in the civilization. They faced so much
time with no attacks they had no army. The reason the Indus River Valley could remain untouched
because of its natural barrier. The Hindu Kush Mountains surrounded the civilization to the north
and the rest was surrounded water. The rivers provided transportation out of the civilization and
acted as a trade route for the people. Despite their communication with the outside world, the
civilization remained peaceful because no civilization was going to climb mountains to conquer it.
One civilization did cross the mountains. They were called the Aryans. The Aryans combined with
the civilization presently there and created one huge civilization. The disadvantage of the location of
the Indus River Valley Civilization was monsoons. Monsoons were strong seasonal winds that gave
the civilization two seasons: the wet and the dry. The wet season was during the summer and it
blows moist air eastward causing floods. The dry season was during the winter months and it blows
dry air westward causing droughts. Although there was a disadvantage of living in the Indus River
Valley Civilization, it was still a very peaceful civilization to live in. Out of these civilizations, I
would rather live in the Indus River Valley. One reason is the Indus River Valley
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Irony In The Meeting With China Gayatri, By Chinna Dorai
Jagan's acceptance of the ancient myths, ideals and values may appear to be limited and uncritical
but the sincerity of his beliefs cannot be doubted. The angularities of Jagan's character may bring
him on the verge of ridiculous, but gradually, as he faces a severe crisis in life he grows in death and
humanity. Irony directed at Jagan's character is often ambivalent as for example in the opening
passage for it presents both Jagan's 'shallow' understanding of the spiritual values he professes to
believe in and also the theme of the novel–the need for and ways of conquering the self. Similarly,
through out the major portion of the novel the statement of his ideals, the actions performed in a
spirit of sacrifice and his indifference to material ... Show more content on ...
Taken to the garden and lotus pond by China Dorai, the sculptor, Jagan receives a new set of
impressions through which he perceives the close relationship between the various Hindu arts,
literature and Hindu Mythology. The discussion on the art of sculpting, the vision of the many–
headed Goddess Gayatri, move Jagan deeply The meeting with Chinna Dorai provides Jagan a new,
concrete instance of a selfless activity, performed as service. The sculptor's desire to complete the
unfinished statue, left by his master, is a creative, religious and aesthetic vision, without any interest
in profit making, In his life–long concern with the shop Jagan had not been able somehow to
integrate the aesthetic, religious and practical business sense. Having worked well as a shopkeeper,
he now decides to shift his focus in life. His whole being undergoes a sense of turmoil, and he looks
around, within himself, with a new vision. Introspection accompanied by spinning and the look back
into the past give the whole of his being anew pattern. He rediscovers his own connection with his
culture, the past of his society which he had accepted uncritically as a young man. The rituals that
had been handed over by his parents acquire a new significance as he finds his son rejecting them.
Now he tries to look beyond the form and finds the continuity that exists between different deals and
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What Is The Culture Of India Essay
The culture of India is the way of living of the people of India. India's languages, religions, dance,
music, architecture, food, and customs differ from place to place within the country. The Indian
culture, often labeled as an amalgamation of several cultures, spans across the Indian subcontinent
and has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old. Many elements of India's diverse
cultures, such as Indian religions, yoga and Indian cuisine, have had a profound impact across the
India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, collectively known as Indian
religions. Indian religions are a major form of world religions along with Abrahamic ones. Today,
Hinduism and Buddhism are the world's ... Show more content on ...
Sen observes that external images of India in the West often tend to emphasise the difference – real
or imagined – between India and the West. There is a considerable inclination in the Western
countries to distance and highlight the differences in Indian culture from the mainstream of Western
traditions, rather than discover and show similarities. Western writers and media usually misses, in
important ways, crucial aspects of Indian culture and traditions. The deep–seated heterogeneity of
Indian traditions, in different parts of India, is neglected in these homogenised description of India.
The perceptions of Indian culture, by those who weren't born and raised in India, tend to be one of at
least three categories, writes Sen:
Exoticist approach: it concentrates on the wondrous aspects of the culture of India. The focus of this
approach of understanding Indian culture is to present the different, the strange and as Hegel put it,
"a country that has existed for millennia in the imaginations of the
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Behold 2009 By Sheela Gowda
It is interesting to note that this study was conducted amongst 800 companies across Indians hiring
the top brains in the country. Yet, superstitious beliefs were still prevalent.
Sheela Gowda's work entitled, Behold 2009 was first shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In it, she
uses four thousand metres of rope hand–woven from human hair. Hanging entangled within this
black, knotted mass are twenty steel car bumpers. It is a dig at a common superstition held by
motorists in India. Motorists there often ties woven hair to car bumpers as a talisman for their safety.
In fact, it would not be a surprise if these motorists actually place more belief in this talisman than
the need for regular servicing to their vehicles. For Gowda the piece communicates 'a coming
together of fear, superstition, belief and a need for comforting action in the framework of modern
life' (F).
In Singapore, I do not see such outward practice and exhibition of superstition by Indians. I attribute
this to the ... Show more content on ...
These are accompanied by headsets where viewers/listeners can hear the children speak about their
ambitions and who they wish to grow up to be. Not surprisingly, many of them speak of wanting to
be a celebrity, an actor/actress or a fashion designer etc. Given these are children, it would be fair to
say, they would not have had an opportunity to rationally think about their futures yet. As such, their
views would probably be a reflection of the impressions left on them by society today. This work
serves to highlight the huge sphere of influence Bollywood and its associated industries like music
and fashion have on Indian children today. (H) The use of new media like still pictures combined
with audiophiles was indeed unique. The impact the artist intended to create is even larger when you
hear the children speak in their own words with their own voices which gives it
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Social Problem Of India Today Essay
India is a very fast developing country in the world, one of the fastest. India also has the fastest
growing economy in the world (Beck). But at the same time there are several problems yet today in
Modern India which is affecting the development and growth of the country. The social problems in
India today have their roots in the diversity of religion, language, and culture. There were many
people to have huge attachment to one's region, language, religion and when these attachments grow
to an crazy extreme level they create intolerance for other religions, languages, problems are bound
to rise. So many cases of tragedy such as peaceful protests, riots and poverty has shaped the
outcome of what India has become today. "An eye for an eye makes everybody blind" summarizes
Gandhi's view of violence. Gandhi did not believe in violence as a technique of achieving his goal
of an independent India. He taught non–violent non effort to create for the people of India. When
Gandhi was arrested many times and put to prison, his followers were tempted to fight back to
British authorities. Gandhi fasted until he convinced his followers to stop fighting so that he would
eat again. After that Gandhi thought the British authorities would free the indian people as they
wanted to be. Gandhi was wrong. Brigadier General Dyer ordered his soldiers to open fire open field
of people. Killing thousands of women children and men. This massacre took place in Bagh where
they held their
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Wally Diwali Religion
Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn't have a single founder, a single holy text, or a
central religious authority. Most forms of Hinduism view other Gods and Goddesses as
manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess. About 14% of the world's population is
Hindu. According to the yearbook of "American and Canadian churches" they were about 1.5
million Hindus in the US during 1999. There are many different kinds of celebrations. They're about
apes holidays in the Hindu religion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights for Hindus
and Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets fireworks and lights. It celebrates
the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a
full moon. There's actually takes place on August raksha means "protection" and Bandhan means "to
die". There's also the tantric sex. There's two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu,
Vajrayana Buddhist , and other religious practices throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual involving
extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the close direction of their guru
(teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West and is at least partly divorced from its
religious roots. It is also known as "modern tantra," or by the somewhat derogatory term ... Show
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But for still unknown reasons, the valley's inhabitants appear to have moved out rather suddenly.
They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern India and encountered a group of people from
central Asia who brought with them warrior ethics and a religion called Vedism. Hinduism stands
apart from all other religions for several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of
theological law and truth, no central religious organization, and no definition of absolute beginning
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Causes Of England Colonizing India
England colonizing India
So one of the reasons why the Europeans wanted to sail the oceans was to find new trade routes to
Asia, and as well as India. The British succeeded in controlling the Indian Territory, but also
colonizing various aspects of the Indian society like religion, economy,politics and education.
Because of this Britain had two goals and those goals were to make a profit and spread civilization
among Indians.
Financial Atrocities
During the 16th and 17th centuries,it was a bad time. During the sixteenth century England was
being called a backward country. But on the other hand, India was the richest countries on earth.
They had a estimated $33,750 million. Later, in 1500 CE, it was $60,500 million. During 1700 CE,
it grew even higher to $90,750 million. They we very high wealth because India was one of the
major trading nations. To show how big it was it also has a monopoly on textiles and spices.
Because the growth rates of both the countries show the vast gap between their economic growths.
The hostile financial policies of the British like ruthless taxation, discouraging Indian industries like
textile and ship building, trade restrictions, etc. significantly contributed to the downfall of the
Indian economy. Such was the loot conducted by the British for most of their period in India. This,
however, does not capture the exact picture of the sufferings of the then people. We can only
imagine the poor conditions of the people for generations after
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Meaning of Ahimsa Essay
Meaning of Ahimsa Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly into non–injury to living
beings or dynamic harmlessness. Ahimsa tends to evoke images of monks wearing cloths over their
faces to avoid breathing microscopic beings and sweeping the insects off the path in front of them as
they walk so they won't accidentally crush one under their feet. One cannot easily live in today's
world without causing some harm to other beings – but that does not mean we shouldn't try to keep
it to a minimum. There are some relatively easy steps you can take to reduce the suffering in your
wake. Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love. ... Show more
content on ...
Ahimsa is the pivot and all virtues revolve around Ahimsa. Just as all footprints are accommodated
in those of the elephant, so also do all religious rules become merged in the great vow of Ahimsa.
Ahimsa is soul–force. Hate melts in the presence of love. Hate dissolves in the presence of Ahimsa.
There is no power greater than Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa develops will power to a
considerable degree. The practice of Ahimsa will make you fearless. He, who practices Ahimsa with
real faith, can move the whole world, can tame wild animals and can win the hearts of all his
enemies. He can do and undo things. The power of Ahimsa is infinitely more wonderful and subtler
than electricity or magnetism. The law of Ahimsa is as much exact and precise as the law of
gravitation. You must know the correct way to apply it intelligently and with scientific accuracy. If
you are able to apply it with precision, you can work wonders. You can command the elements and
Nature as well. Forms of Ahimsa Only the ordinary people think that Ahimsa is not to hurt any
living being physically. The vow of Ahimsa is broken even by showing contempt towards another
man, by entertaining unreasonable dislike for or prejudice towards anybody, by frowning at another
man, by hating another man, by abusing another man, by speaking ill of others, by
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Saddhu Of Couva
The concept of Colonialism in Derek Walcott's The Saddhu Of Couva
In the poem The Saddhu Of Couva by Derek Walcott, the presence of the concept of colonialism is
evident through the extensive use of Indian words, words related to the Indian tradition and also
Trinidadian creole. This is not at all strange since Couva is a town on the Caribbean island of
Trinidad in which a kind of creole is spoken even though the official language of the country is
English. Also, the speaker, who is afraid of his culture being lost, but also angry with the colonizers,
tries to undermine their culture by changing their language, thus denying its privilege, and at the
same time protecting his own culture and taking his "vengeance against" them.
The poem deals ... Show more content on ...
For instance, as it can be observed from the poems own title, he uses the word "Saddhu", which in
Sanskrit means "holy man" instead of the English word even though he writes his poem in English.
This is an example of an untranslated word. He also uses the process of abrogation by changing the
spelling of the word "neither" into "naither" in order to "remould" the language of the colonisers and
thus, denying its privilege and, as a result, their power. Moreover, he again takes advantage of this
process and does not use the present simple form of the word "vibrate", namely "vibrates", but he
retains the word as it is. Furthermore, the poet uses the technique of interlanguage by saying "[. . .] I
was always drowned" and using another tense instead of the proper one. In this particular case we
have a creole voice coming in the poem. The poet also uses the strategy of syntactic fusion when, in
the ultimate stanza, he says "Suppose all the gods too old, / Suppose they dead and they burning
them," (lines 57 – 58) leaving out the verb "are", thus abusing the grammatical structure of English,
namely subject–verb–object, and therefore "changing" the language of the colonizer. Immediately
after, he again makes use of the same strategy when he uses the pronoun "some" instead of the
suitable one "a" when he states "supposing when some cane cutter" (line 59), having the same effect
with the previous verses. Taking everything into account, it is more than evident that the speaker in
Derek Walcott's poem The Saddhu Of Couva "reminisces" memories that he has not lived and
deplores about having never been in his motherland and how the traditions of his roots are
endangered by colonization and forgetfulness in the foreign lands. He also struggles to retain his
cultural traditions by undermining the language of the colonizers and by extend their
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What Is Toru Dutt Poem
Poetry is the representation of mental thoughts, it symbolize all the conflicts that dominate the poets
mind either from childhood memories or impressions laid down by the society which is always in
the process of gradual change. Every writer has something beforehand in mind which acts as an
inspiration for his/her writing. Every poet after being inspired need to present his mental agony or
bliss in a way that he be able to make his reader fathom the real and core meaning of the issues
tossing in his mind. The poet revamps and tries to convey his message in the form of words which
may or may not convey what he/she actually wants, so as at times vocabulary couldn't find the
appropriate word for a feeling. The poets cannot claim and remain adamant ... Show more content
on ...
The Ballads consists of number of Indian mythical stories which originally in Sanskrit are very
faithfully being translated into English by this young girl. This work reflects another great quality of
Toru as a storyteller. Her narrative and descriptive techniques are very well presented in Ancient
Ballads. If we keenly go through the poem Savitri which is the opening poem of the Ancient Ballads
her understanding of the Hindu mythology and tales can be best noted here. This poem being very
long is the message for entire women living on earth, it describes how the character of a women
should be, the portrayal of Savitri is the portrayal of every women. Toru represents Savitri as an
example for all the women, her qualities and virtues need to be followed by all the women. In the
following lines Toru very beautifully describes the firmness of Savitri who remain adhered to her
choice even though she knew the fate of her choice( her groom)
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Ahimsa: To Do No Harm
Exploring the Cardinal Virtue of Noninjury in Thought, Word & Deed
B y S at g u r u S i vaya S u B r a m u n i ya S wa m i
a. manivel
indu wisdom, which inspires humans to live the ideals of compassion and nonviolence, is captured
in one word, ahimsa. In Sanskrit, himsa is doing harm or causing injury. The "a" placed before the
word negates it. Very simply, ahimsa is abstaining from causing harm or injury. It is gentleness and
noninjury, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is good to know that nonviolence speaks only to
the most extreme forms of forceful wrongdoing, while ahimsa goes much deeper to prohibit even
the subtle abuse and the simple hurt. Devout Hindus oppose killing for ... Show more content on ...
If Homo sapiens is to survive his present predicament, he will have to rediscover these two primary
ethical virtues. In order to understand the pervasive practice of nonviolence in Hinduism, one must
investigate the meaning of life. Why is life sacred? For India's ancient thinkers, life is seen as the
very stuff of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. The nature of
this continuum varies in Hindu thought. Some hold that the individual evolves up through life
forms, taking more and more advanced incarnations which culminate in human life. Others believe
that according to one's karma and samskaras, the process can even be reversed, that is, one can
achieve a "lower" birth. Even those Indians who do not believe in reincarnation of an individual still
hold that all that exists abides in the Divine. They further hold that each life form–even water and
trees–possesses consciousness and energy. Whether the belief is that the life force of animals can
evolve into human status, or that the opposite can also take place, or simply that all things enjoy
their own consciousness, the result is the same–a reverence for life. Not all of Earth's one billion
Hindus are living in a perfect state of ahimsa all of the time. Sometimes conditions at hand may
force a situation, a regrettable
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My Cultural Conception Of Happiness
The honorable Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso once said, "When I meet people from different cultures I
know that they too want happiness and do not want suffering . . ." That being said, people from
different cultures want to be happy. The only thing that differs between cultures is how each distinct
culture perceives how happiness can be achieved. Such is true for the conception of happiness
between my culture, the American culture, and the Indian culture. While the conception of happiness
across my culture and the conception of happiness across Indian culture are both individualistic, the
conception of happiness in Indian culture is also collectivist. In addition, both cultural conceptions
of happiness have norms that govern their societies in ... Show more content on ...
Both bodies have differing views of happiness, but they still uphold the their individuality. Likewise,
I too am able to embrace my personal perception of happiness because my society is one that
embraces individualism. It can be said that my culture thoroughly embraces Aristotle 's definition of
happiness due to the fact that it preaches the importance of every individual being the sole passenger
and conductor when it come to riding the train that is the pursuit of happiness. In other words, the
pursuit of happiness is in the hands of the individual. No matter how one believes they can achieve
happiness in my culture, the fact remains that it is widely recognized that happiness is based on an
individual's actions and viewpoints.
In contrast, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is a combination of both individualist and
collectivist viewpoints. From the individualistic viewpoint of happiness in Indian culture, an
individual has the power to pursue their own happiness and do whatever they deem conducive to
their well–being. According to Kumar (2003), it is believed in Indian culture that "man should do
whatever is possible to enhance pleasure and avoid pain . . . one could beg, borrow or steal or even
murder . . ." (p. 2). In simple terms, one should do whatever is in their power to achieve ultimate
happiness. This is an individualistic viewpoint because the Indian culture trusts an individual to
make decisions that will benefit them. In a
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Ramayana Essay
Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author, Valmiki, does not calls
Rama "the perfect man" in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has been a
legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society after,
for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages
because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood
most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals, ideals and
wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more content on ...
He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, "I
gladly obey father's command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it.". By doing this, he shows
characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and authoritative
rich ruler, all while knowing that he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the kingdom since he is
the oldest of the four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into exile – forest infested with
evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in most of the Eastern world,
this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no matter what one is commanded
to do) is very important in one's 'faith'; and the fact that one successfully wards off evil, gives
him/her the title of a cultural model hero, just as seen in Rama's case. Rama's casual attitude about
going off into the forest for fourteen years also shows his asceticism – the will to give up his
material, emotional and physical attachments. His peaceful and patient attitude towards his life is
vivid due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the material and physical world
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Lone Survivor : Movie Analysis Of The Movie Lone Survivor
Motion picture films are evolving at a very fast rate in todays world, it is one of the biggest
industries in the world and it is growing bigger and bigger every year. There are countless hit
movies that are known around the world. This includes a very well know film Lone Survivor it is
among some of the best and most well–known movies in history, partially because it is based on a
true event that took place and the event that did take places made history and today's world. With
great actors and an outstanding directing team this film has created talk for years to come. The film
itself is unique in the way that is isn't just some made up story that they came up with, all the events
that happen in the film are spot on with what happen in the real–world events.
In Afghanistan, Taliban leader Ahmad Shah is responsible for killing over twenty United States
Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were aiding American forces. In response to these
killings, the United States Navy SEALs are assigned to perform a counter–insurgent mission to
capture Shah. As part of the mission, a four–man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team is
tasked to track Shah's whereabouts. The four SEAL teammates are team leader Michael P. "Murph"
Murphy; hospital corpsman and sniper Marcus Luttrell; sonar technician Matthew "Axe" Axelson;
and communications specialist Danny Dietz. The team is inserted into the Hindu Kush region of
Afghanistan, where they make their trek through the mountains.
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Fairy Tale Analysis
Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far
Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends languages
and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and fairy tales that are firmly rooted in individual
cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and throughout the far
corners of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print worldwide, the tale is
believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl who is married to an
Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy–cheeks, dates back to 7 BC and is
attributed to a Greek geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy tale is named
Yeh–hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in Miscellaneous Morsels
from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh–hsien is a young girl, motherless and in the control of her
stepmother, who befriends a treasured fish. The jealous step–mother kills the fish, but it's bones
provide Yeh–hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh–hsien to escape the control of her
step–mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which is found within the pages of Folk
Tales from the Himalayas by John Murray, published in 1906, the child who is mistreated by a
stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a snake, with a cow serving as the moral
of the story, faithfulness. These two versions of Cinderella carry many common threads that are
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Have You Ever Wondered If You Have Lived More Than Once?
Have you ever wondered if you have lived more than once? Or what happens after death? Many
believe that you continue to live after death, but how is it possible and why so? Today I will inform
you about the concept of reincarnation. For some of us, like myself, have had dreams or images of
places or things that we have never seen, in person with our own eyes, in our current lifetime. Then
we see these images in a picture online and feel like we have been there or have some sort of
connection with them. Many say that this is due to our past lives. As in we have lived before in a
different time and somehow, we can remember some things from it. People began to call this the
belief of reincarnation. I will first explain what reincarnation is ... Show more content on ...
First, Hindus take reincarnation very seriously and that is what influences their everyday actions.
After reading the article, "Reincarnation as a Concept", issued in the Journal for Spiritual and
Consciousness Studies in 2014, the author, Michael O'Dell, explains a common Hindu belief is that
"the soul which has manifested as you, has previously incarnated as an animal and may well do so
again in the future." This is one of the reasons why devout Hindus strive not to harm any bug or
animal, since that creature may be a reincarnation of a deceased relative or friend.
They also see reincarnation as a trapped cycle of one 's own bad karma. Karma is a belief that every
good and bad returns to the individual as a reward or a punishment. They belief that the individual
has an eternal soul that goes through reincarnation as many times as it takes until it reaches
liberation. Only way to reach this is by doing good and paying all your dues. Any wrong or bad
done in that lifetime will lead to reincarnation. It is pretty much as getting a second chance. They
strive to reach liberation because they see it as a free ticket out of the trapped cycle.
Buddhism believes that reincarnation, referred to as rebirth, is processed by desires which keeps the
cycle going. A cycle that no one can escape and that never ends and may be infinite until liberation
occurs. They defined
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Numbers In Hinduism
Chapter 11: The Importance of Numbers in Hinduism
The scriptures state that numbers ranging from 0 to 10 have a symbolic importance for Hindus. They
are associated with some of the key principles and gods of the religion. According to historical
records, the Hindus developed the number system so they can systematically arrange their
knowledge regarding the gods and the theories of creation. This chapter will provide you with some
examples as to how numbers were used in Hindu ceremonies.
Thousands of years ago, Indian citizens were so religious. They worshipped and prayed to different
gods on a daily basis. They believed that the ultimate goal of a person's existence is to attain
freedom from the repetitive cycle of births and deaths. Also, they thought that withdrawal from the
society and abandonment of responsibilities were never needed to establish a relationship with the
divine beings. Happiness and wealth were important for Hindus but they didn't consider these as
goals. They focused their time and effort on achieving freedom from the illusions created by Maya.
In order to attain this liberation, they lived their lives and performed their tasks without any hint of
passion. They consider the gods as their saviors, guardians, guides, and witnesses. Because they
needed to present their knowledge about the divine in an understandable manner, they invented the
concept of ... Show more content on ...
1 (one) – This was employed to depict Brahman as a god that has forms and qualities.
2 (two) – This represented the duality present in every human being. For Hindus, this duality is
composed of the mind and the senses.
3 (three) – This number represents the three major manifestations of the Supreme God (i.e. Vishnu,
Shiva and Brahma).
4 (four) – This number is related to the caste system and the phases of a human's life.
5 (five) – This was used as a symbol for the human body. It is also connected with the
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The Influences of Nature In Hinduism
In every civilization there is a main a religion and an influence of that religion. In India the main
religion is Hinduism and Hinduism is influenced by the nature around the country. Christopher G.
Framarin proposed his theory on how nature influences India in his journal, "The value of nature in
India (Hindu) traditions. Framarin explains his ideas on how to achieve moksa and what animals
have effect on the moksa cycle. He also places other philosophers' ideas into his journal and
thoroughly explains the ideas in detail and how he feels about them. The traditions of Hindusim that
are influenced by nature has an effect on everything they believe in. Ahimsa is doing good deeds or
non–harm to anything in this world. Through ahimsa Hindu people can achieve moska. However,
there are more rules than just being nice to work through the caste system in Hinduism. Even though
ahimsa is non–harmful there are many strict ideas on what exactly is harmful. Himsa can postpone
moska, himsa is the deed of doing harm or injury to another being. In the caste system the way
someone can rise up the top and become a divine is for him or her to perform ahimsa deeds and
through each reincarnation to step up in the caste. The Hindu's use a form of measurement when
figuring out if the move up or down in the system. Every ahima deed someone does it produces a
merit and for every himsa deed it produces a demerit. If so many merits are achieved moksa will be
complete, however if a demerit is taken
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Essay on Sunny Southern California
California, I have found it, according to their state motto. A land plentiful in beauty. The north
houses massive fields, ideal for harvesting the fruit of the vine. The middle of the state contains a
massive hub for immigrants, a bridge made of gold, and buildings widespread. Down south there is
an odd combination of Hollywood stars that own ten million dollar houses, while at the same time,
only 80 miles south lies an area with a large Hispanic influence.
Imagine multiple cultures encapsulated within a one and a half mile long pier. The road can be
traveled with a 30–minute walk, a 20–minute bike ride, 15 minutes on roller blades, or a two–
minute cruise in your convertible. A small strip of land that is divided as well as the Northwest ...
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Muscle Beach jumps out with men pumping iron just to the right of the path, it cannot be missed and
the men make sure of it. Across the street lies a neon sign displaying "Tattoo Parlor" right next to a
tanning salon. (Ironic considering the 75–degree weather all year round.) Lastly and definitely not
least is the Canali Café, (No, I did not misspell cannoli.) which resides just off the Ocean Front
Walk on Washington Blvd. Then my brother and I hastily crossed the steet on our bicycles to avoid
the oncoming traffic and continued to the next block.
A large fancy white building, which did not appear to belong with the neighboring shady shack on
the street, emerges from the haze. The scene looked like a set for "Hair" on Broadway, as 10 college
women were dancing to Bob Marley's music raising multiple signs that said, " Welcome to The
Kush Shop, the doctor is in today". Once my eleven–year–old brother (He is not very coordinated.)
saw this scene, he immediately lost control of the bike and fell onto the sand alongside the bike path.
I asked him what had happened. He responded, " I was looking at The Kush Shop and I lost my
focus. What is Kush anyway?" In a sudden state of shock I replied, "I'm not sure, I think the sell
souvenirs". I assumed that this was not the right time to educate my brother regarding what I have
learned about cannabis in health class. Once my brother mounted his bike once more, I convinced
him to ride as fast as he could in order
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The Atm Hindu Religion
Mary Grekoski
Professor Baker
Religion 193–01
"The Atman"
In Hinduism the Atman is what they call the soul in a person. When a person finds the inner self,
which is called the Atman, and also its source, which is called the Brahman, the self blends into its
superior origin, and one experiences indescribable peace and elation. In the Hindu religion the
Atman affects their lives in a big way, it has to do with reincarnation, karma, Samara, and the
ultimate goal that they try to get to which is called, Moksha (Fischer 77).
Reincarnation is basically what happens after death. In Hinduism it is believed that the soul leaves
the dead person's body and enters a new body. A person is born again and again in what seems as a
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Karma deals with a persons actions as well as the consequences of their action. That means every
act they do and commit in life, every thought they have, and desires whether it is good or bad shapes
a person future experience and what life form they will be. If the person is good they will move up
in the reincarnation cycle, if not it is possible for them to come back as an animal and be farther
away from reaching liberation which is the goal in the Hinduism religion (Fischer 77).
The main thing in Hinduism is to escape Samsara which is the continual round of birth, death, and
rebirth. When a person escapes Samsara they have officially achieved Moksha. How the Atman
impacts Moksha is it is the release from the restrictions of space, time, and matter through
understanding of the immortal absolute which is the goal. This is not an easy thing to achieve, in
fact many lifetimes of upward–striving incarnations are required to reach this phase. The want of
freedom from earthly existence is one of the basis of classical Hinduism and even Buddhism as well
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The Scriptures Of Hindu Culture And Philosophy
The Bhagavad–Gita or simply Gita, conceivably the most recognized of all nonpareil scriptures of
Hindu culture and philosophy, is universally perceived as one of the world's ethical literatures. The
Sanskrit title, Bhagavad–Gita, is commonly construed as "Song of the Lord." The Gita is
incorporated into the sixth book of the longest Hindu classic, Mahabharata, although it is known to
be a subsequent accretion to the epic, which stands on its own distinction. The ideology
encapsulated in the Bhagavad Gita, doing action with detachment from the consequences is relevant
and vital to our understanding of way of life even in the contemporary western world. The teachings
of the Gita assist people to manage their states of mental agitation, desires and emotions which will
lead them to take right decisions followed by right actions. This certainly explains its immense
recognition both in the East and the West. Distinguished philosophers, intellectuals, and scientists
have conceded that the Bhagavad–Gita presents profound wisdom. Gandhi once proclaimed:
When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on
the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad–Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to
smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy
and new meanings from it every day.
The Gita is an insightful response to an abiding human quandary of discerning right from wrong.
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The Gruesome Effect Of Partition In Train To Pakistan
The gruesome effect of Partition seen in The Train to Pakistan¬
Train to Pakistan is a novel written by Khushwant Singh which majorly deals with the theme of
Partition. Khushwant Singh, who was a man who believed in the goodness of humanity, was
alarmed to see the event of Partition and its consequences and effects. Thus, he poured down his
feelings by writing this remarkable work –Train to Pakistan. Britishers "Divide and Rule policy"
permeated the evil seeds of partition in the Indian continent. It turned out to be an ugly bloat in the
history of India as well as Pakistan. Bloodshed, communal and religious riots, rapes, murders, fights
almost every possible evil virtue was seen in practice across the Indian globe as the result of the
Partition. ... Show more content on ...
Then the description of that railway station comes. The 'Mano–Majra railway–station' plays a key
role in the work of Singh for around this, the horrendous effect of partition is experienced by the
readers. The railway station also stands as a symbol of the continuity of life of the Mano–Majrans as
where village stands for stillness, the train stands for 'movement''mobility'. Trains in Man–majra
acts the part of a clock in the life of Mano–Majrans. The life of the people of this village is set on
the arrival and departure of the trains. Also, the trains are the only source that links Mano–majra to
the outer world. Trains hence are the life–source for the
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U.s. India 's Economic Potential Of The Regional Economy...
Interest in Afghanistan's Economic Potential:
At the 2012 'Heart of Asia' conference Indian intended to support Afghanistan and integrate it into
the regional economy through a two lead confidence building measure. India can take a leading
position in facilitating trade and commerce opportunities for Afghanistan and the region. The 'New
Silk Road' narrative where Afghanistan will regain its role as a land bridge between south, central,
middle east and Eurasia has some traction in India. If relationship between India, Pakistan is sorted
out Afghanistan can be a beneficiary and become a hub for trade, transportation and energy in the
region. India hosted an investment summit in Afghanistan in 2012, inviting other Asian countries
which sought opportunities to invest in Afghanistan.The emerging sectors highlighted by India as
being very productive 'mining, infrastructure, telecom, agro based and small scale
industries,health, and IT'. While India shares security concerns about Afghanistan
Future ,it is keen to play a role in ensuring a more optimal outcome post 2014.India is especially
interested about the lucrative mining industries in Afghanistan.The US government estimated
Afghanistan's mineral wealth at $1 trillion, while Afghan government estimates it to be $3 trillion.
Indian Government Activities:
India recognizes that social and economic development in Afghanistan is critical to ensure security
in Indian subcontinent. The signing of Strategic
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Why Flowers Are Important Essay
5 Flowers that are important in Events and their meaning
Flowers have been the symbol of beauty, love, admiration and many other emotions. Since their
birth on earth, they have been revered for their aromas, hues, shapes, charm, and also as a source of
food. While the nature has gifted humankind with different flowers, scientific research have added
more varieties to them. Because of which, their significance and importance kept changing and
growing with the passage of time. But what hasn't changed since the old times are their reverence
and use in different events. Here, we are going to see 5 different flowers with their importance and
meaning for events.
These are the diminutive flowers loved not only by humans, but also by Gods. There is no surprise
that they have found a mention in the ancient Hindu scriptures. Right from worshiping the lord to
decorating wedding venues, homes, and for bridal makeup, jasmine are one of the favourite flowers
of all regardless of their faith. They are also used in making garlands for weddings and funerals. Due
to their sweet aroma, they are also used in making perfumes and incense sticks for pleasing the god.
Besides spreading fragrance in the atmosphere, jasmines also offer health benefits to human–beings.
Just drink a cup of jasmine tea or any ... Show more content on ...
Whether it is pooja, wedding, or any other celebrations, these lovely blooms add life and happiness
to the events. They have been the favourite blooms of the god and have been mentioned in old
scriptures. Marigold flowers have been named after the god of wisdom – Tages and hence they are
regarded importance in all celebrations. During Dipawali and Dusshera, many Hindus use marigold
flowers and mango leaves and make garland for idols and to tying them on the entrance door frames.
One interesting reason for using marigold in auspicious occasion is its piercing odour that drives
away inspects and
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The United States Army Aviation Operations
Although Army Aviation has endured a multitude of challenging moments throughout history, none
have compared to those faced in the land that has historically dared and tried many great nations
such as the Macedonian Army around 330 B.C. and the Russian Army in the 1970's and 1980's.
Because of this, this paper will be an informative look at the challenges the United States Army
Aviation Operations faced during Operation Enduring freedom in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014.
Included in the research, I will discuss the unforgiving terrain, such as a high mountain environment
Aviators operated in, the extreme temperatures, degraded visual cues, the human errors aspect, as
well the enemy situation, all which tested them all.
Aviation Operations in Operation Enduring Freedom A Sense of Reality To illustrate my point,
imagine your mission is to conduct a night air assault (AA) into a rocky mountain top landing zone
(HLZ) that is perched high upon the Hindu Kush. In addition to the confinement and high altitude of
the HLZ, your aircraft is loaded to its maximum capacity; with a crew of four plus 12 fully loaded
combat troops. Furthermore, the moon illumination is steadily decreasing, and by H–hour the
backdrop has crossed into a dark sea of incomprehensible pictures. At this point, you have just check
marked the four death inducing factors of flying in Afghanistan: high, hot, heavy, and dark.
After several failed attempts to land at your LZ, it becomes clear that the environment
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The Indian History And The Status Of Women
The Indian History and the Status of Women :
Women's security is closely connected to global security still they suffer simply because they differ
in gender. According to the UN Commission on Human Security, 'the security of one person, one
community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes
precariously''. However, in the interrelated world everyone is influenced either positively or
negatively by the decisions of individuals or states (UNIFEM
2003). To understand the status of the Indian women it is important to understand the history gender
discrimination in the country.
In 1947, the Indian history of violence against women was perceivable in the violent nature of the
nation's partition. The women were raped, abducted and their bodies were used as a medium of
men's evil expression as Indian Hindus and the Pakistani Muslims battled for power to defend their
countries. This tactic of humiliating the opponent by using women's bodies as a tool of power
dominance is still being practiced in the Indian society and is visible in the cases of Devi and Sori
(Dobhal 2011: 598).
Mother India, commonly termed as Bharat Mata in Sanskrit is the national personification of
India as a mother goddess which is widely depicted as a woman clad in a saffron sari holding the
national flag. The position of women was high in India and some might argue that degrading
positioning of women in the society is influenced by the impact of colonialism.
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The Ganges River Of India
The Ganges River in India is an important river system that provides water for personal use,
industry, and agriculture for well over half a million people. This river also serves a major role in the
region's cultural and religious practices. It is widely believed that this body of water is the Earthly
manifestation of the Hindu goddess Ganga. For thousands of years, people have believed that Ganga
can wash away a lifetime of sins and, therefore, no amount of pollution can harm her (Conway). As
a result of this belief, industrial, agricultural, and human waste are dumped into the river on a daily
Hindus also believe that bathing themselves in the water of the river will wash away all of their sins
and grant spiritual rewards such as "deliverance from sin and attainment of nirvana (Das)." Hindus
believe that to die on the banks of the Ganges is an "assurance of heavenly bliss and will grant
emancipation from the eternal cycle of birth and death (Das)." Due to this belief, millions of people
use the banks of the river for cremation and burial (BBC). Aside from religious ceremonies, poor
people who cannot afford to be cremated are wrapped in white muslin and placed in the river
(BBC). Following ceremonies, the ashes and dead bodies are dumped into the river. These religious
practices are believed to be a primary cause of the degraded water quality of the Ganges River near
Varanasi. If the quality of water continues to become even more degraded, a crucial part of the
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Before I really get into my personal experience at the...
Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my
experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I personally belong to a Muslim family and
have practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means
people only believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe
that everything in this world has been created by all mighty Allah. He has the power and authority of
diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj
(pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has
many different deities and all of them have a specific ... Show more content on ...
I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o'clock
pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was
surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I walked
closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the
purpose of this sign from a person who was standing outside the temple, he said, "this symbol stand
for good fortune, luck, and well–being". As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell
hanging from the roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell.
I did the same thing as the other people were doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind
of disrespect. I have always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in real
After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple
there were two installs, one on my left the other one on my right side. On this stands there was all
the stuff available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as "samagri". The
incremental's that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and
leaves. As I moved further I saw the sign, which was indicating the direction of the main hall. On
top of the door of the main
... Get more on ...

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American Culture Has Become A Melting Pot

  • 1. American Culture Has Become A Melting Pot American culture has become a melting pot, filled with the influence of every person that has entered its borders. With the rise of the technological age, there is Internet access and increased traveling that has led to acquired languages and cultures from across the globe. All over, cultural restaurants, dances and shopping centers are becoming successful out the exploitation of lifestyles from thousands of miles away. In the music industry, it is common to see artist borrow aspects from different ethnicities around the world, to accent their song with cultural beats, dancing or clothing. Since America is a relative young country, most of its culture influences come from its migrants over the last three hundred years. Due to all these diverse influences, the culture is fluid. It is often transferred from the social, political and geographical communities that surround a person. With the fluidity in American culture, people are free to participate in and appreciate unique art forms, even if they do not stem from one's heritage. For instance, anyone can learn how to dance the salsa, or study ancient near eastern mythology. There are no legal limitations on what one can and cannot borrow from a culture. However, there is a difference between appreciating a different culture and appropriating one. Culture appropriation occurs when members of one culture take for his or her personal gain or use, the items produced by the members of another culture. This is commonly done ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Hinduism: A Feminist Religion Insight Paper 1 Hinduism is a vast religion with various beliefs spread throughout the religion. In this religion there are many important sacred texts. These texts allow practitioners of this religion to connect with the traditions Hinduism, read about the beliefs of Hinduism, and also read about the path they should follow in order to achieve moksha. Some of the sacred texts are; the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas are said to be the oldest of the Hindu sacred texts. They are believed to be what a group of sages heard and then wrote down in between 1500 and 600 B.C.E. The Vedas are not seen as an important text to all the groups of Hinduism, it is usually only held its' importance to the Vedic religion. In this group they say the four sacred hymns, the Vedas, during many different kinds of rituals. When they are reciting these hymns during sacrifice or any other ritual, it shows their god that they have a very strong belief in him/her. The Upanishads are another important sacred text to the Hindu's. When reading the Upanishads Hindu's gain the knowledge of who the Brahman is and what he does. They explain that Brahman is the creator and ... Show more content on ... This text is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, in which news ideas about moksha begin to come up. One of the major teachings in the Bhagavad Gita is Karma yoga. This type of yoga teaches the discipline of action and how people should act about various things in order to fulfill liberation. This teaching reflects the idea of how Hindu's can escape the life of samsara and achieve the liberation of moksha through the different types of yoga. Krishna also speaks about what Hindu's should do when working. He explains that when you do work you should not become lazy and begin to have anxiety over the work you are doing, but to always look towards the greater goal of seeking knowledge of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Hinduism: Cosmological And Ethical Ideals In my essay I will describe what does samsara mean, what other concepts are connected to it, and my thoughts in regards to it as cosmological and ethical ideal. To begin with what does Hinduism mean, according to our Textbook "World Religions" until the nineteenth century the word "Hinduism" did not exist, but over the centuries the term "Indu" and "Hindu" had become a territorial, racial, social and cultural label for the people of India. One of the most common concepts, which connect all of the Hindu believers, is the law of karma, the existence of samsara, as well as the end of the cycle called "moksha". The word samsara is a continuing cycle that may last more than centuries, depending on the person's karma. It is a cycle of birth, death ... Show more content on ... In order Hindus to achieve liberation from the cycle of births they must follow the ashrama dharma. It's four stages in the life of human beings. According to Hinduwebsite, the four stages are called: brahmacharrya (stage of studentship), grihasta (the stage of a householder), vanaprastha (stage of a forest dweller) and sanyasa (stage of renunciation). From a theological point, the ashramas would help people to achieve "the highest ideals" of human life and work for their salvation. Secondly, of the research I found it says that "ashrama dharma was meant for the three upper caste only", which means that lower class are limited to it. For a large population of ancient India it meant little because most of them were from a lower class. On the other hand, only men could practice it, women only role was to be wives of their husbands. Even though ashrama dharma was limited to a lot of people I really liked the concept behind it. I think that ashrama dharma can be compared to the way Western civilization think today. For example, as a student "Brahmachary" we need to gain certain degree and to focus on our mind grow. After we have achieved "Brahmachary" we can move to "Grihasthsharama" when that's the time to marry, have kids and establish relationships with the world around us. Vanaprastha is the time that ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Hinduism Impact On Indian Society In Indian society Hinduism plays a vital role in shaping Indian society. Hinduism plays a vital role in Indian society whether it be through Dharma, the caste system or Hindu rituals. To further explain how Hinduism plays a role in Indian society we need to explain what is Hinduism. One could not give a definite definition to Hinduism. Hinduism is not an organized religion but a set of belief systems and traditions that is in turn a way of life in Indian Society. Hinduism contains several sects, subsects, sub–subsects, various traditions and ascetic movements. I think this is important for defining Hinduism, but it also proves difficult to place an accurate pinpoint definition of Hinduism. Hinduism is different for each person and ... Show more content on ... Yet Dharma has different implications depending on the person and their social position. Men, women, elders and children have different dharma which also depends on their place in the caste system. The Dharma of a Brahmin is different from the dharma of a king and so forth. Dharma assists with the social order in Indian society, as it varies person to person but also on the position one holds in the caste system, but it help maintains that order. Whether that be a positive or negative impact on Indian Society. Which brings up the point of the caste system. Vedic society was divided into four different classes, Brahmans, nobles, commoners and the serfs. These classes are part of the cosmic hierarchy and were based on purity. This gave way to the caste systems. Castes are arranged in the following order of the polarity of purity; Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and the shudras. With a fifth group called the untouchables at the very bottom. They are the untouchables because they are the most impure. The caste of an individual cannot be removed. Each caste has strict rules on caste endogamy. The caste system also plays a critical role on Indian society as it dictates a person's social position. I believe this to be true in more rural areas and smaller communities of Indian society. The dharma in each caste system is not always the same and the caste systems dharma can vary. This is to say that dharma is not necessarily universal ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. India Association Plans A Newsletter The poem "India Association Plans a Newsletter" by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today's reader should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today's readers about the problems with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in "India Association Plans a Newsletter" to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in a different country. Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two decades. Today's readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet says, "to make India over there to become India over here" (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that just because we are in the United States it doesn't mean that we can't bring our country here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Characteristics Of A Hero In Adam Brown's Fearless God has a reason for everything in life. Sometimes we do not understand his reasoning, we just have to stick to his plan and trust that he has put us on the right path. He sends people into your life to be your hero, to save you. In the novel Fearless, every person that came into Adam Brown's life, plays the role of a hero in some way. Many people in this novel played the role of a hero, each in their own unique way. Adam Brown was a Navy SEAL who took great pride in serving his country. He was a strong, kind–hearted, protective, and an all around respectable man who always had a "can do" attitude and never gave up on anything or showed weakness about anything. According to Eric Blehm, Adam did not do anything half speed. He gave a 110% no matter what he was doing. All of those are great qualities to have and that is what made him astonishing Navy SEAL. Before Adam could become a Navy SEAL and be a hero to his country, he was a hero to his family. Adam had one older brother, Shawn, and a twin sister, Manda. Together with their parents, Janice and Larry, they were a family of five. Adam was always over protective of his twin sister. According to the author, Adam's protective side would shine when he and Manda would walk to school. They had to make their way past the middle school handball courts. Any smaller kid within range would be bombarded with tennis balls. Adam would spread his arms out and side shuffle, guarding me, keeping me close to him so the balls wouldn't hit ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Reasons for Devotion to Hindu Goddesses Reasons for devotion to Hindu goddesses Hinduism portrays feminine divinity in a more exalted way than most other religions do. Though Hindu goddesses are usually depicted as consorts, wives or companions to a Hindu god, cases exist in which they are worshipped independently; Tantrism for example, where it is believed that women posses more spiritual power than men, thus men can achieve divinity through union with a woman ("Tantrism"). Most villages reinforce the mother aspect of goddesses and worship them individually as their protector, regarding them as having originated in the area and thus being tied to the health and prosperity of the village (Caldwell). Others who may devote themselves to a goddess might be in order to conquer or ... Show more content on ... Kali then proceeds to kill all the asuras in a frenzied manner, later offering the heads of their leaders Chanda and Munda to Durga. Her second appearance is in the follow chapter, where she battles Raktabija, and assures success by sucking all of his blood so he could not reproduce anymore, per Durga's command, while she slayed him ("Devimahatmya" ch. 7–8). Another myth ties Kali with Parvati, telling of an army of demons that threatens the safety of the world. Men cannot slay them, and so Shiva calls for his wife to aid them in battle. Parvati accepts the responsibility, swallowing the poison stored in Shiva's throat and morphing into Kali. However, she becomes too drunk with the poison and, after defeating all the demons, threatens to destroy the world herself with her berserk dance. In an attempt to subdue his wife, Shiva then lays on the floor in front of Kali, who in her delirious state does not notice his presence and steps on him. Shamed that she had showed such disgraceful behavior, she bites her tongue in humiliation. The last scene of the above tale is illustrated in a lot of imagery, and while the tale itself has a lot of variations, many Hindus will arrive at the same resolution. It is in this perception that many contradictions lie. Another question rises, "What does Kali's tongue–biting really mean?" Most Hindus will claim that it is to show shame, which is what the action means in Bengali culture, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Humanities 130 Hinduism Paper Hinduism Paper HUMANITIES 130 Hinduism is a diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils (GodWeb, n.d.). In this paper I will further explore what the Hindu religion is encompassed of. And delve into what makes the religion of Hinduism vital to the region it is originated in. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single concept of deity, a single holy text, a single ... Show more content on ... In Hinduism the soul is immortal while the body is subject to birth and death. Samsara is considered to be a state of wandering and is caused due to being ignorant of one's true purpose. This idea is directly linked to karma which means action, and also the consequences of the action. It is said that every action has a reaction and it is believed in the religion of Hinduism that it determines your next incarnation, which is basically being reborn. When the cycle of rebirth comes to an end, a person is said to have attained liberation which is moksha. In other words karma is the results you bring upon yourself, good or bad, based on your actions. And also reincarnation which is the belief that the soul, upon death, comes back to earth in another body or form which gives the soul the chance to resolve all bad karma that it puts out so the soul can eventually be free and gain liberation from the cycle of rebirth. In this paper the religion of Hinduism has been further explored. The societal and cultural influences that have made it vital to the region where it originated have also been touched upon. I have gained major insight into the Hindu religion form this experience. Before this class I never knew that karma and reincarnation were a part of the Hindu religion. And I never thought I would have anything in common with the religion or share any of the same beliefs. I strongly believe in karma ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Hinduism Research Paper I did not know much about Hinduism, apart from the fact that they worship multiple gods and believe in reincarnation. Three concepts that helped me grasp who the Hindu people are would be, the four acceptable aims of life, the caste system, and the idea of karma. These three ideas helped me identify how the Hindu's are supposed to live in their daily life and why they live a certain way. One bump I found in Hinduism is number of gods they have and worship. The Hinduism four acceptable aims of life, is something that really stuck to me. Learning this concept help me understand the different ways Hindus can live. I like how there is more than one acceptable way to live. Many religions I have come in contact with have one goal or aim for the entire religion, so seeing a religion with multiple acceptable paths of life is refreshing. This helped me grasp that Hindus are not all seeking enlightenment. I understand that Moksha is the ultimate goal, but it does not have to happen in one lifetime. This helped me understand that no every lifetime of a Hindu has to be lived seeking Moksha. For someone who does not believe in reincarnation, I like how people can spend different lives seeking different things and living different styles. ... Show more content on ... Everyone has their place, no changes, no way out, this caste is their purpose for that lifetime. I believe that everyone has a purpose and things happen for a reason, so I can make a connection with that and the fact whichever caste you are born into is your purpose for that life. This too, along with the four acceptable aims, helps me understand that there is more to Hinduism than just reaching Moksha. There are different stages, aims, and levels of life, collectively they all help me see a bigger picture of Hinduism; live every life the best a person can, trying to reach their full ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Hindu Gods And Demons Research Paper Hindu Gods: How Do They Treat Humans and Demons and Do They Really Treat Anyone Fairly? Intro: In this essay, the question that is being asked is what the relationships are between Hindu Gods and demons, as well as Hindu Gods and people. This will bring about more questions about the mistreatment of demons and why they are being treated this way. This essay will not be able to fully answer these questions but it will show how Gods and humans as well as gods and demons interact with one another. Hindu Gods and Demons: Hindu Gods have a love for many things but they are not perfect. They have mistreated others many times, however the most mistreated beings would have to be the demons. At first glance this seems reasonable Gods don't want demons to bring about chaos. However as one reads on about Hindu myths, one realizes that the demons are tricked by the Gods more often then the Gods are tricked by the demons. The Gods do not seem to be these perfect beings at all and in fact, are rather chaotic ... Show more content on ... They treat both groups manipulatively but in different ways. The Gods manipulate the demons so that they can get rid of the demons, but they manipulate humans simply because they can. The Gods, in this case, truly have god–complexes because they can really do anything and get away with it as long as no other God finds it upsetting. Humans and demons are manipulated because they can be, and they can be manipulated because no other God sees a problem with this treatment. The Gods gain power by manipulating people and demons because if they treated everyone fairly then they would not command the same power that they have now. Gods are cruel and manipulative but can be compassionate and caring if given the right circumstances, however they are never compassionate towards the demons. That's the main difference in how they treat demons versus humans, they will never treat demons ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Kush Essay The Ancient Kingdom of Kush The ancient kingdom of Kush was a civilization of vast and advanced cultures and governments that lasted for approximately 1500 years. Throughout those years, the ancient Kush has developed and maintained various distinct features in order to control and adapt to its way of life. But to set ancient Kush's records straight, we need to closely observe how they developed as an independent kingdom and their main features. Ancient Kush had exceptional governmental aspects in comparison to its surrounding civilizations. Kush maintained a monarchy–based government where women were praised and rights where given to them at all costs. This perfectly explains why its rulers were mostly queens with very few kings, ... Show more content on ... Naturally, it requires strong substantial labor forces which are able to hold together a kingdom of such potential and dominance. Fortunately, its leaders were aware of such imperative matter. As a result they have made sure to set jobs that are able to suit every individual's specialty. Notable jobs in Ancient Kush, other than in the government include; scribes whom recorded events, artisans and craftsmen whom had the role of crafting pots, woven art and ad paintings, viziers whom were the personal attendants of a pharaoh and the temple with the high priest as well as being in charge of tax collection, farmers and laborers whom worked on construction projects and grew ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Roles Of The Indus River Valley And Egyptian... Rivers are the key aspect of civilization. The early civilizations are usually found by rivers. The reason is these rivers give early civilizations certain gifts, or the essentials for survival. The rivers give people silt. Silt is a very wet clay the makes soil fertile for farming, no matter your location. In turn, the plans grown in silt give the civilizations food and items to trade. Another, gift is fresh water. You cannot drink salt water, or water your plants with salt water or they would die. The fresh water allows civilizations to use irrigation systems to move the flooding of the rivers to the plants to water them. With the fresh water, they can even clean themselves with it. Along with silt, the river provides food by giving fish ... Show more content on ... The geography was a huge aspect of the civilizations way of life. The Indus River Valley was a very peaceful civilization. There was little to no weapons found in the civilization. They faced so much time with no attacks they had no army. The reason the Indus River Valley could remain untouched because of its natural barrier. The Hindu Kush Mountains surrounded the civilization to the north and the rest was surrounded water. The rivers provided transportation out of the civilization and acted as a trade route for the people. Despite their communication with the outside world, the civilization remained peaceful because no civilization was going to climb mountains to conquer it. One civilization did cross the mountains. They were called the Aryans. The Aryans combined with the civilization presently there and created one huge civilization. The disadvantage of the location of the Indus River Valley Civilization was monsoons. Monsoons were strong seasonal winds that gave the civilization two seasons: the wet and the dry. The wet season was during the summer and it blows moist air eastward causing floods. The dry season was during the winter months and it blows dry air westward causing droughts. Although there was a disadvantage of living in the Indus River Valley Civilization, it was still a very peaceful civilization to live in. Out of these civilizations, I would rather live in the Indus River Valley. One reason is the Indus River Valley ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Irony In The Meeting With China Gayatri, By Chinna Dorai Jagan's acceptance of the ancient myths, ideals and values may appear to be limited and uncritical but the sincerity of his beliefs cannot be doubted. The angularities of Jagan's character may bring him on the verge of ridiculous, but gradually, as he faces a severe crisis in life he grows in death and humanity. Irony directed at Jagan's character is often ambivalent as for example in the opening passage for it presents both Jagan's 'shallow' understanding of the spiritual values he professes to believe in and also the theme of the novel–the need for and ways of conquering the self. Similarly, through out the major portion of the novel the statement of his ideals, the actions performed in a spirit of sacrifice and his indifference to material ... Show more content on ... Taken to the garden and lotus pond by China Dorai, the sculptor, Jagan receives a new set of impressions through which he perceives the close relationship between the various Hindu arts, literature and Hindu Mythology. The discussion on the art of sculpting, the vision of the many– headed Goddess Gayatri, move Jagan deeply The meeting with Chinna Dorai provides Jagan a new, concrete instance of a selfless activity, performed as service. The sculptor's desire to complete the unfinished statue, left by his master, is a creative, religious and aesthetic vision, without any interest in profit making, In his life–long concern with the shop Jagan had not been able somehow to integrate the aesthetic, religious and practical business sense. Having worked well as a shopkeeper, he now decides to shift his focus in life. His whole being undergoes a sense of turmoil, and he looks around, within himself, with a new vision. Introspection accompanied by spinning and the look back into the past give the whole of his being anew pattern. He rediscovers his own connection with his culture, the past of his society which he had accepted uncritically as a young man. The rituals that had been handed over by his parents acquire a new significance as he finds his son rejecting them. Now he tries to look beyond the form and finds the continuity that exists between different deals and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Is The Culture Of India Essay The culture of India is the way of living of the people of India. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs differ from place to place within the country. The Indian culture, often labeled as an amalgamation of several cultures, spans across the Indian subcontinent and has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old. Many elements of India's diverse cultures, such as Indian religions, yoga and Indian cuisine, have had a profound impact across the world. Religions India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, collectively known as Indian religions. Indian religions are a major form of world religions along with Abrahamic ones. Today, Hinduism and Buddhism are the world's ... Show more content on ... Sen observes that external images of India in the West often tend to emphasise the difference – real or imagined – between India and the West. There is a considerable inclination in the Western countries to distance and highlight the differences in Indian culture from the mainstream of Western traditions, rather than discover and show similarities. Western writers and media usually misses, in important ways, crucial aspects of Indian culture and traditions. The deep–seated heterogeneity of Indian traditions, in different parts of India, is neglected in these homogenised description of India. The perceptions of Indian culture, by those who weren't born and raised in India, tend to be one of at least three categories, writes Sen: Exoticist approach: it concentrates on the wondrous aspects of the culture of India. The focus of this approach of understanding Indian culture is to present the different, the strange and as Hegel put it, "a country that has existed for millennia in the imaginations of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Behold 2009 By Sheela Gowda It is interesting to note that this study was conducted amongst 800 companies across Indians hiring the top brains in the country. Yet, superstitious beliefs were still prevalent. Sheela Gowda's work entitled, Behold 2009 was first shown at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In it, she uses four thousand metres of rope hand–woven from human hair. Hanging entangled within this black, knotted mass are twenty steel car bumpers. It is a dig at a common superstition held by motorists in India. Motorists there often ties woven hair to car bumpers as a talisman for their safety. In fact, it would not be a surprise if these motorists actually place more belief in this talisman than the need for regular servicing to their vehicles. For Gowda the piece communicates 'a coming together of fear, superstition, belief and a need for comforting action in the framework of modern life' (F). In Singapore, I do not see such outward practice and exhibition of superstition by Indians. I attribute this to the ... Show more content on ... These are accompanied by headsets where viewers/listeners can hear the children speak about their ambitions and who they wish to grow up to be. Not surprisingly, many of them speak of wanting to be a celebrity, an actor/actress or a fashion designer etc. Given these are children, it would be fair to say, they would not have had an opportunity to rationally think about their futures yet. As such, their views would probably be a reflection of the impressions left on them by society today. This work serves to highlight the huge sphere of influence Bollywood and its associated industries like music and fashion have on Indian children today. (H) The use of new media like still pictures combined with audiophiles was indeed unique. The impact the artist intended to create is even larger when you hear the children speak in their own words with their own voices which gives it ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Social Problem Of India Today Essay India is a very fast developing country in the world, one of the fastest. India also has the fastest growing economy in the world (Beck). But at the same time there are several problems yet today in Modern India which is affecting the development and growth of the country. The social problems in India today have their roots in the diversity of religion, language, and culture. There were many people to have huge attachment to one's region, language, religion and when these attachments grow to an crazy extreme level they create intolerance for other religions, languages, problems are bound to rise. So many cases of tragedy such as peaceful protests, riots and poverty has shaped the outcome of what India has become today. "An eye for an eye makes everybody blind" summarizes Gandhi's view of violence. Gandhi did not believe in violence as a technique of achieving his goal of an independent India. He taught non–violent non effort to create for the people of India. When Gandhi was arrested many times and put to prison, his followers were tempted to fight back to British authorities. Gandhi fasted until he convinced his followers to stop fighting so that he would eat again. After that Gandhi thought the British authorities would free the indian people as they wanted to be. Gandhi was wrong. Brigadier General Dyer ordered his soldiers to open fire open field of people. Killing thousands of women children and men. This massacre took place in Bagh where they held their ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Wally Diwali Religion Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn't have a single founder, a single holy text, or a central religious authority. Most forms of Hinduism view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess. About 14% of the world's population is Hindu. According to the yearbook of "American and Canadian churches" they were about 1.5 million Hindus in the US during 1999. There are many different kinds of celebrations. They're about apes holidays in the Hindu religion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights for Hindus and Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets fireworks and lights. It celebrates the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a full moon. There's actually takes place on August raksha means "protection" and Bandhan means "to die". There's also the tantric sex. There's two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu, Vajrayana Buddhist , and other religious practices throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual involving extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the close direction of their guru (teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West and is at least partly divorced from its religious roots. It is also known as "modern tantra," or by the somewhat derogatory term ... Show more content on ... But for still unknown reasons, the valley's inhabitants appear to have moved out rather suddenly. They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern India and encountered a group of people from central Asia who brought with them warrior ethics and a religion called Vedism. Hinduism stands apart from all other religions for several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of theological law and truth, no central religious organization, and no definition of absolute beginning and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Causes Of England Colonizing India England colonizing India So one of the reasons why the Europeans wanted to sail the oceans was to find new trade routes to Asia, and as well as India. The British succeeded in controlling the Indian Territory, but also colonizing various aspects of the Indian society like religion, economy,politics and education. Because of this Britain had two goals and those goals were to make a profit and spread civilization among Indians. Financial Atrocities During the 16th and 17th centuries,it was a bad time. During the sixteenth century England was being called a backward country. But on the other hand, India was the richest countries on earth. They had a estimated $33,750 million. Later, in 1500 CE, it was $60,500 million. During 1700 CE, it grew even higher to $90,750 million. They we very high wealth because India was one of the major trading nations. To show how big it was it also has a monopoly on textiles and spices. Because the growth rates of both the countries show the vast gap between their economic growths. The hostile financial policies of the British like ruthless taxation, discouraging Indian industries like textile and ship building, trade restrictions, etc. significantly contributed to the downfall of the Indian economy. Such was the loot conducted by the British for most of their period in India. This, however, does not capture the exact picture of the sufferings of the then people. We can only imagine the poor conditions of the people for generations after ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Meaning of Ahimsa Essay Meaning of Ahimsa Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly into non–injury to living beings or dynamic harmlessness. Ahimsa tends to evoke images of monks wearing cloths over their faces to avoid breathing microscopic beings and sweeping the insects off the path in front of them as they walk so they won't accidentally crush one under their feet. One cannot easily live in today's world without causing some harm to other beings – but that does not mean we shouldn't try to keep it to a minimum. There are some relatively easy steps you can take to reduce the suffering in your wake. Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love. ... Show more content on ... Ahimsa is the pivot and all virtues revolve around Ahimsa. Just as all footprints are accommodated in those of the elephant, so also do all religious rules become merged in the great vow of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is soul–force. Hate melts in the presence of love. Hate dissolves in the presence of Ahimsa. There is no power greater than Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa develops will power to a considerable degree. The practice of Ahimsa will make you fearless. He, who practices Ahimsa with real faith, can move the whole world, can tame wild animals and can win the hearts of all his enemies. He can do and undo things. The power of Ahimsa is infinitely more wonderful and subtler than electricity or magnetism. The law of Ahimsa is as much exact and precise as the law of gravitation. You must know the correct way to apply it intelligently and with scientific accuracy. If you are able to apply it with precision, you can work wonders. You can command the elements and Nature as well. Forms of Ahimsa Only the ordinary people think that Ahimsa is not to hurt any living being physically. The vow of Ahimsa is broken even by showing contempt towards another man, by entertaining unreasonable dislike for or prejudice towards anybody, by frowning at another man, by hating another man, by abusing another man, by speaking ill of others, by ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Saddhu Of Couva The concept of Colonialism in Derek Walcott's The Saddhu Of Couva In the poem The Saddhu Of Couva by Derek Walcott, the presence of the concept of colonialism is evident through the extensive use of Indian words, words related to the Indian tradition and also Trinidadian creole. This is not at all strange since Couva is a town on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in which a kind of creole is spoken even though the official language of the country is English. Also, the speaker, who is afraid of his culture being lost, but also angry with the colonizers, tries to undermine their culture by changing their language, thus denying its privilege, and at the same time protecting his own culture and taking his "vengeance against" them. The poem deals ... Show more content on ... For instance, as it can be observed from the poems own title, he uses the word "Saddhu", which in Sanskrit means "holy man" instead of the English word even though he writes his poem in English. This is an example of an untranslated word. He also uses the process of abrogation by changing the spelling of the word "neither" into "naither" in order to "remould" the language of the colonisers and thus, denying its privilege and, as a result, their power. Moreover, he again takes advantage of this process and does not use the present simple form of the word "vibrate", namely "vibrates", but he retains the word as it is. Furthermore, the poet uses the technique of interlanguage by saying "[. . .] I was always drowned" and using another tense instead of the proper one. In this particular case we have a creole voice coming in the poem. The poet also uses the strategy of syntactic fusion when, in the ultimate stanza, he says "Suppose all the gods too old, / Suppose they dead and they burning them," (lines 57 – 58) leaving out the verb "are", thus abusing the grammatical structure of English, namely subject–verb–object, and therefore "changing" the language of the colonizer. Immediately after, he again makes use of the same strategy when he uses the pronoun "some" instead of the suitable one "a" when he states "supposing when some cane cutter" (line 59), having the same effect with the previous verses. Taking everything into account, it is more than evident that the speaker in Derek Walcott's poem The Saddhu Of Couva "reminisces" memories that he has not lived and deplores about having never been in his motherland and how the traditions of his roots are endangered by colonization and forgetfulness in the foreign lands. He also struggles to retain his cultural traditions by undermining the language of the colonizers and by extend their ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. What Is Toru Dutt Poem Poetry is the representation of mental thoughts, it symbolize all the conflicts that dominate the poets mind either from childhood memories or impressions laid down by the society which is always in the process of gradual change. Every writer has something beforehand in mind which acts as an inspiration for his/her writing. Every poet after being inspired need to present his mental agony or bliss in a way that he be able to make his reader fathom the real and core meaning of the issues tossing in his mind. The poet revamps and tries to convey his message in the form of words which may or may not convey what he/she actually wants, so as at times vocabulary couldn't find the appropriate word for a feeling. The poets cannot claim and remain adamant ... Show more content on ... The Ballads consists of number of Indian mythical stories which originally in Sanskrit are very faithfully being translated into English by this young girl. This work reflects another great quality of Toru as a storyteller. Her narrative and descriptive techniques are very well presented in Ancient Ballads. If we keenly go through the poem Savitri which is the opening poem of the Ancient Ballads her understanding of the Hindu mythology and tales can be best noted here. This poem being very long is the message for entire women living on earth, it describes how the character of a women should be, the portrayal of Savitri is the portrayal of every women. Toru represents Savitri as an example for all the women, her qualities and virtues need to be followed by all the women. In the following lines Toru very beautifully describes the firmness of Savitri who remain adhered to her choice even though she knew the fate of her choice( her groom) ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Ahimsa CHAPTER 45 Ahimsa: To Do No Harm Exploring the Cardinal Virtue of Noninjury in Thought, Word & Deed B y S at g u r u S i vaya S u B r a m u n i ya S wa m i H a. manivel indu wisdom, which inspires humans to live the ideals of compassion and nonviolence, is captured in one word, ahimsa. In Sanskrit, himsa is doing harm or causing injury. The "a" placed before the word negates it. Very simply, ahimsa is abstaining from causing harm or injury. It is gentleness and noninjury, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is good to know that nonviolence speaks only to the most extreme forms of forceful wrongdoing, while ahimsa goes much deeper to prohibit even the subtle abuse and the simple hurt. Devout Hindus oppose killing for ... Show more content on ... If Homo sapiens is to survive his present predicament, he will have to rediscover these two primary ethical virtues. In order to understand the pervasive practice of nonviolence in Hinduism, one must investigate the meaning of life. Why is life sacred? For India's ancient thinkers, life is seen as the very stuff of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. The nature of this continuum varies in Hindu thought. Some hold that the individual evolves up through life forms, taking more and more advanced incarnations which culminate in human life. Others believe that according to one's karma and samskaras, the process can even be reversed, that is, one can achieve a "lower" birth. Even those Indians who do not believe in reincarnation of an individual still hold that all that exists abides in the Divine. They further hold that each life form–even water and trees–possesses consciousness and energy. Whether the belief is that the life force of animals can evolve into human status, or that the opposite can also take place, or simply that all things enjoy their own consciousness, the result is the same–a reverence for life. Not all of Earth's one billion Hindus are living in a perfect state of ahimsa all of the time. Sometimes conditions at hand may force a situation, a regrettable ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. My Cultural Conception Of Happiness The honorable Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso once said, "When I meet people from different cultures I know that they too want happiness and do not want suffering . . ." That being said, people from different cultures want to be happy. The only thing that differs between cultures is how each distinct culture perceives how happiness can be achieved. Such is true for the conception of happiness between my culture, the American culture, and the Indian culture. While the conception of happiness across my culture and the conception of happiness across Indian culture are both individualistic, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is also collectivist. In addition, both cultural conceptions of happiness have norms that govern their societies in ... Show more content on ... Both bodies have differing views of happiness, but they still uphold the their individuality. Likewise, I too am able to embrace my personal perception of happiness because my society is one that embraces individualism. It can be said that my culture thoroughly embraces Aristotle 's definition of happiness due to the fact that it preaches the importance of every individual being the sole passenger and conductor when it come to riding the train that is the pursuit of happiness. In other words, the pursuit of happiness is in the hands of the individual. No matter how one believes they can achieve happiness in my culture, the fact remains that it is widely recognized that happiness is based on an individual's actions and viewpoints. In contrast, the conception of happiness in Indian culture is a combination of both individualist and collectivist viewpoints. From the individualistic viewpoint of happiness in Indian culture, an individual has the power to pursue their own happiness and do whatever they deem conducive to their well–being. According to Kumar (2003), it is believed in Indian culture that "man should do whatever is possible to enhance pleasure and avoid pain . . . one could beg, borrow or steal or even murder . . ." (p. 2). In simple terms, one should do whatever is in their power to achieve ultimate happiness. This is an individualistic viewpoint because the Indian culture trusts an individual to make decisions that will benefit them. In a ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Ramayana Essay Ramayana Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author, Valmiki, does not calls Rama "the perfect man" in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has been a legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society after, for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals, ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more content on ... He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, "I gladly obey father's command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it.". By doing this, he shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and authoritative rich ruler, all while knowing that he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the kingdom since he is the oldest of the four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into exile – forest infested with evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in most of the Eastern world, this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no matter what one is commanded to do) is very important in one's 'faith'; and the fact that one successfully wards off evil, gives him/her the title of a cultural model hero, just as seen in Rama's case. Rama's casual attitude about going off into the forest for fourteen years also shows his asceticism – the will to give up his material, emotional and physical attachments. His peaceful and patient attitude towards his life is vivid due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the material and physical world ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Lone Survivor : Movie Analysis Of The Movie Lone Survivor Motion picture films are evolving at a very fast rate in todays world, it is one of the biggest industries in the world and it is growing bigger and bigger every year. There are countless hit movies that are known around the world. This includes a very well know film Lone Survivor it is among some of the best and most well–known movies in history, partially because it is based on a true event that took place and the event that did take places made history and today's world. With great actors and an outstanding directing team this film has created talk for years to come. The film itself is unique in the way that is isn't just some made up story that they came up with, all the events that happen in the film are spot on with what happen in the real–world events. In Afghanistan, Taliban leader Ahmad Shah is responsible for killing over twenty United States Marines, as well as villagers and refugees who were aiding American forces. In response to these killings, the United States Navy SEALs are assigned to perform a counter–insurgent mission to capture Shah. As part of the mission, a four–man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team is tasked to track Shah's whereabouts. The four SEAL teammates are team leader Michael P. "Murph" Murphy; hospital corpsman and sniper Marcus Luttrell; sonar technician Matthew "Axe" Axelson; and communications specialist Danny Dietz. The team is inserted into the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan, where they make their trek through the mountains. ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Fairy Tale Analysis Cinderella, We Know Thee Near and Far Triumphant reward in spite of unjust punishment is a universal sentiment that transcends languages and cultures. There are thousands of folktales and fairy tales that are firmly rooted in individual cultures, yet the tale of Cinderella has been told through many centuries and throughout the far corners of the world. With thousands of versions of this classic tale in print worldwide, the tale is believed to have originated with the story of Rhodopis, a Greek slave girl who is married to an Egyptian King. The story of Rhodopis, which means rosy–cheeks, dates back to 7 BC and is attributed to a Greek geographer named Strabo. The Chinese variation of this fairy tale is named Yeh–hsien. The Chinese version is traceable to the year 860 and appears in Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang by Duan Chengshi. Yeh–hsien is a young girl, motherless and in the control of her stepmother, who befriends a treasured fish. The jealous step–mother kills the fish, but it's bones provide Yeh–hsien with magical powers, eventually enabling Yeh–hsien to escape the control of her step–mother for a royal life. The Story of the Black Cow which is found within the pages of Folk Tales from the Himalayas by John Murray, published in 1906, the child who is mistreated by a stepmother is a male and the role of savior is portrayed by a snake, with a cow serving as the moral of the story, faithfulness. These two versions of Cinderella carry many common threads that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Have You Ever Wondered If You Have Lived More Than Once? Have you ever wondered if you have lived more than once? Or what happens after death? Many believe that you continue to live after death, but how is it possible and why so? Today I will inform you about the concept of reincarnation. For some of us, like myself, have had dreams or images of places or things that we have never seen, in person with our own eyes, in our current lifetime. Then we see these images in a picture online and feel like we have been there or have some sort of connection with them. Many say that this is due to our past lives. As in we have lived before in a different time and somehow, we can remember some things from it. People began to call this the belief of reincarnation. I will first explain what reincarnation is ... Show more content on ... First, Hindus take reincarnation very seriously and that is what influences their everyday actions. After reading the article, "Reincarnation as a Concept", issued in the Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies in 2014, the author, Michael O'Dell, explains a common Hindu belief is that "the soul which has manifested as you, has previously incarnated as an animal and may well do so again in the future." This is one of the reasons why devout Hindus strive not to harm any bug or animal, since that creature may be a reincarnation of a deceased relative or friend. They also see reincarnation as a trapped cycle of one 's own bad karma. Karma is a belief that every good and bad returns to the individual as a reward or a punishment. They belief that the individual has an eternal soul that goes through reincarnation as many times as it takes until it reaches liberation. Only way to reach this is by doing good and paying all your dues. Any wrong or bad done in that lifetime will lead to reincarnation. It is pretty much as getting a second chance. They strive to reach liberation because they see it as a free ticket out of the trapped cycle. Buddhism believes that reincarnation, referred to as rebirth, is processed by desires which keeps the cycle going. A cycle that no one can escape and that never ends and may be infinite until liberation occurs. They defined ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Numbers In Hinduism Chapter 11: The Importance of Numbers in Hinduism The scriptures state that numbers ranging from 0 to 10 have a symbolic importance for Hindus. They are associated with some of the key principles and gods of the religion. According to historical records, the Hindus developed the number system so they can systematically arrange their knowledge regarding the gods and the theories of creation. This chapter will provide you with some examples as to how numbers were used in Hindu ceremonies. Thousands of years ago, Indian citizens were so religious. They worshipped and prayed to different gods on a daily basis. They believed that the ultimate goal of a person's existence is to attain freedom from the repetitive cycle of births and deaths. Also, they thought that withdrawal from the society and abandonment of responsibilities were never needed to establish a relationship with the divine beings. Happiness and wealth were important for Hindus but they didn't consider these as goals. They focused their time and effort on achieving freedom from the illusions created by Maya. In order to attain this liberation, they lived their lives and performed their tasks without any hint of passion. They consider the gods as their saviors, guardians, guides, and witnesses. Because they needed to present their knowledge about the divine in an understandable manner, they invented the concept of ... Show more content on ... 1 (one) – This was employed to depict Brahman as a god that has forms and qualities. 2 (two) – This represented the duality present in every human being. For Hindus, this duality is composed of the mind and the senses. 3 (three) – This number represents the three major manifestations of the Supreme God (i.e. Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma). 4 (four) – This number is related to the caste system and the phases of a human's life. 5 (five) – This was used as a symbol for the human body. It is also connected with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Influences of Nature In Hinduism In every civilization there is a main a religion and an influence of that religion. In India the main religion is Hinduism and Hinduism is influenced by the nature around the country. Christopher G. Framarin proposed his theory on how nature influences India in his journal, "The value of nature in India (Hindu) traditions. Framarin explains his ideas on how to achieve moksa and what animals have effect on the moksa cycle. He also places other philosophers' ideas into his journal and thoroughly explains the ideas in detail and how he feels about them. The traditions of Hindusim that are influenced by nature has an effect on everything they believe in. Ahimsa is doing good deeds or non–harm to anything in this world. Through ahimsa Hindu people can achieve moska. However, there are more rules than just being nice to work through the caste system in Hinduism. Even though ahimsa is non–harmful there are many strict ideas on what exactly is harmful. Himsa can postpone moska, himsa is the deed of doing harm or injury to another being. In the caste system the way someone can rise up the top and become a divine is for him or her to perform ahimsa deeds and through each reincarnation to step up in the caste. The Hindu's use a form of measurement when figuring out if the move up or down in the system. Every ahima deed someone does it produces a merit and for every himsa deed it produces a demerit. If so many merits are achieved moksa will be complete, however if a demerit is taken ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Essay on Sunny Southern California California, I have found it, according to their state motto. A land plentiful in beauty. The north houses massive fields, ideal for harvesting the fruit of the vine. The middle of the state contains a massive hub for immigrants, a bridge made of gold, and buildings widespread. Down south there is an odd combination of Hollywood stars that own ten million dollar houses, while at the same time, only 80 miles south lies an area with a large Hispanic influence. Imagine multiple cultures encapsulated within a one and a half mile long pier. The road can be traveled with a 30–minute walk, a 20–minute bike ride, 15 minutes on roller blades, or a two– minute cruise in your convertible. A small strip of land that is divided as well as the Northwest ... Show more content on ... Muscle Beach jumps out with men pumping iron just to the right of the path, it cannot be missed and the men make sure of it. Across the street lies a neon sign displaying "Tattoo Parlor" right next to a tanning salon. (Ironic considering the 75–degree weather all year round.) Lastly and definitely not least is the Canali Café, (No, I did not misspell cannoli.) which resides just off the Ocean Front Walk on Washington Blvd. Then my brother and I hastily crossed the steet on our bicycles to avoid the oncoming traffic and continued to the next block. A large fancy white building, which did not appear to belong with the neighboring shady shack on the street, emerges from the haze. The scene looked like a set for "Hair" on Broadway, as 10 college women were dancing to Bob Marley's music raising multiple signs that said, " Welcome to The Kush Shop, the doctor is in today". Once my eleven–year–old brother (He is not very coordinated.) saw this scene, he immediately lost control of the bike and fell onto the sand alongside the bike path. I asked him what had happened. He responded, " I was looking at The Kush Shop and I lost my focus. What is Kush anyway?" In a sudden state of shock I replied, "I'm not sure, I think the sell souvenirs". I assumed that this was not the right time to educate my brother regarding what I have learned about cannabis in health class. Once my brother mounted his bike once more, I convinced him to ride as fast as he could in order ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Atm Hindu Religion Mary Grekoski Professor Baker Religion 193–01 3/31/2016 "The Atman" In Hinduism the Atman is what they call the soul in a person. When a person finds the inner self, which is called the Atman, and also its source, which is called the Brahman, the self blends into its superior origin, and one experiences indescribable peace and elation. In the Hindu religion the Atman affects their lives in a big way, it has to do with reincarnation, karma, Samara, and the ultimate goal that they try to get to which is called, Moksha (Fischer 77). Reincarnation is basically what happens after death. In Hinduism it is believed that the soul leaves the dead person's body and enters a new body. A person is born again and again in what seems as a ... Show more content on ... Karma deals with a persons actions as well as the consequences of their action. That means every act they do and commit in life, every thought they have, and desires whether it is good or bad shapes a person future experience and what life form they will be. If the person is good they will move up in the reincarnation cycle, if not it is possible for them to come back as an animal and be farther away from reaching liberation which is the goal in the Hinduism religion (Fischer 77). The main thing in Hinduism is to escape Samsara which is the continual round of birth, death, and rebirth. When a person escapes Samsara they have officially achieved Moksha. How the Atman impacts Moksha is it is the release from the restrictions of space, time, and matter through understanding of the immortal absolute which is the goal. This is not an easy thing to achieve, in fact many lifetimes of upward–striving incarnations are required to reach this phase. The want of freedom from earthly existence is one of the basis of classical Hinduism and even Buddhism as well (Fischer ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Scriptures Of Hindu Culture And Philosophy The Bhagavad–Gita or simply Gita, conceivably the most recognized of all nonpareil scriptures of Hindu culture and philosophy, is universally perceived as one of the world's ethical literatures. The Sanskrit title, Bhagavad–Gita, is commonly construed as "Song of the Lord." The Gita is incorporated into the sixth book of the longest Hindu classic, Mahabharata, although it is known to be a subsequent accretion to the epic, which stands on its own distinction. The ideology encapsulated in the Bhagavad Gita, doing action with detachment from the consequences is relevant and vital to our understanding of way of life even in the contemporary western world. The teachings of the Gita assist people to manage their states of mental agitation, desires and emotions which will lead them to take right decisions followed by right actions. This certainly explains its immense recognition both in the East and the West. Distinguished philosophers, intellectuals, and scientists have conceded that the Bhagavad–Gita presents profound wisdom. Gandhi once proclaimed: When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad–Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. The Gita is an insightful response to an abiding human quandary of discerning right from wrong. Human ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Gruesome Effect Of Partition In Train To Pakistan The gruesome effect of Partition seen in The Train to Pakistan¬ Train to Pakistan is a novel written by Khushwant Singh which majorly deals with the theme of Partition. Khushwant Singh, who was a man who believed in the goodness of humanity, was alarmed to see the event of Partition and its consequences and effects. Thus, he poured down his feelings by writing this remarkable work –Train to Pakistan. Britishers "Divide and Rule policy" permeated the evil seeds of partition in the Indian continent. It turned out to be an ugly bloat in the history of India as well as Pakistan. Bloodshed, communal and religious riots, rapes, murders, fights almost every possible evil virtue was seen in practice across the Indian globe as the result of the Partition. ... Show more content on ... Then the description of that railway station comes. The 'Mano–Majra railway–station' plays a key role in the work of Singh for around this, the horrendous effect of partition is experienced by the readers. The railway station also stands as a symbol of the continuity of life of the Mano–Majrans as where village stands for stillness, the train stands for 'movement''mobility'. Trains in Man–majra acts the part of a clock in the life of Mano–Majrans. The life of the people of this village is set on the arrival and departure of the trains. Also, the trains are the only source that links Mano–majra to the outer world. Trains hence are the life–source for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. U.s. India 's Economic Potential Of The Regional Economy... Interest in Afghanistan's Economic Potential: At the 2012 'Heart of Asia' conference Indian intended to support Afghanistan and integrate it into the regional economy through a two lead confidence building measure. India can take a leading position in facilitating trade and commerce opportunities for Afghanistan and the region. The 'New Silk Road' narrative where Afghanistan will regain its role as a land bridge between south, central, middle east and Eurasia has some traction in India. If relationship between India, Pakistan is sorted out Afghanistan can be a beneficiary and become a hub for trade, transportation and energy in the region. India hosted an investment summit in Afghanistan in 2012, inviting other Asian countries which sought opportunities to invest in Afghanistan.The emerging sectors highlighted by India as being very productive 'mining, infrastructure, telecom, agro based and small scale industries,health, and IT'. While India shares security concerns about Afghanistan Future ,it is keen to play a role in ensuring a more optimal outcome post 2014.India is especially interested about the lucrative mining industries in Afghanistan.The US government estimated Afghanistan's mineral wealth at $1 trillion, while Afghan government estimates it to be $3 trillion. Indian Government Activities: India recognizes that social and economic development in Afghanistan is critical to ensure security in Indian subcontinent. The signing of Strategic ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Why Flowers Are Important Essay 5 Flowers that are important in Events and their meaning Flowers have been the symbol of beauty, love, admiration and many other emotions. Since their birth on earth, they have been revered for their aromas, hues, shapes, charm, and also as a source of food. While the nature has gifted humankind with different flowers, scientific research have added more varieties to them. Because of which, their significance and importance kept changing and growing with the passage of time. But what hasn't changed since the old times are their reverence and use in different events. Here, we are going to see 5 different flowers with their importance and meaning for events. Jasmine These are the diminutive flowers loved not only by humans, but also by Gods. There is no surprise that they have found a mention in the ancient Hindu scriptures. Right from worshiping the lord to decorating wedding venues, homes, and for bridal makeup, jasmine are one of the favourite flowers of all regardless of their faith. They are also used in making garlands for weddings and funerals. Due to their sweet aroma, they are also used in making perfumes and incense sticks for pleasing the god. Besides spreading fragrance in the atmosphere, jasmines also offer health benefits to human–beings. Just drink a cup of jasmine tea or any ... Show more content on ... Whether it is pooja, wedding, or any other celebrations, these lovely blooms add life and happiness to the events. They have been the favourite blooms of the god and have been mentioned in old scriptures. Marigold flowers have been named after the god of wisdom – Tages and hence they are regarded importance in all celebrations. During Dipawali and Dusshera, many Hindus use marigold flowers and mango leaves and make garland for idols and to tying them on the entrance door frames. One interesting reason for using marigold in auspicious occasion is its piercing odour that drives away inspects and ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The United States Army Aviation Operations Although Army Aviation has endured a multitude of challenging moments throughout history, none have compared to those faced in the land that has historically dared and tried many great nations such as the Macedonian Army around 330 B.C. and the Russian Army in the 1970's and 1980's. Because of this, this paper will be an informative look at the challenges the United States Army Aviation Operations faced during Operation Enduring freedom in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Included in the research, I will discuss the unforgiving terrain, such as a high mountain environment Aviators operated in, the extreme temperatures, degraded visual cues, the human errors aspect, as well the enemy situation, all which tested them all. Aviation Operations in Operation Enduring Freedom A Sense of Reality To illustrate my point, imagine your mission is to conduct a night air assault (AA) into a rocky mountain top landing zone (HLZ) that is perched high upon the Hindu Kush. In addition to the confinement and high altitude of the HLZ, your aircraft is loaded to its maximum capacity; with a crew of four plus 12 fully loaded combat troops. Furthermore, the moon illumination is steadily decreasing, and by H–hour the backdrop has crossed into a dark sea of incomprehensible pictures. At this point, you have just check marked the four death inducing factors of flying in Afghanistan: high, hot, heavy, and dark. After several failed attempts to land at your LZ, it becomes clear that the environment ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Indian History And The Status Of Women The Indian History and the Status of Women : Women's security is closely connected to global security still they suffer simply because they differ in gender. According to the UN Commission on Human Security, 'the security of one person, one community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes precariously''. However, in the interrelated world everyone is influenced either positively or negatively by the decisions of individuals or states (UNIFEM 2003). To understand the status of the Indian women it is important to understand the history gender discrimination in the country. In 1947, the Indian history of violence against women was perceivable in the violent nature of the nation's partition. The women were raped, abducted and their bodies were used as a medium of men's evil expression as Indian Hindus and the Pakistani Muslims battled for power to defend their countries. This tactic of humiliating the opponent by using women's bodies as a tool of power dominance is still being practiced in the Indian society and is visible in the cases of Devi and Sori (Dobhal 2011: 598). Mother India, commonly termed as Bharat Mata in Sanskrit is the national personification of India as a mother goddess which is widely depicted as a woman clad in a saffron sari holding the national flag. The position of women was high in India and some might argue that degrading positioning of women in the society is influenced by the impact of colonialism. ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Ganges River Of India The Ganges River in India is an important river system that provides water for personal use, industry, and agriculture for well over half a million people. This river also serves a major role in the region's cultural and religious practices. It is widely believed that this body of water is the Earthly manifestation of the Hindu goddess Ganga. For thousands of years, people have believed that Ganga can wash away a lifetime of sins and, therefore, no amount of pollution can harm her (Conway). As a result of this belief, industrial, agricultural, and human waste are dumped into the river on a daily basis. Hindus also believe that bathing themselves in the water of the river will wash away all of their sins and grant spiritual rewards such as "deliverance from sin and attainment of nirvana (Das)." Hindus believe that to die on the banks of the Ganges is an "assurance of heavenly bliss and will grant emancipation from the eternal cycle of birth and death (Das)." Due to this belief, millions of people use the banks of the river for cremation and burial (BBC). Aside from religious ceremonies, poor people who cannot afford to be cremated are wrapped in white muslin and placed in the river (BBC). Following ceremonies, the ashes and dead bodies are dumped into the river. These religious practices are believed to be a primary cause of the degraded water quality of the Ganges River near Varanasi. If the quality of water continues to become even more degraded, a crucial part of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Before I really get into my personal experience at the... Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I personally belong to a Muslim family and have practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means people only believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe that everything in this world has been created by all mighty Allah. He has the power and authority of diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has many different deities and all of them have a specific ... Show more content on ... I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o'clock pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I walked closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the purpose of this sign from a person who was standing outside the temple, he said, "this symbol stand for good fortune, luck, and well–being". As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell hanging from the roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell. I did the same thing as the other people were doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind of disrespect. I have always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in real life. After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple there were two installs, one on my left the other one on my right side. On this stands there was all the stuff available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as "samagri". The incremental's that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and leaves. As I moved further I saw the sign, which was indicating the direction of the main hall. On top of the door of the main ... Get more on ...