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Essay about Hinduism
What is Hinduism? Sanatana Dharma, otherwise known as Hinduism, means "eternal religion". Defining Hinduism may be difficult due to multiple
variations of religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, which have steamed from Sanatana Dharma beliefs. Instead of focusing on a direct
definition of Hinduism, it might be easier to identify Hindu philosophies and key practices that make up Hindu beliefs. Is it a religion or is it a
culture? The truth is – it is both a religion and a way of life. Hinduism is also known as "Sanatana Dharma" to Hindus. Hinduism was founded and in
India. India gave to the world the original, oldest and most profound philosophy of life. The brilliant ancestors of present–day Indians explored the
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Since Hindu beliefs are based on Vedic literature, Hinduism is vital to the preservation of early Indian history and beliefs. The four main parts of the
Veda are the Rig–veda, Yajur–veda, Sama–veda, and Atharva–veda. Hinduism is influenced by all four parts of the Veda and the Veda is held sacred in
Hindu religion.
The Veda is what would be comparable to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran but is Hindu belief. All four parts of the Veda include separate, but
related, philosophies. Since Vedic literature is vast it is important to know what the focus of the Veda is, Absolute Reality. Absolute Reality is liberation
from the material world with the understanding of one's Self and what cannot be experienced through the five senses. Liberation is obtained through
numerous reincarnations of the soul into other life forms until the soul is liberated from rebirths due to achieving moksha, or realization of the
immortal Absolute. Desire for liberation of earthly existence is the desire to be freed of earthly despair.
The caste system, originally described in the Vedas, but much abused and maligned over the years, is nothing but a representation of an efficient human
society. The four castes described in the scriptures are– the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras. According to the Vedas, an
efficient human society is based on the strength of its educational/knowledge–pursuit system
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Hinduism Research Paper
Hinduism: A Realm Outside of My Own
To get from South India to South Florida, normally, a person would need to travel roughly 15,117 km or 9,394 miles. Being that it is hardly just a
hop, skip, and a jump away, members of the South Florida community, who are also a part of the Hindu community, desperately wanted a place where
they could feel close to their motherland and yet remain near their newfound homes. To ensure this dream would become a reality, devotees gathered
funds and support from friends and families to build what would later be known as the South Florida Hindu Temple. Interestingly, this temple,
dissimilar to many others in the country, was built strictly from love and charity. All of the funds used to create the holy more content...
While it may be argued that all religions, at their core, are tolerant, I have personally never felt so welcomed in a community where I expected to be
an outsider. With my mind at ease and my defenses lowered, I could finally completely open myself up to the beliefs of these gentle people. One of the
main truths of Hinduism is that there is one "supreme being", a God, if you will, that is made up of everything and in turn makes up everything.
This truth is the basis for many, if not all, of the other truths found in Hinduism. For example, another Hindu belief is that all life is to be
preserved, cherished, and valued equally. With that being said, Hindus are expected to practice ahimsa or nonviolence; that is by action or by
word. In a Hindu's mind to be violent or disrespectful towards anything and anyone would be the equivalent of being violent or disrespectful to
God; considering whoever or whatever you are disrespecting is made from the essence of the "supreme being". Hinduism is known for its many
gods and goddesses or deities that devotees worship on a daily basis. In fact, it is not uncommon to find that a wife holds preference to a deity and her
husband another. However, there are different sects, such as Shaivism and Vaishnavism, where one deity is primarily worshiped. The South Florida
Hindu Temple falls under a different sect; Smartism. In the Smartism sect, devotees are allowed to show preference to whichever deity they
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Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Essay
Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India
Huge population, pollution, peace, snakes, saris, dance, curry, and religion are probably the most popular words that come up when we think about
India. India is a well–known country. Although it is a relatively poor country, it has a rich and diverse culture.India is populated by approximately 953
million people. It has been a home for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity. The first four
mentioned above originated in India (Finegan 151). Seventy percent of the populations are Hindus. In fact, Hinduism is the oldest and third largest
religion in the world. Hinduism has deeply influenced Indian society, for several reasons: it has a long history more content...
Hindus believe that one's kharma can determine how one's next life will be. Kharma literally means labor. It means the sum of what one does in life,
both the good deeds and bad deeds.
Hinduism has been in India forever. Nobody knows exactly how this religion started. P.N. Chopra notes in his Religions and Communities of India
that India is a hallowed and sacred land for Hindus (17). It has been in India for thousands of years. It started somewhere between 4000 and 2200
BCE, in the civilization of the Indus Valley. In one of the places where the civilization of the world started, the Mahenjo
–Daro and Harappa, which was
laid along the Indus valley gave so many evidences about the existence of this religion. The archeologists have found the three–faced god on the Indus
seal is similar to the god Siva that is very foremost in Hinduism until today (Finegan 49). They also found some metal sculptures from the pre–Harappa
era that show their worship to gods and goddess. Hinduism is an old religion and nobody is sure about when it exactly started, and it does not hold
one specific person to be its founder. The long history of Hinduism in India makes it really rooted in India. Even Sharma states that if Hinduism is
look like natural and very old, it is because of the age that may be older than civilization (36). The long history of Hinduism in India has been effecting
its strength. Although there were
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Research Paper On Hinduism
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. It is also the 3rd most popular religion. Originating in Northern India by a group of people known as
Brahmins. Hinduism is a very complex culture that has been around for thousands of years. Teachings are based on ancient Aryon practices. Hindus are
born into a caste and remain in those castes there whole lives. Hinduism is a culture that believes in 4 goals. They worship many gods but believe in
one powerful god. Worshiping takes place in a Hindu Temple, where people gather to worship. Hindus bring offerings to the gods when worshiping.
Offerings include water, fruit, flowers, and incense.
Hinduism follows a caste system also known as a social order. They believe people are different and fit in different aspects of society. Hindus are born
into a caste and remain more content...
Dharma means righteousness and is the first goal in human life. Dharma is a very challenging task to achieve and exists in all levels of creation.
Austerity, cleanliness, mercy, and truthfulness are all parts of dharma. Artha means wealth and is the second most important adjective. Artha is
wealth in all forms and householder needs wealth to fulfill the needs of family and society. Hinduism recognizes the importance of wealth for
overall happiness and well being to each individual. Kama is pleasure mainly in a sensual sense. Kama is considered to be the root cause of human
suffering. Not a single thing goes unnoticed and should be done not expecting a reward or gift. According to Hinduism sexual activity is prohibited.
Sexual desire is fulfilled for procreation, continuation of family, and social order. Moksha means absence of delusion. This is the most important goal
for living. Moksha can begin at any time of a person's life, and becomes important the older someone gets. By understanding Moksha we can understand
why dharma is important. In Hinduism everything is governed by
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The History of Hinduism Essay
The word Hindu has evolved from being the word the Persians used for the Indus River in 500 BC to the accepted name for the primary religion of
India this name was originally given by foreign rulers and ultimately used by Europeans in the 1500's as the official name of the religion. History plays
an important part of Hinduism because new developments reinterpret an update past practices rather than end them. The Hindu religion is broke down
into three periods the Vedic period, the Upanishadic period, the classical period, and the devotional period.
The Vedic period lasted from 1500 to 600 BCE. The Dravidian civilization was located in the Indus Valley of northwest India, this area is now known
as Pakistan. The Dravidians were more content...
The Upanishad scriptures suggest that followers exercise their body and mind. These exercises become more important to Hindu practice as time
goes by. Through the teachings of Upanishads there is a spiritual essence called "Brahman". Brahman is a single world soul that is the base of all
physical matter, energy, time and space. Brahman is all things on earth and beyond. It is thought that a person's inner soul known as the "atman", is
part of Brahman and therefore; a person's innermost soul is part of the single world soul. The meditation associated with the search for perfect
knowledge has evolved into a permanent aspect of Hinduism and is known as "Yoga". During this period Buddhism and Jainism were created as
additional ways of reaching enlightenment while denying key teachings and practices.
The Classical period lasted from 400 – 600 BCE. There was a change in rule which affected all of India during this period. The Mauryan dynasty was
pro Buddhist and extended Aryan rule to all of India. There was an increase in the number of conversions to Buddhism and Jainism. The rising
number of converts caused the Hindu religion to integrate foreign elements into Hindu tradition. The scriptures of Veda was now deemed compatible
with the Upanishadic teachings and added into the Vedic body of scriptures. Due to a caste system upper classes accepted the tradition of the lower
class and controlled the way lower class
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Diversity In Hinduism
In Hinduism, Hindus believe in religion for the reasons of what they are expected to do in life and in the future: "Hinduism became one of the
world's most complex religions with countless Gods and Goddesses and many forms of worship existing side by side. Despite this diversity, all
Hindus share certain basic beliefs" (Ellis 76). In other words, having all Hindus have the same basic beliefs, which are Dharma, Karma, and
Samsara lead to why they believe in religion. The diversity gave the Hindus the opportunity share and worship many gods and goddesses. Along the
same lines, Dharma belongs to the world and to the individual as well. Saying that they believe in completing their own duties having their own
responsibility to balance his or her own dharma. Therefore, they believe in religion also to achieve by living a life of religious devotion and moral more content...
In Christianity, Christians believe in religion because of the bible and having respect on just God: "The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative
written Word of God penned by man with the leading of the Holy Spirit." In other words, Christians believe in religion due to the fact that they focus
and believe entirely about the bible, which gives them the focus on the one God and his
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Essay on Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism
Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism
While Hinduism and Buddhism come from the same cultural backgrounds, they are extremely diverse in their beliefs on afterlife, deity, and rituals.
Both religions believe in reincarnation, but it is where an individual goes after he or she gets off the endless cycle that differs. These religions also
part when it comes to whom they do or do not worship. Every religion comes with rituals and Hinduism and Buddhism are no exceptions.
Hindu followers have no doubt they go to moksha after they accomplish redemption, but Buddhists believe that the main goal is to achieve nirvana in
the afterlife. A Hindu can conquer redemption by living a life of asceticism. After becoming a Sadhu, or holy man, and more
The Eight–Fold Path essentially states pupils should have the right knowledge, speech, aspirations, behavior, livelihood, efforts, mindfulness, and know
self–concentration. Following the Eight–Fold Path leads to achieving nirvana.
Another distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism is their concepts of deity. Although Hinduism claims to be a monotheistic religion, worshiping
only Brahma Nerguna, Hindus worship 33 million other gods that are aspects of Brahma Nerguna. Some of the most common gods or aspects are
Ganesha, Vishnu, and Shiva. Ganesha is the god of good luck, Vishnu is the god of families, health, and children, and Shiva is the destroyer. Buddhism
has different branches that seem to contradict its original teachings. Some Buddhists worship Buddha, while the remainder of Buddhist think of
Buddha as just a man and follow his teachings.
An additional polarity of Hindus and Buddhists are their unique rituals and practices. The most fundamental ceremonies for every Hindu are those
that involve the rites of passage. These begin with the first time a child eats solid food. The last rites are the funeral ceremonies and the yearly
offerings to dead ancestors. Rotating prayer wheels is a ritual of Tibetan Buddhists. The prayer wheels have inscribed mantras or sacred chants. The
wheel is believed to release benevolent forces and acquire merit for the worshipper.
Hinduism and Buddhism have a variety of different beliefs. In Hinduism you become one
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Hinduism Research Paper
There are many religions that relate to one another in more ways than one. Hinduism is a very interesting religion to study. There is a lot of history
know in Hinduism. Hindu's themselves believe in many different rituals and activities that will bring enlightenment to their souls. This one religion
bases most of its religious aspect on the end, in death. What is interesting about this is Hindus spend a lot of time doing certain rituals to cleanse their
souls so they can achieve peace. This religion alone also has a very interesting line of gods they worship. This paper will explain these different
concepts, beginning with a Hindu's life story..
Samsara is an endless cycle in a human's life. Karma, spiritual results of actions, moksha, more content...
Karma, Jnana, Ashtanga/Raja, and Bhakti yoga. Karma yoga are self centered activities that, later on, link to a greater objective. It usually
requires some amount of sacrifice for use in the next life. This form usually enjoys worldly pleasures. Jnana yoga promotes philosophical wisdom
and knowledge. This type is usually in a secluded space to study, with minimal activity. Ashtanga or Raja yoga are divided into eight essential
stages. Most modern day yoga is based off of this. This yoga requires some difficult standards to people to participate in. It is said to have mystic
power to become "smaller than the smallest." Lastly, Bhakti yoga is a path to devotional service. This is a combination of all types of yoga. This is a
recommended practice to those emotional people as a symbolic worship
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Religion: Hinduism and Islam Essay
Hinduism and Islam are two largely practiced religions, specifically in India and the subcontinents. Both Hinduism and Islam have unique practices
and traditions, which can vary depending on the town, region or people. They share a common belief in a supreme god, that being either Brahma or
Allah respectively. The traditions differ on the central texts used, as well as differences in the process of reaching the afterlife and basic beliefs.
Although, Hinduism might be regarded by some as a polytheistic religion in its most basic form Hinduism is based around one deity. The Brahma is the
god that all of the other gods are derived from and each god is a manifestation of the one being. There are four other main deities, aside from Brahma, more content...
Allah is the creator of everything and is held in the highest regard for Islamic people. Although there is one god, there are a multitude of prophets
who bring the word of God to the Muslim people much like the multiple deities who come from Brahma. It is believed that God sent multiple
prophets to tell of the last and most significant prophet, Muhammad. These prophets also preached the Oneness of God and would tell followers to
avoid sin. Muhammad, who is believed to be a prophet of God, is considered the last prophet sent by god to the Muslim people. Muhammad is
believed to have brought the word of God through the Qur'an. The Prophets' life started in Mecca where he grew up orphaned. During his life,
specifically in the month of Ramadan, he would spend time in a cave outside Mecca where he originally received revelations about the sacred text.
Originally Muhammad found little success preaching God's word but eventually gained a following of Muslim people, which would turn into the
tradition it is today. Although their belief in a supreme god aligns in bothIslam and Hinduism, the traditions differ on the texts used centrally in each
practice. The Veda, written between 1750 BCE and 600 BCE are ancient scriptures, which are the sacred texts of Hinduism. One of the forms the
Veda is the Shruti, which is "that which was heard" and the other form is the Vedir seers or Rishis which means "saw". The Veda is split into four
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To begin, my part of the project focused on the gods Krishna, Parvati and Shiva and these three gods play a significant role in Hinduism. Hinduism
has many deities within this religion and it is most commonly practiced in South Asia in countries such as India. Hinduism currently has over 900
million followers. The first topic, in my essay, I am going to compare and contrastHinduism from the Abrahamic religions to Hinduism. Most
religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism have a founder and a main religious text but Hinduism on the other hand is unique in its own way. In
the second topic I am going to talk about the gods that I chose for my part in the project. The god Krishna in Hinduism is one of the most popular
gods of the more content...
Because Hinduism was started in India, some are offshoots of it, one is considered to be a direct link of it and the others are movements of it based
on a certain guru they follow. Here are some of the religions that are similar to Hinduism, Buddhism and the movements are Hare–Krishna's and
followers of both the Sai Baba gurus. Here are some of things that make Buddhism and Hinduism similar, both believe in reincarnation and practice
different kinds of yoga. Another thing that is common between the two is that Ashoka Gautama was a Hindu and he is the founder of Buddhism and
his religion still incorporates some of the practices that are from Hinduism. Hare–Krishna is a movement that was founded in the U.S. in recent times
and they focus their belief on Krishna. The founder of this movement was A.C. Bhaktivedanta and he was told to bring the teachings he learned to
the west to spread the word and spark interest to join this movement. Their teachings come primarily from the Bhagavad gita and another text.
Another thing that they practice is they view the cow very sacred and are vegetarians just like other Hindus. Also they are very small in numbers
but they do have their own temples. This group is similar because of how they look at only one part of the yoga's Bhakti, but they do follow
everything else of the religion. Another movement of Hinduism, are the followers of Satya Sai Baba and believed he was the reincarnation of the
god Shiva and also a living god. He was also known for saying he performed miracles just like the god Krishna did, but there was a lot of speculation
that he didn't. Also he was well known for his philanthropy on providing clean water in rural areas of India and has other projects that are currently
going on. The other one is the original Sai Baba, his name is Sai Baba of Shirdi and he also was a spiritual
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Hinduism, Islam, And Hinduism Essay
Religious activities have diversified across the world in the recent past. These activities are often based on the beliefs of particular groups of people
that are often geared toward upholding the social graces that make a society prosper. Each religion has its unique features that differentiate it from
other religions across the world. The beliefs and practices of various religions often follow a set of principles laid by the founders of that religion. In
most cases, these principles often have a primary theme that they tend to support. The major religions that are practiced b many people across the
world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. The three religions are practiced in different parts of the world depending on the beliefs of the population
in a particular part of the world. Hinduism is a religion that is dominant in South Asia. In particular, the Hindu religion is mostly practiced in India than
in other countries. Ranked as the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam, the religion often has rules and principles that are embraced by the
Indians and other small groups with the interest in professing the Hindu region. The religion has set out various traditions that ought to be followed by
all people who wish to profess it. In particular, the religion's traditions include Shaivism, Vaihanivism as well as Shaktivism among numerous other
traditions. The religion further has a broad spectrum of rule and regulations as well as prescriptions
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Hinduism Essay
Hinduism Hinduism, known today as Sanatana Dharma, originated primarily in India and is the oldest religion in history. Unlike Christianity,
Hinduism cannot be dated back so it is unknown exactly when this religion came about. Hinduism is often broken down into three different groups
which express Brahman in different forms. Hindus recognize one God known to them as Brahman. Brahman is the creator of everything and is present
in everything. Brahman represents many different gods. There are three gods that have a major influence over the religion, they are Vishnu, who is the
preserver along with his three incarnations Rama, Krishna and Narasimha; Shiva, the destroyer; and Sakti, the Mother of Goddesses, also known as
Parvati, more content...
On thing that has remained relatively the same is the organized functioning of India's society which includes a clear division of labor among four
major occupational groups; this later became known as the caste system. The purpose of the caste system is to uplift people from worldly
concerns and to encourage them to behave according to the higher laws. This division of labor that is represented by the caste system is a strong
part of Sanatana Dharma's emphasis on social duties and the sacrifice of an individuals desires for the sake of the social structure. This religion
consists of many other things that influence the culture as well. Such as arranged marriages which are different than a forced marriage. In an
arranged marriage both parents of each the bride and the groom believe that there son and daughter are compatible and could form a lifelong
partnership. The bride and the groom both must agree to the ceremony before it occurs. Hindu scriptures prohibit any use of physical punishment or
blackmail should either party disagree to the marriage. Hindu's believe in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth also known as samsara. This cycle they
believe is controlled by what they call karma. They believe that each time they are reborn they are born again as a hire being than there last form on
earth. This is because of karma. If in a person's life they perform, think, and desire only good things than when death comes they
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Hinduism Essay
In India there are six orthodox schools of philosophy which recognize the authority of the Vedas as divine revelation, and they generally function as
pairs – Nyaya and Vaishesika, Mimamsa and Vedanta, and Samkhya and Yoga. Those who did not recognize this authority were the Jains, Buddhists,
and materialists. Even in India where spiritual ideas dominate the culture there were some who were skeptical of those ideals and held to a materialist
view of the world; they were called Carvaka, and their doctrine that this world is all that exists is called Lokayata.
The materialists did not believe in an afterlife and found sense perception to be the only source of knowledge, denying the validity of inference or
general concepts. more content...
How can fasting, begging, penance, and exposure to the elements be compared to the ravishing embraces of women with large eyes and prominent
breasts? The pleasures of life are no more to be avoided because they are mixed with pain than a prudent person would throw away unpeeled rice
because it has a husk. Sacrifices, reciting the Vedas, and penance are merely ways thatignorant and weak men contrive to support themselves.
Yet upon analysis it was often found that the materialists' theory that no general inferences can be made contradicted their own views about the nature
of the world. Nevertheless their hedonistic philosophy at times gave a humanistic criticism of the ethical contradictions of others. In the great epic
Mahabharata a Carvaka is burned to death for preaching against the bloodshed of the great war and condemning Yudhishthira for killing thousands to
regain his kingdom. They did criticize sacrifices and valued the arts as a means of pleasure. Hell they believed to be the pain experienced in this
world, but all this ended in death. Like Epicureans they found that pleasure could be maximized and pain minimized by detachment (vairagya).
Immortality was only found in the fame one leaves behind for noble deeds performed.
Nyaya and Vaishesika
The Nyaya and Vaishesika schools are primarily analytic and are therefore more concerned with logic and epistemology than ethics. The word nyaya
means that by which the
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Essay on Hinduism and Buddhism
Throughout the world, different nations have different beliefs or religion. Some religions evolve from others, and others are combination of other
religions. Religion is a way of life, a lifestyle; it should dictate how you live your life. For instance, in India, Buddhism evolved from Hinduism, a
religion were people believe in 300, 000 gods. Even though, Hinduism and Buddhism have different similarities such as believes in god, soul, and
rituals, which in some ways connected to each other, both religions believe of what happens after life.
Although Buddhism evolved from Hinduism it differs from Hinduism in god beliefs. According to Buddhists there is no God, but they reverence the
Buddha and his teachings as though he were more content...
Vishnu, to his worshipers, is all–powerful and supreme. He is believed to be to god from whose navel a lotus sprang giving birth to Brahma, the
creator. Vishnu created the universe by separating the heavens and the earth and has rescued it on a number of occasions. As Hopfe and Woodward
state "Vishnu is known as a god of love, benevolence, and forgiveness (Hinduism 94)." " In some incarnations, he has come as a man." (94). The third
popular god is Brahma, the creator of the world.
Since Buddhism and Hinduism have different believes they also have different holy days. Moreover, because Hindus worship variety of gods they
have a variety of festivals. The three main festivals of Hinduism are: Holi, Divali, and Dasehra. Holi is the most popular festival. This holy day is
celebrated each year during February–March to welcome spring. "Holi is dedicated to god Krishna and it was once a fertility ceremony (104)."
Throughout the days of Holi, many of the casts and taboo restrictions are set aside and pleasure is emphasized. The second ceremony Divali,
celebrated in November, is a festival to welcome a new year. Finally the third festival, the Dasehra, celebrated up to nine days in October, in honor of
Durga, a consort of Shiva. On the other hand Buddhism is divided in many ways according to philosophy and geography. The major festivals that are
celebrated by most Buddhists are New Year, Buddha's birthday, the festival of souls, and robe offering. In
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Essay on Hinduism
The Hindu religion and culture is a very complex subject. The Hindu religion combines rich ethnical and standard beliefs. We will take a closer look
and try to understand the Hindu religion and culture. The Hindu religion is the oldest religion of the five major religions, which are Islam, Christianity,
Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism (Major World Religions, 2006). The Hindu religion began to develop about 4.000 years ago in India, but it there
was no single founder or system of belief (Major World Religions, 2006). There are many diverse and various Gods in the Hindu religion. One of the
most important beliefs is the theory of karma, which holds that all beings, human or animal have karma which determines which soul is for which body more content...
Hindus have to be patient in their religion to achieve their peacefulness. Hindus are also known to be very friendly. Having such characteristics would
greatly empower our whole society no matter what religion someone is from. My interviewee Tony Khanna, a fellow co–worker, took me to his temple
he goes to worship, on a Sunday evening. He took me to the Sri Meenakshi Devasthanam located in Pearland, Texas. The first thing I noticed upon
arrival at the temple is the beautiful architectural building design outside. I was in amazement of how beautiful the temple was. I had not seen
something so beautiful in quite awhile. The temple is visible from a quite a distance away and has two stunning white towers. When coming up to
the temple from the parking lot Tony indicated to me that the temple was established in 1977 and was a replica of a famous temple in India. There
was a huge white gate we had to walk through to get to the main temple. Once inside I was greeted by many Hindu's that were quite pleasant and
talkative towards this outsider that I was. Before the visit one of my questions to Tony was if Hindu's welcomed outsiders within their temples. He
indicated that Hindu's are very open and that I would be welcomed. I was quite surprised for this to be so true. With in the confines of the temple
there were many different kinds of symbols that I was not quite familiar with. A couple that I noted was a Diya, Om, and Swastika. There were
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Hinduism Essay
November 19, 1997 By Jordan Bruins Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally
hundreds of gods, symbolistic rituals and beliefs. It is believed to have been established around 1500 B.C. but no one person founded Hinduism as it
evolved over a long period of time. Buddhism on the other hand has a definite founder, Siddhartha Gautama who is otherwise known as the Buddha or
Enlightened One who lived from 565 to 483 B.C. Both these religions originated in India. Siddhartha Gautama was a Hindu who found Hindu theology
lacking and after years of searching for truth created a religion now known more content...
The ultimate goal is to achieve Nirvana. There are numerous rudimentary similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. In
Buddhism the place of women is an inferior one which stems from traditional, cultural, and social values of Asia. Although females can
accumulate good karma, they can rarely attain Nirvana and therefore must wait until they are born as men. In Hinduism the role of women is
downgraded as well and no act is to be done according to her own will. A woman must always be cheerful and clever in the household business and
keep the furniture well cleaned. She must always have a free hand. She must have only one husband, even if he dies. If a woman commits
adultery, she must be burned to death and all property a couple may acquire belongs to the male. Buddhists preach compassion, charity and
nonviolence and while Hindus profess pacifism and ahimsa which is the avoidance of harm to people and animals they still believe war is
justifiable in certain cases. They see it as their duty to fight in a just war. Harming others is wrong but if refusing go to war will cause undue
suffering to others, then violent acts are justifiable. "There is no greater good for a warrior than to fight in a righteous war" (Bhagavad
Gita 2:31) Many Buddhist beliefs and goals are similar if not the same as Hindu beliefs and goals. The concept that life
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Individualism : Hinduism And Hinduism
It can be said that a religion of particular cultures reflects the psychology of that culture(Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). In other words, the
philosophy and opinions of a group when combined again for to the religion the following. So by studying a particular religion, we can thereby get a
feel for the philosophy and psychology of a culture.
Eastern philosophies and religions have long been against the idea of individualism (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). Hinduism for instance,
believes that individualism is an illusion (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). It is the collective that holds the power in such beliefs. The idea that an
individual is any different from the collective is considered to be a naГЇve view. It is not that the philosophy discounts the existence of the individual, it
only goes against the fact that an individual is somehow different from the collective. In other words an individual is part of the whole, and thus the
feeling and sense of identity is an illusion (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249).
Hinduism originated in India not through the works of any specific founder but from the various ways of living that existed in ancient India. Hinduism
recognizes many different cultural structures and authorities, though the highest authorities are recognized as the Vedas. The Ramayana, Mahabharata
and Bhagavad–gita are other recognized authorities that are of lesser impact.
"Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple
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Hinduism Essay
Hinduism – stands for the faith and the way of life most of the people who live in India.
Hinduism is such an ancient religion that it had many types of beliefs and religious practices. Around 1750 BC Aryan invaders from central Asia
settled in North – West India and introduced their own religious ideas.
Slowly the Hindu came to accept the idea of the existence of an eternal supreme being. They called this being, Brahman. Hindus also worship different
gods which individually represent one particular aspect of Brahman. The most popular one of the lesser gods are Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the
preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer)
Hinduism has no founder. It is a religion that more content...
His upper right hand is holding a drum (to beat the rhythm of the time) while the upper left hand holds a flames (element of destruction).
His second right hand is raised for blessing, while his second left hand points to the raised left foot (symbolizes release). The right foot treads on a
dwarf that represents ignorance and spiritual blindness.
Life Before and After Death
A Hindu believes and hopes that eventually his soul will join with
Brahman. They welcome death as a step towards gaining this everlasting union with him. They believe that their souls were never born and therefore
never dies, but it moves on from one body to another. This movement form one body to another in the cycle of birth death and re–birth is called
reincarnation. This belief that a person will be born again following the death is linked with the law of karma. They also believe that the type of
existence a person will experience in the next life depends on the good and bad karma built up in the previous life. The white cows are considered
holy because they believe that they are a symbol of "atman", which means the soul in all living things.
The Caste System
A caste is a group of people with a particular place in society. Hindu people are born into their caste, wether high or low, they must accept their place
without question. This means that a person can only be born a Hindu. To maintain purity Hindus can only
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Essay Hinduism
Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions in existence (Srinivasan 66). It ranks as the third largest religion. Today there are about fifty million
Hindus worldwide, majority of them living in India (Wangu 6). In order to understand the followers of the religion, you must first realize that
Hinduism is more of a way of life than a religion (Srinivasan 66). Hinduism holds together diversity and not only for its own spiritual tradition, but for
the entire subcontinent of
India (Berry 3). All traditions within India are somehow associated with Hinduism. "The diversity which marks Hinduism begins with the notion of
deity" (Boraks 14). "There is a strange kind of unity in the vast multiplicity of the Hindu pantheon" (14). " more content...
"One of the four Vedascontains hymns, chants and praises to gods" (Wangu 9).
"Another Vedas serves as a guidebook for rituals and priestly behavior" (9). "A third offers information on magic and charms that can be used as
blessings or curses, and the fourth gives musical notes to be chanted while performing rituals" (9). The latest of the shruti texts are the Upanishads
(Wangu 9). The Upanishads were written around 700 – 500 BC (9). Most of the Upanishads are written in the form of dialogue, possibly between a
teacher and a student (9). The most important concepts explained in the Upanishads are the concepts of karma – the belief that ones beliefs will later
have an affect in this life or another life, samsara – reincarnation, and moksha – release from the cycles of samsara (9). In the texts of the Upanishads
one finds more of the philosophical outlook of Hinduism, especially concerning the ,meaning of life and the value of suffering (Boraks 17). These two
groups of books are the principal doctrines of the Hindu faith (Wangu 10). All of the works that come after the Vedas and Upanishads are smriti texts
(10). The smriti texts include epics, Puranas, Sutras, Shastras, and devotional Bhakti songs
(Wangu 10). Two great smriti epics that have had a significant influence on Hinduism are the
Mahabharata and the Ramayana (10). These two epics have undergone numerous changes throughout the centuries
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Essay About Hinduism

  • 1. Essay about Hinduism What is Hinduism? Sanatana Dharma, otherwise known as Hinduism, means "eternal religion". Defining Hinduism may be difficult due to multiple variations of religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, which have steamed from Sanatana Dharma beliefs. Instead of focusing on a direct definition of Hinduism, it might be easier to identify Hindu philosophies and key practices that make up Hindu beliefs. Is it a religion or is it a culture? The truth is – it is both a religion and a way of life. Hinduism is also known as "Sanatana Dharma" to Hindus. Hinduism was founded and in India. India gave to the world the original, oldest and most profound philosophy of life. The brilliant ancestors of present–day Indians explored the Truth more content... Since Hindu beliefs are based on Vedic literature, Hinduism is vital to the preservation of early Indian history and beliefs. The four main parts of the Veda are the Rig–veda, Yajur–veda, Sama–veda, and Atharva–veda. Hinduism is influenced by all four parts of the Veda and the Veda is held sacred in Hindu religion. The Veda is what would be comparable to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran but is Hindu belief. All four parts of the Veda include separate, but related, philosophies. Since Vedic literature is vast it is important to know what the focus of the Veda is, Absolute Reality. Absolute Reality is liberation from the material world with the understanding of one's Self and what cannot be experienced through the five senses. Liberation is obtained through numerous reincarnations of the soul into other life forms until the soul is liberated from rebirths due to achieving moksha, or realization of the immortal Absolute. Desire for liberation of earthly existence is the desire to be freed of earthly despair. The caste system, originally described in the Vedas, but much abused and maligned over the years, is nothing but a representation of an efficient human society. The four castes described in the scriptures are– the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras. According to the Vedas, an efficient human society is based on the strength of its educational/knowledge–pursuit system Get more content on
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  • 3. Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Essay Cultural Impact of Hinduism in India Huge population, pollution, peace, snakes, saris, dance, curry, and religion are probably the most popular words that come up when we think about India. India is a well–known country. Although it is a relatively poor country, it has a rich and diverse culture.India is populated by approximately 953 million people. It has been a home for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity. The first four mentioned above originated in India (Finegan 151). Seventy percent of the populations are Hindus. In fact, Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion in the world. Hinduism has deeply influenced Indian society, for several reasons: it has a long history more content... Hindus believe that one's kharma can determine how one's next life will be. Kharma literally means labor. It means the sum of what one does in life, both the good deeds and bad deeds. Hinduism has been in India forever. Nobody knows exactly how this religion started. P.N. Chopra notes in his Religions and Communities of India that India is a hallowed and sacred land for Hindus (17). It has been in India for thousands of years. It started somewhere between 4000 and 2200 BCE, in the civilization of the Indus Valley. In one of the places where the civilization of the world started, the Mahenjo –Daro and Harappa, which was laid along the Indus valley gave so many evidences about the existence of this religion. The archeologists have found the three–faced god on the Indus seal is similar to the god Siva that is very foremost in Hinduism until today (Finegan 49). They also found some metal sculptures from the pre–Harappa era that show their worship to gods and goddess. Hinduism is an old religion and nobody is sure about when it exactly started, and it does not hold one specific person to be its founder. The long history of Hinduism in India makes it really rooted in India. Even Sharma states that if Hinduism is look like natural and very old, it is because of the age that may be older than civilization (36). The long history of Hinduism in India has been effecting its strength. Although there were Get more content on
  • 4. Research Paper On Hinduism Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. It is also the 3rd most popular religion. Originating in Northern India by a group of people known as Brahmins. Hinduism is a very complex culture that has been around for thousands of years. Teachings are based on ancient Aryon practices. Hindus are born into a caste and remain in those castes there whole lives. Hinduism is a culture that believes in 4 goals. They worship many gods but believe in one powerful god. Worshiping takes place in a Hindu Temple, where people gather to worship. Hindus bring offerings to the gods when worshiping. Offerings include water, fruit, flowers, and incense. Hinduism follows a caste system also known as a social order. They believe people are different and fit in different aspects of society. Hindus are born into a caste and remain more content... Dharma means righteousness and is the first goal in human life. Dharma is a very challenging task to achieve and exists in all levels of creation. Austerity, cleanliness, mercy, and truthfulness are all parts of dharma. Artha means wealth and is the second most important adjective. Artha is wealth in all forms and householder needs wealth to fulfill the needs of family and society. Hinduism recognizes the importance of wealth for overall happiness and well being to each individual. Kama is pleasure mainly in a sensual sense. Kama is considered to be the root cause of human suffering. Not a single thing goes unnoticed and should be done not expecting a reward or gift. According to Hinduism sexual activity is prohibited. Sexual desire is fulfilled for procreation, continuation of family, and social order. Moksha means absence of delusion. This is the most important goal for living. Moksha can begin at any time of a person's life, and becomes important the older someone gets. By understanding Moksha we can understand why dharma is important. In Hinduism everything is governed by Get more content on
  • 5. The History of Hinduism Essay The word Hindu has evolved from being the word the Persians used for the Indus River in 500 BC to the accepted name for the primary religion of India this name was originally given by foreign rulers and ultimately used by Europeans in the 1500's as the official name of the religion. History plays an important part of Hinduism because new developments reinterpret an update past practices rather than end them. The Hindu religion is broke down into three periods the Vedic period, the Upanishadic period, the classical period, and the devotional period. The Vedic period lasted from 1500 to 600 BCE. The Dravidian civilization was located in the Indus Valley of northwest India, this area is now known as Pakistan. The Dravidians were more content... The Upanishad scriptures suggest that followers exercise their body and mind. These exercises become more important to Hindu practice as time goes by. Through the teachings of Upanishads there is a spiritual essence called "Brahman". Brahman is a single world soul that is the base of all physical matter, energy, time and space. Brahman is all things on earth and beyond. It is thought that a person's inner soul known as the "atman", is part of Brahman and therefore; a person's innermost soul is part of the single world soul. The meditation associated with the search for perfect knowledge has evolved into a permanent aspect of Hinduism and is known as "Yoga". During this period Buddhism and Jainism were created as additional ways of reaching enlightenment while denying key teachings and practices. The Classical period lasted from 400 – 600 BCE. There was a change in rule which affected all of India during this period. The Mauryan dynasty was pro Buddhist and extended Aryan rule to all of India. There was an increase in the number of conversions to Buddhism and Jainism. The rising number of converts caused the Hindu religion to integrate foreign elements into Hindu tradition. The scriptures of Veda was now deemed compatible with the Upanishadic teachings and added into the Vedic body of scriptures. Due to a caste system upper classes accepted the tradition of the lower class and controlled the way lower class Get more content on
  • 6. Diversity In Hinduism In Hinduism, Hindus believe in religion for the reasons of what they are expected to do in life and in the future: "Hinduism became one of the world's most complex religions with countless Gods and Goddesses and many forms of worship existing side by side. Despite this diversity, all Hindus share certain basic beliefs" (Ellis 76). In other words, having all Hindus have the same basic beliefs, which are Dharma, Karma, and Samsara lead to why they believe in religion. The diversity gave the Hindus the opportunity share and worship many gods and goddesses. Along the same lines, Dharma belongs to the world and to the individual as well. Saying that they believe in completing their own duties having their own responsibility to balance his or her own dharma. Therefore, they believe in religion also to achieve by living a life of religious devotion and moral more content... In Christianity, Christians believe in religion because of the bible and having respect on just God: "The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative written Word of God penned by man with the leading of the Holy Spirit." In other words, Christians believe in religion due to the fact that they focus and believe entirely about the bible, which gives them the focus on the one God and his Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism While Hinduism and Buddhism come from the same cultural backgrounds, they are extremely diverse in their beliefs on afterlife, deity, and rituals. Both religions believe in reincarnation, but it is where an individual goes after he or she gets off the endless cycle that differs. These religions also part when it comes to whom they do or do not worship. Every religion comes with rituals and Hinduism and Buddhism are no exceptions. Hindu followers have no doubt they go to moksha after they accomplish redemption, but Buddhists believe that the main goal is to achieve nirvana in the afterlife. A Hindu can conquer redemption by living a life of asceticism. After becoming a Sadhu, or holy man, and more content... The Eight–Fold Path essentially states pupils should have the right knowledge, speech, aspirations, behavior, livelihood, efforts, mindfulness, and know self–concentration. Following the Eight–Fold Path leads to achieving nirvana. Another distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism is their concepts of deity. Although Hinduism claims to be a monotheistic religion, worshiping only Brahma Nerguna, Hindus worship 33 million other gods that are aspects of Brahma Nerguna. Some of the most common gods or aspects are Ganesha, Vishnu, and Shiva. Ganesha is the god of good luck, Vishnu is the god of families, health, and children, and Shiva is the destroyer. Buddhism has different branches that seem to contradict its original teachings. Some Buddhists worship Buddha, while the remainder of Buddhist think of Buddha as just a man and follow his teachings. An additional polarity of Hindus and Buddhists are their unique rituals and practices. The most fundamental ceremonies for every Hindu are those that involve the rites of passage. These begin with the first time a child eats solid food. The last rites are the funeral ceremonies and the yearly offerings to dead ancestors. Rotating prayer wheels is a ritual of Tibetan Buddhists. The prayer wheels have inscribed mantras or sacred chants. The wheel is believed to release benevolent forces and acquire merit for the worshipper. Hinduism and Buddhism have a variety of different beliefs. In Hinduism you become one
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  • 9. Hinduism Research Paper There are many religions that relate to one another in more ways than one. Hinduism is a very interesting religion to study. There is a lot of history know in Hinduism. Hindu's themselves believe in many different rituals and activities that will bring enlightenment to their souls. This one religion bases most of its religious aspect on the end, in death. What is interesting about this is Hindus spend a lot of time doing certain rituals to cleanse their souls so they can achieve peace. This religion alone also has a very interesting line of gods they worship. This paper will explain these different concepts, beginning with a Hindu's life story.. Samsara is an endless cycle in a human's life. Karma, spiritual results of actions, moksha, more content... Karma, Jnana, Ashtanga/Raja, and Bhakti yoga. Karma yoga are self centered activities that, later on, link to a greater objective. It usually requires some amount of sacrifice for use in the next life. This form usually enjoys worldly pleasures. Jnana yoga promotes philosophical wisdom and knowledge. This type is usually in a secluded space to study, with minimal activity. Ashtanga or Raja yoga are divided into eight essential stages. Most modern day yoga is based off of this. This yoga requires some difficult standards to people to participate in. It is said to have mystic power to become "smaller than the smallest." Lastly, Bhakti yoga is a path to devotional service. This is a combination of all types of yoga. This is a recommended practice to those emotional people as a symbolic worship Get more content on
  • 10. Religion: Hinduism and Islam Essay Hinduism and Islam are two largely practiced religions, specifically in India and the subcontinents. Both Hinduism and Islam have unique practices and traditions, which can vary depending on the town, region or people. They share a common belief in a supreme god, that being either Brahma or Allah respectively. The traditions differ on the central texts used, as well as differences in the process of reaching the afterlife and basic beliefs. Although, Hinduism might be regarded by some as a polytheistic religion in its most basic form Hinduism is based around one deity. The Brahma is the god that all of the other gods are derived from and each god is a manifestation of the one being. There are four other main deities, aside from Brahma, more content... Allah is the creator of everything and is held in the highest regard for Islamic people. Although there is one god, there are a multitude of prophets who bring the word of God to the Muslim people much like the multiple deities who come from Brahma. It is believed that God sent multiple prophets to tell of the last and most significant prophet, Muhammad. These prophets also preached the Oneness of God and would tell followers to avoid sin. Muhammad, who is believed to be a prophet of God, is considered the last prophet sent by god to the Muslim people. Muhammad is believed to have brought the word of God through the Qur'an. The Prophets' life started in Mecca where he grew up orphaned. During his life, specifically in the month of Ramadan, he would spend time in a cave outside Mecca where he originally received revelations about the sacred text. Originally Muhammad found little success preaching God's word but eventually gained a following of Muslim people, which would turn into the tradition it is today. Although their belief in a supreme god aligns in bothIslam and Hinduism, the traditions differ on the texts used centrally in each practice. The Veda, written between 1750 BCE and 600 BCE are ancient scriptures, which are the sacred texts of Hinduism. One of the forms the Veda is the Shruti, which is "that which was heard" and the other form is the Vedir seers or Rishis which means "saw". The Veda is split into four Get more content on
  • 11. Hinduism To begin, my part of the project focused on the gods Krishna, Parvati and Shiva and these three gods play a significant role in Hinduism. Hinduism has many deities within this religion and it is most commonly practiced in South Asia in countries such as India. Hinduism currently has over 900 million followers. The first topic, in my essay, I am going to compare and contrastHinduism from the Abrahamic religions to Hinduism. Most religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism have a founder and a main religious text but Hinduism on the other hand is unique in its own way. In the second topic I am going to talk about the gods that I chose for my part in the project. The god Krishna in Hinduism is one of the most popular gods of the more content... Because Hinduism was started in India, some are offshoots of it, one is considered to be a direct link of it and the others are movements of it based on a certain guru they follow. Here are some of the religions that are similar to Hinduism, Buddhism and the movements are Hare–Krishna's and followers of both the Sai Baba gurus. Here are some of things that make Buddhism and Hinduism similar, both believe in reincarnation and practice different kinds of yoga. Another thing that is common between the two is that Ashoka Gautama was a Hindu and he is the founder of Buddhism and his religion still incorporates some of the practices that are from Hinduism. Hare–Krishna is a movement that was founded in the U.S. in recent times and they focus their belief on Krishna. The founder of this movement was A.C. Bhaktivedanta and he was told to bring the teachings he learned to the west to spread the word and spark interest to join this movement. Their teachings come primarily from the Bhagavad gita and another text. Another thing that they practice is they view the cow very sacred and are vegetarians just like other Hindus. Also they are very small in numbers but they do have their own temples. This group is similar because of how they look at only one part of the yoga's Bhakti, but they do follow everything else of the religion. Another movement of Hinduism, are the followers of Satya Sai Baba and believed he was the reincarnation of the god Shiva and also a living god. He was also known for saying he performed miracles just like the god Krishna did, but there was a lot of speculation that he didn't. Also he was well known for his philanthropy on providing clean water in rural areas of India and has other projects that are currently going on. The other one is the original Sai Baba, his name is Sai Baba of Shirdi and he also was a spiritual Get more content on
  • 12. Hinduism, Islam, And Hinduism Essay Introduction Religious activities have diversified across the world in the recent past. These activities are often based on the beliefs of particular groups of people that are often geared toward upholding the social graces that make a society prosper. Each religion has its unique features that differentiate it from other religions across the world. The beliefs and practices of various religions often follow a set of principles laid by the founders of that religion. In most cases, these principles often have a primary theme that they tend to support. The major religions that are practiced b many people across the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. The three religions are practiced in different parts of the world depending on the beliefs of the population in a particular part of the world. Hinduism is a religion that is dominant in South Asia. In particular, the Hindu religion is mostly practiced in India than in other countries. Ranked as the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam, the religion often has rules and principles that are embraced by the Indians and other small groups with the interest in professing the Hindu region. The religion has set out various traditions that ought to be followed by all people who wish to profess it. In particular, the religion's traditions include Shaivism, Vaihanivism as well as Shaktivism among numerous other traditions. The religion further has a broad spectrum of rule and regulations as well as prescriptions Get more content on
  • 13. Hinduism Essay Hinduism Hinduism, known today as Sanatana Dharma, originated primarily in India and is the oldest religion in history. Unlike Christianity, Hinduism cannot be dated back so it is unknown exactly when this religion came about. Hinduism is often broken down into three different groups which express Brahman in different forms. Hindus recognize one God known to them as Brahman. Brahman is the creator of everything and is present in everything. Brahman represents many different gods. There are three gods that have a major influence over the religion, they are Vishnu, who is the preserver along with his three incarnations Rama, Krishna and Narasimha; Shiva, the destroyer; and Sakti, the Mother of Goddesses, also known as Parvati, more content... On thing that has remained relatively the same is the organized functioning of India's society which includes a clear division of labor among four major occupational groups; this later became known as the caste system. The purpose of the caste system is to uplift people from worldly concerns and to encourage them to behave according to the higher laws. This division of labor that is represented by the caste system is a strong part of Sanatana Dharma's emphasis on social duties and the sacrifice of an individuals desires for the sake of the social structure. This religion consists of many other things that influence the culture as well. Such as arranged marriages which are different than a forced marriage. In an arranged marriage both parents of each the bride and the groom believe that there son and daughter are compatible and could form a lifelong partnership. The bride and the groom both must agree to the ceremony before it occurs. Hindu scriptures prohibit any use of physical punishment or blackmail should either party disagree to the marriage. Hindu's believe in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth also known as samsara. This cycle they believe is controlled by what they call karma. They believe that each time they are reborn they are born again as a hire being than there last form on earth. This is because of karma. If in a person's life they perform, think, and desire only good things than when death comes they Get more content on
  • 14. Hinduism Essay Hinduism In India there are six orthodox schools of philosophy which recognize the authority of the Vedas as divine revelation, and they generally function as pairs – Nyaya and Vaishesika, Mimamsa and Vedanta, and Samkhya and Yoga. Those who did not recognize this authority were the Jains, Buddhists, and materialists. Even in India where spiritual ideas dominate the culture there were some who were skeptical of those ideals and held to a materialist view of the world; they were called Carvaka, and their doctrine that this world is all that exists is called Lokayata. The materialists did not believe in an afterlife and found sense perception to be the only source of knowledge, denying the validity of inference or general concepts. more content... How can fasting, begging, penance, and exposure to the elements be compared to the ravishing embraces of women with large eyes and prominent breasts? The pleasures of life are no more to be avoided because they are mixed with pain than a prudent person would throw away unpeeled rice because it has a husk. Sacrifices, reciting the Vedas, and penance are merely ways thatignorant and weak men contrive to support themselves. Yet upon analysis it was often found that the materialists' theory that no general inferences can be made contradicted their own views about the nature of the world. Nevertheless their hedonistic philosophy at times gave a humanistic criticism of the ethical contradictions of others. In the great epic Mahabharata a Carvaka is burned to death for preaching against the bloodshed of the great war and condemning Yudhishthira for killing thousands to regain his kingdom. They did criticize sacrifices and valued the arts as a means of pleasure. Hell they believed to be the pain experienced in this world, but all this ended in death. Like Epicureans they found that pleasure could be maximized and pain minimized by detachment (vairagya). Immortality was only found in the fame one leaves behind for noble deeds performed. Nyaya and Vaishesika The Nyaya and Vaishesika schools are primarily analytic and are therefore more concerned with logic and epistemology than ethics. The word nyaya means that by which the Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Hinduism and Buddhism Throughout the world, different nations have different beliefs or religion. Some religions evolve from others, and others are combination of other religions. Religion is a way of life, a lifestyle; it should dictate how you live your life. For instance, in India, Buddhism evolved from Hinduism, a religion were people believe in 300, 000 gods. Even though, Hinduism and Buddhism have different similarities such as believes in god, soul, and rituals, which in some ways connected to each other, both religions believe of what happens after life. Although Buddhism evolved from Hinduism it differs from Hinduism in god beliefs. According to Buddhists there is no God, but they reverence the Buddha and his teachings as though he were more content... Vishnu, to his worshipers, is all–powerful and supreme. He is believed to be to god from whose navel a lotus sprang giving birth to Brahma, the creator. Vishnu created the universe by separating the heavens and the earth and has rescued it on a number of occasions. As Hopfe and Woodward state "Vishnu is known as a god of love, benevolence, and forgiveness (Hinduism 94)." " In some incarnations, he has come as a man." (94). The third popular god is Brahma, the creator of the world. Since Buddhism and Hinduism have different believes they also have different holy days. Moreover, because Hindus worship variety of gods they have a variety of festivals. The three main festivals of Hinduism are: Holi, Divali, and Dasehra. Holi is the most popular festival. This holy day is celebrated each year during February–March to welcome spring. "Holi is dedicated to god Krishna and it was once a fertility ceremony (104)." Throughout the days of Holi, many of the casts and taboo restrictions are set aside and pleasure is emphasized. The second ceremony Divali, celebrated in November, is a festival to welcome a new year. Finally the third festival, the Dasehra, celebrated up to nine days in October, in honor of Durga, a consort of Shiva. On the other hand Buddhism is divided in many ways according to philosophy and geography. The major festivals that are celebrated by most Buddhists are New Year, Buddha's birthday, the festival of souls, and robe offering. In Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Hinduism The Hindu religion and culture is a very complex subject. The Hindu religion combines rich ethnical and standard beliefs. We will take a closer look and try to understand the Hindu religion and culture. The Hindu religion is the oldest religion of the five major religions, which are Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism (Major World Religions, 2006). The Hindu religion began to develop about 4.000 years ago in India, but it there was no single founder or system of belief (Major World Religions, 2006). There are many diverse and various Gods in the Hindu religion. One of the most important beliefs is the theory of karma, which holds that all beings, human or animal have karma which determines which soul is for which body more content... Hindus have to be patient in their religion to achieve their peacefulness. Hindus are also known to be very friendly. Having such characteristics would greatly empower our whole society no matter what religion someone is from. My interviewee Tony Khanna, a fellow co–worker, took me to his temple he goes to worship, on a Sunday evening. He took me to the Sri Meenakshi Devasthanam located in Pearland, Texas. The first thing I noticed upon arrival at the temple is the beautiful architectural building design outside. I was in amazement of how beautiful the temple was. I had not seen something so beautiful in quite awhile. The temple is visible from a quite a distance away and has two stunning white towers. When coming up to the temple from the parking lot Tony indicated to me that the temple was established in 1977 and was a replica of a famous temple in India. There was a huge white gate we had to walk through to get to the main temple. Once inside I was greeted by many Hindu's that were quite pleasant and talkative towards this outsider that I was. Before the visit one of my questions to Tony was if Hindu's welcomed outsiders within their temples. He indicated that Hindu's are very open and that I would be welcomed. I was quite surprised for this to be so true. With in the confines of the temple there were many different kinds of symbols that I was not quite familiar with. A couple that I noted was a Diya, Om, and Swastika. There were Get more content on
  • 17. Hinduism Essay –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– November 19, 1997 By Jordan Bruins Buddhism/Hinduism Comparison Report Hinduism is the oldest known religion and is very rich with literally hundreds of gods, symbolistic rituals and beliefs. It is believed to have been established around 1500 B.C. but no one person founded Hinduism as it evolved over a long period of time. Buddhism on the other hand has a definite founder, Siddhartha Gautama who is otherwise known as the Buddha or Enlightened One who lived from 565 to 483 B.C. Both these religions originated in India. Siddhartha Gautama was a Hindu who found Hindu theology lacking and after years of searching for truth created a religion now known more content... The ultimate goal is to achieve Nirvana. There are numerous rudimentary similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. In Buddhism the place of women is an inferior one which stems from traditional, cultural, and social values of Asia. Although females can accumulate good karma, they can rarely attain Nirvana and therefore must wait until they are born as men. In Hinduism the role of women is downgraded as well and no act is to be done according to her own will. A woman must always be cheerful and clever in the household business and keep the furniture well cleaned. She must always have a free hand. She must have only one husband, even if he dies. If a woman commits adultery, she must be burned to death and all property a couple may acquire belongs to the male. Buddhists preach compassion, charity and nonviolence and while Hindus profess pacifism and ahimsa which is the avoidance of harm to people and animals they still believe war is justifiable in certain cases. They see it as their duty to fight in a just war. Harming others is wrong but if refusing go to war will cause undue suffering to others, then violent acts are justifiable. "There is no greater good for a warrior than to fight in a righteous war" (Bhagavad Gita 2:31) Many Buddhist beliefs and goals are similar if not the same as Hindu beliefs and goals. The concept that life Get more content on
  • 18. Individualism : Hinduism And Hinduism It can be said that a religion of particular cultures reflects the psychology of that culture(Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). In other words, the philosophy and opinions of a group when combined again for to the religion the following. So by studying a particular religion, we can thereby get a feel for the philosophy and psychology of a culture. Eastern philosophies and religions have long been against the idea of individualism (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). Hinduism for instance, believes that individualism is an illusion (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). It is the collective that holds the power in such beliefs. The idea that an individual is any different from the collective is considered to be a naГЇve view. It is not that the philosophy discounts the existence of the individual, it only goes against the fact that an individual is somehow different from the collective. In other words an individual is part of the whole, and thus the feeling and sense of identity is an illusion (Cohen, Wu and Miller 1236–1249). Hinduism originated in India not through the works of any specific founder but from the various ways of living that existed in ancient India. Hinduism recognizes many different cultural structures and authorities, though the highest authorities are recognized as the Vedas. The Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad–gita are other recognized authorities that are of lesser impact. "Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple Get more content on
  • 19. Hinduism Essay Hinduism Introduction Hinduism – stands for the faith and the way of life most of the people who live in India. Hinduism is such an ancient religion that it had many types of beliefs and religious practices. Around 1750 BC Aryan invaders from central Asia settled in North – West India and introduced their own religious ideas. Slowly the Hindu came to accept the idea of the existence of an eternal supreme being. They called this being, Brahman. Hindus also worship different gods which individually represent one particular aspect of Brahman. The most popular one of the lesser gods are Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer) Hinduism has no founder. It is a religion that more content... His upper right hand is holding a drum (to beat the rhythm of the time) while the upper left hand holds a flames (element of destruction). His second right hand is raised for blessing, while his second left hand points to the raised left foot (symbolizes release). The right foot treads on a dwarf that represents ignorance and spiritual blindness. Life Before and After Death A Hindu believes and hopes that eventually his soul will join with Brahman. They welcome death as a step towards gaining this everlasting union with him. They believe that their souls were never born and therefore never dies, but it moves on from one body to another. This movement form one body to another in the cycle of birth death and re–birth is called reincarnation. This belief that a person will be born again following the death is linked with the law of karma. They also believe that the type of existence a person will experience in the next life depends on the good and bad karma built up in the previous life. The white cows are considered holy because they believe that they are a symbol of "atman", which means the soul in all living things.
  • 20. The Caste System A caste is a group of people with a particular place in society. Hindu people are born into their caste, wether high or low, they must accept their place without question. This means that a person can only be born a Hindu. To maintain purity Hindus can only Get more content on
  • 21. Essay Hinduism Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions in existence (Srinivasan 66). It ranks as the third largest religion. Today there are about fifty million Hindus worldwide, majority of them living in India (Wangu 6). In order to understand the followers of the religion, you must first realize that Hinduism is more of a way of life than a religion (Srinivasan 66). Hinduism holds together diversity and not only for its own spiritual tradition, but for the entire subcontinent of India (Berry 3). All traditions within India are somehow associated with Hinduism. "The diversity which marks Hinduism begins with the notion of deity" (Boraks 14). "There is a strange kind of unity in the vast multiplicity of the Hindu pantheon" (14). " more content... "One of the four Vedascontains hymns, chants and praises to gods" (Wangu 9). "Another Vedas serves as a guidebook for rituals and priestly behavior" (9). "A third offers information on magic and charms that can be used as blessings or curses, and the fourth gives musical notes to be chanted while performing rituals" (9). The latest of the shruti texts are the Upanishads (Wangu 9). The Upanishads were written around 700 – 500 BC (9). Most of the Upanishads are written in the form of dialogue, possibly between a teacher and a student (9). The most important concepts explained in the Upanishads are the concepts of karma – the belief that ones beliefs will later have an affect in this life or another life, samsara – reincarnation, and moksha – release from the cycles of samsara (9). In the texts of the Upanishads one finds more of the philosophical outlook of Hinduism, especially concerning the ,meaning of life and the value of suffering (Boraks 17). These two groups of books are the principal doctrines of the Hindu faith (Wangu 10). All of the works that come after the Vedas and Upanishads are smriti texts (10). The smriti texts include epics, Puranas, Sutras, Shastras, and devotional Bhakti songs (Wangu 10). Two great smriti epics that have had a significant influence on Hinduism are the Mahabharata and the Ramayana (10). These two epics have undergone numerous changes throughout the centuries Get more content on