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Presented by
Kirmal Masih
Medicinal Chemistry
March 25th
 Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known as Senile Dementia
of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) or simply Alzheimer’s is
the most common form of dementia. This incurable,
degenerative, terminal disease was first described by a
German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois
Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him.
 Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease
of the brain that is characterized by impairment of
memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning,
planning, language, and perception.
 Many scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease results
from an increase in the production or accumulation of a
specific protein (beta-amyloid protein) in the brain that
leads to nerve cell death.
 Generally, it is diagnosed in people over
65 years of age, although the less-prevalent
early onset of Alzheimer’s can occur much
 In 2006, there were 26.6 million sufferers
 Alzheimer’s is predicted to affect 1 in 85
people globally by 2050.
1) Early Stage
 This is considered as a mild/early stage and the
duration period is 2-4 years.
 Frequent recent memory loss, particularly of
recent conversations and events.
 Repeated questions, some problems expressing
and understanding language.
 Writing and using objects become difficult and
depression and apathy can occur.
 Drastic personality changes may accompany
functional decline.
 Need reminders for daily activities and
difficulties with sequencing impact driving early
in this stage.
2) Second stage
 This is considered as a middle/moderate stage and the duration
is 2-10 years.
 Can no longer cover up problems. 
 Pervasive and persistent memory loss impacts life across settings.
 Rambling speech, unusual reasoning, confusion about current
events, time, and place. 
 Potential to become lost in familiar settings, sleep disturbances,
and mood or behavioral symptoms accelerate.
 Nearly 80% of patients exhibit emotional and behavioral problems
which are aggravated by stress and change.
 Slowness, rigidity, tremors, and gait problems impact mobility
and coordination. 
 Need structure, reminders, and assistance with activities of daily
3) Moderate stage
 Increased memory loss and confusion.
 Problems recognizing family and friends.
 Inability to learn new things.
 Difficulty carrying out tasks that involve multiple
steps (such as getting dressed).
 Problems coping with new situations.
 Delusions and paranoia.
 Impulsive behavior.
 In moderate AD, damage occurs in areas of the
brain that control language, reasoning,
sensory processing, and conscious thought
4) Last stage
 This is considered as the severe stage and the
duration is 1-3 years.
 Confused about past and present. Loss of recognition
of familiar people and places
 Generally incapacitated with severe to total loss of
verbal skills.
 Unable to care for self.  Falls possible and immobility
 Problems with swallowing, incontinence, and illness.
 Extreme problems with mood, behavioral problems,
hallucinations, and delirium.
 Patients need total support and care, and often die
from infections or pneumonia
 Alzheimer's disease is usually diagnosed clinically
from the patient history, collateral history from
relatives, and clinical observations, based on the
presence of characteristic neurological and
neuropsychological features and the absence of
alternative conditions.
 Advanced medical imaging with computed
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and with single photon emission computer
tomography (SPECT) or positron emission tomography
(PET) can be used to help exclude other cerebral
pathology or subtypes of dementia.
 The diagnosis can be confirmed with very high
accuracy post-mortem when brain material is
available and can be examined histologically.
PET scan of the brain of a person with AD showing a loss
of function in the temporal lobe.
 Neuropsychological tests such as the mini-mental state
examination (MMSE) are widely used to evaluate the
cognitive impairments needed for diagnosis. More
comprehensive test arrays are necessary for high reliability
of results, particularly in the earliest stages of the
 Psychological tests for depression are employed, since
depression can either be concurrent with AD, an early sign
of cognitive impairment, or even the cause.
 When available as a diagnostic tool, SPECT and PET
neuroimaging are used to confirm a diagnosis of
Alzheimer's in conjunction with evaluations involving
mental status examination. In a person already having
dementia, SPECT appears to be superior in differentiating
Alzheimer's disease from other possible causes, compared
with the usual attempts employing mental testing and
medical history analysis.
 Scientists don’t yet fully understand what causes AD, but it
is clear that it develops because of a complex series of
events that take place in the brain over a long period of
time. It is likely that the causes include genetic,
environmental, and lifestyle factors.
 Some drug therapies propose that AD is caused by reduced
synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
 Other cholinergic effects have also been proposed, for
example, initiation of large-scale aggregation of amyloid
leading to generalized neuroinflammation.
 Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a build-up of
proteins in the brain. Though this cannot be measured in a
living person, extensive autopsy studies have revealed this
phenomenon. The build-up manifests in two ways:
 Plaques– deposits of the protein beta-amyloid that
accumulate in the spaces between nerve cells
 Tangles – deposits of the protein tau that
accumulate inside of nerve cells
Microscopy image of a neurofibrillary tangle, conformed by
hyperphosphorylated tau protein.
 Alzheimer's disease is characterised by loss of neurons and
synapses in the cerebral cortex and certain subcortical regions.
This loss results in gross atrophy of the affected regions,
including degeneration in the temporal lobe and parietal lobe,
and parts of the frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus.
 Both amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are clearly
visible by microscopy in brains of those afflicted by AD.
 Plaques are dense, mostly insoluble deposits of amyloid – beta
peptides and cellular material outside and around neurons.
 Tangles (neurofibrillary tangles) are aggregates of the
microtubule-associated protein tau which has become
hyperphosphorylated and accumulate inside the cells themselves.
 Although many older individuals develop some plaques and
tangles as a consequence of ageing, the brains of AD patients
have a greater number of them in specific brain regions such as
the temporal lobe.
 Alzheimer's disease has been identified as a protein misfolding disease
(proteopathy), caused by accumulation of abnormally folded A-beta and tau
proteins in the brain. Plaques are made up of small peptides, 39–43 amino acids in
length, called beta-amyloid (also written as A-beta or Aβ).
 Beta-amyloid is a fragment from a larger protein called amyloid precursor protein
(APP), a transmembrane protein that penetrates through the neuron's membrane.
 APP is critical to neuron growth, survival and post-injury repair. In Alzheimer's
disease, an unknown process causes APP to be divided into smaller fragments by
enzymes through proteolysis.
 One of these fragments gives rise to fibrils of beta-amyloid, which form clumps that
deposit outside neurons in dense formations known as senile plaques.
 AD is also considered a tauopathy due to abnormal aggregation of the tau protein.
Every neuron has a cytoskeleton, an internal support structure partly made up of
structures called microtubules.
 These microtubules act like tracks, guiding nutrients and molecules from the body
of the cell to the ends of the axon and back. A protein called tau stabilizes the
microtubules when phosphorylated, and is therefore called a microtubule-
associated protein.
 In AD, tau undergoes chemical changes, becoming hyperphosphorylated; it then
begins to pair with other threads, creating neurofibrillary tangles and disintegrating
the neuron's transport system.
Enzymes act on the APP (amyloid precursor protein) and
cut it into fragments. The beta-amyloid fragment is crucial
in the formation of senile plaques in AD.
 Exactly how disturbances of production and aggregation of the
beta amyloid peptide gives rise to the pathology of AD is not
known. The amyloid hypothesis traditionally points to the
accumulation of beta amyloid peptides as the central event
triggering neuron degeneration. Accumulation of aggregated
amyloid fibrils, which are believed to be the toxic form of the
protein responsible for disrupting the cell's calcium ion
homeostasis, induces programmed cell death (apoptosis).It is
also known that Aβ selectively builds up in the mitochondria in
the cells of Alzheimer's-affected brains, and it also inhibits
certain enzyme functions and the utilization of glucose by
 Various inflammatory processes and cytokines may also have a
role in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Inflammation is a
general marker of tissue damage in any disease, and may be
either secondary to tissue damage in AD or a marker of an
immunological response.
 Alterations in the distribution of different neurotrophic factors
and in the expression of their receptors such as the brain derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been described in AD
 Apolipoprotein E (APOE) found on
chromosome 19 appears to be a predisposing
genetic risk factor for the late on-set of AD –
the most typical AD.
 APOE helps carry cholesterol in the
 APOE comes in several different forms, or
 Three forms—APOE ε2, APOE ε3, and APOE ε4
—occur most frequently.
 Aricept Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD
Donepezil • Loses its effect over time
• Used for mild, moderate and severe AD
• Does not prevent or cure AD
 Celexa
Citalopram Used to reduce depression and anxiety
• May take 4 to 6 weeks to work
• Sometimes used to help people get to sleep
 Depakote Used to treat severe aggression
Sodium Valproate • Also used to treat depression and anxiety
 Exelon Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD
Rivastigmine • Loses its effect over time
• Used for mild to moderate AD
• Can get in pill form or as a skin patch
• Does not prevent or cure AD
 Namenda Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD
Memantine • Loses its effect over time
• Used for moderate to severe AD
• Sometimes given with Aricept®, Exelon®
• Does not prevent or cure AD
 Razadyne Used to prevent or slow the symptoms of
Galantamine • Loses its effect over time
• Used for mild to moderate AD
• Can get in pill form or as a skin patch
• Does not prevent or cure AD
 Zoloft Used to reduce depression and anxiety
Sertraline • May take 4 to 6 weeks to work
• Sometimes used to help people get to
 Trileptal Used to treat severe aggression
Oxcarbazepine • Also used to treat depression and anxiety
Tegretol Used to treat severe aggression
Carbamazepine • Also used to treat depression and anxiety
 Remeron Used to reduce depression and anxiety
Mirtazepine • May take 4 to 6 weeks to work
• Sometimes used to help people get to
 Although there is currently no way to cure
Alzheimer's disease or stop its progression,
researchers are making encouraging advances in
Alzheimer's treatment, including medications and
non-drug approaches to improve symptom
 Mild/Moderate AD:
Cholinesterase inhibitors increase the levels of
acetylcholine in the brain, which plays a key role in
memory and learning. This kind of drug postpones the
worsening of symptoms for 6 to 12 months in about
half of the people who take it. Cholinesterase
inhibitors most commonly prescribed for mild to
moderate Alzheimer's disease include Aricept
(donezepil HCL), Exelon (rivastigmine), and Razadyne
 Moderate/Severe AD:
Namenda (memantine) regulates glutamate
in the brain, which plays a key role in
processing information. This drug is used to
treat moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease
and may delay the worsening of symptoms in
some people. It may allow patients to
maintain certain daily functions a little
longer than they would without the
 Razadyne (galantamine HBr) is FDA-approved for mild and
moderate stages of the disease.
 Razadyne is a cholinesterase inhibitor that prevents the
breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine
plays a key role in memory and learning; higher levels in
the brain help nerve cells communicate more efficiently.
Razadyne also stimulates nicotinic receptors to release
more acetylcholine in the brain.
 Razadyne delays the worsening of
Alzheimer's symptoms for 6 to 12 months in
about half of the people who take it.
 Razadyne is available in tablet and capsule
form, and is commonly started at 4 mg twice
a day. If it's well tolerated after 4 weeks, the
dosage may be increased to 8 mg twice a
 Razadyne also comes in an extended release,
once-a-day tablet.
 Razadyne is available in generic form
(galantamine HBr).
Exelon (Rivastigmine)
 Exelon is FDA approved for mild and moderate stages of
the disease; it is also approved for the treatment of
mild to moderate dementia due to Parkinson's disease.
 Exelon is available as a capsule, liquid, and patch.
 Exelon is a cholinesterase inhibitor that
prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine
and butyrylcholine in the brain by
blocking the activity of two different
enzymes. Acetylcholine and
butyrylcholine play a key role in memory
and learning.
 When given orally, bioavailability is about
40% in the 3 mg dose. The compound can
cross the blood-brain barrier.
Aricept (Donepizel)
 One of the most widely used drugs to treat
the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Aricept
is FDA-approved for mild, moderate, and
severe stages of the disease.
 Aricept is available in tablet form or an
orally disintegrating tablet form, and is
commonly started at 5 mg a day.
 Can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Namenda (Memantine)
 Namenda is an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA)
antagonist that regulates the activity of
glutamate in the brain. Glutamate plays a
key role in memory and learning, but excess
glutamate can lead to the disruption of nerve
cell communication or nerve cell death.
 Studies involving Namenda have shown that
the drug can slow the rate of decline in
thinking and the ability to perform daily
activities in individuals who have moderate
to severe Alzheimer's disease
 A dysfunction of glutamatergic
neurotransmission is thought to be involved
in the etiology of AD.
 Namenda is available in generic form
(memantine HCL).
 A molecule designed by a Purdue University researcher to
stop the debilitating symptoms of Alzheimer's disease has
been shown in its first phase of clinical trials to be safe
and to reduce biomarkers for the disease.
 The molecule, called a beta-secretase inhibitor, prevents
the first step in a chain of events that leads to amyloid
plaque formation in the brain. This plaque formation
creates fibrous clumps of toxic proteins that are believed
to cause the devastating symptoms of Alzheimer's.
 Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found
that a compound called NIC5-15, might be a safe and
effective treatment to stabilize cognitive performance in
patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The
two investigators, Giulio Maria Pasinetti, M.D., Ph.D. , and
Hillel Grossman, M.D., presented Phase IIA preliminary
clinical findings at the Alzheimer's Association 2009
International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD) in
Vienna on July 12.
 NIC5-15's potential to preserve cognitive
performance will be further evaluated in a
Phase IIB clinical trial. Early evidence
suggests that NIC5-15 is a safe and tolerable
natural compound that may reduce the
progression of Alzheimer's disease-related
dementia by preventing the formation of
beta-amyloid plaque, a waxy substance that
accumulates between brain cells and impacts
cognitive function.
 Newsweek; 06/15/98, Vol. 131 Issue 24, p52,
 Harvard Mental Health Letter; Apr2010, Vol.
26 Issue 10, p7-7, 1/2p
 Asian Journal of Animal & Veterinary
Advances; 2010, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p13-23, 11p,
1 Chart, 2 Graphs
 Medical Device Daily; 2/16/2010, Vol. 14
Issue 30, p1-6, 2p
 An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry by
Graham L. Patrick, pp. 589-590.
 Abbott, Alison. Neuroscience: The plaque
plan. Nature (London, United Kingdom)
(2008), 456(7219), 161-164.
 Bolognesi, Maria L.; Matera, Riccardo;
Minarini, Anna; Rosini, Michela; Melchiorre,
Carlo. Alzheimer's disease: new approaches
to drug discovery. Current Opinion in
Chemical Biology (2009), 13(3), 303-308.
 What are the three stages of Alzheimer’s
 What are some of the diagnostic tools of
diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease?
 What drugs are used to treat mild/moderate
Alzheimer’s Disease?
 Which drug is most commonly used to treat
Alzheimer’s Disease?
 Have current pharmaceutical agents been
successful in slowing the progress of
Alzheimer’s Disease?
 Why is it important to develop ‘biomarkers’
for Alzheimer’s Disease?

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Alzheimers presentation.docx

  • 1. Presented by Kirmal Masih Medicinal Chemistry March 25th
  • 2.  Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known as Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) or simply Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. This incurable, degenerative, terminal disease was first described by a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him.  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception.  Many scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease results from an increase in the production or accumulation of a specific protein (beta-amyloid protein) in the brain that leads to nerve cell death.
  • 3.  Generally, it is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age, although the less-prevalent early onset of Alzheimer’s can occur much earlier.  In 2006, there were 26.6 million sufferers worldwide.  Alzheimer’s is predicted to affect 1 in 85 people globally by 2050.
  • 4.
  • 5. 1) Early Stage  This is considered as a mild/early stage and the duration period is 2-4 years.  Frequent recent memory loss, particularly of recent conversations and events.  Repeated questions, some problems expressing and understanding language.  Writing and using objects become difficult and depression and apathy can occur.  Drastic personality changes may accompany functional decline.  Need reminders for daily activities and difficulties with sequencing impact driving early in this stage.
  • 6. 2) Second stage  This is considered as a middle/moderate stage and the duration is 2-10 years.  Can no longer cover up problems.   Pervasive and persistent memory loss impacts life across settings.  Rambling speech, unusual reasoning, confusion about current events, time, and place.   Potential to become lost in familiar settings, sleep disturbances, and mood or behavioral symptoms accelerate.  Nearly 80% of patients exhibit emotional and behavioral problems which are aggravated by stress and change.  Slowness, rigidity, tremors, and gait problems impact mobility and coordination.   Need structure, reminders, and assistance with activities of daily living.
  • 7. 3) Moderate stage  Increased memory loss and confusion.  Problems recognizing family and friends.  Inability to learn new things.  Difficulty carrying out tasks that involve multiple steps (such as getting dressed).  Problems coping with new situations.  Delusions and paranoia.  Impulsive behavior.  In moderate AD, damage occurs in areas of the brain that control language, reasoning, sensory processing, and conscious thought
  • 8. 4) Last stage  This is considered as the severe stage and the duration is 1-3 years.  Confused about past and present. Loss of recognition of familiar people and places  Generally incapacitated with severe to total loss of verbal skills.  Unable to care for self.  Falls possible and immobility likely.  Problems with swallowing, incontinence, and illness.  Extreme problems with mood, behavioral problems, hallucinations, and delirium.  Patients need total support and care, and often die from infections or pneumonia
  • 9.  Alzheimer's disease is usually diagnosed clinically from the patient history, collateral history from relatives, and clinical observations, based on the presence of characteristic neurological and neuropsychological features and the absence of alternative conditions.  Advanced medical imaging with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and with single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) or positron emission tomography (PET) can be used to help exclude other cerebral pathology or subtypes of dementia.  The diagnosis can be confirmed with very high accuracy post-mortem when brain material is available and can be examined histologically.
  • 10. . PET scan of the brain of a person with AD showing a loss of function in the temporal lobe.
  • 11.  Neuropsychological tests such as the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) are widely used to evaluate the cognitive impairments needed for diagnosis. More comprehensive test arrays are necessary for high reliability of results, particularly in the earliest stages of the disease.  Psychological tests for depression are employed, since depression can either be concurrent with AD, an early sign of cognitive impairment, or even the cause.  When available as a diagnostic tool, SPECT and PET neuroimaging are used to confirm a diagnosis of Alzheimer's in conjunction with evaluations involving mental status examination. In a person already having dementia, SPECT appears to be superior in differentiating Alzheimer's disease from other possible causes, compared with the usual attempts employing mental testing and medical history analysis.
  • 12.  Scientists don’t yet fully understand what causes AD, but it is clear that it develops because of a complex series of events that take place in the brain over a long period of time. It is likely that the causes include genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.  Some drug therapies propose that AD is caused by reduced synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.  Other cholinergic effects have also been proposed, for example, initiation of large-scale aggregation of amyloid leading to generalized neuroinflammation.  Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a build-up of proteins in the brain. Though this cannot be measured in a living person, extensive autopsy studies have revealed this phenomenon. The build-up manifests in two ways:  Plaques– deposits of the protein beta-amyloid that accumulate in the spaces between nerve cells  Tangles – deposits of the protein tau that accumulate inside of nerve cells
  • 13. Microscopy image of a neurofibrillary tangle, conformed by hyperphosphorylated tau protein.
  • 14.  Alzheimer's disease is characterised by loss of neurons and synapses in the cerebral cortex and certain subcortical regions. This loss results in gross atrophy of the affected regions, including degeneration in the temporal lobe and parietal lobe, and parts of the frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus.  Both amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are clearly visible by microscopy in brains of those afflicted by AD.  Plaques are dense, mostly insoluble deposits of amyloid – beta peptides and cellular material outside and around neurons.  Tangles (neurofibrillary tangles) are aggregates of the microtubule-associated protein tau which has become hyperphosphorylated and accumulate inside the cells themselves.  Although many older individuals develop some plaques and tangles as a consequence of ageing, the brains of AD patients have a greater number of them in specific brain regions such as the temporal lobe.
  • 15.  Alzheimer's disease has been identified as a protein misfolding disease (proteopathy), caused by accumulation of abnormally folded A-beta and tau proteins in the brain. Plaques are made up of small peptides, 39–43 amino acids in length, called beta-amyloid (also written as A-beta or Aβ).  Beta-amyloid is a fragment from a larger protein called amyloid precursor protein (APP), a transmembrane protein that penetrates through the neuron's membrane.  APP is critical to neuron growth, survival and post-injury repair. In Alzheimer's disease, an unknown process causes APP to be divided into smaller fragments by enzymes through proteolysis.  One of these fragments gives rise to fibrils of beta-amyloid, which form clumps that deposit outside neurons in dense formations known as senile plaques.  AD is also considered a tauopathy due to abnormal aggregation of the tau protein. Every neuron has a cytoskeleton, an internal support structure partly made up of structures called microtubules.  These microtubules act like tracks, guiding nutrients and molecules from the body of the cell to the ends of the axon and back. A protein called tau stabilizes the microtubules when phosphorylated, and is therefore called a microtubule- associated protein.  In AD, tau undergoes chemical changes, becoming hyperphosphorylated; it then begins to pair with other threads, creating neurofibrillary tangles and disintegrating the neuron's transport system.
  • 16. Enzymes act on the APP (amyloid precursor protein) and cut it into fragments. The beta-amyloid fragment is crucial in the formation of senile plaques in AD.
  • 17.  Exactly how disturbances of production and aggregation of the beta amyloid peptide gives rise to the pathology of AD is not known. The amyloid hypothesis traditionally points to the accumulation of beta amyloid peptides as the central event triggering neuron degeneration. Accumulation of aggregated amyloid fibrils, which are believed to be the toxic form of the protein responsible for disrupting the cell's calcium ion homeostasis, induces programmed cell death (apoptosis).It is also known that Aβ selectively builds up in the mitochondria in the cells of Alzheimer's-affected brains, and it also inhibits certain enzyme functions and the utilization of glucose by neurons.  Various inflammatory processes and cytokines may also have a role in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Inflammation is a general marker of tissue damage in any disease, and may be either secondary to tissue damage in AD or a marker of an immunological response.  Alterations in the distribution of different neurotrophic factors and in the expression of their receptors such as the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been described in AD
  • 18.
  • 19.  Apolipoprotein E (APOE) found on chromosome 19 appears to be a predisposing genetic risk factor for the late on-set of AD – the most typical AD.  APOE helps carry cholesterol in the bloodstream.  APOE comes in several different forms, or alleles.  Three forms—APOE ε2, APOE ε3, and APOE ε4 —occur most frequently.
  • 20.
  • 21.  Aricept Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD Donepezil • Loses its effect over time • Used for mild, moderate and severe AD • Does not prevent or cure AD  Celexa Citalopram Used to reduce depression and anxiety • May take 4 to 6 weeks to work • Sometimes used to help people get to sleep  Depakote Used to treat severe aggression Sodium Valproate • Also used to treat depression and anxiety  Exelon Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD Rivastigmine • Loses its effect over time • Used for mild to moderate AD • Can get in pill form or as a skin patch • Does not prevent or cure AD
  • 22.  Namenda Used to delay or slow the symptoms of AD Memantine • Loses its effect over time • Used for moderate to severe AD • Sometimes given with Aricept®, Exelon® • Does not prevent or cure AD  Razadyne Used to prevent or slow the symptoms of AD Galantamine • Loses its effect over time • Used for mild to moderate AD • Can get in pill form or as a skin patch • Does not prevent or cure AD  Zoloft Used to reduce depression and anxiety Sertraline • May take 4 to 6 weeks to work • Sometimes used to help people get to sleep  Trileptal Used to treat severe aggression Oxcarbazepine • Also used to treat depression and anxiety  Tegretol Used to treat severe aggression Carbamazepine • Also used to treat depression and anxiety  Remeron Used to reduce depression and anxiety Mirtazepine • May take 4 to 6 weeks to work • Sometimes used to help people get to sleep
  • 23.  Although there is currently no way to cure Alzheimer's disease or stop its progression, researchers are making encouraging advances in Alzheimer's treatment, including medications and non-drug approaches to improve symptom management.  Mild/Moderate AD: Cholinesterase inhibitors increase the levels of acetylcholine in the brain, which plays a key role in memory and learning. This kind of drug postpones the worsening of symptoms for 6 to 12 months in about half of the people who take it. Cholinesterase inhibitors most commonly prescribed for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease include Aricept (donezepil HCL), Exelon (rivastigmine), and Razadyne (galantamine).
  • 24.  Moderate/Severe AD: Namenda (memantine) regulates glutamate in the brain, which plays a key role in processing information. This drug is used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease and may delay the worsening of symptoms in some people. It may allow patients to maintain certain daily functions a little longer than they would without the medication.
  • 25. Razadyne  Razadyne (galantamine HBr) is FDA-approved for mild and moderate stages of the disease.  Razadyne is a cholinesterase inhibitor that prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine plays a key role in memory and learning; higher levels in the brain help nerve cells communicate more efficiently. Razadyne also stimulates nicotinic receptors to release more acetylcholine in the brain.
  • 26.  Razadyne delays the worsening of Alzheimer's symptoms for 6 to 12 months in about half of the people who take it.  Razadyne is available in tablet and capsule form, and is commonly started at 4 mg twice a day. If it's well tolerated after 4 weeks, the dosage may be increased to 8 mg twice a day.  Razadyne also comes in an extended release, once-a-day tablet.  Razadyne is available in generic form (galantamine HBr).
  • 27. Exelon (Rivastigmine)  Exelon is FDA approved for mild and moderate stages of the disease; it is also approved for the treatment of mild to moderate dementia due to Parkinson's disease.  Exelon is available as a capsule, liquid, and patch.
  • 28.  Exelon is a cholinesterase inhibitor that prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine and butyrylcholine in the brain by blocking the activity of two different enzymes. Acetylcholine and butyrylcholine play a key role in memory and learning.  When given orally, bioavailability is about 40% in the 3 mg dose. The compound can cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • 29. Aricept (Donepizel)  One of the most widely used drugs to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Aricept is FDA-approved for mild, moderate, and severe stages of the disease.
  • 30.  Aricept is available in tablet form or an orally disintegrating tablet form, and is commonly started at 5 mg a day.  Can cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • 31. Namenda (Memantine)  Namenda is an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist that regulates the activity of glutamate in the brain. Glutamate plays a key role in memory and learning, but excess glutamate can lead to the disruption of nerve cell communication or nerve cell death.
  • 32.  Studies involving Namenda have shown that the drug can slow the rate of decline in thinking and the ability to perform daily activities in individuals who have moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease  A dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission is thought to be involved in the etiology of AD.  Namenda is available in generic form (memantine HCL).
  • 33.  A molecule designed by a Purdue University researcher to stop the debilitating symptoms of Alzheimer's disease has been shown in its first phase of clinical trials to be safe and to reduce biomarkers for the disease.  The molecule, called a beta-secretase inhibitor, prevents the first step in a chain of events that leads to amyloid plaque formation in the brain. This plaque formation creates fibrous clumps of toxic proteins that are believed to cause the devastating symptoms of Alzheimer's.  Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that a compound called NIC5-15, might be a safe and effective treatment to stabilize cognitive performance in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The two investigators, Giulio Maria Pasinetti, M.D., Ph.D. , and Hillel Grossman, M.D., presented Phase IIA preliminary clinical findings at the Alzheimer's Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD) in Vienna on July 12.
  • 34.  NIC5-15's potential to preserve cognitive performance will be further evaluated in a Phase IIB clinical trial. Early evidence suggests that NIC5-15 is a safe and tolerable natural compound that may reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease-related dementia by preventing the formation of beta-amyloid plaque, a waxy substance that accumulates between brain cells and impacts cognitive function.
  • 35.  /080123101629.htm  /090712145228.htm  s/CaringAD/other/medicines.htm      Newsweek; 06/15/98, Vol. 131 Issue 24, p52, 2p, 
  • 36.  Harvard Mental Health Letter; Apr2010, Vol. 26 Issue 10, p7-7, 1/2p  Asian Journal of Animal & Veterinary Advances; 2010, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p13-23, 11p, 1 Chart, 2 Graphs  Medical Device Daily; 2/16/2010, Vol. 14 Issue 30, p1-6, 2p
  • 37.  An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry by Graham L. Patrick, pp. 589-590.  Abbott, Alison. Neuroscience: The plaque plan. Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2008), 456(7219), 161-164.  Bolognesi, Maria L.; Matera, Riccardo; Minarini, Anna; Rosini, Michela; Melchiorre, Carlo. Alzheimer's disease: new approaches to drug discovery. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (2009), 13(3), 303-308.
  • 38.  What are the three stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?  What are some of the diagnostic tools of diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease?  What drugs are used to treat mild/moderate Alzheimer’s Disease?  Which drug is most commonly used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease?  Have current pharmaceutical agents been successful in slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease?  Why is it important to develop ‘biomarkers’ for Alzheimer’s Disease?