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AI LD 2023
26 AUG 2023
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and Welcome
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Introduction and Expectations
Session 1: AI and Learning Design
9:15 AM - 9:30 AM: Brain, ID and LD
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Generative AI and LD
10:00 – 10:30 am Chatbot for Learning
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM: Tea Break
Session 2: Online Module Development & Rise 360
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Structure and development of Online Module
11:00 -11:15 AM: : Introduction to Rise 360, Creating a Course, Advanced Features
11:15 – 12:30 PM : Creating a Course in Rise 360, Hands-on Activity
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM: Lunch Break
Session 4: Hands-on Activities with Rise 360
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM: Creating a Course in Rise 360, Hands-on Activity
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM: Advanced Features of Rise 360, Hands-on Activity
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Tea Break
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Publishing and Sharing a Course, Hands-on Activity
Session 5: Q&A and Wrap-up
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Q&A, Discussion, Resources for Further Learning
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Closing Remarks, Certificates Distribution
The brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the organs for
•Senses & Motor
Stimuli Identification Recall Understand
Life change
MASTER Technique
Aspect Instructional Design (ID) Learning Design (LD)
Focus Focuses primarily on the content and the
most efficient ways to deliver it.
Focuses on creating holistic learning
experiences, considering not only content but
also the learner’s interaction with it.
Scope Tends to be narrower, often centred
around the design of specific instructional
materials or courses.
Tends to be broader, considering the wider
learning context, learner experiences, and
social aspects of learning.
Process Follows a systematic process, often guided
by models like ADDIE (Analyse, Design,
Develop, Implement, Evaluate).
Also follows a systematic process, but with a
more iterative, learner-centric approach.
Outcome Aims to achieve specific learning objectives
through effective instruction.
Aims to foster an immersive and
comprehensive learning experience, often
emphasizing learner engagement.
Emphasises the instruction of the material,
often using direct instruction methods.
Emphasizes the design of learning activities
and interactions, often promoting active
learning methods.
Thinking for
• Human Centred
• Collaborative
• Optimistic
• Experimental
IDEO's Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit
Hybrid Learning
Personalized Paths
to Success
Aspect Blended Learning Hybrid Learning
Definition Blended Learning combines
traditional face-to-face instruction
with online learning.
Hybrid Learning is a subset of blended learning where
a significant portion of the learning activities are
conducted online, and it typically implies more self-
guided learning.
Online learning complements face-
to-face instruction but may not
replace a significant portion of it.
Online learning replaces a significant portion of face-
to-face instruction.
Both in-person and online activities
are integral to the learning process.
The online component is often used
to reinforce, supplement, or further
explain the in-person material.
The online and in-person components are designed
to interact pedagogically to achieve learning
outcomes. The online component is often used for
delivery of theory or content, while face-to-face time
is used for deeper discussions, problem-solving, or
practical applications.
Students are often responsible for
completing online assignments or
activities, but the majority of
instruction and guidance may still
come from the teacher.
Students have more responsibility for their learning
and need to be more self-directed, as a significant
portion of the learning is done independently.
Classroom time is still a significant
component of the learning process.
Classroom time is typically reduced, and it is used
more for active learning activities like discussions,
group work, or hands-on activities.
•rigid adherence to taught rules
or plans"
•no exercise of "discretionary
•limited "situational perception"
•all aspects of work treated
separately with equal importance
•coping with crowdedness" (multiple
activities, accumulation of information)
•some perception of actions in relation
to goals
•deliberate planning
•formulates routines
•holistic view of situation
•prioritizes importance of aspects
•"perceives deviations from the
normal pattern"
•employs maxims for guidance,
with meanings that adapt to the
•transcends reliance on rules, guidelines, and maxims
•"intuitive grasp of situations based on deep, tacit
•has "vision of what is possible"
•uses "analytical approaches" in new situations or in
case of problems
Assignment 30 min
Develop your sequencing and instructional strategies (Identify your activities and resources)
Teacher controlled
procedure of
(A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R)
Skills Task (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R)
Attitude task (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R)
(A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R)
Rapid prototyping
• Final product through number of
• Evaluated by experts and end
• Successive prototype more like
final product
• Increasing fidelity of various
• Until a MVP*/working product is
* MVP - Minimal viable product
Mastering ChatGPT: Prompt
Generation and Response
Harness the power of AI for better interactions and outcomes
Understanding AI, Generative AI, and
• AI (Artificial Intelligence)
• refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think, learn, and make decisions
• Applications: Includes machine learning, natural language processing,
robotics, computer vision, etc.
• Generative AI
• subset of AI that focuses on creating new data instances that are
similar to a set of training examples.
• Techniques: Examples include Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), etc.
• ChatGPT:
• State-of-the-art language models developed by OpenAI. It utilizes the
Transformer architecture to generate human-like text based
on given prompts.
• Usage: Widely used in natural language understanding tasks, chatbots,
content creation, and more.
What is ChatGPT?
• Understanding Language
• Reads and comprehends human-written text.
• Generating Text
• Writes human-like text, from answers to creative content.
• Conversation
• Capable of engaging in text-based conversations with users.
• Applications
• Used in virtual assistants, education, content creation, and more.
• Not a Human
• Generates text through algorithms, without feelings or
How Does ChatGPT Work?
“Don’t cry ………..”
“ Don’t cry over….”
• Reading Text:
• Takes in words, questions, or sentences as input.
• Understands the language like a human reading a book.
• Processing Information:
• Breaks down the input into smaller parts to understand the meaning.
• Uses a complex mathematical model to analyse the text.
• Generating Response:
• Constructs a response based on what it has "learned" from reading lots of text.
• Tries to make the response sound like something a human would say.
• No Personal Knowledge or Opinions:
• Doesn't have thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences.
• Answers are based on patterns in the data it was trained on, not personal beliefs or
• Learning from Data:
• Trained on a vast amount of text from books, websites, and other written materials.
• Learns the structure of language and how to create sentences that make sense.
• Versatility:
• Can be used for various tasks like answering questions, writing stories, or helping with
• Adaptable to different subjects and contexts.
• Not Perfect:
• Can make mistakes or provide incorrect information.
Understanding ChatGPT
• Advanced language
model developed by
• Generates human-like
text based on the
• Quality vs prompt.
Quality of Response ∝ Quality of Prompt × Model Understanding
Quality of Response is the measure of how relevant, accurate, and coherent the response is.
Quality of Prompt represents the clarity, specificity, and relevance of the prompt given to the model.
Model Understanding , model's ability to interpret the prompt, including its training, design, and current context.
Prompt Generation
Crafting a
Clear and
type of
Prompt Engineering
• Define the Objective:
• Identify the specific information or assistance
• Be Clear and Precise:
• Use clear language and avoid ambiguity.
• Include essential details without over-complicating
the prompt.
• Consider Context:
• Provide relevant background or context to guide the
• Set the Tone and Style:
• Specify the desired tone (formal, casual) or style
(e.g., summary, explanation) if it matters for your use
• Ask Direct Questions:
• If seeking specific information, formulate your prompt
as a direct question.
• Avoid Bias and Leading Questions:
• Craft the prompt neutrally to prevent biased or
skewed responses.
• Test and Refine:
• Experiment with different phrasings and observe how
slight changes can affect the response.
• Refine the prompt
• Consider Ethical and Privacy Concerns:
• Ethical guidelines and does not request or reveal
sensitive or private information.
Response Validation
• Review response - meets your requirements.
• No access to real-time data
• Vaildate Validate Validate.
• Prompt – response -refine - reprompt.
Refinement for
Future Queries
What is the Code
Interpreter in
• The Code Interpreter -
execute Python code
• Powerful for code
development debugging.
How to Use
ChatGPT with
the Code
• Input your code in the
composer area and send it for
• ChatGPT can provide code
suggestions, help debug your
code, and explain complex code
• You can also ask ChatGPT to
generate Python code to solve
specific problems or perform
specific tasks.
Return values of functions or expressions
Printed messages
Data visualizations
DataFrames as tables
Error messages
Execution time
Slide Decks
Interactive Diagrams
Please respond to the following
query with a structured and
academic approach suitable for a
university lecturer. Include bullet-
point answers where applicable,
supported by relevant examples
from scholarly literature. Ensure
that all statements are backed by
credible evidence, and provide
appropriate references and citations
in accordance with standard
academic citation styles (e.g., APA,
MLA, or Chicago). The response
should be clear, concise, and
tailored to an academic audience
engaged in higher education
teaching and research."
67-year-old male has
dizziness every time
he sits up from a
lying position,
especially in the
morning. Also, when
he suddenly moves
his head, he notes
the dizziness.
What is the diagnosis
Use of Generative AI in Learning Design
• Curriculum Planning
• Goals and Learning Outcome
• Develop educational content
• Generate lesson plans with
appropriate activities
• Sequencing of content and activities
including adaptation
• Assessment Generation and Marking
Generative AI for Instructional
Goals and Objectives
How generative AI assists teachers in writing goals and objectives
""Imagine you are developing a new course focused on [subject matter]. Your task
is to set the primary goal and detailed objectives for this course.
• Goal: Begin by stating the overarching goal of the course. What should students
be able to do or understand by the end of the course in the context of the [subject
matter]? This goal should be broad and encompass the overall aim of the course.
• Objectives: Next, detail the specific objectives of the course. These objectives
should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). What
specific knowledge and skills related to the [subject matter] should students
acquire? How will these skills and knowledge contribute to the overarching goal?
Alignment with Standards: Ensure that your objectives align with any relevant
curriculum standards or educational benchmarks for the [subject matter]. How do
these objectives fit within the larger curriculum framework?
Assessment Methods: Describe how you would assess students' achievement of
these objectives. What types of assessments would provide a valid measure of
students' understanding and skills related to the [subject matter]?
Your goal and objectives should provide a clear, comprehensive roadmap for the
[subject matter] course, guiding both instruction and assessment."
Generative AI for Sequencing
How generative AI assists in sequencing instruction
"Consider you are planning a course focused on the [subject matter]. Your task is to outline the sequence of
instruction that optimizes learning outcomes.
• Learning Outcomes: Begin by identifying the learning outcomes for the course. What should students be
able to do or understand by the end of the course in the context of the [subject matter]?
• Instructional Sequence: Describe the sequence of instruction that will lead students to these outcomes.
What topics or skills will you introduce first? How will subsequent lessons build on these initial lessons?
• Prerequisite Knowledge: Consider any prerequisite knowledge or skills students may need before certain
lessons. How will you ensure students have this prerequisite knowledge or skill before proceeding?
• Diverse Learning Needs: How will your sequence of instruction accommodate diverse learning needs and
preferences? How will you ensure all students can progress and achieve the learning outcomes?
• Assessments and Feedback: Where will assessments be placed in your instructional sequence to measure
students' understanding and provide feedback? How will these assessments inform subsequent instruction?
• Adaptability: How will your instructional sequence adapt based on student progress and feedback?
Your instructional sequence should provide a clear, comprehensive, and adaptable roadmap for the [subject
matter] course, guiding both instruction and assessment."
Curriculum Planning
• Generative AI can assist in creating a sequence of topics or skills that
need to be taught over a course or a semester.
• Based on inputs about the course content and objectives, the AI can
generate a sequence that logically builds from foundational
knowledge to more complex skills.
Design a comprehensive curriculum for a one-year course in SUBJECT. The curriculum must provide a balanced and progressive
learning experience, fostering both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The course is divided into two semesters, and the
target audience is undergraduate students with diverse learning needs.
Please provide the following details:
1. **Course Overview:** A brief description of the overall goals and objectives of the course in SUBJECT.
2. **Semester 1:**
- **Week-by-Week Breakdown:** A detailed sequence of topics, sub-topics, and learning activities for the first semester,
progressing from foundational concepts to intermediate level.
- **Assessment Methods:** Include quizzes, assignments, projects, or other evaluation mechanisms.
- **Resources:** Suggested textbooks, online materials, labs, or other resources that will aid in learning.
3. **Semester 2:**
- **Week-by-Week Breakdown:** A continuation of the learning path, focusing on more advanced concepts, specialized
areas, and real-world applications in SUBJECT.
- **Assessment Methods:** Outline how you will measure students' understanding and skills in the second semester.
- **Resources:** List additional resources that will support the advanced content.
4. **Adaptation and Personalization:** Describe how the curriculum can be adapted to cater to different learning styles,
preferences, and needs, while ensuring that all essential content in SUBJECT is covered.
5. **Community and Collaboration:** Outline strategies for fostering a sense of community, collaboration, and peer
support among students.
Please ensure that the curriculum aligns with relevant educational standards, encourages critical thinking, and promotes an in-
depth understanding of SUBJECT.
Lesson Planning
• For individual lessons, generative AI can suggest a
sequence of activities that progressively build towards
the learning objective.
• This might include an introduction to the topic, a series
of exercises increasing in difficulty, a collaborative
activity, and a formative assessment at the end.
Generate a sequence of activities for a lesson on “XXXXX YYY" as part of a course in “ZZZ ZZZZ” . The
target audience is undergraduate students, and the lesson duration is 90 minutes. The objective is to help
students understand various “TOPIC” and how they can be applied to different “SCENARIOS”.
Please provide the following details:
• 1. **Introduction (10 minutes):** Outline a creative way to introduce the subject, engaging students
with the relevance of different “TOPICS”.
• 2. **Series of Exercises (40 minutes):** Describe a series of exercises that increase in difficulty, starting
with basic concepts and moving to real-world applications. Include examples and scenarios.
• 3. **Collaborative Activity (20 minutes):** Plan a group activity where students collaborate to analyse
a case study or create a “APPLICATION OF TOPIC” for a given context.
• 4. **Formative Assessment (15 minutes):** Design a short assessment to gauge students'
understanding of the topic, including questions or tasks that reflect the learning objective.
• 5. **Resources and Support:** List any required materials, technology, or additional support that will
enhance the learning experience.
• Ensure that the sequence of activities progressively builds towards the learning objective and engages
diverse learners in understanding the models and applications of “TOPIC” in the “COURSE ZZZZ”.
Adaptive Learning Paths
• While it is still an emerging area, generative AI could potentially be
used to generate personalized learning paths for individual students.
• This might involve analyzing data on a student's past performance
and learning style, and then generating a sequence of instruction that
is tailored to their needs.
"Imagine you are designing a course for a diverse group of learners on the [subject matter]. Your task is to describe your
strategy for creating personalized learning paths that dynamically adapt the sequence of instruction to cater to each learner's
unique needs, preferences, and goals. Please address the following in your response:
• Learner Profiling: Identify the key elements to consider when profiling a learner's needs, preferences, and goals. What kind
of data would you need to collect, and how would you obtain it?
• Flexible Learning Path: Describe how you would structure a flexible learning path that can adapt to a learner's progress.
How could learners choose their own path through the material, and how would you guide them in this choice?
• Adaptive Learning Path: Discuss how you would adjust the learning path based on a learner's past performance and future
goals. How would this look in practice?
• Content Coverage: Despite personalization, how would you ensure that all essential content related to the [subject matter]
is covered?
• Engagement and Motivation: How would you maintain engagement and motivation for learners on personalized paths?
How would you ensure that learners remain connected to their peers and the broader learning community?
• Potential Pitfalls: Consider potential challenges in implementing personalized learning paths in the context of [subject
matter] and propose solutions to these issues.
• Effectiveness Measurement: Discuss how you would measure the effectiveness of your personalized learning paths in
improving learner outcomes and satisfaction.
Your response should provide a comprehensive plan for personalizing the learning experience while maintaining the integrity of
the [subject matter] curriculum."
Act like a
patient and
provide me
and history
so that I can
improve my
clinical skills
I have been asked
to create a module
for the
examination of the
abdomen for
organomegaly for
medical students.
Create a
curriculum and
include learning
outcomes and the
pedagogy and a
lesson plan
Create an
task and
rubrics for
Designing Instructional
Materials with AI
How AI aids in the creation of effective instructional materials
Intelligent Content Development
• AI can assist in the creation of instructional content by automating
certain tasks.
• For instance, AI can generate multiple-choice questions based on a
given text, create summaries of lengthy documents, or convert text-
based content into an interactive format.
Resource Recommendation
• AI can recommend academic resources to include in instructional
materials based on the learning objectives and content of the course.
• For example, AI could search a database of academic articles to find
relevant research to include in a university course.
Personalized Learning Experiences
• Tailor instructional materials to the needs of individual learners.
• Adapt a mobile course in real time based on a learner's progress.
making content more accessible for students with disabilities
• AI can make instructional materials more accessible.
• Generate captions for videos,
• transcribe audio content, or
• convert text to speech
Data-Driven Improvements
• AI can collect and analyze data on learners' interaction - used to
improve the materials.
• Learners are struggling with a particular section of a mobile course;
• Content or activities in this section need to be revised.
AI for Video Production
LO to
for video
t script to
AI Video
Write a script
for the
introduction of
the anatomy of
medical student
module. This
will be a 90
second video
script. Just
provide the
AI generated Instructional Video
Assessment and Feedback
• Automated Grading:
• Grading objective assessments (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc.)
• Evaluating subjective assessments (short answers, essays) with predefined criteria
• Personalized Feedback:
• Providing tailored feedback on strengths and areas for improvement
• Engaging in interactive dialogues to reinforce learning concepts
• Real-time Support:
• Offering instant feedback on performance
• Available 24/7 for flexible learning schedules
• Data-Driven Insights:
• Tracking performance over time for individual and class insights
• Designing adaptive learning paths based on student needs
• Enhancing Human Interaction:
• Freeing up educators' time for complex student interactions
• Facilitating structured peer review processes
• Ethical and Bias Considerations:
• Ensuring transparency, fairness, and avoidance of biases in AI-driven assessments
What are the
antibiotics for
Based on
this question
and answer,
create a
rubrics to
answers to
the question
“the antibiotics used in
leprosy are rifampicin
and streptomycin.
Sometimes you can use
dapsone for resistant
cases. Rifampicin is the
first line drug” - based
on this answer provide
a grade for it
Transforming Teaching with LLMs
• Tailoring educational materials
• Enhancing teacher collaboration and efficiency
• Facilitating personalized learning paths
Enhancing Student Experience with LLMs
• Engaging and interactive learning
• Support for diverse learning styles
• Opportunities for self-paced learning
Creating your First AI
Chatbot for Learning
Create Account and Login
AI & Health Professional Education
The Future
• Tailored educational content for individual needs.
Personalized Learning:
• Practice communication and diagnostic skills.
Simulated Interactions:
• 24/7 access to information and updates.
Continual Education Support:
• Assisting in identifying patterns and trends.
Collaborative Research:
• Equitable access to high-quality education.
Accessibility and Inclusivity:
• Addressing privacy, consent, and ethical use.
Ethical Considerations:
• Maximizing effectiveness and efficiency.
Integration with Existing
• Innovative tools for real-time feedback and analysis.
Assessment and Evaluation:
Needs and
Design the
the Module
Review and
Content Development for online learning
• Textual Content: Clear writing, examples, citations.
• Multimedia Content: Video, audio, images production.
• Interactive Elements: Quizzes, simulations, discussions.
• Mobile and Cross-Platform: Responsive design, browser compatibility.
• Accessibility and Inclusivity: Alternative formats, cultural sensitivity.
• Integration with LMS: Compatibility, tracking, analytics.
Creating Storyboards
to present
Practice and
Delivering content
Clear outcome
Learning guidance
• Mnemonic
• an acronym
• chunking,
• using visuals,
• color effects,
• bolding or underlining text
Techniques for presenting content
•a realistic case
•actions and decisions
•challenging situation in which
learners are required to
•make decisions
•choosing options
Toolkit approach
•present short pieces of
•independent from each other
•navigate a non-linear fashion
•demonstrate the procedure,
•practise the procedure
•interacting with the system
Formative assessment
Assessment of knowledge acquisition
• Direct Testing ( design and develop validated test)
• Case based discussions
• Mini CEX
Assessment of skill acquisition
• Direct Testing / DOPS/Observation and anecdotal records
• Performance ratings
• Portfolios/Log Book
• Rubrics –
• set of scoring guidelines (criteria)
• evaluate
• performance
Assessment of attitude change
• Observation and anecdotal records
• Surveys and Questionnaires
• Self-Reporting Inventories
• Interviews
Developing practiceandassessment tests
Developing Educational
Materials using Rise 360
An interactive workshop on creating engaging online courses
Learning Outcomes
• List and use the features and functionality of Rise 360.
• Create an interactive online course using Rise 360.
• Integrate multimedia and interactive elements into a Rise 360 course.
• Publish and share a Rise 360 course.
Authoring tool requirements
• interactivity and navigation – menu-driven content and ability to move
throughout the content;
• editing – content publisher for easier changes/updates;
• visual programming – use of buttons, icons, drag-drop graphic;
• preview/playback – ability to see or test an ongoing project;
• cross-platform interoperability – able to run on all platforms;
• cross-browser interoperability – able to run on different browsers;
• integration – with leading e-learning applications and compliance models, such as
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) and Aviation Industry CBT
[Computer-Based Training] Committee (AICC), for LMS delivery; and
• delivery of learning content in multiple formats – able to use SCORM for LMS,
Web, CD-ROM and Microsoft Word
Structure of an Online Interactive Lesson
• Introduction and Objectives:
• Overview, guidelines, and learning
• Interactive Content and Practice:
• Multimedia, explorations, guided activities.
• Assessment and Feedback:
• Real-time feedback and self-assessment.
• Community, Collaboration & Adaptation:
• Collaboration and personalized paths.
• Closure, Evaluation, and Accessibility:
• Summary, reflection, inclusivity.
Session Outline
• Introduction to Rise 360
• Creating a Course in Rise 360
• Advanced Features of Rise 360
• Publishing and Sharing a Course
• Q&A and Wrap-up
Introduction to Rise 360
• Overview of Rise 360's features and benefits
• Demonstration of a sample course created with Rise 360
Creating a Course in Rise 360
• Step-by-step guide to creating a new course
• Hands-on activity: Participants create a simple course on a topic of
their choice
Advanced Features of Rise 360
• Adding interactive elements to a course
• Integrating multimedia elements into a course
• Hands-on activity: Participants add interactive and multimedia
elements to their course
Structuring your online module
• assigned readings / Open Educational Resources
• pre- and post-reading activities
• instructor-prepared lecture / video to provide context
• Problem / Knowledge Check (Quiz, Reflective questions) – posted on Padlet
• Independent work /Submitting answers to post-reading assignment
• Quiz that asks processing questions
• Interacting with peers on Moodle asynchronous discussion board
• Live lesson with the instructor
and Interaction:
• Synchronous Team meeting
• Asynchronous Discussion – Forum in Moodle ( incorporate video uploads)
• for social annotation of texts
• Hybrid course, use videoconferencing for live f2f meetings
Publishing and Sharing a Course
• Guide to publishing a course, including options for tracking and
• How to share a course with learners
• Hands-on activity: Participants publish and share their course
Q&A and Wrap-up
• Answer any remaining questions
• Discuss potential applications for Rise 360 in participants' own
teaching contexts
• Provide resources for further learning

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AILD Full Deck

  • 2. Opening 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and Welcome 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Introduction and Expectations Session 1: AI and Learning Design 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM: Brain, ID and LD 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Generative AI and LD 10:00 – 10:30 am Chatbot for Learning 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM: Tea Break Session 2: Online Module Development & Rise 360 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Structure and development of Online Module 11:00 -11:15 AM: : Introduction to Rise 360, Creating a Course, Advanced Features 11:15 – 12:30 PM : Creating a Course in Rise 360, Hands-on Activity 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM: Lunch Break Session 4: Hands-on Activities with Rise 360 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM: Creating a Course in Rise 360, Hands-on Activity 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM: Advanced Features of Rise 360, Hands-on Activity 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Tea Break 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Publishing and Sharing a Course, Hands-on Activity Session 5: Q&A and Wrap-up 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Q&A, Discussion, Resources for Further Learning 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Closing Remarks, Certificates Distribution
  • 3.
  • 4. The brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the organs for respiration •Cognition •Ego •Memory •Senses & Motor TEMPORO PARIETEAL LOBE HIPPOCAMPUS PREFRONTAL CORTEX DORSOLATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX
  • 6. Stimuli Identification Recall Understand Association Knowledge creation WIIFM Affective change Life change
  • 8. Aspect Instructional Design (ID) Learning Design (LD) Focus Focuses primarily on the content and the most efficient ways to deliver it. Focuses on creating holistic learning experiences, considering not only content but also the learner’s interaction with it. Scope Tends to be narrower, often centred around the design of specific instructional materials or courses. Tends to be broader, considering the wider learning context, learner experiences, and social aspects of learning. Process Follows a systematic process, often guided by models like ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate). Also follows a systematic process, but with a more iterative, learner-centric approach. Outcome Aims to achieve specific learning objectives through effective instruction. Aims to foster an immersive and comprehensive learning experience, often emphasizing learner engagement. Pedagogical Considerations Emphasises the instruction of the material, often using direct instruction methods. Emphasizes the design of learning activities and interactions, often promoting active learning methods.
  • 9. Design Thinking for Educators • Human Centred Empathy • Collaborative • Optimistic • Experimental IDEO's Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit
  • 10. Hybrid Learning Powering Personalized Paths to Success Aspect Blended Learning Hybrid Learning Definition Blended Learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning. Hybrid Learning is a subset of blended learning where a significant portion of the learning activities are conducted online, and it typically implies more self- guided learning. Online Component Online learning complements face- to-face instruction but may not replace a significant portion of it. Online learning replaces a significant portion of face- to-face instruction. Instructional Strategy Both in-person and online activities are integral to the learning process. The online component is often used to reinforce, supplement, or further explain the in-person material. The online and in-person components are designed to interact pedagogically to achieve learning outcomes. The online component is often used for delivery of theory or content, while face-to-face time is used for deeper discussions, problem-solving, or practical applications. Student Responsibility Students are often responsible for completing online assignments or activities, but the majority of instruction and guidance may still come from the teacher. Students have more responsibility for their learning and need to be more self-directed, as a significant portion of the learning is done independently. Classroom Time Classroom time is still a significant component of the learning process. Classroom time is typically reduced, and it is used more for active learning activities like discussions, group work, or hands-on activities.
  • 11.
  • 12. NOVICE ADVANCE BEGINER COMPETENT PROFICIENT EXPERT MASTERY •rigid adherence to taught rules or plans" •no exercise of "discretionary judgment" •limited "situational perception" •all aspects of work treated separately with equal importance •coping with crowdedness" (multiple activities, accumulation of information) •some perception of actions in relation to goals •deliberate planning •formulates routines •holistic view of situation •prioritizes importance of aspects •"perceives deviations from the normal pattern" •employs maxims for guidance, with meanings that adapt to the •transcends reliance on rules, guidelines, and maxims •"intuitive grasp of situations based on deep, tacit understanding" •has "vision of what is possible" •uses "analytical approaches" in new situations or in case of problems
  • 13. Assignment 30 min Develop your sequencing and instructional strategies (Identify your activities and resources) STRATEGIES SEQUENCING Teacher controlled teaching Interactive procedure of teaching Learning controlled teaching Group controlled teaching Pratical teaching ASSESSMENT Knowledge Task ACTIVITIES AND RESOOURCES (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) Skills Task (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) Attitude task (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) Composite task (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R) (A&R)
  • 14. Rapid prototyping • Final product through number of prototypes • Evaluated by experts and end users • Successive prototype more like final product • Increasing fidelity of various prototypes • Until a MVP*/working product is achieved. * MVP - Minimal viable product Analysis Initial Design Prototype Testing Testing Feedback Refine Iterate Implement
  • 15. Mastering ChatGPT: Prompt Generation and Response Validation Harness the power of AI for better interactions and outcomes
  • 16. Understanding AI, Generative AI, and ChatGPT • AI (Artificial Intelligence) • refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and make decisions • Applications: Includes machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision, etc. • Generative AI • subset of AI that focuses on creating new data instances that are similar to a set of training examples. • Techniques: Examples include Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), etc. • ChatGPT: • State-of-the-art language models developed by OpenAI. It utilizes the Transformer architecture to generate human-like text based on given prompts. • Usage: Widely used in natural language understanding tasks, chatbots, content creation, and more.
  • 17. What is ChatGPT? • Understanding Language • Reads and comprehends human-written text. • Generating Text • Writes human-like text, from answers to creative content. • Conversation • Capable of engaging in text-based conversations with users. • Applications • Used in virtual assistants, education, content creation, and more. • Not a Human • Generates text through algorithms, without feelings or consciousness.
  • 18. How Does ChatGPT Work? “Don’t cry ………..” “ Don’t cry over….” • Reading Text: • Takes in words, questions, or sentences as input. • Understands the language like a human reading a book. • Processing Information: • Breaks down the input into smaller parts to understand the meaning. • Uses a complex mathematical model to analyse the text. • Generating Response: • Constructs a response based on what it has "learned" from reading lots of text. • Tries to make the response sound like something a human would say. • No Personal Knowledge or Opinions: • Doesn't have thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences. • Answers are based on patterns in the data it was trained on, not personal beliefs or opinions. • Learning from Data: • Trained on a vast amount of text from books, websites, and other written materials. • Learns the structure of language and how to create sentences that make sense. • Versatility: • Can be used for various tasks like answering questions, writing stories, or helping with homework. • Adaptable to different subjects and contexts. • Not Perfect: • Can make mistakes or provide incorrect information.
  • 19. Understanding ChatGPT • Advanced language model developed by OpenAI. • Generates human-like text based on the prompts. • Quality vs prompt. Quality of Response ∝ Quality of Prompt × Model Understanding Here: Quality of Response is the measure of how relevant, accurate, and coherent the response is. Quality of Prompt represents the clarity, specificity, and relevance of the prompt given to the model. Model Understanding , model's ability to interpret the prompt, including its training, design, and current context.
  • 20. Prompt Generation Review prompt Crafting a good prompt Clear and Specific. Specify type of Response
  • 21. Prompt Engineering • Define the Objective: • Identify the specific information or assistance • Be Clear and Precise: • Use clear language and avoid ambiguity. • Include essential details without over-complicating the prompt. • Consider Context: • Provide relevant background or context to guide the response. • Set the Tone and Style: • Specify the desired tone (formal, casual) or style (e.g., summary, explanation) if it matters for your use case. • Ask Direct Questions: • If seeking specific information, formulate your prompt as a direct question. • Avoid Bias and Leading Questions: • Craft the prompt neutrally to prevent biased or skewed responses. • Test and Refine: • Experiment with different phrasings and observe how slight changes can affect the response. • Refine the prompt • Consider Ethical and Privacy Concerns: • Ethical guidelines and does not request or reveal sensitive or private information.
  • 22. Response Validation • Review response - meets your requirements. • No access to real-time data • Vaildate Validate Validate. • Prompt – response -refine - reprompt. Relevance Check Accuracy Confirmation Context Consistency Sensitivity Review Refinement for Future Queries
  • 23. What is the Code Interpreter in ChatGPT? • The Code Interpreter - execute Python code • Powerful for code development debugging.
  • 24. How to Use ChatGPT with the Code Interpreter • Input your code in the composer area and send it for execution. • ChatGPT can provide code suggestions, help debug your code, and explain complex code snippets. • You can also ask ChatGPT to generate Python code to solve specific problems or perform specific tasks. Return values of functions or expressions Printed messages Data visualizations DataFrames as tables Error messages Execution time Slide Decks Diagrams Interactive Diagrams
  • 25.
  • 26. Please respond to the following query with a structured and academic approach suitable for a university lecturer. Include bullet- point answers where applicable, supported by relevant examples from scholarly literature. Ensure that all statements are backed by credible evidence, and provide appropriate references and citations in accordance with standard academic citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago). The response should be clear, concise, and tailored to an academic audience engaged in higher education teaching and research."
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. 67-year-old male has dizziness every time he sits up from a lying position, especially in the morning. Also, when he suddenly moves his head, he notes the dizziness. What is the diagnosis
  • 30. Use of Generative AI in Learning Design • Curriculum Planning • Goals and Learning Outcome generation • Develop educational content • Generate lesson plans with appropriate activities • Sequencing of content and activities including adaptation • Assessment Generation and Marking .
  • 31. Generative AI for Instructional Goals and Objectives How generative AI assists teachers in writing goals and objectives
  • 32. ""Imagine you are developing a new course focused on [subject matter]. Your task is to set the primary goal and detailed objectives for this course. • Goal: Begin by stating the overarching goal of the course. What should students be able to do or understand by the end of the course in the context of the [subject matter]? This goal should be broad and encompass the overall aim of the course. • Objectives: Next, detail the specific objectives of the course. These objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). What specific knowledge and skills related to the [subject matter] should students acquire? How will these skills and knowledge contribute to the overarching goal? Alignment with Standards: Ensure that your objectives align with any relevant curriculum standards or educational benchmarks for the [subject matter]. How do these objectives fit within the larger curriculum framework? Assessment Methods: Describe how you would assess students' achievement of these objectives. What types of assessments would provide a valid measure of students' understanding and skills related to the [subject matter]? Your goal and objectives should provide a clear, comprehensive roadmap for the [subject matter] course, guiding both instruction and assessment."
  • 33. Generative AI for Sequencing Instruction How generative AI assists in sequencing instruction
  • 34. "Consider you are planning a course focused on the [subject matter]. Your task is to outline the sequence of instruction that optimizes learning outcomes. • Learning Outcomes: Begin by identifying the learning outcomes for the course. What should students be able to do or understand by the end of the course in the context of the [subject matter]? • Instructional Sequence: Describe the sequence of instruction that will lead students to these outcomes. What topics or skills will you introduce first? How will subsequent lessons build on these initial lessons? • Prerequisite Knowledge: Consider any prerequisite knowledge or skills students may need before certain lessons. How will you ensure students have this prerequisite knowledge or skill before proceeding? • Diverse Learning Needs: How will your sequence of instruction accommodate diverse learning needs and preferences? How will you ensure all students can progress and achieve the learning outcomes? • Assessments and Feedback: Where will assessments be placed in your instructional sequence to measure students' understanding and provide feedback? How will these assessments inform subsequent instruction? • Adaptability: How will your instructional sequence adapt based on student progress and feedback? Your instructional sequence should provide a clear, comprehensive, and adaptable roadmap for the [subject matter] course, guiding both instruction and assessment."
  • 35. Curriculum Planning • Generative AI can assist in creating a sequence of topics or skills that need to be taught over a course or a semester. • Based on inputs about the course content and objectives, the AI can generate a sequence that logically builds from foundational knowledge to more complex skills.
  • 36. Design a comprehensive curriculum for a one-year course in SUBJECT. The curriculum must provide a balanced and progressive learning experience, fostering both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The course is divided into two semesters, and the target audience is undergraduate students with diverse learning needs. Please provide the following details: 1. **Course Overview:** A brief description of the overall goals and objectives of the course in SUBJECT. 2. **Semester 1:** - **Week-by-Week Breakdown:** A detailed sequence of topics, sub-topics, and learning activities for the first semester, progressing from foundational concepts to intermediate level. - **Assessment Methods:** Include quizzes, assignments, projects, or other evaluation mechanisms. - **Resources:** Suggested textbooks, online materials, labs, or other resources that will aid in learning. 3. **Semester 2:** - **Week-by-Week Breakdown:** A continuation of the learning path, focusing on more advanced concepts, specialized areas, and real-world applications in SUBJECT. - **Assessment Methods:** Outline how you will measure students' understanding and skills in the second semester. - **Resources:** List additional resources that will support the advanced content. 4. **Adaptation and Personalization:** Describe how the curriculum can be adapted to cater to different learning styles, preferences, and needs, while ensuring that all essential content in SUBJECT is covered. 5. **Community and Collaboration:** Outline strategies for fostering a sense of community, collaboration, and peer support among students. Please ensure that the curriculum aligns with relevant educational standards, encourages critical thinking, and promotes an in- depth understanding of SUBJECT.
  • 37. Lesson Planning • For individual lessons, generative AI can suggest a sequence of activities that progressively build towards the learning objective. • This might include an introduction to the topic, a series of exercises increasing in difficulty, a collaborative activity, and a formative assessment at the end.
  • 38. Generate a sequence of activities for a lesson on “XXXXX YYY" as part of a course in “ZZZ ZZZZ” . The target audience is undergraduate students, and the lesson duration is 90 minutes. The objective is to help students understand various “TOPIC” and how they can be applied to different “SCENARIOS”. Please provide the following details: • 1. **Introduction (10 minutes):** Outline a creative way to introduce the subject, engaging students with the relevance of different “TOPICS”. • 2. **Series of Exercises (40 minutes):** Describe a series of exercises that increase in difficulty, starting with basic concepts and moving to real-world applications. Include examples and scenarios. • 3. **Collaborative Activity (20 minutes):** Plan a group activity where students collaborate to analyse a case study or create a “APPLICATION OF TOPIC” for a given context. • 4. **Formative Assessment (15 minutes):** Design a short assessment to gauge students' understanding of the topic, including questions or tasks that reflect the learning objective. • 5. **Resources and Support:** List any required materials, technology, or additional support that will enhance the learning experience. • Ensure that the sequence of activities progressively builds towards the learning objective and engages diverse learners in understanding the models and applications of “TOPIC” in the “COURSE ZZZZ”.
  • 39. Adaptive Learning Paths • While it is still an emerging area, generative AI could potentially be used to generate personalized learning paths for individual students. • This might involve analyzing data on a student's past performance and learning style, and then generating a sequence of instruction that is tailored to their needs.
  • 40. "Imagine you are designing a course for a diverse group of learners on the [subject matter]. Your task is to describe your strategy for creating personalized learning paths that dynamically adapt the sequence of instruction to cater to each learner's unique needs, preferences, and goals. Please address the following in your response: • Learner Profiling: Identify the key elements to consider when profiling a learner's needs, preferences, and goals. What kind of data would you need to collect, and how would you obtain it? • Flexible Learning Path: Describe how you would structure a flexible learning path that can adapt to a learner's progress. How could learners choose their own path through the material, and how would you guide them in this choice? • Adaptive Learning Path: Discuss how you would adjust the learning path based on a learner's past performance and future goals. How would this look in practice? • Content Coverage: Despite personalization, how would you ensure that all essential content related to the [subject matter] is covered? • Engagement and Motivation: How would you maintain engagement and motivation for learners on personalized paths? How would you ensure that learners remain connected to their peers and the broader learning community? • Potential Pitfalls: Consider potential challenges in implementing personalized learning paths in the context of [subject matter] and propose solutions to these issues. • Effectiveness Measurement: Discuss how you would measure the effectiveness of your personalized learning paths in improving learner outcomes and satisfaction. Your response should provide a comprehensive plan for personalizing the learning experience while maintaining the integrity of the [subject matter] curriculum."
  • 41. Act like a virtual patient and provide me symptoms and history so that I can improve my clinical skills
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  • 43. I have been asked to create a module for the examination of the abdomen for organomegaly for medical students. Create a curriculum and include learning outcomes and the pedagogy and a lesson plan
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  • 48. Designing Instructional Materials with AI How AI aids in the creation of effective instructional materials
  • 49. Intelligent Content Development • AI can assist in the creation of instructional content by automating certain tasks. • For instance, AI can generate multiple-choice questions based on a given text, create summaries of lengthy documents, or convert text- based content into an interactive format.
  • 50. Resource Recommendation • AI can recommend academic resources to include in instructional materials based on the learning objectives and content of the course. • For example, AI could search a database of academic articles to find relevant research to include in a university course.
  • 51. Personalized Learning Experiences • Tailor instructional materials to the needs of individual learners. • Adapt a mobile course in real time based on a learner's progress.
  • 52. Accessibility making content more accessible for students with disabilities • AI can make instructional materials more accessible. • Generate captions for videos, • transcribe audio content, or • convert text to speech
  • 53. Data-Driven Improvements • AI can collect and analyze data on learners' interaction - used to improve the materials. • Learners are struggling with a particular section of a mobile course; • Content or activities in this section need to be revised.
  • 54. AI for Video Production Draft Learning Outcomes LO to Prompt ChatGPT for video script Import/edi t script to AI Video Generator Add personalised media Choose Voiceover type Produce Review and Upload
  • 55. Write a script for the introduction of the anatomy of the organomegaly medical student module. This will be a 90 second video script. Just provide the narration
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  • 60. Assessment and Feedback • Automated Grading: • Grading objective assessments (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc.) • Evaluating subjective assessments (short answers, essays) with predefined criteria • Personalized Feedback: • Providing tailored feedback on strengths and areas for improvement • Engaging in interactive dialogues to reinforce learning concepts • Real-time Support: • Offering instant feedback on performance • Available 24/7 for flexible learning schedules • Data-Driven Insights: • Tracking performance over time for individual and class insights • Designing adaptive learning paths based on student needs • Enhancing Human Interaction: • Freeing up educators' time for complex student interactions • Facilitating structured peer review processes • Ethical and Bias Considerations: • Ensuring transparency, fairness, and avoidance of biases in AI-driven assessments
  • 61. What are the antibiotics for leprosy treatment
  • 62. Based on this question and answer, create a rubrics to mark answers to the question
  • 63. “the antibiotics used in leprosy are rifampicin and streptomycin. Sometimes you can use dapsone for resistant cases. Rifampicin is the first line drug” - based on this answer provide a grade for it
  • 64. Transforming Teaching with LLMs • Tailoring educational materials • Enhancing teacher collaboration and efficiency • Facilitating personalized learning paths
  • 65. Enhancing Student Experience with LLMs • Engaging and interactive learning • Support for diverse learning styles • Opportunities for self-paced learning
  • 66. Creating your First AI Chatbot for Learning
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  • 77. AI & Health Professional Education The Future • Tailored educational content for individual needs. Personalized Learning: • Practice communication and diagnostic skills. Simulated Interactions: • 24/7 access to information and updates. Continual Education Support: • Assisting in identifying patterns and trends. Collaborative Research: • Equitable access to high-quality education. Accessibility and Inclusivity: • Addressing privacy, consent, and ethical use. Ethical Considerations: • Maximizing effectiveness and efficiency. Integration with Existing Systems: • Innovative tools for real-time feedback and analysis. Assessment and Evaluation:
  • 79. Content Development for online learning • Textual Content: Clear writing, examples, citations. • Multimedia Content: Video, audio, images production. • Interactive Elements: Quizzes, simulations, discussions. • Mobile and Cross-Platform: Responsive design, browser compatibility. • Accessibility and Inclusivity: Alternative formats, cultural sensitivity. • Integration with LMS: Compatibility, tracking, analytics.
  • 81. Delivering content Clear outcome Learning guidance • Mnemonic • an acronym • chunking, • using visuals, • color effects, • bolding or underlining text
  • 82. Techniques for presenting content Storytelling/case discussion •a realistic case •context •actions and decisions Scenario-based approach •challenging situation in which learners are required to •make decisions •choosing options Toolkit approach •present short pieces of content •independent from each other •navigate a non-linear fashion Demonstration-practise method •demonstrate the procedure, •practise the procedure •interacting with the system
  • 83. ELICIT PERFORMANCE + PROVIDE FEEDBACK Formative assessment
  • 84. Assessment of knowledge acquisition • Direct Testing ( design and develop validated test) • EMQ • Case based discussions • Mini CEX
  • 85. Assessment of skill acquisition • Direct Testing / DOPS/Observation and anecdotal records • Performance ratings • Portfolios/Log Book • Rubrics – • set of scoring guidelines (criteria) • evaluate • performance
  • 86. Assessment of attitude change • Observation and anecdotal records • Surveys and Questionnaires • Self-Reporting Inventories • Interviews
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  • 89. Developing Educational Materials using Rise 360 An interactive workshop on creating engaging online courses
  • 90. Learning Outcomes • List and use the features and functionality of Rise 360. • Create an interactive online course using Rise 360. • Integrate multimedia and interactive elements into a Rise 360 course. • Publish and share a Rise 360 course.
  • 91. Authoring tool requirements • interactivity and navigation – menu-driven content and ability to move throughout the content; • editing – content publisher for easier changes/updates; • visual programming – use of buttons, icons, drag-drop graphic; • preview/playback – ability to see or test an ongoing project; • cross-platform interoperability – able to run on all platforms; • cross-browser interoperability – able to run on different browsers; • integration – with leading e-learning applications and compliance models, such as Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) and Aviation Industry CBT [Computer-Based Training] Committee (AICC), for LMS delivery; and • delivery of learning content in multiple formats – able to use SCORM for LMS, Web, CD-ROM and Microsoft Word
  • 92. Structure of an Online Interactive Lesson • Introduction and Objectives: • Overview, guidelines, and learning objectives. • Interactive Content and Practice: • Multimedia, explorations, guided activities. • Assessment and Feedback: • Real-time feedback and self-assessment. • Community, Collaboration & Adaptation: • Collaboration and personalized paths. • Closure, Evaluation, and Accessibility: • Summary, reflection, inclusivity.
  • 93. Session Outline • Introduction to Rise 360 • Creating a Course in Rise 360 • Advanced Features of Rise 360 • Publishing and Sharing a Course • Q&A and Wrap-up
  • 94. Introduction to Rise 360 • Overview of Rise 360's features and benefits • Demonstration of a sample course created with Rise 360
  • 95. Creating a Course in Rise 360 • Step-by-step guide to creating a new course • Hands-on activity: Participants create a simple course on a topic of their choice
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  • 99. Advanced Features of Rise 360 • Adding interactive elements to a course • Integrating multimedia elements into a course • Hands-on activity: Participants add interactive and multimedia elements to their course
  • 100. Structuring your online module • assigned readings / Open Educational Resources • pre- and post-reading activities • instructor-prepared lecture / video to provide context • Problem / Knowledge Check (Quiz, Reflective questions) – posted on Padlet Preparatory work: • Independent work /Submitting answers to post-reading assignment • Quiz that asks processing questions • Interacting with peers on Moodle asynchronous discussion board • Live lesson with the instructor Engagement and Interaction: • Synchronous Team meeting • Asynchronous Discussion – Forum in Moodle ( incorporate video uploads) • for social annotation of texts • Hybrid course, use videoconferencing for live f2f meetings Discussion:
  • 104. Publishing and Sharing a Course • Guide to publishing a course, including options for tracking and reporting • How to share a course with learners • Hands-on activity: Participants publish and share their course
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  • 108. Q&A and Wrap-up • Answer any remaining questions • Discuss potential applications for Rise 360 in participants' own teaching contexts • Provide resources for further learning