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‘After Hours’
Ellie Weedon and Jacob Lawrence
“Forget your lust for the rich man’s gold
All that you need is in your soul
And you can do this, if you try
All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied”
- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Still appears to be lived in by ex-wife Jennifer, some of her
clothes are still in the wardrobe, there is a picture of the family
trio on the opposite bedside table of don’s half-empty double bed.
However, the floor is covered with Don’s clothes, books and rubbish.
Don Walters lies in bed. 46 years old, his face has the constant air
of a faded smile. He sports light stubble and often wears blues and
greys. His manner suggests that he has no immediate appointments.
1 – B.E - looking down on bed, uncomfortable, unnatural and removed.
An alarm rings out shrilly. With waking lethargy, Don reaches out to
turn it off.
2 – M.C.U – Don’s face
He rolls over in bed and instinctively places his arm over to hug
his wife; his eyes open in the realization that she is not there.
The bed is pristine; clearly no one has been sleeping on her side
for a while. Exhaling after a moment of reflective thought, Don’s
eye line shifts upwards and suddenly his expression softens and his
head tilts with interest.
3 – O.T.S - in bed to show bed side table.
He is looking at a picture of him, Jennifer and their daughter at a
wedding, smiling happy. He reaches out to touch the picture.
2 – Camera tracks his movement.
Don’s mind is lost in a second of bittersweet memory; he rubs his
eyes to remove him from the illusion of his past life and sits up in
bed, almost silhouetted in the morning light of the window.
4 – M.C.U – camera tracks movement
Slides feet into slippers and walks out of room.
The cabinet is half empty; there is a man’s and a child’s toothbrush
with the according toothpaste, kids shampoo etc. and anti-depressant
pills on top shelf.
5 – C.U – inside the cupboard
Don opening and staring into his bathroom cabinet.
His tired expression tells the story of a man who is stuck in a
melancholy lifestyle which gives him no break.
Don reaches for something at the top of the cabinet; he looks at the
bottle of anti-depressants and swallows one.
- J/C
6 – E.C.U – J/C sequence – Macro Lens
Brushing teeth/
Shaving skin/
Cleaning shaver/
Zipping up trouser fly/
Flushing toilet handle/
Doing up shirt button/
Tightening tie/
- J/C
Don’s daughter’s room is small, tidy and pink with cuddly toys and
games on display. On the inside of her door are pictures that she
has drawn of her family.
Libby, 7, is very pretty and softly spoken. She shares an
irreplaceable bond with her father.
7 – M.S – inside Libby’s bedroom, through door window
Don knocks in an upbeat rhythm and respectively opens the door.
Wakey, wakey,
Rise and shine!
Time to get up, Libs.
7 – PAN – as Don walks in to reveal a little girl sleeping in her
Come on, get out
of bed sleepy.
Crouches down to her level
8 – O.T.S – looking down on Libby in bed
Morning, Daddy,
Snuggles up in covers, shivering
9 – O.T.S – looking up at don
Brushing a single loose hair from her face
Cold isn’t it, shall
we make some breakfast?
8 – O.T.S
Her eyes light up at the thought of warm food and she lifts her head
in interest
9 – O.T.S
Giving in at the sight of her eyes; ablaze with happiness
Oh, go on then,
pancakes it is.
She whips the covers off in excitement
- Cut to black
- Cut from black
The kitchen is buried under a pile of the previous night’s washing
up. Again, Libby’s drawings decorate the fridge and the table tops.
10 – C.U – inside high cupboard
Don lifts Libby up to reach the top cupboard; her hand fumbles about
inside the cupboard for the flour and eventually grabs it.
11 – C.U – Libby’s face as she struggles to reach the flour, we see
her face change as she finds it and turns her head slightly to Don’s
10 – C.U -
Her hands find the flour
Got it!
12 – M.S – Don replacing Libby back onto her feet
That’s my girl –-
13 – C.U -
Libby places the flour onto the kitchen surface
12 – M.S –
Crouching down to her level
--now, what do you
--want in these?
6 – E.C.U – J/C sequence – Macro Lens
Cracking eggs/
Sifting flour/
Pouring milk/
Mixing pancake mixture/
Pouring pancake mixture/
Door bell ringing.
- J/C
13 – C.U – both heads in shot, the camera’s focus shifts from the
silhouette in the doorway to their heads
Father and daughter turn their heads from the door towards each
other and stare in for a second and Don’s face is painted with a
façade of shock.
He raises his flour covered hands
Caught in the act.
Don taps Libby on the nose, covering it with flour
She rubs the flour off with the back of her hand and giggles
14 – O.T.S – Hand and pan up to reveal Jennifer
Jennifer Walters is Don’s ex-wife. The divorce was recent and is
still raw – she has a new boyfriend who is younger, more handsome
and more successful than Don.
Jennifer stands in the doorway. She dresses in monochrome which
appears expensive and professional.
She looks up from her phone with a look of disapproval
I – have – sent you –
FIFTEEN messages Don.
15 – O.T.S – Jennifer to see Don’s reaction
Sorry -- my phone’s
Libby runs to the door
Me and Daddy are
making pancakes!
14 – O.T.S –
Jennifer looks at Don and speaks in a rather accusing tone and takes
out a tissue from her pocket
I can tell –
14 – PAN - down as Jennifer gets a closer look at Libby
Jennifer forcefully rubs Libby’s face with the tissue
Look at you!
You’re a state.
Addressing Don and raising back up to full height
Don, she has to be at school in twenty minutes.
15 – O.T.S –
14 – O.T.S –
Go on Libby – go
get ready!
15 – O.T.S –
Libby looks to Don but he is rubbing his eye in frustration. She
runs upstairs
We were only making
pancakes Jennifer.
14 – O.T.S –
Only?! What have I –
15 – O.T.S –
Don stops midway through rubbing his eye and looks at Jennifer in
14 – O.T.S – tracks as she walks
--told you about sugar
on mornings Don?
She walks past Don, uninvited into her old house
Don takes a minute to stare mindlessly at the floor, exhales and
then shuts the door behind her
6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence – Macro Lens
Filling kettle/
Flick kettle switch on/
Grab two mugs/
Kettle flicks off/
Stirring tea/
16 – E.C.U – straight on
Slurping tea/
Don and Jennifer sit at opposite ends of the kitchen table. As Don
slurps his tea, Jennifer watches in mild disgust.
They sit awkwardly thinking of what to say
17 – M.L.S - symmetrical - straight on to kitchen table, one brown
paper bag in front of Don
There is an awkwardly long pause, filled with the sound of a ticking
clock and the thuds of a child upstairs
That’s - a - nice dress –
you’ve got on.
Yeah, Jared got me it.
They sip their tea simultaneously, exchanging awkward smiles
18 – Rig – sweep around bottom of the stairs
Runs downstairs, hand on bannister
19 – M.C.U - Shot of mum texting, she looks up briefly and then
returns her gaze to her phone – the sound of Don pulling his chair
out can be heard
20 – C.U –
Don picks up the brown paper bag
19 – M.C.U –
Jennifer finishes off her text and flicks her eyes up to watch what
Don is doing
21 – L.A – tracking from behind
Don walks down the corridor towards Libby
22 – M.C.U – hands and bent over head
Libby sits on the stairs struggling to tie her laces. Don comes into
shot, he ties them for her and she looks up, smiling at him
Thank you Daddy
There you --
23 – C.U – hands
Don pulls the shoelace bow tight
24 – C.U – faces
Don finishes his sentence and father and daughter look at each other
Now is it your spelling
test today?
Libby looks anxious and nods her head
25 – O.T.S – looking at Don
Don places a calming hand on Libby’s shoulder which invites her to
lift her head
Don’t be worried Libs,
Go on, spell –
Don’s eyes flick up at the sound of heels walking down the corridor
26 – POV – PAN UP –
Jennifer walks down the corridor finishing her text, uncaring for
the moment between Don and Libby
25 – O.T.S –
Thinking of his ex-wife
--Spell – superficial
27 – O.T.S – looking at Libby
S – U – super – P –-
Right, --
28 – C.U - hands
Jennifer picks up the brown lunch bag
27 – O.T.S –
Libby looks up and stops reciting her spelling
28 – C.U – Jennifer’s face
Jennifer looks down at Libby and Don
- You’re late enough,
Let’s go.
27 – O.T.S – pan up with their action
Libby looks at Don with an expression of innocent annoyance and they
both stand up together. When stood up, Libby gives her mum a forced,
half smile
29 – O.T.S – slight H.A - Jennifer, looking at Don
Don is looking at Libby as she leaves the house, you hear the door
30 – O.T.S – slight L.A - Don, looking at Jennifer
Don, don’t you have a job
to be getting to?
29 – O.T.S –
Don’s head lurches forwards for a second and he takes a recovering
gulp, slowly bringing his eyes up to meet Jennifer’s.
He nods as he speaks.
Late start
30 – O.T.S –
Jennifer nods in a suspicious fashion
I see,
Well, bye then –
29 –
Don’s façade of organisation is translucent. He forces a smile,
nodding her out of the door, but his eyes reveal his frenzy of
panic. Jennifer moves across the shot towards the door.
Oh, don’t forget to
fix your phone!
29 –
Don’s smile becomes more forced and as he nods he shuts the door
behind them
Mnhmm, yeah -- bye Libby
When they are gone, Don looks down at his watch, panicking
PULL FOCUS: to the clock on the wall behind him
6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence
Grabs keys/
Grabs bag/
Locks Door/
Hobbles down path/ (slower for comedic effect)
Opens car with electric key/
6.1 - M.S – looking through the windscreen –
Don turns on the engine
6.2 - C.U – hands
Don turns on the radio, ‘Well Respected Man’ plays
6.1 - M.S –
Don’s reaction, not amused, he begins to set off driving
6.3 – CRANE - UP – back of car, pulling out
6.4 – DRONE – ELEVATING - car travelling along road
6.5 – TRACKING – Don from behind
Don walks towards school
6.6 – M.C.U – STEADY CAM – circle around Don, to the caretaker and
back to don, landing on the 6.5 TRACKING again
Don looks down and to the side, he sees the CARETAKER looking into
the electrical box
6.5 – TRACKING – Don from behind
He walks into school
6.7 – C.U – receptionist
Morning Donald!
6.8 – C.U – Don
Reaction, unamused
Don places his money on the school’s cafeteria desk.
31 - PAN UP – From Don’s money to the lady’s face
Coffee’s gone up Don,
£1.10 now I’m afraid.
31 – WHIP PAN - following Maureen’s arm to point at the prices list
32 – R.S –
Don’s expression is a mixture of bewilderment and frustration. It
softens as he hears a voice from behind him
32 – PAN – revealing Anna Flowers
ANNA FLOWERS, 45, wears a green dress with a flowery cardigan. She
has a friendly and positive aura that is capable of lightening any
dulled day. She is a drama teacher and coincidentally the only other
member of staff that Don gets along with.
I think I have some spare
change, Don, wait a sec.
33 – R.S –
Don looks at Anna with nervous intimidation.
Oh, Anna, you – you
don’t have to do that.
33 – C.U – Anna’s hands – sound bridge of Don’s speech
Anna shuffles through the change in her purse and pulls out £2, she
hands it to Maureen
32 – M.S –
His coffee and a banana,
please, Maureen.
Anna turns back to face Don
33 – Don’s grateful expression
31 – O.T.S –
I know what you’re like if
you don’t get your fix of caffeine.
33 – R.S –
Well - - I guess that’s true.
How have you been anyway?
31 – O.T.S –
Anna is very physical in her storytelling – using her hands to
exaggerate her words.
Good, yeah, I’ve actually started going
to these sort of.. Yoga ..classes -- they
basically isolate your mind to help you
understand -
33 – R.S –
Don nods as Anna talks, his eyes locked onto hers, fully engaged in
the story until they flick upwards and are forced into a double take
as Don focuses on something behind Anna
31 – FOCUS PULL – from Anna to Rick behind her
- where your root of happiness comes from
– it’s kinda weird but it works – very
helpful actually, you should come with me
one day!
Rick is stood talking to a woman behind Anna, he holds his ‘Best
Teacher’ mug in one hand and is overtly touchy with the other. They
laugh together in an exaggerated fashion and appear to be having a
conversation of ‘ping-ponged’ compliments
31.1 – C.U – Rick’s hand holding the mug
33 – C.U –
Don stares over Anna’s shoulder, distracted, his face twisted with a
perturbed sense of annoyance
31 – R.S -
How about you Don? Don?
33 – PAN as reality floods back to Don - sound bridge -
… Don?!
Don snaps back into reality and his attention turns back to Anna
Oh, Sorry, erm yeah –
31 –
Rick Stoker approaches laughing loudly, Don’s eyes flick up at him
and back down. Rick places an arm around Anna. Don’s voice trails
--I’m -
33 -
-- good too.
34 – C.U –
Rick’s hand squeezes Anna’s shoulder
31 – M.S –
RICK STOKER, 40, is tall, slim and handsome. He is aggravatingly
positive and over enthusiastic towards his teaching; almost American
in his behavioural traits. He is extremely flirtatious and often
comes off as boastful.
[laughing] Anna! You’re looking
nice today, that colour suits you!
34 – C.U –
Rick’s mouth/
branded clothes /
Anna’s lit up eyes/
31 – M.S -
Oh, hi Don, didn’t see you there.
33 – distorted image – tilted/shaky – shows Don’s sense of
Rick… oh yeah… I’m err -- here.
31 –
God, I’ve been so busy on all
of my extra-curriculum trips -
34 – C.U –
Anna nods and smiles in engagement
33 – C.U –
Don sees how Anna is responding and gazes at her with sadness
32 – awkward three shot
- that I feel like I haven’t
even been here in ages.
God, yeah… same.
Oh really, what’ve you been up to?
Oh, it… not really…
I was just joking
Maureen leans across and places Don’s coffee and Anna’s banana on
the counter and all three faces turn to look at it
33 – R.S –
There you go dear.
Don picks up his cup and raises it to Anna as he speaks
33 -
Thanks Anna, I should probably
get to my class.
31 – C.U - Anna
Don begins to walk away and Anna’s eyes follow him
Oh okay, bye Don! See you later!
35 – steady cam – front on tracking with Don as he walks away, Rick
and Anna can be seen out of focus in the background
Yeah bye Don -- Ofsted meeting,
3 o’clock!
Don’s eyes roll as he hears Rick speaking
The corridor is bustling with ’Monday morning’ lethargy
Don looks down at the floor as he walks towards his classroom
36 – Tracking shot – behind Don
Don stops sharply as a female teacher hands him a large pile of
work, her voice is a continuous drone
Don, I need you to mark
these before tomorrow --
37 – R.S –
Don rubs his eyes but responds nodding in a friendly manor
36 -
– Ofsted and all
37 –
No problem, Katie.
Don continues walking down the corridor until a group of young boys
block his walkway into his classroom
37 – steady cam - circles around Don’s face, showing his
Excuse me…
The boys do not respond, they are arguing over whether one of them
said something or not
37 – steady cam – pan away from Don’s body
Excuse me!
One boy reaches out with his arm and knocks Don’s cup out of his
hands, spilling it all down his shirt.
38 – C.U – the cup bounces and spills on the floor
37 – Don’s reaction and tracking
The boys all shuffle into the classroom in humiliation whilst Don
stands with a perturbed look of empty patience
Don walks forwards into his classroom and takes a seat, he takes a
final deep breath
Don’s classroom is dark and sleepy, his desk is cluttered with
screwed up paper and old coffee cups. There is one framed picture of
him stood with his daughter.
39 – PAN – Don’s class’ facial reactions
40 – R.S – face
Oookay, so today we’ll be discussing Buddhist
beliefs surrounding revelation.
40.1 – DOLLY – back of classroom – moving backwards through the
students, they are disinterested and appear to be mocking Don
Can anyone tell me what the difference between-
40.2 – THROUGH GLASS – Don writes on the board/glass/Perspex
- general revelation and spec-
One student can be seen throwing a ball of paper at Don from the
background, the paper hits the board
Don looks up at the board in despair
40.1 – DOLLY – back of classroom – the students are slightly more
hushed in anticipation
Don picks up the piece of screwed up paper and unfolds it
40.3 – O.T.S – Don, looking down on paper
It reads, ‘Mr Walters is a useless piece of’ and there is a drawing
of a turd to finish the note off
40 – R.S – Don’s face
He looks genuinely insulted and dejected
40.1 – back of classroom –
Don shoves the note in his pocket and walks back over to his desk,
taking a seat
37 – C.U – hand
Don uses the mouse and double clicks on the DVD icon
- J/C
6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence –
Insert DVD/
Click play/
Turn up volume/
Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/
Bell rings/
Don wakes up/
[mumbles] B-bye
Another class file into the room
Click play/
Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/
Bell rings/
Click play/
Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/
Bell rings/
Click play/
Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/
Bell rings/
40 – SLIDER – E.C.U – on desk
Don is fast asleep with his head resting on his desk, lit up by the
light of his laptop in the foreground. The Breakfast Club is
finishing behind him. His eyes flicker as the ending letter is being
read aloud on screen, he is slow to move and only lifts his head
slightly to see what’s going on around him.
39 – POV – shaky, blurry, empty chairs coming into focus (blinking)
40 – R.S –
Don’s realization, his head jolts up to look at the clock
39 – POV – clock comes into focus, it reads 8:00pm
37 – M.S –
Don panics, mumbling words and grabs his bag, fumbles and then runs
out of the classroom
41 – O.T.S – RIG – Tracking Don from behind
Don pokes his head into consecutive classrooms
The action steadies and the camera tracks around Don to reveal his
facial expression
Hears a faint whistling
Don begins to awkwardly walk/run to the door
42 – O.T.S – CARETAKER as he locks the school doors and turns around
and places his earphones in each ear
43 – C.U – hands
The CARETAKER clicks on spotify and plays ‘Simple Man’, the song
plays as diegetic music.
42 –
He begins to walk away from the school, humming along to the tune of
the music.
In the background of the shot, Don can be seen running up the
corridor silently shouting
41 – O.T.S – RIG – Tracking Don from behind
Don runs up to the main doors and bangs on the glass whilst shouting
to get the CARETAKER’s attention
Hey—heyyy! Heeyyyyy!!
Don rests his head on the glass in frustration and slowly turns
around to assess his situation
41 – DRONE – PAN UP – revealing a very empty, gloomy school,
highlighting Don’s isolation
Don looks around with an expression of hopelessness
44 – C.U – feet
Don paces back and forth
44 – E.C.U – head
Don scratches behind his ear
45 – C.U – front on
Don struggles with his phone, moving it around to try to get signal
and tapping it to try and make it work
He holds it up to his ear, there is a long moment of silence, but
then it starts ringing
46 – SLIDER – along coffee table, showing hands building Lego out of
focus, the key frame is Jennifer’s phone which begins buzzing when
set in frame
Libby is sat on the floor of the front room building some Lego,
drawings and pencil crayons surrounding her. Jennifer’s mobile rings
and Don’s face pops up on screen. Libby’s hand grabs the phone and
she answers his call
46 – CRANE UP – FOCAL SHIFT – framing Libby’s face in C.U
45 – C.U –
Don has an excited but panicked expression
Yes! Libby! Listen, I need you to –
46 –
Daddy! I got full marks on my
spelling test! Best in the class!
And Miss Shelly wants me to join
the spelling bee team on a Thursday
lunch time!
45 – C.U –
Don rubs in forehead in agitation but smiles and nods, trying to
interrupt, the sound of Libby going on about her day can be heard in
the background
Yes Libs, but – that’s great—
--but I need
46 –
The hardest one was re-frig-er-ator,
but I got there in the end!
45 – C.U –
Don moves the phone away from his face and checks the battery
44 – E.C.U – phone
The battery reads 1%
47 – O.T.S – Don turns into frame, leaving dialogue space
Don quickly moves the phone back to his ear
LIBBY! I’m so sorry, but you
need to put me on to mummy right now!
Don waits agitatedly as Libby takes her time getting the phone to
Libby stands up and walks out of the room, and shouts
MUUMMYY! Where are you??
Off screen a voice calls
Libby walks into the kitchen and holds the phone out
Out of shot we hear her explain
Daddy’s on the phone
46 – STEADY CAM – tracking the phones movement until Jennifer takes
it from Libby’s hand and lifts it up to her ear
9 C.U –
What do you wan— -
47 – slides off, left with 46
Jennifer shakes her head in disapproval and places the phone down on
the side
Useless piece of –
45 – C.U –
Don pauses for a moment in fear
Don looks at his phone; it has run out of charge.
He exhales loudly and closes his eyes in frustration
47 – L.S - Don silhouetted in the light of the corridor
The building looks sleepy, lights still shine from windows, but
there is no one to be seen
48 – E.S - DRONE – pan up from low angle
Inside an empty classroom, there is low key lighting, empty chairs
and the remnants of the day’s work. A ticking clock can be heard.
49 – CRANE UP – empty corridor
50 – PAN – room with empty chairs, the key frame of the pan is Don
trying to escape
Don has his head through the window, trying to force his shoulders
- J.C
Don’s forcing his arm through the window
- J.C
Don’s forcing his leg through the window
50.1 – CRANE UP – Don waving his hands frantically through the
window, almost performing star jumps. He yells
50.2 – L.S – FOCUS PULL – from car to school
A car drives past, unaware, in the foreground
The silhouetted blinds almost appear to be prison bars, Don looks
tiny and insignificant in the shot
51 – SLIDER – telephone key frame – PULL FOCUS – revealing Don’s
face in the locked door behind the telephone
52 – M.C.U – profile – other side of locked door
Don presses his face against the window, looking around through the
window. In frustration his rubs his face and then looks around on
his side of the door. His eyes come to a conclusion.
52 – L.S –
Don runs into shot, his shoulder aiming at the door
51 – M.S – through the door’s window panel
Don hits the door three times, shoulder first, but to no avail, his
reaction is seen through the panel.
53 – M.S - directly behind Don
Don turns around and slides down the door, clutching his arm
He looks dejected and annoyed
54 – DOLLY – tracking from behind
Don walks down the corridor whistling ‘Well Respected Man’ under his
breath, still clutching his shoulder. He suddenly stops when he
turns to look at a display board
55 – L.A – looking up at the display from behind Don
Don stands and looks at the display ‘Are You The Best You can Be?’,
dropping his arm down to his side from nursing his shoulder
56 – C.U – the camera slowly advancing - Don’s face
Don stares with an overwhelmed expression, his eyes dart around the
display in front of him and he is quickly short of breath
55 – C.U – jump cut sequence
The camera flicks from words to word: amazing/ brilliant/ talented/
successful/ wealthy/ strong/ healthy
56 – E.C.U –
His eyes finally settle on an image in the display behind the camera
55 – C.U – zoom into the mug -
Then finally ends on an image of Rick, wearing a charity teacher and
holding a ‘Best Teacher’ mug with Anna stood in the background
Rick’s classroom is neat and tidy with everything in order. Compared
to Don’s classroom, it looks untouched by students entirely
On his desk, he has a small pile of books, one which reads ‘Positive
55 – MATCHED SHOT – zoom out from mug -
Don holds the ‘Best Teacher Mug’ in his hands, but instead of the
smiley Rick Stoker, Don stands with a face of misery, his knuckles
tight around the handle
56 – E.C.U –
Don’s Adam’s apple swallowing in anger
57 – B.E – looking down onto the mug
Still with a ring of tea at the bottom, Don holds the mug shaking
slightly in anger
58 – W.E – Shot beneath a sheet of glass/Perspex which acts as the
table –
Don appears to be on the brink of throwing the mug on the floor,
however he instead drops the mug onto the table and it spins to a
58 – W.E - SLIDER – the camera pans to the right, revealing a neat
row of pencils and pens which are also resting on his desk
Don looks down at the desk from above and slumps down into Ricks
59 – O.T.S – Don looking at the desk from above
Don places his elbows on the table
58 – W.E – through the glass
Don sighs in frustration
57 – M.S –
Don spreads his arms out on the desk and places his head in his
arms, however his arms knock off some sheets onto the floor
He lifts his head up and picks up the sheets off of the floor,
organising them into their previously neat pile, however one of the
sheets catches Don’s eye and he stops to read it
59 – O.T.S –
Don reads the letter under his breath
57 – M.C.U -
Radiology consultation…
MRI… Brain t-
His mouth continues to mime the words but he is unable to speak
He takes a deep gulp and he wipes his forehead with his left hand,
looks around in worry and then his eyes focus on something off
59 – O.T.S – the camera rotates around Don
Don picks up Rick’s ‘Positive Thinking’ book
57 – M.C.U – DOLLY OUT -
He looks up in thought, one of his hands moves down to his pocket
and as Don touches the screwed up paper from earlier he looks down
and brings the paper closer to his face, remembers what it says and
dismisses it, throwing it towards the bin
60 – C.U – pan down - focus pull from Don to the bin as he throws
Don throws the screwed up paper at bin, he misses, the paper lands
on the floor
57 – M.S –
Don looks at the bin in stillness for a moment, and then proceeds to
pick it up
60 – C.U – bin
Don’s hand picking up the paper and throwing it into the bin, yet
again he misses
60 – C.U – Don
Don reacts with an expression of anger and annoyance, he reaches
60 – C.U – bin
Hovering his hand directly over the bin, he ensures that the paper
goes in
60 – C.U – Don
Returns to his solemn stare, but then is hit by an idea and his head
turns in two motions towards the bin again
61 – P.O.V – HANDHELD - as bin being carried and placed down on the
ground, rotated when placed down
62 – M.C.U –
Don takes his hands away from the bin and takes a second to check
that everything is in order
Don takes three steps back from the bin and throws the paper
62 – M.C.U –
The paper lands in the bin
Don goes to collect the paper and starts walking even further back
to throw the paper
62 – M.C.U – jump cut sequence
Don throws the paper into the bin from various distances, getting
further away each time. Out of focus, in the background you can see
Don celebrating each hit
64 – HANDHELD TRACKING – front on to Don
Don carries the bin
He places it down, as he straightens back up, he looks up and the
camera continues to pan upwards, following his gaze until it reaches
the balcony key frame where Don is already standing
66 – M.C.U – Don side -
Don peers over the side of the balcony, he is setting up his shot
He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders, he leans over the side,
arm stretched out
65 – FIXED TRIPOD PAN - SLOW MOTION – Reduced from 60fps –
The paper falls neatly into the bin
66 – Don’s reaction –
Yes-yes-yes—yess… YESS!
Don celebrates with a subtle but punctuating arm gesture. He looks
back over the balcony and laughs
67 – C.U – SLOW MOTION - hand and ball
Don bouncing basketball
68 – E.C.U – eyes
Eyes scrunched in determination
69 – M.C.U – LOW ANGLE – basketball hoop
68 – M.L.S – same position – 25fps
Still bouncing ball
67 – C.U – 25fps
Dribbles ball and runs out of frame
70 – M.S – from behind – tracking
Don runs to shoot a basket
71 – M.C.U – Camera Don’s left – LOW ANGLE
69 – M.C.U – hoop
Ball shoots through hoop
70 – M.L.S – tracking away from Don
He celebrates his victory
72 – C.U – neck of guitar
Don runs his finger along the frets and then grabs the guitar by its
73 – DOLLY – tracking forwards slowly towards the entrance
After a moment of delay, Don’s laughter can be heard and Don rides
past, Superman style, on a wheelie chair
The lab is pitch black, all except from one burning Bunsen burner
74 – C.U - FOCUS PULL – Bunsen burner
Don places Magnesium into the Bunsen burner and as it lights up, is
face is revealed from the darkness. He smiles in admiration
INT. CORRIDOOR T SECTION – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast club]
73 – M.L.S –
Don slides on the floor, almost falling over but stumbles to
75 – C.U – TRACKING - in front of feet
Don runs towards the camera
Don running
INT. CORRIDOOR YELLOW LOCKERS – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast Club]
77 – M.S –
Don runs into shot and stops suddenly. He reaches out with his hand
and pretends he’s in the hallway scene in The Breakfast Club.
Turning as he alternates between Andrew and Bender
Wait – wait – hold it – we have to go
through the cafeteria
What about the activities hall?
78 – M.S – CRANE DOWN – behind Don’s desk
Don stands looking at his mess of a desk, his hands on his hips. He
exhales an overwhelmed sigh
INT. CORRIDOOR YELLOW LOCKERS – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast Club]
No, you don’t know what you’re talking
NO, you don’t know what you’re talking
78.1 – CRANE UP – behind Anna’ desk
A name plate sits on her desk and there is myriad of flowery
notebooks and pens
Don writes on one of her pink post-it notes
78.2 – C.U –
Don’s finger sticks the post-it on top of one of Anna’s notepad, it
read, ‘I’d love to go with you sometime.’
79 – H.A - P.O.V – Don’s hands
Straightens up some papers/
Gathers pens and pencils together and places them in a pot/
79.1 – M.C.U - Shot through glass/Perspex
Writes the date and draws a smiley face on the board
79 – H.A - P.O.V – Don’s hands
Picks up a grimy mug/
80- REVERSE – L.A – Don’s reaction
Looks into the mug and winces
75 – M.S – DON
Don strums the guitar with a mocking confidence
78 – C.U – Don’s face
Don has a moment of contented reflection, he then laughs to himself
and looks down at the ground
79 - M.L.S - TRACKING – behind Don
Don continues down the corridor, whistling ‘Well Respected Man’ to
himself loudly, whilst patting his leg with his hand jovially
81 – DRONE – slowly curving around school, capturing the first rays
of sunlight
82 – M.C.U – side on Don
Don is sat in his desk chair, he straightens out his key board,
picks up the photograph of him and his daughter and leans back
83 – O.T.S –
Don strokes Libby’s face with his thumb
84 – C.U - REVERSE – Don’s reaction
Don smiles and looks up from the photograph
82 – M.C.U – side on Don
Don places the image back down on his desk
85 – C.U – hands and photo on desk
He adjusts the image so it sits nice and neatly on his freshly
cleaned desk
78 – M.C.U - slight DOLLY – behind Don’s desk
Don places his elbows on his desk and rests his head in his hands
He is smiling in content
- J.C
The room is much lighter and the sound of children can be heard
Don’s asleep with his head in his arms on his desk
The school bell rings shrilly and Don wakes up suddenly with a jolt
of his head

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'After Hours' - Screenplay

  • 2. 2 EPIGRAPH – “Forget your lust for the rich man’s gold All that you need is in your soul And you can do this, if you try All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied” - Lynyrd Skynyrd FADE IN - INT. DON’S HOUSE – MORNING - BEDROOM Still appears to be lived in by ex-wife Jennifer, some of her clothes are still in the wardrobe, there is a picture of the family trio on the opposite bedside table of don’s half-empty double bed. However, the floor is covered with Don’s clothes, books and rubbish. Don Walters lies in bed. 46 years old, his face has the constant air of a faded smile. He sports light stubble and often wears blues and greys. His manner suggests that he has no immediate appointments. DON WALTERS 1 – B.E - looking down on bed, uncomfortable, unnatural and removed. An alarm rings out shrilly. With waking lethargy, Don reaches out to turn it off. 2 – M.C.U – Don’s face He rolls over in bed and instinctively places his arm over to hug his wife; his eyes open in the realization that she is not there. The bed is pristine; clearly no one has been sleeping on her side for a while. Exhaling after a moment of reflective thought, Don’s eye line shifts upwards and suddenly his expression softens and his head tilts with interest. 3 – O.T.S - in bed to show bed side table. He is looking at a picture of him, Jennifer and their daughter at a wedding, smiling happy. He reaches out to touch the picture. 2 – Camera tracks his movement. Don’s mind is lost in a second of bittersweet memory; he rubs his eyes to remove him from the illusion of his past life and sits up in bed, almost silhouetted in the morning light of the window. 4 – M.C.U – camera tracks movement
  • 3. 3 Slides feet into slippers and walks out of room. JUMP CUT - INT. DON’S HOUSE – MORNING – BATHROOM The cabinet is half empty; there is a man’s and a child’s toothbrush with the according toothpaste, kids shampoo etc. and anti-depressant pills on top shelf. DON WALTERS 5 – C.U – inside the cupboard Don opening and staring into his bathroom cabinet. His tired expression tells the story of a man who is stuck in a melancholy lifestyle which gives him no break. Don reaches for something at the top of the cabinet; he looks at the bottle of anti-depressants and swallows one. - J/C 6 – E.C.U – J/C sequence – Macro Lens Brushing teeth/ Shaving skin/ Cleaning shaver/ Zipping up trouser fly/ Flushing toilet handle/ Doing up shirt button/ Tightening tie/ - J/C INT. DON’S HOUSE – LIBBY’S ROOM - MORNING Don’s daughter’s room is small, tidy and pink with cuddly toys and games on display. On the inside of her door are pictures that she has drawn of her family. Libby, 7, is very pretty and softly spoken. She shares an irreplaceable bond with her father. DON WALTERS 7 – M.S – inside Libby’s bedroom, through door window Don knocks in an upbeat rhythm and respectively opens the door. DON WALTERS
  • 4. 4 Wakey, wakey, Rise and shine! Time to get up, Libs. 7 – PAN – as Don walks in to reveal a little girl sleeping in her bed. DON WALTERS Come on, get out of bed sleepy. Crouches down to her level 8 – O.T.S – looking down on Libby in bed LIBBY Mumbling Morning, Daddy, Snuggles up in covers, shivering Burrrr! 9 – O.T.S – looking up at don DON WALTERS Brushing a single loose hair from her face Cold isn’t it, shall we make some breakfast? 8 – O.T.S LIBBY Her eyes light up at the thought of warm food and she lifts her head in interest Pancakes! 9 – O.T.S DON WALTERS Giving in at the sight of her eyes; ablaze with happiness
  • 5. 5 Oh, go on then, pancakes it is. LIBBY She whips the covers off in excitement Yeyy! - Cut to black - Cut from black INT. DON’S HOUSE – KITCHEN – MORNING The kitchen is buried under a pile of the previous night’s washing up. Again, Libby’s drawings decorate the fridge and the table tops. 10 – C.U – inside high cupboard LIBBY Don lifts Libby up to reach the top cupboard; her hand fumbles about inside the cupboard for the flour and eventually grabs it. 11 – C.U – Libby’s face as she struggles to reach the flour, we see her face change as she finds it and turns her head slightly to Don’s 10 – C.U - Her hands find the flour Got it! 12 – M.S – Don replacing Libby back onto her feet DON WALTERS That’s my girl –- 13 – C.U - Libby places the flour onto the kitchen surface 12 – M.S –
  • 6. 6 Crouching down to her level --now, what do you --want in these? 6 – E.C.U – J/C sequence – Macro Lens Cracking eggs/ Sifting flour/ Pouring milk/ Mixing pancake mixture/ Pouring pancake mixture/ Door bell ringing. - J/C 13 – C.U – both heads in shot, the camera’s focus shifts from the silhouette in the doorway to their heads DON WALTERS Father and daughter turn their heads from the door towards each other and stare in for a second and Don’s face is painted with a façade of shock. He raises his flour covered hands Caught in the act. Don taps Libby on the nose, covering it with flour LIBBY She rubs the flour off with the back of her hand and giggles DON WALTERS 14 – O.T.S – Hand and pan up to reveal Jennifer Jennifer Walters is Don’s ex-wife. The divorce was recent and is still raw – she has a new boyfriend who is younger, more handsome and more successful than Don. Jennifer stands in the doorway. She dresses in monochrome which appears expensive and professional. She looks up from her phone with a look of disapproval
  • 7. 7 JENNIFER WALTERS I – have – sent you – FIFTEEN messages Don. 15 – O.T.S – Jennifer to see Don’s reaction DON WALTERS Sorry -- my phone’s broken. Libby runs to the door LIBBY Mummy! Me and Daddy are making pancakes! 14 – O.T.S – Jennifer looks at Don and speaks in a rather accusing tone and takes out a tissue from her pocket JENNIFER WALTERS I can tell – 14 – PAN - down as Jennifer gets a closer look at Libby Jennifer forcefully rubs Libby’s face with the tissue Look at you! You’re a state. Addressing Don and raising back up to full height Don, she has to be at school in twenty minutes. 15 – O.T.S – DON WALTERS Wel-
  • 8. 8 14 – O.T.S – Interrupting JENNIFER WALTERS Go on Libby – go get ready! 15 – O.T.S – Libby looks to Don but he is rubbing his eye in frustration. She runs upstairs DON WALTERS We were only making pancakes Jennifer. 14 – O.T.S – JENNIFER WALTERS Only?! What have I – DON WALTERS 15 – O.T.S – Don stops midway through rubbing his eye and looks at Jennifer in amazement 14 – O.T.S – tracks as she walks JENNIFER WALTERS --told you about sugar on mornings Don? She walks past Don, uninvited into her old house DON WALTERS Don takes a minute to stare mindlessly at the floor, exhales and then shuts the door behind her INT. DON’S HOUSE - KITCHEN
  • 9. 9 6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence – Macro Lens Filling kettle/ Flick kettle switch on/ Grab two mugs/ Kettle flicks off/ Stirring tea/ 16 – E.C.U – straight on Slurping tea/ Don and Jennifer sit at opposite ends of the kitchen table. As Don slurps his tea, Jennifer watches in mild disgust. They sit awkwardly thinking of what to say 17 – M.L.S - symmetrical - straight on to kitchen table, one brown paper bag in front of Don There is an awkwardly long pause, filled with the sound of a ticking clock and the thuds of a child upstairs DON WALTERS That’s - a - nice dress – you’ve got on. JENNIFER WALTERS Yeah, Jared got me it. DON WALTERS Oh- They sip their tea simultaneously, exchanging awkward smiles 18 – Rig – sweep around bottom of the stairs LIBBY Runs downstairs, hand on bannister JENNIFER WALTERS 19 – M.C.U - Shot of mum texting, she looks up briefly and then returns her gaze to her phone – the sound of Don pulling his chair out can be heard
  • 10. 10 DON WALTERS 20 – C.U – Don picks up the brown paper bag JENNIFER WALTERS 19 – M.C.U – Jennifer finishes off her text and flicks her eyes up to watch what Don is doing DON WALTERS 21 – L.A – tracking from behind Don walks down the corridor towards Libby 22 – M.C.U – hands and bent over head Libby sits on the stairs struggling to tie her laces. Don comes into shot, he ties them for her and she looks up, smiling at him LIBBY Thank you Daddy DON WALTERS There you -- 23 – C.U – hands Don pulls the shoelace bow tight --go. 24 – C.U – faces Don finishes his sentence and father and daughter look at each other Now is it your spelling test today? LIBBY
  • 11. 11 Libby looks anxious and nods her head Yeah 25 – O.T.S – looking at Don DON WALTERS Don places a calming hand on Libby’s shoulder which invites her to lift her head Don’t be worried Libs, Go on, spell – Don’s eyes flick up at the sound of heels walking down the corridor JENNIFER WALTERS 26 – POV – PAN UP – Jennifer walks down the corridor finishing her text, uncaring for the moment between Don and Libby DON WALTERS 25 – O.T.S – Thinking of his ex-wife --Spell – superficial 27 – O.T.S – looking at Libby LIBBY S – U – super – P –- JENNIFER WALTERS Interrupting Right, -- 28 – C.U - hands Jennifer picks up the brown lunch bag
  • 12. 12 27 – O.T.S – Libby looks up and stops reciting her spelling JENNIFER WALTERS 28 – C.U – Jennifer’s face Jennifer looks down at Libby and Don - You’re late enough, Let’s go. 27 – O.T.S – pan up with their action Libby looks at Don with an expression of innocent annoyance and they both stand up together. When stood up, Libby gives her mum a forced, half smile 29 – O.T.S – slight H.A - Jennifer, looking at Don Don is looking at Libby as she leaves the house, you hear the door open. 30 – O.T.S – slight L.A - Don, looking at Jennifer JENNIFER WALTERS Don, don’t you have a job to be getting to? 29 – O.T.S – Don’s head lurches forwards for a second and he takes a recovering gulp, slowly bringing his eyes up to meet Jennifer’s. He nods as he speaks. DON WALTERS Late start 30 – O.T.S – Jennifer nods in a suspicious fashion JENNIFER WALTERS I see,
  • 13. 13 Well, bye then – 29 – Don’s façade of organisation is translucent. He forces a smile, nodding her out of the door, but his eyes reveal his frenzy of panic. Jennifer moves across the shot towards the door. 30 – O.T.S – REVERSED JENNIFER WALTERS Oh, don’t forget to fix your phone! 29 – Don’s smile becomes more forced and as he nods he shuts the door behind them DON WALTERS Mnhmm, yeah -- bye Libby When they are gone, Don looks down at his watch, panicking PULL FOCUS: to the clock on the wall behind him Shi— - JUMP CUT EXT. TRAVELLING TO WORK SEQUENCE 6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence Grabs keys/ Grabs bag/ Locks Door/ Hobbles down path/ (slower for comedic effect) Opens car with electric key/ 6.1 - M.S – looking through the windscreen – Don turns on the engine 6.2 - C.U – hands Don turns on the radio, ‘Well Respected Man’ plays
  • 14. 14 6.1 - M.S – Don’s reaction, not amused, he begins to set off driving 6.3 – CRANE - UP – back of car, pulling out EXT. BAILDON MOOR - MORNING 6.4 – DRONE – ELEVATING - car travelling along road EXT. SCHOOL – MORNING 6.5 – TRACKING – Don from behind Don walks towards school 6.6 – M.C.U – STEADY CAM – circle around Don, to the caretaker and back to don, landing on the 6.5 TRACKING again Don looks down and to the side, he sees the CARETAKER looking into the electrical box 6.5 – TRACKING – Don from behind He walks into school 6.7 – C.U – receptionist RECEPTIONIST Morning Donald! 6.8 – C.U – Don Reaction, unamused INT. SCHOOL – CAFETERIA – MORNING Don places his money on the school’s cafeteria desk. 31 - PAN UP – From Don’s money to the lady’s face MAUREEN Coffee’s gone up Don, £1.10 now I’m afraid.
  • 15. 15 31 – WHIP PAN - following Maureen’s arm to point at the prices list 32 – R.S – Beat. Don’s expression is a mixture of bewilderment and frustration. It softens as he hears a voice from behind him 32 – PAN – revealing Anna Flowers ANNA FLOWERS, 45, wears a green dress with a flowery cardigan. She has a friendly and positive aura that is capable of lightening any dulled day. She is a drama teacher and coincidentally the only other member of staff that Don gets along with. ANNA FLOWERS I think I have some spare change, Don, wait a sec. 33 – R.S – Don looks at Anna with nervous intimidation. DON WALTERS Oh, Anna, you – you don’t have to do that. 33 – C.U – Anna’s hands – sound bridge of Don’s speech Anna shuffles through the change in her purse and pulls out £2, she hands it to Maureen 32 – M.S – ANNA FLOWERS His coffee and a banana, please, Maureen. Anna turns back to face Don 33 – Don’s grateful expression 31 – O.T.S –
  • 16. 16 ANNA FLOWERS (CONT’D) I know what you’re like if you don’t get your fix of caffeine. 33 – R.S – DON WALTERS Well - - I guess that’s true. How have you been anyway? 31 – O.T.S – Anna is very physical in her storytelling – using her hands to exaggerate her words. ANNA FLOWERS Good, yeah, I’ve actually started going to these sort of.. Yoga ..classes -- they basically isolate your mind to help you understand - 33 – R.S – Don nods as Anna talks, his eyes locked onto hers, fully engaged in the story until they flick upwards and are forced into a double take as Don focuses on something behind Anna 31 – FOCUS PULL – from Anna to Rick behind her - where your root of happiness comes from – it’s kinda weird but it works – very helpful actually, you should come with me one day! Rick is stood talking to a woman behind Anna, he holds his ‘Best Teacher’ mug in one hand and is overtly touchy with the other. They laugh together in an exaggerated fashion and appear to be having a conversation of ‘ping-ponged’ compliments 31.1 – C.U – Rick’s hand holding the mug 33 – C.U –
  • 17. 17 Don stares over Anna’s shoulder, distracted, his face twisted with a perturbed sense of annoyance 31 – R.S - ANNA FLOWERS (CONT’D) How about you Don? Don? 33 – PAN as reality floods back to Don - sound bridge - … Don?! Don snaps back into reality and his attention turns back to Anna DON WALTERS Oh, Sorry, erm yeah – 31 – Rick Stoker approaches laughing loudly, Don’s eyes flick up at him and back down. Rick places an arm around Anna. Don’s voice trails out. --I’m - 33 - -- good too. 34 – C.U – Rick’s hand squeezes Anna’s shoulder 31 – M.S – RICK STOKER, 40, is tall, slim and handsome. He is aggravatingly positive and over enthusiastic towards his teaching; almost American in his behavioural traits. He is extremely flirtatious and often comes off as boastful. RICK STOKER [laughing] Anna! You’re looking nice today, that colour suits you! 34 – C.U – Rick’s mouth/ branded clothes / Anna’s lit up eyes/ 31 – M.S - RICK STOKER (CONT’D)
  • 18. 18 Oh, hi Don, didn’t see you there. 33 – distorted image – tilted/shaky – shows Don’s sense of discomfort DON WALTERS Rick… oh yeah… I’m err -- here. 31 – RICK STOKER God, I’ve been so busy on all of my extra-curriculum trips - 34 – C.U – Anna nods and smiles in engagement 33 – C.U – Don sees how Anna is responding and gazes at her with sadness 32 – awkward three shot - that I feel like I haven’t even been here in ages. Beat. Sarcasm DON WALTERS God, yeah… same. RICK STOKER Oh really, what’ve you been up to? DON WALTERS Oh, it… not really… I was just joking Beat. Maureen leans across and places Don’s coffee and Anna’s banana on the counter and all three faces turn to look at it 33 – R.S – MAUREEN
  • 19. 19 There you go dear. Don picks up his cup and raises it to Anna as he speaks 33 - DON WALTERS Thanks Anna, I should probably get to my class. 31 – C.U - Anna Don begins to walk away and Anna’s eyes follow him ANNA FLOWERS Oh okay, bye Don! See you later! 35 – steady cam – front on tracking with Don as he walks away, Rick and Anna can be seen out of focus in the background RICK STOKER Yeah bye Don -- Ofsted meeting, 3 o’clock! Don’s eyes roll as he hears Rick speaking SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – MORNING The corridor is bustling with ’Monday morning’ lethargy Don looks down at the floor as he walks towards his classroom 36 – Tracking shot – behind Don Don stops sharply as a female teacher hands him a large pile of work, her voice is a continuous drone FEMALE TEACHER Don, I need you to mark these before tomorrow -- 37 – R.S – Don rubs his eyes but responds nodding in a friendly manor 36 - – Ofsted and all
  • 20. 20 37 – DON WALTERS No problem, Katie. Don continues walking down the corridor until a group of young boys block his walkway into his classroom 37 – steady cam - circles around Don’s face, showing his frustration. DON WALTERS Excuse me… The boys do not respond, they are arguing over whether one of them said something or not 37 – steady cam – pan away from Don’s body DON WALTERS (CONT’D) Excuse me! One boy reaches out with his arm and knocks Don’s cup out of his hands, spilling it all down his shirt. 38 – C.U – the cup bounces and spills on the floor 37 – Don’s reaction and tracking The boys all shuffle into the classroom in humiliation whilst Don stands with a perturbed look of empty patience Don walks forwards into his classroom and takes a seat, he takes a final deep breath INT. DON’S CLASSROOM – MORNING Don’s classroom is dark and sleepy, his desk is cluttered with screwed up paper and old coffee cups. There is one framed picture of him stood with his daughter. 39 – PAN – Don’s class’ facial reactions 40 – R.S – face DON WALTERS Oookay, so today we’ll be discussing Buddhist beliefs surrounding revelation.
  • 21. 21 40.1 – DOLLY – back of classroom – moving backwards through the students, they are disinterested and appear to be mocking Don DON WALTERS Can anyone tell me what the difference between- 40.2 – THROUGH GLASS – Don writes on the board/glass/Perspex - general revelation and spec- One student can be seen throwing a ball of paper at Don from the background, the paper hits the board Don looks up at the board in despair 40.1 – DOLLY – back of classroom – the students are slightly more hushed in anticipation Don picks up the piece of screwed up paper and unfolds it 40.3 – O.T.S – Don, looking down on paper It reads, ‘Mr Walters is a useless piece of’ and there is a drawing of a turd to finish the note off 40 – R.S – Don’s face He looks genuinely insulted and dejected DON WALTERS Ok. 40.1 – back of classroom – Don shoves the note in his pocket and walks back over to his desk, taking a seat 37 – C.U – hand Don uses the mouse and double clicks on the DVD icon - J/C 6 – E.C.U - J/C sequence – Insert DVD/ Click play/ Turn up volume/ Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/ Bell rings/ Don wakes up/ DON WALTERS
  • 22. 22 [mumbles] B-bye Another class file into the room Click play/ Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/ Bell rings/ Click play/ Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/ Bell rings/ Click play/ Hear music, close up on Don’s face – ‘don’t you forget about me’/ Bell rings/ - FADE TO BLACK INT. SCHOOL – DON’S CLASSROOM – EVENING 7 FADE FROM BLACK 40 – SLIDER – E.C.U – on desk Don is fast asleep with his head resting on his desk, lit up by the light of his laptop in the foreground. The Breakfast Club is finishing behind him. His eyes flicker as the ending letter is being read aloud on screen, he is slow to move and only lifts his head slightly to see what’s going on around him. 39 – POV – shaky, blurry, empty chairs coming into focus (blinking) 40 – R.S – Don’s realization, his head jolts up to look at the clock 39 – POV – clock comes into focus, it reads 8:00pm 37 – M.S – Don panics, mumbling words and grabs his bag, fumbles and then runs out of the classroom INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 41 – O.T.S – RIG – Tracking Don from behind Don pokes his head into consecutive classrooms DON WALTERS
  • 23. 23 F-f-f-fuuu-fuu The action steadies and the camera tracks around Don to reveal his facial expression Hears a faint whistling Don begins to awkwardly walk/run to the door 42 – O.T.S – CARETAKER as he locks the school doors and turns around and places his earphones in each ear 43 – C.U – hands The CARETAKER clicks on spotify and plays ‘Simple Man’, the song plays as diegetic music. 42 – He begins to walk away from the school, humming along to the tune of the music. In the background of the shot, Don can be seen running up the corridor silently shouting 41 – O.T.S – RIG – Tracking Don from behind Don runs up to the main doors and bangs on the glass whilst shouting to get the CARETAKER’s attention DON WALTERS Hey—heyyy! Heeyyyyy!! Don rests his head on the glass in frustration and slowly turns around to assess his situation 41 – DRONE – PAN UP – revealing a very empty, gloomy school, highlighting Don’s isolation Don looks around with an expression of hopelessness - CUT TO BLACK INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 44 – C.U – feet Don paces back and forth 44 – E.C.U – head Don scratches behind his ear 45 – C.U – front on
  • 24. 24 Don struggles with his phone, moving it around to try to get signal and tapping it to try and make it work He holds it up to his ear, there is a long moment of silence, but then it starts ringing INT. JENNIFER’S HOUSE – FRONT ROOM – EVENING 46 – SLIDER – along coffee table, showing hands building Lego out of focus, the key frame is Jennifer’s phone which begins buzzing when set in frame Libby is sat on the floor of the front room building some Lego, drawings and pencil crayons surrounding her. Jennifer’s mobile rings and Don’s face pops up on screen. Libby’s hand grabs the phone and she answers his call 46 – CRANE UP – FOCAL SHIFT – framing Libby’s face in C.U LIBBY Daddy? INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 45 – C.U – Don has an excited but panicked expression DON WALTERS Yes! Libby! Listen, I need you to – INT. JENNIFER’S HOUSE – FRONT ROOM – EVENING 46 – LIBBY Daddy! I got full marks on my spelling test! Best in the class! And Miss Shelly wants me to join the spelling bee team on a Thursday lunch time! INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 45 – C.U – Don rubs in forehead in agitation but smiles and nods, trying to interrupt, the sound of Libby going on about her day can be heard in the background
  • 25. 25 DON WALTERS Yes Libs, but – that’s great— --but I need INT. JENNIFER’S HOUSE – FRONT ROOM – EVENING 46 – LIBBY The hardest one was re-frig-er-ator, but I got there in the end! INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 45 – C.U – Don moves the phone away from his face and checks the battery 44 – E.C.U – phone The battery reads 1% 47 – O.T.S – Don turns into frame, leaving dialogue space Don quickly moves the phone back to his ear DON WALTERS LIBBY! I’m so sorry, but you need to put me on to mummy right now! 8 SPLIT SCREEN – Don waits agitatedly as Libby takes her time getting the phone to Jennifer INT. JENNIFER’S HOUSE – FRONT ROOM – EVENING 46 – STEADY CAM – Libby stands up and walks out of the room, and shouts LIBBY MUUMMYY! Where are you??
  • 26. 26 Off screen a voice calls JENNIFER WALTERS Kitchen! 46 – STEADY CAM – Libby walks into the kitchen and holds the phone out Out of shot we hear her explain LIBBY Daddy’s on the phone 46 – STEADY CAM – tracking the phones movement until Jennifer takes it from Libby’s hand and lifts it up to her ear 9 C.U – DON WALTERS JENNIFER?! JENNIFER WALTERS What do you wan— - 47 – slides off, left with 46 Jennifer shakes her head in disapproval and places the phone down on the side JENNIFER WALTERS (CONT’D) Useless piece of – 10 CUT TO INT. SCHOOL – CORRIDOOR – EVENING 45 – C.U – Don pauses for a moment in fear DON WALTERS
  • 27. 27 JENNIFER? JENNIFER? Don looks at his phone; it has run out of charge. He exhales loudly and closes his eyes in frustration 47 – L.S - Don silhouetted in the light of the corridor EXT. SCHOOL – EVENING The building looks sleepy, lights still shine from windows, but there is no one to be seen 48 – E.S - DRONE – pan up from low angle INT. SCHOOL – EVENING Inside an empty classroom, there is low key lighting, empty chairs and the remnants of the day’s work. A ticking clock can be heard. 49 – CRANE UP – empty corridor 50 – PAN – room with empty chairs, the key frame of the pan is Don trying to escape Don has his head through the window, trying to force his shoulders - J.C 50 – IDENTICAL FRAMING – Don’s forcing his arm through the window - J.C 50 – IDENTICAL FRAMING – Don’s forcing his leg through the window INT. MUSIC CLASSROOM – EVENING 50.1 – CRANE UP – Don waving his hands frantically through the window, almost performing star jumps. He yells DON WALTERS HEY! HEY! EXT. SCHOOL – LOOKING ONTO MUSIC CLASSROOM 50.2 – L.S – FOCUS PULL – from car to school
  • 28. 28 A car drives past, unaware, in the foreground The silhouetted blinds almost appear to be prison bars, Don looks tiny and insignificant in the shot INT. SCHOOL – RECEPTION – EVENING 51 – SLIDER – telephone key frame – PULL FOCUS – revealing Don’s face in the locked door behind the telephone 52 – M.C.U – profile – other side of locked door Don presses his face against the window, looking around through the window. In frustration his rubs his face and then looks around on his side of the door. His eyes come to a conclusion. 52 – L.S – Don runs into shot, his shoulder aiming at the door 51 – M.S – through the door’s window panel Don hits the door three times, shoulder first, but to no avail, his reaction is seen through the panel. 53 – M.S - directly behind Don Don turns around and slides down the door, clutching his arm He looks dejected and annoyed INT. SCHOOL – L1 CORRIDOOR – EVENING 54 – DOLLY – tracking from behind Don walks down the corridor whistling ‘Well Respected Man’ under his breath, still clutching his shoulder. He suddenly stops when he turns to look at a display board 55 – L.A – looking up at the display from behind Don Don stands and looks at the display ‘Are You The Best You can Be?’, dropping his arm down to his side from nursing his shoulder 56 – C.U – the camera slowly advancing - Don’s face Don stares with an overwhelmed expression, his eyes dart around the display in front of him and he is quickly short of breath 55 – C.U – jump cut sequence
  • 29. 29 The camera flicks from words to word: amazing/ brilliant/ talented/ successful/ wealthy/ strong/ healthy 56 – E.C.U – His eyes finally settle on an image in the display behind the camera 55 – C.U – zoom into the mug - Then finally ends on an image of Rick, wearing a charity teacher and holding a ‘Best Teacher’ mug with Anna stood in the background INT. SCHOOL – RICK’S CLASSROOM – EVENING Rick’s classroom is neat and tidy with everything in order. Compared to Don’s classroom, it looks untouched by students entirely On his desk, he has a small pile of books, one which reads ‘Positive Thinking’ 55 – MATCHED SHOT – zoom out from mug - Don holds the ‘Best Teacher Mug’ in his hands, but instead of the smiley Rick Stoker, Don stands with a face of misery, his knuckles tight around the handle 56 – E.C.U – Don’s Adam’s apple swallowing in anger 57 – B.E – looking down onto the mug Still with a ring of tea at the bottom, Don holds the mug shaking slightly in anger 58 – W.E – Shot beneath a sheet of glass/Perspex which acts as the table – Don appears to be on the brink of throwing the mug on the floor, however he instead drops the mug onto the table and it spins to a halt 58 – W.E - SLIDER – the camera pans to the right, revealing a neat row of pencils and pens which are also resting on his desk Don looks down at the desk from above and slumps down into Ricks chair
  • 30. 30 59 – O.T.S – Don looking at the desk from above Don places his elbows on the table 58 – W.E – through the glass Don sighs in frustration 57 – M.S – Don spreads his arms out on the desk and places his head in his arms, however his arms knock off some sheets onto the floor DON WALTERS [GROANS] He lifts his head up and picks up the sheets off of the floor, organising them into their previously neat pile, however one of the sheets catches Don’s eye and he stops to read it 59 – O.T.S – Don reads the letter under his breath 57 – M.C.U - DON WALTERS Radiology consultation… MRI… Brain t- His mouth continues to mime the words but he is unable to speak He takes a deep gulp and he wipes his forehead with his left hand, looks around in worry and then his eyes focus on something off camera 59 – O.T.S – the camera rotates around Don Don picks up Rick’s ‘Positive Thinking’ book 57 – M.C.U – DOLLY OUT - He looks up in thought, one of his hands moves down to his pocket and as Don touches the screwed up paper from earlier he looks down and brings the paper closer to his face, remembers what it says and dismisses it, throwing it towards the bin
  • 31. 31 60 – C.U – pan down - focus pull from Don to the bin as he throws Don throws the screwed up paper at bin, he misses, the paper lands on the floor 57 – M.S – Don looks at the bin in stillness for a moment, and then proceeds to pick it up 60 – C.U – bin Don’s hand picking up the paper and throwing it into the bin, yet again he misses 60 – C.U – Don Don reacts with an expression of anger and annoyance, he reaches over 60 – C.U – bin Hovering his hand directly over the bin, he ensures that the paper goes in 60 – C.U – Don Returns to his solemn stare, but then is hit by an idea and his head turns in two motions towards the bin again INT. SCHOOL – L2 CORRIDOOR – EVENING 61 – P.O.V – HANDHELD - as bin being carried and placed down on the ground, rotated when placed down 62 – M.C.U – Don takes his hands away from the bin and takes a second to check that everything is in order 63 – WIDE ANGLE – Don takes three steps back from the bin and throws the paper 62 – M.C.U – The paper lands in the bin
  • 32. 32 63 – WIDE ANGLE – Don goes to collect the paper and starts walking even further back to throw the paper 62 – M.C.U – jump cut sequence Don throws the paper into the bin from various distances, getting further away each time. Out of focus, in the background you can see Don celebrating each hit INT. SCHOOL – CAFETERIA - NIGHT 64 – HANDHELD TRACKING – front on to Don Don carries the bin 65 – FIXED TRIPOD PAN - He places it down, as he straightens back up, he looks up and the camera continues to pan upwards, following his gaze until it reaches the balcony key frame where Don is already standing 66 – M.C.U – Don side - Don peers over the side of the balcony, he is setting up his shot He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders, he leans over the side, arm stretched out 65 – FIXED TRIPOD PAN - SLOW MOTION – Reduced from 60fps – The paper falls neatly into the bin 66 – Don’s reaction – DON WALTERS Yes-yes-yes—yess… YESS! Don celebrates with a subtle but punctuating arm gesture. He looks back over the balcony and laughs - MONTAGE OF DON FINDING HAPPINESS - INT. SCHOOL – GYM – EVENING
  • 33. 33 67 – C.U – SLOW MOTION - hand and ball Don bouncing basketball 68 – E.C.U – eyes Eyes scrunched in determination 69 – M.C.U – LOW ANGLE – basketball hoop 68 – M.L.S – same position – 25fps Still bouncing ball 67 – C.U – 25fps Dribbles ball and runs out of frame 70 – M.S – from behind – tracking Don runs to shoot a basket 71 – M.C.U – Camera Don’s left – LOW ANGLE 69 – M.C.U – hoop Ball shoots through hoop 70 – M.L.S – tracking away from Don He celebrates his victory INT. MUSIC ROOM – NIGHT 72 – C.U – neck of guitar Don runs his finger along the frets and then grabs the guitar by its neck INT. CORRIDOOR T SECTION – NIGHT 73 – DOLLY – tracking forwards slowly towards the entrance After a moment of delay, Don’s laughter can be heard and Don rides past, Superman style, on a wheelie chair INT. SCIENCE LAB – NIGHT The lab is pitch black, all except from one burning Bunsen burner
  • 34. 34 74 – C.U - FOCUS PULL – Bunsen burner Don places Magnesium into the Bunsen burner and as it lights up, is face is revealed from the darkness. He smiles in admiration INT. CORRIDOOR T SECTION – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast club] 73 – M.L.S – Don slides on the floor, almost falling over but stumbles to recovery 75 – C.U – TRACKING - in front of feet Don runs towards the camera 76 – O.T.S – DOLLY TRACKING - Don running INT. CORRIDOOR YELLOW LOCKERS – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast Club] 77 – M.S – Don runs into shot and stops suddenly. He reaches out with his hand and pretends he’s in the hallway scene in The Breakfast Club. Turning as he alternates between Andrew and Bender DON WALTERS Wait – wait – hold it – we have to go through the cafeteria [turns] What about the activities hall? INT. DON’S CLASSROOM – NIGHT 78 – M.S – CRANE DOWN – behind Don’s desk Don stands looking at his mess of a desk, his hands on his hips. He exhales an overwhelmed sigh INT. CORRIDOOR YELLOW LOCKERS – NIGHT [homage to The Breakfast Club] DON WALTERS
  • 35. 35 No, you don’t know what you’re talking about [turns] NO, you don’t know what you’re talking about!! INT. ANNA FLOWERS’ CLASSROOM – NIGHT 78.1 – CRANE UP – behind Anna’ desk A name plate sits on her desk and there is myriad of flowery notebooks and pens Don writes on one of her pink post-it notes 78.2 – C.U – Don’s finger sticks the post-it on top of one of Anna’s notepad, it read, ‘I’d love to go with you sometime.’ INT. DON’S CLASSROOM – NIGHT 79 – H.A - P.O.V – Don’s hands Straightens up some papers/ Gathers pens and pencils together and places them in a pot/ 79.1 – M.C.U - Shot through glass/Perspex Writes the date and draws a smiley face on the board 79 – H.A - P.O.V – Don’s hands Picks up a grimy mug/ 80- REVERSE – L.A – Don’s reaction Looks into the mug and winces INT. MUSIC ROOM – NIGHT 75 – M.S – DON Don strums the guitar with a mocking confidence INT. SCHOOL – L1 CORRIDOOR – NIGHT 78 – C.U – Don’s face
  • 36. 36 Don has a moment of contented reflection, he then laughs to himself and looks down at the ground 79 - M.L.S - TRACKING – behind Don Don continues down the corridor, whistling ‘Well Respected Man’ to himself loudly, whilst patting his leg with his hand jovially EXT. SCHOOL GROUNDS – DAWN 81 – DRONE – slowly curving around school, capturing the first rays of sunlight INT. DON’S CLASSROOM – DAWN 82 – M.C.U – side on Don Don is sat in his desk chair, he straightens out his key board, picks up the photograph of him and his daughter and leans back 83 – O.T.S – Don strokes Libby’s face with his thumb 84 – C.U - REVERSE – Don’s reaction Don smiles and looks up from the photograph 82 – M.C.U – side on Don Don places the image back down on his desk 85 – C.U – hands and photo on desk He adjusts the image so it sits nice and neatly on his freshly cleaned desk 78 – M.C.U - slight DOLLY – behind Don’s desk Don places his elbows on his desk and rests his head in his hands He is smiling in content - J.C 78 – M.S – IDENTICAL FRAMING The room is much lighter and the sound of children can be heard
  • 37. 37 Don’s asleep with his head in his arms on his desk The school bell rings shrilly and Don wakes up suddenly with a jolt of his head - CUT TO BLACK FIN.