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Part I
Use this page to
breakdown an
existing film, using
the Hero’s Quest
theory. How does
your chosen film
fit with this?
The Ordinary World
Planet earth. The film is set in New York. The film opener throws the main character
straight into the weird world.
The Call to Adventure
The main character is let in world as the only human and it almost becomes his only
purpose to save humanity.
The Refusal The hero initially to help with the problem.
Mentor Help Someone or something that guides the hero.
Crossing the Threshold The hero entering into the danger and potentially the unknown to complete their mission.
Test/Allies/Enemies A series of test that the hero must go through. These will help the hero's transformation.
The hero approaching the final challenge. There may be need for preparations before the
main climax mission takes place.
The main, difficult challenge for the hero. In Harry Potter this could be Harry killing
The result of the ordeal. - An example of this would be Harry potter receiving the
philosopher stone at the end of the ordeal with Voldemort.
Road Back
The hero's journey is complete, and they are heading back into the ordinary world. Its the cool
down after the climax.
The hero trying to regain their way into a new normal. This is after they have gone through
their encounter and perhaps leant from it.
The hero re-entering the normal world. This world could be a result of what they have done (a
new normal).
Harry Potter
And The Philosopher's Stone
The next few slides will focus on...
The wizarding world is peace following years
of a dark wizard killing people. People think
the dark wizard is dead, others don't
believe that, but either way people are just
going about their day
A stone can be used to make people
immortal. Voldemort, the dark
wizard, realises he can use this to
bring himself back to power.
Harry and his friends start to notice suspicious
things going on. Over some time, they start to
piece together information thaty leads them to
conclude that Voldemort plans to return using
the stone. They set out to stop the stone being
Harry and friends end up fighting their
way through magic enchantments and
challenges protecting the stone. The
result is harry engaging in a fight on his
own with Voldemort.
Harry lives through the fight and his
friends make it out from the corridor of
challenges alive. Voldemort is stopped
and the school year ends with Harry
having stopped a dark wizard from
Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in
your story at each point.
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero Harry Potter
The Villian One of Harry's teachers (Professor Quirrell), who Voldemort is living inside the back of
the head of.
The Helper Harry has two main friends.
Ron, who is the least clever of the bunch.
And Herminie, who is the clever one. She guides the other two through certain herdles
with her knowledge.
The Donor Hagrid, the ground keeper at Hogwarts ends up close with Harry and his friends. They
end up getting him to reveal certain pieces of information. They end up using this info
to help them work out what is going on.
The Dispatcher There isn't really a main dispatcher.
You could argue that Voldemort knew Harry would try and save the day and actually
wanted him to help.
The Princess or prize The philosophers stone was wanted by Voldemort so he could use it to come back to
power. Harry wanted the stone to stop Voldemort from having it.
The Princess’s Father The person who had the stone.
The False Hero Professor Quirrell was one of the Hogwarts teachers who placed protection in place for
the stone. Because of Voldemort he ended up trying to steal it.
Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each
type in your film.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who A random person
What A meteor comes towards earth from the direction of the sun. There is panic on earth as everyone scrambles to take it out. After several
failed attempts to stop it. A missile makes contact, it explodes while entering the atmosphere. Pieces scatter everywhere. Scientists collect
some of the pieces to find out more about it. A man on a walk in the countryside comes across a large chunk of it. Its like nothing on earth
and has some unexplained properties.
He looks further into the object and it turns out it was deliberately from an “alien” intelligent life form.
The part of the meteor the man stumbles across happened to be a part of it that has very valuable properties and has elements that can be
used to cure serious disease. Rich people and government find out about the value of this object and want to use it to make money. The
man who stumbled across it wants to use it for good. He then tries to harness the powers of this object while keeping it a secret. He goes
into hiding and meanwhile the rich are making loads of money through charging sick people loads of money to live. Poverty levels are
increasing. He eventually finds a way to replicate the substance and have an unlimited supply of it.
Why An intelligent life form want to communicate with earth.
When The story will be set a couple of years after the film is due to be released. (So that for the audience it becomes more immersive and realistic
because a the time of release the events that unfold will still be a slight possibility). If the film is released in for example 2024 – it will be set
in 2028.
Where Planet earth will be the focal point and the audience will follow the story from the mans POV. To keep it mysterious it won’t show the
intelligent life form.
In particular the person who finds the mystery object will be in the Lake District, England.
How The “Meteor” gets launched / fired towards earth.
The man is on walk when he finds the object that is almost too big to carry.
He dedicates his life to the experiments which he does under his house (in a sort of basement thing).
Idea 2
Who A group of people on a train.
What A group of people go on a trip to Kent on a train. When they try and go home. The train is cancelled and
they get stranded. They find a boat and map (in separate locatactions). They use the map to navigate the
boat to a secret cave. There is an underground area, its eerie and unnerving, it can only be accessed when
the tide is out.
Why The cave was used by a gang to store money and other assets from the police.
When 2008
Where England. Specifically a cave just slightly out at sea off the south coast.
How The cave already existed it was just converted for their needs.
Idea 3
Who A random person stumbles across secret documents that reveal what is actually going on and where everyone is going.
What There is mass panic amongst Governments and very rich people, who are all part of “that big circle”!
With help from top scientists they realise that the future of the planet is in grave danger. They have started a chain reaction that has a very
high chance to lead to extreme volcanic activity. The problem looks unfixable. As a result the rich and the government decide to start a
secret evacuation. Rockets are being made and accommodation for mars is being designed a built.
The problem for the upper class is the project is so big that they need to hire a lot of people to work on it. They try and deconstruct the
escape plan so that they are the only people that see the full picture. Designers and engineers all get relevant cover up stories.
One of the top people trying to escape has top secret documents detailing the plan. They end up getting dropped and a person stumbles
across them. He takes them home, reads through them and realises that all of society has a huge problem. Even he is sceptical when he first
read the plans. After he has come to terms with the fact what he has read is in fact true, he then has the even bigger problem of trying to
convince the rest of the population that the documents were real. The people who are associated with the escape don’t want others
finding out and as a result they try and shut down the man and convince everyone that he is lying.
Trying to get people to believe the documents went fairly similar to the Bible story of Jesus claiming he was the son of God. Some believed
him, others thought he was crazy. A following gathered for the man and as more evidence came to light, people became more and more
outraged. Eventually government is overthrown and an operation to get everyone saved begins.
Why A company do there job very wrong and it cause massive changes to the planet. They panic, don’t want to admit to it and try and save
When 2054ad (the future)
Where England
How A company fracking for oil have a massive machine accident and massively interfere with volcanic activity under the earth. A reaction takes
place under the earth and there is a massive problem emerging.
Mood board
No Time To Die – James Bond
The poster is very simple. The simplicity of the poster could
be down to the fact the series is very well know. The main
character is recognisable for anyone that has watched
previous films. Because of this the focal point of the poster is
able to be the main character.
There is also the recognisable 007 James bond logo.
The pose he is in for the photo fits the style of film. If for
some reason people haven't heard of james bond they can
have a pretty good guess what its about.
The title font is bold and in a blocky font. The boldness of
the letters shows the serious elements of the film. The text
isn't thin and weak.
The other bit of text is about when and how people can
watch the film. As this information is not part of the
branding it doesn't need to be over the top. The message is
all that is important.
Avengers: End Game
• Colors: Bright, eye catching. Fit together in a theme.
Main title: The biggest bit of text on the poster.
Is there to catch the attention of anyone who
already knows the avengers brand.
Centre of image: The main characters all together in a group. You can tell a lot
about the film from the weapons they are holding. It shows you the magical
elements of the film. As a result the viewers know what to expect.
The glowing, sparkly purple
background gives detail about the
films style. It gives the impression
of a film that’s not about a serious,
depressing topic. The magical style
the background helps to show
people what they are actually going
to watch.
The lighting used in production and
post production is used to blend
the elements together. It helps tell
the view what to focus on.
Fantastic Beasts: The
Crimes Of Grindelwald
• This poster is tied together with the clean color scheme of white. The poster
also features text in a thin font. The thin font fits the magical style of the film
better than a big, bold thick font would do.
• The poster has added lighting effects, these include a ray of light in between
the characters at the front.
• The poster is made up from images presumably taken in a green screen studio.
The images are taken at an angle that means that they can fit around each other.
• By looking at the actors, before you even watch the film you can have a good
guess who’s good an who’s bad by just the way they are presented through facial
• It shows the Harry Potter franchise style. Some of the main target audience for
the poster is people who have watched the main film series. It is important that
the poster for this film makes it clear that it’s part of the same franchise. If the
poster doesn’t fit with the style of the old films people might not make the link,
this could result in loss of viewers.
• The main focal points of the poster are the main characters and the title.. As
this film is the second in the series the main characters are important to get the
attention of returning viewers.
Research Summary
From the existing product research above, I have learnt the importance of the font
in the poster deign. Having the wrong font style could change the style of the
finished product, or just make it look weird!
Taking photos during production that are at the right angle for when you need to
use them in post-production helps make everything fit together better. It means
less work in photoshop that could result in damage to the original image and its
In my own work I will make sure that I plan out poster designs before I make them. I
will then have a rough idea of what angles images need to be at. I will also make
sure to pick an appropriate font.
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet – Colours – Drafts
I used adobe colour to make a colour scheme for my project.
I wanted the final colours to be themed around space / mars.
I went through several different colour schemes (which can be seen here) before I settled with the final one.
Style Guide
This is the base for
my main colour
Magazine and advert layouts
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Broken camera / none available If camera has a fault then try and source another one
from college. If that’s not possible use an iPhone
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator issues (out of date
version or computer issues when running it.)
Be prepared for computers to not work as expected.
Unplanned room changes may be necessary. Make
sure there is always somewhere that can be accessed
for working.
People not turning up to locations when they say they
Have backup plans that can achieve a similar result
with less people.
Have backup people that can stand in on production
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the
How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do
if it does?
Coronavirus Encourage: mask wearing, social distancing and sanitisation.
Weather Check the weather app for rain and wind that could cause issues
with the environment and camera equipment.
Injury Don’t take photos in locations that are unsafe. Long drops, rivers
and busy roads should be avoided.
Magazine Front Cover
Use this space for your front cover. If you have
produced different drafts or alternative ideas,
then include those here too. The more work
the better. Show your working.
Use this space for your advertsing. If you have
produced different drafts or alternative ideas,
then include those here too. The more work
the better. Show your working.
Part II
Pre-production and Planning
Mian Idea
• There is an opening cinematic sequence. It shows the storyline
of the film up to where the game starts.
• The beginning the game is in an action adventure style. The
game will be a large map that you can explore, while in the map
you will have objectives to complete. Some of these objectives
will be in pressurised, against the clock environment.
• You are given the task of escaping earth before it explodes with
volcanic activity.
• Once you have completed the escape mission you arrive via a
space shuttle to mars. – this is a cut scene between two maps.
• At this point the game will transition style to an open world
• The player is tasked with surviving on Mars. There are missions
they need to complete in order to make this possible. The game
will have no end to it. It will contain some “missions”, but the
player is left to their creative freedom. It becomes a lot about
building a space for survival.
• The game features 2D cartoon style. Because its only 2d, the camera is looking at the
map side on. The game is rated a 12 due to some violence and online capabilities. This
means that despite the basic, colorful graphics often associated with games aimed at
young people, the game isn’t meant for young children.
The graphics are designed to be simple. This could benefit a game aimed a slightly older
people because it may be like the style of early era games they played when they were
growing up.
• It is a simple sandbox, exploration game. In it you build, craft things and go into
combat. (Basically, 2D Minecraft.)
• Like Minecraft there are objectives that you can complete, however there is no fixed
story line that the player must follow.
• Like any game, the age it is rated for does not stop younger people from playing. The
bright colors and overall theme/style mean that a young audience will probably be
attracted. The content of the game is also some thing that younger people may be
drawn to.
• When looking different ideas for the type of 2d game I wanted to design. I was trying
to decide where I wanted the camera to be. After doing terraria existing product
research I decided that for my game having a side on camera angle is a very strong
possibility for part 1 of my game.
Super Mario Bros
• Super Mario Bros is a 2D Platform Game. It is a very early era game. As
it’s a platform based game, the developers have chosen for the camera to
be side angle. Its fixed to the character as they move and jump.
• As the game is very basic and doesn’t have any violence it is rated for
three plus.
• Because of the era it was made in, it features simple colours and
graphics, these ended up targeting younger people as they were basic
• It has a very basic style of gameplay, compared to modern games,
there are very few controller buttons required to play. You jump and move
and that’s it.
• After evaluating this game, I have decided that the side view
platformer style is something I might want to do for the first part of my
Prison Architect
• The game is construction and management-based simulation. The view is top down.
The player is up above the map. The top-down style works well in a management game
that requires you to watch different things. It gives the player the ability to see the
whole map if they wanted to.
• The “storyline” is not plot based, it features objectives and challenges that you chose
if you want to progress through. For example, as the game goes on you are given the
chance to alter the intake of your prison. This means you can take more complex
• The game has menus at the bottom that allow you to insert different building
components. There are people with specific jobs you can insert. You are also able to
mange these people once they are on the map. In addition, there are different objects in
the game you can control such as remotely controlled doors.
• The audience for the game is teens and young adults. It requires the person playing
to use planning and thought. This means that younger people may be unable to process
what's happening.
• The game content features references to crime, violence, nudity, and strong
language. This is unsuitable for a younger audience.
• The overall color scheme of the game is dull, dark colors. They are not designed to be
eye catching like other games that are targeted at kids.
• The gameplay of this game is like the second half of the main idea I have proposed. It
allows you to construct and manage what you would like to. – Currently I am considering
to take forward the top-down view and use it in my final game design for the second half
of my game.
Clash Of Clans
• Clash of clans is a multiplayer combat strategy game.
• This means that the aim is to use strategic thinking in order to protect your
base as well infiltrate other peoples.
• The player is shown the map from a 45 angle of a top-down view. This
gives a balance between being top down above the action as well as getting
some of the benefits of being side on. This works very well for a game that is
about managing and attacking bases.
• In the game you attack other peoples bases in order take their loot. This
helps you to progress. With in the game there is a score board system, within
which when your score increases you can progress. The competitive nature of
the game means that a community of people builds online as well as in
person. It encourages friends to hop on together and either team up or be
• The game is rated for people aged thirteen and over due to cartoon
violence. Cartoon violence is proven to be popular amongst a teenage
audience, so the game being rated 13+ is a good balance between violence
and not being inappropriate for an audience that could have been perfect for
the game.
Style Sheet
Game layouts
• Part 1:
• The game is 2d. The camera will be mainly side on to the gameplay. However,
it may swap to birds eye. This could be an easy way to vary up the gameplay
and keep things interesting. In the side on view, the game is a platform style.
• This section of the game is about completing objectives that help you to
escape earth and save as many people as you can at the same time.
• It will look like a darkened, eerie version of earth. The colours used will be
dull and dark.
• Part 2:
• The player view in this part of the game will be half way between side on and
birds eye (similar to clash of clans).
• The map will be open and leaves the player to do what they
At this stage in story of the game, the player is on mars. The
colours of the map will be a sandy, red style.
There will be recourses scatted around that can be collected
and used to make environment habitable.
Game Summary
• The player is shown a video when
they first load into the game, this gets
them up to speed with the story. They
are then placed in a closed environment.
This will be earth and they will have to
escape it. They are given a number of
different objectives to break out.
• The job of the player is to put
resources together for an evacuation. At
the same time the player will have other
tasks to complete that get people on
their side, these people then also need
• Once the time limit is up for the
remaining of earths life. A cut scene
video is used to transition the player
onto the mars map.
• This map is an open source sandbox
style that features objectives. The player
is left to decide how they want to,
manage things. (they are effectively a
leader of the planet).
• The second part of the game would
be designed to go on for basically as long
as the player wants it to.
Game Overview – Similarities to existing products
I think that terraria has similar mission mechanics to my game. The player is given objectives, some of them are
essential. Other missions are optional.
Part one of my game doesn't have a main boss fight. However it does have a main objective that will get you past part
one and into part two.
The first part of my game will be in a similar side on camera view 2d style.
Part two of my game is less similar to terraria and more similar to clash of clans. The mechanics of it involve the
player building up a base in whatever order they chose.
The exact details of what happens is up to the user. There is some guidance on what order to do things. There are
missions to complete in order to get rewards and level up.
The storyline for the game will be set using an intro video scene.
From that point on people in game will set the missions for the player and give guidence on what to do and when.
An ocasional brief cut scene may be used at big moments in the story and to transition between maps.
There will be a major cut scene that will be placed between part one and part two of the game.
Part two of the game is in a sandbox style so the experience will vary from player to player. Because of this there will
be no cut scenes.
There will still be characters in game giving missions.
Pop up boxes may also be used to give tips to help the player.
Part 1:
The game will have three levels in part one. Each of these levels will have several missions contained within it. Some of
the mission will need to be completed, others are optional side quests.
A mission example would be the player having to retrieve parts from people to help with construction side of the
Part 2:
One big level.
At this point in the game the player has freedom to create what they want for life on mars. They will have to cater for
some of the evacuated people at the same time.
For example, an in game character may have an issue if their building isn't looked after properly by the player. The
player would have to fix this in order to save the person from dying on mars.
• One of the things I did well in the gaming section is looking into existing products that my final
product ended up similar to. This helped me figure out how I wanted my game to look. I took
inspiration from the camera angle in clash of clans. Before doing research, having the camera in
that style was not something I was considering in my head.
• For the magezine and advertising section, one of the things I found challenging was finding
adventure films with a similar theme / style to the designs I ended up making.
• I did pick up some tips from the research I did. I picked up on the way the posters gave across
the style of film. For some posters the text alone gave you a very good guess what the film
genre was.
• I also made sure I plan poster designs before going straight into production and taking a bunch
of random pictures. This helped me decided on angles for photos so that I could make the
elements fit together better.
• I didn't find the initial research on the theory's around film structure that helpful.
• One of the most helpful things throughout the entire project was the style guide I
made for the magazine and poster section. During post production I often found
myself going back and referencing the colour scheme I spent time creating primarily
using Adobe Colour.
• For the pixel art creation I found the gaming section style guide less useful. I think this
was because when designing the pixel art I found there was a lot of trial and error. This
led to me constantly altering the design of what I had made until I was happy with it.
• I think another one of my strengths was the existing product research for the gaming
section. I have never previously looked into gaming and didn't know much about
different styles and techniques. I was able to use the research to take ideas from to
base my game off.
• I could have spent more time on the research for the posters. I looked at a few
examples and I was able to gain some knowledge from what I did. If I had spent more
time on the section, especially before starting to plan the poster and cover, I could
have learnt more and there is a chance I would have better finished products as a
Time Management
• For parts of my project, my time management was better than it has been for previous
projects. In particular the idea generation was something that I progressed through
quicker than previously.
• There were areas where my time management could still defiantly be better. There
were sections of the project that I put off due to them being time consuming or
repetitive. Animation is not my favourite thing to do and as a result I ended up
delaying starting the main part of the project. This is not something I should have
done as the work needed doing in the end. In the future if I was to be given a
repetitive task again. Instead of completely delaying, I would break it up and put other
work between it.
• As always more time would have given me the opportunity to improve and perfect
parts of my project. I would have been able to produce a higher quality animimation
where more happened.
Technical Qualities – Gaming
My animation was slightly more basic than I imagined it would be initially. I have put this down to my poor time
management skills. The lack of time management resulted in a delay in getting the project started.
My animation work has the basics of what is required. It could be more complected in places with more effects added.
I am not an artistic person and I struggled with getting the overall look of what I was making. I found that just getting the
background details right was taking time away from actually doing any animating.
I think the gameplay from part one of the game could have been better, however it did somewhat get the idea of the game
Compared to terraria it's not as
detailed and there is not as
many objectives. However that is
all stuff that would just require
more time.
Part two of the game I ended up presenting in a top-down camera style. This is because having the camera at a 45-degree
angle in pixel art was very hard to achieve. Even with a top-down view the animation was a bit weird as a result I ended up
focusing on mainly doing animation for part one of the game. My game ended up with kind of similar style to prison
architect, only obviously in 2d pixel art.
Technical qualities – magazine
I prefer my poster to my front cover.
I think the poster has a good a good balance between enough
going on and overdoing it with too many elements.
The title pushes through nicely as one of the main focal points for
anyone seeing it.
I think the photoshop techniques on the poster are useful to add
something to it. The rockets taking off, I cut out myself, blends in
nicely. The altered sky in the left part of the image makes it more
atmospheric than the previous blue one did.
I also like the overlay effects that blend everything together well.
Technical qualities – poster
Compared an existing no time to die cover. My poster is missing
some information about what would be on the inside of the
magazine. If I was to include this it would be beneficial because
someone looking at the cover on a shelf in a shop may be more
likely to pick it up if something in it interest them.
The style of the cover is very simple. It somewhat relies on
anyone looking at it to recognise the film just by the person in
the middle.
The style of the cover is similar to that of the poster and means
that it should be partially recognisable for anyone that’s seen
the brand before.
The challenge for me was getting photos that look like mars or
earth exploding. Because of this I had to use existing images
which takes away some of the detail from the work.
Audience Appeal
• I think I appealed to my target audience through explosions and drama
as that is something that teenagers like.
• I think the mix between a bright and appropriate colour scheme works
well for teenagers as it gets peoples attention.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final
• The poster was the biggest strength of the final package. It pulls together a range of techniques. I think it looks how
I imagined it would in my head and in planning. It looks the best out of everything I made. I think the two image blend
effect works well to not only look good but show what the films about.
• I think the front cover was the worst part of everything I did. It was very basic and with more time could have been
improved to include more elements. It is too simple.
• The animation was good at getting the ideas in my head across. The animation I did is at a standard I am happy
with. It could be improved with more of it but I ran out of time.
• Most of the planning I did is at a standard I am happy with. I think the research into existing video games is in
particular very detailed.
• The style guide for the poster and magazine section is something I am happy with and found useful throughout.

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Adventure pro forma - master .pptx

  • 3. Use this page to breakdown an existing film, using the Hero’s Quest theory. How does your chosen film fit with this? The Ordinary World Planet earth. The film is set in New York. The film opener throws the main character straight into the weird world. The Call to Adventure The main character is let in world as the only human and it almost becomes his only purpose to save humanity. The Refusal The hero initially to help with the problem. Mentor Help Someone or something that guides the hero. Crossing the Threshold The hero entering into the danger and potentially the unknown to complete their mission. Test/Allies/Enemies A series of test that the hero must go through. These will help the hero's transformation. Approach The hero approaching the final challenge. There may be need for preparations before the main climax mission takes place. Ordeal The main, difficult challenge for the hero. In Harry Potter this could be Harry killing Voldemort. Reward The result of the ordeal. - An example of this would be Harry potter receiving the philosopher stone at the end of the ordeal with Voldemort. Road Back The hero's journey is complete, and they are heading back into the ordinary world. Its the cool down after the climax. Atonement The hero trying to regain their way into a new normal. This is after they have gone through their encounter and perhaps leant from it. Return The hero re-entering the normal world. This world could be a result of what they have done (a new normal).
  • 4. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone The next few slides will focus on...
  • 5. The wizarding world is peace following years of a dark wizard killing people. People think the dark wizard is dead, others don't believe that, but either way people are just going about their day A stone can be used to make people immortal. Voldemort, the dark wizard, realises he can use this to bring himself back to power. Harry and his friends start to notice suspicious things going on. Over some time, they start to piece together information thaty leads them to conclude that Voldemort plans to return using the stone. They set out to stop the stone being stolen. Harry and friends end up fighting their way through magic enchantments and challenges protecting the stone. The result is harry engaging in a fight on his own with Voldemort. Harry lives through the fight and his friends make it out from the corridor of challenges alive. Voldemort is stopped and the school year ends with Harry having stopped a dark wizard from returning. Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in your story at each point.
  • 6. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero Harry Potter The Villian One of Harry's teachers (Professor Quirrell), who Voldemort is living inside the back of the head of. The Helper Harry has two main friends. Ron, who is the least clever of the bunch. And Herminie, who is the clever one. She guides the other two through certain herdles with her knowledge. The Donor Hagrid, the ground keeper at Hogwarts ends up close with Harry and his friends. They end up getting him to reveal certain pieces of information. They end up using this info to help them work out what is going on. The Dispatcher There isn't really a main dispatcher. You could argue that Voldemort knew Harry would try and save the day and actually wanted him to help. The Princess or prize The philosophers stone was wanted by Voldemort so he could use it to come back to power. Harry wanted the stone to stop Voldemort from having it. The Princess’s Father The person who had the stone. The False Hero Professor Quirrell was one of the Hogwarts teachers who placed protection in place for the stone. Because of Voldemort he ended up trying to steal it. Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each type in your film.
  • 8. Idea 1 Who A random person What A meteor comes towards earth from the direction of the sun. There is panic on earth as everyone scrambles to take it out. After several failed attempts to stop it. A missile makes contact, it explodes while entering the atmosphere. Pieces scatter everywhere. Scientists collect some of the pieces to find out more about it. A man on a walk in the countryside comes across a large chunk of it. Its like nothing on earth and has some unexplained properties. He looks further into the object and it turns out it was deliberately from an “alien” intelligent life form. The part of the meteor the man stumbles across happened to be a part of it that has very valuable properties and has elements that can be used to cure serious disease. Rich people and government find out about the value of this object and want to use it to make money. The man who stumbled across it wants to use it for good. He then tries to harness the powers of this object while keeping it a secret. He goes into hiding and meanwhile the rich are making loads of money through charging sick people loads of money to live. Poverty levels are increasing. He eventually finds a way to replicate the substance and have an unlimited supply of it. Why An intelligent life form want to communicate with earth. When The story will be set a couple of years after the film is due to be released. (So that for the audience it becomes more immersive and realistic because a the time of release the events that unfold will still be a slight possibility). If the film is released in for example 2024 – it will be set in 2028. Where Planet earth will be the focal point and the audience will follow the story from the mans POV. To keep it mysterious it won’t show the intelligent life form. In particular the person who finds the mystery object will be in the Lake District, England. How The “Meteor” gets launched / fired towards earth. The man is on walk when he finds the object that is almost too big to carry. He dedicates his life to the experiments which he does under his house (in a sort of basement thing).
  • 9. Idea 2 Who A group of people on a train. What A group of people go on a trip to Kent on a train. When they try and go home. The train is cancelled and they get stranded. They find a boat and map (in separate locatactions). They use the map to navigate the boat to a secret cave. There is an underground area, its eerie and unnerving, it can only be accessed when the tide is out. Why The cave was used by a gang to store money and other assets from the police. When 2008 Where England. Specifically a cave just slightly out at sea off the south coast. How The cave already existed it was just converted for their needs.
  • 10. Idea 3 Who A random person stumbles across secret documents that reveal what is actually going on and where everyone is going. What There is mass panic amongst Governments and very rich people, who are all part of “that big circle”! With help from top scientists they realise that the future of the planet is in grave danger. They have started a chain reaction that has a very high chance to lead to extreme volcanic activity. The problem looks unfixable. As a result the rich and the government decide to start a secret evacuation. Rockets are being made and accommodation for mars is being designed a built. The problem for the upper class is the project is so big that they need to hire a lot of people to work on it. They try and deconstruct the escape plan so that they are the only people that see the full picture. Designers and engineers all get relevant cover up stories. One of the top people trying to escape has top secret documents detailing the plan. They end up getting dropped and a person stumbles across them. He takes them home, reads through them and realises that all of society has a huge problem. Even he is sceptical when he first read the plans. After he has come to terms with the fact what he has read is in fact true, he then has the even bigger problem of trying to convince the rest of the population that the documents were real. The people who are associated with the escape don’t want others finding out and as a result they try and shut down the man and convince everyone that he is lying. Trying to get people to believe the documents went fairly similar to the Bible story of Jesus claiming he was the son of God. Some believed him, others thought he was crazy. A following gathered for the man and as more evidence came to light, people became more and more outraged. Eventually government is overthrown and an operation to get everyone saved begins. Why A company do there job very wrong and it cause massive changes to the planet. They panic, don’t want to admit to it and try and save themselves. When 2054ad (the future) Where England How A company fracking for oil have a massive machine accident and massively interfere with volcanic activity under the earth. A reaction takes place under the earth and there is a massive problem emerging.
  • 13. No Time To Die – James Bond The poster is very simple. The simplicity of the poster could be down to the fact the series is very well know. The main character is recognisable for anyone that has watched previous films. Because of this the focal point of the poster is able to be the main character. There is also the recognisable 007 James bond logo. The pose he is in for the photo fits the style of film. If for some reason people haven't heard of james bond they can have a pretty good guess what its about. The title font is bold and in a blocky font. The boldness of the letters shows the serious elements of the film. The text isn't thin and weak. The other bit of text is about when and how people can watch the film. As this information is not part of the branding it doesn't need to be over the top. The message is all that is important.
  • 14. Avengers: End Game • Colors: Bright, eye catching. Fit together in a theme. Main title: The biggest bit of text on the poster. Is there to catch the attention of anyone who already knows the avengers brand. Centre of image: The main characters all together in a group. You can tell a lot about the film from the weapons they are holding. It shows you the magical elements of the film. As a result the viewers know what to expect. The glowing, sparkly purple background gives detail about the films style. It gives the impression of a film that’s not about a serious, depressing topic. The magical style the background helps to show people what they are actually going to watch. The lighting used in production and post production is used to blend the elements together. It helps tell the view what to focus on.
  • 15. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald • This poster is tied together with the clean color scheme of white. The poster also features text in a thin font. The thin font fits the magical style of the film better than a big, bold thick font would do. • The poster has added lighting effects, these include a ray of light in between the characters at the front. • The poster is made up from images presumably taken in a green screen studio. The images are taken at an angle that means that they can fit around each other. • By looking at the actors, before you even watch the film you can have a good guess who’s good an who’s bad by just the way they are presented through facial expressions. • It shows the Harry Potter franchise style. Some of the main target audience for the poster is people who have watched the main film series. It is important that the poster for this film makes it clear that it’s part of the same franchise. If the poster doesn’t fit with the style of the old films people might not make the link, this could result in loss of viewers. • The main focal points of the poster are the main characters and the title.. As this film is the second in the series the main characters are important to get the attention of returning viewers.
  • 16. Research Summary From the existing product research above, I have learnt the importance of the font in the poster deign. Having the wrong font style could change the style of the finished product, or just make it look weird! Taking photos during production that are at the right angle for when you need to use them in post-production helps make everything fit together better. It means less work in photoshop that could result in damage to the original image and its quality. In my own work I will make sure that I plan out poster designs before I make them. I will then have a rough idea of what angles images need to be at. I will also make sure to pick an appropriate font.
  • 18. Style Sheet – Colours – Drafts I used adobe colour to make a colour scheme for my project. I wanted the final colours to be themed around space / mars. I went through several different colour schemes (which can be seen here) before I settled with the final one.
  • 19. Style Guide This is the base for my main colour scheme
  • 21. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Broken camera / none available If camera has a fault then try and source another one from college. If that’s not possible use an iPhone camera Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator issues (out of date version or computer issues when running it.) Be prepared for computers to not work as expected. Unplanned room changes may be necessary. Make sure there is always somewhere that can be accessed for working. People not turning up to locations when they say they will Have backup plans that can achieve a similar result with less people. Have backup people that can stand in on production days.
  • 22. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? Coronavirus Encourage: mask wearing, social distancing and sanitisation. Weather Check the weather app for rain and wind that could cause issues with the environment and camera equipment. Injury Don’t take photos in locations that are unsafe. Long drops, rivers and busy roads should be avoided.
  • 24. Magazine Front Cover Use this space for your front cover. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 25. Advertising: Use this space for your advertsing. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 28. Mian Idea • There is an opening cinematic sequence. It shows the storyline of the film up to where the game starts. • The beginning the game is in an action adventure style. The game will be a large map that you can explore, while in the map you will have objectives to complete. Some of these objectives will be in pressurised, against the clock environment. • You are given the task of escaping earth before it explodes with volcanic activity. • Once you have completed the escape mission you arrive via a space shuttle to mars. – this is a cut scene between two maps. • At this point the game will transition style to an open world sandbox. • The player is tasked with surviving on Mars. There are missions they need to complete in order to make this possible. The game will have no end to it. It will contain some “missions”, but the player is left to their creative freedom. It becomes a lot about building a space for survival.
  • 29. Terraria • The game features 2D cartoon style. Because its only 2d, the camera is looking at the map side on. The game is rated a 12 due to some violence and online capabilities. This means that despite the basic, colorful graphics often associated with games aimed at young people, the game isn’t meant for young children. The graphics are designed to be simple. This could benefit a game aimed a slightly older people because it may be like the style of early era games they played when they were growing up. • It is a simple sandbox, exploration game. In it you build, craft things and go into combat. (Basically, 2D Minecraft.) • Like Minecraft there are objectives that you can complete, however there is no fixed story line that the player must follow. • Like any game, the age it is rated for does not stop younger people from playing. The bright colors and overall theme/style mean that a young audience will probably be attracted. The content of the game is also some thing that younger people may be drawn to. • When looking different ideas for the type of 2d game I wanted to design. I was trying to decide where I wanted the camera to be. After doing terraria existing product research I decided that for my game having a side on camera angle is a very strong possibility for part 1 of my game.
  • 30. Super Mario Bros • Super Mario Bros is a 2D Platform Game. It is a very early era game. As it’s a platform based game, the developers have chosen for the camera to be side angle. Its fixed to the character as they move and jump. • As the game is very basic and doesn’t have any violence it is rated for three plus. • Because of the era it was made in, it features simple colours and graphics, these ended up targeting younger people as they were basic colours. • It has a very basic style of gameplay, compared to modern games, there are very few controller buttons required to play. You jump and move and that’s it. • After evaluating this game, I have decided that the side view platformer style is something I might want to do for the first part of my game.
  • 31. Prison Architect • The game is construction and management-based simulation. The view is top down. The player is up above the map. The top-down style works well in a management game that requires you to watch different things. It gives the player the ability to see the whole map if they wanted to. • The “storyline” is not plot based, it features objectives and challenges that you chose if you want to progress through. For example, as the game goes on you are given the chance to alter the intake of your prison. This means you can take more complex prisoners. • The game has menus at the bottom that allow you to insert different building components. There are people with specific jobs you can insert. You are also able to mange these people once they are on the map. In addition, there are different objects in the game you can control such as remotely controlled doors. • The audience for the game is teens and young adults. It requires the person playing to use planning and thought. This means that younger people may be unable to process what's happening. • The game content features references to crime, violence, nudity, and strong language. This is unsuitable for a younger audience. • The overall color scheme of the game is dull, dark colors. They are not designed to be eye catching like other games that are targeted at kids. • The gameplay of this game is like the second half of the main idea I have proposed. It allows you to construct and manage what you would like to. – Currently I am considering to take forward the top-down view and use it in my final game design for the second half of my game.
  • 32. Clash Of Clans • Clash of clans is a multiplayer combat strategy game. • This means that the aim is to use strategic thinking in order to protect your base as well infiltrate other peoples. • The player is shown the map from a 45 angle of a top-down view. This gives a balance between being top down above the action as well as getting some of the benefits of being side on. This works very well for a game that is about managing and attacking bases. • In the game you attack other peoples bases in order take their loot. This helps you to progress. With in the game there is a score board system, within which when your score increases you can progress. The competitive nature of the game means that a community of people builds online as well as in person. It encourages friends to hop on together and either team up or be rivals. • The game is rated for people aged thirteen and over due to cartoon violence. Cartoon violence is proven to be popular amongst a teenage audience, so the game being rated 13+ is a good balance between violence and not being inappropriate for an audience that could have been perfect for the game.
  • 34. Game layouts • Part 1: • The game is 2d. The camera will be mainly side on to the gameplay. However, it may swap to birds eye. This could be an easy way to vary up the gameplay and keep things interesting. In the side on view, the game is a platform style. • This section of the game is about completing objectives that help you to escape earth and save as many people as you can at the same time. • It will look like a darkened, eerie version of earth. The colours used will be dull and dark. • Part 2: • The player view in this part of the game will be half way between side on and birds eye (similar to clash of clans). • The map will be open and leaves the player to do what they want. At this stage in story of the game, the player is on mars. The colours of the map will be a sandy, red style. There will be recourses scatted around that can be collected and used to make environment habitable.
  • 35. Game Summary • The player is shown a video when they first load into the game, this gets them up to speed with the story. They are then placed in a closed environment. This will be earth and they will have to escape it. They are given a number of different objectives to break out. • The job of the player is to put resources together for an evacuation. At the same time the player will have other tasks to complete that get people on their side, these people then also need evacuating. • Once the time limit is up for the remaining of earths life. A cut scene video is used to transition the player onto the mars map. • This map is an open source sandbox style that features objectives. The player is left to decide how they want to, manage things. (they are effectively a leader of the planet). • The second part of the game would be designed to go on for basically as long as the player wants it to.
  • 36. Game Overview – Similarities to existing products I think that terraria has similar mission mechanics to my game. The player is given objectives, some of them are essential. Other missions are optional. Part one of my game doesn't have a main boss fight. However it does have a main objective that will get you past part one and into part two. The first part of my game will be in a similar side on camera view 2d style. Part two of my game is less similar to terraria and more similar to clash of clans. The mechanics of it involve the player building up a base in whatever order they chose. The exact details of what happens is up to the user. There is some guidance on what order to do things. There are missions to complete in order to get rewards and level up.
  • 37. Story The storyline for the game will be set using an intro video scene. From that point on people in game will set the missions for the player and give guidence on what to do and when. An ocasional brief cut scene may be used at big moments in the story and to transition between maps. There will be a major cut scene that will be placed between part one and part two of the game. Part two of the game is in a sandbox style so the experience will vary from player to player. Because of this there will be no cut scenes. There will still be characters in game giving missions. Pop up boxes may also be used to give tips to help the player.
  • 38. Levels Part 1: The game will have three levels in part one. Each of these levels will have several missions contained within it. Some of the mission will need to be completed, others are optional side quests. A mission example would be the player having to retrieve parts from people to help with construction side of the evacuation. Part 2: One big level. At this point in the game the player has freedom to create what they want for life on mars. They will have to cater for some of the evacuated people at the same time. For example, an in game character may have an issue if their building isn't looked after properly by the player. The player would have to fix this in order to save the person from dying on mars.
  • 39.
  • 40. Research • One of the things I did well in the gaming section is looking into existing products that my final product ended up similar to. This helped me figure out how I wanted my game to look. I took inspiration from the camera angle in clash of clans. Before doing research, having the camera in that style was not something I was considering in my head. • For the magezine and advertising section, one of the things I found challenging was finding adventure films with a similar theme / style to the designs I ended up making. • I did pick up some tips from the research I did. I picked up on the way the posters gave across the style of film. For some posters the text alone gave you a very good guess what the film genre was. • I also made sure I plan poster designs before going straight into production and taking a bunch of random pictures. This helped me decided on angles for photos so that I could make the elements fit together better. • I didn't find the initial research on the theory's around film structure that helpful.
  • 41. Planning • One of the most helpful things throughout the entire project was the style guide I made for the magazine and poster section. During post production I often found myself going back and referencing the colour scheme I spent time creating primarily using Adobe Colour. • For the pixel art creation I found the gaming section style guide less useful. I think this was because when designing the pixel art I found there was a lot of trial and error. This led to me constantly altering the design of what I had made until I was happy with it. • I think another one of my strengths was the existing product research for the gaming section. I have never previously looked into gaming and didn't know much about different styles and techniques. I was able to use the research to take ideas from to base my game off. • I could have spent more time on the research for the posters. I looked at a few examples and I was able to gain some knowledge from what I did. If I had spent more time on the section, especially before starting to plan the poster and cover, I could have learnt more and there is a chance I would have better finished products as a result.
  • 42. Time Management • For parts of my project, my time management was better than it has been for previous projects. In particular the idea generation was something that I progressed through quicker than previously. • There were areas where my time management could still defiantly be better. There were sections of the project that I put off due to them being time consuming or repetitive. Animation is not my favourite thing to do and as a result I ended up delaying starting the main part of the project. This is not something I should have done as the work needed doing in the end. In the future if I was to be given a repetitive task again. Instead of completely delaying, I would break it up and put other work between it. • As always more time would have given me the opportunity to improve and perfect parts of my project. I would have been able to produce a higher quality animimation where more happened.
  • 43. Technical Qualities – Gaming My animation was slightly more basic than I imagined it would be initially. I have put this down to my poor time management skills. The lack of time management resulted in a delay in getting the project started. My animation work has the basics of what is required. It could be more complected in places with more effects added. I am not an artistic person and I struggled with getting the overall look of what I was making. I found that just getting the background details right was taking time away from actually doing any animating. I think the gameplay from part one of the game could have been better, however it did somewhat get the idea of the game across. Compared to terraria it's not as detailed and there is not as many objectives. However that is all stuff that would just require more time. Part two of the game I ended up presenting in a top-down camera style. This is because having the camera at a 45-degree angle in pixel art was very hard to achieve. Even with a top-down view the animation was a bit weird as a result I ended up focusing on mainly doing animation for part one of the game. My game ended up with kind of similar style to prison architect, only obviously in 2d pixel art.
  • 44. Technical qualities – magazine I prefer my poster to my front cover. I think the poster has a good a good balance between enough going on and overdoing it with too many elements. The title pushes through nicely as one of the main focal points for anyone seeing it. I think the photoshop techniques on the poster are useful to add something to it. The rockets taking off, I cut out myself, blends in nicely. The altered sky in the left part of the image makes it more atmospheric than the previous blue one did. I also like the overlay effects that blend everything together well.
  • 45. Technical qualities – poster Compared an existing no time to die cover. My poster is missing some information about what would be on the inside of the magazine. If I was to include this it would be beneficial because someone looking at the cover on a shelf in a shop may be more likely to pick it up if something in it interest them. The style of the cover is very simple. It somewhat relies on anyone looking at it to recognise the film just by the person in the middle. The style of the cover is similar to that of the poster and means that it should be partially recognisable for anyone that’s seen the brand before. The challenge for me was getting photos that look like mars or earth exploding. Because of this I had to use existing images which takes away some of the detail from the work.
  • 46. Audience Appeal • I think I appealed to my target audience through explosions and drama as that is something that teenagers like. • I think the mix between a bright and appropriate colour scheme works well for teenagers as it gets peoples attention.
  • 47. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. • The poster was the biggest strength of the final package. It pulls together a range of techniques. I think it looks how I imagined it would in my head and in planning. It looks the best out of everything I made. I think the two image blend effect works well to not only look good but show what the films about. • I think the front cover was the worst part of everything I did. It was very basic and with more time could have been improved to include more elements. It is too simple. • The animation was good at getting the ideas in my head across. The animation I did is at a standard I am happy with. It could be improved with more of it but I ran out of time. • Most of the planning I did is at a standard I am happy with. I think the research into existing video games is in particular very detailed. • The style guide for the poster and magazine section is something I am happy with and found useful throughout.

Editor's Notes

  1. Equilibrium – disruption – recognition – repair – new equilibrium 
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  5. What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
  6. Point to other games that this is similar to Show some example images or similar games / movies / books / TV shows with similar themes.
  7. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  8. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  9. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work? This is an ironic slide – it took ages…
  10. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  11. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  12. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  13. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.
  14. Yep