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Bertie Stasiulevicuis
"Gru" the main character of the
film, who is also a criminal
mastermind, decided to adopt 3
Gru wishes to carry on with his
criminal life, but struggles when
he realises the girls he adopted
wants gru to be their father.
Gru realises he can not tackle being a
criminal and a father at the same time.
Gru uses the 3 girls to his advantage
and makes them become assistants on
his mission to steal a "shrink ray" for
his success
Gru reaslises the importance of his
family and manages to return
everything back to normal and
becomes a father to the children.
Todorov structure for
Despicable Me.
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero Gru is the hero in despicable me because is former personality has no empaty and only goes towards
evil thoughts with no feeling of empathy or love, but as the film progresses and he adopts the three
children, he learns thjat this I smore important than living a life of crime.
TheVillian The villain in despicable me is "Vector" because he attempted multiple times to ruin and kill Gru to
become a better villain than him, he fails this and ends up being sent to the moon with no way of
The Helper The helper in the film was Gru's assistant "Dr. Nefario", this is because he supplies gru with all the
gadgets and tools he will need to complete his missions and to also save the three girls.
The Donor The donor in the films is the girls, they bring gru happiness towards the end which helps him to
become a better version of himself and who he really wants to be, if they did not do this then gru
would have most likely continued with the same life he was already living and would not have
The Dispatcher The dispatcher in despicable me is mr perkins because he tells gru that he has a competitor, and if
gru does not manage to beat his competition then he will not be able to carry on his mission
The Princess or prize The prize in the film is that gru manages to escape from vector and is now a father to three girls, as
vector is no longer a problem gru can reach an equilibrium again.
The Princess’s Father The princess's father in despicable me is Gru as he needs to stop vector from ending the world so that
he can put everyones lives back to normal.
Who Gru, Margo, Edith,Agnes, Dr Nefario,Vector, Mr Perkins,The minions and Marlena Gru
What A supervillan named Gru has a plan to steal the moon, he has all the weaopns in the world he needs and a whole army of minions, but
grus plans are spoiled when he adopts three kids who want gru to be their father.
Why Gru wanted to show off his power and let it be known that he is the greatest supervillain in the world, and he thinks of the most absurd
plan he can think of to let it be known that he is powerful.
When The events of Despicable Me take place during the month of May in 2012.The day of the recital, the theft of the moon, and Vector
kidnapping the girls, is May 26, which falls on a Saturday.
Where Despicable me is set in Santa Monica – California, USA.
How Gru has an army of minions but realises the love he has for the girls.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1 – culmination of utopia
Who A couple looking for a new, easier life.
What They move somewhere called theTerrarium (like a cage, this will be used in the main film idea)
Why They are trying to find an easier life, and ignore the bad things in life, and try to live to the max.
Turns out the made up fake utopia is a government experiment, to see how humans react to being
When Set in either a modern day setting, or in the future.
Where Big state in America, such as new york or washington – somewhere popular
How The couple both quit their jobs, as they are promised a stress free life.
Mind map for idea 1 (culmination of utopia)
A couple moves to a
"stress free life, with no
work involved.
Both people in the couple
quit their jobs in order to
live a complete stress free
Everything seems to be
normal, and people are
finally learning to enjoy
the true quality of life, until
someone tries to leave,
and they are unable.This
causes uproar amongst the
People quickly realize they
are in a government test
and are living in complete
quarantine from society
and can never return.
People quickly develop
mental health disorders
such as anxiety and
depression, the knowledge
of their false utopia makes
people go insane
People in the city cause an
uproar and protest, but to
no avail, after many people
realize this is their life,
suicide rates skyrocket.
In the end of the film, it
shows the government
facility where they are
closely monitoring human
reactions, and the
message is implied to the
viewer that what
happened is exactly what
was expected.
Existing Products for
idea number 1
• The film vivarium is about a couple who are looking for a new home
and are shown around a new place called “yonder” they later realize
they are unable to leaveYonder and are trapped there.The location of
Yonder is never disclosed as it is not a real place. In the film, most of the
shots are done at eye level, apart from two or three which are filmed
from a bird's eye view and show the same house repeatedly, giving the
viewer a better knowledge of how vast the place is.
• There are very minimal effects used as it is supposed to be as real as
possible, and as close to how humans would really react.Throughout
the whole film there is probably around 4-5 shots with use of special
effects.The lighting in this film on the houses is supposed to look as if it
were filmed in a studio, for example bright lights shining on buildings.
The composition of the film is what you would expect from something
like this, with the main point of focus directly in the middle of the shot.
• There is not really any specific costumes in the film as they are meant
to be as normal as possible.The only consistent piece of clothing is one
of the characters who is not human.There are also very minimal props,
as the whole film is set in one place, which is inside this house. I think
this is done on purpose, so the viewer gets the correct feel of how dim
their lives have become.There is a very specific colour of green
throughout the film which is used so frequently throughout the film,
and the only other time a very bold colour is used is after a character
• Music is not a key part of this film whatsoever. The only parts you
hear music are at the start and one scene in the middle. I think this is a
very effective idea because it truly shows the concept of the film and
how disturbing it is and shows that something so small can be the best
thing ever in certain times.
Existing Product for
idea number 1
• The Film Elysium is about the year 2154,
where some of the earth's population is living on
a luxurious spaceship and the rest live in the
ruins of the earth.The main characters
balancing between the two and agrees to
undertake a dangerous mission that could equal
out the society.
• This film is similar to mine as it included a
false utopia, they're told that this place is
perfect but under the surface it is not what it
• There are many effects used in this film,
because it is set on a massive ship in space, but
personally I will not use many effects in my film
as I aim to make it as realistic as possible..
Existing Product for
idea number 1
• TheTruman show is somewhat similar to the film I am
doing, this is because the concept of the film is that
someone who is being watched by millions of people his
whole life and doesn’t find out for many years. His life is
almost set in a utopia, this is shown in a scene where he
is suspicious of his life and attempts to get himself
injured but cannot do so, this is when he becomes aware
of the life he is living and successfully attempts to leave.
• I like the ideas that are used in this film and will
possibly use some for my own, the unknowing themes
that he is being watched is very similar to the concept for
my film.
• This film is set in a small town, which is actually just
one big set forTruman to live in. the lighting, angles are
all just like the real world, as it is supposed to look that
way.With the exception of a few shots filmed in different
angles, which are supposed to be the cameras that watch
• A middle - class couple is looking to move in together somewhere new, they hear about a new area called
the terrarium, a large open city where no one must work or pay any bills.
• The man in the couple has previously worked at a mental institution and is familiar with the signs of
different mental illnesses such as psychosis, schizophrenia and depression.The woman is a teacher at a
secondary school, who works with kids daily.
• Bored of their common, mediocre lives, the couple decides to give the new area a try, half expecting not to
stay there forever due to possible boredom.
• The couple move in and are enjoying their time, until Christmas comes and they wish to visit their family. As
they reach the exit to the city, they see smoke rising in the distance, thinking nothing of it they decide to
investigate what is going on.
• Once they have reached the way out, they see hundreds of people protesting, confused, they approach the
crowd nearer hoping to get a better understanding of what is happening, they read a sign that says "LET US
OUT", they speak to the guards of the city and are told they can not leave under any circumstances.
• Weeks pass and people start to give up hope, unsatisfied and frustrated with the current state of his life, the
man decided to visit parts of the city he may not have before, he speaks to a few people, and sees early
signs of psychosis and depression, knowledge he has from working in the mental institution. He believes he
must find an answer to what is happening whilst attempting to help people at the same time.
• They later find out that this area was a government experiment, and the people inside are left to figure out
how to survive themselves.
Details In Story – Act 1
• Set in Alaska, America in around 2050, there is much more advanced
technology but basic human day to day life is very similar to how it is
• The main characters are in a couple, a man and a woman.The man
works as a psychological therapist and has done previous work in a
mental institution.The woman works as a teacher in a secondary
• The themes in the film include isolation, mental health issues and
psychological problems induced by the matters in the film.
• There are points of suspense in the movie which are good for the
viewer, as it is something interesting and intriguing, people would be
wondering how the film can go on from a certain major plot point.
Details In Story – Act 2
The goal of the film is really for the main characters to help people, but
they know they are forming different mental illnesses, so whilst
everything is happening at once it seems that a goal will be impossible
to reach.
One of the earliest signs on foreshadowing in this movie could be the
couple being told they must be somewhere in this city at a very specific
point, or there will be consequences.
The B story in this film would be the use of the main characters
knowledge on people's mental health, and shows that there could be a
future of possible sorrow and dissapointment, it is educational for the
protagonists as it is rare he sees these signs in common life so
I think that any deeper digging in the film will be shown by following
either of the main characters story. I think it would be interesting if it
was discovered that not everything as perfect in this 'Utopia' and that
is the point where things begin to go south in the film.
The biggest hurdle in the movie would be that no matter what is done
to help, there is no real way to solve the issue, due to lack of power.
Idea 2 – preparing for darkness
Who A small boy, who later finds a family
What There has recently been a neurological epidemic, where there has been a mass outbreak of a brain
damaging disease, most people died when they got this virus. But a small percentage of people survive and
discover they have certain powers, such as mind reading, the government takes these people for
examination and experimentation, but they are then all quarantined from society as they are deemed to
dangerous to live among human life. And the government wants to put them all underground hence the
title "preparing for darkness"
Why Huge outbreak of a life threatening disease and the government want answers but later realise the
survivors are too dangerous.
When Set in the future, maybe around the same time as blade runner.
Where Set in England, with people from different areas gathering to show their powers.
How The government also released the virus, which will be a plot twist in the movie, they did not expect the
results to go this way.
Existing Product for
idea number 2
• The city of ember is a film about a civilization that was only
meant to last 200 years, and we are watching the film from the
perspective of people living in this city after the years have
passed, this is somewhat similar to the idea I have for my movie
as it includes the theme of having a location that is quarantined
from the rest of society.
• The colours used in this film are mostly very dark, it includes
dark blues, reds and occasionally a golden yellow, to show the
lights of the city.There is not a lot of bright light shown in this
film as they are completely underground and have no natural
light coming in.
• The film does not include masses of special effect, as it is
meant to be relatively realistic, but at one point in the film, huge
moths and bugs appear on power lines.
• Most of the shots in this movie are either wide shots, eye level
or birds eye view.The wide shots and the bird eye are a great way
of showing how vast this city is, and how much of it there really
Existing product for
idea number 2
• The film I am legend is set in a post-apocalyptic newYork,
after a deadly virus (which was invented to cure cancer) has
wiped out all human life apart from one person who is immune to
the virus, and this person must defend himself from the mutants
with the virus.
• This film is like the concept of mine as it includes a deadly
virus that wiped out billions of people, I had not thought of using
run down broken cities in my film, so this will be a good way of
getting ideas for other themes in my concept to set the scene
even more.
• The colours in this film are fairly normal, as if it were just
filmed at any point in newYork city, but they have been dimmed
down to give the effect of a rundown city.
Existing product for
idea number 2
• The Happening is a film about a deadly virus that is spreading
across the world that makes people commit suicide, which is like
the concept for what I had in mind.A fast-spreading neurological
virus that is altering peoples lives.
• Once again, the colours used in the films are not anything out
of the ordinary, they are just weakened down to show that
quality of life is much lower, and there is much less happiness in
the world.
• I don’t think many special effects are used in this film, and this
is because most films with a deadly virus are supposed to be as
realistic as possible and show how humans would truly react.
• Most shots in this film are done at eye level, close ups and
wide shots.
Idea 3 – the elapsed paradox
Who NASA Astronaut , has a family.
What NASA needs to send someone to the moon, to test their modern day space craft.When the astronaut
arrives onto the moon, there are signs of previous human life. NASA try to hide this info but it reaches the
public, and people question whether it's human or unknown alien life, who have similar needs to humans.
Why Plans of commercial space travel and possibly inhabiting the moon, due to pollution and global warming on
When Set in the future, maybe 1000 years or so ahead.
Where Set in the main headquarters of NASA (America)
How The astronaut volunteers to the program and is set the task of reaching the moon by nasa.
Existing product for
idea number 3
• The Martian is a film about a man who is sent
to mars on a mission, but when he gets
stranded there, he must find a way to adapt
to the environment and survive, this is
slightly like the concept of my movie as it
includes space travel.
• As the film begins, the colours are very
average, but once he gets to mars the colours
are all intensified, (it is mainly the orange of
mars) and as the movie goes on, and the
astronaut begins to grow vegetation to eat,
the green on there also seems to be a very
intense, obvious colour.
• Many of the shots used in this films are
panoramic and wide view shots, this is
because it includes a lot of open areas.
Existing product for
idea number 3
• The film prospect is about a teenage girl and her father travel
to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich.They've secured a
contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in
the depths of the moon's toxic forest. But there are others roving
the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to
• The colours in this movie are very exaggerated and unrealistic,
this is because they are not on earth and they most likely want
the viewers to know how different this planet is, so they use as
many bold colours as possible.
• Most of the shots in this film are at eye level, but there are also
many close ups and wide shots, the close ups show the crystals
and the characters emotions at certain points of the movie, when
the tension is high.
Existing products for
idea number 3
• Lucy in the sky is a film about astronaut Lucy Cola
returns to Earth after a transcendent experience
during a mission to space and begins to lose touch
with reality in a world that now seems too small.
• The colours in this film are very normal, as it is not
meant to be a futuristic cyberpunk era space travel
film. It is more of a psychological film, so there is
nothing special about the colours.
• A lot of the shots are done at eye level, as there is
a lot of monologue in this film, but there are a few
shots which are filmed from eye level.
Research Summary
• What have you learned from your research?
• From doing my research, I have learnt that there is a lot of films for pretty
much any theme ever. And there will be a very similar variation of every
popular movies. I also learnt how much production and marketing goes into
a single film.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• Some of the movies that I found include many themes in similar movies that
I had not thought of, so I will use the similar product slides for my work.
Magazine and advert layouts
Which clothes will I use
for the characters?
I have around 3 different
styles of clothing for my
characters, but I want
them all to be dressed in
either black or white, this
way I can easily make the
colours contrast onto the
background, whilst also
being able to add in other
contrasting colours for
obstacles and thing like
Why will I use these
colours and style of
I think that using black
outfits for every person is a
good way of making the
playable character obvious
and noticeable against the
background, I also think
that wearing black can
show dominance in some
situations, for example
some police issued
clothing and SWAT team
outfits are black.
How do the clothes I have
chosen fit in with the
video game?
I have gone for a
streetwear look in my
work, this ties in with the
film because they are
actually quite casual
clothes, which is what
would have been worn in
the location I have chosen.
I think that the cargo
trousers, sportswear and
trainers used are all good
clothes that are
convenient for running in.
Magazine and advert layouts
Photos for the adverts
I will take photos for my
adverts around places near
my house, I will get a range
of photos in different
locations and at different
times of the day, for
example a streetwear
outfit in the daytime, and
in the night- time, and
both in multiple locations, I
will use my camera to take
these photos so that I can
edit them from home how
I want them to look.
Colours in the photo
I will keep the person in
shot wearing black and
intensify all the colours
around them, so they are
obvious to see but are also
in the middle of the shot.
Using these photos, I will
be able to create a
character selection page.
Who is going to be in the
I think that in the photos I
will use three different
people to wear the clothes
I am going to use in my
game and that my
characters will wear. I will
get some indoor photos
and some outdoor photos.
Having a variation will
show how these outfits
look under different light, I
will also use the photos to
create magazine covers
and bus advertisements.
Magazine and advert layouts
Fonts I will use:
Magazine Subtitles:
Video game research
• For my video I will do a 2d pixel art video game, I think by doing this it is a
good way to be able to do a wide range of things such as storylines and
characters as there is not a lot of difficult artwork that will go into making it,
which I would say is a weak point within my work.
• By doing a 2d pixel art game it means I will be able to use photoshop for the
animation, and I am able to do very basic animation on photoshop.
Video Game
• As the films themes are very difficult to link to a video game, I have decided that I will make the video
game an endless runner, such as temple run, in said game the character has to run through a city
trying to escape, they will run past wrecked building, protest signs and fires will be visible in the
background. I can use burning cars, bonfires and piles of bricks and glass.
I will use mostly blue for the background of my game, the colour of the buildings may be a purple,
by using these colours it will make the oranges of the fire more obvious, and the red colour in the
bricks will be shown more by this background, this means that the obstacles are more obvious to
the player.
Clothing and colour in my film / video game
• As my film is going to be set in a
place designed for freedom, most
people will be wearing their own
casual attire, this will be sportswear,
summer streetwear, or even higher
class clothes in some cases.The
staff in the utopia will be in suits all
of one colour, for example black or
white, these colours make it easy to
contrast against alm0st anything.
By using multiple types of clothing, it will be a good way to create colour and animation for a character select
scene, for example there will be a younger character wearing the 'streetwear' style, a character in sportswear,
and then a character in something higher – class, like a suit.
Colours in the video game
• I think that using this type of clothing
with solid colours is a good way of
bringing in contrast to the video game, if
the background is a light blue then the
black clothing with brighter orange or
green features will be able to pop more,
and if the background is a darker colour
like a wine red, or a dark purple, then a
white with darker accents will be used.
A lot of the colours used will depend on the colour of the
sky, I am most likely going to use a purple, with yellow in
the sky (stars, sun or moon) then this means that I can
have the buildings quite a dark colour, and have the
character wearing light clothing with colours that
contrast with the background, the obstacles on the
ground will also be able to contrast, for example orange
and green in front of purple would be able to be spotted
very easily.
Existing product for
pixel art video game
• "hyper light drifter" is a pixel art game where the player
faces challenges in an open world environment with a
futuristic city. It is similar to the video game I would like
to create as it is all 2d, follows a "story without words"
and is a very colourful game, I believe that including a
wide range of colours in different areas based on the
time of day is a very good way to show skill in an
animated game.And if possible, I would like to do this in
my own game.
• The sound effects used for this game fit very well, they
are slightly eerie and noticeably futuristic, it all fits very
well with the gameplay, for example if it is raining then
you will be able to hear this as well as clearly see it.This
game does not include any voices in the cut scenes, but I
think they have managed to use the sound effects so
well to the point they aren't necessary.
• Heart Machine, 2016, Hyper Light Drifter
Existing product for 2d
video game
• Terraria is a completely 2d pixel art game, in which, the
player gains materials to build houses and create
weapons and tools to survive, this game includes a lot of
different textures in certain items and there are many
characters meaning that there is a lot of different designs
and ideas put into this game. I would like to use a wide
range of characters and possibly different maps in my
game, to show variation throughout.
• Terraria includes a very upbeat soundtrack as the player is
doing normal tasks such as gathering materials or
walking around. But when the character enters conflict,
the soundtrack changes and becomes something scarier,
with an edgy feel to it.There are sound effects for every
detail too, jumping, hitting and the player taking
Existing product for
pixel art video game
• "Fallout shelter" is a game where the player must create
a base to survive through a nuclear bomb attack. This
game requires a lot of maintenance and the player must
upgrade their shelter to continue gameplay, in my own
video game I would like to include something like this, so
that the player can keep entertained and not get bored
of doing the same thing multiple times in the same
• Fallout shelter has a great set of sound effects that work
perfectly with the game, they all have a very specific
retro futuristic feel to them, the game doesn’t include
cutscenes, but instead, interactive slides that are
informative and help the player to customise their
Existing product for
pixel art video game
• Undertale is a 2d video game in which the player controls a
child and complete objectives in order to progress through
the story. Players explore an underground world filled with
towns and caves and are required to solve numerous
puzzles on their journey. Undertale uses a top-down
interface to control the character and I think this could be a
very good idea for my own video game as it is what was
used in many old retro games, so it would give my game an
authentic feel.
• Undertale uses a soundtrack for exploration and a different
one for when in battle, the two are very different and the
player can easily decipher which is which.This game does
not include many sound effects as it is mostly just running
round and fighting, but in scenes with a playable story, the
music will change depending on where the player is, for
example if they are in a bar, there will be music playing
quietly in the background.
Pre-production and
Style Sheet 1
These are the styles I will use for ideas when creating my
own video game. Most importantly I would like to
include a wide variation of colours depending on the
area,such as desert, snowy mountains or somewhere
hot. My game will most likely be an 8bit pixel game, for
an authentic feel of a retro game such as super mario
Bus advert layouts
• Bus side adverts usually have the same design, an area
for the title along the middle, an image of the main
character of the game and then another area for the
release date, this is a great way to advertise a game
because it only must take someone a short glance to
see the title, and release date, and possibly even get a
feel for the game depending on the image.
My example:
Bus stop adverts
• Bus stop adverts are also a great way of promoting a
product, if someone is waiting for the bus then they will
see it, and therefore read it, these ads will include a
large image of the game which is being promoted, the
release date and the title. If someone is interested in
the ad then whilst waiting at a bus stop is the perfect
opportunity to do further research. Some bus stops are
even interactive, which creates immediate interaction.
My example:
Magazine advert layouts
• Magazines are a great way to advertise a video game,
as the front cover is the first part of the magazine
people will see, this includes a clear image, the title and
if the reader is interested in this just from the cover,
they will most likely purchase the magazine and read
more information about it inside.
My example:
Video Game layouts
This is the type of layout I will use for my game; it is a simple yet nostalgic style. Its very easy to
understand and can be widely played between multiple age ranges and no one will have a massive
challenge understanding the controls.
I will try to animate my video game as closely to these as possible. I would like to achieve the
highest level of nostalgia and similarity as possible.
Style Sheet 2
In my work, I am going to use mostly orange on a
blue background, and have red, green and black
accents throughout the level, these will be used in
things such as obstacles, or even just extra
background objects, such as benches.
I drew these characters as an example
of what my video game character will
look like, I first drew the animation
and then added the clothes I will most
likely use, for example in the first
person, they have streetwear clothes
on, and the third one along is wearing
a golf outfit, these both follow the
story of my film and is most likely
what the people would be wearing.
Colour combinations in the video game.
To experiment with color
combinations, I used my
LED lights in my bedroom
to see which work well
I think that the dark blue,
red and green work quite
well together and will most
likely be used for my video
game, the blue for the
background, possibly
green for clothing and red
for accents such as
• The script for my video game will be
said by one of the characters from
the film, and also a narrator.
Character lines: Narrator lines:
"This way!
"Over here!"
"Look at this!"
The narrator lines will be much
longer, descriptive ones -
whereas the character lines
will be short.
"This is...Culmination Of Utopia"
"You must try your hardest to
escape this false promised land"
"Mystery could be just around
the corner"
"Do not trust anyone"
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Menu Screen Beep Box
Scroll Sound Beep Box
Countdown Beep Box
Jump Beep Box
Crouch Beep Box
Hit obstacle Beep Box
Actor Role Location for recording
Myself Near where I live, and at home.
Near where I live, and at home.
Near where I live, and at home.
I will be making my own music and sound effects for the game; I have already experimented
with doing this and is on my blog. I re created about 5 seconds of an old Legend Of Zelda
To do this I will be using BeepBox, this way I can easily experimet and change how I want my
music to sound. I am going to research older 2d games to see the types of sound they used,
to give my game an authentic feel.
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
I could lose my files for work, animation,
powerpoint and photoshop work.
I will use autosave features on everything to
prevent this to the highest degree possible, but if it
still goes missing, I will re type it up, and make sure
to frequently, manually save.
I could have an issue with transportation of photos
from my camera to my laptop
If this happens, I will have to go out again and take
pictures with my phone, so I have easier access to
them at any time I need.
I could run out of time to do my work I will have to focus on the main parts of my work
and try to make them as good as I possibly can.
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the
How can you make sure that doesn’t happen?
What will you do if it does?
It may rain when I need to take my camera out,
which would most likely break it.
I will keep it protected when going to the locations
of the images, and have it out as little as possible
If the area im going to is wet, this could be a
problem as it could be a slip hazard
I will try to keep to safe locations, that are not
around any danger, and if someone was to fall it
would only be onto the floor
Using your plans, produce:
• A synopsis for your film
• A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen,
demo level and cut scene
• Sound track for the video game
• A magazine front cover, promoting the film
• Additional advertising to promote the film
Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma.
Animation to be embedded in your blog.
Time Management
Technical Qualities
Aesthetic Qualities
Aural Qualities
Audience Appeal
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final

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Adventure pro forma

  • 2. "Gru" the main character of the film, who is also a criminal mastermind, decided to adopt 3 children Gru wishes to carry on with his criminal life, but struggles when he realises the girls he adopted wants gru to be their father. Gru realises he can not tackle being a criminal and a father at the same time. Gru uses the 3 girls to his advantage and makes them become assistants on his mission to steal a "shrink ray" for his success Gru reaslises the importance of his family and manages to return everything back to normal and becomes a father to the children. Todorov structure for Despicable Me.
  • 3. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero Gru is the hero in despicable me because is former personality has no empaty and only goes towards evil thoughts with no feeling of empathy or love, but as the film progresses and he adopts the three children, he learns thjat this I smore important than living a life of crime. TheVillian The villain in despicable me is "Vector" because he attempted multiple times to ruin and kill Gru to become a better villain than him, he fails this and ends up being sent to the moon with no way of returning. The Helper The helper in the film was Gru's assistant "Dr. Nefario", this is because he supplies gru with all the gadgets and tools he will need to complete his missions and to also save the three girls. The Donor The donor in the films is the girls, they bring gru happiness towards the end which helps him to become a better version of himself and who he really wants to be, if they did not do this then gru would have most likely continued with the same life he was already living and would not have changed. The Dispatcher The dispatcher in despicable me is mr perkins because he tells gru that he has a competitor, and if gru does not manage to beat his competition then he will not be able to carry on his mission The Princess or prize The prize in the film is that gru manages to escape from vector and is now a father to three girls, as vector is no longer a problem gru can reach an equilibrium again. The Princess’s Father The princess's father in despicable me is Gru as he needs to stop vector from ending the world so that he can put everyones lives back to normal.
  • 4. WWWWWH Who Gru, Margo, Edith,Agnes, Dr Nefario,Vector, Mr Perkins,The minions and Marlena Gru What A supervillan named Gru has a plan to steal the moon, he has all the weaopns in the world he needs and a whole army of minions, but grus plans are spoiled when he adopts three kids who want gru to be their father. Why Gru wanted to show off his power and let it be known that he is the greatest supervillain in the world, and he thinks of the most absurd plan he can think of to let it be known that he is powerful. When The events of Despicable Me take place during the month of May in 2012.The day of the recital, the theft of the moon, and Vector kidnapping the girls, is May 26, which falls on a Saturday. Where Despicable me is set in Santa Monica – California, USA. How Gru has an army of minions but realises the love he has for the girls.
  • 6. Idea 1 – culmination of utopia Who A couple looking for a new, easier life. What They move somewhere called theTerrarium (like a cage, this will be used in the main film idea) Why They are trying to find an easier life, and ignore the bad things in life, and try to live to the max. Turns out the made up fake utopia is a government experiment, to see how humans react to being enclosed. When Set in either a modern day setting, or in the future. Where Big state in America, such as new york or washington – somewhere popular How The couple both quit their jobs, as they are promised a stress free life.
  • 7.
  • 8. Mind map for idea 1 (culmination of utopia) FALSE UTOPIA A couple moves to a "stress free life, with no work involved. Both people in the couple quit their jobs in order to live a complete stress free life. Everything seems to be normal, and people are finally learning to enjoy the true quality of life, until someone tries to leave, and they are unable.This causes uproar amongst the "terrarium" People quickly realize they are in a government test and are living in complete quarantine from society and can never return. People quickly develop mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, the knowledge of their false utopia makes people go insane People in the city cause an uproar and protest, but to no avail, after many people realize this is their life, suicide rates skyrocket. In the end of the film, it shows the government facility where they are closely monitoring human reactions, and the message is implied to the viewer that what happened is exactly what was expected.
  • 9. Existing Products for idea number 1 • The film vivarium is about a couple who are looking for a new home and are shown around a new place called “yonder” they later realize they are unable to leaveYonder and are trapped there.The location of Yonder is never disclosed as it is not a real place. In the film, most of the shots are done at eye level, apart from two or three which are filmed from a bird's eye view and show the same house repeatedly, giving the viewer a better knowledge of how vast the place is. • There are very minimal effects used as it is supposed to be as real as possible, and as close to how humans would really react.Throughout the whole film there is probably around 4-5 shots with use of special effects.The lighting in this film on the houses is supposed to look as if it were filmed in a studio, for example bright lights shining on buildings. The composition of the film is what you would expect from something like this, with the main point of focus directly in the middle of the shot. • There is not really any specific costumes in the film as they are meant to be as normal as possible.The only consistent piece of clothing is one of the characters who is not human.There are also very minimal props, as the whole film is set in one place, which is inside this house. I think this is done on purpose, so the viewer gets the correct feel of how dim their lives have become.There is a very specific colour of green throughout the film which is used so frequently throughout the film, and the only other time a very bold colour is used is after a character death. • Music is not a key part of this film whatsoever. The only parts you hear music are at the start and one scene in the middle. I think this is a very effective idea because it truly shows the concept of the film and how disturbing it is and shows that something so small can be the best thing ever in certain times.
  • 10. Existing Product for idea number 1 • The Film Elysium is about the year 2154, where some of the earth's population is living on a luxurious spaceship and the rest live in the ruins of the earth.The main characters balancing between the two and agrees to undertake a dangerous mission that could equal out the society. • This film is similar to mine as it included a false utopia, they're told that this place is perfect but under the surface it is not what it seems. • There are many effects used in this film, because it is set on a massive ship in space, but personally I will not use many effects in my film as I aim to make it as realistic as possible..
  • 11. Existing Product for idea number 1 • TheTruman show is somewhat similar to the film I am doing, this is because the concept of the film is that someone who is being watched by millions of people his whole life and doesn’t find out for many years. His life is almost set in a utopia, this is shown in a scene where he is suspicious of his life and attempts to get himself injured but cannot do so, this is when he becomes aware of the life he is living and successfully attempts to leave. • I like the ideas that are used in this film and will possibly use some for my own, the unknowing themes that he is being watched is very similar to the concept for my film. • This film is set in a small town, which is actually just one big set forTruman to live in. the lighting, angles are all just like the real world, as it is supposed to look that way.With the exception of a few shots filmed in different angles, which are supposed to be the cameras that watch him.
  • 12. Synopsis • A middle - class couple is looking to move in together somewhere new, they hear about a new area called the terrarium, a large open city where no one must work or pay any bills. • The man in the couple has previously worked at a mental institution and is familiar with the signs of different mental illnesses such as psychosis, schizophrenia and depression.The woman is a teacher at a secondary school, who works with kids daily. • Bored of their common, mediocre lives, the couple decides to give the new area a try, half expecting not to stay there forever due to possible boredom. • The couple move in and are enjoying their time, until Christmas comes and they wish to visit their family. As they reach the exit to the city, they see smoke rising in the distance, thinking nothing of it they decide to investigate what is going on. • Once they have reached the way out, they see hundreds of people protesting, confused, they approach the crowd nearer hoping to get a better understanding of what is happening, they read a sign that says "LET US OUT", they speak to the guards of the city and are told they can not leave under any circumstances. • Weeks pass and people start to give up hope, unsatisfied and frustrated with the current state of his life, the man decided to visit parts of the city he may not have before, he speaks to a few people, and sees early signs of psychosis and depression, knowledge he has from working in the mental institution. He believes he must find an answer to what is happening whilst attempting to help people at the same time. • They later find out that this area was a government experiment, and the people inside are left to figure out how to survive themselves.
  • 13. Details In Story – Act 1 • Set in Alaska, America in around 2050, there is much more advanced technology but basic human day to day life is very similar to how it is today. • The main characters are in a couple, a man and a woman.The man works as a psychological therapist and has done previous work in a mental institution.The woman works as a teacher in a secondary school. • The themes in the film include isolation, mental health issues and psychological problems induced by the matters in the film. • There are points of suspense in the movie which are good for the viewer, as it is something interesting and intriguing, people would be wondering how the film can go on from a certain major plot point.
  • 14. Details In Story – Act 2 The goal of the film is really for the main characters to help people, but they know they are forming different mental illnesses, so whilst everything is happening at once it seems that a goal will be impossible to reach. One of the earliest signs on foreshadowing in this movie could be the couple being told they must be somewhere in this city at a very specific point, or there will be consequences. The B story in this film would be the use of the main characters knowledge on people's mental health, and shows that there could be a future of possible sorrow and dissapointment, it is educational for the protagonists as it is rare he sees these signs in common life so obviously I think that any deeper digging in the film will be shown by following either of the main characters story. I think it would be interesting if it was discovered that not everything as perfect in this 'Utopia' and that is the point where things begin to go south in the film. The biggest hurdle in the movie would be that no matter what is done to help, there is no real way to solve the issue, due to lack of power.
  • 15. Idea 2 – preparing for darkness Who A small boy, who later finds a family What There has recently been a neurological epidemic, where there has been a mass outbreak of a brain damaging disease, most people died when they got this virus. But a small percentage of people survive and discover they have certain powers, such as mind reading, the government takes these people for examination and experimentation, but they are then all quarantined from society as they are deemed to dangerous to live among human life. And the government wants to put them all underground hence the title "preparing for darkness" Why Huge outbreak of a life threatening disease and the government want answers but later realise the survivors are too dangerous. When Set in the future, maybe around the same time as blade runner. Where Set in England, with people from different areas gathering to show their powers. How The government also released the virus, which will be a plot twist in the movie, they did not expect the results to go this way.
  • 16.
  • 17. Existing Product for idea number 2 • The city of ember is a film about a civilization that was only meant to last 200 years, and we are watching the film from the perspective of people living in this city after the years have passed, this is somewhat similar to the idea I have for my movie as it includes the theme of having a location that is quarantined from the rest of society. • The colours used in this film are mostly very dark, it includes dark blues, reds and occasionally a golden yellow, to show the lights of the city.There is not a lot of bright light shown in this film as they are completely underground and have no natural light coming in. • The film does not include masses of special effect, as it is meant to be relatively realistic, but at one point in the film, huge moths and bugs appear on power lines. • Most of the shots in this movie are either wide shots, eye level or birds eye view.The wide shots and the bird eye are a great way of showing how vast this city is, and how much of it there really is.
  • 18. Existing product for idea number 2 • The film I am legend is set in a post-apocalyptic newYork, after a deadly virus (which was invented to cure cancer) has wiped out all human life apart from one person who is immune to the virus, and this person must defend himself from the mutants with the virus. • This film is like the concept of mine as it includes a deadly virus that wiped out billions of people, I had not thought of using run down broken cities in my film, so this will be a good way of getting ideas for other themes in my concept to set the scene even more. • The colours in this film are fairly normal, as if it were just filmed at any point in newYork city, but they have been dimmed down to give the effect of a rundown city.
  • 19. Existing product for idea number 2 • The Happening is a film about a deadly virus that is spreading across the world that makes people commit suicide, which is like the concept for what I had in mind.A fast-spreading neurological virus that is altering peoples lives. • Once again, the colours used in the films are not anything out of the ordinary, they are just weakened down to show that quality of life is much lower, and there is much less happiness in the world. • I don’t think many special effects are used in this film, and this is because most films with a deadly virus are supposed to be as realistic as possible and show how humans would truly react. • Most shots in this film are done at eye level, close ups and wide shots.
  • 20. Idea 3 – the elapsed paradox Who NASA Astronaut , has a family. What NASA needs to send someone to the moon, to test their modern day space craft.When the astronaut arrives onto the moon, there are signs of previous human life. NASA try to hide this info but it reaches the public, and people question whether it's human or unknown alien life, who have similar needs to humans. Why Plans of commercial space travel and possibly inhabiting the moon, due to pollution and global warming on earth. When Set in the future, maybe 1000 years or so ahead. Where Set in the main headquarters of NASA (America) How The astronaut volunteers to the program and is set the task of reaching the moon by nasa.
  • 21.
  • 22. Existing product for idea number 3 • The Martian is a film about a man who is sent to mars on a mission, but when he gets stranded there, he must find a way to adapt to the environment and survive, this is slightly like the concept of my movie as it includes space travel. • As the film begins, the colours are very average, but once he gets to mars the colours are all intensified, (it is mainly the orange of mars) and as the movie goes on, and the astronaut begins to grow vegetation to eat, the green on there also seems to be a very intense, obvious colour. • Many of the shots used in this films are panoramic and wide view shots, this is because it includes a lot of open areas.
  • 23. Existing product for idea number 3 • The film prospect is about a teenage girl and her father travel to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich.They've secured a contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in the depths of the moon's toxic forest. But there are others roving the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to survive. • The colours in this movie are very exaggerated and unrealistic, this is because they are not on earth and they most likely want the viewers to know how different this planet is, so they use as many bold colours as possible. • Most of the shots in this film are at eye level, but there are also many close ups and wide shots, the close ups show the crystals and the characters emotions at certain points of the movie, when the tension is high.
  • 24. Existing products for idea number 3 • Lucy in the sky is a film about astronaut Lucy Cola returns to Earth after a transcendent experience during a mission to space and begins to lose touch with reality in a world that now seems too small. • The colours in this film are very normal, as it is not meant to be a futuristic cyberpunk era space travel film. It is more of a psychological film, so there is nothing special about the colours. • A lot of the shots are done at eye level, as there is a lot of monologue in this film, but there are a few shots which are filmed from eye level. •
  • 25. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? • From doing my research, I have learnt that there is a lot of films for pretty much any theme ever. And there will be a very similar variation of every popular movies. I also learnt how much production and marketing goes into a single film. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • Some of the movies that I found include many themes in similar movies that I had not thought of, so I will use the similar product slides for my work.
  • 27. Magazine and advert layouts Which clothes will I use for the characters? I have around 3 different styles of clothing for my characters, but I want them all to be dressed in either black or white, this way I can easily make the colours contrast onto the background, whilst also being able to add in other contrasting colours for obstacles and thing like this. Why will I use these colours and style of clothing? I think that using black outfits for every person is a good way of making the playable character obvious and noticeable against the background, I also think that wearing black can show dominance in some situations, for example some police issued clothing and SWAT team outfits are black. How do the clothes I have chosen fit in with the video game? I have gone for a streetwear look in my work, this ties in with the film because they are actually quite casual clothes, which is what would have been worn in the location I have chosen. I think that the cargo trousers, sportswear and trainers used are all good clothes that are convenient for running in.
  • 28. Magazine and advert layouts Photos for the adverts I will take photos for my adverts around places near my house, I will get a range of photos in different locations and at different times of the day, for example a streetwear outfit in the daytime, and in the night- time, and both in multiple locations, I will use my camera to take these photos so that I can edit them from home how I want them to look. Colours in the photo I will keep the person in shot wearing black and intensify all the colours around them, so they are obvious to see but are also in the middle of the shot. Using these photos, I will be able to create a character selection page. Who is going to be in the photos? I think that in the photos I will use three different people to wear the clothes I am going to use in my game and that my characters will wear. I will get some indoor photos and some outdoor photos. Having a variation will show how these outfits look under different light, I will also use the photos to create magazine covers and bus advertisements.
  • 29. Magazine and advert layouts Fonts I will use: MagazineTitle: MUNICIPAL Magazine Subtitles: VERB COND EXTRALIGHT
  • 30. Video game research • For my video I will do a 2d pixel art video game, I think by doing this it is a good way to be able to do a wide range of things such as storylines and characters as there is not a lot of difficult artwork that will go into making it, which I would say is a weak point within my work. • By doing a 2d pixel art game it means I will be able to use photoshop for the animation, and I am able to do very basic animation on photoshop.
  • 31. Video Game • As the films themes are very difficult to link to a video game, I have decided that I will make the video game an endless runner, such as temple run, in said game the character has to run through a city trying to escape, they will run past wrecked building, protest signs and fires will be visible in the background. I can use burning cars, bonfires and piles of bricks and glass. I will use mostly blue for the background of my game, the colour of the buildings may be a purple, by using these colours it will make the oranges of the fire more obvious, and the red colour in the bricks will be shown more by this background, this means that the obstacles are more obvious to the player.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Clothing and colour in my film / video game • As my film is going to be set in a place designed for freedom, most people will be wearing their own casual attire, this will be sportswear, summer streetwear, or even higher class clothes in some cases.The staff in the utopia will be in suits all of one colour, for example black or white, these colours make it easy to contrast against alm0st anything. By using multiple types of clothing, it will be a good way to create colour and animation for a character select scene, for example there will be a younger character wearing the 'streetwear' style, a character in sportswear, and then a character in something higher – class, like a suit.
  • 35. Colours in the video game • I think that using this type of clothing with solid colours is a good way of bringing in contrast to the video game, if the background is a light blue then the black clothing with brighter orange or green features will be able to pop more, and if the background is a darker colour like a wine red, or a dark purple, then a white with darker accents will be used. A lot of the colours used will depend on the colour of the sky, I am most likely going to use a purple, with yellow in the sky (stars, sun or moon) then this means that I can have the buildings quite a dark colour, and have the character wearing light clothing with colours that contrast with the background, the obstacles on the ground will also be able to contrast, for example orange and green in front of purple would be able to be spotted very easily.
  • 36. Existing product for pixel art video game • "hyper light drifter" is a pixel art game where the player faces challenges in an open world environment with a futuristic city. It is similar to the video game I would like to create as it is all 2d, follows a "story without words" and is a very colourful game, I believe that including a wide range of colours in different areas based on the time of day is a very good way to show skill in an animated game.And if possible, I would like to do this in my own game. • The sound effects used for this game fit very well, they are slightly eerie and noticeably futuristic, it all fits very well with the gameplay, for example if it is raining then you will be able to hear this as well as clearly see it.This game does not include any voices in the cut scenes, but I think they have managed to use the sound effects so well to the point they aren't necessary. • Heart Machine, 2016, Hyper Light Drifter
  • 37. Existing product for 2d video game • Terraria is a completely 2d pixel art game, in which, the player gains materials to build houses and create weapons and tools to survive, this game includes a lot of different textures in certain items and there are many characters meaning that there is a lot of different designs and ideas put into this game. I would like to use a wide range of characters and possibly different maps in my game, to show variation throughout. • Terraria includes a very upbeat soundtrack as the player is doing normal tasks such as gathering materials or walking around. But when the character enters conflict, the soundtrack changes and becomes something scarier, with an edgy feel to it.There are sound effects for every detail too, jumping, hitting and the player taking damage.
  • 38. Existing product for pixel art video game • "Fallout shelter" is a game where the player must create a base to survive through a nuclear bomb attack. This game requires a lot of maintenance and the player must upgrade their shelter to continue gameplay, in my own video game I would like to include something like this, so that the player can keep entertained and not get bored of doing the same thing multiple times in the same sitting. • Fallout shelter has a great set of sound effects that work perfectly with the game, they all have a very specific retro futuristic feel to them, the game doesn’t include cutscenes, but instead, interactive slides that are informative and help the player to customise their shelter.
  • 39. Existing product for pixel art video game • Undertale is a 2d video game in which the player controls a child and complete objectives in order to progress through the story. Players explore an underground world filled with towns and caves and are required to solve numerous puzzles on their journey. Undertale uses a top-down interface to control the character and I think this could be a very good idea for my own video game as it is what was used in many old retro games, so it would give my game an authentic feel. • Undertale uses a soundtrack for exploration and a different one for when in battle, the two are very different and the player can easily decipher which is which.This game does not include many sound effects as it is mostly just running round and fighting, but in scenes with a playable story, the music will change depending on where the player is, for example if they are in a bar, there will be music playing quietly in the background.
  • 41. Style Sheet 1 These are the styles I will use for ideas when creating my own video game. Most importantly I would like to include a wide variation of colours depending on the area,such as desert, snowy mountains or somewhere hot. My game will most likely be an 8bit pixel game, for an authentic feel of a retro game such as super mario bros.
  • 42. Bus advert layouts • Bus side adverts usually have the same design, an area for the title along the middle, an image of the main character of the game and then another area for the release date, this is a great way to advertise a game because it only must take someone a short glance to see the title, and release date, and possibly even get a feel for the game depending on the image. My example:
  • 43. Bus stop adverts • Bus stop adverts are also a great way of promoting a product, if someone is waiting for the bus then they will see it, and therefore read it, these ads will include a large image of the game which is being promoted, the release date and the title. If someone is interested in the ad then whilst waiting at a bus stop is the perfect opportunity to do further research. Some bus stops are even interactive, which creates immediate interaction. My example:
  • 44. Magazine advert layouts • Magazines are a great way to advertise a video game, as the front cover is the first part of the magazine people will see, this includes a clear image, the title and if the reader is interested in this just from the cover, they will most likely purchase the magazine and read more information about it inside. My example:
  • 45. Video Game layouts This is the type of layout I will use for my game; it is a simple yet nostalgic style. Its very easy to understand and can be widely played between multiple age ranges and no one will have a massive challenge understanding the controls. I will try to animate my video game as closely to these as possible. I would like to achieve the highest level of nostalgia and similarity as possible.
  • 46. Style Sheet 2 In my work, I am going to use mostly orange on a blue background, and have red, green and black accents throughout the level, these will be used in things such as obstacles, or even just extra background objects, such as benches. I drew these characters as an example of what my video game character will look like, I first drew the animation and then added the clothes I will most likely use, for example in the first person, they have streetwear clothes on, and the third one along is wearing a golf outfit, these both follow the story of my film and is most likely what the people would be wearing.
  • 47. Colour combinations in the video game. To experiment with color combinations, I used my LED lights in my bedroom to see which work well together. I think that the dark blue, red and green work quite well together and will most likely be used for my video game, the blue for the background, possibly green for clothing and red for accents such as obstacles.
  • 48. Script • The script for my video game will be said by one of the characters from the film, and also a narrator. Character lines: Narrator lines: "This way! "Over here!" "Look at this!" "Quick!" The narrator lines will be much longer, descriptive ones - whereas the character lines will be short. "This is...Culmination Of Utopia" "You must try your hardest to escape this false promised land" "Mystery could be just around the corner" "Do not trust anyone"
  • 49. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Menu Screen Beep Box Scroll Sound Beep Box Countdown Beep Box Jump Beep Box Crouch Beep Box Hit obstacle Beep Box
  • 50. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Myself Near where I live, and at home. Near where I live, and at home. Near where I live, and at home.
  • 51. Music I will be making my own music and sound effects for the game; I have already experimented with doing this and is on my blog. I re created about 5 seconds of an old Legend Of Zelda game. To do this I will be using BeepBox, this way I can easily experimet and change how I want my music to sound. I am going to research older 2d games to see the types of sound they used, to give my game an authentic feel.
  • 52. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? I could lose my files for work, animation, powerpoint and photoshop work. I will use autosave features on everything to prevent this to the highest degree possible, but if it still goes missing, I will re type it up, and make sure to frequently, manually save. I could have an issue with transportation of photos from my camera to my laptop If this happens, I will have to go out again and take pictures with my phone, so I have easier access to them at any time I need. I could run out of time to do my work I will have to focus on the main parts of my work and try to make them as good as I possibly can.
  • 53. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? It may rain when I need to take my camera out, which would most likely break it. I will keep it protected when going to the locations of the images, and have it out as little as possible If the area im going to is wet, this could be a problem as it could be a slip hazard I will try to keep to safe locations, that are not around any danger, and if someone was to fall it would only be onto the floor
  • 55. Using your plans, produce: • A synopsis for your film • A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen, demo level and cut scene • Sound track for the video game • A magazine front cover, promoting the film • Additional advertising to promote the film Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma. Animation to be embedded in your blog.
  • 64. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  7. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  9. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  10. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  11. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  12. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.