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The skin
Why do we have skin?
The skin is the
outer protective
layer, also known
as the
What are the
skins functions?
The skin has three main functions:
The primary function of the skin is to act as a barrier.
The skin provides protection from many things such
as pressure, micro-organisms, chemicals and acts as a
water barrier.
skin regulates temperature through our sweat, hair
follicles, protein enzyme UPC and our subcutaneous
layer (which also reserves Vitamin D).
The skin is an organ of sensation. The skin contains
nerve cells. The skin is the part of the body, that tells
the brain if something is hot, cold, or hurts .
In brief
The skin is the largest sensory organ made
up of a ecto-dermal tissues. It covers the
whole body and is water resistant.
The skin accounts for 15% of our total body
weight and is there to protect shape,
regulate heat, feel sensation and is
composed of fat, protein and water.
Cross section of the skin
Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous
Outermost top
layer, most
Consists of 5
The dermis is the
middle layer of the
skin housing nerves,
glands, essential
proteins, enzymes
blood cells and ECM,
making it the skins
operation centre.
What is the dermis?
A cell
A cell is our bodies way of communicating,
passing oxygen through the body and cell
A cells structure
Lamin A
What is a cell
made of?
Cytoplasm – colorless & slightly
opaque, jelly like substance
70% water
Organic & inorganic salts
Amino acids obtained from protein
Cell membrane
Made of protein threads & lipids, has 2 functions, to keep the nucleus &
cytoplasm in the cell and let fat & proteins out.
Acts as a filter to substances by;
Diffusion – membrane is perforated, allowing small molecules, oxygen, carbon dioxide to
osmosis – osmotic pressure to equal the concentration inside the cell and outside. Force of
fluid too high, pushes out or in.
Dissolution – fats are too big to pass, dissolve into the fatty lipids.
Active transport – substances are to large & not soluble in fat, carrier substances transport
them into the cell to break down.
Progerin in a cell
What is progerin?
It is when are Lamin A that surrounds are cells nucleus for structural protection, is attack by
external factors and converted into the toxin progerin.
Lamin A is a protein responsible for maintaining the cells structure. It degenerates over time
and is converted into progerin, a dysfunctional toxic protein, that produces malformations in
the nucleus envelope.
With a respect to the cells it leads to an alteration in there functioning, which is reduced to a
state of either low function or senescence. With respect to the skin it leads to the dreaded
signs of biological aging.
Lamin A in a cell
Progerin and skin
It is estimated that Progerin accumulates at a
rate at 3% per year and increases with age
(worse from the age of 55 yrs.)
Starting at the papillary dermis and gradually
spreading to the reticular dermis.
Progerin is found in our fibroblast cells and
What is mitosis? Cell division
Cells reproduction
Prophase –centrosomes (mother cell) divides two
centrioles (baby cells)outside nucleus and
duplicates DNA (2 sister chromatids).
Metaphase –chromatin in cells nucleus shortens
and thickens producing chromosomes and they
line up in the cells equator.
Anaphase – the spindles stretch and start to pull
apart the chromosomes to make chromatids,
attached to the centrosome.
Telophase– new nucleus forms around each
chromatid and cells separate to form to new
daughter cells.
Interphase – the cell is resting.
Derma peel
pro -
Skeyndor's Dermapeel
pro brightening system
incorporates 50%
Hydroxy acids, alongside
enzymes and your skin
lightening acids phytic
and citric.
Timeless prodigy
is a multi genic advanced
technology, that
combines science and
It uses 50 million stem
cells and 5 growth
factors, which boosts cell
regeneration in the skin.
What is a chromosome?
A chromosome is a thread like
structure (rod like) from the
nucleus of a cell, it carry's DNA –
our genetic information.
It is the part of a cell mitosis (cell
division) where the cells drop
down, unwind ready to divide, on
the end of each chromosome is
the telomere caps.
by external
Global lift
Skeyndor's global lift treatment
has been scientifically formulated
using ProGEN-in technology. By
combining three main ingredients
(biomimetic peptides, black
pepper and bogbean) that inhibit
the Progerin toxin in the skin and
prevent the premature reduction
of the telomere.
This treatment promotes the oval
shape to the face and lifts,
tightens and tones.
Timeless prodigy will inhibit
the shortening of the telomere
on the chromosome. Timeless
has introduced the ingredient
of teprenone which protects
the DNA from oxidative stress,
by literally capping off the
chromosomes. Teprenone
increases the cells life
expectancy by 1/3.
Skin aging
Biological and
Why do we age?
Internal factors
& external
• Chronolological
Causes of aging
40% is
60% is
Internal factors
The passage
of time
External factors
Sun damage
Bad diet
Poor lifestyle
No skincare routine
Free Radicals
External factors are responsible
for our biological age and are
the factors we can work on to
look younger then our
chronological age.
Cosmetic response can turn
back the hands of time.
How is
By extrinsic
Photoaging is the biggest external
factor that makes our skin saggy
and old. It is combination of photo-
which is ‘related to light’ and aging.
As you can guess from the word
itself, it is an aging effect due to
light, specifically UV(ultraviolet)
rays, made up of UVA,UVB.
Photoaging is classified into 4
phases from Mild to Severe.
UV - ultraviolet light
UV rays are part of the light
spectrum that reaches earth.
UV rays have short wavelength
so it is not visible to our eyes.
There are 3 kinds of UV rays:
UV - 3 forms
UVA cannot be absorbed by ozone layer. It can penetrate through windows even
during cloudy days. Among UV rays, it mostly damages our skin. It creates redness
and it is responsible for premature aging of the skin and skin cancer.
UVB radiation is stronger than UVA. 90% of it is absorbed by ozone layer, but the
rest still reaches earth’s surface. It is the most intense in summer from 10 am to 2
pm. It usually affects outer layer of skin, causing sunburn, premature aging of skin
and skin cancer
UVC is the most devastating and harmful to our skin. It has the strongest UV
radiation. However, it can be absorbed by ozone layer.
The light
The biological
effects to the skin
from the UV
spectrum are well
established but not
for visible light and
What is blue light?
Segment of the visible light spectrum and it is composed
of the colour blue, it is the segment of radiation with the
highest energy (longest wave) which is why it is also
known as high energy visible light (HEV).
It makes up 25% of visible light, with the longest
electromagnetic wave 400-500 NM (Nano meters)that
attacks the skin at a subcutaneous level.
Blue light sources are: the sun and artificial sources
(artificial light and electronic devises)mobiles,
Photoaging’s effects
Group Classification Typical Age Description Skin Characteristic
I Mild 28-35 No Wrinkles Early photo aging; mild pigment changese, no
keratosis, minimal wrinkles, minimal or no
II Moderate 35-50 Wrinkles in Motion Early to moderate photo aging; early brown
spots visible, keratosis palpable but not visible,
parallel smile lines begin to appear, wears
some foundation
III Advanced 50-65 Wrinkles at Rest Advanced photo aging; obvious discoloration,
visible capillaries, visible keratosis, wears
heavier foundation
IV Severe 60 & up Only Wrinkles Severe photo aging; yellow/grey skin colour,
prior skin malignancies, wrinkles throughout –
no normal skin, cannot wear make-up because
it cracks and cakes
UV/ photoaging's effects -
premature aging
Breaks down collagen and elastin
Age spots
Sun expertise range
Skeyndor's sun expertise range protects and
repairs the skin from sun damage. It contains
chemical filters to protect from UVA and UVB,
Ronacare to protect against IR heat and
proteoglycans for deep cell repair.
It also boosts faster and longer lasting
tanning with maximum safe protection, with
your carob bean fruit extract
Blue light
Most technologies on the market block
the oxidative stress caused by this
radiation (biological or anti oxidant filter)
blue light works by directly blocking the
HEV light (solar protection). Combine two
photoprotectors and two colour correcting
pigments (HEV, IR & UVA, UVB)
How is
formed in the skin?
By UVA damage.
What is
We have a natural pigment of
Colour in our skin which is
created by melanocyte cells.
These cells release melanin,
which is the brown pigment of
Colour to tone our skin.
UVA stimulates your pigment
cells (melanocytes), to produce
the pigment melanin, this is the
pigment responsible for your tan
but also your unwanted brown
spots and patches.
Types of
Pigmentation (dark brown
Age spots
Power Vitamin
Skeyndor's power vitamin c is the
most powerful anti oxidant
combination ever created. It
combines the ingredients of 15%
ascorbic vitamin c and 6%
This treatment will repair
pigmentation on the epidermis
and photoaging in the skin.
Meso bright
Mesobright unifies the tone of the skin and
lightens the appearance of hyperpigmentation. It
adds radiance to the face and reduces the open
pore look.
This treatment is a Meso infusion treatment and
uses vitamin c and Aminoethylphosphonic acid
(anti melanin).
Derma peel
pro -
Skeyndor's Dermapeel
pro brightening system
incorporates 50%
Hydroxy acids, alongside
enzymes and your skin
lightening acids phytic
and citric.
Urban white
Skeyndor's Urban white
home care range will
help repair
aggressions, UV damage
and fade out
pigmentation in the skin.
Skin types
Normal skin
Dry skin
Combination skin
Oily skin
Acne skin
Sensitive skin
Normal skin
Less then 25% of women have this
skin type, this skin type is smooth,
soft and supple. It is neither oily or
dry. The complexion appears fine
textured and almost free of
blemishes, having the only periodic
one or two. It radiates as a healthily
However, normal skin does need to
be properly taken care of to remain
problem free, as skin constantly
changes through our life span.
Dry skin
This skin has a fine texture and appears
transparent and can be prone to dry patches
and whiteheads around the eye area. Dry skin
feels uncomfortably taut and tight after
cleansing and with no moisturiser. Fine lines
around the eyes and mouth are accentuated.
Without proper care this skin type will be the
one that will show the most early signs of
Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin appears fine textured, thin,
usually pale skin tone and will flush easily.
Sensitive skin types can also be subject to
allergies such as, eczema, psoriasis, hay fever
and prone to reactions (washing powder,
perfumed chemicals). On applying skin care
products they can breakout, sneeze or itch. This
skin needs to be treated very gently and
should only apply products and treatments
specifically targeted for this skin type.
All Aquatherm products have been formulated
with thermal water from Salies- de –Bearn
spring (France) and is aimed at standardizing
and re- balancing the epidermal metabolism.
Perfect for sensitive skins, redness, scaling and
Combination skin
This skin type will be oily in the T-zone area
and then the rest of the face dry. The t-zone is
your forehead, nose and chin.
As all skin types are unique, the degree to
which area out of the two will be mostly oily or
dry will vary, nevertheless;
Both areas will need to be treated in different
ways to restore them to a balanced level.
Oily skin
The oily complexion will
feel greasy to the touch
and appear sallow and
Oily skin is usually prone
to large pores with
blackheads, pimples and
whiteheads. Oiliness
appears hours after
washing and absorbs
make up such as
foundation or blush very
Acne Skin
This skin type will have a course texture, feeling
and appearing oily.
Acne skin will have blackheads, pustules and
red blotches that will become more irritated
under times of anxiety or stress. Normally
caused by hormone factors (puberty,
pregnancy and menopause)
Both sensitive and acne skin may occur
together or separate and may be present in
one of the other skin types.
Clear balance
Clear balance is a range of
products developed to normalize
and help treat the three main
causes in oily/acne skin types.
Hyperseborrhoea, Hyperkeratosis
and infection (papules &
Formulated with Mandelic, sacylic
acid, ursolic acid and backuchiol
and acetyl dipeptide.
How do we
get ingredients
into the skin?
Skin permeability
and penetration pathways
Transcellular Paracellular Follicular
absorption –
3 routes
Follicular – Topical
Transcellular -
Skeyndor in tech
New skeyndor technology
platform uses the latest
generation technology,
thereby achieving the
transcellular route by
Encapsulated methods
Microencapsulation is the topical and transdermal delivery of
active ingredients in a delivery carrier system that imitates a
cell membrane. These are called liposomes.
Why do we need liposomes?
To ensure effective and controlled delivery of active ingredient
reaching targeted area (cells nucleus).
Increased stability of active ingredients.
A liposome is a tiny
bubble(vesicle) made out
of the same material as a
cell membrane.
Liposomes can deliver
drugs into the body or an
active ingredient into the
skin cells nucleus.
Nano sphere
Improve above liposome technology as
they can carry much smaller, more stable
single layer spheres in a more concentrated
delivery. They can carry much larger
amounts. In addition to exceptional
absorption rates Nano spheres also
demonstrate the ability to cross the blood
barrier and deposit there cargo intracellular
and enhance lymphatic circulation.
Skeyndor's Nano science ingredients
What is hyaluronic acid?
It is a lubricating clear
substance found naturally in the
human body. 15G of HA in 70G
of the human body
Where is it found?
It is found in its highest
concentrations in the skin,
inside joints (synovial), in the
eye sockets and body tissues.
Hyaluronic acid
and its affinity
with water
Hydrophilic molecule
Negative charge with
sodium salts
Can increase its size
by 1000 times
What is HA
used for?
Hyaluronic acid and its forms
Cross linked HA
Dermal fillers –Restylane
Deep wrinkles
Branched HA
Plumps cell membrane -wrinkles
Hydrophilic HA
Hydration, maintains
viscoelasticity, cell regeneration.
acid and its
Skeyndor's Meso filler uses
branched hyaluronic acid and has
a filling and plumping effect deep
down in the skin.
Mesofiller treats vertical wrinkles
and increases the firmness on the
face, neck and chest.
Mesofiller is a Meso infusion
treatment incorporating the
Mesotherapy machine to enhance
the delivery of ingredients deep
into the skin.
Power hyaluronic
Skeyndor's hydro dynamic treatment
that uses two main ingredients
combined to infuse 100% maximum
hydration into the skin.
We use 2% hyaluronic acid and
aquaporin activator to open the
doors to the cells and allow the
hyaluronic acid to diffuse into the
What is hyaluronic acids
Protects skins barrier function
Fills wrinkles at 3% molecular weight
Softens the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles
Tops up our water reserves in the epidermis and dermis
Increases cells functionality
Boost fibroblast activity
Increases cell regeneration
Amino acids
Amino Acids
Amino acids
Amino acids are the building blocks to our skin, between
6-8 amino acids make up collagen in the skin.
Amino acids arginine and carnitine form creatine, which
promotes natural skin functions and the cells are
stimulated to produce more collagen and elastin. To
nourish the skin. They are incredibly repairing, they
supply nutrients and strengthen our connective tissue.
A peptides structure
What is a peptide?
Cosmetic peptides
Peptides are involved in many physiological processes.
Encapsulated for protection from enzymatic process & to
deliver to target area.
Natural molecules with high stability.
They act as signals in the skin.
High performance results in anti aging.
Target specific aging concerns in the skin.
Slow down & reverse the signs of aging
Peptides mode of action
Signal peptides –
increase collagen
synthesis or inhibit
collagen breakdown by
affecting peptides –
peptides mimic the
effects of botulinum
Carrier peptides –
deliver trace elements
required for enzymatic
Peptides used
in skincare
Carrier peptides
Anti –oxidants
Anti –inflammatory
Signal peptides
Stimulation of fibroblasts
stimulate collagen synthesis
Inhibition of elastase
Neuro transmitter peptides
Neuro inhibitors
Pre and post synaptic peptides
Pre and Post synaptic peptides
Synaptic peptides
How pre and
post synaptic
peptides work –
Corrective is an anti-wrinkle
treatment that has been
scientifically formulated for
treating the deepest wrinkles and
expression lines. It firms and
rejuvenates the facial expression
and the skin’s youthful appearance
is enhanced. It combines up to
nine active ingredients with
proven efficiency, including
internal tissue redensifiers, skin
fill-in substances, neuro-inhibitor
agents and state-of-the-art skin-
lifting peptides with pre- and
post– synaptic activity.
anti-aging effects
Firm the skin
Re densify the tissues
Reduce wrinkles
Block the formation of
Break down old skin cells
Produce more collagen
Enhance elastin
Boost hydration
Vitamin A
What is vitamin A?
Retinol (retinoids)
Retinoids have been used in beauty products
since the 80’s.originally retinoids were applied
in aesthetics medicine to treat problems caused
by acne (Retin A), later it was discovered that
retinoids have very interesting regenerative anti
aging effects in the skin.
What is a
A group of compounds which make
up the form of Vitamin A. they have
very stimulating and exfoliating
effects on the skin, by speeding up
the desquamation of dead skin cells
and boosting cell regeneration.
Vitamin A -
Vitamin A has 3 forms oxidation:
Retinol (alcohol form) – act as a precursor of
the acid.
Retinal (aldehyde) – act as the precursor of
the acid.
Retinoic (acid) – the unit biologically active.
Retinoic has a high cutaneous toxicity, therefore the skin converts itself and store cell membranes in the
form of retinol or retinal which have a greater stability in the skin.
Vitamin A
Biological effectiveness of the different forms of vitamin A is different
according to the transformation that’s needed to convert it into the active
form (retinol, retinal & retinoic).
In order to compare the retinoid activity of the products containing Vitamin
A derivatives, we use the IU (international activity units), the weight of units
applied in the skin.
Most high street brands use 0.1% retinol, we are using 5,000 IU (0.15%), we
can go this high because skeyndor have introduced other stabilising retinol
like ingredients to stabilise the activity of the retinol.
Power retinol
Skeyndor's power retinol combines
retinol like substance’s that synergise
with each other and stabilise the effects
of the retinol (bakuchiol, retinol and
We are using up to 6,000 iu retinol in
our professional treatment and
5,000 iu in our home skincare range.
Retinol’s effects
Softens wrinkles
Skin smoothing
Improves thick hyper keratinized skin
Improves firmness – stimulates fibroblasts
Boosts cell regeneration in the skin
Post acne scaring
Reduces blemishes
Uniforms skin tone
Reduces melanin transfer
Vitamin A effects
Retinol repairs and rejuvenates the
ECM –extracellular matrix
Main cells are:
Fibroblasts GAG cells
Collagen Proteoglycans
Elastin Fibronectin
Acids and
What are AHA’S?
a-hydroxy acids or Alpha hydroxy acids - A group of acids used to exfoliate the skin and
boost cell regeneration.
They essentially originate from milk or fruit sugars. The most common hydroxy acids are
your lactic acid and glycolic. These two particular penetrate the skin very well and are used
often in skincare products now (face washes, toners, moisturisers, serums, body washes and
body moisturisers).with a concentration of between 5% and 7% (not allowed to go over
10% in product use.
They are also used in much higher concentrations in chemical peels, lactic acid, Mandelic
acid, glycolic being the most popular - 50 % being the highest concertation for in salon use.
Possible side effects : sun sensitivity and irritation.
What makes
up Alpha
Lactic acid
Glycolic acid
Citrus acid
Mandelic/malic acid
Where do the
acids work In
the skin?
The group of all the
Alpha hydroxy acids work
at different levels within
the skins layers.
What are PHA
Polyhydroxy acids are a special
type AHA that’s strengthens
skin barrier function and helps
to fight aging without
irritation. Ideal for more
sensitive skin types.
They are moisture hungry
molecules, they attract and
bind water atmospheric water.
Anti-aging as well as
hydrating. Two types:
Gluconolactone, Gluconic
What are PCA
Poly citric acids are
applied in the skin to
retain the skins PH
balance, to brighten the
skin tone and can inhibit
melanin production. They
are derived from citrus
fruits and corn.
Skeyndor uses, Citric and
Phytic acid.
Enzymes are used for exfoliation and anti inflammatory, the gentlest method of exfoliation.
They break down the peptide bonds on the uppermost layer of the epidermis (stratum
corneum). This is known as your keratin protein and promote smoother skin.
Most fruit enzymes come from fruits such as pineapple, papaya or blueberry, skeyndor uses
man made biotechnological protease, with a diluting solution to activate the enzyme.
Enzymes can be very unstable, in high temperatures and PH once removed from there
natural source. So skeyndor package them in glass dark vials to prevent this.
We do have enzymes found naturally in the skin, which function as a as a free radical
protector (phosolipase and lipase)
AHA’s &
Alpha hydroxy acids work
deeper in the dermal
layer of the skin and
enzymes the epidermis.
Derma peel pro
Skeyndor have created the first
sequential Multi layered peeling
treatment, which targets
pigmentation (brightening system)
and wrinkles (timeless system). Its
non invasive, with no downtime.
Skeyndor uses 50% acids, combining
AHA’s and Enzyme acids, alongside
pros effects
Decrease wrinkles
Fade out Pigmentation
Repair thick sun damaged
Acne scaring
Post operative scaring
Lighten Asian skin types
Even skin tone
Refine pores
Promotes healthily dewy
Stem cells
What is a stem
Stem cells are a class of
undifferentiated cells ( a blank
cell) and the mother of all cells
and have the potential to
differentiate into specialized cell
types. They can become any type
of cell in the body, blood, heart,
bone, skin, and muscle.
They are big news in the science
and medical world now, because
they can replace damaged cells
and it’s the same in the skin.
Forms of stem cells
Stem cells come from four
main sources:
Embryos – embryonic stem
cells (3-5 days old- blastocyst)
Adult tissue – adult stem cells
Plant stem cells – meristematic
Plant stem cells
A meristem is the tissue
in most plants containing
undifferentiated cells,
found in zones of the
plant where growth can
take place. meristematic
cells give rise to various
organs of the plant and
keep the plant growing.
Damask rose stem cell
Skeyndor are using the plant stem sell
(meristematic cell) of the damask rose from
France. The damask rose has been researched
for over 20 years and is a rich oil organic
The damask rose is “the universal symbol of
beauty and purity”. A very spectacular and
complex natural substance. The damask rose
will adapt to any skin type and repair any skin
Skeyndor have developed and
created their most “prestige”
Timeless range that combine three
cell rejuvenation strategies
(increases cell number, quality and
function) in its interior for a global
ultra anti aging result.
Timeless professional treatment
contains 6 million damask rose
stem cells and timeless face cream
that contains 50 million damask
rose stem cells. The amount of stem
cells we are using packs the skin out
and pushes the stem cells deep into
the dermis of the skin.
Damask rose effects
The damask rose stem cells will
renew and rejuvenate the
epidermis and reduces the
cellular senescence of the skin.
Swiss apple stem cell
Eternal uses Plant Origin Stem Cells from the swiss
apple for an anti-age effect that lasts over time.
Studies from the epigenetic factor extracted from the
“Spat Lauber” apple reveal tremendous skin
regenerative effects in the skin.
Its main purpose is to encourage production of
epidermal stem cells and dermal fibroblasts,
stimulating synthesis of the vital substance that forms
the skin, helping it recover volume it has lost with
age. If the functions of this specific group of stem
cells are lost or deteriorate, due to age or external
aggressions, there is a deficit of epidermal cells.
Eternal effects
 Growth promotion of
epidermal stem cells
 Protects against UV
 Reduction of wrinkles
 Cell regeneration
 Boosts hydration in the skin
 Enhances collagen
 Boosts elastin
Growth factors
Growth factors
grow new cells,
bone and tissue
and signal
fibroblasts to work
What are growth factors?
A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance
capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation,
healing, and cellular differentiation. Growth factors are
originally found in the human placenta, skeyndor have
biologically mimicked the GF’S from the placenta.
They are a protein peptide or a steroid hormone, that
act as signaling molecules between cells. They bind to
the cells receptors on the surface of their targeted cells
and promote cell differentiation and mitosis, by
stimulating a cells function. There are 33 different classes
of growth factors, but we only need to introduce 5 GF’s
into the skin.
Growth factors
Growth factors are proteins that bind to the
receptors on the cells surface, activating
cellular proliferation or differentiation. We
are all born with growth factors in our skin,
but as we age these deplete. When delivered
into the skin or tissue they will read signals
of neighbouring cells and then morph into
any healthy cell type. repairing nerve
damage, tissue damage and a new way to
regenerate cells.
What do growth
factors do?
They increase the
amount of cells and
therefore increase the
amount of tissue.
They grow new tissue
and bone.
Growth factors
For the last two decades,
growth factors have been
increasingly used in the
treatment of hematologic and
oncologic diseases and
cardiovascular diseases such
as leukemia and bone marrow
In creams and skincare they
trigger our natural healing
Soluble Proteo glycans
Fundamental component
of the ECM. Obtained
from salmon cartilage.
Dermal retexturiser and
promotes the biological
activity of growth factors.
Even skin texture and
Skeyndor's growth
Skeyndor uses 5 growth factors, alongside
proteo glycans in their “timeless prodigy”
prestige treatment.
These growth factors “mimic” the growth
factors from the placenta and have been
biologically man made and main function is
to stimulate cell division and multiplication.
They also send signals to our fibroblast to
make them work harder, therefore
stimulating more collagen and hyaluronic in
the skin.
Timeless prodigy
Skeyndor have biologically man made 5
growth factors that stimulate cell
genesis in the skin.
The 5 growth factors are:
Growth factors
The 5 growth factors are transported and
converted through a special delivery
system liposome – peptide some (120nm).
Redensify the skin and stimulate the
formation of new cells.
Soften the appearance of wrinkles.
Skeyndor's Nano science ingredients

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advanced powerpoint 2.pptx

  • 2. Why do we have skin? The skin is the outer protective layer, also known as the integument.
  • 3. What are the skins functions? The skin has three main functions: The primary function of the skin is to act as a barrier. The skin provides protection from many things such as pressure, micro-organisms, chemicals and acts as a water barrier. Protection skin regulates temperature through our sweat, hair follicles, protein enzyme UPC and our subcutaneous layer (which also reserves Vitamin D). Regulation The skin is an organ of sensation. The skin contains nerve cells. The skin is the part of the body, that tells the brain if something is hot, cold, or hurts . Sensation
  • 4. In brief The skin is the largest sensory organ made up of a ecto-dermal tissues. It covers the whole body and is water resistant. The skin accounts for 15% of our total body weight and is there to protect shape, regulate heat, feel sensation and is composed of fat, protein and water.
  • 5. Cross section of the skin Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous
  • 7. The dermis is the middle layer of the skin housing nerves, glands, essential proteins, enzymes blood cells and ECM, making it the skins operation centre. What is the dermis?
  • 8. A cell A cell is our bodies way of communicating, passing oxygen through the body and cell regenerating.
  • 10. What is a cell made of? Cytoplasm – colorless & slightly opaque, jelly like substance 70% water Organic & inorganic salts Carbohydrates Lipids Amino acids obtained from protein
  • 11. Cell membrane Made of protein threads & lipids, has 2 functions, to keep the nucleus & cytoplasm in the cell and let fat & proteins out. Acts as a filter to substances by; Diffusion – membrane is perforated, allowing small molecules, oxygen, carbon dioxide to pass. osmosis – osmotic pressure to equal the concentration inside the cell and outside. Force of fluid too high, pushes out or in. Dissolution – fats are too big to pass, dissolve into the fatty lipids. Active transport – substances are to large & not soluble in fat, carrier substances transport them into the cell to break down.
  • 12. Progerin in a cell What is progerin? It is when are Lamin A that surrounds are cells nucleus for structural protection, is attack by external factors and converted into the toxin progerin. Lamin A is a protein responsible for maintaining the cells structure. It degenerates over time and is converted into progerin, a dysfunctional toxic protein, that produces malformations in the nucleus envelope. With a respect to the cells it leads to an alteration in there functioning, which is reduced to a state of either low function or senescence. With respect to the skin it leads to the dreaded signs of biological aging.
  • 13. Lamin A in a cell
  • 14. Progerin and skin It is estimated that Progerin accumulates at a rate at 3% per year and increases with age (worse from the age of 55 yrs.) Starting at the papillary dermis and gradually spreading to the reticular dermis. Progerin is found in our fibroblast cells and keratinocytes.
  • 16. What is mitosis? Cell division
  • 17. Cells reproduction process Prophase –centrosomes (mother cell) divides two centrioles (baby cells)outside nucleus and duplicates DNA (2 sister chromatids). Metaphase –chromatin in cells nucleus shortens and thickens producing chromosomes and they line up in the cells equator. Anaphase – the spindles stretch and start to pull apart the chromosomes to make chromatids, attached to the centrosome. Telophase– new nucleus forms around each chromatid and cells separate to form to new daughter cells. Interphase – the cell is resting.
  • 18. Derma peel pro - brightening system Skeyndor's Dermapeel pro brightening system incorporates 50% Hydroxy acids, alongside enzymes and your skin lightening acids phytic and citric.
  • 19. Timeless Timeless prodigy is a multi genic advanced technology, that combines science and nature. It uses 50 million stem cells and 5 growth factors, which boosts cell regeneration in the skin.
  • 20. What is a chromosome? A chromosome is a thread like structure (rod like) from the nucleus of a cell, it carry's DNA – our genetic information. It is the part of a cell mitosis (cell division) where the cells drop down, unwind ready to divide, on the end of each chromosome is the telomere caps.
  • 22. Global lift Skeyndor's global lift treatment has been scientifically formulated using ProGEN-in technology. By combining three main ingredients (biomimetic peptides, black pepper and bogbean) that inhibit the Progerin toxin in the skin and prevent the premature reduction of the telomere. This treatment promotes the oval shape to the face and lifts, tightens and tones.
  • 23. Timeless Timeless prodigy will inhibit the shortening of the telomere on the chromosome. Timeless has introduced the ingredient of teprenone which protects the DNA from oxidative stress, by literally capping off the chromosomes. Teprenone increases the cells life expectancy by 1/3.
  • 25. Biological and chronological aging Why do we age? Internal factors & external factors
  • 27. Causes of aging 40% is internal/intrinsic 60% is external/extrinsic
  • 29. External factors Environmental Sun damage Pollution Smoking Bad diet Poor lifestyle No skincare routine Free Radicals
  • 30. External factors are responsible for our biological age and are the factors we can work on to look younger then our chronological age. Cosmetic response can turn back the hands of time.
  • 32. Photoaging Photoaging is the biggest external factor that makes our skin saggy and old. It is combination of photo- which is ‘related to light’ and aging. As you can guess from the word itself, it is an aging effect due to light, specifically UV(ultraviolet) rays, made up of UVA,UVB. Photoaging is classified into 4 phases from Mild to Severe.
  • 33. UV - ultraviolet light UV rays are part of the light spectrum that reaches earth. UV rays have short wavelength so it is not visible to our eyes. There are 3 kinds of UV rays: UVA, UVB and UVC.
  • 34. UV - 3 forms UVA cannot be absorbed by ozone layer. It can penetrate through windows even during cloudy days. Among UV rays, it mostly damages our skin. It creates redness and it is responsible for premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. UVB radiation is stronger than UVA. 90% of it is absorbed by ozone layer, but the rest still reaches earth’s surface. It is the most intense in summer from 10 am to 2 pm. It usually affects outer layer of skin, causing sunburn, premature aging of skin and skin cancer UVC is the most devastating and harmful to our skin. It has the strongest UV radiation. However, it can be absorbed by ozone layer.
  • 35. The light spectrum The biological effects to the skin from the UV spectrum are well established but not for visible light and IR.
  • 36. What is blue light? Segment of the visible light spectrum and it is composed of the colour blue, it is the segment of radiation with the highest energy (longest wave) which is why it is also known as high energy visible light (HEV). It makes up 25% of visible light, with the longest electromagnetic wave 400-500 NM (Nano meters)that attacks the skin at a subcutaneous level. Blue light sources are: the sun and artificial sources (artificial light and electronic devises)mobiles, computers.
  • 37. Photoaging’s effects Group Classification Typical Age Description Skin Characteristic I Mild 28-35 No Wrinkles Early photo aging; mild pigment changese, no keratosis, minimal wrinkles, minimal or no makeup II Moderate 35-50 Wrinkles in Motion Early to moderate photo aging; early brown spots visible, keratosis palpable but not visible, parallel smile lines begin to appear, wears some foundation III Advanced 50-65 Wrinkles at Rest Advanced photo aging; obvious discoloration, visible capillaries, visible keratosis, wears heavier foundation IV Severe 60 & up Only Wrinkles Severe photo aging; yellow/grey skin colour, prior skin malignancies, wrinkles throughout – no normal skin, cannot wear make-up because it cracks and cakes
  • 38. UV/ photoaging's effects - premature aging Pigmentation Wrinkles Breaks down collagen and elastin Dehydration Age spots Freckles Discolouration
  • 39. Sun expertise range Skeyndor's sun expertise range protects and repairs the skin from sun damage. It contains chemical filters to protect from UVA and UVB, Ronacare to protect against IR heat and proteoglycans for deep cell repair. It also boosts faster and longer lasting tanning with maximum safe protection, with your carob bean fruit extract (myo-inositol).
  • 40. Blue light technology Most technologies on the market block the oxidative stress caused by this radiation (biological or anti oxidant filter) blue light works by directly blocking the HEV light (solar protection). Combine two photoprotectors and two colour correcting pigments (HEV, IR & UVA, UVB)
  • 41. Pigmentation How is pigmentation formed in the skin? By UVA damage.
  • 42. What is pigmentation? We have a natural pigment of Colour in our skin which is created by melanocyte cells. These cells release melanin, which is the brown pigment of Colour to tone our skin. UVA stimulates your pigment cells (melanocytes), to produce the pigment melanin, this is the pigment responsible for your tan but also your unwanted brown spots and patches.
  • 43. Types of pigmentation Freckles Pigmentation (dark brown spots) Hyperpigmentation Age spots Melasma
  • 44. Power Vitamin c Skeyndor's power vitamin c is the most powerful anti oxidant combination ever created. It combines the ingredients of 15% ascorbic vitamin c and 6% pomegranate. This treatment will repair pigmentation on the epidermis and photoaging in the skin.
  • 45. Meso bright Mesobright unifies the tone of the skin and lightens the appearance of hyperpigmentation. It adds radiance to the face and reduces the open pore look. This treatment is a Meso infusion treatment and uses vitamin c and Aminoethylphosphonic acid (anti melanin).
  • 46. Derma peel pro - brightening system Skeyndor's Dermapeel pro brightening system incorporates 50% Hydroxy acids, alongside enzymes and your skin lightening acids phytic and citric.
  • 47. Urban white Skeyndor's Urban white home care range will help repair environmental aggressions, UV damage and fade out pigmentation in the skin.
  • 48. Skin types Normal skin Dry skin Combination skin Oily skin Acne skin Sensitive skin
  • 49. Normal skin Less then 25% of women have this skin type, this skin type is smooth, soft and supple. It is neither oily or dry. The complexion appears fine textured and almost free of blemishes, having the only periodic one or two. It radiates as a healthily glow. However, normal skin does need to be properly taken care of to remain problem free, as skin constantly changes through our life span.
  • 50. Dry skin This skin has a fine texture and appears transparent and can be prone to dry patches and whiteheads around the eye area. Dry skin feels uncomfortably taut and tight after cleansing and with no moisturiser. Fine lines around the eyes and mouth are accentuated. Without proper care this skin type will be the one that will show the most early signs of aging.
  • 51. Sensitive skin Sensitive skin appears fine textured, thin, usually pale skin tone and will flush easily. Sensitive skin types can also be subject to allergies such as, eczema, psoriasis, hay fever and prone to reactions (washing powder, perfumed chemicals). On applying skin care products they can breakout, sneeze or itch. This skin needs to be treated very gently and should only apply products and treatments specifically targeted for this skin type.
  • 52. Aquatherm All Aquatherm products have been formulated with thermal water from Salies- de –Bearn spring (France) and is aimed at standardizing and re- balancing the epidermal metabolism. Perfect for sensitive skins, redness, scaling and oedema.
  • 53. Combination skin This skin type will be oily in the T-zone area and then the rest of the face dry. The t-zone is your forehead, nose and chin. As all skin types are unique, the degree to which area out of the two will be mostly oily or dry will vary, nevertheless; Both areas will need to be treated in different ways to restore them to a balanced level.
  • 54. Oily skin The oily complexion will feel greasy to the touch and appear sallow and course. Oily skin is usually prone to large pores with blackheads, pimples and whiteheads. Oiliness appears hours after washing and absorbs make up such as foundation or blush very quickly.
  • 55. Acne Skin This skin type will have a course texture, feeling and appearing oily. Acne skin will have blackheads, pustules and red blotches that will become more irritated under times of anxiety or stress. Normally caused by hormone factors (puberty, pregnancy and menopause) Both sensitive and acne skin may occur together or separate and may be present in one of the other skin types.
  • 56. Clear balance Clear balance is a range of products developed to normalize and help treat the three main causes in oily/acne skin types. Hyperseborrhoea, Hyperkeratosis and infection (papules & pustules). Formulated with Mandelic, sacylic acid, ursolic acid and backuchiol and acetyl dipeptide.
  • 57. How do we get ingredients into the skin? Skin permeability and penetration pathways Transcellular Paracellular Follicular
  • 58. molecular absorption – 3 routes Paracellular Follicular – Topical application Transcellular - Mesotherapy
  • 59. Skeyndor in tech New skeyndor technology platform uses the latest generation technology, thereby achieving the transcellular route by Mesotherapy.
  • 60. Encapsulated methods Microencapsulation is the topical and transdermal delivery of active ingredients in a delivery carrier system that imitates a cell membrane. These are called liposomes. Why do we need liposomes? To ensure effective and controlled delivery of active ingredient reaching targeted area (cells nucleus). Increased stability of active ingredients.
  • 61. Encapsulated liposome A liposome is a tiny bubble(vesicle) made out of the same material as a cell membrane. Liposomes can deliver drugs into the body or an active ingredient into the skin cells nucleus.
  • 62. Nano sphere liposome Improve above liposome technology as they can carry much smaller, more stable single layer spheres in a more concentrated delivery. They can carry much larger amounts. In addition to exceptional absorption rates Nano spheres also demonstrate the ability to cross the blood barrier and deposit there cargo intracellular and enhance lymphatic circulation.
  • 63. Skeyndor's Nano science ingredients
  • 65. What is hyaluronic acid? It is a lubricating clear substance found naturally in the human body. 15G of HA in 70G of the human body Where is it found? It is found in its highest concentrations in the skin, inside joints (synovial), in the eye sockets and body tissues.
  • 66. Hyaluronic acid and its affinity with water Hydrophilic molecule Negative charge with sodium salts Can increase its size by 1000 times
  • 68. Hyaluronic acid and its forms Cross linked HA Dermal fillers –Restylane Deep wrinkles Branched HA Plumps cell membrane -wrinkles Hydrophilic HA Hydration, maintains viscoelasticity, cell regeneration.
  • 70. Mesofiller Skeyndor's Meso filler uses branched hyaluronic acid and has a filling and plumping effect deep down in the skin. Mesofiller treats vertical wrinkles and increases the firmness on the face, neck and chest. Mesofiller is a Meso infusion treatment incorporating the Mesotherapy machine to enhance the delivery of ingredients deep into the skin.
  • 71. Power hyaluronic Skeyndor's hydro dynamic treatment that uses two main ingredients combined to infuse 100% maximum hydration into the skin. We use 2% hyaluronic acid and aquaporin activator to open the doors to the cells and allow the hyaluronic acid to diffuse into the cell.
  • 72. What is hyaluronic acids benefits? Hydrates Protects skins barrier function Fills wrinkles at 3% molecular weight Softens the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles Tops up our water reserves in the epidermis and dermis Increases cells functionality Boost fibroblast activity Increases cell regeneration
  • 75. Amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks to our skin, between 6-8 amino acids make up collagen in the skin. Amino acids arginine and carnitine form creatine, which promotes natural skin functions and the cells are stimulated to produce more collagen and elastin. To nourish the skin. They are incredibly repairing, they supply nutrients and strengthen our connective tissue.
  • 77. Peptides What is a peptide?
  • 78. Cosmetic peptides Peptides are involved in many physiological processes. Encapsulated for protection from enzymatic process & to deliver to target area. Natural molecules with high stability. They act as signals in the skin. High performance results in anti aging. Target specific aging concerns in the skin. Slow down & reverse the signs of aging
  • 79. Peptides mode of action 1 Signal peptides – increase collagen synthesis or inhibit collagen breakdown by collagenase. 2 Neuro-transmitter- affecting peptides – peptides mimic the effects of botulinum toxin. 3 Carrier peptides – deliver trace elements required for enzymatic processes.
  • 80. Peptides used in skincare Carrier peptides Anti –oxidants Anti –inflammatory Signal peptides Stimulation of fibroblasts stimulate collagen synthesis Inhibition of elastase Neuro transmitter peptides Neuro inhibitors Pre and post synaptic peptides
  • 81. Pre and Post synaptic peptides
  • 82. Synaptic peptides How pre and post synaptic peptides work – botulinum effect.
  • 83. Corrective Corrective is an anti-wrinkle treatment that has been scientifically formulated for treating the deepest wrinkles and expression lines. It firms and rejuvenates the facial expression and the skin’s youthful appearance is enhanced. It combines up to nine active ingredients with proven efficiency, including internal tissue redensifiers, skin fill-in substances, neuro-inhibitor agents and state-of-the-art skin- lifting peptides with pre- and post– synaptic activity.
  • 84. Peptides anti-aging effects Firm the skin Re densify the tissues Reduce wrinkles Block the formation of melanin Break down old skin cells Produce more collagen Enhance elastin Boost hydration
  • 86. What is vitamin A? Retinol (retinoids) Retinoids have been used in beauty products since the 80’s.originally retinoids were applied in aesthetics medicine to treat problems caused by acne (Retin A), later it was discovered that retinoids have very interesting regenerative anti aging effects in the skin.
  • 87. What is a retinoid? A group of compounds which make up the form of Vitamin A. they have very stimulating and exfoliating effects on the skin, by speeding up the desquamation of dead skin cells and boosting cell regeneration.
  • 88. Vitamin A - Retinoid group Vitamin A has 3 forms oxidation: Retinol (alcohol form) – act as a precursor of the acid. Retinal (aldehyde) – act as the precursor of the acid. Retinoic (acid) – the unit biologically active. Retinoic has a high cutaneous toxicity, therefore the skin converts itself and store cell membranes in the form of retinol or retinal which have a greater stability in the skin.
  • 89. Vitamin A Biological effectiveness of the different forms of vitamin A is different according to the transformation that’s needed to convert it into the active form (retinol, retinal & retinoic). In order to compare the retinoid activity of the products containing Vitamin A derivatives, we use the IU (international activity units), the weight of units applied in the skin. Most high street brands use 0.1% retinol, we are using 5,000 IU (0.15%), we can go this high because skeyndor have introduced other stabilising retinol like ingredients to stabilise the activity of the retinol.
  • 90. Power retinol Skeyndor's power retinol combines retinol like substance’s that synergise with each other and stabilise the effects of the retinol (bakuchiol, retinol and soy). We are using up to 6,000 iu retinol in our professional treatment and 5,000 iu in our home skincare range.
  • 91. Retinol’s effects Softens wrinkles Skin smoothing Hyperpigmentation Improves thick hyper keratinized skin Improves firmness – stimulates fibroblasts Boosts cell regeneration in the skin Post acne scaring Reduces blemishes Uniforms skin tone Reduces melanin transfer
  • 92. Vitamin A effects Retinol repairs and rejuvenates the ECM –extracellular matrix Main cells are: Fibroblasts GAG cells Collagen Proteoglycans Elastin Fibronectin laminin
  • 94. AHA’S What are AHA’S? a-hydroxy acids or Alpha hydroxy acids - A group of acids used to exfoliate the skin and boost cell regeneration. They essentially originate from milk or fruit sugars. The most common hydroxy acids are your lactic acid and glycolic. These two particular penetrate the skin very well and are used often in skincare products now (face washes, toners, moisturisers, serums, body washes and body moisturisers).with a concentration of between 5% and 7% (not allowed to go over 10% in product use. They are also used in much higher concentrations in chemical peels, lactic acid, Mandelic acid, glycolic being the most popular - 50 % being the highest concertation for in salon use. Possible side effects : sun sensitivity and irritation.
  • 95. What makes up Alpha Hydroxy acids? Lactic acid Glycolic acid Citrus acid Mandelic/malic acid
  • 96. Where do the acids work In the skin? The group of all the Alpha hydroxy acids work at different levels within the skins layers.
  • 97. What are PHA acids? Polyhydroxy acids are a special type AHA that’s strengthens skin barrier function and helps to fight aging without irritation. Ideal for more sensitive skin types. They are moisture hungry molecules, they attract and bind water atmospheric water. Anti-aging as well as hydrating. Two types: Gluconolactone, Gluconic
  • 98. What are PCA acids? Poly citric acids are applied in the skin to retain the skins PH balance, to brighten the skin tone and can inhibit melanin production. They are derived from citrus fruits and corn. Skeyndor uses, Citric and Phytic acid.
  • 99. Enzymes Enzymes are used for exfoliation and anti inflammatory, the gentlest method of exfoliation. They break down the peptide bonds on the uppermost layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum). This is known as your keratin protein and promote smoother skin. Most fruit enzymes come from fruits such as pineapple, papaya or blueberry, skeyndor uses man made biotechnological protease, with a diluting solution to activate the enzyme. Enzymes can be very unstable, in high temperatures and PH once removed from there natural source. So skeyndor package them in glass dark vials to prevent this. We do have enzymes found naturally in the skin, which function as a as a free radical protector (phosolipase and lipase)
  • 100. AHA’s & Enzymes synergy Alpha hydroxy acids work deeper in the dermal layer of the skin and enzymes the epidermis.
  • 101.
  • 102. Derma peel pro Skeyndor have created the first sequential Multi layered peeling treatment, which targets pigmentation (brightening system) and wrinkles (timeless system). Its non invasive, with no downtime. Skeyndor uses 50% acids, combining AHA’s and Enzyme acids, alongside gluconolactone.
  • 103. Dermapeel pros effects Decrease wrinkles Fade out Pigmentation Repair thick sun damaged skin Acne scaring Post operative scaring Lighten Asian skin types Even skin tone Refine pores Promotes healthily dewy skin
  • 105. What is a stem cell? Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells ( a blank cell) and the mother of all cells and have the potential to differentiate into specialized cell types. They can become any type of cell in the body, blood, heart, bone, skin, and muscle. They are big news in the science and medical world now, because they can replace damaged cells and it’s the same in the skin.
  • 106. Forms of stem cells Stem cells come from four main sources: Embryos – embryonic stem cells (3-5 days old- blastocyst) Adult tissue – adult stem cells Plant stem cells – meristematic cells
  • 107. Plant stem cells A meristem is the tissue in most plants containing undifferentiated cells, found in zones of the plant where growth can take place. meristematic cells give rise to various organs of the plant and keep the plant growing.
  • 108. Damask rose stem cell Skeyndor are using the plant stem sell (meristematic cell) of the damask rose from France. The damask rose has been researched for over 20 years and is a rich oil organic compound. The damask rose is “the universal symbol of beauty and purity”. A very spectacular and complex natural substance. The damask rose will adapt to any skin type and repair any skin concern.
  • 109. Timeless Skeyndor have developed and created their most “prestige” Timeless range that combine three cell rejuvenation strategies (increases cell number, quality and function) in its interior for a global ultra anti aging result. Timeless professional treatment contains 6 million damask rose stem cells and timeless face cream that contains 50 million damask rose stem cells. The amount of stem cells we are using packs the skin out and pushes the stem cells deep into the dermis of the skin.
  • 110. Damask rose effects The damask rose stem cells will renew and rejuvenate the epidermis and reduces the cellular senescence of the skin.
  • 111. Swiss apple stem cell Eternal uses Plant Origin Stem Cells from the swiss apple for an anti-age effect that lasts over time. Studies from the epigenetic factor extracted from the “Spat Lauber” apple reveal tremendous skin regenerative effects in the skin. Its main purpose is to encourage production of epidermal stem cells and dermal fibroblasts, stimulating synthesis of the vital substance that forms the skin, helping it recover volume it has lost with age. If the functions of this specific group of stem cells are lost or deteriorate, due to age or external aggressions, there is a deficit of epidermal cells.
  • 112. Eternal effects  Growth promotion of epidermal stem cells  Protects against UV damage  Reduction of wrinkles  Cell regeneration  Boosts hydration in the skin  Enhances collagen production  Boosts elastin
  • 113. Growth factors Growth factors grow new cells, bone and tissue and signal fibroblasts to work harder.
  • 114. What are growth factors? A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Growth factors are originally found in the human placenta, skeyndor have biologically mimicked the GF’S from the placenta. They are a protein peptide or a steroid hormone, that act as signaling molecules between cells. They bind to the cells receptors on the surface of their targeted cells and promote cell differentiation and mitosis, by stimulating a cells function. There are 33 different classes of growth factors, but we only need to introduce 5 GF’s into the skin.
  • 115. Growth factors Growth factors are proteins that bind to the receptors on the cells surface, activating cellular proliferation or differentiation. We are all born with growth factors in our skin, but as we age these deplete. When delivered into the skin or tissue they will read signals of neighbouring cells and then morph into any healthy cell type. repairing nerve damage, tissue damage and a new way to regenerate cells.
  • 116. What do growth factors do? They increase the amount of cells and therefore increase the amount of tissue. They grow new tissue and bone.
  • 117. Growth factors functions For the last two decades, growth factors have been increasingly used in the treatment of hematologic and oncologic diseases and cardiovascular diseases such as leukemia and bone marrow transplantation In creams and skincare they trigger our natural healing process/response.
  • 118. Soluble Proteo glycans Fundamental component of the ECM. Obtained from salmon cartilage. Dermal retexturiser and promotes the biological activity of growth factors. Even skin texture and thickness.
  • 119. Skeyndor's growth factors Skeyndor uses 5 growth factors, alongside proteo glycans in their “timeless prodigy” prestige treatment. These growth factors “mimic” the growth factors from the placenta and have been biologically man made and main function is to stimulate cell division and multiplication. They also send signals to our fibroblast to make them work harder, therefore stimulating more collagen and hyaluronic in the skin.
  • 120. Timeless prodigy Skeyndor have biologically man made 5 growth factors that stimulate cell genesis in the skin. The 5 growth factors are: EGF, IGF, a-FGF, b-FGF, VEGF.
  • 121. Growth factors delivery The 5 growth factors are transported and converted through a special delivery system liposome – peptide some (120nm). Redensify the skin and stimulate the formation of new cells. Soften the appearance of wrinkles.
  • 122. Skeyndor's Nano science ingredients