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                                                   HIV infection

Before you begin this unit, please take the        Viruses are extremely small, very simple
corresponding test at the end of the book to       organisms which can only exist and multiply by
assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You   invading and taking control of a plant or animal
should redo the test after you’ve worked through   cell (the host cell). Viruses are responsible
the unit, to evaluate what you have learned.       for many diseases such as influenza and the
                                                   common cold. Unlike bacteria they are not
                                                   killed by antibiotics. Viruses may be divided
 Objectives                                        into many different groups. HIV belongs to a
                                                   group of viruses known as retroviruses.
 When you have completed this unit you             People infected with HIV are said to be HIV
 should be able to:                                positive.
 • Define HIV infection and AIDS.
 • Explain how HIV is transmitted between
   people.                                          HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus.
 • Appreciate why HIV infection is having a
   devastating effect on society.                    NOTE  HIV was first identified in Paris in 1983.
 • Confirm the clinical diagnosis of HIV             HIV is a new human virus which probably first
   infection.                                        appeared in the 1950s when it was transmitted
 • Describe acute seroconversion illness.            to humans from chimpanzees in central Africa.
 • Explain the asymptomatic and
   symptomatic phases of HIV infection.            1-2 What are retroviruses?
 • Describe the 4 clinical stages of HIV
                                                   They are a group of viruses which are unique
                                                   in nature as they have a special enzyme
 • Recognise the clinical signs of HIV
                                                   called reverse transcriptase. This enzyme
                                                   enables HIV to introduce its own genes into
                                                   the nucleus of the host cell. The host cell is
                                                   then instructed to produce millions of new
INTRODUCTION TO                                    copies of the virus. These are released into the
HIV INFECTION                                      bloodstream and can then infect other cells.
                                                   Retroviruses usually cause long periods of
                                                   silent infection before signs of disease appear.
1-1 What is HIV?
                                                     NOTE Retroviruses contain an RNA genetic code.
HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is a          The enzyme reverse transcriptase allows HIV to
virus which infects people for life.                 make double-strand DNA copies of its single-
                                                     strand RNA. The DNA copy is then inserted

  into the DNA of the nucleus in the host cell.      cells, HIV weakens the immune system which
  Only retroviruses have this ability to make a      is then no longer able to prevent infection by
  DNA copy of their RNA code. Retroviruses are       many viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
  common and some cause cancers in animals.

                                                      HIV infection damages the immune system.
 HIV is a retrovirus.
                                                       NOTEAbout 10 billion copies of HIV are
1-3 What disease is caused by HIV?                     produced each day in infected people.

HIV causes a serious chronic illness called
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency                      1-6 Are there different types of HIV?
Syndrome). Without treatment with                    Two types of HIV are recognised, HIV1 and
antiretroviral drugs, AIDS is a fatal condition.     HIV2. Most HIV infection in southern Africa
                                                     is caused by HIV1, which has many subtypes
                                                     (clades). The important subtype in Africa is
 HIV causes AIDS.
                                                     subtype C. Subtype B is the most common
                                                     subtype in the developed world.
1-4 What is AIDS?
AIDS is a clinical syndrome which presents in
people with advanced HIV infection (severe           THE SPREAD OF HIV
HIV disease). It can present in many different
ways. The symptoms and signs of AIDS are
usually due to secondary infections with a           1-7 Is HIV infectious?
number of different organisms not normally           Yes. HIV infection can be spread from one
seen in HIV-negative people. People with             person to another.
AIDS are always HIV positive.
The terms ‘symptomatic HIV’ or ‘HIV disease’         1-8 How is HIV transmitted from
are also used for patients who are clinically ill    one person to another?
because of HIV. These patients may not yet be        The virus may be transmitted from one person
ill enough to be labelled as having AIDS.            to another by:
                                                     1. Unprotected sexual contact (horizontal
 AIDS is a severe illness which presents in people      transmission). Body fluids such as vaginal
 who have advanced HIV infection.                       and cervical secretions, semen and blood
                                                        contain large amounts of HIV. HIV is not
1-5 How does HIV cause disease?                         present in urine or stool, while very little is
                                                        present in saliva.
HIV invades and destroys the immune system           2. Crossing from a mother to her fetus or
by damaging the CD4 lymphocytes.As the                  newborn infant (vertical transmission).
CD4 cells play a very important role in the          3. Using syringes, needles or blades which are
functioning of the immune system, HIV                   soiled with HIV-infected blood. They may
infection of CD4 cells damages the immune               be shared by intravenous drug abusers or
system, leading to immune deficiency.                   not correctly cleaned and then reused by
Therefore, HIV destroys more and more CD4               health workers.
cells, and the body’s immune system becomes          4. Accidental needle-stick injuries.
weaker and weaker.                                   5. A blood transfusion with HIV-
The normal immune system protects the body              infected blood or other HIV-infected
against infection. Therefore, by killing CD4            blood products such as factor VIII in
                                                        haemophiliacs. This is very rare in South

   Africa, where all blood products are             1-11 How can the sexual spread of HIV
   screened for HIV.                                in the general public be reduced?
There is no evidence that HIV can be spread         Through the behavioural change of ‘ABC’:
by mosquitoes, lice or bed bugs. In Africa,
                                                    1. ‘A’ – Abstinence (no sex) and delay in
HIV is most commonly spread by heterosexual
                                                       sexual debut (first-time sex).
                                                    2. ‘B’ – Be faithful to one partner (reduce the
                                                       number of sexual partners).
1-9 What forms of sexual                            3. ‘C’ – Use a condom (especially when not
contact may transmit HIV?                              being faithful to one partner).
HIV is almost always transmitted by                 The reduction in number of sexual partners
penetrative sexual intercourse (heterosexual or     seems to have resulted in the declining HIV
homosexual). However, all forms of oral sexual      prevalence in countries such as Uganda.
contact (mouth to vagina or mouth to penis)         However, all three behavioural changes are
can also result in infection, although the risk     important.
is less. Deep kissing rarely transmits HIV,
unless mouth ulcers are present. HIV cannot           NOTEThe diaphragm may also
penetrate intact skin but may infect through          reduce the risk of HIV infection.
open sores, cuts and abrasions, or mucous
membranes. Infection is more common in              1-12 Can you have HIV
uncircumcised men than circumcised men.             infection and not be ill?
The highest risk of sexual transmission
for both men and women is during anal               Yes. A person is usually infected with HIV
intercourse. The thin, friable rectal mucosa is     for years before becoming ill. Therefore, most
easily damaged during anal intercourse, which       people infected with HIV are clinically well
increases the risk of infection. The presence of    (asymptomatic) for many years.
any other sexually transmitted infection will
also increase the risk of HIV infection.            1-13 Can an HIV-infected person
                                                    who is well transmit the virus?
 In South Africa, HIV is usually spread by sexual   Yes. HIV is frequently transmitted by people
 intercourse.                                       who appear to be clinically well but are
                                                    infected with HIV. This is the great danger of
                                                    HIV infection as most infected people do not
Sexual abuse and rape may also result in HIV
                                                    know that they have been infected. They are
                                                    also unaware that they may transmit HIV to
                                                    another person.
1-10 Can you become infected with
HIV during normal social contact?
                                                    1-14 How common is HIV infection?
No. Family and friends of an HIV-infected
                                                    Over 40 million people worldwide have HIV
person do not become infected except by
                                                    infection. It is estimated that 6 million South
sexual contact. HIV is not transmitted by
                                                    Africans are infected with HIV. In 2008, 29.3%
close social contact such as touching, holding
                                                    of all pregnant women in South Africa were
hands, hugging and social kissing. HIV is also
                                                    infected with HIV. The province of KwaZulu–
not spread by coughing, sneezing, swimming
                                                    Natal had the highest prevalence of 38.7%.
pools, toilet seats, sharing cooking, drinking
                                                    In some antenatal clinics, more than 50% of
and eating utensils or by changing a nappy.
                                                    pregnant women were HIV positive.
However, any bleeding, such as nose bleeds,
may spread HIV.

1-15 How often does HIV                            prophylactically. The risk of mother-to-child
infection cause death?                             transmission can be reduced to below 5% by:
It is estimated that 600 people die of HIV         1. Giving the mother AZT from 14 weeks until
infection each day in South Africa. Many              delivery, AZT 3-hourly plus a single dose of
of these deaths could be prevented with the           nevirapine during labour and a single dose
correct treatment. Without antiretroviral             of TDF and FTC immediately after delivery.
treatment most people with HIV infection will      2. Giving daily nevirapine to the infant for six
eventually die of AIDS.                               weeks after birth and then continuing for
                                                      as long as there is any breastfeeding.
1-16 Is the HIV epidemic in South                  With the roll-out of the prevention of mother-
Africa still expanding?                            to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme,
Yes. Since 1990 the rate of HIV infection in       the number of HIV-infected children should
women attending state antenatal care clinics       be greatly reduced.
in South Africa has steadily climbed from less
than 2% to almost 30% in 2008. South Africa         The use of prophylactic antiretroviral drugs
has one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics
                                                    reduces the risk of mother-to-child transmission.
in the world, with one to two thousand people
infected every day.
                                                   1-19 What is the impact of HIV
                                                   infection on society?
 South Africa has one of the fastest-growing HIV
 epidemics in the world.                           The epidemic of HIV infection is having a
                                                   devastating impact on society in South Africa
                                                   and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
1-17 What is the risk of HIV crossing              Since the start of the AIDS epidemic in South
from an infected mother to her infant?             Africa, the average life expectancy has fallen
The risk of HIV crossing the placenta during       from 60 to 45 years.
pregnancy is 5% while the risk of HIV              In Africa, most people with HIV infection are fe-
infecting the infant during labour and vaginal     male and most are from poor communities. This
delivery is 15%. Without HIV prophylaxis           has a massive effect on families and increases
with antiretroviral drugs the overall risk         the risk of childhood under-nutrition and death,
during pregnancy, labour and vaginal delivery      even in HIV-negative children. The number of
is therefore 20%.                                  orphans who have lost both parents to AIDS is
There is an additional risk of 15% if the mother   rapidly rising. As a result of the ever-increas-
practises mixed breastfeeding (breast milk         ing number of deaths, ill people and homeless
plus other liquids and solids) for two years.      children, HIV infection is having an enormous
The total risk of mother-to-child transmission     social and financial impact on all communities,
(MTCT) in these breastfed infants is therefore     and placing a strain on the health services.
35%. The risk of breast milk transmission is
5% for the first six months, 5% for the second
six months and 5% for the second year. With        SCREENING FOR
exclusive breastfeeding (breast milk only) for
six months, the risk is much lower.
                                                   HIV INFECTION

1-18 How can the risk of mother-                   1-20 How is the clinical suspicion
to-child infection be reduced?                     of HIV infection confirmed?
The most effective method in women with            By either detecting antibodies to the virus or
HIV infection is to use antiretroviral drugs       identifying part of the virus in the blood.

1-21 Should people be counselled                          The rapid test is the most common method used
before HIV testing?
                                                          to screen people for HIV infection.
People must be informed and counselled
before blood tests are done to confirm                     NOTE  Both ELISA and rapid tests are 99% accurate
or exclude HIV infection. It should be                     if performed correctly and are confirmed with a
documented that the person consents to                     second test using a kit from another manufacturer.
screening. It is considered unethical practice
to perform HIV screening tests without the               1-24 How is the ELISA test done?
person’s permission. HIV screening is very
important as it is the ‘gateway to care’.                The ELISA test is done by a laboratory on
                                                         a sample of venous blood taken from the
                                                         person. 1 to 2 ml of clotted blood is needed.
1-22 What tests are available to
                                                         The laboratory should provide a result within
screen for HIV infection?
                                                         24 hours. The result is either positive or
A number of tests are available to screen                negative. The disadvantage of the ELISA test is
people for HIV infection:                                that it cannot be done at a clinic.
1. Rapid test
2. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent                    1-25 How is the rapid test done?
   Assay) test                                           The great advantage of the rapid test is that it can
3. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction test) test             be done on a drop of blood in a clinic and blood
4. P24 antigen test                                      does not have to be sent to a laboratory. There
                                                         are a number of manufacturers who provide
See skills workshop 6A for how to do a rapid test.       rapid tests. They are very similar, but not exactly
                                                         the same. If a rapid test is positive with one kit,
  NOTE HIV culture and testing for other HIV antigens    it is important to repeat the test with another kit
  can also be done. These are expensive tests and        from a different manufacturer to confirm that
  are only used in research or in cases where the        the person really is HIV positive.
  diagnosis of HIV infection is difficult. The Western
  blot test is the most accurate test for detecting      1. If the first rapid test is negative, accept that
  virus antibodies, and is used in the laboratory           the person is HIV negative.
  to make a diagnosis in difficult cases with            2. If two rapid tests on different kits are
  conflicting results with the ELISA or rapid test.         positive, accept that the person is HIV
1-23 What are the rapid and                              3. If the first test is positive and the second is
ELISA screening tests?                                      negative, send blood to the laboratory for
These are commonly used blood tests to                      an ELISA test to decide whether the person
screen well people for HIV infection and also               is HIV positive or negative.
to confirm HIV infection in people who have              In order to detect false-positive tests (the test
symptoms and signs. Both are cheap and very              is positive but the patient is not infected with
accurate, and become positive if antibodies to           HIV), all positive screening tests should be
HIV are present. These tests do not determine            repeated with another kit or with another
whether the actual virus is present, but rather          type of test.
the body’s response to the HIV infection.
Therefore, they are highly reliable but indirect         1-26 What is the PCR test?
tests for HIV. The rapid test is most commonly
used to screen for HIV infection.                        This test determines whether there is DNA
                                                         from the HIV (genetic material from
                                                         the nucleus of the virus) present in the
                                                         lymphocytes in the person’s blood. The PCR

test is very useful in screening infants younger          the immune system. The normal CD4 count in
than 18 months for HIV infection as the rapid             a healthy adult is above 500 cells/μl.
and ELISA tests are unreliable to confirm
HIV infection at this time, due to the possible
presence of maternal antibodies.
                                                           The CD4 count measures the degree of damage
                                                           done by HIV to the immune system.
  NOTE The HIV DNA PCR test (qualitative) detects
  the presence of the virus within cells while the          NOTE  A low CD4 count must not be used
  HIV RNA PCR test (quantitative) measures the              to diagnose HIV infection as there are
  amount of virus in the blood (viral load). The latter     other causes of reduced CD4 cells.
  test may not be reliable to screen for HIV infection.
                                                          1-31 What is the viral load?
 The PCR test detects very small amounts of HIV           The viral load is a measure of the amount of
 material in the blood.                                   HIV in the blood. The higher the viral load,
                                                          the faster the HIV is multiplying. A high viral
1-27 What is the p24 antigen test?                        load indicates that there is a lot of HIV in the
                                                          blood (and other body secretions). Viral load
P24 antigen is part of the virus. The p24 antigen         is usually expressed as RNA copies/ml.
test detects this HIV material in the blood. The
ultrasensitive p24 antigen test is very accurate.
                                                           The viral load is a measure of the amount of HIV
1-28 When do these tests become                            in the blood.
positive if a person is infected with HIV?
They may become positive as early as two
weeks after infection, but most are reliable              CLINICAL PRESENTATION
from six weeks after infection.                           OF HIV INFECTION
1-29 What is the window period?
                                                          1-32 What are the three
This is the period of time between infection              phases of HIV infection?
and the test becoming positive. During this
time the test may give a false-negative result            HIV infection can be divided into three phases.
(the patient is infected with HIV but the test            1. Acute seroconversion illness (which only
is still negative). For most tests, the window               occurs in 50% of people)
period lasts up to six weeks. Rarely, the                 2. The latent, silent, asymptomatic phase
window period may be longer, up to three                  3. The chronic disease when HIV infection
months. With new, highly sensitive tests the                 becomes symptomatic
window period is shortening.
                                                          1-33 What is acute seroconversion illness?
1-30 What is the CD4 count?
                                                          In response to infection with HIV, the immune
CD4 cells are lymphocytes that play a very                system produces antibodies against the virus.
important role in the normal functioning of               Unfortunately these antibodies fail to kill all the
the immune system. HIV attaches to CD4                    HIV. At the time that HIV antibodies appear in
cells and kills them. As a result, the number of          the blood (seroconversion) about 50% of people
CD4 cells gradually falls as the HIV infection            develop a flu-like illness which lasts a few days
progresses, and more and more CD4 cells are               or weeks. Acute seroconversion illness presents
killed. Therefore the CD4 count is the best               two to six weeks after infection with HIV.
measure of the degree that HIV has damaged

During acute seroconversion illness the viral              are present in the blood and other body fluids,
load is very high and the CD4 count may be                 and the person is very infectious to others.
temporarily depressed. The screening tests for
HIV may still be negative at the time of acute
seroconversion illness, and only becomes
                                                            People are very infectious during the first weeks
positive a few weeks later.                                 of HIV infection.

                                                           1-36 How are patients with acute
 Infection with HIV may cause acute
                                                           seroconversion illness managed?
 seroconversion illness.
                                                           The patients are managed symptomatically
     NOTE Patients who develop severe acute                with antipyretics (e.g. paracetamol) for fever.
     seroconversion illness usually progress to AIDS       There is no role for antiretroviral treatment in
     faster than those who are asymptomatic while          seroconversion illness.
     seroconverting. They should be closely followed up.
                                                           1-37 What is the latent phase
1-34 What are the common features                          of HIV infection?
of acute seroconversion illness?
                                                           HIV infection and seroconversion are followed
The common features of acute seroconversion                by a latent period when the person feels well.
illness are:                                               During this phase many people are not aware
1.    Fever                                                that they are HIV infected. Although there
2.    General tiredness                                    are usually no, or few, clinical signs during
3.    Headache                                             the latent phase of HIV infection, generalised
4.    Cough or sore throat                                 lymphadenopathy is common.
5.    Muscle or joint pains                                During the latent phase the viral load is low
6.    Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea                        and the CD4 count is normal or only mildly
7.    Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)               depressed.
8.    A measles-like rash
9.    Oral or genital ulcers
                                                            Most people with asymptomatic HIV infection are
The above signs and symptoms are similar                    not aware that they have been infected with HIV.
to those found in glandular fever (infectious
                                                           1-38 How long does the latent phase last?
     NOTE Some people also develop neurological            Usually this silent, asymptomatic period lasts
     complications such as meningitis, encephalitis
                                                           five to ten years in adults but it may last for
     or neuropathy. Typically the lymphocyte and
     CD4 counts are low during the acute illness.          as long as 15 years before the signs of AIDS
                                                           appear (‘slow progressors’). Occasionally, HIV-
                                                           infected people progress rapidly to AIDS (‘fast
 Acute seroconversion illness is often the first sign      progressors’).
 of HIV infection.
                                                            The asymptomatic latent phase usually lasts five
1-35 Are people with seroconversion                         to ten years in adults.
illness infectious to others?
Yes, during the first few weeks of HIV                     1-39 What is symptomatic HIV infection?
infection, especially if the person develops
seroconversion illness, large amounts of virus             When patients who have been clinically well
                                                           during the latent (asymptomatic) phase of
                                                           HIV infection become ill, they are said to have

symptomatic HIV infection. The symptoms                   production of antibodies increases in response
and signs of symptomatic HIV infection only               to the HIV infection. Antibodies, together
present when the immune system is no longer               with CD4 cells, attempt to control the amount
able to protect the person from a wide range of           of virus in the body and the levels of HIV in
viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections         the blood decreases. Eventually (within six
(opportunistic infections).                               months) a balance is reached between the
                                                          production and destruction of HIV. This is
                                                          known as the viral set point.
 Clinical illness only occurs late in the course of
 HIV infection.                                           With the onset of symptomatic HIV infection
                                                          (constitutional symptoms) the CD4 count falls
                                                          and the level of virus increases and becomes
1-40 When is symptomatic HIV                              very high with AIDS (opportunistic infections).
infection called AIDS?
Once patients develop severe opportunistic
                                                           The level of virus in the blood is very high soon
infections or malignancies typically associated
with HIV infection. This only occurs when the
                                                           after infection and again with the development
immune system has been severely damaged.                   of AIDS.
Patients who are generally well or only mildly
ill with HIV infection do not yet have AIDS.                NOTE  A high viral set point carries a poor
                                                            prognosis of rapid progression to AIDS, as
                                                            it indicates failure by the immune system
1-41 How do the viral load, antibody                        to control massive multiplication of HIV.
levels and CD4 count change during
the course of HIV infection?
                                                          1-42 What clinical signs suggest
The level of virus in the blood (viral load) rises        the patient has HIV infection?
very rapidly within weeks of infection due to
                                                          1. Unexplained weight loss
the extremely high rate of viral multiplication.
                                                          2. Unexplained fever or night sweats
This temporarily depresses the CD4 count. The
                                                          3. Generalised lymphadenopathy

                               CD4 count                             Viral load


          1000                                                                                     log6
         CD4                                                             infections
     (cells/mm3)                                                                                   Viral load
           600                                                                                     log4

           200                                                                                     log2

                           6           12                    6                    9           12
                        Time (weeks)                       Time (years)

Figure 1-1: The changes in viral load, CD4 count and clinical features of HIV infection

4. A variety of skin rashes                              1-45 What are the clinical signs
5. Mouth infections                                      of stage 2 HIV infection?
6. Chronic diarrhoea
                                                         Patients with stage 2 HIV infection have
7. Repeated respiratory infections or chronic
                                                         repeated minor problems. Skin rashes and
                                                         minor mouth problems are very common.
8. Signs of opportunistic infections and other
                                                         Often there is some weight loss and mild
   HIV-related illnesses such as malignancies
                                                         diarrhoea can be a problem. Patients with
Often painless, generalised lymphadenopathy              these early stages of HIV infection can usually
in an otherwise healthy person is the first              continue their daily activity.
clinical sign of HIV infection.
                                                          Patients with stage 2 HIV infection have repeated
                                                          minor clinical problems.
HIV INFECTION                                            1-46 What are the features of
                                                         stage 3 HIV infection?
1-43 What is the natural                                 Common features are unexplained weight
progression of HIV infection?                            loss, fever, oral candidiasis and diarrhoea.
                                                         Pulmonary TB and severe bacterial infections
The progression of early to advanced HIV
                                                         indicate stage 3 infection. These patients
infection usually follows a recognisable pattern
                                                         feel generally unwell and are no longer able
which depends on the degree of damage to
                                                         to continue with their usual daily activities.
the immune system. The progression of HIV
                                                         Most of these patients will improve if their
infection has been divided into 4 clinical
                                                         opportunistic infections are treated.
stages by the World Health Organisation
(WHO). Patients advance through stages 1 to
4 as their CD4 count falls.                               Pulmonary TB and serious bacterial infections are
                                                          common in patients with stage 3 HIV infection.
 The clinical signs become worse and the CD4
 count falls as patients progress from stage 1 to        1-47 How would one recognise a
 stage 4 HIV infection.                                  patient with stage 4 HIV infection?
                                                         Marked weight loss continues and many
A table of the World Health Organisation                 patients are bedridden. Severe opportunistic
(WHO) stages of HIV infection is given at the            infections such as oesophageal candidiasis,
end of this unit.                                        extrapulmonary TB, pneumocystis pneumonia,
                                                         cryptococcal meningitis and toxoplasmosis are
1-44 What are the clinical signs                         common. Anaemia and malignancies associated
of stage 1 HIV infection?                                with HIV infection are also common. Patients
                                                         with stage 4 disease are regarded as having
Patients with stage 1 HIV infection are well and
                                                         AIDS. Response to antiretroviral treatment is
asymptomatic but almost all have persistent,
                                                         usually good. Without treatment many will die
generalised lymphadenopathy, especially in the
                                                         within months.
neck, axilla and groin. Acute seroconversion
illness is also included in stage 1. Therefore,
stage 1 starts at the time of infection.                  Serious opportunistic infections are common
                                                          when stage 4 HIV infection (AIDS) is reached.
 People with stage 1 HIV infection are generally well.

1-48 What are the features of terminal AIDS?           as multiple, vertical white stripes along the
                                                       side of the tongue. Its presence indicates
Additional opportunistic infections such
                                                       immune depression.
as CMV retinitis and avium TB can occur.
                                                 3.    Aphthous ulcers. These are very painful,
Severe wasting and dementia are common.
                                                       shallow ulcers that can occur anywhere in
These patients are seriously ill, usually with
                                                       the mouth.
a CD4 count below 50 cells/μl. Response
                                                 4.    Herpes simplex ulcers may also affect the
to antiretroviral treatment is often poor as
                                                       mouth and are also painful.
the immune system has been very seriously
                                                 5.    Gum infections around the base of the
damaged by HIV. Without treatment most
                                                       teeth which may cause pain and bleeding.
patients rapidly die.
                                                 6.    Kaposi’s sarcoma.

                                                      NOTE  Oral hairy leucoplakia is due to
COMMON COMPLICATIONS                                  infection with the Epstein-Barr virus.
OF HIV INFECTION                                 Severe oral infections which prevent the patient
                                                 eating and drinking, and do not improve in
                                                 a few days, may lead to further weight loss,
1-49 What is an AIDS-defining illness?           dehydration and under-nutrition. These patients
A serious clinical condition which is very       should be referred to a special HIV clinic.
uncommon in HIV-negative people and yet
seen commonly in patients with advanced          1-52 What skin rashes are commonly
HIV infection. Severe opportunistic infections   seen in patients with HIV infection?
and malignancies in HIV-positive patients        Many different skin rashes are seen in HIV-
are AIDS-defining illnesses. Common AIDS-        infected patients and a skin rash may be one of
defining infections include oesophageal          the earliest signs of a depressed immune system:
candidiasis, and infections with pneumocystis,
cryptococcus and toxoplasmosis.                  1. Pruritic papular eruption (PPE or ‘itchy
                                                    bump disease’)
1-50 Is pulmonary tuberculosis                   2. Seborrhoeic dermatitis
an AIDS-defining illness?                        3. Fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails
                                                 4. Molluscum contagiosum
Although pulmonary TB is common in               5. Warts
patients with HIV infection, and indicates       6. Impetigo and folliculitis
stage 3, it also occurs in HIV-negative people   7. Severe, extensive scabies
and it is therefore not an AIDS-defining         8. Psoriasis
infection. In contrast, extrapulmonary TB is     9. Shingles
rare in HIV-negative people and is therefore
an AIDS-defining illness.                        Rashes may also be due to drugs used in
                                                 antiretroviral treatment (e.g. nevirapine) or
                                                 drugs used to treat opportunistic infections
1-51 What infections of the mouth
                                                 (e.g. co-trimoxazole). Drug reactions are more
are common with HIV infection?
                                                 common in HIV-infected patients than in
The mouth and tongue are commonly affected       people who are not HIV infected.
when the immune system is damaged by HIV
infection.                                       1-53 What is characteristic of rashes
1. The commonest mouth condition is oral         in HIV-positive patients?
   candidiasis (thrush).                         Rashes are often severe, chronic or recurrent,
2. Oral hairy leucoplakia. This is usually       and respond poorly to standard treatment.
   asymptomatic and painless, and presents       Rashes frequently are atypical and usually do

not resolve spontaneously. Previous rashes may
                                                      Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and
become worse with the development of HIV
                                                      cervical cancer are more common in patients
infection, e.g. psoriasis, acne and eczema. With
antiretroviral treatment most rashes disappear.       with AIDS.

1-54 What is pruritic papular eruption (PPE)?        1-57 What is Kaposi’s sarcoma?
This is very common in patients with HIV             This is the most common cancer complicating
infection and presents with a severe itch and        AIDS.
scattered pigmented papules, especially on           Kaposi’s sarcoma usually presents with multiple
the trunk and limbs. It is difficult to treat and    pink or purple patches in pale skins and brown
responds poorly to topical steroids and anti-        or black patches in dark skins, or nodules
itch agents.                                         (bumps) on the skin, especially the face, trunk
                                                     and legs. The mouth may also be involved,
1-55 What is wasting disease?                        especially the hard palate. The prognosis is poor
This is a common presentation of AIDS                in advanced cases when organs such as the gut,
in patients in Africa. Weight loss is severe         lungs and lymph nodes are affected (visceral
and associated with chronic diarrhoea. The           Kaposi’s sarcoma). Non-visceral (skin) Kaposi’s
patients feel weak and have fever. All patients      sarcoma is usually not life-threatening, but can
with unexplained weight loss must be screened        become extensive and have an unacceptable
for HIV infection.                                   appearance. The patches and nodules often
                                                     improve with antiretroviral treatment. Cancer
                                                     treatment is usually only given to severe cases.
 All patients with unexplained weight loss must      All patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma should be
 be screened for HIV infection.                      referred to a special HIV clinic.

  NOTE Severe wasting is due to anorexia,
  diarrhoea, malabsorption and infections
                                                      Kaposi’s sarcoma presents with purple or brown
  as well as oral conditions which make               skin patches or nodules.
  eating painful (e.g. thrush or herpes).
                                                       NOTE Kaposi’s sarcoma is associated
1-56 What malignancies are                             with the Human Herpes 8 virus which
associated with AIDS?                                  may be sexually transmitted.

Many patients with AIDS develop some form of         1-58 What is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
cancer. Viral infections and a damaged immune
system are probably the cause. Of interest is that   This is the second commonest cancer in AIDS
only some cancers are more common in AIDS            patients. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a group
patients. However, the progression of other          of different types of lymphoma which often
cancers common in the general population is          progress rapidly. Therefore, early diagnosis and
more rapid in AIDS patients. Cancers more            treatment are important. Lymphoma usually
common in patients with AIDS are:                    presents with large firm lymph nodes at one
                                                     or more sites, or abdominal masses together
1. Kaposi’s sarcoma                                  with weight loss and unexplained fever. Sites
2. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma                            other than lymph nodes can be involved,
3. Cervical cancer                                   especially the brain, liver, bone marrow and
Patients with any of these cancers must be           gut. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the brain
tested for HIV infection.                            may present with a wide range of neurological
                                                     conditions including headaches, convulsions,
                                                     confusion and memory loss. Any patient with
24      ADULT HIV

a suspected lymphoma must be referred for            obvious when the patient has AIDS, especially
investigation. The prognosis is usually poor.        in the advanced stage. Common signs of HIV
                                                     encephalopathy are:
 Lymphoma of the brain may present in AIDS           1. Poor concentration and short-term memory
 patients with a wide range of neurological signs.      loss, eventually leading to dementia
                                                     2. Personality changes with depression,
     NOTE Most lymphomas in AIDS patients
                                                        apathy, withdrawal or irritability
     are of B cell origin and associated             3. Weakness, tremors or clumsiness
     with Epstein-Barr virus infection.
                                                     Often there are no obvious abnormalities
                                                     on examination of the central nervous
1-59 What is the presentation                        system early in the disease. The worsening
of cervical cancer?                                  of HIV encephalopathy can be slowed with
Cervical cancer is common in women with              antiretroviral treatment.
AIDS. In the early stages there are usually no
                                                         NOTE CT and MRI scans with HIV encephalopathy
symptoms or signs. Therefore all HIV-positive
                                                         reveal cortical atrophy. In contrast, scans in
women must have an annual screen with a                  progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
PAP smear or cervical inspection for cancer.             (PML) due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob infection
                                                         show areas of white matter demyelination.
 All HIV-positive women must be screened
 regularly for cervical cancer.
                                                     WHO STAGING SYSTEM FOR
     NOTE The human papilloma virus, which           HIV INFECTION IN ADULTS
     is associated with cervical cancer,
     is sexually transmitted and more                AND ADOLESCENTS
     common in HIV-positive women.

                                                     Clinical stage 1
1-60 What neurological conditions
are associated with AIDS?                            •    Seroconversion illness
                                                     •    Asymptomatic infection
Many neurological complications are seen in
                                                     •    Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy
patients with AIDS. Neurological problems
                                                     •    Normal daily activity
may also be due to drug side effects (e.g.
peripheral neuropathy with isoniazid (INH)).         Clinical stage 2
1.    HIV encephalopathy                             •    Weight loss up to 10%
2.    Cryptococcal meningitis                        •    Minor oral problems (recurrent mouth
3.    Bacterial meningitis                                ulcers)
4.    Tuberculous meningitis or tuberculoma          •    Skin rashes
5.    Toxoplasmosis                                  •    Recurrent upper respiratory tract
6.    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma                              infections
                                                     •    Herpes zoster (shingles)
     NOTEThe spinal cord, peripheral nerves
                                                     •    Symptomatic, but daily activity normal
     and muscles can also be involved.
                                                     Clinical stage 3
1-61 What is HIV encephalopathy?
                                                     •    Weight loss of more than 10%
HIV infects the brain early in the course of         •    Chronic diarrhoea for more than one
HIV disease. Signs of HIV encephalopathy                  month
usually develop slowly and become more               •    Prolonged fever for more than one month

•    Oral candidiasis                                       demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) non-
•    Oral hairy leucoplakia                                 responsive to immunomodulatory therapy
•    Pulmonary tuberculosis
•    Severe bacterial infection (e.g. meningitis)
•    Bedridden for less than 50% of the day in
                                                        CASE STUDY 1
     the past month
                                                        A healthy pregnant woman is found to be HIV
Clinical stage 4 (AIDS)                                 positive. She asks how she probably became
                                                        infected and whether HIV infection is common
•    HIV wasting syndrome
                                                        in pregnant women. She asks the nurse
•    Pneumocystis pneumonia
                                                        whether she will pass HIV on to her infant.
•    Oesophageal candidiasis
•    Toxoplasmosis of the brain
•    Cryptococcal meningitis                            1. How is HIV usually transmitted
•    Diarrhoea due to Cryptosporidiosis or              in South Africa?
     Isosporiasis                                       By penetrative heterosexual vaginal intercourse.
•    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease                      The risk of HIV transmission is highest with
•    Extrapulmonary TB                                  anal intercourse in both men and women. The
•    Disseminated herpes simplex                        risk of HIV infection is much less with oral
•    HIV encephalopathy                                 sexual contact. Kissing is probably safe.
•    Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma or invasive
     cervical cancer                                    2. Can HIV be spread by
•    Confined to bed for more than 50% of the           normal social contact?
                                                        No. HIV is not spread by touching, holding
Additional clinical criteria                            hands, hugging, coughing, sneezing, using
indicating stage 4 disease                              swimming pools, toilet seats or sharing
                                                        cooking, drinking and eating utensils.
    NOTE These patients may only be initiated on ART
    following consultation and recommendation
    from an infectious disease/ART unit specialist      3. Can a person with HIV infection
    or specialist in these listed pathologies.          appear perfectly healthy?

    • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)         Many people feel well without any clinical
                                                        signs in spite of having asymptomatic HIV
    • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
                                                        infection for many years.
    • Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
    • HIV-associated nephropathy
                                                        4. Are they infectious during this time?
    • HIV-associated cardiomyopathy
    • Severe HIV neuropathy or HIV myelopathy
                                                        Yes. The danger is that many infectious people
                                                        who feel well do not know that they have HIV
    • Refractory apthous ulceration
    • All malignancies (unless early malignancy that
      is surgically resectable with low relapse risk)
                                                        5. How common is HIV infection in
    • MDR TB (after adherence counselling and
                                                        pregnant women in South Africa?
      assessment has been done and patient
      is seen to be a suitable candidate)               In 2008, almost 30% of pregnant women
    • HIV-associated vasculopathy                       attending state antenatal clinics were HIV
    • Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome       positive. This has increased from less than 2%
      (DILS) with severe symptoms                       in 1990.
    • Acute inflammatory demyelinating
      polyneuropathy (AIDP)/chronic inflammatory

6. What is the risk that this woman              period usually lasts up to six weeks. Some
will pass HIV to her infant?                     people with acute seroconversion illness may
                                                 still be in the window period.
With a vaginal delivery and no antiretroviral
prophylaxis, the risk of HIV transmission
is 20%. The additional risk of mixed             5. How does HIV cause disease?
breastfeeding is 15%. The risk is less with      By killing CD4 cells and, thereby, damaging
exclusive breastfeeding. With antiretroviral     the immune system. As a result the body is
prophylaxis and exclusive bottle feeding the     unable to protect itself from a wide range of
overall risk is less than 5%.                    viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections.

                                                 6. What effect is HIV having
CASE STUDY 2                                     on society in Africa?
                                                 The HIV epidemic is having a devastating
A young woman presents with fever, a sore
                                                 effect on society. It is estimated that six million
throat, enlarged lymph nodes and a rash. She
                                                 South Africans are HIV positive. Most are
also feels generally unwell.
                                                 female. The life expectancy for South Africans
                                                 has fallen from 60 to 45 years.
1. Could these signs and symptoms
be due to HIV infection?
The presentation is typical of the acute         CASE STUDY 3
seroconversion illness which occurs in 50% of
HIV infected people. This condition usually      A 25-year-old man is seen at a primary-
presents two to six weeks after HIV infection    care clinic with herpes zoster which is
and may be misdiagnosed as glandular fever.      very painful. He has also lost some weight
                                                 and complains of recurrent mouth ulcers.
2. Should she be treated with                    On examination he has generalised
antiretroviral drugs?                            lymphadenopathy and typical pruritic papular
                                                 eruption. His HIV test was positive four years
No. Usually symptomatic treatment (e.g.
                                                 ago when he was screened at work. He is still
paracetamol for fever) is all that is needed.
                                                 able to continue working.

3. How can the clinical suspicion
                                                 1. How would you grade the clinical
of HIV infection be confirmed?
                                                 stage of HIV infection in this patient?
By finding a positive screening test (usually
                                                 He should be graded as stage 2. Herpes
a rapid test). The rapid test can be done
                                                 zoster, recurrent aphthous mouth ulcers and
in a primary-care clinic. A negative test
                                                 skin rashes with mild weight loss are seen in
may be repeated after two weeks if acute
                                                 stage 2 HIV infection. The rapid test confirms
seroconversion illness is suspected. All
                                                 the clinical diagnosis. Patients in stage 2 can
patients must be informed and counselled and
                                                 usually continue working.
give consent before a rapid test is done.

                                                 2. What would the staging be if he only had
4. What is the window period?
                                                 lymphadenopathy and was generally well?
The period between HIV infection and a
                                                 Stage 1.
screening test becoming positive. In the
window period the HIV blood test may be
falsely negative (the test is negative but the
person is infected with HIV). The window

3. What is pruritic papular eruption?             1. What is the most likely cause of
                                                  the cough and night sweats?
Pruritic papular eruption (PPE or ‘itchy
bump disease’) is common in patients with         She almost certainly has pulmonary
symptomatic HIV infection. It presents with       tuberculosis.
scattered pigmented papules (bumps) which
are very itchy. The rash is usually seen on the   2. What condition causes multiple,
trunk and limbs, it is difficult to treat and     painless purple patches in a
responds poorly to topical steroids.              patient with HIV infection?
                                                  Kaposi’s sarcoma. These patients may have
4. What other skin rashes are common
                                                  multiple purple or brown skin patches or
in patients with stage 2 HIV infection?
                                                  nodules. The mouth, lymph nodes, lungs and
Seborrhoeic dermatitis, molluscum                 gut may also be involved.
contagiosum, warts, scabies and psoriasis.
Bacterial and fungal infections are also very     3. Why is she having difficulty swallowing?
                                                  The finding of oral thrush (oral candidiasis)
                                                  and difficulty swallowing suggests that she
5. What are common causes of a painful
                                                  may have oesophageal candidiasis.
mouth in patients with HIV infection?
A painful mouth is a common complaint             4. Does she have AIDS?
in patients with HIV infection. Recurrent
aphthous ulcers, oral candidiasis, herpes         Yes. Both Kaposi’s sarcoma and oesophageal
ulcers and infected gums are frequently seen.     candidiasis are AIDS-defining conditions as
Kaposi’s sarcoma and oral hairy leucoplakia       they are very rare in people with a normal
are usually not painful.                          immune system (i.e. they are opportunistic
                                                  infections). She would therefore be graded as
                                                  having stage 4 HIV infection – i.e. AIDS.
6. How long is the latent period?
This varies between people. However, most         5. Is pulmonary TB an AIDS-defining illness?
people with HIV infection remain well
(asymptomatic) for about ten years (except for    No. If she only had pulmonary TB as a
possible acute seroconversion illness) before     complication of being HIV infected she would
developing clinical signs and symptoms of         be graded as stage 3. Extrapulmonary TB
HIV infection.                                    would make her stage 4.

                                                  6. What malignancies are
CASE STUDY 4                                      associated with AIDS?
                                                  Malignancies associated with AIDS are
A woman presents with a cough and night           Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
sweats for six weeks and a number of              and cervical cancer.
painless, purple patches on her skin. She has
oral thrush and difficulty swallowing. Her
husband died of AIDS the year before. On
testing she is HIV positive.

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Adult HIV: HIV Infection

  • 1. 1 HIV infection Before you begin this unit, please take the Viruses are extremely small, very simple corresponding test at the end of the book to organisms which can only exist and multiply by assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You invading and taking control of a plant or animal should redo the test after you’ve worked through cell (the host cell). Viruses are responsible the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. for many diseases such as influenza and the common cold. Unlike bacteria they are not killed by antibiotics. Viruses may be divided Objectives into many different groups. HIV belongs to a group of viruses known as retroviruses. When you have completed this unit you People infected with HIV are said to be HIV should be able to: positive. • Define HIV infection and AIDS. • Explain how HIV is transmitted between people. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. • Appreciate why HIV infection is having a devastating effect on society. NOTE HIV was first identified in Paris in 1983. • Confirm the clinical diagnosis of HIV HIV is a new human virus which probably first infection. appeared in the 1950s when it was transmitted • Describe acute seroconversion illness. to humans from chimpanzees in central Africa. • Explain the asymptomatic and symptomatic phases of HIV infection. 1-2 What are retroviruses? • Describe the 4 clinical stages of HIV They are a group of viruses which are unique infection. in nature as they have a special enzyme • Recognise the clinical signs of HIV called reverse transcriptase. This enzyme infection. enables HIV to introduce its own genes into the nucleus of the host cell. The host cell is then instructed to produce millions of new INTRODUCTION TO copies of the virus. These are released into the HIV INFECTION bloodstream and can then infect other cells. Retroviruses usually cause long periods of silent infection before signs of disease appear. 1-1 What is HIV? NOTE Retroviruses contain an RNA genetic code. HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is a The enzyme reverse transcriptase allows HIV to virus which infects people for life. make double-strand DNA copies of its single- strand RNA. The DNA copy is then inserted
  • 2. 14 ADULT HIV into the DNA of the nucleus in the host cell. cells, HIV weakens the immune system which Only retroviruses have this ability to make a is then no longer able to prevent infection by DNA copy of their RNA code. Retroviruses are many viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. common and some cause cancers in animals. HIV infection damages the immune system. HIV is a retrovirus. NOTEAbout 10 billion copies of HIV are 1-3 What disease is caused by HIV? produced each day in infected people. HIV causes a serious chronic illness called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency 1-6 Are there different types of HIV? Syndrome). Without treatment with Two types of HIV are recognised, HIV1 and antiretroviral drugs, AIDS is a fatal condition. HIV2. Most HIV infection in southern Africa is caused by HIV1, which has many subtypes (clades). The important subtype in Africa is HIV causes AIDS. subtype C. Subtype B is the most common subtype in the developed world. 1-4 What is AIDS? AIDS is a clinical syndrome which presents in people with advanced HIV infection (severe THE SPREAD OF HIV HIV disease). It can present in many different ways. The symptoms and signs of AIDS are usually due to secondary infections with a 1-7 Is HIV infectious? number of different organisms not normally Yes. HIV infection can be spread from one seen in HIV-negative people. People with person to another. AIDS are always HIV positive. The terms ‘symptomatic HIV’ or ‘HIV disease’ 1-8 How is HIV transmitted from are also used for patients who are clinically ill one person to another? because of HIV. These patients may not yet be The virus may be transmitted from one person ill enough to be labelled as having AIDS. to another by: 1. Unprotected sexual contact (horizontal AIDS is a severe illness which presents in people transmission). Body fluids such as vaginal who have advanced HIV infection. and cervical secretions, semen and blood contain large amounts of HIV. HIV is not 1-5 How does HIV cause disease? present in urine or stool, while very little is present in saliva. HIV invades and destroys the immune system 2. Crossing from a mother to her fetus or by damaging the CD4 lymphocytes.As the newborn infant (vertical transmission). CD4 cells play a very important role in the 3. Using syringes, needles or blades which are functioning of the immune system, HIV soiled with HIV-infected blood. They may infection of CD4 cells damages the immune be shared by intravenous drug abusers or system, leading to immune deficiency. not correctly cleaned and then reused by Therefore, HIV destroys more and more CD4 health workers. cells, and the body’s immune system becomes 4. Accidental needle-stick injuries. weaker and weaker. 5. A blood transfusion with HIV- The normal immune system protects the body infected blood or other HIV-infected against infection. Therefore, by killing CD4 blood products such as factor VIII in haemophiliacs. This is very rare in South
  • 3. HIV INFECTION 15 Africa, where all blood products are 1-11 How can the sexual spread of HIV screened for HIV. in the general public be reduced? There is no evidence that HIV can be spread Through the behavioural change of ‘ABC’: by mosquitoes, lice or bed bugs. In Africa, 1. ‘A’ – Abstinence (no sex) and delay in HIV is most commonly spread by heterosexual sexual debut (first-time sex). intercourse. 2. ‘B’ – Be faithful to one partner (reduce the number of sexual partners). 1-9 What forms of sexual 3. ‘C’ – Use a condom (especially when not contact may transmit HIV? being faithful to one partner). HIV is almost always transmitted by The reduction in number of sexual partners penetrative sexual intercourse (heterosexual or seems to have resulted in the declining HIV homosexual). However, all forms of oral sexual prevalence in countries such as Uganda. contact (mouth to vagina or mouth to penis) However, all three behavioural changes are can also result in infection, although the risk important. is less. Deep kissing rarely transmits HIV, unless mouth ulcers are present. HIV cannot NOTEThe diaphragm may also penetrate intact skin but may infect through reduce the risk of HIV infection. open sores, cuts and abrasions, or mucous membranes. Infection is more common in 1-12 Can you have HIV uncircumcised men than circumcised men. infection and not be ill? The highest risk of sexual transmission for both men and women is during anal Yes. A person is usually infected with HIV intercourse. The thin, friable rectal mucosa is for years before becoming ill. Therefore, most easily damaged during anal intercourse, which people infected with HIV are clinically well increases the risk of infection. The presence of (asymptomatic) for many years. any other sexually transmitted infection will also increase the risk of HIV infection. 1-13 Can an HIV-infected person who is well transmit the virus? In South Africa, HIV is usually spread by sexual Yes. HIV is frequently transmitted by people intercourse. who appear to be clinically well but are infected with HIV. This is the great danger of HIV infection as most infected people do not Sexual abuse and rape may also result in HIV know that they have been infected. They are infection. also unaware that they may transmit HIV to another person. 1-10 Can you become infected with HIV during normal social contact? 1-14 How common is HIV infection? No. Family and friends of an HIV-infected Over 40 million people worldwide have HIV person do not become infected except by infection. It is estimated that 6 million South sexual contact. HIV is not transmitted by Africans are infected with HIV. In 2008, 29.3% close social contact such as touching, holding of all pregnant women in South Africa were hands, hugging and social kissing. HIV is also infected with HIV. The province of KwaZulu– not spread by coughing, sneezing, swimming Natal had the highest prevalence of 38.7%. pools, toilet seats, sharing cooking, drinking In some antenatal clinics, more than 50% of and eating utensils or by changing a nappy. pregnant women were HIV positive. However, any bleeding, such as nose bleeds, may spread HIV.
  • 4. 16 ADULT HIV 1-15 How often does HIV prophylactically. The risk of mother-to-child infection cause death? transmission can be reduced to below 5% by: It is estimated that 600 people die of HIV 1. Giving the mother AZT from 14 weeks until infection each day in South Africa. Many delivery, AZT 3-hourly plus a single dose of of these deaths could be prevented with the nevirapine during labour and a single dose correct treatment. Without antiretroviral of TDF and FTC immediately after delivery. treatment most people with HIV infection will 2. Giving daily nevirapine to the infant for six eventually die of AIDS. weeks after birth and then continuing for as long as there is any breastfeeding. 1-16 Is the HIV epidemic in South With the roll-out of the prevention of mother- Africa still expanding? to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme, Yes. Since 1990 the rate of HIV infection in the number of HIV-infected children should women attending state antenatal care clinics be greatly reduced. in South Africa has steadily climbed from less than 2% to almost 30% in 2008. South Africa The use of prophylactic antiretroviral drugs has one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics reduces the risk of mother-to-child transmission. in the world, with one to two thousand people infected every day. 1-19 What is the impact of HIV infection on society? South Africa has one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics in the world. The epidemic of HIV infection is having a devastating impact on society in South Africa and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. 1-17 What is the risk of HIV crossing Since the start of the AIDS epidemic in South from an infected mother to her infant? Africa, the average life expectancy has fallen The risk of HIV crossing the placenta during from 60 to 45 years. pregnancy is 5% while the risk of HIV In Africa, most people with HIV infection are fe- infecting the infant during labour and vaginal male and most are from poor communities. This delivery is 15%. Without HIV prophylaxis has a massive effect on families and increases with antiretroviral drugs the overall risk the risk of childhood under-nutrition and death, during pregnancy, labour and vaginal delivery even in HIV-negative children. The number of is therefore 20%. orphans who have lost both parents to AIDS is There is an additional risk of 15% if the mother rapidly rising. As a result of the ever-increas- practises mixed breastfeeding (breast milk ing number of deaths, ill people and homeless plus other liquids and solids) for two years. children, HIV infection is having an enormous The total risk of mother-to-child transmission social and financial impact on all communities, (MTCT) in these breastfed infants is therefore and placing a strain on the health services. 35%. The risk of breast milk transmission is 5% for the first six months, 5% for the second six months and 5% for the second year. With SCREENING FOR exclusive breastfeeding (breast milk only) for six months, the risk is much lower. HIV INFECTION 1-18 How can the risk of mother- 1-20 How is the clinical suspicion to-child infection be reduced? of HIV infection confirmed? The most effective method in women with By either detecting antibodies to the virus or HIV infection is to use antiretroviral drugs identifying part of the virus in the blood.
  • 5. HIV INFECTION 17 1-21 Should people be counselled The rapid test is the most common method used before HIV testing? to screen people for HIV infection. People must be informed and counselled before blood tests are done to confirm NOTE Both ELISA and rapid tests are 99% accurate or exclude HIV infection. It should be if performed correctly and are confirmed with a documented that the person consents to second test using a kit from another manufacturer. screening. It is considered unethical practice to perform HIV screening tests without the 1-24 How is the ELISA test done? person’s permission. HIV screening is very important as it is the ‘gateway to care’. The ELISA test is done by a laboratory on a sample of venous blood taken from the person. 1 to 2 ml of clotted blood is needed. 1-22 What tests are available to The laboratory should provide a result within screen for HIV infection? 24 hours. The result is either positive or A number of tests are available to screen negative. The disadvantage of the ELISA test is people for HIV infection: that it cannot be done at a clinic. 1. Rapid test 2. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent 1-25 How is the rapid test done? Assay) test The great advantage of the rapid test is that it can 3. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction test) test be done on a drop of blood in a clinic and blood 4. P24 antigen test does not have to be sent to a laboratory. There are a number of manufacturers who provide See skills workshop 6A for how to do a rapid test. rapid tests. They are very similar, but not exactly the same. If a rapid test is positive with one kit, NOTE HIV culture and testing for other HIV antigens it is important to repeat the test with another kit can also be done. These are expensive tests and from a different manufacturer to confirm that are only used in research or in cases where the the person really is HIV positive. diagnosis of HIV infection is difficult. The Western blot test is the most accurate test for detecting 1. If the first rapid test is negative, accept that virus antibodies, and is used in the laboratory the person is HIV negative. to make a diagnosis in difficult cases with 2. If two rapid tests on different kits are conflicting results with the ELISA or rapid test. positive, accept that the person is HIV positive. 1-23 What are the rapid and 3. If the first test is positive and the second is ELISA screening tests? negative, send blood to the laboratory for These are commonly used blood tests to an ELISA test to decide whether the person screen well people for HIV infection and also is HIV positive or negative. to confirm HIV infection in people who have In order to detect false-positive tests (the test symptoms and signs. Both are cheap and very is positive but the patient is not infected with accurate, and become positive if antibodies to HIV), all positive screening tests should be HIV are present. These tests do not determine repeated with another kit or with another whether the actual virus is present, but rather type of test. the body’s response to the HIV infection. Therefore, they are highly reliable but indirect 1-26 What is the PCR test? tests for HIV. The rapid test is most commonly used to screen for HIV infection. This test determines whether there is DNA from the HIV (genetic material from the nucleus of the virus) present in the lymphocytes in the person’s blood. The PCR
  • 6. 18 ADULT HIV test is very useful in screening infants younger the immune system. The normal CD4 count in than 18 months for HIV infection as the rapid a healthy adult is above 500 cells/μl. and ELISA tests are unreliable to confirm HIV infection at this time, due to the possible presence of maternal antibodies. The CD4 count measures the degree of damage done by HIV to the immune system. NOTE The HIV DNA PCR test (qualitative) detects the presence of the virus within cells while the NOTE A low CD4 count must not be used HIV RNA PCR test (quantitative) measures the to diagnose HIV infection as there are amount of virus in the blood (viral load). The latter other causes of reduced CD4 cells. test may not be reliable to screen for HIV infection. 1-31 What is the viral load? The PCR test detects very small amounts of HIV The viral load is a measure of the amount of material in the blood. HIV in the blood. The higher the viral load, the faster the HIV is multiplying. A high viral 1-27 What is the p24 antigen test? load indicates that there is a lot of HIV in the blood (and other body secretions). Viral load P24 antigen is part of the virus. The p24 antigen is usually expressed as RNA copies/ml. test detects this HIV material in the blood. The ultrasensitive p24 antigen test is very accurate. The viral load is a measure of the amount of HIV 1-28 When do these tests become in the blood. positive if a person is infected with HIV? They may become positive as early as two weeks after infection, but most are reliable CLINICAL PRESENTATION from six weeks after infection. OF HIV INFECTION 1-29 What is the window period? 1-32 What are the three This is the period of time between infection phases of HIV infection? and the test becoming positive. During this time the test may give a false-negative result HIV infection can be divided into three phases. (the patient is infected with HIV but the test 1. Acute seroconversion illness (which only is still negative). For most tests, the window occurs in 50% of people) period lasts up to six weeks. Rarely, the 2. The latent, silent, asymptomatic phase window period may be longer, up to three 3. The chronic disease when HIV infection months. With new, highly sensitive tests the becomes symptomatic window period is shortening. 1-33 What is acute seroconversion illness? 1-30 What is the CD4 count? In response to infection with HIV, the immune CD4 cells are lymphocytes that play a very system produces antibodies against the virus. important role in the normal functioning of Unfortunately these antibodies fail to kill all the the immune system. HIV attaches to CD4 HIV. At the time that HIV antibodies appear in cells and kills them. As a result, the number of the blood (seroconversion) about 50% of people CD4 cells gradually falls as the HIV infection develop a flu-like illness which lasts a few days progresses, and more and more CD4 cells are or weeks. Acute seroconversion illness presents killed. Therefore the CD4 count is the best two to six weeks after infection with HIV. measure of the degree that HIV has damaged
  • 7. HIV INFECTION 19 During acute seroconversion illness the viral are present in the blood and other body fluids, load is very high and the CD4 count may be and the person is very infectious to others. temporarily depressed. The screening tests for HIV may still be negative at the time of acute seroconversion illness, and only becomes People are very infectious during the first weeks positive a few weeks later. of HIV infection. 1-36 How are patients with acute Infection with HIV may cause acute seroconversion illness managed? seroconversion illness. The patients are managed symptomatically NOTE Patients who develop severe acute with antipyretics (e.g. paracetamol) for fever. seroconversion illness usually progress to AIDS There is no role for antiretroviral treatment in faster than those who are asymptomatic while seroconversion illness. seroconverting. They should be closely followed up. 1-37 What is the latent phase 1-34 What are the common features of HIV infection? of acute seroconversion illness? HIV infection and seroconversion are followed The common features of acute seroconversion by a latent period when the person feels well. illness are: During this phase many people are not aware 1. Fever that they are HIV infected. Although there 2. General tiredness are usually no, or few, clinical signs during 3. Headache the latent phase of HIV infection, generalised 4. Cough or sore throat lymphadenopathy is common. 5. Muscle or joint pains During the latent phase the viral load is low 6. Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea and the CD4 count is normal or only mildly 7. Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) depressed. 8. A measles-like rash 9. Oral or genital ulcers Most people with asymptomatic HIV infection are The above signs and symptoms are similar not aware that they have been infected with HIV. to those found in glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis). 1-38 How long does the latent phase last? NOTE Some people also develop neurological Usually this silent, asymptomatic period lasts complications such as meningitis, encephalitis five to ten years in adults but it may last for or neuropathy. Typically the lymphocyte and CD4 counts are low during the acute illness. as long as 15 years before the signs of AIDS appear (‘slow progressors’). Occasionally, HIV- infected people progress rapidly to AIDS (‘fast Acute seroconversion illness is often the first sign progressors’). of HIV infection. The asymptomatic latent phase usually lasts five 1-35 Are people with seroconversion to ten years in adults. illness infectious to others? Yes, during the first few weeks of HIV 1-39 What is symptomatic HIV infection? infection, especially if the person develops seroconversion illness, large amounts of virus When patients who have been clinically well during the latent (asymptomatic) phase of HIV infection become ill, they are said to have
  • 8. 20 ADULT HIV symptomatic HIV infection. The symptoms production of antibodies increases in response and signs of symptomatic HIV infection only to the HIV infection. Antibodies, together present when the immune system is no longer with CD4 cells, attempt to control the amount able to protect the person from a wide range of of virus in the body and the levels of HIV in viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections the blood decreases. Eventually (within six (opportunistic infections). months) a balance is reached between the production and destruction of HIV. This is known as the viral set point. Clinical illness only occurs late in the course of HIV infection. With the onset of symptomatic HIV infection (constitutional symptoms) the CD4 count falls and the level of virus increases and becomes 1-40 When is symptomatic HIV very high with AIDS (opportunistic infections). infection called AIDS? Once patients develop severe opportunistic The level of virus in the blood is very high soon infections or malignancies typically associated with HIV infection. This only occurs when the after infection and again with the development immune system has been severely damaged. of AIDS. Patients who are generally well or only mildly ill with HIV infection do not yet have AIDS. NOTE A high viral set point carries a poor prognosis of rapid progression to AIDS, as it indicates failure by the immune system 1-41 How do the viral load, antibody to control massive multiplication of HIV. levels and CD4 count change during the course of HIV infection? 1-42 What clinical signs suggest The level of virus in the blood (viral load) rises the patient has HIV infection? very rapidly within weeks of infection due to 1. Unexplained weight loss the extremely high rate of viral multiplication. 2. Unexplained fever or night sweats This temporarily depresses the CD4 count. The 3. Generalised lymphadenopathy CD4 count Viral load Death 1000 log6 Opportunistic CD4 infections (cells/mm3) Viral load 600 log4 Constitutional symptoms 200 log2 6 12 6 9 12 Time (weeks) Time (years) Figure 1-1: The changes in viral load, CD4 count and clinical features of HIV infection
  • 9. HIV INFECTION 21 4. A variety of skin rashes 1-45 What are the clinical signs 5. Mouth infections of stage 2 HIV infection? 6. Chronic diarrhoea Patients with stage 2 HIV infection have 7. Repeated respiratory infections or chronic repeated minor problems. Skin rashes and cough minor mouth problems are very common. 8. Signs of opportunistic infections and other Often there is some weight loss and mild HIV-related illnesses such as malignancies diarrhoea can be a problem. Patients with Often painless, generalised lymphadenopathy these early stages of HIV infection can usually in an otherwise healthy person is the first continue their daily activity. clinical sign of HIV infection. Patients with stage 2 HIV infection have repeated minor clinical problems. CLINICAL STAGES OF HIV INFECTION 1-46 What are the features of stage 3 HIV infection? 1-43 What is the natural Common features are unexplained weight progression of HIV infection? loss, fever, oral candidiasis and diarrhoea. Pulmonary TB and severe bacterial infections The progression of early to advanced HIV indicate stage 3 infection. These patients infection usually follows a recognisable pattern feel generally unwell and are no longer able which depends on the degree of damage to to continue with their usual daily activities. the immune system. The progression of HIV Most of these patients will improve if their infection has been divided into 4 clinical opportunistic infections are treated. stages by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Patients advance through stages 1 to 4 as their CD4 count falls. Pulmonary TB and serious bacterial infections are common in patients with stage 3 HIV infection. The clinical signs become worse and the CD4 count falls as patients progress from stage 1 to 1-47 How would one recognise a stage 4 HIV infection. patient with stage 4 HIV infection? Marked weight loss continues and many A table of the World Health Organisation patients are bedridden. Severe opportunistic (WHO) stages of HIV infection is given at the infections such as oesophageal candidiasis, end of this unit. extrapulmonary TB, pneumocystis pneumonia, cryptococcal meningitis and toxoplasmosis are 1-44 What are the clinical signs common. Anaemia and malignancies associated of stage 1 HIV infection? with HIV infection are also common. Patients with stage 4 disease are regarded as having Patients with stage 1 HIV infection are well and AIDS. Response to antiretroviral treatment is asymptomatic but almost all have persistent, usually good. Without treatment many will die generalised lymphadenopathy, especially in the within months. neck, axilla and groin. Acute seroconversion illness is also included in stage 1. Therefore, stage 1 starts at the time of infection. Serious opportunistic infections are common when stage 4 HIV infection (AIDS) is reached. People with stage 1 HIV infection are generally well.
  • 10. 22 ADULT HIV 1-48 What are the features of terminal AIDS? as multiple, vertical white stripes along the side of the tongue. Its presence indicates Additional opportunistic infections such immune depression. as CMV retinitis and avium TB can occur. 3. Aphthous ulcers. These are very painful, Severe wasting and dementia are common. shallow ulcers that can occur anywhere in These patients are seriously ill, usually with the mouth. a CD4 count below 50 cells/μl. Response 4. Herpes simplex ulcers may also affect the to antiretroviral treatment is often poor as mouth and are also painful. the immune system has been very seriously 5. Gum infections around the base of the damaged by HIV. Without treatment most teeth which may cause pain and bleeding. patients rapidly die. 6. Kaposi’s sarcoma. NOTE Oral hairy leucoplakia is due to COMMON COMPLICATIONS infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. OF HIV INFECTION Severe oral infections which prevent the patient eating and drinking, and do not improve in a few days, may lead to further weight loss, 1-49 What is an AIDS-defining illness? dehydration and under-nutrition. These patients A serious clinical condition which is very should be referred to a special HIV clinic. uncommon in HIV-negative people and yet seen commonly in patients with advanced 1-52 What skin rashes are commonly HIV infection. Severe opportunistic infections seen in patients with HIV infection? and malignancies in HIV-positive patients Many different skin rashes are seen in HIV- are AIDS-defining illnesses. Common AIDS- infected patients and a skin rash may be one of defining infections include oesophageal the earliest signs of a depressed immune system: candidiasis, and infections with pneumocystis, cryptococcus and toxoplasmosis. 1. Pruritic papular eruption (PPE or ‘itchy bump disease’) 1-50 Is pulmonary tuberculosis 2. Seborrhoeic dermatitis an AIDS-defining illness? 3. Fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails 4. Molluscum contagiosum Although pulmonary TB is common in 5. Warts patients with HIV infection, and indicates 6. Impetigo and folliculitis stage 3, it also occurs in HIV-negative people 7. Severe, extensive scabies and it is therefore not an AIDS-defining 8. Psoriasis infection. In contrast, extrapulmonary TB is 9. Shingles rare in HIV-negative people and is therefore an AIDS-defining illness. Rashes may also be due to drugs used in antiretroviral treatment (e.g. nevirapine) or drugs used to treat opportunistic infections 1-51 What infections of the mouth (e.g. co-trimoxazole). Drug reactions are more are common with HIV infection? common in HIV-infected patients than in The mouth and tongue are commonly affected people who are not HIV infected. when the immune system is damaged by HIV infection. 1-53 What is characteristic of rashes 1. The commonest mouth condition is oral in HIV-positive patients? candidiasis (thrush). Rashes are often severe, chronic or recurrent, 2. Oral hairy leucoplakia. This is usually and respond poorly to standard treatment. asymptomatic and painless, and presents Rashes frequently are atypical and usually do
  • 11. HIV INFECTION 23 not resolve spontaneously. Previous rashes may Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and become worse with the development of HIV cervical cancer are more common in patients infection, e.g. psoriasis, acne and eczema. With antiretroviral treatment most rashes disappear. with AIDS. 1-54 What is pruritic papular eruption (PPE)? 1-57 What is Kaposi’s sarcoma? This is very common in patients with HIV This is the most common cancer complicating infection and presents with a severe itch and AIDS. scattered pigmented papules, especially on Kaposi’s sarcoma usually presents with multiple the trunk and limbs. It is difficult to treat and pink or purple patches in pale skins and brown responds poorly to topical steroids and anti- or black patches in dark skins, or nodules itch agents. (bumps) on the skin, especially the face, trunk and legs. The mouth may also be involved, 1-55 What is wasting disease? especially the hard palate. The prognosis is poor This is a common presentation of AIDS in advanced cases when organs such as the gut, in patients in Africa. Weight loss is severe lungs and lymph nodes are affected (visceral and associated with chronic diarrhoea. The Kaposi’s sarcoma). Non-visceral (skin) Kaposi’s patients feel weak and have fever. All patients sarcoma is usually not life-threatening, but can with unexplained weight loss must be screened become extensive and have an unacceptable for HIV infection. appearance. The patches and nodules often improve with antiretroviral treatment. Cancer treatment is usually only given to severe cases. All patients with unexplained weight loss must All patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma should be be screened for HIV infection. referred to a special HIV clinic. NOTE Severe wasting is due to anorexia, diarrhoea, malabsorption and infections Kaposi’s sarcoma presents with purple or brown as well as oral conditions which make skin patches or nodules. eating painful (e.g. thrush or herpes). NOTE Kaposi’s sarcoma is associated 1-56 What malignancies are with the Human Herpes 8 virus which associated with AIDS? may be sexually transmitted. Many patients with AIDS develop some form of 1-58 What is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? cancer. Viral infections and a damaged immune system are probably the cause. Of interest is that This is the second commonest cancer in AIDS only some cancers are more common in AIDS patients. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a group patients. However, the progression of other of different types of lymphoma which often cancers common in the general population is progress rapidly. Therefore, early diagnosis and more rapid in AIDS patients. Cancers more treatment are important. Lymphoma usually common in patients with AIDS are: presents with large firm lymph nodes at one or more sites, or abdominal masses together 1. Kaposi’s sarcoma with weight loss and unexplained fever. Sites 2. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma other than lymph nodes can be involved, 3. Cervical cancer especially the brain, liver, bone marrow and Patients with any of these cancers must be gut. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the brain tested for HIV infection. may present with a wide range of neurological conditions including headaches, convulsions, confusion and memory loss. Any patient with
  • 12. 24 ADULT HIV a suspected lymphoma must be referred for obvious when the patient has AIDS, especially investigation. The prognosis is usually poor. in the advanced stage. Common signs of HIV encephalopathy are: Lymphoma of the brain may present in AIDS 1. Poor concentration and short-term memory patients with a wide range of neurological signs. loss, eventually leading to dementia 2. Personality changes with depression, NOTE Most lymphomas in AIDS patients apathy, withdrawal or irritability are of B cell origin and associated 3. Weakness, tremors or clumsiness with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Often there are no obvious abnormalities on examination of the central nervous 1-59 What is the presentation system early in the disease. The worsening of cervical cancer? of HIV encephalopathy can be slowed with Cervical cancer is common in women with antiretroviral treatment. AIDS. In the early stages there are usually no NOTE CT and MRI scans with HIV encephalopathy symptoms or signs. Therefore all HIV-positive reveal cortical atrophy. In contrast, scans in women must have an annual screen with a progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy PAP smear or cervical inspection for cancer. (PML) due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob infection show areas of white matter demyelination. All HIV-positive women must be screened regularly for cervical cancer. WHO STAGING SYSTEM FOR NOTE The human papilloma virus, which HIV INFECTION IN ADULTS is associated with cervical cancer, is sexually transmitted and more AND ADOLESCENTS common in HIV-positive women. Clinical stage 1 1-60 What neurological conditions are associated with AIDS? • Seroconversion illness • Asymptomatic infection Many neurological complications are seen in • Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy patients with AIDS. Neurological problems • Normal daily activity may also be due to drug side effects (e.g. peripheral neuropathy with isoniazid (INH)). Clinical stage 2 1. HIV encephalopathy • Weight loss up to 10% 2. Cryptococcal meningitis • Minor oral problems (recurrent mouth 3. Bacterial meningitis ulcers) 4. Tuberculous meningitis or tuberculoma • Skin rashes 5. Toxoplasmosis • Recurrent upper respiratory tract 6. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma infections • Herpes zoster (shingles) NOTEThe spinal cord, peripheral nerves • Symptomatic, but daily activity normal and muscles can also be involved. Clinical stage 3 1-61 What is HIV encephalopathy? • Weight loss of more than 10% HIV infects the brain early in the course of • Chronic diarrhoea for more than one HIV disease. Signs of HIV encephalopathy month usually develop slowly and become more • Prolonged fever for more than one month
  • 13. HIV INFECTION 25 • Oral candidiasis demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) non- • Oral hairy leucoplakia responsive to immunomodulatory therapy • Pulmonary tuberculosis • Severe bacterial infection (e.g. meningitis) • Bedridden for less than 50% of the day in CASE STUDY 1 the past month A healthy pregnant woman is found to be HIV Clinical stage 4 (AIDS) positive. She asks how she probably became infected and whether HIV infection is common • HIV wasting syndrome in pregnant women. She asks the nurse • Pneumocystis pneumonia whether she will pass HIV on to her infant. • Oesophageal candidiasis • Toxoplasmosis of the brain • Cryptococcal meningitis 1. How is HIV usually transmitted • Diarrhoea due to Cryptosporidiosis or in South Africa? Isosporiasis By penetrative heterosexual vaginal intercourse. • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease The risk of HIV transmission is highest with • Extrapulmonary TB anal intercourse in both men and women. The • Disseminated herpes simplex risk of HIV infection is much less with oral • HIV encephalopathy sexual contact. Kissing is probably safe. • Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma or invasive cervical cancer 2. Can HIV be spread by • Confined to bed for more than 50% of the normal social contact? day No. HIV is not spread by touching, holding Additional clinical criteria hands, hugging, coughing, sneezing, using indicating stage 4 disease swimming pools, toilet seats or sharing cooking, drinking and eating utensils. NOTE These patients may only be initiated on ART following consultation and recommendation from an infectious disease/ART unit specialist 3. Can a person with HIV infection or specialist in these listed pathologies. appear perfectly healthy? • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Many people feel well without any clinical signs in spite of having asymptomatic HIV • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) infection for many years. • Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia • HIV-associated nephropathy 4. Are they infectious during this time? • HIV-associated cardiomyopathy • Severe HIV neuropathy or HIV myelopathy Yes. The danger is that many infectious people who feel well do not know that they have HIV • Refractory apthous ulceration infection. • All malignancies (unless early malignancy that is surgically resectable with low relapse risk) 5. How common is HIV infection in • MDR TB (after adherence counselling and pregnant women in South Africa? assessment has been done and patient is seen to be a suitable candidate) In 2008, almost 30% of pregnant women • HIV-associated vasculopathy attending state antenatal clinics were HIV • Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome positive. This has increased from less than 2% (DILS) with severe symptoms in 1990. • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP)/chronic inflammatory
  • 14. 26 ADULT HIV 6. What is the risk that this woman period usually lasts up to six weeks. Some will pass HIV to her infant? people with acute seroconversion illness may still be in the window period. With a vaginal delivery and no antiretroviral prophylaxis, the risk of HIV transmission is 20%. The additional risk of mixed 5. How does HIV cause disease? breastfeeding is 15%. The risk is less with By killing CD4 cells and, thereby, damaging exclusive breastfeeding. With antiretroviral the immune system. As a result the body is prophylaxis and exclusive bottle feeding the unable to protect itself from a wide range of overall risk is less than 5%. viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. 6. What effect is HIV having CASE STUDY 2 on society in Africa? The HIV epidemic is having a devastating A young woman presents with fever, a sore effect on society. It is estimated that six million throat, enlarged lymph nodes and a rash. She South Africans are HIV positive. Most are also feels generally unwell. female. The life expectancy for South Africans has fallen from 60 to 45 years. 1. Could these signs and symptoms be due to HIV infection? The presentation is typical of the acute CASE STUDY 3 seroconversion illness which occurs in 50% of HIV infected people. This condition usually A 25-year-old man is seen at a primary- presents two to six weeks after HIV infection care clinic with herpes zoster which is and may be misdiagnosed as glandular fever. very painful. He has also lost some weight and complains of recurrent mouth ulcers. 2. Should she be treated with On examination he has generalised antiretroviral drugs? lymphadenopathy and typical pruritic papular eruption. His HIV test was positive four years No. Usually symptomatic treatment (e.g. ago when he was screened at work. He is still paracetamol for fever) is all that is needed. able to continue working. 3. How can the clinical suspicion 1. How would you grade the clinical of HIV infection be confirmed? stage of HIV infection in this patient? By finding a positive screening test (usually He should be graded as stage 2. Herpes a rapid test). The rapid test can be done zoster, recurrent aphthous mouth ulcers and in a primary-care clinic. A negative test skin rashes with mild weight loss are seen in may be repeated after two weeks if acute stage 2 HIV infection. The rapid test confirms seroconversion illness is suspected. All the clinical diagnosis. Patients in stage 2 can patients must be informed and counselled and usually continue working. give consent before a rapid test is done. 2. What would the staging be if he only had 4. What is the window period? lymphadenopathy and was generally well? The period between HIV infection and a Stage 1. screening test becoming positive. In the window period the HIV blood test may be falsely negative (the test is negative but the person is infected with HIV). The window
  • 15. HIV INFECTION 27 3. What is pruritic papular eruption? 1. What is the most likely cause of the cough and night sweats? Pruritic papular eruption (PPE or ‘itchy bump disease’) is common in patients with She almost certainly has pulmonary symptomatic HIV infection. It presents with tuberculosis. scattered pigmented papules (bumps) which are very itchy. The rash is usually seen on the 2. What condition causes multiple, trunk and limbs, it is difficult to treat and painless purple patches in a responds poorly to topical steroids. patient with HIV infection? Kaposi’s sarcoma. These patients may have 4. What other skin rashes are common multiple purple or brown skin patches or in patients with stage 2 HIV infection? nodules. The mouth, lymph nodes, lungs and Seborrhoeic dermatitis, molluscum gut may also be involved. contagiosum, warts, scabies and psoriasis. Bacterial and fungal infections are also very 3. Why is she having difficulty swallowing? common. The finding of oral thrush (oral candidiasis) and difficulty swallowing suggests that she 5. What are common causes of a painful may have oesophageal candidiasis. mouth in patients with HIV infection? A painful mouth is a common complaint 4. Does she have AIDS? in patients with HIV infection. Recurrent aphthous ulcers, oral candidiasis, herpes Yes. Both Kaposi’s sarcoma and oesophageal ulcers and infected gums are frequently seen. candidiasis are AIDS-defining conditions as Kaposi’s sarcoma and oral hairy leucoplakia they are very rare in people with a normal are usually not painful. immune system (i.e. they are opportunistic infections). She would therefore be graded as having stage 4 HIV infection – i.e. AIDS. 6. How long is the latent period? This varies between people. However, most 5. Is pulmonary TB an AIDS-defining illness? people with HIV infection remain well (asymptomatic) for about ten years (except for No. If she only had pulmonary TB as a possible acute seroconversion illness) before complication of being HIV infected she would developing clinical signs and symptoms of be graded as stage 3. Extrapulmonary TB HIV infection. would make her stage 4. 6. What malignancies are CASE STUDY 4 associated with AIDS? Malignancies associated with AIDS are A woman presents with a cough and night Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma sweats for six weeks and a number of and cervical cancer. painless, purple patches on her skin. She has oral thrush and difficulty swallowing. Her husband died of AIDS the year before. On testing she is HIV positive.