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Active Learning and Action Research outside Classroom: Engineering
with Social Impact
Andrés Esteban Acero López
Ph.D. Student, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes,
Bogotá, Colombia
Luisa Fernanda Payán Durán
M.A. Student, Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Development, Universidad de los
Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
María Catalina Ramírez Cajiao
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes,
Bogotá, Colombia
María Paula Flórez Jiménez
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Sergio Arboleda,
Bogotá, Colombia
The team of EWB Colombia would like to acknowledge the participation and collaboration in
this research of the participant schools from the towns of Guasca, Guatavita, Sopó, La Calera and
Zipaqurá, as well as the students who took the course EWB project during 2014.
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Active Learning and Action Research outside Classroom: Engineering
with Social Impact
The bridge between theory and practice is one of the toughest barriers that
engineering students should face while working for the first time. In addition,
Colombia has many prevailing needs that could be surpassed through engineering
sustainable solutions. Seeking to reduce this bridge, a methodology was proposed
to connect engineering students with rural communities with social, economic and
/or environmental needs using Participatory Action Research and CDIO. This
methodology involves a previous observation phase and evaluation criteria that
enhance a participative development of proposals of engineering with social
impact. This methodology was implemented in a middle-career course of Industrial
Engineering during 2014, where the results show that it allows students to develop
(1) professional skills related with communication and problem-solving, and (2)
feasible engineering proposals that go beyond traditional approaches.
Keywords: Active Learning, Gamification, Action Research, oCDIO, Engineering
1. Introduction
Engineer plays a significant role in society, having a significant impact on the
diagnosis and design of social systems that contribute to the improvement of living
standards. This statement makes even more sense in countries where unmet basic
needs are a relevant concern. For example, in 2015, Colombia presented an alarming
poverty indicator. The percentage of people in poverty by national income was 27.8%
and the percentage of people living in extreme poverty was 7.9%. Only in Bogotá, the
main city, recorded a 10.4% poverty rate (DANE 2016). In addition, the increasing
inequality in the country plays an important role, reaching 0.535 on the Gini coefficient
in 2015 according to the World Bank (World Bank 2016).
Colombia requires professionals with the capacities to innovate, work together,
understand complex situations and generate feasible solutions (Caicedo 2011). An
interdisciplinary group of engineering students from different areas, such as
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environmental, chemical and industrial engineering, asked themselves which kind of
research and learning models that will allow to find solutions capable of triggering
social impacts, should be developed in engineering universities. Aiming to answer this
question, the researchers created a group called Engineers without Borders Colombia
(EWB Colombia)1
. This organization develops methodologies for working with
vulnerable communities, in which students, professors and community learn how to
observe, research, design and develop solutions that make sense for the real problems
in the context of the vulnerable regions (Ramírez Cajiao et al. 2016).
The projects of EWB Colombia, which are developed in conjunction between
the interdisciplinary group of engineers and the community, tend to achieve inclusive
solutions within a framework of social innovation (Estensoro 2015). Working in a
participatory way with interdisciplinary groups, is both a challenge and an opportunity
to share different points of view in the development of projects, where problems are
evaluated on several dimensions taking into account the interests of the stakeholders,
and achieving double-way knowledge (Arias, et al. 2016). In this way, it is possible to
assure that the project will be beneficial to all the actors (Gilbert et al. 2015).
Therefore, the context in which EWB Colombia operates requires making an
appropriate research question, with an accordingly scheduled work plan, an accurate
theoretical context, suitable implemented methodologies and relevant learning
(Ramírez et al. 2011).
Engineering students are increasingly interested in contributing on the design
and development of effective solutions for the Colombian problems (Ramírez et al.
2011). Therefore, it is important that they know how engineering has a fundamental
1 For further information, visit (
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impact on the development of the country’s regions. Understanding which type of
engineering decisions lead the generation of poverty, is a big concern for teachers
(Nicolaou and Conlon 2012; Leal Filho and Pace 2016, chap. 6), researchers (Lemons
et al. 2014), professionals (Gómez Puente, van Eijck, and Jochems 2014), and students
(Lathem, Neumann, and Hayden 2011; Weber et al. 2014).
The challenge is to connect the engineering education and social impact on a
rural context. Major initiatives from the State, civil society and population in general
to alleviate poverty, have failed to create inclusive solutions within their area of study
(Acevedo et al. 2009). That is why EWB Colombia provides the students and engineers
with an opportunity to connect with the unknown realities and context of their own
country. These students discover harsh realities in which, among others, there are
people who have no access to drinking water, children drink polluted water and people
are forced to move in to cities due to a lack of opportunities in their regions (Ramírez
et al. 2011).
Therefore, the research question that has motivated the work of EWB
Colombia is what kind of research and learning models should be developed in
engineering universities, in order to develop solutions with a lasting social impact. The
present article summarizes one possible approach to this question and then applies it
to the case of the EWB middle-career project course, where students designed
solutions for the inadequate water management in one town of Colombia.
2. Theoretical Framework
One of the challenges that EWB Colombia found for teaching engineering with social
impact is how to bridge the classroom and the activities with communities. Accordingly,
this bridge will be build using some theoretical approaches from social science,
engineering projects, social innovation and education. Therefore, three scenarios give the
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basis for an engineering education with social impact: oCDIO as a methodology for
project-based learning, Participatory Action Research (PAR) creating networks between
students and community, and gamification linking actively teaching and doing.
2.1 oCDIO Methodology
CDIO methodology, which is an innovative approach for developing skills on problem
solving through projects, represents an opportunity to teach inside and outside classroom.
From its origins on 1990s, CDIO has been a methodology well accepted on engineering
education because CDIO focuses on specific learning outcomes, on an active involvement
of the student and on a strong evaluation (Ulloa, et al. 2014). In addition, CDIO aims to
provide students with the necessary tools to deal innovatively and flexibly with complex
problems within a society (Peng, 2011).
One of the important properties related to social engagement of the CDIO is its
active learning perspective. As the Standard eighth of the Initiative CDIO (2015) says,
“teaching and learning based on active experiential learning methods” will be crucial
for spaces of practice in engineering at the classroom. Even more, outside of the
classroom, students can be working on projects under the CDIO perspective and learning
from other disciplines or other professionals in an active way. This is possible because
CDIO is an approach based on problem/project-based education (PBL) (Edström and
Kolmos 2014). The most important similarities between PBL and CDIO are summarized
in table 1.
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Characteristic PBL perspective CDIO perspective
Definitions Three learning principles: Problem
orientation or cognitive learning,
content in the curriculum and social
approach by collaborative learning
The CDIO Standards: 12 standards
ranging from design, implementation
and evaluation.
Curriculum Use of the Aalborg curriculum
An integrated curriculum based on
CDIO Standards.
Discipline Two approaches: a teacher-
controlled approach, and learner-
centered approach.
Discipline-led courses and an
integrated learning experience.
Three different types of projects:
Assignment projects, discipline
projects and problem projects.
Design-build experience.
A change management perspective
is always present.
Recognition of deep understanding of
disciplines and involvement of
stakeholders outside academia.
Table 1. A comparison between PBL and CDIO based on Edström and Kolmos (2014)
For the dealt problems, EWB Colombia has developed an approach to CDIO
projects in five phases, the oCDIO methodology. The additional phase, observation, will
be an opportunity for students to create strong relationships with the community, and
interacting with them to understand the problematic situation (Arias, et al. 2016);
meanwhile, the other phases (Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate) are kept in the
same way as before. Applying this methodology, students generate prototypes that are
the result of a systematic analysis of the problematic situation, using technical knowledge,
teamwork and innovation (Licorish and MacDonell 2014). This methodology supply
tools to improve the intrinsic motivation of the students, allowing them to enhance their
learning process inside and outside the classroom (Tang, 2011), working on
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environmental or economic problems on vulnerable communities (Hernández, Ramírez
and Carvajal 2011).
2.2 Social impact and action research
Since the last decades of the 20th
century, several research fields, particularly
psychology, education, and engineering, have been having great changes that set
significant differences in the ontological, epistemological, ethical, and methodological
dimensions of how to approach community work (Langdon and Larweh 2015). Until mid-
twentieth century, social impact research was strictly framed into a quantitative focus, led
by natural sciences or hard sciences (Lleras 1996), using positivist, coherent
characteristics with the subject-object relation, experimentation, objectivity, proof,
validity, and reliability as indispensable conditions(Fals-borda 1987). As an alternative
for social approaches, using hard sciences stands the action research, specifically
participatory action research.
Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a methodology that presents research
processes as an integrating activity that combines social research, work, and action
(Colmenares E. 2011). Its fundamental purpose is based on producing knowledge upon
and being aware on the changes on the subjects’ day-to-day reality joined to the collective
learning. Instead of intricate routines of traditional scientific research where technical
language and complex statistical procedures prevail, knowledge must be presented,
summarized and understandable (Stringer 1999). As a result, PAR is a methodology that
allows linking theory and practice on knowledge and research (See Figure 1). During its
four phases (observe, think, act and reflect) the practitioner will learn by doing, focusing
on processes of observation, on group thinking and acting according to the appropriate
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Figure 1. Interaction between practice and knowledge through PAR. (Thompson 2013)
PAR is suitable for project development because of four specific characteristics.
First, in this methodology, communities participate actively in the evaluation of the
problem and the implementation of projects, generally focused on natural resource
management and sustainable solutions (Pain, Whitman y Milledge 2012). Second, this
method is suitable for working with projects with rural communities because it helps with
the emergence of sustainable solutions, generating a progressive change in society and
increasing the degree of community involvement. Furthermore, PAR allows projects and
practitioner to achieve accurate feedback and adjustments for the proposals (Mackenzie
et al. 2012). Finally, PAR ease institutions contribution to the community as part of their
social responsibility, open to real problems and real solutions, and generate processes of
teaching and research involving all stakeholders (Hernández, Ramírez Cajiao y Carvajal
Díaz 2010).
As an engineering methodology applied to solution of problems on rural areas,
PAR stands as a new approach for engineering education. For example, Kemmis,
McTaggart & Nixon (2014) provides evidence on how an education based on the critical
view of practice PAR generates integrative and innovative solutions between students
and people, taking into account its social and environmental rules. Other authors such as
Stringer (2004), Fals-Borda (1987) or Freire (Gerhardt 1993) claim the importance of
designed educational systems as a “roadmap” for the development of the communities.
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In Colombia, these approaches of engineering thinking and social impact using
PAR are an emergent research field. One of these examples is presented by Barros and
Ramírez (2009), which proved that PAR methodology is an ideal tool to formulate,
implement and evaluate social projects for an Industrial Engineering program. In
addition, Lleras (2002) proposes thinking of engineering projects as pedagogical projects,
where students are also engineers and change makers.
2.3 Learning by playing: Gamification
The traditional engineering education is focused on instruction and transmission models
in which students are recipients and teachers sent quantifiable information (Bodnar et al.
2016). Some advances on teaching techniques using active learning stands as an
alternative of shifting teaching models, but they are not creating spaces for engagement
inside classroom (Hamari et al. 2016). It have some effects on teaching style (Ambrosio
Mawhirter and Ford Garofalo 2016), communication (Gilbert et al. 2015), teamwork
(Ramirez, Jimenez, and Hernandez 2007) and engagement (Seixas, Sandro, and Jos
2016). Another perspective for active learning stands in gaming and gamification.
Gamification is, by definition, the application of game characteristics in non-game
contexts to make it more compromising, fun and enjoyable (Robson, Plangger,
Kietzmann, McCarthy, et al. 2015). Gamification is close to people because while playing
and competing they reach high levels of commitment (Swann, 2012). Additionally, this
methodology focuses on problem solving by its mechanics of participation and audience
engagement, which is possible by the use of gaming elements and thoughts (Zichermann,
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2.3.1 Gamification in educational contexts
The interest of gamification and the research on its applications has been widely diffused,
especially for computer-centered interactions. Also, research on educational gamification
shows that performance (Garcia-lopez and Garcia-cabot 2016), flow, immersion(Hamari
et al. 2016) and engagement (Rose et al. 2011) are improved using it. However, why
gamification works on educational contexts? That is because gamification can change
participant behavior and motivational drivers in two related courses of action:
reinforcements and emotions (Robson, Plangger, Kietzmann, and Mccarthy 2015).
Robson et al (2015) claims that can be achieved applying three principles: creating and
setting up the mechanics, identifying the emotions involved and guiding the players’
behaviors through some dynamics.
In addition, the use of ICT on gamification processes has shown a contribution to
engineering education. The power of social connections with different people from
different cultures (Kotini y Tzelepi 2015) in game-based environments develops the soft
skills of the gaming process participants (Heinzen et al., 2015) by working together.
Finally, understanding of process of evolution of technology on the classroom and their
relation with gaming and learning (Devers y Gurung 2015) can be an opportunity for the
development of new tools, techniques or approaches.
3. Proposed methodology
The previous theoretical framework stands some positions about how social impact and
engineering education can be accomplished, sustained and developed; however, each one
of these methodologies does not respond for the necessities of teaching engineering with
real impact on social systems. For that, EWB designed an integrative model that includes
oCDIO phases, PAR social commitment aspects and gamification as an integrator
element (Oliveira and Oliveira 2014).
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3.1 Objectives of the methodology
EWB Colombia designed a learning space where engineering students’ work becomes
real by interacting directly with vulnerable communities. The methodology is based on
guidelines for work that students, professors, practitioners and volunteers on EWB
Colombia must understand, develop and share. These guidelines or objectives point
important characteristics of the social-responsible engineering, solution-based thinking
and technological positivism for development. These objectives are:
 Recognize the contribution of engineering in improving life quality for
 Identify the specific problems of vulnerable communities and the opportunities
for intervention from engineering.
 Apply science and technology knowledge in projects that address issues in
vulnerable communities.
 Work in multidisciplinary teams for the conception, design and implementation
of innovative solutions to social problems.
3.2 Design of the methodology and phases
In this regard, the theoretical proposals outlined above have been integrated to provide a
working methodology in conjunction with vulnerable communities. The following table
provides a description of the methodology that is performed:
Phase Description
To observe The student requires real evidence such as indicators, situations,
knowledge of the problem. This is a phase where the engineer is linked, as
stated at the beginning of this phase, at an early stage that will allow you to
delve into the collective design community.
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To Conceive The articulation with traditional engineering project is when, after having
evidence of variables and their relations, a process of initial conception of
ideas that can lead to future co-construction of a solution starts.
To Design Participatory spaces are designed, i.e. where ideas knowledge, interests and
various resources translate into designs and innovative actions that provide
creative solutions.
To Implement They manage to develop activities that contribute to the solution and give
an answer to the co-design
To Operate Actions are monitored and justified to see both, if the project contributed to
changing the environment and quality of life of people. This phase requires
ongoing monitoring where it is seen that not only the technical solution is
taking effect, but also the co-participation in all phases has generated value
added in the whole process.
Table 2. oCDIO Context
The participatory component, drawn from PAR, is transversal to the oCDIO phases,
meaning that each one of them should be developed together with the community. That
is why it becomes important that learning is not give exclusively in college classrooms
but directly in contexts with different problems. Gamification principles are used to
increase the community involvement by using competitive games where cell phones or
computers are used to record data on the evolution of the solution in which the problem
situation is integrated.
To identify if the development process is suitable, engineering students should learn to
follow the monitoring process to identify if you are working on the development of an
engineering process capable of generating a social impact. Thus, when the project is at an
advanced stage outside observers are invited to support their process by evaluating their
proposals under the EWB Colombia solutions evaluation criteria (see Table 3). These
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criteria were developed by EWB Colombia to make sure the solutions proposed by the
students are realistic, scalable and are the optimal way to tackle the problem under study.
Criteria Description
Seeks the optimization of resources: economic, human and
environmental that the proposal requires. Performing a basic assumption
in these respects to demonstrate the viability is necessary.
The project has the capacity to generate enough profit or gain; it
generates more income than expenses.
Consider the environmental effects it generates. Both benefits and
environmental costs.
Socially inclusive
The target community should be active actor in the proposal.
Engineering solution
The implementation of the engineering tools and the theoretical aspects
regarding this that are being included in the proposal must be clear.
Innovative Seeks creative and innovative components.
Technically possible Somehow it must demonstrate that the proposal is feasible in the specific
High Impact
It should be an easily replicable proposal or benefit a large number of
Table 3. EWB Colombia solutions evaluation criteria
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Findings- Case study
During both studying semesters of 2014, 31 students toke the course “Proyecto
Intermedio ISF” (EWB – middle-career project). This course seeks to involve teachers,
students, professionals and community members to promote sustainable development
through engineering projects. This course an elective for students in the 5th
or 6th
on industrial engineering undergraduate program, but they can also choose an internship
in a company or doing a business plan. According to students’ opinion, this course has a
different focus because they can apply their engineering knowledge in real situations, and
this course is the only available option that university offers to solve real problems.
Through the semester, the students were working on groups, which were assigned
to work with students from the last high school years from a school in a rural area. Each
one of the groups should develop a proposal that elicits the following challenge:
‘How to foster water savings through an engineering project or an innovate business?’
Only two conditions were necessary to accomplish this task: First, the proposed
solution will respond to community ideas and expectations, all of which were addressed
with the PAR methodology and, second, all activity will be designed along with their
partners using gamified processes. In addition, knowledge creation and transfer take place
in a context of scientific and engineering research where social justice and economic and
environmental responsibility are encouraged.
To Observe
The objective of this phase was to understand what the real problem was. To accomplish
this task, students proposed questions that enabled a discussion with the school students
about their reality and the use of natural resources in their houses. In addition, college
students designed activities and games to create an active and safe space to talk, think,
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and articulate a discourse about their environment. Thus, college student proposes,
present and perform their activities and questions, and everyone votes for the best activity.
With this input, everyone designed the guidelines about the activities to be accomplished
in fieldwork. Finally, this information was recorded using field journals, draws from
schools students and questionnaires.
Figure 2 . College students and school students participating in observation activities
The students were also connected with entrepreneurs and farmers of the region,
so they could interview them and have a perspective of the problem from different
stakeholders’ point of view. After the activities, the students organize the information
using guidelines provided by teachers and teacher assistants. With this information,
several problematic situations and social and technological characteristics were
identified, such as:
 1/5 of the municipalities involved do not promote access to higher education
or programs for entrepreneurship.
 More than a half of the students consider that they have enough water, but
they also think they are not using it appropriately.
 Each member of the family has at least one basic cellphone.
 Only one-half of the houses have access to internet and less than 35% of
students have internet in the school.
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Accordingly, students perceived how social and cultural structures affects the
decision-making process around environmental issues. Using this information as input,
students should conceive an engineering solution that connects the proposed challenge
with the particular community situation.
Conceive and Design
The students were motivated to use the collected information to do some research on
secondary sources to learn more about the context, so they could reach a feasible proposal.
In this phase, the students should use what they found about the community and the
problem, as well as their own engineering knowledge, to develop a solution that was able
to accomplish all the EWB criteria. A range of proposals were nominated by the students,
from using technological gadgets to reduce the showering time, to generate an educative
game about water consumption embedded in Facebook.
Then, the first proposals were shared with the high school students with the aim
to: get some feedback, prove the feasibility of the proposal and, the most important part,
keep developing the proposal with the community. For this, every group designed their
own workshop, motivating the students to consider the best methodological approach for
the goal they had. This process of validating and reinforcing the idea with the main
stakeholders was repeated three times during the semester, so at the end the students had
feasible proposals that could really tackle the problem they diagnosed. It is important to
keep on mind that although the main problem was the same, according to their
observation phase, the groups focused on different aspects that affect that main problem,
and that were problems by themselves.
The students are encouraged to use the EWB criteria through all the conceiving
and designing process, as it consider most of the variables that should be kept on mind
while developing their proposal and that should be shared and worked with the
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community. The resume of the first 3 stages of the oCDIO methodology in the EWB –
middle-career project course is to be found on the Figure 3.
Figure 3 . oCDIO methodology used on EWB – middle-career project course
Implement and Operate
These phases require funding and a lot of time to be done. Therefore, they are beyond the
EWB – middle-career project course objectives. However, it might be possible that one
of the students’ proposals is further developed together by the EWB team and actually
implemented. Such is the case of AquaSie, a game developed by three students on the
second semester of 2014 to tackle de water management problem applying gamification
principles. Some concepts of the proposal were used to design La Liga del Agua (the
Water League), where more than 1.500 students of 9 municipalities of Colombia
participate on a competence to save water and design saving water devices.
- Workshops
- Interviews
- Engineering
- Secondary sources
- Feedack and co-
- Validation
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On the observation phase, the students did the workshops in one school of Guasca,
Cundinamarca. Before the first visit to the community, they were required to do a research
on the town, as well as their economic and natural sources so they were aware of the
context. They were also connected with one entrepreneur of Guasca that creates vertical
gardens and has become very famous because of his environmentally friendly and socially
inclusive business. From this inputs, the students diagnosed that although Guasca was a
town with full access to water there was a misconception of abundance that led to a huge
misuse of the resource. In addition, that some people on the town were open to embrace
innovative solutions and most of them count with good connectivity.
On the conceiving and designing phases, the students proposed three solutions
based on the information collected and the engineering tools they had learned so far, and
then chose the best one considering their own criteria. They went back to the school two
times to develop workshops with the students, aiming to: collect more information about
the potential users of the game, get feedback on their initial idea and keep on developing
the idea together with the community, so it could fit both their needs and expectations.
After this, the concept of AquaSie was born: considering that students and the
community in general needed to be educated on the adequate use of the water resource, a
game could be developed, where they could learn about their consumption and good
practices that could be done. On the game, the users should enter daily information on
their consumption by giving the water consumption information of their water counter.
The game consisted on several levels that increase their difficulty and where they
can earn points according to their performance (Figure 4). To get from a level to another,
they should answer some questions related with the water (water cycle, consumption,
saving techniques, pollution, global warming, etc.). The users could compete against their
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Facebook friends and other unknown people around the globe. The way the idea fulfills
the EWB criteria is shown on Table 4.
Figure 4 . AquaSie prototype interface
Criteria Description
It is based on an existing knowledge and seeks to promote the
saving culture that already exists in the region. It also takes into
account the existing capacities and connectivity.
It requires a quit big seed founding. After that, profits might come from
It reinforces the water management in the region and bases on the
already used technologies.
Socially inclusive
It will be developed together with the beneficiaries, so it would take into
account their needs and barriers.
Engineering solution
It requires the development of a complex software and also suggest an
improvement for a social system according to contextual and resources
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Innovative It is based on a daily used tool (Facebook) but introduces in this the
possibility both to learn and to save water, redefining it.
Technically possible
It requires the use of technological tools that are already being used by
the community. Therefore, it is not necessary to develop new skills
High Impact
As it operates through a social network, the users could not only play the
game, but also interact with the community. Therefore, the game can
reach people all over the country and beyond, having a high impact
Table 4. EWB criteria for AquaSie project.
This study reveals the need for further that links theory and practice in engineering
education. Even when some empirical research has been developed in the last years,
integrative and comprehensive approaches should be design and implemented in
engineering schools to achieve sustainable solutions with social impact. This
methodological proposal is one of the infinite possibilities that allows the involvement of
students and community through engineering practice. This “hands-on” approach
suggested by EWB Colombia allows engineering students to connect with the reality and
the context under study, get first-hand information from the stakeholders and conceive
solutions that are pertinent and adequate for the problem they are trying to tackle.
In addition, the implementation of evaluation criteria for such engineering
projects allows non-traditional engineering facets to be considered in the development of
the solutions. Furthermore, the inclusion of participative approaches forces the students
to work on their soft skills, essential for their professional growth.
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Active Learning And Action Research Outside Classroom Engineering With Social Impact

  • 1. Active Learning and Action Research outside Classroom: Engineering with Social Impact Andrés Esteban Acero López Ph.D. Student, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia Luisa Fernanda Payán Durán M.A. Student, Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Development, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia María Catalina Ramírez Cajiao Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia María Paula Flórez Jiménez Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia Acknowledgement The team of EWB Colombia would like to acknowledge the participation and collaboration in this research of the participant schools from the towns of Guasca, Guatavita, Sopó, La Calera and Zipaqurá, as well as the students who took the course EWB project during 2014. Electronic copy available at:
  • 2. Active Learning and Action Research outside Classroom: Engineering with Social Impact The bridge between theory and practice is one of the toughest barriers that engineering students should face while working for the first time. In addition, Colombia has many prevailing needs that could be surpassed through engineering sustainable solutions. Seeking to reduce this bridge, a methodology was proposed to connect engineering students with rural communities with social, economic and /or environmental needs using Participatory Action Research and CDIO. This methodology involves a previous observation phase and evaluation criteria that enhance a participative development of proposals of engineering with social impact. This methodology was implemented in a middle-career course of Industrial Engineering during 2014, where the results show that it allows students to develop (1) professional skills related with communication and problem-solving, and (2) feasible engineering proposals that go beyond traditional approaches. Keywords: Active Learning, Gamification, Action Research, oCDIO, Engineering Education 1. Introduction Engineer plays a significant role in society, having a significant impact on the diagnosis and design of social systems that contribute to the improvement of living standards. This statement makes even more sense in countries where unmet basic needs are a relevant concern. For example, in 2015, Colombia presented an alarming poverty indicator. The percentage of people in poverty by national income was 27.8% and the percentage of people living in extreme poverty was 7.9%. Only in Bogotá, the main city, recorded a 10.4% poverty rate (DANE 2016). In addition, the increasing inequality in the country plays an important role, reaching 0.535 on the Gini coefficient in 2015 according to the World Bank (World Bank 2016). Colombia requires professionals with the capacities to innovate, work together, understand complex situations and generate feasible solutions (Caicedo 2011). An interdisciplinary group of engineering students from different areas, such as Electronic copy available at:
  • 3. environmental, chemical and industrial engineering, asked themselves which kind of research and learning models that will allow to find solutions capable of triggering social impacts, should be developed in engineering universities. Aiming to answer this question, the researchers created a group called Engineers without Borders Colombia (EWB Colombia)1 . This organization develops methodologies for working with vulnerable communities, in which students, professors and community learn how to observe, research, design and develop solutions that make sense for the real problems in the context of the vulnerable regions (Ramírez Cajiao et al. 2016). The projects of EWB Colombia, which are developed in conjunction between the interdisciplinary group of engineers and the community, tend to achieve inclusive solutions within a framework of social innovation (Estensoro 2015). Working in a participatory way with interdisciplinary groups, is both a challenge and an opportunity to share different points of view in the development of projects, where problems are evaluated on several dimensions taking into account the interests of the stakeholders, and achieving double-way knowledge (Arias, et al. 2016). In this way, it is possible to assure that the project will be beneficial to all the actors (Gilbert et al. 2015). Therefore, the context in which EWB Colombia operates requires making an appropriate research question, with an accordingly scheduled work plan, an accurate theoretical context, suitable implemented methodologies and relevant learning (Ramírez et al. 2011). Engineering students are increasingly interested in contributing on the design and development of effective solutions for the Colombian problems (Ramírez et al. 2011). Therefore, it is important that they know how engineering has a fundamental 1 For further information, visit ( Electronic copy available at:
  • 4. impact on the development of the country’s regions. Understanding which type of engineering decisions lead the generation of poverty, is a big concern for teachers (Nicolaou and Conlon 2012; Leal Filho and Pace 2016, chap. 6), researchers (Lemons et al. 2014), professionals (Gómez Puente, van Eijck, and Jochems 2014), and students (Lathem, Neumann, and Hayden 2011; Weber et al. 2014). The challenge is to connect the engineering education and social impact on a rural context. Major initiatives from the State, civil society and population in general to alleviate poverty, have failed to create inclusive solutions within their area of study (Acevedo et al. 2009). That is why EWB Colombia provides the students and engineers with an opportunity to connect with the unknown realities and context of their own country. These students discover harsh realities in which, among others, there are people who have no access to drinking water, children drink polluted water and people are forced to move in to cities due to a lack of opportunities in their regions (Ramírez et al. 2011). Therefore, the research question that has motivated the work of EWB Colombia is what kind of research and learning models should be developed in engineering universities, in order to develop solutions with a lasting social impact. The present article summarizes one possible approach to this question and then applies it to the case of the EWB middle-career project course, where students designed solutions for the inadequate water management in one town of Colombia. 2. Theoretical Framework One of the challenges that EWB Colombia found for teaching engineering with social impact is how to bridge the classroom and the activities with communities. Accordingly, this bridge will be build using some theoretical approaches from social science, engineering projects, social innovation and education. Therefore, three scenarios give the Electronic copy available at:
  • 5. basis for an engineering education with social impact: oCDIO as a methodology for project-based learning, Participatory Action Research (PAR) creating networks between students and community, and gamification linking actively teaching and doing. 2.1 oCDIO Methodology CDIO methodology, which is an innovative approach for developing skills on problem solving through projects, represents an opportunity to teach inside and outside classroom. From its origins on 1990s, CDIO has been a methodology well accepted on engineering education because CDIO focuses on specific learning outcomes, on an active involvement of the student and on a strong evaluation (Ulloa, et al. 2014). In addition, CDIO aims to provide students with the necessary tools to deal innovatively and flexibly with complex problems within a society (Peng, 2011). One of the important properties related to social engagement of the CDIO is its active learning perspective. As the Standard eighth of the Initiative CDIO (2015) says, “teaching and learning based on active experiential learning methods” will be crucial for spaces of practice in engineering at the classroom. Even more, outside of the classroom, students can be working on projects under the CDIO perspective and learning from other disciplines or other professionals in an active way. This is possible because CDIO is an approach based on problem/project-based education (PBL) (Edström and Kolmos 2014). The most important similarities between PBL and CDIO are summarized in table 1. Electronic copy available at:
  • 6. Characteristic PBL perspective CDIO perspective Definitions Three learning principles: Problem orientation or cognitive learning, content in the curriculum and social approach by collaborative learning The CDIO Standards: 12 standards ranging from design, implementation and evaluation. Curriculum Use of the Aalborg curriculum model. An integrated curriculum based on CDIO Standards. Discipline Two approaches: a teacher- controlled approach, and learner- centered approach. Discipline-led courses and an integrated learning experience. Engineering Projects Three different types of projects: Assignment projects, discipline projects and problem projects. Design-build experience. Change Strategies A change management perspective is always present. Recognition of deep understanding of disciplines and involvement of stakeholders outside academia. Table 1. A comparison between PBL and CDIO based on Edström and Kolmos (2014) For the dealt problems, EWB Colombia has developed an approach to CDIO projects in five phases, the oCDIO methodology. The additional phase, observation, will be an opportunity for students to create strong relationships with the community, and interacting with them to understand the problematic situation (Arias, et al. 2016); meanwhile, the other phases (Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate) are kept in the same way as before. Applying this methodology, students generate prototypes that are the result of a systematic analysis of the problematic situation, using technical knowledge, teamwork and innovation (Licorish and MacDonell 2014). This methodology supply tools to improve the intrinsic motivation of the students, allowing them to enhance their learning process inside and outside the classroom (Tang, 2011), working on Electronic copy available at:
  • 7. environmental or economic problems on vulnerable communities (Hernández, Ramírez and Carvajal 2011). 2.2 Social impact and action research Since the last decades of the 20th century, several research fields, particularly psychology, education, and engineering, have been having great changes that set significant differences in the ontological, epistemological, ethical, and methodological dimensions of how to approach community work (Langdon and Larweh 2015). Until mid- twentieth century, social impact research was strictly framed into a quantitative focus, led by natural sciences or hard sciences (Lleras 1996), using positivist, coherent characteristics with the subject-object relation, experimentation, objectivity, proof, validity, and reliability as indispensable conditions(Fals-borda 1987). As an alternative for social approaches, using hard sciences stands the action research, specifically participatory action research. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a methodology that presents research processes as an integrating activity that combines social research, work, and action (Colmenares E. 2011). Its fundamental purpose is based on producing knowledge upon and being aware on the changes on the subjects’ day-to-day reality joined to the collective learning. Instead of intricate routines of traditional scientific research where technical language and complex statistical procedures prevail, knowledge must be presented, summarized and understandable (Stringer 1999). As a result, PAR is a methodology that allows linking theory and practice on knowledge and research (See Figure 1). During its four phases (observe, think, act and reflect) the practitioner will learn by doing, focusing on processes of observation, on group thinking and acting according to the appropriate solutions. Electronic copy available at:
  • 8. Figure 1. Interaction between practice and knowledge through PAR. (Thompson 2013) PAR is suitable for project development because of four specific characteristics. First, in this methodology, communities participate actively in the evaluation of the problem and the implementation of projects, generally focused on natural resource management and sustainable solutions (Pain, Whitman y Milledge 2012). Second, this method is suitable for working with projects with rural communities because it helps with the emergence of sustainable solutions, generating a progressive change in society and increasing the degree of community involvement. Furthermore, PAR allows projects and practitioner to achieve accurate feedback and adjustments for the proposals (Mackenzie et al. 2012). Finally, PAR ease institutions contribution to the community as part of their social responsibility, open to real problems and real solutions, and generate processes of teaching and research involving all stakeholders (Hernández, Ramírez Cajiao y Carvajal Díaz 2010). As an engineering methodology applied to solution of problems on rural areas, PAR stands as a new approach for engineering education. For example, Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon (2014) provides evidence on how an education based on the critical view of practice PAR generates integrative and innovative solutions between students and people, taking into account its social and environmental rules. Other authors such as Stringer (2004), Fals-Borda (1987) or Freire (Gerhardt 1993) claim the importance of designed educational systems as a “roadmap” for the development of the communities. Electronic copy available at:
  • 9. In Colombia, these approaches of engineering thinking and social impact using PAR are an emergent research field. One of these examples is presented by Barros and Ramírez (2009), which proved that PAR methodology is an ideal tool to formulate, implement and evaluate social projects for an Industrial Engineering program. In addition, Lleras (2002) proposes thinking of engineering projects as pedagogical projects, where students are also engineers and change makers. 2.3 Learning by playing: Gamification The traditional engineering education is focused on instruction and transmission models in which students are recipients and teachers sent quantifiable information (Bodnar et al. 2016). Some advances on teaching techniques using active learning stands as an alternative of shifting teaching models, but they are not creating spaces for engagement inside classroom (Hamari et al. 2016). It have some effects on teaching style (Ambrosio Mawhirter and Ford Garofalo 2016), communication (Gilbert et al. 2015), teamwork (Ramirez, Jimenez, and Hernandez 2007) and engagement (Seixas, Sandro, and Jos 2016). Another perspective for active learning stands in gaming and gamification. Gamification is, by definition, the application of game characteristics in non-game contexts to make it more compromising, fun and enjoyable (Robson, Plangger, Kietzmann, McCarthy, et al. 2015). Gamification is close to people because while playing and competing they reach high levels of commitment (Swann, 2012). Additionally, this methodology focuses on problem solving by its mechanics of participation and audience engagement, which is possible by the use of gaming elements and thoughts (Zichermann, 2010). Electronic copy available at:
  • 10. 2.3.1 Gamification in educational contexts The interest of gamification and the research on its applications has been widely diffused, especially for computer-centered interactions. Also, research on educational gamification shows that performance (Garcia-lopez and Garcia-cabot 2016), flow, immersion(Hamari et al. 2016) and engagement (Rose et al. 2011) are improved using it. However, why gamification works on educational contexts? That is because gamification can change participant behavior and motivational drivers in two related courses of action: reinforcements and emotions (Robson, Plangger, Kietzmann, and Mccarthy 2015). Robson et al (2015) claims that can be achieved applying three principles: creating and setting up the mechanics, identifying the emotions involved and guiding the players’ behaviors through some dynamics. In addition, the use of ICT on gamification processes has shown a contribution to engineering education. The power of social connections with different people from different cultures (Kotini y Tzelepi 2015) in game-based environments develops the soft skills of the gaming process participants (Heinzen et al., 2015) by working together. Finally, understanding of process of evolution of technology on the classroom and their relation with gaming and learning (Devers y Gurung 2015) can be an opportunity for the development of new tools, techniques or approaches. 3. Proposed methodology The previous theoretical framework stands some positions about how social impact and engineering education can be accomplished, sustained and developed; however, each one of these methodologies does not respond for the necessities of teaching engineering with real impact on social systems. For that, EWB designed an integrative model that includes oCDIO phases, PAR social commitment aspects and gamification as an integrator element (Oliveira and Oliveira 2014). Electronic copy available at:
  • 11. 3.1 Objectives of the methodology EWB Colombia designed a learning space where engineering students’ work becomes real by interacting directly with vulnerable communities. The methodology is based on guidelines for work that students, professors, practitioners and volunteers on EWB Colombia must understand, develop and share. These guidelines or objectives point important characteristics of the social-responsible engineering, solution-based thinking and technological positivism for development. These objectives are:  Recognize the contribution of engineering in improving life quality for communities.  Identify the specific problems of vulnerable communities and the opportunities for intervention from engineering.  Apply science and technology knowledge in projects that address issues in vulnerable communities.  Work in multidisciplinary teams for the conception, design and implementation of innovative solutions to social problems. 3.2 Design of the methodology and phases In this regard, the theoretical proposals outlined above have been integrated to provide a working methodology in conjunction with vulnerable communities. The following table provides a description of the methodology that is performed: Phase Description To observe The student requires real evidence such as indicators, situations, knowledge of the problem. This is a phase where the engineer is linked, as stated at the beginning of this phase, at an early stage that will allow you to delve into the collective design community. Electronic copy available at:
  • 12. To Conceive The articulation with traditional engineering project is when, after having evidence of variables and their relations, a process of initial conception of ideas that can lead to future co-construction of a solution starts. To Design Participatory spaces are designed, i.e. where ideas knowledge, interests and various resources translate into designs and innovative actions that provide creative solutions. To Implement They manage to develop activities that contribute to the solution and give an answer to the co-design To Operate Actions are monitored and justified to see both, if the project contributed to changing the environment and quality of life of people. This phase requires ongoing monitoring where it is seen that not only the technical solution is taking effect, but also the co-participation in all phases has generated value added in the whole process. Table 2. oCDIO Context The participatory component, drawn from PAR, is transversal to the oCDIO phases, meaning that each one of them should be developed together with the community. That is why it becomes important that learning is not give exclusively in college classrooms but directly in contexts with different problems. Gamification principles are used to increase the community involvement by using competitive games where cell phones or computers are used to record data on the evolution of the solution in which the problem situation is integrated. To identify if the development process is suitable, engineering students should learn to follow the monitoring process to identify if you are working on the development of an engineering process capable of generating a social impact. Thus, when the project is at an advanced stage outside observers are invited to support their process by evaluating their proposals under the EWB Colombia solutions evaluation criteria (see Table 3). These Electronic copy available at:
  • 13. criteria were developed by EWB Colombia to make sure the solutions proposed by the students are realistic, scalable and are the optimal way to tackle the problem under study. Criteria Description Viable Seeks the optimization of resources: economic, human and environmental that the proposal requires. Performing a basic assumption in these respects to demonstrate the viability is necessary. Profitable The project has the capacity to generate enough profit or gain; it generates more income than expenses. Environmentally responsible Consider the environmental effects it generates. Both benefits and environmental costs. Socially inclusive The target community should be active actor in the proposal. Engineering solution The implementation of the engineering tools and the theoretical aspects regarding this that are being included in the proposal must be clear. Innovative Seeks creative and innovative components. Technically possible Somehow it must demonstrate that the proposal is feasible in the specific context High Impact It should be an easily replicable proposal or benefit a large number of people. Table 3. EWB Colombia solutions evaluation criteria Electronic copy available at:
  • 14. Findings- Case study Overview During both studying semesters of 2014, 31 students toke the course “Proyecto Intermedio ISF” (EWB – middle-career project). This course seeks to involve teachers, students, professionals and community members to promote sustainable development through engineering projects. This course an elective for students in the 5th or 6th semester on industrial engineering undergraduate program, but they can also choose an internship in a company or doing a business plan. According to students’ opinion, this course has a different focus because they can apply their engineering knowledge in real situations, and this course is the only available option that university offers to solve real problems. Through the semester, the students were working on groups, which were assigned to work with students from the last high school years from a school in a rural area. Each one of the groups should develop a proposal that elicits the following challenge: ‘How to foster water savings through an engineering project or an innovate business?’ Only two conditions were necessary to accomplish this task: First, the proposed solution will respond to community ideas and expectations, all of which were addressed with the PAR methodology and, second, all activity will be designed along with their partners using gamified processes. In addition, knowledge creation and transfer take place in a context of scientific and engineering research where social justice and economic and environmental responsibility are encouraged. To Observe The objective of this phase was to understand what the real problem was. To accomplish this task, students proposed questions that enabled a discussion with the school students about their reality and the use of natural resources in their houses. In addition, college students designed activities and games to create an active and safe space to talk, think, Electronic copy available at:
  • 15. and articulate a discourse about their environment. Thus, college student proposes, present and perform their activities and questions, and everyone votes for the best activity. With this input, everyone designed the guidelines about the activities to be accomplished in fieldwork. Finally, this information was recorded using field journals, draws from schools students and questionnaires. Figure 2 . College students and school students participating in observation activities The students were also connected with entrepreneurs and farmers of the region, so they could interview them and have a perspective of the problem from different stakeholders’ point of view. After the activities, the students organize the information using guidelines provided by teachers and teacher assistants. With this information, several problematic situations and social and technological characteristics were identified, such as:  1/5 of the municipalities involved do not promote access to higher education or programs for entrepreneurship.  More than a half of the students consider that they have enough water, but they also think they are not using it appropriately.  Each member of the family has at least one basic cellphone.  Only one-half of the houses have access to internet and less than 35% of students have internet in the school. Electronic copy available at:
  • 16. Accordingly, students perceived how social and cultural structures affects the decision-making process around environmental issues. Using this information as input, students should conceive an engineering solution that connects the proposed challenge with the particular community situation. Conceive and Design The students were motivated to use the collected information to do some research on secondary sources to learn more about the context, so they could reach a feasible proposal. In this phase, the students should use what they found about the community and the problem, as well as their own engineering knowledge, to develop a solution that was able to accomplish all the EWB criteria. A range of proposals were nominated by the students, from using technological gadgets to reduce the showering time, to generate an educative game about water consumption embedded in Facebook. Then, the first proposals were shared with the high school students with the aim to: get some feedback, prove the feasibility of the proposal and, the most important part, keep developing the proposal with the community. For this, every group designed their own workshop, motivating the students to consider the best methodological approach for the goal they had. This process of validating and reinforcing the idea with the main stakeholders was repeated three times during the semester, so at the end the students had feasible proposals that could really tackle the problem they diagnosed. It is important to keep on mind that although the main problem was the same, according to their observation phase, the groups focused on different aspects that affect that main problem, and that were problems by themselves. The students are encouraged to use the EWB criteria through all the conceiving and designing process, as it consider most of the variables that should be kept on mind while developing their proposal and that should be shared and worked with the Electronic copy available at:
  • 17. community. The resume of the first 3 stages of the oCDIO methodology in the EWB – middle-career project course is to be found on the Figure 3. Figure 3 . oCDIO methodology used on EWB – middle-career project course Implement and Operate These phases require funding and a lot of time to be done. Therefore, they are beyond the EWB – middle-career project course objectives. However, it might be possible that one of the students’ proposals is further developed together by the EWB team and actually implemented. Such is the case of AquaSie, a game developed by three students on the second semester of 2014 to tackle de water management problem applying gamification principles. Some concepts of the proposal were used to design La Liga del Agua (the Water League), where more than 1.500 students of 9 municipalities of Colombia participate on a competence to save water and design saving water devices. Observe - Workshops - Interviews -Research Conceive - Engineering knowledge - Secondary sources Design - Feedack and co- design - Validation PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH Electronic copy available at:
  • 18. AquaSie On the observation phase, the students did the workshops in one school of Guasca, Cundinamarca. Before the first visit to the community, they were required to do a research on the town, as well as their economic and natural sources so they were aware of the context. They were also connected with one entrepreneur of Guasca that creates vertical gardens and has become very famous because of his environmentally friendly and socially inclusive business. From this inputs, the students diagnosed that although Guasca was a town with full access to water there was a misconception of abundance that led to a huge misuse of the resource. In addition, that some people on the town were open to embrace innovative solutions and most of them count with good connectivity. On the conceiving and designing phases, the students proposed three solutions based on the information collected and the engineering tools they had learned so far, and then chose the best one considering their own criteria. They went back to the school two times to develop workshops with the students, aiming to: collect more information about the potential users of the game, get feedback on their initial idea and keep on developing the idea together with the community, so it could fit both their needs and expectations. After this, the concept of AquaSie was born: considering that students and the community in general needed to be educated on the adequate use of the water resource, a game could be developed, where they could learn about their consumption and good practices that could be done. On the game, the users should enter daily information on their consumption by giving the water consumption information of their water counter. The game consisted on several levels that increase their difficulty and where they can earn points according to their performance (Figure 4). To get from a level to another, they should answer some questions related with the water (water cycle, consumption, saving techniques, pollution, global warming, etc.). The users could compete against their Electronic copy available at:
  • 19. Facebook friends and other unknown people around the globe. The way the idea fulfills the EWB criteria is shown on Table 4. Figure 4 . AquaSie prototype interface Criteria Description Viable It is based on an existing knowledge and seeks to promote the saving culture that already exists in the region. It also takes into account the existing capacities and connectivity. Profitable It requires a quit big seed founding. After that, profits might come from ads. Environmentally responsible It reinforces the water management in the region and bases on the already used technologies. Socially inclusive It will be developed together with the beneficiaries, so it would take into account their needs and barriers. Engineering solution It requires the development of a complex software and also suggest an improvement for a social system according to contextual and resources limitations. Electronic copy available at:
  • 20. Innovative It is based on a daily used tool (Facebook) but introduces in this the possibility both to learn and to save water, redefining it. Technically possible It requires the use of technological tools that are already being used by the community. Therefore, it is not necessary to develop new skills High Impact As it operates through a social network, the users could not only play the game, but also interact with the community. Therefore, the game can reach people all over the country and beyond, having a high impact potential. Table 4. EWB criteria for AquaSie project. CONCLUSIONS This study reveals the need for further that links theory and practice in engineering education. Even when some empirical research has been developed in the last years, integrative and comprehensive approaches should be design and implemented in engineering schools to achieve sustainable solutions with social impact. This methodological proposal is one of the infinite possibilities that allows the involvement of students and community through engineering practice. This “hands-on” approach suggested by EWB Colombia allows engineering students to connect with the reality and the context under study, get first-hand information from the stakeholders and conceive solutions that are pertinent and adequate for the problem they are trying to tackle. In addition, the implementation of evaluation criteria for such engineering projects allows non-traditional engineering facets to be considered in the development of the solutions. Furthermore, the inclusion of participative approaches forces the students to work on their soft skills, essential for their professional growth. References Acevedo, Jorge, Ricardo Barros, Catalina Ramírez, and Natalia Realpe. 2009. “Engineers and Their Role in Public Policy: An Active Learning Experience for Electronic copy available at:
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