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Accenture Interactive | Point of View Series

Monetizing the
Personal Touch
Gear up to meet the multichannel
marketing challenge
Monetizing the Personal Touch
Gear up to meet the multichannel marketing challenge

Digital disruption is the new       Customers always look for convenient and           enjoyable as possible. Other examples include
                                    personalized services—the right product in         Ahold’s Stop & Shop supermarket chain,
normal. No longer confined to a
                                    the right place at the right time. Sounds          which has been delivering timely in-store
channel or a standalone strategy,   simple—and it was when products were few,          promotions to customers through its hand-
digital is now a core reality.      shops consisted of the general store or local      held shopping application for a number of
As consumers interact across        high street, and retail hours were from nine       years; and retail powerhouse Walmart is
channels on a daily basis, so       to five, six days a week. But in today’s digital   aligning its in-store video streaming to be
                                    marketplace where customers can literally          as relevant as possible to customers who
companies need to maintain          get anything, anywhere, anytime, knowing           shop in specific aisles where the monitors
an omnichannel presence.            how to deliver a personalized service and          are installed. When Whole Foods Market,
                                    making it cost effective are no longer             the natural and organic supermarket chain,
In today’s always-on, always-       simple tasks.                                      learned that many on-the-go clients,
connected world, mailboxes—                                                            especially in cities like New York, just don’t
                                    The success that companies such as eBay
both virtual and physical—are                                                          cook at home, it not only started stocking its
                                    and Amazon in the United States, Taobao in         aisles with tasty precooked foods, but also
overflowing, a myriad of online     China, and Rakuten in Japan are enjoying           created a welcoming in-store ‘shared table’
stores and traditional providers    through delivering a tailored and relevant         to encourage customers to stay back, enjoy
are vying for a share of the        online experience is well documented.              their meal and meet interesting people.
                                    Without the complexities of bricks and
(electronic) wallet, and media
                                    mortar stores, traditional business models         However, most multinational companies
is filtered by consumer-driven      and legacy infrastructure, these online            today are falling short of delivering customers
preferences. Without control of     retailers are forging ahead.                       with a unique experience across offline, online
the market forces and consumer                                                         and mobile channels. With seemingly infinite
                                    There are also examples of traditional             sources of consumer data detailing purchase
demand dictating the run of         retailers or consumer goods companies              history, interests, life-stage, lifestyle, and a
play, how will the corporate        that are rising to the challenge by making         host of other personal preferences—knowing
world respond? What are the         the in-store experience an engaging and            how to craft actionable insights to drive
implications for marketing spend    efficient one for customers. For example,          business decisions is proving a mighty task.
                                    digital receipts are growing in popularity         The ability to restructure the organization
or supply chain? Can physical       after being introduced by Apple in 2005            to deliver a very personalized and relevant
and virtual merchandizing           as a convenience for the customer and              experience to a range of potential and
become integrated?                  a relationship touchpoint for retailers.           existing customers across multiple channels,
                                    Another example is Nordstrom Inc., a leading       all day, every day, will be essential to survival
                                    clothing retailer in the United States, which      in the digital marketplace.
                                    has focused on in-store customer services
                                    to build a trusted relationship, making
                                    the shopping experience as personal and
Offline, online, on-the-go
Since consumers can move seamlessly
between online and offline channels
without distinction, companies realize
that they can no longer have a separate
marketing strategy for different channels.
Customer-centric businesses are shifting
their focus from treating digital as a distinct
channel, to creating an integrated customer
experience across all channels. Today, the
consumer base is no longer homogenous
nor geographically restricted, but highly
heterogeneous and global, with very diverse
preferences, cultures, technology awareness
and socio-economic mix.

To be able to tailor specific messages and
offerings to different consumers,
companies will need to build detailed
consumer profiles from multiple sources              Stepping stones                                 respect to their predicted buying patterns,
using advanced analytics techniques—                 The challenge of personalization then is not    companies can pursue a proactive marketing
enhancing understanding of likely buyer              about obtaining data, but how to select and     approach, enabling real-time responses
values and preferences, stage a consumer             analyze the right data to drive real consumer   across multiple touchpoints. Instead of
is at in the buying cycle and key influencers.       insights, and how to commercialize it to        pushing messages and promotions out and
Through this granular approach companies             deliver business results.                       hoping some consumers will find them
will be able to respond quickly to consumer                                                          relevant, companies can create a marketing
                                                     To maximize the marketing return on             environment, both in-store and virtually,
requests with contextually relevant
                                                     investment (MROI) companies need to be able     which attracts potential and existing
messages, and begin to anticipate consumer
                                                     to attract, serve and maintain customers by     customers alike.
needs based on similar buying patterns.
                                                     delivering relevant products and services at
                                                     point of need—to achieve consumer relevance
                                                     at scale.1 This may seem like an overwhelming     So, how to shift gears to
                                                     challenge at first glance, but companies can      achieve the more relevant
                                                     meet this challenge by developing a well-
                                                                                                       customer-centric experience
                                                     thought out roadmap using an integrated
                                                     marketing strategy.                               required in today’s
                                                                                                       multichannel, competitive
                                                     At the heart of this roadmap is the ability
                                                                                                       marketplace? There are five
                                                     to reach consumers at the most granular
                                                     level by making macro marketing programs,         fundamental steps that will
                                                     such as circulars, emails or out-of-              help marketing executives
                                                     home messaging, more personalized and             avoid being left behind in the
                                                     relevant. By developing multiple identities       industry shakeup.
                                                     of offline and online customers, which
  Baiju Shah and Nandini Nayak, “Got the R Factor:   can then be used to create inquiries with
Driving breakthrough performance in the Era of
Relevance,” 2012
Steps to customer-centricity
There are five fundamental
steps that CMOs should        1     Acknowledge the
                                      Present State
                                                                              •  alue: Define the values of a customer
                                                                                to the enterprise and know where different
                                                                                customers fit into the value spectrum—
consider when restructuring   It is important to understand the current         whereas some companies take too
                              situation within the company and                  rudimentary an approach, others limit
the marketing organization    marketplace today. With physical stores           the number of contextual views or tiers
to meet customer needs.       increasingly being seen as showrooms by           and never drill down to a granular level
                              consumers who want to try on their items          to understand customer preferences.
                              before buying online, retailers need to take
                              a hard look at their value proposition.         •  ehavior: Build consumers’ shopping
                                                                                profiles—how frequently they come to
                              Most traditional companies are saddled            the store and how broadly they shop
                              by silos of departments such as marketing,        across the store? Really getting to know
                              merchandizing, operations and supply              a consumer on an individual basis and
                              chain, each organized around specific             developing a personal relationship will
                              business processes and functions. These           be a key differentiator for retailers.
                              silos are now becoming an impediment
                              to organizations wanting to become              •  otivations: What motivates consumers
                              customer-centric—a transition that online         to make a purchase—is it brand, taste,
                              retailers have been relatively successful in      quality or price? Is it a combination of
                              making. In the absence of an integrated           priorities? Or, are consumers motivated
                              internal structure, companies are forced          by some other factors? If so, what are
                              to buy customer data, compounding the             those factors?
                              issue, as data syndicators cannot reach the     • ntent: Understand the potential value
                              granularity required. Competing companies         of a consumer based on contextual
                              end up with similar insights leaving the          indicators. What are they buying elsewhere
                              market with few true innovators. Breaking         and why? What are the consumer needs
                              down these internal silos and bridging the        that can be identified from life-stage?
                              gap between product and customer value
                              is a key first step in this journey.            A well-developed strategy that recognizes
                                                                              the value and potential of consumers to the

                                                                              enterprise, describes that value in terms of
                                      Build an Integrated
                                                                              product-specific behavior. It communicates
                                      Strategy                                across the organization in ways that allow the
                              Companies should next look at the overall       different functional silos to build and deliver
                              customer strategy and identify the macro-       on channel-centric tactics, reflecting both
                              and micro-marketing activities that are         the product and customer growth agendas.
                              required to achieve business goals. There       Of course, such a strategy needs to have the
                              is little point in taking a 30 second TV spot   commitment of all the departments within
                              in the Superbowl or a reality show, with        a company and be aligned across different
                              audiences in the millions, for a product        departments, and it needs to be driven by
                              which has a target audience of 25,000.          a clear, top-down business strategy.
                              This integrated approach across functional
                              areas requires companies to understand
                              several aspects about consumers.
3        Develop an Information
Understanding the sources of data and being
                                                  marketing influence in real time and to
                                                  make it work, marketers need to go beyond
                                                  pushing out communications; instead, they
                                                  need to respond to opportunities to connect
                                                                                                  Next Gen Point Of Sales
                                                                                                  Traditionally many organizations have aligned
                                                                                                  themselves to a point of sales (POS) system and
                                                                                                  customized it to a point where it can no longer
able to draw on them effectively to create        with consumers as they occur. This is easier    be supported by the original vendor or easily
actionable insights will be key to developing     to achieve online through responding to         migrated to a new agile system. By adopting an
an effective information infrastructure.          search queries. But companies should            integrated, agile POS technology, organizations
                                                  continue to look for ways to recognize          are able to benefit from providing a seamless
It is impossible to strategize, plan, act and     potential customers in their store, or          experience across all offline and online channels,
measure results in today’s multichannel           even in a particular aisle, anticipating and    as well as pricing alignment, digital receipting
universe without data analytics and an            responding to specific needs or intent.         and the like functions.
underlying process that recognizes the

need for different levels of granularity of                                                       Customer Insights And Analytics
consumer behavior. For example, senior
                                                           Select Enabling                        Today, customer analytics technologies are
executives of a company need to have an                    Technologies                           able to provide insights across a range of
overview of consumer behavior across                                                              areas including, micro segmentation,
                                                  With no single technology able to harness
markets or brands; analysts doing product                                                         customer value modeling, pricing optimization
                                                  the potential of data, agility is the most
assortment require data related to SKUs,                                                          and assortment. Consequently, a business
                                                  important capability businesses are chasing.
select customers and select stores; and                                                           intelligence capability is crucial for generating
                                                  For various reasons, many organizations that
marketers may want contextual insights                                                            specific customer-centric insights that are
                                                  aligned their businesses to the industrial
into all consumers who buy diapers but                                                            aligned with the organization’s business strategy.
                                                  strength solutions of technology providers,
not formula, and who respond well to a            today need to adjust their technical

coupon delivered at the register.                 infrastructure accordingly—a process that
                                                  can be very cumbersome and expensive.                   Restucture the
Any data infrastructure supporting this
level of granular analysis needs to be            Many analytics leaders offer a host of                  Marketing Function
able to integrate multiple, exclusive and         technologies, while organizations such as
                                                                                                  Unlike a few years ago when marketing
non-exclusive consumer contexts—purchase          Facebook and Google have built their own
                                                                                                  organizations had the luxury of planning in
behavior, basket size, channel attitude,          analytics engine that aligns closely to the
                                                                                                  yearly cycles, today they need to adapt their
product preference, to name a few. The            objectives of their unique business models.
                                                                                                  marketing strategies to weeks, days or even
potential of big data lies in finding details     To achieve an agile technical infrastructure,   seconds, to stay ahead of their competitors.
across lots of data points that can be utilized   leading organizations subscribe to a set of     From raw materials and manufacturing
effectively (or made actionable) in a small       common components:                              to distribution and retailing, the different
data environment. Companies need to                                                               departments within a company need to have
understand which data is most critical            Granular Data Warehouse                         a 360 degree view of consumers. Marketing
to their business and which data adds the         Utilized to capture non real-time               will be infused across the organization
most value. For example, which products           transaction data, consumer behavior, master     from strategy and business planning, to
did a consumer put in his basket but then         data and other third party complimentary        merchandizing, supply chain and customer
decide not to buy? Was a promotion                data assets. This data repository is often      service, to manage the customer experience
coupon redeemed?                                  employed to democratize the data for use        as one.
                                                  across business silos.
Customer data management is steeped in                                                            We are entering an era of virtual everything,
the legacy of list generation to support          Real Time Data Store                            where all players and channels will effectively
direct mail, call centers, and more recently      These real-time or near real-time big           collaborate. Increasingly, companies will be
emails. However, today’s marketers must           data stores provide access to all the           competing and cooperating at the same time
continuously touch, influence and engage          timely contextual data to support point         with one objective: to harvest maximum
the customer in a timely and relevant             solutions for immediate decisions such as       customer value and share customer
manner; a handful of segments are no              recommender systems for promotion at the        requirements with other departments
longer enough. More importantly, to scale         point of interaction with the consumer.         within their respective companies.
Make it personal and make it count            the consumer and committing to build the        To learn more about how to
Today’s consumers are fickle, impatient       necessary infrastructure to support those
                                                                                              monetize a customer-centric
and demanding. True or False? While it is     interactions wherever, whenever they occur,
true that they are price-savvy and time-      will be critical to delivering a personalized   marketing strategy, contact:
pressured, consumers also respond to good     experience—one that counts at the bottom        Milton Merl
service, relevant offers and time-efficient   line. Tomorrows winners will include  
experiences. Consumers can be the biggest     companies that have the commitment and
fan, broadcasting recommendations for         leadership today to take the necessary steps    Seth Marlatt
products and services and connecting          towards creating a proactive and customer-
with brands across multiple channels and      centric marketing environment.
networks. Knowing how to interact with
About Accenture Interactive
Accenture Interactive’s 1,500 professionals help the world’s leading brands drive superior
marketing performance across the full multichannel customer experience. Leveraging
the full scale of more than 259,000 Accenture employees serving clients in more than
120 countries, Accenture Interactive offers integrated, industrialized and industry-driven
marketing solutions and services across consulting, technology and outsourcing powered
by analytics. Follow @AccentureSocial or visit

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing
company, with approximately 259,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries.
Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and
business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies,
Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses
and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal
year ended Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is

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All rights reserved.

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The views and opinions in this article should not be viewed as professional advice with respect to your business.

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  • 1. Accenture Interactive | Point of View Series Monetizing the Personal Touch Gear up to meet the multichannel marketing challenge
  • 2. Monetizing the Personal Touch Gear up to meet the multichannel marketing challenge Digital disruption is the new Customers always look for convenient and enjoyable as possible. Other examples include personalized services—the right product in Ahold’s Stop & Shop supermarket chain, normal. No longer confined to a the right place at the right time. Sounds which has been delivering timely in-store channel or a standalone strategy, simple—and it was when products were few, promotions to customers through its hand- digital is now a core reality. shops consisted of the general store or local held shopping application for a number of As consumers interact across high street, and retail hours were from nine years; and retail powerhouse Walmart is channels on a daily basis, so to five, six days a week. But in today’s digital aligning its in-store video streaming to be marketplace where customers can literally as relevant as possible to customers who companies need to maintain get anything, anywhere, anytime, knowing shop in specific aisles where the monitors an omnichannel presence. how to deliver a personalized service and are installed. When Whole Foods Market, making it cost effective are no longer the natural and organic supermarket chain, In today’s always-on, always- simple tasks. learned that many on-the-go clients, connected world, mailboxes— especially in cities like New York, just don’t The success that companies such as eBay both virtual and physical—are cook at home, it not only started stocking its and Amazon in the United States, Taobao in aisles with tasty precooked foods, but also overflowing, a myriad of online China, and Rakuten in Japan are enjoying created a welcoming in-store ‘shared table’ stores and traditional providers through delivering a tailored and relevant to encourage customers to stay back, enjoy are vying for a share of the online experience is well documented. their meal and meet interesting people. Without the complexities of bricks and (electronic) wallet, and media mortar stores, traditional business models However, most multinational companies is filtered by consumer-driven and legacy infrastructure, these online today are falling short of delivering customers preferences. Without control of retailers are forging ahead. with a unique experience across offline, online the market forces and consumer and mobile channels. With seemingly infinite There are also examples of traditional sources of consumer data detailing purchase demand dictating the run of retailers or consumer goods companies history, interests, life-stage, lifestyle, and a play, how will the corporate that are rising to the challenge by making host of other personal preferences—knowing world respond? What are the the in-store experience an engaging and how to craft actionable insights to drive implications for marketing spend efficient one for customers. For example, business decisions is proving a mighty task. digital receipts are growing in popularity The ability to restructure the organization or supply chain? Can physical after being introduced by Apple in 2005 to deliver a very personalized and relevant and virtual merchandizing as a convenience for the customer and experience to a range of potential and become integrated? a relationship touchpoint for retailers. existing customers across multiple channels, Another example is Nordstrom Inc., a leading all day, every day, will be essential to survival clothing retailer in the United States, which in the digital marketplace. has focused on in-store customer services to build a trusted relationship, making the shopping experience as personal and
  • 3. Offline, online, on-the-go Since consumers can move seamlessly between online and offline channels without distinction, companies realize that they can no longer have a separate marketing strategy for different channels. Customer-centric businesses are shifting their focus from treating digital as a distinct channel, to creating an integrated customer experience across all channels. Today, the consumer base is no longer homogenous nor geographically restricted, but highly heterogeneous and global, with very diverse preferences, cultures, technology awareness and socio-economic mix. To be able to tailor specific messages and offerings to different consumers, companies will need to build detailed consumer profiles from multiple sources Stepping stones respect to their predicted buying patterns, using advanced analytics techniques— The challenge of personalization then is not companies can pursue a proactive marketing enhancing understanding of likely buyer about obtaining data, but how to select and approach, enabling real-time responses values and preferences, stage a consumer analyze the right data to drive real consumer across multiple touchpoints. Instead of is at in the buying cycle and key influencers. insights, and how to commercialize it to pushing messages and promotions out and Through this granular approach companies deliver business results. hoping some consumers will find them will be able to respond quickly to consumer relevant, companies can create a marketing To maximize the marketing return on environment, both in-store and virtually, requests with contextually relevant investment (MROI) companies need to be able which attracts potential and existing messages, and begin to anticipate consumer to attract, serve and maintain customers by customers alike. needs based on similar buying patterns. delivering relevant products and services at point of need—to achieve consumer relevance at scale.1 This may seem like an overwhelming So, how to shift gears to challenge at first glance, but companies can achieve the more relevant meet this challenge by developing a well- customer-centric experience thought out roadmap using an integrated marketing strategy. required in today’s multichannel, competitive At the heart of this roadmap is the ability marketplace? There are five to reach consumers at the most granular level by making macro marketing programs, fundamental steps that will such as circulars, emails or out-of- help marketing executives home messaging, more personalized and avoid being left behind in the relevant. By developing multiple identities industry shakeup. of offline and online customers, which 1 Baiju Shah and Nandini Nayak, “Got the R Factor: can then be used to create inquiries with Driving breakthrough performance in the Era of Relevance,” 2012
  • 4. Steps to customer-centricity There are five fundamental steps that CMOs should 1 Acknowledge the Present State • alue: Define the values of a customer V to the enterprise and know where different customers fit into the value spectrum— consider when restructuring It is important to understand the current whereas some companies take too situation within the company and rudimentary an approach, others limit the marketing organization marketplace today. With physical stores the number of contextual views or tiers to meet customer needs. increasingly being seen as showrooms by and never drill down to a granular level consumers who want to try on their items to understand customer preferences. before buying online, retailers need to take a hard look at their value proposition. • ehavior: Build consumers’ shopping B profiles—how frequently they come to Most traditional companies are saddled the store and how broadly they shop by silos of departments such as marketing, across the store? Really getting to know merchandizing, operations and supply a consumer on an individual basis and chain, each organized around specific developing a personal relationship will business processes and functions. These be a key differentiator for retailers. silos are now becoming an impediment to organizations wanting to become • otivations: What motivates consumers M customer-centric—a transition that online to make a purchase—is it brand, taste, retailers have been relatively successful in quality or price? Is it a combination of making. In the absence of an integrated priorities? Or, are consumers motivated internal structure, companies are forced by some other factors? If so, what are to buy customer data, compounding the those factors? issue, as data syndicators cannot reach the • ntent: Understand the potential value I granularity required. Competing companies of a consumer based on contextual end up with similar insights leaving the indicators. What are they buying elsewhere market with few true innovators. Breaking and why? What are the consumer needs down these internal silos and bridging the that can be identified from life-stage? gap between product and customer value is a key first step in this journey. A well-developed strategy that recognizes the value and potential of consumers to the 2 enterprise, describes that value in terms of Build an Integrated product-specific behavior. It communicates Strategy across the organization in ways that allow the Companies should next look at the overall different functional silos to build and deliver customer strategy and identify the macro- on channel-centric tactics, reflecting both and micro-marketing activities that are the product and customer growth agendas. required to achieve business goals. There Of course, such a strategy needs to have the is little point in taking a 30 second TV spot commitment of all the departments within in the Superbowl or a reality show, with a company and be aligned across different audiences in the millions, for a product departments, and it needs to be driven by which has a target audience of 25,000. a clear, top-down business strategy. This integrated approach across functional areas requires companies to understand several aspects about consumers.
  • 5. 3 Develop an Information Infrastructure Understanding the sources of data and being marketing influence in real time and to make it work, marketers need to go beyond pushing out communications; instead, they need to respond to opportunities to connect Next Gen Point Of Sales Traditionally many organizations have aligned themselves to a point of sales (POS) system and customized it to a point where it can no longer able to draw on them effectively to create with consumers as they occur. This is easier be supported by the original vendor or easily actionable insights will be key to developing to achieve online through responding to migrated to a new agile system. By adopting an an effective information infrastructure. search queries. But companies should integrated, agile POS technology, organizations continue to look for ways to recognize are able to benefit from providing a seamless It is impossible to strategize, plan, act and potential customers in their store, or experience across all offline and online channels, measure results in today’s multichannel even in a particular aisle, anticipating and as well as pricing alignment, digital receipting universe without data analytics and an responding to specific needs or intent. and the like functions. underlying process that recognizes the 4 need for different levels of granularity of Customer Insights And Analytics consumer behavior. For example, senior Select Enabling Today, customer analytics technologies are executives of a company need to have an Technologies able to provide insights across a range of overview of consumer behavior across areas including, micro segmentation, With no single technology able to harness markets or brands; analysts doing product customer value modeling, pricing optimization the potential of data, agility is the most assortment require data related to SKUs, and assortment. Consequently, a business important capability businesses are chasing. select customers and select stores; and intelligence capability is crucial for generating For various reasons, many organizations that marketers may want contextual insights specific customer-centric insights that are aligned their businesses to the industrial into all consumers who buy diapers but aligned with the organization’s business strategy. strength solutions of technology providers, not formula, and who respond well to a today need to adjust their technical 5 coupon delivered at the register. infrastructure accordingly—a process that can be very cumbersome and expensive. Restucture the Any data infrastructure supporting this level of granular analysis needs to be Many analytics leaders offer a host of Marketing Function able to integrate multiple, exclusive and technologies, while organizations such as Unlike a few years ago when marketing non-exclusive consumer contexts—purchase Facebook and Google have built their own organizations had the luxury of planning in behavior, basket size, channel attitude, analytics engine that aligns closely to the yearly cycles, today they need to adapt their product preference, to name a few. The objectives of their unique business models. marketing strategies to weeks, days or even potential of big data lies in finding details To achieve an agile technical infrastructure, seconds, to stay ahead of their competitors. across lots of data points that can be utilized leading organizations subscribe to a set of From raw materials and manufacturing effectively (or made actionable) in a small common components: to distribution and retailing, the different data environment. Companies need to departments within a company need to have understand which data is most critical Granular Data Warehouse a 360 degree view of consumers. Marketing to their business and which data adds the Utilized to capture non real-time will be infused across the organization most value. For example, which products transaction data, consumer behavior, master from strategy and business planning, to did a consumer put in his basket but then data and other third party complimentary merchandizing, supply chain and customer decide not to buy? Was a promotion data assets. This data repository is often service, to manage the customer experience coupon redeemed? employed to democratize the data for use as one. across business silos. Customer data management is steeped in We are entering an era of virtual everything, the legacy of list generation to support Real Time Data Store where all players and channels will effectively direct mail, call centers, and more recently These real-time or near real-time big collaborate. Increasingly, companies will be emails. However, today’s marketers must data stores provide access to all the competing and cooperating at the same time continuously touch, influence and engage timely contextual data to support point with one objective: to harvest maximum the customer in a timely and relevant solutions for immediate decisions such as customer value and share customer manner; a handful of segments are no recommender systems for promotion at the requirements with other departments longer enough. More importantly, to scale point of interaction with the consumer. within their respective companies.
  • 6. Make it personal and make it count the consumer and committing to build the To learn more about how to Today’s consumers are fickle, impatient necessary infrastructure to support those monetize a customer-centric and demanding. True or False? While it is interactions wherever, whenever they occur, true that they are price-savvy and time- will be critical to delivering a personalized marketing strategy, contact: pressured, consumers also respond to good experience—one that counts at the bottom Milton Merl service, relevant offers and time-efficient line. Tomorrows winners will include experiences. Consumers can be the biggest companies that have the commitment and fan, broadcasting recommendations for leadership today to take the necessary steps Seth Marlatt products and services and connecting towards creating a proactive and customer- with brands across multiple channels and centric marketing environment. networks. Knowing how to interact with
  • 7.
  • 8. About Accenture Interactive Accenture Interactive’s 1,500 professionals help the world’s leading brands drive superior marketing performance across the full multichannel customer experience. Leveraging the full scale of more than 259,000 Accenture employees serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture Interactive offers integrated, industrialized and industry-driven marketing solutions and services across consulting, technology and outsourcing powered by analytics. Follow @AccentureSocial or visit About Accenture Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 259,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is Copyright © 2013 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its Signature, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. The views and opinions in this article should not be viewed as professional advice with respect to your business.