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Accenture BeLux
Innovation Awards
for Financial Services
Edition 2012
The Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards      from Belgium. This clearly proves that       A significant part of the success of this
for Financial Services 2012, launched by   innovation is very much alive and a          first edition is due to the support of
Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg        priority within the Financial Services       our partners who supported us in the
aim to recognize and reward innovative     marketplace in Belgium and Luxembourg.       organization and provided the prizes for
concepts brought to market by small                                                     the candidates.
and large companies in the Financial       With so many innovative concepts to
Services industry.                         choose from, the expert jury consisting of   We would also like to thank the
                                           17 Financial Services industry leaders and   Innovation Awards team for putting
With close to 100 innovation cases         influencers from Belgium and Luxembourg      considerable time and effort into
submitted, 17,000 public votes and         certainly had their work cut out. Without    organizing the competition.
more than 180 participants invited at      their expertise, effort and dedication,
the Awards ceremony in the Brussels        the Innovation Awards would not be           We hope this report will give you a good
Stock Exchange, this first edition was a   so prestigious. We would therefore like      overview of innovation in the Financial
real success.                              to thank all the jury members for their      Services industry and inspire you to
                                           participation and contributions.             innovate to achieve high performance.
From the 100 entries, almost twenty
percent came from large organizations      The three winners of the 2012 edition are    With these Awards, we have created new
and the remaining eighty percent from      Digicash (Jury Prize), KBC Mobile Banking    dynamism to promote innovation within
small and medium sized organizations.      (Public Prize) and            the Financial Services marketplace.
Thirty percent of the cases were from      (Jury Prize Runner-up).
Luxembourg and seventy percent

                                           Baudouin Thomas
                                           Financial Services Lead
                                           Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg

                                           Olivier Gillerot
                                           Country Managing Director
                                           Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg

Table of Contents
Innovation in Financial Services lives!   7
The Origami Butterfly                     9
Making the life of the client easier      10
Looking back at the event                 12
And the winner is…                        15
Press & Buzz                              17
Presenting our expert jury                18
Presenting our partners                   20
The candidates                            22
The organizing team                       34
About Accenture                           36

Innovation in Financial Services lives!
The Financial Services industry is going through rough times. It continues to draw negative
headlines in newspapers and on television. Banks are struggling to cope with the impact of the
financial crisis. However, at the same time, in the background, innovative ideas are born. They
are nurtured in a protective cocoon to grow into impressive butterflies, promising to constitute
the basis for the future recovery of the financial sector.
In order to give these butterflies some additional warmth and encouragement, Accenture
in Belgium and Luxembourg has kicked off the “Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for
Financial Services”. The first edition of this initiative has attracted a lot of attention and
hence confirmed the interest in and potential for innovation in the BeLux financial sector. It
has clearly succeeded in its objective to boost the dynamic around innovation, and to bring
together the different stakeholders in a constructive discussion. The dots have been connected!

Impressive list of diverse                      •• An important part of the applications       •• Also the Financial Services sector
                                                   focuses on innovating the way banks            continues to develop its offering to
candidates                                         and insurers interact with their clients.      clients by adding some new, innovative
The first edition of the Accenture BeLux           Leveraging on internet and mobile              products to its menu.
Innovation Awards can count on a list of           devices, advisory, sales and transaction
                                                   initiation continue to move away from       •• And finally, the multiple mono and
candidates which is impressive both in its                                                        cross-company ideation, training and
sheer size as well as in its level of quality      the traditional “brick” channels. In
                                                   addition, new technologies like gesture        information sharing platforms confirm
and diversity.                                                                                    the sector interest in innovation; and
                                                   control and eye tracking open up new
                                                   horizons for the future.                       the fact that innovation thrives when
With 98 subscriptions the cape of a 100
                                                                                                  embedded in a broader ecosystem.
candidates is as good as rounded. The vast
                                                •	 Secure access and protection of data
majority of those nearly 100 candidates
                                                   is inherently important for Financial
is composed of small and often very
                                                   Services, and hence also a domain
young companies. At the same time the
                                                   where significant innovations are
mature market players have demonstrated
                                                   observed. Also here technological
that they also have a role to play in the
                                                   evolutions allow for further progress,
innovation debate by accounting for
                                                   for example by encrypting data using
20% of the candidates. With 70% of the
                                                   quantum physics.
candidates coming out of Belgium, and
30% out of Luxembourg, the geographical         •• Tools to gather and analyse client
diversity was also ensured.                        information are getting more
                                                   advanced than ever and result in a
An even bigger variety is found                    better understanding of client needs.
when looking at the content of the                 In its turn, this customer insight
submitted concepts, underlining the                allows for a further alignment of
fact that innovation is hard to capture            products, services, channels,…
in one definition.

Intensive discussions during                 (,               To be continued
                                                 including the movie presenting the
    expert jury sessions                         Opening Bell Ceremony of the Brussels           With the Innovation Awards, Accenture
    The large choice of high quality and         Stock Exchange by the two winners of            BeLux aims to trigger a dynamic
    diverse candidates presented to the expert   the contest. Available videos have been         interaction around innovation, motivating
    jury resulted in the impressive challenge    viewed over 8,000 times.                        everyone involved to keep searching for
    to come up with one winner.                                                                  new ideas. This edition of the Innovation
                                                 This virtual buzz spilled over to the real      Awards was hence not a one shot
    The expert jury was composed of 17           world and the Accenture Innovation              initiative, but an ongoing effort which
    members; each one having their own           Awards popped up on ATM’s and in client         will be continued in the years to come.
    background and hence their own view on       communications. It became a frequent            We therefore invite anyone who has an
    innovation. Experts from the large banks     topic for discussions on the work floor of      innovative and viable idea to contact us
    and insurance companies in Belgium and       more than one company.                          and to enter next year’s competition…
    Luxembourg were supplemented with            This attention came out onto an                 Note: You can contact us via e-mail to
    representatives from NYSE Euronext,          impressive 17,000 votes on the Accenture
    Febelfin, SWIFT, Belgacom, private equity    BeLux Innovation Awards webpage; and
    investor Allyum, PHB Development,            encouraged about 200 Financial Services
    Association des Banques et Banquiers de      professionals to defy the cold and to
    Luxembourg, LuxInnovation, ISPIM             attend the closing ceremony on February
    and the Vlerick Leuven Gent                  2, 2012 at the Brussels Stock Exchange.
    Management School.
                                                 Finally, the first edition of the Accenture
    They were brought together in two jury       BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial
    sessions. A first session to confirm the     Services has received extensive bandwidth
    proposed list of the top 25 candidates       in the different media. The close
    which entered the public voting              collaboration with MediaFin for the on-
    competition, and to select the expert        line file on innovation in financial services
    jury short list of eight candidates. The     and the coverage of the closing event
    second session allowed the expert jury       have resulted in continuous attention in
    to interview each of those eight before      De Tijd and L’Echo. This attention was
    agreeing on the final winner. The long       picked up by other media, resulting in
    and heated debates did not result in an      the press coverage detailed in the section
    award winner only, but also lead to some     “Press & Buzz” of this report.
    new ideas to combine and leverage the
    presented candidates.
                                                 Active collaboration with
    Extensive visibility in the real             selected partners
    world and in the virtual world               The first edition of the Accenture BeLux
                                                 Innovation Awards has been actively
    The initiative was followed with             supported by a limited number of selected
    enthusiastic interest by the traditional     partners. Each of them has its role and
    media, but even more on electronic           reputation in the financial sector, while
    forums and platforms. The Accenture          having maintained its objectivity and
    BeLux Innovation Awards micro site           independence from the large and small
    (           market players.
    set the tone and was quickly followed        Their active support in the search
    by candidates, partners and media            for candidates, the screening and
    who published banners, articles and          assessment of submitted concepts and
    referrals. Social media were leveraged       the organization of the closing event
    to further spread the word, with active      has contributed to the success of this
    cover on Twitter, Linked In, Facebook,       first edition of the Innovation Awards.
    SlideShare and YouTube. The dedicated        The prices in goods they offered
    Twitter account (            (coaching in financial & business
    innovationbelux) has so far displayed        planning, market research, innovation
    630 tweets and counts 214 “Followers”.       training, housing, media visibility and
    26 videos have been uploaded on the          networking… ) will contribute to the
    Innovation Awards YouTube page               success of our award winners.

The Origami Butterfly
Accenture BeLux has chosen an Origami       The choice of the green color refers
butterfly made out of green paper as        to youth, vitality and energy, which
mascot for its Innovation Awards for        constitute also the core features of an
Financial Services; since it reflects and   innovative enterprise.
promotes the values underlying 		
the initiative.                             The origami is made of paper, which
                                            brings us to the essence of the Finance
The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth,       World: paper is the raw material for
reinvention and innovation. It embodies     the bank notes that allow our economy
the idea of development, transformation     to function on a daily basis, and to
and accomplishment: the caterpillar         constantly pursue its growth.
evolves, grows wings, and turns into
a beautiful butterfly. This butterfly       Finally, in some Asian countries, it is
emerges from its cocoon to show itself      customary to give notes folded in origami
to the world, just like a brilliant idea    style to wish peace and prosperity. By
leaves a creative mind to surprise and      choosing an origami butterfly as symbol
serve the public.                           for the Accenture Innovation Awards, we
                                            want to wish all our candidates peace
In addition, the butterfly represents the   and prosperity, hoping that their concept
major effects an initially small change     might turn into a game changing element
can have on the world at large in the       for the financial industry.
future. If according to the ‘butterfly
effect’ one butterfly is able to start a
tornado months later and miles further,
then a well thought innovation can
surely grow and develop to reach high
objectives tomorrow.

Making the life of the client easier
 As already mentioned above, innovation comes in different forms and cannot be captured
 under one definition. At the same time, some fundamental trends and observations can be
 made based on the 98 innovative concepts which were scanned as part of the Accenture
 Innovation Awards.

 Looking at the evolutions taking place        •• By (re-)gaining trust: investing in       	   Key examples include: AMAT
 in the BeLux Financial Services sector, it       solutions to secure access to online          Framework by Clear2Pay, ArcoInvoice
 becomes obvious that innovation aims             services, to protect client and               by Arco Information, CustyBank
 to make the life of the client easier, in a      transaction data, to avoid                    by Custy, Intix Message Manager
 number of ways:                                  fraudulent transactions or to protect         by INTIX,…
 •• By further improving the convenience          customers’ privacy.
                                                                                            In addition to the technological
     of using banking and insurance            	   Key examples include: 3SKey by           evolutions as innovation enabler, the
     products: making it easier and faster         SWIFT, IntelliStamp by Inventive         different ideation platforms set up within
     for the client to access its bank or          Designers NV, payfair@2.0 by             one or across multiple companies deserve
     insurer, or to make payments, for             European Payment Solutions NV,           a special mention. They contribute to the
     example by leveraging internet and            SQR Tech by SQR Technologies,            sector innovative dynamic and involve
     mobile channels.                              TrustBuilder by SecurIT,…                employees and clients in an active search
 	   Key examples include: AXA service                                                      for the innovations of tomorrow.
     mobile car and AXA service mobile         A key enabler of a lot of these innovative
                                                                                            Key examples of platforms fostering
     household by AXA Belgium, Digicash        evolutions continues to be technology.
                                                                                            the development of new ideas include
     by Mpulse, James by BNP Paribas           Continuous technological evolutions
                                                                                            eXchange2Innovate by BGL BNP Paribas,
     Fortis, KBC Mobile Banking by             act as a true catalyst to keep up the
                                                                                            Innotribe by SWIFT, Jump by BNP Paribas
     KBC, Make an Appointment by ING           innovation pace, and to ensure the
                                                                                            Fortis, XchangeHub by The Hub Brussels,…
     Belgium, Zoomit by Isabel SA/NV,…         innovation of tomorrow:
                                               •	 Enable an in-depth understanding of
 •• By increasing transparency: offering
                                                  the clients and their needs through
    client a clear (online) insight in
                                                  advanced data capture across multiple
    product characteristics and pricing as
                                                  sources, through sophisticated analysis
    well as in the status of, for example,
                                                  and decision support, and through
    transactions. This transparency is
                                                  pro-actively making the right
    requested and offered by individual
                                                  information available at the right time
    financial institutions into their own
                                                  to the right people.
    offering. It is also the domain of
    independent companies which can            	   Key examples include: DeepDrill
    provide an objective comparison                by BNP Paribas Fortis, Paperless
    between different companies, hence             Bank by Bank J. Van Breda & Co,
    supporting customers in their choices.         Wealth Management App by Avaloq
                                                   Luxembourg Sarl, WealthExpert by
 	   Key examples include: ASSURAX by
                                                   Gambit Financial Solutions,…
     Luxembourg Fund Monitor by                •	 Opening up fully new horizons
     Trendiction SA, by          which were up to now technically
     Verzekeringen NV,…                           not possible.
 •• By raising the relevancy of the banking    	   Key examples include: E-Money as a
    and insurance products offered to              Service by, Eye Tracking Tool
    clients: ensuring a maximal fit of what        by ROGIL RESEARCH NV, iNUITM Fly
    is offered to the client with what he          Folder by iNUITM Studio SA,…
    needs; in terms of product content
    (e.g. alternative investment solutions),   •	 Improving the internal efficiency,
    service model and channels, pricing,…         and by doing so enabling to
                                                  improve the quality and speed of the
 	   Key examples include: Creative Equity,       service offered to clients, enabling
     Funds for Good, Precious Time by             price reductions,…
     Elite Advisers, Tax Shelter Premium by
     SCOPE Invest,…

In addition to the impact the innovations have on the life of the client, concepts can also be classified based on                                                              Number of competing
                                                                                                                                                                                3    concepts per category
     their functional content; as is done below starting from the Accenture High Performance Banking model.

                                       Digitalize client           Continue evolving mobile technologies & channels                          Leverage internet to
                                       interaction in the          (bank and non-bank solutions):                                            create transparency
                                       traditional branch          • Payments, but also other products (insurance, credits)                  across players 4
                                       network         2           • Transaction initiation, but also advisory and sales 14

                                                                               Channel Integration & Management                                                     Information collection
     Further advance integrated
                                                                                                                                                                    and publishing support
     use of different channels
                                  3                     Branch                 Phone          ATM                Mobile       Web                                   for individual companies
                                                                                                                                                                    and across industry 5

                                                                              Sales, Marketing, Brand Management
     Use advanced analytics &                                                                                                                                       • Product innovation
     client behavior analysis to                                                                                                                                    leveraging for example
     support product development,                                                                                                                                   new fiscal legislation
     marketing efforts, channel
     design,… 7                                                                                                                                                     • Increase sophistication
                                                        Customer Data          Product                      Pricing                                                 of IT platforms: tooling

                                                                               Aggregation                  Rules                                                   supporting client
                                                                                                                                                                    interaction and advisory;
                                                                                                                                                                    portfolio management 13
     Important product innovation
     leveraging digital technologies                                                                                                                                Modest product
     (for example e-invoicing,                          Payments               Lending           Deposits        Investment   Insurance                             innovation and
     prepaid cards, e-vouchers,                         & Cash                                                                                                      digitalization of client
     e-safe) 13                                         Management                                                                                                  interaction 3

     Continuous focus on improving:                                                                                                                                 Modest innovation in
                                                                                                                                                                    products, client interaction
     • IT & data security - both                                                                                                                                    processes, and internal
     in client interaction (e.g. for                    IT                     Risk                         Human             Other                                 efficient solutions 3
     transaction initiations) as

                                                                               Management                   Resources
     within the bank

     • Automated support for
     application development and       Out-of-the-box and tailored                           Actively manage information      Software and
     testing                           solutions for risk-related topics                     exchange between                 communication tools
                                       like AML, Basel III, Solvency,… as                    employees and companies,         automating different
     • Out-of-the-box software         well as regulatory reporting 6                        especially in support of         support functions 3
     solutions for small and large                                                           innovation process 6
     banks 16

Looking back at the event
 About 200 people accepted the personal invitation to join the Accenture Innovation Awards
 ceremony on February 2, 2012. Jury members, partners and candidates were joined by an
 impressive list of top management representatives of the different key players in the BeLux
 financial industry. They all gathered at the historical building of the Belgian Stock Exchange in
 the centre of Brussels to discover the final award winners. However, the agenda had more in
 store than the winners only.
 Some highlights…

 The Conversation Manager                      Benoît Cerexhe, Brussels
 by Steven Van Belleghem                       Minister of Economy,
 (InSites Consulting)                          Employment and R&D

 In recent years, the internet has developed   Brussels has linked its destiny for an
 from a static into a social platform. This    important part to the overall wellbeing
 development has had a major impact            of the financial sector: it is home to an
 on the manner in which consumers seek         important number of local, regional and
 information, communicate and indicate         global financial players, continues to
 their purchasing intentions. Through a        nurture technological evolutions in that
 number of concrete examples, Steven           industry and hence has nearly 10% of
 Van Belleghem has demonstrated how            its total employment originated in the
 marketers can change the way they             financial sector. Together with the rest of
 interact with their customers and turn        the world; Mr. Cerexhe therefore closely
 this trend to their advantage. Becoming a     follows the current evolutions of this
 ‘conversation manager’ who listens to his     sector. He strongly believes in the role
 customers and actively collaborates with      innovation can play in re-establishing
 them is the way forward.                      the trust clients have in their bank and
                                               actively supports any initiative that
                                               promotes innovation – as the Accenture
                                               Financial Services Innovation Awards do.

Innovation Market
The top 8 candidates were offered the
opportunity to introduce their concept
to the audience during the Innovation
Market, opened during the welcome drink
as well as during the walking dinner
following the ceremony. A computer
screen and a publicity desk were available
to support the promotion of the concepts.

In addition, each of the top 8 candidates
was presented during the ceremony by
mean of a personal short video followed
by a snap interview with the candidate.

Euronext Bell Ceremony
The winners of the Accenture Financial
Services Innovation Awards 2012 were
invited to open the trading day on
February 6. In addition to the honor of
ringing the symbolical bell, Euronext
offered to the winners and top 8
candidates the opportunity to continue
the discussion on innovation with
Euronext staff and to exchange ideas for
the future.

The building
“ The building that houses the Brussels
  Stock Exchange does not have a distinct
  name, though it is usually called simply
  the Bourse. It is located on Boulevard
  Anspach, and is the namesake of the
  Beursplein/Place de la Bourse, which is,
  after the Grand Place, the second most
  important square in Brussels.

 As part of the covering of the river Senne
 for health and aesthetic reasons in the
 1860s and 1870s, a massive program
 of beautification of the city centre was
 undertaken. Architect Léon-Pierre Suys,
 as part of his proposal for covering of the
 Senne, designed a building to become the
 centre of the rapidly expanding business
 sector. It was to be located on the former
 butter market, (itself situated on the
 ruins of the former Recollets Franciscan
 convent) on the newly created Anspach
 Boulevard (then called
 Central Boulevard).

 The building was erected from 1868 to
 1873, and mixes elements of the 	
 Neo-Renaissance and Second Empire
 architectural styles. It has an abundance
 of ornaments and sculptures, created by
 famous artists, including the brothers
 Joseph and Jacques Jacquet, Guillaume
 de Groot, French sculptor Albert-Ernest
 Carrier-Belleuse and his then-assistant
 Auguste Rodin.”1 “The hundreds of
 sculptures and bas-relief [constitute]
 allegories for Brussels, Freedom of Trade,
 Africa and Asia […].”2

     Source: Wikipedia (
     Source: (

And the winner is…
Both the public and the expert jury have opted for a user friendly, mobile solution as their
favorite innovation. The public prize is awarded to KBC Mobile Banking, a Smartphone solution
for fast peer-to-peer payments. The expert jury preferred Digicash by Mpulse.

Public Prize Winner                          quickly transfer money from your savings      allows the client to pay with his phone
                                             to your current account and the problem       in restaurants, bars, shops,… He scans
                                             is solved. You are at a restaurant with a     the QR code and enters his pin code.
                                             group of friends, going Dutch? No need to     The payment is made immediately; the
                                             swap money between people, just pay the       merchant receives the money directly on
                                             restaurant and each other by SMS. Very        his account” according to Mpulse Sales
                                             easy, fast and without security issues.       and Marketing Director, Jonathan Prince.
                                             The base principle of secure access is that
                                             the client needs to know something – his      Rosy future for small, mobile
                                             access password - and to have something       payment solutions
KBC Mobile Banking: the next                 - the secure QR code in his phone.”
                                                                                           Jonathan Prince expects this innovation
step in mobile banking                       The breakthrough of KBC Mobile Banking        to surf the wave of mobile payments.
                                             has already started as per Dirk Cuypers:      “Mobile payment is going to be the
                                             “No wonder that the first signs of success    economic engine for the 5 to 10 years to
                                             were already visible. KBC Mobile Banking      come. That is not only a personal belief.
                                             was launched in October and we already        There are already worldwide 4 billion
                                             have about 70,000 users, good for nearly      credit cards and 5 billion mobile phones.
                                             100,000 transactions per week. And            Recent studies estimate mobile payments
                                             growth is expected to be exponential,         business at 670 billion dollars by 2015.
                                             following the growth in the number            There is therefore an important need
                                             of Smartphones: market estimates              for new solutions for payments over the
                                             indicate that within 12 months, 50 to 60      internet, in shops and of course mobile.
Dirk Cuypers, Head of Distribution           percent of all Belgian people will have       Those solutions need to be simple and
Channels at KBC Belgium, explains            a Smartphone. In addition, mobile data        secure. Digicash does not request the
how simple KBC Mobile Banking is...          traffic is getting cheaper very fast. The     client to disclose any personal information
You download the application from            millions of users of internet banking will    at the location of the payment. We create
the KBC website.. This app allows you        hence rapidly switch to mobile banking        an ecosystem for banks, card providers,
‘scash’ with other users of the system:      solutions. This evolution will be even        merchants and consumers.”
retailers, friends, family, … You only       faster if Belgian banks work together on a
need your mobile device and password         market standard for mobile solutions.”        Boosting economy
to make a payment. No need to carry
around cash anymore. You hold the two               This trend is also good to boost the
phones or tablets close to each other                                                      overall economy. “It will generate more
so that they can exchange QR codes,          Jury Prize Winner                             payments, which are executed faster and
and the payment is made. The money is                                                      with less error than through internet
immediately transferred.                                                                   banking. With our QR code: no errors.
                                                                                           And the payment is done in a matter of
In addition the App can be used to                                                         seconds” indicates Jonathan Prince. “In
make payments to accounts at other           Digicash: pay mobile –fast                    addition, the solution can handle fidelity
banks, to check balance, to follow-up on
transactions,… just as an ATM.               and errorless                                 programs, rebate vouchers and other
                                                                                           direct marketing actions – again fast and
                                                                                           without errors. Merchants can link in their
Flexible and yet safe                                                                      CRM systems, while customers only need
Dirk Cuypers: “We started from the                                                         one card for all retailers.”
question which service would bring a                                             
real added value for our clients. Internet
banking can only be used on a PC and is
rather cumbersome in usage, credit and
debit cards necessitate a whole network
of ATM’s. KBC Mobile Banking eliminates
these obstacles. You are at the cashier      “The customer downloads the App on
in the supermarket and you don’t have        his Smartphone or tablet and enters one
enough money on your account? You            time his account- or card number. This
Jury Prize Runner-up

 Given the overall impressive diversity and
 high quality of the submitted innovations,
 the expert jury decided to award their
 “runner-up”: is a Financial Services
 product comparison website that enables
 users to compare banking and insurance
 products, and select the offers that best
 suit their needs. The website also provides
 consumers with news about Financial
 Services products.

Press & Buzz
Innovation Awards for Financial Services in Belgium & Luxembourg
Increased visibility on Innovation: over 51,000 touch points

                                                                                        Tactics: eMails, Social Media (Facebook,
                                                                                        Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Slideshare),
                                                                                        Microsite, event, press relations, videos,
                                                                                        public voting, online and print advertising/
                                                                                        advertorials, banners, WOM

                                                                                        Targets: Clients, prospects, wider business
                                                                                        community, government, influencers in
                                                                                        Financial Services

                                                                                        Campaign Launch: Q2 FY12

                                                                                        •	 17,000 votes for Top 25 candidates
                                                                                        •	 216 attendees (many C-levels) to
                                                                                           the Innovation Awards Ceremony
                                                                                           in Brussels
                                                                                        •	 Press coverage in Trends, Kanaal Z &
                                                                                           other media (over 10 articles/blogs)
                                                                                        •	 Multimedia advertising campaign in
Source: L’Echo and De Tijd                                                                 L’Echo/ (full page advertorial,
                                                                                           banners, 10.000+ dossier views)
Business Opportunity: Position Accenture   Marketing Solution: A campaign that          •	 Promotion via clients KBC (emails) and
as a leader in driving an innovation       created awareness and knowledge of              BNP Paribas Fortis (terminals)
dynamism in Belgium & Luxembourg’s         Accenture’s innovation awards and its        •	 Awards Ceremony at the Brussels
Financial Services                         focus on Financial Services and help build      Stock Exchange (Feb 2, 2012)
                                           a network and dynamism of innovation         •	 Bell Ceremony at Euronext Stock
                                           among large and small players                   Exchange (Feb 6, 2012)
                                                                                        •	 Luxembourg Innovation Awards
                                                                                           (May 10, 2012)

                                                                                        Contact for more information:

Presenting our expert jury
 The first edition of the Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services can boast
 on an impressive expert jury. Executive level representatives from the different large BeLux
 banks and insurers agreed to take seat in the jury panel, together with key people from
 institutions like FebelFin, SWIFT and from our partners in Belgium and Luxembourg: private
 equity company Allyum, Association des Banques et Banquiers de Luxembourg, Belgacom,
 ISPIM, LuxInnovation, NYSE Euronext, PHB Development and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management
 School. This resulted in an expert jury composed of people with quite different views on
 innovation, and in very interesting discussions during the two sessions. We therefore want
 to warmly thank all of our expert jury members for their time and commitment to the
 discussions, which certainly contributed to the success of this first edition.

 Raphaël Abou                      Rudi Collin                             Ignace Combes
 Allyum                            BNP Paribas Fortis                      Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
 Managing Director                 Head of Corporate and Transaction       Chairman Centre for Financial Services
                                   Banking Europe

 François Coupienne                Bjorn Cumps                             Wien De Geyter
 PHB Development                   Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School   Febelfin
 Partner & Consultant in Mobile    Doctor - Senior Researcher              Secretary General
 Financial Services

 Quinten Fraai                     Cédric Grandjean                        Marc Hemmerling
 ING Belgium                       Belgacom                                Association des Banques et Banquiers du
 General Manager Direct Channels   Director Mergers & Acquisitions         Luxembourg
                                                                           Head of Organization, Technology and
                                                                           Payment Systems

Jean-Paul Hengen                     Anne-Laure Mention                         Konstantin Peric
LuxInnovation                        CRP Henri Tudor - Head of Unit             SWIFT
Luxembourg ICT Cluster Manager       Innovation Economics & Service Valuation   Head of Innovation
                                     ISPIM - Member of the Advisory Board

Guido Poffé                          Daniel Falque (replacement of G. Poffé)    Carlo Thill
KBC                                  KBC                                        BGL BNP Paribas
Senior General Manager of Retail &   CEO KBC’s Belgium Business Unit            Chairman of the Management Board and
Private Bancassurance Distribution                                              member of the Board of Directors

Philippe Van Belle                   Vincent Van Dessel
AG Insurance                         NYSE Euronext Brussels
BOO & CIO                            Chairman and CEO of Euronext Brussels
                                     and member of the Management
                                     Committee of NYSE Euronext

Presenting our partners
 A selective list of partners has been found willing to support us in the organization of the first
 Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services. They have done so by providing
 access to their professional network allowing the identification of potential candidates; by
 supporting the assessment of the submitted concepts, by offering access to the event venue;
 and last but not least by providing us with an attractive range of prices for our winners. We
 therefore also want to extend our appreciation to our partners for having contributed to the
 success of the Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards.

 Allyum offers corporate finance and           InSites Consulting is a new style online
 private equity services for small and         marketing research agency. InSites
                                                                                           The International Society for Professional
 medium sized enterprises (SME). Allyum        Consulting is a company of change agents
                                                                                           Innovation Management (ISPIM) is
 provides a wide range of tailored             as they connect marketers and consumers
                                                                                           a worldwide network of researchers,
 Financial Services in the area of IPO,        on research communities, help them
                                                                                           industrialists, consultants and public
 M&A and Fund raising. Allyum has been         develop cool brands with the power to
                                                                                           bodies who share an interest in innovation
 awarded in 2008 and 2010 as the best          stay hot and develop marketing activation
                                                                                           management. Formed in 1983, ISPIM has
 IPO House of the Year.                        which is worth talking about. InSites
                                                                                           560 members from 55 countries and is the
                                               Consulting helps their clients to let go
 Allyum offered a Business Plan critical                                                   oldest, largest and most active innovation
                                               and delegate real power to consumers, the
 review session to the Jury Prize runner-up.                                               association in Europe.
                                               ultimate key to making better marketing
                                               decisions and driving business growth.      ISPIM offered free membership for 2012
                                                                                           to the TOP 8 candidates.
                                               InSites offered an inspiring introduction
                                               workshop on Conversation Management or
                                               on Generation Y to the Jury Prize winner.


NYSE Euronext (NYX) is a leading global
operator of financial markets and provider
of innovative trading technologies. The
company’s exchanges in Europe and the
                                                                                          Vlerick Leuven Gent Management
United States trade equities, futures,
                                                                                          School is an international academic
options, fixed-income and exchange-          Technoport is a technology-oriented          school of management that aims to
traded products. With approximately          business incubator that supports             make an important contribution to
8,000 listed issues (excluding European      entrepreneurs in the validation,             professionalizing management and
Structured Products), NYSE Euronext’s        implementation and development of their      encouraging entrepreneurship.
equities markets – the New York Stock        innovative business idea. Technoport
Exchange, NYSE Euronext, NYSE Amex,                                                       The school realizes this mission through
                                             does this by providing access to resources
NYSE Alternext and NYSE Arca – represent                                                  rigorous and relevant scientific research
                                             that entrepreneurs and small companies
one third of the world’s equities trading,                                                and by offering a wide range of high-
                                             typically lack. Since 1998, Technoport
the most liquidity of any global exchange                                                 quality management courses with a
                                             has developed experienced management,
group. NYSE Euronext also operates                                                        specific European dimension. Vlerick
                                             networks and services to assist and
NYSE Liffe, one of the leading European                                                   Leuven Gent Management School
                                             accelerate the growth of promising
derivatives businesses and the world’s                                                    welcomes students, managers and
                                             high potential projects and start-ups in
second-largest derivatives business by                                                    organizations from all over the world.
                                             Luxembourg. The mission of Technoport
value of trading. The company offers         is to support and promote the creation
comprehensive commercial technology,                                                      Vlerick Leuven Gent Management
                                             and the development of technological and
connectivity and market data products                                                     School offered a free position in their
                                             innovative companies.
and services through NYSE Technologies.                                                   Entrepreneurial Innovation Program to the
NYSE Euronext is in the S&P 500 index,       Technoport offered a six-month free of       winner of the Public Prize.
and is the only exchange operator in the     charge hosting to the Jury Prize winner
Fortune 500.                                 and Jury Prize runner-up.          

NYSE Euronext gave the winners the 
opportunity to open the Bell Ceremony of
the Brussels Stock Exchange on
February 6, 2012.

The candidates
 Top 8

 KBC Mobile Banking by KBC                                          iNUI™ Fly Folder by iNUI™
                                                                                            Studio SA

                                               The website has as a
                                               mission to support customers to compare
                                               bank products and to keep them up
                                               to date regarding important news and
                                               brand-new products on the market place
                                               via social networks and newsletters.
 In September 2011 KBC announced
                                                         iNUI™ Fly Folder by iNUI™ Studio is the
 the launch of Mobile Banking, the
 Smartphone and tablet application                                                          first enterprise level software suite that
 designed to turn the mobile into a real-                                                   uses gesture recognition. It offers new
 time support for daily banking across                                                      ways of interaction and navigation,
 all channels. KBC Mobile Banking is           Innotribe by SWIFT                           natural, simple, innovative, fun and
 a mobile payment system that allows                                                        intuitive, in a broad content type: Image,
 users to consult their accounts in real-                                                   Powerpoint, .pdf, video, web (Bing Map,
 time and wire transfers to other KBC                                                       Google Map, Weather, etc). Used as
 and non-KBC accounts. KBC provides                                                         “Information Corner”, it replaces the touch
 a native app for iOS (tuned for iPhone                                                     screens. The client moves from a passive to
 and iPad) and Android to make secure          Innotribe is an initiative by the company    an active state. Do not be just a spectator.
 payments intuitive, fast and convenient       SWIFT to foster collaborative innovation
                                               in Financial Services. It is built around
 by simply tapping the phone which is
 using fingerprint technology to provide       a mix of education, new perspectives,
 additional security. The application was      collaboration and facilitation brought
 launched in September, immediately            by strategists, business and technology
 putting the app in the top downloads          leaders, trend-setters and trend-watchers.   James by BNP Paribas Fortis
 in iTunes for both iPhone as iPad.  
 November has been around the launch
 of Scash functionality which allows
 users of KBC Mobile Banking to perform
 peer-to-peer transactions to other                                                         James by BNP Paribas Fortis is a unique
 devices in real-time. Scash leverages QR                                                   concept in the Belgian market for remote
 Scanning technology to create a device-                                                    financial advice. A dedicated financial
 independent, highly secure, real-time                                                      expert is at your service via different
 mobile p2p payment system.                                                                 modern ways of communication like                                                            videoconference, call or e-mail, and is
                                                                                            standby available even outside traditional
                                                                                            office hours.

                                                                                            James is skilled as a true expert
 Digicash by Mpulse                                                                         and supported by real-time market
                                                                                            information like Bloomberg and Reuters.
                                                                                            Not being caught in travel or long
                                                                                            meetings, James is organized to contact
                                                                                            clients in a very proactive way, and
 Digicash by Mpulse is an easy to use, fast,                                                tailored to individual client needs. Not
 efficient and convenient mobile payment                                                    only on investments, but he will also
 solution to buyers and merchants.                                                          help with other banking affairs in
                                                                                            general, thanks to his special access to a                                                                     team of experts in areas like tax, lending
                                                                                            and insurance.


Paperless Bank by Bank J. Van              Zoomit by Isabel SA/NV
Breda & Co

                                           Zoomit is a free service in Internet
                                           Banking that offers a quick and easy way
                                           to manage your bills and payments. In
                                           addition to help you keep your financial
                                           affairs in order, Zoomit allows you to do
                                           your bit for the environment.
Paperless Bank by Bank J. Van Breda &
Co is all about supporting the bank end-   You get an e-mail when a new bill is
to-end business processes at any time,     available. Your bill looks just like the
any place and as efficiently as possible   paper version. You no longer have to type
via the use of electronic identity and     out payments in Internet Banking, as the
mobile devices and without any manual      payment slip is filled in in advance. All it
intervention from the Back Office.         takes is a few clicks to pay any bills you
                                           authorize. If necessary, you get an e-mail                 reminder a few days before the payment
                                           deadline, so you save administrative
                                           costs and avoid being cut off by service
                                           providers due to late payment. All your
                                           payments and the related documents are
                                           safely stored in your Internet Banking
                                           account for easy access. In addition, you
                                           can access the information at any time,
                                           at home, in the office or when you’re
                                           travelling. And thanks to Zoomit you can
                                           reduce your consumption of paper, which
                                           of course is good for the environment.


Concepts 9 – 25 (by alphabetical order)                                                     coupons, meal/eco/services cheques) get
                                                                                             digitalized into E-vouchers.
 ASSURAX by Verzekeringen                      DeepDrill by BNP Paribas Fortis     

                                                                                             eXchange2Innovate by BGL
 Assurax is a franchise concept for
                                                                                             BNP Paribas
 insurance brokers. A mix of regional
 exclusivity for the franchisee, well
 integrated ICT applications and extensive
 linkage to lets clients
 choose a balance between online advise
 and purchase or personal care at one of       DeepDrill by BNP Paribas Fortis is a          eXchange2Innovate by BGL BNP Paribas
 the Assurax offices.                          software offer materializing the entry        and in collaboration with CRP Henri
                                               of the ‘investment products’ business         Tudor, Ernst & Young and ProCompany                         into the ‘Big Data’ and ‘Data Analytics’      Eberwein & Partner is a dynamic
                                               era, inducing major changes in the way        workshops program which aims at
                                               business is traditionally conducted. The      offering the possibility for entrepreneurs
 AXA service mobile car and                    benefits can be expressed along 3 axes:       to debate and reciprocally enhance
                                               1. managing and reducing the regulatory       sharing of cross-industries’ practices,
 AXA service mobile household
                                               and reputational risks through dynamic        strategies, processes and technologies to
 by AXA Belgium                                adequacy between product risk and             facilitate innovative initiatives.
                                               investor profile, 2. investment patterns
                                               identification, being used as input for new
                                               products development and highlighting
                                               the areas and products segments where
                                               tailored advisory should be delivered to      Fidelsys by Fidelsys SA
                                               the sales force and 3. paves the way for
                                               automated direct tailored marketing,
                                               aimed at ultimately increasing customer
 New technologies are more and more            satisfaction and business volume alike.
 impacting today’s world. With the AXA
 service mobile car and AXA service mobile
 household applications, AXA backs its         E-Money as a Service by              Fidelsys simplifies the use of paperless
 brokers into the digital age thanks to an                                                   solutions such as e-wallet, e-vouchers or
 innovative concept.                                                                         gift cards by combining a global solution
                                                                                             of marketing tools with the financial
 Customers with a car or a household                                                         world to turn the payment cards into
 insurance at AXA can pre-declare a car                                                      loyalty tools.
 or household claim with their iPhone. An
 easy and practical solution to offer them a                                       
                                               E-Money as a Service by allows
 complementary service.                        companies to offer their own branded
                                               e-money services to end users under                                                 Funds For Good
                                               Tunz technology and license. The solution
                                               from Tunz has created new concepts to
                                               end users such as group buying, crowd
                                               funding, online and physical gift cards and
 CustyBank by Custy                            mobile payments (PingPing in Belgium).
                                                                                             Funds For Good (FFG) is active in finance,
                                                                introducing high quality asset managers
                                                                                             (AM) to professional investors (banks,
                                                                                             insurance companies, pension funds,
                                               e-vouchers by Monizze                         family offices). Funds For Good has a
 CustyBank by Custy is a transactions and                                                    unique business model : its objective is to
 portfolio management tool specifically                                                      maximize profits in order to share 50%
 designed for direct/online banks. The                                                       with philanthropy.
 tool includes several functions, including                                        
 current & savings accounts and securities
 accounts management. Payment system
 integrates all the latest standards and
                                               Monizze provides innovative payment
 manages payments fully automatically.
                                               solutions where paper vouchers (tickets,
Hipay by HPME                                 Make an Appointment by                         SeeZam by SeeZam S.A
                                              ING Belgium

                                                                                             SeeZam provides a unique virtual
In Europe, customers buy the same                                                            safe (e-Vault), guaranteeing the full
                                              Make an Appointment by ING guarantees
products in the same currency but use                                                        confidentiality of information and
                                              24/7 access to a portal that allows ING
different payment methods. Hipay by                                                          works by depositing data in a “safe” and
                                              clients to make an appointment online
HPME is an e-wallet that offers local                                                        allowing secure exchange between two
                                              with the branch employees of their choice
and international options to provide                                                         account (i.e. virtual safe) owners.
                                              in no more than four steps. Thanks to the
many advantages for the end users and
                                              unique features of ING Belgium’s online
the merchants.                                                                     
                                              appointment tool, the client is offered the                          possibility, via his personal computer or by
                                              using his mobile phone or tablet, to book
                                              a meeting slot directly into the agenda        SQR Tech by SQR Technologies
                                              of the appropriate branch employee
Intix Message Manager by INTIX                specifying the theme, date and time.

                                              By doing so, Make an Appointment
                                              truly fits into ING Belgium’s strategy
                                              as Belgium’s first universal direct bank:
                                              while browsing through one of ING’s
Intix Message Manager by INTIX                online channels, the customer can choose
                                              at any time to complement the online           SQR specializes in hardware security for
enables financial institutions to have a                                                     datacenters with the mission to develop
single window to make searching and           self-service with a highly personalized
                                              service at the branch in a couple of clicks.   the next platform of cloud security
reporting across multiple information                                                        solutions by exploiting the laws of
silos and systems possible in an easy         The client never suspects the underlying
                                              complexity of the tool (architecture,          quantum physics.
and cost-efficient way. The solution
is channel-agnostic and handles all           databases, etc.): the appealing and easy-
messaging formats while presenting            to-use interface guides the client through
data in aggregated dashboard views. The       a logic four-step flow.
solution is mainly focusing on users in the                     WealthExpert by Gambit
context of regulatory reporting, business
intelligence and searching and reporting
                                                       Financial Solutions
on (long term) messaging archives.
                                              Payfair@2.0 by European
                                              Payment Solutions NV
Luxembourg Fund Monitor by
Trendiction SA                                                                               WealthExpert by Gambit Financial
                                                                                             Solutions is an Investment Advisory
                                                                                             solution that uses questionnaires, guided
                                              payfair@2.0 by European Payment                dialogue and mathematical methods to
                                              Solutions NV is a secure authentication        support investors risk profiling, portfolio
                                              method combining an encrypted sound            management and wealth management
The Luxembourg Fund Monitor by
                                              authentication via mobile devices              services for various segments of financial
Trendiction collects and visualizes all the
                                              and a classic pin code to tackle the           institutions private clients.
relevant information that is published
                                              fraud issue and its expensive
online and in social news on the funds
                                              consequences and to increase customers’
industry in Luxembourg. It allows - to
                                              and merchants’ confidence.
monitor the latest news and views on
the Luxembourg funds industry - to  
search trends in the international
investment fund environment - to follow
key people, companies and associations
and to track legal and regulatory
developments worldwide.

Concepts 26 – 98 (by alphabetical order)                                                      important decrease of the risks when
                                                                                               bringing a new application in production.

 3SKey by SWIFT                                 AlarmTILT by M-PLIFY

                                                                                               ArcoInvoice by Arco Information

                                                AlarmTILT by M-PLIFY is an alert
                                                management solution working as Software
                                                and Connectivity as a Service. It uses all
                                                available communication channels (email,       ArcoInvoice by Arco Information
 3SKey by SWIFT is a multi-bank and             sms, voice, fax, iPhone push, pager, web       is a completely automated invoice
 multi-channel solution for electronic          update, etc.) to quickly and reliably notify   management solution which purposes are
 signature and strong authentication.           and inform crisis management teams,            to erase risk of error, to gain time and to
 Unlike traditional signature solutions,        technical staff, management, partners and      increase invoice treatment efficiency.
 3SKey ensures global interoperability          customers during incidents or disasters.
 between banks and their corporate clients,                                          
 maintaining the bank independence on its
 own KYC (Know Your Customer) processes
 during registration.
                                                                                               B-CEPHAL by Moriset            AMAT Framework by Clear2Pay by Adlogix
                                                                                               B-CEPHAL by Moriset is a powerful,
                                                                                               rapidly deployed Business Intelligence
                                                                                               engine that helps financial institutions
                                                                                               to make rational short term decisions
 Adlogix is a digital advertising resource      The AMAT Framework by Clear2Pay                on business cases where data
 management solution for premium                is a software solution that enables to         is degraded and where business
 publishers. It helps its clients to maximize   test automatically mobile applications         assumptions are complex.
 their premium digital advertising revenue      for validation against pre-defined   
 and to minimize their operational costs by     specifications and industry regulations.
 providing them a process facilitation and
 optimization software solution.      
                                                                                               BA Max by AG Insurance
                                                Application smooth reception by Advia                              methodology by REVER

                                                                                               AG Insurance non-life is positioned as a
                                                                                               universal insurer on the Belgian market
                                                                                               focusing on a multi-channel distribution
                                                                                               strategy (bank & broker), aimed at combines E-invoicing and
                                                                                               different market segments (retail and
 E-Credit Management services in order
                                                                                               business clients). To differentiate its
 to deliver the invoices to the debtor and
                                                Application smooth reception                   product offering it applies a strict rule of
 getting them paid. Real-time and online
                                                methodology by Rever allows a smooth           continuous product innovation, resulting
 professional intervention possibilities are
                                                reception methodology and tools for            in an innovation every 3 to 6 months in
 foreseen. provides advantages
                                                computer applications. It allows the           the Retail and/or SME market. In 2008, AG
 for both creditor and debtor by using
                                                end-user to validate each of its business      Insurance launched BA Max as a product
 multiple innovative techniques such as
                                                requirements versus the delivered              innovation. BA Max is the only “RC” Car
 Zoomit, Finvoice, XML, etc.: it is easy to
                                                application. This makes it possible to go      insurance in the market that covers the
 use, involves no heavy investments nor
                                                through a partial and smooth application       drivers bodily injuries up to 250,000 EUR
 software adaptations, is highly cost-
                                                reception, requirement by requirement.         even for accidents at fault.
 efficient, and on the top of it, it has a
                                                The end user can decide at each moment,
 green image.                                                                        
                                                after validation, to put a part of the
                                                application in production. This is a very      particuliers/bamax1.asp

BeCommerce                                   his office with “signature-slogan”: “Your     Collibra Business Semantics
                                             broker - Your best Insurance”.
                                                                                           Glossary by Collibra NV/SA
                                                                                           Business Semantics Glossary by Collibra
                                                                                           helps companies to define what
BeCommerce is the Belgian association        Business suite of applications by             their data means for their business,
for companies active in online and                                                         involving all stakeholders. It manages to
offline distance selling. They encourage     OpenERP S.A                                   improve responsibility, ownership, and
the growth of the E-commerce sector                                                        interoperability and aligns business and
through awareness raising, information,                                                    technical users.
promotion and certification of
E-commerce sites via a quality label and                                         
                                             OpenERP is an open source ERP software.
a code of conduct.
                                             It offers a comprehensive suite of business                     applications that can be used both online
                                             and on-site.
                                                                                           Consolidation Platform for Wealth
                                                                                           Management by Wealth@Work
BPO by Crefius NV

                                                                                           Wealth@Work intends to deliver to
                                                                                           the Family Offices and External Asset
                                                                                           Managers a unique neutral and cost-
BPO by Crefius NV is an all-in-one BPO
                                                                                           effective consolidation platform for
solution for strategic mortgage lending      CapitAnt organizes professional seminars,     wealth management using a SaaS model.
program, from the initial business case      workshops, debates and more with the
through set up and implementation.           aim to educate and involve students in
                                             the financial market world.
                                                                                           Creative Equity
Brand a profession by BROCOM                                                               Creative Equity is a start-up specialized
                                             Cleva by Mercator                             in Impact Finance. Their aim is to solve
                                                                                           social challenges while generating
                                                                                           financial profit. Through its business
                                                                                           model Creative Equity provides investors
                                                                                           on both requirements.
BROCOM has as core business the
promotion of the insurance broker in
the presence of the other distribution                                                     ErgoSuite by Netway SA
channels (bank, direct, agents …). In        Cleva is an insurance application for
former days BROCOM always referred           the management of clients, policies and
to the “BROCOM-broker”, which led to         claims provided by the French software
differentiation within the channel.          vendor ITN. Mercator uses Cleva as its
                                             back office system and makes use of a
2/3 of all Belgian active professional       service-oriented architecture. This
brokers are members of BROCOM.               allows different systems to communicate
Therefore, within BROCOM, a next step        with the back office through the use of       ErgoSuite by Netway integrates scientific
in positioning this profession forced        the services.                                 behavioral knowledge with classical
itself. By conducting promotion for the                                                    website/application design best practices
profession itself, without reference to                                                    to generate the expected return on
the organization BROCOM, and this            ColibriCard                                   investment. The tool allows to predict the
with a new and refreshing logo. The                                                        non-conscious efforts of a user during the
identification campaign is the ideal                                                       design phase of a website/application.
starting point in indicating to the
consumer, in a permanent manner, where       Colibricard is a financial platform and
to get independent and professional          end user product where prepaid payment
advice in insurance matters. Every partner   cards are issued by using the Mastercard
can put a signage of the new logo at         backbone for acceptance.

Evolan Originator by Sopra Group FAST-Finance by e-Kenz S.A.                              HomeSend by Belgacom
                                                                                           International Carrier Services
                                                                                           S.A. (BICS S.A.)

 Evolan Originator by Sopra Group is part
 of the Evolan Banking Suite. It is an        FAST-Finance by e-Kenz is a solution to
 electronic platform used to distribute       manage a company financials and cost
 complex financial products across multiple   accounting. This SAP Business All-in-
 channels, providing optimal efficiency       One solution is based on best practices,     HomeSend by Belgacom International
 and supporting all processes of each         available in a few days. The concept is      Carrier Services S.A. (BICS S.A.) is a
 stakeholder involved.                        perfectly fitted to the needs of SMEs that   global hubbing service that enables
                                              quickly want to start their business.        cross-border and cross-network person-                                                                     to-person transfers.
 Excentive Compensation Cockpit
 by Excentive International     Gapra by Fisk Consulting gcv
                                                                                           ID PAY by Loyaltek

 Excentive Compensation Cockpit by
 Excentive International is a software
 solution that covers all parts of
                                              Gapra by Fisk Consulting is an application
 Compensation Management in a financial                                                    ID PAY by Loyaltek uses the Belgian
                                              designed for the banks market risk
 institution in order to attract, motivate                                                 electronic identity card as a mean of
                                              department or other organizations with
 and retain the best employees, dealers                                                    payment to be used in payment terminals.
                                              a trading function. It allows analysts to
 and agents.                                                                               By linking the eID card to one or more
                                              import, analyze, correct, comment upon,
                                                                                           accounts, it is possible to pay without                      validate and report the daily results
                                                                                           any additional card. On the merchant
                                              of the trading floor for internal and
                                                                                           side, it allows to automatically identify
                                              regulatory purposes.
                                                                                           the customer and to create and easily
 Eye Tracking Tool for Customer                               maintain a customers’ database.
 Interaction Optimization by                                                     
                                                                                           Intelligent Invoice Processing
                                                                                           by Dynatos
 Eye Tracking Tool for Customer Interaction
 Optimization by ROGIL RESEARCH NV
 is an eye movement registration tool
                                              Getyoo offers NFC-based interactive
 that analyzes the customers behavior
                                              experiences and smart solutions (Mobile      Intelligent Invoice Processing by Dynatos
 when interacting with service providers
                                              Payment, Networking, Information             focuses on the area of incoming invoice
 such as banks or retailers. The tool
                                              retrieval, …) aimed at facilitating          processing to provide a full automation of
 helps its clients to guide their strategy
                                              exchanges between the real world and         paper and electronic invoices flow. It thus
 by identifying a comprehensive list of
                                              the virtual universe by interconnecting      minimizes the time and money spent on
 drivers (i.e. percentage of promotions…)
                                              objects, people, social networks and the     handling all types of invoices.
 and the relative impact of each driver
                                              Web via a single device.
 on the customer behavior to optimize                                            
 investment and leverage communication
 to maximize gains.

IntelliStamp by Inventive                   Jump by BNP Paribas Fortis                  Kynox – Client Data & Relation-
Designers NV                                                                            ship Management by Jiway S.A.

                                            Jump by BNP Paribas Fortis is an
                                            innovative idea management system.
                                            Jump uses a collaborative approach to
IntelliStamp by Inventive Designers tries   share the evaluation workload over a        Today, the financial industry recognizes
to bridge the gap between electronic        large population. Anyone with an idea can   how important it is to know about the
signature and paper-dependent business      post it, and other users will be asked to   customers (KYC). The Kynox Client Data
processes by providing a hybrid signature   review it. Everyone has a role on Jump!     & Relationship Management Suite by
that can be used to sign electronic                                                     Jiway allows the organizations to make
documents, but that also has a visual       For each idea, Jump selects 50 users        clients feel that each of them is a unique
extension – a stamp.                        (experts) based on their declared           and privileged customer. Kynox manages
                                            competences. In order to increase its       clients, but as well prospects, together          efficiency, Jump guarantees anonymity       with all participants having a role in
products/intellistamp                       all along the process, for innovators and   the root structure (Account holder, POA,
                                            for experts.                                beneficial owner...).

Intrum Web by Intrum Justitia               The main benefit of Jump is to filter
                                            innovative ideas, so the Innovation
                                            Committee receives only high
                                            potential ones.                             Lynx Wereldwijd Beleggen by Lynx
Intrum Web by Intrum Justitia is an         In this condition, the Innovation
online tool allowing the customers to       Committee can spend more time to select
easily deal with unpaid invoices, credit    innovations that will be completed and
management process and the different        sometimes also funded.
parties involved : debtor, creditor and                                                 Lynx Wereldwijd Beleggen by Lynx
Intrum Justitia.                                                                        provides a multi-channel trading platform
                                            KADOZ by Loyaltek                           along with its trading tools at a very                                                                low cost, giving access to more than 80
                                                                                        markets to its customers.


                                            Kadoz by Loyaltek is a tailor-made          MiddleOffice Control™ by
                                            payment scheme which purpose is to be       AlSego S.A.
                                            used as a thematic or geographic closed-
                                            loop gift card to allow many different
Isiwis technology enables companies to      small players to join together to offer a
control their collaborative environment     wide range of choices.
in which they electronically manage
and share documentation. It is a single                         MiddleOffice Control™ by Alsego is an
secure environment for an organization’s                                                intuitive and user-friendly Automated
valuable and confidential documents,                                                    Portfolio Consolidation & Management
improving efficiency and compliance,                                                    software solution for Private Wealth
mitigating operational risk, and                                                        Managers, Asset Managers and
facilitating collaboration with internal                                                Family Offices.
and external parties around the globe via
SaaS technology.                                                              

Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux
Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux

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Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards BeLux

  • 1. Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services Edition 2012
  • 2.
  • 3. Preface The Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards from Belgium. This clearly proves that A significant part of the success of this for Financial Services 2012, launched by innovation is very much alive and a first edition is due to the support of Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg priority within the Financial Services our partners who supported us in the aim to recognize and reward innovative marketplace in Belgium and Luxembourg. organization and provided the prizes for concepts brought to market by small the candidates. and large companies in the Financial With so many innovative concepts to Services industry. choose from, the expert jury consisting of We would also like to thank the 17 Financial Services industry leaders and Innovation Awards team for putting With close to 100 innovation cases influencers from Belgium and Luxembourg considerable time and effort into submitted, 17,000 public votes and certainly had their work cut out. Without organizing the competition. more than 180 participants invited at their expertise, effort and dedication, the Awards ceremony in the Brussels the Innovation Awards would not be We hope this report will give you a good Stock Exchange, this first edition was a so prestigious. We would therefore like overview of innovation in the Financial real success. to thank all the jury members for their Services industry and inspire you to participation and contributions. innovate to achieve high performance. From the 100 entries, almost twenty percent came from large organizations The three winners of the 2012 edition are With these Awards, we have created new and the remaining eighty percent from Digicash (Jury Prize), KBC Mobile Banking dynamism to promote innovation within small and medium sized organizations. (Public Prize) and the Financial Services marketplace. Thirty percent of the cases were from (Jury Prize Runner-up). Luxembourg and seventy percent Baudouin Thomas Financial Services Lead Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg Olivier Gillerot Country Managing Director Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg 3
  • 4.
  • 5. Table of Contents Innovation in Financial Services lives! 7 The Origami Butterfly 9 Making the life of the client easier 10 Looking back at the event 12 And the winner is… 15 Press & Buzz 17 Presenting our expert jury 18 Presenting our partners 20 The candidates 22 The organizing team 34 About Accenture 36 5
  • 6.
  • 7. Innovation in Financial Services lives! The Financial Services industry is going through rough times. It continues to draw negative headlines in newspapers and on television. Banks are struggling to cope with the impact of the financial crisis. However, at the same time, in the background, innovative ideas are born. They are nurtured in a protective cocoon to grow into impressive butterflies, promising to constitute the basis for the future recovery of the financial sector. In order to give these butterflies some additional warmth and encouragement, Accenture in Belgium and Luxembourg has kicked off the “Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services”. The first edition of this initiative has attracted a lot of attention and hence confirmed the interest in and potential for innovation in the BeLux financial sector. It has clearly succeeded in its objective to boost the dynamic around innovation, and to bring together the different stakeholders in a constructive discussion. The dots have been connected! Impressive list of diverse •• An important part of the applications •• Also the Financial Services sector focuses on innovating the way banks continues to develop its offering to candidates and insurers interact with their clients. clients by adding some new, innovative The first edition of the Accenture BeLux Leveraging on internet and mobile products to its menu. Innovation Awards can count on a list of devices, advisory, sales and transaction initiation continue to move away from •• And finally, the multiple mono and candidates which is impressive both in its cross-company ideation, training and sheer size as well as in its level of quality the traditional “brick” channels. In addition, new technologies like gesture information sharing platforms confirm and diversity. the sector interest in innovation; and control and eye tracking open up new horizons for the future. the fact that innovation thrives when With 98 subscriptions the cape of a 100 embedded in a broader ecosystem. candidates is as good as rounded. The vast • Secure access and protection of data majority of those nearly 100 candidates is inherently important for Financial is composed of small and often very Services, and hence also a domain young companies. At the same time the where significant innovations are mature market players have demonstrated observed. Also here technological that they also have a role to play in the evolutions allow for further progress, innovation debate by accounting for for example by encrypting data using 20% of the candidates. With 70% of the quantum physics. candidates coming out of Belgium, and 30% out of Luxembourg, the geographical •• Tools to gather and analyse client diversity was also ensured. information are getting more advanced than ever and result in a An even bigger variety is found better understanding of client needs. when looking at the content of the In its turn, this customer insight submitted concepts, underlining the allows for a further alignment of fact that innovation is hard to capture products, services, channels,… in one definition. 7
  • 8. Intensive discussions during (, To be continued including the movie presenting the expert jury sessions Opening Bell Ceremony of the Brussels With the Innovation Awards, Accenture The large choice of high quality and Stock Exchange by the two winners of BeLux aims to trigger a dynamic diverse candidates presented to the expert the contest. Available videos have been interaction around innovation, motivating jury resulted in the impressive challenge viewed over 8,000 times. everyone involved to keep searching for to come up with one winner. new ideas. This edition of the Innovation This virtual buzz spilled over to the real Awards was hence not a one shot The expert jury was composed of 17 world and the Accenture Innovation initiative, but an ongoing effort which members; each one having their own Awards popped up on ATM’s and in client will be continued in the years to come. background and hence their own view on communications. It became a frequent We therefore invite anyone who has an innovation. Experts from the large banks topic for discussions on the work floor of innovative and viable idea to contact us and insurance companies in Belgium and more than one company. and to enter next year’s competition… Luxembourg were supplemented with This attention came out onto an Note: You can contact us via e-mail to representatives from NYSE Euronext, impressive 17,000 votes on the Accenture Febelfin, SWIFT, Belgacom, private equity BeLux Innovation Awards webpage; and investor Allyum, PHB Development, encouraged about 200 Financial Services Association des Banques et Banquiers de professionals to defy the cold and to Luxembourg, LuxInnovation, ISPIM attend the closing ceremony on February and the Vlerick Leuven Gent 2, 2012 at the Brussels Stock Exchange. Management School. Finally, the first edition of the Accenture They were brought together in two jury BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial sessions. A first session to confirm the Services has received extensive bandwidth proposed list of the top 25 candidates in the different media. The close which entered the public voting collaboration with MediaFin for the on- competition, and to select the expert line file on innovation in financial services jury short list of eight candidates. The and the coverage of the closing event second session allowed the expert jury have resulted in continuous attention in to interview each of those eight before De Tijd and L’Echo. This attention was agreeing on the final winner. The long picked up by other media, resulting in and heated debates did not result in an the press coverage detailed in the section award winner only, but also lead to some “Press & Buzz” of this report. new ideas to combine and leverage the presented candidates. Active collaboration with Extensive visibility in the real selected partners world and in the virtual world The first edition of the Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards has been actively The initiative was followed with supported by a limited number of selected enthusiastic interest by the traditional partners. Each of them has its role and media, but even more on electronic reputation in the financial sector, while forums and platforms. The Accenture having maintained its objectivity and BeLux Innovation Awards micro site independence from the large and small ( market players. / set the tone and was quickly followed Their active support in the search by candidates, partners and media for candidates, the screening and who published banners, articles and assessment of submitted concepts and referrals. Social media were leveraged the organization of the closing event to further spread the word, with active has contributed to the success of this cover on Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, first edition of the Innovation Awards. SlideShare and YouTube. The dedicated The prices in goods they offered Twitter account ( (coaching in financial & business innovationbelux) has so far displayed planning, market research, innovation 630 tweets and counts 214 “Followers”. training, housing, media visibility and 26 videos have been uploaded on the networking… ) will contribute to the Innovation Awards YouTube page success of our award winners. 8
  • 9. The Origami Butterfly Accenture BeLux has chosen an Origami The choice of the green color refers butterfly made out of green paper as to youth, vitality and energy, which mascot for its Innovation Awards for constitute also the core features of an Financial Services; since it reflects and innovative enterprise. promotes the values underlying the initiative. The origami is made of paper, which brings us to the essence of the Finance The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth, World: paper is the raw material for reinvention and innovation. It embodies the bank notes that allow our economy the idea of development, transformation to function on a daily basis, and to and accomplishment: the caterpillar constantly pursue its growth. evolves, grows wings, and turns into a beautiful butterfly. This butterfly Finally, in some Asian countries, it is emerges from its cocoon to show itself customary to give notes folded in origami to the world, just like a brilliant idea style to wish peace and prosperity. By leaves a creative mind to surprise and choosing an origami butterfly as symbol serve the public. for the Accenture Innovation Awards, we want to wish all our candidates peace In addition, the butterfly represents the and prosperity, hoping that their concept major effects an initially small change might turn into a game changing element can have on the world at large in the for the financial industry. future. If according to the ‘butterfly effect’ one butterfly is able to start a tornado months later and miles further, then a well thought innovation can surely grow and develop to reach high objectives tomorrow. 9
  • 10. Making the life of the client easier As already mentioned above, innovation comes in different forms and cannot be captured under one definition. At the same time, some fundamental trends and observations can be made based on the 98 innovative concepts which were scanned as part of the Accenture Innovation Awards. Looking at the evolutions taking place •• By (re-)gaining trust: investing in Key examples include: AMAT in the BeLux Financial Services sector, it solutions to secure access to online Framework by Clear2Pay, ArcoInvoice becomes obvious that innovation aims services, to protect client and by Arco Information, CustyBank to make the life of the client easier, in a transaction data, to avoid by Custy, Intix Message Manager number of ways: fraudulent transactions or to protect by INTIX,… •• By further improving the convenience customers’ privacy. In addition to the technological of using banking and insurance Key examples include: 3SKey by evolutions as innovation enabler, the products: making it easier and faster SWIFT, IntelliStamp by Inventive different ideation platforms set up within for the client to access its bank or Designers NV, payfair@2.0 by one or across multiple companies deserve insurer, or to make payments, for European Payment Solutions NV, a special mention. They contribute to the example by leveraging internet and SQR Tech by SQR Technologies, sector innovative dynamic and involve mobile channels. TrustBuilder by SecurIT,… employees and clients in an active search Key examples include: AXA service for the innovations of tomorrow. mobile car and AXA service mobile A key enabler of a lot of these innovative Key examples of platforms fostering household by AXA Belgium, Digicash evolutions continues to be technology. the development of new ideas include by Mpulse, James by BNP Paribas Continuous technological evolutions eXchange2Innovate by BGL BNP Paribas, Fortis, KBC Mobile Banking by act as a true catalyst to keep up the Innotribe by SWIFT, Jump by BNP Paribas KBC, Make an Appointment by ING innovation pace, and to ensure the Fortis, XchangeHub by The Hub Brussels,… Belgium, Zoomit by Isabel SA/NV,… innovation of tomorrow: • Enable an in-depth understanding of •• By increasing transparency: offering the clients and their needs through client a clear (online) insight in advanced data capture across multiple product characteristics and pricing as sources, through sophisticated analysis well as in the status of, for example, and decision support, and through transactions. This transparency is pro-actively making the right requested and offered by individual information available at the right time financial institutions into their own to the right people. offering. It is also the domain of independent companies which can Key examples include: DeepDrill provide an objective comparison by BNP Paribas Fortis, Paperless between different companies, hence Bank by Bank J. Van Breda & Co, supporting customers in their choices. Wealth Management App by Avaloq Luxembourg Sarl, WealthExpert by Key examples include: ASSURAX by Gambit Financial Solutions,… VERZEKERINGEN,, Luxembourg Fund Monitor by • Opening up fully new horizons Trendiction SA, by which were up to now technically Verzekeringen NV,… not possible. •• By raising the relevancy of the banking Key examples include: E-Money as a and insurance products offered to Service by, Eye Tracking Tool clients: ensuring a maximal fit of what by ROGIL RESEARCH NV, iNUITM Fly is offered to the client with what he Folder by iNUITM Studio SA,… needs; in terms of product content (e.g. alternative investment solutions), • Improving the internal efficiency, service model and channels, pricing,… and by doing so enabling to improve the quality and speed of the Key examples include: Creative Equity, service offered to clients, enabling Funds for Good, Precious Time by price reductions,… Elite Advisers, Tax Shelter Premium by SCOPE Invest,… 10
  • 11. In addition to the impact the innovations have on the life of the client, concepts can also be classified based on Number of competing 3 concepts per category their functional content; as is done below starting from the Accenture High Performance Banking model. Digitalize client Continue evolving mobile technologies & channels Leverage internet to interaction in the (bank and non-bank solutions): create transparency traditional branch • Payments, but also other products (insurance, credits) across players 4 network 2 • Transaction initiation, but also advisory and sales 14 Channel Integration & Management Information collection Further advance integrated and publishing support use of different channels 3 Branch Phone ATM Mobile Web for individual companies and across industry 5 Distribution Sales, Marketing, Brand Management Use advanced analytics & • Product innovation client behavior analysis to leveraging for example support product development, new fiscal legislation marketing efforts, channel design,… 7 • Increase sophistication Customer Data Product Pricing of IT platforms: tooling Hub Aggregation Rules supporting client interaction and advisory; portfolio management 13 Important product innovation leveraging digital technologies Modest product (for example e-invoicing, Payments Lending Deposits Investment Insurance innovation and prepaid cards, e-vouchers, & Cash digitalization of client e-safe) 13 Management interaction 3 Production Continuous focus on improving: Modest innovation in products, client interaction • IT & data security - both processes, and internal in client interaction (e.g. for IT Risk Human Other efficient solutions 3 transaction initiations) as Corp. Management Resources within the bank • Automated support for application development and Out-of-the-box and tailored Actively manage information Software and testing solutions for risk-related topics exchange between communication tools like AML, Basel III, Solvency,… as employees and companies, automating different • Out-of-the-box software well as regulatory reporting 6 especially in support of support functions 3 solutions for small and large innovation process 6 banks 16 11
  • 12. Looking back at the event About 200 people accepted the personal invitation to join the Accenture Innovation Awards ceremony on February 2, 2012. Jury members, partners and candidates were joined by an impressive list of top management representatives of the different key players in the BeLux financial industry. They all gathered at the historical building of the Belgian Stock Exchange in the centre of Brussels to discover the final award winners. However, the agenda had more in store than the winners only. Some highlights… The Conversation Manager Benoît Cerexhe, Brussels by Steven Van Belleghem Minister of Economy, (InSites Consulting) Employment and R&D In recent years, the internet has developed Brussels has linked its destiny for an from a static into a social platform. This important part to the overall wellbeing development has had a major impact of the financial sector: it is home to an on the manner in which consumers seek important number of local, regional and information, communicate and indicate global financial players, continues to their purchasing intentions. Through a nurture technological evolutions in that number of concrete examples, Steven industry and hence has nearly 10% of Van Belleghem has demonstrated how its total employment originated in the marketers can change the way they financial sector. Together with the rest of interact with their customers and turn the world; Mr. Cerexhe therefore closely this trend to their advantage. Becoming a follows the current evolutions of this ‘conversation manager’ who listens to his sector. He strongly believes in the role customers and actively collaborates with innovation can play in re-establishing them is the way forward. the trust clients have in their bank and actively supports any initiative that promotes innovation – as the Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards do. 12
  • 13. Innovation Market The top 8 candidates were offered the opportunity to introduce their concept to the audience during the Innovation Market, opened during the welcome drink as well as during the walking dinner following the ceremony. A computer screen and a publicity desk were available to support the promotion of the concepts. In addition, each of the top 8 candidates was presented during the ceremony by mean of a personal short video followed by a snap interview with the candidate. Euronext Bell Ceremony The winners of the Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards 2012 were invited to open the trading day on February 6. In addition to the honor of ringing the symbolical bell, Euronext offered to the winners and top 8 candidates the opportunity to continue the discussion on innovation with Euronext staff and to exchange ideas for the future. 13 13
  • 14. The building “ The building that houses the Brussels Stock Exchange does not have a distinct name, though it is usually called simply the Bourse. It is located on Boulevard Anspach, and is the namesake of the Beursplein/Place de la Bourse, which is, after the Grand Place, the second most important square in Brussels. As part of the covering of the river Senne for health and aesthetic reasons in the 1860s and 1870s, a massive program of beautification of the city centre was undertaken. Architect Léon-Pierre Suys, as part of his proposal for covering of the Senne, designed a building to become the centre of the rapidly expanding business sector. It was to be located on the former butter market, (itself situated on the ruins of the former Recollets Franciscan convent) on the newly created Anspach Boulevard (then called Central Boulevard). The building was erected from 1868 to 1873, and mixes elements of the Neo-Renaissance and Second Empire architectural styles. It has an abundance of ornaments and sculptures, created by famous artists, including the brothers Joseph and Jacques Jacquet, Guillaume de Groot, French sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse and his then-assistant Auguste Rodin.”1 “The hundreds of sculptures and bas-relief [constitute] allegories for Brussels, Freedom of Trade, Africa and Asia […].”2 1 Source: Wikipedia ( 2 Source: ( 14
  • 15. And the winner is… Both the public and the expert jury have opted for a user friendly, mobile solution as their favorite innovation. The public prize is awarded to KBC Mobile Banking, a Smartphone solution for fast peer-to-peer payments. The expert jury preferred Digicash by Mpulse. Public Prize Winner quickly transfer money from your savings allows the client to pay with his phone to your current account and the problem in restaurants, bars, shops,… He scans is solved. You are at a restaurant with a the QR code and enters his pin code. group of friends, going Dutch? No need to The payment is made immediately; the swap money between people, just pay the merchant receives the money directly on restaurant and each other by SMS. Very his account” according to Mpulse Sales easy, fast and without security issues. and Marketing Director, Jonathan Prince. The base principle of secure access is that the client needs to know something – his Rosy future for small, mobile access password - and to have something payment solutions KBC Mobile Banking: the next - the secure QR code in his phone.” Jonathan Prince expects this innovation step in mobile banking The breakthrough of KBC Mobile Banking to surf the wave of mobile payments. has already started as per Dirk Cuypers: “Mobile payment is going to be the “No wonder that the first signs of success economic engine for the 5 to 10 years to were already visible. KBC Mobile Banking come. That is not only a personal belief. was launched in October and we already There are already worldwide 4 billion have about 70,000 users, good for nearly credit cards and 5 billion mobile phones. 100,000 transactions per week. And Recent studies estimate mobile payments growth is expected to be exponential, business at 670 billion dollars by 2015. following the growth in the number There is therefore an important need of Smartphones: market estimates for new solutions for payments over the indicate that within 12 months, 50 to 60 internet, in shops and of course mobile. Dirk Cuypers, Head of Distribution percent of all Belgian people will have Those solutions need to be simple and Channels at KBC Belgium, explains a Smartphone. In addition, mobile data secure. Digicash does not request the how simple KBC Mobile Banking is... traffic is getting cheaper very fast. The client to disclose any personal information You download the application from millions of users of internet banking will at the location of the payment. We create the KBC website.. This app allows you hence rapidly switch to mobile banking an ecosystem for banks, card providers, ‘scash’ with other users of the system: solutions. This evolution will be even merchants and consumers.” retailers, friends, family, … You only faster if Belgian banks work together on a need your mobile device and password market standard for mobile solutions.” Boosting economy to make a payment. No need to carry around cash anymore. You hold the two This trend is also good to boost the phones or tablets close to each other overall economy. “It will generate more so that they can exchange QR codes, Jury Prize Winner payments, which are executed faster and and the payment is made. The money is with less error than through internet immediately transferred. banking. With our QR code: no errors. And the payment is done in a matter of In addition the App can be used to seconds” indicates Jonathan Prince. “In make payments to accounts at other Digicash: pay mobile –fast addition, the solution can handle fidelity banks, to check balance, to follow-up on transactions,… just as an ATM. and errorless programs, rebate vouchers and other direct marketing actions – again fast and without errors. Merchants can link in their Flexible and yet safe CRM systems, while customers only need Dirk Cuypers: “We started from the one card for all retailers.” question which service would bring a real added value for our clients. Internet banking can only be used on a PC and is rather cumbersome in usage, credit and debit cards necessitate a whole network of ATM’s. KBC Mobile Banking eliminates these obstacles. You are at the cashier “The customer downloads the App on in the supermarket and you don’t have his Smartphone or tablet and enters one enough money on your account? You time his account- or card number. This 15
  • 16. Jury Prize Runner-up Given the overall impressive diversity and high quality of the submitted innovations, the expert jury decided to award their “runner-up”: is a Financial Services product comparison website that enables users to compare banking and insurance products, and select the offers that best suit their needs. The website also provides consumers with news about Financial Services products. 16
  • 17. Press & Buzz Innovation Awards for Financial Services in Belgium & Luxembourg Increased visibility on Innovation: over 51,000 touch points Tactics: eMails, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Slideshare), Microsite, event, press relations, videos, public voting, online and print advertising/ advertorials, banners, WOM Targets: Clients, prospects, wider business community, government, influencers in Financial Services Campaign Launch: Q2 FY12 Outcome: • 17,000 votes for Top 25 candidates • 216 attendees (many C-levels) to the Innovation Awards Ceremony in Brussels • Press coverage in Trends, Kanaal Z & other media (over 10 articles/blogs) • Multimedia advertising campaign in Source: L’Echo and De Tijd L’Echo/ (full page advertorial, banners, 10.000+ dossier views) Business Opportunity: Position Accenture Marketing Solution: A campaign that • Promotion via clients KBC (emails) and as a leader in driving an innovation created awareness and knowledge of BNP Paribas Fortis (terminals) dynamism in Belgium & Luxembourg’s Accenture’s innovation awards and its • Awards Ceremony at the Brussels Financial Services focus on Financial Services and help build Stock Exchange (Feb 2, 2012) a network and dynamism of innovation • Bell Ceremony at Euronext Stock among large and small players Exchange (Feb 6, 2012) • Luxembourg Innovation Awards (May 10, 2012) Contact for more information: 17
  • 18. Presenting our expert jury The first edition of the Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services can boast on an impressive expert jury. Executive level representatives from the different large BeLux banks and insurers agreed to take seat in the jury panel, together with key people from institutions like FebelFin, SWIFT and from our partners in Belgium and Luxembourg: private equity company Allyum, Association des Banques et Banquiers de Luxembourg, Belgacom, ISPIM, LuxInnovation, NYSE Euronext, PHB Development and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. This resulted in an expert jury composed of people with quite different views on innovation, and in very interesting discussions during the two sessions. We therefore want to warmly thank all of our expert jury members for their time and commitment to the discussions, which certainly contributed to the success of this first edition. Raphaël Abou Rudi Collin Ignace Combes Allyum BNP Paribas Fortis Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Managing Director Head of Corporate and Transaction Chairman Centre for Financial Services Banking Europe François Coupienne Bjorn Cumps Wien De Geyter PHB Development Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Febelfin Partner & Consultant in Mobile Doctor - Senior Researcher Secretary General Financial Services Quinten Fraai Cédric Grandjean Marc Hemmerling ING Belgium Belgacom Association des Banques et Banquiers du General Manager Direct Channels Director Mergers & Acquisitions Luxembourg Head of Organization, Technology and Payment Systems 18
  • 19. Jean-Paul Hengen Anne-Laure Mention Konstantin Peric LuxInnovation CRP Henri Tudor - Head of Unit SWIFT Luxembourg ICT Cluster Manager Innovation Economics & Service Valuation Head of Innovation ISPIM - Member of the Advisory Board Guido Poffé Daniel Falque (replacement of G. Poffé) Carlo Thill KBC KBC BGL BNP Paribas Senior General Manager of Retail & CEO KBC’s Belgium Business Unit Chairman of the Management Board and Private Bancassurance Distribution member of the Board of Directors Philippe Van Belle Vincent Van Dessel AG Insurance NYSE Euronext Brussels BOO & CIO Chairman and CEO of Euronext Brussels and member of the Management Committee of NYSE Euronext 19
  • 20. Presenting our partners A selective list of partners has been found willing to support us in the organization of the first Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards for Financial Services. They have done so by providing access to their professional network allowing the identification of potential candidates; by supporting the assessment of the submitted concepts, by offering access to the event venue; and last but not least by providing us with an attractive range of prices for our winners. We therefore also want to extend our appreciation to our partners for having contributed to the success of the Accenture BeLux Innovation Awards. Allyum offers corporate finance and InSites Consulting is a new style online private equity services for small and marketing research agency. InSites The International Society for Professional medium sized enterprises (SME). Allyum Consulting is a company of change agents Innovation Management (ISPIM) is provides a wide range of tailored as they connect marketers and consumers a worldwide network of researchers, Financial Services in the area of IPO, on research communities, help them industrialists, consultants and public M&A and Fund raising. Allyum has been develop cool brands with the power to bodies who share an interest in innovation awarded in 2008 and 2010 as the best stay hot and develop marketing activation management. Formed in 1983, ISPIM has IPO House of the Year. which is worth talking about. InSites 560 members from 55 countries and is the Consulting helps their clients to let go Allyum offered a Business Plan critical oldest, largest and most active innovation and delegate real power to consumers, the review session to the Jury Prize runner-up. association in Europe. ultimate key to making better marketing decisions and driving business growth. ISPIM offered free membership for 2012 to the TOP 8 candidates. InSites offered an inspiring introduction workshop on Conversation Management or on Generation Y to the Jury Prize winner. 20
  • 21. NYSE Euronext (NYX) is a leading global operator of financial markets and provider of innovative trading technologies. The company’s exchanges in Europe and the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management United States trade equities, futures, School is an international academic options, fixed-income and exchange- Technoport is a technology-oriented school of management that aims to traded products. With approximately business incubator that supports make an important contribution to 8,000 listed issues (excluding European entrepreneurs in the validation, professionalizing management and Structured Products), NYSE Euronext’s implementation and development of their encouraging entrepreneurship. equities markets – the New York Stock innovative business idea. Technoport Exchange, NYSE Euronext, NYSE Amex, The school realizes this mission through does this by providing access to resources NYSE Alternext and NYSE Arca – represent rigorous and relevant scientific research that entrepreneurs and small companies one third of the world’s equities trading, and by offering a wide range of high- typically lack. Since 1998, Technoport the most liquidity of any global exchange quality management courses with a has developed experienced management, group. NYSE Euronext also operates specific European dimension. Vlerick networks and services to assist and NYSE Liffe, one of the leading European Leuven Gent Management School accelerate the growth of promising derivatives businesses and the world’s welcomes students, managers and high potential projects and start-ups in second-largest derivatives business by organizations from all over the world. Luxembourg. The mission of Technoport value of trading. The company offers is to support and promote the creation comprehensive commercial technology, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management and the development of technological and connectivity and market data products School offered a free position in their innovative companies. and services through NYSE Technologies. Entrepreneurial Innovation Program to the NYSE Euronext is in the S&P 500 index, Technoport offered a six-month free of winner of the Public Prize. and is the only exchange operator in the charge hosting to the Jury Prize winner Fortune 500. and Jury Prize runner-up. NYSE Euronext gave the winners the opportunity to open the Bell Ceremony of the Brussels Stock Exchange on February 6, 2012. 21
  • 22. The candidates Top 8 KBC Mobile Banking by KBC iNUI™ Fly Folder by iNUI™ Studio SA The website has as a mission to support customers to compare bank products and to keep them up to date regarding important news and brand-new products on the market place via social networks and newsletters. In September 2011 KBC announced iNUI™ Fly Folder by iNUI™ Studio is the the launch of Mobile Banking, the Smartphone and tablet application first enterprise level software suite that designed to turn the mobile into a real- uses gesture recognition. It offers new time support for daily banking across ways of interaction and navigation, all channels. KBC Mobile Banking is Innotribe by SWIFT natural, simple, innovative, fun and a mobile payment system that allows intuitive, in a broad content type: Image, users to consult their accounts in real- Powerpoint, .pdf, video, web (Bing Map, time and wire transfers to other KBC Google Map, Weather, etc). Used as and non-KBC accounts. KBC provides “Information Corner”, it replaces the touch a native app for iOS (tuned for iPhone screens. The client moves from a passive to and iPad) and Android to make secure Innotribe is an initiative by the company an active state. Do not be just a spectator. payments intuitive, fast and convenient SWIFT to foster collaborative innovation in Financial Services. It is built around by simply tapping the phone which is using fingerprint technology to provide a mix of education, new perspectives, additional security. The application was collaboration and facilitation brought launched in September, immediately by strategists, business and technology putting the app in the top downloads leaders, trend-setters and trend-watchers. James by BNP Paribas Fortis in iTunes for both iPhone as iPad. November has been around the launch of Scash functionality which allows users of KBC Mobile Banking to perform peer-to-peer transactions to other James by BNP Paribas Fortis is a unique devices in real-time. Scash leverages QR concept in the Belgian market for remote Scanning technology to create a device- financial advice. A dedicated financial independent, highly secure, real-time expert is at your service via different mobile p2p payment system. modern ways of communication like videoconference, call or e-mail, and is standby available even outside traditional office hours. James is skilled as a true expert Digicash by Mpulse and supported by real-time market information like Bloomberg and Reuters. Not being caught in travel or long meetings, James is organized to contact clients in a very proactive way, and Digicash by Mpulse is an easy to use, fast, tailored to individual client needs. Not efficient and convenient mobile payment only on investments, but he will also solution to buyers and merchants. help with other banking affairs in general, thanks to his special access to a team of experts in areas like tax, lending and insurance. 22
  • 23. Paperless Bank by Bank J. Van Zoomit by Isabel SA/NV Breda & Co Zoomit is a free service in Internet Banking that offers a quick and easy way to manage your bills and payments. In addition to help you keep your financial affairs in order, Zoomit allows you to do your bit for the environment. Paperless Bank by Bank J. Van Breda & Co is all about supporting the bank end- You get an e-mail when a new bill is to-end business processes at any time, available. Your bill looks just like the any place and as efficiently as possible paper version. You no longer have to type via the use of electronic identity and out payments in Internet Banking, as the mobile devices and without any manual payment slip is filled in in advance. All it intervention from the Back Office. takes is a few clicks to pay any bills you authorize. If necessary, you get an e-mail reminder a few days before the payment deadline, so you save administrative costs and avoid being cut off by service providers due to late payment. All your payments and the related documents are safely stored in your Internet Banking account for easy access. In addition, you can access the information at any time, at home, in the office or when you’re travelling. And thanks to Zoomit you can reduce your consumption of paper, which of course is good for the environment. 23
  • 24. Concepts 9 – 25 (by alphabetical order) coupons, meal/eco/services cheques) get digitalized into E-vouchers. ASSURAX by Verzekeringen DeepDrill by BNP Paribas Fortis eXchange2Innovate by BGL Assurax is a franchise concept for BNP Paribas insurance brokers. A mix of regional exclusivity for the franchisee, well integrated ICT applications and extensive linkage to lets clients choose a balance between online advise and purchase or personal care at one of DeepDrill by BNP Paribas Fortis is a eXchange2Innovate by BGL BNP Paribas the Assurax offices. software offer materializing the entry and in collaboration with CRP Henri of the ‘investment products’ business Tudor, Ernst & Young and ProCompany into the ‘Big Data’ and ‘Data Analytics’ Eberwein & Partner is a dynamic era, inducing major changes in the way workshops program which aims at business is traditionally conducted. The offering the possibility for entrepreneurs AXA service mobile car and benefits can be expressed along 3 axes: to debate and reciprocally enhance 1. managing and reducing the regulatory sharing of cross-industries’ practices, AXA service mobile household and reputational risks through dynamic strategies, processes and technologies to by AXA Belgium adequacy between product risk and facilitate innovative initiatives. investor profile, 2. investment patterns identification, being used as input for new products development and highlighting the areas and products segments where tailored advisory should be delivered to Fidelsys by Fidelsys SA the sales force and 3. paves the way for automated direct tailored marketing, aimed at ultimately increasing customer New technologies are more and more satisfaction and business volume alike. impacting today’s world. With the AXA service mobile car and AXA service mobile household applications, AXA backs its E-Money as a Service by Fidelsys simplifies the use of paperless brokers into the digital age thanks to an solutions such as e-wallet, e-vouchers or innovative concept. gift cards by combining a global solution of marketing tools with the financial Customers with a car or a household world to turn the payment cards into insurance at AXA can pre-declare a car loyalty tools. or household claim with their iPhone. An easy and practical solution to offer them a E-Money as a Service by allows complementary service. companies to offer their own branded e-money services to end users under Funds For Good Tunz technology and license. The solution from Tunz has created new concepts to end users such as group buying, crowd funding, online and physical gift cards and CustyBank by Custy mobile payments (PingPing in Belgium). Funds For Good (FFG) is active in finance, introducing high quality asset managers (AM) to professional investors (banks, insurance companies, pension funds, e-vouchers by Monizze family offices). Funds For Good has a CustyBank by Custy is a transactions and unique business model : its objective is to portfolio management tool specifically maximize profits in order to share 50% designed for direct/online banks. The with philanthropy. tool includes several functions, including current & savings accounts and securities accounts management. Payment system integrates all the latest standards and Monizze provides innovative payment manages payments fully automatically. solutions where paper vouchers (tickets, 24
  • 25. Hipay by HPME Make an Appointment by SeeZam by SeeZam S.A ING Belgium SeeZam provides a unique virtual In Europe, customers buy the same safe (e-Vault), guaranteeing the full Make an Appointment by ING guarantees products in the same currency but use confidentiality of information and 24/7 access to a portal that allows ING different payment methods. Hipay by works by depositing data in a “safe” and clients to make an appointment online HPME is an e-wallet that offers local allowing secure exchange between two with the branch employees of their choice and international options to provide account (i.e. virtual safe) owners. in no more than four steps. Thanks to the many advantages for the end users and unique features of ING Belgium’s online the merchants. appointment tool, the client is offered the possibility, via his personal computer or by using his mobile phone or tablet, to book a meeting slot directly into the agenda SQR Tech by SQR Technologies of the appropriate branch employee Intix Message Manager by INTIX specifying the theme, date and time. By doing so, Make an Appointment truly fits into ING Belgium’s strategy as Belgium’s first universal direct bank: while browsing through one of ING’s Intix Message Manager by INTIX online channels, the customer can choose at any time to complement the online SQR specializes in hardware security for enables financial institutions to have a datacenters with the mission to develop single window to make searching and self-service with a highly personalized service at the branch in a couple of clicks. the next platform of cloud security reporting across multiple information solutions by exploiting the laws of silos and systems possible in an easy The client never suspects the underlying complexity of the tool (architecture, quantum physics. and cost-efficient way. The solution is channel-agnostic and handles all databases, etc.): the appealing and easy- messaging formats while presenting to-use interface guides the client through data in aggregated dashboard views. The a logic four-step flow. solution is mainly focusing on users in the WealthExpert by Gambit context of regulatory reporting, business intelligence and searching and reporting Financial Solutions on (long term) messaging archives. Payfair@2.0 by European Payment Solutions NV Luxembourg Fund Monitor by Trendiction SA WealthExpert by Gambit Financial Solutions is an Investment Advisory solution that uses questionnaires, guided payfair@2.0 by European Payment dialogue and mathematical methods to Solutions NV is a secure authentication support investors risk profiling, portfolio method combining an encrypted sound management and wealth management The Luxembourg Fund Monitor by authentication via mobile devices services for various segments of financial Trendiction collects and visualizes all the and a classic pin code to tackle the institutions private clients. relevant information that is published fraud issue and its expensive online and in social news on the funds consequences and to increase customers’ industry in Luxembourg. It allows - to and merchants’ confidence. monitor the latest news and views on the Luxembourg funds industry - to search trends in the international investment fund environment - to follow key people, companies and associations and to track legal and regulatory developments worldwide. 25
  • 26. Concepts 26 – 98 (by alphabetical order) important decrease of the risks when bringing a new application in production. 3SKey by SWIFT AlarmTILT by M-PLIFY ArcoInvoice by Arco Information AlarmTILT by M-PLIFY is an alert management solution working as Software and Connectivity as a Service. It uses all available communication channels (email, ArcoInvoice by Arco Information 3SKey by SWIFT is a multi-bank and sms, voice, fax, iPhone push, pager, web is a completely automated invoice multi-channel solution for electronic update, etc.) to quickly and reliably notify management solution which purposes are signature and strong authentication. and inform crisis management teams, to erase risk of error, to gain time and to Unlike traditional signature solutions, technical staff, management, partners and increase invoice treatment efficiency. 3SKey ensures global interoperability customers during incidents or disasters. between banks and their corporate clients, maintaining the bank independence on its own KYC (Know Your Customer) processes during registration. B-CEPHAL by Moriset AMAT Framework by Clear2Pay by Adlogix B-CEPHAL by Moriset is a powerful, rapidly deployed Business Intelligence engine that helps financial institutions to make rational short term decisions Adlogix is a digital advertising resource The AMAT Framework by Clear2Pay on business cases where data management solution for premium is a software solution that enables to is degraded and where business publishers. It helps its clients to maximize test automatically mobile applications assumptions are complex. their premium digital advertising revenue for validation against pre-defined and to minimize their operational costs by specifications and industry regulations. providing them a process facilitation and optimization software solution. BA Max by AG Insurance Application smooth reception by Advia methodology by REVER AG Insurance non-life is positioned as a universal insurer on the Belgian market focusing on a multi-channel distribution strategy (bank & broker), aimed at combines E-invoicing and different market segments (retail and E-Credit Management services in order business clients). To differentiate its to deliver the invoices to the debtor and Application smooth reception product offering it applies a strict rule of getting them paid. Real-time and online methodology by Rever allows a smooth continuous product innovation, resulting professional intervention possibilities are reception methodology and tools for in an innovation every 3 to 6 months in foreseen. provides advantages computer applications. It allows the the Retail and/or SME market. In 2008, AG for both creditor and debtor by using end-user to validate each of its business Insurance launched BA Max as a product multiple innovative techniques such as requirements versus the delivered innovation. BA Max is the only “RC” Car Zoomit, Finvoice, XML, etc.: it is easy to application. This makes it possible to go insurance in the market that covers the use, involves no heavy investments nor through a partial and smooth application drivers bodily injuries up to 250,000 EUR software adaptations, is highly cost- reception, requirement by requirement. even for accidents at fault. efficient, and on the top of it, it has a The end user can decide at each moment, green image. after validation, to put a part of the application in production. This is a very particuliers/bamax1.asp 26
  • 27. BeCommerce his office with “signature-slogan”: “Your Collibra Business Semantics broker - Your best Insurance”. Glossary by Collibra NV/SA Business Semantics Glossary by Collibra helps companies to define what BeCommerce is the Belgian association Business suite of applications by their data means for their business, for companies active in online and involving all stakeholders. It manages to offline distance selling. They encourage OpenERP S.A improve responsibility, ownership, and the growth of the E-commerce sector interoperability and aligns business and through awareness raising, information, technical users. promotion and certification of E-commerce sites via a quality label and OpenERP is an open source ERP software. a code of conduct. It offers a comprehensive suite of business applications that can be used both online and on-site. Consolidation Platform for Wealth Management by Wealth@Work BPO by Crefius NV CapitAnt Wealth@Work intends to deliver to the Family Offices and External Asset Managers a unique neutral and cost- BPO by Crefius NV is an all-in-one BPO effective consolidation platform for solution for strategic mortgage lending CapitAnt organizes professional seminars, wealth management using a SaaS model. program, from the initial business case workshops, debates and more with the through set up and implementation. aim to educate and involve students in the financial market world. Creative Equity Brand a profession by BROCOM Creative Equity is a start-up specialized Cleva by Mercator in Impact Finance. Their aim is to solve social challenges while generating financial profit. Through its business model Creative Equity provides investors on both requirements. BROCOM has as core business the promotion of the insurance broker in the presence of the other distribution ErgoSuite by Netway SA channels (bank, direct, agents …). In Cleva is an insurance application for former days BROCOM always referred the management of clients, policies and to the “BROCOM-broker”, which led to claims provided by the French software differentiation within the channel. vendor ITN. Mercator uses Cleva as its back office system and makes use of a 2/3 of all Belgian active professional service-oriented architecture. This brokers are members of BROCOM. allows different systems to communicate Therefore, within BROCOM, a next step with the back office through the use of ErgoSuite by Netway integrates scientific in positioning this profession forced the services. behavioral knowledge with classical itself. By conducting promotion for the website/application design best practices profession itself, without reference to to generate the expected return on the organization BROCOM, and this ColibriCard investment. The tool allows to predict the with a new and refreshing logo. The non-conscious efforts of a user during the identification campaign is the ideal design phase of a website/application. starting point in indicating to the consumer, in a permanent manner, where Colibricard is a financial platform and to get independent and professional end user product where prepaid payment advice in insurance matters. Every partner cards are issued by using the Mastercard can put a signage of the new logo at backbone for acceptance. 27
  • 28. Evolan Originator by Sopra Group FAST-Finance by e-Kenz S.A. HomeSend by Belgacom International Carrier Services S.A. (BICS S.A.) Evolan Originator by Sopra Group is part of the Evolan Banking Suite. It is an FAST-Finance by e-Kenz is a solution to electronic platform used to distribute manage a company financials and cost complex financial products across multiple accounting. This SAP Business All-in- channels, providing optimal efficiency One solution is based on best practices, HomeSend by Belgacom International and supporting all processes of each available in a few days. The concept is Carrier Services S.A. (BICS S.A.) is a stakeholder involved. perfectly fitted to the needs of SMEs that global hubbing service that enables quickly want to start their business. cross-border and cross-network person- to-person transfers. Excentive Compensation Cockpit by Excentive International Gapra by Fisk Consulting gcv ID PAY by Loyaltek Excentive Compensation Cockpit by Excentive International is a software solution that covers all parts of Gapra by Fisk Consulting is an application Compensation Management in a financial ID PAY by Loyaltek uses the Belgian designed for the banks market risk institution in order to attract, motivate electronic identity card as a mean of department or other organizations with and retain the best employees, dealers payment to be used in payment terminals. a trading function. It allows analysts to and agents. By linking the eID card to one or more import, analyze, correct, comment upon, accounts, it is possible to pay without validate and report the daily results any additional card. On the merchant of the trading floor for internal and side, it allows to automatically identify regulatory purposes. the customer and to create and easily Eye Tracking Tool for Customer maintain a customers’ database. Interaction Optimization by ROGIL RESEARCH NV Getyoo Intelligent Invoice Processing by Dynatos Eye Tracking Tool for Customer Interaction Optimization by ROGIL RESEARCH NV is an eye movement registration tool Getyoo offers NFC-based interactive that analyzes the customers behavior experiences and smart solutions (Mobile Intelligent Invoice Processing by Dynatos when interacting with service providers Payment, Networking, Information focuses on the area of incoming invoice such as banks or retailers. The tool retrieval, …) aimed at facilitating processing to provide a full automation of helps its clients to guide their strategy exchanges between the real world and paper and electronic invoices flow. It thus by identifying a comprehensive list of the virtual universe by interconnecting minimizes the time and money spent on drivers (i.e. percentage of promotions…) objects, people, social networks and the handling all types of invoices. and the relative impact of each driver Web via a single device. on the customer behavior to optimize investment and leverage communication to maximize gains. 28
  • 29. IntelliStamp by Inventive Jump by BNP Paribas Fortis Kynox – Client Data & Relation- Designers NV ship Management by Jiway S.A. Jump by BNP Paribas Fortis is an innovative idea management system. Jump uses a collaborative approach to IntelliStamp by Inventive Designers tries share the evaluation workload over a Today, the financial industry recognizes to bridge the gap between electronic large population. Anyone with an idea can how important it is to know about the signature and paper-dependent business post it, and other users will be asked to customers (KYC). The Kynox Client Data processes by providing a hybrid signature review it. Everyone has a role on Jump! & Relationship Management Suite by that can be used to sign electronic Jiway allows the organizations to make documents, but that also has a visual For each idea, Jump selects 50 users clients feel that each of them is a unique extension – a stamp. (experts) based on their declared and privileged customer. Kynox manages competences. In order to increase its clients, but as well prospects, together efficiency, Jump guarantees anonymity with all participants having a role in products/intellistamp all along the process, for innovators and the root structure (Account holder, POA, for experts. beneficial owner...). Intrum Web by Intrum Justitia The main benefit of Jump is to filter innovative ideas, so the Innovation Committee receives only high potential ones. Lynx Wereldwijd Beleggen by Lynx Intrum Web by Intrum Justitia is an In this condition, the Innovation online tool allowing the customers to Committee can spend more time to select easily deal with unpaid invoices, credit innovations that will be completed and management process and the different sometimes also funded. parties involved : debtor, creditor and Lynx Wereldwijd Beleggen by Lynx Intrum Justitia. provides a multi-channel trading platform KADOZ by Loyaltek along with its trading tools at a very low cost, giving access to more than 80 markets to its customers. ISIWIS Kadoz by Loyaltek is a tailor-made MiddleOffice Control™ by payment scheme which purpose is to be AlSego S.A. used as a thematic or geographic closed- loop gift card to allow many different Isiwis technology enables companies to small players to join together to offer a control their collaborative environment wide range of choices. in which they electronically manage and share documentation. It is a single MiddleOffice Control™ by Alsego is an secure environment for an organization’s intuitive and user-friendly Automated valuable and confidential documents, Portfolio Consolidation & Management improving efficiency and compliance, software solution for Private Wealth mitigating operational risk, and Managers, Asset Managers and facilitating collaboration with internal Family Offices. and external parties around the globe via SaaS technology. 29