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Academic Essay Writing, Ielts Writing, Essay Writin Academic Essay Writing, Ielts Writing, Essay Writin
How to Get Rid of Cellulite in a Safe and Easy Way Essay
How to Get Rid of Cellulite On A Safe And Easy Way
Posted by Jaymee on October 6th, 2011
Want to know How to Get Rid of Cellulite? Body image issues are one of the debilitating factors that
affect anyone s self esteem and confidence. Any alterations in the physicality and exterior of the body
always go hand in hand with the interior aspects of well being which disables an individual s self
Cellulites are one of the body disturbing markings that inhibits a person to wear appropriate clothes or
takes one a long time to decide what clothing to use in specific occasions or places due to worries in
revealing the unsightly areas. Medically, cellulites are changes in the topography of the skin which
happens commonly in ... Show more content on ...
Genetics when genes dominates in someone s physical and physiologic characteristic, it always carry
the advantageous and disadvantageous imprints of the past generations. Aside from health conditions
that bring secondary disorders of cellulites, there are genetic dispositions that make an individual
susceptible to cellulite formation like polymorphisms of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and
hypoxia inducible factor 1A or H1F1 genes.
Dietary Preference Foods that are unhealthy are already known to be health hazards since it causes
various health problems from major ones like cardiac conditions and endocrine related disturbance to
minor health issues particularly cellulites. Diets that are responsible for cellulite development and
aggravation are those that are high in fats, sugars, calories, salts, and artificial additives. Such will
promote weight gain, introduces toxins to the body and threatens the cells well being due to the
components of the food ingested.
Stress problems or situations that causes someone in stressful conditions results to elevation of
catecholamines chemicals in the body. Since catecholamines are hormones that contributes to cellulite
formation then risks for further development is great.
Subtle Ways that Helps on How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Cellulites are minor flaws
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Yoshitaka Amano Research Paper
Yoshitaka Amano: The Supreme Artist Yohistaka Amano is widely known for his work with the Final
Fantasy video game series, Vampire Hunter D, and various other projects. Amano has shown his
ability to endure through many challenges throughout his life and created incredible works that inspire
many all over the world. Amano continues to draw and inspire through various art forms that he has
fun in producing without heed to schedules or plans for his future (Dream, 2009). Yoshitaka Amano is
a world renowned artist and designer who has always shown an amazing talent in the realm of
illustrations even without formal training, but he has not limited himself to one medium, outlet,
location, company, or title. Amano is the youngest in his family so he didn t receive his parents praises
and encouragement as much as his siblings (Dream, 2009), and this ... Show more content on ...
5). He began working at Tatsunoko Productions while continuing his high school education, although
he did not end up completing his primary education and instead went to work at Tatsunoko full time
(Ciolek, 2012, para. 6). Amano learned animation through on the job work experience as a part of the
production team at Tatsunoko, and within a few years they looked to him as the resident character
designer by putting him in a secret room and not letting him out until a character was created (Dream,
2009). Even though Amano felt [he] can t keep doing character design if [he wants] to grow as an
artist (Dream, 2009) after only working for five years at Tatsunoko, it took him another ten years to
finally branch out as a freelance artist. He embraced his love of having complete artistic freedom
(RPGamer, 2002, para.
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Man s Fate
Satre defines existence as absurd and having no purpose, but through the absurdity you must make
your own meaning of your life. You cannot depend on anyone else, you must depend on yourself.
Existentialism is the theory that you, as a person, control your own actions. Throughout Man s Fate,
Malraux, exemplifies many ideas of existentialism. The characters in Man s Fate believe that their
identities are defined through the actions they display. Especially in the time frame the novel is
written, during the Chinese Revolution. The characters believe their actions throughout the revolution
define who they are as a person, and will bring honor to their names.
A character who I believed exemplified existentialism the most was Ch en, a Chinese terrorist. ...
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Chiang is the leader of the Blue forces during the revolution. In the first attempt to kill Chiang, Ch en,
is accompanied by two fellow comrades. The first attempt failed. During the second attempt, Ch en
believed it would be best for him to go alone. ...he knew how much weight an idea acquires through
the blood that is shed in its name (214). Ch en believes his actions determine his meaning in life. The
more blood shed, the better his name. He ran towards it with ecstatic joy... It gave Ch en joy, to die for
what he believed was right. Satre describes existentialism in a way of a cycle. Man first of all exists,
encounters himself, surges up in the world and defines himself afterwards. Sartre, Existentialism is a
Ch en does all of those key points. Before he assassinates the man in his sleep, he just existed within
himself. After the assassination, he finds himself within the isolation of the world, the silence, a world
of murder. Ch en surges into the world, by the revolution. He believes by dying for the revolution, it is
giving his life purpose and honor. He is dying for a greater cause than himself. He defines himself in
the way he dies. He kills himself in order to save China he created his own system of value within
himself by
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Octavia s Character
character, Clarke Griffin played by Eliza Taylor who does a wonderful job at playing the main role.
You instantly connect with her character and can tell the people look up to her, while she isn t the
leader of the entire 100 she definitely has a lot to say for herself and is respected by a lot of our
Octavia is our leader of the group s (coming next) sister, who has a past that you re itching to get to
know. She truly annoyed me at the start but around episode 5 you start to really feel for her character
and from then she was one of my favourites. She puts herself in danger for those she cares about and
as the Season progresses it s interesting to see her character develop.
Now my favourite character of the show and our leader
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Essay About Trade
Mr. Jefferson
Ah, we have a tradesman on our hands! Trades seem to be frowned upon within today s youth culture,
but I look at it as a step up in a simple man s game.
I don t intend on entering a trade.
I m sorry, I don t believe I follow. If You don t intend to go to university something that judging by
your grades is unlikely anyways but also don t intend to go to college nor enter a trade...what is it you
intend to do?
I don t intend to do anything.
Well you must have some idea of what it is you want to do with your life.
Not knowing what I want to do with my life is the one thing I do know.
Hmmm. Well, Mr. Cran, I m afraid that from a professional ... Show more content on
Justin (v.0)
He s a salesman.
Larry enters his mustard colored Ford Aspire. The thing looks like it s shit itself.
ext. city backroads morning
Larry sits parked in his shit box. On the passenger side sits trusted co worker, VIKRAM. After some
time, another vehicle pulls in, dangling cross prominent through the windshield. Exit the entrepreneur
of the century, THEODORE.
Theodore preaches in a twangy, emasculate accent.
Ah, I see we re operating at full capacity today! Always nice when you decide to join us, Larry. Now, I
know sales are down. Believe me. I KNOW sales are down.
Nervous laughter. Theodore recoils.
Theodore (cont d)
But, if the Lord had meant us to fly he would have given us aluminum skin. Having said that, we don t
wanna be one fry short of a happy meal here, folks. So I m going to need you two to give it your all
out there. But, I don t want you to do it for me, and I don t want you to do it for the business, I want
you to do it for the good lord above ya!
(checks watch jerks backwards)
Jeez! Speaking of the almighty, coming up on my eleven o clock sermon! Gotta run. But first, gimme
Larry Vikram
What!? I couldn t hear y all!
(more emotionless)
Well it sure does tickle my pickle to hear that! Now, go and make me some money!
Theodore leaves. Vikram turns spastic, his
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Deconstructing The Model Minority Myth
Karen Yang Writing 39C Aaron Peters 30 April 2015 Deconstructing the Model Minority Myth Asian
Americans are the highest income, best educated and fastest growing racial group in the United States.
They are more satisfied than the general public with their lives, finances and the direction of the
country, and they place more value than other Americans do on marriage, parenthood, hard work and
career success, according to a comprehensive new nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center.
Pew Report: The Rise of Asian Americans The Pew report on Asian Americans is one physical
manifestation of the Asian model minority myth the belief that all Asians are educated, wealthy,
assimilable, and submissive. The model minority myth which was actualized during the World War II
has since evolved to be more than a stereotype. For many Asian Americans, it has become a tangible
barrier, barring disadvantaged Asian Americans equal access to social programs and educational
opportunities. The myth has grown to become so influential, so pervasive that it has manifested itself
in the discourses on legal policies such as affirmative action and in the rhetoric of the pseudo
statistical Pew report. Racism is far from being over; it has taken on new form praise and laudation to
justify rejection of aid to underprivileged people. The Asian model minority myth has stripped Asian
Americans of their diversity and homogenized them as a privileged, educated community. As a result,
Asians have
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Similarities Between The American And French Revolution
The comparison between the American and French revolution. During these two time periods a lot is
going on. For example because of the enlightenment period America got their independence from
Britain. Or if it wasn t for napoleon making all those bad choices in France they wouldn t have got
their independence either. This all happened because each individual at that time wanted a change and
they would work hard for it maybe sometimes not even sleep but that motivation in or it was just a
feeling is what changes the world entirely and it could happen by just one person to persevere. In the
American Revolution they started to realize that they needed independence when the British fought
against France because they wanted northern America and before that battle it was owned by French.
After a fight Britain is supposed to give money to the colonies but they put a law out that said that
very deed they said they were supposed to do had to be stamped and since the deed from America didn
t have that stamp they didn t give America money which led to war and to get their independence from
Britain. Now on the French behalf they wanted their independence due to that the king spent most of
the money on the castle versatile which at that time France was not going throw a good ... Show more
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It impacted both American and the French because it gave them independence from whom ever was
controlling them. In America the enlightenment help create the declaration of independence which
was one the reasons they got their independence and it also help show people how life could be in a
different way. For France it showed better ideas about how to live and people in franc ewer hungry
they didn t have any money to buy bread so in that time the majority where in the poor class because
bread was too
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Analysis Of The Book Harrison Bergeron
Can an equal society truly exist? The story, Harrison Bergeron gives one perspective answer to this
question throughout the story. The story portrays one main conflict between Harrison Bergeron, a
genius boy who is very talented, against a government that makes the entire society equal by
handicapping the more gifted, down to the level of the less fortunate or incapable. Harrison constantly
outgrows his tremendous handicaps faster than the government can create them and plans to
overthrow the handicap government and society with his genius. The reader learns that there is a
constant struggle with the people in the society who are smarter being able to think on their own for a
short while to only come and find themselves lost, since ... Show more content on ...
The wife tries to persuade him and convince him that he should take off his handicaps for a while and
rest. George can still better understand the consequences of those potential actions and thus can still
outsmart his wife by making a different decision. Through this passage, the reader also learns that
even in this handicap society of equality not everyone is truly equal. If everyone was truly equal
George wouldn t have been able to make a more correct reasoning than another person and choose
different actions based on knowledge and reason. This just once again proves that even in a perfect
society not everything is perfect.
At the end of the story and at the climax the reader learns about the character Harrison Bergeron. The
genius boy starts to plot to overthrow the handicapper General and her government. By escaping from
jail Harrison proceeds to a TV studio to proclaim his revolt to the rest of the society. Once ripping off
his handicaps and the handicaps of the rest of the people in the TV studio area, Harrison began to
show the joys of having talents. He asks the orchestra to play their best so he and the ballerina can
truly make a wonderful dance and experience what music is supposed to truly be. As the wonderful
music is played and the elaborate dance proceeds, the Handicap General herself storms the studio and
kills the ballerina and Harrison
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Descriptive Essay About Orchidea
Gitty Eizenbach
Rabbi Bloom
English 101
January, 16, 2017 Orchidea Seeking to get together with family and friends in an upper class yet well
priced style? Even just needing a quiet place to enjoy a pleasant meal by yourself? Orchidea is a place
everyone must visit, with its extravagant décor, various mouthwatering dishes and one of the most
welcoming accommodating service I ve ever seen. They have surely met to all my needs in the most
caring way. I assure you won t be disappointed. Seven years ago on the corner of 12th avenue,
Orchidea has opened its doors to the people of Borough Park. Started by the one and only Mazal
Werczberger a friendly business woman of all sorts. Orchidea is a delicious dairy restaurant filled with
all sorts of ... Show more content on ...
As soon I took the last bite the waitress appeared right beside me holding in her hands my next dish;
Ravioli stuffed with spinach. I couldn t believe how perfect the timing was. It was something I ve
never witnessed before. The plate of ravioli comes with just the right amount of pieces of an odd
number of five. After eating four and a half my stomach was already full from both of the splendid
dishes. Immediately after setting down my fork and knife the waitress appeared making sure that all
my needs were met asking if I was ready for her to clear the table and if there was anything I would
want to be packed up to take home. She then offered me the dessert menu and suggested which the
most common choices were. Although I was quite full, the array of desserts were unbearable I just
couldn t walk out without having tried one. I decided to go with the famous napoleon, but I would take
it to go and eat it on an emptier stomach when I am able to actually enjoy it. As I was waiting for the
waitress to bring e the bill I couldn t stop smiling, all that was replaying in my head was I must come
back here
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Brady Vs Manning Analysis
(2) New England Patriots @ (1) Denver Broncos
Sunday 3:00 EST
Brady V. Manning XVII. We were robbed of this matchup back in November, but now, possibly for
the final time, we get a Tom Brady led team verse a Peyton Manning led team.
It doesn t matter that Peyton Manning is playing the worst football of his career; the narrative of this
game is Brady V. Manning. Without question, Tom Brady is the better quarterback in this matchup. He
s playing at an MVP caliber level carrying his less talented team to the AFC championship while
Manning, is asked to platy well enough to not lose the game. He relies on his championship caliber
defense. Ironically, this is probably the most talented team Peyton Manning as been apart of yet, I
would be shocked
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The Solar Powered Glass Invention
One valuable accessory made for uses of sustainability is the solar powered glass invention. Its soul
purpose is to sustain energy all around the world. This way, our natural resources can be preserved for
other uses, keeping our environment intact. Also this can help maintain your money by saving energy.
Furthermore, allowing the solar powered glass to maintain the spotlight. The solar powered glass
functions by allowing photons, particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a
flow of electricity. Solar panels actually compromise smaller units called photovoltaic cells. Doing
this helps sustain our environment in many ways. Using this, the use of electricity can be shortened,
reducing our use of resources. In ... Show more content on ...
It can truly change the world as we know of it today if citizens just took time to install this and expand
on its uses. Not only is the solar powered glass an advantage in modernization toward sustainability,
but also a contribution to science and engineering. When the designers created this innovation, they
had to use STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] in order to perfect their original plan
and distribute it. They had to find the dimensions, calculate its affect on in and on buildings (biomass)
( Glass ). Also come up with ways to keep any negative results from occurring by adding special
features. A pathetic, weak minded person wouldn t be able to direct anyone, nor come up with these
astonishing plans. This simply proves that astute individuals tend to have more success, which means
the leader of this entire program, must be adroit. For a reference, if you think about classic glass
windows, then in deserts we would need to install power installations of electricity. It all just goes to
show how much technology is constantly improving day by day. We also have glass known as Low e
glass. You may ask yourself what is Low e glass. Low e glass is one of the most popular and versatile
glass placed on buildings used today. The technical reason is because of its constantly improving solar
and thermal performance on glass. And one way this performance is achieved is through the use of
passive and
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Religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam
God to the people of the big three monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) see god as an all
knowing, all seeing, and all powerful being.
I believe that that the Cosmological argument gives good reason to believe in the existence of God.
The Cosmological argument focuses on everything having a cause except one thing that started it all,
this starter is known as the Prime Mover . The Prime Mover is the one that starts everything without
anything having a previous effect on it. With that people have assumed that the logical answer to who
the prime mover is, is God. This to me seems the most logical of arguments because although there is
the idea of eternity and an eternal cycle there has to be a starting point. I do not believe the argument
is successful.
The reason that the argument does not succeed is because what proof is there that the prime mover is
an all powerful all mighty being? There could be alternate reasons related to science, The Big Bang
Theory, which could also be a reason. One of Aquinas s arguments against the cosmological argument
discussed that since everything in nature had a time where it did not exist there had to be a time where
it was nothing to bring anything into being. His argument was if this was possible there was nothing
around to bring the universe into being in the first place. Due to this a being such as God is not likely
to have existed before to create it. Who created God? The only thing that could be done to better prove
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Rhetorical Devices Used In A Modest Proposal
In any piece of literature, consideration of the audience is key in assuring that not only the overall
theme, but also the desired reaction to the work is attained. In terms of analysis, identifying the
audience may lead to greater insight, as depending on individual traits and beliefs, responses can vary
wildly from one group of people to the next, and in identifying the audience and their respective
feedback, one can hone in on the author s intended purpose of the work and judge whether or not the
work in itself is effective in communicating its point. In Jonathan Swift s controversial essay A
Modest Proposal, he achieves this successful conveyance by utilizing careful appeals such as logos,
ethos, and pathos in a prolific manner and in such a way so as to shock his audience, in this case, the
land owning English elite, and as such, A Modest Proposal is an effective essay as it ... Show more
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Although the Irish seem to be the main object of description throughout Swift s essay, his audience
seems to center on the rich, land owning English elite. One may deduce this from his use of the name
Pretender to refer to the exiled James Stuart, a Catholic king ousted and exiled after the Glorious
Revolution of 1688 1689. With Ireland s population being mostly Catholic, and Swift introducing the
solution of greatly [lessening] the number of Papists (635) through his proposal, he seems to possess
an English mindset in the form of a sort of condescending attitude towards the Irish populace. In
addition to this, Swift also distances himself from the issue of Irish overpopulation as a whole in his
use of the distal (distant), demonstrative pronoun that , as
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Nfl Money Making Business
The NFL is a money making business. With its 32 teams, and sponsorships with other big name
brands, they produce a lot of money. With the NFL s partnership with Microsoft the two agreed on a
$400 million deal that secures the exclusive right for Surface tablets and other Microsoft technologies
on the sidelines for all 32 teams. Another partnership the NFL has is with Direct TV. Its four year $4
billion partnership ($1 billion per season) with DirecTV, a service that allows viewers to watch every
football broadcast on several channels is also a big way in which the NFL gets money (Ejiochi). The
NFL dominates the sports industry. The game has natural stop and starts, a 60 minute game lasts three
hours, and this time offers plenty of empty space ... Show more content on ...
The new site highlights the women s apparel line and the NFL Party, which is a site that promotes
homegating. NFL Party features a blog with tips and recipes (NFL). NFL merchandise sold to women
jumped significantly over last year, according to Fanatics, the world s largest online retailer of
officially licensed products. The 2011 playoff season showed a dramatic change: an 85 percent sales
increase in December over 2010 and a 125 percent increase in January from the year prior (NFL). In
the last few years, the NFL has moved away from a pink it and shrink it approach to women s apparel
to develop a women s apparel line featuring items including Victoria s Secret loungewear, Nike
activewear and couture Marchesa tops (Jessop). The items are largely made in team s colors and made
to fit women s bodies. Along with clothing, the collection also includes watches, boots and
accessories. In the evolution of its women s apparel strategy, the NFL has sought to help women
define themselves as fans while also providing them apparel options suiting their personalities better
than pink, undersized men s shirts (Jessop). Along with print advertising, the NFL has also
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European Superiority In The Hobbit
Over the course of our readings, I have noticed a sense of european superiority within High Fantasy.
What I mean by this is the sense of greater and lesser races such as the dwarves and goblins in J.R.R.
Tolkien s The Hobbit or the people of the Seven Kingdoms and the wildlings. It seems as though
certain groups within High Fantasy often think of themselves as more virtuous and justified than
others, however, I would argue that some of their actions would not be considered righteous. This
mindset is very similar to that of Europeans throughout history as they often ridicule those of Muslim
faith or the religious practices of the savages in Africa and the Americas. The group believing
themselves to be superior often act without considering
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Existentialism As A World View
I read what I thought was an obscure cartoon depicting a figurative situation where every person in the
world is born with a hole in the center of their chest. The cartoon progresses through a series of
examples where people fit objects and ideas into that hole before arriving at someone who decided to
just leave the hole empty. The empty holed person claimed that he found out if you run against the
wind at just the right angle, it makes a whistling noise (Document 3). Interestingly enough, the cartoon
sums up, at least superficially, how I view Existentialism as a world view. Rejecting the social
institutions that cover up the realities of the world, Existentialism calls for the developing of
individual values based on what the follower feels is important in his or her life. Just as the empty
holed person refuses to follow the others in filling the hole, the Existentialist chooses not to surround
him or herself with religion, political ideologies or meaning for the world as many others do. As a
world view, Existentialism is both practical and necessary because it provides those who subscribe to
it the means to shape their own values in a meaningless world rather than blanketing themselves with
the delusions created by social institutions that falsely provide such meanings.
As a philosophy, Existentialism can be quite technical. Much of the theory involves generalized
abstract concepts that seem difficult to implement in real life. In practice, however, Existentialism
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Manipulation Of Brutus In Shakespeare s Julius Caesar
I would have to agree with Antony in saying that Brutus was the noblest Roman of them all. Not only
is he smart but he only conspired against Caesar for the sake of Rome. He believes that Caesar was
not a good leader and had too big of an ego. Other characters acted out of their own selfish reasons
like greed and their want for power. Brutus truly loves his country and is devoted to it and it s people
but this strong devotion may also be his weakness.
Since Brutus is so devoted to Rome this allows him to be easily manipulated Cassius to use that to
manipulate Brutus ad convince him to conspire against Caesar. At first, In act one, Cassius tells Brutus
that Caesar is no better than him and that Brutus ancestors even helped found Rome. Later in the act
he tricks Brutus by sending him the various letters. Cassius sent letters to Brutus, all in different hand
writing, to make it seem like the Roman people disliked Caesar. ... Show more content on ...
In three different instances Cassius strongly advises Brutus not to do something because it would be a
huge mistake but Brutus ignores him anyway. The first is when Brutus decides not to kill Mark
Antony saying it would be like cutting off Caesar s limbs and he didn t want to be a butcher. The
instance is when Brutus allows Mark Antony to speak at Caesar s funeral. After Antony gives a better
speech than Brutus the people of Rome begin to Rally against Brutus. The third is when Brutus
decides to fight Antony and Octavias even though Cassius said it would be
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Islamic Women In The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hussein
Mikaiya Gude
Mr. Stickel
English 10A, Period 1
10 February 2016
Women in Islam
Modesty is the best jewel of a woman speaks islamic culture to their female religious followers. In the
Kite Runner, by Khaled Hussein, we are provided with a window to peer into the traditional lives of
islam women. One such example is Soraya and her mother, and the family heirarchy led by the male
head of household, General Taheri. This core belief and value directs the pious life of a muslim
woman. It influences every aspect of her existence, from her apparel, to the way she holds herself in
social circumstances. These myriad of guidelines hailing from the Quran have played a vital role in
islamic history, and the cultural and political conflicts of today. ... Show more content on ...
Through false interpretations of the Quran, and the hunger for control among a select group of male
individuals, these women have now reached the climax of this battle for gender equality since the days
of Mohammed. Here we are, 14 centuries later to observe the strides time has taken. Islamic women
and girls today are still perceived as inferior to men. This belief is prevalent in the everyday routines
of a female living under religious standards. While there is a great diversity among the extremity of
islamic laws, depending where you are located geographically, it is safe to say that an unfortunately
high number of women experience discrimination daily. Many of these social injustices are results of a
secularized legal code. Women are permitted only one spouse, while for men they can wed up to four.
A young girl, according to law, can be wed at the age of nine, while boys at fourteen. Once a woman is
married, they are virtually bound to that man, however horrendous he or his actions might be. While it
s not technically illegal for a women to sue for divorce, it s a difficult process with harsh
ramifications. Men, in nearly every instance, win custody of the children, and women are left with
zero financial security afterwards. But this is not the worst of female suffering. Annually hundreds of
women perish in traditional Honor Killings , murders by male spouses or relatives of women
suspected of crime, especially
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Pitbull Owning And Caring
Red nose Pitbull owning and caring for a dog be a sources of great companion, but you should be
aware of this dog ownership is a major responsibility. Life expectancy of a Pitbull is 12 to 14 years for
this you need to provide the animal with. Consequently, you should think carefully about all factors
that will affect your ability to care for a dog and whether a dog is suitable for you. Would you be able
to provide for all of a dog s needs? You will need to consider the size of your property and the
financial and time implications of having a dog as a pet. Caring for a dog can be expensive and you
should consider whether, for instance, you would be able to afford the cost of routine and unexpected
veterinary treatment, or the cost of pet health
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Essay On Test Data Generation
2. Related works
Some of the recent work related to the automated test data generation is listed below:
Search based approaches have been extensively applied to solve the problem of software test data
generation. Yet, test data generation for object oriented programming (OOP) is challenging due to the
features of OOP, e.g., abstraction, encapsulation, and visibility that prevent direct access to some parts
of the source code. To address this problem Abdelilah Sakti et al. [26] have presented an automated
search based software test data generation approach that achieves high code coverage for unit class
testing. The test data generation problem for unit class testing to generate relevant sequences of
method calls were described at first. ... Show more content on ...
A set of search heuristics targeted to OCL constraints to guide test data generation and automate MBT
in industrial applications was proposed. These heuristics for three search algorithms: Genetic
Algorithm, (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm, and Alternating Variable Method were evaluated.
Empirically evaluated the heuristics using complex artificial problems, followed by empirical analyses
of the feasibility of our approach on one industrial system in the context of robustness testing.
A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated
extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis
operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of
random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with
average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses.
Sergio Segura et al. [28] have proposed to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature
models as an optimization problem and solved it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized
feature models (ETHOM). Tool and an analysis operation were given in ETHOM generated input
models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory
consumption of the tool when performing the
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Corporate Tax Rate In America
1. One of the major issues we are facing in the US economy is how much we should charge in regards
to the corporate tax rate. Corporate tax rate is imposed by the government and determines how much a
corporate business will pay in taxes at the end of the year. Trump plans on decreasing the corporate tax
rate from 35% to 15%. Out of the 34 countries in the OECD, America ranks first with a 39.1 percent
corporate tax rate, compared to an OECD average of 24.1 percent. Along with trump, I think that we
should reconsider the corporate tax rate. If we were to lower the rate than companies would have more
money to spend and put back into our economy. Although I agree with Trump, there are several factors
that affect this decision and there are many ... Show more content on ...
The fiscal policy that I suggest we use to address the problem is graduated corporate income. We
should not determine the corporate tax rate as one concrete number. We should decide the rate based
on how big the company is. The policy will state that the first $50,000 of a corporation s profit is
taxed at a 15% and will cap out at 35% for companies that make more than $335,000. Using this
policy will make it so more small businesses will grow because they will not be taxed as much as a
large company that can actually afford it.
5. The monetary policy I suggest we use is to increase the money supply and lower the cost of
borrowing. I believe that this will affect how we calculate the corporate tax rate because if a company
has an easier time getting a loan, and if they have access to more money, we can make the tax rate
higher because they will have more money. The money that we get from taxing these corporations
should be put back into the economy by the government. If we were to keep the tax rates higher we
can use the extra money and put it into things such as; the building of roads, education, and
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The Horror Of The Zombie Apocalypse
Daniel Drezner book addresses how the world would potentially react should the Zombie Apocalypse
start while relating it to international relations. While discussing the anarchical nature of the world, in
the realist argument, he addresses the fact that it is not likely that any one state would be able to gain
complete control of the world. However, if the entire world is being overtaken by a zombie plague it is
not outside the realm of possibility that survivors of various nations would come together and merge
with whatever power still existed and divvy out more power to that group or individual. A good old
fashioned military takeover would be just the thing to create an uneasy world wide alliance with other
militaristic organizations across the world against the zombie hordes. The military would easily be
able to take charge in a global catastrophe of this nature relatively quickly and with little resistance
from the common people. They are one of the most disciplined and structured organizations in regards
to bureaucracy and other political organizations, and would not hesitate to change the protocols of war
against an end of the world type of threat such as a zombie takeover. Also, military tradition and codes
of conduct cross borders with significantly more similarities than do political ideologies and
governmental structures, which would result in there being a much easier and more unified alliance
than could ever be achieved in any other global unification setting.
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Analysis Of The Poem The Solomon
Solomon wrote I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the
curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me:
my mother s children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards, but mine own
vineyard have I not kept. I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh s
chariots (Song of Solomon 1:5 6, 9).
Solomon was the son of Bathsheba, who was the granddaughter of Ahithophel the Gilonite whose
husband was Uriah the Hittite, and he was a mixed Canaanite son of David (2 Samuel 11:2 3; 23:34;
Matthew 1:1 6). After David had killed her husband Uriah and impregnated Bathsheba, the Lord sent
Nathan to the house of David, who told him that the child will die, and the Lord struck the child which
was bore out of adultery and he died (2 Samuel 12:1 19). David prayed, fasted and worshiped the
Lord, and the Lord had mercy on him and gave him Solomon who prophet Nathan called Jedidiah,
because the Lord loved Solomon, he was beloved of the Lord (2 Samuel 12:20 25). Solomon made
mention of his skin complexion in his writings, he said I am black, and comely, O ye daughters of
Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar. The word Kedar, which was used here means black. Solomon had
used the blackness of Kedar to describe his skin complexion. Some scholars stated that this was a
poetic word that referred to one of his black lover. However, this poetic songs does not only
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Beowulf and Gilgamesh
Comparative English Essay
Compare the Beowulf poet s presentation of the battles with Grendel and his mother with the
Gilgamesh poet s depiction of Gilgamesh battles with Huwawa and the Bull of Heaven.
Fame and glory have been the most admirable characteristics in the middle Ages and even before
Christ in the ancient civilizations. The epics of Gilgamesh and Beowulf are stories of heroism and
immortality gained through fame. The aim of the main characters, Beowulf and Gilgamesh, is to be a
good warrior by being courageous, respectful and prudent, a protector and servant to their king (only
in the beginning of Beowulf, as he later becomes king and Gilgamesh already is) and their country. In
both poems the fights of the main characters ... Show more content on ...
Enkidu and Gilgamesh can only win against nature and even gods by cooperating, which again is a
sign of culture. It shows us that a civilization can withstand everything and even fight the Gods plans.
In the Beowulf poem the battle scenes are described more vividly descriptive and including a lot of
symbolism. The first fight is between Beowulf and Grendel, a fiend out of hell, [ ] grim demon
haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in
misery among the banished monsters, Clain s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as
outcasts. (p. 6) Beowulf sets out to kill this monster in order to achieve fame. He isn t forced to do so,
especially as Grendel doesn t attack the Geats (his clan) but the Danes. Nevertheless Beowulf settles
out to destroy the demon and declares that he will fight Grendel there is a feast: Now I mean to be a
match for Grendel, settle the outcome in single combat. (p. 15) Afterwards there is a feast in Hereot
and at dusk Beowulf prepares for the fight and awaits Grendel s attack. Then down the brave man lay
with his bolster under his head and his whole company of sea rovers at rest beside him. Beowulf s
companions stay at his side and this is a symbol for their closed circle of society. The Germanic
culture is based on the
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Descriptive Essay On My Clocks
Everyone I know has already seen a clock reach zero. A timer constantly floating over somebody s
head, representing different things for anyone who sees it. When they reach zero, something happens,
something different for everyone. The floating numbers have never dropped that low for me. When
Maria sees someone s timer reach zero, that person sneezes. Steven watches a clock bottom out as the
person with that clock laughs. Even Kelsey saw a baby start to cry when it dropped its toy and its
countdown hit zero. Me, never. Nobody I ve ever seen has hit zero, and it s been seventeen years.
Seventeen years of friends learning what the countdowns they saw meant, seventeen years of people
swearing up and down that I d see what my clocks symbolized, seventeen years of endless ticking,
seventeen years of lies. My mom always used to say that meant I was special, that I still got to find out
what my clocks meant at an age where I would remember my first time, where I would be able to
relive the excitement. I never told her that my clocks aren t counting down. Of every person I ve ever
talked to, they ve never seen their clocks count up, or freeze, or bounce between times. Oddly enough,
none of them ever caught on that I was asking to see if I wasn t actually alone. Stupid jerks. Even right
now, my phone sits on silent under my bed, having been thrown there after Allie s text of excited
news; she just saw some girl reach zero on the street when a greasy construction
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Starbucks Vs. Executive Of Starbucks
Howard Schlutz CEO and Chairman of Starbucks proved that dreams do come true. Starbucks Coffee
Company is the textbook example proving that passion and drive are enough to start an effective
business project. Starbucks bred progressively from one little homegrown business in Seattle to an
international coffee giant. From the beginning, the company had a different aura to it. It is not a
traditional entrepreneurship, in the sense that Howard got the idea from the owners of the original
Starbucks in Seattle. But Howard s vision to bring the romance of coffee is what made him prosper. It
was not about the profits for him, it was about celebrating coffee and its rich tradition. He s the man
who globalized coffee. A defining moment, in the early history of Starbucks was when Howard bought
Starbucks from his previous employers in 1987. Here, he was faced with problems of merging two
companies and transforming them into one successful business. Starbucks is not only about the
positives. From 1987 to 1989 Starbucks had a losing streak. Schultz never strayed from his original
purpose and battled through the storm, laying a strong foundation for his company. The crossroads in
Schultz s life is his capability to foretell the future and trust in fate. One of the greatest lessons learned
from his story is that, as a strategic component in entrepreneurship, pursuing an opportunity fused
with desire can yield magnificent products. The key principle that Schultz conveys is that employees
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How Did Malthus Build Food Production In The Ottoman Empire
Growth and Food Production in the Ottoman Empire
In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus defended the proposition that, had
population and food increased in the same ratio, it is probable that man might never have emerged
from the savage state. Labeled a Malthusian trap after the demographer s work, the theoretical
principle holds that, because population increases exponentially, while agricultural output increases
arithmetically, periodic premature deaths among the population will be caused by a lack of sustenance.
Had a population never overcome the reoccurring demographic trap of an equal increase in food and
population, Malthus contends, the life of man as a subsistence farmer would continue to be, as
succinctly ... Show more content on ...
In the Ottoman Empire, immigration from Russia and the upper Balkan Peninsula brought a ten fold
increase in iron plow use in Ottoman Bulgaria, and the introduction of the calorie rich potato to
Anatolia, which had a beneficial effect of agriculture of Anatolia as a whole. Whether or not the
limited introduction of improved techniques and plant species into the Empire was also driving force
behind increased production, it still appeared to be caused by the influx of people to the region.
Malthus s doomsday prediction of stagnation upon population growth appears to fail when considering
the possibility of introduction of new techniques to maximize gains. So far, in the case of the Ottoman
Empire, the relationship between changes in population density and agricultural production has proven
to be that an increase in the former resulted in a subsequent and equal rise in the latter. In order to
address whether or not Malthus s claim that
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A Brief Biography of Karl Lashley
Karl Lashley was born on June 7, 1890 in Davis, West Virginia and died at 68 years old on August 7th,
1958 in France. He was raised in a middle class family as an only child. Lashley gained the love of
learning from his mother. She was a stay at home mom and often had women from the community
teach Karl various subjects. Lashley kept to himself when he was a kid. He didn t have many friends,
and spent most of his time wandering the woods collecting mice, butterflies, or other animals. Karl
was very smart even as a small toddler. He learned to read at the age of 4.
Lashley attained a major achievement by graduating high school at the age of 14. After high school
Lashley enrolled in the University of West Virginia. When he first started there he chose to major in
English. However, Lashley changed his major to zoology. Lashley began teaching biology at
University of Pittsburgh soon after he got his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of West
Virginia. When Lashley finished his master s degree he started to study at Johns Hopkins University,
once there he gained his Ph.D degree in genetics. Lashley became a professor at the University of
Minnesota, University of Chicago, and Harvard University after he got his Ph.D.
Lashley did very well throughout his career. When Lashley first started pursuing his career he
researched brain mechanisms and how they related to sense receptors. Lashley also studied instinct
and color vision. Adding on to this work, he began to research a
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Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming
And She Swam Happily Ever After . . .
The sport of swimming has not always been in my life. My interest in swimming came about when I
moved to Grand Haven in middle school. The reason I became interested in it was simple enough, the
first person I met from Grand Haven that went to my new school was an avid, as well as especially
talented, swimmer. While I cannot remember exactly why this was enough to convince me to try
something completely new in a brand new school with brand new people, I can look back on my
choice to start swimming as an important moment.
Ironically enough, when I was younger I despised swimming lessons. My parents tell me that when I
was around three I cried and carried on whenever I had to get into the pool and have ... Show more
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Really, swimming is a sport that is largely based on the hard work of each individual swimmer, but
when it comes down to it, every swimmer has to have a support system to be successful. This last
season of high school swimming demonstrated the importance of being a team to me. When it came
down to the final weeks of the season, being a team began to matter more and more. The last weeks of
swimming are key to a swimmer s success at Conference. As we get close to the Conference meet we
begin to taper, where yardage slowly goes down, but you swim at more of a race pace and have longer
to rest. During this part of the season we emphasize staying close as a team because it boosts the team
s mindset, which is a significant contributing factor to swimming well. Supporting each other as a
team meant having team get togethers, dinners, and helping each other feel positive about how we
were going to swim at Conference. Two weeks later at the Conference meet I had my best races ever. I
dropped more than seven seconds off of my best race, the 100 breaststroke, and dropped four to ten
plus more seconds in my other events as well. Since swimming is a sport where success is so largely
based on the mindset you have when training and competing, having a team full of friends and
coaches to support me lead to my great end of season success. Throughout my training to this day, I
always remember that yes, it is important to work
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Recruitment Of A Female Nurse
In the North attempts were made to organize nurses and in June 1861 Dorothea Dix was put in charge
of recruiting nurses for military hospitals, first in Washington and later other areas. Dix, like the rest of
society, had some very strong ideas about what a nurse should and shouldn t be and in a document
dated July 14, 1862 she specified those ideas. No candidate for service in the Women s Department for
nursing in the military hospitals of the United States, will be received below the age of thirty five
years, (35) nor above fifty. Only women of strong health, not subjects of chronic disease, nor liable to
sudden illnesses, need apply. The duties of the station make large and continued demands on strength.
Matronly persons of ... Show more content on ...
In the field there were no regular hospitals, nurses cared for injured soldiers in railway cars, tents,
open fields, and abandoned buildings. They were like soldiers, they ate the same food, slept in tents,
endured rough weather, and came under fire from the enemy. Nurse Clara Barton was nearly shot on
the battlefield, a bullet sliced through her shirt sleeve before hitting and killing the soldier she was
caring for. Many of these nurses risked their lives, the Sisters of Mercy were known to run out on the
battle field when bullets were still flying. Nursing, whether in the field or in hospitals, was not easy
and it took a toll physically and emotionally, periodic furloughs were common and some had to resign.
Writer Louisa May Alcott had to resign her nursing position after becoming sick, she contracted
typhoid fever. These strong women experienced horrible things, but many refused to give up and they
saved countless lives. Which seems fitting, the main reason that women became nurses was their
desire to help. Did women act as spies and smugglers? There was another group of women who put
their lives and in many cases their reputations at risk to help during the war. These women worked as
spies, smugglers, couriers, and guides. As in other areas, the exact number of women that served in
this capacity for the North and South during the war is
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Probability and Statistics Midterm
Probability and Statistics, Midterm Nov. 3, 2011 Instructions. The exam is from 3:40 5:30. Simplify
your answer as much as you can, for instance, x 1 x+1 should be simpli...ed to x 1: But the answer
does not need to be numbers if the caculation is complicated, e5 for example, you can leave 20! in
your answer. 1. (30 points) (a) One of three students, A, B and C, will get the prize for being the best
student in Probability and Statistics . The night before the prize is announced, student A ...nds the
professor and asks, No matter I get the prize or not, we know that at least one of B and C does not get
it. Would you please tell me one of them who does not win it? I like to prepare a gift for her. The
professor refuses, d No, I cannot give ... Show more content on ...
X 2 (2) : Then calculate E X 2 : (Bonus 5 points: calculate V ar(X)). Hint: ( ; ) has the p.d.f. f (x) = x (
r distribution where = 2 and = 2: Answer: Let Y = X 2 : The c.d.f. of Y is G (y) 1 ) e x ; x 0: = : And 2
(r) is a special gamma = Pr (Y y) = Pr X 2 p y) = Pr (0 X Z py x2 xe 2 dx = 0 y and the p.d.f. is g (y) =
G0 (y) = = e 2 y 2 p ye y 2 1 p 2 y y 2 = y1 1 e (1) 21 The last part of the equation above shows that g
(y) is exactly the Gamma p.d.f. with 2 = 2; so X 2 (2) E X 2 = E (Y ) = 1 2 = 2 Bonus Part: Let y = x2
; then Z E (X) = = = Z Z = 1 and 1 x e p y e 2 2 x2 2 dx = dy = 1 ye y 2 p d y 1 0 1 0 y 2 0 3 2 22 Z 1
y2 3 1 0 3 2 2 3 2 e y 2 dy 3 2 22 1 3 in which the last equality comes from the fact that y 3 3 e ( 2
)2 2 1 3 1 1p Since ; 2 = 2 2 = 2 r 1 1p 2 = E (X) = 2 2 2 Thus V ar (X) = E X 2 2 3 2 1 y 2 is the p.d.f.
of 2 (3). 2 ________________________________________________________________ The
Exponential probability density function is f (x; ) = e x [E (X)] = 2 ; x 0 Pn Exponential( i=1 (c) Find
its M.G.F. and calculate the mean and
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Living At Home Vs Living With Family
Moving out of the nest is a huge step in a student s life. Eighteen years is a long time to be living with
parents who have been a main support for living since birth. Most students believe that living on their
own will be the best experience of their life, because of the increase in freedom and independence;
however, most do not realize that living at home with parents has more benefits compared to living in
an apartment or dorm. These benefits include less physical work, less responsibilities and saving more
money. One benefit of living at home is that there is less physical work involved. When living with
parents, they clean the entire house. Leaving out the odd assigned chore, parents wash everything
from the floors, dishes, kitchen table, counters, bathroom toilet, shower, sinks, walls, and more. On
top of all, they wash and iron all the laundry of the house. My household includes six people with an
average of eight loads of laundry a week, which would take up a lot of time. On the other hand, all this
work would have to be done by one person if living in an apartment. The amount of time and
dedication that would have to be put in to cleaning, would leave less time for social events or
extracurricular activities, which is important for a first year university student to be involved. Most
apartments, especially dorms have the laundry in a separate room, so having to bring the laundry
down four flights of stairs, watching it until it is finished, and making sure no one
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Art and Architecture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Essay
The difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and
architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and
humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence
from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became
more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek influence was because scholars were broadly studying the
revival of classical antiquity. The architecture was affected in the same way because in the Middle
Ages the style of the buildings was being influenced by religion. The style in the Renaissance was
being more influenced by ancient Greece.
The art and ... Show more content on ...
The painting depicts real people doing everyday things, like studying. Classical Antiquity was greatly
displayed through another painting it depicts a normal person holding a balance. In the Middle Ages
this would have been frowned upon because they discouraged the making of realistic paintings (Follett
software). Realistic paintings would not have been introduced to the Renaissance without the
humanists studying classical antiquity.
Art with biblical themes were popular in the Middle Ages because the artists were also focused on
theology. Jesus and Mary were usually the main focus in most paintings. The people in the Middle
Ages really appreciated godly looks and tried to incorporate the catholic religion in most if not all of
their paintings (class notes). For example, Giotto s painting Madonna and child displays Mary and
Jesus in the center of the painting. Not only are Mary and Jesus in the center, they are also illustrated
to be a lot bigger than the angels around them. Giotto wasn t the only artist to place Mary and Jesus in
the center and larger, this was very normal for the Middle Ages. Most artists were very influenced by
the church because the church had the highest role in government.
Art and Architecture were greatly impacted by the humanist s study of classical antiquity. The art was
changed with the scenes having more of a Greek influence. For example, Botticelli s Birth of Venus
painting, Venus is taking up the whole center of the canvas. In the Middle
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Gainesville Air Filter
What Is Air Filter?
An air filter is an important part of air conditioning Gainesville. It is a fibrous material that helps
remove dust, bacteria, pollen and mold from the air. Your air filter will need to be changed on a
regular basis. Changing an air filter is a relatively simple process.
The air conditioning Gainesville will need to be turned off before you change the filter. After that, the
old filter will need to be removed. The final step is to slide in the new filter. Filters typically have
colors or arrows on the front or back to indicate which side they should be side.
Filters come in many sizes. They can be disposable or permanent. Disposable filters are thrown away,
but permanent filters can be washed and reused.
The Importance
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How Breaking Bad Is Created By Vince Gilligan Essay
In this essay, I will analyse the TV show, Breaking Bad which is created by Vince Gilligan, in relation
to the theory of narrative. I will be basing this essay on the first episode of Breaking Bad and also the
TV show as a whole. We will learn to what extent Breaking Bad reflects conventional narrative
structure. First the essay will identify what conventional narrative structure is. I will then analyse how
Breaking Bad reflects the different parts that make up narrative structure, including, the three act
structure and character roles. I will then determine what is different about Breaking Bad and what
parts of it do not conform to conventional narrative structure. I will be discovering how the use of
conventional narrative structure effects how the audience views the text.
Narrative structure is about both the content of a story, and how the story is told by using plot. There
are different things that made up the narrative structure of a text. These include, the three act structure
and the roles of the characters. The three act structure is a model that is used in screenwriting to divide
a narrative into different parts (, 2015). The first act of a three act structure is called setup.
This is where setting, character, and their situations are introduced to the audience. The second act is
when something big happens so that there are major changes in the characters life. Act three is when
the problems and changes in the characters life are resolved (,
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The Relationship Between Occident And Orient
To begin, may be a bit abruptly, I would like to quote from Edward Said s Orientalism :: The
relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power , of domination , of varying
degrees of a complex hegemony... And he mentions Flaubert s impression of an Egyptian courtesan
..that she was ever silent and never represented her emotions, presence, or history. Flaubert as the
male, superior, occidental has all the right to present her as typically Oriental she is denied her own
voice . My idea is that GENDER formed one of the pillars on which EMPIRE was constructed and the
binaries namely male/superior and female/inferior contributed to the structure of Imperialism. It is
again an empire/colonizer and nation/colonized binary system.
Surprisingly enough ... Show more content on ...
Lying is not a mother s attribute and though she is vexed with the mother s talking habit,for Maxine
the mother tells the truth. ...I too had been in the presence of great power, my mother talking
story...she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan.I would have to grow up a warrior
woman. But Maxine s fantasy about the warrior wearing the male guise consigns her to the master s
tools . Maxine attests to the tenacity of patriarchal norms. Maxine as warrior becomes a tormentor to
herself and in a harrowing scene tortures a mute Chinese girl her alter ego who refuses to speak .
However when her throat finally bursts open she vocalizes her preference for American ways of life
and this rejection of one s ethnic culture is not uncommon, if we can remember Gloria Anzaldua s
words: When we, the objects, become the subjects and look at and analyse our own experiences ,a
danger arises that we may look through the master s gaze, speak through his tongue, use his
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The Theory Of Scientific Management Essay
According to Miller (2010) Scientific management (Taylorism) was devised by Frederick Taylor to
improve economic efficiency especially labor productivity by analyzing and establishing workflows. It
was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and to management.
Taylor s scientific management was based on four principles. The first is replacing the rule of thumb
work methods with methods based on a scientific study. The second is selecting, training and
developing the most suitable person for the job. The third principle is managers should give out
detailed instructions on how to do the job scientifically and supervise workers. The last principle is
dividing the tasks between managers and workers. This paper will discuss if these scientific
management principles are outdated in the study of organizations. I will present the principles and
explain their relevance in current organizations.
The rule of thumb is a procedure that developed from experience and common sense. It totally ignores
scientific knowledge. Taylor argued that for an organization to become more efficient managers had to
develop a science of work that is cultivating methods based on a scientific study of those tasks.
Morgan (2006) asserts that this was done to determine the most efficient way of doing work. The
scientific method would therefore simplify worker s tasks in detail and specify the amount of work
needed to do the task and the necessary time to finish that
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The Main Collective Theory Of Functionalist Theories Essay
The main collective theme in functionalist theories is the ability to look at society as a whole, rather
than making judgements on purely an individual s actions and the motives behind them. In
continuation, firm believers of the ideology that everything in society has a purpose and a designated
role in order for the collective society, to work cohesively and function. The explanation for this
comes from Durkheim, a sociologist who placed importance in consensus to achieve the need for
social order. These concepts can be defined as people within a society, who have a tendency to be
selfish, but by having various institutions within society, they are able to obtain social order pass on
norms, values and morals. Crime can be functional when the rates are low, but dysfunctional to society
when the rates are too high. Furthermore he believed that crime was inevitable in society, because
crime and deviance is the product of a lack of attachment to the prevailing values that were shared
among a collective society. Durkheim widely argued that people were all individuals with different
experiences, so consequently not everyone will inevitably share the same values. Without these shared
norms and values being passed on the prospect of social order cannot be obtained as there will not be a
collective conformity towards them and which is therefore enforced by various institutions and
structures. For example, if a child comes from a working class family or one which does not follow
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Nike Of Samothrace Essay
Camilla Pearce
ARH2050 Boyer
Spring 2015
The Nike of Samothrace stands at eight feet and is made of Parian marble. She is assembled from
several pieces of the stone and it is believed that she was painted, however there are no traces of paint
on her. She is a very powerful, sensual, and energetic figure and her impact on her viewers is the result
of the sculptors combination of naturalism and ability to create a sense of drama from her presence.
She is presenting herself with her right leg forward, her wings uplifted and spread behind her as if she
is about to take off, and her torso is lifted displaying balance. Her bold lines and the invisible force of
the wind blowing towards her enhance her impression of being in motion, creating an ... Show more
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The ship is carved from a blue grey type of Rhodian marble and stands 10 6½ tall. When found, the
ship was in several pieces which have been plastered together to recreate the whole sculpture for
display purposes. On it are very small traces of paint which indicate the base of the sculpture along
with the goddess Nike were most likely at one point painted, however the paint traces are
unintelligible. The form of the ship includes heavy shapes with very hard lines that also have a very
sensual feel to them. The ship itself is very realistically represented with its shape and its apex, along
with its many attachments including an oar box, doubled rows of oar slots, and a battering ram that
extends outward and upward off the front of the prow. Using the warship as the base of the Nike aids
in portraying her sense of motion. The naturalism and the drama of The Nike of Samothrace and her
warship are intensified further by the physical setting of the pair. The ship was originally placed on
top of 6 tiles of rippled marble which most likely represented seascape and movement. Evidence
implies that the sculpture as a whole may have been used as a part of a fountain which would also
enhance the realistic effect of movement, presence, and drama surrounding The Nike of
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The Pros And Cons Of Anderson Water System
As we dive into the last weeks of summer, you may have heard about the water issues that have been
plaguing the Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. As Anderson Water Systems, a Rochester, NY
based water purification and filtration company, summarizes it, the waterways of the city have been
used as dumping grounds for garbage, sewage, and toxic chemicals for years, leaving the water
polluted and contaminated. Despite the assurances of the International Olympic Committee and the
recent opening of a new sewage treatment plant, various sailing teams are continuing to err on the side
of extreme caution, making sure to close their mouths so that water won t spray up into them and
washing their clothes with special antibacterial cleansers and detergents. ... Show more content on ...
Many American homes could benefit from water purification and filtration systems. Anderson Water
Systems explains that although municipal water systems have come a long way in terms of water
purification, there are still other possible sources that can cause unclean waters. Having been in
business for more than 60 years, they want you to be aware that old pipes can carry traces of lead and
that natural deposits and groundwater can contain various chemicals like arsenic, iron.
To combat these issues, Anderson Water Systems has crafted filtration systems that will purify the
water before you come in contact with it. By utilizing reverse osmosis, these systems can filter out any
contaminants and impurities. Whether we re drinking it from a tall glass or soaking in it in the tub,
water is such an integral aspect of our daily lives. Thanks to Anderson Water Systems, not only will
the water be cleaner and healthier, it will also taste much better.
To learn more about water purification and filtrations systems, get in touch with Anderson Water
Systems today. You can do so online, through their Facebook page, with a call to (800)
... Get more on ...

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  • 7. Larry sits parked in his shit box. On the passenger side sits trusted co worker, VIKRAM. After some time, another vehicle pulls in, dangling cross prominent through the windshield. Exit the entrepreneur of the century, THEODORE. Theodore preaches in a twangy, emasculate accent. THEODORE Ah, I see we re operating at full capacity today! Always nice when you decide to join us, Larry. Now, I know sales are down. Believe me. I KNOW sales are down. Nervous laughter. Theodore recoils. Theodore (cont d) But, if the Lord had meant us to fly he would have given us aluminum skin. Having said that, we don t wanna be one fry short of a happy meal here, folks. So I m going to need you two to give it your all out there. But, I don t want you to do it for me, and I don t want you to do it for the business, I want you to do it for the good lord above ya! (checks watch jerks backwards) Jeez! Speaking of the almighty, coming up on my eleven o clock sermon! Gotta run. But first, gimme a HEEEEEHAWW!! Larry Vikram (emotionless) ...Heehaw. THEODORE What!? I couldn t hear y all! LARRY VIKRAM (more emotionless) ...Heehaw. THEODORE Well it sure does tickle my pickle to hear that! Now, go and make me some money! Theodore leaves. Vikram turns spastic, his ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Deconstructing The Model Minority Myth Karen Yang Writing 39C Aaron Peters 30 April 2015 Deconstructing the Model Minority Myth Asian Americans are the highest income, best educated and fastest growing racial group in the United States. They are more satisfied than the general public with their lives, finances and the direction of the country, and they place more value than other Americans do on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success, according to a comprehensive new nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center. Pew Report: The Rise of Asian Americans The Pew report on Asian Americans is one physical manifestation of the Asian model minority myth the belief that all Asians are educated, wealthy, assimilable, and submissive. The model minority myth which was actualized during the World War II has since evolved to be more than a stereotype. For many Asian Americans, it has become a tangible barrier, barring disadvantaged Asian Americans equal access to social programs and educational opportunities. The myth has grown to become so influential, so pervasive that it has manifested itself in the discourses on legal policies such as affirmative action and in the rhetoric of the pseudo statistical Pew report. Racism is far from being over; it has taken on new form praise and laudation to justify rejection of aid to underprivileged people. The Asian model minority myth has stripped Asian Americans of their diversity and homogenized them as a privileged, educated community. As a result, Asians have ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Similarities Between The American And French Revolution The comparison between the American and French revolution. During these two time periods a lot is going on. For example because of the enlightenment period America got their independence from Britain. Or if it wasn t for napoleon making all those bad choices in France they wouldn t have got their independence either. This all happened because each individual at that time wanted a change and they would work hard for it maybe sometimes not even sleep but that motivation in or it was just a feeling is what changes the world entirely and it could happen by just one person to persevere. In the American Revolution they started to realize that they needed independence when the British fought against France because they wanted northern America and before that battle it was owned by French. After a fight Britain is supposed to give money to the colonies but they put a law out that said that very deed they said they were supposed to do had to be stamped and since the deed from America didn t have that stamp they didn t give America money which led to war and to get their independence from Britain. Now on the French behalf they wanted their independence due to that the king spent most of the money on the castle versatile which at that time France was not going throw a good ... Show more content on ... It impacted both American and the French because it gave them independence from whom ever was controlling them. In America the enlightenment help create the declaration of independence which was one the reasons they got their independence and it also help show people how life could be in a different way. For France it showed better ideas about how to live and people in franc ewer hungry they didn t have any money to buy bread so in that time the majority where in the poor class because bread was too ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Book Harrison Bergeron Can an equal society truly exist? The story, Harrison Bergeron gives one perspective answer to this question throughout the story. The story portrays one main conflict between Harrison Bergeron, a genius boy who is very talented, against a government that makes the entire society equal by handicapping the more gifted, down to the level of the less fortunate or incapable. Harrison constantly outgrows his tremendous handicaps faster than the government can create them and plans to overthrow the handicap government and society with his genius. The reader learns that there is a constant struggle with the people in the society who are smarter being able to think on their own for a short while to only come and find themselves lost, since ... Show more content on ... The wife tries to persuade him and convince him that he should take off his handicaps for a while and rest. George can still better understand the consequences of those potential actions and thus can still outsmart his wife by making a different decision. Through this passage, the reader also learns that even in this handicap society of equality not everyone is truly equal. If everyone was truly equal George wouldn t have been able to make a more correct reasoning than another person and choose different actions based on knowledge and reason. This just once again proves that even in a perfect society not everything is perfect. At the end of the story and at the climax the reader learns about the character Harrison Bergeron. The genius boy starts to plot to overthrow the handicapper General and her government. By escaping from jail Harrison proceeds to a TV studio to proclaim his revolt to the rest of the society. Once ripping off his handicaps and the handicaps of the rest of the people in the TV studio area, Harrison began to show the joys of having talents. He asks the orchestra to play their best so he and the ballerina can truly make a wonderful dance and experience what music is supposed to truly be. As the wonderful music is played and the elaborate dance proceeds, the Handicap General herself storms the studio and kills the ballerina and Harrison ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Descriptive Essay About Orchidea Gitty Eizenbach Rabbi Bloom English 101 January, 16, 2017 Orchidea Seeking to get together with family and friends in an upper class yet well priced style? Even just needing a quiet place to enjoy a pleasant meal by yourself? Orchidea is a place everyone must visit, with its extravagant décor, various mouthwatering dishes and one of the most welcoming accommodating service I ve ever seen. They have surely met to all my needs in the most caring way. I assure you won t be disappointed. Seven years ago on the corner of 12th avenue, Orchidea has opened its doors to the people of Borough Park. Started by the one and only Mazal Werczberger a friendly business woman of all sorts. Orchidea is a delicious dairy restaurant filled with all sorts of ... Show more content on ... As soon I took the last bite the waitress appeared right beside me holding in her hands my next dish; Ravioli stuffed with spinach. I couldn t believe how perfect the timing was. It was something I ve never witnessed before. The plate of ravioli comes with just the right amount of pieces of an odd number of five. After eating four and a half my stomach was already full from both of the splendid dishes. Immediately after setting down my fork and knife the waitress appeared making sure that all my needs were met asking if I was ready for her to clear the table and if there was anything I would want to be packed up to take home. She then offered me the dessert menu and suggested which the most common choices were. Although I was quite full, the array of desserts were unbearable I just couldn t walk out without having tried one. I decided to go with the famous napoleon, but I would take it to go and eat it on an emptier stomach when I am able to actually enjoy it. As I was waiting for the waitress to bring e the bill I couldn t stop smiling, all that was replaying in my head was I must come back here ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Brady Vs Manning Analysis (2) New England Patriots @ (1) Denver Broncos Sunday 3:00 EST Brady V. Manning XVII. We were robbed of this matchup back in November, but now, possibly for the final time, we get a Tom Brady led team verse a Peyton Manning led team. It doesn t matter that Peyton Manning is playing the worst football of his career; the narrative of this game is Brady V. Manning. Without question, Tom Brady is the better quarterback in this matchup. He s playing at an MVP caliber level carrying his less talented team to the AFC championship while Manning, is asked to platy well enough to not lose the game. He relies on his championship caliber defense. Ironically, this is probably the most talented team Peyton Manning as been apart of yet, I would be shocked ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Solar Powered Glass Invention One valuable accessory made for uses of sustainability is the solar powered glass invention. Its soul purpose is to sustain energy all around the world. This way, our natural resources can be preserved for other uses, keeping our environment intact. Also this can help maintain your money by saving energy. Furthermore, allowing the solar powered glass to maintain the spotlight. The solar powered glass functions by allowing photons, particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. Solar panels actually compromise smaller units called photovoltaic cells. Doing this helps sustain our environment in many ways. Using this, the use of electricity can be shortened, reducing our use of resources. In ... Show more content on ... It can truly change the world as we know of it today if citizens just took time to install this and expand on its uses. Not only is the solar powered glass an advantage in modernization toward sustainability, but also a contribution to science and engineering. When the designers created this innovation, they had to use STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] in order to perfect their original plan and distribute it. They had to find the dimensions, calculate its affect on in and on buildings (biomass) ( Glass ). Also come up with ways to keep any negative results from occurring by adding special features. A pathetic, weak minded person wouldn t be able to direct anyone, nor come up with these astonishing plans. This simply proves that astute individuals tend to have more success, which means the leader of this entire program, must be adroit. For a reference, if you think about classic glass windows, then in deserts we would need to install power installations of electricity. It all just goes to show how much technology is constantly improving day by day. We also have glass known as Low e glass. You may ask yourself what is Low e glass. Low e glass is one of the most popular and versatile glass placed on buildings used today. The technical reason is because of its constantly improving solar and thermal performance on glass. And one way this performance is achieved is through the use of passive and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam 1. God to the people of the big three monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) see god as an all knowing, all seeing, and all powerful being. I believe that that the Cosmological argument gives good reason to believe in the existence of God. The Cosmological argument focuses on everything having a cause except one thing that started it all, this starter is known as the Prime Mover . The Prime Mover is the one that starts everything without anything having a previous effect on it. With that people have assumed that the logical answer to who the prime mover is, is God. This to me seems the most logical of arguments because although there is the idea of eternity and an eternal cycle there has to be a starting point. I do not believe the argument is successful. The reason that the argument does not succeed is because what proof is there that the prime mover is an all powerful all mighty being? There could be alternate reasons related to science, The Big Bang Theory, which could also be a reason. One of Aquinas s arguments against the cosmological argument discussed that since everything in nature had a time where it did not exist there had to be a time where it was nothing to bring anything into being. His argument was if this was possible there was nothing around to bring the universe into being in the first place. Due to this a being such as God is not likely to have existed before to create it. Who created God? The only thing that could be done to better prove ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Rhetorical Devices Used In A Modest Proposal In any piece of literature, consideration of the audience is key in assuring that not only the overall theme, but also the desired reaction to the work is attained. In terms of analysis, identifying the audience may lead to greater insight, as depending on individual traits and beliefs, responses can vary wildly from one group of people to the next, and in identifying the audience and their respective feedback, one can hone in on the author s intended purpose of the work and judge whether or not the work in itself is effective in communicating its point. In Jonathan Swift s controversial essay A Modest Proposal, he achieves this successful conveyance by utilizing careful appeals such as logos, ethos, and pathos in a prolific manner and in such a way so as to shock his audience, in this case, the land owning English elite, and as such, A Modest Proposal is an effective essay as it ... Show more content on ... Although the Irish seem to be the main object of description throughout Swift s essay, his audience seems to center on the rich, land owning English elite. One may deduce this from his use of the name Pretender to refer to the exiled James Stuart, a Catholic king ousted and exiled after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 1689. With Ireland s population being mostly Catholic, and Swift introducing the solution of greatly [lessening] the number of Papists (635) through his proposal, he seems to possess an English mindset in the form of a sort of condescending attitude towards the Irish populace. In addition to this, Swift also distances himself from the issue of Irish overpopulation as a whole in his use of the distal (distant), demonstrative pronoun that , as ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Nfl Money Making Business The NFL is a money making business. With its 32 teams, and sponsorships with other big name brands, they produce a lot of money. With the NFL s partnership with Microsoft the two agreed on a $400 million deal that secures the exclusive right for Surface tablets and other Microsoft technologies on the sidelines for all 32 teams. Another partnership the NFL has is with Direct TV. Its four year $4 billion partnership ($1 billion per season) with DirecTV, a service that allows viewers to watch every football broadcast on several channels is also a big way in which the NFL gets money (Ejiochi). The NFL dominates the sports industry. The game has natural stop and starts, a 60 minute game lasts three hours, and this time offers plenty of empty space ... Show more content on ... The new site highlights the women s apparel line and the NFL Party, which is a site that promotes homegating. NFL Party features a blog with tips and recipes (NFL). NFL merchandise sold to women jumped significantly over last year, according to Fanatics, the world s largest online retailer of officially licensed products. The 2011 playoff season showed a dramatic change: an 85 percent sales increase in December over 2010 and a 125 percent increase in January from the year prior (NFL). In the last few years, the NFL has moved away from a pink it and shrink it approach to women s apparel to develop a women s apparel line featuring items including Victoria s Secret loungewear, Nike activewear and couture Marchesa tops (Jessop). The items are largely made in team s colors and made to fit women s bodies. Along with clothing, the collection also includes watches, boots and accessories. In the evolution of its women s apparel strategy, the NFL has sought to help women define themselves as fans while also providing them apparel options suiting their personalities better than pink, undersized men s shirts (Jessop). Along with print advertising, the NFL has also ... Get more on ...
  • 17. European Superiority In The Hobbit Over the course of our readings, I have noticed a sense of european superiority within High Fantasy. What I mean by this is the sense of greater and lesser races such as the dwarves and goblins in J.R.R. Tolkien s The Hobbit or the people of the Seven Kingdoms and the wildlings. It seems as though certain groups within High Fantasy often think of themselves as more virtuous and justified than others, however, I would argue that some of their actions would not be considered righteous. This mindset is very similar to that of Europeans throughout history as they often ridicule those of Muslim faith or the religious practices of the savages in Africa and the Americas. The group believing themselves to be superior often act without considering ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Existentialism As A World View I read what I thought was an obscure cartoon depicting a figurative situation where every person in the world is born with a hole in the center of their chest. The cartoon progresses through a series of examples where people fit objects and ideas into that hole before arriving at someone who decided to just leave the hole empty. The empty holed person claimed that he found out if you run against the wind at just the right angle, it makes a whistling noise (Document 3). Interestingly enough, the cartoon sums up, at least superficially, how I view Existentialism as a world view. Rejecting the social institutions that cover up the realities of the world, Existentialism calls for the developing of individual values based on what the follower feels is important in his or her life. Just as the empty holed person refuses to follow the others in filling the hole, the Existentialist chooses not to surround him or herself with religion, political ideologies or meaning for the world as many others do. As a world view, Existentialism is both practical and necessary because it provides those who subscribe to it the means to shape their own values in a meaningless world rather than blanketing themselves with the delusions created by social institutions that falsely provide such meanings. As a philosophy, Existentialism can be quite technical. Much of the theory involves generalized abstract concepts that seem difficult to implement in real life. In practice, however, Existentialism ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Manipulation Of Brutus In Shakespeare s Julius Caesar I would have to agree with Antony in saying that Brutus was the noblest Roman of them all. Not only is he smart but he only conspired against Caesar for the sake of Rome. He believes that Caesar was not a good leader and had too big of an ego. Other characters acted out of their own selfish reasons like greed and their want for power. Brutus truly loves his country and is devoted to it and it s people but this strong devotion may also be his weakness. Since Brutus is so devoted to Rome this allows him to be easily manipulated Cassius to use that to manipulate Brutus ad convince him to conspire against Caesar. At first, In act one, Cassius tells Brutus that Caesar is no better than him and that Brutus ancestors even helped found Rome. Later in the act he tricks Brutus by sending him the various letters. Cassius sent letters to Brutus, all in different hand writing, to make it seem like the Roman people disliked Caesar. ... Show more content on ... In three different instances Cassius strongly advises Brutus not to do something because it would be a huge mistake but Brutus ignores him anyway. The first is when Brutus decides not to kill Mark Antony saying it would be like cutting off Caesar s limbs and he didn t want to be a butcher. The instance is when Brutus allows Mark Antony to speak at Caesar s funeral. After Antony gives a better speech than Brutus the people of Rome begin to Rally against Brutus. The third is when Brutus decides to fight Antony and Octavias even though Cassius said it would be ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Islamic Women In The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hussein Mikaiya Gude Mr. Stickel English 10A, Period 1 10 February 2016 Women in Islam Modesty is the best jewel of a woman speaks islamic culture to their female religious followers. In the Kite Runner, by Khaled Hussein, we are provided with a window to peer into the traditional lives of islam women. One such example is Soraya and her mother, and the family heirarchy led by the male head of household, General Taheri. This core belief and value directs the pious life of a muslim woman. It influences every aspect of her existence, from her apparel, to the way she holds herself in social circumstances. These myriad of guidelines hailing from the Quran have played a vital role in islamic history, and the cultural and political conflicts of today. ... Show more content on ... Through false interpretations of the Quran, and the hunger for control among a select group of male individuals, these women have now reached the climax of this battle for gender equality since the days of Mohammed. Here we are, 14 centuries later to observe the strides time has taken. Islamic women and girls today are still perceived as inferior to men. This belief is prevalent in the everyday routines of a female living under religious standards. While there is a great diversity among the extremity of islamic laws, depending where you are located geographically, it is safe to say that an unfortunately high number of women experience discrimination daily. Many of these social injustices are results of a secularized legal code. Women are permitted only one spouse, while for men they can wed up to four. A young girl, according to law, can be wed at the age of nine, while boys at fourteen. Once a woman is married, they are virtually bound to that man, however horrendous he or his actions might be. While it s not technically illegal for a women to sue for divorce, it s a difficult process with harsh ramifications. Men, in nearly every instance, win custody of the children, and women are left with zero financial security afterwards. But this is not the worst of female suffering. Annually hundreds of women perish in traditional Honor Killings , murders by male spouses or relatives of women suspected of crime, especially ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pitbull Owning And Caring Red nose Pitbull owning and caring for a dog be a sources of great companion, but you should be aware of this dog ownership is a major responsibility. Life expectancy of a Pitbull is 12 to 14 years for this you need to provide the animal with. Consequently, you should think carefully about all factors that will affect your ability to care for a dog and whether a dog is suitable for you. Would you be able to provide for all of a dog s needs? You will need to consider the size of your property and the financial and time implications of having a dog as a pet. Caring for a dog can be expensive and you should consider whether, for instance, you would be able to afford the cost of routine and unexpected veterinary treatment, or the cost of pet health ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On Test Data Generation 2. Related works Some of the recent work related to the automated test data generation is listed below: Search based approaches have been extensively applied to solve the problem of software test data generation. Yet, test data generation for object oriented programming (OOP) is challenging due to the features of OOP, e.g., abstraction, encapsulation, and visibility that prevent direct access to some parts of the source code. To address this problem Abdelilah Sakti et al. [26] have presented an automated search based software test data generation approach that achieves high code coverage for unit class testing. The test data generation problem for unit class testing to generate relevant sequences of method calls were described at first. ... Show more content on ... A set of search heuristics targeted to OCL constraints to guide test data generation and automate MBT in industrial applications was proposed. These heuristics for three search algorithms: Genetic Algorithm, (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm, and Alternating Variable Method were evaluated. Empirically evaluated the heuristics using complex artificial problems, followed by empirical analyses of the feasibility of our approach on one industrial system in the context of robustness testing. A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses. Sergio Segura et al. [28] have proposed to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature models as an optimization problem and solved it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized feature models (ETHOM). Tool and an analysis operation were given in ETHOM generated input models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory consumption of the tool when performing the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Corporate Tax Rate In America 1. One of the major issues we are facing in the US economy is how much we should charge in regards to the corporate tax rate. Corporate tax rate is imposed by the government and determines how much a corporate business will pay in taxes at the end of the year. Trump plans on decreasing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. Out of the 34 countries in the OECD, America ranks first with a 39.1 percent corporate tax rate, compared to an OECD average of 24.1 percent. Along with trump, I think that we should reconsider the corporate tax rate. If we were to lower the rate than companies would have more money to spend and put back into our economy. Although I agree with Trump, there are several factors that affect this decision and there are many ... Show more content on ... The fiscal policy that I suggest we use to address the problem is graduated corporate income. We should not determine the corporate tax rate as one concrete number. We should decide the rate based on how big the company is. The policy will state that the first $50,000 of a corporation s profit is taxed at a 15% and will cap out at 35% for companies that make more than $335,000. Using this policy will make it so more small businesses will grow because they will not be taxed as much as a large company that can actually afford it. 5. The monetary policy I suggest we use is to increase the money supply and lower the cost of borrowing. I believe that this will affect how we calculate the corporate tax rate because if a company has an easier time getting a loan, and if they have access to more money, we can make the tax rate higher because they will have more money. The money that we get from taxing these corporations should be put back into the economy by the government. If we were to keep the tax rates higher we can use the extra money and put it into things such as; the building of roads, education, and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Horror Of The Zombie Apocalypse Daniel Drezner book addresses how the world would potentially react should the Zombie Apocalypse start while relating it to international relations. While discussing the anarchical nature of the world, in the realist argument, he addresses the fact that it is not likely that any one state would be able to gain complete control of the world. However, if the entire world is being overtaken by a zombie plague it is not outside the realm of possibility that survivors of various nations would come together and merge with whatever power still existed and divvy out more power to that group or individual. A good old fashioned military takeover would be just the thing to create an uneasy world wide alliance with other militaristic organizations across the world against the zombie hordes. The military would easily be able to take charge in a global catastrophe of this nature relatively quickly and with little resistance from the common people. They are one of the most disciplined and structured organizations in regards to bureaucracy and other political organizations, and would not hesitate to change the protocols of war against an end of the world type of threat such as a zombie takeover. Also, military tradition and codes of conduct cross borders with significantly more similarities than do political ideologies and governmental structures, which would result in there being a much easier and more unified alliance than could ever be achieved in any other global unification setting. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of The Poem The Solomon SOLOMON Solomon wrote I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother s children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have I not kept. I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh s chariots (Song of Solomon 1:5 6, 9). Solomon was the son of Bathsheba, who was the granddaughter of Ahithophel the Gilonite whose husband was Uriah the Hittite, and he was a mixed Canaanite son of David (2 Samuel 11:2 3; 23:34; Matthew 1:1 6). After David had killed her husband Uriah and impregnated Bathsheba, the Lord sent Nathan to the house of David, who told him that the child will die, and the Lord struck the child which was bore out of adultery and he died (2 Samuel 12:1 19). David prayed, fasted and worshiped the Lord, and the Lord had mercy on him and gave him Solomon who prophet Nathan called Jedidiah, because the Lord loved Solomon, he was beloved of the Lord (2 Samuel 12:20 25). Solomon made mention of his skin complexion in his writings, he said I am black, and comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar. The word Kedar, which was used here means black. Solomon had used the blackness of Kedar to describe his skin complexion. Some scholars stated that this was a poetic word that referred to one of his black lover. However, this poetic songs does not only ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Beowulf and Gilgamesh Comparative English Essay Compare the Beowulf poet s presentation of the battles with Grendel and his mother with the Gilgamesh poet s depiction of Gilgamesh battles with Huwawa and the Bull of Heaven. Fame and glory have been the most admirable characteristics in the middle Ages and even before Christ in the ancient civilizations. The epics of Gilgamesh and Beowulf are stories of heroism and immortality gained through fame. The aim of the main characters, Beowulf and Gilgamesh, is to be a good warrior by being courageous, respectful and prudent, a protector and servant to their king (only in the beginning of Beowulf, as he later becomes king and Gilgamesh already is) and their country. In both poems the fights of the main characters ... Show more content on ... Enkidu and Gilgamesh can only win against nature and even gods by cooperating, which again is a sign of culture. It shows us that a civilization can withstand everything and even fight the Gods plans. In the Beowulf poem the battle scenes are described more vividly descriptive and including a lot of symbolism. The first fight is between Beowulf and Grendel, a fiend out of hell, [ ] grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Clain s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts. (p. 6) Beowulf sets out to kill this monster in order to achieve fame. He isn t forced to do so, especially as Grendel doesn t attack the Geats (his clan) but the Danes. Nevertheless Beowulf settles out to destroy the demon and declares that he will fight Grendel there is a feast: Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, settle the outcome in single combat. (p. 15) Afterwards there is a feast in Hereot and at dusk Beowulf prepares for the fight and awaits Grendel s attack. Then down the brave man lay with his bolster under his head and his whole company of sea rovers at rest beside him. Beowulf s companions stay at his side and this is a symbol for their closed circle of society. The Germanic culture is based on the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Descriptive Essay On My Clocks Everyone I know has already seen a clock reach zero. A timer constantly floating over somebody s head, representing different things for anyone who sees it. When they reach zero, something happens, something different for everyone. The floating numbers have never dropped that low for me. When Maria sees someone s timer reach zero, that person sneezes. Steven watches a clock bottom out as the person with that clock laughs. Even Kelsey saw a baby start to cry when it dropped its toy and its countdown hit zero. Me, never. Nobody I ve ever seen has hit zero, and it s been seventeen years. Seventeen years of friends learning what the countdowns they saw meant, seventeen years of people swearing up and down that I d see what my clocks symbolized, seventeen years of endless ticking, seventeen years of lies. My mom always used to say that meant I was special, that I still got to find out what my clocks meant at an age where I would remember my first time, where I would be able to relive the excitement. I never told her that my clocks aren t counting down. Of every person I ve ever talked to, they ve never seen their clocks count up, or freeze, or bounce between times. Oddly enough, none of them ever caught on that I was asking to see if I wasn t actually alone. Stupid jerks. Even right now, my phone sits on silent under my bed, having been thrown there after Allie s text of excited news; she just saw some girl reach zero on the street when a greasy construction ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Starbucks Vs. Executive Of Starbucks Howard Schlutz CEO and Chairman of Starbucks proved that dreams do come true. Starbucks Coffee Company is the textbook example proving that passion and drive are enough to start an effective business project. Starbucks bred progressively from one little homegrown business in Seattle to an international coffee giant. From the beginning, the company had a different aura to it. It is not a traditional entrepreneurship, in the sense that Howard got the idea from the owners of the original Starbucks in Seattle. But Howard s vision to bring the romance of coffee is what made him prosper. It was not about the profits for him, it was about celebrating coffee and its rich tradition. He s the man who globalized coffee. A defining moment, in the early history of Starbucks was when Howard bought Starbucks from his previous employers in 1987. Here, he was faced with problems of merging two companies and transforming them into one successful business. Starbucks is not only about the positives. From 1987 to 1989 Starbucks had a losing streak. Schultz never strayed from his original purpose and battled through the storm, laying a strong foundation for his company. The crossroads in Schultz s life is his capability to foretell the future and trust in fate. One of the greatest lessons learned from his story is that, as a strategic component in entrepreneurship, pursuing an opportunity fused with desire can yield magnificent products. The key principle that Schultz conveys is that employees ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Did Malthus Build Food Production In The Ottoman Empire Growth and Food Production in the Ottoman Empire In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus defended the proposition that, had population and food increased in the same ratio, it is probable that man might never have emerged from the savage state. Labeled a Malthusian trap after the demographer s work, the theoretical principle holds that, because population increases exponentially, while agricultural output increases arithmetically, periodic premature deaths among the population will be caused by a lack of sustenance. Had a population never overcome the reoccurring demographic trap of an equal increase in food and population, Malthus contends, the life of man as a subsistence farmer would continue to be, as succinctly ... Show more content on ... In the Ottoman Empire, immigration from Russia and the upper Balkan Peninsula brought a ten fold increase in iron plow use in Ottoman Bulgaria, and the introduction of the calorie rich potato to Anatolia, which had a beneficial effect of agriculture of Anatolia as a whole. Whether or not the limited introduction of improved techniques and plant species into the Empire was also driving force behind increased production, it still appeared to be caused by the influx of people to the region. Malthus s doomsday prediction of stagnation upon population growth appears to fail when considering the possibility of introduction of new techniques to maximize gains. So far, in the case of the Ottoman Empire, the relationship between changes in population density and agricultural production has proven to be that an increase in the former resulted in a subsequent and equal rise in the latter. In order to address whether or not Malthus s claim that ... Get more on ...
  • 30. A Brief Biography of Karl Lashley Karl Lashley was born on June 7, 1890 in Davis, West Virginia and died at 68 years old on August 7th, 1958 in France. He was raised in a middle class family as an only child. Lashley gained the love of learning from his mother. She was a stay at home mom and often had women from the community teach Karl various subjects. Lashley kept to himself when he was a kid. He didn t have many friends, and spent most of his time wandering the woods collecting mice, butterflies, or other animals. Karl was very smart even as a small toddler. He learned to read at the age of 4. Lashley attained a major achievement by graduating high school at the age of 14. After high school Lashley enrolled in the University of West Virginia. When he first started there he chose to major in English. However, Lashley changed his major to zoology. Lashley began teaching biology at University of Pittsburgh soon after he got his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of West Virginia. When Lashley finished his master s degree he started to study at Johns Hopkins University, once there he gained his Ph.D degree in genetics. Lashley became a professor at the University of Minnesota, University of Chicago, and Harvard University after he got his Ph.D. Lashley did very well throughout his career. When Lashley first started pursuing his career he researched brain mechanisms and how they related to sense receptors. Lashley also studied instinct and color vision. Adding on to this work, he began to research a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming And She Swam Happily Ever After . . . The sport of swimming has not always been in my life. My interest in swimming came about when I moved to Grand Haven in middle school. The reason I became interested in it was simple enough, the first person I met from Grand Haven that went to my new school was an avid, as well as especially talented, swimmer. While I cannot remember exactly why this was enough to convince me to try something completely new in a brand new school with brand new people, I can look back on my choice to start swimming as an important moment. Ironically enough, when I was younger I despised swimming lessons. My parents tell me that when I was around three I cried and carried on whenever I had to get into the pool and have ... Show more content on ... Really, swimming is a sport that is largely based on the hard work of each individual swimmer, but when it comes down to it, every swimmer has to have a support system to be successful. This last season of high school swimming demonstrated the importance of being a team to me. When it came down to the final weeks of the season, being a team began to matter more and more. The last weeks of swimming are key to a swimmer s success at Conference. As we get close to the Conference meet we begin to taper, where yardage slowly goes down, but you swim at more of a race pace and have longer to rest. During this part of the season we emphasize staying close as a team because it boosts the team s mindset, which is a significant contributing factor to swimming well. Supporting each other as a team meant having team get togethers, dinners, and helping each other feel positive about how we were going to swim at Conference. Two weeks later at the Conference meet I had my best races ever. I dropped more than seven seconds off of my best race, the 100 breaststroke, and dropped four to ten plus more seconds in my other events as well. Since swimming is a sport where success is so largely based on the mindset you have when training and competing, having a team full of friends and coaches to support me lead to my great end of season success. Throughout my training to this day, I always remember that yes, it is important to work ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Recruitment Of A Female Nurse In the North attempts were made to organize nurses and in June 1861 Dorothea Dix was put in charge of recruiting nurses for military hospitals, first in Washington and later other areas. Dix, like the rest of society, had some very strong ideas about what a nurse should and shouldn t be and in a document dated July 14, 1862 she specified those ideas. No candidate for service in the Women s Department for nursing in the military hospitals of the United States, will be received below the age of thirty five years, (35) nor above fifty. Only women of strong health, not subjects of chronic disease, nor liable to sudden illnesses, need apply. The duties of the station make large and continued demands on strength. Matronly persons of ... Show more content on ... In the field there were no regular hospitals, nurses cared for injured soldiers in railway cars, tents, open fields, and abandoned buildings. They were like soldiers, they ate the same food, slept in tents, endured rough weather, and came under fire from the enemy. Nurse Clara Barton was nearly shot on the battlefield, a bullet sliced through her shirt sleeve before hitting and killing the soldier she was caring for. Many of these nurses risked their lives, the Sisters of Mercy were known to run out on the battle field when bullets were still flying. Nursing, whether in the field or in hospitals, was not easy and it took a toll physically and emotionally, periodic furloughs were common and some had to resign. Writer Louisa May Alcott had to resign her nursing position after becoming sick, she contracted typhoid fever. These strong women experienced horrible things, but many refused to give up and they saved countless lives. Which seems fitting, the main reason that women became nurses was their desire to help. Did women act as spies and smugglers? There was another group of women who put their lives and in many cases their reputations at risk to help during the war. These women worked as spies, smugglers, couriers, and guides. As in other areas, the exact number of women that served in this capacity for the North and South during the war is ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Probability and Statistics Midterm Probability and Statistics, Midterm Nov. 3, 2011 Instructions. The exam is from 3:40 5:30. Simplify your answer as much as you can, for instance, x 1 x+1 should be simpli...ed to x 1: But the answer does not need to be numbers if the caculation is complicated, e5 for example, you can leave 20! in your answer. 1. (30 points) (a) One of three students, A, B and C, will get the prize for being the best student in Probability and Statistics . The night before the prize is announced, student A ...nds the professor and asks, No matter I get the prize or not, we know that at least one of B and C does not get it. Would you please tell me one of them who does not win it? I like to prepare a gift for her. The professor refuses, d No, I cannot give ... Show more content on ... X 2 (2) : Then calculate E X 2 : (Bonus 5 points: calculate V ar(X)). Hint: ( ; ) has the p.d.f. f (x) = x ( r distribution where = 2 and = 2: Answer: Let Y = X 2 : The c.d.f. of Y is G (y) 1 ) e x ; x 0: = : And 2 (r) is a special gamma = Pr (Y y) = Pr X 2 p y) = Pr (0 X Z py x2 xe 2 dx = 0 y and the p.d.f. is g (y) = G0 (y) = = e 2 y 2 p ye y 2 1 p 2 y y 2 = y1 1 e (1) 21 The last part of the equation above shows that g (y) is exactly the Gamma p.d.f. with 2 = 2; so X 2 (2) E X 2 = E (Y ) = 1 2 = 2 Bonus Part: Let y = x2 ; then Z E (X) = = = Z Z = 1 and 1 x e p y e 2 2 x2 2 dx = dy = 1 ye y 2 p d y 1 0 1 0 y 2 0 3 2 22 Z 1 y2 3 1 0 3 2 2 3 2 e y 2 dy 3 2 22 1 3 in which the last equality comes from the fact that y 3 3 e ( 2 )2 2 1 3 1 1p Since ; 2 = 2 2 = 2 r 1 1p 2 = E (X) = 2 2 2 Thus V ar (X) = E X 2 2 3 2 1 y 2 is the p.d.f. of 2 (3). 2 ________________________________________________________________ The Exponential probability density function is f (x; ) = e x [E (X)] = 2 ; x 0 Pn Exponential( i=1 (c) Find its M.G.F. and calculate the mean and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Living At Home Vs Living With Family Moving out of the nest is a huge step in a student s life. Eighteen years is a long time to be living with parents who have been a main support for living since birth. Most students believe that living on their own will be the best experience of their life, because of the increase in freedom and independence; however, most do not realize that living at home with parents has more benefits compared to living in an apartment or dorm. These benefits include less physical work, less responsibilities and saving more money. One benefit of living at home is that there is less physical work involved. When living with parents, they clean the entire house. Leaving out the odd assigned chore, parents wash everything from the floors, dishes, kitchen table, counters, bathroom toilet, shower, sinks, walls, and more. On top of all, they wash and iron all the laundry of the house. My household includes six people with an average of eight loads of laundry a week, which would take up a lot of time. On the other hand, all this work would have to be done by one person if living in an apartment. The amount of time and dedication that would have to be put in to cleaning, would leave less time for social events or extracurricular activities, which is important for a first year university student to be involved. Most apartments, especially dorms have the laundry in a separate room, so having to bring the laundry down four flights of stairs, watching it until it is finished, and making sure no one ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Art and Architecture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Essay The difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek influence was because scholars were broadly studying the revival of classical antiquity. The architecture was affected in the same way because in the Middle Ages the style of the buildings was being influenced by religion. The style in the Renaissance was being more influenced by ancient Greece. The art and ... Show more content on ... The painting depicts real people doing everyday things, like studying. Classical Antiquity was greatly displayed through another painting it depicts a normal person holding a balance. In the Middle Ages this would have been frowned upon because they discouraged the making of realistic paintings (Follett software). Realistic paintings would not have been introduced to the Renaissance without the humanists studying classical antiquity. Art with biblical themes were popular in the Middle Ages because the artists were also focused on theology. Jesus and Mary were usually the main focus in most paintings. The people in the Middle Ages really appreciated godly looks and tried to incorporate the catholic religion in most if not all of their paintings (class notes). For example, Giotto s painting Madonna and child displays Mary and Jesus in the center of the painting. Not only are Mary and Jesus in the center, they are also illustrated to be a lot bigger than the angels around them. Giotto wasn t the only artist to place Mary and Jesus in the center and larger, this was very normal for the Middle Ages. Most artists were very influenced by the church because the church had the highest role in government. Art and Architecture were greatly impacted by the humanist s study of classical antiquity. The art was changed with the scenes having more of a Greek influence. For example, Botticelli s Birth of Venus painting, Venus is taking up the whole center of the canvas. In the Middle ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Gainesville Air Filter What Is Air Filter? An air filter is an important part of air conditioning Gainesville. It is a fibrous material that helps remove dust, bacteria, pollen and mold from the air. Your air filter will need to be changed on a regular basis. Changing an air filter is a relatively simple process. The air conditioning Gainesville will need to be turned off before you change the filter. After that, the old filter will need to be removed. The final step is to slide in the new filter. Filters typically have colors or arrows on the front or back to indicate which side they should be side. Filters come in many sizes. They can be disposable or permanent. Disposable filters are thrown away, but permanent filters can be washed and reused. The Importance ... Get more on ...
  • 37. How Breaking Bad Is Created By Vince Gilligan Essay In this essay, I will analyse the TV show, Breaking Bad which is created by Vince Gilligan, in relation to the theory of narrative. I will be basing this essay on the first episode of Breaking Bad and also the TV show as a whole. We will learn to what extent Breaking Bad reflects conventional narrative structure. First the essay will identify what conventional narrative structure is. I will then analyse how Breaking Bad reflects the different parts that make up narrative structure, including, the three act structure and character roles. I will then determine what is different about Breaking Bad and what parts of it do not conform to conventional narrative structure. I will be discovering how the use of conventional narrative structure effects how the audience views the text. Narrative structure is about both the content of a story, and how the story is told by using plot. There are different things that made up the narrative structure of a text. These include, the three act structure and the roles of the characters. The three act structure is a model that is used in screenwriting to divide a narrative into different parts (, 2015). The first act of a three act structure is called setup. This is where setting, character, and their situations are introduced to the audience. The second act is when something big happens so that there are major changes in the characters life. Act three is when the problems and changes in the characters life are resolved (, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Relationship Between Occident And Orient To begin, may be a bit abruptly, I would like to quote from Edward Said s Orientalism :: The relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power , of domination , of varying degrees of a complex hegemony... And he mentions Flaubert s impression of an Egyptian courtesan ..that she was ever silent and never represented her emotions, presence, or history. Flaubert as the male, superior, occidental has all the right to present her as typically Oriental she is denied her own voice . My idea is that GENDER formed one of the pillars on which EMPIRE was constructed and the binaries namely male/superior and female/inferior contributed to the structure of Imperialism. It is again an empire/colonizer and nation/colonized binary system. Surprisingly enough ... Show more content on ... Lying is not a mother s attribute and though she is vexed with the mother s talking habit,for Maxine the mother tells the truth. ...I too had been in the presence of great power, my mother talking story...she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan.I would have to grow up a warrior woman. But Maxine s fantasy about the warrior wearing the male guise consigns her to the master s tools . Maxine attests to the tenacity of patriarchal norms. Maxine as warrior becomes a tormentor to herself and in a harrowing scene tortures a mute Chinese girl her alter ego who refuses to speak . However when her throat finally bursts open she vocalizes her preference for American ways of life and this rejection of one s ethnic culture is not uncommon, if we can remember Gloria Anzaldua s words: When we, the objects, become the subjects and look at and analyse our own experiences ,a danger arises that we may look through the master s gaze, speak through his tongue, use his ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Theory Of Scientific Management Essay According to Miller (2010) Scientific management (Taylorism) was devised by Frederick Taylor to improve economic efficiency especially labor productivity by analyzing and establishing workflows. It was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and to management. Taylor s scientific management was based on four principles. The first is replacing the rule of thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study. The second is selecting, training and developing the most suitable person for the job. The third principle is managers should give out detailed instructions on how to do the job scientifically and supervise workers. The last principle is dividing the tasks between managers and workers. This paper will discuss if these scientific management principles are outdated in the study of organizations. I will present the principles and explain their relevance in current organizations. The rule of thumb is a procedure that developed from experience and common sense. It totally ignores scientific knowledge. Taylor argued that for an organization to become more efficient managers had to develop a science of work that is cultivating methods based on a scientific study of those tasks. Morgan (2006) asserts that this was done to determine the most efficient way of doing work. The scientific method would therefore simplify worker s tasks in detail and specify the amount of work needed to do the task and the necessary time to finish that ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Main Collective Theory Of Functionalist Theories Essay The main collective theme in functionalist theories is the ability to look at society as a whole, rather than making judgements on purely an individual s actions and the motives behind them. In continuation, firm believers of the ideology that everything in society has a purpose and a designated role in order for the collective society, to work cohesively and function. The explanation for this comes from Durkheim, a sociologist who placed importance in consensus to achieve the need for social order. These concepts can be defined as people within a society, who have a tendency to be selfish, but by having various institutions within society, they are able to obtain social order pass on norms, values and morals. Crime can be functional when the rates are low, but dysfunctional to society when the rates are too high. Furthermore he believed that crime was inevitable in society, because crime and deviance is the product of a lack of attachment to the prevailing values that were shared among a collective society. Durkheim widely argued that people were all individuals with different experiences, so consequently not everyone will inevitably share the same values. Without these shared norms and values being passed on the prospect of social order cannot be obtained as there will not be a collective conformity towards them and which is therefore enforced by various institutions and structures. For example, if a child comes from a working class family or one which does not follow the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Nike Of Samothrace Essay Camilla Pearce ARH2050 Boyer Spring 2015 The Nike of Samothrace stands at eight feet and is made of Parian marble. She is assembled from several pieces of the stone and it is believed that she was painted, however there are no traces of paint on her. She is a very powerful, sensual, and energetic figure and her impact on her viewers is the result of the sculptors combination of naturalism and ability to create a sense of drama from her presence. She is presenting herself with her right leg forward, her wings uplifted and spread behind her as if she is about to take off, and her torso is lifted displaying balance. Her bold lines and the invisible force of the wind blowing towards her enhance her impression of being in motion, creating an ... Show more content on ... The ship is carved from a blue grey type of Rhodian marble and stands 10 6½ tall. When found, the ship was in several pieces which have been plastered together to recreate the whole sculpture for display purposes. On it are very small traces of paint which indicate the base of the sculpture along with the goddess Nike were most likely at one point painted, however the paint traces are unintelligible. The form of the ship includes heavy shapes with very hard lines that also have a very sensual feel to them. The ship itself is very realistically represented with its shape and its apex, along with its many attachments including an oar box, doubled rows of oar slots, and a battering ram that extends outward and upward off the front of the prow. Using the warship as the base of the Nike aids in portraying her sense of motion. The naturalism and the drama of The Nike of Samothrace and her warship are intensified further by the physical setting of the pair. The ship was originally placed on top of 6 tiles of rippled marble which most likely represented seascape and movement. Evidence implies that the sculpture as a whole may have been used as a part of a fountain which would also enhance the realistic effect of movement, presence, and drama surrounding The Nike of ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Anderson Water System As we dive into the last weeks of summer, you may have heard about the water issues that have been plaguing the Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. As Anderson Water Systems, a Rochester, NY based water purification and filtration company, summarizes it, the waterways of the city have been used as dumping grounds for garbage, sewage, and toxic chemicals for years, leaving the water polluted and contaminated. Despite the assurances of the International Olympic Committee and the recent opening of a new sewage treatment plant, various sailing teams are continuing to err on the side of extreme caution, making sure to close their mouths so that water won t spray up into them and washing their clothes with special antibacterial cleansers and detergents. ... Show more content on ... Many American homes could benefit from water purification and filtration systems. Anderson Water Systems explains that although municipal water systems have come a long way in terms of water purification, there are still other possible sources that can cause unclean waters. Having been in business for more than 60 years, they want you to be aware that old pipes can carry traces of lead and that natural deposits and groundwater can contain various chemicals like arsenic, iron. To combat these issues, Anderson Water Systems has crafted filtration systems that will purify the water before you come in contact with it. By utilizing reverse osmosis, these systems can filter out any contaminants and impurities. Whether we re drinking it from a tall glass or soaking in it in the tub, water is such an integral aspect of our daily lives. Thanks to Anderson Water Systems, not only will the water be cleaner and healthier, it will also taste much better. To learn more about water purification and filtrations systems, get in touch with Anderson Water Systems today. You can do so online, through their Facebook page, with a call to (800) ... Get more on ...