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Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and
Radhae Raghavan MRCOG,a,
* Pallavi Arya,b
Prathibha Arya FRCOG,c
Susnata China MRCOG
Specialty Trainee, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK
Medical Student, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alexandra Hospital, Woodrow Drive, Redditch B98 7UB, UK
Consultant Gynaecologist, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK
*Correspondence: Radhae Raghavan. Email:
Accepted on 23 April 2013
Key content
 Selection of any incision must be highly individualised.
 Numerous options of skin closure have become available and it is
paramount to choose the method tailored to each patient and
surgical procedure.
 The ideal wound closure device should be easy to use, painless,
provide good cosmesis and be cost-effective.
 This article reviews the traditional closure materials as well as
some materials that have recently become available, such as staples
and glue.
 Use of electrosurgery on the skin.
Learning objectives
 To review the medical literature on this subject.
 To outline the anatomical and technical aspects that influence the
choice of incisions and sutures.
 To assess the safety aspects, risks and the appropriate use of various
closure techniques.
Ethical issues
 Is it ethical to allow the selection of an incision dictated by
patient choice to preserve cosmesis if it may compromise the
surgical approach?
 Is it ethical to subject high-risk women to laparotomy for
diagnostic or therapeutic purposes when laparoscopic
management has demonstrated benefits?
Keywords: closure / electrosurgery / incision / laparoscopy / suture
Please cite this paper as: Raghavan R, Arya P, Arya P, China S. Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and gynaecology. The Obstetrician  Gynaecologist
One of the lasting marks of any abdominal surgery and
most noticeable to the patient is the scar at the site
of incision. In selecting an incision, the surgeon must take
into account the underlying pathology prompting
the surgery, the possibility of adhesions or malignancy,
and comorbidities. In this review we aim to present
the various abdominal incisions, sutures and closure
methods used in obstetrics, benign gynaecology and
oncology practice.
Skin preparation
The incidence of significant wound infections is ≤5% for all
abdominal operations and is related to patient and surgical
Preoperative showering with antiseptics reduces the
infection rate in clean wounds (1.3% versus 2.3%).2
infection rates for depilatory preparations versus no hair
removal are equal (0.6%).3
The reason for hair removal is
to prevent interference with wound approximation in
certain incisions.1
Abdominal incisions
Incisions of the skin should not be made with a monopolar
electrosurgical device. The same scalpel can safely be used for
superficial and deep incisions.4
Abdominal incisions used for most gynaecological
procedures can be divided into transverse or vertical
incisions. Most of the transverse incisions are identified by
the name of the surgeon who first described them, whereas
the vertical incisions have no such eponyms.
Transverse incisions (Box 1)
Pfannenstiel incision
Introduced by Pfannenstiel in 1900, this curved incision
is approximately 10–15 cm long and 2 cm above the pubic
symphysis. The skin and rectus sheath are opened
ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 13
DOI: 10.1111/tog.12063
The Obstetrician  Gynaecologist
transversely using sharp dissection. The rectus muscles are
not cut and the fascia is dissected along the rectus muscles.
K€ustner incision
The K€ustner incision, sometimes incorrectly referred to as
modified Pfannenstiel incision, involves a slightly curved skin
incision beginning below the level of the anterior superior
iliac spine and extending just below the pubic hairline. The
superficial branches of the inferior epigastric artery or vein
may be encountered in the fat. This incision is more
time-consuming and extensibility is limited.
Cherney incision
The Cherney incision involves transection of the rectus
muscles at their insertion on the pubic symphysis and
retraction cephalad to improve exposure. This can be used
for urinary incontinence procedures to access the space of
Retzius and to gain exposure to the pelvic side-wall for
hypogastric artery ligation.
Maylard incision
The Maylard incision is a muscle-cutting incision, in which
all layers of the lower abdominal wall are incised transversely
approximately 3–8 cm above the symphysis, depending on
the patient habitus and indication for surgery. The fascia is
not dissected free of the rectus muscles. The peritoneum is
usually entered in a transverse fashion. In a patient with
clinical evidence of impaired circulation in the lower
extremity, a midline incision should be preferred to the
Maylard incision, in view of the risk of lower extremity
ischaemia secondary to inferior epigastric artery ligation.
Mouchel incision
The Mouchel incision runs at the upper limit of the pubic
hair and is thus lower than the Maylard incision.
The muscles are divided above the openings of the
inguinal canals.
Joel-Cohen incision
Professor Joel-Cohen introduced this incision for abdominal
hysterectomy in 1954 and obstetricians have since used
this widely to perform caesarean sections.6
This is a
straight transverse incision through the skin, 3 cm below
the level of the anterior superior iliac spines (higher than
the Pfannenstiel incision; Figure 1). The subcutaneous
tissues and fascia are opened in the midline and extended
laterally with blunt finger dissection. Blunt dissection is
used to separate the rectus muscles vertically and then open
the peritoneum.
Vertical incisions (Box 2)
Midline (median) incision
The midline incision is the most versatile incision as it can be
easily extended. The pyramidalis muscle can be a useful
landmark to identify the midline.
Box 2. Advantages and disadvantages of vertical incisions
 excellent exposure
 easily extendable
 median incision is least haemorrhagic
 minimum nerve damage
 rapid entry into abdomen and pelvis with median incision
 wound dehiscence and hernia may be more frequent5
 poorer cosmetic results
 higher infection rates, haemorrhage and operative time with
paramedian incision7
Figure 1. Joel-Cohen versus Pfannenstiel incisions.
Box 1. Advantages and disadvantages of transverse incisions
 best cosmetic results
 less painful
 less interference with postoperative respirations
 greater strengtha
 more time-consuming
 more haemorrhagic
 compromised ability to explore upper abdominal cavity
 division of multiple layers of fascia and muscle and nerves, may
result in potential spaces with haematoma or seroma
Earlier studies reported that increased incidence of eviscerations with
vertical incisions might be associated with inappropriate closures.
Recent studies have shown no difference in fascial dehiscence between
transverse and vertical incisions.5
14 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Abdominal incisions and sutures
Paramedian incision
The paramedian incision offers the advantage of extensibility,
especially on the side of the pelvis where the incision has
been made. There is no difference in wound infection,
dehiscence or respiratory problems with midline and
paramedian incisions.7
Oblique incisions
Oblique incisions can be used for a transperitoneal or
extraperitoneal approach to abdominal surgery, and include
the Gridiron (muscle-splitting) incision of McBurney and the
Rockey–Davis (or Elliot) incisions.
The Gridiron incision is a downward and inward incision
from the McBurney point. The incision is carried through the
skin and subcutaneous fat to the abdominal wall muscles,
which is split along the direction of the fibres. The
peritoneum may then be reflected away from the
abdominal wall inferiorly. This allows extraperitoneal
drainage of abscess, avoiding peritoneal contamination. The
Gridiron incision can be performed on the left lower
quadrant to drain abscess on the left side of the pelvis and
can be varied for appendicectomy in pregnant women.
Rockey–Davis incision is a transverse incision made at the
junction of the middle and lower thirds of the line joining the
anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus.
Incisions for caesarean section
Caesarean section is the most frequent major operation
performed on women worldwide. Operative techniques
used for caesarean section vary and some of these
techniques have been evaluated through randomised trials.
Traditionally, vertical incisions were used for caesarean
Many studies have compared the Joel-Cohen with
Pfannenstiel incision and found the former to be superior
for reasons such as less postoperative febrile morbidity, less
analgesia requirements, shorter operating time, less
intraoperative blood loss and adhesion formation,
reduction in hospital stay and in wound infection.9
very obese women, a transverse incision above the umbilicus
has been suggested, but not shown, to decrease morbidity.10
Closure techniques
In closure of abdominal incisions, it must be remembered
that tissues need approximation, not strangulation.
Primary suture line
The primary suture is the line of sutures that holds the
wound edges in approximation during healing by first
intention. It can either be continuous or interrupted. Other
sutures include buried, purse string and subcuticular sutures.
A continuous suture leaves less foreign body mass in the
wound. It derives its strength from tension distributed evenly
along the full length of suture strand. Interrupted sutures
may be used in the presence of infection: if one suture breaks,
the remaining sutures will hold the wound edges in
approximation. Evidence shows no difference in continuous
versus interrupted closure, with a similar incidence of wound
breakdown and hernia formation.12
Buried sutures are placed so that the knot protrudes to the
inside, under the layer to be closed. Subcuticular sutures are
continuous or interrupted sutures placed in the dermis,
beneath the epithelial layer.
Secondary suture line
The secondary suture line, called retention sutures, is done to
reinforce the primary suture line, eliminate dead space and
prevent fluid accumulation in abdominal wound during
healing by first intention. Retention sutures are placed about
2 inches from each edge of the wound. It is the authors’
opinion that if secondary sutures are used in cases of
non-healing, they should be placed in the opposite fashion
from the primary sutures (i.e. interrupted if the primary
sutures were continuous, continuous if primary sutures
were interrupted).
Fascial closure
If transverse incision is extended laterally beyond the edge of
the rectus muscles and into the substance of the external and
internal oblique muscles, injury to the iliohypogastric and
ilioinguinal nerves can occur, with resulting neuroma.
Hence, with laterally extended transverse incisions, the
extensions should have sutures placed only in the external
oblique fascia.
Layered versus mass closure
Evidence is in favour of mass closure technique using looped
delayed–absorbable suture, with a wound:suture length ratio
of at least 1:4 (Figures 2 and 3).13
In general, subcutaneous
sutures should be avoided because the subcutaneous tissue
does not provide support.
Figure 2. Jenkins diagram showing geometric use of an individual
stitch, ATB, in a continuous suture closure. AB is the stitch interval and
TD comprises the two tissue bites.
ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 15
Raghavan et al.
Principles of suturing skin incisions (Box 3)
The Smead–Jones closure is a mass closure technique of the
anterior abdominal wall using a far–far, near–near approach.
The closure is done using a delayed absorbable suture, to
include all of the abdominal wall structures on the far–far
portion (at least 1.5–2 cm from the fascial edges) and only
the anterior fascia on the near–near portion. This allows
good healing without intervening fat or muscle. This closure
technique can be performed in an interrupted fashion or as a
running suture.14
The fascial dehiscence rate with running
mass closure of the abdomen is 0.4%.3
Gallup closure
The Gallup closure technique is the closure of midline
incisions using No. 2 polypropylene suture, placing bites
1.5–2 cm from the fascial edge and including all layers of the
anterior abdominal wall (peritoneum, fascial layers and the
intervening muscle). One suture is started from each end and
tied in the middle with three square knots.15
Box 3. Principles of suturing skin incisions
 The primary function of suture is to maintain tissue approximation
during healing
 Debridement of skin edges should be done if necessary
 Avoidance of direct tissue trauma helps ensure best outcomes
 Clean passage of the needle following the arc is imperative
 Skin sutures that blanch the underlying skin are too tight
 Skin edges must just touch each other
Delayed primary closure and secondary closure
Delayed closure should be used for contaminated or dirty
wounds. Staples or monofilament delayed sutures or
non-absorbable sutures can be placed. If the abdomen is
opened for abscess drainage and delayed closure is not used,
copious saline irrigation of all layers should be done.
Incisions and closure for obese patients
Morbid obesity poses problems with incision placement and
closure. Morbid obesity carries a seven-fold increased risk of
patients, it should be far removed from the anaerobic moist
environment of the subpannicular fold. The midline vertical
incision is made by first retracting the panniculus inferiorly to
avoid the most anaerobic moist area. Closure is done by
Smead–Jones or running mass closure. An intrafascial drain
should be left in situ until drain is 50 ml/24 hours. The skin is
closed using staples in preference to subcuticular sutures.16
Laparoscopic incisions and closure
It has been suggested that primary incision for laparoscopy
should be vertical from the base, not below the umbilicus.17
Any non-midline port 7 mm and any midline port 10 mm
requires formal deep sheath closure to avoid the occurrence of
port site hernia.17
A laparoscopic wound closure device named V-Loc consists
of a barbed absorbable thread that is self-anchoring and
eliminates the need to tie a knot. This is feasible and appears
to be a promising alternative to frequently used peritoneal
Incisions of the skin must not be made with a monopolar
electrosurgical device as the desiccation effect may cause skin to
blister and heal poorly.19
High electrical current delivered with a
fine electrode of a small surface area generates the most efficient
cutting effects and the least thermal damage. Therefore, to incise
tissue, cut current should be used with a small or thin electrode
that isactivated just beforemaking contact with the target tissue.
Abdominal fat, which has high intrinsic impedance, can be
readily cut using a blade electrode with a coagulation waveform
because of the high current density at the edge of the electrode.
There are no data indicating that using electrosurgery in
pregnancy causes untoward effect on the fetus.
Wound closure materials
Sutures, staples and adhesive tapes are the traditional
methods of wound closure; tissue adhesives have entered
clinical practice more recently.
Figure 3. Relationship between the rise in tension between sutures
and tissues caused by a 30% wound stretch and suture length
(SL):wound length (WL) ratio.
16 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Abdominal incisions and sutures
In selecting the ideal suture, many factors must be considered
including age of the patient, location of the wound, presence/
absence of infection, and surgeon’s experience in handling a
suture material.
Three main types of suture include the non-absorbable, slowly
absorbable, and the rapidly absorbable. These can be further
divided into monofilament or braided sutures. The incidence of
wound infection is low with monofilament sutures.20
Characteristics of various sutures (Table 1)
The incidence of wound dehiscence and hernia is similar for
non-absorbable and slowly absorbable sutures. The incidence
of prolonged wound pain and suture sinus is significantly
higher with a non-absorbable suture.21
There are two types of staple: non-absorbable and absorbable.
The non-absorbable staple (Proximateâ
; Ethicon Endo-
Surgery, Inc., Blue Ash, OH, USA) is made of stainless steel
and has the highest tensile strength of any wound closure
material. Staples have a low tissue reactivity.22
Prior to
stapling, it is useful to grasp the wound edges with forceps to
evert the tissue so as to prevent inverted skin edges.
Additionally, contaminated wounds closed with staples
have a lower incidence of infection compared with those
closed with sutures.23
Disadvantages of staples include the
potential for staple track formation, bacterial migration into
the wound bed, and discomfort during staple removal.
The absorbable staple (Insorbâ
; Incisive Surgical, Inc.,
Minneapolis, MN, USA) is a novel device which deploys
U-shaped absorbable staples into the dermal layer of tissue.
These staples contain an absorbable copolymer of
predominantly polylactide and a lesser component of
They maintain 40% of their strength at
14 days and are completely absorbed over a period of months
(tissue half-life of 10 weeks). The Insorb staples are
associated with a significantly lower infection rate.25
Tissue adhesives are a valuable alternative for mechanical
tissue fixation by sutures or staples. Box 4 summarises the
classification of adhesives and glues.
Box 4. Adhesives and glues
 biological: include fibrin-based glues, gelatin-based hydrogels, and
composite glues
 synthetic: cyanoacrylates and polymeric sealants
Ànon-resorbable: limited to surface applications
Àresorbable (biodegradable): deployed for both surface
applications and internal use
 genetically engineered protein glues
 faster, no need for suture removal
 cyanoacrylates have been shown to have antimicrobial properties
(especially against Gram-positive organisms)
Currently, 2-octylcyanoacrylate (Dermabond, Ethicon) is
the only US Food and Drug Administration-approved
surgical adhesive. The cyanoacrylates polymerise upon
Table 1. Characteristics of various sutures
Suture types Filament type
(days) Handling
Catgut Twisted Moderate Poor 80 –
Polyglycolic acid (DexonTM
; Covidien Inc., Mansfield, MA, USA) Braided or
Low Good 90–120 –
Polyglactin (VicrylTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low Good 60–90 –
Polyglactic 910 (VicrylRapideTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Good 7–14 –
Polydioxanone (PDSTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Greatest 180–210 –
Polyglecaprone (MonocrylTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Good 90–120 –
Polytrimethylene carbonate (MaxonTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park,
Monofilament Low Good 180–210 –
Surgical silk Braided or twisted High Low – Good
Nylon Monofilament Low High – Poor
Polypropylene (ProleneTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Least Good – Poor
Polyester (MersileneTM
; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low High – Good
; W.L Gore Associates, Inc., Newark, DE, USA)
Monofilament Low High – Excellent
ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 17
Raghavan et al.
contact with blood, forming a solid film that bridges the
wounds and holds the apposed wound edges together.26
It is
likely that this usage will expand as the technology improves.
The established indication in gynaecology is for closure of
port wounds, while emerging indications include control of
active bleeding during laparoscopic surgery.27
Adhesive strips
Adhesive strips can be used to approximate wound edges
after buried sutures are placed. This could relieve tension at
the wound edges, improve the aesthetics of the wound and
reduce wound care. One disadvantage is that the tape may
not adhere to moist areas or to mobile areas under tension.23
Recent advances
Laser welding
Laser welding has the potential to become an effective
method for wound closure and healing without sutures.
Closure of skin incisions by laser welding with a combination
of two near-infrared lasers (980 and 1064 nm) has yielded
effective closure with minimum thermal damage. Further
investigations are in progress for clinical use.28
Steri-Strip STM
Surgical Skin Closure (3M, St Paul, MN, USA)
The Steri-Strip STM
Surgical Skin Closure is a new wound
closure device with configuration and application
significantly different from those of standard Steri-Strips. It
has shown better patient comfort and scar quality when used
on abdominal wounds.29
As scientific evidence accumulates to refute traditional
dogma, surgical techniques have undergone significant
changes. Surgeons should now be able to create and close
abdominal wounds based on scientific evidence rather than
on the dictum of ‘Do what I always do’.
Disclosure of interests
None declared.
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Abdominal incisions and sutures

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Abdominal incisions

  • 1. Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and gynaecology Radhae Raghavan MRCOG,a, * Pallavi Arya,b Prathibha Arya FRCOG,c Susnata China MRCOG d a Specialty Trainee, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK b Medical Student, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK c Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alexandra Hospital, Woodrow Drive, Redditch B98 7UB, UK d Consultant Gynaecologist, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD, UK *Correspondence: Radhae Raghavan. Email: Accepted on 23 April 2013 Key content Selection of any incision must be highly individualised. Numerous options of skin closure have become available and it is paramount to choose the method tailored to each patient and surgical procedure. The ideal wound closure device should be easy to use, painless, provide good cosmesis and be cost-effective. This article reviews the traditional closure materials as well as some materials that have recently become available, such as staples and glue. Use of electrosurgery on the skin. Learning objectives To review the medical literature on this subject. To outline the anatomical and technical aspects that influence the choice of incisions and sutures. To assess the safety aspects, risks and the appropriate use of various closure techniques. Ethical issues Is it ethical to allow the selection of an incision dictated by patient choice to preserve cosmesis if it may compromise the surgical approach? Is it ethical to subject high-risk women to laparotomy for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes when laparoscopic management has demonstrated benefits? Keywords: closure / electrosurgery / incision / laparoscopy / suture Please cite this paper as: Raghavan R, Arya P, Arya P, China S. Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and gynaecology. The Obstetrician Gynaecologist 2014;16:13–18. Introduction One of the lasting marks of any abdominal surgery and most noticeable to the patient is the scar at the site of incision. In selecting an incision, the surgeon must take into account the underlying pathology prompting the surgery, the possibility of adhesions or malignancy, and comorbidities. In this review we aim to present the various abdominal incisions, sutures and closure methods used in obstetrics, benign gynaecology and oncology practice. Skin preparation The incidence of significant wound infections is ≤5% for all abdominal operations and is related to patient and surgical factors.1 Preoperative showering with antiseptics reduces the infection rate in clean wounds (1.3% versus 2.3%).2 Wound infection rates for depilatory preparations versus no hair removal are equal (0.6%).3 The reason for hair removal is to prevent interference with wound approximation in certain incisions.1 Abdominal incisions Incisions of the skin should not be made with a monopolar electrosurgical device. The same scalpel can safely be used for superficial and deep incisions.4 Abdominal incisions used for most gynaecological procedures can be divided into transverse or vertical incisions. Most of the transverse incisions are identified by the name of the surgeon who first described them, whereas the vertical incisions have no such eponyms. Transverse incisions (Box 1) Pfannenstiel incision Introduced by Pfannenstiel in 1900, this curved incision is approximately 10–15 cm long and 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. The skin and rectus sheath are opened ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 13 DOI: 10.1111/tog.12063 The Obstetrician Gynaecologist 2014;16:13–18 Review
  • 2. transversely using sharp dissection. The rectus muscles are not cut and the fascia is dissected along the rectus muscles. K€ustner incision The K€ustner incision, sometimes incorrectly referred to as modified Pfannenstiel incision, involves a slightly curved skin incision beginning below the level of the anterior superior iliac spine and extending just below the pubic hairline. The superficial branches of the inferior epigastric artery or vein may be encountered in the fat. This incision is more time-consuming and extensibility is limited. Cherney incision The Cherney incision involves transection of the rectus muscles at their insertion on the pubic symphysis and retraction cephalad to improve exposure. This can be used for urinary incontinence procedures to access the space of Retzius and to gain exposure to the pelvic side-wall for hypogastric artery ligation. Maylard incision The Maylard incision is a muscle-cutting incision, in which all layers of the lower abdominal wall are incised transversely approximately 3–8 cm above the symphysis, depending on the patient habitus and indication for surgery. The fascia is not dissected free of the rectus muscles. The peritoneum is usually entered in a transverse fashion. In a patient with clinical evidence of impaired circulation in the lower extremity, a midline incision should be preferred to the Maylard incision, in view of the risk of lower extremity ischaemia secondary to inferior epigastric artery ligation. Mouchel incision The Mouchel incision runs at the upper limit of the pubic hair and is thus lower than the Maylard incision. The muscles are divided above the openings of the inguinal canals. Joel-Cohen incision Professor Joel-Cohen introduced this incision for abdominal hysterectomy in 1954 and obstetricians have since used this widely to perform caesarean sections.6 This is a straight transverse incision through the skin, 3 cm below the level of the anterior superior iliac spines (higher than the Pfannenstiel incision; Figure 1). The subcutaneous tissues and fascia are opened in the midline and extended laterally with blunt finger dissection. Blunt dissection is used to separate the rectus muscles vertically and then open the peritoneum. Vertical incisions (Box 2) Midline (median) incision The midline incision is the most versatile incision as it can be easily extended. The pyramidalis muscle can be a useful landmark to identify the midline. Box 2. Advantages and disadvantages of vertical incisions Advantages: excellent exposure easily extendable median incision is least haemorrhagic minimum nerve damage rapid entry into abdomen and pelvis with median incision Disadvantages: wound dehiscence and hernia may be more frequent5 poorer cosmetic results higher infection rates, haemorrhage and operative time with paramedian incision7 Figure 1. Joel-Cohen versus Pfannenstiel incisions. Box 1. Advantages and disadvantages of transverse incisions Advantages: best cosmetic results less painful less interference with postoperative respirations greater strengtha Disadvantages: more time-consuming more haemorrhagic compromised ability to explore upper abdominal cavity division of multiple layers of fascia and muscle and nerves, may result in potential spaces with haematoma or seroma a Earlier studies reported that increased incidence of eviscerations with vertical incisions might be associated with inappropriate closures. Recent studies have shown no difference in fascial dehiscence between transverse and vertical incisions.5 14 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Abdominal incisions and sutures
  • 3. Paramedian incision The paramedian incision offers the advantage of extensibility, especially on the side of the pelvis where the incision has been made. There is no difference in wound infection, dehiscence or respiratory problems with midline and paramedian incisions.7 Oblique incisions Oblique incisions can be used for a transperitoneal or extraperitoneal approach to abdominal surgery, and include the Gridiron (muscle-splitting) incision of McBurney and the Rockey–Davis (or Elliot) incisions. The Gridiron incision is a downward and inward incision from the McBurney point. The incision is carried through the skin and subcutaneous fat to the abdominal wall muscles, which is split along the direction of the fibres. The peritoneum may then be reflected away from the abdominal wall inferiorly. This allows extraperitoneal drainage of abscess, avoiding peritoneal contamination. The Gridiron incision can be performed on the left lower quadrant to drain abscess on the left side of the pelvis and can be varied for appendicectomy in pregnant women. Rockey–Davis incision is a transverse incision made at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the line joining the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. Incisions for caesarean section Caesarean section is the most frequent major operation performed on women worldwide. Operative techniques used for caesarean section vary and some of these techniques have been evaluated through randomised trials. Traditionally, vertical incisions were used for caesarean delivery.8 Many studies have compared the Joel-Cohen with Pfannenstiel incision and found the former to be superior for reasons such as less postoperative febrile morbidity, less analgesia requirements, shorter operating time, less intraoperative blood loss and adhesion formation, reduction in hospital stay and in wound infection.9 For very obese women, a transverse incision above the umbilicus has been suggested, but not shown, to decrease morbidity.10 Closure techniques In closure of abdominal incisions, it must be remembered that tissues need approximation, not strangulation. Primary suture line The primary suture is the line of sutures that holds the wound edges in approximation during healing by first intention. It can either be continuous or interrupted. Other sutures include buried, purse string and subcuticular sutures. A continuous suture leaves less foreign body mass in the wound. It derives its strength from tension distributed evenly along the full length of suture strand. Interrupted sutures may be used in the presence of infection: if one suture breaks, the remaining sutures will hold the wound edges in approximation. Evidence shows no difference in continuous versus interrupted closure, with a similar incidence of wound breakdown and hernia formation.12 Buried sutures are placed so that the knot protrudes to the inside, under the layer to be closed. Subcuticular sutures are continuous or interrupted sutures placed in the dermis, beneath the epithelial layer. Secondary suture line The secondary suture line, called retention sutures, is done to reinforce the primary suture line, eliminate dead space and prevent fluid accumulation in abdominal wound during healing by first intention. Retention sutures are placed about 2 inches from each edge of the wound. It is the authors’ opinion that if secondary sutures are used in cases of non-healing, they should be placed in the opposite fashion from the primary sutures (i.e. interrupted if the primary sutures were continuous, continuous if primary sutures were interrupted). Fascial closure If transverse incision is extended laterally beyond the edge of the rectus muscles and into the substance of the external and internal oblique muscles, injury to the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves can occur, with resulting neuroma. Hence, with laterally extended transverse incisions, the extensions should have sutures placed only in the external oblique fascia. Layered versus mass closure Evidence is in favour of mass closure technique using looped delayed–absorbable suture, with a wound:suture length ratio of at least 1:4 (Figures 2 and 3).13 In general, subcutaneous sutures should be avoided because the subcutaneous tissue does not provide support. A D B T Figure 2. Jenkins diagram showing geometric use of an individual stitch, ATB, in a continuous suture closure. AB is the stitch interval and TD comprises the two tissue bites. ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 15 Raghavan et al.
  • 4. Principles of suturing skin incisions (Box 3) Smead–Jones The Smead–Jones closure is a mass closure technique of the anterior abdominal wall using a far–far, near–near approach. The closure is done using a delayed absorbable suture, to include all of the abdominal wall structures on the far–far portion (at least 1.5–2 cm from the fascial edges) and only the anterior fascia on the near–near portion. This allows good healing without intervening fat or muscle. This closure technique can be performed in an interrupted fashion or as a running suture.14 The fascial dehiscence rate with running mass closure of the abdomen is 0.4%.3 Gallup closure The Gallup closure technique is the closure of midline incisions using No. 2 polypropylene suture, placing bites 1.5–2 cm from the fascial edge and including all layers of the anterior abdominal wall (peritoneum, fascial layers and the intervening muscle). One suture is started from each end and tied in the middle with three square knots.15 Box 3. Principles of suturing skin incisions The primary function of suture is to maintain tissue approximation during healing Debridement of skin edges should be done if necessary Avoidance of direct tissue trauma helps ensure best outcomes Clean passage of the needle following the arc is imperative Skin sutures that blanch the underlying skin are too tight Skin edges must just touch each other Delayed primary closure and secondary closure Delayed closure should be used for contaminated or dirty wounds. Staples or monofilament delayed sutures or non-absorbable sutures can be placed. If the abdomen is opened for abscess drainage and delayed closure is not used, copious saline irrigation of all layers should be done. Incisions and closure for obese patients Morbid obesity poses problems with incision placement and closure. Morbid obesity carries a seven-fold increased risk of woundinfection.16 Ifanytransverseincisionischosenforobese patients, it should be far removed from the anaerobic moist environment of the subpannicular fold. The midline vertical incision is made by first retracting the panniculus inferiorly to avoid the most anaerobic moist area. Closure is done by Smead–Jones or running mass closure. An intrafascial drain should be left in situ until drain is 50 ml/24 hours. The skin is closed using staples in preference to subcuticular sutures.16 Laparoscopic incisions and closure It has been suggested that primary incision for laparoscopy should be vertical from the base, not below the umbilicus.17 Any non-midline port 7 mm and any midline port 10 mm requires formal deep sheath closure to avoid the occurrence of port site hernia.17 A laparoscopic wound closure device named V-Loc consists of a barbed absorbable thread that is self-anchoring and eliminates the need to tie a knot. This is feasible and appears to be a promising alternative to frequently used peritoneal closuretechniquesbutisyettobeevaluatedinclinicalstudies.18 Electrosurgery Incisions of the skin must not be made with a monopolar electrosurgical device as the desiccation effect may cause skin to blister and heal poorly.19 High electrical current delivered with a fine electrode of a small surface area generates the most efficient cutting effects and the least thermal damage. Therefore, to incise tissue, cut current should be used with a small or thin electrode that isactivated just beforemaking contact with the target tissue. Abdominal fat, which has high intrinsic impedance, can be readily cut using a blade electrode with a coagulation waveform because of the high current density at the edge of the electrode. There are no data indicating that using electrosurgery in pregnancy causes untoward effect on the fetus. Wound closure materials Sutures, staples and adhesive tapes are the traditional methods of wound closure; tissue adhesives have entered clinical practice more recently. Figure 3. Relationship between the rise in tension between sutures and tissues caused by a 30% wound stretch and suture length (SL):wound length (WL) ratio. 16 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Abdominal incisions and sutures
  • 5. Sutures In selecting the ideal suture, many factors must be considered including age of the patient, location of the wound, presence/ absence of infection, and surgeon’s experience in handling a suture material. Three main types of suture include the non-absorbable, slowly absorbable, and the rapidly absorbable. These can be further divided into monofilament or braided sutures. The incidence of wound infection is low with monofilament sutures.20 Characteristics of various sutures (Table 1) The incidence of wound dehiscence and hernia is similar for non-absorbable and slowly absorbable sutures. The incidence of prolonged wound pain and suture sinus is significantly higher with a non-absorbable suture.21 Staples There are two types of staple: non-absorbable and absorbable. The non-absorbable staple (Proximateâ ; Ethicon Endo- Surgery, Inc., Blue Ash, OH, USA) is made of stainless steel and has the highest tensile strength of any wound closure material. Staples have a low tissue reactivity.22 Prior to stapling, it is useful to grasp the wound edges with forceps to evert the tissue so as to prevent inverted skin edges. Additionally, contaminated wounds closed with staples have a lower incidence of infection compared with those closed with sutures.23 Disadvantages of staples include the potential for staple track formation, bacterial migration into the wound bed, and discomfort during staple removal. The absorbable staple (Insorbâ ; Incisive Surgical, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) is a novel device which deploys U-shaped absorbable staples into the dermal layer of tissue. These staples contain an absorbable copolymer of predominantly polylactide and a lesser component of polyglycolide.24 They maintain 40% of their strength at 14 days and are completely absorbed over a period of months (tissue half-life of 10 weeks). The Insorb staples are associated with a significantly lower infection rate.25 Glue Tissue adhesives are a valuable alternative for mechanical tissue fixation by sutures or staples. Box 4 summarises the classification of adhesives and glues. Box 4. Adhesives and glues Types: biological: include fibrin-based glues, gelatin-based hydrogels, and composite glues synthetic: cyanoacrylates and polymeric sealants Ànon-resorbable: limited to surface applications Àresorbable (biodegradable): deployed for both surface applications and internal use genetically engineered protein glues Advantages: faster, no need for suture removal cyanoacrylates have been shown to have antimicrobial properties (especially against Gram-positive organisms) Currently, 2-octylcyanoacrylate (Dermabond, Ethicon) is the only US Food and Drug Administration-approved surgical adhesive. The cyanoacrylates polymerise upon Table 1. Characteristics of various sutures Suture types Filament type Tissue reaction Tensile strength Absorption (days) Handling Absorbable Catgut Twisted Moderate Poor 80 – Polyglycolic acid (DexonTM ; Covidien Inc., Mansfield, MA, USA) Braided or monofilament Low Good 90–120 – Polyglactin (VicrylTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low Good 60–90 – Polyglactic 910 (VicrylRapideTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Good 7–14 – Polydioxanone (PDSTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Greatest 180–210 – Polyglecaprone (MonocrylTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Good 90–120 – Polytrimethylene carbonate (MaxonTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Low Good 180–210 – Non-absorbable Surgical silk Braided or twisted High Low – Good Nylon Monofilament Low High – Poor Polypropylene (ProleneTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Monofilament Least Good – Poor Polyester (MersileneTM ; Ethicon Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA) Braided Low High – Good Polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Texâ ; W.L Gore Associates, Inc., Newark, DE, USA) Monofilament Low High – Excellent ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 17 Raghavan et al.
  • 6. contact with blood, forming a solid film that bridges the wounds and holds the apposed wound edges together.26 It is likely that this usage will expand as the technology improves. The established indication in gynaecology is for closure of port wounds, while emerging indications include control of active bleeding during laparoscopic surgery.27 Adhesive strips Adhesive strips can be used to approximate wound edges after buried sutures are placed. This could relieve tension at the wound edges, improve the aesthetics of the wound and reduce wound care. One disadvantage is that the tape may not adhere to moist areas or to mobile areas under tension.23 Recent advances Laser welding Laser welding has the potential to become an effective method for wound closure and healing without sutures. Closure of skin incisions by laser welding with a combination of two near-infrared lasers (980 and 1064 nm) has yielded effective closure with minimum thermal damage. Further investigations are in progress for clinical use.28 Steri-Strip STM Surgical Skin Closure (3M, St Paul, MN, USA) The Steri-Strip STM Surgical Skin Closure is a new wound closure device with configuration and application significantly different from those of standard Steri-Strips. It has shown better patient comfort and scar quality when used on abdominal wounds.29 Conclusion As scientific evidence accumulates to refute traditional dogma, surgical techniques have undergone significant changes. Surgeons should now be able to create and close abdominal wounds based on scientific evidence rather than on the dictum of ‘Do what I always do’. Disclosure of interests None declared. References 1 Rock JA, Jones III HW. TeLinde’s Operative Gynecology. 10th ed. revised. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2011. p. 285–307. 2 Cruse PJE, Foord R. The epidemiology of wound infection: a 10-year prospective study of 62,939 wounds. 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