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of] jif{ ;a}sf nflu kmnbfoL agf];
                      k|sf]kn] wgL / ul/aaLr e]befj ub}{g t/ klg o;af6 ul/a / lk5l8Psf ;d'bfo g} a9L k|efljt x'G5
                                          e'O“rfnf]sf] ;ªs]t                                               e'O“rfnf]af6 aRg k"j{tof/L
        sqf] zlQmsf] e'O“rfnf] s;/L / sltv]/ hfG5 eg]/ cg'dfg ug{ ;ls“b}g .
        t/ klg r/f–r'?ªuL PsfPs s/fpg', ufO{–a:t' cflQg', s's'/ e'Sg'h:tf                                  c;'/lIft 3/ hf]lvdo'Qm x'g] ePsfn] k|fljlwssf] ;Nnfxdf ;'/lIft 3/
                  c:jfefljs cj:yf b]lvP ;ts{tf ckgfpg' k5{ .                                                agfpg] .

                                                                                                            ejg lgdf{0f ;+lxtfsf] kfngf u/]/ 3/ agfpg] / k'/fgf 3/ dd{t–;Def/ ug]{ .

                                                                                                            b/fh, k':ts /fVg] ¥ofs, 6]lnlehg cflbnfO{ /fd|/L af“w]/ jf sf“6L jf
                                                                                                            sAhf nufP/ gxlNng] agfpg] .

                                                                                                            sL6gfzs cf}iflw, Uof;, d§Lt]n, k]6«f]n, l8h]nh:tf k|HHjngzLn kbfy{
                                                                                                            ;'/lIft 7fp“df /fVg] .

                                                                                                            kmf]6f] k|m]d, P]gf l;lnª–kªvfh:tf j:t'nfO{ alnof];“u em'G8Øfpg] .

                                                                                                            e'O“rfnf] cfOxfn]df 9f]sfsf] rf}sf];, 6]a'n, vf6 cflb j:t'sf] d'lg a:g] .

                                                                                                            6fpsf], gfs, cf“vfnfO{ jrfpg] .

                                                                                                            Uof; r'nf], lah'nL cflb tTsfn} lgefpg] .

                                            January 2010                                                                     kf}if÷df3 – @)^^
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
  k|sf]ksf 36gf                               SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
             zLtnx/                                                                                                              New Year

                                                                                                                                 117 2 18

                                             3 19 420 521                                       622 7 23 8 24 9 25

                                             10 11 12 13 14 151 162
                                              26 27 28  29 30

                                             17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                                                    3                  4             5                  6                7                8                  9

                                             24 25 26 27 28 29 30
                                                    10               11             12                13               14                15                 16
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
cfunfuLaf6                                                                           cfunfuLsf] ;ªs]t
            aRg] pkfo                                                 df};d ;'Svf x'g, x/L–atf; rNg', udL{ a9b} hfg' / tftf] xfjf rNg', kfgL gkg{'
                                                                                  / kfgLsf ;|ft ;'Sg' l56f] cfunfuL x'g] ;ªst x'g .
                                                                                              ]                                ]
           cfuf]sf] pkof]u ;;fawfgLk"js ug{k5{ .
                                      {    '

           k'/fgf] / unt ljB'tLo jfOl/ª dd{t
           ug{'k5{ .

           cflt;afhL ug{' x'bg jf k6fsf k8sfpg'
           x'bg .

           lj:kmf] 6 s j:t' k| o f] u ug{ ' x' “ b } g .

           d§Lt]n, k]6f« n, l:k|6, Uof;h:tf k|HjngzLn
           kbfy{ s]6f–s6Ln] ;lhn} e]6g] 7fp“df /fVg' x'bg .

                                            February 2010                                                              df3÷kmfu'g – @)^^
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN                MON           TUE             WED              THU                FRI             SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
                                                                 118 219
                                                                                                320 4 21 5 22 6 23

                                              7 24 825 9 10 11 12 131
                                                        26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                                 k|hftGq lbj;

                                              14 15 16 175 186 197 208
                                               2   3  4

                                              21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                        9           10              11                12               13                14                 15

                                            xf]nL kj{ -kxf8df_

                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
x'/L–atf;af6 aRg] pkfo
                                                                                                                x/L–atf;sf] rNg] :yfgdf jfF; jf jlnof] sf08 eO{ h/f
                                                                                                                hldgleq;Dd hfg] hftsf ?v /f]k]/ x'sf{pg] .
                                                                                                                3/jl/kl/sf cUnf, sdhf]/ / x'/L–atf;jf6 n8g;Sg] ?v
                                                                                                                sfF65fF6 ug]{ cyfjf x6fpg] .
                                                                                                                sdhf]/ 3/ jf uf]7sf] dd{t ug]{ .
                                                                                                                cfuf]sf] k|of]u ;fjwfgL ;u ug]{, x'/L–a;tf; nfu]sf] ;dodf
                                                                                                                cfuf]sf] k|of]u gug]{ .
                                                                                                                x'/L–atf; rNbf n8g ;Sg] sdhf]/ ;+/rgfsf] 5]p6fp ga:g] /
                                                                                                                3/ aflx/ glg:sg] .

                                                                                                                r6ofªaf6 aRg] pkfo
                                                                                                                3/df pko"Qm lsl;dn] cly{8 ug]{ .
                                                                                                                x'/L–atf;; rNg yfn]kl5 jf cfsfz w'lD;P/ u8ofªu'8'ª ug{
                                                                                                                yfn]kl5 tTsf/ ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{ hfg] .
                                                                                                                r/gdf ePsf 3/kfn'jf hgfj/nfO{;s];Dd ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{
                                                                                                                n}hfg] .

                                            March 2010                                                                  kmfu'g÷r}t – @)^^
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON                  TUE         WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
             cfunfuL                                         xf]nL kj{ -t/fO{df_

             x'/Ljtf;                                              117 218
                                                                                                319 420 5 21 6 22
                                                                 gf/L lbj;

                                             7 23 824 9 10 11 12 13

             tftf] xfjf -n"_                           25 26 27 28 29

                                             14 15 16 174 185 196 207
                                                                 3f]8] hfqf

                                              1   2  3
                                             21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                                   r}t] bz}      /fdgjdL

                                                    8                         9        10              11              12                13                 14

                                             28 29 30 31
                                                    15                    16           17             18
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
k|sf]k s] xf] <
          hgwgsf] Iflt jf ljgfz
          ug]{ k|fs[lts tyf dfgjs[t
          w6gfnfO{ k|sf]k elgG5 .                                                                                                              klx/f]af6 aRg k"jtof/L
          dflg;sf] Hofg lng], 3fOt]                                                                                                            jgsf] ;+/If0f, j[If/f]k0f / jgkm“8fgL
          agfpg] / wgdfn gi6 ug]{                                                                                                              lgoGq0f ug]{ .
          af9L, klx/f], cfunfuL,
          x'/Latf;, r6ofª, dxfdf/L,                                                                                                           hldg wl:;Psf] jf lrl/Psf] 7fp“af6
          e'O“rfnf], zLtnx/, lxdkft,                                                                                                           aUg] kfgLnfO{ s'n;f] agfP/ tsf{pg] .
          lxdtfn ljikmf]6, cl;gf,
          jGohGt' tyf sL6ktªusf]                                                                                                              klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] 7fp“df 6]jf–kvf{n
          cfqmd0f, oftfoft /                                                                                                                   9'ªuf, df6f] tn v:gaf6 /f]Sg] .
          cf}Bf]lus b'3{6gf, ;fdflhs
          åG4 tyf o'4 cflb
                                                                                                                                               klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] If]qdf dflg;,
          k|sf]ksf pbfx/0f x'g .                                                                                                              3/kfn'jf kz'nfO{ k:g glbg] .

                                            April 2010                                                        r}t – @)^^÷a}zfv – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg

                 x'/L–atf;                                                                                       1 19 220 3 21

                 r6ofª                      4 22 523 624
                                                                                                725 8 26 927 1028

                                             11 12 13 141 152 163 174
                 cl;gf–jiff{                                                                   gj jif{ @)^&

                 v8]/L                        29 30 31
                                                                                                                                                   nf]stGq lbj;

                                             18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                 n" -tftf] xfjf_

                                                    5                  6             7                    8              9               10                 11

                                             25 26 27 28 29 30
                                                    12               13            14                  15              16                17
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
klx/f] uOxfn]df s] ug]{
                                                                                                                                                  · klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] yfxf kfpgf;fy
                                                                                                                                                    5/–l5d]snfO{ dfbn, bdfxf, l;67L
                                                                                                                                                    ahfP/ ;r]t u/fpg] .

                                                                                                                                                  · x/fPsf dflg;sf] tTsfn vf]h ug]{ /
                                                                                                                                                    3fOt]sf] pkrf/sf] k|aGw ldnfpg] .

                                                                                                                                                  · ;'/Iff lgsfo, /]8qm;h:tf p4f/ tyf
                                                                                                                                                    /fxt lbg] lgsfonfO{ va/ ug]{ .

                                                                                                                                                  · ;'/lIft :yfgdf c:yfoL lzlj/ agfP/
                                                                                                                                                    lj:yflkt kl/jf/nfO{ /fVg] .

                                                                                                                                                  · lj:yflktnfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgdf k'gM:yfkg
                                                                                                                                                    ug{ kxn / ;xof]u ug]{ .

                                                                                                                                                  · dxfdf/L km}lng ;Sg] ;Defjgfk|lt
                                                                                                                                                    ;ts{ /x]/ ;/–;kmfOdf Wofg lbg] .

                                                                                                                                                  · kLl8tsf] dfgj clwsf/sf] /Iffsf
                                                                                                                                                    nflu kxn ug]{ .

                                            May 2010                                                                         a}zfv÷h]7 – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL             z'qm              zlg

              x'/L–atf;                      30 31
                                              16 17

                                              2 19 320 421                                      522 6 23 7 24 8 25
                                              9 26 10 11 12 13 14 151

              v8]/L                                 27 28  29 30 31

              n" -tftf] xfjf_
                                             16 17 18 19 20 21 22
                                                    2                  3             4                  5                    6            7                  8

                                             23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                 a'4 hoGtL                         u0ftGq lbj;

                                                    9               10              11                12                 13              14                 15
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                        Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
af9Laf6 aRg
         s:tf] k"jtof/L ug]{ <
             3/, uf]7, Ogf/, 6o'jj]n, zf}rfno
             af9Lsf] kfgL hDg ;Sg] tx eGbf cUnf]
             kf/]/ agfpg' k5{ / kmf]xf]/ kfgLsf]
             plrt lgsf;sf] k|aGw ug{'k5{ .
             gbLsf] lsgf/df afn'jfsf] af]/f, af“;
             cfbLsf] af/ nufP/ j[If/f]k0f ug{'
             k5{ t/ gbLsf] axfjdfu{ cj?4 ug{'
             jf gbLsf] cltqmd0f ug{' x“bg .
             7"nf] af“wsf nflu tf/hfnLdf 9'ªuf
             e/]/ t6aGw lgdf{0f ug{'k5{ .
             p4f/sf nflu 8'ªuf, 6fo/–6o"j,
             8f]/Lh:tf j:t'sf] Joj:yf ug{'k5{ .
             xn'sf vfg]s/f, k|fylds pkrf/sf
             nflu cf}iflw, n'uf–kmf6f]h:tf ;fdfg
             cfkTsfnLg emf]nfdf /fVg'k5{, h'g
             af9L cfPdf af]s]/ lx8g ;lsG5 .
             af9L cfp“bf a:g ;'/lIft 7fp“df
             ;fd'bflos 3/ agfpg'k5{ .

                                            June 2010                                                                    h]7÷c;f/ – @)^^
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg

                                                                                1               219 320 4 21 5 22

                                              6 23 724 825
                                                                                                926 10 11 12
                                                                                                     27  28 29
                                             13 14 15 162 173 184 195
                                              30 31  1
                                             20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                                                    6                 7              8                  9              10                11                 12

                                             27 28 29 30
                                                    13               14            15                 16
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
af9L cfpg] ;ªs]t                                                    af9L cfPdf s] ug]{ <
         gbLsf] l;/fglt/ jiff{ x'g', gblsf] cfjfh kl/jt{g x'g', gbLdf kfgL a9g'                              cfkTsfnLg emf]nf af]s]/ ;'/lIft 7fp“df hfg'k5{ .
                     wldnf] x'g', emf/kft, ?v cflb au]/ cfpg' .
                                                                                                              l;67L, dfbn, bdfxf, 9ofªuf]| ahfP/ 5/–l5d]snfO{ klg ;'/lIft :yfgdf
                                                                                                              hfg ;"rgf lbg'k5{ .
                                                                                                              dlxnf, a"9f–a"9L, afn–aflnsf, ue{jtL, /f]uL / czQm dlg;nfO{ ljz]if
                                                                                                              ;xof]u u/L ;'/lIft 7fp“tkm{ n}hfg'k5{ .
                                                                                                              af9L cfPsf] ;dodf k"j{tof/Lsf ;fdfg k|of]u u/L p4f/df nfUg'k5{ .
                                                                                                              x/fPsf dflg;sf] vf]hL ug'{k5{ .
                                                                                                              cfkTsfnLg /fxt ljt/0fdf s;}dfly e]befj gxf]; eg]/ Wofg lbg'k5{ .
                                                                                                              c:yfoL lzlj/df z'4 lkpg] kfgL, zf}rfno / ;/;kmfOsf] k|aGw ug'{k5{ .
                                                                                                              kLl8tnfO{ ;fGTjgf lbg] / w}o{ lbg] vfnsf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{'k5{ .
                                                                                                              l;ls:t la/fdLsf nflu 5'§} kfn jf sf]7fsf] Joj:yf u/L cfkTsfnLg
                                                                                                              pkrf/sf] Joj:yf ldnfpg'k5{ .
                                                                                                              af9Laf6 ePsf] hg–wgsf] If]ltaf/] ;s];Dd l56f] u/L ;'/Iff lgsfo,
                                                                                                              ;/sf/L lgsfo / ;xof]uL ;ª3–;+:yfbnfO{ ;xL hfgsf/L lbP/ ;xof]usf
                                                                                                              nflu cfu|x ug'{k5{ .

                                            July 2010                                                               c;f/÷>fj0f – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
                                                                                                                 117 218 3 19

             klx/f]                          4 20 521 622                                       7 23 8 24 9 25 1026

                                             11 12 13 14 15 16 171
                                              27 28 29 30  31 32
                                             18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                                                    2                  3             4                  5                6                7                  8

                                             25 26 27 28 29 30 31
                                                    9               10              11                12               13                14                 15
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
kLl8tsf] clwsf/–;+/If0f / k'gM:yfkgf                                                                                  af9L cfpg] ;ªs]t
           k|sf]kaf6 k|efljt ;d'bfosf] clwsf/ /Iffsf nflu lgDg ljifodf Wofg lbg'k5{ M                     gbLsf] l;/fglt/ jiff{ x'g', gblsf] cfjfh kl/jt{g x'g', gbLdf kfgL a9g'
           z'4 lkpg] kfgL, :jf:Yo, ;/;kmfO / :jR5 jftfj/0f pknAw u/fpg'k5{ .                                          wldnf] x'g', emf/kft, ?v cflb au]/ cfpg' .

             kf]if0fo'Qm vfBfGg / ;'/lIft cfjf;sf] aGbf]j:t x'g'k5{ .
             ;ªs6sfnLg cj:yfdf klg lzIffsf] k|aGw x'g'k5{ .
             dlxnf, afn–aflnsf, a"9f–a"9L, czQmsf] ;'/Iffsf nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug'{k5{ .

             Iflt ePsf 3/sf] dd{t–;Def/ / k'gM:yfkgsf] k|aGw ldnfpg'k5{ .
             lj:yflkt kl/jf/nfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgdf a;f]af; u/fpg'k5{ .
             af9Ln] k'¥ofPsf] If]ltsf] d"Nofªsg u/L k'gM:yfkg of]hgf agfopg'k5{ .
             kLl8tsf] hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo;“u ;dGjo u/L
             vfBfGgsf] lap, dn tyf cGo cfjZos ;xof]u ug{'k5{ .
             k|efljt ;d'bfonfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgGt/0f ug{ ;/sf/sf ;Da4 lgsfoaLr ;dGjo
             sfod u/L ;'/lIft :yfgsf] k|aGw ug'{k5{ .
             eljiodf cfpg ;Sg] af9Lsf] hf]lvd Go"g ug{ ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lo'Qm k'gM:yfkg tyf
             k'glgdf{0f sfo{df ;d'bfonfO{ ;xof]u ug{'k5{ .

                                            August 2010                                                                 >fj0f÷ebf} – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
                                              1 16 217 318
                                                                                                419 520 6 21 7 22

                      klx/f]                  8 23 924 10 11 12 13 14
                                                        25  26 27 28 29

                                             15 16 17 182 193 204 215
                                              30 31  1
                                             22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                                                    6                 7              8                  9              10                11                 12

                                             29 30 31
                                                    13               14            15
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
dxfdf/Lsf] ;ªs]t                                                   dxfdf/L km}lng] sf/0f
     Ps JolQmdf nfu]sf] /f]u cGo dflg;df ;g{', km}lng' jf w]/} dflg; lj/fdL                                  af9L, klx/f]kl5 a9g] kmf]xf]/–d}nfsf sf/0f /f]usf hLjf0f'sf] j[l4 x'g' .
                   x'g' / d[To' x'g' g} dxfdf/Lsf] nIf0f xf] .
                                                                                                             lkpg] kfgLsf] ;|f]t k|b"lift x'g' jf vfBfGg / kfgL b"lift x'g' .
                                                                                                             v'nf 7fp“df lb;f–lk;fa ug{' .
                                                                                                             g'xfpg, n'ufkmf6f] w'g' / vfgf agfpg k|b"lift kfgLsf] k|of]u ul/g' .
                                                                                                             JolQmut ;/;kmfOdf Wofg glbg' .
                                                                                                             /f]syfdsf] pkfo
                                                                                                             b"lift kfgL pdfn]/ jf cf}iflw /fv]/ z'4Ls/0f u/]/ dfq lkpg] .
                                                                                                             3/cf“ug lgoldt ¿kdf ;kmf ug]{ .
                                                                                                             v'nf 7fp“df lb;flk;fa gu/]/ zf}rfnodf dfq ug]{ .
                                                                                                             zf}rfno, lkpg] kfgLsf] 6o'aj]n af9Ln] g8'afpg] u/L cUnf] kf/]/ agfpg] .
                                                                                                             lxnf], w'nf] nfu]sf] kmnkm"n tyf sf“r} vfg ldNg] t/sf/L /fd|/L kvfn]/ dfq vfg] .
                                                                                                             ksfpg] ef“8f–jt{g ;kmf /fVg], vfgf /fd|/L ksfP/ dfq vfg]
                                                                                                             ;8]–un]sf jf lem“uf eGs]sf] vfgf gvfg] .
                                                                                                             vfgf vfg'clw xft–v'§f / d'v /fd|/L w'g] .

                                            September 2010                                                              ebf}÷c;f]h – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                    k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU                 FRI               SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL              z'qm               zlg
                                                                                                116 217 318 4 19

                       klx/f]                5 20 621 722                                       8 23 9 24 10 11
                                                                                                            25 26

                                             12 13 14 15 16 171 182
                                              27 28 29 30  31
                                             19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                                                    3                  4             5                  6                 7                 8                  9

                                             26 27 28 29 30
                                                    10               11             12                13                14
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)    xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                        Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
cl;gfsf] k|efj                                                                                      cl;gf kg]{ ;ªs]t
                                                 ljz]if u/L sflQs, d+l;/, r}q/ /kmn–km"n dlxgfdf vfBfGgsf] cefjn]clgsfnb]vfef]sd/LPsfPs d]3.
                                                                                  j}zfv gi6 x“'bf cfsfzdf sfnf] afbn / k/]/ nfUg ;S5
         cl;gf k/]df kfs]sf] afnL, t/sf/L la?jf,            uh{g', x/L–atf; rNg', kfgLsf 7"nf yf]kf v:g' cl;gf–aiff{sf nIf0f x'g .
         kmnkm"n Iflt k'¥ofp“5 . o;/L afnL–gfnL

         cl;gfaf6 aRg] pkfo
         cfsfz w'lDdP/ x'/L–atf;;lxt kfgL kg]
         ;Sg] b]lvPdf tTsfn ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{
         hfg] .

         r/L–r/gdf ePsf 3/kfn'jf hgfj/nfO{
         ;s];Dd ;'/lIft 7fp“df n}hfg] .

         cl;gf kg{ 5f8]kl5 klg x'/L–atf;
         g/f]lsO{sg jf cfsfzaf6 afbn gx6];Dd
         aflx/ glg:sg] .

         g;{/Ldf ePsf la¿jf arfpg drfg
         agfP/ c:yfoL 5fgf] nufpg] .

                                            October 2010                                                         c;f]h÷sflt{s – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg

                                             31                                                                                  1 15 2 16

                      dxfdf/L                3 17 418 519
                                                                                                620 7 21 8 22 9 23

                                             10 11 12 13 14 15 16
                                              24 25 26 27  28 29 30

                                             17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                                                    31                 1              2                 3                4                 5                 6

                                             24 25 26 27 28 29 30
                                                    7                 8              9                10               11                12                 13
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
zLtnx/sf] ;ªs]t                                                                                  lztnx;af6 aRg
             d+l;/ cGtlt/ cfsfz w'Dd / 3'd{nf] b]lvg', rL;f] a9g, laxfg / lbp“;f]sf]
                                             }                     '                                                                               k"j{tof/L u/f}+
            tfkqmddf w]/} cGt/ gx'g' tyf t';f/f] k/]h:tf] x'g' zLtnx/ rng] nIf0f x'g .
                                                                                                                                                   zLtnx/sf jf/]df cfkm"n] hfgsf/L
                                                                                                                                                   lng] / 5/l5d]sLnfO{ klg hfgsf/L
                                                                                                                                                   lbP/ hgr]tgf a9fpg] .
                                                                                                                                                   zLtnx/ rNg'eGbf cufl8 Gofgf]
                                                                                                                                                   sk8fsf] Joj:yf ug]{ .
                                                                                                                                                   tftf]sf] Joj:yf ug{ w]/} k|b'if0f gug]{
                                                                                                                                                   vfnsf OGwgsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg] .
                                                                                                                                                   3/nfO{ /.d|/L af/a]/ u/]/ rL;f] xfjf
                                                                                                                                                   l;w} leq k:g g;Sg] agfpg] .
                                                                                                                                                   kf]lifnf] vfBfGg, u]8fu'8L / k|fl6go'Qm
                                                                                                                                                   vfBj:t'sf] aGbf]j;t ug]{ .
                                                                                                                                                   3/kfn'jf kz'sf] uf]7 / vf]/ l;/]6f]
                                                                                                                                                   l;w} l5g{ g;sg] u/L af/a]/ ug]{ .
                                                                                                                                                   rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] afnL jf t/sf/LnfO{
                                                                                                                                                   k/fn, 5jfnL jf kftkltªu/n] 5f]Kg]
                                                                                                                                                   Jo:yf ldnfO/fVg] .

                                            November 2010                                                         sflt{s÷d+;L/ – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
                                                                 115 216
                                                                                                317 418 5 19 6 20
                                             7 21                822 923 10 11 12 13
                                                                           24 25 26 27
                      cl;gf jiff{

                                             14 15 16 171 182 193 204
                                              28 29 30

                                             21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                    5                  6             7                 8                 9               10                 11

                                             28 29 30
                                                    12               13            14
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
lztnx/ rn]sf] ;dodf ckgfpg'kg]{ ;ts{tf                                                                                        zLtnx/sf] ;ªs]t
                                                                                                   d+l;/ cGtlt/ cfsfz w'Dd / 3'd}{nf] b]lvg', rL;f] a9g', laxfg / lbp“;f]sf]
           dfgjLo ;'/Iff                                                                          tfkqmddf w]/} cGt/ gx'g' tyf t';f/f] k/]h:tf] x'g' zLtnx/ rng] nIf0f x'g .
           rL;f] kfgLn] gg'xfpg] .
           z/L/nfO{ tftf] agfpg] u/d jf Gofgf] x'g] sk8f nufpg] .
           tftf] kfgL, u]8fu'8Lsf] emf]n, tfultnf] vfgf k|z:t dfqfdf vfg]
           / lkpg] .
           w]/} rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] sdhf]/ dflg;nfO{ t]n dfln; ul/lbg] .
           /f]uLnfO{ tTsfn} :jf:Yorf}sL jf c:ktfn n}hfg] .
           cGgafnLsf ;+/If0f
           cfn', tf]/L / rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] hftsf t/sf/LnfO{ xn'sf k/fn,5jfnL
           kftkltªu/ jf Knfli6sn] 5f]Kg] .
           ;Dej eP;Dd zLtnx/sf] x':;'nfO{ aflx/} /f]Sg xl/tu[x agfpg] .
           o:tf] 3/ agfp“bf ufO–a:t'sf] uf]7h:tf] jgfP/ dfly / jl/kl/jf6
           Knfli6sn] a]g'{k5{ . o:tf] 3/n] zLtnx/nfO{ leq k:g lb“b}g, t/
           3fd nfluxfn]df tftf] leq k;]/ af]6la?jf x's{g] jftfj/0f tof/
           u5{ .
           t/sf/Lsf] ;'/Iffsf nflu s[lif–k|fljlws;“u ;Nnfx lnP/ rL;f]af6
           arfpg] cf}iflw 5g'k5{ .

                                            December 2010                                                                 d+;L/÷k'if – @)^&
  of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg]                                                                                                                                                 k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu
      k|sf]ksf 36gf                           SUN             MON              TUE             WED              THU               FRI              SAT                 s] s] ug{'eof] ?
                                            cfOt ;f]d d+un                                       a'w            laxL            z'qm               zlg
                                                                                                115 2 16 317 4 18
                                             5 19 620 721                                       822 9 23 10 11
                                                                                                           24 25
                cl;gf jiff{

                                             12 13 14 15 16 171 182
                                              26 27 28  29 30

                                             19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                                                    3                  4             5                  6                7                8                  9

                                             26 27 28 29 30 31
                                                    10               11             12                13               14                15
                      k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn   (DPNet-Nepal)   xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 .
                                                                                                                                                                               Fostering Knowledge on Disaster

   Humanitarian Aid

    This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project.

Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal
The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The
project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid.
For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners.
                                                                                                                       Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal

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२८ औं अन्तराष्ट्रिय १६ दिने लैंगिक हिंसा बिरुद्धको अभियान २०१९ अवधारणा पत्र अन्र२८ औं अन्तराष्ट्रिय १६ दिने लैंगिक हिंसा बिरुद्धको अभियान २०१९ अवधारणा पत्र अन्र
२८ औं अन्तराष्ट्रिय १६ दिने लैंगिक हिंसा बिरुद्धको अभियान २०१९ अवधारणा पत्र अन्र
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Aan dipecho5 dp net nepal calendar 2010

  • 1. of] jif{ ;a}sf nflu kmnbfoL agf]; k|sf]kn] wgL / ul/aaLr e]befj ub}{g t/ klg o;af6 ul/a / lk5l8Psf ;d'bfo g} a9L k|efljt x'G5 e'O“rfnf]sf] ;ªs]t e'O“rfnf]af6 aRg k"j{tof/L sqf] zlQmsf] e'O“rfnf] s;/L / sltv]/ hfG5 eg]/ cg'dfg ug{ ;ls“b}g . t/ klg r/f–r'?ªuL PsfPs s/fpg', ufO{–a:t' cflQg', s's'/ e'Sg'h:tf c;'/lIft 3/ hf]lvdo'Qm x'g] ePsfn] k|fljlwssf] ;Nnfxdf ;'/lIft 3/ c:jfefljs cj:yf b]lvP ;ts{tf ckgfpg' k5{ . agfpg] . ejg lgdf{0f ;+lxtfsf] kfngf u/]/ 3/ agfpg] / k'/fgf 3/ dd{t–;Def/ ug]{ . b/fh, k':ts /fVg] ¥ofs, 6]lnlehg cflbnfO{ /fd|/L af“w]/ jf sf“6L jf sAhf nufP/ gxlNng] agfpg] . sL6gfzs cf}iflw, Uof;, d§Lt]n, k]6«f]n, l8h]nh:tf k|HHjngzLn kbfy{ ;'/lIft 7fp“df /fVg] . kmf]6f] k|m]d, P]gf l;lnª–kªvfh:tf j:t'nfO{ alnof];“u em'G8Øfpg] . e'O“rfnf] cfOxfn]df 9f]sfsf] rf}sf];, 6]a'n, vf6 cflb j:t'sf] d'lg a:g] . 6fpsf], gfs, cf“vfnfO{ jrfpg] . Uof; r'nf], lah'nL cflb tTsfn} lgefpg] . January 2010 kf}if÷df3 – @)^^ of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg zLtnx/ New Year 31 17 117 2 18 lxdkft 3 19 420 521 622 7 23 8 24 9 25 t'iff/f] 10 11 12 13 14 151 162 26 27 28 29 30 e'O“rfnf] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 2. cfunfuLaf6 cfunfuLsf] ;ªs]t aRg] pkfo df};d ;'Svf x'g, x/L–atf; rNg', udL{ a9b} hfg' / tftf] xfjf rNg', kfgL gkg{' ' / kfgLsf ;|ft ;'Sg' l56f] cfunfuL x'g] ;ªst x'g . ] ] cfuf]sf] pkof]u ;;fawfgLk"js ug{k5{ . { ' k'/fgf] / unt ljB'tLo jfOl/ª dd{t ug{'k5{ . cflt;afhL ug{' x'bg jf k6fsf k8sfpg' “} x'bg . “} lj:kmf] 6 s j:t' k| o f] u ug{ ' x' “ b } g . d§Lt]n, k]6f« n, l:k|6, Uof;h:tf k|HjngzLn ] kbfy{ s]6f–s6Ln] ;lhn} e]6g] 7fp“df /fVg' x'bg . } February 2010 df3÷kmfu'g – @)^^ of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cfunfuL 118 219 320 4 21 5 22 6 23 x'/Ljtf; lxdkft 7 24 825 9 10 11 12 131 26 27 28 29 v8]/L k|hftGq lbj; 14 15 16 175 186 197 208 2 3 4 e'O“rfnf] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 28 xf]nL kj{ -kxf8df_ 16 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 3. x'/L–atf;af6 aRg] pkfo x/L–atf;sf] rNg] :yfgdf jfF; jf jlnof] sf08 eO{ h/f hldgleq;Dd hfg] hftsf ?v /f]k]/ x'sf{pg] . 3/jl/kl/sf cUnf, sdhf]/ / x'/L–atf;jf6 n8g;Sg] ?v sfF65fF6 ug]{ cyfjf x6fpg] . sdhf]/ 3/ jf uf]7sf] dd{t ug]{ . cfuf]sf] k|of]u ;fjwfgL ;u ug]{, x'/L–a;tf; nfu]sf] ;dodf cfuf]sf] k|of]u gug]{ . x'/L–atf; rNbf n8g ;Sg] sdhf]/ ;+/rgfsf] 5]p6fp ga:g] / 3/ aflx/ glg:sg] . r6ofªaf6 aRg] pkfo 3/df pko"Qm lsl;dn] cly{8 ug]{ . x'/L–atf;; rNg yfn]kl5 jf cfsfz w'lD;P/ u8ofªu'8'ª ug{ yfn]kl5 tTsf/ ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{ hfg] . r/gdf ePsf 3/kfn'jf hgfj/nfO{;s];Dd ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{ n}hfg] . March 2010 kmfu'g÷r}t – @)^^ of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cfunfuL xf]nL kj{ -t/fO{df_ x'/Ljtf; 117 218 319 420 5 21 6 22 gf/L lbj; 7 23 824 9 10 11 12 13 cl;gf–aiff{ tftf] xfjf -n"_ 25 26 27 28 29 14 15 16 174 185 196 207 3f]8] hfqf e'O“rfnf] 1 2 3 v8]/L 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 r}t] bz} /fdgjdL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 29 30 31 15 16 17 18 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 4. k|sf]k s] xf] < hgwgsf] Iflt jf ljgfz ug]{ k|fs[lts tyf dfgjs[t w6gfnfO{ k|sf]k elgG5 . klx/f]af6 aRg k"jtof/L { dflg;sf] Hofg lng], 3fOt] jgsf] ;+/If0f, j[If/f]k0f / jgkm“8fgL agfpg] / wgdfn gi6 ug]{ lgoGq0f ug]{ . af9L, klx/f], cfunfuL, x'/Latf;, r6ofª, dxfdf/L, hldg wl:;Psf] jf lrl/Psf] 7fp“af6 e'O“rfnf], zLtnx/, lxdkft, aUg] kfgLnfO{ s'n;f] agfP/ tsf{pg] . ] lxdtfn ljikmf]6, cl;gf, jGohGt' tyf sL6ktªusf] klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] 7fp“df 6]jf–kvf{n cfqmd0f, oftfoft / 9'ªuf, df6f] tn v:gaf6 /f]Sg] . cf}Bf]lus b'3{6gf, ;fdflhs åG4 tyf o'4 cflb klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] If]qdf dflg;, k|sf]ksf pbfx/0f x'g . 3/kfn'jf kz'nfO{ k:g glbg] . April 2010 r}t – @)^^÷a}zfv – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cfunfuL x'/L–atf; 1 19 220 3 21 e'O“rfnf] r6ofª 4 22 523 624 725 8 26 927 1028 11 12 13 141 152 163 174 cl;gf–jiff{ gj jif{ @)^& v8]/L 29 30 31 nf]stGq lbj; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 n" -tftf] xfjf_ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 13 14 15 16 17 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 5. klx/f] uOxfn]df s] ug]{ · klx/f] hfg nfu]sf] yfxf kfpgf;fy 5/–l5d]snfO{ dfbn, bdfxf, l;67L ahfP/ ;r]t u/fpg] . · x/fPsf dflg;sf] tTsfn vf]h ug]{ / 3fOt]sf] pkrf/sf] k|aGw ldnfpg] . · ;'/Iff lgsfo, /]8qm;h:tf p4f/ tyf /fxt lbg] lgsfonfO{ va/ ug]{ . · ;'/lIft :yfgdf c:yfoL lzlj/ agfP/ lj:yflkt kl/jf/nfO{ /fVg] . · lj:yflktnfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgdf k'gM:yfkg ug{ kxn / ;xof]u ug]{ . · dxfdf/L km}lng ;Sg] ;Defjgfk|lt ;ts{ /x]/ ;/–;kmfOdf Wofg lbg] . · kLl8tsf] dfgj clwsf/sf] /Iffsf nflu kxn ug]{ . May 2010 a}zfv÷h]7 – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cfunfuL x'/L–atf; 30 31 16 17 118 e'O“rfnf] r6ofª 2 19 320 421 522 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 11 12 13 14 151 cl;gf–jiff{ v8]/L 27 28 29 30 31 n" -tftf] xfjf_ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 a'4 hoGtL u0ftGq lbj; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 6. af9Laf6 aRg s:tf] k"jtof/L ug]{ < { 3/, uf]7, Ogf/, 6o'jj]n, zf}rfno af9Lsf] kfgL hDg ;Sg] tx eGbf cUnf] kf/]/ agfpg' k5{ / kmf]xf]/ kfgLsf] plrt lgsf;sf] k|aGw ug{'k5{ . gbLsf] lsgf/df afn'jfsf] af]/f, af“; cfbLsf] af/ nufP/ j[If/f]k0f ug{' k5{ t/ gbLsf] axfjdfu{ cj?4 ug{' jf gbLsf] cltqmd0f ug{' x“bg . '} 7"nf] af“wsf nflu tf/hfnLdf 9'ªuf e/]/ t6aGw lgdf{0f ug{'k5{ . p4f/sf nflu 8'ªuf, 6fo/–6o"j, 8f]/Lh:tf j:t'sf] Joj:yf ug{'k5{ . xn'sf vfg]s/f, k|fylds pkrf/sf ' nflu cf}iflw, n'uf–kmf6f]h:tf ;fdfg cfkTsfnLg emf]nfdf /fVg'k5{, h'g af9L cfPdf af]s]/ lx8g ;lsG5 . af9L cfp“bf a:g ;'/lIft 7fp“df ;fd'bflos 3/ agfpg'k5{ . June 2010 h]7÷c;f/ – @)^^ of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg 1 219 320 4 21 5 22 cltj[li6 18 af9L 6 23 724 825 926 10 11 12 27 28 29 klx/f] 13 14 15 162 173 184 195 30 31 1 e'O“rfnf] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 27 28 29 30 13 14 15 16 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 7. af9L cfpg] ;ªs]t af9L cfPdf s] ug]{ < gbLsf] l;/fglt/ jiff{ x'g', gblsf] cfjfh kl/jt{g x'g', gbLdf kfgL a9g' cfkTsfnLg emf]nf af]s]/ ;'/lIft 7fp“df hfg'k5{ . wldnf] x'g', emf/kft, ?v cflb au]/ cfpg' . l;67L, dfbn, bdfxf, 9ofªuf]| ahfP/ 5/–l5d]snfO{ klg ;'/lIft :yfgdf hfg ;"rgf lbg'k5{ . dlxnf, a"9f–a"9L, afn–aflnsf, ue{jtL, /f]uL / czQm dlg;nfO{ ljz]if ;xof]u u/L ;'/lIft 7fp“tkm{ n}hfg'k5{ . af9L cfPsf] ;dodf k"j{tof/Lsf ;fdfg k|of]u u/L p4f/df nfUg'k5{ . x/fPsf dflg;sf] vf]hL ug'{k5{ . cfkTsfnLg /fxt ljt/0fdf s;}dfly e]befj gxf]; eg]/ Wofg lbg'k5{ . c:yfoL lzlj/df z'4 lkpg] kfgL, zf}rfno / ;/;kmfOsf] k|aGw ug'{k5{ . kLl8tnfO{ ;fGTjgf lbg] / w}o{ lbg] vfnsf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug{'k5{ . l;ls:t la/fdLsf nflu 5'§} kfn jf sf]7fsf] Joj:yf u/L cfkTsfnLg pkrf/sf] Joj:yf ldnfpg'k5{ . af9Laf6 ePsf] hg–wgsf] If]ltaf/] ;s];Dd l56f] u/L ;'/Iff lgsfo, ;/sf/L lgsfo / ;xof]uL ;ª3–;+:yfbnfO{ ;xL hfgsf/L lbP/ ;xof]usf nflu cfu|x ug'{k5{ . July 2010 c;f/÷>fj0f – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cltj[li6 117 218 3 19 af9L klx/f] 4 20 521 622 7 23 8 24 9 25 1026 e'O“rfnf] 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 27 28 29 30 31 32 dxfdf/L 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 8. kLl8tsf] clwsf/–;+/If0f / k'gM:yfkgf af9L cfpg] ;ªs]t k|sf]kaf6 k|efljt ;d'bfosf] clwsf/ /Iffsf nflu lgDg ljifodf Wofg lbg'k5{ M gbLsf] l;/fglt/ jiff{ x'g', gblsf] cfjfh kl/jt{g x'g', gbLdf kfgL a9g' z'4 lkpg] kfgL, :jf:Yo, ;/;kmfO / :jR5 jftfj/0f pknAw u/fpg'k5{ . wldnf] x'g', emf/kft, ?v cflb au]/ cfpg' . kf]if0fo'Qm vfBfGg / ;'/lIft cfjf;sf] aGbf]j:t x'g'k5{ . ;ªs6sfnLg cj:yfdf klg lzIffsf] k|aGw x'g'k5{ . dlxnf, afn–aflnsf, a"9f–a"9L, czQmsf] ;'/Iffsf nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug'{k5{ . k'gM:yfkg Iflt ePsf 3/sf] dd{t–;Def/ / k'gM:yfkgsf] k|aGw ldnfpg'k5{ . lj:yflkt kl/jf/nfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgdf a;f]af; u/fpg'k5{ . af9Ln] k'¥ofPsf] If]ltsf] d"Nofªsg u/L k'gM:yfkg of]hgf agfopg'k5{ . kLl8tsf] hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo;“u ;dGjo u/L vfBfGgsf] lap, dn tyf cGo cfjZos ;xof]u ug{'k5{ . k|efljt ;d'bfonfO{ ;'/lIft :yfgGt/0f ug{ ;/sf/sf ;Da4 lgsfoaLr ;dGjo sfod u/L ;'/lIft :yfgsf] k|aGw ug'{k5{ . eljiodf cfpg ;Sg] af9Lsf] hf]lvd Go"g ug{ ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lo'Qm k'gM:yfkg tyf k'glgdf{0f sfo{df ;d'bfonfO{ ;xof]u ug{'k5{ . August 2010 >fj0f÷ebf} – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cltj[li6 1 16 217 318 419 520 6 21 7 22 af9L klx/f] 8 23 924 10 11 12 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 dxfdf/L 15 16 17 182 193 204 215 30 31 1 e'O“rfnf] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 29 30 31 13 14 15 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 9. dxfdf/Lsf] ;ªs]t dxfdf/L km}lng] sf/0f Ps JolQmdf nfu]sf] /f]u cGo dflg;df ;g{', km}lng' jf w]/} dflg; lj/fdL af9L, klx/f]kl5 a9g] kmf]xf]/–d}nfsf sf/0f /f]usf hLjf0f'sf] j[l4 x'g' . x'g' / d[To' x'g' g} dxfdf/Lsf] nIf0f xf] . lkpg] kfgLsf] ;|f]t k|b"lift x'g' jf vfBfGg / kfgL b"lift x'g' . v'nf 7fp“df lb;f–lk;fa ug{' . g'xfpg, n'ufkmf6f] w'g' / vfgf agfpg k|b"lift kfgLsf] k|of]u ul/g' . JolQmut ;/;kmfOdf Wofg glbg' . /f]syfdsf] pkfo b"lift kfgL pdfn]/ jf cf}iflw /fv]/ z'4Ls/0f u/]/ dfq lkpg] . 3/cf“ug lgoldt ¿kdf ;kmf ug]{ . v'nf 7fp“df lb;flk;fa gu/]/ zf}rfnodf dfq ug]{ . zf}rfno, lkpg] kfgLsf] 6o'aj]n af9Ln] g8'afpg] u/L cUnf] kf/]/ agfpg] . lxnf], w'nf] nfu]sf] kmnkm"n tyf sf“r} vfg ldNg] t/sf/L /fd|/L kvfn]/ dfq vfg] . ksfpg] ef“8f–jt{g ;kmf /fVg], vfgf /fd|/L ksfP/ dfq vfg] ;8]–un]sf jf lem“uf eGs]sf] vfgf gvfg] . vfgf vfg'clw xft–v'§f / d'v /fd|/L w'g] . September 2010 ebf}÷c;f]h – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg cltj[li6 116 217 318 4 19 af9L klx/f] 5 20 621 722 8 23 9 24 10 11 25 26 dxfdf/L 12 13 14 15 16 171 182 27 28 29 30 31 e'O“rfnf] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26 27 28 29 30 10 11 12 13 14 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 10. cl;gfsf] k|efj cl;gf kg]{ ;ªs]t ljz]if u/L sflQs, d+l;/, r}q/ /kmn–km"n dlxgfdf vfBfGgsf] cefjn]clgsfnb]vfef]sd/LPsfPs d]3. j}zfv gi6 x“'bf cfsfzdf sfnf] afbn / k/]/ nfUg ;S5 cl;gf k/]df kfs]sf] afnL, t/sf/L la?jf, uh{g', x/L–atf; rNg', kfgLsf 7"nf yf]kf v:g' cl;gf–aiff{sf nIf0f x'g . kmnkm"n Iflt k'¥ofp“5 . o;/L afnL–gfnL cl;gfaf6 aRg] pkfo cfsfz w'lDdP/ x'/L–atf;;lxt kfgL kg] ;Sg] b]lvPdf tTsfn ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{ hfg] . r/L–r/gdf ePsf 3/kfn'jf hgfj/nfO{ ;s];Dd ;'/lIft 7fp“df n}hfg] . cl;gf kg{ 5f8]kl5 klg x'/L–atf; g/f]lsO{sg jf cfsfzaf6 afbn gx6];Dd aflx/ glg:sg] . g;{/Ldf ePsf la¿jf arfpg drfg agfP/ c:yfoL 5fgf] nufpg] . October 2010 c;f]h÷sflt{s – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg 31 1 15 2 16 cl;gf–aiff{ 14 dxfdf/L 3 17 418 519 620 7 21 8 22 9 23 e'O“rfnf] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 11. zLtnx/sf] ;ªs]t lztnx;af6 aRg d+l;/ cGtlt/ cfsfz w'Dd / 3'd{nf] b]lvg', rL;f] a9g, laxfg / lbp“;f]sf] } ' k"j{tof/L u/f}+ tfkqmddf w]/} cGt/ gx'g' tyf t';f/f] k/]h:tf] x'g' zLtnx/ rng] nIf0f x'g . zLtnx/sf jf/]df cfkm"n] hfgsf/L lng] / 5/l5d]sLnfO{ klg hfgsf/L lbP/ hgr]tgf a9fpg] . zLtnx/ rNg'eGbf cufl8 Gofgf] sk8fsf] Joj:yf ug]{ . tftf]sf] Joj:yf ug{ w]/} k|b'if0f gug]{ vfnsf OGwgsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg] . 3/nfO{ /.d|/L af/a]/ u/]/ rL;f] xfjf l;w} leq k:g g;Sg] agfpg] . kf]lifnf] vfBfGg, u]8fu'8L / k|fl6go'Qm ] vfBj:t'sf] aGbf]j;t ug]{ . 3/kfn'jf kz'sf] uf]7 / vf]/ l;/]6f] l;w} l5g{ g;sg] u/L af/a]/ ug]{ . rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] afnL jf t/sf/LnfO{ k/fn, 5jfnL jf kftkltªu/n] 5f]Kg] Jo:yf ldnfO/fVg] . November 2010 sflt{s÷d+;L/ – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg zLtnx/ 115 216 317 418 5 19 6 20 cfunfuL 7 21 822 923 10 11 12 13 24 25 26 27 cl;gf jiff{ 14 15 16 171 182 193 204 28 29 30 e'O“rfnf] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 28 29 30 12 13 14 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal
  • 12. lztnx/ rn]sf] ;dodf ckgfpg'kg]{ ;ts{tf zLtnx/sf] ;ªs]t d+l;/ cGtlt/ cfsfz w'Dd / 3'd}{nf] b]lvg', rL;f] a9g', laxfg / lbp“;f]sf] dfgjLo ;'/Iff tfkqmddf w]/} cGt/ gx'g' tyf t';f/f] k/]h:tf] x'g' zLtnx/ rng] nIf0f x'g . rL;f] kfgLn] gg'xfpg] . z/L/nfO{ tftf] agfpg] u/d jf Gofgf] x'g] sk8f nufpg] . tftf] kfgL, u]8fu'8Lsf] emf]n, tfultnf] vfgf k|z:t dfqfdf vfg] / lkpg] . w]/} rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] sdhf]/ dflg;nfO{ t]n dfln; ul/lbg] . /f]uLnfO{ tTsfn} :jf:Yorf}sL jf c:ktfn n}hfg] . cGgafnLsf ;+/If0f cfn', tf]/L / rL;f] ;xg g;Sg] hftsf t/sf/LnfO{ xn'sf k/fn,5jfnL kftkltªu/ jf Knfli6sn] 5f]Kg] . ;Dej eP;Dd zLtnx/sf] x':;'nfO{ aflx/} /f]Sg xl/tu[x agfpg] . o:tf] 3/ agfp“bf ufO–a:t'sf] uf]7h:tf] jgfP/ dfly / jl/kl/jf6 Knfli6sn] a]g'{k5{ . o:tf] 3/n] zLtnx/nfO{ leq k:g lb“b}g, t/ 3fd nfluxfn]df tftf] leq k;]/ af]6la?jf x's{g] jftfj/0f tof/ u5{ . t/sf/Lsf] ;'/Iffsf nflu s[lif–k|fljlws;“u ;Nnfx lnP/ rL;f]af6 arfpg] cf}iflw 5g'k5{ . { December 2010 d+;L/÷k'if – @)^& of] dlxgfdf x'g ;Sg] k"j{tof/Lsf] nflu k|sf]ksf 36gf SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT s] s] ug{'eof] ? cfOt ;f]d d+un a'w laxL z'qm zlg zLtnx/ 115 2 16 317 4 18 cfunfuL 5 19 620 721 822 9 23 10 11 24 25 cl;gf jiff{ 12 13 14 15 16 171 182 26 27 28 29 30 e'O“rfnf] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 k|sf]k k"j{tof/L leQ]kfqf] k|sfzgsf nflu cfly{s ;fem]bf/Ldf ;xefuL ;b:o ;+:yfx¿k|lt k|sf]k k"j{tof/L ;~hfn–g]kfn (DPNet-Nepal) xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub{5 . EUROPEAN COMMISSION Fostering Knowledge on Disaster Humanitarian Aid This DRR Awareness calendar is modeled on the design and layout of DPNET Annual Calendar, with permission from DPNet to use their idea and layout for ActionAid DIPECHO V project. SURAKSHIT SAMUDAYA II: Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Nepal The ActionAid DIPECHO project is implemented in three districts of Nepal to build community capacity to cope with recurrent disasters. The project is funded by European Commission Humatarian Aid department and co-financed by Australian Government-AusAid. For more information, please contact ActionAid Nepal or its partners. Working Together ... for a Risk Resilient Nepal