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Modes of Transportation
A Week Long Thematic Integrated Curriculum for Kinder
Bitang, Nica Vanissa R.
Sudario, Vanessa Mae L.
III - BS Child Development and Education
Major in Special Education
Ms. Therese Pelias
Miriam College
CD116 - Curriculum Development
March 20, 2015
I. School Context
● Nature of school
Explorers’ Kindergarten implements the combination of the traditional and the progressive
school. It is an eclectic school for kindergarten that follows an integrated-thematic curriculum and
applies practices based from the High Scope and the Reggio Emilia curriculum models. EK
believes that children learn through exploration and should be given the opportunity to do so with
proper guidance in an appropriate environment.
Philosophy and goals
The school aims to produce holistically-developed and globally competitive students who
have good Filipino values. It envisions a community rooted from the Filipino nature of kindness,
industriousness, and creativity while developing the cognitive capability of the children. These are
to be attained by providing them the appropriate knowledge from teachers who have mastery in
handling children, passion for teaching and the values that should be imparted to them. Also, the
classrooms contain various materials that will help the students learn and enjoy as well.
EK’s thematic-integrated curriculum helps the students reach the following goals:
● enhance cognitive skills in different subject areas in a natural way
● practice and live out Filipino values of kindness and industriousness
● develop creativity
● have fun while learning
● Description of students
It is a co-educational school that accepts students both boys and girls. The class ratio would
be a maximum of 15 students to 1 main teacher and 1 assistant teacher.
● Description of grade level
It is prepared for kindergarten students’ ages 5 to 6 years old.
● Physical layout of the classroom
● Materials and resources
A. Large Group Area
This area contains a big oval carpet to accommodate all the students during the circle time.
It is made up of different colors to attract the students’ interests and to uplift their energy. It also
has letters and numbers for the children to be familiar with which can also be used by the teacher
for her lessons. Other materials in the large group area are shelves, books, a chair and a closet that
contains the multimedia instructional materials that the teacher could use. (examples: projector,
speakers, Ipad, laptop)
B. Small Group Area
This area contains 3 tables with 4 chairs each to be used during small-group activities. They
can also have art time in this area since it is near to the shelves with the art materials. Here’s also
where the children will have snack time.
C. Reading and Writing Area
This area contains a bookshelf and another smaller book display stand where the children
can choose which books to read. There’s a carpet for the children who wants to read while sitting
on the floor. There’s a soft couch for a child who feels more comfortable on it. Plus, there’s a set
of table and chairs by the corner for those who want to write or read while sitting on a wooden
chair and facing a wooden table.
D. Dramatic Play Area
This area is like a mini-house for the children. It contains a mini-kitchen stove and sink.
There’s also a clothes tree where the children can get costumes, a couch, and a set of table and
chairs. It’s also near the shelves of toys which the children can use for their mini-plays.
E. Others
Other things that can be seen in the classroom are cubby holes where the children leave
their bags before the class starts, bulletin boards where the children post their works, more shelves
which contains art materials, toys and books plus a first-aid kit are placed inside the teacher’s shelf
by the large group area for safety measures. Also, there are separate restrooms for the girls and the
boys. Outside the restroom is a rug to avoid slipping.
● One week schedule
The Kinder classes follow the schedule below during regular school days but might vary
at times for instances of having a special school occasion or the children’s field trip.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:45 – 8:00 Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time
8:00 – 8:15 Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time
8:15 – 8:45 Story Time Lesson Time Drama Time Lesson Time Review Time
8:45 – 9:05 Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time
9:05 – 9:15 Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time
9:15 – 9:45 Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time
9:45 – 10:00 Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away
II. Theme and Its Significance
The innate interest of transportation is something that people experience and it is important
that at early age, children already get knowledgeable about how they could go to places because
going to places will be an everyday part of their lives.
According to Lev Vygotsky’s cultural – historical theory of cognitive development or also
known as having a socio-cultural perspective tells the significance of the society and culture to
help develop the cognitive development. That is the reason why the chosen theme is “I love to
travel”, we chose these theme because the students should know the different modes of
transportation that we have now in our society and teaching this lesson will help the students know
how our society classifies modes of transportation. . As students learn this lesson, little by little
they will understand and will be able to transform these concepts on their own. The activities will
help the students change the way they think of mode of transportation; they will now learn how to
classify each when they see it during their daily lives.
The theme will allow the children to learn the different ways of traveling. It will help the
students to classify the modes of transportation according to where it is used whether by land,
water or air. It will help them learn the different modes of transportation that they can ride and
what is the use of it for their safety. The theme will help students to learn the importance of
transportation in their daily lives.
III. Unit plan
IV. Detailed Lesson Plan
A One Week Lesson Plan on the Theme:
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the week, the students would be able to…
A. Cognitive
● Count the number of the vehicles’ wheels
● Name modes of transportation that travels through land
● Name modes of transportation that travels through water
● Name modes of transportation that travels through air
● To relate what they have learned in the classroom in real life setting through the
field trip
B. Affective
● Relate the story to their experiences
● Share their stories of travelling
● Explain their drawing in class
● Cooperate with their group in the small-group activities
C. Psychomotor
● Look around for the pictures of vehicles in the classroom
● Draw the picture of their chosen land vehicle
● Write the name of their chosen vehicle on the chart
● Draw a picture of their experience during the field trip
● Sing and dance to songs that are related to transportation
● Imitate the sounds of the modes of transportation
II. Materials and Resources
Learning Experiences
Day 1: Land Transportation (Music, Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies)
A. Motivation
- Song: Take a Trip (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Take a bus or take a train
Take a boat or take a plane,
Take a taxi, take a car,
Maybe near or maybe far
Take a spaceship to the moon,
But be sure to come back soon.
Transportation is the way,
How we travel night or day.
B. Lesson Proper
● Story: Muppet Babies On the Go
● What did the muppet babies used in the story? (children give examples)
● When do we use these things? (going to places/travel)
● How do we call those that they used to travel? (transportation)
● Which of these can travel on land? Water? Air?
C. Follow-up Activity
- Game: Let’s Look Around
Each student goes around the classroom and gets one picture of a land vehicle. Each of
them will have a turn to present the picture. Teacher lets student tell what he/she sees in
the picture then gives additional information after. The student posts the picture on the
board after presenting.
D. Closure/Assessment
- Chart: Perfect Landing
Students will be in triads, each triad will get a chart to answer. They will choose a
vehicle on the board. One student will draw it in the box; another will write its name
on the blank while the last member, will count its wheels and write it on the blank.
They will write their names at the bottom of the chart and then present it to the
class. Chart:
- Class sings the song again: Take A Trip
Day 2: Water Transportation (Music, Reading, Arts, Social Studies)
A. Motivation
- Song: Take A Trip
- Matching activity for review of land transportation (pictures to names)
- Jeepney, car, train, bicycle, tricycle
B. Lesson Proper
- Song: Row, Row, Row your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream. (Repeat song)
- Question: Can a boat travel on land?
Where does it travel? (Water)
Can you name other vehicles that travel on water
- Schema Activation: Answers are noted on the board as a diagram. After
getting the answers from the children, teacher shows the picture of each water
vehicle and adds if some are not mentioned by the students.
C. Follow-up Activity
- Travel to Centers: Students are divided into 3 groups of 5 and each will be going
through 3 centers through rotation (5 minutes each center). The first center will be done at
the large group area. The group manipulates a chart and rearranges the names of the water
vehicles to match its picture. The second center will be at the activity area. The group
cooperates in arranging a big puzzle of a ship and tells teacher what it is. The third center
is at the reading and writing area. Each student gets a worksheet with a table of two
columns. In the first column, they will draw as many land vehicles that they want while on
the second, they will draw water vehicles. All the activities have to be discussed before
starting to move around.
D. Closure/Assessment
- Everyone goes back to the large group area to sing “Take A Trip” and “Row,
row, row your boat”.
Day 3: Air Transportation (Music, Reading/ Language, Arts, Social Studies, Science)
A. Motivation
● The class will sing the song “I am an airplane”
● The teacher will ask who have ridden an airplane.
● The teacher will play the sound effects of a helicopter.
● The teacher will ask “Have you ever heard this sound?”
● The student will share their experience about riding an airplane or a helicopter.
B. Lesson Proper
● The teacher will introduce the modes of transportation for air through a story.
● The teacher will share to the students about a story when she travelled. It is an
invented story in which she will leave for a very long trip. Throughout the long
trip, the teacher will use the modes of transportation for air. Begin with an
airplane then a hot air balloon, next would be a jet and until the end of the trip
going home the teacher will ride a helicopter.
● The teacher will show a picture and explain that this is the modes of
transportation for air, what each does and why it is useful.
C. Follow up Activity
● The students will be divided into four then they will arrange the puzzle and write
the name of that mode of transportation at the bottom.
D. Assessment
● There will be three columns each for land, water and air. Then I have picture on
the side then you need to put the picture on the appropriate column.
● There would be a game where the students will pick a vehicle then each student
will look for their pair by making the sounds of that vehicle and they need to
close their eyes to do it.
Day 4 : Field Trip
To summarize the lesson that they have learned, the students will go on a field trip.
For the land transportation they will go to a bus and train station. For the different air
transportation they will visit the Villamor Airbase and lastly for the water transportation
they will go to the Manila Bay since this is the closest port where they can see different
modes of transportation. Through their travel the teacher or the tour guide will teach them
to look to their windows and the teacher or the tour guide will point the different mode of
transportation (car, truck, bicycle and tricycle) that they can see outside.
While on the bus they will have a game called “I'm going on a trip and I'm
packing...” The game begins by saying, "I'm going on a trip by..." (ex.: airplane). The game
continues with a child saying, "I'm going on a trip by airplane and by train." Each child
adds another means of transportation. The teacher will start the game to be an example.
This game will help them to remember the different modes of transportation.
Day 5: This would be the culminating activity and the follow up for the field trip.
V. Description of Culminating Activity
Follow Up Questions
● The teacher will ask the student what modes of transportation did they see during
the field trip.
● What did they feel?
● After seeing those, do they want to travel using those different modes of
Final Project
The final project of the students can be in a form of an art or a story. They can make
a scrapbook, a collage or a vehicle. They can also make a story about where they want to
travel and what mode of transportation would they use or ride. The final project can be in
any form that they want that will show what they have learned during the class and the
field trip, as long as their output will not be bigger than an 8 x 12 illustration board. This
limitation is given to make sure that the projects will be finished by the students on time
and will have enough space in the exhibit. The project would be presented to the whole
batch by having an exhibit of their works. The project will be done individually. The title
of this project will be “I love to travel” and this project can be done using recycled things.
There will be no specific work to be done because this will help the students to think and
be creative as they want. The most important part that would be graded in this final project
is how the students will show what they have learned during the class and the field trip.
Rubrics for the final project
Content Creativity Presentation Attractiveness Resourcefulness Total
40 % 30 % 10 % 10% 10% 100%
VI. Theoretical Framework
Explorers’ Kindergarten practices “active participatory learning” as based from the High
Scope Curriculum. According to the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, in this
approach, ‘children are active learners, supported and challenged by adults”. The heart of this
approach is the plan-do-review sequence which helps children to make decisions, express their
ideas and reflect on what they are studying. (Haque, 1989) High states that “The High
Scope Preschool Curriculum not only helps young children excel in language and cognitive
learning but also promotes independence, curiosity, decision-making, cooperation, persistence,
creativity, and problem solving — the fundamental skills that help determine success in adult life.”
EK practices High Scope’s fundamental components namely; active learning, key experiences,
plan-do-review process and the parent component.
Also, it applies Reggio Emilia’s main principles which are mostly focused on three subjects
- children, teacher and parents. This includes developing the child as a protagonist, a collaborator
and a communicator. “Among the benefits were the different ways of thinking, provoking and
asking questions” (Fawcett & Hay, 2004, p.241). The teacher act as a partner, a nurturer and a
guide for the students. The classroom serves as the children’s third teacher for it consist variety of
developmentally-appropriate materials that will hone different areas of development. Aside from
the physical set-up of the environment, planning the daily schedule also helps in maintaining
balance between individual, small and large group activities, child directed and teacher initiated
activity and inside as well as outside experiences.
Both High Scope and the Reggio Emilia require the cooperation of the parents for holistic
development, so as Explorers’ Kindergarten. Brofenbrenner’s ecological theory of development
supports this concept of involving the parents in the children’s education. Part of the child’s
Microsystems is a family which one gets direct interaction with. “The theory states that we are not
mere recipients of the experiences we have when socializing with these people in the micro system
environment, but we are contributing to the construction of such environment.” (Sincero, n.d.)
Thus, the parents’ involvement benefits the whole family. EK believes that educational success
may be better and easier attained if they start with a happy home.
Downey, J. , Garzoli, E. (2007). The Effectiveness of a Play-based Curriculum in Early
Childhood Education. Teach Play-based Learning. Sonoma State University. Retrieved
Haque, G. (1989). The High Scope Preschool Educational Approach: A Prospectus for Pre-
Kindergarten Programs. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. Retrieved from
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. (2015) Preschool: Early Childhood Curriculum
with a Difference. Retrieved from
Hurst, M. Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Retrieved from
Kaplan Early Learning Company. (2015). Classroom Floorplanner. Retrieved from
What is Reggio Emilia Approach. Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center. Retrieved from
Sincero, S. M. , (n.d.) You and Your Environment. Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved from

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A Week Long Thematic Integrated Curriculum for Kinder

  • 1. I LOVE TO TRAVEL Modes of Transportation A Week Long Thematic Integrated Curriculum for Kinder Bitang, Nica Vanissa R. Sudario, Vanessa Mae L. III - BS Child Development and Education Major in Special Education Ms. Therese Pelias Miriam College CD116 - Curriculum Development March 20, 2015
  • 2. I. School Context ● Nature of school Explorers’ Kindergarten implements the combination of the traditional and the progressive school. It is an eclectic school for kindergarten that follows an integrated-thematic curriculum and applies practices based from the High Scope and the Reggio Emilia curriculum models. EK believes that children learn through exploration and should be given the opportunity to do so with proper guidance in an appropriate environment. Philosophy and goals The school aims to produce holistically-developed and globally competitive students who have good Filipino values. It envisions a community rooted from the Filipino nature of kindness, industriousness, and creativity while developing the cognitive capability of the children. These are to be attained by providing them the appropriate knowledge from teachers who have mastery in handling children, passion for teaching and the values that should be imparted to them. Also, the classrooms contain various materials that will help the students learn and enjoy as well. EK’s thematic-integrated curriculum helps the students reach the following goals: ● enhance cognitive skills in different subject areas in a natural way ● practice and live out Filipino values of kindness and industriousness ● develop creativity ● have fun while learning ● Description of students It is a co-educational school that accepts students both boys and girls. The class ratio would be a maximum of 15 students to 1 main teacher and 1 assistant teacher.
  • 3. ● Description of grade level It is prepared for kindergarten students’ ages 5 to 6 years old. ● Physical layout of the classroom ● Materials and resources A. Large Group Area This area contains a big oval carpet to accommodate all the students during the circle time. It is made up of different colors to attract the students’ interests and to uplift their energy. It also has letters and numbers for the children to be familiar with which can also be used by the teacher for her lessons. Other materials in the large group area are shelves, books, a chair and a closet that contains the multimedia instructional materials that the teacher could use. (examples: projector, speakers, Ipad, laptop)
  • 4. B. Small Group Area This area contains 3 tables with 4 chairs each to be used during small-group activities. They can also have art time in this area since it is near to the shelves with the art materials. Here’s also where the children will have snack time. C. Reading and Writing Area This area contains a bookshelf and another smaller book display stand where the children can choose which books to read. There’s a carpet for the children who wants to read while sitting on the floor. There’s a soft couch for a child who feels more comfortable on it. Plus, there’s a set of table and chairs by the corner for those who want to write or read while sitting on a wooden chair and facing a wooden table. D. Dramatic Play Area This area is like a mini-house for the children. It contains a mini-kitchen stove and sink. There’s also a clothes tree where the children can get costumes, a couch, and a set of table and chairs. It’s also near the shelves of toys which the children can use for their mini-plays. E. Others Other things that can be seen in the classroom are cubby holes where the children leave their bags before the class starts, bulletin boards where the children post their works, more shelves which contains art materials, toys and books plus a first-aid kit are placed inside the teacher’s shelf by the large group area for safety measures. Also, there are separate restrooms for the girls and the boys. Outside the restroom is a rug to avoid slipping. ● One week schedule The Kinder classes follow the schedule below during regular school days but might vary at times for instances of having a special school occasion or the children’s field trip.
  • 5. Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:45 – 8:00 Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time Choice Time 8:00 – 8:15 Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time 8:15 – 8:45 Story Time Lesson Time Drama Time Lesson Time Review Time 8:45 – 9:05 Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time 9:05 – 9:15 Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time Circle Time 9:15 – 9:45 Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time Activity Time 9:45 – 10:00 Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away Pack Away II. Theme and Its Significance The innate interest of transportation is something that people experience and it is important that at early age, children already get knowledgeable about how they could go to places because going to places will be an everyday part of their lives. According to Lev Vygotsky’s cultural – historical theory of cognitive development or also known as having a socio-cultural perspective tells the significance of the society and culture to help develop the cognitive development. That is the reason why the chosen theme is “I love to travel”, we chose these theme because the students should know the different modes of transportation that we have now in our society and teaching this lesson will help the students know
  • 6. how our society classifies modes of transportation. . As students learn this lesson, little by little they will understand and will be able to transform these concepts on their own. The activities will help the students change the way they think of mode of transportation; they will now learn how to classify each when they see it during their daily lives. The theme will allow the children to learn the different ways of traveling. It will help the students to classify the modes of transportation according to where it is used whether by land, water or air. It will help them learn the different modes of transportation that they can ride and what is the use of it for their safety. The theme will help students to learn the importance of transportation in their daily lives. III. Unit plan
  • 7. IV. Detailed Lesson Plan A One Week Lesson Plan on the Theme: I LOVE TO TRAVEL I. Learning Objectives At the end of the week, the students would be able to… A. Cognitive ● Count the number of the vehicles’ wheels ● Name modes of transportation that travels through land ● Name modes of transportation that travels through water ● Name modes of transportation that travels through air ● To relate what they have learned in the classroom in real life setting through the field trip B. Affective ● Relate the story to their experiences ● Share their stories of travelling ● Explain their drawing in class ● Cooperate with their group in the small-group activities C. Psychomotor ● Look around for the pictures of vehicles in the classroom ● Draw the picture of their chosen land vehicle ● Write the name of their chosen vehicle on the chart ● Draw a picture of their experience during the field trip ● Sing and dance to songs that are related to transportation
  • 8. ● Imitate the sounds of the modes of transportation II. Materials and Resources Learning Experiences Day 1: Land Transportation (Music, Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies) A. Motivation - Song: Take a Trip (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) Take a bus or take a train Take a boat or take a plane, Take a taxi, take a car, Maybe near or maybe far Take a spaceship to the moon, But be sure to come back soon. Transportation is the way, How we travel night or day. B. Lesson Proper ● Story: Muppet Babies On the Go ● What did the muppet babies used in the story? (children give examples) ● When do we use these things? (going to places/travel) ● How do we call those that they used to travel? (transportation) ● Which of these can travel on land? Water? Air? C. Follow-up Activity
  • 9. - Game: Let’s Look Around Each student goes around the classroom and gets one picture of a land vehicle. Each of them will have a turn to present the picture. Teacher lets student tell what he/she sees in the picture then gives additional information after. The student posts the picture on the board after presenting. D. Closure/Assessment - Chart: Perfect Landing Students will be in triads, each triad will get a chart to answer. They will choose a vehicle on the board. One student will draw it in the box; another will write its name on the blank while the last member, will count its wheels and write it on the blank. They will write their names at the bottom of the chart and then present it to the class. Chart: - Class sings the song again: Take A Trip Day 2: Water Transportation (Music, Reading, Arts, Social Studies) A. Motivation - Song: Take A Trip - Matching activity for review of land transportation (pictures to names) - Jeepney, car, train, bicycle, tricycle B. Lesson Proper - Song: Row, Row, Row your Boat Row, row, row your boat
  • 10. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream. (Repeat song) - Question: Can a boat travel on land? Where does it travel? (Water) Can you name other vehicles that travel on water - Schema Activation: Answers are noted on the board as a diagram. After getting the answers from the children, teacher shows the picture of each water vehicle and adds if some are not mentioned by the students. C. Follow-up Activity - Travel to Centers: Students are divided into 3 groups of 5 and each will be going through 3 centers through rotation (5 minutes each center). The first center will be done at the large group area. The group manipulates a chart and rearranges the names of the water vehicles to match its picture. The second center will be at the activity area. The group cooperates in arranging a big puzzle of a ship and tells teacher what it is. The third center is at the reading and writing area. Each student gets a worksheet with a table of two columns. In the first column, they will draw as many land vehicles that they want while on the second, they will draw water vehicles. All the activities have to be discussed before starting to move around. D. Closure/Assessment
  • 11. - Everyone goes back to the large group area to sing “Take A Trip” and “Row, row, row your boat”. Day 3: Air Transportation (Music, Reading/ Language, Arts, Social Studies, Science) A. Motivation ● The class will sing the song “I am an airplane” ● The teacher will ask who have ridden an airplane. ● The teacher will play the sound effects of a helicopter. ● The teacher will ask “Have you ever heard this sound?” ● The student will share their experience about riding an airplane or a helicopter. B. Lesson Proper ● The teacher will introduce the modes of transportation for air through a story. ● The teacher will share to the students about a story when she travelled. It is an invented story in which she will leave for a very long trip. Throughout the long trip, the teacher will use the modes of transportation for air. Begin with an airplane then a hot air balloon, next would be a jet and until the end of the trip going home the teacher will ride a helicopter. ● The teacher will show a picture and explain that this is the modes of transportation for air, what each does and why it is useful. C. Follow up Activity ● The students will be divided into four then they will arrange the puzzle and write the name of that mode of transportation at the bottom.
  • 12. D. Assessment ● There will be three columns each for land, water and air. Then I have picture on the side then you need to put the picture on the appropriate column. ● There would be a game where the students will pick a vehicle then each student will look for their pair by making the sounds of that vehicle and they need to close their eyes to do it. Day 4 : Field Trip To summarize the lesson that they have learned, the students will go on a field trip. For the land transportation they will go to a bus and train station. For the different air transportation they will visit the Villamor Airbase and lastly for the water transportation they will go to the Manila Bay since this is the closest port where they can see different modes of transportation. Through their travel the teacher or the tour guide will teach them to look to their windows and the teacher or the tour guide will point the different mode of transportation (car, truck, bicycle and tricycle) that they can see outside. While on the bus they will have a game called “I'm going on a trip and I'm packing...” The game begins by saying, "I'm going on a trip by..." (ex.: airplane). The game continues with a child saying, "I'm going on a trip by airplane and by train." Each child adds another means of transportation. The teacher will start the game to be an example. This game will help them to remember the different modes of transportation. Day 5: This would be the culminating activity and the follow up for the field trip.
  • 13. V. Description of Culminating Activity Follow Up Questions ● The teacher will ask the student what modes of transportation did they see during the field trip. ● What did they feel? ● After seeing those, do they want to travel using those different modes of transportation? Final Project The final project of the students can be in a form of an art or a story. They can make a scrapbook, a collage or a vehicle. They can also make a story about where they want to travel and what mode of transportation would they use or ride. The final project can be in any form that they want that will show what they have learned during the class and the field trip, as long as their output will not be bigger than an 8 x 12 illustration board. This limitation is given to make sure that the projects will be finished by the students on time and will have enough space in the exhibit. The project would be presented to the whole batch by having an exhibit of their works. The project will be done individually. The title of this project will be “I love to travel” and this project can be done using recycled things. There will be no specific work to be done because this will help the students to think and be creative as they want. The most important part that would be graded in this final project is how the students will show what they have learned during the class and the field trip.
  • 14. Rubrics for the final project Content Creativity Presentation Attractiveness Resourcefulness Total 40 % 30 % 10 % 10% 10% 100% VI. Theoretical Framework Explorers’ Kindergarten practices “active participatory learning” as based from the High Scope Curriculum. According to the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, in this approach, ‘children are active learners, supported and challenged by adults”. The heart of this approach is the plan-do-review sequence which helps children to make decisions, express their ideas and reflect on what they are studying. (Haque, 1989) High states that “The High Scope Preschool Curriculum not only helps young children excel in language and cognitive learning but also promotes independence, curiosity, decision-making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving — the fundamental skills that help determine success in adult life.” EK practices High Scope’s fundamental components namely; active learning, key experiences, plan-do-review process and the parent component. Also, it applies Reggio Emilia’s main principles which are mostly focused on three subjects - children, teacher and parents. This includes developing the child as a protagonist, a collaborator and a communicator. “Among the benefits were the different ways of thinking, provoking and asking questions” (Fawcett & Hay, 2004, p.241). The teacher act as a partner, a nurturer and a guide for the students. The classroom serves as the children’s third teacher for it consist variety of developmentally-appropriate materials that will hone different areas of development. Aside from the physical set-up of the environment, planning the daily schedule also helps in maintaining
  • 15. balance between individual, small and large group activities, child directed and teacher initiated activity and inside as well as outside experiences. Both High Scope and the Reggio Emilia require the cooperation of the parents for holistic development, so as Explorers’ Kindergarten. Brofenbrenner’s ecological theory of development supports this concept of involving the parents in the children’s education. Part of the child’s Microsystems is a family which one gets direct interaction with. “The theory states that we are not mere recipients of the experiences we have when socializing with these people in the micro system environment, but we are contributing to the construction of such environment.” (Sincero, n.d.) Thus, the parents’ involvement benefits the whole family. EK believes that educational success may be better and easier attained if they start with a happy home.
  • 16. References: Downey, J. , Garzoli, E. (2007). The Effectiveness of a Play-based Curriculum in Early Childhood Education. Teach Play-based Learning. Sonoma State University. Retrieved from Haque, G. (1989). The High Scope Preschool Educational Approach: A Prospectus for Pre- Kindergarten Programs. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. Retrieved from High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. (2015) Preschool: Early Childhood Curriculum with a Difference. Retrieved from Hurst, M. Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Retrieved from Kaplan Early Learning Company. (2015). Classroom Floorplanner. Retrieved from What is Reggio Emilia Approach. Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center. Retrieved from approach/ Sincero, S. M. , (n.d.) You and Your Environment. Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved from