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Brand Social Media Analysis & Lathesis
Brief outline of Snapdeal India’s social media analysis over its
competitors Amazon India and Flipkart India
Analytical Overview
Presentation Understanding
The purpose – Brands often have their own understanding of social media ROI, but how actually it
varies from the real results that they obtain?
The objective – To study the social media channels presence of SnapDeal and its close competitors in
India i.e. Amazon India and Flipkart
To highlight the critical points of differences over social media participation and community building
exercises adopted by Snapdeal and its competitors
The Results – Brief analysis of social media presence over last couple of weeks, campaign highlights
and brands sentiment analysis.
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking
Analysis Specifics
Likes 4,757,489
PTAT 42,057
Engagement Rate 0.88%
Post Per Day 4.33
Likes, Comments & Shares per
Post Type
Pictures – 62.5%
Videos – 25%
Links – 4.2%
Content – 8.3%
Response Rate 83%
Response Time 15 Minutes
Analysis Specifics
Likes 4,735,312
PTAT 188,604
Engagement Rate 3.98%
Post Per Day 4.66
Likes, Comments & Shares per
Post Type
Pictures – 25%
Videos – 8.33%
Links – 62.5%
Content – 4.2%
Response Rate 80%
Response Time 16 Minutes
Analysis Specifics
Likes 3,270,873
PTAT 28,648
Engagement Rate 0.88%
Post Per Day 5.57%
Likes, Comments &
Shares per post
Post Type
Pictures – 83.3%
Links – 16.7%
Response Rate 26%
Response Time 17 Minutes
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Majority of market share/Fan base remains with Flipkart &
Amazon India. Closely followed by SnapDeal India.
SnapDeal is yet to register itself in the 4 million Facebook Fans
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Cumulative 30 days data from Facebook shows that Flipkart
leads in terms of user engagement followed closely by Amazon
India till 4th/5th May, gradually Flipkart increased its engagement
KPI metrics of Fan base directly in proportion to engagement
shows that Flipkart leads the way followed by Amazon,
Snapdeal is way behind!
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Past 30 days analysis of respective Facebook pages shows that the most interactive pages are of Flipkart and Amazon India,
Snapdeal is dealing with really low levels of engagement.
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Top Images shared in past 30
Top videos shared in past 30
Top status shared in past 30 days
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Cumulative content pattern shows that Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday remains the top most priority for content publishing
for all 3 E-com giants
4.5 average number of post shared in a day by all 3 E-Com
giants over last 30 days
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
Past 30 days analysis of respective Facebook pages shows that the most interactive sessions happen on Wednesday’s,
Thursday’s and Friday’s between 10 to 6 PM. This actually resembles the interactivity and 2 way communication to which
people respond even on weekdays.
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
67.5% shared content contained images, followed by 24.1% links,
7.7% were videos and 0.7% were only text status
Videos shared by brands were the most engaged form of
content followed closely by links!
Videos shared – 32
Reactions per post – 5025
Links shared – 100
Reactions per post – 2794
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
The red circle embarks the engagement activity of Snapdeal over last 30 days, Snapdeal hasn’t been able to gather any
specific likes, comments or shares on its content continuously.
The spikes indicate, virality of content shared by Amazon India and Flipkart.
Social Media Analysis
Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015
The size o bubble depicts the total number of post shared by a particular brand on its Facebook page. Snapdeal shared the
highest number of post in last 30 days, but still falls behind Amazon India and Flipkart, in terms on user base and engagement
Amazon India
Engagement –
Engagement –
Engagement –
Social Media Listening
A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal India, Amazon India & Flipkart India
We did a cumulative brand analysis across various platforms to understand the consumer perception about the
three most famous Ecommerce giants in India. The analysis is a combined study of all the keyword specific data
crawled from Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Blogs, Forums, News & Instagram.
Lathesis further analysed this data to make more meaningful insights for brands and the conversation related to it.
Social Media Listening
A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal India, Amazon India & Flipkart India
Methodology – We ran keywords specific to brands and crawled data not only from social media channels
but throughout the web, this would give more clarity on the consumer’s general perception about brand
Keyword tracking – Lathesis owns competitive marketing and social media analytics tool, which can refer
to a number of key metrics, unto 50 key metrics for Facebook & Twitter tracking, analysis and CRM.
Key metrics and mentions – The mentions are crawled from throughout the web, from Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, to news websites, forums and blogs. These mentions are then segregated as per their source and
various analysis are done on the articles captured.
Social Media Listening
A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal, Flipkart & Amazon India
Buzz Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - The brands buzz analysis is a
cumulative study of mentions
across web, from Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Web, News
websites, Blogs, Forums and RSS
feedsSpikes peaked on 7th May and 10th
May, mainly due to activities
throughout web & digital media
Social Media Listening
A brand analysis of Snapdeal showing the maximum buzz being created at which
Segregation of buzz analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Majority of activities happening
throughout Twitter for
Snapdeal, maximum
interactions are micro blogs
based followed by forums
Social Media Listening
A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal, Flipkart & Amazon India
Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Snapdeal leads the way
in terms in mentions
throughout the web
Social Media Listening
Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources
Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Sentiment Analysis
through Blogs Sentiment Analysis
Social Media Listening
Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources
Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Sentiment Analysis
through News network
Sentiment Analysis
through Forums
Social Media Listening
Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources
Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Sentiment Analysis
through other social
media networks –
Facebook & Instagram
 Mentions are drawn out from different
sources subjectively
 The accuracy of every sentiment is up
to 80%
 Networks includes other social media
channels like Facebook & Instagram
Social Media Listening
Word Cloud Analysis – Vivo Mobiles
Positive Keyword Cloud Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
The positive and negative keyword analysis actually helps in identifying the conversations which help in
tracking more irate consumers and more brand influencer's
Social Media Listening
Gender Analysis – Snapdeal
Gender Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Gender analysis helps in
assimilating campaigns over
all reach and feasibility
within sections of population
Social Media Listening
Audience Age Analysis – Snapdeal
Audience Age Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Audience age segregation
divided as per the
conversation an individual
does and also on the basis
of information made
available publicly
Social Media Listening
Educational Background Analysis – Snapdeal
Educational Background Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Educational background
segregation based on
publicly available
information further divided
through conversation based
Social Media Listening
Mentions Source Analysis – Snapdeal
Mentions and Listening Source Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Majority of conversations
are happening through
Twitter followed by
coverage in News websites,
Forums and Blogs. People
are participating in regular
events and sales held by the
Social Media Listening
Mentions Source Analysis – Snapdeal
Mentions and Listening Source Analysis (Segregated) – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 -
Detailed and segregated
view of the article origins.
Twitter shares the
maximum buzz followed by
Instagram, clearly not
Lathesis – Everything Social
Why Social Media Analytical Reporting?
Social Media Analytics reporting helps you define your marketing strategy
Lathesis – Everything Social
How does This Actually Helps You?
Lathesis – Everything Social
How does This Actually Help You?
And more…
This is an outline of the research done on Indian Consumer’s
behavioural analysis and how the brand can benefit from this through
an effective integrated marketing campaign
Followership Demographics
The brand has a firm footing in the e-com industry with a huge followership.
63.69% of the audience, the brand has, lies in the age group of 18-40. Out of this again, the group most up
for e-com buying is that between 18-25. This shows that more millennials, age group 18-30 are following the
brand. These are the people who are the new age tech savvy and more likely to indulge in e-com buying
culture as opposed to their elder generation counterparts.
The brand stands as a direct competitor to some very popular and trusted e-com stores such as
Amazon and Flipkart. Direct competition does lead to some level of demographic division and thus the
brand is not able to generate maximum leverage from the market.
Also, the potential customers still have their doubts regarding shopping from online stores and are
skeptic towards the concept as a whole. About 55% customers weren’t satisfied with the feel and
appearance of the material purchased.
The over-all percentage of challenges or hurdles in online shopping can further be
broken down into smaller issues.
Current Market Standing
 India’s current value of the ecommerce
industry is estimated to be $3.1 billion.
 The industry has huge scope of growth
with big names such as Wipro and
Infosys siding up with e-com stores and
acquisition of smaller players by the
larger ones.
 The current value of Snapdeal stands at
$100 million which is bound to increase
with huge wave of e-com inclination in
potential customers.
The loss incurred per rupee spent is lowest for Snapdeal. This
clearly shows that it is in a much better place as compared to
established competitors.
Buying Behaviour
 As already established the one demographic targeted majorly are
the millennials. Studies show that more spending is done on clothes
as compared to any other item with electronics following close
behind. This is obvious as the new-gen is conscious about
appearances and is excellently tech-savvy too.
 There are several other motivational factors that influence the buying
behaviour of the millennials. These factors range from discounts and
low pricing to friend’s referrals.
Buying Behaviour
 Most millennials shop from online stores as per need basis which ranges to about 48% of the
total. However, if taken a close look, about 29% buy once in a month and so a chunk of the
population is almost a regular and repeat customer which is easy to tap.
 The maximum amount spent for a single purchase online mostly lies in the range of INR
2000 to INR 10,000. Almost 37% of the buyers are more susceptible to buy products
lying in this price range.
Buying Behaviour
 The targeted demographic also has a strong tendency to “Window Shop” on the online
store as surfing is easier as compared to visiting multiple stores. About 33% take to browsing
through the online shopping portal atleast twice a week.
 The targeted demographic uses specific store to buy specific product. About 60%
of the customers buy product from stores having specific expertise. This is why it is
absolutely necessary to focus and develop a niche in every department to gain
firm footing. Also, showcasing various product categories in attractive way from
time to time will not only generate knowledge among the customers but also
increase the chances of sales.
Buying Behaviour
 With the advent of Mobile age, majority of the targeted demographics uses
smartphones to access stores which has even led to such firm confidence that couple
of online stores have gone “app-only” and shut down their websites entirely.
 About 37% already made their first purchase from the online store through mobile
about an year ago.
 About 40% use their smartphones to make purchases which is more as compared to
websites. This proves the fact that smartphone users are more probable buyers and
are more susceptible to carry out a transaction.
Smartphone usage by the targeted demographics
Research Conclusion
The following research points to some very crystal clear and precise factors which lead us to a
decisive trend.
 The ideal age group for the targeted demographics must be 18 years to 30 years also known as “Millennial
Generation” since this is the core group which has both the motive as well as buying power to shop from an online
store. The motive being ease of use and possible attractive deals.
 The top buying category, or department so to speak, is CLOTHING. Clothes is the one commodity shopped the most
from online e-com stores with a staggering 56.18% of the total share of e-com expenditure by the millennials which is a
very clear and positive indication of both their buying inclination as well as love for clothes.
 Millennials or Gen-Y is self-dependent and a lot more inclined to spend on things they love. People want to make a
good and lasting impression and therefore have the capability to spend between a range of INR 2000 – INR 10000.
This shows excellent buying capability and drive of the targeted demographics.
 Also, the targeted demographics shop between a span of thrice a month to once a week which is fairly logical
with credit and debit card and availability of shopping stores right at the tip of their fingers. Not only is the buying
capacity high but is also quite frequent amongst the Gen-Y.
 Stores with specification in a particular category are favoured more by the targeted buyers. This is why it is extremely
important to prove the brand’s expertise in Clothing section to give t the well-deserved image of the ultimate
fashion stop.
Fashionista Of The Month
Fashionista Of The Month
The entire integrated marketing campaign revolves around boosting the market image of Snapdeal’s summer collection and
establishing the brand as a fashion stop-shop for the buyers by showcasing its awesome and fresh summer collection.
 The campaign would have a massive promotion from a week before both online and offline. It would be a step forward
to the “Dil Ki Deal”
 There would be 2 phases of the campaign, both with a dedicated hashtags. Hashtags maybe #StyleWaliSelfie and
 1st phase would leverage the craze and trend of selfies amongst the millennials. It would be an online campaign entirely
and would involve buying the summer collection, styling it in their own way, taking a selfie, posting on Facebook and
twitter with hashtag #StyleWaliSelfi. There would be weekly winners for this.
 2nd phase is all about being the fashion icon. Buyers would buy from collection and style it up in the most fashionable way
possible along themes such as club-wear, office-wear, casual-evening wear, etc. as per their choice. They would go to the
nearest “Snapdeal Fashion Studio” at selected malls and get clicked and upload it to their Facebook or twitter account
with hashtag #FashionistaOfTheMonth. Only 1 winner would be announced for the entire campaign for both the genders.
 The campaign would involve active participation from people and would create both online as well as offline buzz.
 Teaming up with fashion bloggers, insta fashion personalities, fashion tweepers would provide all the celebrity value to the
Campaign Outcomes
Since this campaign would be conducted both online as well as offline, therefore, the
cumulative effect of both would be far more extensive for the brand.
Short Term Benefits
 Positive Buzz creation for the brand
 Audience engagement
 Better connection between brand and buyer
 Better visibility of brand amongst competitors
 Increased sales of Summer collection leading to
increased ROI
Long Term Benefits
 Brand image established as a fashion hub
 Success in carving a niche which can be
extended further to other categories
 Conversation with customers leading to
formation of a pool of loyal followers of the
 Creation of a need for stylish and unique
design which can only be fulfilled by the brand
 Larger customer pool by tapping the potential
demographics too through the campaign
 Partnering with fashion influencers grants the
brand a posh and glamourous impression
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A social media competitor study between Snapdeal, Amazon and Flipkart

  • 1.
  • 2. Brand Social Media Analysis & Lathesis Capabilities Brief outline of Snapdeal India’s social media analysis over its competitors Amazon India and Flipkart India Analytical Overview
  • 3. Presentation Understanding The purpose – Brands often have their own understanding of social media ROI, but how actually it varies from the real results that they obtain? The objective – To study the social media channels presence of SnapDeal and its close competitors in India i.e. Amazon India and Flipkart To highlight the critical points of differences over social media participation and community building exercises adopted by Snapdeal and its competitors The Results – Brief analysis of social media presence over last couple of weeks, campaign highlights and brands sentiment analysis.
  • 4. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking Analysis Specifics Likes 4,757,489 PTAT 42,057 Engagement Rate 0.88% Post Per Day 4.33 Likes, Comments & Shares per post 468 Post Type Pictures – 62.5% Videos – 25% Links – 4.2% Content – 8.3% Response Rate 83% Response Time 15 Minutes Analysis Specifics Likes 4,735,312 PTAT 188,604 Engagement Rate 3.98% Post Per Day 4.66 Likes, Comments & Shares per post 1,384 Post Type Pictures – 25% Videos – 8.33% Links – 62.5% Content – 4.2% Response Rate 80% Response Time 16 Minutes Analysis Specifics Likes 3,270,873 PTAT 28,648 Engagement Rate 0.88% Post Per Day 5.57% Likes, Comments & Shares per post 211 Post Type Pictures – 83.3% Links – 16.7% Response Rate 26% Response Time 17 Minutes
  • 5. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Majority of market share/Fan base remains with Flipkart & Amazon India. Closely followed by SnapDeal India. SnapDeal is yet to register itself in the 4 million Facebook Fans Club!
  • 6. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Cumulative 30 days data from Facebook shows that Flipkart leads in terms of user engagement followed closely by Amazon India till 4th/5th May, gradually Flipkart increased its engagement levels KPI metrics of Fan base directly in proportion to engagement shows that Flipkart leads the way followed by Amazon, Snapdeal is way behind!
  • 7. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Past 30 days analysis of respective Facebook pages shows that the most interactive pages are of Flipkart and Amazon India, Snapdeal is dealing with really low levels of engagement.
  • 8. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Top Images shared in past 30 days Top videos shared in past 30 days Top status shared in past 30 days
  • 9. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Cumulative content pattern shows that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday remains the top most priority for content publishing for all 3 E-com giants 4.5 average number of post shared in a day by all 3 E-Com giants over last 30 days
  • 10. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 Past 30 days analysis of respective Facebook pages shows that the most interactive sessions happen on Wednesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s between 10 to 6 PM. This actually resembles the interactivity and 2 way communication to which people respond even on weekdays.
  • 11. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 67.5% shared content contained images, followed by 24.1% links, 7.7% were videos and 0.7% were only text status Videos shared by brands were the most engaged form of content followed closely by links! Videos shared – 32 Reactions per post – 5025 Links shared – 100 Reactions per post – 2794
  • 12. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 The red circle embarks the engagement activity of Snapdeal over last 30 days, Snapdeal hasn’t been able to gather any specific likes, comments or shares on its content continuously. The spikes indicate, virality of content shared by Amazon India and Flipkart.
  • 13. Social Media Analysis Facebook Analysis – Competitive Benchmarking 15th April 2015 – 15th May 2015 The size o bubble depicts the total number of post shared by a particular brand on its Facebook page. Snapdeal shared the highest number of post in last 30 days, but still falls behind Amazon India and Flipkart, in terms on user base and engagement Amazon India Engagement – 0.0011 Flipkart Engagement – 0.0037 Snapdeal Engagement – 0.00048
  • 14. Social Media Listening A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal India, Amazon India & Flipkart India We did a cumulative brand analysis across various platforms to understand the consumer perception about the three most famous Ecommerce giants in India. The analysis is a combined study of all the keyword specific data crawled from Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Blogs, Forums, News & Instagram. Lathesis further analysed this data to make more meaningful insights for brands and the conversation related to it.
  • 15. Social Media Listening A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal India, Amazon India & Flipkart India Methodology – We ran keywords specific to brands and crawled data not only from social media channels but throughout the web, this would give more clarity on the consumer’s general perception about brand ‘Snapdeal’. Keyword tracking – Lathesis owns competitive marketing and social media analytics tool, which can refer to a number of key metrics, unto 50 key metrics for Facebook & Twitter tracking, analysis and CRM. Key metrics and mentions – The mentions are crawled from throughout the web, from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, to news websites, forums and blogs. These mentions are then segregated as per their source and various analysis are done on the articles captured.
  • 16. Social Media Listening A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal, Flipkart & Amazon India Buzz Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - The brands buzz analysis is a cumulative study of mentions across web, from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Web, News websites, Blogs, Forums and RSS feedsSpikes peaked on 7th May and 10th May, mainly due to activities throughout web & digital media platform
  • 17. Social Media Listening A brand analysis of Snapdeal showing the maximum buzz being created at which platform Segregation of buzz analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Majority of activities happening throughout Twitter for Snapdeal, maximum interactions are micro blogs based followed by forums
  • 18. Social Media Listening A competitive brand analysis between Snapdeal, Flipkart & Amazon India Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Snapdeal leads the way in terms in mentions throughout the web
  • 19. Social Media Listening Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Sentiment Analysis through Blogs Sentiment Analysis through Microblogs/Twitter
  • 20. Social Media Listening Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Sentiment Analysis through News network Sentiment Analysis through Forums
  • 21. Social Media Listening Snapdeal sentiment analysis – Through different sources Sentiment Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Sentiment Analysis through other social media networks – Facebook & Instagram  Mentions are drawn out from different sources subjectively  The accuracy of every sentiment is up to 80%  Networks includes other social media channels like Facebook & Instagram
  • 22. Social Media Listening Word Cloud Analysis – Vivo Mobiles Positive Keyword Cloud Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - The positive and negative keyword analysis actually helps in identifying the conversations which help in tracking more irate consumers and more brand influencer's
  • 23. Social Media Listening Gender Analysis – Snapdeal Gender Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Gender analysis helps in assimilating campaigns over all reach and feasibility within sections of population
  • 24. Social Media Listening Audience Age Analysis – Snapdeal Audience Age Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Audience age segregation divided as per the conversation an individual does and also on the basis of information made available publicly
  • 25. Social Media Listening Educational Background Analysis – Snapdeal Educational Background Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Educational background segregation based on publicly available information further divided through conversation based algorithms
  • 26. Social Media Listening Mentions Source Analysis – Snapdeal Mentions and Listening Source Analysis – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Majority of conversations are happening through Twitter followed by coverage in News websites, Forums and Blogs. People are participating in regular events and sales held by the brand
  • 27. Social Media Listening Mentions Source Analysis – Snapdeal Mentions and Listening Source Analysis (Segregated) – 1st May 2015 till 18th May 2015 - Detailed and segregated view of the article origins. Twitter shares the maximum buzz followed by Instagram, clearly not Facebook!
  • 28. Lathesis – Everything Social Why Social Media Analytical Reporting? Social Media Analytics reporting helps you define your marketing strategy
  • 29. Lathesis – Everything Social How does This Actually Helps You?
  • 30. Lathesis – Everything Social How does This Actually Help You? And more…
  • 31. Snapdeal This is an outline of the research done on Indian Consumer’s behavioural analysis and how the brand can benefit from this through an effective integrated marketing campaign
  • 32. Followership Demographics The brand has a firm footing in the e-com industry with a huge followership. 63.69% of the audience, the brand has, lies in the age group of 18-40. Out of this again, the group most up for e-com buying is that between 18-25. This shows that more millennials, age group 18-30 are following the brand. These are the people who are the new age tech savvy and more likely to indulge in e-com buying culture as opposed to their elder generation counterparts.
  • 33. Challenges The brand stands as a direct competitor to some very popular and trusted e-com stores such as Amazon and Flipkart. Direct competition does lead to some level of demographic division and thus the brand is not able to generate maximum leverage from the market. Also, the potential customers still have their doubts regarding shopping from online stores and are skeptic towards the concept as a whole. About 55% customers weren’t satisfied with the feel and appearance of the material purchased. The over-all percentage of challenges or hurdles in online shopping can further be broken down into smaller issues.
  • 34. Current Market Standing  India’s current value of the ecommerce industry is estimated to be $3.1 billion.  The industry has huge scope of growth with big names such as Wipro and Infosys siding up with e-com stores and acquisition of smaller players by the larger ones.  The current value of Snapdeal stands at $100 million which is bound to increase with huge wave of e-com inclination in potential customers. The loss incurred per rupee spent is lowest for Snapdeal. This clearly shows that it is in a much better place as compared to established competitors.
  • 35. Buying Behaviour  As already established the one demographic targeted majorly are the millennials. Studies show that more spending is done on clothes as compared to any other item with electronics following close behind. This is obvious as the new-gen is conscious about appearances and is excellently tech-savvy too.  There are several other motivational factors that influence the buying behaviour of the millennials. These factors range from discounts and low pricing to friend’s referrals.
  • 36. Buying Behaviour  Most millennials shop from online stores as per need basis which ranges to about 48% of the total. However, if taken a close look, about 29% buy once in a month and so a chunk of the population is almost a regular and repeat customer which is easy to tap.  The maximum amount spent for a single purchase online mostly lies in the range of INR 2000 to INR 10,000. Almost 37% of the buyers are more susceptible to buy products lying in this price range.
  • 37. Buying Behaviour  The targeted demographic also has a strong tendency to “Window Shop” on the online store as surfing is easier as compared to visiting multiple stores. About 33% take to browsing through the online shopping portal atleast twice a week.  The targeted demographic uses specific store to buy specific product. About 60% of the customers buy product from stores having specific expertise. This is why it is absolutely necessary to focus and develop a niche in every department to gain firm footing. Also, showcasing various product categories in attractive way from time to time will not only generate knowledge among the customers but also increase the chances of sales.
  • 38. Buying Behaviour  With the advent of Mobile age, majority of the targeted demographics uses smartphones to access stores which has even led to such firm confidence that couple of online stores have gone “app-only” and shut down their websites entirely.  About 37% already made their first purchase from the online store through mobile about an year ago.  About 40% use their smartphones to make purchases which is more as compared to websites. This proves the fact that smartphone users are more probable buyers and are more susceptible to carry out a transaction. Smartphone usage by the targeted demographics
  • 39. Research Conclusion The following research points to some very crystal clear and precise factors which lead us to a decisive trend.  The ideal age group for the targeted demographics must be 18 years to 30 years also known as “Millennial Generation” since this is the core group which has both the motive as well as buying power to shop from an online store. The motive being ease of use and possible attractive deals.  The top buying category, or department so to speak, is CLOTHING. Clothes is the one commodity shopped the most from online e-com stores with a staggering 56.18% of the total share of e-com expenditure by the millennials which is a very clear and positive indication of both their buying inclination as well as love for clothes.  Millennials or Gen-Y is self-dependent and a lot more inclined to spend on things they love. People want to make a good and lasting impression and therefore have the capability to spend between a range of INR 2000 – INR 10000. This shows excellent buying capability and drive of the targeted demographics.  Also, the targeted demographics shop between a span of thrice a month to once a week which is fairly logical with credit and debit card and availability of shopping stores right at the tip of their fingers. Not only is the buying capacity high but is also quite frequent amongst the Gen-Y.  Stores with specification in a particular category are favoured more by the targeted buyers. This is why it is extremely important to prove the brand’s expertise in Clothing section to give t the well-deserved image of the ultimate fashion stop.
  • 41. Fashionista Of The Month The entire integrated marketing campaign revolves around boosting the market image of Snapdeal’s summer collection and establishing the brand as a fashion stop-shop for the buyers by showcasing its awesome and fresh summer collection.  The campaign would have a massive promotion from a week before both online and offline. It would be a step forward to the “Dil Ki Deal”  There would be 2 phases of the campaign, both with a dedicated hashtags. Hashtags maybe #StyleWaliSelfie and #FashionistaOfTheMonth.  1st phase would leverage the craze and trend of selfies amongst the millennials. It would be an online campaign entirely and would involve buying the summer collection, styling it in their own way, taking a selfie, posting on Facebook and twitter with hashtag #StyleWaliSelfi. There would be weekly winners for this.  2nd phase is all about being the fashion icon. Buyers would buy from collection and style it up in the most fashionable way possible along themes such as club-wear, office-wear, casual-evening wear, etc. as per their choice. They would go to the nearest “Snapdeal Fashion Studio” at selected malls and get clicked and upload it to their Facebook or twitter account with hashtag #FashionistaOfTheMonth. Only 1 winner would be announced for the entire campaign for both the genders.  The campaign would involve active participation from people and would create both online as well as offline buzz.  Teaming up with fashion bloggers, insta fashion personalities, fashion tweepers would provide all the celebrity value to the campaign.
  • 42. Campaign Outcomes Since this campaign would be conducted both online as well as offline, therefore, the cumulative effect of both would be far more extensive for the brand. Short Term Benefits  Positive Buzz creation for the brand  Audience engagement  Better connection between brand and buyer  Better visibility of brand amongst competitors  Increased sales of Summer collection leading to increased ROI Long Term Benefits  Brand image established as a fashion hub  Success in carving a niche which can be extended further to other categories  Conversation with customers leading to formation of a pool of loyal followers of the brand  Creation of a need for stylish and unique design which can only be fulfilled by the brand  Larger customer pool by tapping the potential demographics too through the campaign  Partnering with fashion influencers grants the brand a posh and glamourous impression
  • 43. Download free E-Books from Visit our blogs on Let’s keep in touch at Call us at +91-9873043934 Thank you!