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                    IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA:

                                         Rommel C. Banlaoi

INTRODUCTION                                        proposes the adoption of a functionalist
                                                    option to manage existing conflicts in
        One of the major irritants in               the South China Sea.3
China-ASEAN relations is the on-going
dispute in the South China Sea. Because             A FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH TO
of the intransigence of claimants, the              THE MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICTS
dispute already resulted in some
military clashes prompting some experts                    The functionalist approach is an
and practitioners to describe the area as           approach in international relations that
a potential trigger of major conflicts in           grapples with the process of regional
the Asia Pacific region.1                           cooperation and integration.          The
                                                    approach is based on the assumption
        How to manage the conflict in               that the cooperation among nations in
the area has been baffling the minds of             functional areas limits the possibility of
strategic analysts and practitioners in the         war and conflicts among cooperating
region. But there are scholars who have             nations. As the habit of cooperation in
proposed some policy options             to         functional areas deepens and widens,
manage the conflict.2         This paper            prospects for integration becomes more
                                                    and more promising, which may in turn
         *Paper prepared for presentation during    lead to a more stable and peaceful
the Fourth China-ASEAN Research Institutes          regional and international security
Roundtable at the University of Hong Kong from
18-20 October 2001. This paper was also based on
the author’s paper entitled, “A Functionalist
Approach to the Management of Conflicts in the               Cooperation in Low Politics
South China Sea: Option for the ASEAN Regional
Forum”, NDCP Occasional Paper, Vol. IV, No. 8
                                                          David Mitrany, in his book A
(August 2001).
                                                    Working Peace System, introduces and
          1Ralph A. Cossa, "Security Implications

of Conflict in the South China Sea: Exploring
Potential Triggers of Conflict", A Pacific Forum
CSIS Special Report ", PacNet Newsletter #16.
April 17, 1998.                                              3Rommel    C. Banlaoi, "The ASEAN
          2 See for example, Lu Ning, Flashpoint    Regional Forum and the Management of Conflicts
Spratlys (Singapore: Dolphin Trace Press Pte Ltd,   in the South China Sea," NDCP Occasional Paper,
1995) and Mark Valencia, Mark Jon M. Van Dyke       Vol. IV, No. 4 (March 2001), pp. 25-26.
and Noel A. Ludwig, Sharing the Resources of the
South China Sea, Paperback edition. Hawaii:
University of Hawaii Press, 1997.

popularizes the functionalist approach.4             governments.6 These tasks can best be
Otherwise known as functionalism, it                 addressed by highly trained specialists
offers alternative approach to the                   or experts than by politicians.
management of inter-state conflicts
through cooperation in low-politics and                      Mitrany believes that "the
non-controversial areas.5                            emergence of technical issues would
                                                     lead first to the felt of perceived need for
        Mitrany      believes  that    the           collaborative action, devoid of a
attainment of world peace can be made                political, or conflictual, content" and
possible         through      cooperative            therefore can be assigned to technical
undertakings in various functionalist                experts     "whose       approaches    were
areas such as          education, health,            essentially      based      on     apolitical
economics, environment, science and                  considerations."7
technology, culture and sports.        He
argues that international conflicts can be                   Cooperation among political
avoided       and     managed     through            elite, on the other hand, is hard to
international cooperation not among                  prosper, according to Mitrany, as they
political elite but among technical people           carry controversial agenda such as
with no political agenda nor political               security and politics.    Political elite
motives such as engineers, scientists,               seldom agree with each other not only
economists, academics, and medical                   because of their varying political
specialists.                                         motives and agenda but also because
                                                     they view security and politics from
        Mitrany adheres to the idea that             different philosophical and ideological
cooperation among technicians brings                 perspectives.
more cooperation as they carry non-
controversial agenda acceptable to all                             The Doctrine of Ramification
parties concerned. Experts and technical
people also have the capability to                           Crucial to the understanding of
develop common standards, by virtue of               Mitrany’s functionalist approach is the
their respective disciplines, to guide               doctrine of ramification.   The doctrine
their cooperative undertakings.                      states that "Successful cooperation in one
                                                     functional setting would enhance
         Cooperation Among Experts and               incentive for collaboration in other
               Specialists                           fields". The doctrine also posits that the
                                                     "perceived need in one functional task
       According to Mitrany,        the              would itself contribute to a change in
complexity of governmental systems in                attitudes in favor of even greater
the twentieth century has increased the              cooperation over a widening spectrum
technical/functionalist  tasks   facing              of issues."8

                                                              6See   James E. Dougherty and Robert L.
        4DavidMitrany, A Working Peace System        Pfaltzgraft Jr., Contending Theories of International
(London: Royal Institute of International Affairs,   Relations: A Comprehensive Survey, Fourth Edition
1943).                                               (New York:          Addison-Wesley Educational
                                                     Publishers, Inc., 1997), Chapter 10.
          5David    Mitrany, "The Functionalist
Approach to World Organization", International                7   Ibid., p. 422.
Affairs, XXIV (July 1948).

Guided by the doctrine of                            Cooperation Among Relevant
ramification, Mitrany emphasizes that                               Elite
the broadening and widening of
cooperation diminishes the prospect for                    Unlike Mitrany who pays prime
and eventually eliminate war through an            importance on the role of technical
incremental       transformation     from          people and experts, Haas posits that
adversarial to cooperative pattern of              European integration has proceeded as a
behavior.       The transformation of              result of the work of relevant elite in the
behavioral pattern is incremental or               government and private sectors who
gradual because the ramification effect            supported integration for pragmatic
takes time. Apparently, the doctrine of            reasons.11
ramification works in tandem with the
doctrine of incrementalism which also                      For example, the removal of
states that the broadening and widening            barriers to coal and steel trade would
of cooperation is a gradual process.               increase markets and profits beneficial to
                                                   stakeholders.    Haas underscores that
    The Neo-Functionalist Approach                 elite "anticipating that they will gain
                                                   from activity within a supranational
         Another variant of functional             organizational framework are likely to
approach is the neo-functional approach            seek out similarly minded elite across
first introduced by Ernst Haas and later           national frontiers."12 This leads to more
adopted and improved by Philippe                   cooperation.
Schmitter, Leon Linberg, Joseph Nye,
Robert      Keohane    and     Lawrence                    As a result of the learning
Scheineman.  9                                     process of cooperation, Haas assumes
                                                   that     power-oriented     governmental
        In his work, The Uniting of                activities may eventually lead to a
Europe, Haas identifies the political,             welfare-oriented action – a functionalist
social and economic forces that led to the         oriented action. As players realize the
creation of the European Coal and Steel            importance of cooperation through
Community (ECSC), the forerunner of                increased commitment to a larger
the European Union (EU).10 Haas argues             organizational unit, the learning process
that the decision to integrate Western             of cooperation may lead to greater
Europe is not based on altruistic                  integration.13 Haas points out that the
considerations but on the expectations of          "Integrative lessons learned in one
gain or loss held by dominant groups               functional context will be applied in
and forces within the unit to be                   others, thus eventually supplanting
integrated.                                        international politics."14

                                                           11Ibid.,   p. 13.
                                                           12See   Dougherty and Pfaltzgraft, p. 423.
        9Fora more elaborate discussion, see
Dougherty and Pfaltzgraft (1997).                          13Ibid.

           10Ernst Haas, The Uniting of Europe:             14Robert Pfatlzgraft, Jr. Britain Faces

Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950-1957   Europe, 1957-1967 (Philadelphia: University of
(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1958).       Pennsylvania Press, 1969), p. 48.

The Spill-Over Effect              parts of the world’s ocean which is a
                                                 bone of contention among stakeholders.
        Important to the understanding
of Haas neo-functionalist approach is the             Managing the South China Sea
concept of spill-over. The spill-over effect,       Conflicts: Lessons from Other Seas
or what Mitrany calls as ramification
effect, states that cooperation in one                   In the Baltic Sea,         marine
functional area may lead to further              scientists have been involved in various
cooperation in other areas that may              forms of cooperation in marine policy.
include the political area. This "gradual        These marine scientists have played a
politicization" of relevant players may          vital role in enacting national legislation
lead to the deepening and widening of            in various regional agreements aiming
integration process.                             to manage disputes over continental
                                                 shelf boundaries in the Baltic Sea.16
        In the “gradual politicization           Disputes have also been mitigated by a
process”, functional issues previously           web of both bilateral and multilateral
considered      "technical"    and     "non-     agreements initiated by experts and
controversial" become "political" because        specialists with the support of political
in reaction to initial "technical" purposes,     leaders.
relevant players eventually agree to
apply the spectrum of political means                    In the Mediterranean Sea, marine
deemed appropriate to attain them.15             scientists took an active part in
                                                 numerous cooperative actions by the
MANAGING CONFLICTS IN                            coastal states to protect the environment.
THE SOUTH CHINA                                  They participated in the making of the
SEA THE FUNCTIONALIST WAY                        Barcelona Convention for the Protection
                                                 of the Mediterranean Sea and its five
        There are functional areas where         protocols.17
experts and elite in China and ASEAN
claimants may cooperate to manage                       In the North Sea, marine
conflicts in the South China. Marine             regionalism may also be seen through
scientists in China and ASEAN                    the efforts of the marine scientists to
claimants involved in various types of           arrive at a comprehensive sea-use
research in the South China Sea may              planning which aims to develop a
contribute to the management of                  “balanced and effective battery of
conflicts in the South China Sea. Marine         instruments for both national and
scientists in these countries may learn
lessons from a group of marine scientists
engaged in research in the Baltic Sea, the
North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea , the                     16See  Ton Ijstra, “Development of
Arctic Sea, and the Antarctic Ocean.             Resource Jurisdiction in the EC’s Regional Seas:
                                                 National EEZ Policy of EC Member States in the
This group of marine scientists advance          Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, and
the idea of marine regionalism, which            the Baltic Sea”, Ocean Development and
provides a framework for a coordinated           International Law, Vol. 23 (1992).
marine scientific research in various
                                                          17 Ibid. Also in Mark Valencia, Jon M.

                                                 Van Dyke and Noel A. Ludwig, Sharing the
                                                 Resources of the South China Sea, Paperback edition
                                                 (Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1997), p.
        15Dougherty   and Pflatzgraft, p. 423.   150.

international   administration                     and   Through their reliable scientific findings,
management” of the North Sea.”                           experts and scientists push for the
                                                         collective protection of the Antarctic
       In the Antarctic Ocean, the                       Treaty for the benefit of all claimant
Antarctic Treaty is an excellent model                   states. Instead of competing for the
where marine scientists in the South                     resources of the Antarctic, experts and
China Sea may learn a lot of lessons                     scientists propose a model that upholds
from. According to Jim Barnes, the                       the collective utilization of Antarctica
Treaty can serve as a practical model to                 and its resources through “joint
resolve disputes in the South China                      management”. Experts and scientists
Sea.18                                                   also uphold the idea of making the
                                                         Antarctic a pristine world park and “a
         The Antarctic Treaty Model                      center for peaceful scientific inquiry.”
(ATM) provides a model to manage                         Thus, the Antarctic Treaty guarantees for
conflicts. The ATM, which was signed                     the collective governance of the
in 1959, calls for the eventual                          Antarctic Ocean.
demilitarization of the area.     As a
demilitarized area, the twelve claimant
states are strongly urged to prohibit                    Marine Scientists and Functionalism in
“any measures of military rule, such as                           the South China Sea
the establishment of military bases and
fortifications, the carrying out military                        Learning lessons from the other
maneuvers, and the testing of any types                  Seas particularly the Antarctic Ocean,
of weapon.”19                                            there is now a proposal among marine
                                                         scientists engaged in scientific research
        The ATM also upholds the                         in the South China Sea to declare the
collective utilization of the resources in               disputed area a neutral area. There is a
Antarctica. For any disputes that may                    move among marine scientists           to
arise, the ATM mandates the use of                       convert the South China Sea into a
“negotiation,      inquiry,     mediation,               marine park.21
conciliation,      arbitration,    judicial
settlement, or other peaceful means of                           This proposal is based on the
their own choice” to manage conflicts in                 scientific findings that the South China
the area20                                               Sea is known breeding ground for tuna
                                                         fish and other fish resources that migrate
        What is notable in the ATM is the                into nearby fishing areas of claimant
vital role played by experts and                         states.
scientists in convincing political leaders
to eschew political issues in the area and                      Marine scientists also describe
to start cooperating in functional areas.                the South China Sea as “the center of
                                                         marine generic richness and diversity in
        18Jim Barnes, “Using the Antarctic Treaty        the world” and a macro-ecosystem
as the Basis for Resolving the Spratly Islands           characterized by “high bio-diversity and
Dispute” (14 May 1999).

         19See Article XI, Section 1 of the 1959                   21John  .W. McManus, “The Spratly
Antarctic Treaty.                                        Islands: A Marine Park Alternative” ICLARM
                                                         Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3 (July 1992). Also see his
         20Ibid.                                         “The Spratly Islands: A Marine Park”, Ambio,
                                                         Vol. 23, No. 3 (1994), pp. 181-186.

fisheries productivity” due to the                  Within the parks, all economic activity
“intrinsic connectivity of coral reefs, sea-        should be prohibited except environment-
grass, and mangrove forests.”22 Because             friendly tourism. The Spratlys are thus given
the South China Sea is the locus of                 back to their original inhabitants.26
complex ecological connectivities, the
area has been considered a “savings
bank” of all claimant states.23                            Dr. Celso R. Roque, President of
                                                    the World Wide Fund for Nature
        By turning the South China Sea              Philippines (WWF Philippines), also
into a neutral international marine park,           subscribes with the proposal to convert
marine scientists and experts firmly                the South China Sea into a marine park
believe that “all claimants could                   with the Antarctic Treaty as a model. In
continue to benefit from the living                 the WWF study, Roque underscores:
resources emanating from the area.”24
By so doing, they argue that “a host of                      The main idea of an approach based
potential conflicts could be avoided”               on the Antarctic Treaty Model (ATM) and
including the tens of millions of dollars           its protocols is the moratorium on all claims
being spend annually on maintaining                 to sovereignty for a long period, sauy 30-50
garrisons of troops that are used to                years. The Spratly Islands and vicinity will
guard against every claimant states.25              be considered, in ther interregnum, as an
                                                    International Marine Park or World
       This proposal is gaining support             Heritage Site. The principal purpose of the
from other scholars abroad.        Stein            site will be for conservation and scientific
Tonnesson, Director of the International            research.     Fisheries may be allowed in
Peace Research Institute based in Oslo              accordance with a sustainable management
and who has been writing intensively                regime. Mineral activities will also be
about the issue of the South China Sea,             suspended for the duration of the Treaty.
agrees to the functionalist approach of             Demilitarization of the entire area is
managing conflicts in the South China               imperartive.      The claimants and other
Sea. In one of his writings, Tonnesson              stakeholders such as the scientific
strongly propose that:                              community may agree on a Framework of
                                                    Joint Management.27
        All claimants transfer their alleged
sovereignty over the Spratlys to a regional or             In his letter to then Philippine
international authority, which is set up to         Defense Secretary Orlando S. Mercado,
administer a system of marine nature parks.         Roque contends that the ATM will be
                                                    beneficial to all parties, without
                                                    permanently giving up claims to
         22 Miguel D. Fortes, “The Role of Marine   sovereignty. Roque even recommended
Environmental Science in the Western Philippine     to Mercado to get cabinet approval of
Seas”, University of the Philippines Marine
Science Institute (Unpublished, 1999), p.

        23See  Clarita R. Carlos, “Ecological                26Stein Tonnesson, “Here’s How to Settle
Connectivity in the South China Sea” (National      the Rocky Disputes in the South China Sea” in
Defense College of the Philippines, unpublished     International Herald Tribune,m (6 September 2000).
paper, 2001).                                       Also see “Settling South China Sea disputes", The
                                                    Straits Times (7 September 2000).
        24McManus,   p. 6.
                                                             27Letter of Dr. Celso R. Roque to then
        25Ibid.                                     Secretary Orlando S. Mercado on 1 July 1999.

the ATM approach to the ASEAN which         sovereignty in the South China Sea .
will draft a Treaty on the South China      Participants rather focus on other
Sea.28                                      subjects that may trigger cooperation
                                            rather than conflict on the issue. Their
The Role of Experts, Non-Governmental       activities include mutual sharing of
 Players an Governments in Managing         scientific findings and legal opinions.
   Conflicts in the South China Sea
                                                    Aside from the Workshop,
        Functionalism pays attention to     experts and practitioners from the
the vital role of experts, non-             United        Nations      Environmental
governmental      players    and    even    Programme (UNEP) initiated a project
governments in the management of            on the South China Sea with the aim of
conflicts.   In the South China Sea,        offering alternative approach to manage
experts, non-governmental players and       conflicts in the disputed territoy. UNEP
even some government officials have         project led to the development of the
been initiating functionalist projects to   Strategic Action Program for the South
manage conflicts in the area.               China Sea. Officials from Cambodia,
                                            Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philipines, and
        Aiming to manage potential          Thailand signed the Strategic Action
conflicts in the South China Sea, two       Program for implementation.
experts (Ambassador Hasji, Djalal of
Indonesia and Prof. Ian Townsend-                    However, political problems in
Gault of Canada) initiated a series of      China prevented the program to be
informal multilateral workshops on the      implemented.        Although Chinese
issue. Internationally known as the         experts and officials were involved in
Workshop on Managing Potential              the preparation stages, the Chinese
Conflicts in the South China Sea, the       Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to
series of meetings started in 1990 two      sign. According to Tom Naes of the
years after the military confrontation      University of Oslo, “The UNEP
between China and Vietnam over the          initiative, which was aimed at
issue of the Spratlys.                      improving management and protection
                                            of the marine environment of the South
        The primary objective of the        China Sea, ran into difficulties because
Workshop was to initially gather the        China has unresolved sovereignty
parties for discussions on how to           conflicts with its Southeast Asian
manage the conflict in the South China      neighbors.” 29 Despite that, ASEAN
Sea in the light of the provisions of the   experts and officials continue to engage
1982 United Nations Convention on the       China in various          peaceful and
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Since its          confidence building talks through the
creation, four technical working groups
have been created dealing with legal
matters and scientific research. All                  29 Tom Næss, Environment and Security in
meetings of the Workshop uphold some        the South China Sea Region: The Role of Experts,
functionalist assumptions when the          Non-Governmental Actors and Governments in
participants set aside the sensitive and    Regime Building Processes .A thesis for the Cand.
                                            Polit. degree at the Department of Political
highly      controversial    issue     of
                                            Science, University of Oslo, December 1999.
                                            Published in the SUM Dissertations & Thesis
                                            series as No. 1/2000 (ISSN 0806-475X). Also see in

ARF and the               South   China   Sea   Working Group in managing conflicts
Workshops.                                      in the South China Sea.

        Another initiatives undertaken          FUNCTIONALIST OPTION FOR
by experts to manage conflicts in the           CHINA AND ASEAN CLAIMANT
South China Sea is the formation of the         STATES
Association of Southeast Marine
Scientists (ASEAMS) in 1986.         The                To effectively manage conflicts
ASEAMS aims to provide independent,             in the South China Sea, China and the
expert scientific advice regarding              ASEAN claimants may seriously adopt
programs being implemented in the               the functionalist option. The various
East Asian Sea region including the             collaborative efforts initiated by the
South China Sea.        Its participants        Council for Security Cooperation in the
included not only marine experts but            Asia Pacific (CSCAP), the Indonesian-
also members of non-governmental                Canadian Workshops on the South
organizations        (NGOs)          and        China Sea and other Tract Two
intergovernmental          organizations        activities in the region are proper venue
(IGOs). However, the ASEAMS was                 where experts and scholars in China
dissolved in 1996 due to funding                and ASEAN claimants may cooperate
constraints.                                    in managing disputes in the South
                                                China Sea.
         Aside     from     the     above-
mentioned initiatives of marine experts,                Eschewing the discussion on
there are still a lot of initiatives from       the sovereignty aspect of the South
other groups. These initiatives are             China Sea issue      is a very useful
discussed in the study of Tom Naes              strategic move to lay down the proper
who examines the extent to which                framework for a fruitful cooperation in
maritime experts and organizations              functional areas.
working with environmental issues can
facilitate the establishment of an ocean               Rather than focusing on the
management regime in the South China            ownership of territory, China and
Sea.                                            ASEAN claimants shall push for
         Describing     how      scientists     maritime security. Rather than focusing
interact at the regional level, Naes            on a highly sensitive issue of
articulates       some        functionalist     sovereignty, the China and ASEAN
assumptions when he tries to “discuss           claimants shall uphold cooperation in
the likelihood that the regional scientific     navigation, communication, shipping
community will obtain political enough          and environmental research.31
influence (sic) to make environmental
questions take precedence in regional                 Shelving the sovereignty issue
politics.”30 He also describes the factors      and upholding the functionalist issues
that prevent scientists from influencing        may provide peaceful solution of the
decision-makers in so far as ocean              South China Sea conflict. This is an
management is concerned. Naes also
discussed the role of the Council for
Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific                  31See Ramses Amer, “Towards a
(CSCAP)        Maritime       Cooperation       Declaration on Navigational Rights in the Sea-
                                                lanes of the Asia Pacific”, Contemporary
       30Ibid.,   p. 4.                         Southeast Asia, Vol. 20, No. 1 (April 1998).

alternative option         for    China      and
ASEAN claimants.

        To manage the South China Sea                 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
conflict the functionalist way, China
and ASEAN claimants shall create a                            By upholding functionalism –
climate of cooperation dominated by                   the low politics approach, China and
low politics. To do this, China and                   ASEAN claimants may manage existing
ASEAN claimants shall encourage more                  conflicts in the South China Sea through
the    participation   of   like-minded               the development of habits of cooperation
scientists and experts engaged in                     among experts, scientists and political
various functionalist areas of research.              leaders.       By enhancing regional
As experiences of other regions have                  cooperation in low politics area,
shown,      the establishment of like-                cooperation in high politics area may
minded group of scientists and experts                eventually occur. As articulated by then
engaged in functional cooperation in                  Philippine Defense Secretary Mercado:
conflict ridded area has changed the
both the normative and casual beliefs of                       The regional “low politics” approach
decision-makers.32     This like-minded               is appropriate for the short-and-medium-
group of scientists and experts has                   term objectives…in the South China Sea.
formed an “epistemic community”                       This will enhance the use of “high politics”
which is an integrated, transnational                 approach in the long-term. By promoting
network of scientists that can influence              habits of cooperation or building confidence
decision makers.33                                    through the “low politics” approach, “high
                                                      politics” issues will have greater access of
        China and ASEAN claimants                     resolution.34
may capitalize on these experiences.
They shall exert efforts to provide a
climate of cooperation in the disputed
area dominated not by high politics but
by low politics.       They may also
encourage the development of an
“epistemic community” to help all
claimants functionally manage the
conflict in the South China Sea.

          32Tom Naes, “Epistemic Communities

and Environmental Cooperation in the South
China Sea” (Paper presented during the
Workshops on the Conflict in the South China Sea
held in Oslo, Norway on 24-26 April 1999).
          33Ibid.  Also see Peter Haas (ed),                   34 Orlando S. Mercado, “Philippine

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______________. “Settling South China Sea disputes", The Straits Times
      (7 September 2000).

Valencia, Mark Jon M. Van Dyke and Noel A. Ludwig, Sharing the Resources of the South
       China Sea, Paperback edition. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1997.


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A Functionalist Approach in the South China Sea Disputes

  • 1. A FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICTS IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA: OPTION FOR CHINA AND ASEAN CLAIMANTS* Rommel C. Banlaoi INTRODUCTION proposes the adoption of a functionalist option to manage existing conflicts in One of the major irritants in the South China Sea.3 China-ASEAN relations is the on-going dispute in the South China Sea. Because A FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH TO of the intransigence of claimants, the THE MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICTS dispute already resulted in some military clashes prompting some experts The functionalist approach is an and practitioners to describe the area as approach in international relations that a potential trigger of major conflicts in grapples with the process of regional the Asia Pacific region.1 cooperation and integration. The approach is based on the assumption How to manage the conflict in that the cooperation among nations in the area has been baffling the minds of functional areas limits the possibility of strategic analysts and practitioners in the war and conflicts among cooperating region. But there are scholars who have nations. As the habit of cooperation in proposed some policy options to functional areas deepens and widens, manage the conflict.2 This paper prospects for integration becomes more and more promising, which may in turn *Paper prepared for presentation during lead to a more stable and peaceful the Fourth China-ASEAN Research Institutes regional and international security Roundtable at the University of Hong Kong from 18-20 October 2001. This paper was also based on environment. the author’s paper entitled, “A Functionalist Approach to the Management of Conflicts in the Cooperation in Low Politics South China Sea: Option for the ASEAN Regional Forum”, NDCP Occasional Paper, Vol. IV, No. 8 David Mitrany, in his book A (August 2001). Working Peace System, introduces and 1Ralph A. Cossa, "Security Implications of Conflict in the South China Sea: Exploring Potential Triggers of Conflict", A Pacific Forum CSIS Special Report ", PacNet Newsletter #16. April 17, 1998. 3Rommel C. Banlaoi, "The ASEAN 2 See for example, Lu Ning, Flashpoint Regional Forum and the Management of Conflicts Spratlys (Singapore: Dolphin Trace Press Pte Ltd, in the South China Sea," NDCP Occasional Paper, 1995) and Mark Valencia, Mark Jon M. Van Dyke Vol. IV, No. 4 (March 2001), pp. 25-26. and Noel A. Ludwig, Sharing the Resources of the South China Sea, Paperback edition. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1997. 1
  • 2. popularizes the functionalist approach.4 governments.6 These tasks can best be Otherwise known as functionalism, it addressed by highly trained specialists offers alternative approach to the or experts than by politicians. management of inter-state conflicts through cooperation in low-politics and Mitrany believes that "the non-controversial areas.5 emergence of technical issues would lead first to the felt of perceived need for Mitrany believes that the collaborative action, devoid of a attainment of world peace can be made political, or conflictual, content" and possible through cooperative therefore can be assigned to technical undertakings in various functionalist experts "whose approaches were areas such as education, health, essentially based on apolitical economics, environment, science and considerations."7 technology, culture and sports. He argues that international conflicts can be Cooperation among political avoided and managed through elite, on the other hand, is hard to international cooperation not among prosper, according to Mitrany, as they political elite but among technical people carry controversial agenda such as with no political agenda nor political security and politics. Political elite motives such as engineers, scientists, seldom agree with each other not only economists, academics, and medical because of their varying political specialists. motives and agenda but also because they view security and politics from Mitrany adheres to the idea that different philosophical and ideological cooperation among technicians brings perspectives. more cooperation as they carry non- controversial agenda acceptable to all The Doctrine of Ramification parties concerned. Experts and technical people also have the capability to Crucial to the understanding of develop common standards, by virtue of Mitrany’s functionalist approach is the their respective disciplines, to guide doctrine of ramification. The doctrine their cooperative undertakings. states that "Successful cooperation in one functional setting would enhance Cooperation Among Experts and incentive for collaboration in other Specialists fields". The doctrine also posits that the "perceived need in one functional task According to Mitrany, the would itself contribute to a change in complexity of governmental systems in attitudes in favor of even greater the twentieth century has increased the cooperation over a widening spectrum technical/functionalist tasks facing of issues."8 6See James E. Dougherty and Robert L. 4DavidMitrany, A Working Peace System Pfaltzgraft Jr., Contending Theories of International (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, Relations: A Comprehensive Survey, Fourth Edition 1943). (New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc., 1997), Chapter 10. 5David Mitrany, "The Functionalist Approach to World Organization", International 7 Ibid., p. 422. Affairs, XXIV (July 1948). 2
  • 3. Guided by the doctrine of Cooperation Among Relevant ramification, Mitrany emphasizes that Elite the broadening and widening of cooperation diminishes the prospect for Unlike Mitrany who pays prime and eventually eliminate war through an importance on the role of technical incremental transformation from people and experts, Haas posits that adversarial to cooperative pattern of European integration has proceeded as a behavior. The transformation of result of the work of relevant elite in the behavioral pattern is incremental or government and private sectors who gradual because the ramification effect supported integration for pragmatic takes time. Apparently, the doctrine of reasons.11 ramification works in tandem with the doctrine of incrementalism which also For example, the removal of states that the broadening and widening barriers to coal and steel trade would of cooperation is a gradual process. increase markets and profits beneficial to stakeholders. Haas underscores that The Neo-Functionalist Approach elite "anticipating that they will gain from activity within a supranational Another variant of functional organizational framework are likely to approach is the neo-functional approach seek out similarly minded elite across first introduced by Ernst Haas and later national frontiers."12 This leads to more adopted and improved by Philippe cooperation. Schmitter, Leon Linberg, Joseph Nye, Robert Keohane and Lawrence As a result of the learning Scheineman. 9 process of cooperation, Haas assumes that power-oriented governmental In his work, The Uniting of activities may eventually lead to a Europe, Haas identifies the political, welfare-oriented action – a functionalist social and economic forces that led to the oriented action. As players realize the creation of the European Coal and Steel importance of cooperation through Community (ECSC), the forerunner of increased commitment to a larger the European Union (EU).10 Haas argues organizational unit, the learning process that the decision to integrate Western of cooperation may lead to greater Europe is not based on altruistic integration.13 Haas points out that the considerations but on the expectations of "Integrative lessons learned in one gain or loss held by dominant groups functional context will be applied in and forces within the unit to be others, thus eventually supplanting integrated. international politics."14 11Ibid., p. 13. 8Ibid. 12See Dougherty and Pfaltzgraft, p. 423. 9Fora more elaborate discussion, see Dougherty and Pfaltzgraft (1997). 13Ibid. 10Ernst Haas, The Uniting of Europe: 14Robert Pfatlzgraft, Jr. Britain Faces Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950-1957 Europe, 1957-1967 (Philadelphia: University of (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1958). Pennsylvania Press, 1969), p. 48. 3
  • 4. The Spill-Over Effect parts of the world’s ocean which is a bone of contention among stakeholders. Important to the understanding of Haas neo-functionalist approach is the Managing the South China Sea concept of spill-over. The spill-over effect, Conflicts: Lessons from Other Seas or what Mitrany calls as ramification effect, states that cooperation in one In the Baltic Sea, marine functional area may lead to further scientists have been involved in various cooperation in other areas that may forms of cooperation in marine policy. include the political area. This "gradual These marine scientists have played a politicization" of relevant players may vital role in enacting national legislation lead to the deepening and widening of in various regional agreements aiming integration process. to manage disputes over continental shelf boundaries in the Baltic Sea.16 In the “gradual politicization Disputes have also been mitigated by a process”, functional issues previously web of both bilateral and multilateral considered "technical" and "non- agreements initiated by experts and controversial" become "political" because specialists with the support of political in reaction to initial "technical" purposes, leaders. relevant players eventually agree to apply the spectrum of political means In the Mediterranean Sea, marine deemed appropriate to attain them.15 scientists took an active part in numerous cooperative actions by the MANAGING CONFLICTS IN coastal states to protect the environment. THE SOUTH CHINA They participated in the making of the SEA THE FUNCTIONALIST WAY Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea and its five There are functional areas where protocols.17 experts and elite in China and ASEAN claimants may cooperate to manage In the North Sea, marine conflicts in the South China. Marine regionalism may also be seen through scientists in China and ASEAN the efforts of the marine scientists to claimants involved in various types of arrive at a comprehensive sea-use research in the South China Sea may planning which aims to develop a contribute to the management of “balanced and effective battery of conflicts in the South China Sea. Marine instruments for both national and scientists in these countries may learn lessons from a group of marine scientists engaged in research in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea , the 16See Ton Ijstra, “Development of Arctic Sea, and the Antarctic Ocean. Resource Jurisdiction in the EC’s Regional Seas: National EEZ Policy of EC Member States in the This group of marine scientists advance Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, and the idea of marine regionalism, which the Baltic Sea”, Ocean Development and provides a framework for a coordinated International Law, Vol. 23 (1992). marine scientific research in various 17 Ibid. Also in Mark Valencia, Jon M. Van Dyke and Noel A. Ludwig, Sharing the Resources of the South China Sea, Paperback edition (Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1997), p. 15Dougherty and Pflatzgraft, p. 423. 150. 4
  • 5. international administration and Through their reliable scientific findings, management” of the North Sea.” experts and scientists push for the collective protection of the Antarctic In the Antarctic Ocean, the Treaty for the benefit of all claimant Antarctic Treaty is an excellent model states. Instead of competing for the where marine scientists in the South resources of the Antarctic, experts and China Sea may learn a lot of lessons scientists propose a model that upholds from. According to Jim Barnes, the the collective utilization of Antarctica Treaty can serve as a practical model to and its resources through “joint resolve disputes in the South China management”. Experts and scientists Sea.18 also uphold the idea of making the Antarctic a pristine world park and “a The Antarctic Treaty Model center for peaceful scientific inquiry.” (ATM) provides a model to manage Thus, the Antarctic Treaty guarantees for conflicts. The ATM, which was signed the collective governance of the in 1959, calls for the eventual Antarctic Ocean. demilitarization of the area. As a demilitarized area, the twelve claimant states are strongly urged to prohibit Marine Scientists and Functionalism in “any measures of military rule, such as the South China Sea the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out military Learning lessons from the other maneuvers, and the testing of any types Seas particularly the Antarctic Ocean, of weapon.”19 there is now a proposal among marine scientists engaged in scientific research The ATM also upholds the in the South China Sea to declare the collective utilization of the resources in disputed area a neutral area. There is a Antarctica. For any disputes that may move among marine scientists to arise, the ATM mandates the use of convert the South China Sea into a “negotiation, inquiry, mediation, marine park.21 conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, or other peaceful means of This proposal is based on the their own choice” to manage conflicts in scientific findings that the South China the area20 Sea is known breeding ground for tuna fish and other fish resources that migrate What is notable in the ATM is the into nearby fishing areas of claimant vital role played by experts and states. scientists in convincing political leaders to eschew political issues in the area and Marine scientists also describe to start cooperating in functional areas. the South China Sea as “the center of marine generic richness and diversity in 18Jim Barnes, “Using the Antarctic Treaty the world” and a macro-ecosystem as the Basis for Resolving the Spratly Islands characterized by “high bio-diversity and Dispute” (14 May 1999). 19See Article XI, Section 1 of the 1959 21John .W. McManus, “The Spratly Antarctic Treaty. Islands: A Marine Park Alternative” ICLARM Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3 (July 1992). Also see his 20Ibid. “The Spratly Islands: A Marine Park”, Ambio, Vol. 23, No. 3 (1994), pp. 181-186. 5
  • 6. fisheries productivity” due to the Within the parks, all economic activity “intrinsic connectivity of coral reefs, sea- should be prohibited except environment- grass, and mangrove forests.”22 Because friendly tourism. The Spratlys are thus given the South China Sea is the locus of back to their original inhabitants.26 complex ecological connectivities, the area has been considered a “savings bank” of all claimant states.23 Dr. Celso R. Roque, President of the World Wide Fund for Nature By turning the South China Sea Philippines (WWF Philippines), also into a neutral international marine park, subscribes with the proposal to convert marine scientists and experts firmly the South China Sea into a marine park believe that “all claimants could with the Antarctic Treaty as a model. In continue to benefit from the living the WWF study, Roque underscores: resources emanating from the area.”24 By so doing, they argue that “a host of The main idea of an approach based potential conflicts could be avoided” on the Antarctic Treaty Model (ATM) and including the tens of millions of dollars its protocols is the moratorium on all claims being spend annually on maintaining to sovereignty for a long period, sauy 30-50 garrisons of troops that are used to years. The Spratly Islands and vicinity will guard against every claimant states.25 be considered, in ther interregnum, as an International Marine Park or World This proposal is gaining support Heritage Site. The principal purpose of the from other scholars abroad. Stein site will be for conservation and scientific Tonnesson, Director of the International research. Fisheries may be allowed in Peace Research Institute based in Oslo accordance with a sustainable management and who has been writing intensively regime. Mineral activities will also be about the issue of the South China Sea, suspended for the duration of the Treaty. agrees to the functionalist approach of Demilitarization of the entire area is managing conflicts in the South China imperartive. The claimants and other Sea. In one of his writings, Tonnesson stakeholders such as the scientific strongly propose that: community may agree on a Framework of Joint Management.27 All claimants transfer their alleged sovereignty over the Spratlys to a regional or In his letter to then Philippine international authority, which is set up to Defense Secretary Orlando S. Mercado, administer a system of marine nature parks. Roque contends that the ATM will be beneficial to all parties, without permanently giving up claims to 22 Miguel D. Fortes, “The Role of Marine sovereignty. Roque even recommended Environmental Science in the Western Philippine to Mercado to get cabinet approval of Seas”, University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (Unpublished, 1999), p. 23See Clarita R. Carlos, “Ecological 26Stein Tonnesson, “Here’s How to Settle Connectivity in the South China Sea” (National the Rocky Disputes in the South China Sea” in Defense College of the Philippines, unpublished International Herald Tribune,m (6 September 2000). paper, 2001). Also see “Settling South China Sea disputes", The Straits Times (7 September 2000). 24McManus, p. 6. 27Letter of Dr. Celso R. Roque to then 25Ibid. Secretary Orlando S. Mercado on 1 July 1999. 6
  • 7. the ATM approach to the ASEAN which sovereignty in the South China Sea . will draft a Treaty on the South China Participants rather focus on other Sea.28 subjects that may trigger cooperation rather than conflict on the issue. Their The Role of Experts, Non-Governmental activities include mutual sharing of Players an Governments in Managing scientific findings and legal opinions. Conflicts in the South China Sea Aside from the Workshop, Functionalism pays attention to experts and practitioners from the the vital role of experts, non- United Nations Environmental governmental players and even Programme (UNEP) initiated a project governments in the management of on the South China Sea with the aim of conflicts. In the South China Sea, offering alternative approach to manage experts, non-governmental players and conflicts in the disputed territoy. UNEP even some government officials have project led to the development of the been initiating functionalist projects to Strategic Action Program for the South manage conflicts in the area. China Sea. Officials from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philipines, and Aiming to manage potential Thailand signed the Strategic Action conflicts in the South China Sea, two Program for implementation. experts (Ambassador Hasji, Djalal of Indonesia and Prof. Ian Townsend- However, political problems in Gault of Canada) initiated a series of China prevented the program to be informal multilateral workshops on the implemented. Although Chinese issue. Internationally known as the experts and officials were involved in Workshop on Managing Potential the preparation stages, the Chinese Conflicts in the South China Sea, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to series of meetings started in 1990 two sign. According to Tom Naes of the years after the military confrontation University of Oslo, “The UNEP between China and Vietnam over the initiative, which was aimed at issue of the Spratlys. improving management and protection of the marine environment of the South The primary objective of the China Sea, ran into difficulties because Workshop was to initially gather the China has unresolved sovereignty parties for discussions on how to conflicts with its Southeast Asian manage the conflict in the South China neighbors.” 29 Despite that, ASEAN Sea in the light of the provisions of the experts and officials continue to engage 1982 United Nations Convention on the China in various peaceful and Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Since its confidence building talks through the creation, four technical working groups have been created dealing with legal matters and scientific research. All 29 Tom Næss, Environment and Security in meetings of the Workshop uphold some the South China Sea Region: The Role of Experts, functionalist assumptions when the Non-Governmental Actors and Governments in participants set aside the sensitive and Regime Building Processes .A thesis for the Cand. Polit. degree at the Department of Political highly controversial issue of Science, University of Oslo, December 1999. Published in the SUM Dissertations & Thesis series as No. 1/2000 (ISSN 0806-475X). Also see in 28Ibid. 7
  • 8. ARF and the South China Sea Working Group in managing conflicts Workshops. in the South China Sea. Another initiatives undertaken FUNCTIONALIST OPTION FOR by experts to manage conflicts in the CHINA AND ASEAN CLAIMANT South China Sea is the formation of the STATES Association of Southeast Marine Scientists (ASEAMS) in 1986. The To effectively manage conflicts ASEAMS aims to provide independent, in the South China Sea, China and the expert scientific advice regarding ASEAN claimants may seriously adopt programs being implemented in the the functionalist option. The various East Asian Sea region including the collaborative efforts initiated by the South China Sea. Its participants Council for Security Cooperation in the included not only marine experts but Asia Pacific (CSCAP), the Indonesian- also members of non-governmental Canadian Workshops on the South organizations (NGOs) and China Sea and other Tract Two intergovernmental organizations activities in the region are proper venue (IGOs). However, the ASEAMS was where experts and scholars in China dissolved in 1996 due to funding and ASEAN claimants may cooperate constraints. in managing disputes in the South China Sea. Aside from the above- mentioned initiatives of marine experts, Eschewing the discussion on there are still a lot of initiatives from the sovereignty aspect of the South other groups. These initiatives are China Sea issue is a very useful discussed in the study of Tom Naes strategic move to lay down the proper who examines the extent to which framework for a fruitful cooperation in maritime experts and organizations functional areas. working with environmental issues can facilitate the establishment of an ocean Rather than focusing on the management regime in the South China ownership of territory, China and Sea. ASEAN claimants shall push for Describing how scientists maritime security. Rather than focusing interact at the regional level, Naes on a highly sensitive issue of articulates some functionalist sovereignty, the China and ASEAN assumptions when he tries to “discuss claimants shall uphold cooperation in the likelihood that the regional scientific navigation, communication, shipping community will obtain political enough and environmental research.31 influence (sic) to make environmental questions take precedence in regional Shelving the sovereignty issue politics.”30 He also describes the factors and upholding the functionalist issues that prevent scientists from influencing may provide peaceful solution of the decision-makers in so far as ocean South China Sea conflict. This is an management is concerned. Naes also discussed the role of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific 31See Ramses Amer, “Towards a (CSCAP) Maritime Cooperation Declaration on Navigational Rights in the Sea- lanes of the Asia Pacific”, Contemporary 30Ibid., p. 4. Southeast Asia, Vol. 20, No. 1 (April 1998). 8
  • 9. alternative option for China and ASEAN claimants. To manage the South China Sea SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION conflict the functionalist way, China and ASEAN claimants shall create a By upholding functionalism – climate of cooperation dominated by the low politics approach, China and low politics. To do this, China and ASEAN claimants may manage existing ASEAN claimants shall encourage more conflicts in the South China Sea through the participation of like-minded the development of habits of cooperation scientists and experts engaged in among experts, scientists and political various functionalist areas of research. leaders. By enhancing regional As experiences of other regions have cooperation in low politics area, shown, the establishment of like- cooperation in high politics area may minded group of scientists and experts eventually occur. As articulated by then engaged in functional cooperation in Philippine Defense Secretary Mercado: conflict ridded area has changed the both the normative and casual beliefs of The regional “low politics” approach decision-makers.32 This like-minded is appropriate for the short-and-medium- group of scientists and experts has term objectives…in the South China Sea. formed an “epistemic community” This will enhance the use of “high politics” which is an integrated, transnational approach in the long-term. By promoting network of scientists that can influence habits of cooperation or building confidence decision makers.33 through the “low politics” approach, “high politics” issues will have greater access of China and ASEAN claimants resolution.34 may capitalize on these experiences. They shall exert efforts to provide a climate of cooperation in the disputed area dominated not by high politics but by low politics. They may also encourage the development of an “epistemic community” to help all claimants functionally manage the conflict in the South China Sea. 32Tom Naes, “Epistemic Communities and Environmental Cooperation in the South China Sea” (Paper presented during the Workshops on the Conflict in the South China Sea held in Oslo, Norway on 24-26 April 1999). 33Ibid. Also see Peter Haas (ed), 34 Orlando S. Mercado, “Philippine Knowledge, Power and International Coordination: Defense Policy on the South China Sea” (Paper International Organization, Special Issue, Vol. 46, presented on 20 October 1999 at the Department No. 1 (Winter 1992). of Foreign Affairs during the Forum entitled “The South China Sea: Problems and Prospects). 9
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