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The Agile Inception
                            by Jonathan Rasmusson

Monday, 13 August, 12

                    • Part I - What is the Agile Inception Deck?
                    • Part II - Creating our own

Monday, 13 August, 12
Beautiful code               Beautiful user experience

                        How can we be doing
                         everything right ...
                        and still get it wrong.
            Good design                     On time. On budget.
                               Great team

Monday, 13 August, 12
We are all in agreement then.

Monday, 13 August, 12

Monday, 13 August, 12
The assumption of
                consensus where none
                exists is what
                most projects.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Need something that ...

                        What if we did this ...

Monday, 13 August, 12

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             10 questions you’d be
                             crazy not to ask before
                             you start your next project.

                             ~ couple days, a week
                             1-6 months of planning

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12

                                        Your project

                                                       Too late!

                        Ask the tough questions here

Monday, 13 August, 12

                    • Eliminate confusion and misunderstanding.
                    • Set expectations.
                    • Highlight challenges.
                    • Get alignment.
                    • BEFORE project begins.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Part I: Seeing the big picture

                           1. Ask why we are here.
                           2. Create an elevator pitch.
                           3. Design a product box.
                           4. Create a NOT list.
                           5. Meet your neighbours.

Monday, 13 August, 12
1. Ask why we are here
                    • Teams make 1000s of decisions and trade-
                        offs when building software.
                    • Want them to make the right ones.
                    • To do that they need to be informed.
                    • They need to know ‘why’.

                         #1  reason  for  doing  this  project?
Monday, 13 August, 12
Why are we here?
                  Better road               Logistics
                    access?                 tracking?


                                Safety #1
Monday, 13 August, 12
How to get the why?

                           = Go and see =
                            (Genchi Genbutsu, 現地現物)

Monday, 13 August, 12
2. Create an elevator pitch.
                        (a volunteer please)

Monday, 13 August, 12
Monday, 13 August, 12
Pitch me the Wii.

Monday, 13 August, 12
What’s beautiful about
                     having 30 seconds?

Monday, 13 August, 12
Why elevator pitch?

                    • Brings clarity and focus to project.
                    • Forces team to think about the customer.
                    • Forces hard decisions to be made:
                     • who is it for? how is it different?

Monday, 13 August, 12
The Wii elevator pitch
           • For [parents with young families]
           • who [are scared by traditional game consoles]
           • the [Nintendo Wii]
           • is a [family entertainment system]
           • that [let’s families play together].
           • Unlike [the XBox and PS3 which have complicated
             joysticks and controllers]
           • our product [uses a natural, gesture based approach
             to gaming that lets the whole family play (even

Monday, 13 August, 12
The elevator pitch
           •   For [target customer]
           •   who [statement of the need or opportunity]
           •   the [product name]
           •   is a [product category]
           •   that [key benefit, compelling reason to buy].
           •   Unlike [primary competitive alternative]
           •   our product [statement of primary differentiation].

Monday, 13 August, 12
The elevator pitch
           • For [construction managers]
           • who [need to safely track people’s locations at the
             construction site]
           • the [Construction Safety WorkPermit (CSWP)]
           • is a [safety communication tool]
           • that [allows people to be evacuated safely from sites
             in the event of an emergency].
           • Unlike [our current paper based system]
           • our product [is web based and can be accessed by all
             contractors from anywhere].

Monday, 13 August, 12
The Construction
                         Safety Permit System
                                Ideal for mine sites

                              Process permits faster!
                              Process permits safer!
                            Track people’s time better!

                        Where you need it. When you need it.

Monday, 13 August, 12
What if your product
                            was a box?
                            What would it look like?

                                 Would you buy?

Monday, 13 August, 12
Features vs Benefits

Monday, 13 August, 12
Features vs Benefits
                    •   555 horsepower engine    •   Pass easy on highway

                    •   0-100 km/h in 4.7 secs   •   Impress your friends

                    •   Brake energy             •   Save money
                                                 •   Break safely with loved
                    •   All wheel drive              ones

Monday, 13 August, 12
Design a product box
                             for the Wii
                                (15 min)

Monday, 13 August, 12
Step 1: List the benefits

           Why buy?

         Come up with three
         reasons why someone       (5min)
         would buy the Wii.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Step 2: Create a slogan

         Wii can all play
         All together now
         Wi’ll move you               (5min)
         (no slogan is too cheesy!)
Monday, 13 August, 12
Step 3: Draw your creation
                                  <Product name>


                                     <benefit #1>
            Your own image here      <benefit #2>
                                     <benefit #3>

Monday, 13 August, 12
Why would we buy?
                                         The Wii

                                                        ii  m


                                       Let grandma play
                                     Fun for whole family
                                  Family that plays together...

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s talk about scope
                          How do you tell someone what’s
                                    IN scope
                                for their project?

Monday, 13 August, 12
4. Create a NOT list
                           IN                OUT

                                             Stuff we


Monday, 13 August, 12
Sample NOT list
                                 IN                                                  OUT
              Create  new  permit                                     IntegraBon  with  legacy  system
              Update  permit                                          Offline  capability
              Basic  search
              Basic  reporBng  (x1)
              Delete  permit
              IntegraBon  with  logisBcs  tracking  system  (LTS)
              Security  swipe  card

Monday, 13 August, 12
Your project community
                  is always bigger
                  than you think.

Monday, 13 August, 12
5. Meet your neighbours
                                         Technical writers
                 Safety officers                             Help desk

                 Production                                     Infrastructure
                                            Core team

                        Database                              Security
                        administrators    Everyone else!

Monday, 13 August, 12
Greater community
                           People to start building   Governance (SOX)
    Put your core team
                           relationships with         Security audit
    members here ...                                  Production readiness
                                                      Business transformation
                         Core team                    Change management
                                                      Database administrators
                                                      Corporate architecture
                                                      Training group
                                                      Technical writers
                                                      Help desk
                                                      Practice leadership team
                         and everyone else            Risk and compliance
                         out here.                    Branch supervisors

Monday, 13 August, 12
Part II: Making it real
                                   1. Ask why we are here.
                                   2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                   3. Design a product box.
                                   4. Create a NOT list.
                                   5. Meet your neighbours.
                                   6. Show the solution.
                                   7. What keeps us up at night.
                                   8. Size it up.
                                   9. What’s going to give.
                                   10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
You pick your
                          architecture ...

                        when you pick your

Monday, 13 August, 12
6. Show the solution
                         Browser          Services      Domain logic            DB2        Beware!
                          Security                                             Mainframe
                         Validation       Webservices

                                                        To be decided
                                                                                           No test
   Technologies:          Unresolved                      Third-party card                 environment
                                                           swipe system         ETL
   -­‐  <language>              Tibco                                            Batch
   -­‐  <libraries>
   -­‐  <tools>                       ?
   -­‐  <technology>                                                         SQL Server
                                                         SQL Server
                          Out of scope

                              SAP HR

Monday, 13 August, 12
How should we deal
                        with all the craziness?

Monday, 13 August, 12
7. What keeps us up at night?
                    • Your risk slide.
                    • If you hear something crazy, get it out
                    • This is your opportunity to raise any issues
                        or concerns you’ve got.
                    • As well as hear from the other side and
                        other team members.
                    • Better now than leaving it till later.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Project risks

                    • Director of construction availability
                    • Team not co-located
                    • Unproven technology
                    • New security architecture
                    • Timing of new logistics tracking system

Monday, 13 August, 12
Risks worth tackling

                            Slow computers

                         Customer availability

                        Team not sitting together
                                                         Economy cratering

                                                     Company getting acquired

                                                    Customer getting a promotion

                                                       Those that aren’t

Monday, 13 August, 12
The Lords Prayer...

                                 Grant me the serenity
                          to accept the things I cannot change;
                         the courage to change the things I can;
                        and the wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, 13 August, 12
8. Size it up

                   1  ?      3  ?         6  months?

Monday, 13 August, 12
How big?
                    • We don’t know exactly (but our sponsors
                        need a number).
                    • So we guess - 1, 3, or 6 months
                    • About as precise as we can get.
                    • So we gather all our highlevel stories, and
                        guess how long we think it will take.

Monday, 13 August, 12

                                   Master story list
                                     Add user
                                     Print itinerary
                                     Cancel trip
                                     Book permit
                                     Update permit
                                     Create device
                                     Add swap trade
                                     Add option
                                     Cancel plan

                        Make sure your sponsors see this!
Monday, 13 August, 12
For example
                                                                Ship  it!
                        ConstrucBon      UAT         Training
                           ~3months       1  wk     1  wk

                        This  is  a  guess.  Not  a  commitment.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Think small


                               1   2   3     6      9       12 months

                                           Project length
                                                                        (Randy Mott)
Monday, 13 August, 12
How are you going to deal with ...

                        Too much to do
                        not enough time.

Monday, 13 August, 12
9. Be clear on what’s
                            going to give.

Monday, 13 August, 12
The Furious Four!

               Time        Budget   Quality   Scope

Monday, 13 August, 12
Trade-off sliders
                                 The  classic  four
                  ON       OFF   Feature  completeness  (scope)
                  ON       OFF   Stay  within  budget  (budget)
                  ON       OFF   Deliver  project  on  Bme  (Bme)
                  ON       OFF   High  quality,  low  defects  (quality)

                                                * They can’t all be ‘ON’
                                                * No two can occupy the same level

                                                              Is this enough?
Monday, 13 August, 12
Other important stuff
                                   Other  important  stuff
                ON           OFF   Insanely  fun  computer  game
                ON           OFF   Reduce  call  center  traffic  by  20%
                ON           OFF   Increase  conversions  by  30%
                ON           OFF   <insert  your  favorite  here>

Monday, 13 August, 12
                        Almost there ...

Monday, 13 August, 12
What two questions
                        does every executive
                          want answered
                        before sponsoring a

Monday, 13 August, 12
1. How much?

Monday, 13 August, 12
2. When?

Monday, 13 August, 12
10. What’s it going to take

Monday, 13 August, 12
Be clear on your team
            #                    Role                                Skill  set
        2               Developers           C#,  Ajax,  HTML/CSS,  TDD,  Analysis  skills
        1               Tester              Automated  test  experience  (Selenium)
        1               Project  manager Part  Bme  -­‐  not  billable  to  project
        1               Customer            Source  of  truth.  Can  answer  quesBons.  Available  to  team.

        1               Stakeholder         Oversees  project.  UlBmately  accountable.

                           Put anyone you feel is necessary for the
                              success of the project on this list.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Clarify who’s calling the shots
                                     Our customer

                        The decider              Where the team gets
                        Sets direction           their marching orders
                        Calls the shots

                                                               Get to give input

                                     The core team

Monday, 13 August, 12
Rough budget
                    3 people x 3 1/2 months @$150/hr


    * 160 hrs/ month
Monday, 13 August, 12
What this project is going to take

                         Construction   UAT    Training   Ship it!

                         ~3 months      1 wk    1 wk

                        3 people, 3 ½ months, $250K

Monday, 13 August, 12
                    • The inception deck is seeking alignment,
                        awareness, and consensus before starting
                        our project.
                    • Skip this step at your own peril.
                    • It’s much harder to deal with this stuff once
                        the bomb has gone off.
                    • Best to raise set expectations now about
                        how we are going to work, and make sure
                        everyone is cool with how we want to roll.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter dojo

Monday, 13 August, 12
Scenario #1
                • While conducting your first project meeting, your
                  customer (a former developer) requests that the
                  application be built in an old legacy computer language
                  that is no longer supported within the company.
                • He explains that if the program is written in a language
                  he understands, he will be easier for him to maintain
                  and modify.
                • The employee designated to do the work doesn’t
                  know the legacy language, and does not recommend
                  building the application in an unsupported technology.

          Which inception deck card should we play?
Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Scenario #2
         • Half way through the project, certain stakeholders begin
           changing the requirements and priorities.
         • These changes were not agreed to by all stakeholders, and
           conflict with the spirit and direction agreed on at the
           beginning of the project.
         • Not sure whether to incorporate these changes or not, the
           team is confused about direction, and is unsure whether they
           should include these new requirements.
         • What can the team do to remedy the situation?

                        Which card should we play?

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7.What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Clarify who’s calling the shots
                                     Our customer

                        The decider              Where the team gets
                        Sets direction           their marching orders
                        Calls the shots

                                                               Get to give input

                                     The core team

Monday, 13 August, 12
Scenario #3
     • The company’s mainframe is due for retirement and a mission
       critical application needs to be written.
     • Wanting to do the development in house, the project team
       decides to write it using a new technology they have no
       experience in, while introducing a new ‘agile’ software
       development methodology.
     • The application development team is keen, but also very junior.
     • What card should we play here before starting the project?

                        Which card should we play?

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Scenario #4
     • The team is doing fantastic! Customer is thrilled
     • Only when going live do they realize how much work is
       involved and how many parties need to be engaged.
     • Fortunately, the team is able to scramble, and in record
       time they push through the sign-off process (though they
       don’t make many friends along the way)
     • Unfortunately, a few noses got bent along the way, and
       internal groups are not fans of this new ‘agile’ process
     • What happened?
     • What could we have done to prevent this?

                        Which card should we have played?
Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Scenario #5
     •   You’ve assembled the A-Team.
     •   The team is pumped.
     •   Excited to come into work.
     •   But then something strange starts to happen.
     •   The customer starts telling the team to stop innovating.
     •   Stop making the product better.
     •   Proves incredibly frustrating to the team.
     •   Don’t understand - why not make the product better?
     •   After several months best and brightest start to leave.
     •   How could this project have prevented this scenario?

                        Which card should we have played?
Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are here.
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9. What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Enter the inception deck
                             1. Ask why we are
                             2. Create an elevator pitch.
                             3. Design a product box.
                             4. Create a NOT list.
                             5. Meet your neighbours.
                             6. Show the solution.
                             7. What keeps us up at night.
                             8. Size it up.
                             9.What’s going to give.
                             10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
= Intentionally blank =

Monday, 13 August, 12
Inception Deck Workshop
                        (1.5 hours)

Monday, 13 August, 12
Gather into teams

Monday, 13 August, 12
Build inception deck for

                    • Online dating website
                    • Your favourite mobile game
                    • Design the new Apple TV
                    • <your own>

Monday, 13 August, 12
Design an inception deck
                                      1. Ask why we are here.
                                      2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                      3. Design a product box.
                                      4. Create a NOT list.
                                      5. Meet your neighbours.
                                      6. Show the solution.
                                      7. What keeps us up at night.
                                      8. Size it up.
                (5-10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                      10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
This is going to go fast

                    • Appoint a customer (a decider).
                    • If you don’t know the answer - make it up!.
                    • Will present examples as we go.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                   (10 minutes each)   9. What’s going to give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.

Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                                       9. What’s going to
                   (10 minutes each)   give.
                                       10. What’s it going to take.
Monday, 13 August, 12
Let’s go!
                                       1. Ask why we are here.
                                       2. Create an elevator pitch.
                                       3. Design a product box.
                                       4. Create a NOT list.
                                       5. Meet your neighbours.
                                       6. Show the solution.
                                       7. What keeps us up at night.
                                       8. Size it up.
                                       9. What’s going to give.
                   (10 minutes each)   10. What’s it going to
Monday, 13 August, 12
           • The Agile Samurai
           • Agile inception deck template
            25% off this week only
            Code: PragmaticAgile2012

Monday, 13 August, 12
== Bonus Material ==

Monday, 13 August, 12
Some parting advice
                    • Be flexible. You don’t always need every slide.
                    • Make it visible.
                    • It’s OK to start the deck yourself.
                    • Keep it up to date.
                    • There is no one way! Make it your own.
                    • Questions!
Monday, 13 August, 12

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99 inception-deck

  • 1. The Agile Inception Deck by Jonathan Rasmusson Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 2. Agenda • Part I - What is the Agile Inception Deck? • Part II - Creating our own Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 3. Beautiful code Beautiful user experience How can we be doing everything right ... and still get it wrong. Good design On time. On budget. Great team Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 4. We are all in agreement then. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 6. The assumption of consensus where none exists is what most projects. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 7. Need something that ... What if we did this ... Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 9. Enter the inception deck 10 questions you’d be crazy not to ask before you start your next project. ~ couple days, a week 1-6 months of planning Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 10. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 11. Start Your project End Too late! Ask the tough questions here Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 12. Purpose • Eliminate confusion and misunderstanding. • Set expectations. • Highlight challenges. • Get alignment. • BEFORE project begins. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 13. Part I: Seeing the big picture 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 14. 1. Ask why we are here • Teams make 1000s of decisions and trade- offs when building software. • Want them to make the right ones. • To do that they need to be informed. • They need to know ‘why’. #1  reason  for  doing  this  project? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 15. Why are we here? Better road Logistics access? tracking? Regulatory Efficiency? compliance? Safety #1 Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 16. How to get the why? = Go and see = (Genchi Genbutsu, 現地現物) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 17. 2. Create an elevator pitch. (a volunteer please) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 19. Pitch me the Wii. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 20. What’s beautiful about having 30 seconds? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 21. Why elevator pitch? • Brings clarity and focus to project. • Forces team to think about the customer. • Forces hard decisions to be made: • who is it for? how is it different? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 22. The Wii elevator pitch • For [parents with young families] • who [are scared by traditional game consoles] • the [Nintendo Wii] • is a [family entertainment system] • that [let’s families play together]. • Unlike [the XBox and PS3 which have complicated joysticks and controllers] • our product [uses a natural, gesture based approach to gaming that lets the whole family play (even grandma)]. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 23. The elevator pitch • For [target customer] • who [statement of the need or opportunity] • the [product name] • is a [product category] • that [key benefit, compelling reason to buy]. • Unlike [primary competitive alternative] • our product [statement of primary differentiation]. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 24. The elevator pitch • For [construction managers] • who [need to safely track people’s locations at the construction site] • the [Construction Safety WorkPermit (CSWP)] • is a [safety communication tool] • that [allows people to be evacuated safely from sites in the event of an emergency]. • Unlike [our current paper based system] • our product [is web based and can be accessed by all contractors from anywhere]. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 25. The Construction Safety Permit System Ideal for mine sites Process permits faster! Process permits safer! Track people’s time better! Where you need it. When you need it. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 26. What if your product was a box? What would it look like? Would you buy? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 28. Features vs Benefits • 555 horsepower engine • Pass easy on highway • 0-100 km/h in 4.7 secs • Impress your friends • Brake energy • Save money regeneration • Break safely with loved • All wheel drive ones Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 29. Design a product box for the Wii (15 min) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 30. Step 1: List the benefits Why buy? Come up with three reasons why someone (5min) would buy the Wii. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 31. Step 2: Create a slogan Something catchy Wii can all play All together now Wi’ll move you (5min) (no slogan is too cheesy!) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 32. Step 3: Draw your creation <Product name> Slo Draw ga n <benefit #1> Your own image here <benefit #2> <benefit #3> (5min) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 33. Why would we buy? The Wii W ii  m Clarity ov Focus e   yo u Alignment Intent Let grandma play Fun for whole family Family that plays together... Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 34. Let’s talk about scope How do you tell someone what’s IN scope for their project? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 35. 4. Create a NOT list IN OUT Stuff we UNRESOLVED Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 36. Sample NOT list IN OUT          Create  new  permit          IntegraBon  with  legacy  system          Update  permit          Offline  capability          Basic  search          Basic  reporBng  (x1)          Print          Delete  permit UNRESOLVED          IntegraBon  with  logisBcs  tracking  system  (LTS)          Security  swipe  card Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 37. Your project community is always bigger than you think. (story) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 38. 5. Meet your neighbours Technical writers Safety officers Help desk Production Infrastructure support Core team Database Security administrators Everyone else! Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 39. Greater community People to start building Governance (SOX) Put your core team relationships with Security audit members here ... Production readiness Business transformation Core team Change management Database administrators Corporate architecture Training group Technical writers Legal Help desk Networking/infrastructure Practice leadership team and everyone else Risk and compliance out here. Branch supervisors Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 40. Part II: Making it real 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 41. You pick your architecture ... when you pick your team. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 42. 6. Show the solution Browser Services Domain logic DB2 Beware! Security Mainframe Validation Webservices To be decided No test Technologies: Unresolved Third-party card environment swipe system ETL -­‐  <language> Tibco Batch -­‐  <libraries> -­‐  <tools> ? -­‐  <technology> SQL Server SQL Server Out of scope Clustered SAP HR Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 43. How should we deal with all the craziness? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 44. 7. What keeps us up at night? • Your risk slide. • If you hear something crazy, get it out there! • This is your opportunity to raise any issues or concerns you’ve got. • As well as hear from the other side and other team members. • Better now than leaving it till later. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 45. Project risks • Director of construction availability • Team not co-located • Unproven technology • New security architecture • Timing of new logistics tracking system Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 46. Risks worth tackling Slow computers Customer availability Team not sitting together Economy cratering Company getting acquired Customer getting a promotion Those that aren’t Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 47. The Lords Prayer... Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 48. 8. Size it up 1  ? 3  ? 6  months? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 49. How big? • We don’t know exactly (but our sponsors need a number). • So we guess - 1, 3, or 6 months • About as precise as we can get. • So we gather all our highlevel stories, and guess how long we think it will take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 50. Guestimation Master story list Add user Print itinerary Cancel trip Book permit Update permit Search Create device Add swap trade Add option Cancel plan Make sure your sponsors see this! Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 51. For example Ship  it! ConstrucBon UAT Training ~3months  1  wk  1  wk This  is  a  guess.  Not  a  commitment. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 52. Think small Risk 1 2 3 6 9 12 months Project length (Randy Mott) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 53. How are you going to deal with ... Too much to do and not enough time. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 54. 9. Be clear on what’s going to give. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 55. The Furious Four! Time Budget Quality Scope Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 56. Trade-off sliders The  classic  four ON OFF Feature  completeness  (scope) ON OFF Stay  within  budget  (budget) ON OFF Deliver  project  on  Bme  (Bme) ON OFF High  quality,  low  defects  (quality) * They can’t all be ‘ON’ * No two can occupy the same level Is this enough? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 57. Other important stuff Other  important  stuff ON OFF Insanely  fun  computer  game ON OFF Reduce  call  center  traffic  by  20% ON OFF Increase  conversions  by  30% ON OFF <insert  your  favorite  here> Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 58. Phew! Almost there ... Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 59. What two questions does every executive want answered before sponsoring a project? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 60. 1. How much? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 61. 2. When? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 62. 10. What’s it going to take Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 63. Be clear on your team # Role Skill  set 2 Developers C#,  Ajax,  HTML/CSS,  TDD,  Analysis  skills 1 Tester Automated  test  experience  (Selenium) 1 Project  manager Part  Bme  -­‐  not  billable  to  project 1 Customer Source  of  truth.  Can  answer  quesBons.  Available  to  team. 1 Stakeholder Oversees  project.  UlBmately  accountable. Put anyone you feel is necessary for the success of the project on this list. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 64. Clarify who’s calling the shots Our customer The decider Where the team gets Sets direction their marching orders Calls the shots Stakeholders Get to give input The core team Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 65. Rough budget 3 people x 3 1/2 months @$150/hr $250K * 160 hrs/ month Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 66. What this project is going to take Construction UAT Training Ship it! ~3 months 1 wk 1 wk 3 people, 3 ½ months, $250K Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 67. Summary • The inception deck is seeking alignment, awareness, and consensus before starting our project. • Skip this step at your own peril. • It’s much harder to deal with this stuff once the bomb has gone off. • Best to raise set expectations now about how we are going to work, and make sure everyone is cool with how we want to roll. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 68. Enter dojo Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 69. Scenario #1 • While conducting your first project meeting, your customer (a former developer) requests that the application be built in an old legacy computer language that is no longer supported within the company. • He explains that if the program is written in a language he understands, he will be easier for him to maintain and modify. • The employee designated to do the work doesn’t know the legacy language, and does not recommend building the application in an unsupported technology. Which inception deck card should we play? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 70. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 71. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 72. Scenario #2 • Half way through the project, certain stakeholders begin changing the requirements and priorities. • These changes were not agreed to by all stakeholders, and conflict with the spirit and direction agreed on at the beginning of the project. • Not sure whether to incorporate these changes or not, the team is confused about direction, and is unsure whether they should include these new requirements. • What can the team do to remedy the situation? Which card should we play? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 73. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 74. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7.What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 75. Clarify who’s calling the shots Our customer The decider Where the team gets Sets direction their marching orders Calls the shots Stakeholders Get to give input The core team Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 76. Scenario #3 • The company’s mainframe is due for retirement and a mission critical application needs to be written. • Wanting to do the development in house, the project team decides to write it using a new technology they have no experience in, while introducing a new ‘agile’ software development methodology. • The application development team is keen, but also very junior. • What card should we play here before starting the project? Which card should we play? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 77. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 78. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 79. Scenario #4 • The team is doing fantastic! Customer is thrilled • Only when going live do they realize how much work is involved and how many parties need to be engaged. • Fortunately, the team is able to scramble, and in record time they push through the sign-off process (though they don’t make many friends along the way) • Unfortunately, a few noses got bent along the way, and internal groups are not fans of this new ‘agile’ process • What happened? • What could we have done to prevent this? Which card should we have played? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 80. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 81. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 82. Scenario #5 • You’ve assembled the A-Team. • The team is pumped. • Excited to come into work. • But then something strange starts to happen. • The customer starts telling the team to stop innovating. • Stop making the product better. • Proves incredibly frustrating to the team. • Don’t understand - why not make the product better? • After several months best and brightest start to leave. • How could this project have prevented this scenario? Which card should we have played? Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 83. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 84. Enter the inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9.What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 85. = Intentionally blank = Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 86. Inception Deck Workshop (1.5 hours) Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 87. Gather into teams Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 88. Build inception deck for • Online dating website • Your favourite mobile game • Design the new Apple TV • <your own> Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 89. Design an inception deck 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (5-10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 90. This is going to go fast • Appoint a customer (a decider). • If you don’t know the answer - make it up!. • Will present examples as we go. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 91. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 92. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 93. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 94. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 95. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 96. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 97. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 98. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 99. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. (10 minutes each) 9. What’s going to give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 100. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to (10 minutes each) give. 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 101. Let’s go! 1. Ask why we are here. 2. Create an elevator pitch. 3. Design a product box. 4. Create a NOT list. 5. Meet your neighbours. 6. Show the solution. 7. What keeps us up at night. 8. Size it up. 9. What’s going to give. (10 minutes each) 10. What’s it going to take. Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 102. Resources • The Agile Samurai • Agile inception deck template 25% off this week only Code: PragmaticAgile2012 Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 103. == Bonus Material == Monday, 13 August, 12
  • 104. Some parting advice • Be flexible. You don’t always need every slide. • Make it visible. • It’s OK to start the deck yourself. • Keep it up to date. • There is no one way! Make it your own. • Questions! Monday, 13 August, 12