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FMP Evaluation
Luke Ross
Production Process Evaluation
– The strengths of the research was that we got to see how different game designs are done in Photoshop and
what type of games things look like. By choosing select games I was able to see the different aspects of them
such as the studio/location, angle, effects, post-production use of lighting/composition/mise en
scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts and the way that its set out. This helped because it meant
that I was able to focus on different parts of what makes games good and see how it was set out. This was
definitely a strength of the research. At the end of the research I went back through the different examples
of games I looked into and analysed them all seeing what is common in games and what isn’t and where to
go when making my final product, this in total helped my product because I was able to compare and get
new ideas about what I was creating. I used different ideas that I got from examples in my actual game and
this helped me on my final product. Another thing that helped was the audience profiling as I was able to
focus on a specific audience and who I can focus the game on dependent on their type of interests and what
type of games that they like. I was able to focus on the different type of personality and mind set that would
suit the game and try and base it around them. This was a strength as it made things easier to focus on a
specific audience and meant I didn't have to think about it later. All together all the research that was done
helped the final product and was all a strength in general.
– The only weakness that was in the research was that it was time consuming to complete all of the research
and the different audience demographics and I believe that although the audience demographic is helpful
that some of it repeats itself and isn’t exactly necessary. I think that the rest of the research was helpful
although I focused more on researching the type of game that I wanted rather than looking into different
types of games and what they are like I only looked into games like pong and arcade air hockey when looking
and exploring different ideas would of also been helpful which is a weakness. In conclusion the research had
some faults but was all together helpful in creating my final product. I think that I would improve on how
much detail I looked into different games and I would of picked out more specific details about the different
products that I looked into and focused on more things, I think that this way I would have been able to spot
different things in the researched products that could have had good impact on what my final product
would look like and improve it.
• I found this very helpful, to start with I made two different mind maps. The fist mind map was exploring three
different ideas that I could use when designing my game, this helped me list the strength of each idea and see
what I felt like creating which helps with my final product because I'm able to see what choice that I want for my
final game. The second mind map was one of the options from the first one I chose but going into more detail and
looking into the type of game that I would preferably like to make and I decided to make a 2d arcade game. I
decided on the second mind map at what type of things I wanted in the game that I wanted to make so I looked at
different aspects of the game such as scenery, colour option, etc. I also looked into how I wanted it to be designed
for example a customization option for the game as well as how the game would play and how the menu screen
on the game would ideally look. I found this to be very helpful to my final project as it meant that I got to look into
what game that I wanted to design and the different areas in the game before making it and the planning was very
useful for this. It helped my final product because I was able to then create the game with a plan and structure of
what I wanted to create. after I created my two mind maps I made a mood board to look at different imagery for
how game could turn out and to keep record of what type of things that I would like to include in my game. I
looked at a space theme that I wanted to include in my game which I included in my game this was a strength as I
allowed me to set out a plan of what I wanted to include in my final game. The mood board over all was more
weakness then a strength as I don’t believe that it helped that much compared to the mind maps. After I created
the mood board I made analysis explaining different parts of what I selected in it and why I chose them which
helpful to look back on when creating my final product as I am able to keep track of what I originally wanted and
focus on trying to create my final project.
• The main weakness of the planning was making the mood board as I do not believe that to be very helpful and un
necessary it focuses on what images I want to include in my project where as I would prefer to specifically
describe it for planning so I am able to tell exactly what I'm after, however I still believe this to a be a strength as it
did help, I was able to see what designs I wanted in the end for my final product. I believe that I could have
planned my type of game better and looked into what type of things I want to include more, I think that this would
of improved my final product as I would have been able to make it quicker and then improve on it as I would have
a good detailed plan of what I intend to include in my product.
Time Management
• I believe that I did manage my time well I was able to complete my initial plans, planning, production experiment
and proposal on time however when it got to creating the final product I had a set back trying to create it for the
deadline as a day of work was missed which meant I had to rush the final product and this then set back the
quality of the advergame and the time that I got to make the advergame was also the time that I had to make the
production reflection. This meant that it was handed in later than expected as I did not get enough time to fully
complete the production reflection, this meant that the production reflection was handed in and completed later
than the deadline. I believe because I was rushed my final product was not done as good as I would have liked it to
be if I had more time I would certainly of been able to improve it.
• If I had more time on my product I would have improved the scenery of the game and the background,
unfortunately due to lack of time I was unable to create a nebula for the background of the main menu screen but
if I had more time I would have been able to, as well as add more features that you can interact with on the main
menu screen. One addition to my advergame I wanted to have was a customization menu for the disk that is
played with in the game, in this it would show the different disks that could be unlocked through playing the game
by doing different challenges, if I had more time I would have been able to add this feature into the game.
Another idea I had was a calibrations option on the main menu so that I could show the different speed formats of
how the game would flow and the sensitivity of how the barriers would move, I liked having these ideas for the
game but due to lack of time I was unable to add this into my game. The advergame that I have handed in is the
basics of what I wanted to create but as I tried to fit multiple things into the game it meant that I was unable to
get it at the right speed by the time that the project had to be in by meaning that the animation of the game
doesn’t run as soon as I would of wanted it to be. Overall I believe that I managed my time well for the time that I
had to complete the tasks and got everything handed in in the best time that I could of done, everything up to the
production reflection was handed in on time and the reason that the production reflection was late is possibly
because of the lack of time I had to complete it or because I tried to fit to much into my final product and that put
me behind.
Technical QualitiesMy game is a slow paced game which is different to the example as the
example is a fast paced and smooth game. The reason that my game is
not fast paced like the example is because I had a lack of time on
completing the final project which meant that it was rushed and did not
have the smooth take on it as the others did. Both of the menu options
give options for different things within the game, the example gives the
option to change between difficulties and choose easy medium or hard,
and also gives the option for single player of two player within the game.
My game gives the option to play, customize, controls and to quit this is a
difference between the 2 different examples.
Both of the games have a dark background so that the menu screen
stands out and the options are more visible, a difference is that the
colours chosen for the text is white on the experiment and yellow on my
final product. The reason that I chose the colour yellow instead of white
is because I believe that yellow stands out more on a page than white
and gives off more of a atmosphere for a game than the example. As
well as the examples background is plain where as my final product has
stars the earth and moon to show what the game is about and make it
stand out, I believe that it looks better with more to it than just a plain
black screen with text on it.
A difference between my
final product and the
example is that my final
project shows the title on
the main screen where as
the example doesn’t
show the name of the
game, I believe that it is
important to have the
name of the game on the
main menu screen so that
when playing the game
people know what the
name of it is.
A similarity between the
games is that they both
give off a glow on there
options menu , the
reason for this is because
it makes it stand out
more and I went for the
same idea as the example
so that it adds more of an
atmosphere to my final
product. I believe that a
difference is that my
game doesn’t give off as
much of a glow as the
A difference between
the example and my
final project is the
atmosphere in general,
there are two different
atmospheres as my final
project tries to give off a
mysterious atmosphere
with space and the
unknown where as the
example gives off a
futuristic dark
atmosphere both of
these atmospheres are
good for a game and a
similarity is that they can
appeal to the same type
of audience.
Another difference is
that the example has a
light up on the option
that is chosen from the
screen, this isn’t very
clear and easy to miss
where as my final
project has line under
the selected option
making it easier to see
and choose.
Aesthetic QualitiesThe look of the advergame
I believe that my game looks good and is
the type of game that I was trying to
make and follows the basic structure and
plan that I had from the beginning, it is a
game that works and is a interesting but
used before concept, for example pong
and air hockey. There are many different
types of air hockey games that focus on
different atmospheres, I aimed at making
my game on a space theme so that it
would add mystery however I didn’t have
as much time on making the game as
expected and left myself with a lot to do
in a short amount of time which meant I
was able to complete a working
advergame however it lost out on a lot of
features I originally intended to put on it.
I believe that my game was creative
especially if it included the different
things that originally planed but it still has
the same concept and I believe that it
shows different creativity with the way it
plays and the different options on the
I like that my game has glow texture
to the stars and the earth in the
corner, as well as the way that the
grid stands out, and on the gameplay
the way that the barriers move to hit
the disk which is earth and the
ending with the game name.
A big improvement that needs to
happen in the game is that it needs
to run smoother and faster so that its
runs better as advergame I would add
a better background with a nebula
and improve on the menu options I
would add a customization option so
that new disks and barriers can be
unlocked and add challenge.
How to improve it.
The main reason that I was unable to
complete the tasks I set in planning is
lack of time and with more time I feel I
would be bale to improve the work a lot,
i would make it faster and smoother for
a start o that it looked better as well as
go back through the timeline and change
certain parts including the choosing
option step. It takes to long and that’s
what needed speeding up the most
Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths of the advergame was that I
was able to come up with new ideas for
my advergame and make it work by
creating different parts to it and
different screens to switch to in
animation, I learned new things and
was able to take different ideas and
put them in my work. A weakness was
the time that I had to complete the
work as I had 2 and a half days to
complete a full animation and the
production reflection, the production
reflection ended up being handed in
late and with more time I would have
been able to improve them both.
Audience Appeal
How its appealed
My work has appealed to the target
audience because I wanted to focus the
game around people that are interested in
games like pong and air hockey and I have
done that. It contains the same type of
play as air hockey with the same layout
however like pong between the barriers
used to hit the disk is another barrier going
up the board that the main one cant cross
making the game more difficult than air
hockey and pong as the scoring system is
also different. As the goal to score by is the
same as air hockey but with the difficulty
of pong it makes it even harder to win, this
appeals to the audience that like arcade
games and are interested in a challenge.
The game is also set in space which adds a
mysterious affect to it and this means that
it appeals to a audience demographic that
are interested in the space genre and if the
audience for that also like the old arcade
games as a challenge then I have definitely
appealed to that audience well which I was
aiming to do in the first place.
Specific parts
A part that I believe appeals to the
audience is the main menu screen as it
includes the earth and stars which shows
that it’s a space game and the stars in the
background of the game glow showing the
affect of the game and this appeals to the
audience. Another specific part of the
game that appeals to the audience is the
main gameplay screen as it includes the
original pong type theme of game and also
a bit if air hockey. The reason that I chose
these two games is because the game
pong is a old arcade computer game and
air hockey is a physical original arcade
game. And I wanted to put both aspects
together to appeal to two different sides of
the audience. Another part of the game
that appeals to the audience is options on
the main menu as it adds more features to
the game and more options in game time
so that it adds more to the game and gives
people more to do on the game. It also has
a option to change the calibrations while in
the game which means the sensitivity can
be changed to specific persons game type.
Another part that appeals to the
audience is on the main options
menu where the option is
customization this allows the user
to change the way that the disk
looks and the barriers.
Questioning audience
I did not make a questionnaire for
this however I did ask different
people what they fought and was
able to see what majority of
target audience to aim at this way
I could make something that the
audience would like and enjoy.
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
• “I like the background because atmospheric and
puts me into the game, as it makes the
experience of the game.”
• What improvements could have been made to
the product? “could improve speed of the frames
as it is unsmooth, could improve this by speeding
it up the frames, giving it a natural flow.”
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product? “the
product has a good movement to it, the way
the game flows. The old arcade style.”
• What improvements could have been made to
the product? “make the game faster paced.
Add more to the background and scenery.”
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product? “the
style of the game, the way that it moves and
the idea copying a typical game.”
• What improvements could have been made to
the product? “the game could move much
faster making the game more easy to play.”
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer
• I agree that my game overall needs to include a much faster pace to make it smoother as this would help it look
better, I also agree that the atmosphere of the game needs improvements by editing the background on the main
menu, I believe this would help improve on the feedback for the background. To improve on the feedback on the
speed of the game I would have to go back through the game and add in either add extra parts to fill in the gap
and also go all the way back through the timeline that I completed and make each frame shorter so that I can
speed up the game in the end.
• What do you disagree with from your peer
• I wouldn’t say that I disagree with any of the peer feedback I would want to go back through what they said and change it as I intended
it to be like that however due to lack of time on t he game originally I was unable to make it like that but If I was able to go back through
it I would improve it like the peer feedback suggested that I should. I would also make some additional changes to the game so that I
could change the style of the barriers and a just the length that the game was making it longer.
Peer Feedback Summary
I would make many different changes based on the feedback that I got one of the changes would be that I would
improve the smoothness of the game so that it runs faster and is easier to watch which would also make the peers
happy I would do this by going back through the game and changing and speeding it up making it shorter but t increase
more time I wold add more animations making the game smoother quicker and longer with more features. Something
that I would improve that wasn’t on peer feedback is the style of the game choosing maybe different colours to portray
certain aspects of the game. I believe that overall my product could have been better and I take into account all of the
feedback that I have received. If I could go back and change the concept in general I would have chosen a ghost game
like my experiment overall as I believe I could have created a better looking background with the concept of the ghost
theme and it would of taken less time to do, I would say that another reason for me not being able to complete the
game as good as I wanted it is because I gave myself to much to do and I was unable to complete it on time the
feedback that received shows what I already saw in my advergame being wrong.

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7. evaluation(2)

  • 3. Research – The strengths of the research was that we got to see how different game designs are done in Photoshop and what type of games things look like. By choosing select games I was able to see the different aspects of them such as the studio/location, angle, effects, post-production use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts and the way that its set out. This helped because it meant that I was able to focus on different parts of what makes games good and see how it was set out. This was definitely a strength of the research. At the end of the research I went back through the different examples of games I looked into and analysed them all seeing what is common in games and what isn’t and where to go when making my final product, this in total helped my product because I was able to compare and get new ideas about what I was creating. I used different ideas that I got from examples in my actual game and this helped me on my final product. Another thing that helped was the audience profiling as I was able to focus on a specific audience and who I can focus the game on dependent on their type of interests and what type of games that they like. I was able to focus on the different type of personality and mind set that would suit the game and try and base it around them. This was a strength as it made things easier to focus on a specific audience and meant I didn't have to think about it later. All together all the research that was done helped the final product and was all a strength in general. – The only weakness that was in the research was that it was time consuming to complete all of the research and the different audience demographics and I believe that although the audience demographic is helpful that some of it repeats itself and isn’t exactly necessary. I think that the rest of the research was helpful although I focused more on researching the type of game that I wanted rather than looking into different types of games and what they are like I only looked into games like pong and arcade air hockey when looking and exploring different ideas would of also been helpful which is a weakness. In conclusion the research had some faults but was all together helpful in creating my final product. I think that I would improve on how much detail I looked into different games and I would of picked out more specific details about the different products that I looked into and focused on more things, I think that this way I would have been able to spot different things in the researched products that could have had good impact on what my final product would look like and improve it.
  • 4. Planning • I found this very helpful, to start with I made two different mind maps. The fist mind map was exploring three different ideas that I could use when designing my game, this helped me list the strength of each idea and see what I felt like creating which helps with my final product because I'm able to see what choice that I want for my final game. The second mind map was one of the options from the first one I chose but going into more detail and looking into the type of game that I would preferably like to make and I decided to make a 2d arcade game. I decided on the second mind map at what type of things I wanted in the game that I wanted to make so I looked at different aspects of the game such as scenery, colour option, etc. I also looked into how I wanted it to be designed for example a customization option for the game as well as how the game would play and how the menu screen on the game would ideally look. I found this to be very helpful to my final project as it meant that I got to look into what game that I wanted to design and the different areas in the game before making it and the planning was very useful for this. It helped my final product because I was able to then create the game with a plan and structure of what I wanted to create. after I created my two mind maps I made a mood board to look at different imagery for how game could turn out and to keep record of what type of things that I would like to include in my game. I looked at a space theme that I wanted to include in my game which I included in my game this was a strength as I allowed me to set out a plan of what I wanted to include in my final game. The mood board over all was more weakness then a strength as I don’t believe that it helped that much compared to the mind maps. After I created the mood board I made analysis explaining different parts of what I selected in it and why I chose them which helpful to look back on when creating my final product as I am able to keep track of what I originally wanted and focus on trying to create my final project. • The main weakness of the planning was making the mood board as I do not believe that to be very helpful and un necessary it focuses on what images I want to include in my project where as I would prefer to specifically describe it for planning so I am able to tell exactly what I'm after, however I still believe this to a be a strength as it did help, I was able to see what designs I wanted in the end for my final product. I believe that I could have planned my type of game better and looked into what type of things I want to include more, I think that this would of improved my final product as I would have been able to make it quicker and then improve on it as I would have a good detailed plan of what I intend to include in my product.
  • 5. Time Management • I believe that I did manage my time well I was able to complete my initial plans, planning, production experiment and proposal on time however when it got to creating the final product I had a set back trying to create it for the deadline as a day of work was missed which meant I had to rush the final product and this then set back the quality of the advergame and the time that I got to make the advergame was also the time that I had to make the production reflection. This meant that it was handed in later than expected as I did not get enough time to fully complete the production reflection, this meant that the production reflection was handed in and completed later than the deadline. I believe because I was rushed my final product was not done as good as I would have liked it to be if I had more time I would certainly of been able to improve it. • If I had more time on my product I would have improved the scenery of the game and the background, unfortunately due to lack of time I was unable to create a nebula for the background of the main menu screen but if I had more time I would have been able to, as well as add more features that you can interact with on the main menu screen. One addition to my advergame I wanted to have was a customization menu for the disk that is played with in the game, in this it would show the different disks that could be unlocked through playing the game by doing different challenges, if I had more time I would have been able to add this feature into the game. Another idea I had was a calibrations option on the main menu so that I could show the different speed formats of how the game would flow and the sensitivity of how the barriers would move, I liked having these ideas for the game but due to lack of time I was unable to add this into my game. The advergame that I have handed in is the basics of what I wanted to create but as I tried to fit multiple things into the game it meant that I was unable to get it at the right speed by the time that the project had to be in by meaning that the animation of the game doesn’t run as soon as I would of wanted it to be. Overall I believe that I managed my time well for the time that I had to complete the tasks and got everything handed in in the best time that I could of done, everything up to the production reflection was handed in on time and the reason that the production reflection was late is possibly because of the lack of time I had to complete it or because I tried to fit to much into my final product and that put me behind.
  • 6. Technical QualitiesMy game is a slow paced game which is different to the example as the example is a fast paced and smooth game. The reason that my game is not fast paced like the example is because I had a lack of time on completing the final project which meant that it was rushed and did not have the smooth take on it as the others did. Both of the menu options give options for different things within the game, the example gives the option to change between difficulties and choose easy medium or hard, and also gives the option for single player of two player within the game. My game gives the option to play, customize, controls and to quit this is a difference between the 2 different examples. Both of the games have a dark background so that the menu screen stands out and the options are more visible, a difference is that the colours chosen for the text is white on the experiment and yellow on my final product. The reason that I chose the colour yellow instead of white is because I believe that yellow stands out more on a page than white and gives off more of a atmosphere for a game than the example. As well as the examples background is plain where as my final product has stars the earth and moon to show what the game is about and make it stand out, I believe that it looks better with more to it than just a plain black screen with text on it. A difference between my final product and the example is that my final project shows the title on the main screen where as the example doesn’t show the name of the game, I believe that it is important to have the name of the game on the main menu screen so that when playing the game people know what the name of it is. A similarity between the games is that they both give off a glow on there options menu , the reason for this is because it makes it stand out more and I went for the same idea as the example so that it adds more of an atmosphere to my final product. I believe that a difference is that my game doesn’t give off as much of a glow as the example. A difference between the example and my final project is the atmosphere in general, there are two different atmospheres as my final project tries to give off a mysterious atmosphere with space and the unknown where as the example gives off a futuristic dark atmosphere both of these atmospheres are good for a game and a similarity is that they can appeal to the same type of audience. Another difference is that the example has a light up on the option that is chosen from the screen, this isn’t very clear and easy to miss where as my final project has line under the selected option making it easier to see and choose.
  • 7. Aesthetic QualitiesThe look of the advergame I believe that my game looks good and is the type of game that I was trying to make and follows the basic structure and plan that I had from the beginning, it is a game that works and is a interesting but used before concept, for example pong and air hockey. There are many different types of air hockey games that focus on different atmospheres, I aimed at making my game on a space theme so that it would add mystery however I didn’t have as much time on making the game as expected and left myself with a lot to do in a short amount of time which meant I was able to complete a working advergame however it lost out on a lot of features I originally intended to put on it. Creativity I believe that my game was creative especially if it included the different things that originally planed but it still has the same concept and I believe that it shows different creativity with the way it plays and the different options on the menu. Visuals I like that my game has glow texture to the stars and the earth in the corner, as well as the way that the grid stands out, and on the gameplay the way that the barriers move to hit the disk which is earth and the ending with the game name. Improvements A big improvement that needs to happen in the game is that it needs to run smoother and faster so that its runs better as advergame I would add a better background with a nebula and improve on the menu options I would add a customization option so that new disks and barriers can be unlocked and add challenge. How to improve it. The main reason that I was unable to complete the tasks I set in planning is lack of time and with more time I feel I would be bale to improve the work a lot, i would make it faster and smoother for a start o that it looked better as well as go back through the timeline and change certain parts including the choosing option step. It takes to long and that’s what needed speeding up the most Strengths and weaknesses Strengths of the advergame was that I was able to come up with new ideas for my advergame and make it work by creating different parts to it and different screens to switch to in animation, I learned new things and was able to take different ideas and put them in my work. A weakness was the time that I had to complete the work as I had 2 and a half days to complete a full animation and the production reflection, the production reflection ended up being handed in late and with more time I would have been able to improve them both.
  • 8. Audience Appeal How its appealed My work has appealed to the target audience because I wanted to focus the game around people that are interested in games like pong and air hockey and I have done that. It contains the same type of play as air hockey with the same layout however like pong between the barriers used to hit the disk is another barrier going up the board that the main one cant cross making the game more difficult than air hockey and pong as the scoring system is also different. As the goal to score by is the same as air hockey but with the difficulty of pong it makes it even harder to win, this appeals to the audience that like arcade games and are interested in a challenge. The game is also set in space which adds a mysterious affect to it and this means that it appeals to a audience demographic that are interested in the space genre and if the audience for that also like the old arcade games as a challenge then I have definitely appealed to that audience well which I was aiming to do in the first place. Specific parts A part that I believe appeals to the audience is the main menu screen as it includes the earth and stars which shows that it’s a space game and the stars in the background of the game glow showing the affect of the game and this appeals to the audience. Another specific part of the game that appeals to the audience is the main gameplay screen as it includes the original pong type theme of game and also a bit if air hockey. The reason that I chose these two games is because the game pong is a old arcade computer game and air hockey is a physical original arcade game. And I wanted to put both aspects together to appeal to two different sides of the audience. Another part of the game that appeals to the audience is options on the main menu as it adds more features to the game and more options in game time so that it adds more to the game and gives people more to do on the game. It also has a option to change the calibrations while in the game which means the sensitivity can be changed to specific persons game type. Specific Another part that appeals to the audience is on the main options menu where the option is customization this allows the user to change the way that the disk looks and the barriers. Questioning audience I did not make a questionnaire for this however I did ask different people what they fought and was able to see what majority of target audience to aim at this way I could make something that the audience would like and enjoy.
  • 10. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? • “I like the background because atmospheric and puts me into the game, as it makes the experience of the game.” • What improvements could have been made to the product? “could improve speed of the frames as it is unsmooth, could improve this by speeding it up the frames, giving it a natural flow.”
  • 11. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? “the product has a good movement to it, the way the game flows. The old arcade style.” • What improvements could have been made to the product? “make the game faster paced. Add more to the background and scenery.”
  • 12. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? “the style of the game, the way that it moves and the idea copying a typical game.” • What improvements could have been made to the product? “the game could move much faster making the game more easy to play.”
  • 13. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? • I agree that my game overall needs to include a much faster pace to make it smoother as this would help it look better, I also agree that the atmosphere of the game needs improvements by editing the background on the main menu, I believe this would help improve on the feedback for the background. To improve on the feedback on the speed of the game I would have to go back through the game and add in either add extra parts to fill in the gap and also go all the way back through the timeline that I completed and make each frame shorter so that I can speed up the game in the end. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? • I wouldn’t say that I disagree with any of the peer feedback I would want to go back through what they said and change it as I intended it to be like that however due to lack of time on t he game originally I was unable to make it like that but If I was able to go back through it I would improve it like the peer feedback suggested that I should. I would also make some additional changes to the game so that I could change the style of the barriers and a just the length that the game was making it longer.
  • 14. Peer Feedback Summary I would make many different changes based on the feedback that I got one of the changes would be that I would improve the smoothness of the game so that it runs faster and is easier to watch which would also make the peers happy I would do this by going back through the game and changing and speeding it up making it shorter but t increase more time I wold add more animations making the game smoother quicker and longer with more features. Something that I would improve that wasn’t on peer feedback is the style of the game choosing maybe different colours to portray certain aspects of the game. I believe that overall my product could have been better and I take into account all of the feedback that I have received. If I could go back and change the concept in general I would have chosen a ghost game like my experiment overall as I believe I could have created a better looking background with the concept of the ghost theme and it would of taken less time to do, I would say that another reason for me not being able to complete the game as good as I wanted it is because I gave myself to much to do and I was unable to complete it on time the feedback that received shows what I already saw in my advergame being wrong.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  5. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  6. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  7. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?