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Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Syiah Kuala

An Introduction to the Viruses
History (1)

• For many years, the cause of viral infections such as
  smallpox and polio was unknown, even though it was
  clear that the diseases were transmitted from person to
  • The French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur was certainly on the right
    track when he postulated that rabies was caused by a “living
    thing” smaller than bacteria,
  • in 1884 he was able to develop the first vaccine for rabies.
  • Pasteur also proposed the term virus to denote this special
    group of infectious agents.

                         Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
History (2)

• The first substantial revelations about the unique
  characteristics of viruses occurred in the 1890s.
  • First, D. Ivanovski and M. Beijerinck showed that a disease in
    tobacco was caused by a virus (tobacco mosaic virus).
  • Friedrich Loeffler and Paul Frosch discovered a virus that causes
    foot-and-mouth disease in cattle.
• These early researchers found that when infectious
  fluids from host organisms were passed through
  porcelain filters designed to trap bacteria, the filtrate
  remained infectious.

                         Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
History (3)

• Over the succeeding decades, a remarkable picture of
  the physical, chemical, and biological nature of viruses
  began to take form.
• Years of experimentation were required to show that
  viruses were noncellular particles with a definite size,
  shape, and chemical composition.
• Using special techniques, they could be cultured in the
  • By the 1950s, virology had grown into a multifaceted discipline
    that promised to provide much information on disease, genetics,
    and even life itself

                        Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
The Position of Viruses in the Biological

• Viruses are a unique group of biological entities known
  to infect every type of cell, including bacteria, algae,
  fungi, protozoa, plants, and animals.
• it is best to describe viruses as infectious particles
  (rather than organisms) and as either active or inactive
  (rather than alive or dead).
• Viruses are different from their host cells in size,
  structure, behavior, and physiology.
  • They are a type of obligate intracellular parasite that cannot
    multiply unless it invades a specific host cell and instructs its
    genetic and metabolic machinery to make and release quantities
    of new viruses.

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Properties of Viruses

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General Structure of Viruses

• As a group, viruses represent the smallest
  infectious agents.
• Their size places them in the realm of the
  ultramicroscopic .
  • This term means that most of them are so minute (<0.2 μm)
    that an electron microscope is necessary to detect them or
    to examine their fine structures.

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
The Size of Viruses

Size comparison of viruses with a eukaryotic cell (yeast) and bacteria. Viruses range from largest (1) to smallest
(9). A molecule of a large protein (10) is included to indicate proportion of macromolecules.
                                           Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Viral Components: Capsids, Nucleic Acids,
and Envelopes (1)

• The general plan of virus organization is the
  utmost in simplicity and compactness.
• Viruses contain only those parts needed to
  invade and control a host cell:
  • an external coating and a core containing one or more
    nucleic acid strands of either DNA or RNA.

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Viral Components: Capsids, Nucleic Acids,
and Envelopes (2)

               Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Capsids (1)

• All viruses have capsids - protein coats that
  enclose and protect their nucleic acid.
• Each capsid is constructed from identical
  subunits called capsomers made of protein.
• The capsid together with the nucleic acid are
• Some viruses have an external covering called
  envelope; those lacking an envelope are

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Capsids (2)

Generalized structure of viruses. (a) The simplest virus is a naked virus (nucleocapsid) consisting of a geometric
capsid assembled around a nucleic acid strand or strands. (b) An enveloped virus is composed of a nucleocapsid
surrounded by a flexible membrane called an envelope. The envelope usually has special receptor spikes inserted into

                                           Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Capsids (3)

• Two structural types:
  • helical - continuous helix of capsomers forming a
    cylindrical nucleocapsid
    •   The nucleocapsids of naked helical viruses are very rigid and tightly
        wound into a cylinder-shaped package. Ex: TMV
    •   Enveloped helical nucleocapsids are more flexible and tend to be
        arranged as a looser helix within the envelope. Ex: influenza,
        measles, and rabies viruses
  • icosahedral - 20-sided with 12 corners
    •   vary in the number of capsomers
        • a poliovirus has 32, and an adenovirus has 242 capsomers
    •   Each capsomer may be made of 1 or several proteins.

                            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Helical capsids

Typical variations of viruses with helical nucleocapsids. Naked helical virus (tobacco mosaic virus):
(a) a schematic view and (b) a greatly magnified micrograph. Note the overall cylindrical morphology.
Enveloped helical virus (influenza virus): (c) a schematic view and (d) a colorized micrograph featuring a
positive stain of the avian influenza virus. This virus has a well-developed envelope with prominent spikes
termed H5N1 type.

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Icosahedral viruses (1)

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Icosahedral viruses (2)

Two types of icosahedral viruses, highly magnified. (a) Upper view: A negative stain of rotaviruses
with unusual capsomers that look like spokes on a wheel; lower view is a three
dimensional model of this virus. (b) Herpes simplex virus, a type of enveloped icosahedral virus.
                                     Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Viral envelope

• When enveloped viruses (mostly animal) are released from the
  host cell, they take with them a bit of its membrane system in the
  form of an envelope.
  • Some viruses bud off the cell membrane; others leave via the
     nuclear envelope or the endoplasmic reticulum.
• Some proteins form a binding layer between the envelope and
  capsid of the virus, and glycoproteins (proteins bound to a
  carbohydrate) remain exposed on the outside of the envelope.
  • These protruding molecules, called spikes or peplomers, are
     essential for the attachment of viruses to the next host cell.

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Functions of Capsid/Envelope

• The outermost covering of a virus is
  indispensable to viral function
  • it protects the nucleic acid from the effects of various
    enzymes and chemicals when the virus is outside the
    host cell.
• Capsids and envelopes are also responsible for helping
  to introduce the viral DNA or RNA into a suitable host
  • by binding to the cell surface
  • by assisting in penetration of the viral nucleic acid

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Complex viruses: atypical viruses (1)

• Two special groups of viruses, termed complex viruses
  are more intricate in structure than the helical,
  icosahedral, naked, or enveloped viruses just described.
• Poxviruses lack a typical capsid and are covered by a
  dense layer of lipoproteins.
• Some bacteriophages have a polyhedral nucleocapsid
  along with a helical tail and attachment fibers.

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Complex viruses: atypical viruses (2)

Detailed structure of complex viruses. (a) Section through the vaccinia virus, a poxvirus, shows its
internal components. (b) Photomicrograph and (c) diagram of a T4 bacteriophage.
                                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Basic types of viral morphology

A. Complex viruses: (1) poxvirus, a large DNA virus (2) flexible-tailed bacteriophage
B. Enveloped viruses:
  • With a helical nucleocapsid: (3) mumps virus(4) rhabdovirus
  • With an icosahedral nucleocapsid: (5) Herpesvirus (6) HIV (AIDS)
C. Naked viruses:
  • Helical capsid: (7) plum poxvirus
  • Icosahedral capsid: (8) Poliovirus ; (9) papillomavirus

                                          Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Nucleic acids (1)

• Viral genome – either DNA or RNA but never
• Carries genes necessary to invade host cell and
  redirect cell’s activity to make new viruses
• Number of genes varies for each type of virus –
  few to hundreds

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Nucleic acids (2)

• DNA viruses
  • usually double stranded (ds) but may be single stranded
  • circular or linear
• RNA viruses
  • usually single stranded, may be double stranded, may be
    segmented into separate RNA pieces
  • ssRNA genomes ready for immediate translation are
    positive-sense RNA.
  • ssRNA genomes that must be converted into proper form
    are negative-sense RNA.

                       Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Other Substances in the Virus

• In addition to the protein of the capsid, the proteins and lipids of
  envelopes, and the nucleic acid of the core, viruses can contain
  enzymes for specific operations within their host cell.
• They may come with preformed enzymes that are required for viral
   • polymerases that synthesize DNA and RNA and replicases that copy
• The AIDS virus comes equipped with reverse transcriptase for
  synthesizing DNA from RNA.
• However, viruses completely lack the genes for synthesis of
  metabolic enzymes.
   • this deficiency has little consequence, because viruses have adapted to
     assume total control over the cell’s metabolic resources.

                            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
How Viruses Are Classified and
Named (1)

• Classified based on structures, size, nucleic acids,
  host species, target cells.
• 3 orders, 63 families, and 263 genera of viruses
• Family name ends in -viridae
• Genus name ends in -virus, Simplexvirus,
  Hantavirus, Enterovirus
• Name of genus or family begins with description of
  •   appearance: togavirus, coronavirus
  •   place collected: adenovirus, hantavirus
  •   effect on host: lentivirus
  •   acronymns: picornavirus; hepadnavirus

                            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
How Viruses Are Classified and
Named (2)

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            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah

            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Modes of Viral Multiplication (1)

• General phases in animal virus multiplication cycle:
  1. Adsorption - binding of virus to specific molecule
     on host cell
  2. Penetration - genome enters host cell
  3. Uncoating – the viral nucleic acid is released from
     the capsid
  4. Synthesis – viral components are produced
  5. Assembly – new viral particles are constructed
  6. Release – assembled viruses are released by
     budding (exocytosis) or cell lysis

                     Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Modes of Viral Multiplication (2)

General features in the multiplication cycle
of an enveloped animal virus. Using an RNA
virus (rubella virus), the major events are
outlined, although other viruses will vary in
exact details of the cycle.

                                     Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Adsorption and Host Range (1)

• Virus coincidentally collides with a susceptible
  host cell and adsorbs specifically to receptor
  sites on the cell membrane
• Spectrum of cells a virus can infect – host
  • hepatitis B – human liver cells
  • poliovirus – primate intestinal and nerve cells
  • rabies – various cells of many mammals

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Adsorption and Host Range (2)

The mode by which animal viruses adsorb to the host cell membrane. (a) An enveloped
coronavirus with prominent spikes. The configuration of the spike has a complementary fit for cell
receptors. The process in which the virus lands on the cell and plugs into receptors is termed docking.
(b) An adenovirus has a naked capsid that adheres to its host cell by nestling surface molecules on its
capsid into the receptors on the host cell’s membrane.
                                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Penetration/Uncoating (1)

• Flexible cell membrane is penetrated by the
  whole virus or its nucleic acid by:
  • endocytosis – entire virus is engulfed and
    enclosed in a vacuole or vesicle
  • fusion – envelope merges directly with membrane
    resulting in nucleocapsid’s entry into cytoplasm

                   Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Penetration/Uncoating (2)

Two principal means by which animal viruses penetrate. (a) Endocytosis (engulfment) and
uncoating of a herpesvirus. (b) Fusion of the cell membrane with the viral envelope (mumps virus).
                                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Replication and Protein Production

• Varies depending on whether the virus is a DNA or RNA
• DNA viruses generally are replicated and assembled in
  the nucleus.
• RNA viruses generally are replicated and assembled in
  the cytoplasm.
  • Positive-sense RNA contain the message for translation.
  • Negative-sense RNA must be converted into positive-sense

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Assembly: Filling the capsid

• Capsid proteins made in cytoplasm
• DNA or RNA gets fills empty capsids
• final modifications to capsid
 • to plug any holes from DNA/RNA entry
 • to mature the outer proteins

                  Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Release (1)

• Assembled viruses leave host cell in one of two ways:
  • budding – exocytosis; nucleocapsid binds to membrane
    which pinches off and sheds the viruses gradually; cell is
    not immediately destroyed
  • lysis – nonenveloped and complex viruses released when
    cell dies and ruptures
• A fully formed, extracellular virus particle that is virulent
  (able to establish infection in a host) is called a virion
• Number of viruses released is variable
  • 3,000-4,000 released by poxvirus
  • >100,000 released by poliovirus

                        Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Release (2)

Maturation and release of enveloped viruses. As parainfluenza virus is budded off the membrane, it
simultaneously picks up an envelope and spikes.

                                    Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Damage to Host Cell

• Cytopathic effects - virus-induced damage to
   1.   Changes in size & shape
   2.   Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies
   3.   Nuclear inclusion bodies
   4.   Cells fuse to form multinucleated cells.
   5.   Cell lysis
   6.   Alter DNA
   7.   Transform cells into cancerous cells

                     Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Persistent Infections (1)

• Persistent infections - cell harbors the virus
  and is not immediately lysed
• Can last weeks or host’s lifetime; several can
  periodically reactivate – chronic latent state
  • measles virus – may remain hidden in brain cells for
    many years
  • herpes simplex virus – cold sores and genital herpes
  • herpes zoster virus – chickenpox and shingles

                     Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Persistent Infections (2)

• Some animal viruses enter host cell and
  permanently alter its genetic material resulting in
  cancer – transformation of the cell.
• Transformed cells have increased rate of growth,
  alterations in chromosomes, and capacity to divide
  for indefinite time periods resulting in tumors.
• Mammalian viruses capable of initiating tumors are
  called oncoviruses.
  • Papillomavirus – cervical cancer
  • Epstein-Barr virus – Burkitt’s lymphoma

                         Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Multiplication Cycle in

• Bacteriophages – bacterial viruses (phages)
• Most widely studied are those that infect Escherichia coli
  – complex structure, DNA
• Multiplication goes through similar stages as animal
• Only the nucleic acid enters the cytoplasm - uncoating is
  not necessary.
• Release is a result of cell lysis induced by viral enzymes
  and accumulation of viruses - lytic cycle.

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
6 Steps in Phage Replication

1.   Adsorption – binding of virus to specific molecule on
     host cell
2.   Penetration –genome enters host cell
3.   Replication – viral components produced
4.   Assembly - viral components assembled
5.   Maturation – completion of viral formation
6.   Release – viruses leave cell to infect other cells

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Penetration & Release of Phage

Penetration of a bacterial cell by a T-even bacteriophage and A weakened bacterial cell, crowded with viruses.

                                         Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Lysogeny: The Silent Virus Infection

• Not all phages complete the lytic cycle.
• Some DNA phages, called temperate phages, undergo
  adsorption and penetration but don’t replicate.
• The viral genome inserts into bacterial genome and
  becomes an inactive prophage - the cell is not lysed.
• Prophage is retained and copied during normal cell
  division resulting in the transfer of temperate phage
  genome to all host cell progeny – lysogeny.
• Induction can occur resulting in activation of lysogenic
  prophage followed by viral replication and cell lysis.

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Techniques in Cultivating and
Identifying Animal Viruses (1)

• Obligate intracellular parasites that require
  appropriate cells to replicate
• Methods used:
  • cell (tissue) cultures – cultured cells grow in sheets
    that support viral replication and permit observation for
    cytopathic effect
  • bird embryos – incubating egg is an ideal system;
    virus is injected through the shell
  • live animal inoculation – occasionally used when

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Techniques in Cultivating and
Identifying Animal Viruses (2)

                     Cell Culture

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Techniques in Cultivating and
Identifying Animal Viruses (3)

        Cultivating animal viruses in a developing bird embryo

                       Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Detection of Animal Viral Infections

• More difficult than other agents
• Consider overall clinical picture
• Take appropriate sample
  • Infect cell culture – look for characteristic
    cytopathic effects
  • Screen for parts of the virus
  • Screen for immune response to virus

                    Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah

            Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Treatment of viral infections

•   The nature of viruses has at times been a major impediment to effective therapy.
    • Because viruses are not bacteria, antibiotics aimed at bacterial infections do not
•   While there are increasing numbers of antiviral drugs, most of them block
    virus replication by targeting the function of host cells. This can cause severe side
•   Antiviral drugs are designed to target one of the steps in the viral life cycle you
    learned about earlier in this chapter.
    • Azidothymide (AZT), a drug used to treat AIDS, targets the nucleic acid synthesis
    • A newer class of HIV drugs, the protease inhibitors, disrupts the final assembly
        phase of the viral life cycle.
•   Another compound that shows some potential for treating and preventing viral
    infections is a naturally occurring human cell product called interferon
•   Vaccines that stimulate immunity are an extremely valuable tool but are
    available for only a limited number of viral diseases

                                  Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
Important viruses you should know…

• Smallpox (variola major, minor) – complex virus;
• Herpesviridae – (herpes; chicken pox – varicella zoster);
  chronic latent state  reactivated; nuclear inclusions
• HPV – can transform cells; warts  cervical cancer
• Hepatovirus (A, B, C)
• SARS – coronavirus (like the virus that causes
  bronchitis); prominent spikes on envelope
• influenza – Flu; Type A is the one you’ve had;
• Rotavirus – viral food poisoning; vomiting and diarrhea –
  sometimes concurrently!!
• HIV – retrovirus; latency;

                      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah

      Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah

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5. introduction to viruses

  • 1. Program PGMIPABI Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Syiah Kuala An Introduction to the Viruses
  • 2. History (1) • For many years, the cause of viral infections such as smallpox and polio was unknown, even though it was clear that the diseases were transmitted from person to person. • The French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur was certainly on the right track when he postulated that rabies was caused by a “living thing” smaller than bacteria, • in 1884 he was able to develop the first vaccine for rabies. • Pasteur also proposed the term virus to denote this special group of infectious agents. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 3. History (2) • The first substantial revelations about the unique characteristics of viruses occurred in the 1890s. • First, D. Ivanovski and M. Beijerinck showed that a disease in tobacco was caused by a virus (tobacco mosaic virus). • Friedrich Loeffler and Paul Frosch discovered a virus that causes foot-and-mouth disease in cattle. • These early researchers found that when infectious fluids from host organisms were passed through porcelain filters designed to trap bacteria, the filtrate remained infectious. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 4. History (3) • Over the succeeding decades, a remarkable picture of the physical, chemical, and biological nature of viruses began to take form. • Years of experimentation were required to show that viruses were noncellular particles with a definite size, shape, and chemical composition. • Using special techniques, they could be cultured in the laboratory. • By the 1950s, virology had grown into a multifaceted discipline that promised to provide much information on disease, genetics, and even life itself Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 5. The Position of Viruses in the Biological Spectrum • Viruses are a unique group of biological entities known to infect every type of cell, including bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa, plants, and animals. • it is best to describe viruses as infectious particles (rather than organisms) and as either active or inactive (rather than alive or dead). • Viruses are different from their host cells in size, structure, behavior, and physiology. • They are a type of obligate intracellular parasite that cannot multiply unless it invades a specific host cell and instructs its genetic and metabolic machinery to make and release quantities of new viruses. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 6. Properties of Viruses Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 7. General Structure of Viruses • As a group, viruses represent the smallest infectious agents. • Their size places them in the realm of the ultramicroscopic . • This term means that most of them are so minute (<0.2 μm) that an electron microscope is necessary to detect them or to examine their fine structures. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 8. The Size of Viruses Size comparison of viruses with a eukaryotic cell (yeast) and bacteria. Viruses range from largest (1) to smallest (9). A molecule of a large protein (10) is included to indicate proportion of macromolecules. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 9. Viral Components: Capsids, Nucleic Acids, and Envelopes (1) • The general plan of virus organization is the utmost in simplicity and compactness. • Viruses contain only those parts needed to invade and control a host cell: • an external coating and a core containing one or more nucleic acid strands of either DNA or RNA. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 10. Viral Components: Capsids, Nucleic Acids, and Envelopes (2) Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 11. Capsids (1) • All viruses have capsids - protein coats that enclose and protect their nucleic acid. • Each capsid is constructed from identical subunits called capsomers made of protein. • The capsid together with the nucleic acid are nucleoscapsid. • Some viruses have an external covering called envelope; those lacking an envelope are naked. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 12. Capsids (2) Generalized structure of viruses. (a) The simplest virus is a naked virus (nucleocapsid) consisting of a geometric capsid assembled around a nucleic acid strand or strands. (b) An enveloped virus is composed of a nucleocapsid surrounded by a flexible membrane called an envelope. The envelope usually has special receptor spikes inserted into it. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 13. Capsids (3) • Two structural types: • helical - continuous helix of capsomers forming a cylindrical nucleocapsid • The nucleocapsids of naked helical viruses are very rigid and tightly wound into a cylinder-shaped package. Ex: TMV • Enveloped helical nucleocapsids are more flexible and tend to be arranged as a looser helix within the envelope. Ex: influenza, measles, and rabies viruses • icosahedral - 20-sided with 12 corners • vary in the number of capsomers • a poliovirus has 32, and an adenovirus has 242 capsomers • Each capsomer may be made of 1 or several proteins. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 14. Helical capsids Typical variations of viruses with helical nucleocapsids. Naked helical virus (tobacco mosaic virus): (a) a schematic view and (b) a greatly magnified micrograph. Note the overall cylindrical morphology. Enveloped helical virus (influenza virus): (c) a schematic view and (d) a colorized micrograph featuring a positive stain of the avian influenza virus. This virus has a well-developed envelope with prominent spikes termed H5N1 type. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 15. Icosahedral viruses (1) Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 16. Icosahedral viruses (2) Two types of icosahedral viruses, highly magnified. (a) Upper view: A negative stain of rotaviruses with unusual capsomers that look like spokes on a wheel; lower view is a three dimensional model of this virus. (b) Herpes simplex virus, a type of enveloped icosahedral virus. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 17. Viral envelope • When enveloped viruses (mostly animal) are released from the host cell, they take with them a bit of its membrane system in the form of an envelope. • Some viruses bud off the cell membrane; others leave via the nuclear envelope or the endoplasmic reticulum. • Some proteins form a binding layer between the envelope and capsid of the virus, and glycoproteins (proteins bound to a carbohydrate) remain exposed on the outside of the envelope. • These protruding molecules, called spikes or peplomers, are essential for the attachment of viruses to the next host cell. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 18. Functions of Capsid/Envelope • The outermost covering of a virus is indispensable to viral function • it protects the nucleic acid from the effects of various enzymes and chemicals when the virus is outside the host cell. • Capsids and envelopes are also responsible for helping to introduce the viral DNA or RNA into a suitable host cell, • by binding to the cell surface • by assisting in penetration of the viral nucleic acid Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 19. Complex viruses: atypical viruses (1) • Two special groups of viruses, termed complex viruses are more intricate in structure than the helical, icosahedral, naked, or enveloped viruses just described. • Poxviruses lack a typical capsid and are covered by a dense layer of lipoproteins. • Some bacteriophages have a polyhedral nucleocapsid along with a helical tail and attachment fibers. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 20. Complex viruses: atypical viruses (2) Detailed structure of complex viruses. (a) Section through the vaccinia virus, a poxvirus, shows its internal components. (b) Photomicrograph and (c) diagram of a T4 bacteriophage. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 21. Basic types of viral morphology A. Complex viruses: (1) poxvirus, a large DNA virus (2) flexible-tailed bacteriophage B. Enveloped viruses: • With a helical nucleocapsid: (3) mumps virus(4) rhabdovirus • With an icosahedral nucleocapsid: (5) Herpesvirus (6) HIV (AIDS) C. Naked viruses: • Helical capsid: (7) plum poxvirus • Icosahedral capsid: (8) Poliovirus ; (9) papillomavirus Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 22. Nucleic acids (1) • Viral genome – either DNA or RNA but never both • Carries genes necessary to invade host cell and redirect cell’s activity to make new viruses • Number of genes varies for each type of virus – few to hundreds Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 23. Nucleic acids (2) • DNA viruses • usually double stranded (ds) but may be single stranded (ss) • circular or linear • RNA viruses • usually single stranded, may be double stranded, may be segmented into separate RNA pieces • ssRNA genomes ready for immediate translation are positive-sense RNA. • ssRNA genomes that must be converted into proper form are negative-sense RNA. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 24. Other Substances in the Virus Particle • In addition to the protein of the capsid, the proteins and lipids of envelopes, and the nucleic acid of the core, viruses can contain enzymes for specific operations within their host cell. • They may come with preformed enzymes that are required for viral replication. • polymerases that synthesize DNA and RNA and replicases that copy RNA. • The AIDS virus comes equipped with reverse transcriptase for synthesizing DNA from RNA. • However, viruses completely lack the genes for synthesis of metabolic enzymes. • this deficiency has little consequence, because viruses have adapted to assume total control over the cell’s metabolic resources. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 25. How Viruses Are Classified and Named (1) • Classified based on structures, size, nucleic acids, host species, target cells. • 3 orders, 63 families, and 263 genera of viruses • Family name ends in -viridae • Genus name ends in -virus, Simplexvirus, Hantavirus, Enterovirus • Name of genus or family begins with description of virus • appearance: togavirus, coronavirus • place collected: adenovirus, hantavirus • effect on host: lentivirus • acronymns: picornavirus; hepadnavirus Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 26. How Viruses Are Classified and Named (2) Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 27. DNA VIRUS Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 28. RNA VIRUS Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 29. Modes of Viral Multiplication (1) • General phases in animal virus multiplication cycle: 1. Adsorption - binding of virus to specific molecule on host cell 2. Penetration - genome enters host cell 3. Uncoating – the viral nucleic acid is released from the capsid 4. Synthesis – viral components are produced 5. Assembly – new viral particles are constructed 6. Release – assembled viruses are released by budding (exocytosis) or cell lysis Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 30. Modes of Viral Multiplication (2) General features in the multiplication cycle of an enveloped animal virus. Using an RNA virus (rubella virus), the major events are outlined, although other viruses will vary in exact details of the cycle. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 31. Adsorption and Host Range (1) • Virus coincidentally collides with a susceptible host cell and adsorbs specifically to receptor sites on the cell membrane • Spectrum of cells a virus can infect – host range • hepatitis B – human liver cells • poliovirus – primate intestinal and nerve cells • rabies – various cells of many mammals Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 32. Adsorption and Host Range (2) The mode by which animal viruses adsorb to the host cell membrane. (a) An enveloped coronavirus with prominent spikes. The configuration of the spike has a complementary fit for cell receptors. The process in which the virus lands on the cell and plugs into receptors is termed docking. (b) An adenovirus has a naked capsid that adheres to its host cell by nestling surface molecules on its capsid into the receptors on the host cell’s membrane. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 33. Penetration/Uncoating (1) • Flexible cell membrane is penetrated by the whole virus or its nucleic acid by: • endocytosis – entire virus is engulfed and enclosed in a vacuole or vesicle • fusion – envelope merges directly with membrane resulting in nucleocapsid’s entry into cytoplasm Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 34. Penetration/Uncoating (2) Two principal means by which animal viruses penetrate. (a) Endocytosis (engulfment) and uncoating of a herpesvirus. (b) Fusion of the cell membrane with the viral envelope (mumps virus). Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 36. Replication and Protein Production • Varies depending on whether the virus is a DNA or RNA virus • DNA viruses generally are replicated and assembled in the nucleus. • RNA viruses generally are replicated and assembled in the cytoplasm. • Positive-sense RNA contain the message for translation. • Negative-sense RNA must be converted into positive-sense message. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 37. Assembly: Filling the capsid • Capsid proteins made in cytoplasm • DNA or RNA gets fills empty capsids • final modifications to capsid • to plug any holes from DNA/RNA entry • to mature the outer proteins Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 38. Release (1) • Assembled viruses leave host cell in one of two ways: • budding – exocytosis; nucleocapsid binds to membrane which pinches off and sheds the viruses gradually; cell is not immediately destroyed • lysis – nonenveloped and complex viruses released when cell dies and ruptures • A fully formed, extracellular virus particle that is virulent (able to establish infection in a host) is called a virion • Number of viruses released is variable • 3,000-4,000 released by poxvirus • >100,000 released by poliovirus Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 39. Release (2) Maturation and release of enveloped viruses. As parainfluenza virus is budded off the membrane, it simultaneously picks up an envelope and spikes. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 41. Damage to Host Cell • Cytopathic effects - virus-induced damage to cells 1. Changes in size & shape 2. Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies 3. Nuclear inclusion bodies 4. Cells fuse to form multinucleated cells. 5. Cell lysis 6. Alter DNA 7. Transform cells into cancerous cells Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 42. Persistent Infections (1) • Persistent infections - cell harbors the virus and is not immediately lysed • Can last weeks or host’s lifetime; several can periodically reactivate – chronic latent state • measles virus – may remain hidden in brain cells for many years • herpes simplex virus – cold sores and genital herpes • herpes zoster virus – chickenpox and shingles Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 43. Persistent Infections (2) • Some animal viruses enter host cell and permanently alter its genetic material resulting in cancer – transformation of the cell. • Transformed cells have increased rate of growth, alterations in chromosomes, and capacity to divide for indefinite time periods resulting in tumors. • Mammalian viruses capable of initiating tumors are called oncoviruses. • Papillomavirus – cervical cancer • Epstein-Barr virus – Burkitt’s lymphoma Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 44. Multiplication Cycle in Bacteriophages • Bacteriophages – bacterial viruses (phages) • Most widely studied are those that infect Escherichia coli – complex structure, DNA • Multiplication goes through similar stages as animal viruses. • Only the nucleic acid enters the cytoplasm - uncoating is not necessary. • Release is a result of cell lysis induced by viral enzymes and accumulation of viruses - lytic cycle. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 45. 6 Steps in Phage Replication 1. Adsorption – binding of virus to specific molecule on host cell 2. Penetration –genome enters host cell 3. Replication – viral components produced 4. Assembly - viral components assembled 5. Maturation – completion of viral formation 6. Release – viruses leave cell to infect other cells Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 48. Penetration & Release of Phage Penetration of a bacterial cell by a T-even bacteriophage and A weakened bacterial cell, crowded with viruses. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 49. Lysogeny: The Silent Virus Infection • Not all phages complete the lytic cycle. • Some DNA phages, called temperate phages, undergo adsorption and penetration but don’t replicate. • The viral genome inserts into bacterial genome and becomes an inactive prophage - the cell is not lysed. • Prophage is retained and copied during normal cell division resulting in the transfer of temperate phage genome to all host cell progeny – lysogeny. • Induction can occur resulting in activation of lysogenic prophage followed by viral replication and cell lysis. Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 50. Techniques in Cultivating and Identifying Animal Viruses (1) • Obligate intracellular parasites that require appropriate cells to replicate • Methods used: • cell (tissue) cultures – cultured cells grow in sheets that support viral replication and permit observation for cytopathic effect • bird embryos – incubating egg is an ideal system; virus is injected through the shell • live animal inoculation – occasionally used when necessary Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 51. Techniques in Cultivating and Identifying Animal Viruses (2) Cell Culture Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 52. Techniques in Cultivating and Identifying Animal Viruses (3) Cultivating animal viruses in a developing bird embryo Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 53. Detection of Animal Viral Infections • More difficult than other agents • Consider overall clinical picture • Take appropriate sample • Infect cell culture – look for characteristic cytopathic effects • Screen for parts of the virus • Screen for immune response to virus (antibodies) Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 54. Diagnosis Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 55. Treatment of viral infections • The nature of viruses has at times been a major impediment to effective therapy. • Because viruses are not bacteria, antibiotics aimed at bacterial infections do not work. • While there are increasing numbers of antiviral drugs, most of them block virus replication by targeting the function of host cells. This can cause severe side effects. • Antiviral drugs are designed to target one of the steps in the viral life cycle you learned about earlier in this chapter. • Azidothymide (AZT), a drug used to treat AIDS, targets the nucleic acid synthesis stage. • A newer class of HIV drugs, the protease inhibitors, disrupts the final assembly phase of the viral life cycle. • Another compound that shows some potential for treating and preventing viral infections is a naturally occurring human cell product called interferon • Vaccines that stimulate immunity are an extremely valuable tool but are available for only a limited number of viral diseases Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 56. Important viruses you should know… • Smallpox (variola major, minor) – complex virus; inclusions • Herpesviridae – (herpes; chicken pox – varicella zoster); chronic latent state  reactivated; nuclear inclusions • HPV – can transform cells; warts  cervical cancer • Hepatovirus (A, B, C) • SARS – coronavirus (like the virus that causes bronchitis); prominent spikes on envelope • influenza – Flu; Type A is the one you’ve had; • Rotavirus – viral food poisoning; vomiting and diarrhea – sometimes concurrently!! • HIV – retrovirus; latency; Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah
  • 57. THANK YOU Program PGMIPABI-FKIP Unsyiah