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4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey

                           Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey

                           Report 2010

Econsultancy’s reports, events, online            the Peer Summit, roundtables, briefings and       cScape is an award-winning, full service digital   CIM’s Course Director for Social Media, as part
resources and training help an international      a range of social events.                         agency that ranked number 14 in NMA’s design       of its exceptionally qualified team.
community of more than 80,000 digital                                                               and build 2009 top 100 poll. Based in the UK
marketers make better decisions, build            Econsultancy also runs the prestigious            but operating internationally, cScape is part of   We’ve won multiple awards for our information
business cases, find the best suppliers, look     Innovation Awards where pioneering work           the AIM-listed cScape Group Limited which          architecture, user experience and creative
smart in meetings and accelerate their careers.   carried out in the world of digital marketing     has over 110 staff. We offer digital marketing/    work. In addition, cScape is technically strong
                                                  and e-commerce is judged by an international      customer engagement campaign strategy,             across the board, with particular expertise
Econsultancy, which has offices in London         panel of experts from companies themselves        planning, management and training (including       in Microsoft SharePoint technologies,
and New York, is an award-winning online          known for innovation.                             social media governance); graphic design and       holding Gold Partner status with a Microsoft
publisher of reports covering best practice,                                                        rich media services including app development      Most Valuable Professional as our Chief
user experience benchmarking, market data,        The Econsultancy site now attracts 175,000                                                           Technical Officer.
                                                  unique users per month where they access          and video, and technical health checks/build
trends and innovation, and supplier selection.                                                      (intranet, extranet, website and mobile) for
Econsultancy is an invaluable resource for        research, read the blog and take part in                                                             We’ve an exciting programme of events
                                                  discussions in the forums. And as a portal to     customers such as Aviva, Sony, Barclays, the       planned for 2010 and hope you will be able
internet professionals who want practical                                                           British Council, ExxonMobil, Tesco, Carbon
advice on all aspects of e-business.              the digital marketing community, Econsultancy                                                        to join us. For more information about these
                                                  members can also link up with other members       Trust and the Chartered Institute of Personnel     events, cScape’s CEU and other services
Econsultancy also operates a highly popular       and digital suppliers through the directories,    and Development.                                   contact Theresa Clifford: t.clifford@cscape.
training division, used by some of the world’s    as well as find a new job or new digital talent   We practice what we preach in terms of             com.
most prominent brands for staff education,        using the job listings.                           engaging our own clients, many of whom have
both in-house and via public courses.
                                                  Some of Econsultancy’s members include:           retained cScape to help them with their digital    Find out more about cScape:
Econsultancy provides training across all                                                           marketing for many years. So what made these
                                                  Google, Yahoo, Dell, BBC, BT, Shell, Vodafone,                                                
areas of digital marketing and at all levels                                                        customers choose us? The main reason cited
                                        , Oxfam, Virgin Atlantic, Barclays,                                                   
from one-day courses to an MSc in Digital                                                           is our unique blend of strategic, technical and
Marketing.                                        Carphone Warehouse, IPC Media, Deloitte,
                                                  T-Mobile and Estée Lauder.                        creative services, combined with our ability to    Follow us on Twitter:
In addition, Econsultancy hosts more than 100                                                       draw on multi-disciplined engagement experts         @cscape
conferences and events a year, including the      Join Econsultancy today to learn what’s           from around the globe.                               @cscapeCEU
Online Marketing Masterclasses, the annual        happening in digital marketing – and what
                                                  works. Call us to find out more on +44 (0)20      Our Customer Engagement Unit (CEU) counts          Join the debate:
Future of Digital Marketing Conference,                                                             Dr Dave Chaffey, recognised by the Chartered
                                                  7269 1450 (London) or +1 212 699 3626                                                        
                                                  (New York). You can also contact us online.       Institute of Marketing (CIM) as one of the 50
                                                                                                    marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide that have shaped
                                                                      digital marketing, and Richard Sedley, the


4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Report 2010

Introduction                                                             4    Comments on the findings

Executive summary and highlights                                          7   Andy Beal                                                                       13
                                                                              Ron Shevlin, Monica Hart                                                       14
Methodology and sample                                                   9
                                                                              Dr Dave Chaffey                                                                 17
Findings                                                                 12   Rob Killick, BJ Cook, Guy Stephens                                             18
Customer engagement strategy                                             12   Linus Gregoriadis                                                              19
         Importance of customer engagement to the organisation           12   BJ Fogg                                                                        20
         Interest in online customer engagement                          12   Adam Hibbert, Amanda Davie                                                     25
         Attributes of an engaged customer                               15   Theresa Clifford, Paul Blunden                                                 26
         Success of customer engagement strategy                         16   Jay Cooper                                                                     29
Tactics, behaviours and attitudes                                        16   Jim Sterne, Pete Mortensen                                                     30
         Improving customer engagement                                   16   Rich Wand, Bruno Ancona Lopes                                                   31
         Investment to drive increased customer engagement               20   Eric T. Peterson                                                               33
         Changing behaviour and attitudes                                20   Hugh Gage, Janet Grimes                                                        34
Enterprise 2.0                                                           22   Martha Russell, Ian Jindal                                                     35
         Adoption of technology for product development and innovation   22   Clare O’Brien, David Dodd                                                      36
         Adoption of technology for internal (employee) communications   23   Marc Sibley, Aurélie Pols                                                      37
         Adoption of technology for customer service improvement         23   Zia Zareem-Slade, Steven Woods                                                 38
         Resourcing social media and customer engagement                 23   Stéphane Hamel, Lucy Conlan                                                    39
         Barriers to cultivating customer engagement                     27   Becky Caroll, Richard Sedley                                                   40
Mobile                                                                   28
         Investing in the mobile channel                                 28
                                                                              Survey partners                                                                41
         Mobile and customer engagement strategy                         28
         Using mobile marketing to build engagement                      29
         Barriers to a more focused approach to mobile                   30
Mapping and measurement                                                  32


                                                                             The definition of customer engagement:

                                                                             Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical
                                                                             investment a customer has in a brand (product or company).

Welcome to the 2010 Online Customer                Predictably the big ‘winners’ in this report                             customer service and employee engagement,           So it is slightly surprising that the number
Engagement Survey Report. Now in its               are social media and micro-blogging tools                                all areas of increasing importance to customer      of companies planning to step into mobile
fourth year, this annual report has become         like Twitter. These are the technologies                                 engagement.                                         customer engagement is not larger.
                                                                                                      to need focus on
a regular benchmark for organisations              that companies see as worthy of increased          quality, simplicity
wanting to assess their customer engagement        attention and financial investment. If 2009 was                          If I were to make any recommendations based         More than any other channel, mobile has
                                                                                                      and customer          on the results in this year’s report it would be
strategies. With over 1,000 participants the       the year that saw the main-streaming of many                                                                                 the ability to connect emotionally with us.
                                                                                                      service in the next
                                                                                                                            that organisations need to focus on quality,        The mobile phone is omnipresent and highly
survey continues to be the largest of its type     of these social technologies, then 2010 will be    12 months.
anywhere in the world. Indeed this year the        the year that social technologies get serious.                           simplicity and customer service in the next         personal – I spend more time with mine than
survey gained the largest number of non-UK         This will manifest itself not only in terms of                           12 months. These are three key areas that can       I do my family. This poses both challenges
participants in its history.                       marketing investment, but also in the way                                foster an understanding of value and emotional      and opportunities in equal measure. While
                                                   they begin to impact the internal structure and                          connection within the customer.                     2010 appears to be the year when many more
The number of you who consider customer            culture of organisations both large and small.                                                                               organisations are preparing to get their toes
engagement ‘essential’ to your organisation                                                                                 Since the conception of this survey we have
                                                                                                                                                                                wet with mobile, it appears most are waiting
continues to grow slightly, but what I feel        The reorganisation required to take advantage                            stressed the importance of an emotional
                                                                                                                                                                                for someone else to start swimming. If that’s
this year’s survey reveals best is the extent to   of these social technologies should not be                               connection as part of engagement – our
                                                                                                                                                                                you, you’ll probably have a healthy lead by the
which the last 12 months have changed how          underestimated. It is worth recognising that the                         definition has it at it’s heart (see above) – and
                                                                                                                                                                                time the others dive in.
we will do business in the future. In many         introduction of these tools is unprecedented.                            this has never been more important than today.
ways this was to be expected. The world            Technologies like fax, email and the telephone                           Indeed ‘strengthening emotional investment in       What the 4th Annual Online Customer
has just experienced the toughest economic         had all first established themselves (and                                your brand’ showed the biggest year on year         Engagement Report reveals to me is that we
environment since the 1930s and any company        their associated behaviours) within business                             increase of all the reasons why organisations       find ourselves firmly placed in an interregnum
not looking to change the way they operate is      before making their way into society as                                  are interested in customer engagement.              – a period between the close of one era of
likely to be suffering the consequences already.   a whole. Today we are seeing the reverse                                                                                     business and the opening of another. This isn’t
                                                                                                                            Underlying much of this year’s results is
                                                   as enterprises struggle to adjust and embrace                                                                                something created by the current troubled
But how to change and into what, have been                                                                                  an expressed desire to get closer to our
                                                   the pre-established attitudes and behaviours of                                                                              economy but what our economic woes have
the hardest questions for most organisations.                                                                               customers, to understand them better and to
                                                   customers and employees while trying to bring                                                                                done is focus our attention on the changes
                                                                                                                            become a more integral part of their lives.
                                                   these social tools ‘in-house’.                                                                                               happening.

                                                   This year we’ve added a new section to the                                                                                   While customer engagement is no panacea
                                                   report entitled Enterprise 2.0. This touches on                                                                              for a troubled economy, or changes within the
                                                   issues of product development and innovation,


business environment, what it does offer is     It just remains for me to thank all those who’ve
grounding – an opportunity to stabilise and     continued to help make this a successful
reap the benefits of increased predictability   report.
in our customer relationships. As I wrote
back in 2006 in the introduction to the first   To all those who took the time to complete
of these surveys; ‘customer engagement          this, the longest survey to date, we salute you.
is the best measure of current and future       Thanks to Linus and Aliya at Econsultancy –
performance; an engaged relationship is         great job guys. To our partners who promoted
probably the only guarantee for a return        the survey around the globe, particularly
on your organisation’s or your clients’         Bruno. To our report contributors – over
objectives’.                                    30 experts this year – thanks for sharing your
                                                time and intellect. And finally to my colleagues
There are many interesting observations         at cScape: Monica, Theresa, Sal, Sarah A
and insight within this report, probably        and Rob.                                           “With the latest set of results we can
more than any previous report we                                                                    see the clear, common benefits that
have produced. I really do hope you
find it useful and stimulating, and look
                                                                                                    engagement can offer”
                                                Richard Sedley
forward to any feedback you care                cScape Customer Engagement Director
                                                                                                    Dr Dave Chaffey, p17
to share.
                                                T: @richardsedley

Executive summary and highlights


Executive summary and highlights
This is our fourth annual Customer Engagement Report. There were                 •	 The	tactics	which	have	come	to	the	forefront	for	driving	customer	             •	 Only	17%	have	processes	and	workflows	in	place	to	encourage	staff 	
more than 1,000 respondents to our research request, which took the                 engagement are social networking and Twitter activity. Presence                   use of social media, and only 13% actually incentivise staff to use
form of an online survey sent out in October 2009.                                  on social networks has almost doubled from 23% to 44%, while the                  social media to engage with customers online.
                                                                                    percentage of respondents saying that micro-blogging (i.e. Twitter)
                                                                                    has tangibly improved customer engagement has, remarkably, gone up             Mobile

This is a summary of the key findings:                                              five-fold (from 7% to 35%).                                                    •	 A	large	proportion	(41%)	of 	companies	are	not	planning	any	
                                                                                 •	 The	majority	of 	companies	(61%)	say	that	they	will	increase	                     investment at all in the mobile channel in 2010, and a further 49% are
Customer engagement strategy                                                                                                                                          planning only limited investment. Only 11% are planning to invest
                                                                                    investment in their social network presence and 44% will spend more
•	 The	proportion	of 	company	respondents	who	regard	customer	                      on micro-blogging.                                                                significantly but this increases significantly for the largest companies.
   engagement as essential for their organisation has increased to 55%,                                                                                            •	 When	it	comes	to	building	customer	engagement,	companies	have	
   up from 52% in 2008 and 50% in 2007. The number of agency                     •	 Intolerance of poor customer service is the type of behaviour or attitude
                                                                                    that company respondents are most likely to expect to increase over               been quickest to use the mobile channel for increased dialogue with
   respondents who regard this as essential for their clients has jumped                                                                                              customers. A fifth of company respondents say they are doing this and
   significantly from 43% to 55%.                                                   the next year. Well over half of respondents (61%) say that they expect
                                                                                    people to become less tolerant about poor service, and this percentage            a further 36% say they plan to do this.
•	 Customer	engagement	is	seen	as	being	about	creating	relationships	               has almost doubled since last year.                                            •	 A	third	(34%)	of 	companies	are	planning	to	create	applications	for	
   which result in value both for customers and for companies.                                                                                                        mobile phones, in addition to the 16% who say they already do this.
   Company respondents are most likely to indicate that increasing               Enterprise 2.0
   long term customer value (37%) and increasing value delivered to the          •	 Just	over	a	third	of 	organisations	(36%)	say	they	are	using	social	           •	 Nearly	two	thirds	of 	companies	(62%)	have	no	plans	for	mobile	
   customer (35%) describe their interest in customer engagement most               networks and email newsletters for product development and                        commerce. Only 10% of companies are using transactional mobile
   appropriately.                                                                   innovation but only a quarter (25%) of companies tap into user ratings            activity to build customer engagement. A further 28% are planning to
                                                                                    and feedback. Even fewer (17%) are using discussion forums to feed                do this.
•	 The	biggest	area	of 	increased	interest	since	last	year	is	in	strengthening
   emotional investment in your brand. The percentage of respondents                into development.                                                              •	 Companies	who	are	either	using	or	planning	to	use	mobile	as	part	
   saying their interest in customer engagement relates to this has              •	 Many	companies	are	also	neglecting	to	share	information	internally.	              of their customer lifecycle marketing, for broader CRM, for user-
   jumped from 25% last year to 31%.                                                Very small percentages of respondents are using employee blogging                 generated content or location-based marketing are also in the minority.

•	 Compared	to	last	year,	respondents	report	increased participation in             (17%), internal social networking tools (13%), intranets (10%) or social       •	 Companies	generally	attribute	their	inertia	when	it	comes	to	
   online communities or support groups (+9%), giving regular feedback              knowledge sharing (8%) to help drive development and innovation.                  integrating mobile to a lack of resources (51%), although there are
   (+8%) and participation in innovation and design (+7%). Marketers are         •	 Email	newsletters	and	internal	social	networking	are	used	by	around	a	            other widely cited reasons including lack of skills/experience/
   benefiting more from the relationship-building aspects of customer               third of companies (32%) for internal communications.                             understanding and lack of business case.
   engagement rather than being exclusively focused on the more directly
   financial benefits such as sales.                                             •	 The	increased	profile	of 	social	media	is	also	reflected	by	the	fact	that	a	   Mapping and measurement
                                                                                    third (34%) of companies have increased their social media budget in           •	 Web	analytics	play	a	pivotal	role	in	gathering	intelligence,	with	over	
Tactics, behaviour and attitudes                                                    the last 12 months.                                                               half of companies surveyed (51%) saying this is useful for online
•	 As	was	the	case	last	year,	email	newsletters	are	the	tactic	most	likely	      •	 Companies	who	urge	their	staff 	to	engage	with	social	media	are	still	            engagement.
   to have resulted in a tangible improvement to an organisation’s online           very much in the minority. Some 29% say senior staff members are
   customer engagement. Two thirds of respondents (67%) indicate that                                                                                              •	 Despite	the	growing	awareness	around	social	media	metrics	and	
                                                                                    urged to use social media to build customer dialogue, while a fifth               measurement, only a fifth of companies (21%) say buzz monitoring is
   regular email bulletins have had a positive effect, down very slightly           (19%) say this applies to junior staff.
   from 69% a year ago.                                                                                                                                               useful for engaging customers online.


                                                       “Mobile is a healthy media, yielding good
                                                        results for those who know how to use it.”
                                                        Jay Cooper, p29

                                                    Methodology and sample


Methodology and sample

Methodology                                                                  Figure 1                                                                                       Figure 3
                                                                             Which of the following best describes your job role?                                           All respondents: In which business sector is your organisation?
This is our fourth annual Customer                                           Base – all respondents (1198)
Engagement Report. Over 1,000 respondents
                                                                                                                                                                            20                                                                                       Fina
took part in an online survey conducted over
                                                  33% of respondents                                                                      Part of an in-house team
a five week period from October 2009*.
                                                  are client-side,                                                                        (client-side) 33%
Econsultancy and cScape promoted the              while 55% are                                                                           External agency / supplier
survey via Twitter, Linkedin, Email newsletters   agency-side.                                                                            / consultant 55%
and other channels. The incentive for taking                                                                                              Other 12%                         15
part was access to a complimentary copy                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Trav
of the report just before its publication on
Econsultancy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tele
cScape and Econsultancy would like to thank                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cha
those who took the time to complete the                                                                                                                                20                                                     Financial services: 16%
questionnaire. If you have any questions about                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ent
the research, please email Econsultancy’s                                                                                                                                                                                     Retail: 10%
Research Director, Linus Gregoriadis (Linus@                                                                                                                                                                                  Publishing: 8%                         Pub                                                           Figure 2
                                                                                                                                                                              5                                               Travel: 7%
                                                                             What is your annual company turnover?
Respondent profiles                                                                                                                                                                                                           Telecoms / Mobile phones: 6%

                                                                                                                                                                       10                                                     Charity: 6%                            Oth
The vast majority of survey respondents work                       50        50                                                                          Companies
                                                                                                                                          Companies                                                                           Entertainment: 4%
either for in-house teams (i.e. client-side                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pro
organisations), or for external agencies                                         42%       42%                                            Agencies       Agencies
                                                                                                                                                                              0                                               Public Sector: 4%
(including consultants and technology                              40        40                                                                                         5                                                     Consultancy / Marketing Services: 4%   Hea
suppliers). A third (33%) of respondents work                                                                            20                                                            Financial services: 16%                Other manufacturing: 3%
client-side, while just over half (55%) are                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Aut
                                                                   30                                                    28%
agency-side.                                                                 30             27%                                     28%                                                Retail: 10%                            Property: 2%
                                                                                                     27%                                                                0
                                                                                                                                                                                       Publishing: 8%                         Healthcare: 2%                         FMC
For the purposes of this report, we have                                                                                 15
carried out separate analysis for both these                       20                  18%         18%                                                                                 Travel: 7%                             Automotive: 1%
                                                                             20                   18%         18%
groups and the distinction is abbreviated                                  14%                                                                                                         Telecoms / Mobile phones: 6%           FMCG / CPG: 1%
to ‘companies’ (including not-for-profit                                             14%
                                                                   10                                    9%
                                                                                                                         10                                                            Charity: 6%                            Gaming: 0%                             Pha
organisations) and ‘agencies’.                                                                                      9%
                                                                             10                                                                                                        Entertainment: 4%                      Pharmaceuticals: 0%
                                                                                                                    3%                    7%                                                                                                                         Util
In total, 401 company respondents took                                                                                                                                                 Public Sector: 4%                      Utilities / Energy: 0%
                                                                       0                                                       3%
part in the survey, compared to 657 agency                                  < £1m       £1-10m     £10-50m £50-150m 5>150m                                                             Consultancy / Marketing Services: 4%
participants. Company respondents were                                           0
                                                                                       < £1m      £1-10m      £10-50m £50-150m      >150m                                              Other manufacturing: 3%
asked to comment in respect of their own
                                                                                                                                                                                       Property: 2%
    Clicktools was used for the survey.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Healthcare: 2%

                                                                                                                                                                                       Automotive: 1%

organisations, while agencies were typically                                 Figure 4                                                                     Figure 5
asked to comment in terms of a typical client.                               What types of business have you focused on in the last                       Company: In which country are you (personally) based?
                                                                             12 months?
Annual company turnover
Figure 2 shows the range in the size of                                      60                            58%                                                                                        UK 71%
participating organisations, as defined by                                                                                                                                                            Europe (outside UK) 6%
company turnover. Approximately a third of                                                          52% 58%                                 Agencies
                                                                               60                                                                                                                     North America 9%
                                                     Respondents are                                                                   Companies
respondents (32%) work for companies with                                    50
                                                     spread across                                  52%                                Agencies
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Other 13%
annual revenues of £10 million or less.
                                                     numerous                  50
Over half of companies (56%) taking part have        business sectors or     40
a turnover of more than £10 million, of which        verticals, reflecting     40
                                                     the universal                  31%
more than a quarter of respondents (28%)                                     30
work for companies with a turnover in excess
                                                     importance                      31%
                                                     of customer               30                                          22%
of £150 million.                                                                           20%
                                                     engagement.             20                                       18%22%
Agency respondents typically work for smaller                                  20                                  18%
organisations. Some 42% of responding
agencies have a turnover below £1 million.                                     10

Business sector                                                               00                                                                          Figure 6
                                                                                    Mainly B2B
                                                                                     Mainly B2B     Mainly B2C
                                                                                                    Mainly B2C     Both B2B and and
                                                                                                                     Both B2B                             Agency: In which country are you (personally) based?
Respondents are spread across numerous                                                                                B2C equally
                                                                                                                    B2C equally
business sectors or verticals, reflecting
the universal importance of customer                                                                                                                                                                   UK 51%
engagement. The best represented sectors are                                                                                                                                                           Europe (outside UK) 11%
financial services (16%), retail (10%), publishing
(8%) and travel (7%).
                                                                             Geography                                                                                                                 North America 10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Other 29%
                                                                             The majority of respondents (71%) in this survey are UK-based, but this
Business focus                                                               is very much a global survey. Some 9% of respondents are located in
                                                                             North America, and 6% are based in mainland Europe.
The majority of companies in this survey (52%)
are B2C-focused businesses, whilst 58% of                                    ‘Other’ countries or regions represented include Brazil, India, Australia,
agencies have a B2C focus. Just under a third                                and South-East Asia.
of companies (31%) and a fifth of agencies
(20%) have a B2B focus.                                                      Half of the agency respondents are based in the UK (51%), with
                                                                             a higher proportion of respondents (29%) coming from the US, Europe
                                                                             and beyond.





       Customer engagement strategy                                                      Interest in online customer engagement                 Figure 8
                                                                                                                                                Company: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s interest in online
                                                                                         As was the case last year, it is clear that
       Importance of customer engagement                                                                                                        customer engagement?
                                                                                         customer engagement is seen as being about
       The proportion of company respondents who                                         creating relationships which result in value           40         40                                             Increasing long-term customercustomer value:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Increasing long-term value: 37%               37%
       regard customer engagement as essential                                           both for customers and for organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Increasing value delivered to the customer: 35%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Increasing value delivered to the customer:           35%
                                                             The biggest shift                                                                  35         35
       for their organisations has increased to 55%,
                                                             since last year             Company respondents are most likely                                                                              Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 31%
       up from 52% in 2009 and 50% in 2008. More                                                                                                           30                                                Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 3
                                                             is the emphasis             to indicate that increasing long-term                  30                                                        Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31%
       striking is the significant jump (from 43% to                                                                                                                                                         Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31%
                                                             placed on                   customer value (37%) and increasing value                         25                                             Gaining customer insight: 29%
       55%) in the number of agency respondents
                                                             strengthening               delivered to the customer (35%) describe               25                                                           Gaining customer insight:
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Increasing market share: 26%        29%
       who regard this as essential for their clients.                                                                                                     20
                                                             emotional                   their interest in customer engagement most
       This jump may be because companies are                                                                                                   20
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Enhanced public profile: 22%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Increasing market share: 26%
                                                             investment in your          appropriately.                                                    15
       doing a better job of communicating its                                                                                                                                                            Reducing acquisition costs: 18%
                                                             brand.                                                                                                                                          Enhanced public profile: 22%
       importance to their agencies.                                                     The biggest shift since last year is the               15
                                                                                                                                                           10                                             Reduced customer service costs: 16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reducing acquisition costs: 18%
                                                                                         emphasis placed on strengthening emotional                         5                                             Increasing short-term conversions: 15%

                                                                                         investment in your brand. The percentage               10                                                        Adjusting to the increased importance/power 16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 9%
       Figure 7                                                                                                                                             0
                                                                                         of respondents highlighting this factor has                                                                      Improving business predictability: 6%
       Company: How important is customer engagement to your                                                                                     5                                                           Increasing short-term conversions: 15%
                                                                                         jumped from 25% last year to 31%.                                                                                Improving employee satisfaction: 5%
       organisation?                                                                                                                                                                                         Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Insulating against a troubled economy: 1%
                                                                                         Fewer respondents (18% compared to 21%                  0
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Improving business predictability: 6%
              100                                                                        last year) see reduced acquisition costs as
                                                                                                                                                Figure 9
                                                                                         something which defines their interest in                                                                           Improving employee satisfaction: 5%
                                                                                                                                                Agency: Which of the following best describes your clients’ interest in online customer
                                                                                         customer engagement. Since the recession
               80                                                                                                                               engagement?                                            Insulating against a troubled economy: 1%
                                                                                         took hold, companies have been much more
                                                                                         focused on customer retention, rather than on          35
                                                                                                                                                           35                                            Increasing long-term customercustomer value:
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Increasing long-term value: 30%                30%
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Increasing value delivered to the customer: 30%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Increasing value delivered to the customer:           30%
                                                                                         According to agencies, the most significant                                                                     Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 21%
               40                                                                                                                                                                                           Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 21
                                                                                         factor driving client interest in customer                        25                                            Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31%
                                                                                         engagement is gaining customer insight,                25                                                          Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31%
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gaining customer insight: 34%
               20                                                                        mentioned by a third (34%) of respondents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Gaining customer insight:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Increasing market share: 24%         34%
                                                                                         Agencies also report an increased focus (+9%)          20
                                                                                                                                                           15                                            Enhanced public profile: 22%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Increasing market share: 24%
                  0                                                                      on strengthening emotional investment.
                           2010            2009             2008                                                                                                                                         Reducing acquisition costs: 18%
                                                                                                                                                15         10                                               Enhanced public profile: 22%
                                                                                           Supply-side respondents have also seen more                                                                   Reduced customer service costs: 16%

                                                                      Not                  interest driven by the increased importance Not
                                                                                   Essential           Important         Nice-to-have     important
                                                                                                                                                            5                                               Reducing acquisition costs: 18%
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Increasing short-term conversions: 23%
                      Essential     Important       Nice-to-have                                                                                 10
                                                                      2010      55%        and power of the customer. The proportion of
                                                                                                   33%               11%              1%                                                                 Adjusting to the increased importance/power16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 21%
       2010       55%             33%             11%              1%
                                                                      2009      52%        agency 35%
                                                                                                   respondents who say this is a primary
                                                                                                                     11%              1%                                                                 Improving business predictability: 6%
       2009       52%             35%             11%              1%                                                                             5                                                         Increasing short-term conversions: 23%
                                                                      2008      50%        driver of interest has increased from 11% last
                                                                                                   41%               8%               1%                                                                 Improving employee satisfaction: 5%
       2008       50%             41%             8%               1%
                                                                                           year to 20%.                                                                                                     Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Insulating against a troubled economy: 5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Improving business predictability: 6%

       12                                                                                                                                                                                                   Improving employee satisfaction: 5%

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Insulating against a troubled economy: 5%

Figure 10                                                                                                                                                                     increasing their focus on social networks, while
                                                                                                                                                 Andy Beal
Company: Interest in online customer engagement – difference between 2010                                                                                                     agencies are even more bullish, expecting their
and 2009 results                                                                                                                                                              clients to spend more on social networking
                                                                                                                                                                              (66%) than even email newsletters (41%).
 6          6                                           Increasing long-term customercustomer value:
                                                           Increasing long-term value: -1%               -1%
            5                                           Increasing value delivered to the customer: 1%
                                                                                                                                                                              Perhaps the most stunning statistic is the
 5                                                         Increasing value delivered to the customer:           1%
                                                                                                                                                                              percentage of companies that plan to invest in
            4                                           Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 2%
 4                                                         Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 2%                                                       Twitter as a channel for customer engagement.
                                                        Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 6%
                                                           Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 6%                                                               In last year’s report, Twitter barely registered
 3                                                      Gaining customer insight: 0%
                                                           Gaining customer insight:
                                                        Increasing market share: 1%         0%
                                                                                                                           Twitter and Facebook steal                         with survey participants with just 7% of
                                                                                                                                                                              companies realizing improved customer
 2          1                                           Enhanced public profile: 2%
                                                           Increasing market share: 1%                                     the spotlight from email                           engagement from Twitter, hence only 13%
            0                                           Reducing acquisition costs: -3%                                                                                       planned to invest in Twitter in 2009. What
 1                                                         Enhanced public profile: 2%                                     The 2nd Customer Engagement Survey saw
            -1                                          Reduced customer service costs: -2%                                                                                   a difference a year makes! Twitter has seen
 0                                                         Reducing acquisition costs: -3%                                 businesses focusing their efforts on using email
                                                        Increasing short-term conversions: -1%                                                                                massive growth and companies are scrambling
                                                                                                                           newsletters to improve customer engagement.
-1                                                      Adjusting to the increased importance/power-2%
                                                           Reduced customer service costs: of customer: -1%                                                                   to make the micro-blogging channel a key part
            -3                                                                                                             An incredible 69% of companies stated that
                                                        Improving business predictability: 0%                                                                                 of their customer engagement efforts. In fact,
                                                           Increasing short-term conversions: -1%                          they had measured a tangible improvement
-2                                                      Improving employee satisfaction: -1%                                                                                  with 35% of companies seeing an improvement
                                                           Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: -1%
                                                                                                                           through their e-newsletter campaigns so
                                                        Insulating against a troubled economy: 0%
                                                                                                                                                                              in their customer engagement from Twitter
-3                                                                                                   Since the             it was not a surprise that 59% planned to
                                                           Improving business predictability: 0%                                                                              in 2009, almost 44% of companies plan to
                                                                                                     recession took        invest heavily in email marketing by the time
Figure 11                                                                                                                                                                     increase their investment in Twitter in 2010.
                                                     Improving employee satisfaction: -1%            hold, companies       we came to the third survey. By contrast,
Agency: Interest in online customer engagement – difference between 2010                                                                                                      That’s a three-fold improvement over last year!
                                                                                                     have been much        investment in social networks – such as
and 2009 results                                     Insulating against a troubled economy: 0%
                                                                                                     more focused on       Facebook – was down on the list of priorities      What conclusions can we draw from this? Well,
10                                                                                                   customer retention,   with only 36% of companies planning to             it’s apparent that companies are realising that
          10                                      Increasing long-term customercustomer value: -2%
                                                      Increasing long-term value: -2%
                                                                                                     rather than on        increase their investment in that area.            customers expect engagement to be a two-way
  8        8                                          Increasing value delivered to the customer: 2% acquisition.
                                                  Increasing value delivered to the customer: 2%                                                                              dialogue. Email newsletters are a great way
                                                                                                                           So, what happened now we are on survey
                                                        Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: -1%
                                                           Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: -1%
                                                                                                                                                                              to keep customers updated but they don’t
             6                                                                                                             four and looking at 2010? Those that took a
 6                                                      Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 9%                                                                  really engage them. Instead, companies are
                                                           Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 9%            chance and invested in social networks saw a
             4                                          Gaining customer insight: 2%                                                                                          seeing measurable benefits of actually having
 4                                                                                                                         big return on investment. For companies, email
             2                                             Gaining customer insight:
                                                        Increasing market share: -5%          2%                                                                              a conversation with their customers be it via
                                                                                                                           newsletters still rated as the tactic offering
                                                        Enhanced public profile: -3%                                                                                          Facebook, Twitter or whatever, making them
 2           0                                             Increasing market share: -5%                                    the highest tangible improvement (67%) but a
                                                        Reducing acquisition costs: -3%                                                                                       willing to invest more of their marketing/PR
                                                           Enhanced public profile: -3%                                    whopping 44% – almost double the percentage
            -2                                          Reduced customer service costs: -3%
                                                                                                                                                                              budgets to reap the fruits of that engagement.
 0                                                                                                                         from 2009 – have discovered that social
                                                           Reducing acquisition costs: -3%
                                                        Increasing short-term conversions: -3%                             networks helped increase their online customer
            -4                                                                                                                                                                Andy is the CEO of Trackur, a powerful, yet
-2                                                      Adjusting to the increased importance/power -3%
                                                           Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 9%                 engagement. That return on investment has          affordable, social media monitoring solution. With
                                                        Improving business predictability: -2%                             clearly caught the attention of both companies     over 10 years of internet marketing experience,
-4                                                         Increasing short-term conversions: -3%
                                                        Improving employee satisfaction: 1%                                and their agencies. In 2010, the survey predicts   Andy specialises in online reputation management
                                                           Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 9%     that 61% of company executives will be             and is the co-author of Radically Transparent.
                                                        Insulating against a troubled economy: -1%
                                                           Improving business predictability: -2%
                                                           Improving employee satisfaction: 1%                                                                                                                               13
                                                           Insulating against a troubled economy: -1%

                                                                                                    The message is clear; engaging customers around the world is key
                                                                                                    and it is not just about translating copy.
                                                                        like Twitter and Facebook strengthens the                                                                   behaving like good international citizens. For
                                           Ron Shevlin                  role of email from a both a personal and
                                                                                                                                                      Monica Hart                   example, Citroen recently ran an online advert
                                                                        business perspective. With alternative means                                                                in Spain showing Mao, which was extensively
                                                                        of communicating, email can – and should                                                                    (often negatively) blogged about and was
                                                                        – be used for the messages that are most                                                                    pulled down due to Chinese disapproval (China
                                                                        appropriate to the channel.                                                                                 being a big potential market for Citroen).
                                                                                                                                                                                    Japan, a nation where relationships are key
                                                                        The range of tools used for customer and                                                                    to business, has also committed expensive
                                                                        employee engagement prove that the critical                                                                 cross-cultural marketing faux pas, ironically in
                   Words of wisdom from                                 task for marketers in the next few years will         It’s a big virtual world                              North America. Panasonic’s US “Touch Woody
                                                                        be one of ‘right channelling’ – determining                                                                 – The Internet Pecker” campaign for a new
                   Monty Python                                         which are the right messages for each of the          Although this year’s Customer Engagement
                                                                                                                                                                                    PC received the wrong kind of publicity and
                                                                        many channels (and tools) marketers have to           Survey is internationally focused, it’s
                   In an article titled ‘Why Email No Longer                                                                                                                        had to be withdrawn when the ‘Touch Woody’s
                                                                        communicate through.                                  interesting to count the number of references
                   Rules’, the Wall Street Journal recently opined                                                                                                                  Pecker’ slogan spread virally.
                                                                                                                              to ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ from contributors.
                   that “email has had a good run as king of
Email’s reign is   communications. But its reign is over. In
                                                                        The critical task for marketers                       The key to engagement lies in relevance               The message is clear; engaging customers
                                                                                                                              to the consumer. In many places, including
over?              its place, a new generation of services is           in the next few years will be                                                                               around the world is key and it is not just about
                                                                                                                              geographies with GDPs that are growing                translating copy. Campaigns must embrace the
It’s reign over    starting to take hold – services like Twitter        one of ‘right channelling’
what?                                                                                                                         as quickly as social network usage such as            social nuance of separate markets. This means
                   and Facebook and countless others vying for                                                                China, the major US and UK social networks            including the use of appropriate channels – for
                   a piece of the new world.”                           In addition, the results of this year’s survey        barely capture market share. Believe it or            example,,, moikrug.
                                                                        demonstrate that marketers must take a broad,         not, Facebook and Twitter do not rule the
                   Email’s reign is over? It’s reign over what?                                                                                                                     ru and instead of Facebook in
                                                                        multi-channel view of customer engagement.            world. And if you are doing business with an
                   Over inane, mindless, useless, idiotic, time-                                                                                                                    Russia (currently the world’s largest user of
                                                                        Simply focusing on time spent viewing ads             international audience, you won’t either unless
                   wasting messages like ‘thx’, or ‘k’, and ‘got it’?                                                                                                               social networks) and mobile for geographies
                                                                        or web pages will mean that we will miss              you think about cultural and linguistic specifics     like Africa where PC usage is comparatively
                   The results of the 2010 Customer Engagement          the other behaviours and dimensions that              when planning your engagement campaigns.              low. Culturally tailored, sensitive imagery
                   Survey recall the words of Monty Python              characterise strong customer relationships.           One size most certainly does not fit all.             and rich media, appropriate inter-personal
                   from their movie Monty Python and the Holy                                                                                                                       communications and the right jargon or slang
                                                                        Ron is a senior analyst at Aite Group, LLC.           I cut my marketing teeth arguing with
                   Grail. In the scene where someone is walking                                                                                                                     all help as well. You may argue that it all
                                                                        He specialises in retail banking issues including     colleagues in North America about the
                   through the town crying “bring out your                                                                                                                          takes extra resource (something the survey
                                                                        sales and marketing technologies, customer and        relevance of content to other markets (or lack
                   dead!,” one man resists: “I’m not dead yet.”                                                                                                                     highlights as an issue) but just ask yourself
                                                                        marketing analytics, loyalty management, P2P          of it). This lack of awareness still exists in this
                   And neither is email. While growth has been                                                                                                                      if you can really afford not to engage the
                                                                        lending, personal financial management, social        online age, a fact that is highly ironic given
                   slower this year than last, email newsletters                                                                                                                    tremendous buying power of the non-English
                                                                        computing, online banking, customer experience        that over one third of the North American
                   still reign as the most commonly used agencies                                                                                                                   speakers who will drive nearly 70% of the
                                                                        and consumer behaviour.                               audience belongs to an ethnic group. However,
                   and client tool for product development/                                                                                                                         world’s economy in 2010?
                   innovation, employee communications and              Aite Group is a leading independent research and      while many international marketing gaffs do
                   customer support improvement.                        advisory firm focused on business, technology and     emanate from the world’s leading economy,             Monica is an Account Director at cScape, She has
                                                                        regulatory issues and their impact on the financial   some of the most heinous cultural errors              over 20 years of marketing experience working
                   What the Wall Street Journal failed to                                                                     slip from countries such as France where              with companies such as Sony, Aviva, BAA, Adobe,
                                                                        services industry.
                   recognise is that the rise of social networks                                                              marketers can actually be fined for not               Logica, William Grant & Sons and Getty Images.

4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2010
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  • 4. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 Econsultancy’s reports, events, online the Peer Summit, roundtables, briefings and cScape is an award-winning, full service digital CIM’s Course Director for Social Media, as part resources and training help an international a range of social events. agency that ranked number 14 in NMA’s design of its exceptionally qualified team. community of more than 80,000 digital and build 2009 top 100 poll. Based in the UK marketers make better decisions, build Econsultancy also runs the prestigious but operating internationally, cScape is part of We’ve won multiple awards for our information business cases, find the best suppliers, look Innovation Awards where pioneering work the AIM-listed cScape Group Limited which architecture, user experience and creative smart in meetings and accelerate their careers. carried out in the world of digital marketing has over 110 staff. We offer digital marketing/ work. In addition, cScape is technically strong and e-commerce is judged by an international customer engagement campaign strategy, across the board, with particular expertise Econsultancy, which has offices in London panel of experts from companies themselves planning, management and training (including in Microsoft SharePoint technologies, and New York, is an award-winning online known for innovation. social media governance); graphic design and holding Gold Partner status with a Microsoft publisher of reports covering best practice, rich media services including app development Most Valuable Professional as our Chief user experience benchmarking, market data, The Econsultancy site now attracts 175,000 Technical Officer. unique users per month where they access and video, and technical health checks/build trends and innovation, and supplier selection. (intranet, extranet, website and mobile) for Econsultancy is an invaluable resource for research, read the blog and take part in We’ve an exciting programme of events discussions in the forums. And as a portal to customers such as Aviva, Sony, Barclays, the planned for 2010 and hope you will be able internet professionals who want practical British Council, ExxonMobil, Tesco, Carbon advice on all aspects of e-business. the digital marketing community, Econsultancy to join us. For more information about these members can also link up with other members Trust and the Chartered Institute of Personnel events, cScape’s CEU and other services Econsultancy also operates a highly popular and digital suppliers through the directories, and Development. contact Theresa Clifford: t.clifford@cscape. training division, used by some of the world’s as well as find a new job or new digital talent We practice what we preach in terms of com. most prominent brands for staff education, using the job listings. engaging our own clients, many of whom have both in-house and via public courses. Some of Econsultancy’s members include: retained cScape to help them with their digital Find out more about cScape: Econsultancy provides training across all marketing for many years. So what made these Google, Yahoo, Dell, BBC, BT, Shell, Vodafone, areas of digital marketing and at all levels customers choose us? The main reason cited, Oxfam, Virgin Atlantic, Barclays, from one-day courses to an MSc in Digital is our unique blend of strategic, technical and Marketing. Carphone Warehouse, IPC Media, Deloitte, T-Mobile and Estée Lauder. creative services, combined with our ability to Follow us on Twitter: In addition, Econsultancy hosts more than 100 draw on multi-disciplined engagement experts @cscape conferences and events a year, including the Join Econsultancy today to learn what’s from around the globe. @cscapeCEU Online Marketing Masterclasses, the annual happening in digital marketing – and what works. Call us to find out more on +44 (0)20 Our Customer Engagement Unit (CEU) counts Join the debate: Future of Digital Marketing Conference, Dr Dave Chaffey, recognised by the Chartered 7269 1450 (London) or +1 212 699 3626 (New York). You can also contact us online. Institute of Marketing (CIM) as one of the 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide that have shaped digital marketing, and Richard Sedley, the 2
  • 5. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Report 2010 3 Introduction 4 Comments on the findings Executive summary and highlights 7 Andy Beal 13 Ron Shevlin, Monica Hart 14 Methodology and sample 9 Dr Dave Chaffey 17 Findings 12 Rob Killick, BJ Cook, Guy Stephens 18 Customer engagement strategy 12 Linus Gregoriadis 19 Importance of customer engagement to the organisation 12 BJ Fogg 20 Interest in online customer engagement 12 Adam Hibbert, Amanda Davie 25 Attributes of an engaged customer 15 Theresa Clifford, Paul Blunden 26 Success of customer engagement strategy 16 Jay Cooper 29 Tactics, behaviours and attitudes 16 Jim Sterne, Pete Mortensen 30 Improving customer engagement 16 Rich Wand, Bruno Ancona Lopes 31 Investment to drive increased customer engagement 20 Eric T. Peterson 33 Changing behaviour and attitudes 20 Hugh Gage, Janet Grimes 34 Enterprise 2.0 22 Martha Russell, Ian Jindal 35 Adoption of technology for product development and innovation 22 Clare O’Brien, David Dodd 36 Adoption of technology for internal (employee) communications 23 Marc Sibley, Aurélie Pols 37 Adoption of technology for customer service improvement 23 Zia Zareem-Slade, Steven Woods 38 Resourcing social media and customer engagement 23 Stéphane Hamel, Lucy Conlan 39 Barriers to cultivating customer engagement 27 Becky Caroll, Richard Sedley 40 Mobile 28 Investing in the mobile channel 28 Survey partners 41 Mobile and customer engagement strategy 28 Using mobile marketing to build engagement 29 Barriers to a more focused approach to mobile 30 Mapping and measurement 32 3
  • 6. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 The definition of customer engagement: Repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer has in a brand (product or company). Introduction Welcome to the 2010 Online Customer Predictably the big ‘winners’ in this report customer service and employee engagement, So it is slightly surprising that the number Engagement Survey Report. Now in its are social media and micro-blogging tools all areas of increasing importance to customer of companies planning to step into mobile Organisations fourth year, this annual report has become like Twitter. These are the technologies engagement. customer engagement is not larger. to need focus on a regular benchmark for organisations that companies see as worthy of increased quality, simplicity wanting to assess their customer engagement attention and financial investment. If 2009 was If I were to make any recommendations based More than any other channel, mobile has and customer on the results in this year’s report it would be strategies. With over 1,000 participants the the year that saw the main-streaming of many the ability to connect emotionally with us. service in the next that organisations need to focus on quality, The mobile phone is omnipresent and highly survey continues to be the largest of its type of these social technologies, then 2010 will be 12 months. anywhere in the world. Indeed this year the the year that social technologies get serious. simplicity and customer service in the next personal – I spend more time with mine than survey gained the largest number of non-UK This will manifest itself not only in terms of 12 months. These are three key areas that can I do my family. This poses both challenges participants in its history. marketing investment, but also in the way foster an understanding of value and emotional and opportunities in equal measure. While they begin to impact the internal structure and connection within the customer. 2010 appears to be the year when many more The number of you who consider customer culture of organisations both large and small. organisations are preparing to get their toes engagement ‘essential’ to your organisation Since the conception of this survey we have wet with mobile, it appears most are waiting continues to grow slightly, but what I feel The reorganisation required to take advantage stressed the importance of an emotional for someone else to start swimming. If that’s this year’s survey reveals best is the extent to of these social technologies should not be connection as part of engagement – our you, you’ll probably have a healthy lead by the which the last 12 months have changed how underestimated. It is worth recognising that the definition has it at it’s heart (see above) – and time the others dive in. we will do business in the future. In many introduction of these tools is unprecedented. this has never been more important than today. ways this was to be expected. The world Technologies like fax, email and the telephone Indeed ‘strengthening emotional investment in What the 4th Annual Online Customer has just experienced the toughest economic had all first established themselves (and your brand’ showed the biggest year on year Engagement Report reveals to me is that we environment since the 1930s and any company their associated behaviours) within business increase of all the reasons why organisations find ourselves firmly placed in an interregnum not looking to change the way they operate is before making their way into society as are interested in customer engagement. – a period between the close of one era of likely to be suffering the consequences already. a whole. Today we are seeing the reverse business and the opening of another. This isn’t Underlying much of this year’s results is as enterprises struggle to adjust and embrace something created by the current troubled But how to change and into what, have been an expressed desire to get closer to our the pre-established attitudes and behaviours of economy but what our economic woes have the hardest questions for most organisations. customers, to understand them better and to customers and employees while trying to bring done is focus our attention on the changes become a more integral part of their lives. these social tools ‘in-house’. happening. This year we’ve added a new section to the While customer engagement is no panacea report entitled Enterprise 2.0. This touches on for a troubled economy, or changes within the issues of product development and innovation, 4
  • 7. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 business environment, what it does offer is It just remains for me to thank all those who’ve grounding – an opportunity to stabilise and continued to help make this a successful reap the benefits of increased predictability report. in our customer relationships. As I wrote back in 2006 in the introduction to the first To all those who took the time to complete of these surveys; ‘customer engagement this, the longest survey to date, we salute you. is the best measure of current and future Thanks to Linus and Aliya at Econsultancy – performance; an engaged relationship is great job guys. To our partners who promoted probably the only guarantee for a return the survey around the globe, particularly on your organisation’s or your clients’ Bruno. To our report contributors – over objectives’. 30 experts this year – thanks for sharing your time and intellect. And finally to my colleagues There are many interesting observations at cScape: Monica, Theresa, Sal, Sarah A and insight within this report, probably and Rob. “With the latest set of results we can more than any previous report we see the clear, common benefits that have produced. I really do hope you find it useful and stimulating, and look engagement can offer” Richard Sedley forward to any feedback you care cScape Customer Engagement Director Dr Dave Chaffey, p17 to share. E: T: @richardsedley 5
  • 8. Executive summary and highlights 6
  • 9. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 Executive summary and highlights This is our fourth annual Customer Engagement Report. There were • The tactics which have come to the forefront for driving customer • Only 17% have processes and workflows in place to encourage staff more than 1,000 respondents to our research request, which took the engagement are social networking and Twitter activity. Presence use of social media, and only 13% actually incentivise staff to use form of an online survey sent out in October 2009. on social networks has almost doubled from 23% to 44%, while the social media to engage with customers online. percentage of respondents saying that micro-blogging (i.e. Twitter) has tangibly improved customer engagement has, remarkably, gone up Mobile This is a summary of the key findings: five-fold (from 7% to 35%). • A large proportion (41%) of companies are not planning any • The majority of companies (61%) say that they will increase investment at all in the mobile channel in 2010, and a further 49% are Customer engagement strategy planning only limited investment. Only 11% are planning to invest investment in their social network presence and 44% will spend more • The proportion of company respondents who regard customer on micro-blogging. significantly but this increases significantly for the largest companies. engagement as essential for their organisation has increased to 55%, • When it comes to building customer engagement, companies have up from 52% in 2008 and 50% in 2007. The number of agency • Intolerance of poor customer service is the type of behaviour or attitude that company respondents are most likely to expect to increase over been quickest to use the mobile channel for increased dialogue with respondents who regard this as essential for their clients has jumped customers. A fifth of company respondents say they are doing this and significantly from 43% to 55%. the next year. Well over half of respondents (61%) say that they expect people to become less tolerant about poor service, and this percentage a further 36% say they plan to do this. • Customer engagement is seen as being about creating relationships has almost doubled since last year. • A third (34%) of companies are planning to create applications for which result in value both for customers and for companies. mobile phones, in addition to the 16% who say they already do this. Company respondents are most likely to indicate that increasing Enterprise 2.0 long term customer value (37%) and increasing value delivered to the • Just over a third of organisations (36%) say they are using social • Nearly two thirds of companies (62%) have no plans for mobile customer (35%) describe their interest in customer engagement most networks and email newsletters for product development and commerce. Only 10% of companies are using transactional mobile appropriately. innovation but only a quarter (25%) of companies tap into user ratings activity to build customer engagement. A further 28% are planning to and feedback. Even fewer (17%) are using discussion forums to feed do this. • The biggest area of increased interest since last year is in strengthening emotional investment in your brand. The percentage of respondents into development. • Companies who are either using or planning to use mobile as part saying their interest in customer engagement relates to this has • Many companies are also neglecting to share information internally. of their customer lifecycle marketing, for broader CRM, for user- jumped from 25% last year to 31%. Very small percentages of respondents are using employee blogging generated content or location-based marketing are also in the minority. • Compared to last year, respondents report increased participation in (17%), internal social networking tools (13%), intranets (10%) or social • Companies generally attribute their inertia when it comes to online communities or support groups (+9%), giving regular feedback knowledge sharing (8%) to help drive development and innovation. integrating mobile to a lack of resources (51%), although there are (+8%) and participation in innovation and design (+7%). Marketers are • Email newsletters and internal social networking are used by around a other widely cited reasons including lack of skills/experience/ benefiting more from the relationship-building aspects of customer third of companies (32%) for internal communications. understanding and lack of business case. engagement rather than being exclusively focused on the more directly financial benefits such as sales. • The increased profile of social media is also reflected by the fact that a Mapping and measurement third (34%) of companies have increased their social media budget in • Web analytics play a pivotal role in gathering intelligence, with over Tactics, behaviour and attitudes the last 12 months. half of companies surveyed (51%) saying this is useful for online • As was the case last year, email newsletters are the tactic most likely • Companies who urge their staff to engage with social media are still engagement. to have resulted in a tangible improvement to an organisation’s online very much in the minority. Some 29% say senior staff members are customer engagement. Two thirds of respondents (67%) indicate that • Despite the growing awareness around social media metrics and urged to use social media to build customer dialogue, while a fifth measurement, only a fifth of companies (21%) say buzz monitoring is regular email bulletins have had a positive effect, down very slightly (19%) say this applies to junior staff. from 69% a year ago. useful for engaging customers online. 7
  • 10. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 “Mobile is a healthy media, yielding good results for those who know how to use it.” Jay Cooper, p29 Methodology and sample 8
  • 11. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 Methodology and sample Methodology Figure 1 Figure 3 Which of the following best describes your job role? All respondents: In which business sector is your organisation? This is our fourth annual Customer Base – all respondents (1198) Engagement Report. Over 1,000 respondents 20 Fina took part in an online survey conducted over 33% of respondents Part of an in-house team a five week period from October 2009*. are client-side, (client-side) 33% Ret Econsultancy and cScape promoted the while 55% are External agency / supplier survey via Twitter, Linkedin, Email newsletters agency-side. / consultant 55% Pub and other channels. The incentive for taking Other 12% 15 part was access to a complimentary copy Trav of the report just before its publication on Econsultancy. Tele cScape and Econsultancy would like to thank Cha 10 those who took the time to complete the 20 Financial services: 16% questionnaire. If you have any questions about Ent the research, please email Econsultancy’s Retail: 10% Research Director, Linus Gregoriadis (Linus@ Publishing: 8% Pub Figure 2 15 5 Travel: 7% Con What is your annual company turnover? Respondent profiles Telecoms / Mobile phones: 6% 10 Charity: 6% Oth The vast majority of survey respondents work 50 50 Companies Companies Entertainment: 4% either for in-house teams (i.e. client-side Pro organisations), or for external agencies 42% 42% Agencies Agencies 0 Public Sector: 4% (including consultants and technology 40 40 5 Consultancy / Marketing Services: 4% Hea suppliers). A third (33%) of respondents work 20 Financial services: 16% Other manufacturing: 3% client-side, while just over half (55%) are Aut 30 28% agency-side. 30 27% 28% Retail: 10% Property: 2% 27% 0 Publishing: 8% Healthcare: 2% FMC For the purposes of this report, we have 15 carried out separate analysis for both these 20 18% 18% Travel: 7% Automotive: 1% 20 18% 18% Gam groups and the distinction is abbreviated 14% Telecoms / Mobile phones: 6% FMCG / CPG: 1% to ‘companies’ (including not-for-profit 14% 10 9% 10% 10 Charity: 6% Gaming: 0% Pha organisations) and ‘agencies’. 9% 10%7% 10 Entertainment: 4% Pharmaceuticals: 0% 3% 7% Util In total, 401 company respondents took Public Sector: 4% Utilities / Energy: 0% 0 3% part in the survey, compared to 657 agency < £1m £1-10m £10-50m £50-150m 5>150m Consultancy / Marketing Services: 4% participants. Company respondents were 0 < £1m £1-10m £10-50m £50-150m >150m Other manufacturing: 3% asked to comment in respect of their own Property: 2% 0 * Clicktools was used for the survey. 9 Healthcare: 2% Automotive: 1%
  • 12. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 organisations, while agencies were typically Figure 4 Figure 5 asked to comment in terms of a typical client. What types of business have you focused on in the last Company: In which country are you (personally) based? 12 months? Annual company turnover Figure 2 shows the range in the size of 60 58% UK 71% Companies participating organisations, as defined by Europe (outside UK) 6% company turnover. Approximately a third of 52% 58% Agencies 60 North America 9% Respondents are Companies respondents (32%) work for companies with 50 spread across 52% Agencies Other 13% annual revenues of £10 million or less. numerous 50 Over half of companies (56%) taking part have business sectors or 40 a turnover of more than £10 million, of which verticals, reflecting 40 the universal 31% more than a quarter of respondents (28%) 30 work for companies with a turnover in excess importance 31% of customer 30 22% of £150 million. 20% engagement. 20 18%22% 20% Agency respondents typically work for smaller 20 18% organisations. Some 42% of responding 10 agencies have a turnover below £1 million. 10 Business sector 00 Figure 6 Mainly B2B Mainly B2B Mainly B2C Mainly B2C Both B2B and and Both B2B Agency: In which country are you (personally) based? Respondents are spread across numerous B2C equally B2C equally business sectors or verticals, reflecting the universal importance of customer UK 51% engagement. The best represented sectors are Europe (outside UK) 11% financial services (16%), retail (10%), publishing (8%) and travel (7%). Geography North America 10% Other 29% The majority of respondents (71%) in this survey are UK-based, but this Business focus is very much a global survey. Some 9% of respondents are located in North America, and 6% are based in mainland Europe. The majority of companies in this survey (52%) are B2C-focused businesses, whilst 58% of ‘Other’ countries or regions represented include Brazil, India, Australia, agencies have a B2C focus. Just under a third and South-East Asia. of companies (31%) and a fifth of agencies (20%) have a B2B focus. Half of the agency respondents are based in the UK (51%), with a higher proportion of respondents (29%) coming from the US, Europe and beyond. 10
  • 14. 4th ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2010 Findings Customer engagement strategy Interest in online customer engagement Figure 8 Company: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s interest in online As was the case last year, it is clear that Importance of customer engagement customer engagement? customer engagement is seen as being about The proportion of company respondents who creating relationships which result in value 40 40 Increasing long-term customercustomer value: Increasing long-term value: 37% 37% regard customer engagement as essential both for customers and for organisations. Increasing value delivered to the customer: 35% Increasing value delivered to the customer: 35% The biggest shift 35 35 for their organisations has increased to 55%, since last year Company respondents are most likely Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 31% up from 52% in 2009 and 50% in 2008. More 30 Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 3 is the emphasis to indicate that increasing long-term 30 Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31% striking is the significant jump (from 43% to Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31% placed on customer value (37%) and increasing value 25 Gaining customer insight: 29% 55%) in the number of agency respondents strengthening delivered to the customer (35%) describe 25 Gaining customer insight: Increasing market share: 26% 29% who regard this as essential for their clients. 20 emotional their interest in customer engagement most This jump may be because companies are 20 Enhanced public profile: 22% Increasing market share: 26% investment in your appropriately. 15 doing a better job of communicating its Reducing acquisition costs: 18% brand. Enhanced public profile: 22% importance to their agencies. The biggest shift since last year is the 15 10 Reduced customer service costs: 16% Reducing acquisition costs: 18% emphasis placed on strengthening emotional 5 Increasing short-term conversions: 15% investment in your brand. The percentage 10 Adjusting to the increased importance/power 16% Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 9% Figure 7 0 of respondents highlighting this factor has Improving business predictability: 6% Company: How important is customer engagement to your 5 Increasing short-term conversions: 15% jumped from 25% last year to 31%. Improving employee satisfaction: 5% organisation? Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 9 Insulating against a troubled economy: 1% Fewer respondents (18% compared to 21% 0 Improving business predictability: 6% 100 last year) see reduced acquisition costs as Figure 9 something which defines their interest in Improving employee satisfaction: 5% Agency: Which of the following best describes your clients’ interest in online customer customer engagement. Since the recession 80 engagement? Insulating against a troubled economy: 1% took hold, companies have been much more focused on customer retention, rather than on 35 60 35 Increasing long-term customercustomer value: Increasing long-term value: 30% 30% acquisition. Increasing value delivered to the customer: 30% Increasing value delivered to the customer: 30% 30 30 According to agencies, the most significant Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 21% 40 Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 21 factor driving client interest in customer 25 Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31% engagement is gaining customer insight, 25 Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 31% Gaining customer insight: 34% 20 mentioned by a third (34%) of respondents. 20 Gaining customer insight: Increasing market share: 24% 34% Agencies also report an increased focus (+9%) 20 15 Enhanced public profile: 22% Increasing market share: 24% 0 on strengthening emotional investment. 2010 2009 2008 Reducing acquisition costs: 18% 15 10 Enhanced public profile: 22% 2008 Supply-side respondents have also seen more Reduced customer service costs: 16% Not interest driven by the increased importance Not Essential Important Nice-to-have important 5 Reducing acquisition costs: 18% Increasing short-term conversions: 23% Essential Important Nice-to-have 10 important 2010 55% and power of the customer. The proportion of 33% 11% 1% Adjusting to the increased importance/power16% Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 21% 0 2010 55% 33% 11% 1% 2009 52% agency 35% respondents who say this is a primary 11% 1% Improving business predictability: 6% 2009 52% 35% 11% 1% 5 Increasing short-term conversions: 23% 2008 50% driver of interest has increased from 11% last 41% 8% 1% Improving employee satisfaction: 5% 2008 50% 41% 8% 1% year to 20%. Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 2 Insulating against a troubled economy: 5% 0 Improving business predictability: 6% 12 Improving employee satisfaction: 5% Insulating against a troubled economy: 5%
  • 15. COMMENT Figure 10 increasing their focus on social networks, while Andy Beal Company: Interest in online customer engagement – difference between 2010 agencies are even more bullish, expecting their and 2009 results clients to spend more on social networking (66%) than even email newsletters (41%). 6 6 Increasing long-term customercustomer value: Increasing long-term value: -1% -1% 5 Increasing value delivered to the customer: 1% Perhaps the most stunning statistic is the 5 Increasing value delivered to the customer: 1% percentage of companies that plan to invest in 4 Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 2% 4 Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 2% Twitter as a channel for customer engagement. Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 6% 3 Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 6% In last year’s report, Twitter barely registered 3 Gaining customer insight: 0% 2 Gaining customer insight: Increasing market share: 1% 0% Twitter and Facebook steal with survey participants with just 7% of companies realizing improved customer 2 1 Enhanced public profile: 2% Increasing market share: 1% the spotlight from email engagement from Twitter, hence only 13% 0 Reducing acquisition costs: -3% planned to invest in Twitter in 2009. What 1 Enhanced public profile: 2% The 2nd Customer Engagement Survey saw -1 Reduced customer service costs: -2% a difference a year makes! Twitter has seen 0 Reducing acquisition costs: -3% businesses focusing their efforts on using email -2 Increasing short-term conversions: -1% massive growth and companies are scrambling newsletters to improve customer engagement. -1 Adjusting to the increased importance/power-2% Reduced customer service costs: of customer: -1% to make the micro-blogging channel a key part -3 An incredible 69% of companies stated that Improving business predictability: 0% of their customer engagement efforts. In fact, Increasing short-term conversions: -1% they had measured a tangible improvement -2 Improving employee satisfaction: -1% with 35% of companies seeing an improvement Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: -1% through their e-newsletter campaigns so Insulating against a troubled economy: 0% in their customer engagement from Twitter -3 Since the it was not a surprise that 59% planned to Improving business predictability: 0% in 2009, almost 44% of companies plan to recession took invest heavily in email marketing by the time Figure 11 increase their investment in Twitter in 2010. Improving employee satisfaction: -1% hold, companies we came to the third survey. By contrast, Agency: Interest in online customer engagement – difference between 2010 That’s a three-fold improvement over last year! have been much investment in social networks – such as and 2009 results Insulating against a troubled economy: 0% more focused on Facebook – was down on the list of priorities What conclusions can we draw from this? Well, 10 customer retention, with only 36% of companies planning to it’s apparent that companies are realising that 10 Increasing long-term customercustomer value: -2% Increasing long-term value: -2% rather than on increase their investment in that area. customers expect engagement to be a two-way 8 8 Increasing value delivered to the customer: 2% acquisition. Increasing value delivered to the customer: 2% dialogue. Email newsletters are a great way So, what happened now we are on survey Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: -1% Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: -1% to keep customers updated but they don’t 6 four and looking at 2010? Those that took a 6 Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 9% really engage them. Instead, companies are Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 9% chance and invested in social networks saw a 4 Gaining customer insight: 2% seeing measurable benefits of actually having 4 big return on investment. For companies, email 2 Gaining customer insight: Increasing market share: -5% 2% a conversation with their customers be it via newsletters still rated as the tactic offering Enhanced public profile: -3% Facebook, Twitter or whatever, making them 2 0 Increasing market share: -5% the highest tangible improvement (67%) but a Reducing acquisition costs: -3% willing to invest more of their marketing/PR Enhanced public profile: -3% whopping 44% – almost double the percentage -2 Reduced customer service costs: -3% budgets to reap the fruits of that engagement. 0 from 2009 – have discovered that social Reducing acquisition costs: -3% Increasing short-term conversions: -3% networks helped increase their online customer -4 Andy is the CEO of Trackur, a powerful, yet -2 Adjusting to the increased importance/power -3% Reduced customer service costs: of customer: 9% engagement. That return on investment has affordable, social media monitoring solution. With -6 Improving business predictability: -2% clearly caught the attention of both companies over 10 years of internet marketing experience, -4 Increasing short-term conversions: -3% Improving employee satisfaction: 1% and their agencies. In 2010, the survey predicts Andy specialises in online reputation management Adjusting to the increased importance/power of customer: 9% that 61% of company executives will be and is the co-author of Radically Transparent. Insulating against a troubled economy: -1% -6 Improving business predictability: -2% Improving employee satisfaction: 1% 13 Insulating against a troubled economy: -1%
  • 16. COMMENT The message is clear; engaging customers around the world is key and it is not just about translating copy. like Twitter and Facebook strengthens the behaving like good international citizens. For Ron Shevlin role of email from a both a personal and Monica Hart example, Citroen recently ran an online advert business perspective. With alternative means in Spain showing Mao, which was extensively of communicating, email can – and should (often negatively) blogged about and was – be used for the messages that are most pulled down due to Chinese disapproval (China appropriate to the channel. being a big potential market for Citroen). Japan, a nation where relationships are key The range of tools used for customer and to business, has also committed expensive employee engagement prove that the critical cross-cultural marketing faux pas, ironically in Words of wisdom from task for marketers in the next few years will It’s a big virtual world North America. Panasonic’s US “Touch Woody be one of ‘right channelling’ – determining – The Internet Pecker” campaign for a new Monty Python which are the right messages for each of the Although this year’s Customer Engagement PC received the wrong kind of publicity and many channels (and tools) marketers have to Survey is internationally focused, it’s In an article titled ‘Why Email No Longer had to be withdrawn when the ‘Touch Woody’s communicate through. interesting to count the number of references Rules’, the Wall Street Journal recently opined Pecker’ slogan spread virally. to ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ from contributors. that “email has had a good run as king of Email’s reign is communications. But its reign is over. In The critical task for marketers The key to engagement lies in relevance The message is clear; engaging customers to the consumer. In many places, including over? its place, a new generation of services is in the next few years will be around the world is key and it is not just about geographies with GDPs that are growing translating copy. Campaigns must embrace the It’s reign over starting to take hold – services like Twitter one of ‘right channelling’ what? as quickly as social network usage such as social nuance of separate markets. This means and Facebook and countless others vying for China, the major US and UK social networks including the use of appropriate channels – for a piece of the new world.” In addition, the results of this year’s survey barely capture market share. Believe it or example,,, moikrug. demonstrate that marketers must take a broad, not, Facebook and Twitter do not rule the Email’s reign is over? It’s reign over what? ru and instead of Facebook in multi-channel view of customer engagement. world. And if you are doing business with an Over inane, mindless, useless, idiotic, time- Russia (currently the world’s largest user of Simply focusing on time spent viewing ads international audience, you won’t either unless wasting messages like ‘thx’, or ‘k’, and ‘got it’? social networks) and mobile for geographies or web pages will mean that we will miss you think about cultural and linguistic specifics like Africa where PC usage is comparatively The results of the 2010 Customer Engagement the other behaviours and dimensions that when planning your engagement campaigns. low. Culturally tailored, sensitive imagery Survey recall the words of Monty Python characterise strong customer relationships. One size most certainly does not fit all. and rich media, appropriate inter-personal from their movie Monty Python and the Holy communications and the right jargon or slang Ron is a senior analyst at Aite Group, LLC. I cut my marketing teeth arguing with Grail. In the scene where someone is walking all help as well. You may argue that it all He specialises in retail banking issues including colleagues in North America about the through the town crying “bring out your takes extra resource (something the survey sales and marketing technologies, customer and relevance of content to other markets (or lack dead!,” one man resists: “I’m not dead yet.” highlights as an issue) but just ask yourself marketing analytics, loyalty management, P2P of it). This lack of awareness still exists in this And neither is email. While growth has been if you can really afford not to engage the lending, personal financial management, social online age, a fact that is highly ironic given slower this year than last, email newsletters tremendous buying power of the non-English computing, online banking, customer experience that over one third of the North American still reign as the most commonly used agencies speakers who will drive nearly 70% of the and consumer behaviour. audience belongs to an ethnic group. However, and client tool for product development/ world’s economy in 2010? innovation, employee communications and Aite Group is a leading independent research and while many international marketing gaffs do customer support improvement. advisory firm focused on business, technology and emanate from the world’s leading economy, Monica is an Account Director at cScape, She has regulatory issues and their impact on the financial some of the most heinous cultural errors over 20 years of marketing experience working What the Wall Street Journal failed to slip from countries such as France where with companies such as Sony, Aviva, BAA, Adobe, services industry. recognise is that the rise of social networks marketers can actually be fined for not Logica, William Grant & Sons and Getty Images. 14