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Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey

                       Report 2008

E-consultancy is an online publisher of         cScape, the research sponsor, is an award-        informal online debates about engagement
best practice internet marketing reports,       winning interactive agency and a certified        and persuasive design.
research and how-to guides. E-consultancy,      Microsoft Gold Partner. An emphasis on                cScape was an early adopter of Microsoft
named Publisher of the Year at the 2006         customer engagement underpins cScape’s            SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). We are at
AOP Awards, also publishes buyer’s guides       integrated consultancy, creative design and       the forefront of enhancing the capabilities of
and has a directory of 100,000+ third party     technical development services.                   Microsoft technologies and of using dynamic
internet marketing white papers.                    The cScape Customer Engagement Unit           tools like MOSS to facilitate engagement
    Subscribers pay from £195 per year to       (CEU), launched in November 2006, is a            strategies.
access the exclusive and highly practical       team of individuals with years of experience          We have an exciting programme of
content. E-consultancy also organises regular   in digital marketing and communications,          events planned for 2008 and hope you
events, including roundtables and Supplier      design and technology development. cScape         will be able to come along. Please contact
Showcases, where six suppliers pitch to an      combines in-depth research into the science       Theresa Clifford, cScape’s Sales and
audience of pre-qualified buyers at a Central   of persuasion with the development of             Marketing Director, to find out more about
London venue.                                   practical online strategies. Our priority is to   cScape’s offering, and about future events.
    E-consultancy has 58,000 registered users   enable clients to align business goals with the   (
and more than 145,000 unique user sessions      needs and interest of their customers. cScape
per month (audited by ABC Electronic).          works with a diverse range of organisations
It is popular among internet professionals      from the corporate, charity and government
because of its time-saving advice and           sectors.
insight.                                            Since the launch of the CEU and the
    The company also provides a range of        world’s first Annual Online Customer
public and in-house training programmes,        Engagement Survey, cScape has continued to
such as seminars and workshops.                 be at the forefront of developing the concept
                                                of engagement. The outcomes of recent high-                     profile cScape events in 2007, including the
                                                From User Experience to Customer Engage-
                                                ment conference and The Role of Persuasion
                                                in Online Customer Engagement seminar,
                                                have filtered through to a wide range of
                                                organisations. These thought leadership
                                                events have also informed professional and


Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey 2008
Report contents

Introduction                                                4    Barriers to success                                                          22
                                                                        Barriers to a better Online Customer Engagement                       22
The importance of engagement                                5           Optimism about the future                                             22

Executive summary                                           6    Comments on the findings
                                                                     Jim Sterne – Defining the terms of engagement                            10
Findings                                                             Andy Beal – Social media must be added to the engagement mix             16
Importance and benefits of Customer Engagement              8        Pete Mortensen – The future of engagement is mobile                       17
      Importance of Online Customer Engagement              8        Avinash Kaushik – Engaging with the engagement metric                    20
      Benefits of Customer Engagement                       11
      Interest in Customer Engagement                       11   Thoughts on Customer Engagement
      Describing an engaged customer                       12         Dr Dave Chaffey – Segmentation, segmentation, segmentation?             26
      Responsibility for Online Customer Engagement        13         Clare O’Brien – Usefulness: the new language of brand                   28
New Engagement Strategies                                  14         Theo Papadakis – What is engagement for?                                30
       Strategies for engaging with your audience online   14         Richard Sedley – The role of persuasion in Online Customer Engagement   32
       Methods of increasing engagement                    16         Lucy Conlan – What can you do when they disengage?                      34
       Importance of mobile channel                        17
       Achieving engagement through mobile channel         18
Measurement and Research                                   18
      Customer data collection                             18
      Methods of gathering customer intelligence           18
      Engagement metrics                                   21
      Mapping customer touchpoints                         21

                                                                                                     Our ability to develop a ‘light-touch’ based upon a psychological
                                                                                                     understanding of our customers will be an essential counter balance
                                                                                                     to the bullish marketing practices that have shaped much of the
                                                                                                     digital terrain in the last 10 years.


The second Annual Online Customer                 or departments to taking ownership for                                                                  The coming year will undoubtedly pose
Engagement Survey attracted over 1000             implementing and monitoring engagement                                                                  new challenges as we all try to integrate
responses, making it the world’s largest          strategies. This report aims to aid those                                                               customer engagement strategies and tactics
survey on the subject.                            looking to further develop their engagement        I see the continuing                                 with our business plans. Personally, I see
   This report outlines how customer              strategies.                                        rise in social                                       the continuing rise in social media and
engagement remains an imperative issue                In the introduction to the 2007 report         media and mobile                                     mobile technology as potentially rich, yet
for organisations, and your answers to the        I predicted that “the process of Customer          technology as                                        particularly challenging, arenas for customer
survey provide valuable insights into the         Engagement will become one of, if not the,         potentially rich,                                    engagement. It is on these platforms that the
reasons why. The results indicate where the       central focus for your digital activities in the   yet particularly                                     largest gap between engagement and mone-
focus for agencies and businesses will be in      coming years”. This is certainly born out by       challenging, arenas                                  tisation is at the moment.
the next 12 months, how critical you think        the 2008 survey results. Indeed, since the         for customer                                             I believe the ability to develop and
some of the recent developments in the            publication of last year’s report, the term        engagement.                                          refine a ‘light-touch’ approach based upon
digital environment are and, perhaps most         and concept of engagement has entered                                                                   a deeper psychological understanding of our
importantly, why they will be significant for     mainstream business consciousness.                                                                      customers will be an essential counter balance
you in the near future.                               Last year I encouraged readers to                                                                   to the more bullish marketing practices that
   The survey also shows that there are still     share their thoughts on the report and                                                                  have shaped much of the digital terrain in
barriers to achieving effective online customer   send us examples and stories of their own                                                               the last 10 years.
engagement. For instance, organisations           experiences. In response to that feedback
do not always manage to assign individuals        we have extended this year’s report with
                                                  thought pieces by some of cScape’s Customer
                                                  Engagement Unit consultants as well as
                                                  comments on the survey results by other key
                                                  figures in the digital industry.

                                                                                                 Planet Web 2.0 has brought into sharp focus not only the risk of
                                                                                                 customer disengagement but also the tremendous opportunities
                                                                                                 available to those who listen and interact effectively.

                                                The importance of engagement

Finally, I would like to thank all of those     There is no universally accepted definition      that interaction. The correlation between        advertising for them, thereby reducing
who have invested their time, energy,           of what customer engagement1 is or how it        enhanced engagement and greater business         the need for ad spend and increasing the
finances and intellect in this report. Thanks   should be measured, but the importance of        success has never been more instantly            amount of money available for customer
to the contributors - Jim, Avinash, Andy,       engaging customers effectively both online       apparent.                                        engagement initiatives spanning product
Pete, Clare and Steve - to Linus and Ashley     and offline is now surely beyond question.          Planet Web 2.0 and its omnipresent            design, customer services and website
at E-consultancy, and to all my colleagues      Advocates of the top-down approach to            satellites (i.e. social networks, blogs and      improvements. A virtuous circle if ever there
at cScape, in particular Rob, Theresa, Theo,    marketing, versed in the old-school methods      user-generated content) have brought into        was one.
Lucy, Dave, Nathalie, Ed and Tom.               of broadcast advertising and complacent          sharp focus not only the risk of customer
   We all hope you find the second Annual       in their ability to drown out dissenting         disengagement but also the tremendous                Linus Gregoriadis,
Online Customer Engagement Survey               voices, have been keeping a very low profile     opportunities available to those who listen          Head of Research, E-consultancy
Report interesting and useful and that you’ll   recently.                                        and interact effectively. We are now living in
share your thoughts on its content.                 Conversely, those who have long been         world of ‘word-of-mouth on steroids’2, which
                                                talking about the need for a customer-centric    means that organisations need to work much
   Richard Sedley                               approach and integrated experience have          harder to make sure that feedback, praise
   cScape Customer Engagement Director          come into the limelight because they are no      and criticism from all-powerful consumers is                          longer seen as preaching something which         being both heard and ‘actioned’.                 1
                                                                                                                                                    The following, adapted from a definition by Ron
                                                is somehow detached from ‘real’ business            The most enlightened companies are not        Shevlin, was suggested by Richard Sedley for the
                                                                                                                                                  first Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey
                                                numbers containing pound or dollar signs.        just paying lip-service to what consumers
                                                                                                                                                  report: “Repeated interactions that strengthen the
                                                    Although Online Customer Engagement          are saying. They are facilitating interaction    emotional, psychological or physical investment a
                                                is very much part of a bigger, more integrated   between their customers and also changing        customer has in a brand.”
                                                picture, it has emerged as a fascinating         their organisational processes so that the
                                                and, to an extent, discrete area of study        voice of the customer is heard at the product    2
                                                                                                                                                    This phrase was used by Will McInnes of Nixon
                                                because of the unprecedented scope the           design stage.                                    McInnes at an E-consultancy Social Media
                                                digital environment allows to interact with         When companies get things right, they
                                                customers repeatedly, and also to measure        can rely on their customers to do their

                                                           More than 1,000 respondents          there has been a significant improvement
                                                           participated in the E-consultancy    in the number of organisations who are
                                                           / cScape Customer Engagement         either ‘very advanced’ or ‘quite advanced’
                                                Unit second Annual Online Customer              at mapping customer experiences in order
                                                Engagement Survey.                              to identify different touch points.
                                                    It is clear from this research that more        A consistent online and offline
                                                organisations are embracing the concept of      customer experience is rightly perceived to
                                                customer engagement and recognising this        be very important. However, ‘efficient and
                                                as a key requirement for business success.      accessible customer services’ are seen as
                                                    The overwhelming majority of company        even more important strategies. For many
                                                respondents (90%) say that online               companies, customer engagement is still
                                                customer engagement is either ‘essential’       more about getting the basics right than
                                                or ‘important’ to their organisations, while    adopting Web 2.0 tools and technologies.
                                                three-quarters of respondents (77%) say             That is not to say that Web 2.0 tools and
                                                that its importance has increased in the last   technologies are not playing an important
                                                12 months.                                      role in the customer engagement process.
                                                    The numerous benefits of customer           On a tactical level, the most commonly
                                                engagement explain why there is an              used methods of engagement are blogging
                                                increased focus on this subject. The most       sites, video-sharing sites and social
                                                frequently cited benefits for organisa-         networking. Widgets are very much
                                                tions implementing customer engagement          on the radar, with more than a third of
                                                initiatives over the last 12 months are         organisations planning to use both web-
                                                ‘improved customer loyalty’ and ‘increased      based and desktop-based widgets and
                                                revenue’.                                       applications.
                                                    Companies are getting better at realising       Expectations are already building
                                                that they need an integrated approach           around the role of the mobile channel
                                                which embraces all the channels used by         as a tool for engaging customers in the
                                                their customers. ‘A consistent online and       near future, with two thirds of company

                           Executive Summary    offline customer experience’ is seen as
                                                ‘essential’ or ‘very important’ by 86% of
                                                                                                respondents (64%) saying that this will
                                                                                                be ‘essential’ or ‘important’ for customer
                                                organisations.                                  engagement in the next three years.
                                                    There is also evidence that more                The respondents, including 456
                                                companies are actually taking steps to          ‘in-house’ respondents and 438 agency
                                                deliver a more integrated experience. Since     respondents, completed an online survey
                                                the first Annual Customer Engagement            over a five-week period in September and
                                                Report, published at the end of 2006,           October 2007.

Methodology and Sample
Figure 1                                                                               Figure 2                                                                         Figure 3
What type of organisation do you work for?                                             Company: Respondents by geography                                                Agency: Respondents by geography

                                             Part of an in-house team (client-side):                                             UK: 70.82% (216)                                                                        UK: 58.8% (157)
                                             45.42% (456)
                                             External agency: 43.63% (438)                                                       Europe (non-UK): 8.2% (25)                                                              Europe (non-UK): 13.48% (36)

                                             Other: 10.96% (110)                                                                 North America: 12.46% (38)                                                              North America: 13.86% (37)

                                                                                                                                 Other: 8.52% (26)                                                                       Other: 13.86% (37)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Automotive: 1.31% (4)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Charity: 5.88% (18)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Consultancy / Marketing Services: 3.27% (10)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Entertainment: 4.58% (14)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Financial Services (including insurance): 17.32% (53)

                                                                                                                                                                                         FMCG / CPG: 1.63% (5)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Gaming: 0.65% (2)
More than 1,000 respondents participated in the online survey over                     Figure 4
a five-week period in September and October 2007. E-consultancy                        Company: Respondents by business sector                                                           Healthcare: 1.63% (2)

and cScape would like to thank those who took the time to complete                                                                                                                       Pharmaceuticals: 0.98% (3)
the questionnaire. Information about the research, including the
survey link, was emailed to E-consultancy’s user base.                                                                           Automotive: 1.31% (4)                                   Property: 0.98% (3)

                                                                                                                                 Charity: 5.88% (18)                                     Public sector: 6.21% (19)
Respondent profiles
                                                                                                                                 Consultancy / Marketing Services: 3.27% (10)            Publishing: 8.17% (25)

The vast majority of survey respondents work either for in-house                                                                 Entertainment: 4.58% (14)                               Retail: 11.76% (36)
teams (i.e. ‘client-side’ organisations), or for external agencies
(including consultants and technology suppliers). For the purposes                                                               Financial Services (including insurance): 17.32% (53)   Telecoms / Mobile phones: 5.23% (16)

of this report, this distinction is abbreviated to companies                                                                     FMCG / CPG: 1.63% (5)                                   Travel: 6.86% (21)
(including not-for-profit organisations) and agencies.
   In total, 456 company respondents took part in the survey,                                                                    Gaming: 0.65% (2)                                       Utilities  Energy: 0.98% (3)

compared to 438 agency participants. Company respondents were                                                                    Healthcare: 1.63% (2)                                   Other manufacturing: 2.94% (9)
asked to comment in respect of their own organisations, while
agencies were mostly asked to comment in terms of a typical client.                                                              Pharmaceuticals: 0.98% (3)                              Other: 19.61% (60)

                                                                                                                                 Property: 0.98% (3)

                                                                                                                                 Public sector: 6.21% (19)

                                                           Importance and benefits of
                                                           Customer Engagement
                                                           Importance of Online Customer                     have’. Less than 1% of respondents say this
                                                           Engagement                                        is ‘not important’.
                                                                                                                 From the perspective of agencies
                                                           Advocates of customer engagement will             [Figure 8], the proportion of companies
                                                           be heartened to learn that organisations          who regard this area as essential is closer
                                                           are typically taking the idea of customer         to a third (38%). Agencies also report a
                                                           engagement more seriously than they were          higher number of organisations treating
                                                           a year ago. More than three-quarters of           this as a nice-to-have (16%). However, it
                                                           companies (77%) say that its importance           is encouraging that agency responses also
                                                           has increased in the last 12 months [Figure 5].   point to a high level of significance being
                                                               A similar proportion of agencies (75%)        attached to customer engagement, with
                                                           say that it has become more important for         82% saying that it is either essential or
                                                           their clients [Figure 6].                         important to their clients (compared to
                                                               The evidence suggests that those              90% of companies).
                                                           championing        customer      engagement
                                                           within organisations are being listened
                                                           to. Just a handful of respondents say that
                                                           its importance has declined and only a            The evidence suggests that
                                                           fifth of company respondents say that its         those championing customer
                                                           importance has remained the same (18%).
                                                                                                             engagement within organisations
                                                           Continuing with the theme of the increased        are being listened to.
                                                           prominence of customer engagement within
                                                           organisations, half of company respondents

                                                Findings   (50%) now regard the online dimension of
                                                           this discipline as ‘essential’ to their organi-
                                                           sations, with a further 40% saying that it
                                                           is ‘important’ [Figure 7]. This again shows
                                                           how most organisations are taking steps to
                                                           address this area, although there are 8% of
                                                           companies treating this only as a ‘nice-to-


Figure 5                                                                          Figure 7
Company: Has the importance of online customer engagement                         Company: How important is online customer engagement for your
changed for your organisation over the last 12 months?                            organisation?

                                          Increased: 76.54% (274)                                                           Essential: 49.72% (178)                      More than three-quarters
                                          Remained the same: 18.44% (66)                                                    Important: 40.22% (144)
                                                                                                                                                                         of companies (77%) say that
                                                                                                                                                                         the importance of customer
                                          Declined: 1.12% (4)                                                               Nice to have: 8.38% (30)
                                                                                                                                                                         engagement has increased in the
                                                                                                                                                                         last 12 months.
                                          Don’t know / Not relevant: 3.91% (14)                                             Not important: 0.84% (3)

                                                                                                                            Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.84% (3)

Figure 6                                                                          Figure 8
Agency: Has the importance of online customer engagement                          Agency: Typically, how important is online customer engagement for
typically changed for your clients over the last 12 months?                       your clients?

                                          Increased: 75.45% (249)                                                           Essential: 37.76% (125)

                                          Remained the same: 19.7% (65)                                                     Important: 43.81% (145)

                                          Declined: 0.91% (3)                                                               Nice to have: 16.01% (53)

                                          Don’t know / Not relevant: 3.94% (13)                                             Not important: 1.81% (6)

                                                                                                                            Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.6% (2)

Jim Sterne                                                                                                                    Figure 9
Defining the terms of engagement                                                                                              Company: How has your organisation benefited from customer
                                                                                                                              engagement initiatives in the last 12 months?3

                                                                                                                                                                                   Improved customer loyalty: 43.22% (153)
The E-consultancy / cScape second Annual          kicking around a definition and were finally in
Online Customer Engagement Report                 agreement that an engaged customer is one                                                                                        Increased revenue: 43.22% (153)
highlights a serious problem for marketing        who participates and provides feedback.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Increased profits: 14.41% (51)
today; the lack of clarity in the way we define       Quick conversion, repeat purchases and
basic terms.                                      recommendations are indicators of customer                                                                                       Bigger market share: 15.82% (56)
    In particular, the varying responses to the   loyalty, and they are all desirable outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                                   Improved employee satisfaction: 9.04% (32)
survey question “Which best describes an          of engagement. Engagement measurement
engaged customer for your organisation?”          can and should involve taking into account         Jim Sterne                                                                    Enhanced public image: 28.25% (100)
gave an excellent - and disturbing - indication   prospective customers as well as those who         produces the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Reduced marketing costs: 23.73% (84)
of how little we agree on the terms. Different    have already purchased.                            eMetrics Marketing
respondents identified “Recommends product,           We have to ask ourselves questions             Optimization                                                                  Reduced customer service costs: 15.82% (56)
service or brand”, “Converts more readily”        like “Is our advertising engaging?”; “Is our       Summit and is the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Improved business predictability: 8.47% (30)
and “Purchases regularly” as their most           website actively pulling people deeper             Founding President
trustworthy guideposts to engagement.             into a relationship with the brand so              of the Web Analytics                                                          None / Not relevant: 17.51% (62)
                                                  that they might become customers?” We              Association. He is       Figure 10
Engagement measurement can                        should look at measuring and boosting              an international         Agency: How have your clients’ organisations benefited from
                                                  participation and feedback activities in order     consultant               customer engagement initiatives in the last 12 months?3
and should involve taking into
                                                  to boost conversion, repeat purchases and          who focuses on
account prospective customers as                  recommendations.                                   measuring the value                                                           Improved customer loyalty: 58.23% (191)
well as those who have already                        This rendition of the Annual Online            of the web as a
                                                                                                                                                                                   Increased revenue: 52.13% (171)
purchased.                                        Customer Engagement Survey brings to light         medium for creating
                                                  that there is a great deal of education yet to     and strengthening                                                             Increased profits: 29.27% (96)
For us web analysts, engagement is much           be done, even among the cognoscenti. Why           customer
                                                                                                                                                                                   Bigger market share: 17.07% (56)
more of an immediate metric: Are website          am I so intent on nailing this “engagement”        relationships. Jim has
visitors or mobile content consumers engaged      term to the wall? Because tens of thousands        written eight books                                                           Improved employee satisfaction: 11.59% (38)
at-the-moment? How do you determine and           of pounds are being spent in pursuit of this       on using the internet
                                                                                                                                                                                   Enhanced public image: 32.93% (108)
measure this sort of engagement in order to       elusive objective. Soon this figure will run       for marketing and
increase it? Such questions are imperative.       into the millions, but agencies risk writing       was named one                                                                 Reduced marketing costs: 22.56% (74)
This became apparent at a recent panel            proposals for clients to sign off without either   of the 50 most
                                                                                                                                                                                   Reduced customer service costs: 15.85% (52)
discussion about engagement, which I and a        side ever being sure what is actually being sold   influential people in
number of other web analytics professionals       or bought. It seems that defining the terms is     digital marketing by                                                          Improved business predictability: 10.06% (33)
participated in. We spent a good deal of time     more important than ever.                          Revolution magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                                   None / Not relevant: 7.01% (23)

                                                                                                                                  Methodology note: respondents could check up to three options

                       Benefits of customer engagement                        It can be seen that ‘improved business         Figure 11
                                                                           predictability’ was the least reported benefit    Company: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s
                       The growing importance of customer                  of customer engagement. While companies           interest in online customer engagement?
                       engagement is perfectly understandable              are recognising that customer loyalty is
                       when one considers the gains enjoyed by             an important benefit, there is not yet a                                                      Strengthening emotional investment in your brand:
                                                                                                                                                                         21.23% (76)
                       organisations as a result of initiatives in this    significant realisation that companies can
                                                                                                                                                                         Reducing acquisition costs and increasing conversions:
                       area.                                               take important steps towards guaranteeing                                                     31.56% (113)
There is not yet          Survey respondents were asked to                 their future performance (i.e. improving                                                      Deepening and enriching your product or service offering:
                                                                                                                                                                         32.68% (117)
a significant          indicate three ways in which their companies        business predictability) by achieving certain
                                                                                                                                                                         Adjusting to the increased importance and power of
realisation that       had benefited from customer engagement              levels of customer engagement and loyalty.                                                    the customer: 14.53% (52)
companies can          initiatives in the last 12 months. It can be
take important         seen that ‘improved customer loyalty’ and           From the agency viewpoint, the most widely
steps towards          ‘increased revenue’ are the most widely             seen benefit from customer engagement
guaranteeing their     reaped benefits [Figures 9 and 10].                 is improved customer loyalty, with 58%
future performance        The prominence of these two benefits             of respondents saying that this has been
by achieving certain   shows how customer engagement is                    an important benefit for their clients.
levels of customer     intrinsically linked with tangible business         More than half of agencies (52%) say that
engagement.            objectives for most companies, i.e. improved        increased revenue is a top-three benefit.
                       customer acquisition and retention with
                       a view to increased income and profit.              Interest in Customer Engagement
                       Improved customer loyalty means reduced                                                               Figure 12
                       loss of business through churn and increased        All four of the attributes of customer            Agency: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s
                       word-of-mouth marketing.                            engagement shown in Figure 11 resonate            interest in online customer engagement?
                          It is very significant that improved             with significant numbers of company
                       customer loyalty is a benefit as widely             respondents, illustrating how customer                                                        Strengthening emotional investment in your brand:
                       acknowledged as increased revenue. This             engagement has a positive impact across a                                                     18.37% (61)
                                                                                                                                                                         Reducing acquisition costs and increasing conversions:
                       shows that the traditional, almost exclusive        wide range of areas.                                                                          31.33% (104)
                       focus on short-term revenue increases is                                                                                                          Deepening and enriching your product or service offering:
                       beginning to be displaced by other priorities       ‘Deepening and enriching your product or                                                      32.23% (107)
                                                                                                                                                                         Adjusting to the increased importance and power of
                       and a less blinkered approach. There is now         service offering’ is the primary interest for a                                               the customer: 18.07% (60)
                       much greater understanding that marketing           third of company respondents (33%), very
                       initiatives can have targets that relate to prof-   slightly ahead of ‘reducing acquisition costs
                       itability indirectly. For example, improving        and increasing conversions’ (32%).
                       customer loyalty as a goal of implementing              It is significant that those respondents
                       customer engagement will in turn have a             who regard their company’s primary
                       positive impact on profits.                         interest in customer engagement to be


about the cost of acquisition and number                            Describing an engaged customer                  Figure 13
of conversions are outnumbered by those                                                                             Company: Which of the following best describes an engaged customer for
who are interested primarily in enhancing                           Survey respondents were asked to give up to     your organisation?4
the customer experience and deepening                               three descriptions of what best describes an
relationships. This shows that organisa-       Engagement is more   ‘engaged customer’. The most widely given                                                             Purchases regularly: 36.34% (129)

tions are learning to value other customer     likely to be seen    description was that this type of customer                                                            Provides feedback regularly: 26.76% (95)
behaviours and actions rather than just        as an opportunity    ‘recommends product, service or brand’.
looking at the purchase.                       to connect with      Some 59% of company respondents and                                                                   Recommends product, service or brand: 59.44% (211)

                                               customers rather     62% of agency respondents said this was a                                                             Participates in innovation and design: 11.27% (40)
About a fifth of companies (21%) are           than as a damage-    top-three attribute [Figures 13  14].
primarily interested in ‘strengthening         limitation tactic.       A customer’s propensity to recommend                                                              Participates in online communities or support groups:
                                                                                                                                                                          32.39% (115)
emotional investment in [their] brand’,                             a product, service or brand is an excellent                                                           Is less focused on price: 23.38% (83)
while 15% say that customer engagement                              metric for organisations to measure
is most importantly about ‘adjusting to                             because it shows the level of goodwill a                                                              Is more tolerant of mistakes: 6.76% (24)
the increased importance and power of the                           customer exhibits towards a brand, and can                                                            Converts more readily: 44.51% (158)
customer’ [Figure 11].                                              be more closely correlated with business
   It is encouraging that customer                                  performance than their ‘satisfaction’. Satis-                                                         Other: 6.48% (23)

engagement is seen by less than a sixth of                          faction is an inferior metric because it
responding organisations in the rather more                         doesn’t give a very good indication as to       Figure 14
negative context of having to adjust to the                         whether a customer will exhibit the right       Agency: Which of the following best describes an engaged customer?4
increased power of the customer. Customer                           behaviours. For example, someone may
engagement is more likely to be seen as an                          be satisfied but that may not stop them                                                               Purchases regularly: 28.27% (93)
opportunity to connect with customers                               defecting to a competitor.
                                                                                                                                                                          Provides feedback regularly: 31% (102)
rather than as a damage-limitation tactic.                              Companies are increasingly recognising
   It is striking how closely the agency                            that they need their customers to become                                                              Recommends product, service or brand: 62.92% (207)
responses match the company responses                               advocates of their brand in an age where the
                                                                                                                                                                          Participates in innovation and design: 22.49% (74)
in terms of the percentages for each                                voice of a happy or disgruntled customer can
description. Agencies are slightly more                             be amplified like never before.                                                                       Participates in online communities or support groups:
likely than companies to single out                                     Surprisingly, only a quarter of company                                                           31.31% (103)
                                                                                                                                                                          Is less focused on price: 29.18% (96)
‘adjusting to the increased importance and                          respondents (27%) say that ‘providing
power of the customer’ and slightly less                            feedback regularly’ is among the top-                                                                 Is more tolerant of mistakes: 9.12% (30)
likely to highlight ‘strengthening emotional                        three best descriptions. Some of the most
                                                                                                                                                                          Converts more readily: 44.68% (147)
investment in a brand’.                                             enlightened organisations are systemati-
                                                                    cally using customer feedback to inform                                                               Other: 4.56% (15)
                                                                    their strategy around the design of products
                                                                    and services.

                                                                                                                        Methodology note: respondents could check up to three options
                                                                                                                                                                         Sales: 16.76% (60)

                                                                                                                                                                          Marketing: 70.95% (254)

                                                                                                                                                                          Communications: 21.23% (76)

                                                                                                                                                                          Web / Digital team: 58.66% (210)

   Similarly, there are still too many                               Figure 15                                                                                            Customer service: 20.11% (72)
companies taking a top-down approach of                              Company: Who is directly responsible for improving online customer engagement in your organisation?5
                                                                                                                                                                          Operations: 7.82% (28)
building something without due consid-
eration as to what customers actually want.                                                                               Sales: 16.76% (60)                              IT: 16.48% (59)
Only 11% of respondents cite ‘participa-          Successful
                                                                                                                          Marketing: 70.95% (254)                         Senior management: 24.86% (89)
tion in innovation and design’ as a key           engagement
attribute, a figure which does not do justice     involves                                                                Communications: 21.23% (76)                     No specific department / individual responsible for
to the size of the opportunity.                   co-operation                                                                                                            this: 4.19% (15)
                                                                                                                          Web / Digital team: 58.66% (210)                No-one is responsible: 1.12% (4)
                                                  and integration
Responsibility for Online                         between a range                                                         Customer service: 20.11% (72)                   Other: 6.15% (22)
                                                  of departments
Customer Engagement                                                                                                       Operations: 7.82% (28)
                                                  and disciplines.
Figures 15  16 clearly show that the                                                                                     IT: 16.48% (59)                                 Sales: 22.49% (74)
marketing department is the part of the
                                                                                                                          Senior management: 24.86% (89)                  Marketing: 75.38% (248)
business most likely to be directly responsible
for online customer engagement, closely                                                                                   No specific department / individual responsible for
                                                                                                                                                                          Communications: 26.75% (88)
                                                                                                                          this: 4.19% (15)
followed by the web / digital team. Only
                                                                                                                          No-one is responsible: 1.12% (4)                Web / Digital team: 47.72% (157)
a quarter of respondents say that senior
management is directly responsible.                                  Figure 16                                            Other: 6.15% (22)                               Customer service: 23.4% (77)
    Generally speaking, successful customer                          Agency: Who is typically directly responsible for improving online customer engagement in your clients’ organisations?5
                                                                                                                                                                          Operations: 9.42% (31)
engagement involves co-operation and
integration between a range of departments                                                                                Sales: 22.49% (74)                              IT: 14.29% (47)
and disciplines. Senior managers may
                                                                                                                          Marketing: 75.38% (248)                         Senior management: 29.79% (98)
not have to be directly responsible for
the ‘online’ part of the equation but it is                                                                               Communications: 26.75% (88)                     No specific department / individual responsible for
certainly crucial that they buy into the                                                                                                                                  this: 6.69% (22)
                                                                                                                          Web / Digital team: 47.72% (157)                No-one is responsible: 1.82% (6)
concept and give their full backing to any
initiatives which are in place.                                                                                           Customer service: 23.4% (77)                    Other: 2.74% (9)

                                                                                                                          Operations: 9.42% (31)

                                                                                                                          IT: 14.29% (47)

                                                                                                                          Senior management: 29.79% (98)

                                                                                                                          No specific department / individual responsible for
                                                                                                                          this: 6.69% (22)
                                                                                                                          No-one is responsible: 1.82% (6)

                                                                                                                          Other: 2.74% (9)
                                                                         Methodology note: respondents could check multiple items

New Engagement Strategies

Strategies for engaging with your                   The concept of building a sense of           Figure 17
                                                 community is perhaps the only one of these      Company: Which of the following do you feel are central to engaging with your audience online?
audience online
                                                 four top strategies which can be deemed
Figure 17 shows a range of strategies or         to be a pure-blooded Web 2.0 form of
approaches for achieving online customer         engagement.
engagement and how they are related                 The majority of respondents believe          100
by company respondents in terms of               that ‘soliciting user-generated content’ and
importance.                                      ‘participation on social networking sites’       80
    ‘Efficient and accessible customer           are only a ‘nice-to-have’ or ‘not important’.
services’ are seen as essential by 45% of        Some 43% of respondents say that UGC on
respondents, and as very important by a          their websites is essential or very important    60
further 41%. Amid all the talk in recent         but that figure drops to only 21% for
months about the use of Web 2.0 and rich         participation on networking sites.
media to deepen customer relationships, it          It is surprising that less than half of        40

is a bump back down to earth in light of         company respondents view UGC as
reliable customer services still being seen as   essential, given the well documented
the most important strategy for customer         advantages of features such as ratings          60
engagement.                                      and reviews on a website. It is something
    The next most essential strategy is a        of a paradox that advocacy is the most          40   0
‘consistent online and offline customer          widely perceived behavioural trait of an                  A         B       C       D         E       F     G       H        I       J
experience’ – something which 39% of             engaged customer, and yet the majority of
companies see as essential and 47% see           companies have not prioritised the solicita-                                                                                                           Essential                    Very
                                                                                                      A     B    C       D   E   F    G    H       I   J                                                                             important
as very important. There is an increased         tion of UGC.
recognition of the need for an integrated           Participation in social networking is           A Consistent online and offline Customer Experience                             Very
                                                                                                                                                                                                 38.80%           (123)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 47.00% (149)           10.4
                                                                                                                                                                    Essential                      Nice to have       important         Don't know
approach across different channels. We           well down on the priority list even though         B Frank and open communications on products / services important                             27.90%           (89)           49.84% (159)           19.7
                                                                                                  A Consistent online and offline Customer Experience           38.80% (123)    47.00% (149)   10.41% (33)        3.15%      (10)   0.63%      (2)
will see later in the report that companies      the importance of building a sense of            B C Soliciting user-generated content
                                                                                                     Frank and open communications on products / services       27.90% (89)     49.84% (159)     12.54%
                                                                                                                                                                                               19.75% (63)        (40) (8) 30.41% (0)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2.51%             0.00%       (97)    38.5
                                                                                                  C Soliciting user-generated content
are getting more proficient at mapping           community is widely acknowledged. At the         D Participation on social networking sites,
                                                                                                                                              networking sites, 12.54% (40) 30.41% (97)
                                                                                                    D Participation on social e.g Facebook  LinkedIn e.g Facebook  LinkedIn
                                                                                                                                                                4.09%      (13) 17.30% (55)
                                                                                                                                                                                               38.56% (123)
                                                                                                                                                                                               36.79% (117)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (13) (56)17.30% (3)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  39.62% (126)
customer experiences in order to identify        moment, many organisations are wondering         E EPersonalised experiences experiences
                                                                                                          Personalised                                          21.14% (67)     37.54% (119)     21.14%
                                                                                                                                                                                               34.38% (109)       (67) (21)37.54% (1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6.62%             0.32%       (119)   34.3
                                                                                                  F Communicating corporate social responsibility               9.12%      (29) 30.50% (97)    41.19% (131)       17.61% (56)       1.57%      (5)
different touch points.                          what to do with social networks, whether         G FBuilding a sense of communitycorporate social responsibility (111) 34.28% (109)
                                                                                                          Communicating around products / services / brand 34.91%                                9.12%
                                                                                                                                                                                               24.84% (79)        (29) (18)30.50% (1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5.66%             0.31%       (97)    41.1
    The joint-third most important strategies    they should get involved and, if this is         H G Building fears of using thecommunity around products / services / brand
                                                                                                     Allaying audience a sense of digital channels              18.67% (59)     41.77% (132)     34.91%
                                                                                                                                                                                               19.94% (63)        (111) (54)34.28% (8)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17.09%            2.53%       (109)   24.8
                                                                                                  I Efficient and accessible customer services                  45.45% (145)    41.07% (131)   10.97% (35)        2.19%      (7)    0.31%      (1)
for engaging with an audience online             appropriate, how they should make their            H Allayingpersuasive copy fears of using the digital channels 51.88% (166)
                                                                                                  J Compelling and     audience                                 34.69% (111)                     18.67%
                                                                                                                                                                                               11.25% (36)        (59) (2) 41.77% (5)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0.63%             1.56%       (132)   19.9
are deemed to be ‘building a sense of            presence felt. Companies are still adjusting       I Efficient and accessible customer services                                                 45.45%           (145)          41.07% (131)           10.9
community around product / services /            to the idea that a web presence is not just        J Compelling and persuasive copy                                                             34.69%           (111)          51.88% (166)           11.2
brand’ and ‘compelling and persuasive            about having a destination website, but
copy’, both judged as essential by 35% of        also a presence on third party websites, for
respondents.                                     example social networks.


Figure 18                                                                                                                                      Figure 19
Company: Which of the following does your organisation use to                                                                                  Agency: Typically, which of the following do your clients use to increase
increase online customer engagement?                                                                                                           online customer engagement?

100                                                                                                                                            100

 80                                                                                                                                              80

 60                                                                                                                                              60

100                                                                                                                                           100
 40                                                                                                                                              40
80                                                                                                                                              80

 20                                                                                                                                              20
60                                                                                                                                              60

40                                                                                                                                              40
      0                                                                                                                                              0
              A       B       C       D        E           F     G         H        I                                                                    A       B         C        D        E        F        G        H        I
20                                                                                                                                              20

                                                                                                                                                  No plans to                       Don't know
          A       B   C   D       E   F   G        H   I
                                                                                                Currently use               Plan to use          0use
                                                                                                                                                    A        B   C     D            /not relevant H I
                                                                                                                                                                                     E    F    G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Currently use             Plan to use
   A Social networks (e.g. Facebook)                                                           19.03% plans to
                                                                                                          (59)        31.94%
                                                                                                                     Don't know
                                                                                                                                     (99)    38.06%Social networks (e.g. Facebook)
                                                                                                                                                  A          (118)          10.97% (34)                                                      30.07% plans to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (83)        35.87% (99)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Don't know
                                                                 Currently use     Plan to use        use            /not relevant                                                                             Currently use     Plan to use        use           /not relevant
   B Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube)                                                     21.29% (66)            28.71%         (89)    37.42%Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube)
                                                                                                                                                  B          (116)          12.58% (39)                                                      32.61% (90)            29.71% (82)
 A Social networks (e.g. Facebook)                           19.03% (59)       31.94% (99)        38.06% (118)   10.97% (34)                    A Social networks (e.g. Facebook)                          30.07% (83)       35.87% (99)        25.36% (70)   8.70%       (24)
 BC Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube) (e.g. iTunes)
        Audio-sharing websites                               21.29% (66)       28.71% (89) 13.77% (116)
                                                                                                  37.42% (42)         16.39%
                                                                                                                 12.58% (39)         (50)    53.77%Audio-sharing websites (e.g. iTunes)
                                                                                                                                                B CVideo-sharing websites 16.07%
                                                                                                                                                             (164)          (e.g. YouTube) (49)            32.61% (90)       29.71% (82) 14.44% (80)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                28.99% (39) 8.70%   24.07% (65)
        Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr)
 CDAudio-sharing websites (e.g. iTunes)                      13.77% (42)       16.39% (50) 13.86% (164)
                                                                                                  53.77% (42)         18.15%
                                                                                                                 16.07% (49)         (55)    54.13%Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr)
                                                                                                                                                C DAudio-sharing websites 13.86%
                                                                                                                                                             (164)          (e.g. iTunes)   (42)           14.44% (39)       24.07% (65) 22.71% (122)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                45.19% (62) 16.30% (44)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    22.71% (62)
 D Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr)                      13.86% (42)       18.15% (55)        54.13% (164)   13.86% (42)                    D Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr)                     22.71% (62)       22.71% (62)        42.49% (116)  12.09% (33)
 E E Social news sites / bookmarkingbookmarking (e.g. Digg)
        Social news sites / (e.g. Digg)                      16.17% (49)       31.68% (96) 16.17% (116)
                                                                                                  38.28% (49)         31.68%
                                                                                                                 13.86% (42)         (96)    38.28%Socialsites / bookmarking bookmarking (e.g. Digg)
                                                                                                                                                E E Social news news sites / (e.g. Digg)
                                                                                                                                                             (116)          13.86% (42)                    20.15% (55)       30.40% (83) 20.15% (95)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                34.80% (55) 14.65% (40)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    30.40% (83)
 F F Blogging sites (e.g. Blogger, My Telegraph) My Telegraph)
        Blogging sites (e.g. Blogger,                        21.47% (67)       35.58% (111)    21.47% (98)
                                                                                                  31.41% (67)         35.58%
                                                                                                                 11.54% (36)         (111)   31.41%Blogging sites (e.g.Telegraph) My Telegraph)
                                                                                                                                                F F Blogging(98)(e.g. Blogger, My Blogger,
                                                                                                                                                              sites         11.54% (36)                    41.16% (114)      29.96% (83) 41.16% (64)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23.10% (114) 5.78%  29.96% (83)
 G Social knowledge sharing (e.g. Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers)  16.56% (51)       31.49% (97)        38.64% (119)   13.31% (41)                    G Social knowledge sharing (e.g. Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers) 23.38% (65)       28.42% (79)        36.69% (102)  11.51% (32)
 HGDesktop based applications / widgets / gadgets Wikipedia,14.61% (45)
        Social knowledge sharing (e.g.                        Yahoo Answers)   34.74% (107)    16.56% (117)
                                                                                                  37.99% (51)         31.49%
                                                                                                                 12.66% (39)         (97)    38.64%Social knowledgewidgets / gadgets Wikipedia, Yahoo (61) 34.30% (95) 23.38% (88) 11.91% (33)
                                                                                                                                                             based applications / sharing (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                H GDesktop (119)            13.31% (41)                    22.02% Answers)                      31.77% (65)         28.42% (79)
        Desktop based applications / widgets / gadgets (55) 38.98% (122)14.61% (95)
 I HWeb-based widgets / badges / gadgets                     17.57%                               30.35% (45)         34.74%
                                                                                                                 13.10% (41)         (107)   37.99%Desktop based applications / widgets / gadgets (71) 36.73% (101)22.02% (75) 10.18% (28)
                                                                                                                                                I HWeb-based widgets / badges / gadgets (39)
                                                                                                                                                             (117)          12.66%                         25.82%                               27.27% (61)         34.30% (95)
   I Web-based widgets / badges / gadgets                                                      17.57% (55)            38.98%         (122)   30.35%Web-based widgets / badges / gadgets
                                                                                                                                                  I          (95)           13.10% (41)                                                      25.82% (71)            36.73% (101)


Andy Beal                                                                                        Methods of increasing
Social media must be added to the                                                                engagement
engagement mix
The second Annual Online Customer                 having a complete picture of the different     This section looks more specifically at Web     Figure 20
Engagement Survey demonstrates just how           touch points with their customers, the         2.0-type tactics and technologies which are     Company: How important do you think the mobile channel will be
important online customer engagement is           majority of companies would be wise to         increasingly being used by organisations.       for customer engagement in the next three years?
going to be over the next 12 months. With 90%     invest time in researching further exactly     The extent to which a variety of methods
of businesses indicating that online customer     where their customer interaction takes         are being used to increase online customer                                                Essential: 19.57% (63)

engagement is important—if not essential—         place. They may well find that blogs, social   engagement is shown in Figures 18  19.                                                   Important: 44.41% (143)
to their marketing efforts, and 77% planning to   networks and other social media make           Blogging and video-sharing sites are the
increase their focus on customer engagement,      up an important part of their customer         methods most frequently used, with 21%                                                    Nice to have: 23.29% (75)

2008 is shaping up to be the year we start        engagement for 2008.                           of company respondents using each of                                                      Not important: 8.7% (28)
truly to listen to our customers.                                                                these tactics.
    Having said that, companies are yet to                                                           The tactic most likely to be on the                                                   Don’t know / Not relevant: 4.04%
embrace the importance of social media as         Companies would do well to                     radar is the use of web-based widgets, with
platforms for improving online customer                                                          just under 40% of companies saying they
                                                  understand that customer
engagement. The study reveals that far too                                                       are planning this [Figure 18]. Desktop-
many businesses believe that customer
                                                  engagement can’t be controlled                 based applications or widgets are also
engagement is simply a product of customer        within their own websites.                     being planned by more than a third of
experience (38%) or is a role for customer                                                       companies. Widgets are increasingly             Figure 21
service (46%). Only 12% of businesses consider                                                   popular vehicles for engagement because         Agency: How important do you think the mobile channel will be for
user-generated content essential to improve                                                      they can give visibility to brands, products    customer engagement in the next three years?
customer engagement and less than 5% think                                                       and services in an increasingly fragmented
the same of social networking sites such as                                                      online world. In the future, people will be                                               Essential: 31.25% (90)

Facebook. In fact, at least a third of those                                                     less likely to proactively visit websites but                                             Important: 47.57% (137)
polled have no plans to use social media at                                                      more likely to customise their home pages
all in their customer engagement initiatives                                                     to pull in relevant information (contained                                                Nice to have: 17.71% (51)

and only a quarter of companies feel that                                                        in feeds and widgets).                                                                    Not important: 2.78% (8)
monitoring social networks is important.                                                             The figures show that social networking
     Companies would do well to understand                                                       sites are being used or considered by half                                                Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.69%
that customer engagement cannot be                Andy Beal is an online marketing expert.       of company respondents, a finding which
controlled within their own websites and that     He is editor of,          is surprising because it was seen in the
they should look to improve their customer        received a nomination for the 2006             previous section that the vast majority of
interactions outside of their own web             “Fast 50” and was named in the Triangle        respondents regard a strategy of participa-
properties. With less than 50% of businesses      Business Journal’s “40 Under 40”.              tion on social network sites as either not

2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008

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2nd Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008

  • 1. Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey Report 2008
  • 2. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 E-consultancy is an online publisher of cScape, the research sponsor, is an award- informal online debates about engagement best practice internet marketing reports, winning interactive agency and a certified and persuasive design. research and how-to guides. E-consultancy, Microsoft Gold Partner. An emphasis on cScape was an early adopter of Microsoft named Publisher of the Year at the 2006 customer engagement underpins cScape’s SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). We are at AOP Awards, also publishes buyer’s guides integrated consultancy, creative design and the forefront of enhancing the capabilities of and has a directory of 100,000+ third party technical development services. Microsoft technologies and of using dynamic internet marketing white papers. The cScape Customer Engagement Unit tools like MOSS to facilitate engagement Subscribers pay from £195 per year to (CEU), launched in November 2006, is a strategies. access the exclusive and highly practical team of individuals with years of experience We have an exciting programme of content. E-consultancy also organises regular in digital marketing and communications, events planned for 2008 and hope you events, including roundtables and Supplier design and technology development. cScape will be able to come along. Please contact Showcases, where six suppliers pitch to an combines in-depth research into the science Theresa Clifford, cScape’s Sales and audience of pre-qualified buyers at a Central of persuasion with the development of Marketing Director, to find out more about London venue. practical online strategies. Our priority is to cScape’s offering, and about future events. E-consultancy has 58,000 registered users enable clients to align business goals with the ( and more than 145,000 unique user sessions needs and interest of their customers. cScape per month (audited by ABC Electronic). works with a diverse range of organisations It is popular among internet professionals from the corporate, charity and government because of its time-saving advice and sectors. insight. Since the launch of the CEU and the The company also provides a range of world’s first Annual Online Customer public and in-house training programmes, Engagement Survey, cScape has continued to such as seminars and workshops. be at the forefront of developing the concept of engagement. The outcomes of recent high- profile cScape events in 2007, including the From User Experience to Customer Engage- ment conference and The Role of Persuasion in Online Customer Engagement seminar, have filtered through to a wide range of organisations. These thought leadership events have also informed professional and 2
  • 3. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey 2008 Report contents Introduction 4 Barriers to success 22 Barriers to a better Online Customer Engagement 22 The importance of engagement 5 Optimism about the future 22 Executive summary 6 Comments on the findings Jim Sterne – Defining the terms of engagement 10 Findings Andy Beal – Social media must be added to the engagement mix 16 Importance and benefits of Customer Engagement 8 Pete Mortensen – The future of engagement is mobile 17 Importance of Online Customer Engagement 8 Avinash Kaushik – Engaging with the engagement metric 20 Benefits of Customer Engagement 11 Interest in Customer Engagement 11 Thoughts on Customer Engagement Describing an engaged customer 12 Dr Dave Chaffey – Segmentation, segmentation, segmentation? 26 Responsibility for Online Customer Engagement 13 Clare O’Brien – Usefulness: the new language of brand 28 New Engagement Strategies 14 Theo Papadakis – What is engagement for? 30 Strategies for engaging with your audience online 14 Richard Sedley – The role of persuasion in Online Customer Engagement 32 Methods of increasing engagement 16 Lucy Conlan – What can you do when they disengage? 34 Importance of mobile channel 17 Achieving engagement through mobile channel 18 Measurement and Research 18 Customer data collection 18 Methods of gathering customer intelligence 18 Engagement metrics 21 Mapping customer touchpoints 21
  • 4. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 Our ability to develop a ‘light-touch’ based upon a psychological understanding of our customers will be an essential counter balance to the bullish marketing practices that have shaped much of the digital terrain in the last 10 years. Introduction The second Annual Online Customer or departments to taking ownership for The coming year will undoubtedly pose Engagement Survey attracted over 1000 implementing and monitoring engagement new challenges as we all try to integrate responses, making it the world’s largest strategies. This report aims to aid those customer engagement strategies and tactics survey on the subject. looking to further develop their engagement I see the continuing with our business plans. Personally, I see This report outlines how customer strategies. rise in social the continuing rise in social media and engagement remains an imperative issue In the introduction to the 2007 report media and mobile mobile technology as potentially rich, yet for organisations, and your answers to the I predicted that “the process of Customer technology as particularly challenging, arenas for customer survey provide valuable insights into the Engagement will become one of, if not the, potentially rich, engagement. It is on these platforms that the reasons why. The results indicate where the central focus for your digital activities in the yet particularly largest gap between engagement and mone- focus for agencies and businesses will be in coming years”. This is certainly born out by challenging, arenas tisation is at the moment. the next 12 months, how critical you think the 2008 survey results. Indeed, since the for customer I believe the ability to develop and some of the recent developments in the publication of last year’s report, the term engagement. refine a ‘light-touch’ approach based upon digital environment are and, perhaps most and concept of engagement has entered a deeper psychological understanding of our importantly, why they will be significant for mainstream business consciousness. customers will be an essential counter balance you in the near future. Last year I encouraged readers to to the more bullish marketing practices that The survey also shows that there are still share their thoughts on the report and have shaped much of the digital terrain in barriers to achieving effective online customer send us examples and stories of their own the last 10 years. engagement. For instance, organisations experiences. In response to that feedback do not always manage to assign individuals we have extended this year’s report with thought pieces by some of cScape’s Customer Engagement Unit consultants as well as comments on the survey results by other key figures in the digital industry.
  • 5. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Planet Web 2.0 has brought into sharp focus not only the risk of customer disengagement but also the tremendous opportunities available to those who listen and interact effectively. The importance of engagement Finally, I would like to thank all of those There is no universally accepted definition that interaction. The correlation between advertising for them, thereby reducing who have invested their time, energy, of what customer engagement1 is or how it enhanced engagement and greater business the need for ad spend and increasing the finances and intellect in this report. Thanks should be measured, but the importance of success has never been more instantly amount of money available for customer to the contributors - Jim, Avinash, Andy, engaging customers effectively both online apparent. engagement initiatives spanning product Pete, Clare and Steve - to Linus and Ashley and offline is now surely beyond question. Planet Web 2.0 and its omnipresent design, customer services and website at E-consultancy, and to all my colleagues Advocates of the top-down approach to satellites (i.e. social networks, blogs and improvements. A virtuous circle if ever there at cScape, in particular Rob, Theresa, Theo, marketing, versed in the old-school methods user-generated content) have brought into was one. Lucy, Dave, Nathalie, Ed and Tom. of broadcast advertising and complacent sharp focus not only the risk of customer We all hope you find the second Annual in their ability to drown out dissenting disengagement but also the tremendous Linus Gregoriadis, Online Customer Engagement Survey voices, have been keeping a very low profile opportunities available to those who listen Head of Research, E-consultancy Report interesting and useful and that you’ll recently. and interact effectively. We are now living in share your thoughts on its content. Conversely, those who have long been world of ‘word-of-mouth on steroids’2, which talking about the need for a customer-centric means that organisations need to work much Richard Sedley approach and integrated experience have harder to make sure that feedback, praise cScape Customer Engagement Director come into the limelight because they are no and criticism from all-powerful consumers is longer seen as preaching something which being both heard and ‘actioned’. 1 The following, adapted from a definition by Ron is somehow detached from ‘real’ business The most enlightened companies are not Shevlin, was suggested by Richard Sedley for the first Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey numbers containing pound or dollar signs. just paying lip-service to what consumers report: “Repeated interactions that strengthen the Although Online Customer Engagement are saying. They are facilitating interaction emotional, psychological or physical investment a is very much part of a bigger, more integrated between their customers and also changing customer has in a brand.” picture, it has emerged as a fascinating their organisational processes so that the and, to an extent, discrete area of study voice of the customer is heard at the product 2 This phrase was used by Will McInnes of Nixon because of the unprecedented scope the design stage. McInnes at an E-consultancy Social Media roundtable: digital environment allows to interact with When companies get things right, they tions/social-media-briefing-2007/ customers repeatedly, and also to measure can rely on their customers to do their
  • 6. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 More than 1,000 respondents there has been a significant improvement participated in the E-consultancy in the number of organisations who are / cScape Customer Engagement either ‘very advanced’ or ‘quite advanced’ Unit second Annual Online Customer at mapping customer experiences in order Engagement Survey. to identify different touch points. It is clear from this research that more A consistent online and offline organisations are embracing the concept of customer experience is rightly perceived to customer engagement and recognising this be very important. However, ‘efficient and as a key requirement for business success. accessible customer services’ are seen as The overwhelming majority of company even more important strategies. For many respondents (90%) say that online companies, customer engagement is still customer engagement is either ‘essential’ more about getting the basics right than or ‘important’ to their organisations, while adopting Web 2.0 tools and technologies. three-quarters of respondents (77%) say That is not to say that Web 2.0 tools and that its importance has increased in the last technologies are not playing an important 12 months. role in the customer engagement process. The numerous benefits of customer On a tactical level, the most commonly engagement explain why there is an used methods of engagement are blogging increased focus on this subject. The most sites, video-sharing sites and social frequently cited benefits for organisa- networking. Widgets are very much tions implementing customer engagement on the radar, with more than a third of initiatives over the last 12 months are organisations planning to use both web- ‘improved customer loyalty’ and ‘increased based and desktop-based widgets and revenue’. applications. Companies are getting better at realising Expectations are already building that they need an integrated approach around the role of the mobile channel which embraces all the channels used by as a tool for engaging customers in the their customers. ‘A consistent online and near future, with two thirds of company Executive Summary offline customer experience’ is seen as ‘essential’ or ‘very important’ by 86% of respondents (64%) saying that this will be ‘essential’ or ‘important’ for customer organisations. engagement in the next three years. There is also evidence that more The respondents, including 456 companies are actually taking steps to ‘in-house’ respondents and 438 agency deliver a more integrated experience. Since respondents, completed an online survey the first Annual Customer Engagement over a five-week period in September and Report, published at the end of 2006, October 2007.
  • 7. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Methodology and Sample Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 What type of organisation do you work for? Company: Respondents by geography Agency: Respondents by geography Part of an in-house team (client-side): UK: 70.82% (216) UK: 58.8% (157) 45.42% (456) External agency: 43.63% (438) Europe (non-UK): 8.2% (25) Europe (non-UK): 13.48% (36) Other: 10.96% (110) North America: 12.46% (38) North America: 13.86% (37) Other: 8.52% (26) Other: 13.86% (37) Automotive: 1.31% (4) Charity: 5.88% (18) Consultancy / Marketing Services: 3.27% (10) Entertainment: 4.58% (14) Financial Services (including insurance): 17.32% (53) FMCG / CPG: 1.63% (5) Gaming: 0.65% (2) More than 1,000 respondents participated in the online survey over Figure 4 a five-week period in September and October 2007. E-consultancy Company: Respondents by business sector Healthcare: 1.63% (2) and cScape would like to thank those who took the time to complete Pharmaceuticals: 0.98% (3) the questionnaire. Information about the research, including the survey link, was emailed to E-consultancy’s user base. Automotive: 1.31% (4) Property: 0.98% (3) Charity: 5.88% (18) Public sector: 6.21% (19) Respondent profiles Consultancy / Marketing Services: 3.27% (10) Publishing: 8.17% (25) The vast majority of survey respondents work either for in-house Entertainment: 4.58% (14) Retail: 11.76% (36) teams (i.e. ‘client-side’ organisations), or for external agencies (including consultants and technology suppliers). For the purposes Financial Services (including insurance): 17.32% (53) Telecoms / Mobile phones: 5.23% (16) of this report, this distinction is abbreviated to companies FMCG / CPG: 1.63% (5) Travel: 6.86% (21) (including not-for-profit organisations) and agencies. In total, 456 company respondents took part in the survey, Gaming: 0.65% (2) Utilities Energy: 0.98% (3) compared to 438 agency participants. Company respondents were Healthcare: 1.63% (2) Other manufacturing: 2.94% (9) asked to comment in respect of their own organisations, while agencies were mostly asked to comment in terms of a typical client. Pharmaceuticals: 0.98% (3) Other: 19.61% (60) Property: 0.98% (3) Public sector: 6.21% (19)
  • 8. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 Importance and benefits of Customer Engagement Importance of Online Customer have’. Less than 1% of respondents say this Engagement is ‘not important’. From the perspective of agencies Advocates of customer engagement will [Figure 8], the proportion of companies be heartened to learn that organisations who regard this area as essential is closer are typically taking the idea of customer to a third (38%). Agencies also report a engagement more seriously than they were higher number of organisations treating a year ago. More than three-quarters of this as a nice-to-have (16%). However, it companies (77%) say that its importance is encouraging that agency responses also has increased in the last 12 months [Figure 5]. point to a high level of significance being A similar proportion of agencies (75%) attached to customer engagement, with say that it has become more important for 82% saying that it is either essential or their clients [Figure 6]. important to their clients (compared to The evidence suggests that those 90% of companies). championing customer engagement within organisations are being listened to. Just a handful of respondents say that its importance has declined and only a The evidence suggests that fifth of company respondents say that its those championing customer importance has remained the same (18%). engagement within organisations Continuing with the theme of the increased are being listened to. prominence of customer engagement within organisations, half of company respondents Findings (50%) now regard the online dimension of this discipline as ‘essential’ to their organi- sations, with a further 40% saying that it is ‘important’ [Figure 7]. This again shows how most organisations are taking steps to address this area, although there are 8% of companies treating this only as a ‘nice-to- 8
  • 9. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Figure 5 Figure 7 Company: Has the importance of online customer engagement Company: How important is online customer engagement for your changed for your organisation over the last 12 months? organisation? Increased: 76.54% (274) Essential: 49.72% (178) More than three-quarters Remained the same: 18.44% (66) Important: 40.22% (144) of companies (77%) say that the importance of customer Declined: 1.12% (4) Nice to have: 8.38% (30) engagement has increased in the last 12 months. Don’t know / Not relevant: 3.91% (14) Not important: 0.84% (3) Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.84% (3) Figure 6 Figure 8 Agency: Has the importance of online customer engagement Agency: Typically, how important is online customer engagement for typically changed for your clients over the last 12 months? your clients? Increased: 75.45% (249) Essential: 37.76% (125) Remained the same: 19.7% (65) Important: 43.81% (145) Declined: 0.91% (3) Nice to have: 16.01% (53) Don’t know / Not relevant: 3.94% (13) Not important: 1.81% (6) Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.6% (2)
  • 10. COMMENT Jim Sterne Figure 9 Defining the terms of engagement Company: How has your organisation benefited from customer engagement initiatives in the last 12 months?3 Improved customer loyalty: 43.22% (153) The E-consultancy / cScape second Annual kicking around a definition and were finally in Online Customer Engagement Report agreement that an engaged customer is one Increased revenue: 43.22% (153) highlights a serious problem for marketing who participates and provides feedback. Increased profits: 14.41% (51) today; the lack of clarity in the way we define Quick conversion, repeat purchases and basic terms. recommendations are indicators of customer Bigger market share: 15.82% (56) In particular, the varying responses to the loyalty, and they are all desirable outcomes Improved employee satisfaction: 9.04% (32) survey question “Which best describes an of engagement. Engagement measurement engaged customer for your organisation?” can and should involve taking into account Jim Sterne Enhanced public image: 28.25% (100) gave an excellent - and disturbing - indication prospective customers as well as those who produces the Reduced marketing costs: 23.73% (84) of how little we agree on the terms. Different have already purchased. eMetrics Marketing respondents identified “Recommends product, We have to ask ourselves questions Optimization Reduced customer service costs: 15.82% (56) service or brand”, “Converts more readily” like “Is our advertising engaging?”; “Is our Summit and is the Improved business predictability: 8.47% (30) and “Purchases regularly” as their most website actively pulling people deeper Founding President trustworthy guideposts to engagement. into a relationship with the brand so of the Web Analytics None / Not relevant: 17.51% (62) that they might become customers?” We Association. He is Figure 10 Engagement measurement can should look at measuring and boosting an international Agency: How have your clients’ organisations benefited from participation and feedback activities in order consultant customer engagement initiatives in the last 12 months?3 and should involve taking into to boost conversion, repeat purchases and who focuses on account prospective customers as recommendations. measuring the value Improved customer loyalty: 58.23% (191) well as those who have already This rendition of the Annual Online of the web as a Increased revenue: 52.13% (171) purchased. Customer Engagement Survey brings to light medium for creating that there is a great deal of education yet to and strengthening Increased profits: 29.27% (96) For us web analysts, engagement is much be done, even among the cognoscenti. Why customer Bigger market share: 17.07% (56) more of an immediate metric: Are website am I so intent on nailing this “engagement” relationships. Jim has visitors or mobile content consumers engaged term to the wall? Because tens of thousands written eight books Improved employee satisfaction: 11.59% (38) at-the-moment? How do you determine and of pounds are being spent in pursuit of this on using the internet Enhanced public image: 32.93% (108) measure this sort of engagement in order to elusive objective. Soon this figure will run for marketing and increase it? Such questions are imperative. into the millions, but agencies risk writing was named one Reduced marketing costs: 22.56% (74) This became apparent at a recent panel proposals for clients to sign off without either of the 50 most Reduced customer service costs: 15.85% (52) discussion about engagement, which I and a side ever being sure what is actually being sold influential people in number of other web analytics professionals or bought. It seems that defining the terms is digital marketing by Improved business predictability: 10.06% (33) participated in. We spent a good deal of time more important than ever. Revolution magazine. None / Not relevant: 7.01% (23) 3 Methodology note: respondents could check up to three options 10
  • 11. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Benefits of customer engagement It can be seen that ‘improved business Figure 11 predictability’ was the least reported benefit Company: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s The growing importance of customer of customer engagement. While companies interest in online customer engagement? engagement is perfectly understandable are recognising that customer loyalty is when one considers the gains enjoyed by an important benefit, there is not yet a Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: 21.23% (76) organisations as a result of initiatives in this significant realisation that companies can Reducing acquisition costs and increasing conversions: area. take important steps towards guaranteeing 31.56% (113) There is not yet Survey respondents were asked to their future performance (i.e. improving Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: 32.68% (117) a significant indicate three ways in which their companies business predictability) by achieving certain Adjusting to the increased importance and power of realisation that had benefited from customer engagement levels of customer engagement and loyalty. the customer: 14.53% (52) companies can initiatives in the last 12 months. It can be take important seen that ‘improved customer loyalty’ and From the agency viewpoint, the most widely steps towards ‘increased revenue’ are the most widely seen benefit from customer engagement guaranteeing their reaped benefits [Figures 9 and 10]. is improved customer loyalty, with 58% future performance The prominence of these two benefits of respondents saying that this has been by achieving certain shows how customer engagement is an important benefit for their clients. levels of customer intrinsically linked with tangible business More than half of agencies (52%) say that engagement. objectives for most companies, i.e. improved increased revenue is a top-three benefit. customer acquisition and retention with a view to increased income and profit. Interest in Customer Engagement Improved customer loyalty means reduced Figure 12 loss of business through churn and increased All four of the attributes of customer Agency: Which of the following best describes your organisation’s word-of-mouth marketing. engagement shown in Figure 11 resonate interest in online customer engagement? It is very significant that improved with significant numbers of company customer loyalty is a benefit as widely respondents, illustrating how customer Strengthening emotional investment in your brand: acknowledged as increased revenue. This engagement has a positive impact across a 18.37% (61) Reducing acquisition costs and increasing conversions: shows that the traditional, almost exclusive wide range of areas. 31.33% (104) focus on short-term revenue increases is Deepening and enriching your product or service offering: beginning to be displaced by other priorities ‘Deepening and enriching your product or 32.23% (107) Adjusting to the increased importance and power of and a less blinkered approach. There is now service offering’ is the primary interest for a the customer: 18.07% (60) much greater understanding that marketing third of company respondents (33%), very initiatives can have targets that relate to prof- slightly ahead of ‘reducing acquisition costs itability indirectly. For example, improving and increasing conversions’ (32%). customer loyalty as a goal of implementing It is significant that those respondents customer engagement will in turn have a who regard their company’s primary positive impact on profits. interest in customer engagement to be 11
  • 12. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 about the cost of acquisition and number Describing an engaged customer Figure 13 of conversions are outnumbered by those Company: Which of the following best describes an engaged customer for who are interested primarily in enhancing Survey respondents were asked to give up to your organisation?4 the customer experience and deepening three descriptions of what best describes an relationships. This shows that organisa- Engagement is more ‘engaged customer’. The most widely given Purchases regularly: 36.34% (129) tions are learning to value other customer likely to be seen description was that this type of customer Provides feedback regularly: 26.76% (95) behaviours and actions rather than just as an opportunity ‘recommends product, service or brand’. looking at the purchase. to connect with Some 59% of company respondents and Recommends product, service or brand: 59.44% (211) customers rather 62% of agency respondents said this was a Participates in innovation and design: 11.27% (40) About a fifth of companies (21%) are than as a damage- top-three attribute [Figures 13 14]. primarily interested in ‘strengthening limitation tactic. A customer’s propensity to recommend Participates in online communities or support groups: 32.39% (115) emotional investment in [their] brand’, a product, service or brand is an excellent Is less focused on price: 23.38% (83) while 15% say that customer engagement metric for organisations to measure is most importantly about ‘adjusting to because it shows the level of goodwill a Is more tolerant of mistakes: 6.76% (24) the increased importance and power of the customer exhibits towards a brand, and can Converts more readily: 44.51% (158) customer’ [Figure 11]. be more closely correlated with business It is encouraging that customer performance than their ‘satisfaction’. Satis- Other: 6.48% (23) engagement is seen by less than a sixth of faction is an inferior metric because it responding organisations in the rather more doesn’t give a very good indication as to Figure 14 negative context of having to adjust to the whether a customer will exhibit the right Agency: Which of the following best describes an engaged customer?4 increased power of the customer. Customer behaviours. For example, someone may engagement is more likely to be seen as an be satisfied but that may not stop them Purchases regularly: 28.27% (93) opportunity to connect with customers defecting to a competitor. Provides feedback regularly: 31% (102) rather than as a damage-limitation tactic. Companies are increasingly recognising It is striking how closely the agency that they need their customers to become Recommends product, service or brand: 62.92% (207) responses match the company responses advocates of their brand in an age where the Participates in innovation and design: 22.49% (74) in terms of the percentages for each voice of a happy or disgruntled customer can description. Agencies are slightly more be amplified like never before. Participates in online communities or support groups: likely than companies to single out Surprisingly, only a quarter of company 31.31% (103) Is less focused on price: 29.18% (96) ‘adjusting to the increased importance and respondents (27%) say that ‘providing power of the customer’ and slightly less feedback regularly’ is among the top- Is more tolerant of mistakes: 9.12% (30) likely to highlight ‘strengthening emotional three best descriptions. Some of the most Converts more readily: 44.68% (147) investment in a brand’. enlightened organisations are systemati- cally using customer feedback to inform Other: 4.56% (15) their strategy around the design of products and services. 4 Methodology note: respondents could check up to three options 12
  • 13. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Sales: 16.76% (60) Marketing: 70.95% (254) Communications: 21.23% (76) Web / Digital team: 58.66% (210) Similarly, there are still too many Figure 15 Customer service: 20.11% (72) companies taking a top-down approach of Company: Who is directly responsible for improving online customer engagement in your organisation?5 Operations: 7.82% (28) building something without due consid- eration as to what customers actually want. Sales: 16.76% (60) IT: 16.48% (59) Only 11% of respondents cite ‘participa- Successful Marketing: 70.95% (254) Senior management: 24.86% (89) tion in innovation and design’ as a key engagement attribute, a figure which does not do justice involves Communications: 21.23% (76) No specific department / individual responsible for to the size of the opportunity. co-operation this: 4.19% (15) Web / Digital team: 58.66% (210) No-one is responsible: 1.12% (4) and integration Responsibility for Online between a range Customer service: 20.11% (72) Other: 6.15% (22) of departments Customer Engagement Operations: 7.82% (28) and disciplines. Figures 15 16 clearly show that the IT: 16.48% (59) Sales: 22.49% (74) marketing department is the part of the Senior management: 24.86% (89) Marketing: 75.38% (248) business most likely to be directly responsible for online customer engagement, closely No specific department / individual responsible for Communications: 26.75% (88) this: 4.19% (15) followed by the web / digital team. Only No-one is responsible: 1.12% (4) Web / Digital team: 47.72% (157) a quarter of respondents say that senior management is directly responsible. Figure 16 Other: 6.15% (22) Customer service: 23.4% (77) Generally speaking, successful customer Agency: Who is typically directly responsible for improving online customer engagement in your clients’ organisations?5 Operations: 9.42% (31) engagement involves co-operation and integration between a range of departments Sales: 22.49% (74) IT: 14.29% (47) and disciplines. Senior managers may Marketing: 75.38% (248) Senior management: 29.79% (98) not have to be directly responsible for the ‘online’ part of the equation but it is Communications: 26.75% (88) No specific department / individual responsible for certainly crucial that they buy into the this: 6.69% (22) Web / Digital team: 47.72% (157) No-one is responsible: 1.82% (6) concept and give their full backing to any initiatives which are in place. Customer service: 23.4% (77) Other: 2.74% (9) Operations: 9.42% (31) IT: 14.29% (47) Senior management: 29.79% (98) No specific department / individual responsible for this: 6.69% (22) No-one is responsible: 1.82% (6) Other: 2.74% (9) 5 Methodology note: respondents could check multiple items 1
  • 14. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 New Engagement Strategies Strategies for engaging with your The concept of building a sense of Figure 17 community is perhaps the only one of these Company: Which of the following do you feel are central to engaging with your audience online? audience online four top strategies which can be deemed Figure 17 shows a range of strategies or to be a pure-blooded Web 2.0 form of approaches for achieving online customer engagement. engagement and how they are related The majority of respondents believe 100 by company respondents in terms of that ‘soliciting user-generated content’ and importance. ‘participation on social networking sites’ 80 ‘Efficient and accessible customer are only a ‘nice-to-have’ or ‘not important’. services’ are seen as essential by 45% of Some 43% of respondents say that UGC on respondents, and as very important by a their websites is essential or very important 60 further 41%. Amid all the talk in recent but that figure drops to only 21% for months about the use of Web 2.0 and rich participation on networking sites. media to deepen customer relationships, it It is surprising that less than half of 40 100 is a bump back down to earth in light of company respondents view UGC as 80 reliable customer services still being seen as essential, given the well documented 20 the most important strategy for customer advantages of features such as ratings 60 engagement. and reviews on a website. It is something The next most essential strategy is a of a paradox that advocacy is the most 40 0 ‘consistent online and offline customer widely perceived behavioural trait of an A B C D E F G H I J 20 experience’ – something which 39% of engaged customer, and yet the majority of companies see as essential and 47% see companies have not prioritised the solicita- Essential Very 0 A B C D E F G H I J important as very important. There is an increased tion of UGC. recognition of the need for an integrated Participation in social networking is A Consistent online and offline Customer Experience Very 38.80% (123) Not 47.00% (149) 10.4 Essential Nice to have important Don't know approach across different channels. We well down on the priority list even though B Frank and open communications on products / services important 27.90% (89) 49.84% (159) 19.7 A Consistent online and offline Customer Experience 38.80% (123) 47.00% (149) 10.41% (33) 3.15% (10) 0.63% (2) will see later in the report that companies the importance of building a sense of B C Soliciting user-generated content Frank and open communications on products / services 27.90% (89) 49.84% (159) 12.54% 19.75% (63) (40) (8) 30.41% (0) 2.51% 0.00% (97) 38.5 C Soliciting user-generated content are getting more proficient at mapping community is widely acknowledged. At the D Participation on social networking sites, networking sites, 12.54% (40) 30.41% (97) D Participation on social e.g Facebook LinkedIn e.g Facebook LinkedIn 4.09% (13) 17.30% (55) 38.56% (123) 4.09% 36.79% (117) (13) (56)17.30% (3) 17.55% 39.62% (126) 0.94% 2.20% (55) (7) 36.7 customer experiences in order to identify moment, many organisations are wondering E EPersonalised experiences experiences Personalised 21.14% (67) 37.54% (119) 21.14% 34.38% (109) (67) (21)37.54% (1) 6.62% 0.32% (119) 34.3 F Communicating corporate social responsibility 9.12% (29) 30.50% (97) 41.19% (131) 17.61% (56) 1.57% (5) different touch points. what to do with social networks, whether G FBuilding a sense of communitycorporate social responsibility (111) 34.28% (109) Communicating around products / services / brand 34.91% 9.12% 24.84% (79) (29) (18)30.50% (1) 5.66% 0.31% (97) 41.1 The joint-third most important strategies they should get involved and, if this is H G Building fears of using thecommunity around products / services / brand Allaying audience a sense of digital channels 18.67% (59) 41.77% (132) 34.91% 19.94% (63) (111) (54)34.28% (8) 17.09% 2.53% (109) 24.8 I Efficient and accessible customer services 45.45% (145) 41.07% (131) 10.97% (35) 2.19% (7) 0.31% (1) for engaging with an audience online appropriate, how they should make their H Allayingpersuasive copy fears of using the digital channels 51.88% (166) J Compelling and audience 34.69% (111) 18.67% 11.25% (36) (59) (2) 41.77% (5) 0.63% 1.56% (132) 19.9 are deemed to be ‘building a sense of presence felt. Companies are still adjusting I Efficient and accessible customer services 45.45% (145) 41.07% (131) 10.9 community around product / services / to the idea that a web presence is not just J Compelling and persuasive copy 34.69% (111) 51.88% (166) 11.2 brand’ and ‘compelling and persuasive about having a destination website, but copy’, both judged as essential by 35% of also a presence on third party websites, for respondents. example social networks. 1
  • 15. ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY REPORT 2008 Figure 18 Figure 19 Company: Which of the following does your organisation use to Agency: Typically, which of the following do your clients use to increase increase online customer engagement? online customer engagement? 100 100 80 80 60 60 100 100 40 40 80 80 20 20 60 60 40 40 0 0 A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I 20 20 No plans to Don't know 0 A B C D E F G H I Currently use Plan to use 0use A B C D /not relevant H I E F G Currently use Plan to use A Social networks (e.g. Facebook) 19.03% plans to No (59) 31.94% Don't know (99) 38.06%Social networks (e.g. Facebook) A (118) 10.97% (34) 30.07% plans to No (83) 35.87% (99) Don't know Currently use Plan to use use /not relevant Currently use Plan to use use /not relevant B Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube) 21.29% (66) 28.71% (89) 37.42%Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube) B (116) 12.58% (39) 32.61% (90) 29.71% (82) A Social networks (e.g. Facebook) 19.03% (59) 31.94% (99) 38.06% (118) 10.97% (34) A Social networks (e.g. Facebook) 30.07% (83) 35.87% (99) 25.36% (70) 8.70% (24) BC Video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube) (e.g. iTunes) Audio-sharing websites 21.29% (66) 28.71% (89) 13.77% (116) 37.42% (42) 16.39% 12.58% (39) (50) 53.77%Audio-sharing websites (e.g. iTunes) B CVideo-sharing websites 16.07% (164) (e.g. YouTube) (49) 32.61% (90) 29.71% (82) 14.44% (80) 28.99% (39) 8.70% 24.07% (65) (24) Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr) CDAudio-sharing websites (e.g. iTunes) 13.77% (42) 16.39% (50) 13.86% (164) 53.77% (42) 18.15% 16.07% (49) (55) 54.13%Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr) C DAudio-sharing websites 13.86% (164) (e.g. iTunes) (42) 14.44% (39) 24.07% (65) 22.71% (122) 45.19% (62) 16.30% (44) 22.71% (62) D Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr) 13.86% (42) 18.15% (55) 54.13% (164) 13.86% (42) D Image-sharing websites (e.g. Flickr) 22.71% (62) 22.71% (62) 42.49% (116) 12.09% (33) E E Social news sites / bookmarkingbookmarking (e.g. Digg) Social news sites / (e.g. Digg) 16.17% (49) 31.68% (96) 16.17% (116) 38.28% (49) 31.68% 13.86% (42) (96) 38.28%Socialsites / bookmarking bookmarking (e.g. Digg) E E Social news news sites / (e.g. Digg) (116) 13.86% (42) 20.15% (55) 30.40% (83) 20.15% (95) 34.80% (55) 14.65% (40) 30.40% (83) F F Blogging sites (e.g. Blogger, My Telegraph) My Telegraph) Blogging sites (e.g. Blogger, 21.47% (67) 35.58% (111) 21.47% (98) 31.41% (67) 35.58% 11.54% (36) (111) 31.41%Blogging sites (e.g.Telegraph) My Telegraph) F F Blogging(98)(e.g. Blogger, My Blogger, sites 11.54% (36) 41.16% (114) 29.96% (83) 41.16% (64) 23.10% (114) 5.78% 29.96% (83) (16) G Social knowledge sharing (e.g. Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers) 16.56% (51) 31.49% (97) 38.64% (119) 13.31% (41) G Social knowledge sharing (e.g. Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers) 23.38% (65) 28.42% (79) 36.69% (102) 11.51% (32) HGDesktop based applications / widgets / gadgets Wikipedia,14.61% (45) Social knowledge sharing (e.g. Yahoo Answers) 34.74% (107) 16.56% (117) 37.99% (51) 31.49% 12.66% (39) (97) 38.64%Social knowledgewidgets / gadgets Wikipedia, Yahoo (61) 34.30% (95) 23.38% (88) 11.91% (33) based applications / sharing (e.g. H GDesktop (119) 13.31% (41) 22.02% Answers) 31.77% (65) 28.42% (79) Desktop based applications / widgets / gadgets (55) 38.98% (122)14.61% (95) I HWeb-based widgets / badges / gadgets 17.57% 30.35% (45) 34.74% 13.10% (41) (107) 37.99%Desktop based applications / widgets / gadgets (71) 36.73% (101)22.02% (75) 10.18% (28) I HWeb-based widgets / badges / gadgets (39) (117) 12.66% 25.82% 27.27% (61) 34.30% (95) I Web-based widgets / badges / gadgets 17.57% (55) 38.98% (122) 30.35%Web-based widgets / badges / gadgets I (95) 13.10% (41) 25.82% (71) 36.73% (101) 1
  • 16. COMMENT ANNUAL ONLINE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2008 Andy Beal Methods of increasing Social media must be added to the engagement engagement mix The second Annual Online Customer having a complete picture of the different This section looks more specifically at Web Figure 20 Engagement Survey demonstrates just how touch points with their customers, the 2.0-type tactics and technologies which are Company: How important do you think the mobile channel will be important online customer engagement is majority of companies would be wise to increasingly being used by organisations. for customer engagement in the next three years? going to be over the next 12 months. With 90% invest time in researching further exactly The extent to which a variety of methods of businesses indicating that online customer where their customer interaction takes are being used to increase online customer Essential: 19.57% (63) engagement is important—if not essential— place. They may well find that blogs, social engagement is shown in Figures 18 19. Important: 44.41% (143) to their marketing efforts, and 77% planning to networks and other social media make Blogging and video-sharing sites are the increase their focus on customer engagement, up an important part of their customer methods most frequently used, with 21% Nice to have: 23.29% (75) 2008 is shaping up to be the year we start engagement for 2008. of company respondents using each of Not important: 8.7% (28) truly to listen to our customers. these tactics. Having said that, companies are yet to The tactic most likely to be on the Don’t know / Not relevant: 4.04% (13) embrace the importance of social media as Companies would do well to radar is the use of web-based widgets, with platforms for improving online customer just under 40% of companies saying they understand that customer engagement. The study reveals that far too are planning this [Figure 18]. Desktop- many businesses believe that customer engagement can’t be controlled based applications or widgets are also engagement is simply a product of customer within their own websites. being planned by more than a third of experience (38%) or is a role for customer companies. Widgets are increasingly Figure 21 service (46%). Only 12% of businesses consider popular vehicles for engagement because Agency: How important do you think the mobile channel will be for user-generated content essential to improve they can give visibility to brands, products customer engagement in the next three years? customer engagement and less than 5% think and services in an increasingly fragmented the same of social networking sites such as online world. In the future, people will be Essential: 31.25% (90) Facebook. In fact, at least a third of those less likely to proactively visit websites but Important: 47.57% (137) polled have no plans to use social media at more likely to customise their home pages all in their customer engagement initiatives to pull in relevant information (contained Nice to have: 17.71% (51) and only a quarter of companies feel that in feeds and widgets). Not important: 2.78% (8) monitoring social networks is important. The figures show that social networking Companies would do well to understand sites are being used or considered by half Don’t know / Not relevant: 0.69% (2) that customer engagement cannot be Andy Beal is an online marketing expert. of company respondents, a finding which controlled within their own websites and that He is editor of, is surprising because it was seen in the they should look to improve their customer received a nomination for the 2006 previous section that the vast majority of interactions outside of their own web “Fast 50” and was named in the Triangle respondents regard a strategy of participa- properties. With less than 50% of businesses Business Journal’s “40 Under 40”. tion on social network sites as either not 1