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Hannah McNeill
Dezine is an online photography magazine which usually contains over 150 pages, the pages are filled with
photographs from different photographers with different styles of photos. The magazine also sometimes
contains short articles accompanying the photographs. The magazine is ‘dedicated to the creative’ and focusses
on artwork, design and photography. The name comes from the word ‘Design’ but the ‘s’ replaced with ‘z’ to
symbolize that it’s untraditional. The magazine follows a fashion magazines style, with bold, stand alone
photographs of models, and with cutting edge, new-wave aesthetics. However, the magazine conforms fashion
magazine stereotypes when it introduces unique artwork, for example, cartoon work and drawings.
The target audience for this magazine would be similar in age group as mine but the type of audience would be
different. For this magazine the audience would be equally for male and female, this is because the subject of
the magazine is photography and artwork which is a topic both men and women can be interested in. Also, the
magazine contains neutral colours and non-suggestive fonts to create a welcoming magazine for either
genders. However, I did research into universities to find whether men or women started more degrees in
Creative Arts and Designs, to see who would be more interested in the magazine. I found that in 2016/17
51,040 more women in rolled in the course then men. Dezine attracts a young audience with open-minds and
with new up-coming artists, along with this the style and set out is very modern showing it will be for a young
audience from 20s-30s. This would be unlike my magazine because even though it will feature photography
aspects it will mainly be targeted at a female audience because of the topic feminism. Also, the audiences
would be different because my magazine would be a print copy and not a online magazine. And, my magazine
wouldn’t be just for 20s-30s it would target all ranges of women, and hopefully attract younger audiences as
well. D1
I will take a lot of inspiration from Dezine because I will copy features of their slick layout and their minimalistic
style. Because it will show that feminism is modern and contemporary.
The website is simplistic and clear, there is no clutter, or any adverts, and it is also very user-friendly and easy
to use. The website opens with links to it’s most recent issue’s and immediately has the photographers and
artists names at the beginning of the page. So even though the magazine is free to access it is good publicity for
the artists. In each issue the artists get their own section of the magazine to publish their work and then each
issue the artists change, giving new upcoming artists a opportunity.
Recently a lot of magazines have been created just for the internet instead of print. This is because in recent
years it’s a lot harder for print magazines to sell because now you can find everything online with the comfort
of your sofa. So, instead of wasting money and producing print copies, publishing the magazines online is more
effective. Also, by publishing them online it gives the magazine a sophisticated and 21st century aesthetic to
show that it is moving with the the time and not being forgotten about. I also think that it makes the magazine
present as exclusive if you can only get to it through the internet and not in any shops.
I am interested in the magazine because I like the style and format is follows and I think the artists are very
talented and I would like to take influences from how they take their photos. The magazine publishes a range
of different material, the work from different artists don’t have similar links, they are stand alone series.
To see specific pieces of photography from the Dezine magazines, I chose issue 7 to analyze in more detail. Issue 7 contains artwork from
Mark Singerman, Sienna Mae Allison, Christopher Bilagody, Bobby Holland and more. The issue’s all start the same with a significant
photograph in the middle surrounded by a white border. The white border is used to emphasize the importance of the photo. Issue 7 starts
with a strong essence of blue being the main colour, the blue is used purposefully as a background to highlight the model because everything
par her is a strong ocean blue colour. Also the colours blue connotes wisdom and calmness.
A series of photographs that stood out to me started on page 60, called ‘Blue Hours’ by photographer Griselda Duch. And the pages contain
multiple photos of places with the same calming, sedative red/blue colours. I liked the series because the way Duch takes the photo is by
taking everything into consideration and the consistency of the photos, the angle of the photo is always straight and eye-level. The
buildings/objects are black to act as a silhouette against the red and blue canvas of the sky, or a sign. I like the use of the colours red and blue
because they symbolize the beginning and the end of the day, which symbolizes a fresh start, along with the open space in all the photos it all
suggests a harmonious vibe. It inspires me and includes aspects that will influence my project because I like the aesthetics he creates in the
pictures, the silhouette effect and the deep blue and red, and the open space creates a mysterious ambience.
The next article that interested me was Katie Fu’s series of photographs called ‘Exposed’. Fu’s concept for her photos was about the college hook up scene,
a series of photographs explaining the process of a hook up, just with photos to explain the process. She starts with a black and white photo to symbolize
his loneliness before, then has multiple photos showing the sexual side of the hook up, and then the photos of the after math with the model feeling lost
and looking into the distance. I like the theme of the colour white for the top, background and sheets to symbolize innocence, also when Du introduces the
red flower it brings in contrast against the white creating diversity in the photos. This series of photos inspires me because I want to include a portfolio like
this, with photographs that suggest a deeper meaning. Fu doesn't use any effects or editing through the series (apart from with the black and white) to
illustrate his vulnerability. I also want to include aspects like this because without effects and editing it shows that there isn’t anything to hide, I think this
would be very effective for my feminist campaign, stripping back all the fakeness and just having real simplicity to promote the photographs.
Debate magazine is a magazine created by AUT students and its about the university and what happens around it but its also about investigating
impacting issue’s, and providing relevant and entertaining content that stimulates debates. The magazine publishes articles from students about a
massive range of serious and light hearted topics.
.The magazine doesn't provoke the idea of an expensive, extravagant magazine like Vogue, it strikes the readers as friendly and informative, and a
casual read, it looks like a amateur magazine created for only students. The front cover off each issue changes depending on the topic of the magazine.
But all the covers share fun and energetic colours, and all the front cover photos are animated drawings. Art work produced by the students, the covers
look like they are usually made in graphic design using Photoshop.
The magazine style attracts a young, student audience including articles that students would be interested in, such as ‘Ditch Your High School Friends’, ‘
Cooking With Cans’ and ‘Dear Catcallers’. The type of articles are ones that you wouldn’t find in shop magazines because they are in between adult
magazines, and teen magazines, and the target audience for the magazine is too small to publish, also students as the new generation don’t go into
shops to buy magazines, they find all their new information online. And, students don’t have enough money to buy magazines or papers so to create an
online free magazine would be very successful. The magazine publishes articles from students for other It is mainly targeted at people from the AUT
university but includes a lot of articles that all students could read and relate to. The magazine gives students an opportunity to have discussions and
hear other students opinions, the magazine has a comment section and gives readers the opportunity to start a debate/discussion. This magazine is
important to the process of my project because I like the way the articles are set out and I also like the casual, student vibe. As well as this, the magazine
brought out a issue about feminism which I thought would be impactful to my project because it would shows me how a feminist magazine would be
presented. It is also impactful to my project because it attracts the same audience that I want to attract to my magazine, the young, impressionable
The specific magazine I’m looking at is issue 13, ‘feminism’. The magazine has diverse women
instead of just showing a stereotypical model the magazine has 4 naked women, with
different ethnicities and different body sizes. The women are naked to show that we
shouldn’t be ashamed of our bodies and shouldn’t shy away from promoting body
confidence. The diversity in the photo immediately welcomes all women to the magazine,
giving them a picture they can relate to and feel empowered by instead of intimidated by, it
also lets women feel equality to and not less then other women because of their appearance.
In my opinion the women floating symbolizes that they are at peace, I also think it symbolizes
independence as they are lifting themselves up and non-reliant on other people. And the
pale blue background generates a relaxing vibe which supports the peaceful and
independent aesthetics. However, as well as the calming undertones the cover also has a
bold response because usually readers wouldn’t expect to see naked women on the front
cover, so it makes a bold statement. I think this is a very important message to send in the
cover because the cover is the first thing that readers see when they pick up the magazine,
and to start with such a powerful animation will send a message of unity in women through
the cover.
The magazine contains a range of different articles addressing the different platforms of
feminism, an article that stood out to me was “Feminism’ ‘what do the men have to
say”. The double page spread is an article about a journalist asking different, diverse
men what they thought feminism was and if they were a feminist.
For an article in my magazine I want to include an interview like this, because I think it is
important to include a place for everyone's different opinions where they can freely
express their voice. This article was very interesting to read, this is also an effective way
to approach feminism because it creates discussion, it makes people think and talk about
it. Arahi, Jack, Cliff and Liam all agreed that they believe in equality and that women
should be treated equally but don’t identify as a feminist. This is because they don’t feel
the need to put a label on it, and they all agree that ‘feminist’ comes with a bad stigma
and they agree that they are some negative connotations with the word ‘feminism’. I
respect their answer but I would respond saying although it has acquired a negative
stigma over years due to radical feminists and uneducated men, we should embrace the
word feminist and turn it into a positive thing again. What I like about this article is that
it entices the reader and creates discussion, which is important as it will interest the
I want to include an article like this in my magazine because feminism is about equality
for male and female so men have the right to voice their opinion in my magazine as
much as women do, hopefully it will let men appreciate that women want to hear their
side and see how feminism effects men. I also want to see if there are any consistent
and repeated thoughts about a stereotype that follows feminism. I also think to include
the audience would make the readers feel more involved on a personal level.
Another article from the magazine that sparked my interested
and inspired me was an article from Kelly Enright called ‘Mrs
Somebody Else’. The article is about unfair male dominated
traditions at the wedding. Mainly about the women taking the
mans name.
I like the way the articles are laid out with a basic column by
column format keeping it professional. I also like the simple
photograph of the journalist with the veil on, for irony.
The article speaks about how a women shouldn’t have to loose
part of her identity, her surname, when she marries. She
explains that our names are the first things that are gifted to us
as soon as were born and women should fight harder to keep
their birth right. She also acknowledges the fact that the
fathers walk the daughters/sons down the isle instead of the
mothers. The mothers carried the child for 9 months and had
as equal part in raising the child as the father, so at least both
parents should.
I want to include articles like this in my magazine because I
think they are eye-opening and show a different side from
feminism, instead of protests and empowerment it shows
other ignored factors. I do agree with this article, although I
would argue that everyone is entitled to their own wedding,
weddings can be all about tradition and it is tradition for
fathers to walk the daughters/sons down the aisle and for the
women to take a mans surname, but I think its also important
for women to know the sexist traditions that we keep alive.
Fashion Revolution Fanzine-Loved Clothes
Loved clothes last is fashion revolutions fanzines second issue, published on December 1st, 2017.The fanzine is created by designers, academics,
writers, retailers, producers, fashion lovers from all over world. The fanzine’s vision is ‘We believe in a fashion industry that values people, the
environment, creativity and profit in equal measure.’ The brand is a global movement that runs 24/7 and it attempts to help organisations to work
together to change the way clothes are sourced so they are made in a safe, clean and fair way. To campaign Fashion Revolution has its own week,
the 22nd – 28th of April is Fashion Revolution’s #whomademyclothes campaign. The history behind the week is it falls on the anniversary of the
rana Plaza factory collapse which killed 1138 people and injured more, on 24th April.
I thought it would be interesting to look at this fanzine for my research because for my
magazine I want to create a fanzine/magazine, with the same amateur, DIY aesthetics.
I previously researched a 90’s feminism fanzine so I thought it would be useful to
analyse a more modern fanzine and see what aspects have changed over time. The
front cover of the fanzine has an urban, quirky aesthetic, with clashing patterns against
each other, the patterns and materials used for a key link to the fashion theme of the
fanzine. The cover supports the brands morals by having basic and simple materials
instead of lavish materials. The cover has the title in capital bold white letters not
leaving any space for confusion about what the issue is called.
Fashion Revolution calls themselves ‘bold, proactive, inquisitive, and inclusive’ and this is
the same way that their fanzine can be described. The magazine follows a fanzine
structure, I talked about fanzines, and Riot Grrrl in detail in my initial plans. Fanzines are
amateur magazines, they are unprofessional magazines, published non-officially by fans.
Fanzines are magazines put together with photographs and newspaper cuttings to create a
DIY aesthetic. The Loved Clothes Last issue is a fanzine about waste and mass-consumption
in the fashion industry. The point of the fanzine is to inspire you to buy less, care more, and
know how to make clothes last longer. The fanzine is very artistic and uses poetry,
illustration, photography, infographics, articles and interviews to bring attention to the
issues with interesting and creative. It uses art to express feelings and to addresses
important issues. The issue is 124 pages long and includes work from artists, Tyler Spangler,
Ged Palmer, William Farr, and many submissions from the Fashion Revolution community
around the world.
Fashion Revolution Fanzine-Loved
Clothes Last
The magazine includes multiple cut out pages for the beginning of each chapter with a black and white colour scheme, they have the style of
an old newspaper, I like this style because it introduces the fanzine cut-out style again. This is effective as the black and white contradicts with
the energetic colours through the fanzine. The use of black and white, the bold font, and the use of all capitals shows power and intensity,
which is a good way to start each chapter because it shows that the content in each section is going to be important. The beginning pages of
each chapter give a brief summary of what happens in the chapter ahead using poetry which keeps up the artistic and creative aesthetics and
keeps the reader interested in reading. Also, the chapter names are all very powerful and have deeper meanings, instead of a boring title they
have ‘Broken is Beautiful’ which sends a deeper message and expects a deeper understanding from the readers.
I like this style and I want to use something this bold and stand out to get readers attention. I think it’s clever to have pages that are used for a
new chapter instead of just titles at the beginning of a page, so it easier for the reader to understand when the next chapter starts, and it
shows that the beginning of a new chapter is significant. I Also want to use this style in my magazine because it follows the fanzine design, in a
normal magazine this type of font and titles would be controversial to include because it has aggressive and accusatory undertones towards
the readers, and usually this wouldn’t be a technique publishers use to attract readers. However fanzines use these styles to entice readers
to acknowledge and create change.
The style through the fanzine is 90s retro, edgy-urban with it’s cartoon
strips, the style of photography and newspaper cut-out picture style. I
like the randomness of the photographs next to each other that give
the readers an opportunity to look into the hidden meaning of the
photo’s relevance. I also think that to make the magazine a fanzine
made with left over materials works very effectively with the principles
of the brand, because it shows they are using left over cut outs, and
hand made cartoon strips and drawing instead of expensive luxuries.
Fanzine Grrrls
I’ve chosen this magazine to research because it the main two themes that are
hugely influencing my magazine. It is a feminism fanzine. This means it follows the
structure of a magazine but follows a different, alternative layout with more
unconventional photos and articles they are traditionally hand drawn, photocopied
and stapled together, however in the modern age with more people using the
internet, this is a digital fanzine. The fanzine doesn’t have any information about
the publisher it is just published by the feminist fanzine community.
The ‘Grrrls’ in the title is a link to the first 90s feminist-punk fanzine Riot-Grrrl. The
cover of Fanzine Grrrls immediately supports the history of feminist fanzines with a
picture of two punk women, completely conforming the stereotypes that are
expected of women. The picture is a drawing following the traditional DIY
aesthetics of the feminist fanzines culture. And, the only colour used on the cover
is purple, purple is a neutral colour and means ambition, peace and independence.
The fanzine is only 23 pages long and includes short articles and
photographs/drawings. The fanzine opens on the contents page with an automatic
black font on a white background, this gives the readers the information they need
without anything else. The font is a typewriter font in keeping with the old, DIY
aesthetics. Although I think it is effective to have a ‘straight to the point’ style I also
think it is crucial to keep the readers excited and interested in the magazine. So, for
my magazine I want to concentrate on sending a clear message but also include
photographs and artwork that makes the reader want to read more.
This double page spread was my favourite from the magazine because I liked
the series of three photos in the bottom right corner. I liked the way the
photographer has included a range of colours in the photo but heavily
included the colour red in them. The colour red is a very intense colour and is
associated with passion. I like the photos because they show two men playing
guitars as a back up to one woman who has an extravagant scarf on,
symbolizing she is wealthy and dominant, she also has a suggestive smile
radiating her power and control.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched
products have and what features from the
magazines will you use in your product?
My researched products all share that they are not famous magazines, they all vary from popularity, one being an amateur
student magazine which isn’t massively successful. The Dezine magazine is the most popular out of the three, with a more
professional and upper market layout. And the final magazine I evaluated was the Fashion Revolution fanzine, which was also an
unprofessional magazine. I have chosen more amateur magazines to research and analyse because I can relate to them more, and
it is easier to take inspiration and shape my own magazine to be these amateur magazines instead of using a magazine like Vogue
to shape my magazine on. They all also follow the style that I want my magazine to follow.
The Dezine magazine has stylish and interesting photoshoots that I want to include in my magazine, Dezine publishes its
photoshoots in a sophisticated way, for example by including white boarders makes the photos look more important and stand
The Fashion Revolution fanzine is the magazine that I will take most inspiration from, this is because I like the style of the
magazine. The magazine is the perfect mix of DIY-fanzine aesthetic but also with enough articles to make it a magazine. I like this
fanzine because before I was taking inspiration from fanzines like Riot Grrrl, which shared the same style I wanted to build my
magazine on but included photos and articles that weren’t right for my magazine. So, finding Fashion Revolution fanzine gave me
a lot of inspiration for how to style my magazine.
Audience Research
Riot Grrrl vs Vogue
Whilst I was researching different types of magazines to explore the different ranges of perspective audiences, I discovered that there are a
million different types of magazines, and I realised mine doesn’t have to conform to one particular format, it doesn’t have to be a fanzine,
fashion magazine or a teen magazine, it can be a mixture of all three magazines. My thought process behind this was that by defining my
magazine as a certain type and style I am cutting out a large proportion of my audience. For example, if I were to re-make a 90s feminism
fanzine a wide range of women would feel distance from the magazine and wouldn’t be able to relate, this is because through my earlier
research I learnt that a wide range of women in the 90s felt secluded from the fanzine and like it was too exclusive, the public also thought
the fanzine focussed on middle-class white women. This immediately cuts my audience and creates an unwelcoming and a cliquey
environment. But through my research I discovered I didn’t have to target that one specific audience, I could use aspects that I like from the
fanzine, like the cut-edge, unique artwork and imagery and the fact that the magazine doesn’t feel the need to conform to feminist
stereotypes. But as well as this, to create a bigger audience I can include other elements that attract different people. Because, one of the
points of the magazine is to raise awareness about the issue of feminism, and with a small exclusive magazine it would be difficult to send a
healthy message to all girls if the magazine has restrictive and segregated aspects. I want the magazine to be popular enough to raise
awareness, and I also want my magazine to be less about attacking men and women who aren’t feminists I want it to be empowering and
interesting I think a new style of magazine would attract a big enough audience.
With my magazine I don’t have to attempt to use specific qualities to attract a specific audience I can include
a range of different articles, and artwork to attract a wider, more balanced audience. I also think that by re-
creating a 90s fanzine it would be sending the message that this is what a feminist should be, however
feminists are different all over the world, a feminist can enjoy fashion magazines like Vogue, and Elle.
Although people might argue that these type of fashion magazines influence women and show them that
they should look like and dress like the models in the magazine. However, a lot of women would protest that
women are confident in themselves and now that they can admire a fashion magazine without feeling the
need to look like the models. Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine; it was first published in 1892 in the
United States. Vogue is one of the most famous magazines and includes famous models and work artists from
all around the world. It includes a range of different topics for example, fashion, catwalk, beauty and art and
lifestyle, however, it is mostly known for its fashion. There are 23 international editions of the magazine, and
the Italian edition has been called the top magazine in the world. The Italian edition was published by an
Italian journalist, Franca Sozzani and she was the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia from 1988 until her death in
The layout of the Vogue magazines all follows the same format, there is a minimalistic, clutter-less impression
from the magazine, showing sophistication and maturity. The photos in the magazine are all taken very
skilfully and with a background and extras carefully placed in the phot to make the photos more composed
and professional. All the photographs are carefully thought through with the correct procedures to make sure
the end product of the photos are perfect without any aspect not specifically planned.
Further information on Vogue
I want to take inspiration from Vogues photoshoots because
they all have a distinctive, effective style and have repeatedly
been able to successfully interest their audience for 126
years. The photoshoots contain models, and bold fashion
styles that are unordinary and unique showing readers
content that they can’t find anywhere else. Vogue has
inspired me, and I want some of the pages in my magazine to
share qualities with Vogue because I think it would open my
audience. However, I won’t take any inspiration from the style
of articles they publish. This is because my magazine has a
specific point, to help influence young women to understand
feminism, so firstly, my magazine would contain more written
Also, the type of articles that Vogue publishes occasionally
are for women about how to dress, and other feminine and
stereotypically ‘girly’ articles. So, for my magazine I think it
would be interesting to include a double page spread,
following the style of a Vogue magazine, with the same fonts
and format. My rough idea is to take real articles from a
Vogue and other famous fashion magazines which include
sexist undertones and then create the same article
underneath with a positive, empowering undertone.
I think acknowledging different articles like this in magazines
would be an interesting chapter for my magazine because it
would show women everyday articles that we read and that
carry offensive, sexist undertones towards women. I found a
few specific articles as evidence for my point. The first article
is from Vogue by journalist Molly Guy who writes about her
life, this article headline is “I have it all except for a
boyfriend”. This headline implies that women are reliant on a
boyfriend and that they can’t have ‘it all’ without having a
man. I think pages like this would help me show women to
question articles like this more.
Here are some examples of the photoshoots from the most
recent edition of Vogue, 2019 April
An idea I had for one of my main photoshoots was to have a range of different models wearing plain tops with feminist phrases
on. I think this would be a good idea because if I include a diverse group of models it will show that anyone can be a feminist. I
would take the photos in different settings to show that feminism is everywhere.
I got inspiration to do this through different images I saw on Google and through different Instagram accounts.
I think this would be a good idea because producing the photoshoot wouldn’t be overly complicated, all I would need is; plain t-
shirts, which I can buy for a low price in cheap shops, like Primark, and then I would need different models. For the t-shirts I would
have the models write their own thought, or phrase about feminism on their tops. This would give the photoshoot a deeper
meaning and make a more personal link for the readers. The quotes on the tops would be written on with a permanent marker,
this would introduce a DIY aesthetic which I think would work effectively with my DIY, unique theme of my magazine.
The photoshoot would be cheap and effective. Here are some of the photos I found which inspired me;
Secondary Audience research
I wanted to find out more information about my perspective audience and I have done a lot of research about
different styles of magazines and how they attract their type of audience, and then about what qualities my
magazine will include to attract the same audience. I thought an effective way to find the thought process of a
feminist would be to look at websites like Amazon and find reviews on different feminist books to see which
books are most popular. And therefore, take inspiration from their style of writing, and the look of their books,
to attract the same audience. I also thought it would useful because when I find a popular feminist book, at the
bottom the book always comes with ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ which shows me a range of
things that customers who were interested in the book were also interested in. E.g. it can be more similar
books, or it could be an item related to the book.
I started by searching a very vague item so I could find the most popular, I searched ‘feminist book’ into
Amazon and one of the first books that came up was ‘Feminist Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ by Scarlet
Curtis. This is a very popular book and is highly respected among the feminist community. Earlier on in my
project during my initial plans I researched the book, I didn’t look into the specific book in detail but spoke
about the cover and how it attracts its audience. Amazon tells me that the book is a #1best seller in Teen &
Young Adult Politics & Social Sciences eBooks. This immediately tells me that is appropriate research to help
inspire me with my product because the book speaks to my target audience. Teen and young adult is the age
range of 15-30. Previously in my research I have spoken about my target audience being teens and young
adults because my book is for young influential women so they can start their lives with the right view of
feminism instead of learning the correct definition half way through their lives.
To have a wider knowledge about the type of audience that a ‘Teen & Young Adult Politics & Social Sciences
eBooks’ is a decided to conduct same research on the type of audience and whether they were similar to my
audience and if so what traits I would use from the book. Firstly, I started with the term E-book, an E-book is a
computerised version of a print book that can be read online. This is one of the reasons why the book is most
popular with teens and young adults, because young people usually have a better understanding of technology
and how to use it, it also gives the audience the impression that the book is 21st century and modern if the
book is available online as well. An older audience is more likely to go into shops and buy print magazines and
books because it is what they’re used to. From this I, have learnt that I should include virtual aspects in my
magazine to cater to the young audience and show that the magazine is up to date.
In the comment section for the book there are two comments left by famous celebrity
feminists, “Brilliant, hysterical, truthful, and real, these essays illuminate the path for
our future female leaders.”—Reese Witherspoon and “As a feminist who loves pink, I
give this brilliant book of essays an enthusiastic ‘YES.’”—Mindy Kaling. Reese
Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling are 43 and 39 and have experienced a whole career of
sexism, and they are both active feminists so to receive a review from them both will
help promote the book massively. Other customers will read the reviews and be more
inclined to buy the book.
In the other reviews the comments have an 77% 5-star rating with a 11% 4-star rating,
and 12% 3-star rating or lower. There were 73 customer reviews altogether there were
a wide range of reviews but most of them had the same underlying messages that the
book is aspirational and has positively shaped the thoughts of women and their
perspective to feminism.
A few reviews were left by men or anonymous accounts but most were from women,
proving that the customers for the book has a primarily women audience as expected.
A few of the reviews said that they were the perfect present for a relative, or a
daughter, one comment from Wanda Fleischaker said “Excited to have my 14-year-old
read it”. When I was researching the book, I thought the audience started at 15 but
through my further research I found it is appropriate for a younger audience as well,
this shows that a younger audience is more mature then I thought, and my target
audience could be bigger than expected. Also, from finding Reece Witherspoon and
Mindy Kaling are both fans off the books shows that Teen & Young Adult Politics &
Social Sciences eBooks isn’t the only audience for the book, both women are between
35 and 45 showing there is a wider audience.
The price of the book starts at £9.35 for a hardcover, this is slightly less than the
average price for a book but this is because it’s on amazon. The book from Waterstones
is £12.99, this is an average price which shows the book is for every-day people,
however shows the book is good quality and the book is popular and accessible in high
market places like Waterstones and online.
Buttons, stamps etc
Also with my research on ‘Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ and the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ section I found a range of
different feminist books. All the books had very similar styles. It showed me what kind of style and layout out is common for feminist books, and what
kind of layout I could introduce into my magazine. The covers are all bold and stand out, they use bright colours and interesting patterns/designs.
Also, a lot of the books have witty, stand-alone titles which help promote the book as light hearted and enjoyable to read instead of just being
While I was on Amazon I decided to know my audience more and find what some feminists are interested in I would go through different feminist products
on Amazon and then go to the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ which takes me to a link that shows me a range of products that the same
customers were interested in. I thought this would be interesting because with some magazines you get free gifts and for my magazine I thought it could be
interesting to research products my audience would be interested in and then adjust them to fit something my audience would be interested in. I think it is
important to my research to develop ideas of the gifts you get with a magazine so that I have addressed all issues that come along with the magazine.
Firstly, I researched the book ‘Feminist’s Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ and in the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ section I found a
selection of feminist stickers. The stickers had girl-empowering quotes and simplistic feminist designs on. The stickers can be used for multiple things, they
could be used to decorate laptops, and phones or worn over clothes. The stickers show that my audience don’t care about extravagant items, because the
stickers are cheaply made and have simple designs. The messages on the stickers are short and effective with strong and easy to understand messages.
For my magazine, I could include a row of feminism stickers. This could attract a wider audience because some people would be attracted to a free
giveaway with the magazine, because people love free things. People will think they get more for their money by having a free gift, and it would be a nice
incentive for the customers. Also, if people get and wear the stickers then it will successfully spread awareness for the feminist cause, and if people are
wearing the stickers with the magazines name on it would be a successful way to promote the magazine, this would attract more customers and make the
magazine more well known. The stickers would be cheap to manufacture, to create one sticker it costs 0.70p so if for the magazine I created more, e.g. 7
per magazine it would be £4.90, but with a higher production cost there would be deals for mass production and therefore make the price lower.
However, I think for my audience to give out stickers would look unprofessional. The idea of giving away free
incentives with the magazine is usually a trick that cheap magazines use to entice an audience and trick them
into buying the whole magazine when they only want the free gift. Also, the gift usually isn’t free the overall
cost of the magazine is increased to make up for the production of the incentive. I like the idea of an incentive
but think it would distract from the point of the magazine, I also think a free gift would introduce a new
younger audience. The gift would make my magazine look like we were trying to trick the audience into
buying the magazine by tempting them with a gift.
International Women’s day
For my research, to find out more about my target audience and who my magazine was for, I decided it would be useful to go to another city to
get a wider perspective. Online I was searching different talks and speeches that I could attend so I could hear someone speaking about
feminism and they're point of views, and also so that I could go to the speech and analyse the group of people who also attended the speech. I
thought it would be easiest to find an event about feminist on International Women’s Day, so earlier on this year I found an event in Leeds,
Hedrow House. The event was for International Women’s Day and was ran by a well-known community called Girl Gang. Girl Gang Leeds are a
creative collective and supportive community, celebrating and uplifting the work of women and non-binary people. The group have a Facebook
page where they post empowering posts and statuses for its followers, and also posts millions of different events for the community. They give
women and non-binary people the opportunity to promote their work and socialize and also, the page shows loads of different protests and
events for good causes. The page has 3406 likes and 3548 followers. Girl Gang is very student orientated this is because Leeds is a very student
orientated city with 12 different universities the city is swarming with students. Students are more likely to join/create groups so Girl Gang
targets them. Girl Gangs style is created around the student aesthetic, and the writing style used in the status’ are energetic and casual
appropriate for the student vibe.
For example, Girl Gang support events like ‘Trans Pride’ weekend and promote
the events on their page to create as much support and positive following as
possible. It gives the time, date and location making it easy for people to attend.
Another example is an event for women and non-binary DJ’s to have an
opportunity to perform, the DJ industry is male dominated and this gives
everyone the chance to showcase their talents.
On the 8th Of March, I went to Leeds so I could have attended the speech from
3:25 – 4:10 with Eve Finlay Miller. On the day, there were two other talks that I
could have attended but due to college and work I only had time to go to one.
Eve Finlay Miller is a university of Leeds Art student and her speech was about
how she was an independent woman and her career. She spoke a lot about her
art work and her inspirations.
The event was mainly for students and Eve spoke about being a student and was able to relate with the audience. She was very calming and
made the audience feel like her friends. She spoke about how to be successful and make the most of university. She repeated the same points
about being scared, for Eve it was important for us to feel safe and she talked a lot about how we should be comfortable and not scared of our
future. She talked about the power of social media, how it affects us and how it can be toxic and distracting. How it can show us unrealistic body
images and how it can influence women. Eve addressed a wide range of issues in her talk and it was very useful to hear.
The event was very useful to get an inside knowledge about student feminists, and student life and it was also useful because at
the event I got the opportunity to see the type of audience a feminist event would attract. The event had been advertised on
Facebook but that was it. There was no posters or information on the streets and you could only find the event if you searched it
on Google or Facebook. Hedrow House is a building coming off The Hedrow a street in the middle of town in Leeds, although on
the street the building is hidden away and quite difficult to find. This could result in the audience being smaller. In the room there
was around 20 people, the room was cosy and had signs leading up to it so the public knew where to find it. The room was plain
and stylish it had an industrial aesthetics with wooden floors and pipes on the ceiling which provoked DIY vibes and
independence, the room didn’t follow a theme. There were leaflets around with information about different feminist events. The
room was open and had multiple different tables to sit on giving a welcoming feeling. The room was decorated for students, with
a bar at the back where you can get drinks. It had an open structure so I didn’t feel like I was forced to stay, I felt like I could move
The room created a relaxed and welcoming environment which made
us feel comfortable and at home. The layout was effective and I could
use inspiration from it for my magazine. I really liked the industrial
setting because it was abstract and unique, and it gave the house
character, it also neglected normal feminine stereotypes which was
effective for the talk.
The type of audience who were at the speech were all students from
ages 18-25, they all came with another person, or a group. Everyone
who attended was female. The audience were all very interested in the
speech and no one left half way they all stayed through the talk. This
shows me that if I include similar articles and a similar design layout I
can attract the same audience. This could be a potential audience for
me because my magazine will be online and the students at this event
will only have heard through the event through their phones, therefore
more likely to read an online magazine that a print one, because
students do everything on their phones.
Primary Audience research
For my first part of primary research I decided to conduct a survey about feminism, and then feminism in relation to social media. The questions
I decided for my questionnaire are mainly feminist related because the style and contents of my magazine will change depending on the type of
audience who are interested in feminism. I also ask two questions at the beginning to gather a bit of background about my audience, I ask How
old the participant is and then I ask if they are male, female or other.
I published my survey via social media and through my friends because my following on social media and my friends are trustworthy sources
and I would be reaching out to the same age group as me, student from the ages of 16-25 which is the target audience for my magazine. As well
as putting it on social media I’m going to send the link to the survey to my family and to my work so that I can get a wide view of the views of
feminism from an older point of view in relation to a younger person. I think this would be interesting because it would be useful to include an
article about how feminism has changed through the years.
I choose to use the website because the website includes a lot of different options and ways to create my survey most
efficiently for me, also the website was very user-friendly making it easy for me to control, and made the process time-efficient. I chose to
conduct a survey without asking for people’s names first because I thought it was important to find people’s opinions with an anonymous and
non-judgmental approach. Feminism can be a difficult topic and I wanted to handle it carefully and acknowledge people’s considerations. So, I
decided to use questions with no accusatory tone, I also felt it was appropriate to use a text response instead of having multi-choice options to
give people the opportunity to explain why they answered the way they did.
As well as research for my product to see the type of audience I needed to attract I also conducted it as a social experiment so that I could learn
as much information about my audience as possible.
I wanted to ask questions that stimulated thought and made the participants think while they answer so I could get a deeper knowledge and
understanding with this generations views on feminism. But I also wanted to stay to the topic of magazines and concentrate on what kind of
target audience I need to be targeting for my magazine. I asked the questions ‘What parts of feminism do you think need to be involved in social
media and headlines’ because I wanted to find out what people want to hear about, I want to keep my magazine interesting, and importantly I
wanted to keep the articles relevant so that people in the modern generation have all the facts and figures they need about feminism. And the
first issue will be starting with the simple aspects so I want to hear what people’s opinions are so I can address those issues, for example ‘What
stigma do you think is associated with the word ‘feminism’
Before I conducted the survey, I thought about what the potential answers would be, looking at the results some answers surprised me but
most answers were as expected.
The questions in my survey were:
1.How old are you?
2.What gender are you?
3.What do you think a feminist is?
4.Are you a feminist, and why?
5. Have you ever personally been effected by sexism?
6. What stigma do you think follows the word ‘feminist’?
7.How often do you hear about feminist issues in social media?
From my survey I received 46 results. I wasn’t expecting as many results and it has been very time-consuming
going through all my results and comparing them. However, it has been very useful and shown me peoples
views on feminism and what I am dealing with for my magazine and what articles I need to focus on in my
magazine, also it has helped me understand who my audience is.
I’m going to publish a few different answers from all the different questions, I’m going to post a range of
answers that all vary in opinions.
The first question a was
about age group, 50% of
people were under 18,
47.83% were 18-24, and
1% was 25-34.
My second question was
‘what gender are you’ I
had 33% male and 67%
My third question was the
first that wasn’t multiple
choice, it was What do
you think a feminist is?
This question received a
lot of similar answers, I
think this was because the
question was quite simple.
Here are some of the answers to my fifth question, Have you
ever personally been effected by sexism? For this question I
was surprised about the amount of people who said no, but
then I understood that 33% of my audience was men, and
obviously men aren’t usually effected by sexism.
The fourth question
was Are you a
feminist, and why
What stigma do you think follows the word
7.How often do you hear about feminist issues
in social media?
Primary Audience research
For my second part of primary research I conducted an interview with my sister. After conducting my questionnaire and receiving 46 very varied
responses I thought it would be interesting to research with a more personal approach and an exclusive opportunity to talk to my target audience
and therefore understanding a wider knowledge of my audience. I chose to interview sister because she is a feminists, and between the ages of 18-
24 making them my target audience. I also wanted to speak to my sister for exact and thought through answers instead of the answers of open
questions from the mass.
This piece of research is different from my questionnaire because I only have a female perspective, I haven’t asked any men the same questions. This
is because through my questionnaire I discovered that men find it a lot harder to admit they are a feminist. And if they did their answers were short
and lacked detail. So, instead of wasting my time and conducting an interview from a male perspective who isn’t very educated about the subject of
feminism, I decided it would be a better use of time to talk to feminists. Also, the participants in my questionnaires were anonymous, so I was un
able to ask follow up questions regarding their answers, during these interviews I was able to ask questions and let them explain their answers.
I spent a while researching past feminist interviews and analyzing what questions feminists are asked. I wanted to use questions that were different
to my survey because if I had asked the same questions I wouldn’t have any extra information. I decided not to publish these questions to the
internet because I wanted the perspective of a feminist, so that they understand what a feminist is and can answer the questions with a background
knowledge of the concept of feminism. I wanted a theme with my questions so they were consistent and relevant, I decided to search the 7 most
common questions that feminists were asked. I thought it would be interested to see a feminist response to the most asked feminist questions. The
questions were;
1.Why are feminists so angry?
2.Do feminists hate men?
3.Why do feminists not shave their legs?
4.Does a feminist have to be female?
5.Do females get married?
6.What does a feminist believe in?
7.Will feminism hurt your career?
These questions were Google’s most searched questions about feminism. The questions aren’t
anything to do with the concept of feminism and how women have strived through the years to fight
for equality and what lengths women have gone to make change around the world. Instead most of
the questions follow the stigma and aggressive stereotypes following feminists.
I thought it would be useful for my project to have a feminist answer the questions to clear up and
mis-communications about feminism and to have the point of view of a feminist and what they think
of the negative stigmas following the word. As well as this it is interesting to ask these questions
because it has given me inspiration and information for an article/double page spread in my magazine.
For the interview, instead of writing down my sister’s answers I thought it would be more effective to record the interviews. This is because if I was
writing the responses, I would've ran out of time writing while she was answering the next questions, rushing writing down the answers so I
wouldn't have the exact words she said. This would’ve meant some points didn’t make sense. Also, if I was writing the answers down I would’ve
had to ask my sister to stop if I needed to catch up writing. This would’ve been unprofessional, and not time efficient, and it would’ve meant the
interviewee would’ve lost her trial of thought and the interview wouldn’t have flowed like a natural conversation.
Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist
Primary Audience research
Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist
1. Why are feminists so angry?
“Feminists aren’t angry. Feminism is not an aggressive movement, Feminists power and motivation for change can be miss interpreted as
aggression and sometimes there are feminist movements that might be forceful and come with a strong message but this is because women
have spent so long being shut out and ignored and the only way to be heard is to be louder than everyone else. And People who claim feminists
are ‘angry’ are men who use it as defence because they are intimidated by strong women and want to withhold their place of authority in
2. Do feminists hate men?
“No, obviously not, a real feminist has never expressed hatred for men and it is not something we believe in. It has been miss-communication
that the feminist movement is about women trying to overtake men, and the idea that women hate men for having more advantages then us.
But what people who call us ’man haters’ don’t understand is that feminism is the movement of equality for men and women not an excuse for
women to bash men”
3. Why do feminists not shave their legs?
“Shaving doesn’t have anything specifically to do with the movement of feminism so if a women doesn’t shave it’s her person choice, but some
women believe they shouldn’t have to shave because they would rather let their hair grow naturally then conform to the sexist expectations
that women in society are expected to uphold. It is the women’s choice what they do with their body. But a lot of feminists do shave their legs.”
4. Does a feminist have to be female?
No, feminism is not restricted to a gender, this is sometimes misinterpreted because of the use of ‘femin’ in the word, and feminism is the fight
for equality so anyone can be a feminist.
5. Do feminists get married?
Yea a lot of feminists get married and a lot don’t. Being a feminist is not a group with rules and regulations, there’s no paperwork to complete
to be a feminist. So we can get married and we can do whatever we want, feminism isn’t about holding restrictions on women it’s about
creating more opportunities for women.
6. What does a feminist believe in?
A feminist believes in the idea of political, economic, personal, and social equality between men and women. However, when people talk about
feminism I feel like they forget about other places around the world, because a feminist doesn't just fight for rights in the UK, but it is about
fighting for women in developing countries. So a feminist believes in worldwide equality.
7. Will feminism hurt your career?
Being a feminist should never effect your career but realistically with the negative stigma that follows the word sometimes in the workplace
women can be mocked for defining themselves as a feminist. But this is why it’s important for people to keep supporting feminism because
women shouldn’t be scared of hurting their career for identifying themselves as someone who believes in equality.
Primary Audience research
Ella’s interview was very successful. She included a lot of interesting points and she took the time to explain her answers and gave
me a lot of information I can use for my project. The interview has been very helpful to my project because it has given me the
perspective of a young, amateur feminist, I can look online for feminist opinions but to have someone to speak to in person and to
be able to ask your on questions gives you an advantage because you can really understand what they are saying. Without a face-
to-face interview it would be harder to convey emotions. So with this interview I could appreciate the way Ella thought about the
interview through her body language and the wat she spoke. While answering the questions Ella was very passionate and she was
interested in answering them, this showed me that my audience would be people who share views and qualities like Ella, this
could be people who were raised the same way, so people her age from her area could be interested in my magazine.
Ella is an 18 year old feminist studying at York College. This shows me that to cater for my audience I need to be including a
student aesthetic. I need to include pictures and articles that students would be interested in. And from researching student
magazine, Debate, I found out that students appreciate diverse, heavy articles but also appreciate a light hearted article. For my
magazine I need to include the right mix of important feminist issue, but keeping the articles light weight and enjoyable to read.
After the interview she told me about how she thinks it’s important to talk about feminism and how vital it is to instead of shying
away from the word ‘feminism’ we should embrace it. Ella spoke about the stigma that follows the word feminism and how some
people believe that feminism is an attention seeking movement to benefit women. This point is what originally made me want to
create my magazine for a younger audience, for teens and young women, because we need women to be growing up with the
right understanding of what feminism is, we need young girls to be able to make their own decision on if they identify as a
feminist with all the right facts and figures instead of what they see feminism as on social media. This point has helped me a lot in
relation to my target audience. Because my magazine is going to be a magazine with articles that empower women, but it is also
going to include bold photoshoots and artwork that define feminism. I need to cater my magazine for a target audience that both
artwork and interesting articles will appeal to.
This has shown me my audience is students and young women, and I will attract this audience by including relevant and
interesting articles but as well as this I will embrace more of a student aesthetic and include photoshoots and artwork to keep the
magazine interesting, but also because I know students and young women can be highly influenced by art and movement instead
of just articles.
Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist
Practical Research
#1 Photoshoots , Model - Ella
#2 Photoshoots, Model - Emily
For part of my practical research I decided that it would be useful to my project if I conducted a short photo shoot to familiarise myself with the camera and
to practice taking photos. Photography is an important part of my project, I want my magazine to be heavily influenced by photography and artwork instead
of just articles.
Firstly, I set up my camera with a tri-pod to make sure the camera was steady and safe. Then I adjusted the camera settings, so they were appropriate for
the photos I was taking and the lighting, e.g. making sure that the camera had the right exposure levels, and the focus being correct. After I had set up, I
chose the background because the background of the photo can change the end result of the photo. I wanted to choose a plain background because the
style of my photos was going to capture natural and genuine expressions to give a calm and authentic aesthetic to the photos, so I wanted a still background
to focus on the models. I decided on the orange wall because I thought it matched the model’s hair well and the colours of the clothes they were wearing. I
also chose orange because the colour was bringing and stood out but didn’t wash the models out and successfully kept the focus on the models. I decided
for my type of photo the best time to take them was the middle of the day because the lighting was the clearest and there was most brightness. However,
the weather was really windy so instead of conducting my photoshoots another day I decided to embrace the weather, I thought it would effective to have
the model’s hair blowing in the wind. I thought it would look effective because it would match the natural aesthetics. I also think the wind makes the photos
more impressive because it introduces an abstract and unusual style. And for my final product I am trying to generate quirky and unorthodox ideas for my
photoshoots to make the magazine stand out and this project has given me the inspiration to use something like this in my final product.
I varied the photos by taking them with different distances apart, but I kept the same angle because I wanted to keep a consistent through the photos. The
type of photo I wanted to take were photos capturing simplicity, so I chose a straight forward, eye-level angle and I asked the models to use simple and
natural expression. I also asked the models to mainly investigate the camera because I think this introduces a personal and more intense link with the
reader. I took all the photos with the same settings however I think it, could’ve been interesting to change the settings so I had different lightning's for the
photos to introduce diversity. Also, if I had taken the photos with different light intensity by changing exposure etc. I would've been able to analyse the
results and talked about which settings worked best for the type of photo I was taking.
A very important aspect of conducting a photoshoot is making sure to get the right models. I chose two of my friends to model because I knew they would
take the project seriously, and they were trustworthy. I positioned both the same and gave them the same instructions for the photos. Quickly into taking
photos I could see which model’s photos would be more successful, the first model was my sister Ella, and through the photoshoot she was very still and
followed instructions carefully. If I re positioned her or asked her to do something different she would acknowledge what I was saying. This meant it was
easy to capture the photos and more time efficient. However, my second model was Emily, Emily’s photos were also successful, and I was pleased with the
outcome, however she was a lot harder to direct, this was because the model found it difficult to stay serious and stay in character. When I would ask her to
keep a straight expression, she found this hard and would start laughing. This still produced strong photos that I can use but it took more time. My model
also found it awkward to investigate the camera which wasn’t in keeping with the style of my photos I wanted to follow. Because of this I couldn’t capture
as many photos of her as I did with Ella. However, I still made sure I got the same range of shots. This process showed me how important it is to get the right
model, because if I only had Emily to model for me, I wouldn’t have enough photos and I wouldn’t have had the outcome I wanted. This taught me to always
have a few different models and to not rely any photoshoots on one model because they might not be right for the certain shoot.
I am pleased with the result of my photos because I think the way I have taken them is professional. I think people can appreciate that I took time adjusting
the models and the camera settings so that I could get the most effective results. However, If I could go back and do it again, I would take a range of
different angles. I think it would have been beneficial to introduce different angles because this would’ve meant the photos had different backgrounds, this
would’ve introduced diversity, and meant that the lightening changed so this camera settings would’ve needed changing and this would have given me
more experience and meant that I understood how to change the settings to match the photo.
Photoshop, edit #1
I thought this edit technique would be useful to my project because I have spoken in detail in my research about how I want to take
inspiration from fanzines and the way they include contemporary, DIY aesthetics, a photo that has a twist instead of just being basic, and
ordinary. I want my magazine tot include features like this to keep the magazine interesting, I also want to edit some of my photos using
techniques like this because, as I said earlier in my research, I want my magazine to follow aspects of originality from Riot Grrrl but also stay
stylish and classy, so I think the effects I added here are perfect.
I liked the colour contrasts in the photo, I thought that the blonde hair
against the ginger looked good and created diversity in the photo, I also liked
it because it made it very clear where the photo of Ella stopped and the cut
outs of Emily started. I think I effectively positioned the cut outs to make the
two photos link up to each other naturally. For example, it took a lot of time
to make the cut outs look natural and to submerge into each other.
For the second part of my practical research I decided to use the photos that I had taken
myself and use photoshop to edit them. In the first edit I used two different photos, I
took a photo of Ella and a photo of Emily and then I put the photo of Ella over the top of
the photo of Emily. I then used a button called ‘transparent’ and took the level of Ella’s
photo down to 50%, the lower I took the percentage down, the more transparent the
photo would become. With 50% transparency it meant that I could see Emily’s photo
through Ella’s, then I took the scissors tool and began cutting out little sections of Ella’s
photo, leaving Emily’s behind. This meant that the square that was missing from Ella’s
photo, Emily would be there instead. Then after deciding which sections looked best
with Ella or Emily’s photos, I took the transparency back up to 100% so now I could only
see Ella, with the cut outs of Emily. It was time consuming to make the photo’s line up
perfectly and to make the end photo look balanced and effective, but I thought the
result was successful.
Photoshop edit #2
The second edit I created using photoshop was made using an influence from my
first edit. I copied the same style with using cut out pictures to use a DIY, edgy
aesthetic. I wanted my second edit to be different from my first so that it meant
I was learning new skills that I could use in my project. SO, this time instead of
using two photos of different people and trying to submerge them together, I
decided to do the opposite. I chose three photos of Emily with different face
expressions and used photoshop to put edit them together. I took one of her
with a standard expression as the main photo, then took a photo of her looking
left on the left side of her face, first a zoomed in version, then another zoomed
out version of the same picture. Then on the right side of her mouth I included a
photo of her mouth with a slightly wider smile.
After I edited in the different photos I explored different effects that I could add
to the photo, after looking through a lot of effects and learning how to apply
them to my photo, and then exploring which worked best with the photos, I
found an effect called multiply. This meant that whichever photo was layered
over another photo would have a red tint added to the photo. I really liked this
edit because it was easy to apply and makes the photo look more abstract and
I like the photos I edited in because I chose photos with a subtle difference, so it
was noticeable for the audience but not obvious enough to throw the photo. I
think the simplicity of the different photos makes the edit more effective. As
well as this, I like the second photo of Emily’s eye, I think the fact that she is
looking away connotes a deeper meaning, the idea that she has something to
thinks about because her eyes looking away with her hair blowing in the wind
creates a suspicious a=and mysterious aesthetic..
The multiply tool is an edit I will defiantly be using in my future projects when I
want to include an edit, but I don’t want it to overpower the photo. There were
also a few other effects like multiply that I can use in my project, for example,
Here are two more examples of the effect ‘multiply’ applied to my photos.
Practice Article
For part of my research I wanted to write my own short article, this is because I thought it was important to practice my writing skills and to have a
wider understanding of how a professional journalist would write their articles. I want to learn techniques and I want to research different pull factors
journalists include in their articles. I started by reading different articles about journalist techniques and found that a rule all journalists follow is to
keep the content of relative importance, have an in keeping/appropriate tone, and think about attracting the intended audience. This was useful to
me because it gave me three guidelines to follow, if I followed these rules then my article would be successful.
Learning about the structure of the article showed me that the beginning column follows a ‘inverted pyramid’ structure, referring to the decreasing
importance of information in subsequent paragraphs.
Important tips I discovered were that a professional journalist would try not to use the same word twice in an article, this is something I need to focus
on because in my past articles for my magazine I have repeated the same word multiple times making the work read as repetitive and boring. I also
researched that journalists don’t use long words when there is a shorter word they can use. This is too make the article read shorter, and more
I want to learn how to structure an effective article and I need to take inspiration from other journalists and understand how they compose their
articles without waffling and loosing relevance. I find it easier to write articles that are debates and give me a chance to have a personal involvement.
I also think this type of article is more likely to entice people, because with a stand out, controversial headline it is more likely to attract people’s
attention and therefore read the article/magazine. I also think it’s more important to include articles that are debates and talking about real people’s
issue’s instead of a journalist talking about kylie Jenner’s hair. I decided to write my practice article about if school detention do any good in high
schools. This is a simple debate that I think will have different perspectives.
Does School Detention have a positive outcome in schools?
This debate has two different perspectives. The perspective of a concerned parent, and the rebellious student. Why doesn’t detention always work? It
could be because of the ‘bad-boy’ stigma that follows the word or because of the way students brush the idea of detention of their shoulder because
it’s only an hour. Detention is a form of punishment introduced as soon as school was first invented. It’s a way for teachers to punish students for miss-
behaviour, in the past it was easy to punish children because they were more disciplined, however now children are more likely to rebel against their
teachers and the procedure of detention. The intention of detention is to give children the opportunity to reform.
However, in the past few years the idea of detention has been glorified and by going to detention you gain a label from other students. The problem
with this is once you acquire a label in high school it sticks through the school years. So, by first going to one detention you feel the need to keep up
the illusion of being ‘cool’ and not caring about school, therefore ruining their reputation. Some people believe the idea of detention isn’t as effective
as it used to be because it creates a subculture for kids who don’t do their work to purposefully go to detention, so the whole point of detention is
meaningless because students want to be there.
On the other hand, schools can’t abolish detention from school systems because then there would be no punishment for badly behaved students and
the same behaviour would be repeated. Schools need to show students that are consequences for their actions. If teachers don’t have the level of
authority to punish students when they are miss behaved, then students will undermine teachers and not show them the same respect as they have no
power. As well as this detention can be a good thing because it gives students a quiet classroom and the opportunity to complete their homework,
they might not get at home
I think it was important to me because through my practice article I realised if I want my writing to sound
professional and interesting I need to take time and re-read my writing and look out for mistakes. I learnt that I
need to be careful with spelling mistakes, because when I type fast I often make mistakes and sometimes forget
to correct them. So by giving myself enough time to write the essay and re-read my work I can make sure it
doesn’t have any spelling or grammatical mistakes.
During my research I read a tip that journalists never repeat the same word twice in their articles, so, for my
article I wrote with a thesaurus next to me so if I repeated a word I could find an alternative word, to keep the
article more interesting and flowing. I also included rhetorical questions to entice my audience, rhetorical
questions are questions that are meant to be left unanswered, but it is used for effect and to lay emphasis on
the point of the question. Therefore to use them in debates is an effective way to involve the reader. I aimed to
make my style of writing was professional through the article, however I still included points that were
relatable and understandable for the reader.
I was happy with the structure of my article, I started with an introduction paragraph explaining what a
detention is and with a bit of history about the topic. Then I started by discussing the first half of the argument
and included valuable points about why detention is an out of date practice. Then in my next paragraph I
shared views about why detention was still necessary. I like the format of my article because I gave
perspectives from students, teachers and parents so the article is fair for each different person reading it.
Photoshop edit #3
Practice #3
For my third piece of practical research I decided to use photoshop to re-create a picture of Emma Watson using shapes on photoshop. I
thought it would be useful to practice how to create images like this. Because it’s an important skill to know how to do because I can use it in
other projects in the future. Also, I think it would be good to incorporate this style into photos in my magazine because I think it introduces
diversity and modern art to make the magazine more modernized and interesting to a younger audience. I also got inspiration to re-create a
drawing like this from the Instagram page @Feminist, the page includes a range of photos with images like this, and the photos have positive
reactions and usually get a lot of likes, showing that they are popular with the younger generation. The cartoon style is used in a range of
different ways, the cartoons can be made goofy for a comedic photo, or very simplistic with few details, or they can be artistic.
These styles of photos have
bold colours because of the lack
of detail there’s no shading so
the colours are usually block.
I prefer the more serious, simplistic designs because I
think they up keep a serious and important undertone,
instead of a more unprofessional cartoon which I think
would be more effective for younger children. I also
think the simplistic cartoons are more powerful, as they
don’t have to have many details to carry an important
message. Therefore, for my practice I decided to re-
create a simplistic drawing of Emma Watson with little
details, but enough detail for it to resemble her.
I think creating my own photos like this for my
magazine will give the magazine more originality,
differentiating it from other magazines and show
readers that the magazine is modern.
I decided to add my own quote from Emma Watson to
my edit, to make my own inspiration post like these
examples. It only took seconds to add the quote to the
edit, but it has given the photo a purpose and a
meaning. The quote automictically gives the picture a
deeper message, it also makes the photo look like it
took a lot more time and effort to create. By matching
the font colour with the lipstick, it makes the quote
more stand out but also fits well with the rest of the
photo, and I used a font called ‘Bahnschrift Semi Bold
SemiConden’ and by just adding a different font it
makes the photo immediately more professional.
The Process
To create my edit I began by choosing a photo , I wanted to choose a photo that was in keeping with
my feminism theme, but was quite complicated so that I could push myself. I chose a photo of Emma
Watson because I thought it would be useful for further along in my project to learn how to create
animated people. Also, Emma Watson is a active feminist who does a lot for the women community.
Firstly I chose the right photo and placed it in photoshop. For example, I am creating the shape of her
neck first, I would use the shape tool to create a shape that replicated her neck. Then I would select
that object and go to edit and select ‘transform’. After this it will take you to another set of
options including the option ‘wrap’. This will mean that you
can then edit the object to move freely any way you want.
This gives me the opportunity to move the shape so that it
can go into the exact shape that I want it to.
Then I use a tool to fill the
object with the same
colour as the original
Then I repeat this for each
part of the picture.
1. Dezine magazine, (2019) found on
2. Debate magazine (2019) found on
3. Fashion Revolution (2019) found on
4. Vogue (2019)
5. Feminist photoshoots (2019) Instagram account @feminist
6. Information about different feminist books and authors
7. Ella McNeill, interviewed by Hannah McNeill (2019) 5th of April

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3. research fmp m

  • 2. Dezine Dezine is an online photography magazine which usually contains over 150 pages, the pages are filled with photographs from different photographers with different styles of photos. The magazine also sometimes contains short articles accompanying the photographs. The magazine is ‘dedicated to the creative’ and focusses on artwork, design and photography. The name comes from the word ‘Design’ but the ‘s’ replaced with ‘z’ to symbolize that it’s untraditional. The magazine follows a fashion magazines style, with bold, stand alone photographs of models, and with cutting edge, new-wave aesthetics. However, the magazine conforms fashion magazine stereotypes when it introduces unique artwork, for example, cartoon work and drawings. The target audience for this magazine would be similar in age group as mine but the type of audience would be different. For this magazine the audience would be equally for male and female, this is because the subject of the magazine is photography and artwork which is a topic both men and women can be interested in. Also, the magazine contains neutral colours and non-suggestive fonts to create a welcoming magazine for either genders. However, I did research into universities to find whether men or women started more degrees in Creative Arts and Designs, to see who would be more interested in the magazine. I found that in 2016/17 51,040 more women in rolled in the course then men. Dezine attracts a young audience with open-minds and with new up-coming artists, along with this the style and set out is very modern showing it will be for a young audience from 20s-30s. This would be unlike my magazine because even though it will feature photography aspects it will mainly be targeted at a female audience because of the topic feminism. Also, the audiences would be different because my magazine would be a print copy and not a online magazine. And, my magazine wouldn’t be just for 20s-30s it would target all ranges of women, and hopefully attract younger audiences as well. D1 I will take a lot of inspiration from Dezine because I will copy features of their slick layout and their minimalistic style. Because it will show that feminism is modern and contemporary. The website is simplistic and clear, there is no clutter, or any adverts, and it is also very user-friendly and easy to use. The website opens with links to it’s most recent issue’s and immediately has the photographers and artists names at the beginning of the page. So even though the magazine is free to access it is good publicity for the artists. In each issue the artists get their own section of the magazine to publish their work and then each issue the artists change, giving new upcoming artists a opportunity. Recently a lot of magazines have been created just for the internet instead of print. This is because in recent years it’s a lot harder for print magazines to sell because now you can find everything online with the comfort of your sofa. So, instead of wasting money and producing print copies, publishing the magazines online is more effective. Also, by publishing them online it gives the magazine a sophisticated and 21st century aesthetic to show that it is moving with the the time and not being forgotten about. I also think that it makes the magazine present as exclusive if you can only get to it through the internet and not in any shops. I am interested in the magazine because I like the style and format is follows and I think the artists are very talented and I would like to take influences from how they take their photos. The magazine publishes a range of different material, the work from different artists don’t have similar links, they are stand alone series.
  • 3. To see specific pieces of photography from the Dezine magazines, I chose issue 7 to analyze in more detail. Issue 7 contains artwork from Mark Singerman, Sienna Mae Allison, Christopher Bilagody, Bobby Holland and more. The issue’s all start the same with a significant photograph in the middle surrounded by a white border. The white border is used to emphasize the importance of the photo. Issue 7 starts with a strong essence of blue being the main colour, the blue is used purposefully as a background to highlight the model because everything par her is a strong ocean blue colour. Also the colours blue connotes wisdom and calmness. A series of photographs that stood out to me started on page 60, called ‘Blue Hours’ by photographer Griselda Duch. And the pages contain multiple photos of places with the same calming, sedative red/blue colours. I liked the series because the way Duch takes the photo is by taking everything into consideration and the consistency of the photos, the angle of the photo is always straight and eye-level. The buildings/objects are black to act as a silhouette against the red and blue canvas of the sky, or a sign. I like the use of the colours red and blue because they symbolize the beginning and the end of the day, which symbolizes a fresh start, along with the open space in all the photos it all suggests a harmonious vibe. It inspires me and includes aspects that will influence my project because I like the aesthetics he creates in the pictures, the silhouette effect and the deep blue and red, and the open space creates a mysterious ambience. The next article that interested me was Katie Fu’s series of photographs called ‘Exposed’. Fu’s concept for her photos was about the college hook up scene, a series of photographs explaining the process of a hook up, just with photos to explain the process. She starts with a black and white photo to symbolize his loneliness before, then has multiple photos showing the sexual side of the hook up, and then the photos of the after math with the model feeling lost and looking into the distance. I like the theme of the colour white for the top, background and sheets to symbolize innocence, also when Du introduces the red flower it brings in contrast against the white creating diversity in the photos. This series of photos inspires me because I want to include a portfolio like this, with photographs that suggest a deeper meaning. Fu doesn't use any effects or editing through the series (apart from with the black and white) to illustrate his vulnerability. I also want to include aspects like this because without effects and editing it shows that there isn’t anything to hide, I think this would be very effective for my feminist campaign, stripping back all the fakeness and just having real simplicity to promote the photographs.
  • 4. Debate Debate magazine is a magazine created by AUT students and its about the university and what happens around it but its also about investigating impacting issue’s, and providing relevant and entertaining content that stimulates debates. The magazine publishes articles from students about a massive range of serious and light hearted topics. .The magazine doesn't provoke the idea of an expensive, extravagant magazine like Vogue, it strikes the readers as friendly and informative, and a casual read, it looks like a amateur magazine created for only students. The front cover off each issue changes depending on the topic of the magazine. But all the covers share fun and energetic colours, and all the front cover photos are animated drawings. Art work produced by the students, the covers look like they are usually made in graphic design using Photoshop. The magazine style attracts a young, student audience including articles that students would be interested in, such as ‘Ditch Your High School Friends’, ‘ Cooking With Cans’ and ‘Dear Catcallers’. The type of articles are ones that you wouldn’t find in shop magazines because they are in between adult magazines, and teen magazines, and the target audience for the magazine is too small to publish, also students as the new generation don’t go into shops to buy magazines, they find all their new information online. And, students don’t have enough money to buy magazines or papers so to create an online free magazine would be very successful. The magazine publishes articles from students for other It is mainly targeted at people from the AUT university but includes a lot of articles that all students could read and relate to. The magazine gives students an opportunity to have discussions and hear other students opinions, the magazine has a comment section and gives readers the opportunity to start a debate/discussion. This magazine is important to the process of my project because I like the way the articles are set out and I also like the casual, student vibe. As well as this, the magazine brought out a issue about feminism which I thought would be impactful to my project because it would shows me how a feminist magazine would be presented. It is also impactful to my project because it attracts the same audience that I want to attract to my magazine, the young, impressionable students. The specific magazine I’m looking at is issue 13, ‘feminism’. The magazine has diverse women instead of just showing a stereotypical model the magazine has 4 naked women, with different ethnicities and different body sizes. The women are naked to show that we shouldn’t be ashamed of our bodies and shouldn’t shy away from promoting body confidence. The diversity in the photo immediately welcomes all women to the magazine, giving them a picture they can relate to and feel empowered by instead of intimidated by, it also lets women feel equality to and not less then other women because of their appearance. In my opinion the women floating symbolizes that they are at peace, I also think it symbolizes independence as they are lifting themselves up and non-reliant on other people. And the pale blue background generates a relaxing vibe which supports the peaceful and independent aesthetics. However, as well as the calming undertones the cover also has a bold response because usually readers wouldn’t expect to see naked women on the front cover, so it makes a bold statement. I think this is a very important message to send in the cover because the cover is the first thing that readers see when they pick up the magazine, and to start with such a powerful animation will send a message of unity in women through the cover.
  • 5. Debate The magazine contains a range of different articles addressing the different platforms of feminism, an article that stood out to me was “Feminism’ ‘what do the men have to say”. The double page spread is an article about a journalist asking different, diverse men what they thought feminism was and if they were a feminist. For an article in my magazine I want to include an interview like this, because I think it is important to include a place for everyone's different opinions where they can freely express their voice. This article was very interesting to read, this is also an effective way to approach feminism because it creates discussion, it makes people think and talk about it. Arahi, Jack, Cliff and Liam all agreed that they believe in equality and that women should be treated equally but don’t identify as a feminist. This is because they don’t feel the need to put a label on it, and they all agree that ‘feminist’ comes with a bad stigma and they agree that they are some negative connotations with the word ‘feminism’. I respect their answer but I would respond saying although it has acquired a negative stigma over years due to radical feminists and uneducated men, we should embrace the word feminist and turn it into a positive thing again. What I like about this article is that it entices the reader and creates discussion, which is important as it will interest the reader. I want to include an article like this in my magazine because feminism is about equality for male and female so men have the right to voice their opinion in my magazine as much as women do, hopefully it will let men appreciate that women want to hear their side and see how feminism effects men. I also want to see if there are any consistent and repeated thoughts about a stereotype that follows feminism. I also think to include the audience would make the readers feel more involved on a personal level. Another article from the magazine that sparked my interested and inspired me was an article from Kelly Enright called ‘Mrs Somebody Else’. The article is about unfair male dominated traditions at the wedding. Mainly about the women taking the mans name. I like the way the articles are laid out with a basic column by column format keeping it professional. I also like the simple photograph of the journalist with the veil on, for irony. The article speaks about how a women shouldn’t have to loose part of her identity, her surname, when she marries. She explains that our names are the first things that are gifted to us as soon as were born and women should fight harder to keep their birth right. She also acknowledges the fact that the fathers walk the daughters/sons down the isle instead of the mothers. The mothers carried the child for 9 months and had as equal part in raising the child as the father, so at least both parents should. I want to include articles like this in my magazine because I think they are eye-opening and show a different side from feminism, instead of protests and empowerment it shows other ignored factors. I do agree with this article, although I would argue that everyone is entitled to their own wedding, weddings can be all about tradition and it is tradition for fathers to walk the daughters/sons down the aisle and for the women to take a mans surname, but I think its also important for women to know the sexist traditions that we keep alive.
  • 6. Fashion Revolution Fanzine-Loved Clothes Last Loved clothes last is fashion revolutions fanzines second issue, published on December 1st, 2017.The fanzine is created by designers, academics, writers, retailers, producers, fashion lovers from all over world. The fanzine’s vision is ‘We believe in a fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure.’ The brand is a global movement that runs 24/7 and it attempts to help organisations to work together to change the way clothes are sourced so they are made in a safe, clean and fair way. To campaign Fashion Revolution has its own week, the 22nd – 28th of April is Fashion Revolution’s #whomademyclothes campaign. The history behind the week is it falls on the anniversary of the rana Plaza factory collapse which killed 1138 people and injured more, on 24th April. I thought it would be interesting to look at this fanzine for my research because for my magazine I want to create a fanzine/magazine, with the same amateur, DIY aesthetics. I previously researched a 90’s feminism fanzine so I thought it would be useful to analyse a more modern fanzine and see what aspects have changed over time. The front cover of the fanzine has an urban, quirky aesthetic, with clashing patterns against each other, the patterns and materials used for a key link to the fashion theme of the fanzine. The cover supports the brands morals by having basic and simple materials instead of lavish materials. The cover has the title in capital bold white letters not leaving any space for confusion about what the issue is called. Fashion Revolution calls themselves ‘bold, proactive, inquisitive, and inclusive’ and this is the same way that their fanzine can be described. The magazine follows a fanzine structure, I talked about fanzines, and Riot Grrrl in detail in my initial plans. Fanzines are amateur magazines, they are unprofessional magazines, published non-officially by fans. Fanzines are magazines put together with photographs and newspaper cuttings to create a DIY aesthetic. The Loved Clothes Last issue is a fanzine about waste and mass-consumption in the fashion industry. The point of the fanzine is to inspire you to buy less, care more, and know how to make clothes last longer. The fanzine is very artistic and uses poetry, illustration, photography, infographics, articles and interviews to bring attention to the issues with interesting and creative. It uses art to express feelings and to addresses important issues. The issue is 124 pages long and includes work from artists, Tyler Spangler, Ged Palmer, William Farr, and many submissions from the Fashion Revolution community around the world.
  • 7. Fashion Revolution Fanzine-Loved Clothes Last The magazine includes multiple cut out pages for the beginning of each chapter with a black and white colour scheme, they have the style of an old newspaper, I like this style because it introduces the fanzine cut-out style again. This is effective as the black and white contradicts with the energetic colours through the fanzine. The use of black and white, the bold font, and the use of all capitals shows power and intensity, which is a good way to start each chapter because it shows that the content in each section is going to be important. The beginning pages of each chapter give a brief summary of what happens in the chapter ahead using poetry which keeps up the artistic and creative aesthetics and keeps the reader interested in reading. Also, the chapter names are all very powerful and have deeper meanings, instead of a boring title they have ‘Broken is Beautiful’ which sends a deeper message and expects a deeper understanding from the readers. I like this style and I want to use something this bold and stand out to get readers attention. I think it’s clever to have pages that are used for a new chapter instead of just titles at the beginning of a page, so it easier for the reader to understand when the next chapter starts, and it shows that the beginning of a new chapter is significant. I Also want to use this style in my magazine because it follows the fanzine design, in a normal magazine this type of font and titles would be controversial to include because it has aggressive and accusatory undertones towards the readers, and usually this wouldn’t be a technique publishers use to attract readers. However fanzines use these styles to entice readers to acknowledge and create change. The style through the fanzine is 90s retro, edgy-urban with it’s cartoon strips, the style of photography and newspaper cut-out picture style. I like the randomness of the photographs next to each other that give the readers an opportunity to look into the hidden meaning of the photo’s relevance. I also think that to make the magazine a fanzine made with left over materials works very effectively with the principles of the brand, because it shows they are using left over cut outs, and hand made cartoon strips and drawing instead of expensive luxuries.
  • 8. Fanzine Grrrls I’ve chosen this magazine to research because it the main two themes that are hugely influencing my magazine. It is a feminism fanzine. This means it follows the structure of a magazine but follows a different, alternative layout with more unconventional photos and articles they are traditionally hand drawn, photocopied and stapled together, however in the modern age with more people using the internet, this is a digital fanzine. The fanzine doesn’t have any information about the publisher it is just published by the feminist fanzine community. The ‘Grrrls’ in the title is a link to the first 90s feminist-punk fanzine Riot-Grrrl. The cover of Fanzine Grrrls immediately supports the history of feminist fanzines with a picture of two punk women, completely conforming the stereotypes that are expected of women. The picture is a drawing following the traditional DIY aesthetics of the feminist fanzines culture. And, the only colour used on the cover is purple, purple is a neutral colour and means ambition, peace and independence. The fanzine is only 23 pages long and includes short articles and photographs/drawings. The fanzine opens on the contents page with an automatic black font on a white background, this gives the readers the information they need without anything else. The font is a typewriter font in keeping with the old, DIY aesthetics. Although I think it is effective to have a ‘straight to the point’ style I also think it is crucial to keep the readers excited and interested in the magazine. So, for my magazine I want to concentrate on sending a clear message but also include photographs and artwork that makes the reader want to read more. This double page spread was my favourite from the magazine because I liked the series of three photos in the bottom right corner. I liked the way the photographer has included a range of colours in the photo but heavily included the colour red in them. The colour red is a very intense colour and is associated with passion. I like the photos because they show two men playing guitars as a back up to one woman who has an extravagant scarf on, symbolizing she is wealthy and dominant, she also has a suggestive smile radiating her power and control.
  • 9. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have and what features from the magazines will you use in your product? My researched products all share that they are not famous magazines, they all vary from popularity, one being an amateur student magazine which isn’t massively successful. The Dezine magazine is the most popular out of the three, with a more professional and upper market layout. And the final magazine I evaluated was the Fashion Revolution fanzine, which was also an unprofessional magazine. I have chosen more amateur magazines to research and analyse because I can relate to them more, and it is easier to take inspiration and shape my own magazine to be these amateur magazines instead of using a magazine like Vogue to shape my magazine on. They all also follow the style that I want my magazine to follow. The Dezine magazine has stylish and interesting photoshoots that I want to include in my magazine, Dezine publishes its photoshoots in a sophisticated way, for example by including white boarders makes the photos look more important and stand out. The Fashion Revolution fanzine is the magazine that I will take most inspiration from, this is because I like the style of the magazine. The magazine is the perfect mix of DIY-fanzine aesthetic but also with enough articles to make it a magazine. I like this fanzine because before I was taking inspiration from fanzines like Riot Grrrl, which shared the same style I wanted to build my magazine on but included photos and articles that weren’t right for my magazine. So, finding Fashion Revolution fanzine gave me a lot of inspiration for how to style my magazine.
  • 12. Riot Grrrl vs Vogue Whilst I was researching different types of magazines to explore the different ranges of perspective audiences, I discovered that there are a million different types of magazines, and I realised mine doesn’t have to conform to one particular format, it doesn’t have to be a fanzine, fashion magazine or a teen magazine, it can be a mixture of all three magazines. My thought process behind this was that by defining my magazine as a certain type and style I am cutting out a large proportion of my audience. For example, if I were to re-make a 90s feminism fanzine a wide range of women would feel distance from the magazine and wouldn’t be able to relate, this is because through my earlier research I learnt that a wide range of women in the 90s felt secluded from the fanzine and like it was too exclusive, the public also thought the fanzine focussed on middle-class white women. This immediately cuts my audience and creates an unwelcoming and a cliquey environment. But through my research I discovered I didn’t have to target that one specific audience, I could use aspects that I like from the fanzine, like the cut-edge, unique artwork and imagery and the fact that the magazine doesn’t feel the need to conform to feminist stereotypes. But as well as this, to create a bigger audience I can include other elements that attract different people. Because, one of the points of the magazine is to raise awareness about the issue of feminism, and with a small exclusive magazine it would be difficult to send a healthy message to all girls if the magazine has restrictive and segregated aspects. I want the magazine to be popular enough to raise awareness, and I also want my magazine to be less about attacking men and women who aren’t feminists I want it to be empowering and interesting I think a new style of magazine would attract a big enough audience. With my magazine I don’t have to attempt to use specific qualities to attract a specific audience I can include a range of different articles, and artwork to attract a wider, more balanced audience. I also think that by re- creating a 90s fanzine it would be sending the message that this is what a feminist should be, however feminists are different all over the world, a feminist can enjoy fashion magazines like Vogue, and Elle. Although people might argue that these type of fashion magazines influence women and show them that they should look like and dress like the models in the magazine. However, a lot of women would protest that women are confident in themselves and now that they can admire a fashion magazine without feeling the need to look like the models. Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine; it was first published in 1892 in the United States. Vogue is one of the most famous magazines and includes famous models and work artists from all around the world. It includes a range of different topics for example, fashion, catwalk, beauty and art and lifestyle, however, it is mostly known for its fashion. There are 23 international editions of the magazine, and the Italian edition has been called the top magazine in the world. The Italian edition was published by an Italian journalist, Franca Sozzani and she was the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia from 1988 until her death in 2016. The layout of the Vogue magazines all follows the same format, there is a minimalistic, clutter-less impression from the magazine, showing sophistication and maturity. The photos in the magazine are all taken very skilfully and with a background and extras carefully placed in the phot to make the photos more composed and professional. All the photographs are carefully thought through with the correct procedures to make sure the end product of the photos are perfect without any aspect not specifically planned.
  • 13. Further information on Vogue I want to take inspiration from Vogues photoshoots because they all have a distinctive, effective style and have repeatedly been able to successfully interest their audience for 126 years. The photoshoots contain models, and bold fashion styles that are unordinary and unique showing readers content that they can’t find anywhere else. Vogue has inspired me, and I want some of the pages in my magazine to share qualities with Vogue because I think it would open my audience. However, I won’t take any inspiration from the style of articles they publish. This is because my magazine has a specific point, to help influence young women to understand feminism, so firstly, my magazine would contain more written articles. Also, the type of articles that Vogue publishes occasionally are for women about how to dress, and other feminine and stereotypically ‘girly’ articles. So, for my magazine I think it would be interesting to include a double page spread, following the style of a Vogue magazine, with the same fonts and format. My rough idea is to take real articles from a Vogue and other famous fashion magazines which include sexist undertones and then create the same article underneath with a positive, empowering undertone. I think acknowledging different articles like this in magazines would be an interesting chapter for my magazine because it would show women everyday articles that we read and that carry offensive, sexist undertones towards women. I found a few specific articles as evidence for my point. The first article is from Vogue by journalist Molly Guy who writes about her life, this article headline is “I have it all except for a boyfriend”. This headline implies that women are reliant on a boyfriend and that they can’t have ‘it all’ without having a man. I think pages like this would help me show women to question articles like this more.
  • 14. Here are some examples of the photoshoots from the most recent edition of Vogue, 2019 April
  • 15. Photoshoots An idea I had for one of my main photoshoots was to have a range of different models wearing plain tops with feminist phrases on. I think this would be a good idea because if I include a diverse group of models it will show that anyone can be a feminist. I would take the photos in different settings to show that feminism is everywhere. I got inspiration to do this through different images I saw on Google and through different Instagram accounts. I think this would be a good idea because producing the photoshoot wouldn’t be overly complicated, all I would need is; plain t- shirts, which I can buy for a low price in cheap shops, like Primark, and then I would need different models. For the t-shirts I would have the models write their own thought, or phrase about feminism on their tops. This would give the photoshoot a deeper meaning and make a more personal link for the readers. The quotes on the tops would be written on with a permanent marker, this would introduce a DIY aesthetic which I think would work effectively with my DIY, unique theme of my magazine. The photoshoot would be cheap and effective. Here are some of the photos I found which inspired me;
  • 16. Secondary Audience research I wanted to find out more information about my perspective audience and I have done a lot of research about different styles of magazines and how they attract their type of audience, and then about what qualities my magazine will include to attract the same audience. I thought an effective way to find the thought process of a feminist would be to look at websites like Amazon and find reviews on different feminist books to see which books are most popular. And therefore, take inspiration from their style of writing, and the look of their books, to attract the same audience. I also thought it would useful because when I find a popular feminist book, at the bottom the book always comes with ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ which shows me a range of things that customers who were interested in the book were also interested in. E.g. it can be more similar books, or it could be an item related to the book. I started by searching a very vague item so I could find the most popular, I searched ‘feminist book’ into Amazon and one of the first books that came up was ‘Feminist Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ by Scarlet Curtis. This is a very popular book and is highly respected among the feminist community. Earlier on in my project during my initial plans I researched the book, I didn’t look into the specific book in detail but spoke about the cover and how it attracts its audience. Amazon tells me that the book is a #1best seller in Teen & Young Adult Politics & Social Sciences eBooks. This immediately tells me that is appropriate research to help inspire me with my product because the book speaks to my target audience. Teen and young adult is the age range of 15-30. Previously in my research I have spoken about my target audience being teens and young adults because my book is for young influential women so they can start their lives with the right view of feminism instead of learning the correct definition half way through their lives. To have a wider knowledge about the type of audience that a ‘Teen & Young Adult Politics & Social Sciences eBooks’ is a decided to conduct same research on the type of audience and whether they were similar to my audience and if so what traits I would use from the book. Firstly, I started with the term E-book, an E-book is a computerised version of a print book that can be read online. This is one of the reasons why the book is most popular with teens and young adults, because young people usually have a better understanding of technology and how to use it, it also gives the audience the impression that the book is 21st century and modern if the book is available online as well. An older audience is more likely to go into shops and buy print magazines and books because it is what they’re used to. From this I, have learnt that I should include virtual aspects in my magazine to cater to the young audience and show that the magazine is up to date.
  • 17. In the comment section for the book there are two comments left by famous celebrity feminists, “Brilliant, hysterical, truthful, and real, these essays illuminate the path for our future female leaders.”—Reese Witherspoon and “As a feminist who loves pink, I give this brilliant book of essays an enthusiastic ‘YES.’”—Mindy Kaling. Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling are 43 and 39 and have experienced a whole career of sexism, and they are both active feminists so to receive a review from them both will help promote the book massively. Other customers will read the reviews and be more inclined to buy the book. In the other reviews the comments have an 77% 5-star rating with a 11% 4-star rating, and 12% 3-star rating or lower. There were 73 customer reviews altogether there were a wide range of reviews but most of them had the same underlying messages that the book is aspirational and has positively shaped the thoughts of women and their perspective to feminism. A few reviews were left by men or anonymous accounts but most were from women, proving that the customers for the book has a primarily women audience as expected. A few of the reviews said that they were the perfect present for a relative, or a daughter, one comment from Wanda Fleischaker said “Excited to have my 14-year-old read it”. When I was researching the book, I thought the audience started at 15 but through my further research I found it is appropriate for a younger audience as well, this shows that a younger audience is more mature then I thought, and my target audience could be bigger than expected. Also, from finding Reece Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling are both fans off the books shows that Teen & Young Adult Politics & Social Sciences eBooks isn’t the only audience for the book, both women are between 35 and 45 showing there is a wider audience. The price of the book starts at £9.35 for a hardcover, this is slightly less than the average price for a book but this is because it’s on amazon. The book from Waterstones is £12.99, this is an average price which shows the book is for every-day people, however shows the book is good quality and the book is popular and accessible in high market places like Waterstones and online.
  • 18. Buttons, stamps etc Also with my research on ‘Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ and the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ section I found a range of different feminist books. All the books had very similar styles. It showed me what kind of style and layout out is common for feminist books, and what kind of layout I could introduce into my magazine. The covers are all bold and stand out, they use bright colours and interesting patterns/designs. Also, a lot of the books have witty, stand-alone titles which help promote the book as light hearted and enjoyable to read instead of just being serious. While I was on Amazon I decided to know my audience more and find what some feminists are interested in I would go through different feminist products on Amazon and then go to the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ which takes me to a link that shows me a range of products that the same customers were interested in. I thought this would be interesting because with some magazines you get free gifts and for my magazine I thought it could be interesting to research products my audience would be interested in and then adjust them to fit something my audience would be interested in. I think it is important to my research to develop ideas of the gifts you get with a magazine so that I have addressed all issues that come along with the magazine. Firstly, I researched the book ‘Feminist’s Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies’ and in the ‘Customers who viewed this item also viewed’ section I found a selection of feminist stickers. The stickers had girl-empowering quotes and simplistic feminist designs on. The stickers can be used for multiple things, they could be used to decorate laptops, and phones or worn over clothes. The stickers show that my audience don’t care about extravagant items, because the stickers are cheaply made and have simple designs. The messages on the stickers are short and effective with strong and easy to understand messages. For my magazine, I could include a row of feminism stickers. This could attract a wider audience because some people would be attracted to a free giveaway with the magazine, because people love free things. People will think they get more for their money by having a free gift, and it would be a nice incentive for the customers. Also, if people get and wear the stickers then it will successfully spread awareness for the feminist cause, and if people are wearing the stickers with the magazines name on it would be a successful way to promote the magazine, this would attract more customers and make the magazine more well known. The stickers would be cheap to manufacture, to create one sticker it costs 0.70p so if for the magazine I created more, e.g. 7 per magazine it would be £4.90, but with a higher production cost there would be deals for mass production and therefore make the price lower. However, I think for my audience to give out stickers would look unprofessional. The idea of giving away free incentives with the magazine is usually a trick that cheap magazines use to entice an audience and trick them into buying the whole magazine when they only want the free gift. Also, the gift usually isn’t free the overall cost of the magazine is increased to make up for the production of the incentive. I like the idea of an incentive but think it would distract from the point of the magazine, I also think a free gift would introduce a new younger audience. The gift would make my magazine look like we were trying to trick the audience into buying the magazine by tempting them with a gift.
  • 19. International Women’s day For my research, to find out more about my target audience and who my magazine was for, I decided it would be useful to go to another city to get a wider perspective. Online I was searching different talks and speeches that I could attend so I could hear someone speaking about feminism and they're point of views, and also so that I could go to the speech and analyse the group of people who also attended the speech. I thought it would be easiest to find an event about feminist on International Women’s Day, so earlier on this year I found an event in Leeds, Hedrow House. The event was for International Women’s Day and was ran by a well-known community called Girl Gang. Girl Gang Leeds are a creative collective and supportive community, celebrating and uplifting the work of women and non-binary people. The group have a Facebook page where they post empowering posts and statuses for its followers, and also posts millions of different events for the community. They give women and non-binary people the opportunity to promote their work and socialize and also, the page shows loads of different protests and events for good causes. The page has 3406 likes and 3548 followers. Girl Gang is very student orientated this is because Leeds is a very student orientated city with 12 different universities the city is swarming with students. Students are more likely to join/create groups so Girl Gang targets them. Girl Gangs style is created around the student aesthetic, and the writing style used in the status’ are energetic and casual appropriate for the student vibe. For example, Girl Gang support events like ‘Trans Pride’ weekend and promote the events on their page to create as much support and positive following as possible. It gives the time, date and location making it easy for people to attend. Another example is an event for women and non-binary DJ’s to have an opportunity to perform, the DJ industry is male dominated and this gives everyone the chance to showcase their talents. On the 8th Of March, I went to Leeds so I could have attended the speech from 3:25 – 4:10 with Eve Finlay Miller. On the day, there were two other talks that I could have attended but due to college and work I only had time to go to one. Eve Finlay Miller is a university of Leeds Art student and her speech was about how she was an independent woman and her career. She spoke a lot about her art work and her inspirations. The event was mainly for students and Eve spoke about being a student and was able to relate with the audience. She was very calming and made the audience feel like her friends. She spoke about how to be successful and make the most of university. She repeated the same points about being scared, for Eve it was important for us to feel safe and she talked a lot about how we should be comfortable and not scared of our future. She talked about the power of social media, how it affects us and how it can be toxic and distracting. How it can show us unrealistic body images and how it can influence women. Eve addressed a wide range of issues in her talk and it was very useful to hear.
  • 20. The event was very useful to get an inside knowledge about student feminists, and student life and it was also useful because at the event I got the opportunity to see the type of audience a feminist event would attract. The event had been advertised on Facebook but that was it. There was no posters or information on the streets and you could only find the event if you searched it on Google or Facebook. Hedrow House is a building coming off The Hedrow a street in the middle of town in Leeds, although on the street the building is hidden away and quite difficult to find. This could result in the audience being smaller. In the room there was around 20 people, the room was cosy and had signs leading up to it so the public knew where to find it. The room was plain and stylish it had an industrial aesthetics with wooden floors and pipes on the ceiling which provoked DIY vibes and independence, the room didn’t follow a theme. There were leaflets around with information about different feminist events. The room was open and had multiple different tables to sit on giving a welcoming feeling. The room was decorated for students, with a bar at the back where you can get drinks. It had an open structure so I didn’t feel like I was forced to stay, I felt like I could move around. The room created a relaxed and welcoming environment which made us feel comfortable and at home. The layout was effective and I could use inspiration from it for my magazine. I really liked the industrial setting because it was abstract and unique, and it gave the house character, it also neglected normal feminine stereotypes which was effective for the talk. The type of audience who were at the speech were all students from ages 18-25, they all came with another person, or a group. Everyone who attended was female. The audience were all very interested in the speech and no one left half way they all stayed through the talk. This shows me that if I include similar articles and a similar design layout I can attract the same audience. This could be a potential audience for me because my magazine will be online and the students at this event will only have heard through the event through their phones, therefore more likely to read an online magazine that a print one, because students do everything on their phones.
  • 22. Primary Audience research For my first part of primary research I decided to conduct a survey about feminism, and then feminism in relation to social media. The questions I decided for my questionnaire are mainly feminist related because the style and contents of my magazine will change depending on the type of audience who are interested in feminism. I also ask two questions at the beginning to gather a bit of background about my audience, I ask How old the participant is and then I ask if they are male, female or other. I published my survey via social media and through my friends because my following on social media and my friends are trustworthy sources and I would be reaching out to the same age group as me, student from the ages of 16-25 which is the target audience for my magazine. As well as putting it on social media I’m going to send the link to the survey to my family and to my work so that I can get a wide view of the views of feminism from an older point of view in relation to a younger person. I think this would be interesting because it would be useful to include an article about how feminism has changed through the years. I choose to use the website because the website includes a lot of different options and ways to create my survey most efficiently for me, also the website was very user-friendly making it easy for me to control, and made the process time-efficient. I chose to conduct a survey without asking for people’s names first because I thought it was important to find people’s opinions with an anonymous and non-judgmental approach. Feminism can be a difficult topic and I wanted to handle it carefully and acknowledge people’s considerations. So, I decided to use questions with no accusatory tone, I also felt it was appropriate to use a text response instead of having multi-choice options to give people the opportunity to explain why they answered the way they did. As well as research for my product to see the type of audience I needed to attract I also conducted it as a social experiment so that I could learn as much information about my audience as possible. I wanted to ask questions that stimulated thought and made the participants think while they answer so I could get a deeper knowledge and understanding with this generations views on feminism. But I also wanted to stay to the topic of magazines and concentrate on what kind of target audience I need to be targeting for my magazine. I asked the questions ‘What parts of feminism do you think need to be involved in social media and headlines’ because I wanted to find out what people want to hear about, I want to keep my magazine interesting, and importantly I wanted to keep the articles relevant so that people in the modern generation have all the facts and figures they need about feminism. And the first issue will be starting with the simple aspects so I want to hear what people’s opinions are so I can address those issues, for example ‘What stigma do you think is associated with the word ‘feminism’ Before I conducted the survey, I thought about what the potential answers would be, looking at the results some answers surprised me but most answers were as expected.
  • 23. The questions in my survey were: 1.How old are you? 2.What gender are you? 3.What do you think a feminist is? 4.Are you a feminist, and why? 5. Have you ever personally been effected by sexism? 6. What stigma do you think follows the word ‘feminist’? 7.How often do you hear about feminist issues in social media?
  • 24. From my survey I received 46 results. I wasn’t expecting as many results and it has been very time-consuming going through all my results and comparing them. However, it has been very useful and shown me peoples views on feminism and what I am dealing with for my magazine and what articles I need to focus on in my magazine, also it has helped me understand who my audience is. I’m going to publish a few different answers from all the different questions, I’m going to post a range of answers that all vary in opinions. The first question a was about age group, 50% of people were under 18, 47.83% were 18-24, and 1% was 25-34. My second question was ‘what gender are you’ I had 33% male and 67% female. My third question was the first that wasn’t multiple choice, it was What do you think a feminist is? This question received a lot of similar answers, I think this was because the question was quite simple.
  • 25. Here are some of the answers to my fifth question, Have you ever personally been effected by sexism? For this question I was surprised about the amount of people who said no, but then I understood that 33% of my audience was men, and obviously men aren’t usually effected by sexism. The fourth question was Are you a feminist, and why
  • 26. What stigma do you think follows the word ‘feminist’? 7.How often do you hear about feminist issues in social media?
  • 27. Primary Audience research For my second part of primary research I conducted an interview with my sister. After conducting my questionnaire and receiving 46 very varied responses I thought it would be interesting to research with a more personal approach and an exclusive opportunity to talk to my target audience and therefore understanding a wider knowledge of my audience. I chose to interview sister because she is a feminists, and between the ages of 18- 24 making them my target audience. I also wanted to speak to my sister for exact and thought through answers instead of the answers of open questions from the mass. This piece of research is different from my questionnaire because I only have a female perspective, I haven’t asked any men the same questions. This is because through my questionnaire I discovered that men find it a lot harder to admit they are a feminist. And if they did their answers were short and lacked detail. So, instead of wasting my time and conducting an interview from a male perspective who isn’t very educated about the subject of feminism, I decided it would be a better use of time to talk to feminists. Also, the participants in my questionnaires were anonymous, so I was un able to ask follow up questions regarding their answers, during these interviews I was able to ask questions and let them explain their answers. I spent a while researching past feminist interviews and analyzing what questions feminists are asked. I wanted to use questions that were different to my survey because if I had asked the same questions I wouldn’t have any extra information. I decided not to publish these questions to the internet because I wanted the perspective of a feminist, so that they understand what a feminist is and can answer the questions with a background knowledge of the concept of feminism. I wanted a theme with my questions so they were consistent and relevant, I decided to search the 7 most common questions that feminists were asked. I thought it would be interested to see a feminist response to the most asked feminist questions. The questions were; 1.Why are feminists so angry? 2.Do feminists hate men? 3.Why do feminists not shave their legs? 4.Does a feminist have to be female? 5.Do females get married? 6.What does a feminist believe in? 7.Will feminism hurt your career? These questions were Google’s most searched questions about feminism. The questions aren’t anything to do with the concept of feminism and how women have strived through the years to fight for equality and what lengths women have gone to make change around the world. Instead most of the questions follow the stigma and aggressive stereotypes following feminists. I thought it would be useful for my project to have a feminist answer the questions to clear up and mis-communications about feminism and to have the point of view of a feminist and what they think of the negative stigmas following the word. As well as this it is interesting to ask these questions because it has given me inspiration and information for an article/double page spread in my magazine. For the interview, instead of writing down my sister’s answers I thought it would be more effective to record the interviews. This is because if I was writing the responses, I would've ran out of time writing while she was answering the next questions, rushing writing down the answers so I wouldn't have the exact words she said. This would’ve meant some points didn’t make sense. Also, if I was writing the answers down I would’ve had to ask my sister to stop if I needed to catch up writing. This would’ve been unprofessional, and not time efficient, and it would’ve meant the interviewee would’ve lost her trial of thought and the interview wouldn’t have flowed like a natural conversation. Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist
  • 28. Primary Audience research Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist 1. Why are feminists so angry? “Feminists aren’t angry. Feminism is not an aggressive movement, Feminists power and motivation for change can be miss interpreted as aggression and sometimes there are feminist movements that might be forceful and come with a strong message but this is because women have spent so long being shut out and ignored and the only way to be heard is to be louder than everyone else. And People who claim feminists are ‘angry’ are men who use it as defence because they are intimidated by strong women and want to withhold their place of authority in society.” 2. Do feminists hate men? “No, obviously not, a real feminist has never expressed hatred for men and it is not something we believe in. It has been miss-communication that the feminist movement is about women trying to overtake men, and the idea that women hate men for having more advantages then us. But what people who call us ’man haters’ don’t understand is that feminism is the movement of equality for men and women not an excuse for women to bash men” 3. Why do feminists not shave their legs? “Shaving doesn’t have anything specifically to do with the movement of feminism so if a women doesn’t shave it’s her person choice, but some women believe they shouldn’t have to shave because they would rather let their hair grow naturally then conform to the sexist expectations that women in society are expected to uphold. It is the women’s choice what they do with their body. But a lot of feminists do shave their legs.” 4. Does a feminist have to be female? No, feminism is not restricted to a gender, this is sometimes misinterpreted because of the use of ‘femin’ in the word, and feminism is the fight for equality so anyone can be a feminist. 5. Do feminists get married? Yea a lot of feminists get married and a lot don’t. Being a feminist is not a group with rules and regulations, there’s no paperwork to complete to be a feminist. So we can get married and we can do whatever we want, feminism isn’t about holding restrictions on women it’s about creating more opportunities for women. 6. What does a feminist believe in? A feminist believes in the idea of political, economic, personal, and social equality between men and women. However, when people talk about feminism I feel like they forget about other places around the world, because a feminist doesn't just fight for rights in the UK, but it is about fighting for women in developing countries. So a feminist believes in worldwide equality. 7. Will feminism hurt your career? Being a feminist should never effect your career but realistically with the negative stigma that follows the word sometimes in the workplace women can be mocked for defining themselves as a feminist. But this is why it’s important for people to keep supporting feminism because women shouldn’t be scared of hurting their career for identifying themselves as someone who believes in equality.
  • 29. Primary Audience research Ella’s interview was very successful. She included a lot of interesting points and she took the time to explain her answers and gave me a lot of information I can use for my project. The interview has been very helpful to my project because it has given me the perspective of a young, amateur feminist, I can look online for feminist opinions but to have someone to speak to in person and to be able to ask your on questions gives you an advantage because you can really understand what they are saying. Without a face- to-face interview it would be harder to convey emotions. So with this interview I could appreciate the way Ella thought about the interview through her body language and the wat she spoke. While answering the questions Ella was very passionate and she was interested in answering them, this showed me that my audience would be people who share views and qualities like Ella, this could be people who were raised the same way, so people her age from her area could be interested in my magazine. Ella is an 18 year old feminist studying at York College. This shows me that to cater for my audience I need to be including a student aesthetic. I need to include pictures and articles that students would be interested in. And from researching student magazine, Debate, I found out that students appreciate diverse, heavy articles but also appreciate a light hearted article. For my magazine I need to include the right mix of important feminist issue, but keeping the articles light weight and enjoyable to read. After the interview she told me about how she thinks it’s important to talk about feminism and how vital it is to instead of shying away from the word ‘feminism’ we should embrace it. Ella spoke about the stigma that follows the word feminism and how some people believe that feminism is an attention seeking movement to benefit women. This point is what originally made me want to create my magazine for a younger audience, for teens and young women, because we need women to be growing up with the right understanding of what feminism is, we need young girls to be able to make their own decision on if they identify as a feminist with all the right facts and figures instead of what they see feminism as on social media. This point has helped me a lot in relation to my target audience. Because my magazine is going to be a magazine with articles that empower women, but it is also going to include bold photoshoots and artwork that define feminism. I need to cater my magazine for a target audience that both artwork and interesting articles will appeal to. This has shown me my audience is students and young women, and I will attract this audience by including relevant and interesting articles but as well as this I will embrace more of a student aesthetic and include photoshoots and artwork to keep the magazine interesting, but also because I know students and young women can be highly influenced by art and movement instead of just articles. Interview, Ella McNeill, 18, Feminist
  • 31. #1 Photoshoots , Model - Ella
  • 33. For part of my practical research I decided that it would be useful to my project if I conducted a short photo shoot to familiarise myself with the camera and to practice taking photos. Photography is an important part of my project, I want my magazine to be heavily influenced by photography and artwork instead of just articles. Firstly, I set up my camera with a tri-pod to make sure the camera was steady and safe. Then I adjusted the camera settings, so they were appropriate for the photos I was taking and the lighting, e.g. making sure that the camera had the right exposure levels, and the focus being correct. After I had set up, I chose the background because the background of the photo can change the end result of the photo. I wanted to choose a plain background because the style of my photos was going to capture natural and genuine expressions to give a calm and authentic aesthetic to the photos, so I wanted a still background to focus on the models. I decided on the orange wall because I thought it matched the model’s hair well and the colours of the clothes they were wearing. I also chose orange because the colour was bringing and stood out but didn’t wash the models out and successfully kept the focus on the models. I decided for my type of photo the best time to take them was the middle of the day because the lighting was the clearest and there was most brightness. However, the weather was really windy so instead of conducting my photoshoots another day I decided to embrace the weather, I thought it would effective to have the model’s hair blowing in the wind. I thought it would look effective because it would match the natural aesthetics. I also think the wind makes the photos more impressive because it introduces an abstract and unusual style. And for my final product I am trying to generate quirky and unorthodox ideas for my photoshoots to make the magazine stand out and this project has given me the inspiration to use something like this in my final product. I varied the photos by taking them with different distances apart, but I kept the same angle because I wanted to keep a consistent through the photos. The type of photo I wanted to take were photos capturing simplicity, so I chose a straight forward, eye-level angle and I asked the models to use simple and natural expression. I also asked the models to mainly investigate the camera because I think this introduces a personal and more intense link with the reader. I took all the photos with the same settings however I think it, could’ve been interesting to change the settings so I had different lightning's for the photos to introduce diversity. Also, if I had taken the photos with different light intensity by changing exposure etc. I would've been able to analyse the results and talked about which settings worked best for the type of photo I was taking. A very important aspect of conducting a photoshoot is making sure to get the right models. I chose two of my friends to model because I knew they would take the project seriously, and they were trustworthy. I positioned both the same and gave them the same instructions for the photos. Quickly into taking photos I could see which model’s photos would be more successful, the first model was my sister Ella, and through the photoshoot she was very still and followed instructions carefully. If I re positioned her or asked her to do something different she would acknowledge what I was saying. This meant it was easy to capture the photos and more time efficient. However, my second model was Emily, Emily’s photos were also successful, and I was pleased with the outcome, however she was a lot harder to direct, this was because the model found it difficult to stay serious and stay in character. When I would ask her to keep a straight expression, she found this hard and would start laughing. This still produced strong photos that I can use but it took more time. My model also found it awkward to investigate the camera which wasn’t in keeping with the style of my photos I wanted to follow. Because of this I couldn’t capture as many photos of her as I did with Ella. However, I still made sure I got the same range of shots. This process showed me how important it is to get the right model, because if I only had Emily to model for me, I wouldn’t have enough photos and I wouldn’t have had the outcome I wanted. This taught me to always have a few different models and to not rely any photoshoots on one model because they might not be right for the certain shoot. I am pleased with the result of my photos because I think the way I have taken them is professional. I think people can appreciate that I took time adjusting the models and the camera settings so that I could get the most effective results. However, If I could go back and do it again, I would take a range of different angles. I think it would have been beneficial to introduce different angles because this would’ve meant the photos had different backgrounds, this would’ve introduced diversity, and meant that the lightening changed so this camera settings would’ve needed changing and this would have given me more experience and meant that I understood how to change the settings to match the photo.
  • 34. Photoshop, edit #1 I thought this edit technique would be useful to my project because I have spoken in detail in my research about how I want to take inspiration from fanzines and the way they include contemporary, DIY aesthetics, a photo that has a twist instead of just being basic, and ordinary. I want my magazine tot include features like this to keep the magazine interesting, I also want to edit some of my photos using techniques like this because, as I said earlier in my research, I want my magazine to follow aspects of originality from Riot Grrrl but also stay stylish and classy, so I think the effects I added here are perfect. I liked the colour contrasts in the photo, I thought that the blonde hair against the ginger looked good and created diversity in the photo, I also liked it because it made it very clear where the photo of Ella stopped and the cut outs of Emily started. I think I effectively positioned the cut outs to make the two photos link up to each other naturally. For example, it took a lot of time to make the cut outs look natural and to submerge into each other. For the second part of my practical research I decided to use the photos that I had taken myself and use photoshop to edit them. In the first edit I used two different photos, I took a photo of Ella and a photo of Emily and then I put the photo of Ella over the top of the photo of Emily. I then used a button called ‘transparent’ and took the level of Ella’s photo down to 50%, the lower I took the percentage down, the more transparent the photo would become. With 50% transparency it meant that I could see Emily’s photo through Ella’s, then I took the scissors tool and began cutting out little sections of Ella’s photo, leaving Emily’s behind. This meant that the square that was missing from Ella’s photo, Emily would be there instead. Then after deciding which sections looked best with Ella or Emily’s photos, I took the transparency back up to 100% so now I could only see Ella, with the cut outs of Emily. It was time consuming to make the photo’s line up perfectly and to make the end photo look balanced and effective, but I thought the result was successful.
  • 35. Photoshop edit #2 The second edit I created using photoshop was made using an influence from my first edit. I copied the same style with using cut out pictures to use a DIY, edgy aesthetic. I wanted my second edit to be different from my first so that it meant I was learning new skills that I could use in my project. SO, this time instead of using two photos of different people and trying to submerge them together, I decided to do the opposite. I chose three photos of Emily with different face expressions and used photoshop to put edit them together. I took one of her with a standard expression as the main photo, then took a photo of her looking left on the left side of her face, first a zoomed in version, then another zoomed out version of the same picture. Then on the right side of her mouth I included a photo of her mouth with a slightly wider smile. After I edited in the different photos I explored different effects that I could add to the photo, after looking through a lot of effects and learning how to apply them to my photo, and then exploring which worked best with the photos, I found an effect called multiply. This meant that whichever photo was layered over another photo would have a red tint added to the photo. I really liked this edit because it was easy to apply and makes the photo look more abstract and indie. I like the photos I edited in because I chose photos with a subtle difference, so it was noticeable for the audience but not obvious enough to throw the photo. I think the simplicity of the different photos makes the edit more effective. As well as this, I like the second photo of Emily’s eye, I think the fact that she is looking away connotes a deeper meaning, the idea that she has something to thinks about because her eyes looking away with her hair blowing in the wind creates a suspicious a=and mysterious aesthetic.. The multiply tool is an edit I will defiantly be using in my future projects when I want to include an edit, but I don’t want it to overpower the photo. There were also a few other effects like multiply that I can use in my project, for example,
  • 36. Here are two more examples of the effect ‘multiply’ applied to my photos.
  • 37. Practice Article For part of my research I wanted to write my own short article, this is because I thought it was important to practice my writing skills and to have a wider understanding of how a professional journalist would write their articles. I want to learn techniques and I want to research different pull factors journalists include in their articles. I started by reading different articles about journalist techniques and found that a rule all journalists follow is to keep the content of relative importance, have an in keeping/appropriate tone, and think about attracting the intended audience. This was useful to me because it gave me three guidelines to follow, if I followed these rules then my article would be successful. Learning about the structure of the article showed me that the beginning column follows a ‘inverted pyramid’ structure, referring to the decreasing importance of information in subsequent paragraphs. Important tips I discovered were that a professional journalist would try not to use the same word twice in an article, this is something I need to focus on because in my past articles for my magazine I have repeated the same word multiple times making the work read as repetitive and boring. I also researched that journalists don’t use long words when there is a shorter word they can use. This is too make the article read shorter, and more seamless. I want to learn how to structure an effective article and I need to take inspiration from other journalists and understand how they compose their articles without waffling and loosing relevance. I find it easier to write articles that are debates and give me a chance to have a personal involvement. I also think this type of article is more likely to entice people, because with a stand out, controversial headline it is more likely to attract people’s attention and therefore read the article/magazine. I also think it’s more important to include articles that are debates and talking about real people’s issue’s instead of a journalist talking about kylie Jenner’s hair. I decided to write my practice article about if school detention do any good in high schools. This is a simple debate that I think will have different perspectives. Does School Detention have a positive outcome in schools? This debate has two different perspectives. The perspective of a concerned parent, and the rebellious student. Why doesn’t detention always work? It could be because of the ‘bad-boy’ stigma that follows the word or because of the way students brush the idea of detention of their shoulder because it’s only an hour. Detention is a form of punishment introduced as soon as school was first invented. It’s a way for teachers to punish students for miss- behaviour, in the past it was easy to punish children because they were more disciplined, however now children are more likely to rebel against their teachers and the procedure of detention. The intention of detention is to give children the opportunity to reform. However, in the past few years the idea of detention has been glorified and by going to detention you gain a label from other students. The problem with this is once you acquire a label in high school it sticks through the school years. So, by first going to one detention you feel the need to keep up the illusion of being ‘cool’ and not caring about school, therefore ruining their reputation. Some people believe the idea of detention isn’t as effective as it used to be because it creates a subculture for kids who don’t do their work to purposefully go to detention, so the whole point of detention is meaningless because students want to be there. On the other hand, schools can’t abolish detention from school systems because then there would be no punishment for badly behaved students and the same behaviour would be repeated. Schools need to show students that are consequences for their actions. If teachers don’t have the level of authority to punish students when they are miss behaved, then students will undermine teachers and not show them the same respect as they have no power. As well as this detention can be a good thing because it gives students a quiet classroom and the opportunity to complete their homework, they might not get at home
  • 38. I think it was important to me because through my practice article I realised if I want my writing to sound professional and interesting I need to take time and re-read my writing and look out for mistakes. I learnt that I need to be careful with spelling mistakes, because when I type fast I often make mistakes and sometimes forget to correct them. So by giving myself enough time to write the essay and re-read my work I can make sure it doesn’t have any spelling or grammatical mistakes. During my research I read a tip that journalists never repeat the same word twice in their articles, so, for my article I wrote with a thesaurus next to me so if I repeated a word I could find an alternative word, to keep the article more interesting and flowing. I also included rhetorical questions to entice my audience, rhetorical questions are questions that are meant to be left unanswered, but it is used for effect and to lay emphasis on the point of the question. Therefore to use them in debates is an effective way to involve the reader. I aimed to make my style of writing was professional through the article, however I still included points that were relatable and understandable for the reader. I was happy with the structure of my article, I started with an introduction paragraph explaining what a detention is and with a bit of history about the topic. Then I started by discussing the first half of the argument and included valuable points about why detention is an out of date practice. Then in my next paragraph I shared views about why detention was still necessary. I like the format of my article because I gave perspectives from students, teachers and parents so the article is fair for each different person reading it.
  • 40. Practice #3 For my third piece of practical research I decided to use photoshop to re-create a picture of Emma Watson using shapes on photoshop. I thought it would be useful to practice how to create images like this. Because it’s an important skill to know how to do because I can use it in other projects in the future. Also, I think it would be good to incorporate this style into photos in my magazine because I think it introduces diversity and modern art to make the magazine more modernized and interesting to a younger audience. I also got inspiration to re-create a drawing like this from the Instagram page @Feminist, the page includes a range of photos with images like this, and the photos have positive reactions and usually get a lot of likes, showing that they are popular with the younger generation. The cartoon style is used in a range of different ways, the cartoons can be made goofy for a comedic photo, or very simplistic with few details, or they can be artistic. These styles of photos have bold colours because of the lack of detail there’s no shading so the colours are usually block. I prefer the more serious, simplistic designs because I think they up keep a serious and important undertone, instead of a more unprofessional cartoon which I think would be more effective for younger children. I also think the simplistic cartoons are more powerful, as they don’t have to have many details to carry an important message. Therefore, for my practice I decided to re- create a simplistic drawing of Emma Watson with little details, but enough detail for it to resemble her. I think creating my own photos like this for my magazine will give the magazine more originality, differentiating it from other magazines and show readers that the magazine is modern. I decided to add my own quote from Emma Watson to my edit, to make my own inspiration post like these examples. It only took seconds to add the quote to the edit, but it has given the photo a purpose and a meaning. The quote automictically gives the picture a deeper message, it also makes the photo look like it took a lot more time and effort to create. By matching the font colour with the lipstick, it makes the quote more stand out but also fits well with the rest of the photo, and I used a font called ‘Bahnschrift Semi Bold SemiConden’ and by just adding a different font it makes the photo immediately more professional.
  • 41. The Process To create my edit I began by choosing a photo , I wanted to choose a photo that was in keeping with my feminism theme, but was quite complicated so that I could push myself. I chose a photo of Emma Watson because I thought it would be useful for further along in my project to learn how to create animated people. Also, Emma Watson is a active feminist who does a lot for the women community. Firstly I chose the right photo and placed it in photoshop. For example, I am creating the shape of her neck first, I would use the shape tool to create a shape that replicated her neck. Then I would select that object and go to edit and select ‘transform’. After this it will take you to another set of options including the option ‘wrap’. This will mean that you can then edit the object to move freely any way you want. This gives me the opportunity to move the shape so that it can go into the exact shape that I want it to. Then I use a tool to fill the object with the same colour as the original image. Then I repeat this for each part of the picture.
  • 43. Bibliography 1. Dezine magazine, (2019) found on 2. Debate magazine (2019) found on 3. Fashion Revolution (2019) found on 4. Vogue (2019) 5. Feminist photoshoots (2019) Instagram account @feminist 6. Information about different feminist books and authors 7. Ella McNeill, interviewed by Hannah McNeill (2019) 5th of April

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  6. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  7. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups …whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  8. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  9. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  10. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  11. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  12. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.