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Jack Bevens
Existing Product: Makeup Effect
I looked at the film “Black Christmas” (2006) for my research because I really like the makeup effects. My idea will have
lots of cuts on arms, neck, belly, legs and face. I want to use the make up to make the cuts and injuries look really
realistic. I will research and do experiments in making some fake blood to use in my filming. I know my film will have lots
of characters which means there will have to be lots of blood.
I will also learn how to create make up effects because I need it for my idea of the character. I can white make up
because I want the characters to wear some white make up to make them look pale when they have lost a lot of blood
from their cuts.
I want to make my audience feel shocked and disgusted. I will not use a lot of ideas from this film, such as the eyes
popping out, I have lots of different ideas from that film, like cutting arms, legs and neck. Mine will be very different to
that film I want to create my own film with my own ideas.
I have never used makeup to create different effects but I really want to try different makeup effects because I want my
work to look more professional and scary.
Last time I created horror film “The Stranger”, I didn’t use any makeup effect because I didn’t know anything about it.
Makeup effects can make my audience feel terrified and anxious because they look like real cuts and they look sore. I
want to make my audience feel frightened. I think I might use homemade fake blood because I researched on YouTube
and it is very easy to make. It only 4 ingredients: flour, corn syrup and red and blue food coloring. I think homemade is
better than buying a bottle because the bottle is too tiny and if it is homemade then I can make plenty. I will do an
experiment for this.
Existing Product: The Party
I chose the film called “Scream” (1996) because I want to create something similar as the events
in that film. My film will have a party for a birthday and my characters will also be dancing and
chatting and feel very relaxed. I want this because I want my audience to feel relaxed before they
are terrified. I will also use alcohol and cigarettes because the teenagers at parties always have a
drink and smoke. I want to make my audience feel like they want to join the party because I know
most teenagers in the audience love to party. In the film “Scream” they have a sleepover party but
my idea is different from that because my idea will be a birthday party. My film does have some
similar things as Scream, because I want my characters to have a wild party, like drinking games,
kissing and drunk. I would like to show that my party is for celebrating. I will use the fake alcohol
like a vodka bottle and I will put some water in it and make look like real vodka. I am not allowing
anyone to use real vodka because I am directing and I must concentrate on my work. College also
have some rules that I won’t allow me to use real alcohol. I know some actors who regularly
smokes and so I might use real smoking. I will use the cake because of course, my story is about a
birthday party which means there must be a cake for singing “Happy birthday to you”. At the end
of the film, I want some characters that have been killed and left to be sitting on around the table,
the blood everywhere and the stalker sitting and eat piece of cake.
Existing Product: The Hooded
I researched the film “Friday the 13th” (1985), because I want to the strange murderer/stalker in my film to wear a
creepy hoodie and to use this cover their face, this is terrifying because the audience don’t know who it is and what
they look like. I want to use a grey or black hood because grey and black are both dark colours and can cover their
face easily. I don’t want to use other bright colours because they do not suit horror films and they will be lighter and
so it will be easier to see their face. Also, bright colours make people feel happier, and I don’t want that. Black and
dark colours and not seeing the persons face is like a mystery.
I was thinking about using grey or white blankets (far right image) as it could also create mystery if the audience
doesn’t know who is under them, but I decided not use it because I feel that it links more to ghosts, not stalkers. I feel
that hoodies are also more modern and are more suited to murderers or stalkers. I have watched lots of horror films
and more of them use the hoodie because the hood covers their face and you won’t see their face until the end of the
film, this make the audience want to know who is under the hood and it will make them scared.
Two years ago, I created a short video called the stranger and the stalker wore a hoodie because I thought the hoodie
would look terrifying and creepy, and much better than showing their face. Unfortunately, my character did show his
face when he used the hoodie and his hoodie was bright, which was not good enough to cover his face, I will learn
from this experience and possibly use different camera angles than what I have used before so not to know his face,
and also use a darker hoodie too. I will create a new horror film and I will try to make sure the stalker will wear the
black or dark grey hoodie and cover their face enough to make it look blank. I don’t think I will use eyes that glow in
the dark because I will be filming in the daylight.
Existing Product: Location
I chose to use the film “Halloween” (1978) in my research, because I think I might also film in the
garden. I thought it would be great to use the garden because there is more space for filming
because my garden is quite big, and there is plenty of room. I was thinking about filming in my
house but I have two reasons why can’t really use my house. One reason is that my mum doesn’t
want there to be filming in her house because she wants it to be private. The other reason is that
the living room and kitchen are both quite small and there isn’t a lot of space for filming. So I think I
will probably use the garden. I thought I could maybe use the park near my house but there will be
too many people there and I don’t want them to interrupt my filming. The front yard and the
garden are useful for the filming as some horror films have parties outside of the house like
barbeques or garden parties. My idea will be similar as those films and those scenes because I will
film a party outside. Plus, the stalker can stand on the outside and stare at the party and choose his
or her victims, which will fit with filming in the garden. The audience will like to watch the garden
party turn into a murder because it will make them feel frightened to start with, and then they will
realise something scary is coming, and they will love to feel like that.
Existing Product: The Daylight
I looked at the film called “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974) because like this film, I would also like to film in the
daylight. My idea will use the daylight. I would like my film to have something new and something different than most
other horror films. Most horror films are set at night in the dark, to make the film look scary and creepy. However, I think
that filming in the daylight can be just as terrifying and creepy. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is filmed during the
daylight and it is still so scary because the daylight shows the murderer’s face. The murderer’s face looks so creepy
because he wears skin from someone else’s face. That’s why I have decided that I will film in a similar way as they do in
that film, but I won’t show the stalker’s face because I want it to create worry and make my audience anxious and I want
it to be a surprise at the end of the film.
I will be careful and chose carefully with the time I am filming because I don’t want to filming during the sunset as it will
make my screen and the image look different. This month the clocks were changed one hour forward which means there
is plenty of time for me to film because the sunset start at 7:15pm at this time of year.
I have thought about filming at night but I think that is much more difficult because I can’t use the studio lights and I
must follow the college’s rules that I don’t allow anyone to bring them outside of the college, the darkness often
changes the quality of the picture on the film too. Also I know some of the actors that I will use live far from me and they
will struggle to get home late at night. The daylight will also mean the picture is clearer for the audience. I want to my
audience to view everything clearly because my film will show murder and lots of blood, so I want them to see properly.
Research Analysis One
• What common features do the researched products have?
• I have watched five horror movies specifically for my research and I find that they all have similar themes. The
murderer is always creepy and often has mental health issues, or crazy. My film will be similar as them because my
stalker character will have poor mental health. I think it can warn the audience that some people who have poor
mental health but do not take medication, can be dangerous.
• Four of the films are similar in that they are filmed in the dark. Horror films always use the dark to make the film look
more terrifying and to make the audience anxious. If it is dark then you cannot se what is going on and you can’t see
what is there which makes it more scary. My film will be a little bit different from the others because I want to use the
daylight. Some horror films do use daylight, one of them that does use the daylight is Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it
makes the audience feel like nowhere is safe, even in the daylight.
• A lot of the films I have watched have a similar storyline where the stalker/murderer kills each the characters and
makes sure that they kill one character at a time, not when they are in a group, this makes them feel like they are
isolated and alone, their friends are not there to save them. My film will also follow this storyline because I will also
isolate characters when they die so they feel really alone and it scares the audience and they won’t want to go
anywhere alone.
• Most horror films end in the same way, the last character often survives at the end of the film. The horror films always
have one or two survivors at the end to make the audience feel relieved and less paranoid. They will go away feeling
less scared. My film will also have one survivor at the end of the film because I would also like to make the audience
feel such relief, and for them to feel happy and I don’t want to give the audience nightmares when there are no
Research Analysis Two
• Another thing that almost all the horror films have is that the Murderer/Stalker dies at the end. This can make the
audience will feel happy because it is all over. They will go away feeling like the horror has been resolved. I know from my
own experience that when I have watched a horror film I always feel much better when they bad character dies at the end.
If they are still alive I feel really scared, and can’t stop thinking what might happen next. My film will be similar because I
would like to have one character who survives at the end and then uses their hands to kill the murderer/stalker at the
ending. I also want to make my audience feel relieved and happy.
• The five horror films that I watched and researched also all show lots of blood and gore, horror films are always very
graphic and always show the characters being killed. Seeing the gore makes the audience feel disgusted. I want to create a
similar feel to this because I want to my horror film to look really terrifying, especially when the characters are being hurt. I
will show gore like slitting the throat, cutting the arm skin and showing their bones.
• All the horror films use a wide range of shots such as close ups, long shots and over the shoulder shots. Close up shots
show their reactions/emotions when they see the murderer/stalker and begin kill them. When they realise what is going
to happen, the audience needs to see their face and how they feel. Long shots are good for when the characters are
walking, running and falling down which also links to dramatic. Over the shoulder shots are used for the characters who
are talking to each other and showing their face when they’re talking. Over the shoulder shots are also good for when they
are behind the murderer, the camera comes over their shoulder and you know that it is the murderer but you cannot see
their face, which makes it feel very scary. Using this shot can make the audience see things from the murderers point of
view, and maybe try and guess what they will do next.
Research Analysis Three
• What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?
• I watched all five horror films and I decided to pick some of them to create my film. I want them to help
me to improve and create a professional horror film.
• Halloween (1978) – I would like to pick some aspects from this to be the same as my film because I want
the stranger with a knife and to chase the victims. I want the stranger to look so creepy and unknown who
the person is. I like the stranger have creepy twist. One survivor killed the stranger then a few minutes
later, the stranger is alive and tries to kill the survive again.
• Scream (1996) – I do really want a party because I like the beginning of the films that have wild parties
which can make the audience feel energetic and enthusiast. I still want the same stranger character who
wants to kill people who are at the party. I want the same props like cake, alcohol, smoking and presents
because my idea is a wild party.
• Friday the 13th (1985) – I would like the same special effects and gore because I want to show my film is
really horror. I like to make my audience feel disgusted and frightened. I will use the gore on the neck, legs
and arms when they begin to be killed by the stranger. The film is same as Jason Voorhees who killed the
victims with a knife, creating lots of gore. Also I want my stranger to wear a hoody to cover their face to
make my audience wonder what their face looks like.
• The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) – I want a similar ending with one survivor shouting for help and be
chased by the stranger who is trying to kill the victim. I would like to make my audience feel anxious and
worried. I want the characters to have over the top reactions and have lots of melodrama like screaming,
shouting and pain because I love my film to be dramatic which can make my audience feel shocked and
• Black Christmas (2006) – I would like my film to have a similar opening, before the title sequence. One
victim will suddenly be attacked by the stranger without expecting it. I want to make my audience feel
jumpy. I would like to make my audience feel a false sense of security at the middle of the film before the
huge drama begins of killing. Again, I want to create a cosy and enjoyable party atmosphere, making the
audience will feel calm.
Audience Research
Jack Bevens
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: Halloween The Inside Story.
• What this says about my audience: In this film there is a stalker character because the director, John Carpenter, said that
the stalker is the most dangerous thing. The stalker (Male) can cover his face, so he is an unknown person because he
hiding from a Psychiatric hospital and the police. The stalker wants to kill the babysitter because he has really poor mental
health and begins feeling jealous when he sees that they are happy. The director wanted to show the teenage audience,
and to warn them that it is not safe around Halloween night because on Halloween there might be death. John created the
film to show how creepy the night can be, which made the audience feel anxious and tried to protect themselves from the
night. He filmed when it was dark because it’s linked to night time and he wanted to make it look terrifying when the
stalker was walking around in the dark.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I would like to remind my audience about parties, and that they might be
not be safe. Something might happen, like an accident or something horrific like someone getting injured by someone who
pushed, killed, strangled or spiked their drink. I want to show my audience to make them more aware about the party and
to warn them to protect themselves during the party. I want to create a similar feel as this director has because I want to
make the character look creepy. I want to make my audience not talk to any strangers who might be stalking them.
• The film was created in 1978, before that, horror films were very different and Halloween changed the genre of horror.
Halloween ended up being very popular and making lots of money. When John Carpenter created the film, their budget
was really small and none of the actors were well known so nobody expected the film to be good, but everyone loved it.
• The DVD showed people using make up effects and making the mask that the stalker wore. They created the mixture and
then they took a facial cast of the actor who was going to wear the mask. When they had done this and the cast was dry,
they added hair to it and cut out the eyes and the mouth. They tried it on the actor and it was a perfect fit.
Secondary Audience Research
• The DVD also showed the team making the fake blood. They used flour, corn
syrup and food colouring to make it. They used this for the actors who had
cuts and other injuries.
• There was also some information about camera shots on the DVD, they also
explained about placement and where they wanted the actors to stand and
to walk. Most of the shots that were used were from a high up angle called
birds eye shot, because the actors were on the floor a lot because they had
fallen down when they were chased or pushed. They didn't really use the
worm eye shot at all.
• All the actors wore normal clothes that were in fashion in the 70’s, as this
was when it was made. Apart from the stalker, who wore a mechanics suit,
the mask and big boots. One of the actors had ripped clothes because she
had been cut with a knife and so her clothes had ripped open.
• The DVD had some information on camera movements too, the camera
moved a lot when they were filming this film because the actors were
walking, running, falling etc. There are also cars in the film, so the camera
moved to film them too.
• I really want to experiment with camera movements and use a moving
camera the way they did when filming Halloween. I also want to experiment
with blood and make up effects too. Watching the DVD has given me some
good ideas.
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: Men Women And Chain Saws.
• I read part of the book and it explains about some films and that they have murderers, stalkers,
psychopaths, sex and death. I chose to read about the film called Texas Chainsaw Massacre because that
link to my research that I have already done. I was shocked because that film is partly based on a true
story. In the 50s, there was a man called Ed Gein, he was a psychopath because he killed his mother. He cut
her skin off her body and he sewed the skin from the body together and he wore the skin himself. The
police arrested him of the murder and when the police discovered his mother, she was hanging upside
down and there was no skin on her. The police also found out the reason why he wore his mothers skin, it
turned out Ed Gein wanted to be transsexual. In the past the laws were different and it was illegal to be
transgender. He went to a mental health hospital prison until his death in 1984, aged 70 years old.
• My film have some similar ideas as that film because my film will also be partly based on a true story
because the psychopaths, murderers and stalkers do exist are still out there killing some victims. I want to
create my film to remind my audience to be aware that they are still out there. I want my audience to
protect themselves because after parties or nightclubs is when they could be killed by the stranger. It is
often popular for the stranger to rape the victims because they think the women are weak and cannot
defend themselves. That is why I want to create my film and aim it at a teenage audience who love parties
and I want to tell them what can happen and warm them. I want to them protect themselves and stand up
to the stranger to stop the danger of being killed.
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: Blood Money.
• What this says about my audience:
• I read this book about teen slasher films. The director of the film Halloween explained why his film included the
group of babysitter girls. He explained to us the group of girls who gossip about Michael Myers’s past and
present. They talked about it before they begin to be killed and that is important to tell the audience a story
about what happened in the stranger’s past.
• Similarly another film called “Black Christmas” has the group of girls who gossip about the man who lived in their
house and they know what happened to him. Then, the group of girls begin to be murdered by the stranger man.
All the horror films always have a group of high school and students because the teenagers behaviour always
have a sit down and chat about whatever is happening. They make the audience want to know what happened to
the stalkers, murderers and psychopaths in the past.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• I think this is a good idea because I want to tell my audience my story about the stalker’s past. My characters will
sit around the party table and gossip about what is happening to the stalker’s past. I like my audience to want to
know about the stalker’s past so they might be shocked or frightened of what they heard. I think the story is
important because I watched a large selection of horror films which have a story about the past because this sets
the scene for what is going to happen as the film unfolds. Similar Black Christmas, Halloween, Friday the 13th,
Psycho all have this element in their storylines. They also have teenagers who love to tell a horror story before
the happens real. I want to give to my audience a reason why the stalker wants to kill the people.
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Sam Schoettner, student of Creative Media Production Level 3.
• I watched Sam’s trailer that he created last year and I thought it was fantastic, so I wanted to speak to him
and ask him some questions.
• Sam explained to me about the blood he used, he created a horror trailer and there had to be lots of
blood. He created his character who was a stranger wearing a mask, who killed a victim by using an axe
and a saw. He created fake blood by using two bottles of Extra strong red food colouring and Tesco red
food colouring. He put the blood everywhere, but he used a plastic wrap on the floor and walls to stop the
blood staining them. When I create my fake blood, I will use flour, corn syrup and red food colouring and
mix them together, I know Sam used a different way but I have researched how to create fake blood and I
think what I have found will be useful, but I will do an experiment to see which is best.
• I also asked Sam about the weapons that he used for filming, he used real axes and knives! I won’t be using
an axe but it has made me think that I might use a real kitchen knife, and just warn the actors to be very
careful. I will also look at some fake knives, and if they look really real then I might buy one.
• Sam gave me some really good ideas for locations to use, but I will probably film near my house, as the
locations Sam used were in York.
• Sam has been really helpful and it has been good to talk to someone who has created something similar to
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Monkey Survey (Questionnaires)
• What this says about my audience: Most people answered that a man is better as the stalker / murderer. I think this is because men are stronger
and can look more scary and threatening. It is easier for a man to catch someone. Also, because men are strong, it is easier for them to carry a body.
Most people said that a knife is a better weapon, I think this is because lots of horror films use knives, if someone used a gun it makes a noise and
draws attention, a knife is quiet.
• The people who answered my survey were mainly 22-25 years old, which means this is the age group I will aim for when making my film, and I will
also include teenagers to that. There was only one response from someone over 35, and no responses from people in their late twenties. I feel this
is because that age group aren’t as interested in horror films, they are more mature.
• 85% of people said they preferred a colour screen. I think this is because you can see more clearly, so I will use a colour screen, but I am planning to
do a practical experiment on this so I can be 100% sure that that is how I will film. I still want to have a look myself and see what looks better.
• Some people said they wouldn't want to watch a film with subtitles, but I still need to include them because they are very important to Deaf people
who will be watching the film, otherwise they will not understand.
• Lots of the people said they didn't like to see too much blood and gore in a horror film because it made them feel ill, however, this is very important
to include because without blood and gore, it wouldn't be a horror film. I will include blood and gore in my film because I think horror films need to
include it.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I have read all the answers from the people who have answered my survey, and I have decided to
use their answers when I am creating my film.
• I will create the stalker as a man because I know it is popular for most horror films use a man. I might create the man so he looks strong, hard,
creepy and scary. I will use the kitchen knife because I want the stalker to kill the victims as silently as I can. Maybe I will get the stalker to carry one
victim to show how strong he is and to look terrifying. I hope to buy a fake knife because if I use a real one, it could cause problems. I don’t want
there to be any accidents during the filming. If there isn’t any fake ones for me to buy, I will have to use the real kitchen knife and I will make sure I
am very careful and all the actors use it safely.
• I think I will use a colour screen because most people said they preferred that, but I will do an experiment with colour screen and with black and
white screen to see which looks better and which looks scarier. I think it’s good idea to use colour because colour screens are clearer to view, and
you know what they look like. I want my audience to be able to see everything.
• I must add subtitles because I will create a Deaf film with Deaf actors, and we use BSL (British Sign Language), so if anyone is hearing and wants to
watch it, they will need subtitles to understand what is happening. I want to create a Deaf horror film because there really aren’t any horror films
with Deaf actors and who use BSL. Lots of horror films also take subtitles off so that the audience are not distracted but we still need them so we
know what is being said and what is happening.
• I have seen one horror film that is about Deaf people, called ”A Quiet Place” I really loved the film but the only problem was that it was ASL
(American Sign Language) not BSL, I understood some but I want to create the same in BSL. Also, the parents in that film are both hearing, only one
girl is Deaf. I want to create my film with a full Deaf cast.
• I will add some colour subtitles because I want my Deaf audience to be attracted to reading the subtitles.
• I understand from my survey that some of my audience don’t like to watch blood and gore because it makes them feel ill. But I still want them
included because horror films always have them to make it look the scariest. I don’t want to my audience get sick or faint by watch it.
Subject Research – Make Up Effects.
• I watched lots make up effects on YouTube because I want to know how to use the make up and how to
create cuts, throat slit and shot wounds.
• I want to experiment with make up because I want to my film will have lots of make up effects.
• I researched on YouTube about what ingredients I would need to use to make a fake blood and there are
only four ingredients that I will need: flour, corn syrup, red and blue food colouring.
• I think the homemade is better than the blood bought from a shop because I can make as much blood as I
want. That is also good to save money instead of buying more bottle of fake blood. I have two bottles of
fake blood at home but they are tiny bottles and I am sure they will run out during the filming.
• I watched many videos on YouTube showing me how to create horror make up and different Halloween
make up tutorials. I wanted to find the best video that explains how to use make up clearly and simply
because I have never experimented with make up effects before. This year I want to try to create blood an
gore using make up effects because I want to my characters to look professional during the filming and
like they have really been killed.
• The video tutorials on YouTube had lots of information on how to create lots of different injuries such as
cuts and throat slitting. Some of the videos explained how to create the cuts and injuries. I will do some
experiments over the weekend. To create the cuts the people on the videos used something called
”Drama Wax”, I couldn't find where to buy this online, but when I researched it said I could used toilet roll
and Vaseline so I will use that to try to create some cuts and bruises this weekend.
• I hope the homemade blood doesn’t stain red on my skin because last time I created my horror film “The
Stranger”, I used a bottle of fake blood. I put some blood on my hand, when the filming was finished, I
tried to clean my hand and it wouldn’t come off. I left it a few days and it disappeared, but that is why I
don’t like using bought fake blood. I will use the homemade fake blood instead.
Subject Research – Film Blocking Tutorial
• I watched one video in YouTube and they were explaining about blocking, and where the
characters and camera need to stand.
• The video showed the three styles of blocking: Spaces, Shapes and Lines. I have never heard
of them before and so I have learnt about what they are and how to use them. Now I
understand what they mean and I will explain about what it is that they mean:
• Spaces: four characters in one scene, the boy on the outside of the window, the father
standing by the window, the mother sat on the sofa, opposite to the father and the man
standing by the mother, all the characters have four different blocking in one scene and that
is called the space.
• Shapes: I have one example of this, the dining room. One woman is sat on the left side of
table, there is a man sat on the right side of table, the raccoon sits in the middle of the table
and another man stands in the middle of the group to make it look like a triangle shot. That is
called the shape.
• Lines: in the film called The Godfather, one man is standing by the window and other man is
sat leaning back in the chair. That is how to create the perfect line for a vertical line. The man
who is standing and the other straight horizontal at the man who is sat leaning back in the
chair. Also another film for example, the woman walks straight to bus and that is how to
create the perfect straight horizontal line to follow the scene. That is called line.
• I have been thinking about the blocking in my film, I want to know which of my characters
should stand or sit at the party. In my film I was some of the characters to dance and the rest
of the characters to sit around the table chatting. Also I want to know where is best for the
stalker to stand. This is important for the camera shots because I want my film to look more
professional. When I am filming I will do some experiments to see where it is best for each of
my characters to stand.
Subject Research – Colour Theory in Film
• I watched film colour theory in YouTube and they explained about three styles of colours. The three styles of
colour: Hue, Saturation and Brightness.
• Hue: The hue can make the screen and the background look colourful. For example, the film called The
Matrix and they used the green screen because the film show the green can be fantasy film like action and
adventure. Other for example all the western films have orange screen because link to sun and sand to make
the audience feel hot. The horror films used back, grey and white because they are always dark screen to
make look scary. The comedy films used red, blue and yellow because they always make look comfortable.
• Saturation: that is for between cold and hot. All the war films always have low saturation because the screen
can make the audience feel cold because the war have cold with rain, windy and storm. Also low saturation
can make the screen look depressed because the depressed always have dark colour. All the Marvel films
have high saturation because the superhero had show their powerful and rescue the victims. The high
saturation can make the audience feel happy because the superheroes always protect all the people from
the villains.
• Brightness: that is for light and dark on the screen. I watched some films has opposite because the night
used for the light brightness and the daylight used for dark brightness. The light brightness at the night
because the audience want to see it clearly. If doesn’t use the light which means it will be difficult to see the
dark screen. The dark brightness at the daylight because they want to protect from the audience eyes. If
doesn’t need the dark which means it will be difficult to see the light screen.
• Now, I thought the colour theory is good idea to use in my film because I want to use the colour screen
instead of black and white screen because I’m believe my audience prefer the colour screen because they
want to see and know what they look like. My film will have colour screen because I like to show to my
audience about horrible death and killed with blood. If I use the black and white which means my audience
will don’t know what they look like and that might be bored like pale.
• Also, I will experiment with the colour screen because I want to see what is compare with black/white
screen and colour screen and I will decide which is best for my horror film. I did check my questionnaires and
they are choose the most of use colour screen because I think they want it for make see the screen clarity.
But I still use my experiment because I never been done with black and white screen.
Practical Research
Camera One - Fly Cam
Camera Two – Shoulder Mount
Camera Three – Track
Practical Research: Camera Movements
• The first camera mount I used was the Fly Mount, I found it really interesting that the weights
balanced out the weight of the camera, and I know that is very professional.
• When using this camera, I found it very difficult because firstly, holding it made my back hurt, I
felt like when I held it it was very heavy and I felt like it was making me lean forward and so I was
• I don’t think using this mount will be useful for me, because I struggled with the weight of it. If I
was filming for a long time it would mean I had a bad back, also when I want to pause in the
middle of filming it will be hard to do.
• When I was using this mount to film, the footage was very shaky and I don’t want that in my
film. Also it was hard when I was holding the mount because it was making the camera wobble.
• The second camera mount I used was the shoulder mount, I found this one much better than
the fly mount, because it was a lot lighter and easier to move. I have decided I will use this when
I am filming. The only thing that I found hard with this camera is that it’s a little bit shaky, but I
think I will still use it.
• The last camera mount that I used was the Track. I found this really really useful, I love being
able to create a slow smooth movement with the camera. It looked like it was from a real film. I
have decided that I also want to use this for when I film my FMP. Sometimes when you can start
to move the camera on the track it can be a little bit jittery but I think I will practice.
• I want to use both the Track and the Shoulder Mount when I am filming.
Practical Research: Screen Colour
Practical Research: Screen Colour
Colourful Screen
Black and White Screen
Practical Research: Screen Colour
SL Blue Cold SL Big LDR
CineSpace2383sRGB6bit SL Matrix Green
Practical Research: Screen Colour
SL Noir 1965 Kodak 5218 Kodak 2383
SL Gold Orange SL Iron HDR
Practical Research: Screen Colour
• I used “Premiere” to experiment with some colours to see which one looks creepier for when I create my film. I chose
three styles of colours: Monochrome Kodak 5205 Fuji 3510, Monochrome Fuji ETERNA 250D Kodak and Monochrome
Kodak 5218 Kodak 2395.
• The three styles of colours are black and white, but all the three styles are a little bit different, one of them had a light
and dark shadow and another had a light and dark static. I chose one style called Monochrome Kodak 5205 Fuji 3510
because it looked very smooth and I could clearly see everything on the screen. I don’t want to use statics or shadows
because I want my film to look normal, and similar to a regular colour screen.
• I compared two styles, black/white and colour. This was really useful to see and compare, but I have decided to use
the colour screen in my filming because I want everything to be clear and I want my audience to know exactly what is
happening on screen. If it is black and white then they might not be able to see the blood. Using the colour screen will
link to the party scene because I want to make my audience feel comfortable. I also found that the black and white
screen is more suitable for depressing films, and my film is horror, not depressing.
• I felt attracted to using a black and white screen because they can look amazing and creepy, but not on my horror film
because it doesn’t match the stalker/murderer story because I want my audience to see every detail in my film, like
what everyone is wearing and the blood and gore. I think you can see blood and gore better in full colour and it will
make it more scary. In the future I will create another film, and I will use a black and white screen, because I think it
looks really good.
• There were some other colours that I experimented with, I wanted to see if I could use colours to make the screen
look more creepy. I experimented with lots of screen colours that are on the slides above. Some of the colours made
my footage look warm or cold. I decided normal colour is useful for my filming because other colours can look
depressing. I have also used the feedback from my questionnaire, and most of audience said they they prefer to watch
films that are in full colour. I will create my film using colour.
Practical Research: Makeup Effect
First Experiment
I tried to do some experiments with horror makeup effects, and decided to try and create some cuts on my hand. I used tissues,
Vaseline, a hairdryer, some makeup and fake blood. First, I put the Vaseline on my hand and then I ripped the tissues to make
smaller pieces and I put a tissue on my hand, I put the hairdryer on my hand to make it dry, and then repeated the process until
it was thick and dry.
Unfortunately the tissues didn’t stay on my hand for very long because the Vaseline was still quite wet, I did try to keep drying it
but it didn’t work, so I moved on and I tried to use the makeup. I chose the colours to make it look like my hand was sore and
bruised and then I cut the middle of the tissues that I had put on my hand before. I pulled the tissues open because I wanted it
to look like it was a real cut and it was a deep cut.
However, when I tried to pull the tissues open they almost came off because they were not sticky enough yet and still wet. I
think I will need to use other professional makeup which is can stick more easily.
Finally, I added some fake blood, in my opinion I didn’t think it looked very good and I wasn’t happy with how it looked in the
end. This is why I needed to do an experiment before my final filming. I have never created the makeup effects before, so this is
something I needed to test and practice. I will try a few different methods.
I have spoken to the hair and beauty teacher because that course also includes makeup special effects, she has advised me to
use Latex for building up cuts and has also offered to help me in the future.
My tutor also gave me some advice to try and create something without using the tissues and only use the make-up and fake
blood. I will try to make a bruise by using eye shadow. I will use foundation to blend wounds before adding fake blood. I think
that this might be easier and more successful than the tissues and I hope to create a bruise that looks realistic.
After I have finished my experiments with make up effects I will decide which I think looks best and which I will choose to use
when I am filming my horror film.
Practical Research: Makeup Effects
Second Experiment
I used foundation,
powder, eyeliner, eye
shadow and lipstick to
build up layers of a
bruise. The pictures
show my step by step
process and the picture
on the right is how it
looked when I had
Practical Research: Makeup Effects
Second Experiment
• The second experiment with make up effects was making a bruise. I
found this useful and I felt that the make up was better than using
the effect I tried before. The make up stayed on well, but the other
effects didn't. It did take a long time to take off because there were
lots of layers to the bruise and I had to blend all of the layers with a
make up brush.
• I will buy some more specific colours when I start to make my FMP,
like yellow, orange, green, dark purple, and dark red.
• I used some make up like foundation and powder, eye shadow, eye
liner and lipstick. I built up the make up to make a dark purple and
black bruise.
• I think it really looked like a real bruise.
• I will use this method when I have my actors and I create my film.
Practical Research: Makeup Effects
Third Experiment
I used some of the same
makeup that I used to
create the bruise.
The pictures show how I
made up the wound and
the pictures to the right
show what it looked like
when I had finished.
Practical Research: Makeup Effects
Third Experiment
• I created a cut on my wrist, which I found really useful. I want to use
it in my film.
• I used make up, similar to what I used for the bruise but I added
some fake blood. I built it up with layers, like I did when I created
the bruise, and the colours are similar to the bruise.
• It was quite quick to create the cut on my wrist and I think it looked
much better than the first experiment I did.
• This was also a lot quicker than the first experiment, which took me
half an hour, the cut on my wrist only took about 10 minutes, which
will save time when I am filming.
• I will still use the homemade fake blood when I film, and not
bought fake blood. Also I will need to get some more specific
colours to make it look really real.
• When I am filming I will do make up on arms, face, legs,
everywhere. I hope I have enough time to make up all the actors.
Practical Research: Homemade Blood
• I finally made homemade fake blood. I used three ingredients: flour, corn syrup and red food colouring. I
made the fake blood only around 5 minutes because that is easy to make. I mixed them together which
looked absolutely perfect as fake blood and I was happy with it!
• You can see the first image on the left, I thought it’s okay because I only used a small amount and this
wasn’t red enough. I tried to pour some more red food colouring and it turned to darker red to make it
look like real blood.
• I think it’s useful for me because I can make a lot of fake blood and save money on production costs. I
don’t like the bottles of fake blood from the shop because they are difficult to wash off and stained
clothing. I put the homemade blood on my hand and it came off easily! I think the homemade blood is
perfect for my filming because I want to save my time and put the blood on the actors. When we finish
filming it will clean up easily.
• Also, I tasted it and it was too sweet. I want some characters who are killed to have blood coming out
from their mouths. That is similar to other horror films who always have the blood coming out of the
mouth when they are stabbed on the body, making the scene more dramatic.
• We will use old clothes for the fake blood. I know the homemade blood will stick on the clothes because
the corn syrup is sticking. I don’t want to take a risk ruining our new clothes so I will ask my actors to use
their old clothes.
1. Make Realistic Fake Blood in 60 Seconds (2015) (April 2019)
2. Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning (1985) (April 2019)
3. Black Christmas Full Movie Horror HD (2006) (April 2019)
4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974) - The Last Scene(1080p) (1974) (April 2019)
5. Scary Halloween Makeup Tutorials 👻 Special Effects Makeup Ideas Compilation (2018) (April 2019)
6. Welcome to StudioBinder (2018) (April 2019)
7. Creative Match Cut Examples & Editing Techniques for Your Next Shoot (2019) (April 2019)
8. Film Blocking Tutorial — Filmmaking Techniques for Directors: Ep3 (2018) (April 2019)
9. Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors: Ep5 (2018) (April 2019)
10. Dan Harmon Story Circle: 8 Proven Steps to Better Stories (2018)
XGUVkOmPTA (April 2019)
11. Production Design — Filmmaking Techniques for Directors: Ep2 (2018) (April 2019)
12. SLIT THROAT - SFX Makeup Tutorial (2017) (April 2019)
13. SPECIAL EFFECT MAKEUP – CUT (2014) (April 2019)
14. The Tortured | Official Trailer [HD] (2018) (April 2019)
15. Halloween: The Inside Story (2010) DVD (April 2019)
16. Sam Schoettner (2018) Horror Short Film (April 2019)
17. Clover, Carol J (1992). Men, Women and Chain Saws . New Jersey : Unknown. 21 to 64.
18. Nowell Richard (2011). Blood Money . New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group. 83 to 84.

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3. research

  • 2. Existing Product: Makeup Effect I looked at the film “Black Christmas” (2006) for my research because I really like the makeup effects. My idea will have lots of cuts on arms, neck, belly, legs and face. I want to use the make up to make the cuts and injuries look really realistic. I will research and do experiments in making some fake blood to use in my filming. I know my film will have lots of characters which means there will have to be lots of blood. I will also learn how to create make up effects because I need it for my idea of the character. I can white make up because I want the characters to wear some white make up to make them look pale when they have lost a lot of blood from their cuts. I want to make my audience feel shocked and disgusted. I will not use a lot of ideas from this film, such as the eyes popping out, I have lots of different ideas from that film, like cutting arms, legs and neck. Mine will be very different to that film I want to create my own film with my own ideas. I have never used makeup to create different effects but I really want to try different makeup effects because I want my work to look more professional and scary. Last time I created horror film “The Stranger”, I didn’t use any makeup effect because I didn’t know anything about it. Makeup effects can make my audience feel terrified and anxious because they look like real cuts and they look sore. I want to make my audience feel frightened. I think I might use homemade fake blood because I researched on YouTube and it is very easy to make. It only 4 ingredients: flour, corn syrup and red and blue food coloring. I think homemade is better than buying a bottle because the bottle is too tiny and if it is homemade then I can make plenty. I will do an experiment for this.
  • 3. Existing Product: The Party I chose the film called “Scream” (1996) because I want to create something similar as the events in that film. My film will have a party for a birthday and my characters will also be dancing and chatting and feel very relaxed. I want this because I want my audience to feel relaxed before they are terrified. I will also use alcohol and cigarettes because the teenagers at parties always have a drink and smoke. I want to make my audience feel like they want to join the party because I know most teenagers in the audience love to party. In the film “Scream” they have a sleepover party but my idea is different from that because my idea will be a birthday party. My film does have some similar things as Scream, because I want my characters to have a wild party, like drinking games, kissing and drunk. I would like to show that my party is for celebrating. I will use the fake alcohol like a vodka bottle and I will put some water in it and make look like real vodka. I am not allowing anyone to use real vodka because I am directing and I must concentrate on my work. College also have some rules that I won’t allow me to use real alcohol. I know some actors who regularly smokes and so I might use real smoking. I will use the cake because of course, my story is about a birthday party which means there must be a cake for singing “Happy birthday to you”. At the end of the film, I want some characters that have been killed and left to be sitting on around the table, the blood everywhere and the stalker sitting and eat piece of cake.
  • 4. Existing Product: The Hooded I researched the film “Friday the 13th” (1985), because I want to the strange murderer/stalker in my film to wear a creepy hoodie and to use this cover their face, this is terrifying because the audience don’t know who it is and what they look like. I want to use a grey or black hood because grey and black are both dark colours and can cover their face easily. I don’t want to use other bright colours because they do not suit horror films and they will be lighter and so it will be easier to see their face. Also, bright colours make people feel happier, and I don’t want that. Black and dark colours and not seeing the persons face is like a mystery. I was thinking about using grey or white blankets (far right image) as it could also create mystery if the audience doesn’t know who is under them, but I decided not use it because I feel that it links more to ghosts, not stalkers. I feel that hoodies are also more modern and are more suited to murderers or stalkers. I have watched lots of horror films and more of them use the hoodie because the hood covers their face and you won’t see their face until the end of the film, this make the audience want to know who is under the hood and it will make them scared. Two years ago, I created a short video called the stranger and the stalker wore a hoodie because I thought the hoodie would look terrifying and creepy, and much better than showing their face. Unfortunately, my character did show his face when he used the hoodie and his hoodie was bright, which was not good enough to cover his face, I will learn from this experience and possibly use different camera angles than what I have used before so not to know his face, and also use a darker hoodie too. I will create a new horror film and I will try to make sure the stalker will wear the black or dark grey hoodie and cover their face enough to make it look blank. I don’t think I will use eyes that glow in the dark because I will be filming in the daylight.
  • 5. Existing Product: Location I chose to use the film “Halloween” (1978) in my research, because I think I might also film in the garden. I thought it would be great to use the garden because there is more space for filming because my garden is quite big, and there is plenty of room. I was thinking about filming in my house but I have two reasons why can’t really use my house. One reason is that my mum doesn’t want there to be filming in her house because she wants it to be private. The other reason is that the living room and kitchen are both quite small and there isn’t a lot of space for filming. So I think I will probably use the garden. I thought I could maybe use the park near my house but there will be too many people there and I don’t want them to interrupt my filming. The front yard and the garden are useful for the filming as some horror films have parties outside of the house like barbeques or garden parties. My idea will be similar as those films and those scenes because I will film a party outside. Plus, the stalker can stand on the outside and stare at the party and choose his or her victims, which will fit with filming in the garden. The audience will like to watch the garden party turn into a murder because it will make them feel frightened to start with, and then they will realise something scary is coming, and they will love to feel like that.
  • 6. Existing Product: The Daylight I looked at the film called “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974) because like this film, I would also like to film in the daylight. My idea will use the daylight. I would like my film to have something new and something different than most other horror films. Most horror films are set at night in the dark, to make the film look scary and creepy. However, I think that filming in the daylight can be just as terrifying and creepy. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is filmed during the daylight and it is still so scary because the daylight shows the murderer’s face. The murderer’s face looks so creepy because he wears skin from someone else’s face. That’s why I have decided that I will film in a similar way as they do in that film, but I won’t show the stalker’s face because I want it to create worry and make my audience anxious and I want it to be a surprise at the end of the film. I will be careful and chose carefully with the time I am filming because I don’t want to filming during the sunset as it will make my screen and the image look different. This month the clocks were changed one hour forward which means there is plenty of time for me to film because the sunset start at 7:15pm at this time of year. I have thought about filming at night but I think that is much more difficult because I can’t use the studio lights and I must follow the college’s rules that I don’t allow anyone to bring them outside of the college, the darkness often changes the quality of the picture on the film too. Also I know some of the actors that I will use live far from me and they will struggle to get home late at night. The daylight will also mean the picture is clearer for the audience. I want to my audience to view everything clearly because my film will show murder and lots of blood, so I want them to see properly.
  • 7. Research Analysis One • What common features do the researched products have? • I have watched five horror movies specifically for my research and I find that they all have similar themes. The murderer is always creepy and often has mental health issues, or crazy. My film will be similar as them because my stalker character will have poor mental health. I think it can warn the audience that some people who have poor mental health but do not take medication, can be dangerous. • Four of the films are similar in that they are filmed in the dark. Horror films always use the dark to make the film look more terrifying and to make the audience anxious. If it is dark then you cannot se what is going on and you can’t see what is there which makes it more scary. My film will be a little bit different from the others because I want to use the daylight. Some horror films do use daylight, one of them that does use the daylight is Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it makes the audience feel like nowhere is safe, even in the daylight. • A lot of the films I have watched have a similar storyline where the stalker/murderer kills each the characters and makes sure that they kill one character at a time, not when they are in a group, this makes them feel like they are isolated and alone, their friends are not there to save them. My film will also follow this storyline because I will also isolate characters when they die so they feel really alone and it scares the audience and they won’t want to go anywhere alone. • Most horror films end in the same way, the last character often survives at the end of the film. The horror films always have one or two survivors at the end to make the audience feel relieved and less paranoid. They will go away feeling less scared. My film will also have one survivor at the end of the film because I would also like to make the audience feel such relief, and for them to feel happy and I don’t want to give the audience nightmares when there are no survivors.
  • 8. Research Analysis Two • Another thing that almost all the horror films have is that the Murderer/Stalker dies at the end. This can make the audience will feel happy because it is all over. They will go away feeling like the horror has been resolved. I know from my own experience that when I have watched a horror film I always feel much better when they bad character dies at the end. If they are still alive I feel really scared, and can’t stop thinking what might happen next. My film will be similar because I would like to have one character who survives at the end and then uses their hands to kill the murderer/stalker at the ending. I also want to make my audience feel relieved and happy. • The five horror films that I watched and researched also all show lots of blood and gore, horror films are always very graphic and always show the characters being killed. Seeing the gore makes the audience feel disgusted. I want to create a similar feel to this because I want to my horror film to look really terrifying, especially when the characters are being hurt. I will show gore like slitting the throat, cutting the arm skin and showing their bones. • All the horror films use a wide range of shots such as close ups, long shots and over the shoulder shots. Close up shots show their reactions/emotions when they see the murderer/stalker and begin kill them. When they realise what is going to happen, the audience needs to see their face and how they feel. Long shots are good for when the characters are walking, running and falling down which also links to dramatic. Over the shoulder shots are used for the characters who are talking to each other and showing their face when they’re talking. Over the shoulder shots are also good for when they are behind the murderer, the camera comes over their shoulder and you know that it is the murderer but you cannot see their face, which makes it feel very scary. Using this shot can make the audience see things from the murderers point of view, and maybe try and guess what they will do next.
  • 9. Research Analysis Three • What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work? • I watched all five horror films and I decided to pick some of them to create my film. I want them to help me to improve and create a professional horror film. • Halloween (1978) – I would like to pick some aspects from this to be the same as my film because I want the stranger with a knife and to chase the victims. I want the stranger to look so creepy and unknown who the person is. I like the stranger have creepy twist. One survivor killed the stranger then a few minutes later, the stranger is alive and tries to kill the survive again. • Scream (1996) – I do really want a party because I like the beginning of the films that have wild parties which can make the audience feel energetic and enthusiast. I still want the same stranger character who wants to kill people who are at the party. I want the same props like cake, alcohol, smoking and presents because my idea is a wild party. • Friday the 13th (1985) – I would like the same special effects and gore because I want to show my film is really horror. I like to make my audience feel disgusted and frightened. I will use the gore on the neck, legs and arms when they begin to be killed by the stranger. The film is same as Jason Voorhees who killed the victims with a knife, creating lots of gore. Also I want my stranger to wear a hoody to cover their face to make my audience wonder what their face looks like. • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) – I want a similar ending with one survivor shouting for help and be chased by the stranger who is trying to kill the victim. I would like to make my audience feel anxious and worried. I want the characters to have over the top reactions and have lots of melodrama like screaming, shouting and pain because I love my film to be dramatic which can make my audience feel shocked and enthusiast. • Black Christmas (2006) – I would like my film to have a similar opening, before the title sequence. One victim will suddenly be attacked by the stranger without expecting it. I want to make my audience feel jumpy. I would like to make my audience feel a false sense of security at the middle of the film before the huge drama begins of killing. Again, I want to create a cosy and enjoyable party atmosphere, making the audience will feel calm.
  • 11. Secondary Audience research • Observation: Halloween The Inside Story. • What this says about my audience: In this film there is a stalker character because the director, John Carpenter, said that the stalker is the most dangerous thing. The stalker (Male) can cover his face, so he is an unknown person because he hiding from a Psychiatric hospital and the police. The stalker wants to kill the babysitter because he has really poor mental health and begins feeling jealous when he sees that they are happy. The director wanted to show the teenage audience, and to warn them that it is not safe around Halloween night because on Halloween there might be death. John created the film to show how creepy the night can be, which made the audience feel anxious and tried to protect themselves from the night. He filmed when it was dark because it’s linked to night time and he wanted to make it look terrifying when the stalker was walking around in the dark. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I would like to remind my audience about parties, and that they might be not be safe. Something might happen, like an accident or something horrific like someone getting injured by someone who pushed, killed, strangled or spiked their drink. I want to show my audience to make them more aware about the party and to warn them to protect themselves during the party. I want to create a similar feel as this director has because I want to make the character look creepy. I want to make my audience not talk to any strangers who might be stalking them. • The film was created in 1978, before that, horror films were very different and Halloween changed the genre of horror. Halloween ended up being very popular and making lots of money. When John Carpenter created the film, their budget was really small and none of the actors were well known so nobody expected the film to be good, but everyone loved it. • The DVD showed people using make up effects and making the mask that the stalker wore. They created the mixture and then they took a facial cast of the actor who was going to wear the mask. When they had done this and the cast was dry, they added hair to it and cut out the eyes and the mouth. They tried it on the actor and it was a perfect fit.
  • 12. Secondary Audience Research continued • The DVD also showed the team making the fake blood. They used flour, corn syrup and food colouring to make it. They used this for the actors who had cuts and other injuries. • There was also some information about camera shots on the DVD, they also explained about placement and where they wanted the actors to stand and to walk. Most of the shots that were used were from a high up angle called birds eye shot, because the actors were on the floor a lot because they had fallen down when they were chased or pushed. They didn't really use the worm eye shot at all. • All the actors wore normal clothes that were in fashion in the 70’s, as this was when it was made. Apart from the stalker, who wore a mechanics suit, the mask and big boots. One of the actors had ripped clothes because she had been cut with a knife and so her clothes had ripped open. • The DVD had some information on camera movements too, the camera moved a lot when they were filming this film because the actors were walking, running, falling etc. There are also cars in the film, so the camera moved to film them too. • I really want to experiment with camera movements and use a moving camera the way they did when filming Halloween. I also want to experiment with blood and make up effects too. Watching the DVD has given me some good ideas.
  • 13. Secondary Audience research • Observation: Men Women And Chain Saws. • I read part of the book and it explains about some films and that they have murderers, stalkers, psychopaths, sex and death. I chose to read about the film called Texas Chainsaw Massacre because that link to my research that I have already done. I was shocked because that film is partly based on a true story. In the 50s, there was a man called Ed Gein, he was a psychopath because he killed his mother. He cut her skin off her body and he sewed the skin from the body together and he wore the skin himself. The police arrested him of the murder and when the police discovered his mother, she was hanging upside down and there was no skin on her. The police also found out the reason why he wore his mothers skin, it turned out Ed Gein wanted to be transsexual. In the past the laws were different and it was illegal to be transgender. He went to a mental health hospital prison until his death in 1984, aged 70 years old. • My film have some similar ideas as that film because my film will also be partly based on a true story because the psychopaths, murderers and stalkers do exist are still out there killing some victims. I want to create my film to remind my audience to be aware that they are still out there. I want my audience to protect themselves because after parties or nightclubs is when they could be killed by the stranger. It is often popular for the stranger to rape the victims because they think the women are weak and cannot defend themselves. That is why I want to create my film and aim it at a teenage audience who love parties and I want to tell them what can happen and warm them. I want to them protect themselves and stand up to the stranger to stop the danger of being killed.
  • 14. Secondary Audience research • Observation: Blood Money. • What this says about my audience: • I read this book about teen slasher films. The director of the film Halloween explained why his film included the group of babysitter girls. He explained to us the group of girls who gossip about Michael Myers’s past and present. They talked about it before they begin to be killed and that is important to tell the audience a story about what happened in the stranger’s past. • Similarly another film called “Black Christmas” has the group of girls who gossip about the man who lived in their house and they know what happened to him. Then, the group of girls begin to be murdered by the stranger man. All the horror films always have a group of high school and students because the teenagers behaviour always have a sit down and chat about whatever is happening. They make the audience want to know what happened to the stalkers, murderers and psychopaths in the past. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • I think this is a good idea because I want to tell my audience my story about the stalker’s past. My characters will sit around the party table and gossip about what is happening to the stalker’s past. I like my audience to want to know about the stalker’s past so they might be shocked or frightened of what they heard. I think the story is important because I watched a large selection of horror films which have a story about the past because this sets the scene for what is going to happen as the film unfolds. Similar Black Christmas, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Psycho all have this element in their storylines. They also have teenagers who love to tell a horror story before the happens real. I want to give to my audience a reason why the stalker wants to kill the people.
  • 15. Primary Audience research • Observation: Sam Schoettner, student of Creative Media Production Level 3. • I watched Sam’s trailer that he created last year and I thought it was fantastic, so I wanted to speak to him and ask him some questions. • Sam explained to me about the blood he used, he created a horror trailer and there had to be lots of blood. He created his character who was a stranger wearing a mask, who killed a victim by using an axe and a saw. He created fake blood by using two bottles of Extra strong red food colouring and Tesco red food colouring. He put the blood everywhere, but he used a plastic wrap on the floor and walls to stop the blood staining them. When I create my fake blood, I will use flour, corn syrup and red food colouring and mix them together, I know Sam used a different way but I have researched how to create fake blood and I think what I have found will be useful, but I will do an experiment to see which is best. • I also asked Sam about the weapons that he used for filming, he used real axes and knives! I won’t be using an axe but it has made me think that I might use a real kitchen knife, and just warn the actors to be very careful. I will also look at some fake knives, and if they look really real then I might buy one. • Sam gave me some really good ideas for locations to use, but I will probably film near my house, as the locations Sam used were in York. • Sam has been really helpful and it has been good to talk to someone who has created something similar to me.
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  • 26. Primary Audience research • Observation: Monkey Survey (Questionnaires) • What this says about my audience: Most people answered that a man is better as the stalker / murderer. I think this is because men are stronger and can look more scary and threatening. It is easier for a man to catch someone. Also, because men are strong, it is easier for them to carry a body. Most people said that a knife is a better weapon, I think this is because lots of horror films use knives, if someone used a gun it makes a noise and draws attention, a knife is quiet. • The people who answered my survey were mainly 22-25 years old, which means this is the age group I will aim for when making my film, and I will also include teenagers to that. There was only one response from someone over 35, and no responses from people in their late twenties. I feel this is because that age group aren’t as interested in horror films, they are more mature. • 85% of people said they preferred a colour screen. I think this is because you can see more clearly, so I will use a colour screen, but I am planning to do a practical experiment on this so I can be 100% sure that that is how I will film. I still want to have a look myself and see what looks better. • Some people said they wouldn't want to watch a film with subtitles, but I still need to include them because they are very important to Deaf people who will be watching the film, otherwise they will not understand. • Lots of the people said they didn't like to see too much blood and gore in a horror film because it made them feel ill, however, this is very important to include because without blood and gore, it wouldn't be a horror film. I will include blood and gore in my film because I think horror films need to include it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I have read all the answers from the people who have answered my survey, and I have decided to use their answers when I am creating my film. • I will create the stalker as a man because I know it is popular for most horror films use a man. I might create the man so he looks strong, hard, creepy and scary. I will use the kitchen knife because I want the stalker to kill the victims as silently as I can. Maybe I will get the stalker to carry one victim to show how strong he is and to look terrifying. I hope to buy a fake knife because if I use a real one, it could cause problems. I don’t want there to be any accidents during the filming. If there isn’t any fake ones for me to buy, I will have to use the real kitchen knife and I will make sure I am very careful and all the actors use it safely. • I think I will use a colour screen because most people said they preferred that, but I will do an experiment with colour screen and with black and white screen to see which looks better and which looks scarier. I think it’s good idea to use colour because colour screens are clearer to view, and you know what they look like. I want my audience to be able to see everything. • I must add subtitles because I will create a Deaf film with Deaf actors, and we use BSL (British Sign Language), so if anyone is hearing and wants to watch it, they will need subtitles to understand what is happening. I want to create a Deaf horror film because there really aren’t any horror films with Deaf actors and who use BSL. Lots of horror films also take subtitles off so that the audience are not distracted but we still need them so we know what is being said and what is happening. • I have seen one horror film that is about Deaf people, called ”A Quiet Place” I really loved the film but the only problem was that it was ASL (American Sign Language) not BSL, I understood some but I want to create the same in BSL. Also, the parents in that film are both hearing, only one girl is Deaf. I want to create my film with a full Deaf cast. • I will add some colour subtitles because I want my Deaf audience to be attracted to reading the subtitles. • I understand from my survey that some of my audience don’t like to watch blood and gore because it makes them feel ill. But I still want them included because horror films always have them to make it look the scariest. I don’t want to my audience get sick or faint by watch it.
  • 27. Subject Research – Make Up Effects. • I watched lots make up effects on YouTube because I want to know how to use the make up and how to create cuts, throat slit and shot wounds. • I want to experiment with make up because I want to my film will have lots of make up effects. • I researched on YouTube about what ingredients I would need to use to make a fake blood and there are only four ingredients that I will need: flour, corn syrup, red and blue food colouring. • I think the homemade is better than the blood bought from a shop because I can make as much blood as I want. That is also good to save money instead of buying more bottle of fake blood. I have two bottles of fake blood at home but they are tiny bottles and I am sure they will run out during the filming. • I watched many videos on YouTube showing me how to create horror make up and different Halloween make up tutorials. I wanted to find the best video that explains how to use make up clearly and simply because I have never experimented with make up effects before. This year I want to try to create blood an gore using make up effects because I want to my characters to look professional during the filming and like they have really been killed. • The video tutorials on YouTube had lots of information on how to create lots of different injuries such as cuts and throat slitting. Some of the videos explained how to create the cuts and injuries. I will do some experiments over the weekend. To create the cuts the people on the videos used something called ”Drama Wax”, I couldn't find where to buy this online, but when I researched it said I could used toilet roll and Vaseline so I will use that to try to create some cuts and bruises this weekend. • I hope the homemade blood doesn’t stain red on my skin because last time I created my horror film “The Stranger”, I used a bottle of fake blood. I put some blood on my hand, when the filming was finished, I tried to clean my hand and it wouldn’t come off. I left it a few days and it disappeared, but that is why I don’t like using bought fake blood. I will use the homemade fake blood instead.
  • 28. Subject Research – Film Blocking Tutorial • I watched one video in YouTube and they were explaining about blocking, and where the characters and camera need to stand. • The video showed the three styles of blocking: Spaces, Shapes and Lines. I have never heard of them before and so I have learnt about what they are and how to use them. Now I understand what they mean and I will explain about what it is that they mean: • Spaces: four characters in one scene, the boy on the outside of the window, the father standing by the window, the mother sat on the sofa, opposite to the father and the man standing by the mother, all the characters have four different blocking in one scene and that is called the space. • Shapes: I have one example of this, the dining room. One woman is sat on the left side of table, there is a man sat on the right side of table, the raccoon sits in the middle of the table and another man stands in the middle of the group to make it look like a triangle shot. That is called the shape. • Lines: in the film called The Godfather, one man is standing by the window and other man is sat leaning back in the chair. That is how to create the perfect line for a vertical line. The man who is standing and the other straight horizontal at the man who is sat leaning back in the chair. Also another film for example, the woman walks straight to bus and that is how to create the perfect straight horizontal line to follow the scene. That is called line. • I have been thinking about the blocking in my film, I want to know which of my characters should stand or sit at the party. In my film I was some of the characters to dance and the rest of the characters to sit around the table chatting. Also I want to know where is best for the stalker to stand. This is important for the camera shots because I want my film to look more professional. When I am filming I will do some experiments to see where it is best for each of my characters to stand.
  • 29. Subject Research – Colour Theory in Film • I watched film colour theory in YouTube and they explained about three styles of colours. The three styles of colour: Hue, Saturation and Brightness. • Hue: The hue can make the screen and the background look colourful. For example, the film called The Matrix and they used the green screen because the film show the green can be fantasy film like action and adventure. Other for example all the western films have orange screen because link to sun and sand to make the audience feel hot. The horror films used back, grey and white because they are always dark screen to make look scary. The comedy films used red, blue and yellow because they always make look comfortable. • Saturation: that is for between cold and hot. All the war films always have low saturation because the screen can make the audience feel cold because the war have cold with rain, windy and storm. Also low saturation can make the screen look depressed because the depressed always have dark colour. All the Marvel films have high saturation because the superhero had show their powerful and rescue the victims. The high saturation can make the audience feel happy because the superheroes always protect all the people from the villains. • Brightness: that is for light and dark on the screen. I watched some films has opposite because the night used for the light brightness and the daylight used for dark brightness. The light brightness at the night because the audience want to see it clearly. If doesn’t use the light which means it will be difficult to see the dark screen. The dark brightness at the daylight because they want to protect from the audience eyes. If doesn’t need the dark which means it will be difficult to see the light screen. • Now, I thought the colour theory is good idea to use in my film because I want to use the colour screen instead of black and white screen because I’m believe my audience prefer the colour screen because they want to see and know what they look like. My film will have colour screen because I like to show to my audience about horrible death and killed with blood. If I use the black and white which means my audience will don’t know what they look like and that might be bored like pale. • Also, I will experiment with the colour screen because I want to see what is compare with black/white screen and colour screen and I will decide which is best for my horror film. I did check my questionnaires and they are choose the most of use colour screen because I think they want it for make see the screen clarity. But I still use my experiment because I never been done with black and white screen.
  • 31. Camera One - Fly Cam
  • 32. Camera Two – Shoulder Mount
  • 34. Practical Research: Camera Movements • The first camera mount I used was the Fly Mount, I found it really interesting that the weights balanced out the weight of the camera, and I know that is very professional. • When using this camera, I found it very difficult because firstly, holding it made my back hurt, I felt like when I held it it was very heavy and I felt like it was making me lean forward and so I was unbalanced. • I don’t think using this mount will be useful for me, because I struggled with the weight of it. If I was filming for a long time it would mean I had a bad back, also when I want to pause in the middle of filming it will be hard to do. • When I was using this mount to film, the footage was very shaky and I don’t want that in my film. Also it was hard when I was holding the mount because it was making the camera wobble. • The second camera mount I used was the shoulder mount, I found this one much better than the fly mount, because it was a lot lighter and easier to move. I have decided I will use this when I am filming. The only thing that I found hard with this camera is that it’s a little bit shaky, but I think I will still use it. • The last camera mount that I used was the Track. I found this really really useful, I love being able to create a slow smooth movement with the camera. It looked like it was from a real film. I have decided that I also want to use this for when I film my FMP. Sometimes when you can start to move the camera on the track it can be a little bit jittery but I think I will practice. • I want to use both the Track and the Shoulder Mount when I am filming.
  • 36. Practical Research: Screen Colour Colourful Screen Black and White Screen
  • 37. Practical Research: Screen Colour SL Blue Cold SL Big LDR CineSpace2383sRGB6bit SL Matrix Green
  • 38. Practical Research: Screen Colour SL Noir 1965 Kodak 5218 Kodak 2383 SL Gold Orange SL Iron HDR
  • 39. Practical Research: Screen Colour • I used “Premiere” to experiment with some colours to see which one looks creepier for when I create my film. I chose three styles of colours: Monochrome Kodak 5205 Fuji 3510, Monochrome Fuji ETERNA 250D Kodak and Monochrome Kodak 5218 Kodak 2395. • The three styles of colours are black and white, but all the three styles are a little bit different, one of them had a light and dark shadow and another had a light and dark static. I chose one style called Monochrome Kodak 5205 Fuji 3510 because it looked very smooth and I could clearly see everything on the screen. I don’t want to use statics or shadows because I want my film to look normal, and similar to a regular colour screen. • I compared two styles, black/white and colour. This was really useful to see and compare, but I have decided to use the colour screen in my filming because I want everything to be clear and I want my audience to know exactly what is happening on screen. If it is black and white then they might not be able to see the blood. Using the colour screen will link to the party scene because I want to make my audience feel comfortable. I also found that the black and white screen is more suitable for depressing films, and my film is horror, not depressing. • I felt attracted to using a black and white screen because they can look amazing and creepy, but not on my horror film because it doesn’t match the stalker/murderer story because I want my audience to see every detail in my film, like what everyone is wearing and the blood and gore. I think you can see blood and gore better in full colour and it will make it more scary. In the future I will create another film, and I will use a black and white screen, because I think it looks really good. • There were some other colours that I experimented with, I wanted to see if I could use colours to make the screen look more creepy. I experimented with lots of screen colours that are on the slides above. Some of the colours made my footage look warm or cold. I decided normal colour is useful for my filming because other colours can look depressing. I have also used the feedback from my questionnaire, and most of audience said they they prefer to watch films that are in full colour. I will create my film using colour.
  • 40. Practical Research: Makeup Effect First Experiment I tried to do some experiments with horror makeup effects, and decided to try and create some cuts on my hand. I used tissues, Vaseline, a hairdryer, some makeup and fake blood. First, I put the Vaseline on my hand and then I ripped the tissues to make smaller pieces and I put a tissue on my hand, I put the hairdryer on my hand to make it dry, and then repeated the process until it was thick and dry. Unfortunately the tissues didn’t stay on my hand for very long because the Vaseline was still quite wet, I did try to keep drying it but it didn’t work, so I moved on and I tried to use the makeup. I chose the colours to make it look like my hand was sore and bruised and then I cut the middle of the tissues that I had put on my hand before. I pulled the tissues open because I wanted it to look like it was a real cut and it was a deep cut. However, when I tried to pull the tissues open they almost came off because they were not sticky enough yet and still wet. I think I will need to use other professional makeup which is can stick more easily. Finally, I added some fake blood, in my opinion I didn’t think it looked very good and I wasn’t happy with how it looked in the end. This is why I needed to do an experiment before my final filming. I have never created the makeup effects before, so this is something I needed to test and practice. I will try a few different methods. I have spoken to the hair and beauty teacher because that course also includes makeup special effects, she has advised me to use Latex for building up cuts and has also offered to help me in the future. My tutor also gave me some advice to try and create something without using the tissues and only use the make-up and fake blood. I will try to make a bruise by using eye shadow. I will use foundation to blend wounds before adding fake blood. I think that this might be easier and more successful than the tissues and I hope to create a bruise that looks realistic. After I have finished my experiments with make up effects I will decide which I think looks best and which I will choose to use when I am filming my horror film.
  • 41. Practical Research: Makeup Effects Second Experiment I used foundation, powder, eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick to build up layers of a bruise. The pictures show my step by step process and the picture on the right is how it looked when I had finished.
  • 42. Practical Research: Makeup Effects Second Experiment • The second experiment with make up effects was making a bruise. I found this useful and I felt that the make up was better than using the effect I tried before. The make up stayed on well, but the other effects didn't. It did take a long time to take off because there were lots of layers to the bruise and I had to blend all of the layers with a make up brush. • I will buy some more specific colours when I start to make my FMP, like yellow, orange, green, dark purple, and dark red. • I used some make up like foundation and powder, eye shadow, eye liner and lipstick. I built up the make up to make a dark purple and black bruise. • I think it really looked like a real bruise. • I will use this method when I have my actors and I create my film.
  • 43. Practical Research: Makeup Effects Third Experiment I used some of the same makeup that I used to create the bruise. The pictures show how I made up the wound and the pictures to the right show what it looked like when I had finished.
  • 44. Practical Research: Makeup Effects Third Experiment • I created a cut on my wrist, which I found really useful. I want to use it in my film. • I used make up, similar to what I used for the bruise but I added some fake blood. I built it up with layers, like I did when I created the bruise, and the colours are similar to the bruise. • It was quite quick to create the cut on my wrist and I think it looked much better than the first experiment I did. • This was also a lot quicker than the first experiment, which took me half an hour, the cut on my wrist only took about 10 minutes, which will save time when I am filming. • I will still use the homemade fake blood when I film, and not bought fake blood. Also I will need to get some more specific colours to make it look really real. • When I am filming I will do make up on arms, face, legs, everywhere. I hope I have enough time to make up all the actors.
  • 45. Practical Research: Homemade Blood • I finally made homemade fake blood. I used three ingredients: flour, corn syrup and red food colouring. I made the fake blood only around 5 minutes because that is easy to make. I mixed them together which looked absolutely perfect as fake blood and I was happy with it! • You can see the first image on the left, I thought it’s okay because I only used a small amount and this wasn’t red enough. I tried to pour some more red food colouring and it turned to darker red to make it look like real blood. • I think it’s useful for me because I can make a lot of fake blood and save money on production costs. I don’t like the bottles of fake blood from the shop because they are difficult to wash off and stained clothing. I put the homemade blood on my hand and it came off easily! I think the homemade blood is perfect for my filming because I want to save my time and put the blood on the actors. When we finish filming it will clean up easily. • Also, I tasted it and it was too sweet. I want some characters who are killed to have blood coming out from their mouths. That is similar to other horror films who always have the blood coming out of the mouth when they are stabbed on the body, making the scene more dramatic. • We will use old clothes for the fake blood. I know the homemade blood will stick on the clothes because the corn syrup is sticking. I don’t want to take a risk ruining our new clothes so I will ask my actors to use their old clothes.
  • 47. Bibliography 1. Make Realistic Fake Blood in 60 Seconds (2015) (April 2019) 2. Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning (1985) (April 2019) 3. Black Christmas Full Movie Horror HD (2006) (April 2019) 4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974) - The Last Scene(1080p) (1974) (April 2019) 5. Scary Halloween Makeup Tutorials 👻 Special Effects Makeup Ideas Compilation (2018) (April 2019) 6. Welcome to StudioBinder (2018) (April 2019) 7. Creative Match Cut Examples & Editing Techniques for Your Next Shoot (2019) (April 2019) 8. Film Blocking Tutorial — Filmmaking Techniques for Directors: Ep3 (2018) (April 2019) 9. Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors: Ep5 (2018) (April 2019) 10. Dan Harmon Story Circle: 8 Proven Steps to Better Stories (2018) XGUVkOmPTA (April 2019) 11. Production Design — Filmmaking Techniques for Directors: Ep2 (2018) (April 2019) 12. SLIT THROAT - SFX Makeup Tutorial (2017) (April 2019) 13. SPECIAL EFFECT MAKEUP – CUT (2014) (April 2019) 14. The Tortured | Official Trailer [HD] (2018) (April 2019) 15. Halloween: The Inside Story (2010) DVD (April 2019) 16. Sam Schoettner (2018) Horror Short Film (April 2019) 17. Clover, Carol J (1992). Men, Women and Chain Saws . New Jersey : Unknown. 21 to 64. 18. Nowell Richard (2011). Blood Money . New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group. 83 to 84.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Add the images of the view camera shots
  6. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  7. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  8. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  9. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  10. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  11. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  12. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  13. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  14. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  15. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  16. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  17. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  18. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.