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                  January 2013

                Research team: 
             Rosário Macário (coord) 
                   Luís N. Filipe
                 Maria Spandou
                    Vasco Reis
                  Luis Martinez

            Instituto Superior Técnico
          Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Project objectives

• Understand the main decision making processes in 
  BRT systems

• Develop a formal structure for retrospective analysis 
  of the various interplaying policy components, and 
  relations between institutional design and 

• Develop a systems dynamic model to search for well‐
  designed and promising BRT policy packages
• Luis N. Filipe, Rosário Macário, “A first glimpse on policy 
  packaging for implementation of BRT projects” in Research 
  in Transportation Economics 39 (2013) 150 – 157

• Spandou M., Macário R., Decentralization as an institutional 
  determinant for the performance of urban mobility 
  systems, VREF CoE Workshop 26‐29 October 2011, Beijing, 

• Macário R. Thinking on public accountability:  How to 
  address quality of policy design and decision‐making?  12th 
  Thredbo Conference, 11‐15 September 2011, Durban, 
  South Africa 
• + working reports
• Preliminary analysis on policy packaging in 
  Santiago Chile 

• Coalition analysis in New York
Case Study: 
Policy Packaging
Objectives and goals of TS
• Improve the existing public transport system of Santiago, addressing 
  and solving the failures of the former system

• Capable of maintaining or increasing the modal share of public 
  transport while being environmentally, socially and economically 
  sustainable (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008)
Old transport system – issues to be
(Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009)

   •   Defective business structure, with many small companies operating 
       only a few services; companies organized into powerful cooperatives 
       that were able to capture the government 

   •   No formal working relations, driver’s income linked to the number of 
       passengers ‐ tax evasion, promotion of abusive practices, 
       discrimination of subsidized passengers, on‐street competition

   •   Payments done directly to drivers, who were subject to constant 

   •   Defective network: 80% of the routes used one of the 6 main city 
       streets; very long routes (average 60km), leading to high operating 
       costs, bus bunching, congestion
Old transport system – issues to be
                  addressed (cont.)
(Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009)
 •       No integration (fore or physical) making transfers expensive and low use 
         of the metro
 •       Old / uncomfortable and badly maintained buses, causing passenger 
         discomfort, high air pollution and noise emissions

     •     Relevant positive features in the old system: 
           (Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Brione, 2009)
            • high network density and capillarity
            • high frequencies
            • low or no need for transfers
            • no subsidies
            • Flexibility to serve new residential areas
Main features of the TS Plan
(Muñoz & Gschwender, 2009)
 • Organised as trunk and feeder system with the metro as the backbone

 •   Specifications defined to minimize total social cost, operate without 
     subsidies and subject to a maximal fare, with an average travel time 
     similar to former system

 •   Drivers’ salaries independent from the number of passengers – eliminate 
     aggressive driving techniques

 •   Operators receive the same for all passengers ‐ discrimination against 
     poorer/subsidized passengers

 •   Fares and services integration, including the metro – increase metro 
Policy Packaging in BRT
                  TranSantiago Case Study
Main features of the TS Plan (cont.)
(Muñoz & Gschwender, 2009)

•   Totally new fleet, with facilities for disabled riders

•   A new information system to passengers, based on GPS technology 

•   Smartcard transaction, thus eliminating money handling in buses –
    reducing assaults to drivers

•   Money administered by AFT (financial and technological manager) 

•   Awards and penalties scheme on operators’ contracts

•   Network of segregated bus corridors and high quality bus stops ‐ increase 
    in average speed
Policy Packaging in BRT
          TranSantiago Case Study (WP3)
•   Transition plan foreseen for a seamless transition from the old system

•   Several delays (e.g. AFT implementation ) led to postponements which in 
    turn led to relaxing of planned features (e.g. flat fare)

•   Changes in political power led to important changes to the plan (e.g. 
    reduction on the scope of the information system; allowing companies to 
    rent buses)

•   Despite extensive planning several problems arose on the starting date 
    (Feb 10th 2007), causing the Chilean parliament to produce a massive 
    report (Cámara de Diputados, 2007) used by several parties and 
    associations to dissect the project
Institutional design
Some Institutional issues
•   Plan emerged from a very high and closed hierarchy with no independent 
    members or technicians, leading to low public participation (Brione, 2009)

•   Different members of the committee had different (sometimes opposing) 
    agendas, according to their backgrounds

•   No clear definition of responsibilities of each of the members of the 
    Committee (Cámara de Diputados, 2007)

•   CGTS was created following the model of the agency responsible for road 
    concessions (Coordinadora de Concesiones), assuming the concession 
    process for roads and for bus operations were similar

•   Transport Authority with proper attributions could have helped 
    overcoming some of the institutional issues identified (e.g. Allende et. al., 
Analytical framework to the policy
   Analytical Dimensions                Associated evaluation criteria
   Dimension 1                          Clarity of objectives and goals;
   Objectives and goals                 Measurability of goals;
                                        Effectiveness against goals;
                                        Compatibility with parallel objectives/goals.

   Dimension 2                          Breadth and diversity of potential measures;
   Primary measures and causal          Accuracy of causal assumptions;
   assumptions                          Accuracy of distributional effects.

   Dimension 3                          Exploitation of potential synergistic relationships;
   Inter‐measure interaction            Mitigation of potential contradictory/redundant relationships;
                                        Skilful incorporation of quantitative and qualitative assessment.

   Dimension 4                          Financial viability;
   Policy design process, technical     Stakeholder engagement.
   and financial considerations 

   Dimension 5                      Ex‐ante mitigation of barriers and unintended effects;
   Barriers and unintended effects  Ex‐post package flexibility.

Source: AustriaTech GmbH et al., 2010
Policy Packaging in BRT
                TranSantiago Case Study

Red – not planned
Orange - Partial
Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package 
Objectives and goals
• Objectives and goals of the project were clearly defined

•    The plan effectively addressed all the faulty issues identified in the 
     former transport system

•    The plan lacked measurable targets

•    Positive aspects of the former system disregarded by the plan
      • high network density and capillarity
      • high frequencies
      • low or no need for transfers
      • no subsidies
      • flexibility to serve new residential areas

-5                                       0                                     +5
Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package 
Inter‐measure interaction 

•    Synergetic relations, e.g. between the new bus system and the 
     metro in order to increase ridership of the latter well explored and 

•    Literature shows detailed studies and modelling were conducted 
     to determine system specifications (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008), 
     although some also argue that modeling used was sometimes 
     defective (Brione, 2009)

-5                                      0                                    +5
Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package 
Policy design process, technical and financial considerations
• Very weak public participation, claimed to be one of the major 
   limitations of the project (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009)
• Faulty institutional design (Allende, I., et. al., 2007 ; Brione, 2009)
• Very closed and limited team of experts (Brione, 2009)

Barriers and unintended effects 
 -5                                     0                                   +5
• Financial viability affected by the diversion of investment to metro 
    and urban highways around Santiago when a new Minister took 

-5                                     0                                    +5
(besides the actors presented before)

•   Operator companies (associated into cooperatives ‐ gremiales) – in the 
    old system functioned as a cartel and had the power to influence and 
    capture governments’ actions during the creation and implementation 
    of Transantiago; some were incorporated in the new system (TS)

•   Bus Drivers’ – had vary bad working conditions in the old system; were 
    explored by the owners (operators) and had a vary bad reputation by 
    the citizens who accused them of system’s failures;

•   Citizens – the ones affected by the plan

•   NGO’s – had an important role in creating awareness about the 
    problems in the transportation system and had an important role in 
    influencing the political agenda
Preliminary conclusions

•   Project had several problems, not caused by policy package but by 
    implementation issues

     •   Delays in several areas, causing the postponement of the project;
     •   Postponement of technology and infrastrucutre (segregated 
         busways and stops)
     •   Diversion of funding to metro and road projects
     •   Reduction of the information system
     •   Operational deficit
Preliminary conclusions (cont.)

•   Problems affecting implementation related to weaknesses in 
    institutional design, namely:
     • Implementation hierarchy highly dependent from political power
     • No authority officially committed to the implementation of the 
     • No clear definition of responsabilities and overlaping roles (in the 
         Transantiago Directorate)
Classification of BRT systems adopted for the project
(ITDP, 2007)
Case studies 
(some features to be confirmed)

    Lyon                      Transantiago         Guangzhou   Transmilenio
    Goteburg                  New Delhi    Belo Horizonte
WP3 Case studies 
                            Santiago (Transantiago),            Belo Horizonte,            Bogotá (TransMilenio),       Guangzhou BRT,
                                     Chile                           Brazil                      Colombia                   China
Annual demand
                                         102                            392                          540                        n.d.
(million pass. / year)
Annual fare revenue
                                        85,17                         398,29                        370,44                     175,2
(US$ millions)
Commercial speed (kph)                  26,18                           16,5                          27                         18
Corridors                                 14                             7                            8                           1
Daily demand
                                        340,8                          130,8                        1800                        800
(thousand pass. / day)
Fare integration                         Yes                            Yes                          Yes                        n.d.
Maximum user fare (US$)                  1,19                           1,45                         0,98                        0,6
Minimum user fare (US$)                  1,19                           0,16                         0,98                        0,6
Modal split
                                          35                            38,9                          59                        n.d.
(% Public transport)
Overtaking lanes                        Partial                        Partial                        All                      Partial*
Peak frequency
                                         185                            500                          320                         10
(buses / hour)
Peak load (pphpd)                       12700                          35000                        43000                      29900
Pre-board fare collection               Partial                        Partial                        All                       Yes*
Real time information                    No                             No                           Yes                        Yes*
Standard fare (US$)                      1,19                           1,45                         0,98                       0,24*
Station boarding level      Low-level platform & On-street,
                                                            On-street, no level boarding      High level platform   Level boarding on some buses*
                                  no level boarding
Station spacing (m)                       416                           325
                                                                          783                 880
System length (km)                91,85               24,9                106                 22,5
User rating                       Good               Average             Good
 All data Global BRT Data ( except *China BRT (
Case studies 
                            Janmarg (Ahmedabad),          New Delhi,               Lyon,   Goteborg,
                                    India                   India                 France    Sweden
Annual demand
                                    15,6                       16                  n.d.       n.d.
(million pass. / year)
Annual fare revenue
                                    5,52                      5,51                 2,57
(US$ millions)
Commercial speed (kph)               25                        17                   17        21
Corridors                            2                          1                   1          4
Daily demand
                                     52                       53,5                  4,7
(thousand pass. / day)
Fare integration                    n.d.                       No
Maximum user fare (US$)             0,3                       0,49                 $1,50
Minimum user fare (US$)             0,3                        0,1                 $1,50
Modal split
                                     17                        48
(% Public transport)
Overtaking lanes                                              None
Peak frequency
                                     30                        104                            20
(buses / hour)
Peak load (pphpd)                   1055                      5500
Pre-board fare collection                                     None
Real time information                                          Yes
Standard fare (US$)                 0,2                        0,49
Station boarding level                             On-street, no level boarding
Station spacing (m)                 550                        644
System length (km)                   39                        5,8                  4
User rating                                                   Good

 All data Global BRT Data ( except *China BRT (
National Cultural Dimension
                                                          •Individualism (IDV)
                                                          the degree of interdependence a society maintains
                                                          among its members.

                                                          •Masculinity / Femininity (MAS)
                                                          what motivates people, wanting to be the best
                                                          (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine)

                                                          •Uncertainty avoidance (UAI)
                                                          the extent to which the members of a culture feel
   •Power distance (PDI)                                  threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and
   the extent to which the less powerful                  have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid
   members of institutions and                            these
   organizations within a country expect
   and accept that power is distributed                   •Long-term orientation (LTO)
   unequally                                              the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-
                                                          oriented perspective rather than a conventional
                                                          historical short-term point of view

Hofstede Center (
Case studies 
National cultures Comparison 
Case Study: 
New York City Public 
Incl. Select Bus Service
Theoretical framework
The concept of (individual or
corporate) actor presupposes
the following assumptions:
•The resources brought to an
action situation by the actor
•The valuation that actors assign
to states of the world and to
•The way actors acquire, process,
retain and use knowledge               INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT
contingencies and information
                                         FRAMEWORK (adapted from Ostrom, 2005)
•The process actors use for
selection of particular courses.
The action situation:
•Positions                                          Analyze the individual
•Outcomes                                          components of the case
•Action-outcome linkages (or allowable          study institutional design and
actions)                                            highlight strengths and
•Control the participants exercise
•Information                                    weaknesses that affect policy
•Costs and benefits assigned to outcomes               and performance

Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau
Study Area: New York City (NYC)
Socio‐economic diversity
                                                                                                  New York's five boroughs overview

                                                                                            Jurisdiction                   Population       Land area

                                                                                                                           1 July 2011 square         square
                                                                              Borough of               County of            Estimates miles           km
                                                                          Manhattan               New York                   1.601.948          23             59
                                                                          The Bronx               Bronx                      1.392.002          42             109
                                                                          Brooklyn                Kings                      2.532.645          71             183
                                                                          Queens                  Queens                     2.247.848          109            283
                                                                          Staten Island           Richmond                    470.467           58             151
                                                                                          City of New York                   8.244.910          303            786
                                                                                          State of New York                19.465.197      47.214        122.284
                                                                          Source: United States Census Bureau

County        Borough         Density	       Bachelor's	     Language	      Homeowners Households,	           Persons	per	 Median	      Total	number	 Mean	
                              Persons	       degree	or	      other	than	    hip	rate,	  2006‐2010				         household,	 household	    of	firms,	2007		 travel	time	
                              per	sq.	       higher,	%	of	   English	       2006‐2010		                       2006‐2010			 income	2006‐                  to	work	
                              mile,	2010				 persons	age	    spoken	at	                                                    2010				
                                                                                                                                                          mins ,	
                                             25 ,	2006‐      home,	pct	age	
                                             2010            5 ,	2006‐                                                                                   workers	
                                                             2010                                                                                        age	16 ,	
New	York      Manhattan       69.467,5      57.0%            40.0%         22.8%             732.204          2,09            $64,971       307,128             30,1
Kings         Brooklyn        35.369,1      28,8%            45,9%         30,3%             903,991          2,68            $43.567       253.129             41,6
Richmond      Staten	Island   8.030,3       28,5%            29,6%         70,3%             164.279          2,76            $71.084       37.844              42,0
Bronx         The	Bronx       32.903,6      17,6%            56,0%         20,7%             472.464          2,79            $34.264       111,028             41,7
Queens        Queens          20.553,6      29,5%            56,2%         45,5%             774.311          2,81            $55.291       236.900             42,0
New	York	City                 27.012,5      33,3%            48,3%         33,0%             3.047.249        2,59            $50.285       944.129             39,2
New	York	State                411,2         32.1%            29,2%         55.2%             7.205.740        2,59            $55,603       1.956.733           31,3
                                        Transportation                            Stakeholders
                                        New York City Transit
                                        MTA Bus Company                           Advocacy Groups
                                        Long Island Rail Road
                                        Metro‐North Railroad                       New York's Public Transit 
                                        Bridges and Tunnels                        Union*

                                        The Port Authority of
                                        New York & New Jersey                      Permanent Citizens 
                                                                                   Advisory Committee*
                                        New York City
                                        Department of
                                        Transport                                  Straphangers Campaign*

                                        New York Metropolitan 
                                        Transportation Council                     Citizens Budget 
                                        (MPO)*                                     Commission*

                                        New York State 
                                        Department of                              Transportation
                                        Transportation                             Alternatives

                                        New York State
                                        Comptroller                                Manhattan Institute

                                        Federal Transit
                                        Administration                             etc
* Interviews with stakeholder representatives were conducted during field visit



         New York City                                                 REGIONAL

 LOCAL                          NOTE: This is a very simplified representation of NYC´s
                                Public Transit Institutional design. There are three types of
                                financial flows (Federal, State and Local); individual
                                financial mechanisms are still under investigation.
NY State Public Transit Legislation
Public Authorities State Law
                                       Public Authorities
                                      Accountability Act of

                               Transportation State Law

  Reform Act of
passenger trips
Passenger miles

                    Traffic and 
                  ‐New York‐Newark 
                            Data Source: Texas 
                          Transportation Institute
Traffic and 
                      ‐New York‐Newark 
                          Data Source: Texas 
                        Transportation Institute

VMT = Vehicle Miles
Average weekday bus & rail 
      ridership (trips)

              Commuters to Manhattan

Figures adapted from Moss, M.L., Qing, C.Y. and Kaufman, S. (2012). Commuting to Manhattan: A study of residence location trends for Manhattan workers
from 2002 to 2009. Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management, New York University Wagner School of Public Service, March 2012
New York State & Local Government 
State and Local Government Finances 
                         (Revenue sources)            

2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009         2009-2010
State and Local Government Finances 

       2003-2004              2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009   2009-2010
State and Local Government Finances 
                        (Outstanding debt)

2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009       2009-2010

Data source: National Transit Database
MTA  1991‐2011 Total Funding Sources
                          Data source: National Transit Database
                            Fund Source    1991‐2011
                              FaresOp        35,56%
                              StateOp        19,22%
                              LocalCap       17,47%
                              LocalOp        12,44%
                             FederalCap      10,76%
                              Other Op       2,91%
                              OtherCap        0,68%
                              StateCap       0,66%
                             FederalOp       0,31%
                          ReconciliationOp   0,00%
                               TOTAL        100,00%
•The services of MTA Long Island Bus are operated since 2011 by a private operator,
Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE), i.e. Veolia Transport, after Nassau County´s
•MTA Staten Island Railway is a division of MTA New York City Transit                 Data source: National Transit Database
Total operating
                                                                              Vehicle operations
                                                                             Vehicle maintenance
                                                                            General administration
                                                                            Data Source: National Transit Database

                                                                            New York City DOT = New York City
                                                                            Department of Transportation
                                  Directly operated (DO)              Purchased transportation (PT)
Heavy rail (HR) rapid            MTA New York City Transit
      transit                    MTA Staten Island Railway
                                 MTA Metro‐North Railroad
Commuter Rail (CR)
                                 MTA Long Island Rail Road
                                   MTA Long Island Bus
                                                                       MTA Metro‐North Railroad
     Bus (MB)                    MTA New York City Transit
                                                                          New York City DOT
                                    MTA Bus Company
 Demand response                                                       MTA New York City Transit
                                    MTA Long Island Bus
      (DR)                                                                New York City DOT
                                                                       MTA Metro‐North Railroad
   Ferryboat (FB)        New York City Department of Transportation
                                                                          New York City DOT
A story of budgetary cuts
Governor Paterson Proposes Austere Budget to Close State 
            Deficit (NYT, December 16,2008)

 M.T.A. Approves Austerity Budget (NYT, December 17,2008)
  “The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Wednesday
  approved an austerity budget for 2009 that calls for painful cuts in bus,
  subway and commuter rail service and a steep increase in fares and
             tolls, all aimed at plugging a $1.2 billion deficit”

                        PHOTO CREDIT: DNAinfo/Yepoka Yeebo
Ravitch MTA Rescue Plan 
                          (December 2, 2008)
 Assigned on June 10, 2008, by Governor David A. Paterson to recommend strategies to 
               fund MTA essential capital projects and operating needs.

 Urgency for immediate action
Impose a New Regional Mobility Tax
Create the MTA Capital Finance Authority
Establish a Regular Cycle of Predictable Fare and Toll Increases
Impose Cashless Tolling on the East River and Harlem River Bridges:
Improve Bus Service in the Region:
• “the Commission recommends that the MTA implement a new and promising 
   bus strategy – Bus Rapid Transit to add a state of the art dimension that 
   promises significant travel time, efficiency and comfort benefits”
Strengthen Governance of the MTA
Increase Transparency and Accountability
Mitigate the MTA’s Proposed 2009 Fare and Toll Increase and Anticipated Service 
Payroll mobility tax
                  (Source: New York Post, 24Aug2012)
• Then‐Gov. David Paterson enacted it after the MTA faced a $1.8 billion 
  budget shortfall in 2009
• The tax adds a 34‐cent surcharge to every $100 an employer pays out, 
  and applies to the 12 New York counties served by the MTA.
• Governor Cuomo and the legislative leaders have agreed in December 
  6, 2012 to reduce the MTA payroll tax on small businesses while 
  maintaining the necessary funding for the MTA from other sources. 
  The State would compensate the MTA for the $250 million in lost 
• MTA payroll tax ruled unconstitutional by state Supreme Court on 
  August 22, 2012
• This would have a ripple effect that wipes away nearly $2 billion in 
  funding, a devastating blow that would lead to “extreme” fare hikes.
SBS line          County          Launched
                                                                      PHASE I BRT PROJECTS
                                                       Fordham Road  Bronx               Jun 2008
                                                       First and         Manhattan       Oct 2010
                                                       34th Street       Manhattan       Nov 2011
                                                       Hylan             Staten Island   Sep 2012
                                                       Nostrand       Brooklyn           Service to 
                                                       Avenue‐Rogers                     begin 2013
                                                                      PHASE II BRT PROJECTS
                                                       M60 (upgrade      Queens          planned
                                                       existing M60 
                                                       to LaGuardia 
                                                       Webster           Bronx           planned
    •Frequent service
    •Station spacing (about every half a mile)
    •Off-board fare payment
    •Traffic Signal Priority (TSP)
    •Bus lanes

    •Enhanced stations
    •Low-floor and up to three doors BRT vehicles
Photo courtecy: Maria Spandou
Interesting Issues highlighted during the interviews (I)

• Cultural barriers  ‐ “Public goods provided by the public sector” 
• Clarification  of role ‐ Governor´s de jure and de facto role and 
• In people´s perceptions MTA is supervised by the City of New York, 
  instead of the NY State (Governor)

• Unstable and uncertain financial flows
• Competition within NY state counties for funding and financing, in the 
   form of negotiations
• Money availability ‐ Funds Appropriation processes are timely
• Debt increase ‐ Bond issuing affected strongly MTA´s financial situation
Interesting Issues highlighted during the interviews (II)
• MTA´s participation in a number of benchmarking networks (e.g. 
  Community of Metros – CoMET, International Bus Benchmarking Group) 

• Awareness / accountability ‐ Informal “watchdog” role played by the 
  advocacy groups
• Public participation is encouraged through public hearings, prescribed by 
  law. Interviewees had different perceptions about effectiveness
• Relationships have been built between certain stakeholders that allow for 
  initiatives of collaboration when an issue/problem appears

• Tension between labor unions and MTA in face of the new contract 
  negotiations, due to MTA´s budgetary restraints.
Interesting Issues that are worth attention
• How is independence and autonomy of MTA Board guaranteed?
• Innovative funding sources and conditions for maximum 
• Would outsourcing practices (except for current DRT) provide any 
  benefits to the performance of the system under current 
  institutional design?
• How are regulatory and competition issues addressed?
• How are current and future BRT systems incorporated in such a 
  complicated institutional, organizational and financial context?
Preliminary Conclusions (I)
• Soft Institutional changes are more probable than radical ones, 
  due to the conditions established by the legal framework

• There are no patterns of funding and financing, as depicted 
  from analysis of federal, state and local financial flows data

• Leadership and reputation are important elements of the 
  personal preferences of the decision‐makers

• Personal and corporate reputation are most of the times 
  incentive factors that influence positively the peroformance of 
Preliminary Conclusions (II)
• Transparency and openness of information and data promote 
  accountability and constant formal & informal assessment of 
  the system´s performance

• Participation of the various stakeholders in a number of 
  networks, promote collaboration and capacity building. In 
  cases of “power/influence of scale” objectives are more 
  probable to be achieved

• New York City´s economic dynamic and attractiveness, Political 
  and financial/funding parameters and mobility culture are, 
  macroscopically, some of the most important determinants of 
  the system´s performance.
Thank you for your attention !
      Prof. Rosário Macário

   Luís N. Filipe (Transantiago)

 Maria Spandou (New York City)
                                                Bus Rapid Transit      Across Latitudes and Cultures
                                      VREF Center of Excellence

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LS2: Exploring the complexity of policy design

  • 1. EXPLORING THE COMPLEXITY OF POLICY DESIGN January 2013 Research team:  Rosário Macário (coord)  Luís N. Filipe Maria Spandou Vasco Reis Luis Martinez Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
  • 2. Project objectives • Understand the main decision making processes in  BRT systems • Develop a formal structure for retrospective analysis  of the various interplaying policy components, and  relations between institutional design and  performance • Develop a systems dynamic model to search for well‐ designed and promising BRT policy packages
  • 3. • Luis N. Filipe, Rosário Macário, “A first glimpse on policy  packaging for implementation of BRT projects” in Research  in Transportation Economics 39 (2013) 150 – 157 • Spandou M., Macário R., Decentralization as an institutional  determinant for the performance of urban mobility  systems, VREF CoE Workshop 26‐29 October 2011, Beijing,  China  • Macário R. Thinking on public accountability:  How to  address quality of policy design and decision‐making?  12th  Thredbo Conference, 11‐15 September 2011, Durban,  South Africa  • + working reports
  • 4. Contents • Preliminary analysis on policy packaging in  Santiago Chile  • Coalition analysis in New York
  • 6. Objectives and goals of TS • Improve the existing public transport system of Santiago, addressing  and solving the failures of the former system • Capable of maintaining or increasing the modal share of public  transport while being environmentally, socially and economically  sustainable (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008)
  • 7. Old transport system – issues to be addressed (Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009) • Defective business structure, with many small companies operating  only a few services; companies organized into powerful cooperatives  that were able to capture the government  • No formal working relations, driver’s income linked to the number of  passengers ‐ tax evasion, promotion of abusive practices,  discrimination of subsidized passengers, on‐street competition • Payments done directly to drivers, who were subject to constant  assaults • Defective network: 80% of the routes used one of the 6 main city  streets; very long routes (average 60km), leading to high operating  costs, bus bunching, congestion
  • 8. Old transport system – issues to be addressed (cont.) (Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009) • No integration (fore or physical) making transfers expensive and low use  of the metro • Old / uncomfortable and badly maintained buses, causing passenger  discomfort, high air pollution and noise emissions But... • Relevant positive features in the old system:  (Allende, I., et. al., 2007; Brione, 2009) • high network density and capillarity • high frequencies • low or no need for transfers • no subsidies • Flexibility to serve new residential areas
  • 9. Main features of the TS Plan (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2009) • Organised as trunk and feeder system with the metro as the backbone • Specifications defined to minimize total social cost, operate without  subsidies and subject to a maximal fare, with an average travel time  similar to former system • Drivers’ salaries independent from the number of passengers – eliminate  aggressive driving techniques • Operators receive the same for all passengers ‐ discrimination against  poorer/subsidized passengers • Fares and services integration, including the metro – increase metro  ridership
  • 10. Policy Packaging in BRT TranSantiago Case Study Main features of the TS Plan (cont.) (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2009) • Totally new fleet, with facilities for disabled riders • A new information system to passengers, based on GPS technology  • Smartcard transaction, thus eliminating money handling in buses – reducing assaults to drivers • Money administered by AFT (financial and technological manager)  • Awards and penalties scheme on operators’ contracts • Network of segregated bus corridors and high quality bus stops ‐ increase  in average speed
  • 11. Policy Packaging in BRT TranSantiago Case Study (WP3) Implementation • Transition plan foreseen for a seamless transition from the old system • Several delays (e.g. AFT implementation ) led to postponements which in  turn led to relaxing of planned features (e.g. flat fare) • Changes in political power led to important changes to the plan (e.g.  reduction on the scope of the information system; allowing companies to  rent buses) • Despite extensive planning several problems arose on the starting date  (Feb 10th 2007), causing the Chilean parliament to produce a massive  report (Cámara de Diputados, 2007) used by several parties and  associations to dissect the project
  • 13. Some Institutional issues • Plan emerged from a very high and closed hierarchy with no independent  members or technicians, leading to low public participation (Brione, 2009) • Different members of the committee had different (sometimes opposing)  agendas, according to their backgrounds • No clear definition of responsibilities of each of the members of the  Committee (Cámara de Diputados, 2007) • CGTS was created following the model of the agency responsible for road  concessions (Coordinadora de Concesiones), assuming the concession  process for roads and for bus operations were similar • Transport Authority with proper attributions could have helped  overcoming some of the institutional issues identified (e.g. Allende et. al.,  2007)
  • 14. Analytical framework to the policy package Analytical Dimensions Associated evaluation criteria Dimension 1 Clarity of objectives and goals; Objectives and goals  Measurability of goals; Effectiveness against goals; Compatibility with parallel objectives/goals. Dimension 2 Breadth and diversity of potential measures; Primary measures and causal  Accuracy of causal assumptions; assumptions  Accuracy of distributional effects. Dimension 3 Exploitation of potential synergistic relationships; Inter‐measure interaction  Mitigation of potential contradictory/redundant relationships; Skilful incorporation of quantitative and qualitative assessment. Dimension 4 Financial viability; Policy design process, technical  Stakeholder engagement. and financial considerations  Dimension 5 Ex‐ante mitigation of barriers and unintended effects; Barriers and unintended effects  Ex‐post package flexibility. Source: AustriaTech GmbH et al., 2010
  • 15. Policy Packaging in BRT TranSantiago Case Study Red – not planned Orange - Partial
  • 16. Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package  evaluation Objectives and goals • Objectives and goals of the project were clearly defined • The plan effectively addressed all the faulty issues identified in the  former transport system • The plan lacked measurable targets • Positive aspects of the former system disregarded by the plan • high network density and capillarity • high frequencies • low or no need for transfers • no subsidies • flexibility to serve new residential areas -5 0 +5
  • 17. Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package  evaluation Inter‐measure interaction  • Synergetic relations, e.g. between the new bus system and the  metro in order to increase ridership of the latter well explored and  between  • Literature shows detailed studies and modelling were conducted  to determine system specifications (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008),  although some also argue that modeling used was sometimes  defective (Brione, 2009) -5 0 +5
  • 18. Preliminary conclusions ‐ Package  evaluation Policy design process, technical and financial considerations • Very weak public participation, claimed to be one of the major  limitations of the project (Muñoz & Gschwender, 2008; Brione, 2009) • Faulty institutional design (Allende, I., et. al., 2007 ; Brione, 2009) • Very closed and limited team of experts (Brione, 2009) Barriers and unintended effects  -5 0 +5 • Financial viability affected by the diversion of investment to metro  and urban highways around Santiago when a new Minister took  power -5 0 +5
  • 19. Stakeholders (besides the actors presented before) • Operator companies (associated into cooperatives ‐ gremiales) – in the  old system functioned as a cartel and had the power to influence and  capture governments’ actions during the creation and implementation  of Transantiago; some were incorporated in the new system (TS) • Bus Drivers’ – had vary bad working conditions in the old system; were  explored by the owners (operators) and had a vary bad reputation by  the citizens who accused them of system’s failures; • Citizens – the ones affected by the plan • NGO’s – had an important role in creating awareness about the  problems in the transportation system and had an important role in  influencing the political agenda
  • 20. Preliminary conclusions • Project had several problems, not caused by policy package but by  implementation issues • Delays in several areas, causing the postponement of the project; • Postponement of technology and infrastrucutre (segregated  busways and stops) • Diversion of funding to metro and road projects • Reduction of the information system • Operational deficit
  • 21. Preliminary conclusions (cont.) • Problems affecting implementation related to weaknesses in  institutional design, namely: • Implementation hierarchy highly dependent from political power • No authority officially committed to the implementation of the  system • No clear definition of responsabilities and overlaping roles (in the  Transantiago Directorate)
  • 22. Classification of BRT systems adopted for the project (ITDP, 2007)
  • 23. Case studies  Classification (some features to be confirmed) Lyon Transantiago Guangzhou Transmilenio Goteburg New Delhi Belo Horizonte Janmarg
  • 24. WP3 Case studies  Santiago (Transantiago), Belo Horizonte, Bogotá (TransMilenio), Guangzhou BRT, Chile Brazil Colombia China Annual demand 102 392 540 n.d. (million pass. / year) Annual fare revenue 85,17 398,29 370,44 175,2 (US$ millions) Commercial speed (kph) 26,18 16,5 27 18 Corridors 14 7 8 1 Daily demand 340,8 130,8 1800 800 (thousand pass. / day) Fare integration Yes Yes Yes n.d. Maximum user fare (US$) 1,19 1,45 0,98 0,6 Minimum user fare (US$) 1,19 0,16 0,98 0,6 Modal split 35 38,9 59 n.d. (% Public transport) Overtaking lanes Partial Partial All Partial* Peak frequency 185 500 320 10 (buses / hour) Peak load (pphpd) 12700 35000 43000 29900 Pre-board fare collection Partial Partial All Yes* Real time information No No Yes Yes* Standard fare (US$) 1,19 1,45 0,98 0,24* Station boarding level Low-level platform & On-street, On-street, no level boarding High level platform Level boarding on some buses* no level boarding Station spacing (m) 416 325 783 880 System length (km) 91,85 24,9 106 22,5 User rating Good Average Good All data Global BRT Data ( except *China BRT (
  • 25. Case studies  Janmarg (Ahmedabad), New Delhi, Lyon, Goteborg, India India France Sweden Annual demand 15,6 16 n.d. n.d. (million pass. / year) Annual fare revenue 5,52 5,51 2,57 (US$ millions) Commercial speed (kph) 25 17 17 21 Corridors 2 1 1 4 Daily demand 52 53,5 4,7 (thousand pass. / day) Fare integration n.d. No Maximum user fare (US$) 0,3 0,49 $1,50 Minimum user fare (US$) 0,3 0,1 $1,50 Modal split 17 48 (% Public transport) Overtaking lanes None Peak frequency 30 104 20 (buses / hour) Peak load (pphpd) 1055 5500 Pre-board fare collection None Real time information Yes Standard fare (US$) 0,2 0,49 Station boarding level On-street, no level boarding Station spacing (m) 550 644 System length (km) 39 5,8 4 User rating Good All data Global BRT Data ( except *China BRT (
  • 26. National Cultural Dimension •Individualism (IDV) the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. •Masculinity / Femininity (MAS) what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine) •Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) the extent to which the members of a culture feel •Power distance (PDI) threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and the extent to which the less powerful have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid members of institutions and these organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed •Long-term orientation (LTO) unequally the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future- oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view Source: Hofstede Center (
  • 29. Theoretical framework The concept of (individual or corporate) actor presupposes the following assumptions: •The resources brought to an action situation by the actor •The valuation that actors assign to states of the world and to actions •The way actors acquire, process, retain and use knowledge INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT contingencies and information FRAMEWORK (adapted from Ostrom, 2005) •The process actors use for selection of particular courses. OBJECTIVE The action situation: •Participants •Positions Analyze the individual •Outcomes components of the case •Action-outcome linkages (or allowable study institutional design and actions) highlight strengths and •Control the participants exercise •Information weaknesses that affect policy •Costs and benefits assigned to outcomes and performance
  • 30. NEW YORK CITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau
  • 32. Socio‐economic diversity New York's five boroughs overview Jurisdiction Population Land area 1 July 2011 square square Borough of County of Estimates miles km Manhattan New York 1.601.948 23 59 The Bronx Bronx 1.392.002 42 109 Brooklyn Kings 2.532.645 71 183 Queens Queens 2.247.848 109 283 Staten Island Richmond 470.467 58 151 City of New York 8.244.910 303 786 State of New York 19.465.197 47.214 122.284 [1][2][3 Source: United States Census Bureau County Borough Density Bachelor's Language Homeowners Households, Persons per Median Total number Mean Persons degree or other than hip rate, 2006‐2010 household, household of firms, 2007 travel time per sq. higher, % of English 2006‐2010 2006‐2010 income 2006‐ to work mile, 2010 persons age spoken at 2010 mins , 25 , 2006‐ home, pct age 2010 5 , 2006‐ workers 2010 age 16 , 2006‐2010 New York Manhattan 69.467,5 57.0% 40.0% 22.8% 732.204 2,09 $64,971 307,128 30,1 Kings Brooklyn 35.369,1 28,8% 45,9% 30,3% 903,991 2,68 $43.567 253.129 41,6 Richmond Staten Island 8.030,3 28,5% 29,6% 70,3% 164.279 2,76 $71.084 37.844 42,0 Bronx The Bronx 32.903,6 17,6% 56,0% 20,7% 472.464 2,79 $34.264 111,028 41,7 Queens Queens 20.553,6 29,5% 56,2% 45,5% 774.311 2,81 $55.291 236.900 42,0 New York City 27.012,5 33,3% 48,3% 33,0% 3.047.249 2,59 $50.285 944.129 39,2 New York State 411,2 32.1% 29,2% 55.2% 7.205.740 2,59 $55,603 1.956.733 31,3
  • 33. Metropolitan  Transportation  Stakeholders Authority* Authorities New York City Transit Associations MTA Bus Company Advocacy Groups Long Island Rail Road Metro‐North Railroad New York's Public Transit  Bridges and Tunnels Union* The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Permanent Citizens  Advisory Committee* New York City Department of Transport Straphangers Campaign* New York Metropolitan  Transportation Council  Citizens Budget  (MPO)* Commission* New York State  Department of  Transportation Transportation Alternatives New York State Comptroller Manhattan Institute Federal Transit Administration etc * Interviews with stakeholder representatives were conducted during field visit
  • 34. FEDERAL Department Agency STATE New York City  REGIONAL LOCAL NOTE: This is a very simplified representation of NYC´s Public Transit Institutional design. There are three types of financial flows (Federal, State and Local); individual financial mechanisms are still under investigation.
  • 35. NY State Public Transit Legislation Public Authorities State Law Public Authorities Accountability Act of 2005 Transportation State Law Public Authorities Reform Act of 2009
  • 36. passenger trips Passenger miles Unlinked Traffic and  Mobility  Characteristics ‐New York‐Newark  NY‐NJ‐CT‐ Data Source: Texas  Transportation Institute
  • 37. Traffic and  Mobility  Characteristics ‐New York‐Newark  NY‐NJ‐CT‐ Data Source: Texas  Transportation Institute VMT = Vehicle Miles Travelled
  • 38. Average weekday bus & rail  ridership (trips)
  • 39. Commuters Commuters to Manhattan Figures adapted from Moss, M.L., Qing, C.Y. and Kaufman, S. (2012). Commuting to Manhattan: A study of residence location trends for Manhattan workers from 2002 to 2009. Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management, New York University Wagner School of Public Service, March 2012
  • 40. New York State & Local Government  Finances
  • 41. State and Local Government Finances  (Revenue sources) 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
  • 42. State and Local Government Finances  (Expenditures) 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
  • 43. State and Local Government Finances  (Outstanding debt) 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
  • 44. Data source: National Transit Database
  • 45. MTA  1991‐2011 Total Funding Sources Data source: National Transit Database Fund Source 1991‐2011 FaresOp 35,56% StateOp 19,22% LocalCap 17,47% LocalOp 12,44% FederalCap 10,76% Other Op 2,91% OtherCap 0,68% StateCap 0,66% FederalOp 0,31% ReconciliationOp 0,00% TOTAL 100,00%
  • 46. NOTES: •The services of MTA Long Island Bus are operated since 2011 by a private operator, Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE), i.e. Veolia Transport, after Nassau County´s decision. •MTA Staten Island Railway is a division of MTA New York City Transit Data source: National Transit Database
  • 47. Total operating expenses = Vehicle operations expenses + Vehicle maintenance expenses + Non-vehicle maintenance + General administration expenses Data Source: National Transit Database New York City DOT = New York City Department of Transportation Directly operated (DO) Purchased transportation (PT) Heavy rail (HR) rapid  MTA New York City Transit transit MTA Staten Island Railway MTA Metro‐North Railroad Commuter Rail (CR) MTA Long Island Rail Road MTA Long Island Bus MTA Metro‐North Railroad Bus (MB) MTA New York City Transit New York City DOT MTA Bus Company Demand response  MTA New York City Transit MTA Long Island Bus (DR) New York City DOT MTA Metro‐North Railroad Ferryboat (FB) New York City Department of Transportation New York City DOT
  • 48. A story of budgetary cuts Governor Paterson Proposes Austere Budget to Close State  Deficit (NYT, December 16,2008) M.T.A. Approves Austerity Budget (NYT, December 17,2008) “The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Wednesday approved an austerity budget for 2009 that calls for painful cuts in bus, subway and commuter rail service and a steep increase in fares and tolls, all aimed at plugging a $1.2 billion deficit” PHOTO CREDIT: DNAinfo/Yepoka Yeebo
  • 49. Ravitch MTA Rescue Plan  (December 2, 2008) Assigned on June 10, 2008, by Governor David A. Paterson to recommend strategies to  fund MTA essential capital projects and operating needs. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS  Urgency for immediate action Impose a New Regional Mobility Tax Create the MTA Capital Finance Authority Establish a Regular Cycle of Predictable Fare and Toll Increases Impose Cashless Tolling on the East River and Harlem River Bridges: Improve Bus Service in the Region: • “the Commission recommends that the MTA implement a new and promising  bus strategy – Bus Rapid Transit to add a state of the art dimension that  promises significant travel time, efficiency and comfort benefits” Strengthen Governance of the MTA Increase Transparency and Accountability Mitigate the MTA’s Proposed 2009 Fare and Toll Increase and Anticipated Service  Reductions
  • 50. Payroll mobility tax (Source: New York Post, 24Aug2012) • Then‐Gov. David Paterson enacted it after the MTA faced a $1.8 billion  budget shortfall in 2009 • The tax adds a 34‐cent surcharge to every $100 an employer pays out,  and applies to the 12 New York counties served by the MTA. • Governor Cuomo and the legislative leaders have agreed in December  6, 2012 to reduce the MTA payroll tax on small businesses while  maintaining the necessary funding for the MTA from other sources.  The State would compensate the MTA for the $250 million in lost  revenue.  ( • MTA payroll tax ruled unconstitutional by state Supreme Court on  August 22, 2012 • This would have a ripple effect that wipes away nearly $2 billion in  funding, a devastating blow that would lead to “extreme” fare hikes.
  • 51. SBS line County Launched PHASE I BRT PROJECTS Fordham Road  Bronx Jun 2008 First and  Manhattan Oct 2010 Second  Avenues  34th Street  Manhattan Nov 2011 Hylan Staten Island Sep 2012 Boulevard  Nostrand Brooklyn Service to  Avenue‐Rogers  begin 2013 Avenue PHASE II BRT PROJECTS M60 (upgrade  Queens planned existing M60  to LaGuardia  Airport)  Webster  Bronx planned Avenue
  • 52. SPEED AND RELIABILITY •Frequent service •Station spacing (about every half a mile) •Off-board fare payment •Traffic Signal Priority (TSP) •Bus lanes PASSENGER COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE •Enhanced stations •Low-floor and up to three doors BRT vehicles •Branding Photo courtecy: Maria Spandou
  • 53. Interesting Issues highlighted during the interviews (I) CULTURAL / INSTITUTIONAL • Cultural barriers  ‐ “Public goods provided by the public sector”  philosophy • Clarification  of role ‐ Governor´s de jure and de facto role and  influence • In people´s perceptions MTA is supervised by the City of New York,  instead of the NY State (Governor) FINANCIAL • Unstable and uncertain financial flows • Competition within NY state counties for funding and financing, in the  form of negotiations • Money availability ‐ Funds Appropriation processes are timely • Debt increase ‐ Bond issuing affected strongly MTA´s financial situation
  • 54. Interesting Issues highlighted during the interviews (II) CAPACITY BUILDING • MTA´s participation in a number of benchmarking networks (e.g.  Community of Metros – CoMET, International Bus Benchmarking Group)  PARTICIPATION AND COLLABORATION • Awareness / accountability ‐ Informal “watchdog” role played by the  advocacy groups • Public participation is encouraged through public hearings, prescribed by  law. Interviewees had different perceptions about effectiveness • Relationships have been built between certain stakeholders that allow for  initiatives of collaboration when an issue/problem appears CONFLICTS • Tension between labor unions and MTA in face of the new contract  negotiations, due to MTA´s budgetary restraints.
  • 55. Interesting Issues that are worth attention • How is independence and autonomy of MTA Board guaranteed? • Innovative funding sources and conditions for maximum  acceptability? • Would outsourcing practices (except for current DRT) provide any  benefits to the performance of the system under current  institutional design? • How are regulatory and competition issues addressed? • How are current and future BRT systems incorporated in such a  complicated institutional, organizational and financial context?
  • 56. Preliminary Conclusions (I) • Soft Institutional changes are more probable than radical ones,  due to the conditions established by the legal framework • There are no patterns of funding and financing, as depicted  from analysis of federal, state and local financial flows data • Leadership and reputation are important elements of the  personal preferences of the decision‐makers • Personal and corporate reputation are most of the times  incentive factors that influence positively the peroformance of  system
  • 57. Preliminary Conclusions (II) • Transparency and openness of information and data promote  accountability and constant formal & informal assessment of  the system´s performance • Participation of the various stakeholders in a number of  networks, promote collaboration and capacity building. In  cases of “power/influence of scale” objectives are more  probable to be achieved • New York City´s economic dynamic and attractiveness, Political  and financial/funding parameters and mobility culture are,  macroscopically, some of the most important determinants of  the system´s performance.
  • 58. Thank you for your attention ! Prof. Rosário Macário Luís N. Filipe (Transantiago) Maria Spandou (New York City) Bus Rapid Transit Across Latitudes and Cultures VREF Center of Excellence