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T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                   Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9

   Are You Your Brother’s                                                    Manchester Church of Christ
                                                                                    66 Mammoth Rd.

          Keeper?                                                                 Manchester, NH 03109
                                     of your ministry, too. You
                                     know, when an elder or           
                                     preacher show up at the door or      
                                     make a phone call, it is
                                     appreciated — but it’s also                  Elder’s Link: April
                                     expected. However, when                    Duane Coss – 424-9152
                                     another member of the church
                                     calls or sends a card; it really
                                     makes an impact, because “they             Barry Fogal – 487-2387
                                     didn’t have to do it”. It expresses
         Since our basement          real care and concern; it says          If you have any concerns that the
                                     loudly and clearly, “You’re my         elders should be aware of, or need
disaster our Sunday morning                                                    to speak to with them, please
numbers have been down a             brother or sister, and I do care.”       contact Lee or Larry this month.
little; have you noticed? Some of            Jesus said to His
it is probably due to the colds      disciples, “A new
                                     commandment I give to you,                  Our Worship Services
and illnesses that are making
                                     that you love one another, even            Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00
the rounds these days, but not
all of it. Have you noticed the      as I have loved you, that you                  Bible Class: 10:00
people who usually sit around        also love one another. By this all             Sunday PM: 6:00
you absent? Do you know why? men will know that you are My                            Small Groups:
Why not give them a call or a        disciples, if you have love for        West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at
card to encourage them and tell one another.” John 13:34, 35,                          Doug Paul’s
them that they have been             NAS95. Be a brother’s keeper           Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at
missed? Are we not, after all,       this week; let’s build up,                     Stuart Peacock’s
our brothers’ keepers?               encourage, and support one            Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul
         “Isn’t that the elders’ and another spiritually. If we don’t,                  Mosier's

preachers’ jobs?” someone says. who else in this world will?                 Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible
                                                                                     Classes: 7:00
         Well, certainly it’s a part
                                                                           News Items? Please submit before
of their ministry, but it’s a part                                         11AM each Tuesday.

       This Sunday Lee Davis will be                             break the bread of life to you in the
preaching; once a month the elders                               assembly.
have requested a chance to speak to                                     Ryan will be leading our
the whole congregation at the pulpit.                            thoughts on Sunday evening. He’s
This Sunday, as it turns out, Linda                              planning on a Bible class sort of
and I will be helping our grandson to                            structure, so come with open hearts
celebrate his second birthday, so it’s                           and an open Bible.
the perfect time for the elders to

                                                                                                         PAGE 1
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                     Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9

                                                               “So then you are no longer strangers and

Our Family
                                                               aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the
                                                               saints, and are of God’s household,”
                                                               Ephesians 2:19, NAS95.

Coming up in April...                                 directed to Lee Davis.
                                                                                                         I am one
                                                Service opportunity Doug Paul is
Elder pulpit Lee Davis will be                      still in need of volunteers to take
    bringing us the lesson on                       the Lord's supper to shut- ins.                    I am only one,
    Sunday entitled Fatal                           There are 4 more months to
    Distractions. Lee states, “As we                cover. Sign up sheet is on the                     But I am one;
    develop the Maximum Life, it is                 bulletin board in the foyer.                  I cannot do everything,
    essential that we (1) clarify our
                                                                                                  But I can do something.
    values, (2) clarify our God-given
    shape, (3) commit to Jesus        This and that...                                                 What I can do,
    Christ, and (4) avoid "fatal                                                                       I ought to do;
    distractions". I look forward to
    sharing this lesson on the next   Pantry revival Please continue to                           And what I ought to do,
    Lord's day.”                          bring items for our food pantry                      By the grace of God, I will do.
                                          and place them in the box in the
Help needed The Lauzon's will be
                                          foyer. The requested items for
    moving to Dublin, NH on April
      th                                  this week are canned pasta
    18 and could use some help
                                          and canned fruit.
    moving. Please contact Peter or
    Debbie if you are available to    FYI A phone tree is being worked
    help.                                 on so that it will be possible to
                                          reach everyone in the family
                                                                                             I shall not pass this way
                                          when necessary. Please check
                                          your phone number listed in the
What else?
                                          directory and let Kim know if it
MNFM Due to the fact that we are          is not accurate.                                 I expect to pass through this world
    unable to use the basement it     Attention men A service schedule                     but once. Any good, therefore, that I
    has been decided that we won't        for the next quarter can be                      can do, or any kindness that I can
    be meeting for Monday Night           found on the bulletin board in
    for the Master.                                                                        show to any fellow being, let me do it
                                          the back of the auditorium.                      now. Let me not defer if or neglect it,
Building questions During this                                                             for I shall not pass this way again.
    time of building renovations any
    questions you may have can be
                                                                                                     Prayer Concerns
                                    Worship Leaders
                                                                                            Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill
Sunday, April 5, 8:30AM                         Scripture .....................Paul M.      Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Deniza
Songs .........................Doug P.          Lord’s Supper .............Rick G.          Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny
Prayers ....................Tom B. & Duane C.   Coordinator ................Ken S.          Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael
Scripture ....................Brandon H.                                                    Anderson's brother
Lord’s Supper ............Ken B.                Sunday, April 5, 6:00PM                     Leadership: Ministers, Elders,
Coordinator ...............Doug P.              Songs............................Ken B.     Deacons
                                                                                            Evangelism: Bible studies in
Sunday, April 5, 11:00AM                        Wednesday, April 8, 7:00PM                  progress, our website, MNFM, food
Songs ........................Gerry M.          Songs..........................Stuart P.    pantry
Prayers ....................Pete S. & Lee D.                                                Return to the Lord: Brethren who
                                                                                            have forsaken the assembly

                                                                                                                        PAGE 2
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                          Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9

               Li f e Af t e r l i f e (P a r t 4)
                                                                                    P a r k Li n s c o m b
           The resurrection is a key belief    imperishable." 1 Corinthians 15:50,           perhaps think about mountains or seas) are
in Christianity. It is not only connected to   NAS95. In other words, it is only the         of one kind, but heavenly objects are more
the ultimate proof of Jesus’ deity; but it     immortal, imperishable body that may          glorious, radiant, and awe-inspiring. So
also is part of the great hope that sustains   inherit the eternal Kingdom God has           also with earthly bodies as compared with
disciples of Jesus in hard times, growing      prepared.                                     spiritual, resurrection bodies; we may
especially dear as age and infirmity take                                                    appreciate the earthly, but the heavenly is
their tolls on our bodies. But what do you    So, what will happen?                          more glorious, radiant, and awe-inspiring
know about it, and what can we know                       Well, we’re told that the          (1 Cor. 15:40-41).
about it?                                     resurrection of the dead, of the good and                 These comparisons certainly
                                              the sinful (Jn. 5:28,29), happens at           carry us a little way in more understanding
What resurrection is not                      Christ’s coming, first (1 Cor. 15:52; 1        of the resurrection body, but Paul has one
          Greeks thought the idea of          Thess. 4:16). Immediately, then, those         more really informative comparison to
resurrection to be ridiculous — skeletons alive (the good and the evil) at Christ’s          make. Our resurrection body, he says, will
and half decomposed bodies lurching           coming will be changed from their mortal be like Christ’s own immortal,
around. But Paul defends the resurrection bodies to immortal bodies (also 1 Cor.             resurrection body (1 Cor. 15:48,49; also 1
in 1 Cor. 15 not a Night of the Living        15:52; 1 Thess. 4:16). In this state, all men Jn. 3:2 and Php. 3:21). This tells us that
Dead sort of thing, but as the receiving of will be able to face God in judgment;            we can garner even more information
a glorious and immortal body (1 Cor.          we’ll study this in more detail in a future    about the resurrection body by simply
15:35ff).                                     article.                                       reading the accounts in the gospels about
                                                                                             Christ’s resurrection and appearances to
The importance of resurrection                But what is the resurrection body like? the disciples. We can know, for example
          There are three essential reasons               Our human curiosity would like that although Jesus could be touched (Jn.
why resurrection is a key belief in           to have all the details filled out, but the    20:19-29), He could also appear and
Christianity. First, "But if there is no      problem is that resurrection bodies are        disappear out of nowhere in a locked room
resurrection of the dead, not even Christ     spiritual bodies unlike bodies we have         (Lk. 24:36ff). He could prepare and eat
has been raised; and if Christ has not been known in this world. To describe them is a physical food (Jn. 21:9-13). He could be
raised, then our preaching is vain, your      little like trying to describe the color red   seen and heard (Jn. 20:19-29). But He
faith also is vain." 1 Corinthians 15:13,     to a child completely blind from birth.        could also disguise Himself (Jn. 20:11-18;
14, NAS95. Second, our hope of seeing         None of our five senses really can be          Lk. 24:13-35). He ascended to the Father
God face to face, living eternally in         referenced in this describing a spiritual      on a cloud and will return the same way
Heaven, a living in a redeemed future         thing, so Paul uses illustrations.             (Acts 1:9-11). And Jesus now stands at the
beyond this flawed, sinful world is all                   He begins with seeds. Seeds —      right hand of God’s throne in His very
dependent on our resurrection. Third, the     and our physical bodies — are small,           presence (Acts 2:33).
resurrection of the good and the evil         generally wrinkly, and meant to be buried;
insures that there will be "… tribulation     but the plant that comes from the seed is      Other miscellaneous information about
and distress for every soul of man who        like the resurrection body. However, the       the resurrection include:
does evil, of the Jew first and also of the   plant, which has a connection to the seed,          •     It will be accomplished for
Greek, but glory and honor and peace to       is more glorious than the seed, different in              Christians through the Spirit of
everyone who does good, to the Jew first      appearance than the seed, and capable of                  God —Romans 8:11
and also to the Greek." Romans 2:9, 10,       more than the seed (1 Cor. 15:36-38).
NAS95. We are also told that our spirits                  Paul then uses the illustration of      •     There will be no marriage in the
long for an immortal body; Paul says, "For different kinds of flesh or meat. Flesh and                  resurrection — Lk. 20:35,36;
indeed while we are in this tent (this        meats are clearly different from each                     Mt. 22:30
earthly body), we groan (are fearful),        other. Fish looks different from beef,
being burdened, because we do not want        which looks different from chicken, which           •     The different kind of life we live
to be unclothed (die and be without a         looks different from pork. Not only does it               after our baptism is a metaphor
body) but to be clothed (given an             look different but the textures and tastes                for the difference between this
immortal body), so that what is mortal        are different. So also with the earthly body              earthly life and the resurrection
will be swallowed up by life." 2              and the resurrection body — there will be                 body we shall have — Rom. 6:4.
Corinthians 5:4, NAS95. Paul also notes       differences in their substances (1 Cor.
for us, "Now I say this, brethren, that flesh 15:39).
and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of                   Next Paul uses different kinds of
God; nor does the perishable inherit the      heavenly bodies. Objects on earth (we

                                                                                                                              PAGE 3
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                         Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9

                                        Our Congregational Calendar
     Sunday            Monday           Tuesday      Wednesday        Thursday            Friday            Saturday
29                30              31              1                2               3               4
                                                   Bible class 7PM
                  Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday:                  Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday:
                      Freddie       Scott Apgar   Happy Birthday:    Stephanie     Zachary Daggett
                     Hillhouse                      Nate Moser &      Cordaro
                                                    Freda Potter

5                 6               7                8               9                10                11
                                                    Bible class 7PMHappy Birthday:
Happy Birthday:                                                    Kris Karafelis &                          Happy
 Barry Fogal &                                     Happy Birthday:      Eileen                             Anniversary:
Gloria Ramirez                                     Kerstin Dumas &   Wasserstrom                           Ken & Judy
                                                       Carl King        Happy                                Spears
                                                                    Ken & Sue Bell
                       Te e n N e w s                                               Yo u n g A d u l t s

                                                  Our Statistics
               Sunday Morning Worship (combined)                              153
                  Contribution                                            $4,270.12

T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t
66 M a m m o t h R d.
M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109

                                                                                                              PAGE 4

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April 1, 2009

  • 1. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9 THE BULLETIN Are You Your Brother’s Manchester Church of Christ 66 Mammoth Rd. Keeper? Manchester, NH 03109 603.623.5559 of your ministry, too. You know, when an elder or preacher show up at the door or make a phone call, it is appreciated — but it’s also Elder’s Link: April expected. However, when Duane Coss – 424-9152 another member of the church calls or sends a card; it really makes an impact, because “they Barry Fogal – 487-2387 didn’t have to do it”. It expresses Since our basement real care and concern; it says If you have any concerns that the loudly and clearly, “You’re my elders should be aware of, or need disaster our Sunday morning to speak to with them, please numbers have been down a brother or sister, and I do care.” contact Lee or Larry this month. little; have you noticed? Some of Jesus said to His it is probably due to the colds disciples, “A new commandment I give to you, Our Worship Services and illnesses that are making that you love one another, even Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00 the rounds these days, but not all of it. Have you noticed the as I have loved you, that you Bible Class: 10:00 people who usually sit around also love one another. By this all Sunday PM: 6:00 you absent? Do you know why? men will know that you are My Small Groups: Why not give them a call or a disciples, if you have love for West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at card to encourage them and tell one another.” John 13:34, 35, Doug Paul’s them that they have been NAS95. Be a brother’s keeper Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at missed? Are we not, after all, this week; let’s build up, Stuart Peacock’s our brothers’ keepers? encourage, and support one Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul “Isn’t that the elders’ and another spiritually. If we don’t, Mosier's preachers’ jobs?” someone says. who else in this world will? Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible Classes: 7:00 Well, certainly it’s a part News Items? Please submit before of their ministry, but it’s a part 11AM each Tuesday. This Sunday Lee Davis will be break the bread of life to you in the preaching; once a month the elders assembly. have requested a chance to speak to Ryan will be leading our the whole congregation at the pulpit. thoughts on Sunday evening. He’s This Sunday, as it turns out, Linda planning on a Bible class sort of and I will be helping our grandson to structure, so come with open hearts celebrate his second birthday, so it’s and an open Bible. the perfect time for the elders to PAGE 1
  • 2. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9 “So then you are no longer strangers and Our Family aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,” Ephesians 2:19, NAS95. Coming up in April... directed to Lee Davis. I am one Service opportunity Doug Paul is Elder pulpit Lee Davis will be still in need of volunteers to take bringing us the lesson on the Lord's supper to shut- ins. I am only one, Sunday entitled Fatal There are 4 more months to Distractions. Lee states, “As we cover. Sign up sheet is on the But I am one; develop the Maximum Life, it is bulletin board in the foyer. I cannot do everything, essential that we (1) clarify our But I can do something. values, (2) clarify our God-given shape, (3) commit to Jesus This and that... What I can do, Christ, and (4) avoid "fatal I ought to do; distractions". I look forward to sharing this lesson on the next Pantry revival Please continue to And what I ought to do, Lord's day.” bring items for our food pantry By the grace of God, I will do. and place them in the box in the Help needed The Lauzon's will be foyer. The requested items for moving to Dublin, NH on April th this week are canned pasta 18 and could use some help and canned fruit. moving. Please contact Peter or Debbie if you are available to FYI A phone tree is being worked help. on so that it will be possible to reach everyone in the family I shall not pass this way when necessary. Please check your phone number listed in the again What else? directory and let Kim know if it MNFM Due to the fact that we are is not accurate. I expect to pass through this world unable to use the basement it Attention men A service schedule but once. Any good, therefore, that I has been decided that we won't for the next quarter can be can do, or any kindness that I can be meeting for Monday Night found on the bulletin board in for the Master. show to any fellow being, let me do it the back of the auditorium. now. Let me not defer if or neglect it, Building questions During this for I shall not pass this way again. time of building renovations any questions you may have can be Prayer Concerns Worship Leaders Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill Sunday, April 5, 8:30AM Scripture .....................Paul M. Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Deniza Songs .........................Doug P. Lord’s Supper .............Rick G. Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny Prayers ....................Tom B. & Duane C. Coordinator ................Ken S. Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael Scripture ....................Brandon H. Anderson's brother Lord’s Supper ............Ken B. Sunday, April 5, 6:00PM Leadership: Ministers, Elders, Coordinator ...............Doug P. Songs............................Ken B. Deacons Evangelism: Bible studies in Sunday, April 5, 11:00AM Wednesday, April 8, 7:00PM progress, our website, MNFM, food Songs ........................Gerry M. Songs..........................Stuart P. pantry Prayers ....................Pete S. & Lee D. Return to the Lord: Brethren who have forsaken the assembly PAGE 2
  • 3. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9 Li f e Af t e r l i f e (P a r t 4) P a r k Li n s c o m b The resurrection is a key belief imperishable." 1 Corinthians 15:50, perhaps think about mountains or seas) are in Christianity. It is not only connected to NAS95. In other words, it is only the of one kind, but heavenly objects are more the ultimate proof of Jesus’ deity; but it immortal, imperishable body that may glorious, radiant, and awe-inspiring. So also is part of the great hope that sustains inherit the eternal Kingdom God has also with earthly bodies as compared with disciples of Jesus in hard times, growing prepared. spiritual, resurrection bodies; we may especially dear as age and infirmity take appreciate the earthly, but the heavenly is their tolls on our bodies. But what do you So, what will happen? more glorious, radiant, and awe-inspiring know about it, and what can we know Well, we’re told that the (1 Cor. 15:40-41). about it? resurrection of the dead, of the good and These comparisons certainly the sinful (Jn. 5:28,29), happens at carry us a little way in more understanding What resurrection is not Christ’s coming, first (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 of the resurrection body, but Paul has one Greeks thought the idea of Thess. 4:16). Immediately, then, those more really informative comparison to resurrection to be ridiculous — skeletons alive (the good and the evil) at Christ’s make. Our resurrection body, he says, will and half decomposed bodies lurching coming will be changed from their mortal be like Christ’s own immortal, around. But Paul defends the resurrection bodies to immortal bodies (also 1 Cor. resurrection body (1 Cor. 15:48,49; also 1 in 1 Cor. 15 not a Night of the Living 15:52; 1 Thess. 4:16). In this state, all men Jn. 3:2 and Php. 3:21). This tells us that Dead sort of thing, but as the receiving of will be able to face God in judgment; we can garner even more information a glorious and immortal body (1 Cor. we’ll study this in more detail in a future about the resurrection body by simply 15:35ff). article. reading the accounts in the gospels about Christ’s resurrection and appearances to The importance of resurrection But what is the resurrection body like? the disciples. We can know, for example There are three essential reasons Our human curiosity would like that although Jesus could be touched (Jn. why resurrection is a key belief in to have all the details filled out, but the 20:19-29), He could also appear and Christianity. First, "But if there is no problem is that resurrection bodies are disappear out of nowhere in a locked room resurrection of the dead, not even Christ spiritual bodies unlike bodies we have (Lk. 24:36ff). He could prepare and eat has been raised; and if Christ has not been known in this world. To describe them is a physical food (Jn. 21:9-13). He could be raised, then our preaching is vain, your little like trying to describe the color red seen and heard (Jn. 20:19-29). But He faith also is vain." 1 Corinthians 15:13, to a child completely blind from birth. could also disguise Himself (Jn. 20:11-18; 14, NAS95. Second, our hope of seeing None of our five senses really can be Lk. 24:13-35). He ascended to the Father God face to face, living eternally in referenced in this describing a spiritual on a cloud and will return the same way Heaven, a living in a redeemed future thing, so Paul uses illustrations. (Acts 1:9-11). And Jesus now stands at the beyond this flawed, sinful world is all He begins with seeds. Seeds — right hand of God’s throne in His very dependent on our resurrection. Third, the and our physical bodies — are small, presence (Acts 2:33). resurrection of the good and the evil generally wrinkly, and meant to be buried; insures that there will be "… tribulation but the plant that comes from the seed is Other miscellaneous information about and distress for every soul of man who like the resurrection body. However, the the resurrection include: does evil, of the Jew first and also of the plant, which has a connection to the seed, • It will be accomplished for Greek, but glory and honor and peace to is more glorious than the seed, different in Christians through the Spirit of everyone who does good, to the Jew first appearance than the seed, and capable of God —Romans 8:11 and also to the Greek." Romans 2:9, 10, more than the seed (1 Cor. 15:36-38). NAS95. We are also told that our spirits Paul then uses the illustration of • There will be no marriage in the long for an immortal body; Paul says, "For different kinds of flesh or meat. Flesh and resurrection — Lk. 20:35,36; indeed while we are in this tent (this meats are clearly different from each Mt. 22:30 earthly body), we groan (are fearful), other. Fish looks different from beef, being burdened, because we do not want which looks different from chicken, which • The different kind of life we live to be unclothed (die and be without a looks different from pork. Not only does it after our baptism is a metaphor body) but to be clothed (given an look different but the textures and tastes for the difference between this immortal body), so that what is mortal are different. So also with the earthly body earthly life and the resurrection will be swallowed up by life." 2 and the resurrection body — there will be body we shall have — Rom. 6:4. Corinthians 5:4, NAS95. Paul also notes differences in their substances (1 Cor. for us, "Now I say this, brethren, that flesh 15:39). and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Next Paul uses different kinds of God; nor does the perishable inherit the heavenly bodies. Objects on earth (we PAGE 3
  • 4. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 1, 2 0 0 9 Our Congregational Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Bible class 7PM Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Freddie Scott Apgar Happy Birthday: Stephanie Zachary Daggett Hillhouse Nate Moser & Cordaro Freda Potter 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bible class 7PMHappy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Kris Karafelis & Happy Barry Fogal & Happy Birthday: Eileen Anniversary: Gloria Ramirez Kerstin Dumas & Wasserstrom Ken & Judy Carl King Happy Spears Anniversary: Ken & Sue Bell Te e n N e w s Yo u n g A d u l t s Our Statistics Sunday Morning Worship (combined) 153 Contribution $4,270.12 T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t 66 M a m m o t h R d. M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109 PAGE 4