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Benjamin Birney
Existing Product
Link to the podcast/documentary;
Case Closed on Feedspot - Rss
Feed – run time 1 Hour 50
The genre of this podcast is a murder mystery, the
sound effects, music and the voice over match the
tone and style they were trying to go with, which
was an old timey crime story told straight from the
golden ages, which is the kind of style I want to add
to my stories in small quantities.
The contents of the voice over talk about specific
detail about the crime committed and how the
perpetrator would have gone about it while
remaining calm, professional and formal. They also
spoke in a Trans-Atlantic Accent or Mid-Atlantic to
give the listeners a solid impression of the 1940s.
This product appeals to their audience because
they play with the people’s anxieties to make it
seem like that person could be put in the position
of the victim, which is something I want to try and
incorporate into my stories.
Existing Product
Link to the podcast/documentary;
The Great Detectives of Old Time
Radio on Feedspot - Rss Feed – run
time 40 Minutes to 1 Hour.
The genre for this product is mystery, suspense and action,
the sound effects from this products sound like they were
actual there like they were recorded and not downloaded.
The music used in this product is made to give the story a
more dramatic flare, the music has some elements of action,
dramatic and suspenseful, this kind of soundtrack is what
give the people a reason to keep listen to the story to find
out what kind of scene with happen next.
The voice overs are both formal and informal, some of the
characters like to two rangers talk in a very causal manner
compared to one of the other roles like the chief. It’s those
kinds I want to try and incorporate into my stories as a way
to give them a little realism so my characters don’t sound
bland and boring when talking about serious matters.
This product appeal to their audience because the creators
spent time and effort on making this story, unlike other
podcast stories that want to save as much time as possible,
so all these mean that the readers will want to stick around
to read more of these kind of stories, which is exactly what I
want to accomplice when I finish my stories.
Existing Product
Link to the podcast/documentary;
ast/riordans-desk/id1512284227 -
run time 20 to 40 Minutes.
The genre of this podcast detective, mystery, the
music used in the podcast was straight from a
noir story so the narrator how to set the scene for
his detective story.
The narrator voice over is very serious and
formal, because the job a detective is not all fun
and games so he’s treating the role of detective
with respect as I hope to do in my stories.
The people who made this podcast give the
listeners a first-person perspective of an
American detective from the golden ages. But the
narrator is only using just dialogue and intro
music, whereas I hope to hook in listeners by
using an atmospheric soundtrack, clear words
and not by someone who ate a thesaurus and
specific sound effects for the right scene.
Existing Product
Audiobook/B07RP3ZZDK - run time 1 to
4 Hours.
The voice over from the narrator was
informal when he was voicing the
other characters, he was also giving us
a third-person point of view of not just
the characters but of the events that
were taking place.
The narrator starts off the story by
giving us an image of the crime taking
place before meeting the detectives, so
he’s building up the story and it would
be the listener's job to piece all the
evidence together in order to get the
full story. Which is something I hope to
incorporate in the making of my
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products
– They all take place in the golden age of noir.
– The narrators always speak in a certain tone that mimics the style of the
timelines they want to go for.
– Each of the stories establishes either the characters or the location in order to set
the scene for the story that about to follow.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your
on work?
– I may incorporate certain accents in order to get the right authenticity of the
– I will also use more descriptive detail on what the characters and the locations
may look like and what events might transpire, I will also make use of metaphors
to give a location, an action or a person more of an air of mystery to really hook
the listeners.
Survey Monkey Link:
Audience research
• Observation:
About 70% of my audience is under eighteen, while 20% are between the ages of nineteen and
twenty six and only 10% is other which is specified as aged 18.
• What this says about my audience:
The majority of my audience that will be listening to my stories are under eighteen.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I’ll appal to my audience by using more tamer langue, as to not offend any over
sensitive people, while still keeping the topics the same only handled with care.
Audience research
• Observation:
My audience is mostly male and only a small amount of females.
• What this says about my audience:
That there will be 80% mor men listening to my stories as posed to the 20% women.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by adding more masculine characters in my stories as to
match the time and place this takes place.
Audience research
• Observation:
That about 70% of my audience want the episodes of my story episodes to be around 7-10 minutes, compared to the
30% that want the episode to be around 4-6 minutes.
• What this says about my audience:
That my audience wants the episodes to last for a while as to get lots of good story that will keep them more
engaged with the events that are yet to come.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by adding my stories will lots of content that will still keep the audience entertained but
not overloading them with too much information.
Audience research
• Observation:
That 60% of my audience want the stories told to them from a first person point of view while 40% want the stories
told to them from a third person perspective.
• What this says about my audience:
That most of my audience wants the stories told to them from the detectives perspective rather than a 3rd person
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by including more lines told from the mind of one of the detectives so my audience will
story told to them from a (mostly) first and third person perspective.
Audience research
• Observation:
That my audience are both split 50 – 50% about what aspect of the crime story they want more of.
• What this says about my audience:
That one side of my audience wants more interrogations while the other side wants more
investigations added in the crime stories.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by incorporating more interrogations and investigations into the 7 – 10
minute run time the episodes will have.
Audience research
• Observation:
That 60% of my audience would like there to be 4 – 6 episodes, while 40% of my audience would like there to be 1 - 3
episodes of my crime audio stories.
• What this says about my audience:
Most of my audience wants the story to go on for a good while, where as the other small part of my audiences wants
the story to be short but eventful.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to both audiences by making some episodes long and eventful while also making some episode short
but important.
Audience research
• Observation:
My audience is spilt 50 -50% on wanting either a few characters or a lot of characters.
• What this says about my audience:
This shows that my audience is split on wanting a bigger casts or a smaller one.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by either finding a middle ground of how many characters I add or come
to an executive decision and decide myself how many characters I add.
Audience research
• Observation:
My audience 100% think that the two objects I have depicted give off a detective theme.
• What this says about my audience:
That my audiences can exactly tell from two images together just what a detective story looks like.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by creating an image of these two objects for a podcast logo for those
stories so people will know what exactly they need to look for.
Audience research
• Observation:
My 90% of my audience want to make sure that the accents of the trans Atlantic are the exactly the same as back
then while the other 10% don’t think It matters.
• What this says about my audience
This how that most of my audience wants to make sure that the accents are straight from the 1940s, while a bit of my
audience don’t mind if the accents or voices don’t match the era.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will make a compromise where one of the main detectives will have a Morden voice while the people around him
will have the accents down to a T.
Audience research
• Observation:
My audience was almost spilt on giving the episodes cliff hanger endings, 60% of people agree to the endings, while
50% disagreed with the idea.
• What this says about my audience:
That a majority of my audience are all for the episode having cliff hanger endings, while the other half don’t like the
idea of the episode having cliff hanger endings.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by making a compromise, only in certain episodes will I include the endings, but for the
last episode is the one I draw the line on.
Interview 1
• What would make you want to come back and listen to the stories?
well your previous work was left on a convincing cliff hanger and the audio was really nice to listen to so just
more of what you have been doing really.
• What do you like about crime stories and why?
personally for me, crime stories on tv now are kind of repetitive. But you project is more unique because it
brings back the classic of crime stories which is simple and enjoyable to understand.
• What comes to mind when you hear Noir detective stories?
I'm not very familiar with Noir and haven't watch much of it but he at least looks pretty cool.
• Would you prefer sound effects from the correct timeline or just a normal
audio story?
I suppose the correct timeline to fit its theme.
• How do you feel about a magnifying glass and a feather as the artwork
design for the story?
it makes senses since its in the past.
Interview 1
• Observation:
This person is eager for these stories to come out, even if he doesn’t know all of
the source material for the story's inspiration.
• What this says about my audience:
That my unique take on the classic noir style of detective is well respected, from
the original sound effects to soundtrack that fits the era of the 1940s and finally
from how well the original story was structured.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by including all of what made the first story unique.
From the new original ideas to characters, locations and situations, while
keeping the stories simple and enjoyable to understand.
Interview 2
• What would make you want to come back and listen to the
Because the story ends on a cliff-hanger which makes the story interesting.
• What do you like about crime stories and why?
I like how there is investigation and problem solving in a crime scene.
• What comes to mind when you hear Noir detective stories?
I like the stories on how they progress into something bigger like, when they investigate a
crime towards the end for the story they get to the bottom of it and find out who did it.
• Would you prefer sound effects from the correct timeline or
just a normal audio story?
Correct timeline.
• How do you feel about a magnifying glass and a feather as the
artwork design for the story?
I think it's interesting because it goes together for the crime scene audiobook.
Interview 2
• Observation:
This person wants to know what happens next with the detectives, while having a
good understanding of what kind of work a detective most do in order to solve the
• What this says about my audience:
That this person has a good understanding of how a detective works, while having a
good understanding of how a crime story would go about through certain events and
actions. They comment on the problem solving and how the investigation is slowly
build up to something to something much bigger.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
I will appeal to my audience by adding that kind of story telling by slowly building up
suspense until something surprising happens, while still keeping the steps to the
climax simple, clever and engaging.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
Primary – 45 – 64 year
Secondary – 18 – 26
year old
For the Primary Age range they can handle the dark topics
that crime stories go through such as arson, fraud and
Domestic abuse. While the secondary will be hook on trying
to put all the piece together, from all the clues gathered like
evidence at the crime scenes, witness reports and potential
Primary – Male
Secondary – Female
From my research I have found that around 70% of my
audience is of the male variety while 30% is that of the
female Varity. The results from my survey have influenced
me to add more masculine characters as apposed to female
characters in order to keep my audience happy.
Primary – Needs Driven These kind of readers are always drawn to crime stories,
when they finished one story they feel like then need to
consume more of this media to know what happens next,
they feel like they need to put all the pieces together in
order to get the full media story.
Social Status
Primary – upper middle
Secondary – lower
middle class
When It comes to the upper middle class they could picture them
selves playing the role of detectives because of where the detective
stand on the chain of hierarchy, while the lower middle class could
picture themselves playing the role of victim or the perpetrator with
as walm drink to help them through their work, it will a be a nice nod
of how the middle class needs to go through the daily grind in order
to survive and live another day.
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
• When it can to searching up right kind of source material it was a little difficult because I couldn’t
search for anything specific related to arson cases.
• So I research the closes detective podcasts I could take inspiration from and use, which were the
there podcasts I found but from three different websites.
• Luckily the podcasts takes place in the right age of police history the golden ages, which the
detectives of the 1940s were the perfect example to use for my stories.
– Questionnaires
• Coming up with some questions for the survey was a little difficult because I had come up with
question that didn’t talk about the same thing.
• There were some good results I defiantly needed that were vital for were I wanted to take my
stories like many episodes I can make to how people would like the stories told to them from a
narrative stand point or from the eyes of the detective himself.
– Interviews
• It was thanks to those interview results I got, that I got a clear insight on what exactly my audience
is looking for in my detective audio podcast.
• One of the interviewers knew how exactly a detective acts when it comes to their job and the
crime that may have or is going to happened, so that image could help me when I comes to making
the scripts for the stories.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
• When it came to the 10 Reponses I felt pretty confidant that I got enough results from the people.
• The majority of people who had voted, that were male was 70% while the 30% were female, a way different result
than my last survey. This is because most crime stories are targeted more towards the female verity than the male.
• The most common age range that people voted was under 18 at 70%, 20% of people voted that they were between
the ages of 19 – 25 and lastly 10% of my audience voted they were 18 years old. These result surprised me because
I wasn’t expecting the result outcome, because I aim more the higher age range than the younger ones.
• My audience was split 50 – 50% on what two aspects people wanted more of in the crime audio stories, they
ranged from interrogations and investigations. I also had a third option for some action sequences, but no one
voted for the option and I just stuck with what my audience wanted more of.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
• I conducted the survey on a website that's known for making surveys, I made some questions related to either the
story, structure and the timeframe to help decide certain aspects of making the stories. from the timeframe, how
many episodes there will be and how many characters I should add. So I posted my survey link onto the teams
channel to get Reponses. An example of this would be the website survey monkey which is what I used to create
my survey.
• An advantage of this was I could get more direct and clear answers on what exactly my audience was looking for in
the audio crime podcasts. Thanks to survey monkey I could send the survey through some forms of media so I
could get more answers from my audience.
• A disadvantage of this was even though I got response from the audience there were some choices that I wanted in
order to have enough time to make the episodes, like shorter run times and less characters. When I came to my
survey choices there were some people that wanted to go more for the options that suited them, instead of the key
aspects I wanted to add or take out. It also came down to my audiences knowledge of this kind of area of media,
some could well versed and others would have never heard of this kind of audio stories.

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2. Research (FMP).pptx

  • 2. Existing Product Link to the podcast/documentary; Case Closed on Feedspot - Rss Feed – run time 1 Hour 50 Minutes. The genre of this podcast is a murder mystery, the sound effects, music and the voice over match the tone and style they were trying to go with, which was an old timey crime story told straight from the golden ages, which is the kind of style I want to add to my stories in small quantities. The contents of the voice over talk about specific detail about the crime committed and how the perpetrator would have gone about it while remaining calm, professional and formal. They also spoke in a Trans-Atlantic Accent or Mid-Atlantic to give the listeners a solid impression of the 1940s. This product appeals to their audience because they play with the people’s anxieties to make it seem like that person could be put in the position of the victim, which is something I want to try and incorporate into my stories.
  • 3. Existing Product Link to the podcast/documentary; The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio on Feedspot - Rss Feed – run time 40 Minutes to 1 Hour. The genre for this product is mystery, suspense and action, the sound effects from this products sound like they were actual there like they were recorded and not downloaded. The music used in this product is made to give the story a more dramatic flare, the music has some elements of action, dramatic and suspenseful, this kind of soundtrack is what give the people a reason to keep listen to the story to find out what kind of scene with happen next. The voice overs are both formal and informal, some of the characters like to two rangers talk in a very causal manner compared to one of the other roles like the chief. It’s those kinds I want to try and incorporate into my stories as a way to give them a little realism so my characters don’t sound bland and boring when talking about serious matters. This product appeal to their audience because the creators spent time and effort on making this story, unlike other podcast stories that want to save as much time as possible, so all these mean that the readers will want to stick around to read more of these kind of stories, which is exactly what I want to accomplice when I finish my stories.
  • 4. Existing Product Link to the podcast/documentary; ast/riordans-desk/id1512284227 - run time 20 to 40 Minutes. The genre of this podcast detective, mystery, the music used in the podcast was straight from a noir story so the narrator how to set the scene for his detective story. The narrator voice over is very serious and formal, because the job a detective is not all fun and games so he’s treating the role of detective with respect as I hope to do in my stories. The people who made this podcast give the listeners a first-person perspective of an American detective from the golden ages. But the narrator is only using just dialogue and intro music, whereas I hope to hook in listeners by using an atmospheric soundtrack, clear words and not by someone who ate a thesaurus and specific sound effects for the right scene.
  • 5. Existing Product Cigarettes-Pulp-Noir-Short-Stories- Audiobook/B07RP3ZZDK - run time 1 to 4 Hours. The voice over from the narrator was informal when he was voicing the other characters, he was also giving us a third-person point of view of not just the characters but of the events that were taking place. The narrator starts off the story by giving us an image of the crime taking place before meeting the detectives, so he’s building up the story and it would be the listener's job to piece all the evidence together in order to get the full story. Which is something I hope to incorporate in the making of my stories.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – They all take place in the golden age of noir. – The narrators always speak in a certain tone that mimics the style of the timelines they want to go for. – Each of the stories establishes either the characters or the location in order to set the scene for the story that about to follow. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? – I may incorporate certain accents in order to get the right authenticity of the location. – I will also use more descriptive detail on what the characters and the locations may look like and what events might transpire, I will also make use of metaphors to give a location, an action or a person more of an air of mystery to really hook the listeners.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: About 70% of my audience is under eighteen, while 20% are between the ages of nineteen and twenty six and only 10% is other which is specified as aged 18. • What this says about my audience: The majority of my audience that will be listening to my stories are under eighteen. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I’ll appal to my audience by using more tamer langue, as to not offend any over sensitive people, while still keeping the topics the same only handled with care.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: My audience is mostly male and only a small amount of females. • What this says about my audience: That there will be 80% mor men listening to my stories as posed to the 20% women. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by adding more masculine characters in my stories as to match the time and place this takes place.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: That about 70% of my audience want the episodes of my story episodes to be around 7-10 minutes, compared to the 30% that want the episode to be around 4-6 minutes. • What this says about my audience: That my audience wants the episodes to last for a while as to get lots of good story that will keep them more engaged with the events that are yet to come. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by adding my stories will lots of content that will still keep the audience entertained but not overloading them with too much information.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: That 60% of my audience want the stories told to them from a first person point of view while 40% want the stories told to them from a third person perspective. • What this says about my audience: That most of my audience wants the stories told to them from the detectives perspective rather than a 3rd person narration. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by including more lines told from the mind of one of the detectives so my audience will story told to them from a (mostly) first and third person perspective.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: That my audience are both split 50 – 50% about what aspect of the crime story they want more of. • What this says about my audience: That one side of my audience wants more interrogations while the other side wants more investigations added in the crime stories. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by incorporating more interrogations and investigations into the 7 – 10 minute run time the episodes will have.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: That 60% of my audience would like there to be 4 – 6 episodes, while 40% of my audience would like there to be 1 - 3 episodes of my crime audio stories. • What this says about my audience: Most of my audience wants the story to go on for a good while, where as the other small part of my audiences wants the story to be short but eventful. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to both audiences by making some episodes long and eventful while also making some episode short but important.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: My audience is spilt 50 -50% on wanting either a few characters or a lot of characters. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience is split on wanting a bigger casts or a smaller one. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by either finding a middle ground of how many characters I add or come to an executive decision and decide myself how many characters I add.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: My audience 100% think that the two objects I have depicted give off a detective theme. • What this says about my audience: That my audiences can exactly tell from two images together just what a detective story looks like. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by creating an image of these two objects for a podcast logo for those stories so people will know what exactly they need to look for.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: My 90% of my audience want to make sure that the accents of the trans Atlantic are the exactly the same as back then while the other 10% don’t think It matters. • What this says about my audience This how that most of my audience wants to make sure that the accents are straight from the 1940s, while a bit of my audience don’t mind if the accents or voices don’t match the era. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make a compromise where one of the main detectives will have a Morden voice while the people around him will have the accents down to a T.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: My audience was almost spilt on giving the episodes cliff hanger endings, 60% of people agree to the endings, while 50% disagreed with the idea. • What this says about my audience: That a majority of my audience are all for the episode having cliff hanger endings, while the other half don’t like the idea of the episode having cliff hanger endings. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by making a compromise, only in certain episodes will I include the endings, but for the last episode is the one I draw the line on.
  • 19. Interview 1 • What would make you want to come back and listen to the stories? well your previous work was left on a convincing cliff hanger and the audio was really nice to listen to so just more of what you have been doing really. • What do you like about crime stories and why? personally for me, crime stories on tv now are kind of repetitive. But you project is more unique because it brings back the classic of crime stories which is simple and enjoyable to understand. • What comes to mind when you hear Noir detective stories? I'm not very familiar with Noir and haven't watch much of it but he at least looks pretty cool. • Would you prefer sound effects from the correct timeline or just a normal audio story? I suppose the correct timeline to fit its theme. • How do you feel about a magnifying glass and a feather as the artwork design for the story? it makes senses since its in the past.
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: This person is eager for these stories to come out, even if he doesn’t know all of the source material for the story's inspiration. • What this says about my audience: That my unique take on the classic noir style of detective is well respected, from the original sound effects to soundtrack that fits the era of the 1940s and finally from how well the original story was structured. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by including all of what made the first story unique. From the new original ideas to characters, locations and situations, while keeping the stories simple and enjoyable to understand.
  • 21. Interview 2 • What would make you want to come back and listen to the stories? Because the story ends on a cliff-hanger which makes the story interesting. • What do you like about crime stories and why? I like how there is investigation and problem solving in a crime scene. • What comes to mind when you hear Noir detective stories? I like the stories on how they progress into something bigger like, when they investigate a crime towards the end for the story they get to the bottom of it and find out who did it. • Would you prefer sound effects from the correct timeline or just a normal audio story? Correct timeline. • How do you feel about a magnifying glass and a feather as the artwork design for the story? I think it's interesting because it goes together for the crime scene audiobook.
  • 22. Interview 2 • Observation: This person wants to know what happens next with the detectives, while having a good understanding of what kind of work a detective most do in order to solve the crime. • What this says about my audience: That this person has a good understanding of how a detective works, while having a good understanding of how a crime story would go about through certain events and actions. They comment on the problem solving and how the investigation is slowly build up to something to something much bigger. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal to my audience by adding that kind of story telling by slowly building up suspense until something surprising happens, while still keeping the steps to the climax simple, clever and engaging.
  • 23. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range Primary – 45 – 64 year old Secondary – 18 – 26 year old For the Primary Age range they can handle the dark topics that crime stories go through such as arson, fraud and Domestic abuse. While the secondary will be hook on trying to put all the piece together, from all the clues gathered like evidence at the crime scenes, witness reports and potential suspects. Gender Primary – Male Secondary – Female From my research I have found that around 70% of my audience is of the male variety while 30% is that of the female Varity. The results from my survey have influenced me to add more masculine characters as apposed to female characters in order to keep my audience happy. Psychographic Primary – Needs Driven These kind of readers are always drawn to crime stories, when they finished one story they feel like then need to consume more of this media to know what happens next, they feel like they need to put all the pieces together in order to get the full media story. Social Status Primary – upper middle class Secondary – lower middle class When It comes to the upper middle class they could picture them selves playing the role of detectives because of where the detective stand on the chain of hierarchy, while the lower middle class could picture themselves playing the role of victim or the perpetrator with as walm drink to help them through their work, it will a be a nice nod of how the middle class needs to go through the daily grind in order to survive and live another day.
  • 25. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research • When it can to searching up right kind of source material it was a little difficult because I couldn’t search for anything specific related to arson cases. • So I research the closes detective podcasts I could take inspiration from and use, which were the there podcasts I found but from three different websites. • Luckily the podcasts takes place in the right age of police history the golden ages, which the detectives of the 1940s were the perfect example to use for my stories. – Questionnaires • Coming up with some questions for the survey was a little difficult because I had come up with question that didn’t talk about the same thing. • There were some good results I defiantly needed that were vital for were I wanted to take my stories like many episodes I can make to how people would like the stories told to them from a narrative stand point or from the eyes of the detective himself. – Interviews • It was thanks to those interview results I got, that I got a clear insight on what exactly my audience is looking for in my detective audio podcast. • One of the interviewers knew how exactly a detective acts when it comes to their job and the crime that may have or is going to happened, so that image could help me when I comes to making the scripts for the stories.
  • 26. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? • When it came to the 10 Reponses I felt pretty confidant that I got enough results from the people. • The majority of people who had voted, that were male was 70% while the 30% were female, a way different result than my last survey. This is because most crime stories are targeted more towards the female verity than the male. • The most common age range that people voted was under 18 at 70%, 20% of people voted that they were between the ages of 19 – 25 and lastly 10% of my audience voted they were 18 years old. These result surprised me because I wasn’t expecting the result outcome, because I aim more the higher age range than the younger ones. • My audience was split 50 – 50% on what two aspects people wanted more of in the crime audio stories, they ranged from interrogations and investigations. I also had a third option for some action sequences, but no one voted for the option and I just stuck with what my audience wanted more of. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage • I conducted the survey on a website that's known for making surveys, I made some questions related to either the story, structure and the timeframe to help decide certain aspects of making the stories. from the timeframe, how many episodes there will be and how many characters I should add. So I posted my survey link onto the teams channel to get Reponses. An example of this would be the website survey monkey which is what I used to create my survey. • An advantage of this was I could get more direct and clear answers on what exactly my audience was looking for in the audio crime podcasts. Thanks to survey monkey I could send the survey through some forms of media so I could get more answers from my audience. • A disadvantage of this was even though I got response from the audience there were some choices that I wanted in order to have enough time to make the episodes, like shorter run times and less characters. When I came to my survey choices there were some people that wanted to go more for the options that suited them, instead of the key aspects I wanted to add or take out. It also came down to my audiences knowledge of this kind of area of media, some could well versed and others would have never heard of this kind of audio stories.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a product similar to your own and discuss it Use of audio- what do they include and to what effect- sound effects, music, voice over. Content of voice over- what do they talk about, language used (formal/informal), etc Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a product similar to your own and discuss it Use of audio- what do they include and to what effect- sound effects, music, voice over. Content of voice over- what do they talk about, language used (formal/informal), etc Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a product similar to your own and discuss it Use of audio- what do they include and to what effect- sound effects, music, voice over. Content of voice over- what do they talk about, language used (formal/informal), etc Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a product similar to your own and discuss it Use of audio- what do they include and to what effect- sound effects, music, voice over. Content of voice over- what do they talk about, language used (formal/informal), etc Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally